HomeMy WebLinkAboutR07-Economic Development Agency . . e ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (g(Q)[?J1( REQIIEST FOR COMMISSION/COIINCIlJSANRAC ACTION FROM: TIMOTHY C. STEINHAUS Agency Administrator DATE: January 8, 1997 SUBJECT: SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES FINANCING AUTHORITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis ofPreviou!lil Commission/Collneil/Cnmmittee Aetinn(!Iil): On March 18, 1996, the San Bernardino Associated Communities Financing Authority (SANBAC) was formed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (.'\an Bernardino AS1i:oeiated Commllnitie!ii: Financing Authority) OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING MOTION A: RESOLUTION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES FINANCING AUTHORITY (SANBAC) ESTABLISHING THE DATE AND TIME TO HOLD REGULAR MEETINGS; APPOINTING AND SECRETARY OF SANBAC; APPOINTING LEGAL COUNSEL TO SANBAC AND ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. (San Bernardino Associated Commnnitie!il Financing Authority) MOTION B: RESOLUTION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES FINANCING AUTHORITY REGARDING THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE, ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF NOT TO EXCEED $20 MILLION AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF HEALTH CARE REFUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS (GRANADA HILLS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PROJECT) 1997 SERIES A TAX EXEMPT AND 1997 SERIES B TAXABLE; AND APPROVING THE FORMS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TRUST INDENTURE, AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, A SECURITY A MENT, AN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND LEASES, A PURCHASE CONT. AND CERTAIN CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUME TS "". TlMO Y . STEINHAUS Agency Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Timothy c: Steinhaus Project Area(s): N/A Supporting Data Attached: StaffRepOlt; Resolutions FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ Budget Authority: Phone: 5081 N/A Ward(s): Source: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commi""ion/Cnuneil Nnte,,: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:Imp:sanbac Lcdc .YeA -I ..TeA - O? COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 01113/1997 Agenda Item Number;, F< 7 R7A (2..7g . . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT San Bernardino Associated Communities Financing Authority (SANBAC) BACKGROl IND: The Council and the Commission by appropriate actions of both bodies entered into ajoint exercise of powers agreement establishing the San Bernardino Associated Communities Financing Authority ("SANBAC") on March 18, 1996, as a joint powers public financing authority. SANBAC was formed for the purpose of financing qualifying projects located in other cities and county unincorporated areas in situations where the local staffs were not familiar with the financing structure that was being proposed for a particular project. The Council members are also the governing body ofSANBAC. The Marks-Roos Joint Powers Financing Act (Govemment Code Section 6500, et seq.) allows for two or more governmental agencies to establish a joint exercise of powers authority for the purpose of financing projects designated by the members of the particular joint powers authority, to make loans to other participating jurisdictions and to undertake projects within the boundaries of other cities and within county unincorporated areas. Certain types of financings which are defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as either pri'(llte activity bonds or qualified non-profit corporation bonds require that a public hearing be held pursuant to the previously adopted 1982 tax reform act (the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 which is commonly referred to as "T.E.F.R.A.") for which such a heaIing has been commonly been known. In accordance with the Joint Powers Agreement, it is necessary to establish a regular meeting date and time, appoint a secretary and legal counsel, and adopt a conflict of interest code by resolution. The attached resolution carries out those actions by establishing the date and time of regular SANBAC meetings as the first and third Mondays of each month to coincide with regular Commission meetings; appointing the City Clerk as the Secretary; Agency counsel as legal counsel; and adopts a conflict of interest code. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Granada Hills Community Hospital, a California non-profit corporation (the "Hospital"), is located at 10445 Balboa Boulevard within the Granada Hills area of the City of Los Angeles and is licensed to operate a 1 78-bed acute care general hospital with a 23-bed skilled nursing facility. Representatives of the Hospital have approached the EDA inquiring whether SANBAC would TCS:lmp:sanbac1.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 01113/1997 Agenda Item Number: ( . . e Economic Development Agency Staff Report SANBAC Financing Authority January 7,1997 Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------------- consider acting as the issuer of tax-exempt and taxable municipal bonds to refinance existing tax- exempt and taxable debt of the Hospital and to generate additional funds for a major expansion of the current Hospital facilities. The Hospital was first opened for acute patient care at its present location in 1965 which remains in use today and opened its Vista Granada Skilled Nursing Center, a separate 23 bed skilled nursing unit, in July 1988. The Hospital facilities also include out patient and office administrative facilities located on the Hospital campus. In 1985, a four story reinforced concrete parking structure was built, and the campus also includes approximately 10,000 square feet of temporary metal buildings which are presently in use by the Personnel Department of the Hospital and by certain other administrative services of the Hospital. The California Health Facilities Financing Authority issued tax-exempt variable rate bonds in 1985 in an amount equal to $10,200,000 (the "1985 Bonds") which are presently secured by a direct pay letter of credit from the National Westrninister Bank. The 1985 Bonds are rated "AA" based upon the letter of credit. The Hospital has obtained additional loans from several founders of the Hospital and these founder loans carry a taxable interest rate of 12%. The Hospital has also utilized loans obtained from commercial banks that carry an interest rate of 12%. The founder loans and commercial bank loans currently have an outstanding balance of$2,535,129. The Hospital has also utilized capitalized leases that carry interest rates ranging from 3.74% to 13.42% with a current outstanding principal balance of $300,511. During the Northridge Earthquake of January 1994, the Hospital was the only hospital within the near radius of the epicenter of the earthquake to be physically able to handle over 200 patients per hour within the first hours after the earthquake for a total capacity of 1,000 patients per day during the first several days after the earthquake. The Hospital had employed a disaster management plan as was previously prepared which allowed for a rapid response to this crisis by establishing temporary emergency rooms in the parking lots. The memorable television photographs of the general earthquake damage in the aftermath of the Northridge earthquake showed the flattened Kaiser Office Building which was located on a separate parcel fronting on Balboa Boulevard adjacent to the Hospital. No similar damage of any such magnitude was incurred by the Hospital. Minor damage was sustained by both the 3-story portion of the Hospital and the parking structure, but at no time did the Hospital ever close or limit its operations throughout the crisis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:lmp:sanbac l.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 01/13/1997 Agenda Item Number: I . . e Economic Development Agency Staff Report SANBAC Financing Authority January 7,1997 Page 3 Since the time of the Northridge Earthquake the Kaiser Office Building has been razed and the parcel was purchased by the Hospital from Kaiser Permanente for a cash down payment of $100,000 and a note payable to First Professional Bank for $1,250,000 d~e and payable in full on July, 2000. This note is also intended to be refinanced in the municipal bond financing proposed to be undertaken by SANBAC. The Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") has approved a grant to the Hospital for $12,000,000 which is intended to upgrade the entire medical acute care portions of the Hospital buildings to current earthquake standards for such emergency care facilities. The State ofCalifomia through the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development ("OSPOD") has established earthquake standards for all medical hospital buildings within the State through the year 2037. The Hospital intends to construct a new building to be completed by 2000 upon a portion of the former Kaiser parcel which will house numerous clinical functions now domiciled in older facilities and to then remodel portions of the present hospital areas into adl1}inistrative offices and classrooms. Proceeds of the proposed new bond issue will be used to provide certain working capital needs of the Hospital during the construction period, provide an interest reserve while construction proceeds, and to pay for a portion of the Hospital facility construction costs that are in excess of the FEMA grant funds. PRPPOSED ACTION: The City of Los Angeles through its Community and Economic Development Committee conducted a T.E.F.R.A. public hearing on December 18,1996. The City Council of the City of Los Angeles also adopted a resolution on December 18, 1996, granting its consent to SANBAC to issue tax-exempt and taxable debt for the proposed financing for the Hospital. All such approvals from the City of Los Angeles constitute actions which make the City of Los Angeles a "Limited Member" ofSANBAC as defined in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement creating SANBAC and comply with the requirements of the applicable federal tax laws and the requirements of the California Joint Exercise of Powers Act. Attached is a copy of the Community and Economic Development Committee Report and the Resolution of the City Council of the City of Los Angeles. The City of Los Angeles' has endorsed the financing of the Granada Hills Community Hospital but does not presently have the mechanisms in place to act as the Issuer for this type of bonds. The bonds as proposed to be issued have been rated BBB- by Standard & Poors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:lmp:sanbac I.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 01113/1997 Agenda Item Number: ') . . . Economic Development Agency Staff Report SANBAC Financing Authority January 7,1997 Page 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hospital has agreed to pay to SANBAC an issuer's fee equal to one-half percent of the total principal amount of the debt issued in addition to an annual administrative fee equal to one- quarter percent per year of the debt then remaining outstanding. The fees would be equal to approximately $100,000 as the issuer's fee and approximately $50,000 per year as the administrative fee. At the time of a previous action to form SANBAC, the Council and the Commission agreed to split the issuer fee on a 50-50 basis. Staff recomme approval and adoption of the attached resolutions. TIMOTHY C. S INHAUS, Agency Administrator Economic Development Agency ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:lmp:sanbac l.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 01/13/1997 Agenda Item Number: 7 12/24/98 12:11 tt714 717 2020 DEC.24.1996 8:43AM CITY OF ~ COD \. O' CONNOR&COIIPANY NO. 4alil 141 002/008 P.2/6 . errv OF LOS ANGELES CALI"ORNIA J. Io4'CMalEL- c.aav .... -- ~ OITk!l: CITY CI.ERIC __.CIT'I''''\,I. ~_.co_'a 1&18'_ ru Illlal an_ . 96-2201 RICHARD J: RIO"OAN "'AYOA ~.~A~k.~ 23, 18S6 c01llZunliy DeYe:Lop..~t: Dept (V/UbJ At::bu Rau:L Gonzalez, cont:ract Div c1ty M:m1nlst:zoat:ive Officer Chief LaqislaUVe AnalYSt., RE: '1'AX-BXEMP'1' XNSTALLMEN'1' pt/ReHASE J'INANCING BONDS 701\ 'I'm: GJl.ANAJ)A HILLS COKHClO:'1'Y HO$P:t'l'AL At the ..a.ti.n9 ot the counel1 hald nee.eer 18. 1996. the followinq action was taken: 4i'tachecl rapor1: a40pt:ed..""""""""".""""""""""""""""".,,""""",,.,," tache4 aotion ( ) adopt-eel."""""".""""".",,""" 11 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " IJC)JL\l1:JL~ ILCl()~1:~Cl.".""""""""""".""""""""""".,,""""""""'''''''''''''''' ~ Ordinance adopted."""""""""""",,""""""" ',." " " "" """ " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " Motion adopted ~o approve CIED coat. report.................... x Motion adopted to approve a~~ached communication............... To the Hayor 'tor concurrence" I .. . .. . . . . . . . " . . . . . . I . . .. . . . I . . . . " 'OR'l'HWXTH... . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . x Kay-OX- concurred..........................."...................... Appoin'tment confirmed.... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . " , . .. " . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . F1nc!lnq. adopted.........................."................".... Negative ~.claratlon adop~.d................................... Ca1:.aca'oZ'i~allY .xempt.................."....."............"...".." . Generally exempt......".."......"................................ o~~~ city Clerk jv ateno\962201 . AN IE~UA" .....u.......:N'l' O....OIlTU..1TY - A~"I"......TIV" ACTIO" .......~QylE" ................... ~ '7 . . . 12/24/98 12:12 tt714 717 2020 DE:C.24.1996 e:43AM CITY OF LA COD O'CONNOR&COKPANY Iil1 003/008 P.:3/15 1'10.400 . pile Mo. ,'-aaa~ TO TaB CQUMCI~ O~ .~. C~TY ~ LOS AKGZLa. Your COHXDH~TY uti IlCOI/OK%C 1ll!lVILOllxmr: COKJaTTEB r.por~. .. follo..; %U &l Pub11c Commen~s ...xx COMKCNZTY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPHiNT eOMKZ~EE REPORT rela~ive to Tax-ex_pt in.tallJllant pU2:cha.e ~inanc:inq bonds tor ~he Granada Hills ccmmun1~y Ho.pital. Racomaandation to~ Counoil action: ADOPT the Resolution a1:~ached to the cOllllllunity Development Dapubent transmittal dated November 12, 1"15, SUbjSClt to t.ha review ana approval ))y the City Attorney as to tOJ:'1ll and laqality. 1P(Cleal illlpA~ .tat.llI....t! The city Administrative otfic::er (CAO) reports that there will be no impact on the city .ince there is no p2:oposed expenditure o~ City ~unds and the cit.y will bear no responsibility for repayment o~ the bonds involved. f;T1'MMA "Y Zn his report 4ated DeCeJIlbu 12, 19915, the City Adm1,nistrative Officer (CAO) "tates that the San Bernardino }.&sooiated c:01llllunities Financin~ Authority (SANBAC) is proposin~ to issue t.ax-exempt. (Serie. A) and taxable (Series B) ~onds totalinq $20 million for the Qranada H!ll. communit.y Hospital. ~he Hospital is a California non-profit p,*lic: ))onetit. c::orporation formed in 1965 which is located at 10445 Bal~oa Boulevard in Granada Hills. The Hospital provided needed medical care to the community without reqard tor the a):Jility of patients to pay. consequently, the Hospital provides a n~er ot benefits to the community tor which it doe. not raceive reimbursement or for which it. receives only a no~inal fae. The series A, $16 million, tax exempt portion of the bonds will be used to tund the cost of bond issuance, to refinance existinq tax exempt debt and to provide funding' related to a new hospital winq currantly under construction. 'rhe latter purposes include ill manaqeaent information systam, equipment and matChing' !unds tor the FEMA :funded c::onstruct1on costs.' The approxi1llate $4 ~illion balance of Saries B taxa):Jle ):Jonds will be utilized for the ~undinq of taxable debt and related bond issuance expenses. The Znternal Revenue Code requires the local qovernmant aqency in Which this type Of tax-exempt project will take place, to approve the financing tor the project. Because the Hospital project. are located within the City, COD .tatt conducted the ~.qui%Qd pUblic / e .e e 12124/88 12:12 ~714 717 2UZU DEC.24.1996 8:44AM CITY or ~A COD U.~U"AUMa~uarAnI ... uu., uuv 1'10.40111 P.4....6 heuiJ19 ~egarclill9 'this FZ'~poSed ~n4 isGuaDc.. It 'the cwncU 40.. Mt adopt the 1le801utlon, ~. ho.p1~al could not. .p~ocee4 with the plannea., 1:ax-exeapt ~inanclnq. At iu Z'.9Ul~ ...et1ng on Cac81lhar.16, 1996, 1:he Calul.uni~ ancl Economic: ~evl.opmant (CED) committe. considered this aa1:1:er. and oancUZ'Z'aa. in ~e recommenl!&tJ.on at t.he CAO. Jl.espectfully submitt.ad, COJQCUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COIOCt'l"rZZ u' 12-16-9' at' MOTION ADOPT!!:) TO APPROVE r.~' AU An 0 ~T~ 0 . r-,.u.,rrt~E Reru I' I::N" t'~!.b DEe 1 ~ a96'\......IJNII~i I.... .:.:: " LOS ANGELES CiN COUNCil '1?rc..~~L. A:bJ~ ~ -- r ( '7 12/24/98 12:13 tt714 717 2020 OCC.24.1996 B:44FIM CITY OF LA CDD O'CONNOR&COIIPANY IjjJ 005/008 1'10.400 P.S16 . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL . OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES APPR.OVING THE ISSUANCE AND DaIVERY Of LEASE REVENUE BONDS BY nm SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED coMMl/NITlES FINANCING AUTHORITY TO BENEFIT GRANADA HILLS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL WHERSAS, tncemadonal Philanthropic Hospital Fouwfacion dba Granada Hills Community Hospital (the "Cocpocation"). a I1Onprofit public benefit corporation. bas requested that lbc San Bernardino Associated Communities Financing Authority ("SANBAC") to issue UX.elI'''''''1't ~ m'II1Yl1 bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000 (the "Bonds'') for the pucpo&e of rdlnancing existir1g debt and to PlIf the cost of acquisitiOD, constL'lICtion aM equippbla of Idditional facilities for a health facility known as Granada Hi11s Community Hospital located in The City of Los Angeles (the "City") which Is owned and opecaccd by the Cozporation (the "Facilitiesj; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 147(1) of the lAtemal Revenue Code of 1986. as amended (the "Codej the tinancing described above and the Issuanu of the Bonds by SANBAC must be approved by the City because the Facilities will be located within die tcmtoriallimits ofth. City. . WHEREAS, the City Council is the elected legisla%ive body of the City and is one of the applicable elected repre$enwives requlced to approve the fiAancina otthe Facilities and tbe issuance oitha Bonds under Section 147(1) of the Code; WHEREAS, SANBAC and the Cozporatlon have requested that the City Council approve the refinancing of existing debt and the financing of the FacUities and the issuance of the Bonds by SANBAC in order to satisfy the public: 'approval requirement of 147(1) of me Code; WHEREAS, pUlSWll1t to Section 147(f) of the Code, a duly authorized representative of the City Council bas. followini notice duly given, held a public hcarini teilltditls the refinancina of existina debc and the financlni ortbe Facilities and the issuance ofebe Bonds; and WHEREAS, .. summary of the bearing and other information c:oncemina the fmanc:ina oftb4 Facilines has been made available to the City CouncU md the City Council now desires to approve the refinancing or ~g debt and the financing oftha Facilities and the issuance of the Bonds; . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: . 1. The City Council bereby approves the financing described above and the issuance ofthc Bonds. It Is tb& pucpose md intenc of the City Council that this reso1utton constituteS approval of the refinancing or existing debt and the financin. of the Pacilities and tho issuance of the Bonds by SAmAC for the purposes ofSec:tion 147(1) oCthe Code by the applicable elected 'j 12/24/98 12:13 tt714 717 2020 DEC.24.19'36 e: 45AM CITY oF U'l CDD O'CONNOR&COIIPANY I;lr 008/008 NO.40lll 1"'. b/b . representive o!tbe sovenuntncal unit bavillgJurisdktion over the area in which the Facilities Bre and will be loclte-i,.ln ~e with said Section 141(f). 2. IoiIa ~Idcralion at commentt received at the publie Marina. tilt City Gounc:U hatch)' approves the islulZlCa ottbo SOllds by SANBAC and the oporatiOJ1 ot SANBAC within the City to provide ftnanc:lni for the rc&ancq. ICqUlsltion. eonstnlCtlon and cquipplnc ot the Facilities. 3. The oftkers of the City are hcreb)' authorizl:d md directl4,jointly m4 severally, to do any aDd all thiDgs IDd to execute aM deliver any an4 all documents which they deem necessary or advisable in order to cany out, give effect to and =mply with the tenDS and intent of this ResolUtfon and. ftP"ftcini uansaction approved hereby. 4. City approval pursuant to Sedion 147(1) of tho Code pursuant to this icsP1ution sball not constitute approval for other City rcauIatoty or other tl!quircments, such as building pcnnits. . S. Tb1s resolution shall talce effect immediately upon Its passaae. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /61/f da.y of ~199~ by the following vote: AYES: /1 . NOES:.b' ABSENT: ~ [SEAL] City Clerk of the City arLo. Anie1es "'1'."""" ...,.vdlltltltl-Jlltoynl/ll . "7 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED COMMUNITIES FINANCING AUTHORITY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino Associated Communities Financing Authority of the City of San Bernardino does hereby call and shall conduct a Special Meeting on Monday, January 13, 1997, at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, for the following purpose: 1. SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED COMMTTNTTIES FINANCING AUTHORITY To discuss and take possible action regarding the adoption of a resolution to establish the date and time to hold regular meetings; appoint a secretary and legal counsel to SANBAC; and adopt a Conflict of Interest Code; and To hold a public hearing to discuss and authorize the sale, issuance and delivery of not to exceed $20 million aggregate principal amount of Health Care Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds (Granada Hills Community Hospital Project) 1997 Series A Tax Exempt and 1997 Series B Taxable; and approving the forms and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Trust Indenture, an installment Purchase Agreement, a Security agreement, an Assigrunent of Rents and Leases, a Purchase Contract and certain certifications and other documents. Dated this 8th day of January 1997. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) 5S CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that notice of this Special Meeting was served by handing a copy of this notice to: EDDIE V. NEGRETE Councilman, First Ward FREDERICK J. CURLIN, M. D. Councilman, Second Ward RITA ARIAS Councilwoman, Tbird Ward DAVID OBERHELMAN Councilman, Fourth Ward JERRY DEVLIN Councilman, Fiftb Ward BETTY ANDERSON Councilwoman, Slxtb Ward NORlNE MILLER Councilwoman, Seventb Ward By: ~/;7 ;(/