HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-City Attorney CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James F. Penman Subject: Request for Amicus Assistance in Two Appellate Cases from the League ofCalifomia Cities Dept: CITY ATTORNEY Date: March 10, 1997 OR/GINAl Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. Recommended motion: Join in amicus briefs. {/ 7-. Signature Contact person: Robert L. Simmons Phone: 5255 Supporting data attached: Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. 2./ 3/'1'7 MAP.-Q4-97 rUE 15:03 LEAGUE OF CA CITltS FAX NO, 9166588240 P,OI - Jr I...i} II League of California Cities IIII 1400 K Street, 4th Floor. Sacramento, CA 95814 . 916/658-8200 . FAX 916/658.8240 ....IIL. Urgent Fax Transmittal TO: City Attorneys FROM: Legal Advocacy Committee Executive Committee DATE: March 4,1997 RE: Request for Amicus Assistance in Two Appellate Ca$es Attached are two requests fol' cities to join in amicus briefs being prepared by volunteer brief writers. The two letters from your colleagues explain the significance of each case to cities statewide. In each case the executive committee of the League's legal advocacy committee has reviewed the case and is urging cities to add their names to the briefs. Regrettably, the time frame is very short for both cases, which is why information about these cases are being sent via broadcast facsimile instead of the usual Legal Advocacy Report or even first class mail. The full committee is meeting Oil March 21. Please share information about any appellate cases which may merit amiclIs activity with the committee; instructions on how to do this are available by facsimile from the League; call916/658-8231 for furllier Wormation. As these cases indicate, the more advance notice the committee gets, the more advance notice it can provide to city attorneys statewide concerning opportunities to join amicus briefs. Thank you for your attention to this fax transmittal. g; ile~al\lac\rtPLS'Jaxc...r.dC'.; . MAP;-OH7 TUE 15: 03 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES tAX NO, 9166588240 p, 02 City of Thousand Oak~. CITY A-rroRN~ MARK G. SELLERS February 28. 1997 TO ALL CALiFORN!A CiTY ATTORNEYS Re; J.nJE! G. I. iNDUSTRIES. Inc. (BanKrl,lptcy Proceeding) Ci ty Of ThOusand Dale. Appe 1 1 ant United States District Court. Central District. Case. No. CV 97-0337'WJR [Court Mandated City to Accept New Solid waste Hauler] ;1e League Of California Cities' legal advocacy committee has passed a resolution urging all California Cities to join in an ~us curiae brief seeking revers,l Of the decision Of the United Stetes Bankruptcy Court in the above-eapcioned caSE. 'Ianette Sanders. of Snell & Wilmer. has vo1unt~ered to file the amiclJs brief. we ex~ect the orief to be due on MarCh 24. 1997. The following is a synopsis of this case to cate: t. legal I$$u!$ Presented in this Case. A. Whether. based on the federal preemption dOt;tr~ne. the banlcruptc) court i.n resolv1~ the bankruptcy fiiing of a privat.e solid waste hau~er und~r a city franChise can: (1) Ignore the police power enactmerts and ordinances of the aff~ted city regulat1ng solid waste collectior. requ~ring approval of a new hauler: and (2) Override the contractual consent to assignment rights helct by the City. as set forth in sclid waste franchise agreements. 6. Whether a local ordinance requiring city consent to any assi~nmert or transfer of a city franchisee is not an -applicable law. under s~ction 365 of the Bankruptcy COd@. whiCh provi6es that a trustee cannot transf~r or assign an executory contract if there is -applicable law. prohibiting the assignment. and the partieS do not consent. .,.M "'^'~""" "... Ol.,,,I.,,~rd . TMuOiotl<l Oaks. ea,,!;)ffiia S-:3e2-2Wa . (005) 449-2170 . FAX (80S) 449-2175 MAR-Q4-97 rUE 15:04 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES FAX ~iO, 9 166588240 p, 03 G.l. lNDUSTRI~S. INC. February 28. 1997 Page 2 C. Whether the City of iho'lSanrj OakS ("CITY") acted "unreasonably' '10 CO~Side('ir.g tne re'l,,~stM Consen: to assignment of a solid waste franchise agr~ement. when the City Courcil dHermiMd the CCl11pan:' being prO~losed as the new fr\in~hlsee (t~e actu~l cot1troiling entity) WilS unacceptable based on its large size, out of area ownersn1p. a~ its extensive history Of legal and crim1nai problems. II. Brief Summary of Facts and Proceedings In 1994. purs~ant to changeS in California Jaw concerning solid wasts. the CITY completely revised its solid waste disposal an~ collection otdinances. w[11Ch i1clu,je regulatiO:iS cf private ~;atllers. a:1d authorized the granting of Citj fr~nchises to tro~e haulers the CITY determlr.ed to be qualified. fhQ CITY established qualificatior.s for trese haulers. Such as the firm muSt be local1)'- o'Nr.ed. Md the franchise would represent a major COiTpny asset. As a result \'1' thlS fie-II local legislation. the ClIY drafted and extendd MI'i franChise 3gteements to a sr"all locally-owned (aM controlled) company. named Gonejo Enterprises. Inc. Section 6.2.308 Of trle Th'):.lsarid Oal:s ~lJniClp~l COGe proviCles that a tra l$feL sale. or excharge of ~O% or ~ore of the ~utstanding coc~or~ stock of a City- "',anchised private ho:;,,,r CM5ti~utes an assignment r~~l,iir1ng We CITY'S written COi\SE':f'It. This >ett1on fUI'ther pl'c'tides tr.;:t thare are f'eur CQndit10ns precec;;tlt "hlch must be Sd~1$cie1 bei\;(e the CITY will consi,;;::- a propvsed assignee. Trese condit.ions pr<:cedent incll;de: a. P'l' the COS: 0>' evaluations of the prODJsed a:,~ignee: b. Furnish audHed find(IC1al st':tements far three years imrediate1y preCeding the ass.igr:ment req'Jest: C. Futnish sat1sfactory \oir1tter: proof tt'lat t~,e proposed designee ha~ ten years of solld ~aste ex~erience equal or exceeding that Of the present f,-anChisee. Evicence must incl,;de tha: the assignee has not rece~ 'led a:v ci tat 10n5 or other censure from any fecere 1 . stet! or local agency with respect to itS w1s:e operations or violations of waste ffi3nager,.ent lew. u. The prcposed assigr:~e coes not O','in 0'- ope"Wl a 501 id waste landfill 1ft Ventura County. 2100 ThrusaM QclIS ao;.urev-.", . ThO'.....aOO 0.;...., eam.:rn,a 91362-29(;3 . (805) 449.21 ;.0 . F;v. (800) W,.21 .~ ~.. ~_.~_. JO __ ._ _. MAR-C~-27 rUE :5:05 ! ~AG!JE :iF ("A "l: 1 T n;~ _~. v VI. 1, ._>..' FAi< ~10. 9166588240 P,04 (i...1. RUBBISH. II~C. February 26, 1997 ~age 3 The TMusand OaK:) Municipal Code provides that if U;e franChisee ~s in cel'ilult. the CITY w~l1 not consider any proposed aSslgnment. The municipal c:>de !lso prO,ides that the CITY will not 'unreasonably. withhold its consent. In addition. We fr'anchise agreement addresses the area of assignrr~nt, It provijeS that all assignees must be lOCally o'../Oed. As p~rt cf its proposed Cha~ter 11 olan of ReOrganization. G.!. Industries. consol1dat~d its subsidiary Conejo Enterprise. Inc. The plan provides that C)nejo Enterprises will be dissolved into G.!.. which will be sold to. and whOlly-o~1ed by. Western Waste. Inc. (Torrance C~.). a much larger and regional hauler. Waste'n waste 'lias then acquired by. and will be wholly owned by. ti1e even larger USA liaste. Inc. Wanas. Texas). Western ~aste has had an extersive history of poor performance. allegations of improper Conauc: (;r'lolving settlemer:ts for illegal ebmping of haZardous matei'ials), present crim,nal in'iestigations (;n'o'0''110g allegea actions with Compton City Council). and even past convictions of high rar.~i:1g managers for bribing publ'iC officials. The rec~r:t lre::;l1a attentiCr1 concernir.g City cou"cil merr.ber Patricia Moore. of Corr:pton. interreiates to of;--icials of Western Waste. The IJnlted States AttQrnE:j'S Office is 'inv(;sti~ating f~r:rer allegaticns pertaining to offi~iaL of Western ',oJaste f(lf matters in RivarSide County. LOS Angeles County and Orange COI;nty, !c,;orljing to recent newspaper arcicles. The City :;If Thcl;sM;.~ O~i<.s has an or,::inar:;e. which states Ci ty Cou~cll 1T,:,Nters ;'1ouid avoi.:! ani irr,pr'eSSiOn of uri,jue ~nfll1et\ce or impropriet;l in conducting tr,e C!TY's bi:s1r,~ss. :n September. 1996. the City Council ura.11rro,lsly voted not to 'lpprove an assignment of the franchise from Corejo Enterprises tc WesterlllUSA Waste, :ased on this history Of problemS. and the CITY's policies of selecting s~~ll lc~al1y.cwned haulers. This denial was conveyed to the bankruptcy court. The de:Jtor filed a rution with the bankr',l~,tcy court, in essence. cranrni 19 down co'; assi"m:.e~t lIPC;~ the CIn, Ti':e C:I~Y filea its opposition setting forth thE provisions of tr:e municipal cod". a,jCreSSing clssigm.ents and the franchise ~~ovisicns. aCCr'essil1y local ow:'\ers~.ip. o!S we11 as e'lider1Ce of criminal convictions ~f high 1e,el management cfficials of hestern Waste in CalIfornia. and in othEr states. Ihe court was also provided w1th evidence that the proV<)sed aSSignee has ~ot sat~sfied a'l four of the conditions' precedent, There 'lI'as also e'lldellC~ presented that tne current franCh1se" ~ay be 1n default based upon prior pled~es of stock and transfer of voting contrOl of the stOCK without the CITY's kncwledgE. 2100 Tht::,..:$a....d OakS ~!~!eva(Q . TholJ~d Oa~s. CalifO<r.ia ;1362.2003 . \80S} .:',41-217v . F~:X {S('5; ';4S-21~ 5 0. .~.ir.:~,i .J'I."=:~C:::JN"T UAR-~J-~7 T!~ 1~:08 I,... 't'.... ...I.. 'oJ _ LEAGUE OF CA CITIES FA:< NO, 9166588240 p, 05 G.!. RUBBISH. INC. Fe"5'ruary 28.-1997 Page 4 ;his prior undiscbsed pledging of stock an,j irrevocable VO"i.ing control may constitute frQvd in the inducement of the 1994 franchise agra~ment for failure to disclose materiai filets. On No':emt'er 14. 1996. tre t>ankr~!ptcy ,O,:r<; ru'ed that federal pr~mption 1;>01 ied and relied lJPOr. tre be;1kruptcy case of Baker & Orak.~ v. Pu!)llc Service Comnissior. of Nevada, 35 F.3d 1348 (9th Cir.. 1994). However. the holding Of Bakar i5'~ctlialiytot1e-contrary. Tne COI.lrt held that Nevada State law is to be cOllplied \,ith in formulating a plan of reorganizatIon. The bankruptcy co~:rt !lso held that the c!n unreasonably witnhelc its consent, Th~ co~rt failed to a~ply the provis~ons of section 365 Of the Bankr)ptcy Code pert~i~ing to 'a~plic"ble law.. The CCcur, die not address the conditions pr'ececlent e"cept for the iss"e of past criminal ~,:t1vity. \"hiCh was shrugged off as bei"9 done by "estern Waste. and that tiie (,e', franChisee WOiJld oe G.i. G,!. 1as no p~st crimi na 1 convict i Ct". Howe.er. the Ci tj pro'!1ced e'!idenCe that tne same rersons \,ho appeared to be invoiveC in past crHmal actlVity wo,ila be overseeing tr,e man~~e:ncnt c.f Gr. arid \,e,uld have direct CJi'luol 0'1,,1' G.r. It is the Citf'S ~csition that thiS entire plan Of reorganiz~tion 1$ marely a corporate shell glme, Or. Oec&:rber' 24. 1;);;0. :he CrTY flleci its notice of ar,p~al I;oncerroing thE cram d[CNn motion and confirmation of the plan of reorganizatlon. The crTY also 1';1,0 an objection to the Bankruptcy Appellate P,lnel. IhiS'li1llwS for the appeal to be he1rd ~y the U.S. [listriC': Court. fi%t~",r ~reC1~O:' d'SO f,lea an appeal ana an e" plrte ::;p1iC3tion fer 5t,.1 perding;pp~;i. Tr,e c;TY "ilad a notKe of jOinder. On Decer;.ber 27, 1996. the Distri,:t Co~rt issue" the st'lY pending a full heahng t,) be he:d on Jan~d(Y 2B, 1997. The s,;ay is very iT~:;<tant Oi:e to the fact that 1f s~bstantiai portlOns of the pian are consi.tDma~e,j, it will reo/jer the appeal mo,)t. AS 01' the date of this lett"r. ti'e Oistr'lct Cc~rt has not tuled on the stay. The :itj Of ThO';S~):d Caks filed its CD~r,ing brier O'~ Febr';.~ry 25. 1997. II!. Significant Effect Upon Cities Th~S Iwticuiar appeal has a sig,:',ficact eff,:ct upon all citieS ~nd local agencies. which ha,.e enacted an cr,jiroancE: reQ,..j ri n9 ~1ty consent to any assignl:Jent or transfer of a :itj franchise Ot cont~,ct, If the bankr~ptcy co~rt's ruling is allO\.;ed to stan,l on appeal. it permits: (1) The ~ankr;ptcy court to override legislative prO'fis~cns of tr:e city: (2) The city COll!1Cil finaings of imp,-oper past c')rd'uct on the ~!"t of a propose,j francl:ise~ (on issue which is and Should be imccrtant to e'ect~: officials): and (3; The cC~tract~al cQ~sent provisi~ns ::.~ntai(\e'j in t~~~' fr"arrchisa aJree~:ents or ot;,e~ cont~'a':ts, 2100 rM~~,d C2..I($ Boul~....ara . Tho,-,S,':!!",d OaXs, Caftfc-mia: $~se.2:.29C3 . {a05) 449-2170 . FAX (805) 4J.9-211S ... , ' \1 ;>r:r~-fl.J;'/1:I rc,-!'C.~:;:' .~~...r --..- -.... MAR-D4-97 rUE 15:D5 Li:AGl'E OF CA C:T!ES FAX NO, 9166588240 P,06 ~!. RUB8ISH JlK. F\?bruary 28. 1997 Page 5 In essence. ar~ person. or entity. who centracts with a Clty can file a bankruptcy proceeding and have t~e court transfer or aSSign the franchise or contract over t~e object;ons of the city. The court would not be required to apply the proviSions set fortfl in the city's ~odes or Crldrter. All tities shOUld h~ve a comr.on interest in having their local legislation and contractual agreements. wf,ich set forth standards of review of propoSed assignees. maintained. IV. Effect of Amicus Brief ihe C;ty of Thousa.'1d Oaks oe11eves that the assistance of amit.IJs brjef~il1 provide additional aware~ess to t~e district court that tllis appeal involves public policy issl,i-=s. and that tr,e interpretation of tM CMkr'jptcy code term "applicable law. includes lQ~!l legislation. oot ~~rely federal. state or CO~fon law. but applies to all properly e~acte1 la~s. A City's general ~clice p~,;rs. which include the regulatlon of its S;l1itation. is ve:'f important to leeal contrOl arid affects e';ery citizen and business utilizing waste disposal services within their city's jurisdiction. The bankruptcy CQl;rt s~loL('d not nave the duthOri~Y to ignore or over..i<.te the pl,iol ic health. safety and weHare cvoce,'ns of a city. Your city' S sup~ort 1$ re.wested , il tni s matciOr. AttKh. 210Q Th-;1,l$a:,Q .oakS 90U!9~r~ . i'n~l,J$9.N Oa.~, Cat!to(~ia 91302.29C3 . ($05j 449~21 to . FAX (805) 4.J9-21"S 0. P>"ir.J.;.'::';>1I "':.::...c!,:dr~~r CITY OF SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - 151 W=ST MISSiON STREET SAN JOSE. CAl1FOR~liA 95110 Telsphc:le (40$) 277-4454 -aosimlie (408) 277.3159 A' -". JOAN R GAl.LO C,iy !,ttcroc! SENT VIA FACSIMILE March 3,1997 Tc: All California City Attorneys Re: ~an Joss Mercury Ne'N$ v City of San Jose Amicus support as urged by the League of California Cities Dear California City Attorney: On FelJ'1J3ry 26. 1997, the San Jose Mercury News f,led a Petition for Writ of Mandate with tr~' Sixth i"p~e!late District Court of Appeal seeking reiief from the trial court's ruling In favor 0' t--;: City in the above entitled action, City Attorney Ariel Calonne from the City of Palo Alto p';";lS to apply to the Appellate COllrt for leave to file an amicus brief in support of the City of S:m Jose, The Exeoutive Committee of the League of California Cities urges you to join the amioul$ brief. As explained below, the issues in this case have statewide significance and al! California cities have at common interest in the outcome of the ISSlies presented On December 10, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News filed a Petition for Writ of Mandate in Santa Clara County Superior Court to compslthe City of San JClse to produce all personnel records and other documents relating to ar.l ex-employee's separation from his employment with the City of San Jose, The ex-employee whose personnel records are at issue in thLs case is Robert Gremminger. Mr. Gremminger was employed by the City of san Jose as a fire captain untii November 20, 1996. Mr. Gremminger's departure from the City of San Jose was preceded by a controversiai shooting incident which occurred on or about October 24, 1996, while he was off.duty at the Great Mall Shopping Center in the City of Milpitas, The San Jose Mercury News contends that the public has a right to know the circumstances under which Mr. Gremminger separated from the City of San Jose, i.e. whether Mr. Gremminger was disciplined, terminated or othervVise forced to leave his employment as a result of the shooting incident. Thus, the Mercury Nel,"'I's is seeking all documents that relate to the City's investigation. if any, into the shooting incident and any disciplinary action that may have been taken by the City as a result of the shooting incident. The Mercury News contends that a public employee has little or no right to privacy with regard to information concerning his or her public employment, particularly wt-.ere the employee haS been involved in a publiC incident and where there Is a possibility of officiClI misconduct. Under the broad reading of the Public Records Act vged by the Mercury News all disciplinary reoords would be publio. IIIU\ V. VI .""... .V'vv Letter to all California Crties re: amicus support 3/3/91 S\!rL.,!Q~ELMercury News, Inc v. City of San Jose Page 2 The records sought by Petitioner constitute private "personnel" records which are exempted from disclosure under the California Public Records Act pursuant to Government Code ~ 6254(c). The City is obligated to protect Mr. Gremminger's employment records from disclosure in this case because of Mr. Gremminger's rl!Jht to privacy as guaranteed by Article 1 J ~ 1 of the California Constitution. Also, since the public knew that Mr. Gremminger was no longer on the payroll, no cognizable publiC interest would be served by disclosing Mr. Gremminger's personnel records and in any event, the pUblic interest in non-disclosure (protection of privacy rights) clearly outweighs any public interest in disclosure. Thus, the records should also exempted from disolosure under the California Public Records Act pursuant to Government Code 9 6255. The Internationa! Association of Firefighter's Local 230 and Robert Gremmfnger intervened in the action in Si.lpport of the City's position, On January 31, 1997, the Superior Court denied ihe Petition for Writ of Mandate filed by the Mercury News and ruled in favor of the City oi San Jose. The c.ourt found that the privacy Interests in this case outweighed the public interest in disclosure of the personnel records. The Mercury News then filed a writ with the S:x:h Appellate District Court seeking review of the trial court's decision. This case has s'gnificant ramifications for all cities There currently is no clear appellate court guidance on this issue. We are very concerned about the case of Pavton v. City of Santa Ci~I~, 132 Ca!.App.3d 152 (1982), where a former employee brought suit against the city for dal1la~ arising out'of the city's alleged misconduct in posting a notice of the employee's termination and the reasons for the termination in a city employee workroom. The appellate court held that the allegations set forth in the former employee's complaint stated a prima facie violation of the employee's right to privacy under Articie 1, S 1 of the California Constitution. Similarly, although the decision was not published, we previously suffered a jury verdict under a constitutional theory based on a disclosure by the Police Chief which merely confirmed information already in the public domain. if tno:' [''''ercury News "'iere to prevail in this action, arguably all city disciplinary matters would be a matter of pLlblic record and discoverable pursuant to a PLlblic Records Act request. Currently individual employees wanting to maintain the confidentiality of a disciplinary action have reason to waive the right to appeal the disciplinary action; if the records are subject to re!ease those hearings could not be avoided. Information that reveals little or nothing about a cities' own conduct doss not further the statutory purpose behind the Public Records Act and the protection of privacy rights is important to pLlblic employees. The court ShOLlld be made aViare of the impact that this decision will have on all city government personnel matters and disciplinary actions in particuiar. Please complete and return the enclosed response form at your earliest possible convenience (no i~ter than Friday, March 14, 1887), indicating whether your city wishes to add its name Letter to all California Citiesre: amicus support 3/3/97 SanJQ~e .Mercury News. Inc. v. City of ~~n Jose Page 3 to the amicus brief and join the League of California Cities in SLlpporting the City of San Jose in this matter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to contact me directly at (408) 277 -2403 if you should have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, JOAN R. GALLO City Attorney By: .J./ELL-.- SHARON CONWAY WIBLE Deputy City Attorney cc: JoAnne Speers, General Counsel. League of California Cities ...... v, "" . "'.... ~ "'. 'JV L....ll'1.ll.l... VI VII Viii...."" I I III 11V. V.lVVVUU~"tU f, lU Consent to Join as Amicus Curiae To: Nanette Sanders Snell and Wilmer 1920 Main Street, Suite 1200 Irvine, CA 92619-7062 714/253-2'139 FA-X 714/955-2507 Please add the following entity as an amic/ls curiae in the I1I re G. 1. Indll.5tries,lnc. v. City of ThOl/sand Oaks ease: Name of Entity: Contact Person: Address: Telephone: FAX: Please return by \Vedoesday, l\bHh 19, 1<;97. ?:"!~gaj'.LACJtr:;'.ThO,lkR~s.,:kc x x -------------------------------.------------------------------------------- Consent to Join as Amicus Curiae To: Arie! Piene Calanne City Attorney, Palo Alto P.O. Box 10250 Palo Alto, CA 94303 4151329-2171 F.<\.X 415/329-2646 Please add the fonowing eotity as an amicus curiae in the San Jose ."'Jerellry S.,ws v, City of Sail Jose ca:>e: Name of Entity: Contact Person: Address: Telephone: FAX: Please ret~lrn by Friday, March 14, 1997. gkgarLAc..ltrflh()1.\...::.~~.dol;