HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-City Administrator ill CI~' OF SAN BIERNARDlio - REQUEQ FOR COUNCIL ACT~N From: Fred Wilson, Assistant to City Administrator Dept: City Administration Su~~t: General Obligation Bond -Bond Counsel Services Agreement D~: June 26, 1989 Synopsis of Previous Council action: May 31, 1988 Formation of General Bond Committee was approved. June 21, 1988 Selection of Committee members. July 18, 1988 General Obligation Bond Committee presented recommendations to Mayor and Council Dec. 5, 1988 Mayor and Council approved reconvening of General Obligation Bond Committee in January 1989 and the removal of Council members from appointment to the Committee. Feb. 20, 1989 "General Obligation Bond Committee directed to continue to evaluate financing mechanisms for funding capital improvement needs with the intent of recommending a general obligation bond issue on an upcoming ballot. June 19, 1989 Staff was directed to prepare bond counsel services agreement. R~ommended motion: Adopt resolution. Signature Contact person: Fred Wilson Phone: 5122 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: h;O()0 Source: (Acct. No.) 00\ O'C:,1 S-3()S"o (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: (,;vJ~ f)f'-- Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda I tem No. /s . Q. 0 0 0 CITY OF SAN BERNARDltlO - REQUEft FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT At the June 19, 1989 Council Meeting, staff was directed to prepare the necessary documentation to retain bond counsel services for the purpose of placing the General Obligation Bond Issue on the November 1989 ballot. The city Attorney's Office has concurred with retaining the firm of Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe as Bond Counsel for this issue. The appropriate agreement has been prepared and is attached. The cost to the City for their services is $5,000. . Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe is aware of the July 17, 1989 deadline for City approval of all necessary ordinances and resolutions which are required to place the issue on the November ballot. They have indicated that this deadline can be met. If the General Obligation Bond measure is to be placed on the November ballot, adoption of the form motion is recommended. A. WILSON Assistant to the City Administrator. FAW/sh Attachment 75.0264 , 0, 10 11 ~ o o o 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE, AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR BOND COUNSEL 4 SERVICES. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorized and directed to execute a Bond Counsel 8 9 Agreement between Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, and the City of San Bernardino in the form of a copy of said agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. This Agreement shall not take effect until 12 fully signed and executed by both parties. The City shall not 13 14 be obligated hereunder unless and until the Agreement is fully executed and no oral agreement relating thereto shall be implied 15 or authorized. 16 SECTION 3. This resolution is rescinded if the parties to 17 the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the 18 passage of this resolution. 19 20 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 21 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1989, by the following vote, 22 23 24 day of to wit: AYES: 25 26 27 NAYS: ABSENT: 28 DAB:br June 23, 1989 , 0' 10 o o 1 City Clerk 2 3 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 4 5 6 day of , 1989. 7 o W.R. Holcomb, Mayor 8 City of San Bernardino 9 Approved as to form and Legal Content: JAMES F. PENMAN 11 City Attorney 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 DAB:br June 23, 1989 1 , --'---Q~'- TELECOP I ER 295: 05.22/1989 ?)-?:'--n; :-0':0::: 15:52 ORRIO: HER,RIHGTOH L.A. OTr '~3 ~ 213 680 4600 P.03 *0 r I , 1 . j" ~KD COUNSEL AGREEMENT I tHIS ~ND ~UKSEL AGREEMENT, made as of the day of June, 1189, by an4 between the City of San Bernardi~ (hereinafter ca~led the MCityM), and ORRICK, HBRRINGTOI & SUTCLIFFE, (herrinafrer called "Bond Counsel"); , ,RECITALS , ' I tHBR~, tbe City proposes to hold a city oeneral obliOltion"bond:elec~ion on November __, 1989 and, if the election i. suc~esif~,l to issue and sell general Obligation bonds (the MBon1sM) and desires to retain the services of Bond Counsel to"a..ht th. City incident to such elecHon, issuance and sale. : lOW, ~ElB~RE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, term. a~d covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agr,. a.: follOws: 1. ~he clty hereby employ. Bond counsel to furnish the legal '.rvi~e8 relative to the Bonds hereinafter set forth and Bond COunsel hereby agrees to furnish such legll service.: , I" .: i , ta) 9onsultationwith the City, and ita staff and counsel and'the City's Financial Consultant concerning the election Ptocee~in9s, inclu~ing preparation of re80luti~ns, the order, notigesl ,ffidavlts and certificates as requlred by law for su.h elfctlon. I . (b) consultation with the Clty and its staff and counsel, an~ the City's Financial Consultant concerning the Bonds ind the timing, terms and structure of the offerino thereof. ' , (c) Preparation of the proceedings for the authorization, issuance and public sale of the Bonds. i (d) Review, as to those matters relative to the iBsu.n~e an~ sale of the Bonds, of the Official Statement describing the 80nds to be prepared by the City's Financial Consultant and, if requested, participation in meeting. reviewing ~he otficial Statement, provided, however, that Bond Counsel will not be responsible for the preparation or content thefaof .' . " (e) tf requested, attendance at meetin~s of the City Councii and with rating a98ncie8 and the City. rinancial eonsultant regarding the issuance and sale of the Bon48 . ' 1768bS . 0' 0522/1989 15: 53 ORR I 0: HERR I tlGTON L. A. I 0 213 680 4600 P.04 o o ,t (f) lttendance at the public eale of the Bonds, if requ..ted,and preparation of the resolution to be ado,ted ..11ing:the ,onds, 19) tzamination of proofs of the Bonds, the preparation of linal closing papers, the organization and conducting of the Bond closing and the rendering of a final legal opinion at the'time of delivery of and receipt for pay$ent of:the ,on~sl , (h) $uch other legal service. as may be incidental to tle foregoing, ! I ,ond ~ouns.l's services will not include representation Qf th. city in any legal action challenging the validity of the trin.action. In the event any such services shall become ne~e.saty, Bond Counsel will perform such services on suc~ ter~s as shall be mutually agreeable at the ti.. " , I , I J, a. ~on4 ~ounsel shall receive a fee of $5,000 for legal servl"ces tendefed pursuant to this agreement, based upon the work p.rfo'red,b Bond Counsel to the date of the election, *. Xf th~ ballot proposition carries and the Bonds are issued and eold" in addition to the fee epecified in paragraph ~ aboye,t~ere shall become due to Bond Counsel upon delivery of the BORd., or any thereof, a fee for legal services i~ the; amoutt of $25,000. tn th~ eye~t that Bond Counsel il (i) requested to participat.. in ",eetillOs with bond rating aoencies and prolpectlv' bon~ bid?ers, in accordance with paragraphs l(e) and l(f) of thi~ A9r~ement' (ii) requested to prepare proceeding. in conneption with variable interest rate aonde, or (iii) requested to prepare proceedings which contemplate credit enh.ncem~nt, ~ither through bond insurance or a letter of credit or ot~erwi.e, an adOitional fee for such work shall be due BonO Counsel, said fee to be agreed upon by the City and Bond CQuns.~, fO~lOwing the decision by the City or the City's Fin'ncia~ consultant that such work is desirable. Bond counsel understand! that no litigation is presently pending against th~ City concerning the Bonds, and. in the eveRt litigation is filed which affects the City or the iSSUfnce of the Bonds lnd w~ich will result in the rendering of adtitional legal serv~ces by Bond Counsel, the fee provided for above shall be sUbiect to adjustment as shall be mutually agreed upon by the City and Bond Counsel. If the ballot proposition carries and the contemplated Bond issuance proceedings are thereafter abandoned or discontinued for any reason and the City does not issue and sell the Bonds, Bond Counsel shall be paid a fee based on Bond Counsel's standard hourly rate by the , 2 17b8b5 I I I I City for ..rvices covered by this Agreement and performed by Dond Coun.el in connection with the Bonds prior to the date of abaDdonment or disoontinuance, baled upon the work performed by Bond Counsel to .aid date of abandonment or discontinuance, but not to'uce.d *11'000. 4. in Id ition to the foregoing, Bond Counsel shall be reimbufsed for out~of-pocket expenses, which include traveling ~pen.es, long-distance telephone call charges, reproduction of docu~nts, secretarial overtime requested by the City, tilin, fee" cost of preparing on Dond counsel's word proce'sing equipment legal documents required for the proceedings, and llk, expenditures. Reimbursement as provided hereunder ,hall be p,id following receipt of Bond proceeds, provided, howeVer, s~ould the contemplated election and Bond issu,nce Pfoceedings~be abandoned or discontinued for any reason and the City ~oes not issue and sell the Bonds, Bond Counsel Ihell bf rei~ursed by the City for all such out-of-pocket e.pens~s upon submission of an itemized statement there~or. Additional expenses, such as coats of printing neces.ary l~gal documents and the Bonda, shall be paid directly bf thelCity. IN WITNESS,WHEREOF, as of the date written, the City ha~ caused thia instrument its behalf and In it, name by its has caused'thil inlt~ument to be executed on its name br a "rtner. '...'-'1 " u.J -or o. , 1 OS/22/1989 15:54 ORR,IC'OF:RWGTON L.A. 0 I ~ . 213 680 4600 P.D5 " 0 o first hereinabove to be executed on and Bond Counael ita behalf and in CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BY ORRICK, HERRINGTON Ii< SUTCLIFF! By Eugene J. Carron 3 1768h5