HomeMy WebLinkAboutR03-Economic Development Agency CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST ):,OR COUNCIL ACTION From: Shauna Clark, City Administrator Subject: Approve allocation of $20,000 -- Archetype International -- space plan study & preparation of scope of services for RFP relating to remodeling of building at 7th & "E" Streets. t:t: Date: Administration August 21, 1991 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 11/21/91 -- RDA Committee recommended approval of the allocation of $20,000 from a source to be determined by the EDA Agency Administrator for the purpose of retaining Archetype International to perform a space plan study and write a scope of services for a Request for Proposal relating to the remodeling of the building to be occupied by the Police Department, located at 7th and "E" Streets. Recommended motion: o , That an amount of $20,000 be allocated, from a source to be determined by the EDA Agency Administrator, for the purpose of retaining Archetype International to perform a space plan study and to write a scope of services for a Request for Proposal relating to remodeling of the building to be occupied by the Police Department, located at 7th and "E" Streets be approved. .,A1L~~N/ Signature Contact person: Shauna Clark Phone: 5122 Supporting deta attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Descriotionl Finance: Council Notes: -0 75-0262 Agenda Item No .3 CITY OF SAN BER~RDINO - REQUEST l:f>>R COUNCIL ACTION c o o 75.0264 STAFF REPORT Police Facilities Remodel November 21, 1991 Page 1 In order to proceed with the relocation of the Police Department to its new facilities at 7th and "E" street, the city must hire an architect to draw construction plans for the remodel. Because we are attempting to fit a fixed operation into an existing structure, a majority of the work will involve space planning. A space planner can assess the needs of the Police Department by touring both facilities, interviewing the project team, reviewing the Steinman, Grayson, Smylie study prepared in January, 1989 and projecting the future space and functional needs of the department. As a general rule, space planners charge much less than the hourly rate of a licensed architect but usually work in partnership with an architect who prepares the final construction drawings. The City of San Bernardino recently used an Irvine firm named Archetype International to do some space planning and we were very satisfied with the price, their responsiveness and the results. I would like to hire this firm on an hourly basis to assist us in preparing a request for proposals for the architectural work tht will be necessary for the remodel of the police facility. In order to get a good bid comparison on the architectural aspects of the project, we need to prepare a program which will be used to define the "scope of services" contained within the request for proposals. The programming involves the assessment of space needs to achieve an updated database. The firm doing the programming would reference the Steinmann, Grayson, Smylie report along with proceeding through the following steps: 1. Tour existing facilities to gather a basic knowledge of exisiting operations, its current limitations and positive functioning areas. 2. Gather data on existing personnel requirements and space needs by interviewing appropriate individuals designated by the Project Team (The team consists of Roger Hardgrave, a representative of the consultant firm and employees appointed by the Chief). 3 o o o o o Police Facilities Remodel November 21, 1991 Page 2 3. Use a computer program called "FM:Space-Management" to generate preliminary space requirements. 4. Meet with the project team to review the projected personnel requirements, projected non-staff area requirements, and proposed space standards. 5. Adjust the data base as necessary. 6. Generate reports outlining area requirements based on new data collected combined with projections. 7. Review documentation of Pac Fed facilities to determine approximate usable floor and site areas. 8. Assess feasibility of the project. The programming done in the Steinmann, Grayson, Smylie study is not suficient for two reasons: (1) the study was done under the assumption that the city would be buildi'ng a new facility and therefore would be unconstrained by an existing structure; and (2) page IV-2 of the SGS study projects the 1990 police department space needs at 86,186 square feet and the 2010 space needs at 110,956; we are limited to 51,867 square feet (31,233 at 701 North E and 20,634 at 767 North E). Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/city Engineer, has stated that he believes the SGS study uses very high standards for allocation of staff space. Therefore we need someone to reconcile us with reality. Archetype International has submitted a bid for programming at 320 hours. Attached is a letter, dated November 6, 1991, which gives a breakdown of the 320 hours. Also attached is a schedule which shows the hourly rates of the various professionals involved in the project. The total costs for programming would be approximately $20,000 or an average of $62 per hour. By way of comparison, the Steinman, Grayson, Smylie study which also included site selection, cost the city $60,000. Another advantage of preparing the program prior to hiring an architect to do the remodel is that we would know in advance the feasibility of being able to use the current structure without major additional construction. .3 o o o o o Police Facilities Remodel November 21, 1991 Page 3 other options: Another option, although not one I would recommend, would be to issue a Request for Qualifications and then hire an architect by the hour or by the square foot to perform all phases of planning the project through preparation of the final construction drawings and oversight of the construction phases. My concern is that with a project of this magnitude and without a clearly defined scope of services we will receive varied bid packages and it will be difficult for anyone to estimate how long it would take to complete the work. If you concur with my recommendation, funding in the amount of $20,000 will need to be authorized to retain the firm of Archetype International for space planning services and to write the scope of services for a Request for Proposals. If you do not concur on hiring this firm, I will be happy to explore any options as per your direction. ( Attachments 3 o o , o -..........."0. '....".~,.~ IW~Jl//?1I ~T.S, ARC~ETYI IDternallnnal .-- .0 ___. t ~"".", i r~~ I.. ~. . :'II '.II " ~Ir, ./ ;',' /. " !. ....... --~ "'-'.'7' .. . ,---- ..--- . '- <I,VIr FEt'R,VIlLoor. SliM ,.w, 1Il"'.VC Cl "71' (1/') 717....7 F.A1(/1Uj 717,'/91 \..,., November 6, 1991 M.. Shauna Clark City of San BernarcUno 300 N. D Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear M.. Clark: Our propo.al tor Progra..ing ot the Polio:. Departa.nt describ.. a maximua requirement ot 320 hour. to c~lete the .cope of work speoified. With a projeot of this s1.e it i. naturally impossible to be entirely accurate as to the amount of time required. We have been generous in our e.timate, and our a1. i. alway. to oomplete the project "under budg.t-. . The tOllowln9 .activitie.- are our internal activ1tie. required to perton the scope ot service. a. de.od~ in our proposal ot Ootober 28, 19111. The breakdown we used to arrive at the total of 320 hour. tallow.. ACtlv1t:y Tour taciliti.. Data COll.ction Forms Intarvl.w1n9 V.dty .. modify taxt report Dat. Entry Space standard. New 81d9 Area Calo. (Rouqh) Tea. Meetin;. Administration conting.ncy HourtI ..tJmA~.d 4 36. 60. 48. 5'. 60. S 10 20 20 320 TOTAL *Th....aotivlti.. w.r. ..timat.d b..ed on'intormation included in the steinmann, Gray.on, S.y11. r.port. 3 .. o Q o o o M.. Shauna Clark NOV.B.r IS, 1911 paq. 2 , The prOtlra..inq of any projeClt i. & major component in the planninq proc.... '1'h.p.r.onal .kiU. that are r.quired to coUect the data durinq the interview process, a. W.ll a. the t.chnical experti.e and experi.nce n.c...ary to proce.. the intormation will set the tone for your project. Should you n.eel to revi.w exalllple. of dOC\IDlefttation troll otber jurisdiction., 1'1.... let me Icnow, anel I will be happy to lIeet with you. ..' w. appreciate the opPOrtuniti.. you have atforded u. to work with you on thi. project. Pl.... do not he.it.te to call on u. if w. may be ot any further a..i.tance. Sincer.ly, Patricia '1', Secor, ISO Princip.l o..iqner/Pre.id.nt ( '. d . ..--. ,,~., W..U.. ,.J'2?4198 P.e4 o o o Ma. Shauna Clark Octollel' ao, 1"1 paq8 3 TIUB - We propo.. our cap.nsation b. accNed on a TZU and HA'1'IIUALS ba.b. Thi. would apply towa&'da an hourly rate and include a "coat-plU." r.imbur....nt for project related .xpenditur... Tim. will b. recorded, calculated, and invoiced according to the fOllowinq .ch.dule. principal Archit.ct..............$100.00/br. proj.ct Archit.ct................. 65.00/hr. proj.ct oe.iqn.r/Manaq.r.......... 65.00/hr. D..igner/Job Captain.............. 55.00/br. , Dratt.man......................... 45.00/hr. o Clerical/Data Proc...ing.......... 45.00/br. " . ._.-_.--- --. For bUdg.ting purpo.e., w. bavs ..timated approximat.ly 320 hour. to provide th. ..rvic.. outlin.d in the scope ot ..rvices. proj.ct .xp.n.e. .hall be r.iabur.ed to the Archit.ct for exp.nditur.. made on behalf of the proj.ct (i..., blueprint., d.llv.ri.., qovernllental f..., .tc.). Th. .xpen... incurr.d will b. subj.ct to a "co.t-plu." s.rvic. te. of titt..n p.rc.nt (15'). , , . COHElZ'1'!O.. Upon accsptanc. of this propo.al, the Architect will proc.ed with the propo..d work a. d.Uned in the Scope ot Servic... Thb propo..]; .hall coincid. and subordinate with the AlA Docum.nt 8171, Standard rom ot Aqr...ant for Int.rior Deaiqn S.rvice., 1990 Edition. Th. Agre..ent shall furth.r d.fin. the .cope ot ..rvic. and the extent of participation provided by eacb of the parti... All servic.. and reimbur.able. are invoic.d on a montbly ba.i. with paYlllent due in 30 day. tro. the date of the invoice. . Acceptance of thia propos.l will be indicated by your o b~low and a r.tainer of $2000. (approximately 10'). .ignature I 1