HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-Public Works . CeV OF SAN BERNAR"'O - REQ~T FOR COUNCIL A.ION Dept: Publ ic Works/Engineering REC'D.-JllJ:lmt OFF. 1986 MAR 27 PH 3: 53 Approval of Contract Change Order No. Seventeen Construc- tion of New Tippecanoe Bridge Over Santa Ana River. per Plan No. 6358 -- KASLER CORPORATION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Date: March 27, 1986 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 08-06-84 Plans and authorization granted to advertise for bids. 01-21-84 Resolution 85-20 adopted. awarding a contract to Kasler Corporation for construction of the Tippecanoe Avenue Bridge over the Santa Ana River, for the low bid price of $4.283,034.00. 10-07-85 -- Change Order' No. One approved to authorize payment for removing and replacing material which pr'evented piles being driven at north abutment of the bridge at an increase in contract price of $9,701.00 from $ to $4,292.735.00. Recommemled motion: That Change Order No. Seventeen to the contract with Kasler Corporation. for construction of the new Tippe- canoe Avenue Bridge. in accordance with Plan No. 6358. be appr'oved; to authorize Contractor to furnish and in- stall 18 L.F. of 12-inch corrugated metal pipe at Tippe- canoe ~,venue on a "time and material" basis. estimated at an increase in the contract price 0 320.00 from $4.325.695.00 to $4,326.015.00. cc: Ray Schweitzer. Acting. City Ad . '0 Warren Knudson. Director Of Finance Contact person:_ Roger G. Hardgrave Phone: 5025 Supporting data attached: _ Staff Repor!._& CCO #17 Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $320.00 Source:Street Construction Fund-- Af-AD60(1J..:'Finance: p", ",.. J/ ~ -.JIccount N0----142-362.:.57339 "Ti ppecanoe Bri dqe Cou nc iI Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No, Ic3 . . . . . Snops ts.J2LP~"'lJQII~1;.9_~j]J;jJ..aJ;1j.QD":"_._________"__ __"_.____ .___ 10-07-85 -- Change Order tlo. Two approved to nuthori ze payment for con- struction and maintaining a detour through the construction area. at an increase in contract price of $10,700.00 from $4.292,735.00 to $4.303.435.00. 10-07-85 -- Change Order No. Seven approved to authorize payment for changing the type of ITonteria"1 to be used in the construc- tion of an apron at a culvert from asphalt to Portland Cement Concrete, at an increase in the contract price of $290,00, from $4.303,435.00 to $4,303.725.00. 11-04-85 -- Change Order No. Eight approved to authorize the installa- tion of a 4-inch pipe PVC conduit with pull rope at a net increase in contract price of $1.200.00. from $4,303,725.00 to $4,304.925.00. 11-18-85 -- Change Order No. Nine approved to authorize funds sate the Contractor for "on-the-job" training of ees, at an increase in contract price not $4,800.00 from $4.304.925.00 to $4.309.725.00. to compen- six train- to exceed 12-02-85 -- Change Order' tlo. Ten approved to authori ze the Contractor' to construct a cross-gutter on the north side of San Bernardino Avenue at Riverside Drive at an increase in contract price of $5~0.OO from $4.309.725.00 to $4.310.265.00. 12-02-85 -- Change Order tio. Eleven approved to authorize the Contractor to excavate llnsuitable material to a maximum depth of four feet, dispose of the material and backfill with suitable material at an estimated increase in contract cost of $4.000.00 from $4,310,265.00 to $4,314,265.00. 12-02-85 -- Chango Order No. Twelve approved to authorize the Contractor to break up P.C.C. surface found below the wearing surface on Tippecanoe ",venue on a "time and materia"I" basis (Force Account) at an estimated cost of $4,100.00 and to delete part of the scarifying of A.C. at a credit of ($720.00) for a net increase in contract price of $3.380.00. from $4,314.265.00 to $4,317.645.00. OJ-06-86 -- Change Order ~!o. Thirteen approved to authorize the Con- tractor to provide additional maintenance to the detour on Tippecanoe Avenue, in the vicinity of San Ber'nardino Avenue on a "time and material" basis. at an estimated increase in the contract price of $4.300.00, from $4.317.645.00 to $4,321.945.00. 02-03-86 -- Change Order tlo. Fourteen approved to provide seven addi- tional No.5 pull boxes at an increase in cost of $1,650.00, from $4.321.945.00 to $4,323,595.00. 02-17-86 -- Change Order No. Fifteen approved to remove an existing con- crete wall which interferes with the installation of a storm drain. by force account, at an estimated increase in con- tract price of $800.00 from $4.323,595.00 to $4.324,395.00. . . C. OF SAN BERNAR"O - REQU.T FOR COUNCIL A.ION STAFF REPORT 02-17-86 -- Change Order No. Sixteen approved to furnish and place addi- ticnaOI Class 2 aggregate base, at the northerly end of the project, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $1,300.00, from ~4,324,395.00 to $4,325,695.00. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAFF REPORT Drainage is carried in a swale on the west side of Tippecanoe Avenue between stations 34+25 and 34+52. A 12-inch CMP must be con~tructed in this swale under the driveway and sidewalk of a house adjoining the street right-of-way at this location. in order for the residents to have access. This work will be done on a "time and material" basis at an estimated cost of $320.00 The total estimated project cost, based upon the actual low bid price, contained an amount of $713,215 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost of this change order. We recommend that Change Order No. Seventeen be approved. 75-0264 . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTRACT CHANGE OtER NO. 17 . 08-SBdo-0-SBd SUPPL. NO. SHEU ...l.- OF . ~~ HC~tS IREV. 0-8.1 . ROAD 1 SHEETS fEDERAL NO.(S) AF-AD-6o(1) CONTRACT NO. 61<;8 To KASLER CORPORATION Cont,.<lo' You ore hereby directed to make the herein described chonges horn the pions and ~petification' or do the following described work not included in the plo"s and !.JM!cifico: !tons on this cgntrad. NOTE: This chnnqo order" not eff,'c1ive unlil approved by the Engineer. ~,ip'ion of work to be done. e~tinl(]te of quantities, Gnd prices to be paid. Segregate bet'ween additional work at (ontrod price. agreed price and force accounl. Unleu otherwiie stuted. rales for rental 01 equipment COlier only such time os equipment is actually used ond no allowonce will be mode for idle time, Changerequesledby .,.;:n,,.....iY1C"f?r the lair perc~ntoge ~own is the net accumulated increase or dec:reow from the original quantity in the Engineer's Estimate 1. Rxtra Work at Force Account: Furnish and Avenue sti3.. install 12" CMF in swale left of Tippecanoe 34+25 and 34+52 as directed by the Engineer. Estimated cost $320.00 Estimated Cost Decrease S odn".... S 320.00 By reoson of this order the time of nn adjuGtment <ompletion will be adjusted os follows: r . /i ,In -7/ (aM >I, I J"-~fL.<---t/ f Carl ,T. V crner, - 3- /8-86 Submitted bYl Resident Engineer Appt"OvolRecoml'Mftded, Dol. Apptoved, EngiMer by - We, the undenionod comrno::lor. hove Oiw:on co..lul cC)nsitk.ahon to II.. chono" prOf'lh~d and hen'b, ou.re, "Ihil plllpoolol ilapproved, Ih,1l we will proYide all equirmenl, fvmi\h all moulfioh, ...(epl Ol naG)' otherwi~ be noted oLove, and pe.f'-fm olllen.occs n<<es'l.Ory lOt' tbe wad, above spe<thed. ond w.11 (Keel" 0\ lull pU)'nlenllberelor tiN: prices ..ttown obo'fC. ,;?_/(j _ <It. Acctpkd, Dote _ 0 .,~.A,1~.)) Pn~'-t'r:{ c...",do< KASI~ER COHPORA'l'ION Ti..l-tr]~st ~tr,~,:t;~J'rI tI 11,-:0..1.0<10' do.s nolli,," oce':'I>.?,"'. ollhi. ord.r, hi, onon~ it. diflllc:hd 10 the '.qu>ofl.nenl' oliN 1,-.111 ollOft 0' to I"O(",dinv ...-ilh th, onklr.d -,.. mid f.ling 0 w.iMen