HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-Blue Ribbon Committee :.cffV OIl-UN ..RN'l.INO- o ".QU..T POR COUNCIL ACl'IOM . SubilCt: Report fr~ Genual Obligation Bond Blue Ribbon C_itt.. 0': ;-_ad lIb..ler, Chair_n c.eral ObU..tioa IIoftd 81.- l1bbOD eo.ltt.. ..-: DIll: May 1, 1989 . ,,/) ."1 of '-!aus CouncillCtion: "'y 31, 1988 June 21, 1988 - July 18, 1988 - D1Ic:. 5, 1988 'eb. 20, 1989 - ro~tion of General Bond Co..ittee wa. approved. Selection of C_itt.. ..8ber.. General Obligation Bond Co..ittee pre.ented reco...ndation. to Kayor and Council. Kayor and Council approved reconvening of. General Obligation Bond Co..ittee in January 1989 and the r.-oval of Council _~r. fr~ appoint..nt to the Co..itt... General Obligation Bond C_ittee directed to continue to evaluate financing ..chani... for funding capital i~oy...nt need. with the intent of rec~nding a general obligation bond i..ue on an upcoaing-ballot. AIcomIlllAClld motion: ~he General Obligation Bond 8lue Ribbon Co..ittee rec~nd. that the Kayor and Co.aon Council place on the Roveaber 1989 ballot a general obligation bond i..ue in the aaount of $32,690,000-for the following propo.al.: 1. Police facilities $20,000,000 2. ~an.portatioll iaprove..nt. $8,560,000 3. Park iaproveaent. and facilities $4,130,000 ~~//4'~/. o Phone: - 5122 Con~~n: Bdward lIbeeler/rred Wilson Supporti", d8ta .ttKhed: Wild: All Yes Amount: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Source: (Acct. No.l (Acct.OltcriDtion) FinlftCe: 10 , I I j I d Nncil Nota: ..n u ....', 0 0 ~...y OF SAN _RNARDINO - R.QU..T POR COUNCIL ACTION o ITAFF REPORT The c;eneral Obl!qation Bond Blue Ribbon Comiaittee reconvened on FebruarY 2, 1989 purauant to Mayor and Council direction ta belJin to -Valuate optiona for financing the capital improv...nt needs previously identified. As you may recall, the General Obligation Bond CODittee submitted a report to the Mayor and Co..on council in July 1988 recOlllllending that a General Obl.igation Bond Issue in the amount of $48,000,000 be placed on the November 1988 ballot. The action taken by the Mayor and council at that time was to deny that reccmaendation and to refer the study back to the CODlllittee for further analysis. The General Obligation Bond committee has held numerous meeting. since February 2, 1989 to discuss the project listing as well a. alternate funding .ources which could be used to reduce the amount of a General Obligation Bond Issue. sased on the.e discus.ions, the attached revised listing of projects is being recommended by the General Obligation Bond committee for inclusion in a General Obligation Bond Issue. It w.. further r,-commend~~L~ the Committee that. the proposed General Obligation Bond Issue be submitted to -eni- voters throuqh the following three progr-&llls I o 1. police facilities 2. Transportation improvements 3. Park improvements and facilities The Committee also recoDlllended that the G.O. Bond proposal be included on the November 1989 election ballot. If the Mayor and CODlllon Council approve the recoDlllendation to place the General Obligation Bond Issue on the November ballot, Bond Counsel services will be needed to prepare the appropriate ordinances and reSOlutions. It is anticipated that th~ cost of retaining legal services would be approximately $5,000. A timeframe will also be prepared indicating the deadlines for meeting the legal requirements associated with placing this measure on the November ballot.. Edward Wheeler, Chairman General Obligation Bond Blue Ribbon CODlllittee o . EW/sh Attachment -. - --- ---~.~~ . ~- c 0 .... 0\ VI .. ... .... ... :ill . . 0 0 ~~ it en lit lit = >0>0\0 >o~s ~>os ann a: g:f ....e:e:.... e;e:~ e: .... e;.... ~~III 'l:l .. . tQ .. CD tQ Illlll::r III Ill"" Illlll.... 1111~ Ul~ ....... :s:s:s::r ::s:s ::s::s.... ::s::s.... III III III '0 III . III < 1lIc:c:.... C:C:CIl c: c: c:c: Illllli ~; OCllIll ....Ill III III Illlll~ elllllCll IllIllCll ~~ ." i~g Ul ::s 11 ~ ~ III III a I~o. a:~1ll a:~11 a:~11 a:~:s ....:s Ill~ 0 ....0 III ....0 III ....0 III ....0 .... ::s III::S. ..... >0 0. ~ 0. III 0. III 0. >0 ~)I III ~ ::SClle: III 3:.~ Illloi~ Illa:~ Illllle; "<< 0 ..>0 ~~Ill :srt' ::s ....~ :s III ~ :Sllllll ell rt' III ~ III 1ll::S ..... >0 "''0 ....rt' "'Ul ::s t:'4::S 1111C: :s 11 ::s '0 a: ::S1ll3: ::S1llC: IIIC: O<::S o ....Ill 113<11 113 III III \Q;~ 113 .... 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".. ,'., o " I " o o o o G.O.BOND COMMITTEE IIXIUlt~~ April 14, 1989 .....IU DI.lIlIT: Edward W1:leeler, 2nd Ward; Bill Heitritter, Mayor; Wade Byars, 3rd Ward; John Lightburn, 1st Ward; Geneva Woods, 7th Ward O'lBJIU DI.lIlIT: Jim RObbins, Acting city Administrator; Fred Wilson, Assistant to City Administrator; John Wilson, Deputy City Attorney; Craig Graves, City Treasurer; MaJ;'ilyn Dixon, Executive Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------- The pUJ:'Pose of this meeting was to finalize the proposed list of projects recolllJllended for G. o. Bond financing to be submitted to Council for their approval and to discuss the strateqy for placing the measure on the ballot. Chairman Wheeler felt the list still contained too many projects and that money was sufficiently "tight" in the City of San Bernardino that the voters would not support an increase in property tax unless they really felt the project would be of major benefit. Mr. Lightburn pared down and Police Station disagreed saying the list was sufficiently felt the remaining projects especially the could be sold. Geneva Woods expressed doUbt as to the ability to sell a new police facility for $20 million. How is a costly new facility going to stop crime, drugs, etc. It was explained that it would be a de-centralized facility improving the police services throughout the entire city. The question of how specific the language should be on the ballot measure was discussed at great length. Mr. Lightburn was in favor of asking the voters to authorize just a specific sum of money without earmarking it for specific project improvements. Mr. Wheeler disagreed favoring the approach of earmarking so many dollars for a specific project. Jim Robbins suggested we follow the example of Phoenix who has had success with their bond proposals. They took 17 separate issues but did not allocate specific sums to each project; rather, they tied $12 million to water facilities; $4 million to park improvements, etc. City Treasurer Craig Graves felt the average citizen would not understand nor .." . o o I 10 :1 ~ o 0 approve money qoinq for "interconnect eiqnala", for inetance. He recommended splittinq up the projects into three categorie.: .. 1. 2. 3. Public Safety Parka street. In response toa question frOll felt that any other source of been exhausted. Bill Heitritter, Craig Graves funds for these projects has IIOTIO.a That the Committee recollllllends to the Mayor and City council an amount of $32 million dollars in terms of three bond proposals: a. Police facilities b. Transportation needs c. Park improvements and facilities. Moved by: John Lightburn Seconded by: Geneva wPocis A discussion ensued with over to Mr. Robbins so alternate motion: Mr. Wheeler turning the chairmanship that Mr. Wheeler could make an IIOTIO.a That item *2, 3, 4 and 5 be deleted from the list of projects included in the bond proposal. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Wheeler reassumed the Chairmanship. The first motion was then unanimously approved. Jim Robbins discussed the marketing of this proposal and what should the Committee's function be in this seqment:. He further suggested the committee recommend a date for our recollllllendation to go to City council as well as a ballot date for the proposal to go to the voters. John Lightburn felt the ballot measure election date should be a decision of the Mayor and Council. Bill Heitritter agreed and felt that as a COllllllittee, we have completed our charge as directed and the selection of a date as well as the marketing and/or education of the proposal should be up to the Council. Mr. Wheeler felt strongly that we should at least recommend a date to council as part of our task so the following motion was made: KOTIO.a That the proposed G. recollllllended to Council o. Bond proposal be for inclusion on the '"..... . . o - o November 1989 School Board Election. Seconded by: Geneva Wo04. Moved by: John Liqhtburn o The lIOtion was unanimously approved. c o ...,10111 That the cOlDIDittee's recolDIDendation to Council be placed upon the Agenda for the May 15, 1989 Council Meeting. Moved by: Bill Heitritter Seconded by: Geneva Woods The motion was unanimously approved. It was the con.ensus of those present not to dissolve as a COIDIDittee until specific direction i. received by Council at the May 15 Council Meeting. There being no further busines., the meeting was adjourned. at 10:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted: ---?7'/~O~ ~YN DIXON Executive Secretary lad . -~. o. ~ o I < . 0 o l. . - ..1 o 0 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8906-901 TO: Ways and Means cOIDIittee Fred A. Wilson, Assistant to the ~ city Administrator " FR.OM: SUBJECT: Proposed General Obligation Bond Issue DATE: June 9, 1989 COPIES: Marshall Julian, James E. Robbins ------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to the attached staff report from the General Obligation Bond Blue Ribbon Committee, the following information has also been provided for the Ways and Means Committee: 1. Timetable for Placina a Bond Issue on Nov--bAr 7. 1989 Ballot Although this attached timetable indicates that August 3, 1989 is the first key date for Council action, discussions with the Registrar of Voters indicates that in order to meet the requirements for publication of arguments, July 25 is the final date for council approval of all necessary ordinances and resolutions. Bond Counsel has indicated that they require approximately two weeks to prepare the necessary documents for Council approval. These deadlines limit the Mayor and Council to making a decision on proceeding with such an issue to the week of July 3, 1989. Pro~osed Gas Tax Increase According to the League of california Cities, discussions are currently ongoing relative to the feasibility of a gas tax increase. It has been recommended that the current 9 cents gas tax be increased by 5 cents on January 1, 1990 with each year, for the following 4 years, increasing the gas tax by 1 cent bringing the total increase to 9 cents. It has been estimated that this would produce approximately $13.5 billion over the 10 year period. The proposed formula for expending these funds includes, among other things, local government being allocated $3 billion. Using the proposed formula, this would generate approximately $935,000 annually for San Bernardino over a 10-year period. In addition, there is also a proposal to set aside $2 billion of these funds as a matching program for local government. This transportation finance proposal is still being discussed in Sacramento and it is not presently known if this item will be on 2. - JlL - _ ~ 11 J o I!l'l'BROFFICE MEMORANDUM: 8906-901 Proposed General Obligation Bond Issue June 9, 1989 .PaOIi.2 o I I o the November 1989 ballot or June 1990 ballot. 3. SANDG PraDO.ed Sales Tax Proaram The SANBAG Board has discussect the feasibility of seeking voter approval on a half cent sales tax increase on the November 1989 ballot. The proposed sales tax program is provided as an attachment. As noted on this program, approximately $275 million will be allocated to cities for local projects on a per capita basis over the life of the program which is projected to be 20 years. In addition, SANBAG is recommending that $150 million be allocated for an arterial program. The allocation formula for this program has not been finalized although it is anticipated that funding will be allocated in a manner similar to the FAU process. SANBAG is currently conducting a survey which is projected to be completed by the end of June to determine voter. acceptability of a half cent sales tax increase. o D 11:. WIlSON Assistant to the City Administrator. FAW/sh Attachment o XEROX T~L~~U~lck ~~o l:r.:>/l'(/l'::ll:l'::l l~;:"( ~;~~'~~INUIUN '. f o L.H. L.t.111 u~ \,Jt!.U bI::Ad 4bW . .2 ....Idt!. Nay 1. 1'" OUJLINE AND TIMETAIlLE fOR PLACIIlQ A CITY . "IIAL OILIQATICIN BOND 1_ ON JUII! I, 1. OR ~ER 7, 1. BALLOTS AND ISSUING QMIW. GlLIUTlON IONDI FCILLOW I NG A SUCCESSFUL aECT I ON Statutory proviliona authoriainq the ill\l&nCe of City v.neral Obll;at:ioa ~ are found in the Go9erlMllnt Code. Statutory proviliona ;OVlt'fting the conduct of City general Ob1igation bon4 tle<:tiona al"e f01.ln4 in the 11e<:tion Code. J BOND ELECT I ON o NoYeIbIr 7. 1989 Election Not latar then Al.l9\lllt 3. 1989 [Thil date IIlI.Itt be ..t to allow for lufficitnt time for the adoption of the ordinanct 4elcribl4 in nWlber 3. 1 Jun. 6. 1989 _Ile<:~ion 1. ~t later than llarob 3. 1989 [This date IllIIIt be ..t to allow for .ufficitnt ti... tor theacloption of the ordiaance described ill Illllllber 3.] Resolutioll Init:l.aUnq Ilon4 Illction . Proceedinas Bond tlection proceeding. are betUn when two-thir4s of the City Co\JIaU (or other 119181aUve body) 1lIIs1 a resolution 4etetllliniD9 that the public interest and/or neaes,ity 4emand the acquisition. conatruct:1on . or completion of any IIIIIftl.ci1lll1 improvement. "Municipal laaproveunt" includes certain specified improvllUntl and "other lIOrlcl. property or structurt. aectssary or convenient to carry oUt the Objtct.. * P1I..e IIOte thet thi. iI time dated infonllation. Thi. outline should not be relied upon after the date etlttd above. Pleese contaot an Orrick. Hanington & Sutcliffe public fl.nance attorney rl9lrdinq applicable statutory ~te.. ~l.ght Orrl.c:k. Harrl.ngton & Sutcliffe. 1989 '0 XEROX TELEC:~~~/l: : l:;;J:r:;~\~~~I~TON L.R. . :. , o .JUD8 6. 1989 'Ilaction 2. MOt lat.~ tbID March 3. 1989 [rbil dati il Ht al a rllul t ot'the elate in it.. 3.] o , 3. Hot later tbID March 10, 1989 [Thil elatl is thl dB.dUne for adoption of the rllolution requesUnv 'oonaolidation of 'llhl Ilection. !hat rl.o1ution Ind this o~dinanc. IllWIt be adoptld on the .... day. Sll rwmb.~ 4.. below. ] 10 - Nov.-ber 7, 1989 mIction Not later than Auguet 3, 1989 [This dati is SIt as a result of the dati in ,itl. 3.] Hot latlr than Augult 8, 1989 [Thil elat. is the deadlinl for adoption of thl rllolution requ..t.i1l9 conaoli.dation of the IlIction. That reaolution and thil o~inance II1Ult be adopted on thl 1.1 day. S.. nUlllbtr 4. b.low. ) !II 1 _ CCITT 0+ 213 6EI0 460121 , 3 P.03 pu~"" and powers of the City." Articll XIIIA of the California ConItitution (aa 8IIlIn4td by Propoaition 4.6) further li..its the \lit of bond proalldB to acquilitiOft Or illlp~OVIIlIInt of land and lNil4iDg.. Bond proclldB will not be available for f\lrnilhinva or equiplllllt. Intnl4uction of Ordinancl At a reqular ....tinv of the City Council at leut 5 da1l before I\ICh o~dinance ia to be IIOted upon, an 0~4inancl calling for the s~"'OQ of the qlneral obl1911t.l.OIl bon4 proPGal.tion to the voter' 1ll\IIt be lntro4ueld. ~inance Cal1ino Ellction An ordinanc. callillll the eleetiOft mult be pass.d by a two-thirdlllOtl of the City Council at a rlfUlar meeting a@alqulnt to thl ..Itint whe~a the rllolution in it8DI 1 ia pa.lld. 'rht ordinance will t.ke Ifflct upon paa.ag.. The ordinancl y! stat. all of the followinv: (a) thl purpoal for ia,uia; the boadIl (b) the .stimated cost of thl public illlprovement ( I) ; (0) the principal IlIlOWlt of the propolld haul: ,,\. " o 05/17/1989 i. . oJ; I. 1... At:1... o o 4.. .J.! - - - 11:58 ~RIOK HERRINGTON L.R. 0213 680 4600 P.04 1IoVII<I"~ 7. 1'" _184,io. , (4) tM ...... nte of laur.lt to be talcl (1lO~ to ..0Mcl twl""Jll'au~). w1Uch 11 to be pill ...1I&11f till Uut rea~ ucl 1.1...11&11, tIII~hftel" (.) tM elite of till .1.cU., aacl (f) tIII.....r of bDlcJillf tJaI .1IOttOD (bclu4l1l9 tM bo\JI' the JOUI an to lie 0"') ucl tile p~oc.4un fol' wt..... fol' O~ .piaI~ t:II.e J~OJOIltJ.o. (1M Il~r 5 JM1OV). ' ~ 0~6i~t~~. all allo I~ate \bat till ..tillaW OOI~ ItaW tIlerelll laa11lClt1 OOI~' of OOQItrac~ioll periOd llltel"l~ (If tM .o-IlU al'l ~...... Jl'ocluollllJ). 1119&1. pl'la~lDt. aacl, .110.11...ou other r.... 'the Cltf 11 tMa autbod.e4 ~o lpell4 JlOIl4 'f00te41 . for thel. 'lI&'fOI... Date tit! _l.qt:.lCIJI.1 'the .11OUoa II1IIt lie u14 Oil &II ..tabll.u4 .1lOtlol1 day l1li1... IIU Cltf 11 . cha~tel' Cltr with .1.ctloa elat.. .pecltl.4 1. It. ah~te~. . ..tabll.u4 .l.cdoll clar' are (3 eaGh rear)! l(a). 'the ..coll4 'lv..'4al III April (evea numbel'e4 yeat.), 1())). 'the UI'.t 'Iu.clay altel' the fi ..at: Moaclay 1:D. Ma~ch (044 Illlllbencl yean) , 2. The flnt 'h..4ay after till fint Moa4ay 10. JUDe' ucl . r . o ~ 6, 1989 , Jl~Yon -4 . , '0 .. Ifot latlr than !larch 10, 1989 o oj i i ~r ?, 1989 I: c:t~on I , I i I. I i I I Not l.tlr than AuguI~ 8, 1989 , o 3. The fit.t TUlscSay after the fir.t Monday in November. Manner of Holdinq t.he ElIc:tioru If. the election i. c:oaaolidat.ed with another IlIction, the bond election ordill8llCe _y provide tMt the. prlcincts, polling placl', and officera of elect.ion .ball be t.he .... al tholl ..t. forth in the ordinanc. or notic. for t.he election with wbich the bon4 elsct.ion it consolidat.d. the bond el.ction ordinanc. must rlf.r to the ordinance or notice to which it reflr. IPIcif.ic:ally. D.bt Limit: The principal alIIOUIlt of the City" general obligation boll4l cannot Ixceed in the aggravate on.-quart.er of 15% of the a......d value of aU r.a1 and per.anal property in the City. Con.olidatina an Ellctign The elect.ion ..y b. C0D801idat.d with any ot.her el.ction scb.dul.d for the same day and ~t. be cODlolidated with a atatewid. election .c:he4\lled for thl .aml day, Statawida electiOOl al'l held on the first Tuesday. .(tlr the fint KoMay. in June and N~r, reapectiv.ly. in Iv.nnumbered year., Con.olidation. ara to be afflctld by followinq Ellction Code SlctiODl 33300 et .ell. To conso1idat. an Ilection with another local Ilect.ion, thl City Council must adopt. a r"Olution , o o o . o ..June 6, 1989 ~11",t4~ I ~?' 1989 11 I.Oft , ! ~ -- o t ! rlqueltinq cOnlolidation. Thl re801utiOft requesting cOMoll.datlon lllU8t bl adopted at thl ..... ..eUnq where tblI ordinance callill9 the electiOA i. pelled. At tblI ti_ .of adoptill9 the consolidaUaa re801\1tiOJl. but at halt 88 daye before the election, the City Council .ust file copies of thl resolution requlltiD9 cOnlOll.dation (which lllU8t contain the lU\9Ulge of the ballot proposition) and the bond elect101l ordiaaooe tfith the ljJOYeminq body of the jurl.dl.ction with which the election will be cOnIOUdated. . For consolidation with a .tatewide election, the county board of lupervilors is the ;ov.rDiD; bodr with which the resolution and ordinanae .ust be filed. . The county cllrk .hould allo receive copil. of the resolution and the ordinance. . To effect the consolidation, the goveminq body of thl jurisdiction with which the Ilection will be conaolidated. or the county board Of lupervisors, aB applicable. IllU8t order the COI\801idatiOft. If a statewide special election il called le.s than 88 days prior to the date of such Ipedal election, the City Council may call a ,plcld election to be consolidated with the Itatewide special election if the call is issued within four day. of the proclamation or the efflctive date of 5 ,-,+,.".- . o! 0 t i I , C I ,)'ufte 6. 1989 ~~r 7, 1989 ~ ElIection . the statuti callil\9 for thl Itatewidl Ipecial Illction. i 5. Plrlt publi~tion rir8q publication Publication or Publication and Polting rlDt later thaD not l.tlr than of Ordinance Calling 118ction Afril 14.. 1989 Slpt~er 15, 1989 A copy of the ordinancl ...t be publi.bed litblr: ea) once a 4Iy for at le..t IIVIA clays in a newlpapar of general circulation publi8bl4 at l..st six claya a week in the City~ or (b) onee a w'lk for two weea in I R8wapaper of glll8ral circulation publi8hld 11.. than .ix claYl a week in the City. thl fir.t notice Illall be , publilh8d no later than 50 claya blforl k'~" i l:' : the ellCtion. If no II.ICh new.paplr of . i general circulation i. publilhe4 in I I tbl City, the ordinance IIIIIt be both I (a) polted in threl public place. in , C the City for two consecutivI weeks and (b) publishld in a newapapar of general circulation publllhed in the neare.t city. I 6. (this 4eadline Sit De.dline for Filinq Ballot "pend. upon the ArCllllllenh and Rlbuttall 1IiM needed by the City Clerk to baVI thl City Cllrk .hall s.t a . 1Ihe ugumentl reasonabll time for 1ubm1.sion of ,rintl4. ] ballot atg\lllllnts. NoticI of luch deadline. should bl publishld onel in a new.paplr of glnlral circulation in the City. Thl arqumentl lllUat confotlll to the rlqllirllMlnts of end al'l to bl choSln pursuant to thl Election Codl. r! thlCity hel adopted Clrtain proviliolll not latlr than the day on which the City COuncil paSSI. ordinancl calling election rllatin; to o " - 0 I 0 I 10 ~ 6. 1989 N~r 7. 1989 -IJlCtlOO liection . I ~.buttal arguments. the City Clerk I lllUat mail a cDiY of .ach cUrlOt I I argument to the authorl of thI i cont.rary ar9W"nt. The eIIldUM for ! filing r.buttall ~s .t.n cltys after the I eIIa61ine for filing dir.ct af9\ll1llnt.. 7. [WI deadline City Att.orneY'1 AnalySis of Bon4 Ilsue i dllpend1 upon the I t.illll DIIdl4 by the I The City Council IMY direct the I Oit.y Attorney to , City Cleric to forward a copy of the draft the aMlytis proped bon4 illUll to the City and the tiN n..ded Attorney. who then 1IIU.t. prepare a 500 by the cleric to word or lell impartial analysil of the p,rint the analy.1B.] mealun. The City Attorney'. analyti. must. be print.d in the ballot paMPhlet. prec.ding the ballot argument.. Language .pacified in S.ction 5011 of the Ilection COde lllUat b. print.d immediat.ely halow the analysi. if the Q entire text of the mealure il not I print.d on the ballot or in the voter information port.ion of the leatle ballot. 8. eThiI deadline Period of Public Ellill\lination dependl upon the ti.. ne.ded by the At. least t.en calendar day. before .tht City Cleric to have election material. (~. lampla the 81ection ballot. ballot argument.. ate.) are ..t.rill. printed.] to be printed. copia. of all such materials must ba made availablt for publia in.peation in the City Clerk', office. During thiS ten~y pedod. the City Clerk or .ny voter in the Cit.y may leek a writ. of mandate to h.ve any or all of the election met. rials amended or deleted. i. 9. [this deadline Send Ilection Mat.rial. T~Printer "peRdl. upon the tilH n..4ed by the City Clerk shall hav. the the City Cl.rk to n.e....ry b.l10t. print.d and .ball bave the aleotion furni.h the .lection offices with the 0 ..teri.1s printed.l nece..ary supplies. ., o o I r O' I I . . . · J\Ifte 6, 1989 j mection I , i 10., Mot before .r11 27. 1989; ItOt l,ter than ltay 26. 1989 01 , I r 7. 1989 B lotion Not fore Septa er 28. 1989; lot 1 tar than OCt r 27, 1989 I ! o Mail Sampll Ballot and Votlr PBlllDhllt. Includino Tax late Stat...nt lot IIlOre than lO nor leI' than 10 days , befon thl election. the City Cluk (or, if the election hat blIen conlolidated, the County Clerk) ~t mail to each regiltered votlr: a eempll ballot with a printld copy of the written a~entl for an4 Iglintt the Ill....ure, a notice deacd1>ill9 tile polling placl an4 tiJlle of the election, a tax .tatement. an4 .. voter pamphlet. All official pub1icationl an4 anf' ballot pamphlet pr.pared addrl..ing the bond i..u. IllUlt inclu4t a tax rate statllDlnt. The tax rate ItatllDllnt .hou1d include thl bl.t I.timate ftom official .0urcI. "I to all of the followil19 : (1) Thl t.x r.te (plr.100 of .......4 v.luation on aU property to be t&1l161 needed to fund thl bondI for the fiBca1 Ylar following the initial la1e of bonde; (2) the tax levy nelaed to 'fund tne bonds for the filc.l year following the final sale of bond. it' thl bonde are ilsued in Blri.. and the year in which the rat. will apply; and (3) the highest tax rate n4edla to fund the bonde and the fi.ca1 ye.r(a) in which that rat. is expected to occur. o o 10 o . J\IM 6. 1989 , 1l1,cti.on . 11. rot later than JWlt 8, 1989 Not later than July 3. 1989 o I I Nove:;er 7. 1989 B ecUon ; Not u.ter then Xoveaber 9. 1989 i Not ~atar then Dec~r 4. 1989 o 1 the stat...ot lII&y alto describe any intent to use revenuse other than ad valorllll taxI' to fWl4 the bon4I and the efflct such a policy would have on the tax rate(s) expected to be levied. If the propoli tion il approved by two-thirda of the Ilectors voting. bonds may bl issued. Canvass of Return. and Stateunt and Re.olution of auults An official canVl.S shall be. conducted by the County Clerk ClOllllll"ein; no later than the first Thursday following the eleCltion at any public place a. the County Clerk delignat... The canVSBS ahall be "public and be conducted by openin; the returns and detenlining the vote for and aqainst each mea.ure and declaring the result thereof. the County Clerk Bhall prepare a certified statement of the result. of the election and submit it to the City Council within Z8 days of the election. The .tatament of reeult ,hall lhow: (al the total number of ballots cast. (b) the number of votes ca.t at each precinct for and against 'ach mealure (c) the total number of votes calt for and against each measure. The Ci ty Counc il must adopt a resolution declaring the resulta of the election. ,.. ___._ __'''':'__':~_rr_~' ~ . . o. ~wae 6. 1989 .1~~t1on 1. (Prior to bon4 All.] o 2. [prior to bon4 lall. J 3. (Not latlr than 30 days priol." to bond .all.] o o o I I Nov~r 7, 1989 E cdon , BOND I SSUAMCE City Council ".olution The City Council i. to pa.. rllolution prtlcL"ibing . the total uount of bon4a to be IOld; ..tting out the sed.. of thl bcmda, if any; prl.cribing the fom of thl bonclB and filling the date of the bonds; fixing a time and pllce for paynmt of thl bonds (which ..y be required to providl for llvel debt servicI); fixing maturity datI' for the bonda (lIlIlXi_ ..turity not to Ixelld 60 year.); fixing the dlDCainationl of the bonds; providing for dlliVl!."Y of thl bon41 and for reclipt and tra~ittal of the purchase pricI thereof in elttified Flder.l RI.II."VI Bank fwus.; st.ting the ..xi~ acceptable interl.t rat. (not to Ixceed 12') and the call provi.ions of the bonds. Financi.l Advisor Contract If thl City Council dttemin.. that a financial advi.or is nec....ry or dlsirabl. to aid in structuring the bond i..u., the City COuncil ~t entlr into a contr.ct with thl financial advi.or. CDAC Noticl Notice of the proposed bond .ale must be mail.d to the California Debt Advisory Commission. U::./l'(,/l~l::I'=' l":U"OUI'I'IU: H[;I'~'lIll1lljN I o \J\Ille 6, 1989 Election November 7, 1989 Election , 4. [Not later than 15 calendar daYI pJ'ior to bond sale.] 5. [This deadline exists because of the deadline in item 6 below.] 6. [Prior to bond lale. ] o 7. [This date is set by the advertise- ~ent described in number 6.] 8. o - L.H. c:> "lj b~U 4bUU L' . , "",,:, Financial publication Notice If the &mO\Illt of bonds to be 101d exceeds $1,000,000, the City Council must cause notice of the sale to be published in a financial publication generally circulated throughout california. Official Statement The City Council may prepare or have prepared an official statement. The official statement i. typically ready by the date of publication of the advertisement of bide (see below). Advertising for Bids Following the City Council resolution the City Council must advertise for bids in the manner prescribed by the City Council. Offering Bonds for Sale The City CO\lllci1 will offer the bonds for sale at the time prescribed by the City Council in its advertisement. Bids are to be accepted ht the City Council pursuant to the guidelines in the Government Code. The bonds mat riot be sold at a discount. Form and Execution of Bonds The bonds are to be signed by (1) the mayor or .uch other officer authorized in a resolution of the City Council w .u. - - - .,!L. IWIL ~ . 0: 0 o JuDe 6. 1989 _lllCtion . 9. [rol1OWill9 bond N1I.] o 10. [on Or betOI:" thl 15th "'y of tbt .lcOll4 calln4at' IIOI\th aftll:' the c10tl of tbt caltndal:' quartll:' in which the bonds arl i..ued.] 11. [At the tillll of le1lyinq other City talll..] o ~Ir 7. 1989 BtlcUon ; paslld by a two-thirdl vote of all its IH.lbar. and (2) the City TI:'I.''''t'er and counteni9lled by the either the City Cluk or a Deputy City Clel:'k. 'rhI signatures may be f.e.iaile signatul:'e.. The bon4. IIl\lSt be in regiltel:'ed form. Bond neUvenr The bonds are to be deUvutd to the pul:'chaser thel:'eof. and the purchasei:' is to pay fol:' the bonds on the dati dltlrained by the City COUncil. Premiu.a and eccJ:'Ued intere.t received al:'e to be placid in the principal &lid interest payraent account and the remaiD4er of the bond proceeda art to be deposited 1n the City TI:'8&.ury and credited to the proplr iapJ:'OVllllll\t fund. rom 8038 Reporting form 8038 IIl\lSt be filed with the IRS. Tax for Payment of Bo~s The City Council must annually levy a tax for the purpo.e of paying the principel (redlllllPtion price) and interest on the bond.. ,~ J .. _ _ . Q o f .. Q . lIoY..r 7, 1989 ~!IIction i Performance of Work J\lft8 6. 1989 ..J1,ectlon 12. The City may perform the work for which bclII4 proa"~ are used wit:baut following the ordinary procedure. in awarding contract.. ,~,~~~~,__':';~'l: /y ,~.:'...,...,t..:..., . ,,,. '~l'. .~, -\' . Q ;0 I I ! I I 13 _ JI.- ... o o l I I -. o PROPOSED SANBAO PropoMd Sale. Tex Program , WH 1---1: P&'OCI:l'UI 1 1.658 Billion Total Funds Available 2 ( .041) Billion (Less 1% Admin + 1.5% BOE COllection) 3 1. 613 Billion Total Available For Plan 4 1.248) Billion 15% HiqhDesert Share (Plus 50 Million STIP and 25 Million Developer Financing) 5 1.365 Billion Total For Valley/Lower Desert/Mtns. o o i I I. 10 , 1IOa~ I-10 I-10 I-215 I-215 SR 30 SR 60 SR 62 SR 71 Total 1. a b. 11- ~ o o PROPOSED I.---~t &ad .zo1ect De.c~~iOft JIaouDt l1W S' .1 State Route 30 to Yucaipa Blvd. Widen One Lane Each Direction (ROV) $10 Million Los Angeles County Line to I-15 Widen One Lane Each Direction (Possible ROV) $80 Million I-10 to State Route 30 Widen One Lane Each Direction (Possible ROV) $100. Million Riverside County line to I-10 Widen One Lane Each Direction (Plus $150 Mill. From L.A. ) . $75 Million L.A. County Line to I-215 Construct Six Lane Freeway (ROV) $400 Million L.A. County Line to Riv. County Line $25 Million Widen One Lane Each Direction Twentynine Palms/Yucca Valley Areas $10 Million Wide to Four lanes plus Continuous Left Turn Lane/Signals Riv. County Line to L.A. County line $100 Million Construct Six Lane Freeway ------------- $800 Million '. () o 10 ! . 4~ - o o PROPOSED . possi~le arowth manaaement Drovisions: Each agency must adopt traffic management plan, including: 1. . 5 year TIP 2. local plans must be consistent with SANBAG regional guidelines (to be developed) and ratified by SANBAG 3. LOS 9'oals . 4. improve LOS on existing arterials 5. plan for new development fair share (fees or other) 6. maintenance of effort on local expenditures ,