HomeMy WebLinkAbout38-Community Development Cll "OF SAN BERNARDI' .0 - REQUr"T FOR COUNCIL Acr ON Date: December 7, 1988 Dire'RarO. - ~PMf!: C F FPNDERWRITER SERVICES FOR CITY/HOUSING 'SGB OEe -8 r~.1, I: lAUTHORITY/SAN BERNARDINO , I HOSPITAL SENIOR HOUSING COMPLEX From: Kenneth J. Henderson, ~ -t>t: community Development Synopsis of Previous Council action: On November 17, 1986, the Mayor and Common Council approved in concept the development of a fifty (50) unit senior housing complex by city, the Housing Authority and San Bernardino Community Hospital. On June 20, 1988, the Mayor and Common Council received and filed status report and directed staff to prepare a detailed financing plan. On August 1, 1988, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the issuance of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for bond underwriter/financial advisor services for issuance of bonds not to exceed 2.0 million dollars to assist with the financing of a fifty (50) unit senior housing complex at the corner of 17th and Flores Streets. Recommended motion: Approve the selection of Erlich Bober and Company, Inc., as underwriter for City/Housing Authority/San Bernardino community Hospital Senior Housing Complex, and direct the city Attorney to prepare the appropriate documents for approval by the Mayor and Common Council on January 3, 1988. ~~~r~ Contact person: Ken Henderson/Maurice Oliva Phone: 5065 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: 6 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) N/A (Acct. Description) N/A Finance: "''''\uncil Notes: 7 5-0262 Agenda Item No. ~~g CI~'V OF SAN BERNARDr"~O - REQUF~T FOR COUNCIL ACr "'ON STAFF REPORT In November, 1986, the Mayor and Common Council approved in concept the development of a fifty (50) unit senior citizen apartment complex in conjunction with the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino community Hospital. On June 20, 1988, the Mayor and Common Council received and filed a status report and directed staff to prepare a detailed financing plan. On the same date, representatives of Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander and Ferndon were introduced to the Mayor and Common Council as bond counsel selected to represent the City of San Bernar- dino for the issuance of a bond to pay the City's share of the proposed 3.0 million dollar project. On August 1, 1988, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for bond underwriter services for issuance of a bond not to exceed 2.0 million dollars. The City will use said bond to finance its share of the proposed 3.0 million dollar project. Four (4) proposals were received, reviewed and rated by a proposal review committee composed of the community Development Department Housing Consultant and Housing Development ,specialist, as well as the City Treasurer. On December 6, 1988, the Director of community Development, City Treasurer and Housing Development Specialist inter- viewed representatives of Ehrlich Bober and Company, Inc., and Sutro and Company, each of which received the highest and second highest rankings, respectively, by the review committee. Attached are copies of the original RFP and rating sheet used in the initial evaluation and the personal interview. Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council approve by form motion the selection of Ehrlich Bober and Company, Inc., as underwriter for said project and direct the City Attorney to prepare appropriate documents for approval by the Mayor and Common Council at the regular meeting sche- duled for January 3, 1989. iw~ r~ (:} ~ JAA4M Kenneth J. Hendersorl Director of community Development KJH/MLO/lab/2059 December 7, 1988 75-0264 CI'n' OF SAN BERNARDI.l-..J cnHJNl'lY I:E.VEI.OHmn' DEPARlMEN1' RrJ;PEST RR 1'rot:a3AIS FOR FINANCIAL ~ AND/OR tJNDEF&lRlTING SERVICES Ba~ '!be Camlmity Deve1~t DepartIre.nt of the city of San Be.mardino desires to retain a finaocial advisor or umerwriter to assist in the anticipated issuance of bold f~in;J oot to exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000) for the p.rrpose of financin;J the deve1qment of a fifty (50) unit senior hcA.1sin;J project in the City of San Be.mardino. 'n1e total cost of the project is estimated at awroximately three million dollars ($3,000,000). 'n1e project is an aparbtent OCIlplex for senior citizens on fixed in:x:1res (priInarily 551 am SSA recipients) am wcW.d include a nultip..u:pose facilty for leisure, educational an:Vor avocational activities. 'n1e project will be located on approximately two point five (2.5) acres at the future oomer of Flores am 17th streets. '!be project will require the oonstroction of lx>th Flores am 17th streets am installation of certain offsite iInprovements related to the CXIlpletion of said streets. '!he project will be financed as a joint venture between the City of san Be.mardino, the HalSin;J Authority of the Camty of San Be.mardino am Arr'avhead Health Care System, Inc., the parent CCl1"pal1Y of san Be.mardino Camlmity Hospital. Arr'aYhead Health Care System, Irx:., will lease the lam to the HalSin;J Authority for thirty (30) years with two (2) ten (10) year options or thirty five (35) years with three (3) five (5) year options for one dollar ($1.00) per year for the life of the lease am affected options. '!be Hoosin;J Authority am the City will share in fi.ncm::in;J the cost of the project described above. '!be Hoosin;J Authority will C1NJl ani operate the project. '!he Authority will pay for architectural ani en;ineeriIq services ani approximatelyone-half (1/2) of the project cost (estimated at one point five million dollars ($1,500,000)) with its C1NJl revenues. '!he city proposes to pay its share of the project cost (estimated at approximately one point five million dollars ($1,500,000)) by use of Olarter City Notes. '!he City interrls to issue a Lilnited Obligation Loan AgreeJrent Revenue Bond in an aIOClUl'lt not to exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000), ani City will retire the bom by pledgin;J a portion of its twenty percent (20%) housiIq set-aside furrls generated fran successful :redevelor:m:mt project areas. Recent City of San Bernardino Redevelcpoont AgeT'Cj tax i.nc:rerrent projections irrlicate tbat in fiscal year 1987/1988 three (3) of its eleven (11) project areas prcrluced $245,548 in twenty percent (20%) hoosiIq set aside furrls since June, 1987.: '!be total set-aside furrls on deposit as of March 31, 1988 was reported at $381,476. HousiIq set-aside incc:me fran the Northwest, Tri-<:=ity ani South Valle project areas has been increasin;J fifteen percent (15%) to twenty percent (20%) annually. 7/21/88 1 For pnposes of this project, the City has seltd:ed as b:n1 camsel the finn of l-b1ge Rose QJthrie Alexamer am Ferdon. Mininum Reauirem::mts '!he City seeks a financial consultant or urrleJ:writer \410 will playa leadership role ~ the process, provide ocntinrl.ty of personnel, am advise the city ~ the JOOSt awropriate am oost-effective way to structure the borxi finarx::in;J package to meet the needs of the City, the Ha.1s:in;J Authority, am the Arrc1.-ihead Health care System, Inc. Respordents to this RFP nust have a full service office in soothem california am be able to derronstrate their ~tenoe am ccmn:itIoont to the successful financ:in;J of similarly sized issues. '!he City wishes to minimize the time am effort required of its staff am other cxnsultants to aocx:ll'plish a successful financin;J. (Attachment "1" provides a detailed description of the services required.) Proposal Contents '!he City requests the respoooents to this RFP provide, at a mi.nim.nn, the items irdicated be1CM: 1. Oualifications 'Ibis section of the proposal shoold irdicate breadth of experience of yoor firm in varioos types of barrl financed projects urrlertaken by cities ard redevelcpoont agencies. Incl1.rle descriptions of yoor finn's involvement in structur:in;J am deve1q>:in;J innovative finarx:in;J plans ard techniques invol vi.rg the sale of bords to the nunicipal borrl market am providi.rg the services listed in Attac1urent ''In. Please include at least three (3) references of clients for whan yoor finn has perfonood recent advisory services (within the last three (3) years). Also describe the structure of your firm, J'l.IIIIber of enployees, location of offices am its capital base. If possible, include a recent audited financial staterrent. Prooosals from finns that do not meet the req..lirements ootlined above will not be considered. 2. Srope of Ser:vices Attacllrcent "1" provides a list of the services the City will e>q)ect to be provided by the selected financial advisor/urrleIwriter. '!he "scc:pe of services" section of the proposal shoold identify any nOOifications, deletions or additions to the listed services, as 'Nell as a description of the nature and extent of services be:in;J proposed. Additionally, the proposal should (a) outline the preliminary financing structure proposed; (b) state whether credit enhancenent would be necessary; (c) state anticipated debt service coverage requi.rerrents; and, (d) suhnit a list of procedural steps involved together with a proposed timetable. 3. Financing Costs and Compensation 7/21/88 2 '!he prq:lOSCll shoold inchrle an estimate of fi.rlan:inl oosts incl\Xlin;J fees ard expenses associated with the issuance of the bord ard indicate whether these costs will be cart:fn:3ent upon closin) of the sale of the bonds. 4. Responsible Personnel Please describe the proposed personnel fran ycur fim 'Aho will have direct ard primary responsibility for the provisioo of services am 'Aho will \1/Ork with the City to arran;Je the proposed financin). Please provide resumes am other information regardiIg their experieooe in similar financirgs am financial advisory \1/Ork in general. Yt2D selection. persormel may not be substituted withoot advance written approval bv the City. Selection Criteria Consultants shall be selected thrc:u:Jh review of the subnitted prq:lOSClls, usin:J the followin:J criteria: 1. DeIoc>nstration of specific current am extensive experieooe am track record in st.ructurin:J ani coordinatin:J bard financin:3s as penni.tted lD'rler California law. 2. Responsiveness of the sul:anission to the provisions am criteria of this RFP. 3. Flexibility in tailorin:J the structure of financirgs (e.g., alt'Ortization, coverage ani reserve aspects) to the specific needs of the City. 4. Experience, qualifications, continuity am availability of staff assigned to the provision of the advisor/urrlezwritin;J services. 5. Fees am expenses. A limited rn.nnber of firms may be ilwited to oral interviews prior to the award of a contract for Sel.'Vices. Selection Schedule Five (5) copies of su1::missions in response to this RFP nust. be received by the City no later than 4:00 p.m., FUr, August 31, 1988, at the followin;J address: City of San Bernardino 0:lmm.1ni. ty Devel<::pYent DepartIoont 300 North liD" street, 5th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 Attn: Maurice Oliva, Hoosin;J Deve10pnent Specialist Nothin;J in this RFP shall be deemed to canmi.t the city to en:Jage any financial consultant arrl,Ior urdenJriter or to proceed with the sale of any bords. No proposal costs will be rei.ml:ursed. 7/21/88 3 eonsideratioo of the suanissions will ocx::ur as SOCI'l as p::lSSible foll<::JWirg the above deadline arxi fims selected for oral inteIviews will be caltacted inmediate1y after the pre1im.i.nary evaluatioo is carpleted. Arr:l questions regardin;J this RFP may be directed to Mr. oliva at 714/384'" 5065. 7/21/88 4 Attad1ment "1" CI'lY OF SAN BEEWIDINO <nMJNI'lY DEVELOR-!ENl' DEPARIMENl' REUJEST FOR m:>row.s FOR FINANCIAL AI:NJ.SORY AND/OR ~ SERVICES ~ested 5cq;)e of SeIvices '!he sel.Vices listed below are those am:ently identified to be provided by the selected financial advisor/\.1OOerwriter. Any SUC};Jestions for IOOdifications to these sel.Vices shoold be inchrled in the pI~ sul:mi. tted in response to this RFP. In general, the selected finaooial advisor/un:1eJ:writer woold be required to advise City staff am ot:heJ:wi.se coordinate the proposed finaoo~. '!he initial sel.Vices required will be to consult with City staff regardirq the plblic financirg options available for the proposed financirq, am provide advice, counsel am SUC};Jestions as to feasible alternatives wen woold aCXX'lI{)lish the goals of the City in a tilnely am cost-effective fashion. '!he advisor/un:1eJ:writer woold then be asked to finalize the financ~ plan am provide the follow~ sel.Vices: 1. Prepare am reccmnerrl aJOC)rtization schedules for the proposed financ~. 2. ArranJe am iIrpleIlS1t procedural steps for the financirq. 3. Make reccmnerrlations regarc1in;J the financial content of resolutions, notices of sale, am other doo..nnents. 4. Prepare am revise, as requested by City staff am consultants, the Official stateIrents am other doo..nnentation for the financi.rg . 5. Coordinate the reproduction, mail~ am distrib.Ition of the notices of sale, Official sta1:.enents, am other doo..nnents, if any, to urrlerwriters am institutionlll. bIyers located throughalt the coontry to encourage the best cx::rrpetitive bidding for the financirg. 6. Assist in OOtaini.rg born rati..rqs fran M<xxiys arrl/or Starrlard am Poors, if appropriate. 7. Assist in 00taini.rg municipal born insurance or other credit enhancement, if appropriate. 8. With due regard for the needs am requirements of the City, make reccmnerrlations regarc1in;J ti..mirq of the financirq to take optimum advantage of market corrlitions. 7/21/88 5 9. Advise City staff as to che selection of t.ne borxl printers, fiscal agents am payirg agents, irelucii.n;J ootai.Jlirg ~titive bids, where atpIq>riate. 10. If p,lblicly bid, calculate bids for the bc:nis, identify the lC1tJ'eSt bid am advise the City 00IX::el11irg award of the fi.nancirg . 11. Arran;Je the closirg of the financirg am advise City staff conce.rni.rg investment of financin;J proceeds, if arrj, pen:llig their ~ture by the City. SUch advice shoold in:::l\X3e a1ly very secure am insured investments S9 that the City assumes no risk Mlatsoever regardiIq security of principal am guaranteed return on investment. lab/1081 7/21/88 7/21/88 6