HomeMy WebLinkAbout36-City Administrator :.~ 011 SAN _RriRDtNO - R.QUIIST ~ COUNCIL ACTIOII r m: James C. Richardson, Deputy CiWE~~Mftp~t to delay or stop the Administrator-Development Servic:es . Mta~e.project on the second after- Administration . ff8 -9 \'ItY1:~ Devil Canyon Power Plant J.n 'Ver'8.emont ~ February 9, 1989 .J~ 1 DIpt: o.ta: SyIIClpIiI of ,"",iou. CouncillCtion: None. Recemmllldlcl motion: That the Mayor and Common Council direct the Mayor to formally request the State Department of Water Resources I DWR) to voluntarily discontinue planning for the second afterbay of the Devil Canyon Powerplant and consider alternative sitesJ and direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution to file an injunction to stop the project if voluntary compliance is not forthcoming from the State DWR. cc: Councilman Tom Minor James F. Penman, City Attorney James E. Robbins, Acting City Administrator Brad Kilger, Planning Director 21--....-4. t?tA4'....~"..- Signature ContllCtpenon: Councilman Tom Minor. Phone: 5278 SupportilltldatalllttlldJed:Staff Report, 2/1189 Meeting W....: 5 ~2~naa ana ~/4/~~ Le~~er ~o ~ne FUNDING REQUIREMElfiS!te D"lmount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. DelCriQ~ionl FilllllCl: ....uncil NoW: ~.~...- "enY OF SAN _RQRDINO - RBQUIIST * COUNCIL MmOII STAFF REPORT On February 1, 1989, the state Department of Water Resources (DNR) held a public information meetinq at the Little Leaque Headquarters in Verdemont on a construction project at the Devil canyon Power Plant. Attached is a copy of the aqenda and a fact sheet prepared by the state DIfR. The approximate location is one fourth mile west of the Devil Canyon Power Plant and one fourth mile north of Ohio Avenue. The 2/1/89 meetinq was requested by the Deputy city Adainistrator for Development Services to provide information on the construction of a second afterbay which would provide water storaqe for the power plant. The Planninq Department received information on this project on october 12, 1988, althouqh the State DIfR had issued the report in Kay of 1988. The City staff met several times with state representatives outlininq concerns about the project. Attached is a letter dated January 4, 1989, outlininq the results of the City and state meetinqs. It was understood that a report would be _de available to the State Division of DaII8 and safety at the time the informational meetinq was scheduled, however, at- the urqinq of State Officials, Local Officials and citizens, the meetinq was scheduled due to the urqent concerns of the citizenry. The pr~mary concern of the construction of a water reservoir in close proximity to residences was that of safety. Additionally, there were other concerns raised at the February 1st meetinq reqardinq the aesthetic appearance of the facility and the need for landscapinq, as well as the use of property near the planned facility for a hanq qlider park. Althouqh no official podtion has been taken by the city, the concerns of safety, construction techniques and landscapinq were expressed to the state. Of interest to the City of San Bernardino is the possibility that the state DNR would construct drainaqe improvements in the Balley creek Channel area, which would further development, public infrastructure and safety in the Verdemont area. The state officials were unable to allay the fears of property owners with reqard to safety and were unable to address the issue of potentially decreasinq property values durinq the February 1st meetinq. The discussion at the 2/1/89 meetinq was very h_ted at times and Councilman Tom Minor of the fifth ward indicated his serious concerns about the project. Specifically, Mr. Minor indicated that he would be askinq the Kayor and Council to consider action that would request the State to discontinue, planninq efforts on the project and look at alternate sites. If the State would not voluntarily respond to this request, then Councilman Minor felt it would be appropriate for a resolution to be prepared directinq the City Attorney to file an injunction to stop the second afterbay project. In the past, the Planninq Department expressed concerns about the enviromaental review 7LM&.t. '.., '.- o Request for Council Action Staff Report Delay of State Project on Second Afterbay February 9, 1989 Pave 2 o process utilized by the State DWR, and that may be sufficient ba.i. to pursue leqal action. Additional considerations would includ. the safety of the facility in the ca.. of an earthquake due to the close proxillity of the San Andrea. fault line, a. w.ll a. other i..ue. with reqard to land.caping and property value.. The fOrlll motion i. recomaended that addr..... the concerns of the fifth ward Counci1~r and the citizens in attendance at the 2/1/89 ...ting. . C. RICHARDSON, De ty City AdJIinistrator - oevelopaent Service. Iltb : ._...,.... ..~. ,.,.._"'......~.....;._......:.~iC:..-. . .....~....,.;>;~.;...'.. . '-':.:.......,......,~~";~i~..,.... "'~ ..' ~ '- ...' , -. ....,. ..; ..'.. .., . ~ ..- . 0.. :. : '- . ,- ....-.....-., -.-..........'l'.~_-..,'- ". :::. <;;;1i~f:h. nBLlC anI" DnIL CU'fOII IOIIIbLaft no.J~ MEETING: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: CITY, DWR , PUBLIC Feburary 1, 1989 7:00PM SENIOR LI'1"1'LE LEAGUE COMPLEX SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA UBllDAa ( I. INTRODUCTION: J.... Richardson, City II. CITY , STA'l'B COOPERATION: Serb W....l, City II. CALIFORNIA AQUEDUCT: Don Col.on, DWR III. EIR , PERC APPLICATION: Ron Sbiaizu, DWR IV. RIGB'1' OP WAY: conni. Anderson, DWR V. SBCOHD AFTBRBAY: Don Col.on, DWR . VI. QUESTION' ANSWERS: PUBLIC/CITY/DWR I ... . :~ - . '0 ''''').~'~(':1lf:~' "!""d~ ,IIIIIr. '-.;.J'~.~~~::;. . l-'~~,_, '. 4.o.n':i:~."" _.:""';-;,' ..-;....:.-.. ....,.-~.:~.-...,.I '-':~~.'" , ~ - DnlL CaIII'OII HCOIID ......'1 --------------------------- peruray 1, 1989 Loa.~ioDI Approxilllltely one-fourth mile weat of Devil Canyon Powerplant and one-fourth mile north of Ohio Avenue Af~erbay aurave Cap.aitYI 800 acre-fe.t COa~ .a~iaa~e (1988$): Deaign and Construction - Purchas. of Right of way - Total _ $23.23 aillion .1 ~ million $28.08 aillion >>l&88ed a~~ of CODatruatioDI S.pteaber, 1990 OIl-liDe Da~el May, 1992 fto:tea~ Lad aecp!redl Af~erbay Roada, cu~ and fill alopea Undisturbed Area hrpoH of .&ClIili~l'1 Provide peaking capacity, spinning reserve, and operating flexibility, and eliainate risk of spills. 3S"acres 160 acres 30 aares b1azved Powerp1aD~ capaoitYI 240 meg.watu DesoriptioDI storage facility constructed entirely be~u:istinv CJround surf~ce and lined with f~rv1ous aabrana. a.fRy ."~1Ires, 1. Below ground construction and ample freeboard prevent risk of spills caused by earthquakes. 2. Impervious aeabrane lin1nv will prevent vatet' ...page. 3. Departaent pro"rty will be fenced so the facility doea ~ becae an attractive nuisance. 4. A aecond fence, hidden frea public view, w111 encircle the afterbay. 5. In~rusion alarms will be insulled. .,.....;:.J-....t:"*';;.oo9~~...,~",.JfII,p..';,.... . . ,.,";~~"~~ . .t>. ,.,";' .':'0 o . IPU.'~'" "'""'_";,:,., ."~ ~""'~'>:".". ."'.':~~ '''', ...- ,......i:1 AfeMJ ~OipatlODI state agencies, San Bernardino County Flood Control District, and City of San Bernardino z.p~....t. to 1Ub1io..oi1itie.. Paving on Obio Avenu. and Pin. Av.nue, reimbur.eaent for vaur ..in costs, dedication. of land to City of San Bernardino for park, landscaping dedicated land to provide greenbelt area, and illprovement of Bailey Creek drainage cbannel. ...izoaaeatal Kitig.tioD' A botanical .urvey was conducted by staff of the U.C. Rivenicle Departaent of Botany and Plant Science to identify th. plant speci.. in th. con.truct:ion area, 14entify th. iapact: of the project, and propo.. . utigation ..a.ure.. Mitigation ....ur.. bav. been aoordinated with the Department of Plu and Gaae. All di.turbed area., including th. .lopea, will be re- . "*Jftated. ...ll'O....tal Do.:l.....t:.tloa aDd ORe Lio..... Callpl.ted EIR on Ea.t Branch Enlargeaent Callpl.ted Addenda to Ea.t Branch EIR riled Notice of Deul'IIination Piled PERC Aaenclaent Application PERC Approval .xpected April, 1984 llay, 1988 Jun., 1988 Jan., 1989 Jan., 1990 - ftbliollNtlJagl '!'b. City of San Bernardino will bold a public ...ting regarding this project: on Pebruary 1.t, 1989. , . . -:: .,. o o ..... ... O"ICI 0' T.. CITY A..IN'.TItATOIl January 4, 1989 Mr. Viju Patel, Chief BneZ'9Y Divi.ion D8partMnt of Water Re.ource. P.O. Box 942836 8acra.ento, CA 94236-0001 .Dear Mr. Patel: A8 you are aware, the state Deparblent of Water Re.ources (DIm) plans to construct a $22 .illion water .torag. facility in the V.rd_ont area of the City of San Bernardino. This letter is in follow-up to an application for aaendaent to license Project No. 2426 before the Federal BneZ'9Y Regulatory COIaIis.ion to increa.e the afterbay .torage at the Devil canyon Power Plant. . on Nov~r 29, 1988, City Staff ..t with representative. froa the DIm to di.cus. the. proposed project. At that time, the state was provided :with an environaental impact report on the V~tArea Plan. For your inforaation, the following is a s''''-ry of the' i~ discus.ed: 1) Th. state Departllent of Water Resources (DIm) project will provide a l....r density than the approved housing tract dev.lopaent. 2) There will not be a negative impact to city ..rvices as a re.ult of the project. 3) The State i. utilizing an a.phaltic ..abrane on the S.cond Afterbay to help insure .eis.ic safety. 4) . The stat. i. to con.truct an off-.ite debris ba.in and fini.h the Baily Canyon Channel for eventual dedication to the City and ..intenance by the Flood Control District. 5) The City will conduct the envirOJllll8ntal revi.w for the Baily creek Chann.l and debris basin to ba approved by the Mayor and Coaaon Council. 6) Th. construction of the Second Afterbay 300 NORTH ',0' ITREET, IAN IERNAROINO.. CALI'.,..... ......._""". ........... ......... 'l '!.. '.-::' . 0 - . ~~ I o Mr. _V~1u P.tel, Chief i8il:Qary. ,. 19 U' _.2 facility is sUfficiently designed for liquefaction and seisaic safety in that area. 7) There will !:Ie drainage througb Devil canyon Creek to meet a .worse cas. scenario. flood situation. 8) A public informational meeting will be beld to include a revised site plan and the report froa the Dame and Safety Division on seisaic saf.ty. 9) Landacapil1CJ ilaprovements will !:Ie _de so that this facilty is 1IIOre attractive to the coaaunity. 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Open space is to be developed fOllowing City landscape standarda. This passive open space area is to be dedicated to the City for _intenance purpoau tbrouCJb a landscape. _intenance district subject to approval by th. Mayor and COIIIlOn Council. City street standards to be provided as a guide for the State DWR. The City recognizes that the State will advise contractors of the sensitivity of the neighborbOOd to noise, traffic, dust control, construction debris, etc. City staff bas provided State representativ_ with information on Tract No. 11291 (IIonnig Development), Which requires street iaproveaents on Obio Avenue, street liCJbts, sidewalks and water _ins. When the Verd81llOnt Trial1CJle property is . developed, the City will be allowed to extend Huntington Drive northward across the Department's access to Palm Avenue. At that time, the portion of the access road to the w.st of Huntington Drive would be dedicated to the city. The peri_ter ft!llC8 bas been relocated to a bera balfway up the landfill slope. The . ."'to ~. ..: .. .. . o ,.-,. ....,) 1Ir. Viju Patel, Chief -treni2akj 4,. 1989 '. 1'&ge3 ..rvice road will alao be on thi. bara. 16) It 18 s1lgge.ted that a t8llpOrary on-site concrete/a.phalt batch plant be ..tab11l1hecl a. a IIe&nII of reducil19 truck traffic in the area. 17) Prillary acc... to construction site 18 Pala Avenue to the new Penstock Road via Pala Avenue acce.. Road. 18) Stora drain at Pine and Obio will be either taken down Reclwoocl to Devil Creek Canyon or tied into Bailey Creek Channel. 19) Fire figbting and other eaergency acc:e.. to be provided. 20) '1'be City will provide coordination in.. potential relocation of bang g11dil19 landing site. '1'be aforeaenUon~ outline. our under.tanding of the COIIII8ntII at the Novaber 29th meeting and a review of a. n-~~r 13th draft of our cOllll8nt.. If you sbould have any questions or cOlllllellts regarding the above, plea.e do not be.itate to contact lie at (714) 384- 5270. Sincerely, ~~ S C. RICHARDSON, ty City Adaini.trator - Developaent Services JItb cc: Mayor' CODon council Acting City Aclainistrator Pub11c Worka Director/ City Bng~er Parka , Recr..Uon Director General Manager, Water Department Comaunity Developaent Director Planning Director - . o GEORGE DEUICMEJIAN. ao- o ~TATE Of 'CAlIFOIINIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCT . DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1416 NINTH STREET. P,O, lOX 942836 SACRAMENTO. CA 94236-0001 (916) 445-92.. March 27, 1989 Mr. James C. Richsrdson Deputy City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mr. Richardson: This letter is in response to the telephone conversation on March 17, 1989 between Mr. Don Colson of the' Department of Water Resources and Mr. Henry Empeno of the City of San Bernardino. In that telephone conversation Mr. Empeno. requested a written reply to the city's January 4, 1989 letter in response to the DWR draft Application for License Amendment to increase the after bay storage at the Devil Canyon Powerplant. As you know, the Department is now in the process of licensing this project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The approval date for the project is dependent upon FERC's work load and schedule. Regardless of the licensing process and resulting approval date, the Department will work with the city towards a resolution of its questions. Department staff has met and discussed the second after bay with the city on several occasions and has resolved many of the items contained in the city's letter. Additional meetings with the city are expected in order to resolve the remaining items and finalize the Department design. Department staff attended a public meeting on February 1, 1989 to provide information and answer questions. DWR plans to meet again with the public in spring at which time DWR will present a revised profile and physical model of the second afterbay. Enclosed are the DWR responses to the numbered items in the city's letter of January 4, 1989. If you hsve any questions, please call me at (916) 445-6687 or hsve your staff call Ron Shimizu, Chief of Hydroelectric Section, at (916) 323-0105. Sincerely, IJ'1 ct ! ;j~ l cc: (See attached list.) 1! ~ ~ '~~~ ~1' ~t- '1, ';0 ~C ",_, <9,n v <.1'.9 '~ ~J:' Viju Patel, Chief Energy Division Enclosure q~ - o o Mr. James C. Richardson Page 2 March 27, 1989 Mr. Henry Empeno Deputy City Attorney City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Mr. Herbert Wessel General Manager, City Water Department City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 o o Devil Canyon Second Afterbay Reply to January 4, 1989 comments from the City of San Bernardino 1. True. The project will result in a lower density residential area. 2. True. There will not be a negative impact to city services. 3. The asphaltic membrane is being used to avoid seepage of water from the second afterbay. 4. The Second Afterbay project license application as submitted to FERC included Bailey Creek as part of the project area that would be left in its natural state. This natural area is part of mitigation plan approved by the California Department of Fish and Game. The Department is willing to construct the portion of the Bailey Canyon channel that crosses its property and build a debris basin at the northern edge of its property. However, the city must receive all necessary approvals from appropriate agencies, including Fish and Game, for this work. Both the channel and debris basin will be dedicated to the city when completed. 5. True. The city will conduct the environmental studies for the Bailey Creek channel and debris basin. The city will be responsible for all environmental work necessary for the Department to be able to construct the channel and debris basin work. 6. True. The second afterbay is being designed to avoid any safety hazards. Studies of liquefaction and seismic safety are being conducted. 7. True. There will be drainage through Devil Canyon Creek for any flood situation. 8. True. The first of several planned public information meetings was held on February 1, 1989. Revisions are being made to the site plan as a result of public comments. A physical model incorporating the revisions will be presented at the next public meeting. The Safety of Dams review process has been started. The results of the review will be made available upon conclusion. 9. Landscaping improvements to the area adjacent to Ohio Avenue are dependant upon the city's plans for the area. It can be dedicated to the city for use as a park, or retained by the State and revegetated with plants native to the area. 10. See No.9. 11. See No.9. 12. True. Contractors will be advised of the sensitivity of the neighborhood to noise, traffic, dust, and construction debris. 13. True. The Department is discussing with the city the guidelines for the provision of street lights, sidewalks, and water mains on Ohio Avenue. o o 14. True. The city will be allowed to extend Huntington Drive northward across the Department's access to Palm Avenue. The portion of the access road to the west of Huntington Drive will be dedicated to the city. 15. True. The perimeter fence and service road have been relocated to a berm halfway up the landfill slope. 16. True. A temporary concrete batch plant will be built on site. 17. Primary access to the construction site is via Palm Avenue. Heavy equipment will use the existing Devil Canyon access road. 18. Drainage following standard practice in the area will be provided as necessary. 19. True. Fire fighting and other emergency access will be provided. 20. The Department is working with the city regarding local hang glider facilities. o 0 Op,ICI 0' '"I CITY ADIIIIIII'I'''.TO'' January 4, 1989 Mr. Viju Patel, Chief Energy Division Department of Water Resources P.O. Box 942836 sacramento, CA 94236-0001 Dear Mr. Patel: As you are aware, the state Department of Water Resources (DWR) plans to construct a $22 million water storage facility in the Verdemont area of the City of San Bernardino. This letter is in follow-up to an application for amendment to license Project No. 2426 before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to increase the afterbay storage at the Devil Canyon Power Plant. On November 29, 1988, City Staff met with representatives from the DWR to discuss the proposed project. At that time, the State was provided with an environmental impact report on the Verdemont Area Plan. For your information, the following is a summary of the items discussed: 1) The State Department of Water Resources (DWR) project will provide a lesser density than the approved housing tract development. 2) There will not be a negative impact to City services as a result of the project. The State is utilizing an asphaltic membrane on the Second Afterbay to help insure seismic safety. 4) The State is to construct an off-site debris basin and finish the Baily Canyon Channel for eventual dedication to the City and maintenance by the Flood Control District. 3) 5) The City will conduct for the Baily Creek to be approved by Council. the environmental review Channel and debris basin the Mayor and Common 6) The construction of the Second Afterbay 300 NORTH ',0' STAEEr, SAN IEANAROINO, CALIFORNIA 12'11'0001 71./1....,22 o o Mr. viju Patel, Chief December 13, 1988 Page 2 facility is sUfficiently designed for liquefaction and seismic safety in that area. 7) There will be drainage Creek to meet a "worse situation. through Devil Canyon case scenario" flood A public include from the safety. 9) Landscaping improvements will be made so that this facilty is more attractive to the community. informational meeting will be held to a revised site plan and the report Dams and Safety Division on seismic 8) 10) open space is to be developed following City landscape standards. 11) This passive open space area is to be dedicated to the City for maintenance purposes through a landscape maintenance district subject to approval by the Mayor and Common CounciL 12) city street standards to be provided as a guide for the State DWR. The City recognizes that the State will advise contractors of the sensitivity of the neighborhood to noise, traffic, dust control, construction debris, etc. 13) City staff has provided State representatives with information on Tract No. 11291 (Monnig Development), which requires street improvements on Ohio Avenue, street lights, sidewalks and water mains. 14) When the Verdemont Triangle property is developed, the City will be allowed to extend Huntington Drive" northward across the Department's access to Palm Avenue. At that time, the portion of the access road to the west of Huntington Drive would be dedicated to the city. 15) The perimeter fence has been relocated to a berm halfway up the landfill slope. The o o Mr. Viju Patel, Chief December 13, 1988 Page 3 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) The comments December service road will also be on this berm. It is suggested that a temporary on-site concrete/asphalt batch plant be established as a means of reducing truck traffic in the area. primary access to construction site is Palm Avenue to the new Penstock Road via Palm Avenue access Road. storm drain at Pine and Ohio will be either taken down Redwood to Devil Creek Canyon or tied into Bailey Creek Channel. Fire fighting and other emergency access to be provided. The City will provide coordination in potential relocation of hang gliding landing site. aforementioned outlines our understanding of the at the November 29th meeting and a review of a 13th draft of our comments. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at (714). 384- 5270. mtb Sincerely, ~~ AMES C. RICHARDSON, eputy City Administrator - Development Services cc: Mayor & Common council Acting City Administrator Public Works Director/ City Engineer Parks & Recreation Director General Manager, Water Department Community Development Director Planning Director