HomeMy WebLinkAbout45-Council Office .. - CITOOF SAN BERNARDIO - REQUEO FOR COUNCIL ACON From: Councilman Jack Reilly Subject: Personnel Committee Report Dept: Council Office Date: June 28, 1988 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommended motion: That minutes of Personnel Committee meeting held June 23, 1988 be received and filed. ,..- - ..... ~ ~,~,j , . ~ ~_'\ ,-'-,'c"-- '-..J ......~ Si9~~)ure Contact person: Phil Arvizo Phonal 384-5208 supporting data attached: Yes Ward: N/A FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (ACCT. NO.) (ACCT. DESCRIPTION) Finance: Council NDtes: Agenda Itern No, 113, ~ 0- o o o PERSONNEL COMMITTEE June 23, 1988 ATTENDEES: Councilman Jack Reilly - Chairman- Councilman Tom Minor councilwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam City Clerk - Shauna Clark Acting City Administrator - Jim Robbins Personnel Director - Gordon Johnson Deputy City Attorney - Cynthia Grace Deputy city Attorney - Henry Empeno Council Executive Assistant - Phil Arvizo Mayor's Executive Assistant - Richard Bennecke 1. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 10584 ENTITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS.. ."; BY ADDING THE POSITIONS OF CITY ATTORNEY INVESTIGATOR AND SENIOR DATA SYSTEMS OPERATOR EFFECTIVE JULY 4, 1988 - Committee recommended approval. Item will appear on July 5, 1988 Council Agenda. The Committee agreed that a review and analysis is in order regarding Confidential positions. No date was established for return to Committee. '2. PERSONNEL NEEDS OF THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE - After considerable discussion and with the concurrence of the City Clerk, Alternative 2 (attached) is recommended for adoption. Meeting adjourned. ~tfullY/S , - , // ouncilman J '/ Chairman v Personnel Committee JR:ej Attch. '>-, 0- o o o C I T Y o F 5 A N B ERN A R 0 I N 0 ~~ Interoffice Memorandum TO: Councll Member Jack Reilly. Chairman. Personnel Commlttee DATE: June 21, 1988 FROM: Shauna Clark. City Clerk RE: Personnel needs of City Clerk's Office ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background ~t a recent Personnel Commlttee meetlng I came before you to reQuest oermlSSlon to fill a vacancy. and to hlre a full time "emoorary person to cover for pregnancles, You gave me oermlsslon, and I hlreo ~lmla Brown as TYP1St Clerk 11. ::lermanent. and Jeanne Bedoya as TYP1St ':lerk II. ':.emporary, ""mla Brown was termlnated on June 17. 1988. Jeanne stlll occuples the temporary slot but has expresseo a strong deslre to taKe a permanent slot now that one 1S avallable. If I appolnt ~eanne to the permanent slot, I must go out and recrult for a person to take the temporary Job. I could flnd someone at that same rate Of pay but I wlll stlll be left wlth a problem. That lS: when Pattl Lang goes on maternlty leave, there wl1l be no one to take mlnutes 1n her place. This maternlty sltuatlon notwlthstandlng. we nave experlenced a ser10US probiem ~eeplng UP wlth the amount of mlnutes we must proouce for Councll meetlngs. As an example, the flrst Slx months of thlS fear. Jan 88 though June 88. we have completed 847 pages of minutes. In the total twelve months of 1987 there were' 978 pages. As you can see. we have almost oone as many mlnutes ln sixth months as we Old all of last year. This has been accomplished by settlng other work aSlde. my OUYlng and borrowlng extra computer eQuipment. worklng overtlme. reduc1ng vacatlona and mlnlmal use of s1ck leave. A total of 19.5 hours of slck leave was used by Lucy. Patti. DorlS and myself over the last slxth months. 4,8 hours per person average, Lucy and Dorls have reached thelr limit on vacatlon time and are startlng to lose It. I under stano that many hours were out of the norm beCaUSe of the General Plan reV1Slon process. but ~he thlng that scares me lS that 1n Aprll of 1989 we wl11 be startlng the hearing allover for the second phase, From November of 1988 through May of i989, we wl11 be 'mmerseo ln the electlon process. I have funds to hire clerlcal staff for electlons, but a signlficant amount of my tlme goes ln that area, therefore, 1 cannot do mlnutes to helP the others, ~- ~,~ o o o Memo to Personnel Commlttee - Z - June 22. 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sources of Funds ~edevelooment Funds: The actlons of the Reaevelopment Commlsslon lmpact thlS oeDartment. These actlons lncrease tne amount of mlnutes and flIes we must malntaln. Also, JOlnt Agency/CounCll agreements are often processed by thlS offlce. ~eed Abatement ana BUlldlng Oemoilt10n Llens: It IS the City ClerK's responslo,l,ty to process lIens lmposeo oy the CIty, We prepare the resolut1on for Counc1l on bUlld,ng demollt,ons, we notIfy property owners, prepare lIens ana record them and release lIens wnen necessary. We orocess around JOO bUllding demolItIon lIens ano 2000 weed abatement llens per year. Before January 1988 we were ~ot lnvolved ln weed aoatement 11ens, These extra 2000 llens oer year are greatly lmoactlng us. (See attached letter sent to ~anuel Moreno) Thougn the aom1n1stratlve costs are adaed to tne llen. the money 1S never creolted baCK to thIs department. The General Plan: When the General Plan was budgeted no one asked the Clty Cler~'s Offlce what Impact lt would have on us. I feel that th1S was an overSlght and that we should be re1mbursed for the tlme soent over the last three months and for the time that w1l1 be needed for attending meetlngs ana orepar,ng agendas. mInutes and correspondence for the final phase of the revislon process. Methods of saving time If you find lt ~mposs1bie to grant my reouest for extra help, one alternatlve would be to oreoare summary mInutes Instead of oreoarlng m;~~tss ln the format we have ceen uS1ng. Summary mlnutes would ShOW the act10n only, no test1monv and no dlSCUSSlon. ~he mlnutes would be.n the ~roer of the agenoa, lnsteaa of the oraer ln WhlCh the act10ns occurred at the meetlngs. There are many advantages to thlS: \, It wouia save a great of tYP1ng ana proofing t1me, Z. It woula De easler to actlons ln the mInutes, 3. we could get the minutes faster. deal find out The two maln dlsadvantages of summary mInutes are: I. Many times motions are unclear and the precedlng discus.,on ll1um,nates the purpose of the motlon, 2. Years down the road 1t would be very dlfficult to reconstruct what happened at a Councll meetlng because although :ounc,l mlnutes are preserved forever. the suoportlng documentatlon, staff reports, etc" are eventually destroyed. ..... " -- o o o o Yemo to Personnel Commlttee - 3 - June ',? --, 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------- What I would 11ke the Counc11 to approve: .l.lternatlve One .l.n aad1tlonal pos1t1on at the level of Secretary. Th1S would 91ve our department another person who takes shorthana and who can be taught to do m1nutes. and ~o snare the load of Counc1l "leet1ngs. Cost: $18.500 plus benefits, first year. less salary savlngs while Patt1 on leave: $2,415; net cost first year: S16.085 D1us beneflts. ,.--.-- -. - ./ ;Jternatlve Two _ ..pgraae POSlt1on ,:>1 Typ,st ':lerk II to Secretary leve1~nd authorl:e temDorary help ourlng Pattl's matern,ty leave ana :urlng the Tonal phase of the 3eneral Flan rev1510n orocess. The ~P9rade wl11 not create an addltlonai POSlt'~~, put,t wlll 'ncrease the sk,11 level avallable to the aepartment. Cost~. :,fterence In annual salary of two Posltlons: $3,324......,l51us rnarglnal lncrease ,n teneTlts. Cost of temporary help: $9.10 =er r,Ol.lr ' 960 hours = $8.i37.Total: $12.060. Salary savlngs avallable to aepartment "nlle Patt, on leave:, $2.415. Net :;ost: $9.645. \~~~'iiw.~ ~~lfil'~'~V\j~, $}1~~ ~;ternat~'e ~hree . :raer that the ffilnutes De cnanged to the aforement,onea summary style SHAUNA CLA~K. CITY CLERK , ;;,/\'0 ~'\