HomeMy WebLinkAboutS03-Mayor's Office CI-{:) OF SAN BERNARD.oo - REQUQT FOR COUNCIL AcQON .. From: Evlyn Wilcox, Hayor Su bject: Discussion of magnetic levitation rapid transit system -- Transrapid International Dept: Mayor Date: April l, 1987 Synopsis of Previous Council action: NONE Recommended motion: That the magnetic levitation rapid transit system proposed by Transrapid International be discussed. Contact penon: Supporting dati attached: Richard Bennecke Phonal 5204 Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (ACCT. NO.) (ACCT. DESCRIPTION) Finance: Council Note.: ..._n~c't Agenda Item No. 5-3 o The status of thPrransrapQ Maglev Test in Emsland o Facility .. H ALSCHE R. Dipl-Ing Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH, Munich, West Germany SYNOPSIS Operation of the Emsland Test Facility 1s planned as the last step to the first public ap- plication of Maglev Transportation 1n Germany. Technical data and actual test status are reported. I. OBJECrrVES FOR THE TEST FACILITY Engineering and construction of the TRANSRAPID Maglev Test Facility In Emsland (Fig. 1) began in 1979, after a ten years' analysis and test phase with different Haglev Systems in Germany. Large scale testing under simulated operational conditions at the Emaland Test Fa- cility is planned to be the last step before first public application of Maglev High Speed Transporta t 10n. Technical features and operational conditions for the Cest site were derived from two pos- sible applications: Operations at cruising speeds up to 300 km/h as a fast link between cities and/or airports (short- to medium-haul com- muter system) as well as operations at speeds up to 400 km/h as a high speed connection between densely popu- lated areas (long-haul intercity connec- tion) . The general operational tion system aims: reguirement for testing of the applicability of magnetic levita- may be detailed by the following Complete functional assessment of all com- ponents under eventual environmental condi- tions, safety approvement for public passenger transportation, demonstration of the favourable ecological features, demonstration of availablility for satis- factory commercial application, reliabili- ty, and maintainability, testing of operational characteristics in order to achieve the necessary experience. 2. TEC~~ICAL DATA While planning the technical layout of the Emsland Test Facility for large-scale testing under operational conditions, particular at- C410/84 <i:) 'MechE 1984 Centicn had to be paid to the following featu- res: Design and. trace routing of the guideway, size and. payload of the test train and. characteristics of the propulsion system. The. guideway (Fig. 2) provides a straight sec- tion for high-speed testing up to 400 km/h1 and two turning loops in order to allow Simu- lation of long-distance endurance runs. The guideway has a minimum curve radius of,500 m, maximum lateral inclination of 12 ,and_ a ma- ximum grade of 3.5 %. The elevated mono beam guide....ay is mounted on pillars with an average height of 5 m~ Two different design principles are used for the beams. One is the single-span prestressed con- crete beam (Fig. 3), and the other one is the two-span welded steel beam (Fig. 4). Typical span for both types is about 25 m. Special ty- pes with an overall length of 31 and 37 m in concrete respectively 24 + 31 m and 31 + 31 m in steel are used to match pillar positions to existing crossings of roads, waters and pipe- lines. The Emsland guideway will allo.... intensive testing of all system elements to be used for future revenue operation, including the s.....itch points whose design is hased on the flexible beam principle (Fi~. 5). S....itch points are lo- cated on both turning loops and at the turn- out to the test centre building. The TRANS RAPID 06 test train (Fig. 6) has an overall length of 54.2 m, a width of 3.7 m and a height of 4.2 m. It has a maximum gross .....eight of 122 tons and comprises 192 passenger seats (Fig. 7). The train consists of two identical sections I each supported by four magnetic suspension bogies. The magnetic sus- pension is generated by four levitation mag- nets and four f,uidance magnets on each side of each bogie (Fig. 8). The typical gap oot.....een the magnets and the corresponding armature raU is about 10 mm. Propulsion long-stator levitation tat ion for three-phase of the tcst tr" in is prov ided by a linear synchronous mOlor 1 wi th the magnets ~~ellcratillg the field exci- the synchronous motor. r\Jo sets of iron-corl~d .....il\d in.\~s for the propa- 155 "'..'. !O o gating field are placed symmetrically on both sides of the guideway. Pole pitch of the sta- tor is 0.258 m and maximum inverter frequency is 215 Hz, " The inverter system provides two special fea- tures for, voltage adjustment: Generation of output voltage by two sepa- rate uni ts. At h.igher frequencies. voltage control is made by phase shifting between the two units. At lower frequencies conventional pulse width modulation is used. Coupling of inverter and feeder lines of the stator by transformer. maximum phase transformed frequenci~s At higher frequencies the vol tage output will be from 2.6 to 4.25 kV. At lower the transformer is bypassed. At the 50 - 60 Hz range. the operational mode is switched for both features. The long-stator motor is subdivided into fee- der sections which are connected to the feeder lines according to the position of the test train. Different lengths of feeder sections between 360 and 3000 m are used in function of local power requirements. The minimum length 1s required for full acceleration in the high speed section of the track and the maximum length is suitable for constant speed at lower level, i.e. in the turning loops. Using the long-stator principle, the electri- cal power for propulsion is not to be trans- ferred aboard the test train. On-board power can be generated by a non-contact system, by the so-called linear generator. This device uses the field modulation, caused by the slots in the stator, to induce electrical energy in special coils which are embedded in the pole shoes of the levitation magnets. The electric energy is transferred via rectifiers to the batteries of the on-board power supply. Velocity of the test train is controlled by two independent systems: Operational speed can be controlled either automatically by a computer system at the test centre or manually from the test cen- tre control toom or from the control cabin of the train. Admissible maximum speed which is a func- tion of track curvature and switch posi- tions in front of the vehicle i8 checked against actual speed by an independent sys- tem. If the critical velocity Is exceeded, the mechanical emergency braking system will be actuated. ,Comparison is made by a double channel computer syatem aboard the vehicle, which uses scanning of passive markers on the guideway to determine speed and position of the vehicle, and switch po- sitions transmitted from the test centre. Data transfer between the test centre and the vehicle is made via a slotted waveguide moun- t<.tt al0nll the IlUldew8v. Couolers dioolnR into 00 the slot of the waveguide provide the data link to the vehicle. The switch points are controlled from the test centre by optical fibre cables. All operational equipment of the TRANS RAPID Test Fscil1ty hscI to be designed to the fol- lowing operational' conditions: - Resistance against environmental influen- ces: The requirements concerning resistance to environmental influences are baaed on Euro- pean climatic conditions. The Emsland test track shall be unconditionally operational at temperatures between - 25 and + 40 . C. wind speed up to 25 11./ s. and. the types and quantities of precipitation which normally occur. Noise emission: The admissible noise level Is determined by the following requirements: maxiDlUlll noise level at of 25 11 from the teat train 300 km/h: 84 dB (A) a dls tanee cruising at noise level at a diatance of 1 m from the test train being stopped: 65 dB (A) - Continuous operation: The Emsland Test Facility is being designed for an operational period of 18 hours daily followed by a 6 hours' break. An operating cycle lasting 30 min is to be repeated con- stantly throughout the service period. This operating cycle comprises two round trips over a total distance of 78 km at a maximum speed of 300 km/h, The cruising time 1s about 20 min, the subsequent stop at the station approximately 10 min. This duty cycle was chosen to simulate a short- to medium-haul commuter system. High speed operation: A maximum speed of 400 km/h should be at- tained over a 1 km-section of the straight run. This requirement was chosen as compro- mise between testing of high speed opera- tion for long haul intercity connection on one side and reasonable test track length and propulsion requirements on the other side. 3. TEST STATUS In February 1984 the test train, the electric supply and control systems, and the test cen- tre were completed. Low speed evaluation has begun on the guideway section between the tes t centre and the switch point at the connection to the northern turning loop. In April 1984 the northern turning loop will be completed; testing at higher speedS should then be in progress. At the Haglev Conference in October 1984 will be reported on the actual test status and on o o . first test results. 4. FURTHER PLANNING Demonstration of the operational capabilities of theTRANSRAPID Test Facility will be C01ll- pieced by the industrial group Which was res- ponsible for engineering and construction of the test site. Further evaluation and enduran- Fig 1 View of test centre building and test train ... Fig 3 Elevated guideway with prestressed concrete beams o o ce testing will be continued by an independent group built by the 'Deutsche Bundesbahn I, German Railways J the 'Deutsche Lufthansa'. German Airlines t and the 'IABG', the lndu- strleanlagen-Betrlebsgesellschaft. When this evaluation will have confirmed the intended performance. detailed investigation of the first commercial application of the high speed Maglev Technology In Germany as a short- to medium-haul commuter system will start. . . ! ...J- TRANS RAPID .,..=::--- EMSLAHO =...- 'l .. .. ., "l' .... f ~ . . , . ,-.... - - T111.......0 --- -.-.- ---- -. , Fig 2 Location and routing of the guideway Fig 4 Elevated guideway with welded steel beams "::::.",,,0 '".-. of"~ . " .-... . ::;:;:;:::::::;:: : ::;: :': ~:: =: ~ :;:i o .~( Fig 5 Switch point.t the northern turning loop Fig 7 Interior view of the Transrapid 08 o o Fig 6 ;'-..zt.:li~-t-.!:: .' Trannpid 08 _ train . -. ,-.~tl~~:'..' (~~~~ ' Fig 8 View of magnetic suspension bogie c o o -0- . The Tran,rapld Maglev West Germany engages in massive effort to raise ground speeds through magnetic levitation. The object Is to compete with airlines and .the auto. mobile In travel time, safe. ty, frequency, and comfort Reprinted from PROGRESSIVE RAILROADING, August 1985 o " ----- 06 '~ Between January and May of this year. there were 211 runs of the maglev Transrapid 06 at up to 250 km/h '0 ~~~ ~~'~ .... ''\ (15S mph) for a total of 3.147 mllas with a high dagr.. of reliability. Tests are monitored on computer system The Traosrapid Maglev It.s the closest thing to suspended animation. And in the extreme north of Western Germany on a 31.5 km (19,5 mile) test track, it already has sped along at 300 kmlh 086 mph) with a very good comfort index. The system is magnetic levitation. From what one sees in the extent to which it already exists. it could provide another dimension to high speed ground transportation. If satellites can be thrust into outer space by rockets. the harnessing of another powerful force-magnetic force--can also bring exciting new di- mensions to surface transportation. That is what is being proved and being refined for practical operation in the massive West German maglev ef- fort, The magnetic forces clear the vehicle of the structure upon which it appears to be riding. The system has two types of magnetic force induced by powerful West Germany engages In massive effort to raise ground speeds through magnetic levitation. The object is to compete with airlines and the auto- mobile In travel time, safe. ty, frequency, and comfort magnets. One set is on the underside of the structure so that when attracted it literally raises the vehicle, The other set is a series of guidance magnets that provides a magnetic flux perpendicular to the guideway, In this way, one magnetic flux raises the vehicle and the other prevents lat- On the elevated guideway, steel section that flexes like cwr enables the train to transfer from one guideway to another era! sway and repels lateral forces on curves and against gusts of wind. When thus levitated magnetically. linear propulsion can be applied with remarkable efficiency, It propels the vehicle just as the rotor and shaft of an electric motor revolves in proponion to the elecirical energy applied. Instead of being housed in a cage. however. the stator armature stretches along the guideway structure and propels the ve- hicle at speed ranges well beyond those of vehicles running on wheels. While the most ambitious maglev de- velopment project to date is that of the West Germans. variations of it also have cropped up in Japan. Britain, Canada, and the United States. (The U,S, Department of Transportation op- erated one form at its Pueblo Trans- portation Test Center in the early 70s.) Marketing rights for the system in North America are exclusive to the Budd Company's Technical Center. Cutaway Of unit that shows magnetic system that induces mag- netic force to raise the vehicle and guide it on the guideway '-". '''" The maglev program test center at Emsland includes large main- tenance facility and supporting research and control facilities Transrapid. as the West Germany maglev system is called. is designed for a top speed of 400 kmlh (248 mph) and more. At that range, the Transrapid is already targeted for commercial opera- tion in between the high speed rail and jet aircraft (see box). The entire Transrapid effort has headquarters in Munich. The 31,5 km guideway and supporting facilities are in northern West Germany. Other sup- porting activity is carried out in facilities of its sponsors-the govern- ment of West Germany and seven of the major industrial concerns of West Germany. During the course of the XXIV In- ternational Railway Congress held in Brussels in May. the point was made by several speakers that the practical operaiing limit for high speed rail is 300 km/h (180 mph). Beyond that, it is magnetic levitation. The state-of-the-art. then, apparently has reached the point where it is con4 side red feasible by railroad profession- als. That in turn is backed by the nature of the effort under way by West Ger_ many to bring maglev into reality. Some skeptics remain as to its economic feasibility: those involved in the Transrapid development indicate a definite awareness of those concerns. At the International Railway Con- gress. Horst Hessler. managing direc- tor of Transrapid International. pointed out that long periods of planning are generally required for the implementa. tion of a new transport system. As now progressing. tests that. began at Ems- land early this year should be com- pleted in the second half of the 1980s, Undertaking those tests is a team effort of some of the most advanced technologists in West Germany today. Those who hold reservations as to the practical feasibility of the maglev seem to question the practicability of the separate dedicated structure needed. ft is much more substantial than laying a stretch of rail. but not necessarily more so than elevated structures for rail systems. Because of the weightlessness of the vehicles when operating. the structure serves primar- ily as a guideway. The Transrapid 06 vehicle itself that Pennsylvania high speed group in test run experienced both com- fort and speed of magnetic levitation system. as have others rent. the operating speed of the system immediately suggests operating at speeds of over 300 kmlh (186 mph) and a top speed of 400 kmlh (240 mph) or more to be competitive with aircraft in the 200 km to 600 km distance range (125 to 372 miles), The system is also well suited for the vehicles in that range making several trips a day, thereby in- creasing both the utilization of the ve- hicles and the frequency of servi~e. The ranges are (l) operation at speeds of 400 kmlh (248 mph) and more over distances of more than 250 km (155 mph), (2) medium distance ranges between 50 and 200 km <31 and, 124 miles) with speeds of 300 kmlh (186 mph). and (3) the short distance range covering distances between 30 and 50 km (18 and 31 miles) without inter- mediate stops to link efficiently airports with city centers: By bringing cities in that range closer together with respect to travel time and frequency of service and doing it with commercially available electric cur- rent, the developers of the Transrapid 06 feel that rail-type transportation can compete more directly with air traffic and take people out of automobiles at well beyond the practical speed limits of rail passenger service. In West Germany. the German gov- ernment. the German Federal Rail. ways. the German Airlines Lufthansa and Transrapid International tackled all aspects of maglev transportation. Construction costs are about the same or less than wheel-on-rail-or even highway-systems. The only likelihood of maintenance costs would be mainly weather-induced. At Erns- land. Ihe foundation and support ele- ments are made of reinforced concrete. while the beams consist alternately of prestressed concrete or steel. Vertical gradients and ..mall \,;"urves can be more readily accommodated. (Max.imum gradient at Emslantl is J.Sq.. but up to 10% is feasible), The three-phase ..tator winding and stator armature that transmit electricity from the guideway to the vehicles have a snap-in-place configuration that also enables them to be installed by machine, With that portion of the mag- lev propulsion system on the underside Potentials for Maglev The potential is the basis for the mas. sive developmental effort now under way in West Germany by the government. the railroads. and German industry. In parallel with that commitment. the Ger. man Fed",al Railways (DB), in coopera- tion with German industry. is also de- veloping its ICE Intercity-Experimental train at optimum speeds of about 230 kmlh (142 mph) 10< operation on the DB line presently under construction (see high speed article. page 39), The potential for maglev is also di- rected toward congested corridors in the U,S, and Caneda. Its premise is thai rail transport will be able to compete effec- tively with the automobile and the aircraft only when increasing travel speeds. is operating at Emsland consists of two sections. Each of the two sections is 27 meters (88.5 ft) long, is divided into three passenger compartments. with a total seating capacity of 196 seats. The test track initially had a total length of 23.5 km (14.6 miles) with a large loop and varying curves and gra4 dients. Construction is now under way of the connecting south loop so that there can be continuous operation around two loops and along a 12 km (7.4 mile) tangent. "Even without the full figure 8 con- figuration," explains Rolf Kretz- schmar, managing director of Trans- rapid International. "much has been learned about maglev performance- construction, energizing, propulsion. rideability. and endurance in the harsh environment of the West Germany north country. Another dimension that has been resolved is in switching vehi- cles so that they move onto the main guideway or into passing sidings." For passenger comfort. acceleration and braking have been limited to obtain comfort without seat belts, The maglev is thus designed to go from standstill to 180 mph in about 90 see, and 240 mph in two minutes. There also is a notice4 able absence of noise, vibration. dust, dirt. or emissions. Operating control is similar to that of any train system. Then. because pro. pulsion is through three-phase alternat- ing current transformed to direct cur- o of the structure. it is also pretty well away from the elements. Then. on the vehicles themselves. the elec- tromagnetic levitation and guidance forces are generated by 32 levitation and 28 guidance magnets. each of which is 1,5 meters (4,9 ft) long. four of them mounted on a 6 meters (18 F1.) long beam as part of the bogies, Each section has four bogies which keep the magnets in the proper parallel position and convey the forces generated by the levitation and guidance systems. The bogies also have a mechanical brake system and anti.friction sledge ele- ments that keep the train on the track when it comes to a stop. Primary brak- ing. however. is done by the electrical brake of the linear drive system. On the average. 120 Kw is required to suspend and guide the whole Trans- rapid 06 along the track, To stabilize the air gap of V3-1h inches between the train and the track and the magnetic forces generated by the individual levitation and guidance magnets. the DC power modulator of each magnet is controlled independently, Even though this I 77-ft.. two-section train weighs 120 tons. when levitated it can be moved by the push of the hand, Transrapid 06 is the first full-sized train built with contact-free energy transmis- sion. In design. it is a linear generator system. o o o Maglev power application Is similar to electrification system at speeds above approximately 75 km/h (46 mph), As soon as the train reaches a speed of more than 125 kmih (77 mph). the additional power pro- vided by the generator flows into the butTer batteries. The total power re- quired for one train section is 185 Kw (for lighting. heating. air conditioning). The high speed opemtion at Emsland is controlled and monitored from a test center equipped with an extensive computerized informatics system. The work carries on with many cross. checks of permanent operating testing and also all-weather. noise emission, availability. riding comfort, and sys- tems behavior testing. The entire facility at Emsland was turned over to the operators in De. cember, 1984, To date. with the excep- tion of a few minor inconveniences that are no more than the normal develop- mental bugs. all has gone well with the first large-scale magnetically levitated train tests in history. Between January and May of this year, there were 211 runs at up to 250 km/h (155 mph) for a total of 3,147 miles with a high degree of reliability, . As the train moves along the track. the long stator built into the track gen- erates magnetic field variations in the levitation magnets. These field varia- tions in turn induce a speed-related voltage in a generator winding within the pole pieces of the levitation mag- nets. The electrical power is thus fed into the on-board batteries. The linear generator feeds power into the train's batteries via the charge rec- tifier. Energy needed at lower speeds is battery fed, The long stators Ipcated on both sides of the guideway beams are fed with three.phase current of varying frequency to generate a traveling field which propels the train in the desired direction. Frequency controls the speed of the train. Maximum frequency is 215 cycles, To achieve best efficiency and to use the voltage optimally. the entire track circuit is subdivided into several power feed and switch sections about from 350 to 3000 meters for best reasons, The sections are activated according to the momentary position of the train. The energy thus drawn from the na- tional 110 K v grid is fed into the long stator sections via transformers and frequency converters. Power fre- quency governs propulsion. generator is designed to provide the power re. quired for the levitation and guidance Transrapid International Steinsdocfstrabe 13 8000 Munchen 22, West Germany