HomeMy WebLinkAbout38-Parks & Recreation CITY OF SAN BERNADINO - REQUEST FI:I COUNCIL ACTION Fre Dept: Annie F. Ramos, Director Parks, Recreation & Community Services Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES BY THE COUNTY SCHOOLS FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM. Date: February 15, 1991 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. Recommended motion: e That the request for a waiver of fees in the amount of $521.50 by the San Bernardino County Schools for the use of Sturges Auditorium on March 21, 1991,for the presentation of "My Dad and Me" be approved; or That the Request for a waiver of fees in the amount of $521.50 by the San Bernardino County Schools for the use of Sturges Auditorium on March 21, 1991, for a presentation of "My Dad and Me" be denied. ~ ~. ~,c,v S ignat e Contact person: John A. Kramer Supporting data attached: Staff Report Phone: 5031 N/A Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $521.50 001-000-30426 ($234.00) Source: (Acct. No.) 001-000-41856 ($277 .50l Sturges Replacement Fund Stur es Rentals Finance: ail Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No 3~ CITY OF SAN BERNA.INO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION _QUEST FOR WAIVER FEES BY THE COUNTY CHOOLS FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM. STAFF REPORT The Office of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools has requested the waiver of rental fees for the use of sturges Auditorium. Total usage fees are $521.50; of this, $234 will be for the Replacement fund and $277.50 for rental. The usage will be for four performances of "My Dad and Me," a play about a boy whose father is an alcoholic. The play carries a strong message about substance abuse. The play will be performed for seventh graders from the San Bernardino unified School District, Rialto School District and Upland School District as well as several private schools. The evening performance will be for parents. County Schools will be using two other sturges Auditorium. They will be receiving the Fontana Performing Arts Center and will fees for the victor Valley J. C. Theatre. theatres besides a reduced fee for be paying full e While the performance will provide a experience, it is city policy that uses will be self-sustaining. Inspite of other user has had fees waived for Auditorium. valuable educational of sturges Auditorium previous requests, no the uses of sturges e (STAFFRE:WAIVER) 2/15/91 75-0264 pas, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERAs APPLICATION/PERMIT TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITV Date: 2/4/91 Name of organization: San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Facility desired: StUI"Qes Center for the Fine Arts Nature of activity: Children I s oerformances about Alcoholism ( 3) P"rpnt N:i:9ht p<>rfonnance "hollt A 1 coholiRm Cl) Date of activity: March 21. 1991 Time of activity: 9:00 ~PMto 9:00 AM/&J Estimate allendance: 400 + Is activity open to public? ~ Admission Fee/Collection: Free Will activity require use or display of vehicles, equipment, signs, city personnel? If yes, describe in detail: n- ,",nil 1 n hP gr~~t tn Iii P.p l::ty ~r~nt ni Qht pp-rformance Will sound amplification or public address system be used? Nn Time of day amplifier is to be used: _ AM/PM to_AM/PM (Section 12.80.130, City Municipal Code applies) Performances 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 .m. 7:00 .m. Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, and will comply with all provisions of Chapter 12.80, Municipal Code, City of San Bernardino, California pertaining to use of Park and Recreation facilities" Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neat and clean condition. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the City of San Bernardino, California, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occurring es a result of this activity and agrees to be liable to said City for any and all damage to any park, facility, building, pool, equipment, and furniture owned or controlled by City, which results from the ectivity or permittee or is caused by any perticipant in said activity, 'NOTE: This permit is subject to cancellation by any Police Officer who determines violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: If area/facility is not left in clean condition, the deposit shall be forfeited. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned within two (2) working days efter the event for which the key (s) is issued. If key (s) is not returned promptly, the deposit shall be forfeited. San Bernardino Countv SUDerintendent of Schools Printed Name of Applicant 601 Nnrt"h.. E !'U-.--t Address NoS, AVAILABLE . YES _NO / SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY ~S _ NO FEES/jP~3 (~REaUIRED YES _NO FEES · (} RECEIVED BY ON RECEIPT#.m- BY DEPOSIT (S)....Nf-D- RECEIVED BY DEPOSIT RETURNED TO DATE ~ ~ APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE itf.!!.I..1J- OISTRIBU1'ION1 WHITE: APPLICANT GREEN: FACIL.ITV CANARV; FILE PINK: POLICE DEPT. GOLDENROD: DEPOSIT FIL.E e e e . (1illilLD 1R. ElJtl S . Tlh8t1ITI\.8 ffi01R.liiSlhOP 1PU'l[ILOSOlPh~ crw cch.:brales livin~! Our prn~rams arc for helpin~ young audienccs fccl beller aboul lhemselvcs. fur develuping a scnsilivily lUlhin~s. for discuvering the wonh of cooperatiun. lhe value uf valucs and for discovering oncs crcalivily. In thc presenlalion of Thealre for Yuun~ Audiences il is imporlanllhal we sel up a c1imale where fcelings and lhuughls arc sharcd wilhoul crilicism. Wc cneuurage uur audiences lU ask quesliuns l() lind reasuns. lU elarify. 10 gcncrale ulhcr allernalivl.O:; and lU slimulale lhinking ralher lhan prcaching an altcrnalivc or CUUnie of aCliun. The gual uf crw's inlcHlclivc educaliunal prucl.O:;s is lU prnvidc uur audicnces with an undenilanding and awarcnc.'iS uf lhc issues prl.o:;cnled. Fivc basic arcas are laken inlu cunsidcraliun when . planning a program. All prugrams musl cunsisluf the fullowing lu ensurc helping audicncl."S develup and encouragc lhc fulluwing in lhcir livl.O:;: Self-Esleem. Valuing. Empalhy. Couperalion and lhe Crealivc Faclurs (Flucncy; FlcxibiliLy; Originalily; and Elaboraliun). Yuung audienCl.'S arc more open. cuming luthe lhcatrc wilh few. if any. preconccplions of whal "lhealre" should or shuuld nul be. They respund immedialely. They idenlify strongly with the eharacleni ;lOd can believc fully in what i.o; happening or heing prl.'Sented on the stage. The give and lake belween aclur and audience can be electrifying... Alung with perfurming for young audiencl.'S comes responsihilily. How many adull lheatres can buastlhal half their audience is sccin~ a play for the very lirsllime'! Thealre fur yuung audiences upens the duor lO a whule new world. POlenlially lhcse audiences will be huukcd and becume lhealregucrs and suppurters for life. Bul if Ihe play is shallow. lhe aClor p,ltrnniL.ing. the cuncept inanc, such a fulure will he crascd and the :Iudicnce mcmber will funher as..o;uci,lle lhealre w ilh apprehcnsion. Thruughuullhe Bay Area yuung peuple arc exposed lO drugs in elemenlary school hathruum.o; and playgruunds. Stepparcnts :lOd divorced families arc the norm. And scxu:llIy transmillcd discase cases have grown IIve-fuld in jusl a few years 'and have affeclcd all arcas uf our sociCly. Yuung peuple need lO be givcn lhe resources lO dcal with thcsc and ulhcr issues; lhcy nccd tu hc givcn an opportunily lO Icarn more; and they nced a slruelurcd environmenllo discuss and deal wilh lheir fcclings. In addressing these issues. crw expandcd our IN-SCHOOL TOURS IU ineludc nol only Alameda and Cunlra Cosla counlies bUl S:lOla Clara Counly. e e e . . San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools CUrrlculum.lnstruction DivISion. (7141387.3121 601 North E Street. San Bernardino. CA 92410-3093 JO!'1 W Scharer. Assistant Superintendent Charles S. Terre!1 Jr.. Ed. D.. Supenntenoent. ''':'14! 387-4386 FAX, -:"14; 387 -.we' or 387.8950 January 28. 1991 Ms Shauna Edwtns. Administrator San Bernardino City 300 North D Street San Bernardino. CA 92410 RE:..~h\J cO rU }. t '99' "It, "'"c. &. COMh\. slJt. Dear Ms Edwlns. This letter Is a request for the use of the Sturges Audltorlum on March 21. 1991 at no cost. Our office has contracted with the Children's Theatre Workshop In San Francisco to present "My Dad and Me". The fine arts presentation Is a story of a young man and his feelingS about his father's alcoholism. There will be no admission fee. Seventh grade students from San Bernardino and the surrounding communities will be bused by their school dlstrlcts to the auditorium during the school day. Teachers will receive pre and post play activities and information about alcoholism. Parents will receive free tickets to attend the 7:00 p.m. performance from their child's school. I have contacted Mr. Norman Baffrey and asked hln1 to hold the facility In hopes that the City will "donate" the rental fee In honor of Alcohol Awareness Month (March). Thank you In advance for consideration of this matter. Please feel free to call me at (714) 387- 4606 should you have questions or suggestions. Sincerely. ~ck ~~k/\.(f'-- Jodi Brandenberger Project Specialist Enclosure cc: AnnIe Ramos. Director Parks Recreation and Community Service 547 N. SIerra Way San Bernardino. CA 92410 , - Success from the past... Looking to the future THIS FACILITY 1$ /-IANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE e e e . . January 7, 1991 TO: DATE Contacts (District Representative) Principals FROM: Comprehensive Health Unit SUBJECT: MY DAD AND ME - alcohol awareness play We have secured the talent of the Children's Workshop Theatre to present a compelling story of a teen and how he deals with his emotions about his father's alcoholism. It is "Thumbs Up" according to all that have viewed this powerful play. Three days of performances of the play MY DAD AND ME will be held at 10:00 AM, 11 :30 AM and 1 :00 PM.. Wednesday Thursday Friday March 20th March 21 st March 22nd Victorville San Bernardino Fontana The 45 minute performance & 15 minute discussion session will be for seventh grade classes only. Teachers will be provided a packet of pre and post performance activities, a synopsis of the play and information about alcoholism. A parent night will be held each evening at 7:00 P.M. and tickets for parent night admission will be made available to all interested principals. March is Alcohol Awareness Month. This fine arts presentation is designed to raise the level of understanding about alcohol issues for our students and their parents. Please assist us in getting the information out. Phone reservations for this production will be taken on I JANUARY 25, 19911 from 8:30 am-4:30 pm at the following numbers: (714) 387-4356 or (714) 387-3248. No walk-in reservations will be taken, nor may any other County Schools phone extensions be used. If you hav~. any questions please call Comprehensive Health Unit at (714) 387-4606. JB:tm iU- . . a A Drama and Education Program ., offered by the Children's Theatre WorlcshoP Clii{aren 5 fJ1ieatre WorkJliop performs MY DAD AND ME And Encourages Participation in "ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE" e $tmJt,(1rle ona tIuai$c4 IJ4lJ1'1ist ~ taUtlt as ~in wsoUs tfwfut IItIIl enditra in /I spirit WIt c:IIII SDIIT 6eyorul W StIJI'S -A- C'1'J1/ Mips young peopu Uam to soar MY DAD AND ME by Andy Jorgensen Topic: Substance Abuse Prevenllon Grades: 3 - 8. (K- 2 wHh proper prep) Substance abuse profeS:.ionals now estimate that 0$ many 0$ one out of everv four school age children live In 0 home where alcohol dependency is the norm. MY DAD AND ME. CTW's original multi-media production. Is the storv of Adam. o boy whose dad drinks too much. All Adam wonts is to ploy boll and be carefree. It's hard for him to understand why his father is always falling asleep. forgetting his promises and doing and saying emborrassing things. Adam thinks it is 011 his fault. With aU of the power, magic and spectacle of OVe theatre combined with large video projection screens. crw joins Adam on 0 fantastic adventure 01 dicoverv about himself and his dad. It says to children who ore touched by this insidiOUS disease that they ore OK and that. despite what they might think. they ore loved. -A- e