HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-Public Works CITY~F SAN BERNARDIN~':' REQUEiS9F'oli1cOuNCIL ACT~ From: ROGER G.HARDGRAVE Subject: Adoption of Negative Declaration & Finding of Consistency with the Interim Policy Document-- Installation of Intercepting Sewers from California Street , Porter Street, to Cajon Blvd. ~ Devils Cyn. Channel, per pu~ Works Project No. 89-5 Dept: Public Works/Engineering Date: 5-1-89 Synopsis of Previous Council action: June, 1986 Allocation of $379,800 for Phase VI, and $410,00 for Cajon Boulevard, approved. Allocation of $360,100 for Phase VII approved. Allocation of $327,400 for Phase VIII approved. Finding made of need for health and safety reasons. Plans approved and authorization 0iven to adver.tns~ for bids. ~J n ,.: cl ..... .. -< June, 1987 June, 1988 12-19-88 02-20-89 I r:- , ". <7 X Recommended motion: 1. That the Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 89-5, Installation of Intercepting Sewers from California Street and Porter Street to Cajon Boulevard and Devils Canyon Channel, be adopted. 2. That a finding be made that installation of intercepting sewers from California Street and Porter Street to Cajon Boulevard and Devils Canyon Channel, is consistent w' he Interim Policy Document. :,;.r: w 0 If (...'1 ~1' (0 cc: Jim Robbins Jim Richardson Contact person: Roger G. Hardgrave Phone: Staff Report, Initial Study, Supporting data attached: Neqative Declaration & Map Ward: 5025 6 FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: $1,447,000.00 Source: (Acct. No.) 245-365-57729 Acct. Descri tion California Street and Porter Street to Caion Boulevard & Devil's Canyon Channel Finance: -------- Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No. II ~ -- ~ - ~ - O~y' OF SAN .ERNAR&MO - REQb*ST FOR COUNCIL AdTION STAFF REPORT The Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 89-5 was recommended for adoption by the Environmental Re- view Committee at its meeting of 4-06-89. A l4-day public review period was afforded from 4-13- 89 to 4-26-89. No comments were received. We recommend that the Negative Declaration be adopted and a finding made that the project is consistent with the Interim POlicy Document. 5-1-89 75.0264 - ... - - . .. CITY 0 SAN BE ARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY . Environmental Review for PUBLIC WORKS NO. 89-5 A 3.5 mile extension of City Sewer Line April 6. 1989 Prepared by Vivian Ray Planning Department Prepared for City Public Works Department ~ ..... ~ {~ "- ',- , CITY 0 SAN BER ARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Proposed 3.15 mile sewer installation of interceptor sewer and manholes. The sewer will be laid approximately eight feet deep. A 24 inch pipe will be laid from California Street to Macy Street along Porter Street. The pipe is reduced to 21 inches at Macy Street. The 21 inch pipe goes north along Macy Street to Blake Street, west along Blake Street to Duffey, then north along Duffey to Ogden Street. At Ogden the pipe is reduced to 18 inches and then continues north along Duffey to Third Street, then west along Third Street to June Street and then north along June Street to.C~jon and along Cajon to the Cable Creek Channel. , Manholes are installed along the route of the sewer 'line, at 300 feet to 500 feet intervals. They are also installed at every T'intersection of the pipe and at most street intersection. The manholes are installed to facilitate cleaning the line. The lids are very heavy and are bolted to prevent unnecessary access. The project area is located in the County of San Bernardino in the area known as Muscoy. The proposal represents the best route to connect the north western section of the City to the sewer. Also, if the area is incorporated into the City, connection to the sewer will be possible. The project area is a developed residential area. The site is relatively flat, and not within the high fire, wind or flood lones. C3 ISPW895P2B . . " --. \.""I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO . PLANNING OEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION FORM (PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS SHALL INCLUDl! ATTACHMENT 'A1 A. ~nlPORMAT12li APPLICATION NUMBER 1. Applicant/Developer 2. ,/TY tJF S.4N BERKIIF/J/NtJ Nallle PtlDL/C Jtf/tAP/{"S ~/ltf/NEEd'/I'(7 Firm 3(JO d "D" sr.rEE r Street Address S'19# 8ErA//1,rO/NCU71. 921'/8 City State Zip (7/0/) .3B~ - 5/i'S Telephone Number Contact person for environmental ~~~~ ~ &1971 Nalile L~A ME Firm, <~A A4~ Street Addte.. SA Me City State Zip .fAMe- Telephone NUlllber 3. Address/General Location of Project PtJrr~' .5'1: - C4UF $'(. 1VI 44AC>;' M4("" -rr.- PtJlPro:Jr. TO /l',4I('~' NAI? ;Tr. - #......If ."- /)vH"1 ~r.' Ov/F'V ~r: -1JtA.rE ~r. ~ ?y AI'~ . J- ~ OIlR"/ J1. /rl/1 JVNI $71, JtI~ $1':, 3~<1. Av~. ro~"U~tZi4lI.,.~"'~ 4, Assessor's Parcel Number (s) U ~, S. Description of Project /1157A//A7'/t'JU ~F /1oIr~~E#r1'J1 , ~~wE~ f i1A~J.ltJ~~'; ~/I TN/N .sr.N!.rr ,p/ur ",. Will" 6. Will any permits be required from agencies other than the city? 1/ yes no If yes, list the permits and responsible agen~YI J-rI"FFr Cur P('"'Aor / .:5''''1/ LJF"'A/A~n/lf./I'J t11t./AI~Y .I' ~O Ot'!P'1,fT.A'fEIIr - ,..' . r" ~ ....) :J "- B. PROJE~1. ~~RY 1. Site Areas A/...... square feet, vA- acre.. 2. Building aeight: uA feet 3. Number of Floor.: 4. Building Areas vA- square feet 5. parking Requiredz..lli1:... space. 6. Parking Provided: /YA- space. If off-site parking is proposed, plea.e explains 1/11- 7. Will project be built in phases? ____ yes ~ no a. If y.s, how many units/square feet per pha.e? b. Total units, square feet? C. LAND !l~1 Subject Property: J 7Rr F? AI/I) ,f'tJA/) Pr/A"PtJ.5E.5 Existing: Propo.edz North South East West D. fHYJJ:S;M._.~ 1. Indicate any unique existing topographic features. A/()N~ 2. Will the project modify existing natural features? Explain. #17 3. If applicable, estimate cubic yards of grading involve. in project: Cut- ,(/4 Fill- #4- 4. Maximum height and grade of natural slopes: A/~ REVISED 10111 PAOl20l' , - (-"'" .' ........ ~ 5. ... -- - ..- .-. u .......... ....J " '-' Maximum height and grade of constructed slop'.1 . #/1- 6. Metbods u.ed to prevent soil erosion in project ar.. during construction and after development I vA- E. FLORA b~f~YF6 1. List types of vegetation and trees in project areal UA- 2. List types of wildlife found in project'areal ,uk F. ~~~~9~QgJC~LiHISTORICAL 1. Is there any known of the site area or If so, explainl archaeological within 1/2 mile A/A- or' historical signitl..... from the propo.ed .it., . G. HUMAN_~~U~Y PQ'l'EllTJAl. 1. Will the project increase existing noise levels in tbe project area? Explain. ~J"L.L. /NC"'ASE Q()/.f,€ nu~~tf' r .~UJ ~7'H'l/~rnJ~ Rl-rWEEN "TN' hIw..rs CJr 7.'()D A"'" TO /0:"" ~ 2. Will the 'project use, store or dispose of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammable. or explosives? Explain J/o ~_- 1 f 3. . Will the project increase the amounts of dust, ash, smoke or odors during construction or after development? Explain. 4/P I ". r H. nmln_M!lL8BYI~L IMPACTS "'- ,,/11- ~~ /' 1. Location of nearest Fire Stationl Distance from project sitel ~ u,A- 'AlII 3 01' t REVISED 10181 - ....... - -- -- . '- . r 2. ............ \.J -) '-' """'l1lI Location of nearest police Station: A/~ Distance from project site: L/~ 3. Location and names of nearests schools: ,vA- School district: ,vA- 4. Distance from project site: tV~ Location and name of nearest parks: A/A- . Distance from project site: _ 1/ /fa Location and name of nearest library: ;VA- 5. Distance from project site: 6. Are sewer trunk lines available within 200 feet of project site? ____ yes ____ no If no, how far? AlA 7. Sewer capacity rights purchased? _ yes -L no number. .:..-... N'-t 8. Are water trunk lines available within 200 feet of project site? ~ yes ____ no I. MITIGATI91UI~RES (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Describe mitigate impacts: type and anticipated effect of any measures proposed to or eliminate potentially significant adverse environmental y,+ ... ~ REVISEO 10/87 PAQ( . ()Il 5 .,.,. 'W ~ . \..... - -- -....) ..J J. An~~HMEN'l'S Ye. No 1. Geology/SOil. Report t/A 2. Liquefaction Report 3. Traffic Report 4. Noise Analysis s. .Drainage Study 6. P rel imina.~y Grading Plan It. CERTlrJ~!<1J9!i I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true Ind correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. NAME SIGNATURE DATE FOR: TITLE REVISED 10/87 PAoe 5 OF 5 '~ r' ~ ~. r- CITV OF SAN BERNARDINO "'" PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION FORM \... PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS ATTACHMENT -A- ~ ~ "" 1. Application NUmber: 2. Initiating Department: Pf/~/C WORA'""5 ,/E~~/NcE""/N~ / 3. Contact Person: 6;t:-u ~- R .-rC", 7T Telephone No.: 38" - S/t?5 4. How will this project be funded? 4(""~U~' QO.~ . - , ~ , , - .!.I' -l'" 4}' A' ~ . _ _"A - ,..: .jJ"j" 245.~S.S'r1t, 5. Is this project part of a larger or futu:e project? -.L.- yes _no If yes, explain: PR'o /~t: r ~'/ILL Be LJ.&"I/.&"&() P~/J /N Ptl4j~S: /pr..er",,&p ,-",If' S/!WrP /.5 ;p,.popo 5't':D ro &II: " E l' re#/.)clJ ... 6. Have Public Health and Safety Findings been made? _ yes -1t:- no If yes, 9.ive date of adoption by City Council: Iil.... .J ....,; .....; PAQI! 1 OF I 1018f I".... ~ - ......., -.I -", ....) r . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ""'" ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST ~ ~ ~ ~ A. BACKGROYlm . . Application Number: Public N:lrks No. 89-5 Project Description: within street right of way. Installation of interceptor sewer am manh:Jles Location: Porter Street fran r....lifornia Street to Macy. l'la~ St~t fran Porter to Blake, Blake Street fran Macy Street to Duffy. Olffy Street frau Blake to Cajon. Environmental Constraints Areas: Nbne General Plan Designation: N/A (O:Junty property) Zoning Designation: NIA (IDc.;thit in San R<>,..""rr!inn County) B. ~F.iIBQ1m!:~ IMPACTS Explain answers, where appropriate, on a separate attached sheet. 1. ~~~h Resources Will the proposal result in: Yes No Maybe a. Earth movement (cut and/or fill) of 10,000 cubic yards or more? x b. Development and/or grading on a slope greater than 15' natural grade? x c. Development Alquist-Priolo Zone? within the Special Studies x d. Modification of any unique geologic or physical feature? x '" ~ REVISED 12/87 PAGE 1 OF 8 /"">. ....... - - " ....) ,. """'l e. Soil erosion on or off the project site? f. Modification of a channel, creek or river? g. Development subject mudslides, other similar within an area to landslides, liquefaction or hazards? h. Other? 2. ~liLmQY~: Will the proposal result in: a. air upon emissions or ambient air Substantial an effect quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Development within a high wind hazard area? 3. ~AIn RESOURCES: proposal result in: will the a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces? b. Changes in the course or flow of flood waters? c. Discharge into surface waters or any alteration of surface water quality? d. Change in the quantity or quality of ground waters? e. Exposure of people or property to flood hazards? f. Other? "'" REVISED 12/87 Yes No x x x x x x x Maybe x x x x x x PAGE 2 OF B ~ - ;"-. .. ....... -- - , ....." , Maybe "" 4. Yes No BIOLOGIC6~J~URC~~: proposal result in: Could the a. Change unique, species habitat trees? b. Change unique, species .habitat? c. Other? in the number of any rare or endangered of plants or their including stands of in the number of any rare or endangered of animals or their x x 5. NOrSE: Could the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to noise levels over 65 interior noise levels dB? c. Other? 6. ~-...Qg: result in: exterior dB or over 45 x x Will the proposal a. A change in the land use as designated on the General Plan? x b. Development within an Airport District? x c. Development within "Greenbelt" Zone A,B, or C? x d. Development within a high fire hazard .zone? e. Other? \. X. x x x ~ REVISED 10/87 PAGE 3 OF 8 . o. o o - o , """'II 7. MAN-MADE BA';~FP~: project: will the a. Ose, store, transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials (including but not limited to oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation'? b. Involve the release hazardous substances? of c. Expose people to the potential health/safety hazards? d. Other? 8. BQY~: Will the proposal: a. Remove existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? b. Other? 9. TB6lfHORTATIO~~ATION: Could the proposal result in: a. An increase in traffic that is greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b. Ose of existing, or demand for new, parking facilitiesl structures? c. Impact upon existing public transpolt~tion .systems? d. Alteration of present patterns of circulation? e. Impact to rail or air traffic? f. Increased safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? .. REVISED 10/87 Yes No x x x x y x Maybe x y x x x x PAGE 4 OF 8 ..J ... - - - - - ~. . .......~ """.,.W ~ r ~ Yes No Maybe g. A disjointed pattern roadway improvements? Other? x of x h. 10. p~~ SERVICES Will the proposal impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service? d. e. f. g. a. Fire protection? x X b. Police protection? Schools CLe. attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? x c. Parks or other recreational facilities? x Medical aid? x Solid waste? x Other? X 11. Y1ILITIES: Will the proposal: a. Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of new facilities? b. c. "'" REVISED 10/87 1. Natural gas? 2. Electricity? 3. Water? x X X 4. Sewer? X 5. Other? x . Result in a pattern of extensions? disjointed utility X Require the construction of new facilities? x ~ PAGE 5 OF 8 .~ - -. - --... - -- -"'" ......J , ""'" ....... "' ,..,I 12. AESTBETI~: 13. a. Could the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic view? b. Will the visual impact of the project be detrimental to the surrounding area? c. Other? ~p~rURA~~~QURCES: proposal result in: Could the a. The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Adverse impacts historic _ object? c. Other? b. physical or aesthetic to a prehistoric or site, structure or 14. Mandatory Findings of Significance (Section 15065) \... REVISED 10/87 The California Environmental Quality Act states that if any of the following can be answered yes or maybe, the project may have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, sUbstantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate Yes x x x x x x No " Maybe ~ PAGE 6 OF a .. -. - ... ~ . c . -- '- , ,."...'" ......; "-.,,,.;1 r Yes No Maybe .., I important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to . achieve short term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) x x c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project aay impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? C. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (Attach sheets as necessary.) x x ~ ~ REVISED 10187 PAGE 7 OF 8 .. ~ - .. -- ,. ,...,"-~.. ....... ~--. I.... - '-..,.;' ENVIRONMENTAL EV ALUA TION AND MITIGA TION MEAS~ES 1.a. The project may result in earth movement of 10.000 cubic yards. However. soi 1 that is unearthed recompacts at a 10-25 percent hi gher densi ty. The sewer pipe and required shading should fill the hole without the need for additional soil. The Engineering Department does not expect to have to export soil. 5. The project will result in a temporary increase in the existing nO,ise levels during construction. The hours of construction will be limited to 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The municipal code allows construction to continue until 10:00 p.m.. normally however. the work day will end before 5 p.m. because of the cost of overtime. The contractor cannot block access to a residence overnight and. therefore. construction might continue in ,order to provide that access. Additionally. construction in anyone location will be completed within one or two days. 7.c. The project could expose people to potential health or safety hazards. The project will result in trenches approximately eight feet deep near pedestrian ways and an elementary school. The contractor will use barri- cades and equipment to prevent pedestrian access. The trenches will not be left unattended during work hours and will not be left open over night. Muscoy Elementary School will be notified of dates and times of construction in order to adjust bus routes or play times. g.c. The project could impact existing public transportation systems in that Omnitrans has routes that traverse the project area. The project will not result in the closure of streets. Construction will be limited to one side of the street and one lane will be open to traffic at all times. Barricades and flagman will be used where necessary to maintain smooth traffic flow. Omnitrans will be notified of dates and times of ,construction to minimize any potential for impact. 9.d. The project will result in an alteration of the present patterns of cir- culation. The potential traffic problems will be mitigated with the use of signs. barricades and flagmen where necessary to route traffic past the construction site. C3 ISPWag5P3A ~,,-...,, 'i",.., ,'"", ."", . -.,,) "'" .r' D. ~ D DETERMI}jb1'l2!l On the basis of this initial study, The proposed project COULD NOr have a significant effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. The proposed project could bave a significant effect on the environment, although there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ~ D ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA A-1IIV1 La4<::;01l- Mi)(j<)QM,"1 ~)a.Y11lV1 NQ and Title . ~ dtJ.AMJY\ - Pt "'-- ~ Signature Date: ~{J +i Jq~1 '" ~ REVISED 12187 PAGE 8 OF 8 . ' \. ......, ~"1 ....,i :) INTERCEPTOR SEWER FROM CAI.IFORNIA STIfEET a PORTER STREET TO CAJON BI.VD. a CASI.E CRK. .1 -.: II , ' ,;:' ,"18 o 21" 24" ,\ l' "y-I C IN t T Y MAP 16TH ST 'NO SCALI LENGTH OF PROJECT: 3.37MILES .... .. Q"""'~T'( OF SAN BERN~INO ENVIR~EN'~L PUBLIC W~ AGENCY TRANSPOFtfATlON DEPARTMENT 825 Ul(~~t San Bernardino, CA 92415 714/387-2890 \ ~~i@~(9) ~ [g OO[R{A] Dlf Page " INSPECTION OFFICE -- ~~ ~ ", .# ~ - ,'" " ." ..- '. .--.c NIl. ~ ..... - :',. ." ..... .~. 5 15V12-F1-G3 12 E. 56552 CIn OF SAN BERNARDINO, rmlll.. " " Add.... rEB. 16, 1990 Stal. City of FIeld Work "'-- fit In accordance wltll your application dated FEB. 7,. 19_ and subject to the provisions and requi_nts of County Cod. No., th. Genefal ProvIsions printed on the _ side of tIlIe pennlt andlor such Special Provisions as may lie attached hereto, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED 10 excavate andlor encroacll within County road rlghl-of.way for Ih. purpo.. of performing Ih. foil_lng _rk: LOCATION OF WORK: MACY STREET/DUFFY STREET/CAJON BLVD./BLAKE STREET/PORTER STREET, VARIES, SEE ATTACHED PLANS, MUSCOY AREA. BLOCK: TRACT: LOr. LEGAL DESC: APN ION ITEMS: . . CURB .. DRAINAGE YMU. DiiV&wAY APPROACH GUTTER SIDEWALK MVlNG CCIISt: ~i: " "~ cm4E" . : '-.\~... . FlulJ~ - .':,:... ;'-:.:>~. ..; tl'lll'''ieIIr';'',;:;>sm. . . " ,. SewER @ WATER D CATV 0 OTHER 0 TELEPHONE 0 ELECTRICAL 0 UTILITY: GAS 0 ":..:,;j;iM;l.INGiK. c'.' WlDrH OF I'OOWJEOF CONlMf. .. cONaUir:.: . ~.~.~~ ~-' .'.;r.. l ,,].:, VC'J.ll11Otl ,'''::.: '.~~ IXOMV1ON .1Ia.:,;;; " . ~-.... . MlEMENTCUT IUlTIIUL. .. .. ..- ~.: ,_ 4 '", _.'" , 16,780' 3' 12,830' PVC,SDR. 26 ~~:,21",8 71\1Ul I O ""RKING D RETAINING 0 TREE 0 OTHER DECK WALL REMOVAL ""RADE D FILMING 0 RUNNING D CARNIVAL D WALK.A'l'HON D OTH.R Francni.. D 8on<l Q Cash Deposit _ 00 Amounl DTRACT - "J;Ml..,,,ld D Work Guaranleed By: R.....ullon D ~""'-~ ISlI ATTACHID FOil ~1II111T__. This permil i.to IMl .trlclly Conslrued and no WOrk oln., lhan Inal speclftcally rnent_ _ is aulhOllzed nerally. """ormanco of tn. work 011011 IMl d.....ed to IMl acc.planc. by In. permill.. olalllerm. and COndillon. oIlnl. permil, (RecaPTNQ / APPIJCA110NIlSSUANCE S .M INSPECTION -- 101'AL PERMIT FEE S .00 EXEMPT I!!l CHARGE 0 CASH 0 l'!t~ D.G. Wells, PiImllt Engl...r ltansportatlon Department DEPOSIT IN TRUST "188 S .00 PERMITEE ... .... .... , ,.... -- ~ ....) '- "-" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PlANtING DEPARTMENT . AGENDA ITEM # LOCATION CASE Public lok>rks ~. Aq..~ , . ~ HEARING DATE MJ:I,..,...h Q , loan -- '" --- ~aD .,.'" a,.,: o-{ ." N)- ., ... a., . .