HomeMy WebLinkAbout34-Data Processing CI~ OF SAN BERNARDIL~ - REQUE, _1 FOR COUNCIL AC'\ ,ON From: STEVE HALE SubJ'ect: COMPUTER AIDED MAPPING RE C'II. . AD Mitt. en, 1387 AUG 28 PI' 2 i,: (' Dept: Data Processing Date: August 28, 2987 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Authorization to negotiate contract Recommen<:led motion: Adopt resolution ~~.~/ Signature Contact person: Steve Hale Phone: 5010 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: S207, 728 Ward: ( \ ~~ -- Source' jV. . ,.v.--:-- ..f L..C>r:,~ 0 I) 1 5'S'J1j Finance?t 11'Z~ ~O\ 11~ SJI,u Supporting data attached: Yes Council Notes: 75.0262 / Agenda Item No. ~Lj, 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH MCDONNELL DOUGLAS ARCHITECTURAL, 3 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS COMPANY FOR A COMPUTER AIDED MAPPING AND DESIGN SYSTEM. 4 5 6 7 8 9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with McDonnell Douglas Architectural, Engineering & Construction Systems Company for a computer aided mapping and 10 design system, which agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit 11 "A", and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set 12 forth at length. 13 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 14 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San meeting thereof, held on the , 1987, by the following vote, 15 Bernardino at a 16 day of 17 to wit: 18 AYES: Council Members 19 20 NAYS: 21 ABSENT: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8-28-87 I City Clerk . 1 2 of 3 4 5 Approved as to form 6 and legal content: /\ 1 7 .. ... .:::) i '.4"'L, /. ,j'-.........---.. 8 yf1;-Y Attorney 9V 10 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day , 1987. Mayor of the City of San Bernardino 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8-28-87 2 , nice E. Brue Asst. City Attorney tlTY OF SAN BERrrARDINO '-'- To Jim Robbins Administration McDonnell Douglas Turnkey Agreement flEe'o. - ADMIN. OFF. Archi t$:qF~~12':': e~ 4:~; Date August 26, 1987 Subject Approved Date Attached is a copy of the McDonnell Douglas Architectural, Engineering & Construction Systems company Turnkey Agreement which was delivered to our office by Mr. Steve Hale for our review. It is our understanding that you are holding the Council Action form, staff report and resolution awaiting our approval of the Agreement. We have reviewed the agreement and approve it as prepared. Please see that this item gets on the agenda for September 8th. If you are not holding the Council Action form etc., please let us know immediately. Thank you. ~ . MCDONNELL DOUGLAS ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS COMPANY TURNKEY AGREEMENT McOonnen Doug'" ',d'!IItc:luf.l. f...."..",. . ConltfuC1ion 5,.teml Com,."" In untncOl'por.ttd bus.""" uM of McDonnell Do"",.. COfllOfIlIOn ,"MOC'l.nd Cu.tomtr 19'" ,hlllh, follOWIng "''''Sind condit.... sh.II IOv"n thl sal., of MDC o.s.," 5111 lon, or WOl'lstlllOn1 and/or hlfltw,r, manufKlUl'1d by third PI"'" Identified In Ac>oIncllClI "."10 ("M.ulw,r, 1 ,nd he'I'l""9 lI"Id """'I'I\Ine, of MOC ,pp1ic:lttOft softw.r, .ndl or third piny softw,r, .n,lfild In A,ppenctlee. hereto f'Softw."n). 1M ItchnQI MfVlCII ''''ltel IhtftlO Wll"u" IhI UftIIld $1.... ",........ICI 'ne": MDC ehIr... 'at tt'II pur~ rJ It'll HIf<tw'f' .net Sottw", Iic.ntI I,. 1C*1fltCl III the ApotndlUI Tht prlClS 1M Iclntllll" AtPendlCt. do l'lOIlI'IClucII.nd Customer "'_ 10 Ply lOll_lION' IUIftI for III MDC'I'"" "'" "'I1ln.' thl'lft..... ".lOn.tH 1"",1 1''11 tiv1fl9 '1Ilt"'" II <<1St lor hllddlllClf'\ll Ienltll 'tQ,,"led tit CuStomer. Of InI HMtIl Ilqund ,ncI ctI1IV" .ncurrlddue toCuSlomtl 1,.k/f'IO ~tllll'llI PftplflllOftllflOl'tO'IIlutuallyllrttcl ICheclul.IOl' dlllYet)' of Htrttwar.If'IlI'OJ Sohw.,.: Ind. Itll ,II lUes 11'10""''' Ots'tflllldl,.td or IIVabll by MDC 'l.tluIIYI of tll" blsecI on MDt "'I 'fleomll lor HlrOw'rl or Sot!wIrt pr~16td htflufldrtr 11 Iny tN'9" under thiS ""elmlnl'fl Il'mo! from IIln. "" tlllllblhly. CUllomll' will prCMdl to MDC. UQOn IllCuhon of rtll' 'or""""'. . COCIy ol Itch ~rfiCI" of 1.lmpllOfl .. Slmllll dotumtnl 2 Ptymll'lf T"",,: MOC's thlf9" lot the HI,ctw.fI purth'Md ,nd "'. SOtrw"l heinSI'd Win be InVOICed upoI'l IhIome"1 IncI wd' N Ply'bll by the CuSlomll WltNn forty.",. le!1 dIys If om the dill of tnYOttI. All att\IlI' thlr9" _I be I"YOad whtn incurred ,nd will be p'Ylblt by ChI CUS10rnlf wllhln ttwty I)t) dl!yI hom the dill of InyOQ. MDC rl... fhI f'fhIIO I,"SS ,",, Plymenl cherI' of one percentll"l per month, or It lhe lftPImum fill ptfmlned tIy law. wtllCtltWlf IS.. Of! ItIe unplld ballncl of I"'V lmount pili due 3 SitI,,,,,."'tion/Dtliwry/lnNftttioIl: CultorntrlhtllprtPIfl.ndfl\l.nll1flI"IftSIIIIIIIOfl $111 Ifl Ittordlntt WIIh MDCs Sill pr..,.Ilign Ind inlllUIllon 9ulde MDC-I Inltfll 'I to .h"" thl Hlfdwlfl ,ndJor Sorrw.t "","n ninety 1901 days 1ft" the tHdn .. of thiS Atfttmlnt Del""" of Merdw'fI and/orSattwlft" lubtICt W ItI'Yllllbih~. fht cornollllOfl of CuSlomlfS 1ft. Pl'lOIrltIOfl. and ."utuII."ttmtm by the 01"1" on. c11li*Y/inIt'II'liOl'l schtdull Rlst of 101I10 H"Ow"1 and Sof'twlfl "'III PlU to CIIIlOmIf' UCIO'l dII'*Y of """ 10 IhI IflIlII"I)QtI1l11 MDt shall PlY In com of lr'fllOOf\llllOfl. MOC or il1luthoflltd sUWlhtt111 "'" If'IItIflItlI H'fdwlfllnd/or Softwt1I, will demonttrttl rNllI IS OOtflllOflll ,nd Will I'WI CUSIC\Il"'ltf Wlln.n notrlicallOfllhtl the Hlfd'Wlfl Indior Sottw"1 III II"", tor USI conti,",,", Iht ."tct".. dati of inll.III1I01'l ("IMIIIlItIlll'l 0.11") MDC Indl1l'U1honnd~IftII" ~WlthCullorntr'.tI1lb1ilhedllClI'fty"",latlOfll. The HlrOw.,. .nd/or Softwlfl Will be dIltfned Ktt!)11d wnln uNd by Cu.omtI in Ihtordi,..ry courll 01 ftl DuIlfllU, which mcIudts produdion proceulng. . W,"",,, Ind Dttcleim<<: MOC warrJf'IQ NI on the Ifl"III,lion 011. the HIfdrwm, Will be If" from tMflttS '" mlltflfll .nd wor\m.nlhlCl ,nd thlt the SofrWIr. wdI pertorm subsllnllllly In mmphll'Ct WIth lIStf dccurNnllllOfl Jll'0VIdId by MDC MOC ,..AKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY IIND. INClUDING ANY IMPUED WI."UtlHTY OF MERCHANTA8IUTY OR OF FfTNES5 FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE wmt RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. HAROWARE. TICHIItAlINFORMAnON OR TICHNK:AL ASSISTANCE P1l0VlOEO B' MOC UNDER AND ~_T TO TIIS AGREEMENT. S H."","", M.in1:tNncI': MDC wifI ~.in. wittlouf Iddilioflll chItpI. Iht HIrckIrt M1Ctudtd wllhln me Inlll~1 Sys1,m Idtnt1fIfld Ifl AIlptnckl A """'0 tor , ....IOCI of NI'lI'fY 1901 dlvs follOWing !hi InlllHll10fl Om, thIr..hlf, mtinttnlntl WIlli be lht ~hty d CIIstomer who InIy tonlfll:l dtrtttly 'MItl .... Hardwarl mtnut.chnr111 it kdI ~.I deS.,teI. MOC m'lnt,nane. StMcu sh.llltl(tudt ",,"*,,1 ,net JII''''""" mt,",tnInCt .. c:anaidlred lOI)foprlllt by MOC lor me t'f(lI 01 ~I prowidld hertul'dlr Prftttll"" fl\IlntttIII'U Cllls mly be oertormed In eonlunct1On 'M!h. CIdtOlMf rIQuelttd an hJr rlfl'l4llfill fl\IlfttWl"CI III IS muMlly IIfttd dt.Inng IllrOtn1 .met noun of 1M HIntwtf. ""nuftc:tut. MOC Sh~1I p'OYldl.lIl~bor pans Ind HI,.,..,. modificltions MDC dttm,.......,., lor lI\IlftIIlnlng ""If Hlldwafl In good aper'llng c:andIt:Jon Mot... W IlChIf9I In llia_nt pam tIffth PI"S whICh ,rl ntW Of IQUIY'ItnC II ,.. in ptftonnenca. All o6d 1*11 bIcomIlhI proptft'f' oIMOC Silled m'lnlfnlnct it conllnglf'll ~ ~ trNl",,", .nd 11M of rht Hantwtrt III uti and sUltaDt. SlI. Ind In ICC'Ol'CIIra Wfth ,~",,_.LlOnI of Iht w.,lhdr.lMflufICtUftlf. Appl;c.tiorl Softwtrt"~ IIIOCwi"'"'KttainrhtlClOlic:ltQl SofTwtt,lar '" inlllll Itflll 01 on. 111 y'lf loIlowIn; IhI lnalltion 0".. TN lirst ftlnfty [9Ot dtyt mIIlfllll'\lf'ICI oIlh, IPphtlllOn SoftwI'I rncludtcl ...... the inrtilllylltm IlitntlIlId in AQpencb A htttto shill tit PfoYtOtd II no IddfIlon11 d\IrfI. ...ft.. ClIIlomtr IhItl PlY MOC rht fI1l)l'Iltlly mllnllnlfIC.IM IPIClflld in ml ~ hereto. CUII(lfhIf"", *mifll11 ""'nt"'lf'lCI 1\ Iny 11m. dul". IhI first nintfy t9OIdt" of fl\Iinttl'\lr'ICI Mth II ItnIltuny 1301 dITI adw'lntl wtltl,n nolel. it CuIIO,,* duet not tIect such ItlfmlNtion, fI'IIinlttlll"lCe will continu' in tHectlor IhI 1ofilMr"l ntlll It! rnor1Ita MtIMllnlntI thalleDnliflUl'uIOfnIIicllly IotbMng thI rrw.lltrm \lntil ~mlnlltd by """" PIny with II "I. ttMfty 1301 drys Idv.ra Wlltlln nofIC:I_ MDC ftstrWI the f"hllO IdIUIIItS ffIIl"ttnll"CI prlCft It '~':'.. tfIt1f tht initl,l 111m Wllh II "..llhlrty 1301 drys IdvInc:t wrmen 1'IClt1Ct. AclpIic:lttun I INItntll'\lra semc.lhtll tit n dtlc:rIMd below II DmributicNI of U~ MIJftllntnet SIl"'rlCn shill CQnII. rI distribution of f...... to !hi _hCllion Softw,rl whlth mey tonllln COI'flCllOftS of probllm, which I'll'll bNn ,."""'ed by I;IOC .nd .nhlnctmtntS of rI'It ptrlormtr'ICIlll CIOIbilill" of 1hI1pp1ic111Ol'\ Sottwtrt. II dttc:rlbtd In IhI Ipplte.lion SohwI'1 doc:u~ltlOfl. CullOl'f* WIlt updttl the OC*1I1"1 syst.m Ind/or modify IQUipmtnl1S '*""'" for \1St of luch '""'rat! f.I.... of 'Ihf -"CltlOfl Sotrw,rl upOtt" pro""" tIy MDC .nd 1",1II1fl dII, COfl'lMUflItllIOflS With MDC It flQUlfed Any updt"l fOt the .,11'"1 IVtlIm fecllYtld by CvsIGn\tl' Sh,II bt toordll"llltd WIth MDC to In'lIl'l COrnptubdlty wrlh lhelhtn CUffent '..... of IhIlClPhClltlOfl Softwlf' bl E...W........_ CUltomer SUlC)tCltd Ipphtlllon 50ftwlr. lI'orS Ii I. lUbII'rI1lfl "On.conform,nct 10 docum,nllllOnllfllhl thin ClHflnllPOhC'11Ofl SOftwl" r'''11I Shill be flPOf'ltd 10 MDC In wf1!ln9 lCComoanlld by I cMlltltd ..."n,n dtscfClbCln rI IhI tffor 'PDfGpf'11I dotufnlntlTlOtI of 11'11 trfor lneluding I mlchln'-fe'dlblt CGO'l of IhllPOhCl11Ofl SoItwlft monllor hit lif Ivldlbltl. .nd dill 11I" belorllhllffor occurred MOC sh.1I mi.' . 1l'0mol. Oil".nt, Good l'llh InYlII""ron. .....eh "IIY '!)QU"' N \1st of flmOl1 dll{lnotle proctOuflS. 01 thl I,Cls .nc1 ClfcumStll'lCltS r."11d 10 Il'Ie susoeettG fl'ror CUllomer will CGOpefltl lull, .,th MDC', ,nwtll'flllOll .nd provide II no eOll to MDt. wonlng SllKI InclflCll!tlll wtItn flQutSltcl Whlfl MDt's InvestlptlOfl flYutS t'" 'POhUllon Sottwatt conlllns In IHOf_ ~OC WIll !hlte.fttf prOY. CuSlom" I n.w COlly of IhI COtftCItclaophCltlon Softwlft IOf lnt .tflCltd pan'onlln mlthln"I'lOIbl, lorm IOQII~1f ",Ih Wlln.., ,nSTfuCllons dlll.hl'l9 InlllllallOl'l procedure. Such tOfflCllOns will be prOfldtd 10 CuSlomlf .'1'" ItI. "tII SCheduled IPOlICIIIIon Softw,rl up(\Il' Wh,,, such contctl(lftllf. lya,llblt III" Ufllel dati Ind reQu.Sted tIy CUllomer. MDC shin notify CUSlCf'lIf of thtll ....,II.OI..rw .nd prOYlde CUltomer Sltd IdvIPlC' corrtt1IOftI WIthin thfrtr 1301 dlyI. '.Ctpllhl! MOC shall 1'101 beflQU.,td to pr~tdI such corflCtlons dUll", me ",lOCI comment,ng Ihl"" 1301 daY' prior 10 the r.I.... dltI 01 tht flut schtctuled 'POlltllJOll Softwlfl uPdlle Wh'fl MOC's inYltllglllOfl fntl" no _llt.lIon SotMtrI error, CuSlomtf w,1I uDOn MDC IIQUI". Ply MDC ItIt PflYld.", II"" Ind ""tellll rillS lor stI"VItU tlOln~ In"SI"ChlnothtlulOICItdlfflll cl , IChnulailttnc:e TtehnlCIIlllSllllncl WIlt be provided IS rlQulfldfor the dIIgnoSIS Of,polIUllOn SofTw.,. trrors In the Ihln cU"lnt .~IiClllon SofTwar. ,.t..1I 0ur"'9!"'1 Plfled of nmt (91 hOUfS bel'Wlln 800I.m Ind5 00 Din. Clnlfll Titnl. MondIydvoueh Flldly Ilttpl on hOIlCS1ys ,ecognlzed tIy MDt which If I cuntntly II follows New YII' I Day ubor DIY Mlmewl'IDI' Th,nk""Y1"'1 HolIQIVS 12 "''1'11 lndtotndInc:t DIY Chllll""l Diy TtehnIClIIUIII.nc:t 1I1',",s 011'1.' Ihln .,MI '0f1~ I~ W1f1 be D'Ovldt<f upon Wflnel'l flQulll of IhI Customer.tub/ICI W IVllllb.h~ of MDC'lSOUftlllncl PI'sonntl. al MOC s lhlnCu"lnl fillS lor luch strYltII CUIIomlr 11'1.11 prOYIde llmolt dill communltll,on IttftS 'd,.luO 1200 bos mOClt""J 10 th. .pphtlllOfl Sottwlfl Inltllled on t"" DIS'9nllld CPU 10 .nlbll MDC 10 conOu(l flmol. C:h'9nostlC proctdu," 1. Limit:ttion of RlfNClieI: MOC's Inllll li.bllrty Ind tht CUSlOf"tI' s IlCtUS,," 'tmtdv shill bt NI MOC Will, pursu.nt 10 IpPhtlblt melnltn'nct proY!$>ClnJ. 11$1or. t/'It Hlrd'YIlrt 10 wortlfl9 order if it should l,iI dUI 10 I dlflCl In m.ttrl.ls ,nd workmanshIp .nd Corfeel !ht Soffwtfl If It should IliI 10 lubII.ntlllly conform 10 UIIl' doturn.nllllOfl prQYIOtd by MDC. dUII",!h1 ptriod in wtlich MOC is proYidlna m.inllnlnct strYCI'S rn KtOIdlnet wIlh Anltln 5 IndB heflin. ~. if MDC it unablt 10 Curl Iud'! dtf~s. " CU$IOffl.r S 'lclUllYt r"'*'Y. ~DC will griM CUItomll' I refund lor ll'lI Hlfctwlf' endJar Sottwlr, 'nvo'ved lba~ UJlOfl rtlltl'.lthllint dtcIrtOIltd Y111U1 0'Ief the till of me product II del"mllled by MDC:I IndlCClllPtits'lturn MDt'1 IfIli" li.bility 'or dlmtVn lor Ifly tlUII wNlSOtWlf If'd f'9"dltSS of Ih. lor"" of ICIlort Shin be limited to Cu.om,,'s II:IUII d1rlCl damlpS f'lOI to I.ettd Ii'll ImOU"l O.'C to MDC purw,nt 10 thiS A41f-"menl Thlt proY1SlOl'l .. flClI _ltIbIt 10 clllm. lor Nllnl. capyrlthllnd trtdllKJl't Iflfrln,,,,,,," IN NO EVENT SHAll MOC. ~S OFFICERS. AGENTS AND EMe,O'EES BE LIABLE UNDER OR IN CONNEcnON \lVITM THIS AGREEMENT UNDER .....,.. THEORY OF TORT. COfr(TRACT SfRICT llABIUTY. OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE TMEOR' FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAl. OAMAGES CUIlOIflll' ICinowIIdQtt thtllht Inpul of dill .nd IC:tlJltl' Ind IdtqUIt'Y th'fto', 1~ludl"9 the OUtPul ttnerl1tel It I f"ull oflUc:h 1f'IPut. II under !hI~... tonll'oI ollnl CulIO"''' ArLy UII ff\IdI by me CUllomtf of lht dill OUIPlIl.<< "" "h.nct IntrlOfl. IS Th, SOlt fesoonlibility of rht Cu.orntr Cultomtl' sh.11 rndtmnit,- MOC l/'ld hold il hlfmllU IrOfrl Iny ~Iimt tIy !turd OIrtl" Iflsing hom. or rtllttd to. CUIIOrnII-, UII of !hi dill output. prCMdtd ItII1 MDC. If iU 11&*'1II. shill haYt Iht option 10 pertltlpllt in Iht Otllnll or Mnllmtnt of I"" tud'! e1llm 8. ~. and Softwtrt~: MDt .lntI to Culfornp tnd Customer ICCI01I Irom MOC . f'IOf\UC1UI""'. flOfllflrm"ltIll. PlId-up licIo.. to UII . IIntll c:opy ollhl Sottw,fl .nd '1'"1C1 dor:ufNnll1lOfllor InllllllllOl'l .ncI u.. tIy CullOnW 0f'I1y Within !hi UMtd SIIIIS on. Ii",.. ~trl' prOCISlIf'Ig unitICpu\.nd on ItllUOCI1I1Ilf lII"ipw.t htfltwtfl. II'lCludl"9 the des"n or worUtll1Of1l1or .midl CUIIOft'ltIf 1'1" ptld I 'ctnIIl.. whllhll SlIlI des"n or worUtlllOl'lS ,ft IotIltd It thl j"II..lIltion 1111, ftfnOt'" COflntCttCI. or nlt'\rl'ClR.td ,"o.sigf'llltd Syttlnfl The o..ol'llttcl S"'tm CPU will be ~itd m 1hI AclPtndIC" "Ihl Dn'9nlltd 5't'11..m IS If1CIQIllli.... dU'lo rn.KunCIlQfl. rht lanN 9"nl Shtn be ttmcor.nl, II'llndtd 10 'Uthorll1 Cull.omtr ~ UII ItIt Softwarl 01'1 .ny OI~" CU$lomlf tvSl'''' lotaled WIll'll" the Unlttel Stll" on whdl !hi SGtTwtr, WIll lunetJOl\. until lht DttlQn'lld S'$I.m Ilfllurntd IOClPll'ItIOfl . T"'"d PI"" tlfoorllllry SQf!wIlllff ''''VIIS D"cnbtd below If'IlIlS _lllled In Ihe Aoprtnd1elS is prOVided lor Cullomtf \1M on I Iubhotnll 01111 011 lht Sl1M Itlln. II lit lonh hlr,.n " PRJME CGmflUttf. tnc r'RIME'l ~. .. P'OCll'Ifl'ry 10 PRIME .1'lCl 'hi "'" of such Sottwtll ....,n be lifftlllCl 10 lhe "'IME C'V II *'''*' In 1"" A.DoenOictt to 11'111 "P.."""t "lUll caoyr.m wI! ''''''In 1ft ttw Sotrwtt. If'IlI .. ~ ..".ht ftOlICI Nit .. pIKed on II COI"I end lIIOlMlCIttOftIlher. ~ 0.,.11* (qu1l"'tM CorporltlOft run SoffwIr. IS orODl'''I'''' to DEt IfId usage " IVltlon," on ttII UII' of ,he DEe...... InKhtd II 1ft ___nella 10 lhtS Attttmtnt 'fIlflch CullO/Mf "'"' to UlCVtI. CuSlOlftft II'IIY uSlIN Sohw".Ind,...*6:Icv~lllOftlilm 1M condIICt of ill ownbu,''''SS. 1"1.... me buSiness of ,"y GIVlIIOl'lIherIOl'. . I_11ft rht bullntU 01. tubltdi.", In wl'Itd't " owns . c:onltolli", Int,rut. live Cuaomer is uprlQty IcwtItdlten to uII 1M Softw'f' 1ft II'octI''''19 '''' work of ClI:htt third""'" CustOrMf Iftay. WIth tht D1'1Ol' Wflat" lDClI'ovtl of MDC lauch aopl"OV,1 nollO be urwlllONlbly WIthhIldl. .1Iow '"lubtontflClor..nd wholly ~ ,ublld"fle5 10 UN the Sottw"t 01' thI OtSIfF'II" S't1ltm CPU soIlly for lI'OCfS'l"I ItS ,"",M! wort ,tIlling 10 pl'OJICt ,nd DIheJ bulm'" OOtflllOnl In whICh CUSlomer II.nglOld. lutIt<<' to 1M '_Kullon 01. Prton.o..elOsurt Atretmtnl'l\ ,'" lorm IOtClfild In Ih, ApoendlCts her,to C"'''Gmt, ",.11 Indemnify MOC Irom any .nd .n lOll. dim.,.. lapin" or h,to'lrty whllsoe...tr ,ISult1tll1rom thI l'llur, of '"' such Dlny to 11M !hi SoffwI,. .nd Hlrctw.r, IOlety "' lCCordlncl Wllh IhtlApnmtfll CUItoml' mly 'lOl'odUCI one 111 eopy ... 'IJIlri, or dlltQn IIItI()ll lor CUltoml" Inlt,n.l UN. .",. doeul"'Itnlltlon ,,1111\'1 to .ny SottwI'1 wtuch It'IIy be Dtowldtd by MOC under 11'11' ""'""'Int Th, InIChln..,lldIbIe lorl9l of It'll Softwl" mly be capttd. in whol, Of in pin. but only lor UN by CuIIOI"itf wrlh I"" On"""td S.",lm. lor .,d\r'l'.1 or ''''''pncv tllllrt purDQIes. or to ItpllCI I worn CODY ~ IlICh !ftKhlne.tI.dlbll "'''lri.1 The orlftnll 'nd .ny copies of th, Sottwl" Ind '11111d docu"'lntIDOtl. '" whoIt or '" pin. whICh Ifl "'lOt ht'",ndtr sh.11 'tmllflltIt SOIl Dtooen'f ~ MDC AU "'OdtllCllton' to th, Softw"l sh.1I be "'IdI by MDC .nd the Custom" .hllI noc It'll'" .t'Iy IOdtllotlS. deletIOnS or modtllClllOnllO!hI Soltw'" Cu"omtl It'HI no! 10 dtsclOSf. DtO'tldt or OII'\ttWIII mlt, ,..illbl' Sol'tw.". ,"ctudu'l. but ft(M hmlltG to. mlCh.ne.'..dtbll codIlI\Cl docum,nllllon,n Iny lorm 10 .ny person Other thl" Custom."s 01' MOC'. 'mpkwttl ......t pnor "'fin." constnt of MOC, .nd ",teS 10 prOltel such OfOClfllllry 1"lormttlQFl n" don ItS own nidi MClt! 01' ptoptletlry ,nlorm'llon "OfWrlhstlnCIIn, lht prOVIsionS of Mdt 10, 1tIr. prOVISIon shill SUl"'fM .ny lltlftll\lllOfl 01 ttws "nmlnt. COOY''9hl or Pfopt"t.ry nOl'cn shall nQIl be tlfnO'Itld from the SUCIOhtd Sottwt'l 01' doc:um.nl.tlon Ind CUIIO/Tltt tertlS Slid notltft shill tit 'fI'lned or 'lOtoduc.a I" ttltlf 'IK! form on"l ptrmlned topllS.ncl wttuonl, bath m mteht","ndhU""".tI~bI'lInou,,, Custom" th.n II III t""" ""lnllin ,M;:Ords tl*'fally iOtntlmno rht Sottw'fI Iiclnstd Mttundt" the *"1()1'1 olltch copy _...ncl the IotIllotl.nd ""IllY of lach Dn..,nlled Snl.m on whtth thl $oftwl'l "11'lSII'*' Such '1tOl'c11 shtll tit ,ubltct to InlPtCllon by MDt !tu""g 'lOul" bu',"tss houn uoon rllsontbll DlnCI notlC' lOt the PUI1lO'" of tnfor(f""nl 0111'1. ..un'.nd condIllons or Itv, .....""nl. II Customer Of.ny of ill ItrlployllS brl'ChlS 01' Ihrllltt:'. 10 tWItCh thl *,,'Ion, of thiS MC1lon. MDC 11'1,11 h..... the "lInt If! _110" 10 SUCh Dlh., fltnedIft wtlld'l """ be .....lllbl. 10 il. 10 l"lUnctl.... rllit! "'JOI"'ng 'uct'leclS or In.ftIC)ls. It brtIng tc\nowltdgld thtt Iegl' flmedllS It. entdlqull. Tht PfOVl'IOf'I' of Arlltl. 10 lTermlnlllOf'll rtlprdll''II tur. ShIll not be _itlbl.1O ltus MCtIOn MDC fntn'l..1I "9hlS not tlClherlly plll'Qd h""n t ","","ify: MOC sh.1I .,.I,ncI. 11 Itt ..nil. .ny lCI'Oft btqhl 'IImst Customer 10 !h. Ilttnl Ihll I' ., bisect UQOn I clllm ~ Iny Httdwttl. Softwtfl Of m.ltfl'" lu'ftt.t'l1d htreunOll Inlnnges , UMtd SIII" Oil". eopy"ght. or 'I'1OI1l1S Iny thi,d pttTy trldt SIC1'tl Of ptQC)f1'l'ry 119hl 'nd shill PlY .11 arm 'nd 41""," Iin.'1y .-"dId "llnl1 CuttOmtt. prCf'tlCltd Ihlt MOC IS 1I'....n promo' """'en noca of such a'lm .nd it ,Mn inktl'NlUOtl. ,ealOftlble 'SStll.ne.. .nclsol, ,utnonl'( III dtltnd Of tlftit the dttm. MDC. It lIS oplton. mly obl'ln lOt Cuaorner- rhI right 10 contln.... using.. or to '101tct Ot modify Ih. Hltdwltl. Sohwl,e. or meter-.Is m\'Olwd 10 It becomes nonin'fI"Ou'4 or. " 'uch femedles 'If 1101 'fllOn.bIy lV'llabll. Ftnt CustOlYItf , crtdillcw IN HIt6nt. or SotrwIr. 111'IOI*. bu.ct upon lIS CStprKllled v.... MId ICCfPC III fMum. MDC shin h..... no obhlllttOr\ undtr ItB AnJdt if tht .lIf11d ;,A,;...."..,.1 01' wolltlOl'l it bilSfd UQO" 11'1. Uti of thl Hlfctw". fit Softwtrl It! combiMlI(lfl with 0Chet hltltwl'l or SOftw"1 IIOllurnl,ht(I by MDCor ffsud'l dtlm "... from MOc-'OCMI1Ililra WlfhCUltOmtt' del'9nl soec,litlllons or InstrunlOf1S. or Jrom Cuttomfit', modification of" H.,dwttl or Soltwllt MDC shall I'll.... no htbIlity tor ""n"Of'1*1l 01 PlttntL coprrightl. fit lIlOlIIlOn of Irldt ste'111 Of DtOOF,.ttry '1fhIlIlCtPla.._ ptovidld in rtMI Amell. 10 TItI'min.tton: H fttMt Piny shl" If '"' time CIOlMII1 .",. mlt'tlt! brNCh 01.",. CO'l'I'NInt. or 'fIJ1".nly htrll" tontl"'1td .nd ShIn ftIllO COFfImtnCllO llmedy .ny such btNCtl WIthin th,l'fY 1301 cia." .+ter ""m.n noI:ltI thereof Of illud't br.teh " noc t1ItMbI,. Iht def.uhed plrtJ m.v. .t It, OCltlon. .ncl," tdlibOJl I) 'ny cchtr 'Im<<tits tNt it NY be tnlitled lei. tefmln.IIII'Il' ~r"mtnl try nota 1ft wtIInlJ to IUdt tfttc:t: bc~t It m.y be plohtblttd try tht U.S. ,**,~ey ltwI. m the IWI'Ft of i"SC!.~ or IntbihfY 10 p.y debts IS lhey tlkO"'l dull try . PIrtv hereto. voIunt.,., or M,Yl)Il."11f'Y btnuuptcy C/loteedlll" by or IVII"tI . PlfTV hltMO. or I(lClOintmtnt 01 . ,aCeiYtt or IIItGI'IM h>>r lht Mnthl of crtclllors, thl Dlhtt PIny INy wmU'11It ht Aetllmtnl try ""tltn nola. Wllh,n lift"n 1151 dl" .ft" IlImlnl1lO1'1 '" mil .&.grltmtntlor any '"ton, Cullomtt II'"' to tlnltv 10 MOC in "'1'I1ln; thlllht or....1 end III CllCJ'II olIN Softwtt. Ind doeU"*,,tlllon It!.ny lorm 1'1"" bMn Onlroy<<l " A___ -',< -# 12 Notie..' AU notlttlltQUlltd by or f,llh"ll 10 "'" I","mlnl ,hll, bt ,n ""'11"' ,F'\lIll'latl be 1f,,1 10 ttIt "ntll 10 ifill .&.gr"",.nl II tht .Iddf.u sptttlttd tltto.r. or 10 .uel'l Olf\tl IddrIU.. tlttIt, ""., mly IubIIltutl by ""lnen nOUtl 10 tht OItItt CustOfnlt IS.""" SIt Ionh on "'i' Plttl MDC ~cDonnell 00vgI" Cotpor.1I0ft PO 10151' S.looos.MOl3'H Ann AlC luslntss Uln",,,,,"1. ConIlIe1S Cl10 13 G.nertl: Thtt Ag'tlmlnl and 'ny Softwtrl 10 wtlldI II 'pplit, sh.1l not tit "SI9ned. 'utlht.nMd. Of oth.rwlst tf.nslerrtCIlby OCIIr.IIOI'! oll.. Of othlfWlstl by CUllom" WllhoUI th. Ilnor wl'ltten COfttlnl of MDC II sh.1I Ill1lnd lei .ncl bt bmlhno W\OfI IhI luetlSSOfl. 1".1 flDt",ntlltvll Ind ..IIlI.I,ns ollhl IlIn... CUSlom" ."tlS 11'111 thl Htrctw.rl sh,n nol tlt 1tIt lubtlet 01 I lhltd IlItty IIn'"Ct"9 OF lelSln, tIl,"m,"lln whltn "" CUSIO""I IS IhI lIS'" 'ICtpl wh.n SUCI'lItISI"1I 'IIrttlTl'"1 I' lor thlllYlpost of .n'bll", Cullorner 10 ltn.net ItS eeqU'SltlO". In wl'Mtl'l hlnllh, "'.rawl'l portion onty rJ "'I' At'tlm.", mr, be .",,"Id 10 Ih. l'UClt Ind thtn only UDOn tJ'cutlOll of MDC', ltItn curr.nl "1I'""'lnllor 'SS,,"Int"1 01 H.rltw." CuStomtl 'f.ru, to MDC . ll1Jfcf'l". man.., ste:utlfY I,.."rtsll'" Ii'll ""f!twll' I,Inl,1III IIJI'tIS due MDC ha.... bttn IlItd ,n lull, " t!l9Y 01 11'111 ',,"ml"1 mly be !tlld "'1"111'1 ,poroor"1f '"11 or Olhtr '''Ihorillts II .I,nlnc'ng SII1Im,nl '" orOl' to "tiKI MDC I SKunty '"I'ltIl Th, 1..IUfI 01 .lth,r PI"" 10 enforc. II .ny II""" I"Y 01 tl'lt 0I0"SIOI'II 01 'I'l'S '9,n""N shill III no "'IV be con,uute! 10 be I W'I'l'ff ol 'utl'l prOW1110", I'IOt '" Il'\y "'IY .HrCl '''' 'I'llIdl'" 01 thiS AII,"mlnl or '"y IlIn l""eol. or tt1. ",ht 01 tt1t other PlrT\' Ih"uh,1 :0 ."lorCI..th.ndhlryplO'l'IS/Oft Pllor 10 cteh'l"ry. MOC ftSlIV" II'It nghl to m.k, lutlsltluIIO"S.nd modlIICIIIO"S ," ll'lr 'l!S'9" .nd; or sptCthtlllOn' 01 MOC H,ldw.rl QI Soltw.rt pll)Yldtcf her'undtl 11'0'1'10'"9 11'111 Sutl'l subSlIlullonlOf modihtl1ll)tl, do not """lIllIy .ndld"l"rst1y .Htel petiOl'm,,,,ct, 'unCIIon orp"CI MOC sh,n 1101 be Ii.bl, lor .ny dll'y In 01' I'tlu't oflltfio'''''nc. dulto .n. t'ust or condlllon beyond MOC, IlIsonlbl. Conllol. whtth,IIOItSlt.bll or not "'IU1I' IlII'1'\' Sh.lIlstu. '"y MwS r.I..... publtC InnounCtmlntS or Ilfwrnlsemt"T ,I Iny ponlon of ItIt con1lnl of thl' """"""I wllhoul thl prior "".n,n consenl of fl'lt otnt' 0'rT\' " Iny prOVl'l(InS of Ihls AII,,,m,nl 'It ,ft'l'.hd unOt' ."y lDOIIC.bll Statull 01' rult Of l.w 1hey IfI. to INlt 'Il'ltnt Qmlntd. butltlt 'tm'lndtI of thiS Atr"n'lfnt ShIll conllnUI 10 :If blnd.n, Upon tht IlInl" hereto No 'C1lOn. ''Vlrdl"s olIOI'm. mly tit b10ught tl'l' ",11'1I1 IlItTy more th.n Cll'tl ytaf atlft ,1'1, c.ust 01 actIon tin '<<rued. or I" tI'It CISI of J~. ICllon lor nonp.ymtn1. ""OIl 11'11" 0"' "..rhomtl'llclll.ltltIIlIPlymtnIW"du. Sublta 10 MOC', prtOt wtln," C'QftSInllo IICIOM .ny Softwt'l IlrovtOed hereunde'. Iny "001'1 of Hllawlr" Softw"1 Of ltchnltll dill prO'l'tdtd h"lundtt 'llIu'fft . .all(illtd IiCI"" from !h. U,S Otptnm.nl of eommtftl Oi'tlftlon contr.ry 10 U S law "protllblltcl Thi, AII'MITl.nt Ind 11'1. Aopenditn MtIlO con'tllull I"" 1"lt'l "o'Mm.n, berwrr" '''e p.nl" .nd sh.11 sUPl'Stdt In 1l'000000IS or Il'IOf "lIrftm."ls. or.1 Of wrltttn ."d III ""tl communlCltlons btlWMtllht 11I1'1'" ,I!tltng 10 thl lubltc1 m.n., 0111'11$ "',"mtnl. Includ''''g. bul nut Iimlltd 10. .ny CU$1omt' PU'~'N OIde' Thl AfrMml"1 Shill nol be ~Ined Oll'ltr Ihln by In .nstruml"1 in ""It,,", of sutlMQU'"1 dtll hltllo. 1.lleu'K tl'l' If'lt dUly IUlholllt'O rlOl''''"llItYltS of both ,l.n." The Afr"mlnl sh.1t bego'l'ltnld .nd construed In .CtOlCllnCt Wllh thl I.WI In lortl in IhI Stili of Missoun UHUSS lCCEPTEO BY CUSIO~E'.S EXEcunoN ANO 'flURH Of ill'S lG'EE~ENIIO MOC. ill'S OUOIAnOH EXPIflES OH CUSTOMER, tullCln*' Ntme _... Cilr Iy H.... Tit" 01" SlItl _ ZipCodt IAulhOl'lltdStgfl.ll,lrel S.I'II1U1'I Ho... Titll 0.11 AOAUMEHT Nu..IEIll nus AGREEMENT WtLl BECOME 'lf~OING UPON MDC ONLY WHEN ACCEPTED I,. WRITING " MOC'S ST LOUIS CONlllAClS OEPARNEHI ritor MCDONNELL 'wsIOUGI..AS C~PORAT'ON AGREEMENT 72160 PAGE~OF~PAGES APPENDIX A HARDWARE AND/OR SOFHJARE CONFlGURATION/F'F:IClNG 1. INSTALLATION SITE/DESIGNATED SYSTEM CPU . CPU ~lODE: STREET ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: l'1i~!YA X I L__________.._______._.___ 300 N9rth "D"__St_!:..~~.L_u__.____._._____..._ San Ber-nardino. C(~ 9241fJ-qJ5..L____ II. DESIGN STATION SUPPORT (applicable to GDS only) The software license authorizes use of the number of D~siyn Stations for which Customer has paid a license fee for the software specified below: Software Number of Design Stations Qr..a.illlics D..!"si.9!l Svstem Area Manaaement System :!.!}t.sf__~;l)________. Ihrc~'-13)__________ MCOONNE&.&.....OUG&.AS C~PORAT'ON 72160 2 6 PAGE____OF_____PAGES AGREEMENT 11. CONFIGURATION/PRICING Q!'LL NO._ CITY. -2'13 1 C2322 1 C21 ~:'5 1 C2806 1 C2721-L 1 C2721-M 1 C2721-IN 1 C2759-~1 1 =2759-IN 1 ~":2727-L 1 DESCRIPTION _...f::.tDCE _ "03" MicroVAX II [DH630Q33-FAJ (BA123 Floorstand Enclosure) 5M8 Memory [RD53J 71M8 Disk [RQDX3J Disk Controller [TK50J 95M8 Cartridge Tape and Controller [DHVIIJ 8-line Multiplexor Floating Point [DEQNAJ Ethernet Controller ;t 29,43(' [MS630-8BJ 4MB Memory Board for MVII/GPK :t 1 ,350 ::t 6,900 :t 2,634 [FmS4(l-BAJ 159 MB Disk Drive fm~t;;:;3 "Q3/Q4" LAI00 Letterwriter w/stand; 240 CPS [LAIOO-BAJ KSR Hardcopy TE'rminal .JIf:"'yboard [LAXXS-ACJ Table Top StandJ [LAI0X-SPJ Paper Catcher [LAI0X-SQJ Paper Shelf [QZ002-C5J VMS 1-8 User Sublicense for MicroVAX II :t 6,000 VMS 1-8 User Media and Documentation Includes: [QZ002-H5J Media and Documentation [QZ002-8SJ 90 Days Basic Maintenance :t 1,970 [OZ002-I5J VMS 1-8 User Installation :t 76(t VMS I'Jorkstation Media and Documentation Includes: [QZA96-HSJ Media and Documentatiun [QZA96-35J 90 Days Self Maintenance :t 908 [QZA96-I5J VMS ~lorkstation Installi:..lioll :t 38') [QZDOS-UZJ DECnet Full Function Su~license for MicroVAX II :t 2,535 -- ........, MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORAT.ON AGREEMENT 72160 PAGE~OF~PAGES III. CONFIGURATION/PRICING (CONTINUED) .IODE;;'L NO. QTY. DESCR I PT I 01\1 PRICE )C2727-M 1 DECnet Full Function Media and Documentation Includes: [QZD05-H5J Media and Documentation [QZD05-85J 90 Days Basic Maintenance :t 1,173 )C2727- IN 1 . [QZD05-I5J DECnet Full Function Installation JC2750-L 1 [QZZCE-UZJ LAVC Sublicense for I'licrol/AXII :t 1 ,500 :t 1,900 :t 602 JC2750-M 1 LAVC Media and Documentation Includes: [QZZCE-H5J Media and Documentation [QZZCE-35J 90 Days Self Maintenance 'C2750-IN 1 [QZZCE-I5J LAVC Installation :t 380 1-330 3 VAXStation 2~)O [VS460-EAJ 19" Color Monitor 6MB Memory Disk Controller Interface to Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, and Modem ThinWire Ethernet Controller T-Connector and (2) Terminators VMS 1-2 User License (Q8~JI-CZl DECnet End-Node License (Q8DO~-UZl VMS ~Jorkstation License (Q8()96-UZl LAVC License (Q8ZCE-UZ) [LK201-LAJ Keyboard [VSXXX-AAJ Mouse :t 41,700 DC2491 1 [DESTA-AAJ Thin I~ire Ethernet Ad"pler :t 275 0C2486 1 [BNE3M-05J Teflon TrL\nSCV Cable, St. <16. ~') :t 120 DC2492 3 [H8223J Thin Wire T-Connector :t ~5 DC2497 1 [H8243-AJ Thin-Wire (PVC) Ethernet CubIC"' :t 200 ( 1 ,000 feet) MCDONNEI..I':'-'DOVGI..AS C~RPORATlON AGREEMENT 72160 PAGE~OF~PAGES ~IODEL NO. QTY. III. CONFIGURATION/PRICING <CONTINUED) t.\-DTC9148 PL2166 CEi2004 GD5210 GDS235 N-~lPkG2 DESCRIPTION _PRICE 1 CAD Digitizing Tablet <36" .. 48") and processor including: High Accuracy Option Power Digitizing Base Cursor Puck - 16 Button Interface Cable RS232 Single Port <DCE) :t 6,606 1 CALCOMP 1044GT Vector Plotter, 24 ips Pen Speed, .0005 inch Resolution, A - E Size Cut Sheet, Cant i nuous Roll Ma,: i mum 120', including: Built-in PM w/ RS232 Interface 8 Pen Turret Joystick Intelligent Controller Premium Pen Kit "" 14,400 1 One 100' Male/Female Straight Wiring Cable, FCC Camp Ii an t :t 80 3 Graphics Design System (GDS) License for One ConcurreTlt Design Station or Workstation for each of 1st through 4th Licenses in Contract Year $ 61),000 3 Area Management System License for One Concurrent Design Statiorl or Workstation for each of 1st through 4th Licenses in Contract Year. :t. 6 , 000 1 Architectural Package including: Architectural Starter Kit IASK) Architectural Application Menu and Software 1M-MARC) Mechanical Application Menu and Software IM-MMEC) Structural Application Menu and Software IM-MSTR) Electrical Appl icatit". t1enu and Software IM-MELE) GDS Facilities Library Specification Interface :t 4,000 MCDONNELL ...oUGLAS Co",iPORAT'ON AGREEMENT 72160 PAGE~OF~PAGES t-lOIJEL NO. QTY. III. CONFIGURATION/PRICING (CONTINUED) M-F'DCI04X 1 I'1T-GDSl 2 11T -GDS3E 1 clINSTl 1 HNST6 1'vM I C2-GSP DESCRIPTION PIUCE :t 1,000 :t 2,400 :t 480 :t 2,500 Plotter Despooler Software for CALCOMP 104X Plotter Initial GDS Training - 5 Days Extended GDS-Area Management System (AMS) - 2 Days Installation of a MicroVAX based System includes: Mg~E install ati on of sof t'-J,3..rc C'nd hardl'JDy--e - Non-DEC Vendor hardware installatiwl 3 Installation of a Node in a Local Area VAXCluster at the same location including: - M8,E Application System Verification :t 1,500 1 CAD Support Package for DEe MicruVAX II . 8,rnJO including: Training Classes at an MLE Training Facility One Initial GDS Class One Advanced GDS Class One E>:ecutive Overvie". or Implement<:\tion Planning Class Three Days On-Site GOS System {)dminist,-",.tion Training Diagnostic Modem Freight 90 Days Non-DEC Hardware l-bi"t'-'I1,""."[' System Support and 90 Days Software Maintenance TOTAL SYSTEM COST :t207,728 - MCDONNE...... D~G"'AS CO~ORAT'ON AGREEMENT 72160 PAGE~OF~AGES ~10I'JTHLY SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE FEE(S) JUEL NO. DESCRIPTION Graphics Design System (GDS) Area Management System (AMS) Architectural Package Plotter Despooler Sofb'lare 1.1OtH H~"Y FEES ,18210 5235 ~lPkG2 PUC104X $600 $ 60 :t 20 :t 20 MCDONNELL DC,LAS ARCHITECT 'AL. ENGINEERING & CONS'rRUCTION SYSTEM!" COMPANY AGREEMENT 72160 , . PAGE _ OF _ PAGES APPENDI X B GDS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Graphics Design System (GOS) The Oraphlcs DeSIgn Srst.. (oos) ts an Int.raettve graphics cOlllpuhr prog,.,,,, designed to provide IIIOdell1ng and pro- duction of two-dlNnslonal drawings. ODS can be u.~ to aid the work of . drlfts."n through tM ,-.ceptlon. .tora,.. _nlpulatton. analyats, and report. on data re"t.. to tw-dl....n..onal drawings. DDS const,t, of software .odul.. which support ,1,. administration, window defInition, graPhical Input and editing, ..nu creation, data ~Put. ,nd Ixtan.lon ~1.. which support object edIting, block adltlng, Ilnesty'a definitions, and a.r.ct.... .ty.a definition. Opt tonal ModIJles (nw.. optlOfW.I .ocIull. .,.. provided If llstad In Appandix A) A. GDS Modules 3-D Visualization The 3-0 Visualization MOduI. t,.ans'or.s two-diMenSional drawings Into three-diMensional views and proJects them as any two~ or three~point perspective, isometric or awonom.trlc view ~ vith or vithout hidden lines. C~re- henslve data transferred from BDS becomes I three~dl...nsional Wlodel with DPaq\W planes By using GDS IIlUltlplot capablllttes, any 3-D generated view can be InclUded In two-diMnslonal drawings for editing Solids and Color Shading (SCSI OOS Soltds and Color Shading genarates complaw three-dimensional models fr~ awlstlng two-dl..nstonal drawtngs and also creates the three-dl...nslonal ~odel Itself. The user may choose fro~ a multitude of color sche..s to shade In the planes, adjust the angla and Intanslty of directional lighting and set ...blant lighting levels. SCS permits one to view the .odel from any .ngle or distance and rotate or zoom to take a closer look, The use of GOS Solids and Color Shading enhances presentations In three dllllnslons In tN8 color. Architectural Site Modeller IASM) Archltectur.l Stte Modeller Is a surface ~odelllng tool for prell~tnary stt. layout ISM will accept random spot heights and create a 3D .udel of the surface. The triangular surface ..ay be contoured at a user defined Inter- val. S.veral surfaces ..y be stored vlthln ASN which allows the user to calculate both cut and fill quantities of the surfaces. lecause ASM Is an Interactive ~l. wtthln DOS, It allows the user to access ODS co~ands wlthtn the .ooeller. ASM generated graphics can be further enhanced by passing then directly tnto the SCS ~odule. Architectural Rendering Tool (ART) The Architectural Rendertng Tool allows tn. user to patnt over. DDS hardllne dravlng using. variety of differ- ent brush .trOkes and call1gra~hy-llke techniques. Using the ~en stylus or ~uck, ART coptas tewtures and pat- terns and sl.ultaneously displays 256 colors from, palatte of 16 million. ART changes hue, light Intensity and saturation of any color and has a varlaty of tewt fonts. Space PlannIng System (SPS) The Space Planntng SysteM comprehensively addresses the entire range of space planning actlvlt'es SPS has special -Interactive graphic shading ..thads to develop floor layouts during progra~lng. SPS .Iso evaluates a facility's needs for a MOVe In an ewlstlng building. Area Management System (AMS) lMS provides the tools needed to create and manage proJects requiring large contiguous dravlngs, such as maoplng, civil engineering, architectural and facilities projects, A gazetteer function auto~atlcally locates and dis- plays dravlng segments based on locatton Identifiers and Includes an automated edge ..tchlng capablltty. Macro Basic (XBASJC) The XBAStC Programming MOdule enables the user with some programming knowledge to wrtte BASIC routines to ewpand and customize the functlonel application Df ODS. EKternal Program Interface (EPI) The EPI Module allows the user to customize the ODS Data Base with programs that are awternal to DOS whiCh are written In Fortran, Pascal and C. . MCDONNELL D{"JGLAS ARCHITECT' 'qAL. ENGINEERING & CON;:;.-RUCTION SYSTENt.., COMPANY AOREEMENT 72160 PAGE ~ OF 2 PAGES APPENDIX B GDS PROOUCT DESCRIPTION (Cont I...d) I. Integrated Modules Duct Designer Duct Des,tgnef' .12.. and drafts ....ttng. Ventll.tlon and &1,. Condltlontng ductwork .ystems. The duct .IZlng proceSI US., the equal friction ..thod Dr t~ constant Yeloclty Method. A llbr.ry of HVAC dlffu..", and duct fltUng. for round and Net......,.,. duct are Inclw.d. Struc'tural Destgne,. Structure' o.slgner ...Ist. In developing floor fr.mtng plans end In .uto~.tlc generation of elevations 'rom ..,.t.. of floors. Jt can develop and .~rlmpD'. structural grid ova,. the archltectura' floor plan; '.y out col- umn., p",I..,.y beam. and horlzont" bracing. on the "oor plan; "slgn slzl' to colUMns, beams and bracing mem- ber.: and copy typically designed floor to ot~,. floors Jt o.n gene,..t, .tructur.l mod.l data for Input to MOC STRUDl Which InclUdeI .JoInt 101, !oIDlnt Coordinates, MelJlber Incidences and IlMIlllber proptlrtles. Civil Integration Civil Integration loftvare Is a package of .enus, macros, and programs .Ilowlng the transfer of data between the MDC COOO/ROADS and ODS software packages. This software enhances t~. ability to create and ..nlpulat. geometric and terr. In data In the ODS Interactive graphic environment, transfers t~ data to COGO/RDADS for design and analysll, and retrtevas drawings produced by toGO/ROADS for tn. DOS drafting of final documentation. c. Utility Modules Architectural Pak (PAK) Architectural Pak consists of five distinct Items Including Application Menu, Architectural Starter Kit, Archi- tectural Road Map, Faelllttes Ltbrary and Specification Interface. Application Menus provide architectural, electrical, ..chanlcal I structural llbrartes. ArChitectural Starter kit provides a new user a controlled .n- vlronment wltn pre-defined guidelines for getting a project started. Architectural Road Map helps setup naming conventions, drawing fll. Itructure, dl.enslon para..ters end system .anagement types for I.plementtng a new systeM. Facilities Library ~vldes a library of 2-D plan Objects of furniture, equipment I Planning grids for development of a project. $peelflcatlon Interface provides KBlSIC subroutines to Scan drawings to report If objects nave or do not have a IPSelfleatlon code number assoctated to them. If not, the routine allows the des Isner to spec Ify . RUlIItMlr. BIFSIF Translator (BIFSIF) 81FSIF translator converts llnary Jnterfaee (BIF) fll.s to/from Int.rgraph Standard Interfae. Ft.es (SIF). Autocad/GOS Translator Autocad/GOS translator converts drawings fro~ Autoead DKF format to GOS Binary Interface format. Intermediate Plot File (IPF) IPF to DDS Translator w IPF to GDS Translator Is a comput.r program whleh supports the translation of IPF format to ODS Intermediate Plot Code (IPC) fOrMat. AEC/LINK PC AEC/LINK PC Is a software progra~ that r.sldes on an IIN PC and transfers files from the PC to a VAX or PRIME host with lEC/LINK, Material To Be Provided DDS Reference Manual (1 copy) GOS Symbol Library Manual (1 copy) GOS COMMand Manual (1 copy) BDS Training Manual (1 copy) .c~ , D' . r.oo or\ - , MCDONNEll [)()(h:JtAS ARCHITECTUtf1tfL. ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS COMPANY SERVICE AGREEMENT 72160 1 1 PAGE _ or _ PAGES APPENDIX C SAMPLE NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (Cult~r) hereby agr""s to Make CustOMr wholly owned Iw.ldl.ry (.SUB.))_ 10.t",,.. which Is oWMd by MeOonnel1 third party and licensed to me. and II licensed or II.b1lcensed to (herelnafte,. called the 'Softva,...) for the 101. purpos. of processing the work of avallabl_ to __(Name of sUbcontractor" or Douglas Corpor,tlon (MaC) or owned by . (CustOlrl8r) (CustOfl'ler) Software: ~ottc dl...... lDescrlptlon of Software) and ~t.tlon. Including but not ".Ited to flowcharts, SUB hereby ..ree. to the following us... ....strtetlons: 1. The Softvare "Ill be used 10181, for the purpose of processing the work of (Cust0ln8'-) 2. SUI ..tl1 not copy or duplicate .11 or any portion of the Software; however, SUB ~y copy printed material associated therewith a. reasonably n.ces.ary to support It. processing obltgatlons hereunder. 3. SUB will not disclose or deliver a11 or any portion of the Software to any third party or p.~tt any third party to Inspact, copy Dr _llcah 'aN. .. SUB w 111 not reMOve tN Software ff'Olll the prallllsas of (Customer) 5. SUB will taka appropriate action by Instruction, agreelllent or otherwise with Its employe.s to satisfy Its obligations under this A9re~nt wtth respect to use and securtty of the Software this Agreement ..y be ter.lnated by either party at any tllll8 with advance written notIce. The parttes hereto understand that. copy of this Agreement will be provided to MDC. In Witness Whereof, the Plrttes hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by thetr duly authorized reprasentatlves. (CustOlll8r naM) (SUB) Signature Slgnatur. ..... Na.. Tltl. Tltl. Date Oat. lEC 1.CI (~'N 86) - - - MCDONNEll DOClrfLAS ARCHITECTOrf'AL. ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS COMPANY AGREEMENT 72160 1 1 PAOE _ Of _ PAGES APPENDIX 0 SUBLICENSE AGREEMENT FOR DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION SOFTWARE PROGRAM BINARIES McDonnell Dougl.' Architectural, Engineering I Con.tructton Systems Company. an unincorporated business unit of MCDONNELL IlDUllLAS CORPORATION ("LlCENSEEO) ..... Ci ty of San Bernardino ('SUBLICENSEE') locat.d at 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino. CA 92418 ....v. ~b....d Into a principal .s.......nt ('AGREEMENT-) No. 72160 dated calling for the acquisition of certain equl~nt and aoftwere from LICENSEE. Allor a portion of the software t. .UbJect to. Ilcan.. granted by Digital Equipment Corporation (-Dlgtt,,-). ~r the t.~s of the Original Equ'~nt Manufacturer's (OEM) Agr..ment between DIGITAL AND lICENSEE, lICENSEE Is authorized to epprD~ Sublicense AgreeMents to End-Users of DIGITAL Software Progr.~ Binaries Accordingly. DIGITAL ear-as to grant and SUBLICENSEE Igrees to accept I Sublicense In Iccordanc@ with the fol'owlng terms and conditions. Serial No. MicroVAX II, VAXstation To be supplied 2000 S..twar. Product!,) V~IS, Vt-IS Workstation. OECnet. LAVC CPU Type w. therefoN! Igree that: (I) All binary software, Including Iny subsequent updates, Ind any part thereof acquired pursuant to these license terms Ind conditions ('SOFTWARE') Is licensed only far use on the .tngl. CPU transferred by Ltcensee to Subltcensee on which the SaftvaN! Is first Installed and MaY b@ copied, tn whole or In part (with the proper Inclusion of the DIGITAL copyright notlc. and any DIGITAL proprietary nottc.s on the Software) only for use on that CPU The Soft~ wa,... ..y be used on another .tngl. CPU only on I temporary basis during a lla1functlon of the orlgtnal CPU Which causa. the Soft...,... to be lnoperabl.. (b) No tttl. to or owner.hlp of the Softwa,... II transflrred to Sublicensee, and It remains the proprietary property of DIGITAL. (c) SUbllcens.. lhall not provide or otherwise ~ake Ivat'abl. the $oft~re to any other party (ewcept Subltcenseels HlploYlls or agents dlrectl, concerned vlth Subllcan.e.'. ltoen.ed use of the Software). (d) DIGITAL.., tlrMlnate all Softwa"" subllcen... Ind rl~ts grlnt.d hereunder and require return of the Software If the su,'lcens.. fall. to ~l, with any of these subllcenn tl"'" and conditions. el) DIOITAl shal' have the right to Inforca the.e terms against Sublicense. 8y: 8y: SUBLICENSEE: Duly Authorized Slgnatu,... Typed, Typed: Tttll: TItle: ~Ianager, Sout:rwest VJ)~I. . 7 Territory Dab: Oat.' AEC I.D1 I~AN .S) , ,~ APPENDIX E AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS NOTE: In this Appendix, the term "City" shall have the same meaning as "Customer". 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2, "Payment Terms", payment for the initial system configuration to be delivered under this Agreement will be in accordance with the following schedule: Payment Terms for Initial System Confi2uration - In consideration of supplying the items identified in Appendix A of this Agreement, the City shall pay HDC the sum of $207,728 plus applicable taxes as described in Article l.(b) above. Fifty percent (50%) of the contract price for each item will be invoiced upon delivery to the City. The remaining fifty percent (50%) will be invoiced upon successful completion of the Acceptance Test as defined below. All payments will be due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Payment for additional items ordered subsequent to the initial system configuration order will be in accordance with Article 2 of this Agreement. 2. Notwithstanding the terms of Article 3, the initial system configuration to be delivered under this Agreement shall be subject to Acceptance Testing in accordance with the following: Acceotance Testin2 a) HOC shall install the hardware and operating system software and perform its standard installation and checkout tests. Upon completion of these tests, HOC will install its application software and demonstrate that the total system is functionally operational. HDC shall then notify the City that the system is ready for acceptance testing. The City shall initiate acceptance testing promptly after receiving HDC's notification. b) The acceptance test shall consist of a demonstration that the hardware and operating system software meet a specified standard of performance. This standard of performance shall be met by operation at a ninety percent (90%) effectiveness level (as defined below) for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days. The acceptance test for the application software shall consist of running the system with a variety of the City's actual or simulated data for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days to demonstrate that the software is capable of operating in accordance with user documentation provided by HOC and as represented by HDC in Section III of its proposal to the City dated 16 June 1987. The application software documentation will also be examined for conformance to HDC's proposal. .. ......~,/ c) In the event the system fails to meet the criteria identified in paragraph b) above during the initial fifteen (15) consecutive days, its performance period shall continue on a day-to-day basis until the criteria are met for a total of fifteen (15) consecutive days. d) The effectiveness level for the hardware and operating system software shal1 be computed by dividing the operational availability time of the system by the sum of that time pIus failure downtime. e) System failure downtime is defined as the accumulated time during which the system is inoperable due to product failure. Downtime for each incident during the performance period shall be measured from the time HDC is notified of product failure until the applicable product is returned to the City in proper operating condition, exclusive of actual travel time required by maintenance personnel, but in no event shall such travel time be calculated in excess of four (4) hours per day on the day such maintenance service is requested. Systems failUre downtime shall not include any downtime that is due to City's failure or City employee error to maintain its site's environmental conditions, or to operator error. f) Operational use time and system failure downtime shall be measured in hours and whole minutes or the decimal equivalents thereof. g) City shall maintain appropriate daily records to satisfy the requirements of this section, and shall notify HDC in writing of the date of the first day of a successful performance period. h) In the event the system fails to meet the acceptance criteria as defined above within sixty (60) days after MDC's installation notification, then City may, as its sole and exclusive remedy, reject the system, in which event all funds paid by the City will be refunded and all hardware and software shall be returned to HDC and no other obligation will flow under this agreement. i) City shall promptly notify HDC in writing upon successful completion of the acceptance testing. Failure by the City to reject the system within sixty (60) days after MDC's installation notification shal1 constitute acceptance. In no event shall use of any product by City, for business, revenue or any other purpose during any phase of acceptance testing, constitute acceptance of any product. 3. Add the following to the first paragraph of Article 4, "Warranty and Disclaimer": Further, MDC warrants that the system configuration as provided will store 250 of the drawings attached to this Appendix. Should the system not store this many drawings, MDC will, upon City's request, instal1 additional hardware, at no cost to the City, in order to bring the system to the storage level required. This warranty is predicated upon proper drawing format and entry in accordance with user documentation provided by MDC, and upon use of the same hardware operating system provided with the initial system configuration. , . '-J 4. The following sentence is added to Article 13, "General", the sixth paragraph dealing with excusable delays: HOC shall use its best efforts to give City notice of the presence of any such cause or condition promptly after MDC becomes aware of the existence of same. 5. The fol10wing changes are made to Article 6, nApplication Software Maintenance": a) In paragraph a), add the following to the end of the third sentence, which begins "Customer shall provide. ". " . " consistent with the City's Data Processing Department's security policies." b) In paragraph b), add the following in the first sentence, after the words ". . .machine-readable copy": n. . .(i.e. magnetic tape) . . .. c) In paragraph c), add the following to the last sentence: ". . . in conformity with the City's security practices." 6. The following provision is made a part of this Agreement: The GDS application software provided by MDC contains the capability to create ASCII data files containing all information in the GDS Data Base. Should the City wish to convert data developed with the system acquired hereunder to another system, and should such conversion not be possible by creating ASCII files, HOC will license the City, at its then-current rates and standard terms and conditions, such conversion software program(s) as it has available. MDC will also, subject to availability of personnel, provide conversion support at its then-current time and material rates and standard terms and conditions. 7. The following provision is made a part of this Agreement: Upon request by the City, MDC will, subject to availability of personnel, provide software consultation or programming support at its then-current time and material rates and standard terms and conditions. 8. The following provisions are made a part of this Agreement: Facilities - During the course of this Agreement, City shall provide HOC's personnel with adequate work space for technicians and other related facilities as may be required by MDC to carry out its obligations enumerated herein. ......,., Additional City Responsibilities - a. City shall obtain at its expense all government and other permits and licenses required for installation and operation of the system, and HOC shal1 cooperate with the City's efforts to secure same whenever reasonably required. b. City vill provide space, power. environmental control and operating environment as defined by the hardware manufacturer's published specifications. This includes conduits or raceways for terminal cables. c. City vill make available system computer time as requested by MDC for the development, testing and maintenance of computer aided design systems for use by the City. d. City wil1 designate a Project Manager who vil1 be the single point of contact for HOC and who wil1 be responsible for coordinating in a timely manner the efforts of the City. The Project Manager will be available during norma 1 business hours for consultation. e. City will make available all necessary supplies such as paper and magnetic tape. City shall provide all lines and modems. City shall provide all equipment and software (if any) on all external systems interfacing to the CAD system. f. In addition, the City is responsible for making available personnel knowledgeable on the external systems during the project as required for HOC to meet its contractual requirements. g. City shall provide space and mounting equipment such as tables, etc., for the instal1ation of all CRTs, printers, modems, etc. Clarification Procedures - The City shall have a maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days from the receipt of written correspondence from MDC in which to respond in writing to: a proposed solution requiring a written response from the City. If the City believes the contents of such correspondence do not conform to the requirements of this Agreement or otherwise disagrees with such correspondence, it ~hall so notify MDC in writing within the above stated fifteen (15) days, define in detail such non-acceptance. In the event the City finds the content of the correspondence conforming to the requirements of this Agreement, it shall within the above stated fifteen (15) days, notify MDC in writing of this fact, and such notification shall constitute final acceptance of the proposed solutions. Should the City fail to respond within fifteen (15) days, said solution shall be deemed accepted. - ,~ 9. The following provision is made a part of this Agreement: Covenant Against Contingent Fees - HOC warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by HOC for the purpose of securing business. For breach of this warranty, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amo~nt of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. 10. Add the following to Article 9, "Indemnity": HOC shal1 indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees of and from any and all claims and demands from or on account of any personal injury or damage to tangible property arising directly from the so Ie negligence or wilful misconduct of HOC employees while on City premises. HOC shall defend the City, its officers, agents, and employees and pay any and all penalties or fines imposed upon the City, its officers, agents, and employees on account of HOC's violation of any applicable law, regulation, or permit, provided that City (i) provides HOC prompt written notice of such claim within two (2) years from the date of this Agreement; (ii) gives HOC sole authority to defend or settle the claim, and; (iii) provides reasonable cooperation and assistance in connection thereto. 11. The following provisions are made a part of this Agreement: ASSURANCE OF COHPLIANCE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS. HOC shall comply with Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under this Agreement or under any project, program or activity supported by this Agreement. WORKER'S COHPENSATION. HOC certifies that it is aware of the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of California which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and certifies that it will comply with such provisions and will provide proof of such compliance upon request by City. INSURANCE. Upon request by the City, HOC shall provide proof of comprehensive general liability insurance (including automobile) and professional liability insurance, and name City as an additional insured in an amount equal to or greater that the total consideration set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement. .......... ......,.# 12. In Article 13, "General", make the following changes to the last paragraph: a) Change "Missouri" to read "California". b) Add "Any legal action hereunder shall be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in the State of California." .....,_.J , IL; !i -- , I ii.: ..... q! . 'I! 'q 0.' 11 .... !i.! ~L ! , n.t Q ;j . I I i ...IfWILI.n.aJWM