HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-Building and Safety . CfCf OF SAN BERNARD~O - REQU,~T FOR COUNCIL Ac:3ION From: Mark I. Sutton, Di rector SUBJECT: Appeal Hearing - Board Commissioners Order to Secure and Demolish at Albert Mamlouk , of Building Vacate Premises, 765 ~eet- "1J/f Dept: BUILDING & SAFETY Date: JUL Y 27, 1988 Synopsis of Previous Council action: NONE Recommen1ed motion: That the Board of Building Commissioners decision to have the premises at 765 NOrth "0" Street, vacated, secured and demolished within thirty (30) days; and to incur all costs in the form of a lien on the property, be upheld and instruct Staff to continue with the demolition and cleaning of said property. Current Costs: $567.00. NOTE: APPELLANT IS A TENANT. ~i~ ~"JlJ1~ Signature . Contact person: Dnn Hp, tpr 1 Py Phone: ext./5071 Supporting data attached: YES Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Sou rce: Finance: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No. s CITOOF SAN BERNARDIit' - REQUEC1 FOR COUNCIL AC10N STAFF REPORT 765 North liD" street The Department of Building and Safety inspected this building on October 8, 1987. The structure is an unrein forced masonry building in a dilapidated and dangerous condition. Some interior walls have been removed, compromising the integrity of the structure. The owner our findings. Engineer for a .. was notified by mail on October 13, 1987 as to The owner subsequently retained a Structural structural analysis. On November 13, 1987, the Engineer delivered a negative report on the building, stating that it could not withstand or resist minimum seismic forces, as outlined in the 1982 Uniform Building Code. On March 15, 1988, the owner notified his tenants of the city's intent to demolish the structure if it was not rehabitable. On July 1, 1988, the matter went before the Board of Building Commissioners. A resolution was made to vacate the premises within three days*, secure the premises and demolish within thirty (30) days. An appeal was subsequently made by W.R. Holcomb, to the Mayor and Common council on behalf of Albert Mamlouk, a tenant at 765 North "D" Street. No permits have been obtained for possible retrofit. The building has been posted as a dangerous building. Staff recommends approval of the Board of Building co~issioners action to abate the structure by demolition, and lncur all current and future costs in the form of a lien on the property. (*AIl tenants, except Mr. Mamlouk, have vacated the premises. ) 75-0254 C jt\TY OF S';,'l aE.~NA~;'IO 0 DEP~ENT OF BU[LD[~ND SAFETY STATEMENT OF COSTS PROJECT NO. 3114 RESOLUTION NO. SAN BERNARDINO IUUCIPAl CODE, TITLE 15 EMERGENCY ABATEMENT The undersigned respectfully submtts the following statement of costs incurred by the City of San Bernardino in abattng the ~blic nutsance that extsted on the property located at: 751, 753, 763-771, North "0" Street Owner: Earl Korchak Address: 234 Mc Carty Dr., Beverley Hills, CA Assessors No: 140-282-43,73,74 More parttcularly desert bed as: Lot 5 in Block 51 City Of San Bernardino, Book 7 of maps page 1 except north 200ft thereof. ITEMIZATION WID and/or EIA Street Dept's Costs: Labor S Admtntstrative Costs S Buildtng Permit S Equtpment S Material $ Dumptng S BuildtnQ and Safety Dept's Costs: Title Search $ Special Inspector , $ Inspector's Time 4 X S16/hr S Secretary I s Time 2 X $13 S Comp & Retirement 25% S Equi pment 4 X SOt S Certified Mailing 4 X $2 S Pictures 14 X $1 S Administrative Costs 40% S Hearing Time S Newspaper Advertisement S Additional Costs Attorney S SUB TOTAL S Costs From Previous Hearing S S S TOTAL COSTS S Mark ~n BUILDING & FETY DIRECTOR TOTAL S Demolitton Contract Preparation: Contractors Costs: Date: June 20, 1988 SBMe 15:28 By: 165.00 64.00 26.00 36.0C 2.00 !l.00 14.00 162.00 50.00 40.00 567.00 567.0C ,0, . . o o o mORT :10. 3 II <-t.- ___ CtTY OF SAN 3~NAADINC DE?AATMENT CF 3UIt..:)INC -'NO $AF: If 300 Nar~" 0 Str.tt SAN 3ERNARDINO, CA.~2418 UNIi INSP~CiICN ~EPCRT Tht Buildin, .nd S.ft~~ Ot,.rtmtn~ h.S ins,tcttd ~ht dtsc~lbtd ,ra,.,.,:~. Th. ins".ct1an rt"..ltd tll.' Ut 1t...s _rk.d da "at can'o"", to "" ,,,o"isi.ons 01' tllt S.n atrn.rd1"0 Munici,.l Cod. CSIl'lCI.. It..... ..rk.d _itll.n .st.,.lsk ..ust ... rt,.ir.d ar CO,.,..ct.d witllin-La-d.~s. Otll.,. it....s ...ust "t re,.ired ar cor,.ect.~ _itllin~d.,s. PERMITS. REGUIRED~YES____NO P.,...its .,.. r.quir.d ta re,.ir ar carrect ...n~ 0' tll. ite..s. For ~ consult.tian re,.rdin, till. ,.e,ort. .s.is,.nce in .ecu,.in, . ,.,.mit, OP ,clledulin,. r.ins,.ction, ,Ie... c.ll tll. o1'1'ice ,nd sclledul. '"aur ".qu.st witll tll. ins,.ctar who.. n.... .,,,..rs on this repart. OFFICE HOURS ARE 7:30-4:30 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OWNER L C<.I' i t....n- d, ,.L k:: DA TE PREPARED 2 - / - s:; ~ ADDRESS l3L.t fY1 f I" L.. I'tl i' r. TYPE 9l.DO/VIOLATIONt"",.,.,H1/.yR#1 Sfr..rb"""-(,~ . I ' CITY 1:=3l'v'(.r./~j fJ;//<.. 10ZI7.ADDRESS 75/, 7-;~, 7tCI) 77/ If) "D'sf PHQNE NO. c..c.. ASSESSOR'S NO. 1~-?-z.3?''Y3 7\ 7'/ I 01 () CJ S",,14. 1Y1~rf. i (4. 1"5111& DATE OF INSJ'ECTION_Ft {, I '8'6' SoI;1{ 7..500 (-z I J) S7'Z.- /'"(55 /....ft Q0c267 VIOLATIONS STRUCTUR~-gutLDrNo 1. OIl'$,c.ntJ lIuUdin,CUFCll. 41/11. 412] Securo .11 lIuil n,~ to FHA st.nd."ds to ,1"ov,nt un.utllarilod .n~.nct. Stcur, doors ."d windaws wi1:11 1'lt1:ed pl,.aOd ,1.i"1:td 1:0 _tell IIoust 1:1'i.. 0,lt".1I1t ,lIinda.. .ust II. ,rovidtd wi'" quick rol.os, ..cllonts.. wlltro s.curi." scroens '1'0 instoll.d 0" lI.droa. window.CUlC 12041). 2. Fi". do_,.d s~uc'U1'.C.] s,.cific,U" CS8~ 1'.16.240] Socure tilt "ocess.", ,0".1t. .nd r.,oi1' _itllin tlli"1:,,C30] d.". to lIuildin, codt. or d...lisll. 3. In.dtqu.tt fi"o' ,rat.ction or fi1'o-1'lglltin, tquip.entCUHC 9.901, 10.1001n, UFC 10.3011 Provide .s 1 ,,0, Q 7. .:. . e.. o r.quir.d O~ ~~o.. pr~D.r .qui;1l11.n~. o 0 'ir.-..:inguisning '~se.ms or 4. ~ Ina...quat. ui':sCUHC3. 901. 10. 1001m, USC:!:!. :J:!O:!. UFC a1't.12J A..diHonal ui'a ..a., b. r.qui:-'d t~ b. in co.,lianc. lUi U bulldi"g CUes. ,. Ina...qua.. Foundation-,a"in, '1001'S in CUHC10. 1001~. d. J. k. 1. USel. 104dlfloundatton or phr. muse It. IIrovid .d. Inad.quat. _ll,/vJr..ted sUllllar':s tR_iJ..~,.u~n:rl . ~hich hav. It~~.ak.n." 1t9 d.t.rioratian a1'/av'1'laa..ing CUHC10. 1001e. d. h. J' 1. 1 lIlust It. r'1I1ac.d or str.n,th.n.d. Inad.quat. CUHC::I. '0:3. shall hav. ~.ilin, ".i,"t In USC12.12071 All "a.i:aDL. 7,t. .1n. c.ilin,s. r:totil".\ and s.rvic. Inad.quat. roam dim.n.ian. 1n CUHC::I. 'O:!. U8Cl2.. 1207] 9. Inad.quat. v.ntUaUan/U,h. in CUHC'. ::104. USC12. 120'1 AU "a.i.altl. raa.s sllall "av. an aggr.,at. lUinda~ ar.a 01' nat l..s than 1/10.h th. 1'1001' ar.a Or 10 sq. ,t. ~hieh,v'r is ,1'.at.r and an DII.na'l. wlnda~ a1'.a 0' 1/2 th. :atal ar.a 1'.qulr.m.nt. lath1'ao.. .ust hav. a 1II1nimu. 01 :J sq. ,t. a1' It. lI,.avid.d ..itll ..chani~al v.ntilatian. 10. I_"rall'" us. a' unitCUHCI0.I001a] TII. us. a' as lIlu.t It. discantinu.d. 11. Irak.n daa,.. a1' lUinda...CUFCl1. 411/11. 412. USC1. 104d] 51.. nu.lt.r an. 'a1' ea1'r.ctian. 12. 13. ~ 1'. ., - Inad.qua.. ratllraalingCUHCl0.1001kJ All attic v.nt. ar a,.ning. .ust It. eav'1'.d ..,11 scr..ning. 'oundatlan and wi tll 1/4 lncll ltuUdlngs Ill.gal addltion/.ult.tanda,.d acc.'Sa1'9 CUBC3.:301. UHC3.:301] Addition a' .u,t can'orm ta cod.. ar It. d..allsll.d. .",ak.n/latssing ....,.1a,. .Uing/..ucca an (,x-';"r ,;"r CUHCI0. 1001..e.d.II, J. UBC17.1707] lIlu.t It. r'lIair.d ar 1'."lac.d. Inad.quat. doo1' at it cla... 111'011'1' 19. doa1'CUSC:3:J. X104, UFC12. 12. 104] Install n.w 0" 1'.,ai1' .Il.ting dao1' ta insu1" lI1'all.,.l" 01' i' a lack 1s 1I1'.s.nt tllat it lacks 2 o. u.. Claimn.., ,R,e::ur. unOundCU8C~. 104d, 2.20:1.0 UHCtO. tOOle:, 0, h. t. J'~' 1.] A...ov. chimn.., 1:0 roo" Una, call a1: 1:lIt' 1I0tn1: and ,.al ,J!.r.,o. 01' r.,1air ,t"UC':Ul' all., eo e:C10.. , .," '. .:. ~ALTM-4~rT~;!~N 17. Pool hat ttagn.n,: w.ter inad.qu.U ~.1:' CSaMC1'.48. Swimming 11001 ac~ 24.100, H.S 0" r'1I1.c, .cco"ding to CCld.t. inad.quate '.nc. Stat. C~d' Tltl.17CAC Cod.77741 Drain. r''1.ir. ,. 1'. lB. ,D.llrltl Junk/lnad./tuat. ,arll.,. tto"a,.C~.altll .nd SaniUUon R.,ul.tiCInt T11:h ::J e:llall.2 33.0:23,::13.024, SI~a.21.030,8.21.0AO. 8.21.0,0. 8.24.020, 8.24.0:10 A...ov. d.llrit/Junk and p"ovid. tutea'l. e:~n1:.in.rt with 11d. '01' rubbith .nd ,a"II.,.. Unlic.nt.d/inoll."ativ. v.hicl. V.a" ~ke Lic. CS8MCS.33.010k1 R...ov. 0" tto". in a building. 20. In..ctt-vermin-.nimal d"oppin'tCSI~..04. 120, '.08.080, UHCl0. 1001b.d.t. 11 Ad./tu.t. ...atu".. mu.t II. 'at.n to .1i.I.nat. 1:IIi. condition in 21. Un.aniea"., d"alnbo."dCUHC6. 601.10. loo1c, d, J. 1, UIC:Z'.2'16k1 R....l 0" r.placr-d"ainboa"d lIact.pla.II. 22. Un.anita"., 'loo"cov."in,-floo"in, in i. a h.al1:h ha.."dCUlCl.1044. UHCl0. 1001d. J.ll. A.cClve" 0" re...l p"op."l.,. :23. Dw.Uing lact. ho1: Olah"CUHC5. 50'. 10. 1001a. d, tl Hot _t." of not 1... tll." 120 d.g"... F. .u.t II. p"ovid'd '0 "equir'd plu..lling 'htu".t. 24. ....." h..t." ill.gaU., in.taU'd in: lIa'''"oo. lI.d"oo.. CUI'1C:z. 2cr.z. ,. '04-'0'. UHC7. 701c. UlC:z. 2~J R.locat. _te" h.at." h. tuitalll. loca.ion und." p ."..1. t. 2S. ""e,. h....,. i..,.op."l., vent.dCUl'C2. 202. '.504. ,. 'OBI WC2. 2~. UHC7.701cJ V.n', .lIall ..t.nd 12 inCII.. allov. ,It. point of ..it ,,.0. th. "oof. All v.nt pip.. to II. ..cu".d. 26. Roo" l.ating in the a".. allov. tUIIC1.104d, 2.20:1. UHC6.601. 10.100111. C. d.h. i. J. k. lJ R.pal." "aof. In a-eTR I C:.t.L 27. Ov.,.fu.ingCUIC1. 104d. 10. 100111. d, ., i. J' k. 1. UHC:z. 202. 4. 401. 7. 70111. 'f. 'fOl, NEC:z. 20:z."t. 90. oJ FU"d elec1:l'ical ::J . o~ b,.a"cll e:.,.e:JtQ ,"aU ~, 'U'" not ~o 'Ic,.d l' r.c.p tae l,t'1 "l"oQ.c1 ",t=:I non-~amo'''lOlIl'O a.Pl ~or 11,ht,/20 ampI =0 28. ~t..tn, ,l'c~l"lc:.al cov.rl/'lltUr., In CU.C:.1044. UHC2.202n. 7, 70111. ~,901. 10. lOOn. d. " 1. J. ~. 1. NEe:z. 20:Za,.~. 90. 61 All outt,n and l.itclI" mUI~ have p,.".,. Cov'''' and all ,l'C~l"leta! 'Iltul"" mu,e ~. "l"Op...t~ InltalI.d and I.eu,..d to the build in,., :Z.,. Inad'CluaU outl.t, In NEC..c.2101 Each lIableaDI. "oom mUI. hav.2 convt.nc. outl.tl 0" 1 outl.. .nd 1 lI,IIe 'Iltu,... lIath,.ooml mUIt have 1 l1,/lt Hnu,., and GFt pl,u,. :30. El.ctT'leal I...vlc. 11 Inad'Clu.t. '0,. 'Il,tln, 10~d~ I.,.v.d CNCCI.c~Ol An.. ,.,.vic. d..I,n.d to lu,pl~ ,;, minimum 0' 60 amp.,., 3 ",1,.. I.,.vlc. '0" up tD' C'IvoJ two ",ir, b,.anch cIrcuIt. capacI!:v. :31. Haza,.doul/ll1.,al .Irln, In CUICl.104d, 2.20:3. UHC:Z.:Z02. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. lOOn, d. ,,1, J. k. 1, NEC2. :Z02art.,0. 61 ~u.t II. ,..plac.d. ,rop.,.l~ r.palr.d 0" l".mov.d to .1Imlnat. haza,.dl. ~CHANIe~L-W~AT!NQ ~ Ill.,al ,al lI.at.,.C.1 .nd/or ,a. a,plIanc.. 1n CUMC2.:Z0:Z. ,. '0~S08, UHC7.701c. UlC2.20:3] All unv.nt'd 0,. op.n 'lam. ,a. appllanc.. mUlt II. di.conn.ct.d and r.mov.d '1'0. p,..ml... and the ,a. pI,.. ca,p.d In a ..nn.r tllat pr.v.nt. l".conn.ctlon 0' tll... a,pllanc". :3:3. Ina.'Cluat. lI.atCUHC7.701a1 An approv.d lI.aUn, ,,,,t.. .hal1 II. In.tall.. c.,alll. 0' ,rovidln, 70 d.,,,,,, F thr.. ,..t abov. '100,. In. all hallltalll. ,.oom.. .,.-" 34. Ina..,uat./millln, ,al Ihut:o'f laf.t" valv. conn.ctlon...:.-a' CVlCl. 104.. 2. 20::1. ~1104.. S.S02a.S0:3Cc-2J. UPCl2. 1213.J An a",.ov.d .hut o'f/valv./ conn.c~ion .hall II. In...ll.d In an adJac.nt/acc...lbl. locatIon '0,. all ,a. 'i,.,d a",lianc... 3S. C...u.'IlIl" a,.. Itor.d too n.ar h..tIn, ."lIanc,. In CUMCS.806a2. 7.703 7041 R..ov' co..u.tlI11... CII.ck ..nu'actU,..rl 1,.cl,tcatIonl. PLUPdIINC 36. ~..kIn,/II,.ot.n/plu'l.d ,...,. d,..In. In CUICI. 104d. 2.202.'..401. S. SOS. 10.100111. d. J, t. 1. All fI.tu"" and .,,1Ianc., mu.t b. ,"0,.,.1" conn.c~.d to ....,.11n., and ..lntaIn.d In . lanltar" condItIon. . ~.. '0' "'. . '.~ o o o 37. ~e.kin,-~r~.ed pip.I-missin, plumiin, 'Ir~urel In tU8C~. 104d. 2.202, 4,401. 5. '05. 10. 100ld. J' k, 1.] Al t ~ter pl,el ~nd 'Irture, mUlt be ~~ee 01 1..k' .nd malncalned in ~ servlc...le .nd sanitar~ c~ndltlon. 38. Inoperatlve~lssin, pr.ssure te.peracure rel1e' v.lve 'or hot ...ur s"IumetJ8CL 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4,401. 10. 1001d. ,. 1. UPC~O. 1007. 1:3. 1:30'-1:306:lhplacl v.lve. :3~. Crol' epnnlc~ed plumbln, 'lrtur.es] In tUPCl.I02e&.110. 6.608. 10.1003113 WaUr Inlets ..Vlt tie a minimvm 01 1.1nch .lovl the rim 0' tile ve"el service.. Inlets In ~ater closet Ctol11t3 tankl ..v,~ be eqvlpped ~ltll approvld ANTI-;IPHON devicI' wltll 1 Incll c1..rance alove tile over~low tUtll. 39.... Yard sprlnklerl musc bl free of crol' connection, witll .pproved vacuum brlaklres] lnetal1ed a~ ll"~ sir e63 inclles a'ovI surround In, ground, ~n' iliad, service'. QDln.&L 8- {; NOT TO BE OCCUPIED CUIC2.203. 3.307. '.'01-'031 ~.llln, ,Ilall not be occupled until violation, not.d aDOv~ bave tI.en corrlc~ed and approved tI" . Bvlldlng In,pector '~o. tll. Ctt, 0' S.n Bernardino 8uil.ln, and Sa,.t, Depart..ent. ... Certificate of Occupanc" will tie required to reoccup, proper~"eUIC2.203. 3.307. '.'01-'033. 42. Improper occupanc~CUHC10. 10010, UBC~203, 3.307. '.'01- ,eal Occupanc, II not allo.ed In till, .vlldln, or portion tllereol. 'Iou ..V.. vaca.e tile are.. ~. Nvl'ancleVIC1.104d. UHC4.4013 Tilt. 1, .n att?ctlve balar' d.te?l..n,al to bu_n'. It mvs' ?epalre', cr.ane. up. or r.moved .Ilicft _. P?OY' '0 tI. .e p?o.,ld.. ,ro'ection. l_.dia'el". 44. Fir. balard in or on tUBC1. 104<11, ~ 20::1. UHC~ 202. 4.401. e.801. 9.901, 10. 1001c. <II, J' k, 1, UFC2.201. 3.10U "..ov. ,ft. Dull' In,. d..,iee. ap,a"atu,. ICluip.en'. cO.iu'tlil. _,1:. O? y.,e...lon .II1ell can cau'. 0,. .v,..n~ .ft. sprea<ll .nd l"t.n'l~, of 'Ire or elplo,ion. @ , " Favl., ma'erlal, of eUICt.l04<11, 2.203, 0' con,~ue~lon mVI~ lulldln, Cod.. .nd ,afe condition. con'truc~lon in UHCI0. 1001e... J' k. 1. JAil _.e,.lal, tie allo.ed or .ppoved ." .fte Uni'orm ad.quatel" ..lntained In good and , "C' . " 40. In.d.qu.e. ,"o'e.n.nc. a,l 0 0 CUBC1. 104d. 2. 20:1, UHC:2.20:2, 4.401. 10.100111. c. d.., ,.. II. II. 1" J. k, t... n. a, . Vl"C:l.1044. 2.20:Z. UIICI0. 2. ~c:::z. 20:2. .0.1. .0.4. .0.., Nfl'C:Z.201. 3. lOll A.p.l,~ .nd/a~ ~9,I.c. lIul,ldln, a~ pa~~l,an tll.~.af. '. ...., 47. 1...Ir. d.t'c'::I~Csl ~''lul,~.dCUSC12. 1210.. UF'C APF'9ID.l- .-61 lnsc.11 small. d.c.c':a~t .s ~''lul,~.d. 48. Add~'sS ~''lul~'d an .11 bui1dinllS .nd/a~ .ptsCUFCIO.208, S1I11C12. ::J:Z. 0::101. "'pp 1" .dd~.ss lnfa~...tian. an buUdin,. (B '0. '. Ill...1 canst~ue':ian .."iell ~''lui~.s insp.e':iansCUSC:I.:I01-::J0'1. SUPPt..aIENT I. r:~ III <, ~ -t 0./ ? 16-'" C ~" ;~_T"ro.(~ -t 1.. (J",'''t.- to V~A..t~......"", p.~..its .nd <:'/,.."c.111ro-.J1 ...!.... TlI is in~.etian ~.pa~': ...s lIiv.n ta: ~ A p~ap.~t" awn.~. 8 _n.,.~. C t.n.nt. D b" Il.nd d.1iv.~", ~ E ~.,u1.~ _il. JI,JI,JI, "e.,.':iU.d _U, 6/20/88 an_F="""l"b ..3 19CXS;:-, 6 -- c o o .:) REC::'" ',", ,.,", L. . ~,___ July 10, 1988 '88 JUL 11 A8:17 Mayor and Common Council 300 N. "0" St. San Bernardino, Ca 92412 Re: 7-10 Food Market at 765 N. "0" St. NOTICE OF APPEAL Albert Mamlouk, owner of the convenience market located at 765 N. "0" St., San Bernardino, hereby appeals the decision of the Board of Building Commissioners of July 1,1988, ordering the abatement of the premises located at 751, 753, 763, 771 "0' St., City of San Bernardino, and the vacating of the premises within three days. The grounds for said appeal are as follows: 1. Appellant was not properly notified of the abatement proceedings as required by San Bernardino Municipal Code. 2. Appellant was denied a reasonable continuance in order to have counsel present at the proceedings. 3. That the decision was arbitrary and capricious in that it did not afford appellant reasonable time to take corrective actions to cure any code deficiencies for the said action. 4. Said action was not taken in conformity with the municipal code of the City of San Bernardino. 5, Said action failed to provide appellant an opportunity to protect valuable property rights he has in the business by rebuilding on adjoining property. Appellant requests that the Councel stay all proceedings long enough to give appellant reasonable time to either correct any code deficiencies in said building or to rebuild a suitable facility for appellant's business at an adjoining location. this /0 of.J<-/L)/C18 U~/ Albert Maml~ner All notices o~t'\~~,er should be sent to me in care of my at~~r'a~ lawJ.W.R. HOLCOMB, 505 N. Arrowhead Ave, Ste 'fro 7 , .S!(inte~ino, Ca. 92401 . !iO " Respectfully submitted -- ~~ t