HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-Council Office cr. ! OF SAN BERNARD~ -'0 - REQU~ '~T FOR COUNCIL At. . ION From: Councilman Steve Marks Subject: Library Ad Hoc Committee Report Dept: Council Office D~e: January 17, 1986 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommen<:led motion: 1. That minutes of Library Ad Hoc Committee meeting held 14, 1986 be received and filed. 2. That Committee recommended actions be approved and appropriate departments implement these actions as necessary and as soon as possible. Signature Contact person: Phil Arvizo Phone: 383-5l88 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: N/A FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 (" Agenda Item No.' /5 ) LIBRARY AD HOC COMMITTEE January 14, 1986 ATTENDEES: Councilman Steve Marks - Chairman; Councilman Gordon Quiel; Councilman Jack Strickler; Deputy City Admini- strator Ray Schweitzer; Public Works Director Roger Hardgrave; Finance Director - Warren Knudson; City Librarian - Warren Knudson; Council Executive Assistant - Phil Arvizo. 1. STATUS OF ACCOUNTS - The Committee received a financial report from the Director of Finance. The Committee recommended that the available balance in this fund be applied to the debt service payment for 1985-86. (Copy attached. ) 2. ALCOHOL COMSUMPTION AT CENTRAL LIBRARY - The City Librarian requested authority to approve requests from community organizations to consume alcohol at various func- tions. The Committee recommended that a review of the rules for alcohol consumption in public meeting spaces, as well as liability to the City, was needed prior to a decision. A report is to be presented to the full Council the first meeting in February after review by staff. 3. OPERATION OF ART GALLERIES - The Committee recom- mended that funds presently allocated be used as necessary and any additional funds be requested from the Arts Commission. 4. COMMITTEE DISSOLUTION - The Committee recommends that this Library Ad Hoc Committee be dissolved having served the purpose of monitoring the Feldheym Central Library con- struction project within budget. Meeting adjourned. ;:;;:;';;;::1:' Councilman Steve Marks Chairman Library Ad Hoc Committee SM:em - CITY Vr ~J.\I, i.iL 'i..,",HDINC' -, MEMOt.\J.\ND'"M STEVE MARKS, Cha i nnan To 11 bra ry Ad Hoc COlTlTli ttee Subject Status Report for Nonnan F. Feldheym Central library ROGER G. HARDGRAVE, Dir. 0 From Publ ic Works/City En9ineer Date January 14, 1986 File No. 6.251 Approved Date Construction has been completed, and all contracts accepted. with the exception of HVAC. Some problems have become evident, in particular, the water supply to the boiler. These problems have been identified, and the Contractor directed to correct them. Attached is a Financial Report showing the total available revenues, pro- jected expenditures, and available balance. A copy of the detailed Financial Report prepared by the RDA is also attached for reference. The cost of approximately $32,500 for the new telephone system is included under Furniture and Furnishings. No expenditures are listed for library Materials and Computer Equipment, except for $3,298 which has been obligated. This is in accordance with our understanding of the Council's directive that these items are not to be purchased with long term financing. The available balance could be applied to the debt service payment for 1986-87 if deemed appropriate. P~' ;?;"ld ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Director of Public Works/City any additional information. Engineer RGH:rs Attach cc: Mayor Evlyn Wilcox John Hatzer, Jr., City Administrator Warren Knudson, Director of Finance Glenda Saul, Ex. Dir., RDA ~-., l....-' L. ~~ -, . '- -- r : . , . .- -, - , . , :..' : .. ~ :- \..;..,.l'") (u C", rlrF ON rHI~t).. " 1-14-86 FIN A N C I A l R E P 0 R T NORMAN F. FElDHEYM CENTRAL lIBRARY SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS: No. Descri ption Paid to Date To be Paid Totals 1 Site Preparation $ 94 , 008 $ -0- $ 94 ,008 2 Steel $ 464,783 $ -0- $ 464,783 3 Concrete $ 699,554 $ -0- $ 699,554 4 Masonry $ 263,980 $ -0- $ 263,980 5 Moisture Protection $ -O- S -0- $ -0- 6 Skylights $ 92,711 $ -0- $ 92,711 7 Glazing $ 168,770 $ -0- $ 168,770 8 El eva to rs $ 70,800 $ -0- $ 70,800 9 HVAC $ 347,858 $ 27,891 $ 375,749 10 Electrical $ 503,342 $ -0- $ 503,342 11 Pl umbing $ 105,944 $ -0- $ 105,944 12 Fire Protection -0- $ -0- -0- 13 Interior $1,604,726 $ -0- $ 1,604,726 14 Site Work $ 296,327 $ -0- $ 296,327 TOTALS $4,712,803 $ 27,891 $ 4,740,694 ARCHITECT $ 287.137 $ 2,681 $ 289,818 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER $ 344,190 $ 21 ,049 $ 365,239 CITY EXPENSES $ 117,926 $ 10,000 $ 127,926 BOND EXPENSES $ 44,626 $ -0- $ 44,626 "- Page 2 of 2 , INSURANCE $ 5,936 $ -0- $ 5,936 FURN ITURE & $ 250,305 $113,702 $ 364,007 FURNISHINGS RElOCATION $ 18,818 -0- $ 18,818 lIBRARY MATERIALS $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $ -0- $ 3,298 $ 3,298 $5,781,741 $178,621 $5,960,362 SUMMARY OF REVENUE PROCEEDS OF 80ND SALE INTEREST STATE GRANT TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS ------_________________ $4,662,284 $ 585,733 $1,000,000 $6,248,017 AVAILABLE BALANCE: TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS . . . . 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O'o\DCJ'INO \D...... .. ..... \D000 ..\D......NCD ......N 0 "'~ 0 Z ",0 ... "'z Eli '" '" ( b ~ . to . e f ~ f. - I: ~ . .. 0 . . ... N ... N ....UlN. w.....CJ'I Z '" \oOONCJ'ICJ'INUt.......\D.CJ'IO\D 0 ... \O.N"OO.OCO........O\,fl . .. ....................... .. ......WN.................OCD"a.ClO .... ~....\OCJ'I....,\OOO....,OV.OO..Q:l ... ....oooO.......c:>>OOW.....,N ~ ~ - ~ "i- N f> 6.... 6 6.... 6 6 6.:" 6 6 6 n . '" '" \D I N I I .... I I I "" I I I Cl> Q) N ..... (D n .. N..... N We 0 Z ~ a . '- CITY LIBRJ, AC1\lAL EXu..NDITURES THROUGh JANUARY 7, 1986 AC1\lAL EXPENDITURES TO DATE: Construction Contracts Maveric Construction Baumgarten Plumbing Buckner/Wilson San-Val Eng. Challenge Eng. Mark Cox Electric Berry Construction Dors t & Dryden Dover Elevator Ketcoe Specialties R1 verside Cons t Winegardner Masonry Total Expenditures to Date . 695,882 100,647 '464,783 347,858 94,008 478,174 1,524,490 168,770 67,260 84,411 222,390 250,781 h.499.454 287.137 " ,344,190 37,914 19.981 59,443 588 117,926 44,626 5,936 217 , 305 5.516.574 Architect Villanueva Construction Manager J.D. Diffenbaugh City Expenses Building and Safety-Fees CHJ Eng.-!nspection City Finance-Admin Costs,Site Survey. Street Cut Fees, Street Plans So Cal Edison-Temporary Power Bond Expense Insurance Furnishings 01201. Disk 00031. -