HomeMy WebLinkAboutR01-Redevelopment Agency --'- (, ('" ",; (" ,., o 0 DBVBLOPIIBNr DBPAllrllBNr 01' rBB CIrr 01' SAW RlnI.A IInIWO IlB01IlI:sr lOll COIRISSION/COUlICIL ACTION From: ICENRBTH J. HENDERSON Executive Director Subject: LOS PADIlIIIOS GANG I.uKY.l5lU10N PIlOGRAII Date: September 28, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvnoDsis of Previous C~issionlCnnnpi1/C~ittee Action(s): The Community Development Commission approved $25,000 in tax increment funds for the Los Padrinos Gang Intervention Program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RecQBDPnded IIotion(s): (IIavor and C- Co_ci1) (C~ttv Develnn.Pnt C~ission) IUrION That the Mayor and Common Council transfer $200,000 in Collateralized Mortgage Obligation funds to the Economic Development Agency with $71,000 of such funds to be used to finance the Los Padrinos Gang Intervention Program. Further, that the Community Development Commission appropriate and transfer to the City, on a one-time only basis $200,000 in Shandin Hills Golf Club Rental income. ~ Executive Dire or Administrator ---------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Ken Henderson Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): All Ward(s): 1-7 Supporting Data Attached: Staff ReDort FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: '71.000 Source: CMO Budget Authority: Reauested ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CommissionlCounpi1 Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:1037E COIRISSION IIDTIlIG AGDDA lIeetiDa Date: 9/29/1992 A&eDda Itell lI1aber: I (. ('" .",' (.. c """' v DBVBLOPRB.r DBPARrRB.r OF TIIB CIn OF SAIl BBIllIARDIlro SrAFF UPORr LOS PADRIlroS GAltG IBTBRVBBTIO. PROGRAR Councilman Hernandez has requested the subject program and attendant request for $96,000 financial assistance be placed on the Council/coDDDission agenda. Subsequent to initial program review by the CODDDunity Development Citizen Advisory CODDDittee (CDCAC), both the Counci1/CODDDission and Ways and Means CODDDittee have agreed to the merit and desirability of the program. They have also been acutely frustrated by the ongoing inability to identify available and eligible funds to fully underwrite the program. In an effort to alleviate this administrative impasse, on July 30, 1992, the Mayor sent a letter (attached) to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUB) in Los Angeles requesting a waiver of the fifteen (15%) percent limitation relative to the expenditure of public services Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Simultaneously, he requested our Washington D. C. lobbyist to intercede and expedite a favorable HUB response. Prior to HUB's response, the CODDDission provided Los Padrinos a $25,000 grant using tax increment funds. Receipt of the funds was predicated on the strategy of developing a "professional services agreement" between Los Padrinos and the Agency. The agreement, among other activities, would reference within its Scope of Services the following: gang surveys, employment training, retention of construction trade industry experts, neighborhood revitalization strategies, community clean-up, graffiti removal, exterior painting of houses, and related matters. The basic premises was to undertake high profile activities that would make a dramatic improvement in the community and its environs. Unfortunately, HUB's reply was not positive. HUB officials have indicated the fifteen (15%) percent restriction is congressionally mandated by statute and cannot be unilaterally and administratively waived. Simply stated, there is no known technicality or authority to obviate adherence to the fifteen percent (15%) rule and this year's CDBG funds cannot be used for the project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:1ag:1037B CORIIISSIO. IIDTIlIG AGDDA ReetiDa Date: 9/29/1992 AgeDda Itea __ber: I ---- (, ('" ,,.. C'" ,,,. DKVBLOPMBlrr DBPAhnAa.. Q,.,. RBPOIlr Los Padrinos GaDa InterY_tion Septeaber 28, 1992 Page 1I1mber -2- -, V Because of the above circumstances and disappointing sequencing of events, staff recommends funding of the difference between the $96,000 requested and $25,000 already received by Los Padrinos. This can be accomplished by returning $200,000 in Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) funds to the Agency and replacing the CMO funds with rental income, on a one-time only basis, from Shand in Bills Golf Club. The resulting agreement with Los Padrinos would be an extension of the earlier Scope of Services referenced in the $25,000 contract to allow all tasks to be undertaken completely. Based on the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. ~~o., Bzecutive Director Deve1o~t DepartlleD.t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:1ag:1037E COIRISSIO. MDTIlIG AGDDA Meetin& Date: 9/29/1992 Agenda Itea lIwIber: --1- _....J. t~ ..., '2 ie. c ~ "',,) C I T y o , San Bernardino O,'ICI 0' THI Mayo" VI R BOB II A Y 0 II HOLCOMB July 30, 1992 Mr. Charl.. Milll, Mmaaer Lo. Anaele. leaional Offic. 1JJI1DD IUDS DBP"~.n..U or BOUSIIIIil AID UUd DlVJlLOl'IIIIr 1615 Olyapic loul.vard La. Anaele., Califoraia 90015-3101 Ie: UQUUT 101 WAnD or PUBLIC SnVICI nnDI nRcar (US) IIQ1JIUIIIIlT - CllU_81U H'RLOl'IIIIr ILllCZ QAft (CDK) PIoc:aAII CIU or so BDMIDIIO QAft IItIIIBII ... 90 - IIC - 06 - 0539 Dear Mr. Millll Pur,uaDt to ., directiona, on July 21, 1992, .taff initiat.d a telephone conyer.ation with Mr. Aaron Lambert, 'roar.. Manaaer for the Community Plannilll aDd Dne10pllellt D1Yidon, Boudlll aDd Urbm Dne1opl8e1lt (BUD). E..entially, the dialoaue focu..d on ., r.que.t for a waiyer of the requir..ent that CDIQ Public SerYic. Actiyitie. cannot azceed fifteen percellt (15S) of our _ual armt. It 1a w:t and.ntmdina that Mr. Lambert 1a currently re..archina wether or not re1eymt auideUne. are .tatutory or reaulatory in nature. rederal <<Dablina leai.lation allow. aD entitlement city to fund "public .erYice. (includina labor, .upplie., and ..terial.) wich are dir.cted toward iaproyina tha comaunity'. public .eryice and facilitie., includina but not li.ited to tho.e concerned with ..ployaent, cri.e areyention, child care, health, draa abu.e, .ducation, fair hou.illl cOUDaelilll, ..eraJ conaerYation, welfare, or recreation.l need. (empha.i. added)." The Deyelopl8ent Departaent, actina a. the a&aini.tration ara of the City'. CDae ..titl....t, receiyed .lzty-.lz (66) application. for finmcial a..i.taDce durina the 1992-1993 propo.al .olicitation period. Sub.equ..tly, the Council approyed twenty-one public '.rYice propo..l. for a total of .375,450. Tho.e oraaDization. r.ceiYina fund. w.re limited to .20,000 per applicmt a. .tipulat.d by City policy. 300 "0.'" 0> 1'"11' IAN ........OINO. CALf'O."IA .1....000t ".,.....tll PRIDE " ~. ( -...... t., , \, r;,.... '{,... I C'" ,,,, ftr. ebarle. "Ina July 30.1992 "Ie lluaber -2- o ,:) We .re pl....d .t the qu.llty of the propo..l. fund.d and antlclp.ted benefit the re.pectlye prolr... viII proYld. to the c~unlty. On the other hand. ve .re .1.0 dl..ppolnt.d and fru.tr.ted by our In.blllty to fund . prOlr.. propo.ed by Lo. ..drlno. of South.rn C.llfornl., Ineorpor.ted. bec.u.e of re.trlctlona In the feder.l r'lul.tlana referenc.d ..rll.r. Lo. ..drlno. ba. r.qu..t.d .96.350 and It. .ppllc.tlon r.ference. the l.y.r'llna of an .ddltlonal .962.520 In-kind .e"lc... B'l1cally. Lo. ,.drlno. h.. propo..d an antl-IIII& prolr.. vblch 11 r'llon.l In .cop. and .ddr..... the youth 111I& cultur. In San Bernardino and . nuab.r of Inland Z.plre cltl.., .~. of vblch vort vlth Lo. ,.drlno. dlr.ctly. Th. obYlou. prolr.. 10.1 I. to .11.lnate or altll.te nel.tlye beh,Ylor and Influence. by chan&lna antl-.ocl.l .ctlona to po.ltlye one. vi thin the community. Th. orlanlzatlon viII vork vlth other reput.ble entitle. .uch .. The ;ent. Orlanlz.tlon. Th. L.tlno 'eaee Officer. A..ocl.tlon. C.thollc Church and Our L.dy of ;a.dalupe for yolunt.er coun.ellna .e"lce.. All th..e loc.l orlanlz.tlona h.ye an .v.rene.. of the culture end b,ck&round or under.tandlna of 111I& .ctlYlty .. either profe..lon.l. or prior 111I& participant.. Th. clientele vould b. "notorlou." .ctly. 111I& ~e.ber. on prob.tlon th.t p.rtlclp.te In . tvo ye.r lnte"entlon prOlr.. center.d .round: ..If-..t.... 10.1 .ettlna, family and IndlYldual coan.ellna, draa r.hablllt.tlon. co__unlty .v.ren.... educ.tlon pr.p.r.tlon (;.I.D.) and job tr.lnlna/r.pl.ceaent. Our fru.tr.tlon .t... frea the f.ct that It I. lnapproprlat. to "d. fund " other orlanlz.tlon. to ...l.t Lo. 'adrlno.. and .11 .ubr.clplent. .pproyed thl. ye.r .re eztrea.ly l.portant to . city.. dly.r.. and dyn..lc .. San B.rnardlno. '.ndozlc.Uy. but for the r'lulatlolll, ve do h.n .ufflc1nt CDBG fund. to fund the prolr... In Yl.. of the r.cent Lo. Anael.. riot., that trl..ered .lallar probl... In our own city, ve h.ya . crltlc.l n..d for .uch . prolr.. and hlah apprecl.tlon for It. e.rly tnterrentlon--tn . tt.. of pe.c.. It yould b. our Intent. ...umina you honor the r.quut to vdya the l5S r.qulreaent. to IrlDt an .vard of $96,350 to Lo. ,.drlno.. The .ucc...ful I.pleantatlon of thi. prolram vl1l undoubtedly h.ye . po.itly. lap.ct on the lly.. of the IndiYidu.l particip.nt. and on our City.. . vbol.. ! -.---+--- ( c, 'r. ('" ,..' <:: . "r. Charl.. "Ina JlIly 30,1992 Pa.e Klabn -3- ""' "'" .--..... ..J Shollld YOII ha~e aay technical or edalDl.tratl~e concerna re.ardlna thl. reqlle.t, plea.e cont.ct [enneth J. leDder.on, Iseelltl~e Director or Stafford V. Parker, Depllty Director at (714) 314-50S1. While I do appreciate the Deed for o.plete .taff york and r..earch, I wollld be Irateflll for a .peedy ..ponee lD order to re.ol~e thl. aatter qlllckly. , SIDcerely, ,L / #)';('f c/: :.-.. // V.I. "io'."!BOLCOIII, llayor Clt7 of I.. .ernaN1Jut De~elopaCDt DepartaeDt ce: CoaDOD COUDcll TlllOthy C. lulDh.II., AdalDl.trator-IDA IcoDOIIlc Denlopaent Alency (IDA) [eaneth J. leDder,oD, Iseclltl~e Director Deyelopaent Departaent, (IDA) rUe WIB:d1e:58241 I