HomeMy WebLinkAboutR15-Economic Development Agency o o o o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR CXM4ISSION/COUNCIL ACTION From: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Execut1ve D1rector SUbj.ct: REVITALIZATION OF ARDEN/ GUTHRIE (SUNRISE VILLAGE) AREA Date: November 15, 1991 -------------- ----------- Svnoosis of Prev10us COMm1ss10n/COUnci1/ComM1ttee Act10nCs): The Mayor and Common Counc11 and the Commun1ty Dev.lopment Comm1ssion have prev10usly conducted several workshops on th1s subject. ----- ----- Recommended Mot1onCs): CCOMmunitv DlIv.,......."t ea.1ss1on) That the Community Development Commission approve .nd .x.cut. a loan agreement w1th the Inland Vall.y Dev.lopment Agency (IVDA) 1n the amount of $200,000 to be uti11z.d for the rev1ta11zat10n of the Ard.n/Guthr1. (Sunr1s. V111age) area. KENN~ Ex.cutiv. Director ------------ Contact P.rson(s): Ken Hend.rson/Dor1s Dani.1s Project Area(s): N/A Phone: 384-5081 4 and 7 Ward(s): Supporting Data Attached: Staff Reoort: Aareement FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: *200.000 BUdget Authority: Source: 201 Set As1de Fund ------------------------------------------------ COMm1ss1on/Counc11 Notes: ------- ------------ ------ KJH:DAD:lab4 CXM4ISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 11/18/1991 Agenda Iteal NlIIber: ..11fi... o o o o o o EVE LOP MEN TOE PAR T MEN T OF THE CITY 9F SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT -------------------------------------- Inland Vallev Develooment Agencv Revltallzatlon of Arden/Guthrle (Sunrfse Vl11age) Area Earller thls year, the Communlty Development Commlsslon approved and adopted an agreement between the Commlsslon and HomeAld, Inc. to develop a revltallzatlon plan for the Arden/Guthrle area. On July 24, 1991, the Commlsslon conducted a workshop ln connectlon wlth the Arden/Guthr~e Revltallzatlon Plan and approved ln concept sald Plan entltled the Sunrlse Vl11age Revltallzatlon Plan. On August 5, 1991, the matter was contlnued to the September 3, 1991 Commlsslon meetlng at whlch tlme the body conducted a workshop regardlng the flnanclng and lmplementatlon plans for the Sunrlse Vl11age Revltallzatlon Plan (Arden/Guthrle area) prepared by HomeAld, Inc. There was a lengthy dlscussion regarding the Clty's share of the cost of the various common area improvements and unlt rehabl1ltation whlch was estlmated at '7 ml11lon dollars. At that meetlng, the Commlsslon voted to accept the financlng plan ln concept and to approve the Clty's request for asslstance from the Inland Valley Development Agency (I.V.D.A.) for the revltallzation of the Arden/Guthrle (Sunrlse Vl11age) area. On October 31, 1991, the City recelved a proposal from the Sunrlse Vl11age Apartment Owners' Assoclatlon to begin immedlately the revltallzatlon efforts withln the Arden/Guthrle area. It was further recommended that revltallzatlon wlth Clty partlclpatlon begln one block at a tlme, and that revltalizatlon flrst begin on Roca Street between Sterllng and Guthrie. It should be noted that the Sunrlse Vl11age Apartment Owners' Association is a legal non-proflt corporatlon with Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (C. C. & R's) currently being reviewed by the City Attorney's Office for grammatlcal and legal correctness prlor to review and approval by the Mayor and Common Councl1. On November 13, 1991, the Houslng Commlttee considered the proposal from the Sunrise Vl11age Apartment Owners' Assoclation and approved the followlng ln concept: 1. The loan structure and flnanclng plan, as well as an approprlate lnterest rate, should be further developed by staff. (see Exhlblt I). 2. Partlcipatlon in the Owners' Assoclation should be a mandatory requlrement to obtaln Clty asslstance. --------- KJH:DAD:lab4 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meetlng Date: 11/18/1991 Agenda It. NlIIber: t5 o o o o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Revitalization of Arden/Guthrie (Sunrise Village) Area November 15, 1991 Page Number -2- ' --------------------- --------------------------------- 3. All apartment owners requesting assistance should Sign a waiver and/or release agreeing not to sue the City for actions taken to clean up the Arden/Guthrie area. 4. No assistance would be given for work perfonned prior to the implementation of this program. 5. The City Engineer would be asked to immediately initiate the Change in a nem of Roca Street to Sunrise Way Lane or Court (if cUl-d...saced). 6. The Planning and Building Services Department would be asked to begin demolition proceedings of burned out units. 7. The Apartment OWners' Association shall implement centralized tenant screening. The proposed finanCing structure and loan underwriting criteria is attached hereto as Exhibit "I". Based upon the information presented in the report, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. KENNETH J. HEN ERSON, Executive Director Development Department ------------- ------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DAD:lab4 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 11/18/1991 Agenda It.i NUlllber: ~ ~..'" o o o PROPOSED filWlCIBG PLd 1'01 rill AIDBlI/GlmIIIB SUDISB 'lIu.&GB IBVItiLIZArIOlf It has been proposed that the City provide a loan to the Inland Valley Development Agency (I.V.D.A.) in the amount of $200,000 to be utilized for revitalization of the Arden/Guthrie (Sunrise Village) area. The Apartment Owners' Association recommends that loans be made as follows: 1. The maximum loan amount should not exceed $20,000 with an interest rate of prime plus one. 2. The loan payments should be deferred for the first five (5) years. 3. The total debt should not exceed $144,000 per building. 4. The loan qualification should be very simple, fast, and fair based on debt/equity (for examp1e:1oan amount from zero up to $20,000 with total debt not to exceed $144,000.). 5. The loan should be due on sale to faciUtate the recycUng of money that should be returned to the City for rehabilitation of other units in the Arden/Guthrie (Sunrise Village) area. 6. Participation in the Owners' Associations should be a mandatory requirement to obtain a loan. o 7. An owner-builder should be allowed to do the work. S. Work to be done should include work required under the City pre-alteration inspection, other general maintenance and upgrading (e.g., converting carports to partitioned garages, building garages on 19th street buildings, security fencing, and adding separate laundry rooms.). "B X BIB I r I" o