HomeMy WebLinkAboutS04-Mayor's Office , ~, CI~ OF SAN BERNARDQO - REQUQT FOR COUNCIL AC~ON From: Mayor Evlyn Wilcox Mayor 's Offi ce Subject: Request for Funding Assi stance for the American Legion Convention and for the Waiver of Fees in Conjunction with the American Legion Parade Dept: Date: Apri 1 1, 1987 Synopsis of Previous Council action: At the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of March 6, 1986, the following motion was made. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to make a commitment, in concept, to host the American Legion Convention in 1987. Recommended motion: 1. That the amount of $8,550.00 to cover the balance per the contract with the i~ationa1 Orange Show for the housing of the American Legion Convention be paid, 2. That feeS in the amount of $835.00 associated with the American Legion Parade be waived. 3. That the City Administrator be authorized to identify the appropriate foodi" """ ..d ~k. '""f". ~~. S gnalure .,-7 Contact person: Richarrl Rpnn~rkp Phone: ~R~_t;?n4 Supporting date luachad: Yes Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: $9,385.00 Sourca: (ACCT, NO.) (ACCT. DESCRIPTION) Flnanca: Council Notal: cS;-IIfI.,t /'1,' , Clft OF SAN BI!RNARDliio - REQU.9T FOR COUNCIL ~ON STAFF REPORT Mr. Gene Heinly, General Chairman of the 1987 American Legion Convention Committee has requested the City's assistance in funding the balance of their convention facilities and the waiver of certain fees in connection with providing City services to the American Legion parade on June 26, 1987. Meetings with representatives from the American Legion, various City Depart- ments, Chamber of Commerce, EDC, and Omnitrans have ,been ongoing for several months in an effort to minimize City expense and maximize community partici- pation. This office has attempted to summarize the request into one Agenda item. In past years, the City has absorbed costs for similar events. The total estimated costs to provide the necessary funding request and services will be $9,385.00. The following is a summary of the services to be provided and/or performed, and the associated costs, Council , Funding Assistance -- provide funds to cover tRe balance of the Orange Show facilities per the attached contract. Cost -- $8,550.00 Parks, Recreation & Community Services Services to be Rendered - Pick up, set up and take down three sections of bleachers. Cost $ 180.00 Public Services Services to be Rendered - Set up and remove signs, i.e., No Parking, delivery and pickup of barricades. Cost -- $ 655.00 $9,385.00 TOTAL: 75-0264 __~,.--+ t:l,IIIJ) 'CITY OF SAN BE~ARDINO 0_ MEMORANDUi To EVLYN WILCOX MAYOR Subject DELIVERY OF BLEACHERS ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR From PARKS, RECREATION AND D COMMUNITY SERVICES ate APRIL I, 1987 Approved Date This is in reference to the American Legion request for seating of one hundred people on June 26, 1987, It will require three five row bleachers to accomodate one hundred people. The fee for delivery of three bleachers by this department to Harris' court on June 26 is $180. Lt~ 1@6-n/' ~~~~ F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Parks, Recreation and Community Services AFR:JT:ta j ~, 'lA, i)':;fl"r,'~C:S ~7L~" - $-1 (.3,1 13) OTY OF SAN BERCARDINO 0- MEMORANDUIVO To Patricia Gonzales, Mayor's Soecial Assistant From Manuel P. Moreno, Jr. Dir. of Public Services Date Apri 1 I, 1987 Subject Ameri can Legi on Parade - Barri cade Charges Approved Date It is estimated that 111 barricades will be required for the American Legion Parade to be held in June. Rental cost for barricades is $5.00 each. The total rental charge for 111 barricades would be $555.00. This would cover delivery to corners designated by the Police Department, and pickup the following workday from the same corners. It does not cover placement of barricades or street closures which will be performed by the Police Department. There will be an additional $100.00 fee for the posting and removal of "NO PARKING" signs. A.J! n.L) /vy" ,. .' ,_: -f'/ ,'I//~;.:._~ LlJ II r ,. Manuel P. Moreno, Jr. Director of Public Services ~-i--C--11-L!J. "CITY OF SAN BE~ARDINO 0_ MEMORANDU~ To PATTY GONZALES MAYOR'S ASSISTANT Su~ect AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION/PARADE From LT. J. DEVLIN POLICE DEPARTMENT Date MARCH 31, 1987 Approved Date I drove the proposed American Legion Convention Parade route (after our meeting today) accompanied by Legion Officials, GENE HEINLY, HOWARD WICKS and ROB DAVIS. Initially, this was done for purposes of selecting a parade reviewing stand site, However, in driving the parade route, it was decided that the original distance, approximately 1.7 miles, was far too long. After touring several possible routes, the Legion Officials opted to terminate the parade at Meadow- brook Park for a total distance of .8 miles. Traffic control for the shortened route will require only 111 barricades. The City owned "Ha rri s Square" area was selected as the site of choi ce for the reviewing stand. As you may recall, this is the area east of the water fountain and directly below the second-story overcrossing between City Hall and the Central City Mall. Mr. TONY VALENCIA, Assistant Mall Manager, has informed me that there are no conflicting mall activities nor objections which would impede the erection of the necessary bleachers for the reviewing stand. Our Tactical Action Plan for the parade will not require increased man power/ overtime to police the event. ~2~ . DEVLIN, ENANT AREA "B" cc: Captain Robbins ",_ "~::;, ':l~ rJ ,::.r: ~. /" '.,,>.' ',-.- ",> f ,.llIlo,;,",'~~ ~_,/"'f _s_.~"lL~.lIS) c o o o C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8704-601 TO: Mayor wilcox FROM: Raymond D. Schweitzer, City Administrator SUBJECT: American Legion Convention DATE: April 2, 1987 (7032) COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------- It would appear that the best estimate I can make on the revenues to be generated by this convention are as follows: According to the Las Vegas Convention Authority, individuals spend $137 per day, per individual. It is expected that 6,000 Legionnaires will attend the convention. This would be $822,000 per day times 5 days or $4,110,000. There will be at least 1,200 rooms at an average of $50 per day. $60,000 times 5 days or $300,000. The estimated convention is $3,810,000. The City's bed tax is 8% times $300,000 or $24,000 and the City's sales tax is 1% times $3,810,000 or $38,100. amount of money $4,110,000 minus to be generated from this $300,000 for lodging or The bed tax coupled with the sales tax ($62,100) is the approximate amount that can be reasonably expected to be collected during this time. I or Warren Knudson will attempt to answer any questions you may have. Respectfully submitted, {~!..~+ City Administrator RDSjdjn --S~d6.1-/3) o .l,~'!J!1 ~~~rltfl' ~ II!' !I . o o Deportment. 01 C.liforni. P,O, Box 326 . Patton. California 92369-0326 Corporation President John Homan General Chairman Gene Heinly Convention Chairman Rob Davis Secretary Donna Anstine Finance Paul Kanka Duane Bickle Mayor Evlyn Wi,lcox and Hono~able Members of Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North 'D' Street San 8ernardino~ California April 1 . , 1987 I would like to request of the Members of the Council for a Waiver of Fees in conjunction with the American legion Parade to be held Friday, June 26, 1987 at 7:00 PM, with the exception of the liability and Property Damage insur"ance requirements of the City duri~g the Parade. In additon, I would also like to request Financial A-::.s,i!":3t.ance in the amount of :t. 8550 fol"" the balan'ce remaining on our Orange Show Contract. For the Councils use, I have attached a copy of the Orange Show Contract which was signed by me as General Chairman on October 6, 1986. At the Deoartment Executive Committee Meeting for the Department of California, held in Orange Post 132 of The American ~egion on March 8~ 1986 and again ratified at the State Convention in Redding in June 1986, San Bernardino was awarded the 1987 Department Convention to be held the week of June 21 through June 28, 1987" 0s some of you are aware, through the Mayor"s letter dated March 6, 1986 that the City of San Bernardino had the opportunity to be the site for the 1987 Convention" At that time the Members of the Council had agreed to ~nanimously make a committment in concept to host The Amer can ion ConventIon in 1987. .5 -4_{2~/j3) o o o For this action I personally want to thank the Members o.f the Coun,ci 1. Wi thout-o that endorsement i t ~'E:\S fel t by many, including myself, that we might not be able to convince the Department of California to again return to the City of San Bernardino. Our las't Convention was in 1963, and then the Headquarters was in the City of Riverside. Our Committee feels that if this Convention is a highly successful~ then the delegates themselves will want to return to San Bernardino again. Again, We wish to than~ you In advance for your consid- eration of this request. If you ro'equire further in.formation please contact the undersigned. Sincer-ely. ~.ItI.'HY/'iJ M.E. 'Gene' Heinly 10184 Marion Ave. Montclair, CA 91763 (714) 626-1569 o :5 -1C LfB) NA~NALORANGES~GROUNDS III So, "E" Stnel San BerMrdInO. CeIIfOmIa 12408 PhoM: (714) II5-OZ01 " , .""' \J'~ Date . ',,,... O'OFY" 6 :~,');i'~ ......... .'- J .- LICENSE APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR USE OF NATIONAL ORANGE SHOWGROUNDS FACILITY(S) N.IJoAEOFLICENSEE 25th Dhtrict A:::erican Legion p ~(). Box )26, "GENT K .1. IlQen. "Heinly USE OF Ns tionalOrsng. ShOllg:-Ol'l!ds incl'ldin;;: DATE(Sl AND TIMES OF EVENT JUlIe '04, 1'107 move i!:, ConT. Corp. CITY Patton Citrus, Dollie June 25 PHONE (~ 626-106'1 "I)DRESS STATE CA ZIP 9~ "0' <;"">- 'c!.") -v....t:!v PHONE (--l Sam,' FOR StR '.' Con'I'or. Lion cilm,' ,2~ 1 :.:(j7 ':)S,J..0,) LICENSEE FEE $ ,$ $ 750.00 CONTINGENCY DEPOSIT (IIEFUND~LE LESS INCURRED EXPENSES) C.rtitica.... clue by 5-1-'37 ADOITlONllLEXPENSES $7.5Q"per day ;:er R.V., u[.' to 200 R.V.'s 4000Cbairs = $1000.00 INSUAANCE 1000.00 $ SUBTOTAL 5--((300.00 RESERV"TIONDEPOSIT Due by 10-15-d6 C 750.00 PAYMENT DUE BY 5-1-87 TOTAL ~.5'io.OO ') PAYMEHrlI ARE NOT REFUND"BLE, NEGOTIABLE 011 TAANSFEAABLE EXCEPT AS NOTED, SPECW-PROVlSlONS: SeaUrlty ch"r~es are not included in this ..L:h~iJ:,,!:t. Agree:ner;t inC:'lO,d:3 40 T8b1.. tor eTeat. Certi1'icate 01' Insurance is due b:"Ftj' 1, b)7. i'le,diJ ilea r,ttached AddendUII No. 1 0" t.his ;.,>,:riJ~ment. Applicant hereby acknowledges and agrees tl'lallhe foregoing Agreement is lor use of the facility ONLY and such fees 00 NOT include staffing services such as security, ticket selle" or takers, gatemen, stagehandS. electricians. atlendants lor parking or restroom, or fOf any other services. licensee hereby on:te" and agrees to pay for all charges of lahar and materials as designated in Agreemenl and any and all that might be added atteroriginal copy of Agreement Is signed, ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: Provillonl. terms, condilions and insurance agreement requirements listed herelflillle, are hy this reterence made a binding part of this Agreement. National Orange ShOWgroundl feserves Ihe dghl to all concession privileges Licensor reserves the right to INSTANT cancellation 01 this Agreement if in lhe iudgemenl ollhe Licensor. or upon adVice of law enlorcement agencies. genefal conditions are such that it is deemed ~nsate 10 conduct a public or privale event. LICENSEE AGREES TO: ~ a. Furnish an Insurance Certificate to indemnity and hOld harmless National Orange Show, its officers. directors, agents and employees from any and all claims. causes of action 1nc:lIUitl accruing or resulting trom any damage, injury. or losS to any person or persons. inCluding lhe persons 10 whom licensee may be liable under any Workmen', Compensation Law and Licensee himsell,and from any loss 01 property, goods, wares or merchandise caused by, arising out of or in anyway connected with theexerc... by the Licen.ee ,?'Ihe right~ an~ ~rivileg~s .herein gr~.nted.I",ra~~e shall nam~ Nati~nal Ora~ge Show, its offlcers.'dir~ct?~. agents and employeull additional named Insured WIth mInimum hmlls olllablhty at J J combmed stngle hmlts on a comprehenSIve liability form including productI, completed operations. and coverage for all owned and non-owned vehicles. There shall be no deductible. b. Require the Inturance company providing coverage to have a BEST rating at at least AXil, c. understand that Nat.o~ Orange Show shall have the option to approve or disapprove the insurance companies providing coverage d. Have the property .-culed Certificate 01 Insurance in possession 01 Licensor a minimum of flfteen (15) days prior to the event. e. Require itllnluranc. CArrier 10 notify National Orange Show alleastlineen (15) days prior to evenl 01 cancellation or modification of c:overaQe. t. understand National Orange Sh9w reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of liability insurance upon giving five(S) days written notice to L.icensee. g. Unde"tandttlat If Ucenseef.l:'Procure or provide the aforementioned Insurance. or allowlany insurance policy so provided to lapse. N aUonal Orange snow is authorized to procure .aid inlurence and licensee shall be obligated to pay National Orange Show for the cosl of said insurance and said obligation shall be in addlUon to all other compensation owing from Licensee 10 National Orange Show under this Ucense Agreement. or in the alternative, NatIonal Orange Shew, at Nanonal Orange Show'a sole dllCretlon, may terminate this License Agreement, and said lermination shall lake immediate eflect. h. Und~land ih:.1 Nalional O~'Shbw may, at National Orange Show's sOledi,creU"bn. waIYelhe reQuirements hereinbefore set forth and obtain special events !~!!y_I_r:'surance tofLicen....s evenllt National Orange Show makes such elecUon; ucenseeah, all be"named as an addi,tiOnal in,', U, red, an, d Lice, nsee agrees to pay 1fWlRItIO':'~,ull..~... ~te""..~~,ancttcov"ap. ~icen~" sl'lall.lftaQlJWml~ any ~ su,!!,~ owir"2Jr9~.._Ucensee to National Orange Show, pay to Nattcnal OrangeShow' the entire coatotobtatnlng the aforementioned Insurance; and L1censeeshall ma1<e saId paymentw1fhlf'1'ffJt1~1 d.l!.~", VI ..n.--..........I, ,._~_..---. ,~, National Orang. Show to Licen.... I. Defend. including the paymentot all anerney's fees and costs, indemnity and hold harmless National Orange Show, its olficers,directors. employees, agents, and contractors againsl any and all claims, suits, or actions ariSIng by virtue 01 this License Agreement or as the result 01 Llcensee's use 01 LIcensor's premises, and shalf include but not be limited to claims for copyrighl, Irademark or trade name infringement which may arise as the result 01 any relationship between LIcensor and Licen..., I'UIUC LlAIlLlTY: ".aao.aao.OO D"TED j,lt !ft. PIIOPERTY DAMAGE: eOMSINED LIMITS $1,000,000.00 ! / ~ , DATED ' ' The foregoing Application is approved and accepted .nd Llcen... Is hereby granted tor the uses and purposes .nd upon Ihe terms and conditions hereabcwe set forth, ,'t ("" .';, ' ,. /.J ". /'/ 1..1""~~.1 Authorized Slgnat6r. for licens" NATIONAL ORANGE SHOWGROUNDS .' r E. /!.rl'-,YL)'- Print or TyPli Authorized Signature ..,., S-1-C? .//3) I By: ~ '. 'I ---'", f; General Manager o o o o ~ ,- ADDENDt::f: ,0. 1 The American Legion will be responsible for erecting and removing of partitions to 'be placed in the Citrus Building. These partitions will not be attached to the ceiling, walls or floors of said bvilding. The use of the following items are pro,ibited in any of the facilities or on any fixtures of the National Orange Sho'"0 zounds: 1. Scotch Tape 2. Duct Tape 3. Staples, nails or tacks; and 4. 'Glue or adhesives of any kind Chair moving is not included in this AgreeIc~t. Moving of any chairs will be bi~led on a per hour bas~s. Any additional chairs beyond those mee _oned in the Agreement will be charged at the rate of $.50 per chair. .,5- +_t 10_.//1) o o o l;] ACCReDITED 0"._"" C-..cI .. =y SMI BEKrlAKDIl'tO AREA CnAMBER OF COMMERCE 546 W. 6TH ST. . P.O. BOX 658. SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92402. (714) 885-7515 April 1, 1987 Mayor Evlyn Wilcox Members of the Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North '0' Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Wilcox and Members of the Council: As you know, the American Legion will hold its state-wide convention ,in San Bernardino, June 21 through June 28, 1987. This will be the largest convention in the history of both San Bernardino and the Inland Empire. The American Legion Convention will generate approximately 6,000 persons. During the convention a total of 1350 hotel/motel rooms will be occupied in San Bernardino. This will create an estimated $27,000 in hotel/motel occupancy tax funds for the city, The delegates and their families are also estimated to spend $150.00 per day, which will generate an economic impact of $4,500,000. Sales tax revenue alone is projected to be between $45,000 and $50,000. The Chamber is playing a leadership role in assisting the American Legion with plans for the convention. Joining our organization in working with the Legion are representatives of the Mayor's Office, city police and fire departments and the Economic Development Council. In addition, groups in the community, including the new San Bernardino Spirit, are cooperating with us on this project. We strongly recommend and urge the City Council to approve the request of the Amerkan Legion to waive the fees for their proposed Parade, and also to allocate $8,500.00 for meeting space at the National Orange Show Grounds. This request would be in concert with the City Council's action of March 6, 1986. It is very important that San Bernardino demonstrate its full-pledged cooperation and support to the American Legion, Our cooperative efforts to assist the Legion will be a key factor in their consideration of San Bernardino as a site for future conventions. Thank you for your consideration. ~ ~c::1~ Brian J. Simpson President BJS:cls 5 ~-i-f.tL~J$) c o o o DEeputy City Clerk Reese read the title of the resolution. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be ~aived and said reso- lution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-78 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Strickler, Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Marks, Quiel, Frazier, RES. 86-79 - RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-40 WHICH AMENDS RESOLUTION 83-93 AND WHICH AUTHORIZES THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, ISSUE OF 1986, (WASTEWATEH TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT), OF SAID CITY AND PROVIDES THE TERMS AND CONDI- TIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAID REFUNDING BONUS TO MAKE TECHNICAL CHANGES. (2) Deputy City Clerk Reese read the title of the resolution. Counci 1 Member Hernandez 'made a motion, seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, that f~rther reading of the resolution be waived and said reso- lution be adopted. Resolution No. 86-79 was adopted bi the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Rei 11y, Hernandez, Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Council Members Marks, ';lc:iel, Frazier. AUTHORIZATION - RESURFACE CITY AND COUNTY PORTIONS OF PUMALO - STERLING TO DEL ROSA i" a ~emorandum dated February 14, 1986, Manuel ?, /".0 reno, Jr., Di rector, Publ ic Ser'J ices, explained the b~::kground of the request to resurface City and County portions of pumalo from Sterling to Del Rosa. He also submitted a copy of a letter from Mlcnael G, Walker, Director, Transportation/Flood ControL/Airports, dated February 12, 1936, and documents re10tl"l" to the cost of the proposed project. Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded bi Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the DepartTent of Public Services be a~thorized to resurf~ce City and County portions of pumalo from Sterlin~ to Del Ros3 Avenue with the City to act as the Lead Agency, The County will reimburse the City for their portion. AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION - SAN BERNARDINO AS SITE - 1987 In a memorandum dated March 6, 1986, Mayor Wilcox explained that San Bernardino has the opportunity to be the site for the 1987 National American Legion Convention, which draws up to five thousand participants. This could bring significant financidl gains through sales tax and bed tax revenue to the City. Mayor Wilcox requested that the Council consider, in principal, the facilitation of this conference. The Convention planners have requested financial assistance, in the estimated amount of $16,000 to help defray expenses which would reduce the partici- pant's cost and' encourage more individuals to attend. 2 3!6/~6 .s d_li).- ,,' 13) o o o Mayor Wilcox explained that the National Orange Show is being considered as the site for the meetings to be held during the convention, which would center the conven- tion activity in this City, although motel and hotel arrangements would have to be extended to other cities, such as Colton, Redlands and Riverside. Mayor Wilcox stated she was m~eting with Mr. Brosmer of the National Orange Show in the afternoon and would have more informa- tion after that meeting. The Mayor and Council discussed the ramifications of hosting the Convention in San Bernardino. Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to make a comm i tmen t, in concept, to host the Amer ican Leg ion Con- vention in 1987. ADJOURNMENT At 2:02 p.m" Councll Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hernandez and unanimously car- ried, that the. meeting be adjourned to 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 13, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. /' , ,1Jr. 0.(,<1.' /1:' ,;,-- Deputy City Clerk 3 3/6/80 o 5- f (/~I-Jl) I I I I I I I I . , I I j o o o o April 2, 1987 ~<O"J \P'-J-!'~'" ......./ / ''( 'b ,,1'., tff!tt. \~\ ;:t 4pp' ..:.flu. ';: \,3 4101 '08 I.J ~9 ~~ elf; :OR's 198.1 t~ ,,) .10. ,,_ 0""1"{, ,;... ,to ..r.. . C'~ a """.. ~ The Honorable Mayor Evlyn wilcox and Members of the Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor wilcox and Members of the Common Council: During the week of June 22-28, 1987 San Bernardino will be the host city for the State convention of the American Legion, Over 7000 delegates and their families are planning to attend the convention. We have been working closely with City representatives, the Chamber of Commerce and other community support groups to insure this will be the best convention the American Legion has held to date. The commercial benefit of 7000 visitors using over l500 hotel and motel rooms, eating in our restaurants and purchasing goods and services from local businesses will be significant. And, the fact these visitors will have an enjoyable time in our City will be a tremendous boost to our image enhancement plan. We will be providing the American Legionaires with 7000 folders and mini-brochures about the City as part of our overall marketing program for the City. We understand they will be requesting the Mayor and Council to consider providing some financial assistance for their convention. We recommend you favorably consider their request. s:n,cerelY' ~ ~ d~fe>2 4{/c2x-~ BRUCE D. VARNER Chairman BDV: jt !/CUl/ pgep/1LU<duw~ 6~nu:O ?)eoeIfljunerd <60-/UU'.d S:.. )(!3h 'f!3) 330 NORTH"D" STREET, SUITE420, SAN BERNARDINO, CA92401, TELEPHONE (714)381-4327.TELEX675-508