HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-Economic Development Agency o o o , DEWLOPMERT DEPARTM~T OF TBB CITY OF Sa BEUARDlBO . UOUEST FOR COIMISSIOR/COUIICIL ACTIOR From: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Executive Director Subj ec t : PROPOSED LEASE AGIl&&rmnr 201 BOIlTH "E" STIlJI:BT Date: March 10, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvnoDsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On March 5, 1992 the Redevelopment Committee recommended that the Community Development Commission approve a lese agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Sheryl-Ann Felix for the vacant coffee shop space located at 201 North "E" Street; the allocation of $50,000 for tenant improvements; and payment of a brokerage leasing commission of $17 ,000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recn"Pnded Motion(a): (COBBUDitv Develooment C~iasion) MOTIOR That the Community Development Commissionn authorize (i) the Executive Director to execute a lease agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Sheryl-Ann Felix for the vacant coffee shop space located at 201 North "E" Street; (11) authorize the allocation of an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, as a direct reimbursement for tenant and base building improvements to said leased area; and (iii) authorize the payment of a brokerage leasing commission in the amount of $17,000.00. ~~OR Executive Director Adm nistrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Ken Henderson/James W. SharD Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Central Citv (CC) Ward(s): One ( 1) Supporting Data Attached: Staff ReDort FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 67.000 Tax Increment Source: Budget Authority: BeiIll! Souaht ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission/Council Rotes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:SMM:lag:0617E COIMISSIOR MEETII!lG AGDDA Meeting Date: 3/16/1992 Agenda Itl!lll BuIlber: ~ o o o o o DEVELOPMEBT DEPARTMEBT OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERlWlDIBO STAFF REPORT ProDOsed Lease Aareement - 201 Borth "E" Street As a result of the Development Department's marketing efforts, Schneider Commercial Real Estate has submitted a "Proposal to Lease the Restaurant Facility" known as the coffee shop, located on the first floor of the 201 North "E" Street building. The proposal will feature Italian food and is an "Offer to Lease" by Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Sheryl-Ann Felix to construct improvements and operate a restaurant enterprise in said vacant space. Attached please find a copy of the original offer as Exhibit "A". The following is an analysis of the components of the proposed lease agreement: TERMS ABD COBDITIOBS Term Ten (10) years Options Two (2) five (5) year periods. Interim Occupancy Tenant shall be authorized to take possession of and occupy said space for the purpose of constructing tenant improvements, refurbishing existing equipment and conducting business for a period of six (6) months without rental obligation. Rent $2,080.50 per month. $2,410.00 per month. $2,812.00 per month. Year 3 rent, plus C.P.I. Index increase adjusted annually, not to exceed three percent (3%) per year. Year 10 rent, plus C.P.I. Index increase adjusted annually, not to exceed three percent (3%) per year. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Years 4-10 Option periods Utilities Tenant shall be responsible for the payment of all metered utilities for the operation of their facility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:SMM:lag:06l7E COMlUSSIOB MDTIl'IG AGElIDA Meeting Date: 3/16/1992 Agenda Itl!ll Blaber: ~ o () () o o DEVELOPMBIT DBPAJm.own: STAFF REPORT Proposed Lease Agreement March 10, 1992 Page Number -2- Staff has determined, upon research and review of the current market environment, that the above terms and conditions are both competitive and reasonable. Staff, therefore, recommends the approval of these proposed lease conditions. TEJIAlIIT Alm RASE BUILDIBG IIIPRmimuJIII AT.TJ\CATIOB Pursuant to the "Proposal to Lease", dated January 27, 1992, the prospective tenant has requested a total reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00. Said reimbursement shall be for the refurbishment of the existing kitchen equipment and the construction of tenant improvements. Said improvements shall consist of but shall not be limited to, a) Repair and rebuilding of all existing kitchen equipment and refrigerators necessary to operate a full service restaurant. b) Repainting of the entire public areas within the restaurant. c) Purchase and installation of new ceiling light fixtures and fans. d) Reupholstering of the damaged dining area booths. e) Demolition and removal of the front hard liquor bar area. f) Refurbishment of the old bar area to match the existing dining decor. During the course of negotiations, staff initiated a thorough review of the existing tenant improvements and building conditions. It has been determined that currently there are fire and building code deficiencies which would impact the tenant's ability to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. In addition, staff has defined certain mechanical and aesthetic building components which need to be addressed and corrected. In light of these discoveries, staff renegotiated the proposed tenant improvement allowance. The current proposal provides for the mandatory allocation of $10,000 of the total $50,000 tenant improvement allowance to remedy these deficiencies. The following is a non-aIl-inclusive list of the items which have been identified to date. a) Installation of fire sprinklers within the kitchen and dining areas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:SMM:lag:0617E COIIIISSIOB DETIBG AGEBDA Reetin& Date: 3/16/1992 Agenda It_ "'ber: ~ o o o o DEVELOPMDT DEPARTMUT STAFF IlEPORT Proposed Lease Agreement March 10, 1992 Page Number -3- o b) Repair of emergency lighting and exit signage. c) Installation of electrical meters on load centers and HVAC mechanical equipment. d) Replacement of the dark tinted glazing with clear storefront glass on the exterior and within the lobby area. e) Installation of a fabric canopy and overhead lighting to the existing metal canopy frame. f) Refurbishment and start up of all HVAC mechanical equipment. Staff is confident that the above measures represent the entire scope of work which needs to be completed. BROKERAGE T."RAlIIlIG COfBISSIOII The initial "Proposal to Lease" included the stipulation that the lessor pay to the brokerage representing the lessee a commission which was equivalent to seven percent (7%) of the gross actual income. Staff has aggressively renegotiated the commission and has reduced the proposed obligation to $17,000.00, which is approximately five percent (5%) of the gross actual income. This represents fair compensation within the brokerage community. SUMMARY In an effort to fully inform the Committee of the economics of the transaction and the individuals involved, staff has created and attached the following exhibits. Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Original Offer dated January 27, 1992. Income analysis of lease obligation. Resumes of lessee. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:SMM:lag:06l7E CCMlISSION 1lBET1l'lG AGEllDA Keeting Date: 3/16/1992 Agenda Item Bullber: ~ o Q o .. ,..... .. . . o@ ~ o Pap Two Mr. James Sharp January 'J:1, 1992 TENANT IMPROVEMENT ALLOWANCE: Not to ewoeed Fifty Thousand DoDars ($50,000.00). to be paid upon p1m ....tion of invoices. COMMISSION: ~.hMder Q.11.1.-e-cia1 Real Estate to recem Twenty Five Thousand DoDars ($25,000.00) upon execution of' eaR Aa 1helIe OtTerors lie most anxious to proceed. we would appreciate an 8IISMI' as soon as possible. Th-"~I you in advance, I fI'!II'l-"'. S' ESTATE' ABSIalr eucIs. L o o o -.. . . ........ .. o~ 0" SCHNEIDER a:u~1L IlE4L ESTA~ 1anuary 27, 1992 Mr. James Sharp Economic DeveIo]llllellt Department 201 N. "E" St., 3rd FIr. San Bernardino, CA 92401 Re: Proposal to Leue Restaurant Facility 1st floor, 201 N. "E- St., San BemardiDo, CA Dear Mr. Sharp; 'Ibe roDowiDs is an Offer to Leue from Martin M. FeIh and ShayJ-Ama R. Felix for the abovmnentioDed Rstaurant 8plUle. Enc10sed are IODIe wzy imJll*~ .-....... 'Ibe8e people are first-time 0WDeI'B but I feel they wiD both diJirtty wort to make this Rstaurant a"><< II LOCATION: 1st floor, 201 N. -E- St, San Bemardino, CA SQ. Fr.: 4,017 Tal (10) Years with Two (2) Five (5) Year Optious TERM: FREE RENT: Six (6) Months from date of c:ompJetioD of pmndooI CompJetioD of Remodel DOt to exceed Four (4) MODths from date of pomssion of ,...-:...111(1 RENI': Year 1 - S.SO Year 2 - S.60 Year 3 - $.70 Ye&l'II4 -10:f- OptioD periods, C.P.L not to exceed 1bnle Peroent (3%) annuaDy. Exhibit "A" ,., Wert,.. . ~llI) ~ ..... 2l/f ..., ........... CA _ T. (7'4) m-... IG(7f4}"'.HIf '^ 9ALU1 or WSI - 201 IOITB "I" s2.r PIOPOSID USTAIIIA1Ir 0 SQUAD I'OO'lACR lAD MOlITBS tear 1 4,017 .50 6 . $ 12,051 tear 2 4,017 .60 12 . 28,922 tear 3 4,017 .70 12 . 33,742 tear 4 4,017 .72 12 . 34,706 tear 5 4,017 .74 12 . 35,671 tear 6 4,017 .76 12 . 36,635 tear 7 4,017 .79 12 . 38,081 tear 8 4,017 .81 12 . 39,045 tear 9 4,017 .84 12 . 40,491 tear 10 4,017 .86 12 . 41.455 c:aoss III9UL IlIC0111: t~.7.. (KlnUl) Tenant x.proy..enta ($9.96/af) (Kinua) Landlord IlIprovementa ($2.491af) -$ 40,000.00 - 10,000.00 o (Klnua) C~la.lone (5S) - 17.000.00 .et Ten (10) tear Incae '2'7~a770aOO Avera.e Inco.e per year $ 23,379.90 $ 2,281.66 $.55/S.r. Aver..e Incoaa Per IIoDth .et .ffectlve lent o JWS:SfII:5147G Exhibit "B" k o o. o . . /' oG G o MARTIN M. FBLIX 3095 N. Pershinq Ave. San Bernardino, Ca. 92405 (714) 882,2787 Date of Birth: Birthplace: Citizenship: Education: March 4, 1964 Jerez, Zacateca., MEXICO Permanent Resident Alien Primary and Secondary level qeneral education completed at: BSCUBLA DB LOPBZ VILARDB Rancho Lo. Juarez Jerez, Zacatecas MEXICO Married, no children Personal: Work History: 9/1989 - 1/1992 PINO ITALIAN CUISINE 198? S. Diners Court San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 ('14) 38 -5150 Position: Chef Duties: Assisted Owner in establishinCJ this Restaura/:t. Planned menu, controlled all aspe~ts of kitc"en service. Ririnq, traininq and supervision of all kitchen employees. Orderinq, recievinq and s.ockinq of meat, seafood, produce and qrocery items. . Preparation, cookinq and plate assembly of all menu items. ReCJular inventory control, as well as openinq and closinq duties. Exhibit 'C' b . o o. o . ~ o ~ o 12/1987 - 9/U88 - MAGNONE'S A RESTAURAN'l' 1630 Spruce Street Riversid. , Ca. 92501 (714) 781-8840 Position: SCtUS Ch.f . Duties: A~.isting Chef in preparation, cooking .nd plate ....mbly of .11 ..nu items. Assist in rr.cieving and stocking of meat, seafood, pro- due. and groc.ry ite.s. As.i.t Chef in regular inventory controls. 9/1986 - 6/1987 PITRUZZELLO'S RESTAURANT 287 La Cadena Driv. Riverside , Ca. 92501 (714) 686-6787 Position: Dutie.: Ch.f Re.ponsible for all a.pects of kitch.n service. Hiring, training and supervision of all kitche~ employe... Ordering, recieving and stocking of meat, ..afood, produce and grocery it.... Responsibl. for monthly inv.ntory control as well a. all opening and clo.ing duties. 4/1986 - 9/1986 MARIO'S PLACE 6085 Magnolia Avenu. . Riv.r.id. , Ca. 92504 Position: Sou. Chef Duties: Re.pon.ible for all preperat1c.n, cooking and plate a....bly of all menu it(,ms during the luncheon .hift. A..i.t the OWller/Chef during the dinner .hift including preparation, cook- ing and plat. a....bly of all .enu it.... Conduct inv.ntory control as well .s reci.v- ing and .tocking of meat, .eafood, produce and grocery ite... (714) 684-7755 . . h J @ r:,. \iJI o ! o c:; 4/1985 - 4/1986 VESUVIO'S 27115 -A- Redlands Blvd. Redland., Ca. 92373 (714) 792-9399 Po.ition: Sou. Chef Dutie.: As.i.t Chef in all a.pect. of kitchen .ervice. Re.onsible for trainin9 and supervi.ion of all kitchen employee.. Conductedweekly inventory controls as well as orderinq, recievinq and stock- inq of meat, seafood, produce and qrocery items. A.sist Chef in preparation, cookinq and plate as.embly of all menu items. 2/1980 - 4/1985 PITRUZZELLO's RESTAURANT 287 La Cadena Drive Riverside, Ca. 92501 (714) 686-6787 o Posi tion: Cook Duties: Assist Chef in preparation, cookinq and plate assembly of all menu it.... Preparation and plate as.embly of all salad and sandwich items. Responsible for recievinq and stockinq all meat, seafood, produce and qrocery items. Assi.t Chef in monthly inventory controls. Responsible for liqht .aintenance and daily cleaninq duties in kitchen. o . . In o o. o . .. o. cP SHERYL-ANN R. FELIX 3095 If. Pershing Ave. San Bernardino, Ca. 92405 (714) 882-2787 Date of Birth: Birthplace: Education: Personal: Work History: January 8, 1957 Riverside, Ca. Highschool Graduate BRUNMATT SCHULHAUS 1m Sesselaker 48 Bas.l, SWITZERLAND Married, no children 12/1989 - 1/1992 Position: Duties: . PIKO ITALIAN CUISINE 1987 S. Diners Court San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 (714) 381-5150 Manager Assisted OWner in establishing this Restaurant. . Planned menu, assisted in selecting beer, wine and bar alcohol selections. Responsible for control of entire dining-room floor including hiring, training and supervision of dining- rOOll staff. Ordering, recieving and stocking of beer, wine, liquor and dry goods as necesary. Conducted inventory control, as well as helping Owner with scheduling, payroll, opening and closing duties. b 1. o@ Oij o '2/1989 - 12/1J89 FANGIPANI 's GOURMB'1' ROOMS 23580 Sunnymead Blvd. Moreno Valley, Ca. 92388 (714) 242-8023 . . Gentral Manager Res~nsible for all functions of entire bar and restaurant. Responsible for bOOking, plan- ning, billing and scheduling of banquets, weddings and all other private functions. Responsible for hiring, training and the supervision of all employees. Maintained all SCheduling of employees. Responsible for all cash drops. Required to establish good public relations within community. Responsible for all ordering, recieving and stocking of .beer, wine, liquor, grocery and dry good items. Conducted weekly inventory controls. Responsible for all opening and closing duties as well as entire building securities. Position: Duties: o 10/1987 - 12/1988 NINA'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT 414 Tennessee Plaza Redlands, Ca. 92374 (714) 798-4868 o Position: Manager Duties: Assisted OWners in re-establishing faltering business. Planned new menu, established a very successful "Early-Bird" menu promotion. Also established new beer and wine lists. Responsible for hiring, training and supervision of a new · staff. Assisted owner in SCheduling, payrOll, general bisiness decisions as well as assistinq with opening and closing duties. Determined advertisinq promotions, also assisted in orderinq, recievinq and stocking of meat, seafood, produce, beer, wine, grocery and dry good supplies. h o o o - , . t) o " o 6/1987 - 2/1988 Position: Duties: BON APPETITO 246 E. Ba.elin. Av.. San Bernardino, Ca. 92406 (714) 884-5054 A.sistant Manager A..i.t.d Owner with inventory controls, as w.ll . as .cheduling and traiding of .mploy.... A..i.t in r.cieving and stocking of be.r, win., groc.ry and dry good .uppli... S.rvic. cu.tom.rs in a freindly and .fficient mann.r during both tha luncheon and the dinn.r .hift, al.o helped in s.rvic. of banquet., wedding r.ception. and other privat.ly cater.d functions as .ch.duled. 9/1986 - 6/1987 Position Duties: . PITRUZZELLO'S RESTAURANT 287 La C.d.na Drive Riv.r.ide, Ca. 92501 : General Manag.r Respon.ibl. for all functions of .ntir. bar and re.taurant. R..ponsible for booking, plan- ning and billing of banquet., w.ddings and oth.r private function. a. well a. all on and off pr..is. cat.ring.Re.ponsibl. for hiring, trainin9 and sup.rvision of entire staff as well as scheduling. R.sponsibl. for all ordering, recieving and stocking of meat, seafood, produce, beer, Wine, liquor, grocery and dry goods supplies. Reestablished falt.ring wine-club, increased the memb.rship 300' and succeeded in maintaining a profit margin. Determined advertising promotions. Maintained good cu.tomer r.lations. Maintained payroll r.cords a. w.ll a. weekly inventory records. Re.pon.ible for all opening and closing duties and for building maint.nanc. and .ecurity. (714) 686-6787 . l @ o 00 o 4/1986 - 9/1986 MARIO'S PLACE 6085 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, Ca. 92506 (714) 684-7755 Position: Manager Duties: Assisted OWners with ipventory control as well as ordering, recieving and stocking of produce, beer wine, linen, grocery and dry goods Supplies. Also assisted owners in scheduling of staff, hiring training and supervision of employees as well as maintaining payroll records and preparing bank deposits. Service customers in a freindly and efficient manner during both the luncheon and the dinner shifts, also helped in service of banquets, wedding receptions and other privately catered functions. Responsible for assisting the OWner in all opening and closing duties. o. 6/1985 - 4/1986 . VESUVIO'S 27115 -A- Redlands Blvd. Redlands, Ca. 92373 (714) 792-9399 Day Shift Assist. Manager Assist Manager in hiring, training, scheduling and supervisi~g staff. Assist in inventory control. Assist in ordering of linen, pastry selections, produce, dairy, grocery and dry goods supplies. Assisted in maintaining payroll records .as well as assisting in opening duties. Service customers in a freindly and efficient manner during the luncheon shift and assisted the evening Manager with Host and Front Desk duties. Assisted in servicing banquets, wedding receptions and other privately catered functions as scheduled. Position: Duties: o k o o o . to. o ~}:' 0(;;) 10/19S1 - 6/19S5 MARIO'S PLACE fiOS5 Magnolia Avenue Jtivenide, Ca. 92506 (714) 684-7755 Position: Assistant Manager Duties: Assisted OWners in opening and es~ablishing this . Restaurant. Helped Mario plan menu as well as wine list. Responsible for entire dining -room floor during luncheon shift and assisted Co-owner in supervisions during dinner shift. Assisted in ordering, recieving and stOCking of meat,seafood, linen, produce, beer , wine, grcery and dry goods supplies. Maintained all payroll records also assisted in cash-outs and preparation of bank deposits. Serviced custoaers in a freindly and efficient mannel during the luncheon and the dinner shift. AIsisted in maintaining inventory controls, also telped with hiring, training and scheduling of staff. Assisted OWner with opening and closing duties. . k