HomeMy WebLinkAboutR09-Economic Development Agency '~ o o BCOlIOMIC DBVBL01'IIBft M:IIICr 01' t'IIB Cl'l'I' 01' ...... _a1mDO o 1!ROIJEST I'OIl COIMISSIOII/COIIIICD. AC'rIOR FrOlll: TIMCmIY c. SDllUWJS Aaency Administrstor Subject: !laiD Street, IDe. w.or~ of 1JD4eraUD4iD& Date: July 31, 1991 Synopsis of Prm01l8 c-iuionlCo1mCillc-ittee Action: On July 18, 1991, the Redevelopment Committee conaidered this matter and recOBlended approval to the Coanmity Development Commission. Ree -"ed IIotion: o (c-1ty DeYelollMllt c-iuion) '.rJI&% t'IIB .::ct_ ...;u: DB9BL01'IIIIIt a.ISSIOII ArtauYA AIID ADOn A r.D'I'aTW IbillQD&..... .OP .._....~!lfDllDIBI: ft JJID ".L_ DB OOII~.LXS DB9BL01'IIIIIt a.ISSIOB 01' '11II Cl'l'I' 01' ...... ....a1mDO AIID '11II ...... ....a1mDO .......iOlm II&D .~_.I., DC. {oe~....... -- BI:OJ'_1 C DeYe1 AatlllC)' Contact Person: TiBlot:hv c.. St~"""IlU8 Phone: SOBl Project Area: C~tra1 City Pro1ectB Ward(B): 1. 2 .nd 3 Supportiq Data Attached: Staff ReDort: NOU FUBDIRG RlQUIIlBMDTS: Mount: $ If/A. Source : If/A. o C~88ionlCo1mCi1 Rot..: Budaet Authority: TCS:pc:211SS Aaenda It. Ro. Cj - B~C DBVBLOPIIIIIr AGBIIC!' 0 S'tA!T DPORt o ..in S~reet Prollr_ On Septllllber 5, 1990 the cllIDUIlity Developllent C_isaion spproved the motion estab1iahina an Icoaaaic Deve10pllent ABeney comprised of the consolidated cllIDUIlity Developllent Departaent/lledevelOllllent ABGCY entities, the Main Street proaram, the San Bernardino Convention and Viaitors Bureau and the Sm Bernardino Iconomic Developaent Council. Addi tionally, on September 5, 1990, the CllIDUIlity Develollllent C_isaion adopted a IIOtion directina the actina ABeney Administrator of the Iconomic Developllent ABeney to review and evaluate Main Street, the Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Iconomic Develollllent Council's functions with a view towards determinina the lIO.t effective ways and .ema of carryina out said ABeney's proarama and fundina. Subaequently, ataff has been workina with the Board of Directora of the Main Street proaram to work out a IIUtual understandina in reaarda to the relationship between the Main Street proaram and the Iconomic Developllent ABeney. The attached Memorand- of Underatandina allows for the finmcial overaipt of all Main Street Proaram actions throuah the budaet proceaa. It providea for the onaoina monitorina of fundina and peraonnel by the Iconomic Developllent ABeney Administrator and the CllIDUIlity Developllent C_iaaion. Under the eareement, the Main Street Proaram will continue operatina aa a non-profit corporation with a Board of Directora appointed by the .llIIberahip of I"'l..he Board. The Board and the Executive Director will consult with and aeek the ",-dvice of the Icoaaaic Develollllent ABeney Adminiatrator with reaard to all chan&ea in peraonnel, poliey deciaions reaardina baainea. i1Ulucina efforta of the Main Street proaram and all expenditure. by the Main Street proaram of amounts approrpriated by the commia.ion to fund Main Street proaram activitie.. The Memorand- of Understandina requires the Executive Director and the Board of Directors of the Main Street proaram to prepare on an annual basi. a proposed budaet in consultation with the Aaeney Administrator. The budaet will then be submitted as part of the overall Bconomic Deve10pllent ABeney's budaet for review and adoption by the CllIDUIlity Deve10pllent C_ission. Throuahout the year the CllIDUIlity Developllent C_ission may witbhold funds that they deema inappropriate in the best interest of the City of San Bernardino. In addition, the eareement requirea the Aaeney Administrator to approve all payment request forms in the amount over .500.00. On .July 18, 1991, the Iledevelopllent Committee considered this matter and rec_ended that the payment approval proviaion in the subject Memorand_ of Undernandina be the salle aa that deacribed in the Convention and Visitors Bureau'a Memorand- of Understandina, which does not contain a payment approval provision. The C_ittee rec_ended approval of the Memorand- of Understandina with this chan&e. o 2 TCS:pc:2115S CCRlISSIOlI _.UIG Meetina Date: 8/05/91 ,- ECONOMIC DIVILOPMIIT AGlRcOAFF REPORT Main Street. Inc. IIll110randUII of Understandin& July 31. 1991 dace -2- o This lIemorandUII of Understandina will continue until cancelled by either party. This agreement was approved by the Main Street 'roar.. on July 17. 1991. ~ ~. AameJ' &-h,tstrator Benn-t c Develo.-at AameJ' o CCIMlSSI01I flUX..... lleetin& Date: 8/05/91 C::>TCS:PC:2115S o o . - -'.. - ._- -... ---.. o o Ml!Mt')RAJmUM 0.. tnmnR'l'ANDnlC (San Bernardino Downtown Main street, Xnc.) TId. KeaorandUll of under.tanding i. entered into on and a. of ~ date .et forth below by end between the Board of Director. (the WBoardW) of the San Bernardino Downtown Main Street, Xnc., a california non-profit benefit corporation (the WSBDMSW), . and the CoIDIUIlity Davalopaent ~i.a1on of the city of San Bernardino (the wCommi..ionW) which OPerate. and functiona a. the BconOllic Davalopaent Agency (~ wAgencyW). WHEREAS, the SBDHS 1a a california non-Profit benefit CorPOration who.e effort. ere dedicated to enhanCing the aconoay of ~ city of San Bernardino Downtown au.inu. erea by ancoura!ling ~ .. and fo.tering new blain... OPPOrtunitie., providing a..1atanca with 1:Rl11ding and facade ranovaUcna and a..1ating in .!ailer eoonOJllic activiUe.; and WHEREAS, the Agency 1a under the direction of the Agency A&-hd.trator and i. charged. with coordinating the econOJllic developaent activiU.. of varioua public and private agencie. in the City of San Bernardino, including'the SBDMS; and WHEREAS, the SBDHS reoeiv.. it. public funding frOll tax increment revenue. of the COIIIIIi..ion generated frcm redevelopment project erea. located within the City of San Bernardino (the o WCityW); and , - 1 - _1DOC\o4I5 ,. 2Z, un "-0 . -~-_n -0.....--. -._-. .-- o WIIEREAs, in order to provide ~or the orderly acllllJ.niatration of the .conomic d.V.;Lopaent activiti.. in the City of San Bernardino, including tho.. of th. Board and th. CoIad.aion now duir. to enter into thia Memoranda of Underatanding. end to provide for the role of the Ex.cutiv. Dir.ctor of the SBDMS and the integral participation by the Agency .a-iniatrator in the cOordination, planning, budg.tary prOCH., fiacal ..tter. and illplaantation of the activ1tiu of the SBDMS and to 1ncr.... the involvaant of the SBDMS in the .conomic dev.lopaent activ1ti.. w1thin the C1ty. . ). .J r at .il 1 ROW, mERBl"oU, in cona1deration of the above rec1tal., __ 0 and of the agr.aanta and undertaJtinp ..t forth ber.in, the """i..10n end th. Board agr.. a. followa: ic . . llC 1. "h. Board lIball Prov1de, or lIball iutruct the Ex.cutiv. Director of the SBDMS to provide, notice to the Agency A-illiatrator of ..eb and every ..etiftlJ of the Board of Director. of the SBDMS. SUeb notic. lIball be provided in the .... manner and at the .... t.t.ae ae .ueb notice i. provided to the ....ber8 of th. Board of Director. of the SBDMS. In addition, the BOard .hall provid., or lIball 1natruct the Executive Dir.ctor of the SBDMS to provid., .ueb ..teriale a. are provided to the BOard in advance of ..etinge thereof. Sueb ..ter1a18 lIball be provided to the Agency Adminiatrator at the .... tim. a. they are d.livered to -ember. of oe Board, and the Agency Adminiatrator lIballinfoZ'ID the COIDIIiaaion - 2 - )Z' ,r 911 .. .to lit or ;lIIC L.t - ......\DOC\QS ,.. 22, .". '0 o.~~ o - ----- o o po.i1:ion un1:il removed by the SBDMS Board af1:er con.ul1:a1:ion with the Agency Admini.ua1:or. 5. The Board Ball ins1:ruc1: the ExecuUve Direc1:or 1:0 provide 1:0 the Agency .""'fn'.ua1:or nch r.corda, fil.., da1:a and docaenu concerning the ac1:ivi1:i.. of the SBDMS .. the Agency ~h,i.ua1:or ..y requ..1: and 1:0 pera11: the Agency Adminbua1:or acoe.. 1:0, and 1I&k. available for !Mpec1:ion by the Agency Admini.ua1:or or hi. d.dgn.., all fil.. and r.corde ..inuined by the SBDMS in the .... unner a. the Agency Adminbua1:or ..y ob1:ain accu. 1:0 all other fil.. and r.corda of any other depar1:aen1: of 1:he Agency. ... The Ex.cuUv. Dir.c1:or under the dir.c1:ion of the Board Ball k.ep the Agency Admini.ua1:or fully advbed of all ..~ ac1:ivi1:i.. of the SBDMS. !l'he SBDMS and the Agency ~hd.ua1:or Ball 1:ak. .uch other ac1:io~ a. th.y ..y d._ r...enabl. and proper 1:0 aCClomplbh 1:heir llUi:ual goal 1:0 fo.1:er .conaaic developaen1: within the Cl1:y of San Bernardino and 1:0 ..1:ab11_ a llU1:ually coopera1:iv. working r.laUonalp beareen the Agency and the SBDMS. 7. Th. Ex.cu1:iv. Dir.c1:or under the dir.c1:ion of the Board _all annually pr.par. a prOPO.ed budg.1: on or before May 31 of .ach year which Ball lb1: by line iu. each ca1:egory of expendi1:ur. and dollar aaoun1: anUcipa1:e4 for the next: .ucc..din; - .. - ...\JIOQIU _22."" o o o -- 0- - o ~i.cal year. Such budget .hall al.o e.t~te the revenue .ource. available to the SBDKS ~rOll other than c........t..ion .ourcu, i~ any, and the amount that b required to be approprlated by the COIIIIIi.don from tax lnereaent revanuu. SUch propo.ed SBDKS budgeu ahall be prepared in connltation with the Agancy AdIIinbtrator. Any flnal SBDKS budget .ublaitted to the Agency AdIIinbtrator wlll be forwarded by the Agancy Adminbtrator wlthin the Agancy budget to the cOllld..ion together wlth an evaluation report: on .uch budget prepared by the Agancy AdII1nbtratorfor co..lderation by the cOllld.don. ~e Agancy budget ahall than be aubject to formal approval by the COJIJIbdon. 8. After the ,.,.",..t..don ha. approved a SBDKS budget and .. .. ba. approprlated tax ineraant revanuu to fund .uch !Rldget, the Agancy J,....tllbtrator ahall cau.e to be depodted in an account of the SBDKS on a quarterly bad. for expenditure by the SBDKS, aoney. .ufficiant to pay all budgeted quarterly expenditure. a. .et forth in the budget. t. In the evant the Board, the Executlve Director or any other employee thereof (1) undertake. .uch activity on behalf of the SBDKS that, upon recOlllll&ftdation of the Agancy a....tllbtrator and aftar offlcial actlon of elther the Mayor and COIIIIIon council or the COIIIIIb.ion, a. approprlate, b detaralned by the Mayor and COIIIIIon council or the COlllll..ion, a. appropriate, not to be In the ..t lntere.u of the City or the C!........t.don, or (11) either incur. or pay. an unauthorized expenditure not prevlou.ly approved - 5- __1IlOC\IU ... 2Z, IIfI . '0 o o either in the annual budget or in a .upplaaantal budget approved by the Board, irre.pactive of whether .uch expenditure va. to be ..de or va. actually ..de vith CoIaIIb81on fund8 or other SBDKS fund8, or (11i) in any Mnner !>>reache. any provi81on of thi. Agreaaant, the Caab810n 8ball have the right to tanUn&ta thb Agre.ant and caa.e funding of the budget it.. upon fourteen (14) day.' written notice delivered to the office. of the SBDMI and to the Cba1raan of tha Board. Such noUce .hall .tate that it 18 the intent of the COJnIli.81on to tU'llinata thi. Agreaaant and to caa.e the City'. funding of SBDMS activiUe. a. of a date to be .et forth in .aid notice which .hall be on or after the conclu81on of nch 14-day notice period. If corrective action .atbfactory to the CoIaIIb81on 18 0CIIIIIanCad vithin Hid fourteen (14) day., the comU.81on by o .;t official action ..y re.cind neb tanUnaUon notice and ..y therHfter continue to fund SBDKS activitie.. o 10. Haither the City nor the COJnIli..ion 8ball have any liability for the payment of any obligaU0n8 incurred by the SBDMS irre8pactive of the City or the <>>-",'..ion agreeing to fund certain activiti_ of the SBDMS, and all o])ligati0n8 of the SBDMI, whether for contract .arvice., .upplie., par.onnel C08t. or other contractual o])ligationa, oall be .olely that of the SBDMS and .hall not in any..nner o])ligata either the City or the "--i.81on, directly or indirectly, to either pay .uch o])ligaUona of the SBDMS or to continue funding of the SBDMI during a f18cal year or for any .ucce.ding fi.cal year. - , - -1DClCIeU __ 22,_ '0 ------0 ---cr- IR WI'1'HESS WHZRBOF, tile parti_ bave executed till. JIeaOrancl\DI of lJndera1:aftdill9 1:0 be affective on and .. of tilia day of , 1111. (SUL) A'1"1'B8'I1 Secretary of tile Board (SUL) A:I-j;.IaI!' : 0; Secretary o ~\DOCMU -8BDM8- For tile SAN BERNARDIRO DOWN"1'01IN IIADI 8'IREET, IRC. COHIItT_1TlC DEVZLOPHEH't COHMISSI0N OF mE C11'Y OF SAN BERNARDIRO - 7 - "'" 2Z, Iltl