HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-Economic Development Agency o o o o 0 DBVBLOPMBRT DBPAIlTMBRT OF TIlE CITY OF SAIl BBIllWlDIBO IlBOUBST FOil cmRISSIOR/COUBCIL ACTIOR From: KElmBTH J. BBlmBIlSOR Executive Director Subject: IIOBILBIIOMB PAD: IlBQUBST FOil PROPOSAL (1lFP) Date: May 26, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvnoDsis of Previous Cn..issionlCouncil/C~ittee Actiones): The Housing Committee has considered this matter on two occasions and on May 26, 1992 recommended approval to the Community Develoment Commission. -------------------------------- llecnMB~ded Motiones): lC......m"tv Develo...ant C.......i..ion\ IIOTIOR That the Community Development Commission approve and adopt the attached Mobilehome Park Request for proposals and authorize the issuance of said RFP on July 1, 1992 based upon the reasons set forth in the Staff Report. ~ator ~1lS0R Executive Director ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Ken Henderson Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Citv Wide Ward(s) : 1-7 Supporting Data Attached: Staff ReDort FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ RIA NIA NIA Source: Budget Authority: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C....issionlCouncil Rotes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:0811B COII!IISSIOR MDTIRG AGBlIDA Meeting Date: 6/1/1992 Agenda Itea ltmDber: ~ o o o o o DBVBLOPMBBT DBPARTMBBT OF TBB CIn OF SAB BBRlWlDIBO STAFF REPORT Mobil ..1I_>e Park Reauest For ProDosals (RR) Barktr-rnnnd The Housing Committee has reviewed and considered the attached Mobilehome Park Request for proposal on two prior occasions. During the meeting of May 12, 1992, the Housing Committee discussed the subject Request for Proposals (RFP) in some detail and asked staff to include ownership opportunities in the proposal and lastly, directed staff to invite various experts in the area of mobilehome operations and ownership strategies to share their insight with the Committee. Discussion Currently, there are forty-two mobilehome parks in the City of San Bernardino with approximately 4,200 spaces having a population of about 10,000 persons. Over 95% of these mobilehome park spaces in the City are occupied. There are approximately 28 mobilehome parks that offer 2448 spaces for senior citizens and 14 parks that offer 1804 spaces for families. The space rents range from a low of $170. per month in a few of the smaller parks with no amenities to a high of $600 with numerous amenities and view lots. The average space rent is $255 per month. The amenities offered at various mobilehome parks include clubhouses, spas, swimming pools, billard rooms, and laundry facilities. The City of San Bernardino wishes to increase the housing stock for low and moderate income households and sssure that space rents are maintained at affordable levels. The Development Department of the City of San Bernardino is seeking proposals from a Developer to design and construct a mobilehome park to be used for single-family dwellings. Mobilehomes used in the newly developed park are to be certified under the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standard Act of 1974. Mobilehomes used as single-family residences must be installed on approved permanent foundation systems in compliance with City building codes. The mobilehome park to be developed for single-family residences will not be site specific, but will need to be consistent with moderate income parks in character, amenities, architectural aesthetics, setbacks, building heights, access, off-street parking and minimum square footage requirements and any other criteria required by applicable building codes. Further, responses to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:0811E COII'IISSIOB MEBTIlIG AGBIIDA Meeting Date: 6/1/1992 Agenda Item BuIIIber: ~ o o o o DEVELOPMBlIr DBPAa:a:Joman; STAn' IlIPORr MobilehOlle Park Request for Proposal (in) May 26, 1992 Page Bumber -2- o this solicitation must include a provision, mechanism or procedure for providing the park's occupants the opportunity to own the park through some form of a cooperative, limited equity cooperative, equity sharing or other effective ownership arrangement. Any proposed deviation from these standards should be so stated and justified in the response to this RFP. The Department's objectives to be accomplished by this RFP are as follows: 1. To select an experienced and financially sound developer to design and construct a mobilehome park within the City limits. 2. To negotiate the purchase of land to develop a mobilehome park consistent with the requirements of this RFP. 3. To develop a mobilehome park to add additional low and moderate income housing the units to the City's housing stock. 4. To afford ownership opportunities for mobilehome park occupants. 5. The dollar amount of this project will be determined by the scope of services submitted by the successful offeror. During the discussion of this issue by the Housing Committee on May 26, 1992, Mayor John Longville (City of Rialto) and Willard Hicks, a member of Ramrod, discussed with the Committee and staff the experience of the City of Rialto in developing a resident-owned mobilehome park. Based upon this discussion, the Committee recommended to the Community Development Commission approval of the RFP, but that said RFP not be issued for thirty (30) days to allow staff the opportunity to investigate additional funding sources identified by Mr. Hicks and to allow the Committee and the Chairman of the Commission the opportunity to the feasibility of retaining a Project Manager for this project. RecmNft.-nd.tion Based upon the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. ~OB' becutive Director Developaent Department KJH:lag:08llE COMIIISSIOB MEETIBG AGUIlA Meet1n& Date: 6/1/1992 AgeDda It_ 1fmlber: ~ o o o o o (Date) SUBJECT: Request For Proposals No. EDA/92-01/0048c TBB DBVBLOPIIIlIT OF A IIlBILEIIOMI PAK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Development Department of the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino invites your firm to submit a proposal in response to its request entitled: TBB DBVBLOPIIIlIT OF A IIlBILEIIOMI PAK. The dollar amount for this project will be determined by the scope of services submitted by the successful offeror. Any questions regarding the technical aspect and contractual nature of the proposal are to be directed to: Attn: Mr. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director Development Department City of San Bernardino 201 N. "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, California 92401 Telephone (714) 384-5081 Enclosed is a request for proposal (RFP) and referenced attachments. This is a negotiated procurement utilizing the Request for Proposal method. The award will be the respondent submitting the best responsible proposal satisfying the City's requirements, rather than the lowest priced proposal. Ten (10) copies of the proposal are to be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the respondent and the Reouest for ProDosa1 Number. Please address your proposal to the Development Department, 201 N. "E" Street, Third Floor, San Bernardino, California 92401. The proposal may be hand-delivered to the Development Department of the Economic Development Agency at the same address. The ten copies of the proposal should be submitted in sufficient time to be received on or before 4 p.m., __ (date) 110 LAD PROPOSALS WILL BE ACliJlrrJ5D. TBB DEPAIcmJ5Jn WILL lOT CONSIDER IlICOMPLETE PROPOSALS. Thank you in advance for your interest in the City of San Bernardino. Sincerely, UMUrJl J. 1I'RIIIl1l1l110B, Bzecutive Director Deve1o.-aent Departaent KJH:SWP:paw:0048c ~ o o o . ~- II! 1 . o o ATlAcmmrrS The Deve10Dment Code, The City of San Bernardino, adopted June 3, 1990. Section 19.04, Residential Districts, Part I. Mobi1ehome and Manufactured Housing Design Standards; Part J. Mobi1ehome Park or Subdivision Design Standards; Part K. Multi-Family Housing Standards; and Section 19.24.040, Off-Street Parking Standards, Number of Parking Spaces Required. . 6 o o o . .!l:l o RFP No. EDA/92-0l/0048c oage 1 of -6- CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RBQUBft POR PROPOSALS POR TBB DBVELOPIIDT OF A MOBILBIIOIIB PAn: I . SCOPl!: OF WOK A. PurDOse The Development Department of the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, hereinafter referred to as the Department, requests proposals to develop and construct an owner-occupied mobilehome park. The City of San Bernardino wishes to increase the mobilehome housing stock for low and moderate income households, foster park ownership opportunities for its occupants, and assure that space rents are maintained at an affordable level. B. Pro1ect SCODe The Development Department of the City of San Bernardino is seeking proposals from a Developer to design and construct a mobi1ehome park to be used for single-family dwellings. Mobilehomes used in this park are to be certified under the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standard Act of 1974. Mobilehomes used as single-family residences must be installed on approved permanent foundation systems in compliance with City building codes. The mobilehome park to be developed for single-family residences will not be site specific, but will need to be consistent with other moderate income parks in character, amenities, architectural aesthetics, setbacks, building height, access, off-street parking and minimum square footage requirements and any other criteria required by applicable building codes. Park Ownership opportunities should be an integral element of the marketing and operational strategy for the benefit of new and long term occupants. Any proposed deviation from these standards should be so stated and justified in the response to this RFP. C. Barlr"pnnnll Currently, there are forty-two mobilehome parks in the City of San Bernardino with approximately 4,200 spaces having a population of about 10,000 persons. Over 95% of the mobi1ehome park spaces in the City are occupied. There are approximately 28 mobilehome parks that offer 2448 spaces for senior citizens and 14 parks that offer 1804 spaces for families. The space rents range from a low of $170 per month in a few of the smaller parks with no amenities to a high of $600 with numerous amenities and view lots. The average space rent is $255 per month. The amenities offered at various mobi1ehome parks include a clubhouses, spas, swimming pools, bi11ard rooms, laundry facilities, a lake, and others. ~ o o o Ll L o RFP No. EDA/92-0l/0048c age 2 of -6- D. ProDosal Guidelines Only complete responses to this RFP will be considered. Offerers should adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Eliaibilitv Criteria a. Organization A firm may be a for-profit or non-profit. (Submit Articles of Incorporation or other proof.) State if entity is a limited partnership, corporation, etc. b. Geographic Area The location of the mobilehome park must be within the City 11mi ts. 2. Proaram Obiectives The City's objectives are as follows: 1. To select an experienced and financially sound developer to design and construct a mobilehome park in the City. 2. To negotiate the purchase of land to develop a mobilehome park consistent with the requirements of this RFP. 3. To develop a mobilehome park to add additional low and moderate income housing units to the City's housing stock. 4. To afford park ownership opportunities for mobilehome park occupants. II. PKOPO!lAT. IIEOUlKMll51U:S A. ProDosal Format This section provides the format for responding to the RFP. All items require a response. Information should be presented in the same order and format as specified. If an item is not relevant to the offeror, please indicate not applicable. The City will not consider incomplete proposals. A Table of Contents and an Executive Summary are required. Please number all pages. The information will be used solely by the Department for purposes of evaluation and will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law. 1. Provide the proposer's name, title, mailing address, street address, and telephone number. Describe the nature of the proposer's business and length of operation. Specify parent company if the company is a corporation, partnership, joint venture or other. If a corporation, specify date incorporated. List other dba's. 2. List officers, partners, or owner(s) of the proposer entity by name, title, type of entity, and percent of ownership. Indicate the name and telephone number of the representative authorized to act on behalf of the proposer entity. 5 o 4. o o RFP No. EDA/92-01/0048c o cr 3 of -6- 3. Specify the capitalization of the proposer entity and clearly detail the entity's equity funding resource(s) and commitments. If the entity that is to undertake the development has been specifically formed for that purpose and represents a subsidiary or joint venture, specify the guarantee relationships that will exist between it and its sponsors or participants. 5. For the development entity or, in the case of s specifically formed company for this project, for each of its guarantors, please provide the following information: a) An audited or reviewed financial statement indicating total net worth and, to the extent that a portion of the net worth is real estate, the mechanism used for establishing the value of such real estate such as cost or market and, if market, based on appraisal judgment. These statements should correspond to the most recent full calendar or fiscal year. b) Identify your current banking relationships and the amount of the available credit line and/or guarantors and participants. c) Provide the name, address and telephone number for a minimum of four (4) credit references, preferably one involved in financing projects of similar scope, for the development entity and/or its guarantors and participants. . 6. Provide a list of dates and circumstances the offeror's involvement in any litigation or other disputes that could result in a financial settlement having a material adverse affect on the ability to execute this project. 7. Provide a list of dates and circumstances of any named individuals in the proposed project who have ever filed for bankruptcy or had projects that have been foreclosed or served with a notice of default. 8. Provide resumes of the principals in your firm. Resumes should summarize the professional experience of each person, including total time with firm, present responsibilities, and a description of their experience prior to joining the firm. Personnel - Provide resumes and job descriptions of all staff assigned to the project. 9. Describe the offeror's experience in designing and constructing similar projects, including comparable pUblic/private projects with emphasis on compliance with mobilehome parkes) criteria, low and moderate income housing, scale of development, cooperation with public agencies and date of successful completion. 10. Provide a site plan of the proposed mobilehome park. The site plan should follow the format approved by the City of San Bernardino Planning and Building Services Department. :5 o o o o RFP No. EDA/92-0l/0048c oe 4 of -6- B. Soecial Provisions 1. Development Incentives The Department is willing to consider development incentives, generally in the form of loan assistance, to accomplish the objectives of this RFP. The Department's assistance would be predicated on the necessity to reduce construction costs in order to achieve affordable low and moderate income housing. In essence, the Department is willing to provide greater assistance if there are appropriate recovery mechanisms. 2. Non-refundable Negotiating Fee The Developer selected from this solicitation will be required to provide the Agency with a non-refundable negotiating fee of $5,000 prior to commencement of final negotiations. The fee may be used later to cover project costs for the successful proposer. 3. Letters of Reference Respondents are requested to provide references from lenders, joint-venture partners, and other cities, counties, or other public agencies with whom they have worked. 4. Environmental Control The offeror, as contractor, shall take all the necessary precautions to save the environment from negative impacts. The contractor shall abide by all local, state and federal environmental regulations. 5. Contract Incorporation The contents of the successful proposal will become a part of the subsequent contractual document. However, prior to contract execution, the Department reserves the right to negotiate specific elements of any successful proposal. Failure of respondent to accept this obligation may result in the cancellation of any award. 6. Acceptance The Department reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to reso1icit for new responses to the RFP' All proposals will be evaluated as submitted. The Department is under no obligation to contact an offeror regarding incomplete information or clarification of proposal elements. 7. Reports Once an agreement is executed, the offeror shall submit such statements, records, data and information pertaining to matters covered under the agreement at such times and in such forms as required by the Department. Regular construction management reports per formats stipulated by the Department shall be submitted to the Department at intervals as designated in the agreement. :J 8. o Contract Payment RFP No. EDA/92-0l/0048c jage 5 of -6- " \ o The contract docUlllent shall be prepared by the Development Department. Applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations shall be incorporated or referenced in the contract boiler plate and as special conditions in the contract work statement wherever applicable. A negotiated contract amount is contemplated pursuant to payment terms outlined in the contract. The offeror shall state hislher willingness to comply with all applicable rules and regulations of local, state and federal governing entities. The Proposer must state his/her compliance with the terms of the Request for Proposal. (Submit attached contract compliance statement form.) 9. Release of Proprietary Information Proprietary information submitted relative to this RFP is for the exclusive use of the Department. Said materials and information are subject to disclosure under the provisions of the California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250 et seq. C. Reauired Atta"""'!Ilts l. Contract Compliance Statement Form 2. Organizational Chart!Management Structure 3. Program Performance Schedule 0 4. Staff ResUllles/Job Descriptions D. RFP r.h.n_e8 .n~ Diseloaure The Department reserves the right, for any reason, to accept or reject any or all proposals, to negotiate the terms and specifications for the project, to modify any part of the RFP, or to issue a new RFP. The Department aSSUllles no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of any information set forth in maps, reports, or other docUlllents/materials provided for the respondant's use in developing its proposal. Proponent assUllles all liability in the use of such information in developing its proposal. The Department assUllles no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by the proponent in the preparation of a proposal and response to this RFP. E. COIIIDetitive Selection/Evaluation Factors The successful offeror will be selected according to evaluation factors outlined below. These factors shall be applied to all eligible, responsive offerors in comparing proposals and selecting the successful offeror that the best responsive proposal satisfying the Department's requirements. o :5 1. 0 2. 3. 4. 5. o Organizational structure and management practices. Qualifications of personnel who will administer the project. Experience of the organization in providing services or products described in the Scope of Work. Cost effectiveness: The budget is adequate and construction costs are appropriate in relation to the development project proposed. 6. Innovativeness: The extent to which the project concept is innovative and responds to the needs stated in this RFP. 7. Organization's affirmative action policy and procedures and demonstrated business relationships with minority and female-owned businesses. IV. PROPOllAT. SUBllISSIOB Proposals shall be mailed or delivered to the following address: o Attn: Mr. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director Development Department 201 North "E" Street Third Floor San Bernardino, California 92401 (714) 384-5081 All proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. on SWP:paw:0048c o . 5