HomeMy WebLinkAbout424 (2) .. At the nort!,east co:cner of S ..,tent; 81111 ~s streets tile grgcle shall be 1066.6 At .t..., une northeast corner of Curtis ancl Sevant> f3treet:; tiEl grade shall be 1069..33 At tlie nort"i-:east COrner (,-f' :3eventL ani:;urtis StreetB the Gracie shall be 1069..67 At the sontliwest corner A" [')oventic an(l 1f :3tr:3e;;d the L;rade s:ha11 be lU72.0 At t:l.I.e nortitiYest corner of ::event.r.. a:t:l:l II' streets tl::.e t;rade shall be 1(72.4 At 'tile S011theast c orner of iJeventh and. ,;!' Jtreets the trade shall. De .Lu7 ~. 7 At (;11,) nor(;Jwusl:; C 01'1181' (I:t" ijeventL and ,r' ;jtr eeta tL.o grad.e shall be l07:Z.1 At tj.le northwest corner of SeventL and Viola i3treets t~~e crac1e shall be 1074.83 At the TIOrt:c!east COrner of Seventh a.nd. Viola Streets tic grade shall be 107,1.47 At the nortlrwest c o-rner o:C' Sevel1tL ancl i,;r 3treetB the graele sha11 be 1077.0 At the sonthoast corner of r3eventL ancl G Str'~et~3 tho grade shall bc 1076.3 At tJ-:e nortr:.eu.st corner of Sevent'" and G streets t.l~e grade sl:a11 be 1U76.9 At the sout~J:west conler of Sevent}'1 and G streets th(1 grade shall be 1076.6 At the 8 au tl:west corner of ;3even th and <, streets tit:', grade shall be 1082.5 At the nortr<;west c orner of ;jeve:'ltl: and. streets t};o gratIe shall be 1(<82.9 At ti:e sout':,"ast c orner of ;:)even th an 1 stroet tLe [:rade s}'all be lU82. 2 At the northenst corner of Seven tJ: and f' streets tho grade shaD. be 1082.6 At th e southwest corner ()f Soventll and I :3treets ... ' v 110 rTticlc shall be leS8. 2 At "!i'oe nortilYlest corner of Sevent:l mId .[ streets tne Gracie shall De 1088.6 At -+-' 1I11e S out':OHst corner of ;3eveilh. and I streets t}~e grt~d.e shall be 1087.8 At t!le nortl eE~3t eorlwr of :3event.ll and 1 streets tile gra~e shall. be 1~)88.1 At the soutLcust COl'ner of' Harri s a.nd Seventl.! ~)treetB. the grade shall be 1J91.4 STfifiJ;:,S At the nortYeast eorner of 13even tll a.."ld Larri s t,o grade sha11 be 1u9l.8 At the northwest corner of :")event; eJ:l.d }Terri s :1treets tIe .:.craIe s:ball be 1u92.l1 At the s out};west carner of "even t<'l and !'arri s :;treet t" e grade shall be 1fJ91. 5 At the sout Lr':8st corner of :::ieventL aTHl J ;jtreets tlJe grad.A shall be 1:93.6 . At the northeast corner of' ,-> e""l en th ffi1cl J ;jtreets tLe gorad:e shall 1)e 1\)94. 0 At tbe n orti;west corner of ;:::i8VentD aTIlI <.1 ;jtreet s tjle c:rade shall be lu94.6 At the southwest corner of ,j eyont_ and_ J :.::itreetn tl'.e gr acl 0 shall be If}94. 1 At a point "vI,ere t-:n soutl line of :3evon t~ ;;trt~et int orsects tJ~e east line of Yerris ~tr8et grade shall be 1'96.5 At tLe nort'least corner of' ;.)eventh 8l1,1 Tee-ris streets tLe [~rade sLaJ.l be 10~17 . U At tl1 e nor'Glraest c orner of :i6ve:rrth and J:terri's ;;treet tl"8 grade shall be 1097.2 At the point 'li.b.ere the sout::: line of event:fl ;:street interB6cts tiLe west line of :;:01"1"1 s :itreet The crc:de shall be If'96. S At a lJoint w2_61'e t;:e sout line f i3event] iJtreet intersects the east line of .1:'" ~3treet the grn:J.e shall be le99. 5 At tl18 nort:;erst corner Seven tL anti X street tl18 grad.e shall be lluu. 0 At trle nortl:west c orner of ~;ev6ntt and .K ;3treet s ti"e grfaie shall be 1100:3 At a point '\vLere the sout line of ;je'flentlJ i3treet intersects t2;e west line of' li. ::5treet t]:e grad,e shall be 11C'(:_1 At the s ou tLeast corner of' ;3event :'1 ancl ,. streets tLe grarIe shall be 1102. 5 J..) At .L'" sou tLwest corner of :56ven t}: and .u ;')treets tLr; crade shall be 11C'3 2 ldl . At t:;,e nort}]east corner of :3 even t... and Tenn :ltreet t}'.:o p~r fi (to s::a11 be 11c'3. v At .Ll northwest earner of SeVe}1tl-~ &'1 d :?enn :..;treet- t It -'le At the nortnwest corner of ::.i ev en t}l ancl 1. ~:treets t grade shall be 11':u3. f3 gr,~,de shall be 11G5.8 At tile nort; el.!Dt corner of' 2ieven th and. L ;ltr'Je'tG tile grrcli.e aLaIl be 11\5.5 At the sout/east corner of' Jevent_c a~d Garner 3treetD the c,'re,de sLall be 11u7.1 At the soutLwest c orner of ;Je'len t L a:J:J.cl '-TaYne r i.Jtreets ti-c? gr1:'..de slia11 be 1107.6 At the north curb line of SevantL ~3treet at a r:dnt \'lLere the west line 01' li-arnCl~ ;jtreet PI" oilne e<1, cuts sai d. line) elyati or: 11()7. 8 At tilO sou tl, east cornel~ of' ;Jeven th ml<l I,:t. \j orn011 Avnue tile grade shall be 1114.6 / At tile nort nst corD~-:;r of ;3eve11 tJ ~')treet Ftll(l !.:t. Ver'non Avenue tJ:lC grade shall be 1115.1 And at all :points betw'cen sai d Ilellignated.",oints tIle grade s11al1 be and .. " is he reby esta;;lislL ed so EU1 to (': oni' orm to a straici't line between sai:5- d.es- ignated. points. All elevati ons refer to t e top 0 f t'e c:nrb are in f~?et .!'J n(1 are B,."jove a plane 'liThic}' is 1045.28 feet below ui tJ,r 23enc11 .:'ark as es-tbliB by urcUnan ce No. 328 of t:e Gi t;7 of :Jan TlernarCt ino. Section 2. All 0:1' !ll1f,nCes or :'iarts of OrUIl8...YlCeS in conflict herewith are herel);?" repeal ed. Seetin 3. TLis orcUnance shall ttjke s:Cfect anti be in :force from and after tllirt:,'I' days after its passage ancl aprroval. Se~tioll 4. rl'~lG.:ity '...;lerk sha::"':". certify to the l')as~lSf.:e f t}ds ordin- unce and cause the same to bc pU:.llig'.ccl fo:c tl'lrec consecutive da:ls in t ,8 .::;vening Index. I her": by corti i'y tlla t the :L'ore[' ainc ord,in~:nc e was duly paDs ed and srJop- ted. by t:;e Esyor and. Common Counc;i 1 of to City of ~)an Bernar,:iino at a regular meeting t~:creO:ft ~;eli on the \ day 19(';9 l)y t!LC following vote. \~"Fv ,. A A _"",, .__ J,~f'~~ ~ Y ~(,/~. 1\ \ . ~_, "__,-:::,-:::=,___c::,,,="-:.'~-'-c=~_-:::.-L7 ..,--."--="~') 1;;,'