HomeMy WebLinkAbout48-Planning CITt)OP SAN BERNARDltO - REQUE5f FOR COUNCIL AC~ David Anderson From: Acting Planning Director Subject: Change of..:idir€4flJ;nls6ll76 Mayor anJS3b~c?fi ij.(k~t~ of April 6, 1987, 2:00 p.m. Dept: Planning Date: March 20, 1987 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Previous Planning Commission action: At the meeting of the Planning Commission on March 17, 1987, the following recommendation was made: The application for Change of Zone No. 86-26 was unanimously recommended for denial. I I Recommended motion: To approve, modify or reject the findings and the recommendation of the Planning Commission. 4//L , Signature David Anderson Ward: 383-5057 6 Contact person: David Anderson Supporting data attached: Staff Report Phone: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: Finance: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No. ~F'. OITY OF SAN BERCJARDINO 0- MEMORANDUro To Planning Commission From Planning Department Subject Change of Zone 86-26 Date March 17, 1987 Approved ITEM NO. 11 WARD NO.6 Date OWNER: North Star Development 1875 W. Highland Avenue San Bernardino, Ca. 92405 APPLICANT : Dukes-Dukes and Aseociates 1875 W. Highland Avenue San Bernardino, Ca. 92405 The applicant for the above referenced Change of Zone requested and received a continuance at the February 3, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. The request was based upon the applicant's desire to meet with the project area residences regarding the requested Change of Zone. According to the attached memorandum from the City of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency the applicant met with the Northwest Project Area Committee which voted 9-2 in favor of the Change of Zone. Reepectfully Submitted, DAVE ANDERSON Acting Planning Director L~ociate Planner C'''Y' ON .,"..0.. o o ;2 11. .Ian. 1... TO Frank Schuma, Planning Director REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA tD)lU ffi@nJ\VIffim UlJ l.~'~: FEB 16 1987 MEMORANDUM DATE February II, 1987 FROM Glenda Saul, Executive Director CITY, L, '" ".,;.,~Hil.1ENT SAN Bi:f1NARDlNO. CA NHPAC Meeting - Change of Zone Request Dukes & Dukes SUBJECT On February 9, 1987, at the NHPAC meeting, Mr. John Dukes gave a presentation regarding his proposed 10 acre apartment complex located on Highland Avenue between Muscott and California streets. Mr. Dukes explained to the PAC that he would need a change of zone for his 10 acre parcel before he could proceed. After discussion, the PAC voted 9 to 2 In favor of a change of zone for Mr. Dukes' project. >4~~ ~lenda Saul Executive Director GS:EJ:kp:2229G STAF'F ROf/rt/lG F.AS,-A-\.. O,A #.rI!I v. e. __.._~ t..L. .~...'._ 0,';' " ..... F," r, I, VH FILE __ CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUMMARY III it APPLICANT: Change of Zone No. 86-26 OWNER: AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE WAR es- ssoc. 1875 W. Highland Ave., San Bdno., CA 92405 North Star Development 1875 W. Highland Ave., San Bdno., CA 92405 Tne applicant is requesting, to change the zone of an approximate~ 10.1 acre parcel from C-3A, Limited General Commercial. and' R-1-7200, Single Family Residential toR-3-3000, Multiple Family Residential. ~ ! II: ..... cr III ~ The project site is lcoated approximately 675 feet west of the centerline of Muscott Street on the southerly side of Highland Avenue. PROPERTY Subj ect iiorth South East West EXISTING LAND USE Vacant Shopping Cntr. Single-Fam. Res. Hobi1e Home Park Pet Hospital/ Vacant ZONING C-3A & R-l C-3A R-l C-3A & R-l C-3A '& R-l GEOLOGIC I SEISMIC 0 VES HAZARD ZONE lia NO HIGH FIRE oVES HAZARD ZONE lia NO ~ Zen IIIC!) 2Z Z- OQ a:Z -- >11. , 1&1 o NOT APPLICABLE o EXEMPT 129 NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS NOY, 'H' IlIYIIID '"'LV III. atlV FLOOD HAZARD 0 YES ZONE iI NO AIRPORT NOISE I 0 YES CRASH ZONE lia NO o POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS WITH MITIGATING MEASURES NO E.I.R. o E.I,R, REQUIRED BUT NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS WITH MITIGATING MEASURES o SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS , SEE ATTACHED E, R. C, MINUTES Z o - tc II.Q 1I.i5 t!:I en:l o () 1&1 a: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION M:\.ilti-Fam. Res. Commercial/lnJus. Sinele-Fam. F.es. M'Jlti-Fam. ~es. Multi-Fam. Res. g:S ) CI\ YES oNO 1XI APPROVAL IX! CONDITIONS o DENIAL o CONTINUANCE TO CITY OF SAN BERN DINO PLA INC~SED~~~THst'lT OBSERVATIONS AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE ;t/~h, ;t 1. The request is to change the land use zoning district from C- 3A, Limited General Commercial and R-1-7200, Single Family Residential to R-3-3000, Multiple Family Residential. The subject site consists of 10.1 acres located on the south side of Highland Avenue approximately 675 feet west of the center- line of Medical Center Drive. 2. The requested change of zone is consistent with the City of San Bernardino General Plan which designates the site and surrounding properties to the east and west for Residential, 8-14 dwelling units per acre. Surrounding properties to the south are designated Residential, 4-7 dwelling units per acre, while to the north (across Highland Avenue), parcels have a Commercial/Industrial designation. 3. The proposed change of zone would remove a portion of the excess strip commercial zoning along Highland Avenue and promote residential development in accordance with the Northwest Redevelopment Plan and corresponding General Plan designation. 4. Surrounding uses include mobile homes to the east, single family residential units to the south, a pet hospital and vacant field located to the west, and commercial activities to the north. The proposed project would provide a transition between Highland Avenue (classified as a Major) and single family development located to the south of the project. 5. A review of City maps indicated that the site was traversed by a 200 foot wide State Highway right-of-way. State of California Department of Transportation has indicated that they no longer have any interest on said parcel or any parcel west of Medical Center Drive (Muscott Street). Therefore, the above mentioned right-of-way issue is no longer considered a development constraint. 6. The 10.1 acre level site is sufficient in size, shape, width, depth and topography to accommodate multiple family develop- ment with a frontage of approximately 447 feet on the south side of Highland Avenue and a depth of approximately 767 feet. 7. The split zoning labels of C-3A and R-l on the subject property are not defined by an existing property line, which limits the development potential of the site due to conflicting land use and development standards. The proposed rezoning would provide uniformity to the entire subject parcel. " ^"It. t'"\ CITY OF SAN BERNARD1NO PLAN1~ING DEPARTMENT , CASE COZ NO. 86-26 OBSERVATIONS AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE 1J. ')/?,/87 ~ ,. 8. At their regularly scheduled meeting held on January 8, 1987, the Environmental Review Committee recommended the issuance of a negative declaration for Change of Zone No. 86-26. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above observations, Staff recommends adoption of the negative declaration and approval of Change of Zone No. 86-26 from C-3A, Limited General Commercial and R-1-7200, Single Pamily Residential to R-3-3000, Multiple Pamily Residential. Respectfully Submitted, PRANK A. SCHUMA, Planning Director ~;L./?/~------'- ~ONf/ Associate Planner . "- ... o 0 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST ',... A. BACKGROUND l. Case Number (s):Change of Zone No. 86-26 Date: 1/8/87 2. Project Description: Change of Zone of approximately 10.1 acre parcel from R-1-7200 and C-3A to R-3-3000. 3. General Location: South side of H1gland Avenue and 675 feet west of the centerline of Muscott Street. , , B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS YES MAYBE NO l. Could project change proposed uses of land, as indi- cated on the General Plan, either on project site or within general area1 - Jl 2. Would significant increases in either noise levels, dust odors, fumes, vibration or radiation be gener- ated from project area, either during construction or from completed project other than those result- ing from normal construction activity1 - Jl 3. Will project involve application, use or dispoeal of hazardous or toxic materials1 - ...x. 4. Will any deviation from any established environ- mental standards (air, water, noise, light, etc.) and/or adopted plans be requested in connection X with project1 - - 5. Will the project require the use of significant amounts of energy which could be reduced by the use of appropriate mitigation measures1 - ..x 6. Could the project create a traffic hazard or congestion1 - ..x 7. Could project result in any subetantial change in quality, quantity, or accessibility of any portion of region's air or eurface and ground water re- sources1 X "'-- ~ , MAY II 1AC.'_ A _lOP. .10"" "....lI;iC&..."..6 ""... -, ....,...... ~artge of Zone No. 86-26 ~ ~ ^ YES - 8. Will project involve construction of facilitiee in an area which could be flooded during an inter- _diate regional ,or localized flood? 9. Will project involve conetruction of facilities or services beyond those presently available or pro- posed in near future? 10. Could the project reeult in the displacement of community residents? 11. Are there any natural or man-made features in pro- ject area unique or rare (i... not normally found in other parts of country or regional? 12. Are there any known historical or archaelogical sitee in vicinity of project area which could be affected by project? l~. Could the project affect the use of a recrea- tional area or area of important aesthetic value or reduce or restrict access to public lands or parks? 14. Are there any known rare or endangered plant species in the project area? Q 15. Does project area serve as habitat, food source, nesting place, source of water, migratory path, etc., for any rare or endangered wildlife or fish species? 16. Will project be located in immediate area of any adverse geologic nature euch as slide prone areas, highly erosible soils, earthquake faulte, etc.? 17. Could project substantially affect potential use or conservation of a non-renewable natural resource? 18. Will any grading or excavation be required in connection with project which could alter any existing prominent surface land form, i.e., hill- side, canyons, drainage courses, etc? 19. Will any effects of the subject project together or in conjunction with effects of other projecte cause a cumulative significant adverse impact on the environment? ,,"' HAYBE (""\ NO ..Jt x ....x ....x ..Jt ....x ....x ....x ....x ....x x ....x '.... uc._. ""ICIOPa -- --------0 -- -.-. ~ hange of Zone No. 86-26 C. S\lMMAII.Y OF FINDINGS AND C1lMl.JU,TIVE EFFECTS If any of the findings of fact have been answered YES or MAYBE, then a brief clarification of potential impact shall be included as well as a discussion of any cumulative effects (attach additional sheets if needed). D. MITIGATION MEASURES Describe type and anticipated effect of any measuree proposed to mitigate or eliminate potentially significant adveree environmental impacts: E. DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation, ga We find the proposed project COULD NOT have a eignificant effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. [)We find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. [] We find the proposed project MAY have a eignificant effect on the environ- ment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, is required. . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J.d;"w.; t,~~ (Secretary) VAJ..J:;Klt; (,;. KUlSlS, ASSistant Plannel- DATE: h 8Jtl8l ~ ac._A _IOfI MAY 'II 0- o o o Ki.. L.~a D. Osborn. 1666 W. 20th Stre.t San B.rnardino, CA 92411 Karch 15, 1987 City O~ San B.rnardino 300 N. wOw Stre.t San B.rnardino, CA 92418 Att.ntion: "ik. Norton/PLANNING DEPART"ENT Subj.ct: ZONE CHANGE PROPOSAL R.~.rence: Change o~ Zone No. 86-26 G.nt~...n: I att.nded the Hearing that w.. sch.du~ed ~or F.bruary 3, 1987; How.v.r, the .pp~icant (Duk.s-Duk.s and A..oc.) r.qu..ted an ext.n.ion bee au.. th.y w.nt.d to ~ir.t me.t with the conc.rn.d citiz.ns o~ the community. The H..ring d.te w.. then r..chedu~ed ~or K.rch 17, 1987. I wi~~ b. unab~. to attend this re.son ~or this ~etter. I h.ve re.d .ubj.ct propro..~ .nd hereby .ubmit opposition to the propo..d zone ch.ng.: me.ting, h.nc. .nd r.vi.wed my comm.nts the the in I am oppo.ed to this zone change b.c.u.. it wou~d have . .igni~icant impact on the incr.... o~ tra~~ic in the adj.c.nt .r.... Thi. zone ch.nge wou~d .~.o give the .pp~ic.nt. ~icens. to bui~d. ~ow income housing project th.t wou~d d.v.~u.t. the n.ighboring prop.rtie.. It i. . known ~.ct th.t individua~. who .re renting in ~ow income housing will not take c.re o~ the prop.rty bec.us. they .re not buying it. I~ the app~icant is int.rest.d in bui~ding .~~ord.b~e hou.ing n..ded in this are., I propos. th.t Duk.s-Duk.s As.oc. bui~d .~~ord.b~e .ing~e ~ami~y dw.~~ings th.t c.n be purcha..d ( NOT RENTED ) to ~ow ino~m. individu.~., .nd ~.t the zoning r.m.in the ..me. I wou~d also like to respond to Duke.-Dukes .nd Aesoc.'s letter dat.d ".rch 10, 1987. First o~ all, I per.on.lly b.liev. th.t if individual. are provided with the opportunity to purch... their own home., th.y wouldr.th.r do.o th.n rent a match box. When an individu.l i. r.nting th.y h.ve no ch.nc. what-.o-ev.r to build up .ny .quity. This m..n. year .fter year they are lit.r.lly throwing .w.y their mon.y. Second, I would like to point out that by building multi-~amily developments, Duk.s-Duk.. would be 0- o o o ..king out like bandit.. I .sti..t. th.t the.e .p.rt.ent. will p.y ~or th....lv.. in a .ix-month time p.riod. Thi. m..n. th.t Duk..-Duke. would b. l.ughing .11 the w.y to the B.nk. The co.t to ..int.in .nd ..nag. dwelling. o~ this n.ture would be mini..l with the in~.rior re.ourc.. th.t .r. u.u.lly u..d in c.... like this on.. One ~inal qu..tion and comment: Duk.s-Duke. .nd As.oci.tion, -How would you like to live in Dorjil .nd Littl. Zion M.nor t- You h.ve stat.d how well ..n.g.d th.y .r.. I strongly dis.gr... I h.v. lived in An.h.i., .nd I h.v. visited other pl.c.. like C.rrito., Bel.ir, .tc. . . .nd I know wh.t a w.ll maintain.d .nd m.naged multi-~.mily d.v.lop..nt looks lik.. Sincer.ly, ~~~ Mi.. O.borne A Conc.rn.d Re.id.nt CIT'l' FL',',''',:o ':c;,'.1ENT SAN BEli;;'lniJ;:'~O, GA ma.rch 113,1987 IISZ~~O . F. A,~, t\.:. D,A ~,_ V,8, ...:...-.. A,L, __ D,W,_ E.G._ C,C,._ K,i.l._._ ~,B,_,_ M.i~. ._ M. n. _A__ R",...._ s....:. ___. V,R o 0 oorn~nwrnrID MAR 11 1981 Commission Members Cit~ Of San Bernardino Cit~ Ha.ll, 300 Hort.h "D" St., San Bernardino, California 92418-0110 RE: ProPosed Environmental He~ative Declaration. Ho. 14 Cha.n~~ of Zone Ho.86-26 Dear COMMiaaion Me~bers: .. I Jurlean McDinnis (actin~ President of the Orangewood Estate Homeowner), alone with ~an~ others Homeowners, are concern with the chanie of zone Ho. 86-26. We alread~ have major problem with the exi5tin9 Projets (Dorjil Estate & Little Zion Minor). I and manw other Home Owners have witness the followin9: 1. >>ru~a Traffickin~ 2. Hoodlums walkin9 thouih 3. Car & Home Theft (people runnin9 to and from these RPt) . Rt the averaie two home Per week have been broken in to. Police & Police Helicopter are lookini for Criminal at the averaie once a week. Duke & Duke want to build more RPts. This petrif~us. Duke & DuJee said that the new APt. wi 11 become moderatelncOM people, but Duke & Duke has said this before. I want to ca" wour attention to Mr. Duke track records. ' o IH. our are- o 0 0 l~f-Ie'n Li ,=,t 10:: ZiQrl l'li nor' ~,I<',:5, bl),i 1d, t'1t-'. DI).kesaid (hi cln;;' 01 meeting) th-il,t these APt::. I,Jo~l,ld be f(,r' the Elder111. t~,)W thell L,;:'I" Income. 12. Dorj i 1 Estate were bui Id for sa 1e Cor..dolYlinium, now thell are rented for Low Income. Our problelll aPPear to 1:5calated, Crime and Illore crime. I did a studll on these Apts. I PertendI was looking for a APt. to rent. I ask one of the residents if she liked living here? (Little Zion Minor) She said. ,"If I were 1I0U, 1 would' not Illove here". 1 ask whll? She said. '''When 1 first IIlOve h...... three lIears ago it was a nice place to live. Now we have ~aJar Problelll$ 1. Drug Pltb1.fU 2. Hanging out - P.oP l. standh9 ...round. 3. APts brake in and car th.ft. If 1 could. 1 would MOV. IW s.lf". 1M 1 then walk over to the Manager Office and talk to Mrs. Cal Hound. 1 told her 1 was froM" REAL ESTATE OFFICE \ooking for a Place for Mil tenants to live:. Mrs. Cal Hound told ~ that h.r waiting list is thr.. lI.ars long. I walk ov.r to DorJil Estate and ask Mrs. Singl.tarll ( Manager Daughter) how long was th. waiting list to'rent.~ said, MFor low Inc:ollle rental a verv lon9 1 ist, but for lIlod"'.te InC:OIll4t APts. a v.rll short H5t". 1 I.e. ftOW. that Mr. Duke will havt a hard tillle renting hi5 Illod.rat. I'tIC:oJl\l' APts. I ask Mr. Duke:, what would h. do if h. c:ould not rent out th.s. lIlodrate Inc:ollleAPt.? H. said let it set .M~ You and 1 know he c:ould not. l.t th... APts. 90 CMllI\"for too lOng. H. would aPPllI for so~ Plans to Nt" thelll.ou.t for \us Inc:olll.. If this should haPP.n. w. would have "aJar Pr~..s. THANK YOU FOR TAKEN THE TIME OUT TO READ THIS LETTER. PLEASE UNDERSTAND OUR PROBLEMS. THANK YOU /rJ f!-~ ,~ " .' ""-"'.." JURLERN MCGINNIS ORANOWOOD ESTATE HOt1E OWNERS." PRESIDENT o o o o PITITION TO DBHY CHANGI OP ZONI NUHBIR 86-26 VB ftl UNDIUlSIGN CITIZBNS OP TBI NIIGBBORBOOD ADJACINT TO THB SUBJIC'l' PILOPIUlTY WICB IS AN IUBGULAlLLY-SHAPBDPARCIL OP LAND CONSISTING OP APPROXXMATILY 10.1 ACRIS HAVXNG A FRONTAGI OP APPROXIAMTILY 460 PIIT ON TBI SOUTH SIDI OP HXGHLAND AVINUI AND IIING LOCATID APPROXlMATILY 675 PIIT WIST OP CBN'l'IUlLINS OP HUSCOTT 8ftlIT AND HOD COMKONLY KNOWN AS CHANGI OP IONS NUHBIUl 86-26, RIQUBST THAT ftl ctTY 01' IAN IIUlIIUDIRO ImIfl. ftl ZORI CHANGI I'OR THB I'OLLOWIRG UASONI: 2. THI PROPOSID CHANGI WOULD CHANGI THI ZORING ALONG HIGHLAND AVINUI I'Il0M LIMITBD COMKlJllCAL (C-3A) TO MULTIPLI I'AMILY. IT WOULD IRCRBASI T1lANSPOIlATIOR TIW'I'IC PROILIMSOO [~ ~3 U :; ,~:: ~: lID IT WOULD IRCRBAII CRIMI AND DRUG ACTIVITY. rEB 05 1987 1. 3. 4. INCRBASI OVIR CROWDING OP SCHOOLS. 5. 6. em PLANNiNG GEPARTMENT CRBATI MORI '1'IIAIJ THI NBIGHBOIlHOOD' S SHAllI 01' HULIT~.UikTS. IT WOULD DICIlBAII THI PROPIRTY VALUI 01' OUR PDSINT SINGLI PAMILY HOMBS. T1fIHTH SftlET HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION JOSIPH JACQUET, PIlISIDINT (PLBASI SIGN, SIGNATURI, AND ADDRISS) ORANGIWOOD HOMlOWNIUlS ASSOCIATION JURLIAH MCGIXHIS POLlDOIlI. PDSIDBHT , 6. !.t.<:./'t{:l, /J7cL. ~lS4!.''''T )7 /~ UJ .:U"~ ,h,c z"-...,,, Cd.. qXl/-// // . . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ... o o o o '8'1'ITION TO DINY CHANGB or ZONB NUMBD 86-26 WB TaB UNOBRSIGN CITIZBNS or THI NIIGHBOIlHOOD ADJACBNT TO TaB SUBJBCT PIlO.DTY 1fBICB IS AN IUBGULAIlLY-SHAPlD .AIlCIL or LAND CONSISTING or APPIlOXIIlAHLY 10.1 ACUS HAYING A rllONTAGI or ArrllOXIAHTILY C60 FliT ON TIIB SOUTH SIDB or HIGIILAND AVBNUB AND IBING LOCATBD ArrllOXIMATBLY 675 rlIT WBIT or C;_.....~I... or IIU.COTT 'TIlI8'1' AND NOU COHllONLY D01fH AS CHANGI 01' zon NUMBIl 86-26, RSQUB'T THAT TaB CITY or 'AN BD.NAIlDINO ImI!1 THB zon CHANGB I'OR TaB I'OLL01fING IlIA.ONS: 1. THB,PIlO'OSID CHANGB WOULD CHANGI THB ZONING ALONG HIGBLAND AYBIIUB ROIl LIMITBD COIOlBltICAL (C-3AI TO IlULTIPLB rAMILY. ' 2. IT WOULD INClllA.B TIlANSPOIlATION TIlAI'rIC PIlOBLIN.. 3. IT WOULD INClllASI CRIMI AND DIlUG ACTIYITY. .. INClllASI OYBIl CIlOWDING or SCHOOLS. 5. ClllATI MOIlI THAN THB NIIGBBOIlHOOD' S SHAIlI or IlULITIPLB I'AMILY UNITS. 6. IT WOULD DBCRIASI TBI .1l0PIIlTY YALUB 01' OUR PIlISBNT SINGLB I'AMILY KOHlS. T1fBN'l'Jl STIlEBT KOMI01fHIRS ASSOCIATION JO'BPB JACQUBT, PIlBSIDBNT (PLIASI SIGN, SIGNATOIlI, AND ADDIlBSSI ORANGB1fOOD ROHlO1fNBRS ASSOCIATION JURLIAN MCGINNIS POLIDOU, PUSIDIDI'l' . 2. ;--- / 3'. 7 6 J lj) ~i~ / I Cl ~ /1 I./~' d .' .1"1". 4' .. , " 5. 6. ":3.'f( 7. 8. 9. lOr , '/ 1~' , . 12. ' () - 13. r:f ~~:.,.v /l u.J;'OID_~ "-n1"f td.tA_......., 15. ('~.t_ " ['>4' !t''&.' ~';;,d ..4 t!> ~ s~ f$~ '.:1 0.,' I ,"- q1A /I Cj~",~ I 9' ':;'4 0 -;L.OJb 11,: ~~L 51.. 6~/5''({ jJ.Jjjp4v ,~. ~o:2' w~_.;I $"d o o o o peITION TO DBNY CHANGI 01" ZONI RUMBBll 86-26 WI ftl UllDIIlSIGN CITIZBNS 01" THI NIIGHBOIlHOOD ADJACBNT TO ftl SUBJICT PllOPBllTY WIIICK IS AN I1l1lBGULAllLy-aHAPBD PAllCIL 01' LAND CONSISTING 01' AJlPIlOXIIQ'1'ILY 10.1 ACUa HAVING A 1'1l0ll'1'AGI 01" APPllOXIAM'l'ILY 460 FlIT ON ftl SOUTH aIDI 01' HIGIILAND AVIHUB ANI) BIING LOCATIO APPllOXIIQ'1'ILY 675 FlIT WIa'1' 01" CBNTBllLIIIB 01" MUSCOTT STIlle ANI) MOlll COMMONLY DOWN AS CHANGI or ZONI NUMBlll 86-26, llIQUlS'1' THAT '1'HI CITY or SAN BI1lHAllDINO I2IIfX ftl ZONI CHAHGI roll ftl roLLOWIIIG 1lD80IlS: 1. ftl PllOPOSID CHANGI WOULD CHANGI '1'HI ZONING ALONG HIGHLAND AVINUB rllOM LIKITBD COMMlllICAL (C-3A) TO MULTIPLI FAMILY. 2. IT WOULD INCllIASI TllANSPOllATION T1lAI'l"IC PllOBLDS. 3. IT WOULD INCRIASI CllIMI ANI) DRUG ACTIVITY. 4. INCRIASI OVBR CROWDING or SCHOOLS. 5. CRIATB MORB THAN ftB NBIGHBORHOOD' S SHARB or MULITIPLB rAMILY UNITS. 6. IT WOULD DBCRIASB ftB PllOPBRTY VALUB 01" OUR PRBSBNT SINGLB rAMILY HOMlS. 'l'WBII'l'H STIlBI'1' HOMBOWNIRS ASSOCIATION JOSIPH JACQUBT, PlllSIDBNT OIlANGBWOOD HOMIOWNBllS ASSOCIATION JUJlLIAN MCGINNIS POLlDOllB, PllBSIDBNT (PLIASI SIGN, - '.~2 1. _~, SIGNATURB, AND ADDRBSS I , 8. l " 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 15 7. . J 5.13. I t'/J 9. 9 10. 11. l. .5 12.~~n-"-l>-\.IoOCt t\1..cu>. _)N~C'I ^'l.,~ l\~~-il-. ~.1t1.~ 13.Z~ -R ~~ j!~ci/J "/~ ?/7AA.4~..-N ~.! -# 4~ ~ ?;A ~ .,...." ~ ~~.#~ 1; , 14. M/_ ~ '1' " . ~~~~ 15 mv..~;t.' e~.2.,J"(J 11lM.H..Il~SI-/ #~'1 S--J~ i~w ... o o o %- ~ PITITION TO DBNY CHANGB or ZONB NUMBBR 86-26 VB THB UNDBRSIGN CITIZBNS or THB NBIGHBORHOOD ADJACENT TO THB SUBJBCT PkOPBRTY WHICH IS AN IRRBGULARLY-SHAPBD PARCBL or LAND CONSISTING or APPROXIMATBLY 10.1 ACRBS HAVING A FRONTAGB or APPROXIAMTBLY 460 rBBT ON THB SOU'l'H SIDB or HIGHLAND AVBNUB AND BBING LOCATBD APPROXIMATBLY 675 rBBT WBST or CINTBRLINBor MUSCO'l'T STRBIT AND MORB COMMONLY 1tN0WN AS CHANGB or ZONB NUMBBJl 86-26, RIQUIST THAT THI CITY or SAN BIRNAltDINO ~ THB ZONB CJWfGI rOR THI rOLLOWING RIASONS: 1. THB PROPOSBD CHANGI WOULD CHANGI THB ZONING ALONG HIGHLAND AVBNUI rROM LIMITBD COMMIRICAL (C-3AI TO MULTIPLI rAMILY. 2. IT WOULD INCRIASI'l'RAHSPOIlATION 'l'RAI'rIC PROBLIMS. 3. IT WOULD INCRIASB CRIMB AND DRUG ACTIVITY. :' e. INCRIASB OVER CROWDING or SCHOOLS. 5. CRBATE MORE '1'HAH THI NIIGHBORHOOD' S SHARI or MULITIPLI rAMILY UNITS. 6. IT WOULD DECRIASB THI PROPERTY VALUE or OUR PRBSENT SINGLE rAMILY HOMBS. TWBNTH STREET HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION JOSIPH JACQUIT, PRISIDBNT ORANGEWOOD HOMBOWNBllS ASSOCIATION JURLBAH MCGINNIS POLIDORI, PRlSIDBNT 1. & \ 2. I 3. , /c77 Lt.). {";/I..c~r .-Jf: J: g ~,#, ~~// ~. e. 7. 8. ,~~~ ~ ~t c:;...~. l"-. I C;'1~\\. N H-At-It.'t1tll ~J. IlJ/</h /t;/l/MI JI- ~ ,f 9. 10 11 12. 13. le. - 15. o o o o 'BTITION TO DBNY CHAHGI OP ZONI HUMBIR 86-26 VB THB UHDIRSIGN CITIZBNS OP THI NIIGHBORHooD ADJACBHT TO THB SUBJBCT 'RO'IRTY WHICH IS All IRIlIGVLAJlLY-SHA'ID 'AllCIL OP LARD CONSISTING OP APPROXIMATELY 10.1 ACRIS HAVING ArROHTAGI OP A"ROXIAMTILY 460 PIIT ON THB SOUTH SIDI OP HIGIlLAHD AVBHUB AHD BIING LOCA'l'BD APPROXIMATBLY 675 PIIT WIST or CBHTBRLIHB OP MUSCOTT STRIBT AHD IIOU COIlllONLY DOWH AS CHAHGB or ZONI HUMBIl 86-26, UQUIST THAT THI CITY or SAIl BIRllUDIHO ~ THI ZOHI CIWfGI rOR THI rOLLOWIHG RIASONS: 1. THI 'RO'OSBD CHAHGI WOULD CHAHGI THI ZONING ALONG HIGHLAND AVBNUI PROM LIIIITBD COlOIBIlICAL (C-JA) TO MULTIPLB PAMILY. 2. IT WOULD INCRIASI TaAHSPORATION TIU.PPIC PROBLIMS. 3. IT WOULD INCRlASI CRIIII AHD DRUG ACTIVITY. 4. INCRIASI OVIl CROWDING OP SCHOOLS. 5. CRIATB IIORB THAH THB NBIGHBORHooD' S SHAllI or MULITIPLB rAMILY UNITS. 6. IT WOULD DBCRIASB THI PRO,IlTY VALUB OP OUR 'RISBHT SINGLB FAMILY HOBS. TWBHTH STRIBT HOHBOWHBRSASSOCIATION JOSIPH JACQUBT, PRISIDBHT (PLIASI SIGN, SIGNATURB, AIID ADDRBSS) ORANGEWOOD HOBOWHBRS ASSOCIATION JURLIAH HCGIHHIS POLIDORI, PRBSIDBHT I fJ "fO.P0IY r aJ. :;J~II-'J ../.......... L'-?...t!"'_ ~ ~.P~// . 5.L'>t,II \ 5. %~.. ~... 91 . ~ .t: -R- It w . 2/J 1 h <;I. c; R J1/i ..l / ~ 'iJ. ~.~. 7.~. . 'Wif~ t~~t~~..('J!~~ QWt 8._uJ;h._~ ____ ~ I Ct(- j;'<f(/ , 9. I A~l.\~t:;#I""d i{'-<JOJJ/~/:7r ? dY,;,"" p~ "'~III' ::~~ (Z;;:r:;O;~~~J::; f'C?<dI 14. /<;r/j Ir60 9'-1.1-11 ?A-fJl/ 6. 15. o o o o PBTITION TO DIHY CHANGI OF ZOHB HUHBla 86-36 n THB UHDBa8IGN CIT1ZIHS OF THB NBIGHBORHooD ADJACBHT TO THB SUBJBC'r raOPUTY WHICH IS AN IUBGULARLY-SHAPBD pnCBL OF LAND CONSISTING OF UraOXDlATBLY 10.1 ACUll BAVING A ROftAGB OF UraOXlAH'lBLY 460 FU'l' ON THB S01J'1'B 'SIDB or HIGBLAHD AYBNUB AHJ) BBING LOCATED UPkOXIMATBLY 675 FBBT nST OF ClDI'1'DLlHB or IlUSCO'l"1' snBBT AHJ) IIOU COHKOHLY DOWN AS CHANGB OF ZOHB HUMBER 86-36, UQUBIT 'l'HAT THB CITY OF SAN BBlUfnDINO ImIII. THB ZOHB CHANGI FOk THB FOLLOWING kBASONS: 1. THB paOPOSED CHANGB WOULD CHANGB 'l'HB ZONING ALONG HIGHLAND AYBNUB ROIl LIMITED COMKlJlICAL (C-3A) TO MULTIPLB FAMILY. 3. IT WOULD INeklASI TUNSPORATION TllAI'FIC raOBLBMS. 3 . IT WOULD IHCkBASB CkIMB AHJ) DaUG ACTIVI'l'Y. 4. IHC1BASB OVO CROWDING OF SCHOOLS. 5. CJtBATB MOU '1'BAH DB HBIGHBORHooD I S SBAU: OF IlULITlPLB FAMILY UNITS. 6. IT WOULD DBCaBASB DB PkOPO'l'Y VALUE OF OUJt palSBH'l' SINGLB FAMILY HOMBS. '1'WBH'1'B STRBBT HOHBOWIfBllS ASSOCIATION JOSBPH JACQUET. PRBSIDBH'l' (PLIASE SIGN, SIGNA'l'URB, AND ADDUSS) 117- JrPt.$ OJtANGBWOOD HOMBOWHUS ASSOCUTION JUJlLBAH MCGINNIS POLIDOU, PUSIDBH'l' 6. ~ II 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. s.1> ~/~ ll.. /. S.D ' /~ 13. :#- 14. 15. ...V, tit --LL'I" .. -,.--.. .-- . ~ - ... ~ -- . /:I."' __,,1'ttL. ...,. --.,. . _;11:";' o o o 'BTI'1'ION TO DENY CHANGE 01' zon RUMBU 86-36 n THB UHDBIlSIGN CI'1'IZENS 01' 'l'BB NBIGHBOIlHOOD ADJACBH'l' TO 'l'BB SUBJEC'1' rIlO.U'1'Y WHICH IS AN IIlIlEGULAIlLY-SBA.BD PAIlCEL 01' LAND CONSIS'1'ING 01' Al'rIlOXIMA'l'BLY 10.1 ACUS BAVING A 1'1l0H'l'AGB 01' A"1l0XIAH'l'BLY 460 I'BB'1' ON 'l'IIB SOlml SIDB 01' HIGHLAND AVBNUB AND IBING LOCA'l'BD A.rIlOXIMA'1'BLY 675 FEB'1' WES'1' 01' CBH'l'DLIJIB or KUSCO'1"1' SftBB'1' AND MOU CODOHJ..Y KNOWN AS CHANGB 01' zon HUHBD. 86-:M, UQUBS'1' 'l'BA'1' 'l'BB CI'1'Y 01' SAN IDDIlDINO ~ 'l'IIB zon CHANGB rOil '1'BB rOLLOWDlG ,IlBASONS : 1. 'l'BB rIlO.OSBD CHANGB WOULD CHANG,B 'l'BB ZONING ALONG HIGBLAND AVBHUB nOM LIMI'1'BD COHMBRICAL (C-3A) TO MUL'1'I'LE FAMILY. 3. I'1' WOULD INCUASB 'l'RANSI'OU'1'ION nAJ'I'IC rIlOlLBHS. 3 . I'1' WOULD IRCJlBASB CIlIMB AND DJlUG AC'1'IVI'1'Y. 4 . INCJlBASE OVU CIlOWDING 01' SCHOOLS. 5. CJlBA'1'B MORB 'l'BAN 'l'BB HBIGBBOIlHOOD' S SHAIlB 01' MULI'1'II'LB FAMILY UNI'1'S. 6. I'1' WOULD DBCJlBASB 'l'IIB PIlOPU'1'Y VALUE 01' OUR PIlBSBH'l' SINGLB PAMILY HOMBS. 'l'WBN'l'H SftEE'1' HOMEOWNEJlS ASSOCIA'1'ION JOSBPH JACQUB'l', PIlBSIDBH'l' OIlANGBWOOD HOHBOWNBJlS ASSOCIATION JUJlLBAN MCGIHNISPOLIDOU, PUSIDBH'l' 4. SIGNATURE, AND ADD.BSS) ~5"6 . 1. 2. 3 5. 6. \ \). ::~:,~~:qt~ ~~'\ "'~J: -...."'-~~ ~,," ~ 10. ' u. 13. 14. 15 eIJI> '" , . o o o o , - --.----.- --.----. ...-.-.----., - --......-. -- ------.---.--.-------------.. ..- -+QZ=------ - --, ,-, .. ya<:S__:___ tb;;-jI; _________-,--- ___ ,_/1 /0L/-AQt5!( !/J;7C .. ~jj .tiLf2t/11 1 fi ,------- Na~..z.. , ---. =?xu;'[/lTJohYo) =~~_~_--- _ {]co(T2~ItI#l/ (., - 1~2.7 W. _Gr(Jf&3.r SS_6172CfI, -.-- /1")' C"oJ... /--,.-/) / C' ('/7/" , , ____, '.. "-.C (; ~<....(~.' .:~" 'V -z.... ,""'(f-~ J ><= [' Il..{'~jI,..l_{1 te:. T -.-; { ..;....,. _'14 'f (/ ~ 12 ,". ! __,_ ,_____C/ILLiiL (71/#);;- ,I t~ 7e i / ~/f/lii (' /,~, (~, /~'/I/ __..______'""3'~,''(" I.... Q,.C.....\. '\ ')\ ~c:;: \ot..I4~__'t>~uRq-.-L I~;;..'f J}. SU-l."~ f.rJ. - 5.~, ._______~~:~~l\t\II~J \~~C ~. ~~~~ ".h.'O. ~a..~\\___ ---_._-. --.. -... -- ..-_. ---_..-. .___ ___UH'_ . _._. _.._ ... . o ......,......-.,.. . ",:",_"~,_"""_".,,_,,,,,""-"'" ," .--....,u..,..~.......,.:.....,.;. o o o .ftITIOII '1'0 Dart CIWlGI o. ZOIlS lMIIIa 86-26 n TIIJ: UHDaBIGII CITIZIDIS O. TIIJ: IlSIGIIIlOaIIOOD ADJACIlIIT TO TD SUBJSCT .ao.aft nICK IS All IuaGULAaLY-SBAI'ID 'UCBL O. LAJIIl COIISISTDlG o. Al'n"''''I:''~TBLY 10.1 ACUS 'UVDlG A PIOII'1'AGB o. AI'.aGXUllTBLY ..0 nBT 011 TD SOVTB SIDB O. BIGlll.- AVBIIVII AIlD HDlG LOCATIO A1'n<llml'~TBLY 675 nBT ...,. O. CIIl'l'DLDIB or !lUleOft' I'l'IU'l' AIlD !IOU COIIIIOIILY III01IlI AI ,..~_. or ~OIII: _a 86-21. UQUUT 'l'llAT TD CITY or IAII IDII.."DlO aJIl TD IOIIB ClWlGB roa 'flIlI roLLOII%JIG aaAIOIIS : 1. TD .aorollD CJWfGB 1IOULD CJWfGB TD ZOJIDlG ALOJlG BIGIILUID AVBIIVII ROIl L%IIlTID ,,---teAL (C-UI TO IlULTIrLB rAIIILY. 2. IT 1fOULI) IIICUUB TUJllroUTIOII TUrnC nOILBIII. 3. IT WOULD IIICUUB caI'" AIlD DaUG ACTIVITY. 6. DlcaauB OVD ca01lllDlG O. ICBOOLI. 5. CaBATI IIOU TIWI TD IlB1GDOUOOD'S SIIUB or IlULITULB .AllILY UJlITS. 6. IT WOULD D&caBASB TIIJ: .ao.aTY VALUB or ova .USIlIIT IDlGLB rAIIILY BOIIII. TIIIlIITB ITaBft BOIIIOIIIIDI AIIOCUTIOII JOIUB JACQUBT. .UIIDIlIIT (.LUII BIGII. IIGJU.TUU:. AIlD Alll)UIS I OaAIIGBWOOD 1WlfI',..__1 AlIOCU'1'IOII JUaLDIl IICGDlIllI roLIIlOU, numllllT 2 7. 8. (J 9. 10. 11. 12. 13~~.,~~.,>~7;; 8 ~., ::::$';;:':',;' EL_ J:<?2fr :~~F~ ::~ . '.... \ ..0 ~. ~ \: . 19.r.( .,I-Pm""1J 20. ,~ " ,P ,t ,.l h 21. -)};; jfr}, .'4A ~ -..."..,...... '\'I 4J~(tI-. Sl..wtr J1.\..""'C.IJ"M.' .zi=.? Tt -7 -- tr':> FI='f '.~ 1,' .. Jo. ~~q~ ~ ~ '..., '" ..{'..... ~ if,_, '..> 4,_ \..."V '10 ..~..~ .. I '7 .. "4-;...... '/~ ". ^ '..,,'" . ~Jl'"" "1 :~ 'j ~f' . o o o o 'STtTtOK '1'0 DDIY CIlAHGB 0. ZOIIB IIlIIIIIU 86-26 wa '1'IIB UIlIlUUGX CXTUBIIS 0. '1'IIB NBtGBBORllOOD AIlJACIDIT '1'0 '1'IIB S~BC'l' .ao.un watCR U AX tUBGULULY-SIlA1'BD 'ARCBL 0. LAXIl COKSUTtXG 0. unOYTnTBLY 10.1 ACUI 'IIAVtXG A ftOIl'l'AGB 0. u.aoXtAlI'rBLY UO 'D'l' OK THa'SOU'1'R StDB 0. RtGIILAIID AVBIIUB AIID HXJlG LQCAftD UrlOXDQ.'l'BLY 675 ...,. wal'1' 0.; ClDl'l'ULDIB or IIlJlCOPI' S'1'IlD'l' AIlIl ... COIIIIOI'LY BII01III AI ....-- 0' Eod -D. f!;;i1. ~1'1' 'fIIA'1' '1'IIB CX'l'Y 0' IWI IDIIA'''XIIO RIll '1'IIB ZOIIB ClWlGB roR. '1'IIB roLL01ltJlG UUOllI: 1. '1'IIB rlOPOSBD ClWlGB WOULD CllAllGB '1'IIB ZOIItJIG ALOJIG RtGIILAIIIl AVBIlUB ncM LIHt'1'BD Coaao-TCAL IC-3A) '1'0 lIUL'1'ULB .AlltLY. ' 2. rt IfOULII D1CUUB '1'UIllPOIlA'1'tOJl 'l'BAfFtC rlOILBIIS. 3. t'1' WOULD D1CUUB CBDIB AIID DRUG AC'l'tVt'l'Y. .. tRC:UUB ova CBOIIIltJIG 0' ICHOOLS. 5. caBA'l'B IIOU 'l'IWI '1'IIB dtGBBORIIOOD' S SRAaB 0. IlULt'1'ULB 'AII1L'r UIIt'1'S. . 6. t'1' WOULD DBCUUB '1'IIB rlO.D.'l'Y VALUB 0. OW ruSBIl'l' ItJlGLB .AIULY ROIIBI. '1'lfIIIl'1'II 1'1'BD'1' IIvtoIOIbIDS UIOCtA'l'tOK 070IB.. oJACQlIB'1'. .UltDlDIT I.LBUB UGR, ItGn'l'UBB. AIID ADDUSS) OUJIGnoGD ~ ASSOCU'1'tOll .nmLUJI IICGDIIIU roLtDOU. rautDBIl'l' 2. 6. /VI 7 ...p:, ~..t....a::l n~ Jq , .. ~ J) 4l~4- l' 1. o~ I(,,,,~ ~Ol'~' If30 M/'" t;,i:"t t. ......,.....;. . ''';'.. 10. 11. 12. U. U. 15. U. . ....or'-U' 17. 18. It. ao. 21. '. i , . G ......,......;..: o o o 'I'1'ITIOII TO DIDlY CIIAIlOI or ZONl Il1lMIID 86-26 WI TIll UII!lDSIOII CI'1'IZIIlS or TIll HIIOBIOUOOD ADJACIIIT TO TIll SUlJICT PRO'DTY WlICB IS All IUIOULAaLY-SIlAPID PAllCIL or l.AJIIl COHSISTIIIO or AP'aoxDIATlLY 10.1 ACUS 'RAVIIlO A ROII'J'AOI or APPJl.OXUItrILY 460 rDT 011 TIll S01l'fll SIDJ: or BIGIlLAIID AVIIIIUI: AIfD UDIG LOCATIO APPItOXDQTlLY 675 nI'1' WlST or CIIlTDLDIJ: or w.COft lITIlDT AIfD IIDIJ: CO.-LY IIf01III AI CWU"'. or ....... -D 86-26. ItJ:QVIIST THAT TIll CITY or UII IDII..DIIlO IlIIIX TIll zon !CIWlOI roa TIll roLLOVIllO ....~.: 1. TIll PItOPOSID CIWlOI WOULD CIIAIlGI TIll ZOIlIIIO ALOIIO BIGIlLAIID AVIIIIUI: ROIl LIIIITIO C'.........tCAL (C-JAI TO KllLTIPLJ: rAIIILY. 2. IT WOULD IIICUUI ftAIf.POUTIOII TUnIC '1tOILIIIS. 3. IT WOULD IIlCUUI aIllJ: AIfD Davo ACTIVITY. ". IIIaJ:U1 ova aClllDDIG or SCBooLS. 5. aDTI MOD TBAII TIll NlIOBlOUooD'S SBAaJ: or IlULITItLJ: rAIIILY UIIITS. 6. IT WOULD DICUUJ: TIll 'ItO'DTY VALUS or ova 'UlD'l' .DlGLJ: rAIIILY BOIIIS. TIIJ:IITB SftDT ............I&S AS.GeIATIOII .1O'''B .1ACQUI'l'. 'D.IDD'l' ('LIlASI SIOII. SIOIfA'1'UItJ:. AIfD Io!lDDSSI OUIIonOOD -.o1IIIIU AlIOCIA'1'IOII .JVItLDIIIlCGIIlIlI. POLIDOU. numD'l' . < '/;;. . I, d ",J 5. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13~O,",.,~..-H-:. P..;:t."", 1=-4"'> \)~r('~"'c:\' ,c:nr;n~I~" ("-,\")'\-.11 u. II, J ~, II 15.'f!'''/p/:7:' ~/M,_d~ ;',2.s' ~~,rkz.t~~~ 16. " .... .74d4(/~ II t', /1.., " I 1,..., ,^ <;' ~ I( u. I::l::. 20. ~ ,:)..tl ~/.- )<;<;'1 ~ P~k-1Iu..",...~+ sa...&"", "/'2.'1,1 21. o ~..' "." ," ','-';~~"'" .. ....,.n o o o 'BTITIOII TO DBIlY CIIAIICIE 0. ZOIIK IIUIlIID 86-26 n TalE IlJIDDUCII CITIZIDIS 0. TalE IlKIGBBOaJlOOD ADJACIDIT TO TIIK SuaUCT PIl0'DTY nICB IS All IUIlCiVLULY-SIlAPIID 'AIlcn 0. LAIID COIISISTIIIC 0. APPIlOX:nu.Tl:LY 10.1 AC:I.IS HAVIIIC A .I.OJITAGI 0. AP'I.0XUIITILY 460 'QT 011 TIIK SOU'Jll SIDI 0. BICIILAIlD AVIIIUI AIlD IIDIG ~'1'IID AP,I.ClXDIl.Tl:LY 675 ruT nST 0. CIIlTII.LDII 0. WICO'J"l' SftllT AIlD 11018 COIlIIOIlLY DfOlIII AI ........11: 0. zon IIlIIIID 86-26. ~ THAT TIIK CITY 0. UJI III.IIAI.DDIO DIIII TIIK zon ClWlGI POI. TIIK POLLOVDIO I.IAIOIII : 1. TIIK '1.0POSIID CIIAIlGI WOULD CIWfCiI TIIK ZOIIIIIC ALOIIG HICIILUID AVIIIUI nOlI LIIII'l'IID CO_ICAL IC-JAI TO ICULTIl'LI .AllILY. 2 . IT WOULD :urCI.IAII 'l'UJIlPOU'UOII '1'I.AFFIC 'I.OILIIII. 3 . IT WOULD IIICalAl1 Cl.IIII AIlD DI.UG ACTIVITY. .. IIICI.IAII OVlI. CI.OllDIIICi 0. SCHOOLS. 5. Cl.lATI: NOU TIIAIf TIIK nICBIOIBOOD' S SIIAI.I 0. ICULITIl'LI .AllILY WITS. 6. IT WOULD DICalASI TIIK .1.0.DTY VALUI 0. 0U1 'UIIDIT IDlGLI .AllILY ROIIIS. '1'lIIIITR SftllT ROIIIOlIIIII.I ASSOCU'l'IOII JOSln JAC:QUI'l'. .I.ISIDIDIT I.LIASI SICII. SICIIA'1'UI.I. AIlD ADDUssl 2 5 OUlfCIWOOD 1IOIII01lIIII.1 AlSOCU'UOII .Jtm1."UI IICCDlIIU POLIDOU. 'I.UIDIII'l' , ok- '0 .' , . o o o Planning Department Third F'loor San Bernardino City Hall 300 N. "0" Str.et San Bernardino, California 92418 Attention. Mr. David Anderson Acting Planning Director Subj.ct. Change of Zone No. 86-26 H.aring Dat. and Tim.. March 17, 1987 at 7.00 P.M. We, the constituents who live in the vicinity of the irr.gularly .haped parcel of land, consisting of approximat.ly 10.1 acr.s, having a frontage of approximately 460 f..t, b.ing locat.d approximat.ly 67~ fe.t west of the c.nterline of Muscott Street, which is the subject property of the proposed Change of Zone No. 86-26, from R-1-7200, Single-Family R..idential and C-3A, Limited General Commercial, to R-3-3000, Multiple R..idential, have studied the matter with great interest. We have a growing community, with the expan.ion of the Community Hospital, and appropriately, the name of Muscott Stre.t has r.cently been changed to Medical Center Drive. Accordingly, it appears that to have a %one change, which permits the .rection of additional multiple dwelling., will place the area in an ancillary position to the image which the community has .trived to achieve. We believe if the above mentioned parcel of land i. dev.loped with single family hou.es, instead of re%oning it for the purpo.. of saturating the area with murtiple dwelling., it will not only be good for the area, but the entire We.t.ide. The area need. project. that will bring more property owner., .uch a. .ingle family re.ident. and owner-op.rat.d bu.ine..... In doing so, the area will acquire increa..d population and economic growth. WE HOPE, URGE, AND RECOMMEND, VOT~LONG WITH US, WITH A NO -:d'~~~~_1r gO_~a~~~-~-~- ~~I!~~~~,;~A!!1fU TO YOU, THE PLANNING COMMISSION, TO VOTE TO THIS ZONE CHANGE. o...,.~At-~ '3~lf~8'7 ~-r--:~~S~~-;-~~IJ 1:t}-3_~_~_______~_____ ..J_0d\..tl-p~ ill _fi ' MtlR to ,ggr : ',... ~:~ ::.", ~... ~.. ~;-'~:::~~t . "_l' '1':'-'. ;...... -,,~ ~. ,\ e 0 ~__~/L?.~!!. jJl1D__~J_lq~_________ 2&4.__~.__~9JL______ ~.__.::il_4:._- --' .l-12.I_f!:L..._~__ ~,--6..---(Z-2:iLt---- .....L v' ,n" 1-fl-81 1Y\.L\l~~.~u..A.J.,&,__:..\.b]1~~~ l1J2..~L-1.LkQ~-,S;b.-- &.-_~_~.J)j-'_4G- -iUJ t( IJ t.J~.d4_ J1~.r..z4!-~ Ill.J:2..u..J_~~ ~~~_di'.J:.-- -..oii.Jo::; f.t'".J? '7~'/ ~-,,---L~~- LI~2___Jd_~~__~J:______ _ .:i.o.Li1.r.J:.,,[Af{.Q....d.(.<.,.1 ,l:lt.L ____~-t2-~ _tr~~_~_~~_~rL______ __~~..L4:.,....,_.u:a.Tli.:I:J.' 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R" R .1 G ~ -'-~I:~_ -..I ~ o AGENDA 'ITEM # CASE CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-26 HEARING DATE 213/87 ,::;..j~:" -:- ~.. \ '. . , . \ , , . " , , It-T"- ~\' n-, :":" ~ '\. ! \" ~--~. .. It'l '\'\ ~ " ---, : "'" r....,. I ......J II-I It-, R'I ,;;;;. 11-1 A-P i ~I 11-1 11_1_ T iT - ii 01 .. I"" 'I 7- L:.. "'I [ r R" Rof I I r -----, " tIYW . It-I It'l .' .,.: :.;=. "'I Lit-I .,... NWT ,../ ./. " , R-I R-I . " ~II ' r--- R-I It.. 'N ("'J I. ,. ;:, I :,' ...-- - . ""I''''' I I ' .. C.3A r"'f"'I l[ R-I l~~jl~j( R-I I It-I.,.a:~ T I ~ ..:'J-t:...:ilI .0> ,. 0-~ - 01" 11.1 -:el C 3A ...- "'" ' .. - ~.::~__~__j~'JA T'- ....i8 C-JA :: l C-JA ,.-~ r ~;,~:;,:--- ::S;7,- - C-!. ~ ,1 -7-1 r1: ~~ :-~ , ,,__. I : I ,'T:. ~"X ...__.i ..!...J 11-. :.,........... t I --------.1 I )----7'~ -- .,. I \..~ .",' ... :' IlWYII" :lil ,,' ~:~~...,,-,-~ :J ~._-------R-i---1~" D R-I ~ !~.!~ -C'~I c'. ~ .,~ ~ .., - R.I R'!- 0 .,) (I) ~ '-- all ~ ~ R-I ~ - - ~L...:::: 5- Rof~(-:-Z-I . , ? It-I '- ad-.-l' S ,... I i R-I ~of .::. ~ ~, II Itoof II R-j R-I 11 1.-1 COM C- M ( ~ R-I :t -,.. R.I R'I . -- - . .., R.I - l!:!. R'I, L...-. R'I C ;lC . Ir-;: ; IL-.:.: J R-I R-I R-I 11.1 I ~ . tc'ITY OF SAN BERroRDINO PLC)JNiNG DEPARTMENO ~ '" LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION ~ r ~ TO: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: (NAME): NORTH STAR DEVELOPMENT (ADDRESS): lA7, w. Hifbland Ave. San Bernardino. CA 92405 (TEL. NO.): (714) AA7-6491 REi APPLICATION NUMBER (S): , ,THIS LETTER IS TO NOTIFY YOU THAT I (WE), AS LEGAL OWNER (5) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B" (ATTACHED) HEREBY AUTHORIZE: . I , (NAME): (ADDRESS): , (TEL, NO.): 1 ) . TO FILE AND REPRESENT MY (OUR) INTEREST IN THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION (S). SIGNATURE(S) OF f)~" ~ LEGAL OWNER(S): Ort........, i f)~lj /9 it 0 , , I DATE , , DATE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS LJ~J , DAY OF(TJIJ.l"~ ,,^ ) ,19 g( I) ,.!:!!!,IClAL SEAt '"J DARCEL M, JAW-':I, ' ~m.~~) ~ HOTARYPUBuc. t:.... SAN_NO 0" ",i M)'Co""n..fapQ.M~,j~;.I~;9 ....... , . NOTARY PUBL 8' OllFlClAL SEAL DARCEL M. JAMERSON .. NOTARYPU8UC.CAUFORMA SAN~COUNlY ' ....Cooof.bpn.Moy31,1.8. t 1 ~ : ~ MAY I'll TV OF SAN BERN 01 NO PL \. NING DEPARTMEN ~, . ." ^ APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE NO.$-~ ,.. "'Il OWNER: NORTH STAR DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT:Dukes-Dukes and Assoc. ADDRESS: 1875 W. Highland Ave. ADDRESS:Managing General Partner San Bernardino, CA 92405 1875 W. Highland Ave. San .Bernardino, CA 92405 TEL: 714/887-6491 TEL: 714/6491 I;':XISTlNG ZONE: PROPOSED ZONE: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: R-] and C-3A R-3-3000 I-.-eSi J.. efl(t.f. ~ Medium 8-l~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ASSESsoR's PARCEL NO. 143-191-59 See Attached Exhibit "A" REASON FOR CHANGE OF ZONE REQUEST: To facilitate the development of affordable housing needed in this area which will be similar in design and decor to previous housing constructed by this land developer. Change is in accordance with current General Plan' SUBMITTALS: iii PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT OR GRANT DEED lID APPLICATION (3 COPIES) 00500 FT. PROPERTY OWNER'S MAP (EXHIBIT A) IXl MAP OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (ID COPIES, FOLDED 181 LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (NOTARIZED), T08VZ"au") !if PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION 181 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION (NOTARIZED) " FORM I8l GUMMED LABELS (2 SETS) 181 TRANSPARENCY OF MAP On-lll' D. t"1~ DATE: #au ~ It; f(, SIGNATURE OF c:/ LEGAL OWNER (S) DATE' DATE: DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: ~E APPLICATION ACCEPTED: E.R.C. MEETING ( ) I1C. MEETING DAPPROVED DDENIED MIC.C. MEETING II... ,.... MARCH '84 akr c.z. FOIl" A i~,.' ',: O' - ~.' ,l"",'"~~;';:ol.<~"~~':i.ir'lfNti-'.~.o. U.L"~H'" ,tV!"', t'~.'. ~ ~'l'~~.Ila.owI:''''''''':~~''' T . ; """:I~f,\1' .;,.,:',::::' ";, ~'~'~'\."~ " " -'co , . ,,;c' "'~.,:;:r~~'r:~~:oc. "l .,(;;.. 1.'1175 W. ., '~,:~ ~~:It &in B8X'n ,.,.r CA 92405 L ,~,' J . .' ....1',. . ' itl<lQhl<<,.'>o, fJoeMw So, . i,' ,.,0 o . 1,1;l,.vl~Ui..IJ f:' {,';f!CI:'~ ~E':O:tDS o !S8! .1m 28 Pi! 3: 07 G.on D ("'I t,'l. lfl.Ln. SAt,1 ~r.r.~.:l.I"\:""l'O . W_hl\h' ""'In CO., Ci,UF. '::r. ,..... , '-" ;.!l , C'l .- _. , . f. ~...... 84-152662 ."ACE ABOVE THIS LINE ,.OR RECORDER'S usE: ;m~""~ t-~ Corporation Grant Deed .;~~';:. ; ~'J,\'.~ i!.lt ' 1::"il"'ocI dod.... lb.t the document.ry t...of., 'ax i. S......3.3,O,.,O'O...............,...,-,--,.....,..,.........,_...... and ia , "~I ,>,..~~: ' ~pb'" on the full ,'alue of lIIe inleresl. or prol>>trty com'eyed. or i. -! t ;: ~.t.. fehlJlu'&ed on the full \"Alue leu the value 01 liens or encumhrances mnaining thereon at the time of ..le. 1lte lane!. ~ ..., or ....., illoCAted in ," \ (.~- ' .JOlt A ,V.ulilABLE CONSIDERATION, reoeIpl .1 wbl,b iobereby ......wloclgocl. l' ~. ., ~r \,l '.,:soha' Duke;s. an URIIIarried man and DUKES-DUKES and ASSOCIA'l'ES, :h"....,~ !lr>.t. f. .~..' ,'''' " ~, II;";; OJ I~' '11 :\'!~: ;'J' '~.,...~ , ' I , 11\:-;'., ~ ,~,';.1j:,.:'~~.te il,agal description on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a ," ,). ',~?, ,..'Ct' hereof I l.J~'1 ~i~~:~,:'r t; ~ . . ~ration .r,anired Uftdcr the lawl of the State of ,.nIy GlWCTtS) 10 California HOR'l'IIS'l'AaDBVELotMEN'l', a California Limited Partnership tlteJlpllowins Mtoribed,.1 property in the c..,y.1 San "~rdino City of San Bernardino . .tate of CUifomia: '." ';~<-. ~' ' 1.111 lM.... ',_Ull i\.(' "'~I II... l"." .11 ." ,'-,-:'I'~~ ~. . .;,- ~ " I....j.~~,-:y (~".!~ a.o.;:_~.:tt P.." 1\.111. 1'. lPe4 n"'\t-pu_nn1r-....c An~ B.c.cn,..of :a~.ct. \ ! 'S1\.\TF. 01-" C.-\LlFOnSIA :;'.., \ C:OL~n 01' S." 8.Nla...!; ~o i +'..,1', , , ... JIolY\..... 1'11'1'1 IIl,Snll'lllI', ~,~".J.....;"f" !~','.'"'~ .'+ , ...., ,.,.."...... h!nrd,.' ,',:"'0. tAr)' e.r4ir JIt,"'1l1 r~r ""itl C.qur"ly Alltl Slalt'. :1,';\' ';"i~r "'1'- ,).hl\ l>....hS . "_,',; :(-I'.\:,_ ~C:I.'tu me IU.;~:I. , r=~~~~o:l; I:-:-~ lor ~ 'I~i' , . ".' , S<<n1O"., of die n>rllUrati... Ihat C'U'f'lIIWI tit" "ilMn '. . ,,:,'". v:,', 1.".1........, khlttl'll .. ,Ilk" It, lor tilt' ,"'r,..m.. who .......ulf"d lhr , ~" _~,; "Rf: ,,'llhhl III..trunlt1l!l.. "'i!:df., allt' ,'or/HlrlllimllhrnoID IHllIlI'11".AI!') f j' W .' ....II.,..I....!!l... !iii 11M' 1rn.1 ".,,1, "''1'orllli.." f'Vt"1I11.( lIho "'I!UII '" /Ii'" 1~1t'lIt l'II~.nl to i... l."law. IIr a Il"IIOllIlioll of I... IMllanl v, 'r~:' ~:+: dh......, ,;:~, , fV~' \~~ ' l':;~' I r ,,', XOW' iI':),\,~:;'::, '~m' .~,,,..,,,~.,~~.;,,,;tTAX ~\~lr";5~O ""'1:"" SII"'" ." ")),1.llW"" I."';, II' '" "..IIIT\' >II SIIIlWN. ",\11..151>"":1"':0..."\1: , :\~.4 ", I" (. ,: '~?l, ~j ,~ \i. ~~ ,T:~' , l'tahiO . :;oar,..'l AlI.ln_ l:ity I Sl:lt~ . "..11 \;<;,;\,,:,~l... S,) Rn. UO-7&) (I pt.) ~1Jl'..'''~ ' }~ by :~.. \ O....A.... ~-D~~ -4'f,\ FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAM~ . OFFlClALSEAJ; f:r.RCEl. M. JAMERSON . AlNPUBuc.~... --COI.MY ""~("""Mlw3'l,t"" , >-'1~; I , ..,1" ,-,-, , " ,\f-- ., -.-.' . 0 . , C 0 Oc ( " . 0 . . . . 'EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property located in the County State of California, described as follows: of San Bernardino, .. The North,,12 acres of the West one-half of Lot 1, in Block 58, of the Rancho San, Bernardino, 'as per plat "recorded in BOok 7, page' 2, of ".aps in the office of the Recorder ,of San Bernardino County, California. 'Excepting therefrom i that portion of the West half of Lot 1, Block 58, Rancho San Bernardino in the City of San Bcrnardino, as pcr plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 2, as conveyed to'W.F. 'l'hogmartin and Dorothy M. 'l'hogmartin,' by deed recorded May 20, 1960 in Book 5141, page 433, Official Records described as follows: Beginning at a point in the North line of said Lot ~istant Easterly 60 feet thereon from the Northwest corner of said LotI thence South O. 24' 24" East, 175 feet parallel with the West ,line of said LotI thence West 60 feet parallel with the North line of said Lot to a point in the West line of said LotI thence south O. 24' 24" East, 136.80 feet along said West line to the Northwest corner of the parcel of land conveyed to the State of California for freeway purposes by 'deed recorded February 23, 1960, as lnstrument No. 90 in Book 5061 of Official Records, page 312 ~ecords of said CountYI thence North 89. 41' 10" East, 200 feet along the Northerly line of said freewaYI thence North~. 24' 24" West, 311 feet,"more or less, to a point in the Northerly line of said Lot: thence West 140 feet to the point of beginning. ' 0:. ~, , -' 0, " . ''''' CO ..... \w. i': i \ i , I I Further excepting therefrom, that portion of the West 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 58, Rancho San Bernardino', as per plat recorded in Book 7, of Maps, page 2, Records of said County as conveyed to william Frank ~hogmartin,. .Jr. and Dorothy M. Th09lllartin, by deed "recorded May 11, 1955 in Book 3642, page 123, official Records, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot ~, thence East 60 feet, thence south and parallel with the west line of said Lot 1, 175 feet thence West 60 feet to the west line of said Lot, thence North 175 feet to the point of beginning~