HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-Planning Ch-v'OF'SAN BERNAR~O - REQu.JsT FOR COUNCIL A~ION From: Brad L. Kilger Director Dept: Planning Department Date: Mayor and Council Meeting of May 8, 1989 Subject: GENERAL PLAN ADOPTION Synopsis of Previous Council action: None Recommended motion: That the Mayor and Common Council approve in concept Chapter 1, Community Development, as recommended by the Planning Commission, subject to the Mayor and Common Council's final review of the Draft General Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report. C r ~~~ __ Brad L. Kilger ~ - Contact person: Brad L. Kilqer, Director of Planninq Phone: (714) 384-5357 . . Department S . d had Dl.stn.buted separately W d Citywide upportmg ata attac : ar : FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: I Acct. No.) (Acct. Descriotion) Finance: Council Notes: Aaenda Item No r '- c ~) cc;; __1/ ~ ~, / /<? 75/ '-~ Changes in Subsection 8: Page 379 - 9.2.1 - (Reference (18.9) at the end of the sentenc. Page 389 - 8.4.2a. New policy: Study the feasibility of requiring fire protection systems on new single family development. Page 389 - 8.4.3 - delete "existing and" and insert after development "and existing multi-family of three or more units. At end, after "Systems" add "all rental units whether single or multi- family, shall install adequate smoke detection systems. Page 389 - 8.4.6 - Delete "home", insert "to" after "safety" and delete (through workshops and other forms of communication to" Page 391 - 18.11 - After "new" add "residential". Strike "development" and add "multi-family, three units and more". Page 392 - 18.15 - Before "residential", insert "new"; after "residential", add "and eXis.ting Multi;-famiJ,y. '-three units more". )a-nd<UR.~~ -t,u2/L.v- ~" dddJz ~~~ ACId "industrial" after "commercial" on third line. and Page 392 - 18.16 - Delete last sentence. Page 403 - 8D - Replace "ensure" with "encourage". PAGE 403 - 8.7 - Replace "ensure" with "encourage". Page 404 - 8.8.7 - Delete. Page 406 - 18.29 - Delete. Page 413 - 8.9.8 - After improvements, add "as permitted by State law" Page 413 - 8.9.9 - Before "City" remove "all". Page 417 - 18.39 - Remove "all new" before "City". Page 418 - 18.46 - After "include" insert. "but not be limited to" After "City" add a period and delete "and the relocation of Dorothy Ingram Branch." Page 418 - 18.47 - Before "state" add City, County and" and delete "County" before "governments". "'" , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERAL PLAN REVISION PROGRAM , "" REQUEST TO SPEAK SPEAKER'S NAME May 8,1989 FRANK PLASH PHONE (714) 883-9848 ZIP 92406 DATE OF HEARING ADDRESS P.O.BOX 2909 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. ORGANIZATION INLAND EMPIRE SYNPHONY - S.B. VALLEY CONHUNITY CONCERT ASSN. Note: Individuals - Max 3 minutes, organizations - Max 5 minutes. ISSUES/AREA OF CITY TO BE ADDRESSED p~ 8,(1.//, ~ 413 I 5\.47 f ~ 4\l? Development of a regional center ror the performing and fine arts. ARE YOU PLANNING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS PRIOR TO THE HEARING? Yes No Staff only Below This Line Request Received: Phone In Person Written By Date: / / 88 Time A.M. P.M. position on Agenda PC MCC \.. ~ c '- ,,-/ <...) GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES The following presents the goals, objectives and policies for Police Services in the City of San Bernardino. Implementing programs are contained in the following subsection. At the end of each policy is listed a capital "I" and number in parentheses which refers to the pertinent implementing program. ~ It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 8A Protect the residents of San Bernardino from criminal activity and reduce the incidence of crime in all parts of the City. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.1 The City shall ensure that the Police Department provides~, adequate protection to the residents of San Bernardino from criminal activity, and seeeR6, crime prevention measures that reduce the incidence of crime. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.1.1 The City shaU maintain a complement of personnel in the Police Department that is capable of providing a timely response to reported criminal activity and can equitably protect aU citizens and property in the City (18.1, 18.3). 8.1.2 Assure that adequate police services to the community are maintained through a periodic conditions and needs assessment of department services, facilities and personnel (18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4). 8.1.3 Coordinate inter-agency cooperation agreements with County and adjacent jurisdictions that will provide emergency assistance and cooperation on inter-jurisdictional cases (18.5). 8.1.4 Continue to support and encourage community-based crime prevention efforts through regular interaction and coordination with existing neighborhood watch programs, assistance in the formation of new neighborhood watch groups, and regular communication with neighborhood and civic organizations (18.6). 378 c .....-",...- ."'--"'" &I-:; The City shall eRaft a I'lregt'aRl te eOO!'aitlate the aerivity af I'lftvate seettfity ferees (~vfte gtlHs effiee/ift8.1:15wial 11l:1HWBgS me. eeftftraetea. . Reigftberkaaas) witlt tlte aeftvi~ af the PaYee Del'lMtfReRt fer the s1:l:T"..~af\ee aRB. fJre-,,"eft861\ sf eriminel are-lilY (18.7). 8.1.6 The City shall assist the San Bernardino City Unified School District and other educational agencies to create a program of early intervention for students that will provide instruction, recreation, and training programs outside of the classroom U8.8). ~ It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 8B Enhance the safety of the residents through building and environmental design. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.2 Increase the ability of the residents and the Police Department to minimize crime and provide security for residential, aftEl. commercial, in- dustrial and public buildings, sites, and I'll:il:llie open space. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.2.1 Ensure that landscaping (Le., trees and shrubbery) around buil. din~ dC?Ets not obstruct views required to provide security surveillance U8.7). tP.qJ Require adequate lighting around residential, commercial and industrial buildings in order to facilitate security surveillance (IS.9). 8.2.2 8.2.3 Require that recreational facilities in multiple-family residential complexes are designed to provide visibility and security U8.9). 8.2.4 Require the provision of security measures and devices that are designed to increase visibility and security in the design of building siting, interior and exterior design, and hardware (18.9). 379 c '- ,-,,' IMPLEMENTATION 18.1 The City shall preT/iae the fW\amg Reeessary te maintain a police force capable of providing adequate protection and criminal prevention services to the citizens of San Bernardino and their property. The City shall aEihere te estael.isRea state aRa feeleral staRaMel.s fer previaiRg pll.6He sakty preteeaSR. 18.2 The City shall conduct an annual assessment of Police Department services that shall evaluate, first, infrastructure conditions in all existing facilities and equipment, second, personnel staffing conditions, and third, facilities, equipment and personnel needs for the coming fiscal year, based on anticipated population growth, level of service, and the crime rate. 1&3 CeRti'atii!e pregraffi aeve1epmeflt W\e1.er tfte CRief ef Peliee placing pAmMY resp8RsiBility fer grant !lJ3pHeat:ieRS, ReVl ftlflel.ing sel:H'E:e iikf\Bfieatien, crime pre-;eRBsn pregram 8.fh-eeaey aRe financial s1:IJ3psrt sem€cs. 18.4 Establish a program that will monitor crime prevention programs and identify funding sources for lilw enforcement on the Federal, state, and local level. 18.5 The City shall continue and periodically review its cooperation agreements with the County of San Bernardino and adjacent jurisdictions for mutual assistance. 18.6 The City, through the Police Department, shall enact an ongoing Outreach Program to existing Neighborhood Watch groups to provide support and assistance in self-help programs, and identify residential areas without neighborhood watch programs and assist them to initiate and continue watch programs. A structure for a similar program for commercial areas in the City shall be established that may be effectuated by the Chamber of Commerce and other similar organizations. 18:7 The City sRall enact a pregram te iel.eRtify efBee aRa iRa1:iStfial l'll:tilel:iRgs,resicleRt:ia:l. neigheerheeels ami Bl:isiRess/iRell:l5tfla:l. el:istflds er "&fItS ia tfle CHy tl\at Ra-.re pri\-ak seeurity g'ttaras ana foarmaak 5l::ln~eillance and crime prc-,;e:aHoR aeti9.iaes '\9ith them 8ft a regular, 6Rgeiag Basi~. 18.8 The City, with the assistance of the Police Department, shall assist the San Bernardino City Unified School District and other educational agencies in establishing an early intervention program that will include, but not be limited to/ sports, arts and crafts activities, job training and counseling for 380 c -..I "The City currentlY'-'has one federally funded community development block grant in effect. The grant provides home security devices such as dead bolt locks and door viewers are installed. Repairs to faulty doors and windows are also included in the program." .....,/ Po. 375. Personnel Levels Delete this section, it is information that belongs in the Technical Background Report. Po. 376 Crime and Calls for Service Leave in the "Calls for Service" text and table and delete everything else in this section. Issues. Po. 377 Revise Issue 1 as follows. "As population continues to grow, of concern are the means to expand pOlice facilities and services, reduce the rates of crime and enhance the perception of safety in all areas of the City" c CHAPTER 2 INFRASTRUC~ AND COMMUNIT~SERVICES 8.0 Public Facilities and Services A. Police The Planning Commission recommendations included here are changes to the goals, objectives, policies and implementation measures. Recommended revisions to the text are listed below, but in most cases, have not been written yet. Prior to revising the text, the Mayor and Common Council should review and concur with the pro- posed revisions and determine if additional revisions are necessary. Planning Commission recommended changes to text. Background Data and Analysis pq. 373 Under the title "Background Data and Analysis", first paragraph, second sentence, the "eight" community service offices should be changed to "six" community service offices. pq. 373 Delete the fifth paragraph. This information is valid for one point in time only and is subject to change. Fiqure 35. pq. 374 Two community offices (indicated by a filled circle) should be removed from map1 #1 Foothill and Meridian #2 Lytle Creek Park (Mill Street east of Mt. Vernon Avenue) Add one new community office: Mill Street. Mt. Vernon Avenue and A short statement should be added to the map as follows: "The number and locations of community varied in the future to meet changes in the needs of the community." offices may be population and pq. 375 Delete "11" from the last sentence of the first complete paragraph. this is subject to change. pq. 375 The paragraph beginning crime ...." Should be following. with "The City has two anti- deleted and replaced with the c r '- :) high school, junior high and elementary students who are having identified academic and social problems. 18.9 The City shall enact amendments to the Building Code and incorporate in the City's design review process for development projects requirements for defensible space design in all new projects that ensure maximum visibility and security for entrances, pathways and corridors, open space (both private and public), and parking lots/structures. 18.10 The Oty shall maintain an adequate complement of building code compli- ance inspectors who will work with the police department in order to eradicate building conditions which enhance criminal activity. 381 c c :) CHAPTER 2 INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 8.0 Public Facilities and Services B. Fire The Planning commission recommendations included here are changes to the goals, objectives, policies and implementation measures. Recommended revisions to the text are listed below, but in most cases, have not been written yet. Prior to revising the text, the Mayor and Common Council should review and concur with the pro posed revisions and determine if additional revisions are necessary. Planning Commission recommended changes to text. Background and Analyses 1. Operations pq. 382 Delete the second sentence in the second paragraph. 2. Fire Prevention pq. 386 Revise first sentence of the second paragraph as follows: In construction of all new commercial buildings, automatic fire sprinklers are required when the building is over 5000 square feet in area, EXCEPT FOR TYPE I AND II FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION . pq. 386 Revise the second sentence of the third paragraph as follows: To meet the demand of the inspection program, the engine companies are responsible for inspecting all multiple familv residential of 3 or more units and small retail units. Issues pq. 386 Delete Issue 1 and replace with the following: "Fire Department response times should be evaluated periodically." c c o GOALS. OBJECTIVES. AND POLICIES The following presents goals, objectives and policies for fire service in the City of San Bernardino. Implementation programs are contained in the following subsection. At the end of each policy is listed a capital "I" and a number in parentheses which refers to the pertinent implementing program. .G.w!! It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 8C Protect the residents of San Bernardino from the hazards of fire. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.3 Provide adequate fire facilities and protective services for existing and future residents. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.3.1 Assure that adequate facilities and fll'e service personnel are maintained by periodically evaluating population growth, level of service (response time) and fire hazards in the City ana BY previeliRg aae~ate faRliiRg (18.13). 8.3.2 Assess the effects of increases in development density and related traffic congestion on the provision of adequate facilities and services ensuring that new development will maintain fire protection services of acceptable levels (18.12 and 18.13). 8.3.3 Establish a program whereby new development projects are assessed a pro rata fee to pay for additional fire service protection to that develop- ment (18.19). 8.3.4 Coordinate inter-agency fire service protection agreements with County U.S. Forest Service, and other fire protection agencies (18.17). 388 ....... Objective - '-' / It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.4 Assure that all buildings provide adequate fire protection. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.4.1 8.4.2 r 'f ~~ i'\ .1' t:jJ1 J 8.4.4 IJ' J,t .,) '.tiP itfJ(. i~(/J;ll,j;rY 8.4.5 lj~ (' Il.t L\I'. i~~ 1\11 8.4.6 .t; j; !; ,ri ;};( vY fj;. 0/ ,z 11 8.4.3 Objective Require that all buildings subject to City jurisdiction adhere to fire safety codes 08.10, 18.11, 18.12, and 18.18). Require that all new publicly owned buildings, commercial, industrial, and multiple-unit residential developments install fire protection systems ilRa1:i5€ lHttemaae sl"rinlEl.ers systems, in accordance with applicable fire codes 08.11 an~I~.15). / ../1" _'?..../ /.ct:Ji,~~/- _ ,/ ~ v ,-,,<;y, ~~;< v - (:f' ~ ?....m,,.~ ~." ? Require all axistiRg and new residential development iri instaW- ~ t:? U' maintain adequate smoke detection systems (18.11 and 18.15). 3d) ';:: _ /.. unt . /1tJ#/l'I/ ,.,~ci v?>y( 31 "".1./ CeruJitier Study the feasibility of requiring all existing/development to C/ install fire )'rotection# syst~ I including automatk sprin.1der systems (18.14)'):q" \ '? Develop and implement a comprehensive high-rise fire safety program (18.14). Promote public education regarding-home-fire safety thw.-e,l. ..v.k"l.v!-,,, !IRQ I1taer teFft\9 "f WH.<..._/li.:.!.t::II. Ie address issues such as storage of flammable material and other fire hazards (18.16). It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.5 Maintain information regarding fire hazards and service. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.5.1 Continue uniform reporting of all fire emergency data including type and cause of fire alarm response time and damage/injury data 08.13). 389 c /"'''- --.. -" -.....,; Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.6 Protect the City from brush fire hazards. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 8.6.1 Require that development in the City's High Fire Hazard Area adhere to the site development and construction standards specified by Policies 15.2.1 through 15.2.7 (I8.10). 390 c '-' ~./ IMPLEMENTATION The following lists the programs to implement the fire service element contained in the preceding subsection of the Plan. The capital "I" and number preceding each program are referenced by the policies which it implements. Ordinances 18.10 Incorporate in the City's Development and Building Codes pertinent fire hazard mitigation provisions of the Foothill Communities "Greenbelt" , Program, as specified in 115.1. ~ ..Mll Continue, or incorporate, as necessary, in the Oty's Building Code j;-?" requir~~nts ~r? ,theJDstallation of smoke ~etection syst~ in ~ new /IfiJ and exISting' vetepH\ef\.t and fire protection ana. Ull8ft\&I!~ !1".~lltler systems in new commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential development projects. 18.11 Development Review 18.12 The City's design review process for proposed development shall assess its effects on the level of fire services provided to the community. This should include the identification of the nearest fire facility, personnel, and equipment, estimates of the potential service requirements of the project, estimates of the emergency response time, and specification of necessary facility and service improvements. Methods to fund the improvements shall be identified, which may include development fees and/or site dedication for facilities. Administrative 18.13 Annually, the City, through the Fire Department, shall document fire events and services in the Oty. Among the factors to be considered will be the numbers, types and geographic concentrations of fires; amount, types, and costs of damage; number and types of injuries; emergency response time; costs to provide service; maintenance and quality of equipment and facilities; number of false alarms; and other pertinent data describing service characteristics. The effectiveness of the services to adequately respond to emergencies shall be assessed. Specific deficiencies, their contributing causes, and potential means to correct these shall be identified. 18.14 Maintain a fire safety and emergency evacuation program for high-rise structures iR eeUaeeraaeR "lith tfte Fire Del'BfImef\.t and structures used for assembling people. This program shall include zoning and building requirements for the use of sprinklers, smoke alarms, emergency 391 c 18.15 18.16 18.17 18.18 18.19 18.20 '- " -.,/ evacuation stairways and other routes, fire resistant materials, and architectural design elements which do not ~truct or hinder emergency access. .0 . .~..j, '~liil' . /w.A' -/f, ,~ ~ p.~l'U ,oJ. ? ( diM <ru /~ and? m .va? 07 Continue to rerl.;re the in~~hation an maintenance of smoke detection 1 systems in all!r;identiallttltildings in the City. Undertake a study to t identify the types of systems which can be installed in existing commercial \y and multi-family residential building7 If automatic sprinkler systems and ~J; other fire protection systems do not exist, evaluate the feasibility of their 7 Ii implementation. This study should be coordinated with the Fire Department, building engineers, other pertinent agencies, and construc- tion industry representatives. Establish through the Fire Department public education programs to enhance public awareness of fire safety including the storage of flammable materials and the use of fire retardant roof materials. -€able-televiiio -progiimS;l'ublicatioR5 and publie-wGrkshops can be l:Is.ed Lv uuvuu the -pttb1tc:- The City shall continue and periodically review its agreement to coordinate with the County and the u.s. Forest Service for mutual aid and fire services in unincorporated areas. The City's code enforcement officer shall work with the Fire Department to enforce all existing codes and ordinances regarding fire protection including weed abatement and building inspection. The City shall impose fees on development for the development of fire fa- cilities and services as necessitated by that development, as permitted by State legislation. The Fire Department shall pursue and up~ade the Insurance Service Office ISO rating for the City of San Bernardino. 392 \,......"" '-' "...."". CHAPTER 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4.0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Planning Commission recommendations included here are changes to the goals, objectives, policies and implementation measures. Recommended revisions to the text are listed below, but in most cases, have not been written yet. Prior to revising the text, the Mayor and Common Council should review and concur with the pro- posed revisions and determine if additional revisions are necessary. Planning Commission recommended changes to text. No changes. ,"-- '"..~ ./ GOALS. OBTEcrIVES. AND POLICIES The following presents the goals, objectives, and policies for economic development in the City of San Bernardino. Implementing programs are contained in the following subsection. At the end of each policy is listed a capital "I" and number in parentheses which refers to the pertinent implementing program. ISSUE ONE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW .Q.Qal. It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 4A Be the principal regional center in the Inland Empire for industrial, com- mercial, visitor- and convention-servil'\g, governmental, educational, cul- tural and other related development activity and to have economically vi- able local-serving commercial activity and neighborhoods. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.1 Generate growth that provides, at a minimum, 27,000 jobs over the next two decades within the context of Goals 4A-4E. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.1.1 Adopt a Land Use Map which designates a miftimlHR af 1.,aOO acresage for industrial, business park, commercial and government activity (14.1). 4.1.2 Initiate strategies to market for, and attract, new activity as defined in the policies for Objectives 4.6 through 4.17 (14.8-14.37). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.2 Generate growth that enhances the quality of life. 259 c , '- ..,/ / Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.2.1 Adopt a Land Use policies which provide for expanded recreational, cul- tural, and educational opportunities (14.1). 4.2.2 Initiate strategies to provide for new activity as defined in the policies for Objective 4.6 (14.1, 14.42, 14.43). 4.23 Minimize and control the development of industrial and other uses which use, store, or produce toxies, air emissions, and other pollutants; establish- ing mitigation requirements and thresholds above which the use will be prohibited (14.1, 14.2, 14.3). 4.2.4 Limit the location. and number of alcohol sales, adult bookstores and busi- nesses, game arcades and other community sensitive uses, based on prox- imity to residences, schools, religious facilities, and parks, in accordance with legislative requirements (14.1, 14.2, 14.3). 4.2.5 Adopt a development code that provides for "defensible space" in build- ing and space design-space that optimizes the safety and well-being of the users (14.1). 4.2.6 Establish a marketing prowam to attract developers of upscale housing and assist in the promotion of such housin~ to potential high income buy- ers (14.8. 14.15). 4.2.7 Establish a marketing prowam to promote the economic. social. and phys- ical attributes of the City (14.8. 14.15). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.3 Generate cumulative growth that provides net fiscal gains to the City. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to:n,J?V.J ....a~/ 4.3.1 Require discretionary revi~w-of development proposals to determine the need for a fiscal impac~ part of the environment Review process, to pro- vide input into assessment of overall impact of development activities and to determine what costs to the City, if any, may be subject to mitigation (14.4). 260 c... '-- ,,;~. 4.3.2 Monitor the fiscal impact of the mix of development proposals and activi- ty on an annual basis to determine which or what kind of activities, if any, should be encouraged or delayed (according to their net positive or nega- tive fiscal impact) over the next time period U4.5, 14.41). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.4 Manage overall economic development within the context of Goals 4A-4E through a coordinated strategy for all public agencies and organizations that establishes areas of responsibility of, and coordination between, af- fected agencies and organizations, and establishes a timeframe in which appropriate steps are to be taken (le., first year of strategy, annually, etc.). Policies It shall be the ~licy of the City of .san Bernardino to: Pz/m t$'<< rou .;0( ~? 4.4.1 Establish the role of a single economic development manager to oversee the economic development efforts of all public agencies and organizations to allow for optimum efficiency and productivity in pursuit of Goals 4A- 4E (14.6). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.5 Generate economic growth that is not detrimental to the environment and growth that occurs in such a way as to protect the life and property of resi- dents, businesses, and visitors to the City from the hazards of flood, fire, seismic, and liquefaction. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.5.1 Require adherence to the environmental and resource standards, as de- fined in the Environmental Resource Management Policies, Seismic Risk Policies, Flood Hazard Policies, Wind and and Fire Hazard Policies (14.1- 14.3,14.7). 261 ~- "-"-,, - """" "b'",/ ISSUE TWO: INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY .GwU. It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 4B Generate ongoing industrial growth, in an orderly and controlled manner, through diversification of the industrial base and maintenance of current activity. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.6 Capture, over the next decade, new basic Standard Industrial Oassification (SIC) industrial groups not currently represented in the City. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.6.1 Establish a marketing program to attract new industrial activity (14.8- 14.15). 4.6.2 Monitor the industrial Code' 4.6.3 Pursue joint use of Norton Air Force Base in order to provide opportuni- ties for industrial firms interested or requiring airport proximity or access (14.16). 4.6.4 Seek opportunities for reuse of the railway yards as lands become avail- able in order to provide opportunities for industries/firms requiring rail transportation, transportation-related industries, warehousing, and simi- lar uses and explore opportunities to capitalize on commuter-rail linkages (14.17). 4.6.5 Where lands are designated for industrial activity-such as along Interstates 10 and 215, the regional opportunities corridors, and west of 215 limit the use of these lands for industrial purposes (14.6). 4.6.6 Provide for industrial development in conformance with Land Use Policies 1.32.10 through 1.34.32 (14.1). 262 f" "- ,- ,." ....,/ '- 4.6.7 Set, and require adherence to, standards for industrial buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for San Bernardino (14.25, 14.26). Objective It shall be the objective of the Oty of San Bernardino to: 4.7 Increase, on an ongoing basis, the number of firms within the existing in- dustrial groupings. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.7.1 Establish a marketing program to attract new firms (14.18-14.20, 14.15). 4.7.2 Pursue joint use of Norton Air Force Base in order to provide opportuni- ties for industrial firms interested or requiring airport proximity or access (14.16). 4.7.3 Seek opportunities for reuse of the railway yards as lands become avail- able in order to provide opportunities for industries/firms requiring rail transportation, transportation-related industries, warehousing, and simi- lar uses and explore opportunities to capitalize on commuter-rail linkages (14.17) 4.7.4 Where lands are designated for industrial activity-such as along Interstates 10 and 215, the regional opportunities corridors, and the west side-expedite the use of these lands for industrial purposes (14.6). 4.7.5 Provide for industrial development in conformance with Land Use Policies 1.32.10 through 1.34.32 (14.1). 4.7.6 Set, and require adherence to, standards for industrial buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for San Bernardino (14.25, 14.26). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.8 Maintain the existing industrial base and stabilize the future industrial base. 263 '- ,.- '- o Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.8.1 Establish an outreach program to encourage existing firms to remain in San Bernardino (14.21 and 14.22). 4.8.2 Set, and require adherence to, standards for industrial buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for San Bernardino (14.25, 14.26). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.9 Recruit services (such as printers, freight delivery services, etc.) through start-ups of new firms and relocation to the City of existing firms, in order to provide support for industrial firms. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.9.1 Establish a marketing program to attract business services (14.23). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.10 Make available, at a miRiIR1:UH, 300 pereeRt mare aeres thilR are inmeates as Reeaea 6'"ler the next five aeeacies fer iRSuStrial aemity, sufficient acre- age in order to capture the City's fair share of industrial regional growth through the year 2010. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.10.1 Designate, at a miRilRam, 3.L090 aeres af land for industrial activity (14.1). 4.10.2 Allocate the 3,OOQ aeres aE land designated for industrial activity among the various kinds of industrial activity-light, heavy, extractive, and business park-along Interstates 10 and 215, along regional opportunities corridors, adjacent to Norton Air Force Base, at and near the railway yard and in the west side for industrial activity (14.1). 264 - '-' ,/ ISSUE THREE: OmCE COMMEROAL ACfIVITY ~ It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 4C Be the regional center in the Inland Empire for general, medical and gov- ernmental office space to serve regional and local needs. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.11 Attract new office users to San Bernardino, maintain the existing office user base, and stabilize the future office user base. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.11.4 4.11.5 4.11.6 Establish a marketing program to attract new office users and engage in outreach to encourage existing users to remain in San Bernardino (14.9- 14.11,14.14-14.15,14.21-14.22,14.27-14.28). Establish a marketing program to recruit large-sca1e professional and gov- ernment office development to downtown San Bernardino (14.8, 14.9, 14.39, 14.40). Establish a marketing program to recruit medical office development, with a focus on areas in proximity to existing hospitals and the reuse of these hospitals should they become available (14.8-10, 14.29, 14.15). Adopt a development code that provides for small office users to locate in existing community-serving commercial corridors throughout the City (14.1). 7 Set, and require adherence to, standards for office buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for San Bernardino (14.25,14.26). 265 ,-... '-' .---. v Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.12 Make available, at a minim1:Hft, 699 pa'EEat mere aeres the llfe inaieatea as ae.eaea B'ler t~~ ftel(t A'le aeeaaes .suffici.e~t acreage in order f~r com~M ) merClal office activIty, government office actiVIty, and health care, Illude.. / to keep pace with local population demand and to capture the City's fair share of the regional office and health care market through the year 2010. Policies 4.12.1 Designate, at a minim1:tffi, 339 aeres ef land for commercial and govern- ment office activity and health care (14.1). 4.12.2 Provide for development of office and health care facilities in accordance with Land Use Policies 1.28.10 through 1.29.32 (14.1). ISSUE FOUR: RETAIL COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY .G2il. It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 4D Maintain and enhance commercial regional cores and economically sound community-serving commercial concentrations. a. Regional Retail Activity Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.13 Attract new regional outlets, maintain the existing regional retail base, and stabilize the future regional retail base. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.13.1 Establish a marketing program to attract new regional retail outlets and engage in outreach to encourage existing outlets to remain in San Bernardino (14.8-10, 14.21, 14.22, 14.31, 14.32). 4.13.2 Renovate and intensify activity at, and in between, the two regional malls to create a single regional cluster (14.8-10, 14.21, 14.22, 14.31, 14.32). 266 '- ,~,.. ./ 4.13.3 Where lands are designated for regional retail development, limit the use of these lands for this purpose (14.6). 4.13.4 Set, and require adherence to, standards for retail buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for San Bernardino (14.25,14.26). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.14 Make available, at a HliftimtHft, 69 "erfeRt mere aE!f'es ef land for regional commercial in order to capture the City's fair share of regional retail growth through the year 2010. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.14.1 Designate, at a mintm.t1H\, 129 aerfS af land for regional commercial activi- ty in close proximity to the two existing malls and the "Club" area (14.1). b. Local-Serving Activity Objective 4.15 Make land available for new development in, and intensification of, exist- ing local-serving commercial corridors and to establish new commercial areas, as need arises with population growth, along major transportation corridors in proximity to residential neighborhoods. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.15.1 Allow for development and intensification in existing and new local-serv- ing commercial corridors in accordance with Land Use Policies for Land Use Objectives 1.19 through 1.27 (14.1) Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.16 Maintain the economic health of the currently viable local-serving com- mercial corridors. 267 '-- Policies /"",., '- ,......., -' It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.16.1 4.16.2 4.16.3 Objective Establish an outreach program to encourage existing retail outlets to re- main at or near their current locations Q4.33, 14.34). (f' Develop a l'llslie rnl~tin"" progranfto maintain mlCIBit ;~ awareness of~ commercial COrridOl.,(I4.34,14.35). vla}j~ Set, and require adherence to, standards for retail buildings in order to create and maintain an attractive image for each commercial corridor, in conformance with Land Use policies associated with Land Use Objectives 1.19 through 1.27 (14.1). It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.17 Upgrade the economic health of the local-serving commercial corridors that are currently not viable. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.17.1 4.17.2 Objectives Establish a marketing program to attract new outlets to these commercial corridors (14.9, 14.10, 14.36, 14.37). Develop a pliblic relatiens progranr to establish an in !areal L, _.J aware- ness of, each commercial corridor in need of 1ip~:!.~.,g (14.38). ~~<' .hdi.e1~""'t'" It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.18 Make availablE:, at a miRiffiliffi, 2GG perceRt !Rale aeres af laRa tfliHl. re ~lea sufficient acreage to support projected population growth for local- serving general and neighborhood commercial retail activity in erder to keep pace with local population demand. Policies 4.18.1 Designate, at a !Rini!Rli!R, ~ aeres land for local-serving general and neighborhood commercial retail activity. 268 c , '-- .I ISSUE FIVE: OUALITY OF LIFElREGIONAL A lTRACfIONS ~ It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: 4E Objective Be the regional center for recreation, cultural, entertainment and educa- tional opportunities. It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.19 Enhance, maintain, and develop recreational, cultural, entertainment, and educational facilities. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 4.19.1 4.19.2 4.19.3 4.19.4 4.19.5 4.19.6 Pursue the continued use and expansion of the National Orange Show fa- cilities as a major regional-serving recreation, entertainment, and cultural use, in conformance with Land Use Policies 1.36.10 through 1.36.30 U4.1, 14.42). Continue and expand educational, cultural, recreational, and supporting uses at California State University, San Bernardino U4.42). Provide for a mix of regionally-significant uses in the Tri- City/Commercenter/Club area including entertainment-theaters, night- clubs-restaurants and hotels/motels, in conformance with Land Use Policies 1.17.10 through 1.17.38 U4.1, 14.43). Provide for a "high activity" sub-area in Downtown San Bernardino, where it is the intent to achieve a high level of evening activity, and liHIit "~dfU .. uses which can be accommodated in the ground Q~tln of struc- tures to those open in the evening (e.g., theaters, restaurants), in conform- ance with Land Use Policy 1.16.17 U14.1, 14.43). Provide for and encourage uses which complement and intensify the Convention Center in downtown San Bernardino, including expanding convention facilities, hotels, restaurants, theaters, and similar uses (14.1, 14.8,14.43). Provide for the development and maintenance of parks and recreational trails. in accordance with the Parks and Recreation Element (14.1). 269 , , - ,,-,. ~ .'/ IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMS The following lists are the programs to implement the economic development policies contained in the preceding subsection of the plan. The capital "I" and number preced- ing each program are referenced by the policies which it implements. 14.1 Adopt the Land Use Plan Map and revise the Zoning Ordinance to be con- sistent with the General Plan, as detailed in Land Use hnplementation Program 11.1. 14.2 Reevaluate City regulations regarding new development and enlargement of existing structures for their adequacy in providing effective public re- view and comment, as detailed in Land Use Program 11.6. 14.3 Continue to comply with CEQA requirements regarding environmental effects of a project, as detailed in Land Use Program 11.7. 14.4 Determine a threshold project size, above which a fiscal impact analysis is required and set fiscal standards which must be met by these projects. 14:; Inel1:lae as ene af tae slities af ~e eeeaemie ae-,;elepment eeerainater, te maRital the fiseal impaet analysis. 14.6 Witftin efte year ef adepaeft ef the Ceaeral PlaR Update, e1etemfte the Ie eaaeft Examine the feasibility of creating a position of ffte economic devel- opment manager pesiaen wHftift the City gs'.'el'flffieftt and formalize the goals of this position, which shall include such activities as the following: a. Undertake a sufficient number of promotional in-person contacts with firms in targeted industries each year, either at their location or hosting them in San Bernardino, to achieve the stated goals and objectives; co- ordinate these contacts with other active agencies and organizations. b. Initiate at least one meeting with local firms per month in conjunction with other active agencies and organizations and prepare evaluation of permanent records. c. Develop promotional brochure and materials in coordination with other active agencies and organizations. d. Establish procedure for expediting relevant City activities in response to specific development requests. e. Determine the need for, and feasibility of, a non profit corporation cre- ated by the City as a vehicle for marketing and other economic devel- opment activities. 270 '--- ,,-. f. Maintain flow of relevant information to all active agencies, depart- ments, and organizations. g. Prepare periodic reports to be submitted to the City Council for infor- mational purposes. h. Establish a business retention pro~am to keep industries in the City. i. Monitor the fiscal impacts of development. 14+ Re"':ie\v the Ci~y/s s1i9di-Asisa 8rdiRanee ana ameBa it as Reeessary te re fleet ~e lana ase geals, ei:ljeeftV€s, pelkie:> aRa stanaiH'as as aetatlea iR Lana Use P-ragram 11.2. 14.8 Continue to offer a range of assistance programs to firms locating in rede- velopment project areas, such as clearance of land and resale to develop- ers, tax increment financing, and special assessment finaJ:tcing, as detailed in Land Use Program 11.12. 14.9 Keep all participants, both public agencies and private organizations, in- formed of possible assistance for desirable projects in the redevelopment project areas, in order to assure that all firms interested in San Bernardino are made aware of the opportunities. 14.10 Ideality Ceneral ftlRa re-,,~eR\ie or estaeHsR Re\V Ceftera:1 Ftmfi KVeR1:le saalees, if pessiBle, The City should conduct a study to identifv potential revenue sources for assistance programs fer ae"lelepmmt outside of Redevelopment Areas. Te Otis eRa, the City sftetHa eeRaaet a SRiay "ith iR eRe year af the aelaptiaR af this plan te iaenaiy peteRsal se1:lfEeS, enl Hate the amot:mt ef re7eRtle te ae aeri-;ea, aHa aek:rmiae e\~elall f.easibili ~-. Basea eft tilt: resttits of tltis smdy, the Cit)- shattld implemeRt the m.eehaFlisms Reeessary te Belain the reVeRye. 14.11 Develop a list of target industries for identifying key basic industries cur- rently locating in the San Bernardino-Riverside area but outside of the City, through liaison with real estate brokers, industrial associations, etc. 14.12 Include in the list of target industries, those industries that are at the fore- front of the economic and technological changes affecting the nation in the years to come such as radio and television communication equipment, aerospace, x-ray and electro-medical equipment, and surgical and medical instruments; these provide a source of stability and growth. 14.13 Develop a regional/national/international master list of firms within the target industries to contact in the marketing campaign. 271 ..... '--- ,..",# 14.14 Update list of target industries on an annual basis. 14.15 Pursue an aggressive marketing campaign involving mailings to, an per- sonal contact with, firms in the targeted industries to establish and main- tain an awareness of available opportunities in San Bernardino, advertise in relevant trade journals and publications. 14.16 Participate in a study with the U.s. Air Force/Department of Defense on the feasibility of the joint use of Norton Air Force Base. 14.17 Maintain contact with landowners and regional users of railway yards to determine potential availability or recycling of the yards. 14.18 Provide for development of light manufacturing in a business park envi- ronment, as along Waterman Avenue, such as the Tri- City /Commercenter, in conjunction with Land Use Policies 1.31.10- 1.31.34 and 1.32.30-1.32.32, to address locational requirements of a range of industrial firms. 14.19 Develop a list of industries currently located within the City through com- pilation of Redevelopment Agency data and door-to-door survey, and up- date on an annual basis. 14.20 Develop a regional/national/international master list of outside firms within the existing industries to contact in a marketing campaign. 14.21 Provide for an ongoing relationship with existing firms to monitor their needs and concerns and to determine which needs and concerns can be addressed by the City. 14.22 Maintain an ongoing schedule of public liaison with the existing business- es to ascertain needs and concerns such as land, employees, finances, transportation access, etc. 14.23 Identify the need for business support services in San Bernardino through liaison with existing industrial firms and develop a recruitment program to solicit appropriate business service firms. ~ Re-,ie,"; oa~t:iRg Btlilai-ng aesign staftsaras iR the De-,;-elsfJB\eRt Cede aRa upgraae them. as neeessary. 14:* ~\aDpt a discretionar)- re-,;ie\; pretes:; regaraiRg hwlding aesigR {or ma-jer f'rejed5. 272 '-- 14.27 14.28 14.29 14.30 14.31 14.32 14.33 14.34 14.35 14.36 14.37 '- Develop a list of office users currently located within the City through compilation of Redevelopment Agency data and a door-t<Hioor survey to be updated on an annual basis. Develop a regional/State master list of outside office users within target industries and existing industries to contact in the marketing campaign. Develop a regional/State list of outside medical office users to contact in the marketing campaign. Develop a list of regional retail outlets within the City through compila- tion of Redevelopment Agency data and a door-ta-door survey, to be up- dated on an annual basis. Develop a regional/State master list of regional-serving retail outlets now not located in the City, to contact in the marketing campaign. Pursue an aggressive marketing campaign involving mailings to, and per- sonal contact with, targeted regional retail outlets and mall management to establish and maintain an awareness of available opportunities in San Bernardino. Work with property owners and tenants to determine land, building and parking requirements for updated facilities and to encourage renova- tion/ expansion at existing locations as an alternative to relocation. Facilitate the continuation and formation of individual merchants associa- tion, such as the Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Pro~am. through City-held meetings; these associations provide the basis to coordi- nate promotional activities and store hours, address common problems that may arise, and enforce a sense of community and "place." The associ- ations also provide the City a means through which to publicize and coor- dinate assistance programs and maintain ongoing evaluation of develop- ment efforts. Through the local merchants associations, institute a series of coordinated events such as sidewalk sales, holiday decorations, special night openings, small music events, etc. Develop a list of community-serving retail outlets now not located in the less viable commercial corridors, to contact in the marketing campaign. Pursue an aggressive marketing campaign involving mailings to, and per- sonal contact with, targeted community-serving outlets to establish and maintain an awareness of available opportunities in San Bernardino's commercial corridors. 273 , '. 14.38 14.39 14.40 14.41 14.42 14.43 '- Through the local merchants associations, such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Main Street Program. institute a series of coordinated, promotional events such as a Onco de Mayo festival, running races, Kid's Day, etc., that will draw Gty-wide attention. Maintain ongoing dialogue with State, County, and regional governments to encourage location of new government offices and buildings in Downtown San Bernardino. Locate all new Gty office )(buildings in Downtown San Bernardino, when feasible. Periodically adjust project permit fees, as needed, to reflect the actual costs of issuance and service by the City. Continue, or establish where not yet in effect, agreements for inter-agency coordination between the City and other jurisdictions, districts, and gov- ernment agencies which impact, an dare impacted by, land use develop- ment in the City, as detailed in Land Use Policy 11.10. Determine the need for a Specific Plan for such areas as a "high-activity" sub-area in Downtown San Bernardino, Tri-City/Commercenter area, ''Regional Opportunities Corridor," Mount Vernon 'Theme" Center, reuse of the Santa Fe Railroad yards and station, joint use of Norton Air Force Base, Waterman Avenue Business Park Corridor, University "Village" area and Verdemont area, as detailed in Land Use Program 11.4. 274 .' \ \"..,. ,j CHAPTER 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5.0 URBAN DESIGN FOR PUBLIC SPACES ELEMENT The Planning commission recommendations included here are changes to the goals, objectives,.p~licies and implementation measures. Recommended reV1S1ons to the text are listed below, but in most cases, have not been written yet. Prior to revising the text, the Mayor and Common Council should review and concur with the pro- posed revisions and determine if additional revisions are necessary. Planning commission recommended changes to text. No changes. .~ GOALS. OBTECI1VES AND POLICIES The following presents the goals, objectives and policies for urban design for public open spaces in the City of San Bernardino. At the end of each policy is listed in parentheses a capital "I" and number which corresponds to its implementation program presented in the subsequent section of this element. Figure 26 depicts the overall urban design plan components provided for by policy. ISSUE ONE: ENTRY IDENTIFICATION ~ It shall be the goal of the City of San Bernardino to: SA Establish a sense of entry into the City of San Bernardino from adjacent cities and into city districts that serve to define the boundaries and edges of the City and the unique attributes of districts. Objective It shall be an objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.1 Define clearly identifiable entries to the City of San Bernardino from adjacent jurisdictions through a series of recommended physical improvements to selected intersections, locations and right-of-ways. Policies It shall be a policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.1.1 Provide improvements along principal streets at the City boundary with adjacent jurisdictions, at major identified intersections and edges which clearly distinguishes these as major entries to the City: such improve- ments may include elements such as signage, landscaping, vertical pylons and/or other distinctive treatments (15.1) 5.1.2 Establish entry improvements at the following areas (IS.l, and 15.11): a. Waterman at Hospitality Lane b. State Route 18 at National Forest boundary c. State Route 330 (City Creek Road) at Highland Avenue d. 1-215 Freeway at Shandin Hills e. 1-215 Freeway at Cable Wash f. 1-215 Freeway at Inland Center Drive off-ramps 297 " \....,.- CD a. en '" W a: (,) o ~ en a: en u.CJ)~ W f- f- en z u ZW- a: W Wf- <o'Ui f- > a: a.z -'<(c: Z f- <(W a. a. 0 W a: en u:; zen::: > <( 2i (l)W '" 0 f-> ClZ(,)~ a: -w._cn <( z a: wO en -- 0 0 wCI: cowo..Efii :; u ...., a: a. "'OOCDE a: W <( f-:; 1-" WZU:ECD a. (I) :; --, (1)- I \ a:<::::i>.~ ~ I . ,..__J " ~aJCJ-='" 0 . I I ClCI:;:lC:a. ~~? . . I I~) - wE . . f U. :Jo.._._ I I / -lOt I r----I I 1__- I I I I H J rL/1 ("!...I r1r '. I I~_l ~I 51'" ~ r------... I I I I I ~ ---....., l_~ I I" i' ,-- I o ::., : '---- .....--..............---..--... o o o . . . : L_/r- o _ , 1-------- , I , I I I I ,! I .. '---_ e , ;: I . \ . "'--1 / Z' I l_...'" L., . ~-~ I ,-' . . I " ....., -I I I / I ---I ,/" I ...-___/. 1,____... r--- t 1.._ ,_J I I I I I I I l_ ,..J .1 1.- I I I -, I / J"'--" I \ \ ,- , ) -...." , I 1- . .....: .' c . - ..... :; .... ~ ...".." 3i! .' .' ~.~ '1 ~ "'... - I ' I I '.,J ___I ",. ;............--.. "," : o . o . o ......... .' ..' ....... ...~... -",. tfi" .' .' ........ '. . . .. ---, ,.. y- w 298 ... lAy IIIlld IS ...qllY in ~ " A"'I'OI',,, J I I I I l'~- I II!I'II$ ... , I -- - I __I in .~ i .AY[Wy"tc1 11 fI) -I I \ ~ - "''21 ... 1-..._... I " I, ........J1'11....J1 '" . . I I- I I II I I " I 'AYOC"u," --,- I, I I . . ::; . . . . :l__ c ~ C;; .. Ci: :i IS Itdd'd '_J OC tiS =~ =~ _0 ~Z <: 0 j:: ~ ~ Q:: 0 U ~ a:0 IIlU 1-$ ffi<: ! 'l! CJLlJ a: .. III . - ::E ~ ::E . 0 = CJ ~ (j . 15 -, I ~ cc III a: CC rn III i= Z ::l I- a: o II. II. o ..J CC Z o C; III a: l "- ) 5.1.3 Establish secondary entry improvements at the following areas (IS.l, 15.11): a. 2nd Street at 1-215 Freeway b. Mt. Vernon at Colton City limit c. Highland at Lytle Creek Wash (east side) d. Baseline At Lytle Creek Wash (east side) e. Santa Fe Railroad Passenger Terminal f. 5th Street at Nunez Park g. 5th Street at Waterman . Prototype Entry Improvements 5.1.4 Establish entry improvements at selected locations on freeway off-ramps within the City (15.1, 15.11). 5.1.5 Provide for signage specifically designed for the purpose of city identifica- tion which denotes principal entries to the City through informational lettering, logos, photo-silkscreens and/or graphics (I5.1, 15.10, and 15.11). 5.1.6 Provide for a coordinated streetscape design at identified entries to the City that includes street lighting, street furniture, and sidewalk/crosswalk improvements in the public right-of-way (I5.1, 15.7, and 15.11). 299 " c 5.1.7 Provide for the consistent use of street trees and landscaping design to identify entry points to the City (15.1, and 15.11). Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.2 Define clearly identifiable entries to districts in the City of San Bernardino through a series of physical improvements to selected intersections, loca- tions and right-of-ways. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.2.1 Locate major accent trees at entry locations and intersections identified in 5.1.2 and 5.1.3. Species should be of a "grand" scale to differentiate these key locations (such as palms, canary island pines, or poplars) (I5.1, 15.11). 5.2.2 Create entry improvements as gateway elements to districts; these elements could consist of monument pylons, freestanding banners on poles, banners hung from existing light or utility poles, or graphic elements hung from or attached to private buildings. In the downtown district, these improvements should be located at the following intersec- tions (15.1,15.7, and 15.11): a. Rialto Avenue at E Street b. Rialto Avenue at Waterman Avenue c. 5th Street and Mount Vernon Avenue d. 8th Street and Mount Vernon Avenue e. Base Line Street at E Street f. Base Line Street at Waterman g. 5th Street at Waterman Avenue 5.2.3 Encourage a new bridge treatment over the Santa Ana River that emphasizes passage over an important city edge and is designed to be a major gateway to the city from the south; this could include new bridge pylons, balustrade, paving, and banner treatment (15.1, 15.7, and 15.11). 5.2.4 Install pylons/monuments at the intersections of Mount Vernon, 5th and 2nd Streets that would be designed to visually connect the Mount Vernon commercial area to the railroad station and downtown. The design of the pylons/monuments should be coordinated with the designs of similar structures in the adjacent areas (IS. 1, 15.7, and 15.11). 300 , .) ISSUE TWO: STREETS CAPE IMPROVEMENT .QQal It shall be the goal of the Ci ty of San Bernardino to: 5B Establish and maintain distinctive public spaces and right-of-ways for the City of San Bernardino which capitalizes on existing physical assets and differentiates the City as a unique place in southern California. Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.3 Define the City's layout and circulation pattern and enhance distinctions between identified districts though the establishment of Master Street Tree and Streetscape Improvement Plan that will delinate major pathways, cor- ridors, and districts. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.3.1 Establish a comprehensive streetscape and landscape improvement pro- gram for identified corridors and districts that will set standards and pri- orities for the selection and installation of, but not limited to, the following (15.1, 15.2, 15.7, 15.11, and 15.12): a. street trees b. street lighting c. streetscape elements (sidewalk/crosswalk paving, street furniture) d. public signage 5.3.2 Establish streetscape and landscape standards for, but not limited to, the following corridors and districts (as illustrated in Figure 27) (15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.7, 15.8, and 15.11): a. Waterman Avenue. from Hospitality Lane to Highland Avenue. b. E Street. from Hospitality Lane to Highland Avenue. c. Base Line Street. from 1-215 Freeway to Waterman Avenue. d. Highland Avenue. from 1-215 Freeway to Waterman Avenue. 301 , \,.." "- FIGURE 27 PROTOTYPE STREETS CAPE IMPROVEMENTS . ,', "i~~,~:"'~~""""~'0.~~~~:~Wi~*. ,~.r",~~~.' ~~. '~~ 11~* ,~_.",:,-:~~\M~,.f;t'~';~;:-.~<~ ~~"(~~~~~r~~~;~~:-_~~ ~,_ ~ ~..;';;:;~1;:o,,::;;:;.,;. ",,,;;-c':A'ili,~::_~,,:..,,;.;;~~~ ~I 'm.~., B'.'7~ >s,.',::--, .~'..-....../ --'-'-,_.,- >.'.:';--:>~. ..-_~-.>'-,,;,:-~.,_-~<-':"'~~::"':'~" ~')':'; rw~-':'+;: _~;--~i..: ,.-, --r-~_T ,.'-'. ,-'" -\", " . ...~~ -..I:'<c>' _.~ .-~., ~.'., _ _ ~-r~. ''''1f:f''~'~' '" ..r-:..... -~ .;-c.t::."I",~C~'>'}.''-'''''_''''~- _-_-'.~;:-'.-.~._---:-., .......,,1""....-... ,., "...,.;" f _"1'_ -:--. -,.. f":. :.'" 'L'~~';';;~~~"':"'~J~~~:"1 r/~..t.':. !. '~ ~~-: - -.:- -.- .r~i~~~]' ~_:~:: t:~ 'J i:;--.;-::(~ -~";;. -...... '.~'~'~"''.-4='.- '-t~""c~,-...... ~, (- - - - . ''"'' ~._... . . ~ . '. ~J r - --:-- ~"r:.' .....' - "-':n-a:i3- I'" ~:--b~~~,--., -... ',:' .,---::V{~'- .~:' ~ ~::,~>:... i<,."...-,~ t .:__:c~~~;; .~, .... .J;;IZl i1E ::,., ~ ~~k:'~ t', t, . -~~';:~idl~~'ti~H~~.,..-,~ -:i~~ll~~' :~':tf~?~fL~ ~I~~~~ '1~\~~g~?:fT'~I~ ~~~~. ~4~ ~~l~. ~- -,~_-- / l:.:....,-.c..~iL_=--.,~ ~-- .. - -- -=-- '~_....,,~ ~~.....--- ; -~ --- - ---------..;... r ~~~ ~.~< ..~~-~ .:..'-. ~ ~, --..->-,. -- - ~ j- ~--------_.- STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 'I ' b' . .A ( ..<"'J (" -, r..,. , ~ ~ i "'- m -<"r;...., u_ I~ I ..., ,=/1 ~y~~ r- .., --=- ;;:~ J I~j ",.1 L ~ '1)---- ';), J '-' \. E Street 302 l/ " ......... FIGURE 27 cont. PROTOTYPESTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS ".-. "--'~.'''",*,:., .---3"'":~-:: _". ....~ S1l'lEETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ~ ~,..;> r'\ ~ I J ~ -.., . , -~ ~(-;~-- r Vt. ... /....~-_. ..Is. ~ . 1 mrllff~'b.r.~fiY-;;;~~~~ . ~ ~=:bdJ =--IL ' I ~ :.cr' I ~ J I Ii r .T" t t I ........ - I - ~\~ -..--. 1----.: f'-' I -~ ~_._- i U --:-. Waterman Avenue -~ -.--- 303 c I""' '-' ,--', ,...) e. Inland Center Drive. from Mount Vernon Avenue to E Street f. Mount Vernon Avenue. from Base Line Street to the Colton city limit. g. Downtown San Bernardino, bounded by 1-215 Freeway on the west, Base Line Street on the north, Waterman Avenue on the east, and Rialto Avenue on the south. h. Santa Fe Railroad District, from Mount Vernon Avenue on the west, 5th Street on the north, 1-215 Freeway on the east, and 2nd Street on the south. 5.3.3 Provide for the consistent use of street trees to identify City streets, resi- dential neighborhoods, commercial districts, and entry points to the City (I5.1, IS.2, 15.3, 15.4, IS.5, and IS.11). 5.3.4 Adopt a Master Plan of Street Trees defining the types and spacing of trees and landscaping along all piHllie sidewalks aRd streets t1lat sRaY Be eeerdiRated BY the Pttelie Warks DeparftReFlt thoroughfares (I5.1, 15.3, 15.12). 5.3.5 Select species which (a) enhance the pedestrian character of, and convey a distinctive and high quality visual image for the City's streets, (b) are drought- and smog-tolerant, fire-resistant and pest-resistant, and (c) complement existing street trees (15.2, and 15.3). 304 c / "'---"'. ,j '-' 5.3.6 Establish a hierarchy for the street trees which shall include (15.2, and 15.3): a. Major Accent Trees These trees are to be located at entry locations, intersections, and activity centers, as described in 5.2.1. b. Street Trees Select specific species to be the common tree for the street frontages. A single species may be selected for all residential neighborhoods and commercial districts or different species selected to distinguish one neighborhood, district, or street from one another. In residential neighborhoods, the trees should be full, to provide shade and color. In commercial districts, the trees should provide shade, but be more transparent to promote views of store fronts and visual interaction of pedestrians. 305 ( 5.3.7 5.3.8 ~ 5.3.10 5.3.11 5.3.12 5.3.13 5.3.14 '-' '-'" _.-' c. Ornamental or Street Plantings At special areas along the street frontages, such as linkages to pedestrian walkways and plazas and outdoor dining areas, ornamental trees providing shade and color should be utilized. These areas can be enhanced by the trees focusing attention on those special places. Require that all new development install street trees in accordance with a Street Tree Master Plan (15.2). Establish a program to provide for the installation of street trees along ex- isting public sidewalks where they are not present, in accordance with a Street Tree Master Plan (15.2,15.4, and 15.11). Refll:lire e!c'/elarer5 af prejeets af ;9,999 sE}1iare feet atle! greater ta H1.5taR street trees aloRg the siaevlalks sf aSjaocRt properties ,,~i\ele sum trees sa Rat (,est -t\-ithiR 150 feet 8ft me saHU: sleek, or ether fiistaRfe aetePffiiaea BY the PlaRRiRg Departmeftt ts ae reassRaele and pfaetieal SF eeRtriBHte fees to a skeet eeatltmeaH6R tmst mae. ..\5 Fleyt pra;eets are built lvitfltft lSQ feet af tke pra;eet, they shall eSRb'ib1:1te a pre rata SRafe of the eest of materials aRe! iR5tallatiaR (15.5, 1;.12). Encourage community groups to participate in planting new street trees where they do not exist (15.6). Require that street trees be adequately maintained and replaced if removed due to dam~e or health (15.6). .1f1!J' Require that alV street landscape incorporate an irrigation system to provide proper watering (15.6). Create a program to install street trees in identified districts and on path- ways in the City; priority consideration shall be given, but not limited to, the districts and streets identified in 5.3.2 (15.4, 15.11). Require, where setbacks of buildings permit, the planting of a double row of street trees along identified pathways in the City. The following streets shall be considered, but such consideration shall not be limited, for the planting of the double row of street trees (15.7,15.8): a. Waterman Avenue. from Hospitality Lane to Highland Avenue. b. E Street. from Hospitality Lane to Rialto Avenue. 306 c -""" \.,.. " ,-/ Objective It shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.4 Establish a high quality visual and functional environment along the City's streets and public rights-of-way to stimulate pedestrian activity. Policies It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: 5.4.1 lhuiertal.e Establish a eeffipreheRsive program to improve the City's streetseape eR-,ireRffieflt, eegiflftittg wilh maior streets and kev intersec- tions usin~ recommendations from the More Attractive Communities- (MAC) prejeet ell. se1eetea eHy iRterGeeaenG Pro~am and Main Str~t Program (I5.7, 15.12). 5.4.2 Install new street furniture where it does not impede pedestrian activity or physical and visual access to buildings and which is aesthetically pleasing, consistent in design, functional, comfortable, durable and is conducive to pedestrian activity and discourages sleeping on benches, including such elements as bus and pedestrian benches, bus shelters, trash receptacles, newspaper racks, bicycle racks, public telephones, landscaped planters, drinking fountains, and bollards. Priority consideration shall be given, but not limited to, the streets and districts identified in 2.3.2 (I5.11). 5.4.3 Install new street lights in commercial districts which are pedestrian- oriented, attractively designed, compatible in design with other street furniture, and provide adequate visibility and security (15.8,15.11). 5.4.4 Establish a program to select and install street lights that reinforce the character of the particular district and create a festive and exciting nighttime environment, and can be modified in certain areas for special activities and functions (15.8, 15.11). 307 !""~ \",.. r"'" -'........ '-' .....; 5.4.5 Establish a consistent street lighting type in the downtown area utilizing a light standard that is compatible with the historic commercial fabric and coordinated with an overall street furniture and graphics/signage pro- gram (15.8). 5.4.6 Require the adjustment of orientation and placement of ffi€feary v81'sr sr mgk iat€nsHy laml's all light fixtures and sources away from residences and adjacent buildings in public areas, unless there are no practical and cost effective alternatives to maintain the public safety (IS.8). 5.4.7 Re-pave existing sidewalks and crosswalks in principal commercial districts such as downtown, Mt. Vernon Avenue, Base Une Street and Highland Avenue, with brick pavers, concrete, or other safe, non-slip materials to create a distinctive pedestrian environment and, for cross- walks, to visually and physically differentiate these from vehicle travel lanes and promote continuity between pedestrian sidewalks (15.8, IS.Il). 5.4.8 Develop sidewalk "pull-outs" at intersections, where they do not adversely impact traffic flow or safety, by extending the sidewalk to the depth of a parking stall, to accommodate landscaping and street furniture and reduce the width of the crosswalk (IS.8, IS.ll). 5.4.9 Remove parking stalls at selected locations when other parking is available along commercial streets to accommodate additional landscape and street furniture 05.8, IS.ll). 308 c 5.4.10 5.4.11 5.4.12 5.4.13 5.4.14 r- '- p........ ~ Require the inclusion of pullout areas for private vehicle and public transit passenger drop-offs in larglHlca1e development projects and locate these so that they do not impede traffic flow or parking access (IS.8, 15.9, 15.11). Require that if cul-de-sacs ti5eEi are required to restrict travel through residential neighborhoods, they be aesthetically designed to complement adjacent uses and incorporate landscaping, benches, and other pedestrian- oriented amenities (IS.8, IS.ll). Require that all sidewalks, crosswalks, street furniture and other open space amenities be designed to accommodate the physically impaired (IS.8, 15.9, 15.11). Require the long-term public maintenance of sidewalks and streetscape amenities 05.13). Continue to remove underground utility wires in San Bernardino, con- forming to the policies prescribed in the Utilities Element; setting a timeta- ble and priority list of streets and districts for undergrounding that will include, but not be limited to, the following areas (IS.8, IS.l1): a. Waterman Avenue. from Hospitality Lane to Highland Avenue. b. E Street. from Hospitality Lane to Highland Avenue. c. Base Line Street. from 1-215 Freeway to Waterman Avenue. d. Highland Avenue. from 1-215 Freeway to Waterman Avenue. e. Inland Center Drive. from Mount Vernon Avenue to E Street. f. Mount Vernon Avenue. from Base Line Street to the Colton city limit. 309 c I""" '-' :) IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMS The following indicates the programs which shall be carried out by the City of San Bernardino to implement the goals, objectives, policies, and standards of the Urban Design Public Open Spaces Element. Each program is preceded by a capital "I" and a number which is referenced by their pertinent policy which it implements in the preceding section. Entry and District Identification 15.1 Prepare Entry and District Identification Plans The City shall prepare comprehensive plans for the installation of improvements which provide unique identity to entry points and principal districts of the City. This shall include the specification of the design improvements to be used (e.g., signage, plaques, landscape, and monuments) and their locations. Street Trees and Landscaping 15.2 Prepare Street Tree Master Plan The City shall prepare a master plan which shall list the permitted street trees for all street frontages in San Bernardino. It will specify species, minimum size, and irrigation requirements. It is intended that the plan identify consistent species for blocks, streets, neighborhood or districts which provide distinct identities for these areas. 15.3 l.meRe. ZORiRg aRe. SI:IBe.i-;isiOR Ore.iRal'lees Development Code Zoniflg aRe. suee.ivisiOR ore.iflanees sl\a1.1 Be rnisee. to The Development Code shall provide for the standards and requirements of the Sired Tree Master Plan of Street Trees and Urban Design Element. peliEy re~ftg aevelepers of prejeets 0-;(1' 50,999 5qt:tare reet ana larger ta pro-;ide aif site tf'ces 61' eSRa-iBtlte to an iR lieH fee te a st:reet !ree heatltifieatieR funs. 15.4 City Beautification Fund The City shall allocate funds for the installation of street trees along street frontages where they have been removed or never existed and when it is anticipated that there will be no new development activity which would result in their implementation. Revenue sources may include the General Fund, exactions from new development projects, streetscape benefit assessment districts, and/or tax increment generated by new development in redevelopment project areas. 313 c c "' -J 15.4 Community Plantines The City of San Bernardino shall work with and coordinate the planting of street trees with community groups. Private organizations will acquire and plant trees at the direction of and in coordination with local governments. Other local groups could also be encouraged to participate. 15.6 Landscape Maintenance The City shall annually allocate funds for the upkeep and maintenance of public landscape. Streetscape Improvements and Landscaping 15.7 Prepare Streetscape Improvement Master Plans The City shall prepare master plans for the installation of streetscape improvements in the City. Initially, this will involve the identification of priority locations for improvements (that will be accomplished through the MAC Program of street intersection improvements). 15.8 Prepare Design Improvement Plans Once priorities have been defmed, the City shall prepare design improvement plans for selected areas. Detail specifications for design performance and elements, paving materials, colors, street furniture, landscape, lighting, and other amenities shall be included, as well as cost estimates. 15.9 Incorporate Accessibility Standards Incorporate in the design of sidewalks, crosswalks, street furniture, and other open space amenities elements which provide access for and do not inhibit the use of wheelchairs and others who are physically impaired. 15.10 Prepare Signage Master Plan The City shall prepare a public signage master plan for the City. This should include specifications for design (size, color, materials, logo, etc.) and locations. It is intended that the signage provide an attractive, well- designed, and coordinated system of public information and consolidate, as feasible, the diverse public signage onto fewer fixtures. 314 "- ....... c ~ .'wJ' IS.ll Funding of Urban Design Improvements The City shall establish programs to fund the construction and installation of public space urban design improvements (signage, entry, district identi- fication, landscape, and streetscape). Revenue sources may include General Funds, general obligation bonds, exactions from new development projects, benefit assessment districts, and/or tax increment generated by new developments in redevelopment project areas. IS.12 Community Participation Identification of urban design priorities in the City and their specification should actively involve the input of residents, businesspersons, and local associations and groups. 15.13 Maintenance of Improvements The City shall annually allocate funds for the maintenance of streetscape improvements. These may be derived from General Funds, maintenance districts and/or redevelopment tax increment. The City should consider the appropriateness of establishing a separate entity for the long-term maintenance and management of major streetscape improvement districts, e.g., downtown San Bernardino. 315