HomeMy WebLinkAbout42-Community Development CIT9 OF SAN Bl!RNARDIQ.- REQU.Q- FOR COUNCIL AC~N From: Kenneth J. ~, DiM...-AOMIH.InI~t: CcmIImity Devel"l-""""d.. I!l88 Jll 2 J PM JI "6 SERVICES FOR CWlfiWS~ ~ 1l1JlHJRlTlC/SAN BERNARDIN:> ~ IIlSPITAL SENICR IDJSIOO CXH'lEX Dept: Data: JUly 21, 1988 Synopsis of Previous Council action: On Noveui:ler 17, 1986, the Mayor an:! 0.....1"\ Ca.mci.l ~ in CGt"""'l't the devel"l-""""Jt of a fifty (SO) unit senior hoosin} OCIIpl.ex by City, the 1bJsin} Authority an:! san Bernardino CQmImity Hospital. On J\me 20, 1988, the Mayor an:! 0.....1"\ Ca.mci.l received an:! filed status L~t an:! directed staff to prepare a detailed financiD;J plan. Recommended motion: 'lhat the Mayor an:! O.....JI'I Cameil authorize staff to issue Request for PL~'" (RFP) for Ixni umezwrlt.in:}lfinancial advisor services for i .....mnce of Ixnitxlt to exceed 2.0 millia1 to finaooe ansite an:! offsite inprcMmIent:s for fifty (50) unit Senior 1b.1sin} Q:Irplex at corner of 17th an:! Flores st..eets. ~~~ G. ~Jw~.. ignature \ Contact person: Ken HemersonjMaurice oliva Phone: 5065 Supporting data attached: staff Report Ward: 6 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) N/A (Acct. DescriPtion) N/A Finance: Council Notes: Aaenda ltam No 1"2, JU '0 0 0 0 CITY OF SAN _RNARDlflO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT In NovaIi:Jer, 1986, the Mayor am 0.....11'\ Cooncil awraved in cc....q;L the devel~lt of a fifty (50) unit senior citizen apartment ClCIIplex in ClCI'Ijunct.icn with the Hcusi.n::J Authority of the cn.mty of san Bernardino am the san Bernardino lhmI"lity Hospital. On June 20, 1988 the Mayor ani (I..... ., Cooncil received am filed a status L"'i"'Lt am directed staff to prepare a detailed finarciJ'xJ plan. 'lhe project is i"-uy:JSed CX1 ~tely two am CX1B half (2.5) acres of lam owned by Arrowhead Health Care System, the parent: ~ of san Bernardino lhmI"lity Hospital am located at the f'l1h~ oorner of Flores am 17th streets. 'lhe hospital will lease the lani to the Authority for thirty (30) years with two (2) ten (10) year qtions or thirty-five (35) years with three (3) five (5) year c:ptions for CX1B dollar ($1.00) per year of the lease am affected qtions. 'lbe ClOSt to COI'IStruct a fifty (50) unit apartment ClCIIplex, a lII1ltipnp:lSEl builcli.n;J with a lY'Ol'II'II"lity roan with office, storage, central kitchen, bathroans aml.aumry facilities ClCI1taini.rxJ ~tely 2,000 to 3,000 square feet am the rec;p.ti.red parki.rx:J is estiInated at ~tely two millicm dollars ($2,000,000). 'lhe ClOSt of ClClI'lStruct:i Flores am 17th streets inoludi.n:J sewer, sidewalks, cuzb am gutter, was estimated at ~tely $350,000 by the City Fublic WcmaJ Department in January, 1987. 'lbe ClOSt has IICSt likely increased since then. staff will be requestin;J the Public WcmaJ Department to update the initial preliminary estilIIate. Iastly, the ClOSt of i""'UlUXlEl will be paid !ran the I:x:Ind pzc............;I... 'lbe followin:J sdIedu1e outlines the estimated project CXlSts to be paid by the each party am the pz<:+<JSed method of payment: Hcusincr Authoritv One-hal.f (1/2) ClOSt of constJ:ucti.n;J fifty (50) unit apad..II"""t ClCIIplex amlll1ltipnp:lSEl facility . One-half (1/2) ClOSt to ClCIIplete Flores am 17th streets (less ClOSt of cuzb am gutter CX1 cglOSite side of project) . $1,000,000 $ 168.000 Total : $1,168,000* *Abcve portiCX1 of Hcusi.n::J Authority's ClOSt to be paid in cash. 7/21/88 . o o a.~n ~lth ('#IIn:tl ~.calIn lease ~tely two point five (2.5) acres for thirty five (35) years with two (2) fifteen (15) year qrt:ioos. (Note: larxi is valued at $23,000 per acre or $57,500 total.) COst of cuzi:) am gutter on Flores am 17th Sli...ets, og;x:site side of pzoject only. Total : *Tota1 portial of l'rmIInUty Hospital's oost to be paid in cash. city of San ~"""m;nn one half (1/2) oost of c:onst.I\lcti.n fifty (50) m1i.t apartment c:arplex am IIIlltip.u:pose facility. one half (1/2) oost to c:arplete Flores am 17th St...=ts (less oost of cuzi:) am gutter on og;x:site side of pzoject) . Total: SUbtotal : 'lWnty peroeut (20%) eont.in:Jetx:y: (To be evenly divided by City am Hoos~ Authority.) COst of I:x:IrD issuan::e (rough estiJnate): *Tota1 oost of issuan::e to be paid by the City only. Gram. Total of Estimated Project COst: o o N/A $ 14.000 $ 14,000* $1,000,000 $ 168.000 $1,168,000 $2,350,000 $ 470,000 $ 200,000* $3.000.000 !bige Rose Guthrie Alexamer am Ferdon, bc:ni c:x:unsel selected to l:eprs.Slllt the City of san Bernardino, pl:'4cses that the City of san Bernardino pay its share of the ~~ three million dollar ($3,000,000) project (one point five million dollars ($1,500,000)) by use of 01arter City Nates. under this type of fi.nanr::inj, the City woold issue a Limited Cbligation ram A,jL...........t Revernle Bcr1d in the estiJnated aDDlIlt of two million dollars ($2,000,000). '!he City woold retire the bc:nied imebt:edness by pledg~ a portion of the tax ir...............t derived fran twenty percent (20%) hous~ set-aside fun:1s generated by affected redevel.v~""El1.t project areas. '1be Redevel"1-""".t kJert:::Y tax inc1:ElIllElI.t projections indicate that in py 87/88 the Northwest, Tri-City am Salth Valley project areas prm.~ a total of $245,548 in twenty percent (20%) hous~ set-aside fun:1s as of 7/21/88 . o o o o JUne 30, 1988. '!his reflected a twenty percent (20%) :inc:rease in tax iraemeht for the period emed June 30, 1987. Total funds on deposit as of Marc:tl 31, 1988, is repented at $381,476. RedevelVJ:oW""It 1qerDf staff is workin:J on updatm;J that figure to reflect total funds available as of JUne, 1988. Bcni ccunsel am lhmonU.ty Develc:pnent staff feel confident that the haJsirq set-aside funds provide a secure sooroe of funllng si.me the set-aside ftan the above mentioned redevelVJ:oW""It project areas has been increasirq fifteen ~0El\1t (15%) to twenty percent (20%) annually. To cxmplete the financial stzuc:turirq am llwL~iate analysis of the 1'X'~ project, the City mJSt stUl select a Ixni umerwriter/financial advisor which will advise the City regardin;J the most ~~1ate am cost-effective way to structure the bon:i financirq package to the specific needs of the City. '!be attadled Request for Prqlosa1, if appl:oved for isauance by the Mayor am 0....."1 eam::il, wwld allow staff to solicit pl:~l.. for bon:i umerwritinyfinancial advisor services for the prqceed, am ather, projects as ag>roVed by the Mayor am Cu,....,., eam::il. I reo:. ..".-xi adcption of the fom DDtian. ~t~ ~. ~~~1 Kenneth . HeOOerson Director of lhmonU.ty DevelVJ:oW""lL KllfIMlD/lab/1080 7/21/88 . o o o o CITlC OF SAN BERNARDINO a:Hf.lNlTl( IEVEIDFMENl' DEPARIMENl' REWEST FOR POOrosALS FOR FINANCIAL ArNJSJI<< AND/OR ~ smvIC'!S ~l<n1-nmn 'DIe t........lI1ruty Devel.............t Department of the City of San Bemardino desires . to retain a financial advisor or unjerwrlter to assist in the anticipated i"""JaI'IOe of bcrxi financinJ not to ~ 'boio milliat dollars ($2,000,000) for the puxpcse of financinJ the devel.............t of a fifty (50) unit senior hoosin;J project in the City of San Bemardino. 'DIe total cost of the project is estimated at ~tely three million dollars ($3,000,000). '!be project is an apartment exmplex for senior citizens on fixed ir.:> ...... (primarily SSI am SSA recipients) am walld in:::1ude a 1IUltipuxpcse facilty for leisure, educational am,tor avocational activities. 'ltIe project will be located on ~tely 'boio point five (2.5) acres at the fUture corner of Flores am 17th streets. 'ltIe project will require the CCI1S1:ruction of l:lot:h Flores am 17th SL.......ts am installatia1 of certain offsite ilIprovements related to the CXIIpleticn of said ..L....eet:B. 'ltIe project will be financed as a joint venture bElt:ween the City of San Bemardino, the HaJsin;J Authority of the Oc:ulty of San Bemardino am Arrowhead Health care Systan, IrK::., the parent carpany of San Bemardino C'rIrmlI11'\ity Hospital. Arn:Jwhead Health care Systan, IrK::., will lease the land to the HaJsin;J Authority for thirty (30) years with 'boio (2) ten (10) year cptians or thirty five (35) years with three (3) five (5) year cptions for one dollar ($1.00) per year for the life of the lease am affected cptions. 'ltIe HaJsin;J Authority am the City will share in financin;J the cost of the project described aIxlve. '!be Hoosin;J Authority will own am operate the project. '!be Authority will pay for architectural am ergineerin;J services am a~tely one-bal.f (1/2) of the project cost (estimated at one point five million dollars ($1,500,000)) with its own revenues. 'ltIe City ~. 'l<B9S to pay its share of the project cost (estimated at a~tely one point five millioo. dollars ($1,500,000)) by use of 0Iart.er City Nates. 'ltIe City int;.enjs to issue a Limited Cbligatia1 Ioan 1\greement: Revenue Bon:i in an amunt not to exceed 'boio milliat dollars ($2,000,000), am City will retire the bcrxi by pl~ a porticn of its twenty percent (20%) hoosin;J set-aside furds generated frail Sl~8ful redevel"P'"",.t project areas. Recent City of San Bemardino Redevel.............t Iqew:::y tax iJa.ioL........1t projections irxiicate that in fiscal year 1987/1988 three (3) of its eleven (11) project areas pr'tY~nn." $245,548 in twenty percent (20%) hoosin;J set aside furds since JUne, 1987. 'ltIe total set-aside furds an deposit as of March 31, 1988 was. reported at $381,476. HaJsin;J set-aside incaae frail the Northwest, Tri-City am Sa1th Valle project areas has been i:ncreasin;J fifteen percent (15%) to twenty percent (20%) annually. 7/21/88 1 . o o o o For putpCses of this project, the City has selected as baxi ownsel the fil:m of ~ Rose Glthrie Alexaniar ani Ferda1. Mi.ninum Recnli I elue1ats '!he City seeks a financial consultant or un:Jerwriter who will play a leadership role thra.1ghcA.1t the pl:oceElS, prcwide CXI1timity of ~.......d,. ani advise the City:regardin;J the JOOSt 42wL"'i'.date ani cost-effective way to st:ructure the baxi fi.narx:in;J pBCkage to meet the needs of the City, the Hoosin;J Authority, ani the Arrowhead Health care System, Inc. Respcr..leL/ts to this RFP IIL1St have a full service office in Salthem California ani be able to demcr1strate their ccmpet.ence ani OCIIIIIitment to the suooessful fi.narx:in;J of similarly sized issues. '!he City wishes to minimize the time ani effort required of its staff ani other consultants to "l'Y'Y'I1f?lish a SlIO""'.""ful fi.nancilr;J. (Attac::hnent "1" prcwides a detailed descript:icn of the services required.) P..L.....,..~l Contents '!he City requests the respc:n3ents to this RFP prcwide, at a minllIum, the items iniicated belClil7: 1. 0'" lifications 'lhis section of the ~..",.:>eal shcW.d irxiicate breadth of experience of ya1r fil:m in various types of lxni finan:led projects umertaken by cities ani redevelq:ment ageooies. Include descriptions of ya1r f.iJ:m's involvement in strocturin;J ani developin;J innovative fi.narx:in;J plans ani techniques involvin;J the sale of I::loms to the m.mic:ipal baxi ma:rltet ani prcwi.c1in;J the services listed in Attachment "1". Please include at least three (3) references of clients for Wall ya1r fil:m has perfot11lEld recel1t advisory services (within the last three (3) years). Also describe the structure of ya1r f.iJ:m, ro"""""" of eapl.ayees, location of offices ani its capital base. If possible, include a reoeht aOOited fi.narx:ial statement. Procosal.s fran finns that do not meet the reall; I elue.tt..s outlined above will not be oonsirl..,...".., 2. Sooce of ~l'V;....... Attac::hnent "1" prcwides a list of the services the City will expect to be provided by the selected fi.narx:ial advisorjun:lezwriter. '!he "soape of services" section of the pl:~ should identify any m:xllfications, deletions or additions to the listed services, as 1IIlell as a desc:riptian of the nature ani extent of services bei.n;J 14-~. Additionally, the },IL~ shcW.d (a) outline the preliminary fi.narx:in;J st:ructure pl:~r (b) state whether credit enhanoement 1oIail.d be . ne, -"IYr (c) state anticipated debt service ClOVel'age requirementsr ani, (d) suJ:mit a list of ~1ral. steps involvedtoget:her with a proposed timetable. 3. Fi.narx::i1n Costs ani O::IlIcensation 7/21/88 2 . o o o o '!he ~~] shcW.d include an estimate of financ:in;J costs inclur:1i:rq fees am expens'!lS t\","""lated with the i~ of the J:xni am indicate \tIether these costs will be ClClI'Itirgent upcn closirg of the sale of the bcms. Selection Cri h....i " Consultants shall be selected thro.1gh review of the sutmitted ~qlO""'l.., usirg the followirg criteria: 1. Demcn...t.....tion of specific current am extensive experieooe am track record in structurirg am coorcUnatiIg boni financin;Js as permitted under california law. 2. Responsiveness of the ~1l-wni"'Sion to the provisions am criteria of this RFP. 3. Flexibility in tailorirg the structure of financirgs (e.g., anDrtization, CXlI7era<;JE! am reserve aspects) to the specific needs of the City. 4. Experience, qualifications, continuity am availability of staff assigned to the provision of the advisorjunderWritirg services. 5. Fees am expenses. A limited mmlber of finDs may be invited to oral interviews prior to the award of a COIlt.....ct for services. Selection Schedule Five (5) oopies of ",,,l-wni.....ions in response to this RFP lII.1St be received by the City no later than 4:30 p.m., PDl', August , 1988, at the followirg address: - City of san Bernardino r",,,,,unity Devel~tt Deparbnent 300 North "0" street, 5th Floor san Bernardino, CA 92418 Attn: Maurice Oliva, Hoosirg Develcpnent specialist Nothirg in this RFP shall be ~ to ocmni.t the City to ~ any financial CXIllSlIltant am;or un3enIriter or to 1400e&J with the sale of any bcms. No pl.q"oeal costs will be rei.mb.lrsed. 7/21/88 3 . o o o O:lllSideration of the Sitton; ....ia1s will occur as soon as possible fol1awin;J the above deadline am finDs selected for oral interviews will be CClI'ltacted regaxdin;J sdledu1~ no later than August, _, 1988. ~ questions regaxdin;J this RFP may be directed to Mr. oliva at 714/384 5065. 7/21/88 4 o . o o o o Att:actDnent "1" crl'lC OF SAN BERNARDIN) CXJoHlNlTlC DE.VEIDMm' IlEPARIMENl' ~ FOR m:>rosAIS FOR FINANCIAL ATNISt:Rl AND/OR UNIERWlU'l'IOO SERVICES Sl.laaef't"M Scxlce of servi """" 'lhe services listed below are those c:urrentl.y identified to be provided by the selected financial advisor/un:let:writer. Arr:i suggest.ia1s for llKXii.ficatians to these services shalld be in:::1uded in the ~~~l subnitt.ed in response. to this RFP. In general, the selected financial advisor/un:let:writer lIIOOld be required to advise City staff and otheJ:wise CXlOrdinate the prq;lOSEld fi11ancin:.J. 'lhe initial services required will be to consult with City staff regardinJthe plblic financirx.J cpti.oos available for the }'L' !l<&ed fi11ancin:.J, and provide advice, camsel. and BlIggE!Stions as to feasible altematives mi.ch wcW.d at"'t'Y'Oll"ish the goals of the City in a timely and CXlSt-effective fashi.a1. 'lhe advisorjunderwriter wcW.d then be asked to finalize the financirx.J plan and provide the followin,J services: 1. Prepare and r&.;uI&'o=lXi cuoortizatian sd1edules for the }'L,-\<JSed fi11ancin:.J . 2. Arran;Je and inplement procennraJ. steps for the financirx.J. 3. Make r""'^-'lll....mations regardinJ the financial content of resolutions, notices of sale, and other doc"I11"'lts. 4. Prepare and revise, as requested by City staff and oonsultants, the Official statements and other drY'J"""'1tatian for the fi11ancin:.J . 5. Coordinate the reproducti.at, mailirx.J and distrib1ti.an of the notices of sale, Official statements, and other docI~, if arr:l, to un:let:wri.ters and institutianal b1yers located t:hJ:cu;Jhcut the cx:mltzy to en=x:JUragl! the best ......l"=titive bi.ddin;J for the financinJ. 6. Assist in obtain.inJ bond ratiDJa fran Moodys am,tor stamard and Poors, if apprq:>riate. 7. Assist in obtain.inJ mmicipal bond insurance or other credit enhancement, if awrq>riate. 8. With due regard for the needs and requirements of the City, make reoatIlleld!tioos regardinJ ti.mi.rq of the financirx.J to take qtinum advantage of market oonditioos. 7/21/88 5 .-. . o o o o 9. Jldvise City staff as to the selection of the bcnl printers, fiscal agents and payirq agents, iIcluiirq cbt:ainirJ;J ~titive bids, where _q.u.iate. 10. If p.tblicly bid, calculate bids for the bcn:1s, identify the lowest bid and advise the City ~ award of the financirq. 11. Arran;Je the closirq of the financirq and advise City staff ooncerning inIt_l.u....t of fi.nanc:i.rq pl:00"""'Ic:, if any, pendin;J their expelXiiture by the City. SUch advice shoold iIclude ally very secure and insured investments so that the City "''''''''''''''''' D:) risk matsoelTer regardin;J security of principal and guaranteed return on investm3nt. lab/1081 7/21/88 7/21/88 6