HomeMy WebLinkAbout53-Public Comments A few comments on the death of Garv Webb. If yOU can't handle the truth. vou'll never babe the oower to control your own destiny. v "u n~rr "^, t'tM thA Alftr\i\rl th~t 'UUI t\4Ad &..AM "'kA N-:thH... tA d4ft\........I ~ 0.01". <AM o&ft.ol.'lo df'lu) f\I\ItM' _ _'w ....u. ........ e- ..... -rt"-.... -- J--.-- ...._a.tI -.... .f"'-_.......... _.:=l:;J: - -- -- ~ --c t'--J' until you have the oower to bold the IWvernment resoonsible for the assassination of American Patriots b1ce Garv Webb. How can that be done. vou ask? (1) We take the !ivvetiliL.-eut c.'tit vf ~h~ k.vJ m:-d hi,..1lte th.e illv~ lit" UK. death ut'" (1m-v W""""^"......._ ("\ ~. t~ Iftu~;.....t,l'\" 1C J'tot'\:mnlMA tlw..l it utt1fhA tiMA tA AAoJ ",,;,1-. th6 ;u~ no"" ^,.1tA _.I -............ -......... ti;;1.b.. .............. """.."'F....., ___... ....- ..,....-- -- - ....a.-. ---~-,..-. -"" -... eouation. 11:1 U'h~ tlJ~ Ii_A nut UJhit4\ ,*"AtJAn\'It\M\t "HM~ 1lUWA __..........._^""10.!..... fiv- fhif:!. eQ'-"'- UUlt l.ulll hGiU6 f^ \......1 .......-. ...........h,........... ......-..0-.;..-.-....--..---. ...__.f~_~..:::;.._. ...........,;;:-......~ ........ ........-....- deal with iustiee ootions. Thev are as foDows: Street Iustiee. IWvernment iustif;e or no iusUce. 14' \ \If tlo ot"tI -'^t t.Ai",.. 11\t^ -thi" ii'\~tinQtii\ft h1tMfu ..oitL.- U4WA o.:t".A .. Gnu tlUt\t.." tkot U1A 41f"A4A.1i '\ .f ......._w.__.c-....-O-...~ ..--.......-c--..........-----J _...:=~ ......---.""........ -"'e"""-- ..-......-.1 know to heWn this investilUltion. 10;)\ tUI^ t"l\ltMt! .it 1M hA4it.;" t'li\t 9. fttiMa \-7 .....- .....--.-- -..........- .... ........ - -.....-. (b) Garv Webb's residence and obone were buwed. which means that the lWVermnent bas audio !nd ftl\,e.D;hht "i..tAn. n.Frrit'"l, U1~I...f-.,. n49th 'Mti... ~ud:.n..nd ftAOfth!U 1.':~""''''' .11." in rAGt hl'nQ y....--} ..-- - --.1 ... ;v-...;., --... .......- '" --- r.~ .". ;~.,;:;;;.; ...- ........... --_. (e) Elements of Homeland securitv would have been notified or Darticioated in the sanction. {d} When t.... .'^"......"""'t can.-t......~ " ,VAll ~,.... ..M.>ci~"kl^ (! iJ." r......., W.oM1 \ " ..J.......,... """'"u , ....... ---e-.-...-...-....--.--....--.............--..,.;..'":'; ---......y .._,---................ will be sent in to remove incritninatimI materials orIor to the sanction. 1..\ Th.. r",,^""""~ Mfi..... .>^f i"",v...I &,,- "^~ t^ ..J".... ..... r...."" W.oM1 .1.....1...., " ........1.. '\-7 .-----...-.t:f-'..s---....,.*;~- :'::':--..1 ..-....-----. Findillfl out who ordered the CQveruu should be easv. I SUIZRest methods used bv our own srovernment on Iraoi Drisoners wiIIlZet us the information we seek. Th~ writer of this !\rtid~ dai,!,,,!! that t~ iPJustk-es iP1Jktoo on mi.'!O!ity ~-on!!!!!.!!!!tjes is i...!t~!:>k. llUlfee. This is what you will have to do befure you ~et justice fur those C()I1lR1Imities. ~"l",.rl into Record at / / ,n~vCmsMtg: II/&, /tJ6 ~L~~ -3 Item f1~ ~ fFS-J ~_h~ City Clerk/CDC Secy City of San Bernardino ~JUIIo e-mau 10l'JaY _ LmlJllel'8"~uno.ct1III.pmuea 011 rnaII)', UIlCllIUlJer.31, ~VV't, 1; 11 rm F:.Ierion J Undvefg <JaV Undbelg2@juno.com> To:. <<~arth~nk.net . 0.: .31 Dec200412:OS:03..oaoo Subject: My RlIIpOI_ to "Ice Byt-ons leiter (bIulaIIy honest) Hi, My name is Jay Lindberg. I'm not a one issue activist.lntt fm smart enough to realize that a corrupt vote counting ptOClellS will beat a populist movement at the polls, every time, and that is a sure bet. So I have to ask this next question. My question to Howard Dean, Where does Howard Dean stand publicly on this el....buuic voting (Blade Ops Voting) that robbed him in the primaries? If he can't deal with this question proactively, then we're already screwed. The only justice I saw in this entire election was that the Democrat that won the primaries (Kerry) through the Black Ops voting ptoc:ess, got beat in the general election by the same maemne. Whea you aleep witlr serpe8ts, you get bit Here is my letter to Mike Byron Hi Mike, Here are a few more observatidns into the 2004 electoral process that need to be addressed. (I) When Democracy becomes a threat to ruling class power, you will find out that yOD have none. If there is a lesson 10 be learned ftom the 2004 election, 1hat was it. (2) After a close look into the Blade Box voting BI.,f2004, I really see very little benefit in these political patties at all, except for wishful thinking that never came to be. (3) I looked at the 2002 Georgia vote fraud results as original intent. (4) I didn't hear a damn thing about Black Ops Voting and the voter fraud f,p 2002 in Georgia from our local party woks and they should have been yelling about it when it haPl*led. .81 didn't say a word, espMaIly to me. It's lib they are all F.~=- Republicans. They are just a .. more discreet when they have their hand out and their face in (5) I believe the most revealing part of this election, was the way the power brokers in the Democratic Party addressed your ( Mike Byron's) campaign and your Black Box Voting research. You got margin,Ii'n!d because you eKposed the fraud in the process and I don't mean the fraud in the Voting machines either. That's only part ofit. The real fraud was the way the power mongers suppressed this information to protect their control over the believers and the worker bees in the Democratic Party. They acted like a bunch of silver spoon up their ass, wantabee Nazi Republicans. They were more inleJested in controlling their flock of sheep and protection of their space at the trough, than addressing the ... ofpower that poisoned the Democratic pl~ in 2004. (I overlooked the obvious, maybe it was already poisoned) The next thing they will try to tell us is that we need to work on legislative reform so we can COJTeCt the process by 2006. (I hope they are not stupid enough to believe their own BS.) lof2 -----,--~1~ JUDO e-maJl ror Jay _ Lmaoerg.:t~unO.com pnmea on mmry, Ul:CCIJlDer .1 J, ":;UV"f, J. J J rlft (6) 1'f1n is ~i...thIt Bar II.' lobe rai_hbaut BaV (Black Bar Voliat). Wlrendley ......~ in these voling machines, J!lUP!ietary software I hardware, with no _t capebility, I immcdiatelynafu.ed that ti. eledim would llCit be cmdeclllt'" .... _but ift the NckI'OQlJlS wheM tile "Jl"W-. _Ite". .;. which candidates get to fund and legislate their special interests. (1) Tbe nlIIlbuae of power, It~ wJICiIl thole DIlId&M$ ('irith DO wrifiablcr audiIiJIs tnIiJ)"MInI bouP& ... delivered to counties allover the country in the first place. The use of these corruptable machines were designed to guarantee compromised elec:tions, corrupt reprGdCdlldives, and fatally flawed policies. A .,..11II clesilJlHld like this wiD llCit pIOIIIOW jUltiee or a .....1I'..;We ciUeary ~ tile poww is IIOt \If:IlIed in the people. A system of this design. promotes a consolidation of power and wealth by criminal means (corrupting the vare). This process, in its present form, bas aeated an oligarchy through graft and deceit -t*> 1'IUiJ die ne'lV .pia 011 the BS daey ferch. u.2CJOt. wAmelica.... prouIfraditinR oftrl.lStin& tile pematellt to ClOWlt the voce comedy aad that .., <<l'OfS in tile eIeetiClR I1IlAtIt& in 2004 wiD IIeblllll 011 divine intervention.. God Bless Bush and his band of Bandits. (9) WIlawa dlelledititt.lIiIwr spooo......... lI-....iob- Nazi Pieca ofslt't (.......) lId....i... wfIat these voting machines were bought? Were they relieved because honest elections would give the citizens too much power? Probably. (10) But ".....lib Tun.Prince, wiD use iIUs bowIedge aad ~ tobuiId a poww hue ift fie eouaty. beholden to him. D1egitimate power is the com....m..ue to Black OPs Voting In America, and people like Tim Prince, wouldn't have it any other way. That's their cut, for keeping their mouths sbut (11) It is the very nature of power itself, that it attracts the type of people that should never have it (12) The more I learn about these elitist POS, the more I appreciate the French Revolution. "'11)-. lay Lindberg ConduIioa: D"ym liked Nazi Germaay, Ym'lJ love the Rat fOlJr yan cflWlg GeaIp" fie JIoIMf." Socwity Gestapo. I'll probably miss that movie because I'll be one of the first they take, but tbats OK, I know yOlJ'lJ be Rat and that makes me fell a wlIoIe lot better. So put on your Jack Boors and smile (or bide). Jfydrewar.rmt&..uthonf........... _._..,..y_u -...... ..-~ - "YOI.."','" probably pick one up bef'ore I end up an assassinated suicide statistic: (suicide by spook) like Gary Webb. 2of2