HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-Development Services I' . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Development Services November 5, 2003 0 R \ G \ NA L Subject: Resolution terminating Assessment District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2 - Highland A venue and Arden A venue area Security and Maintenance Assessment District. File No. 14.40-61 MCC Date: 12-01-2003 From: JAMES FUNK, Director Date: Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 08-21-1989 - Resolution No. 89-323 was adopted, forming Assessment District No. 990 in the Highland A venue and Arden Avenue area, generally between Highland A venue and 20th Street and Guthrie Street and Arden A venue, for security services, street lighting and street sweeping. 12-21-1992 - Resolution No. 92-472 was adopted, establishing Assessment District No. 990 Zone I for the existing District and Zone 2 for the expanded area to include the area south of 20th Street, between Sterling A venue and McKinley Street, for security and street lighting. 06-27-1994 - Resolution No. 94-173 was approved, suspending security services within Assessment District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2 Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution -h,~ Contact person: LASZLO "Les" FOGASSY Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Maps, ResolutIOn FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Phone: 5026 Ward: 7 Source: (Acct. No.) N/A (Acct. Description) N/A Finance: Council Notes: p-~-6I-2("Y'l~ 3% Agenda Item No. aD IAj 15 /~3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolution terminating Assessment District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2 - Highland Avenue and Arden A venue area Security and Maintenance Assessment District. BACKGROUND: Assessment District No.990 was formed in 1989 for the purpose of funding security, street lighting and street sweeping services for the Highland A venue and Arden A venue area multi- family complex generally located between Highland Avenue and the alley south of 20th Street, and Guthrie Street and Arden A venue and for funding street lighting energy costs and street sweeping within the District. In 1992, the boundaries of the District were amended to include the area generally between the alley south of 20th Street, the alley south of Sunrise Lane, and Sterling Avenue and McKinkley Street. By 1994, the Economic Development Agency had acquired a substantial number of parcels within the District and assumed security services for the area, and security services for the District were suspended in Resolution No. 94-173, adopted June 27, 1994. Street lighting and street sweeping were then being provided by City-wide Assessment District No. 994. Thus, no services have been provided by the District since that time. The San Bernardino City Unified School District is in the process of acquiring some of the Agency owned parcels for the expansion of Emmerton School. Since the Assessment District has been inactive so long, the School District and the Agency have requested a formal termination of the District to clear up title issues. Approval of the attached resolution will terminate the District. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. No Scale 5th 51. Mill St. .. . . o Location of Assessment District No. 990 Zone 1 and Zone 2 VICINITY MAP CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REAL PROPERTY SECTION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 990, ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2 - HIGHLAND AVENUE AND ARDEN AVENUE AREA SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ~ indicates un-incorporated areas ~ within City's Sphere of Influence Created by: L. Foqo??y Date: 11/0'5/2005 '. @ en d z a.. <( ~ c >- ~ a:: Ii: <( i'" C !!:! C Z ~- ::J a:" LaJCO~~ CD !I v ffi 01 ~ ~ l!;~ <( U a: _ ;1 a:: ,. a: ~ 5* en i5 ~ LaJ ~ en en LaJ en en <( I '" 100"" I . ,.. ~oJ.II't'QJllna . ~ L . ~ f J,]]II.LS I . .L]'N111'" .LS 1<1.' I ... SWO:lM3N '? 1~ w ~ ~ ~ 2 '" J7' Z '. J.//f'ONf'IOg lll.u.n!l ~ . . z c '" , ~ ^ . il . i . l ~" 'J.IM' ~ '-lnM)^'t' 1.2 -2- '1Z- , I ~ . ~ '? . . . z , . ,,, l'.L!lllY a~II_. ...., - - .=-- .~ ~..,~",. <' 0", ~~ a::~ <! z'" a::- wml al~ z ~ .... v ii: l- e ;g ilj ~ ! l.&. ~ ~ o ~ I i i c C Q ,. ::i !:: i ~ u..... o~ ~ >-~ I-lt - '" Uo ~ ~ '::: 0 ,. . ':~ ~ ........ Iii ~i ~ Cl "'", .. ~ i it 5 ~ 1 ~! ; S ! fi ! ! ~ ....:: o ;~ i _I ~ u-" 'i c t "';';.5"0 4 !i!~~_1 I: I . II I: I ~~;,; . , . .' I . z . ~~:: !ii ;.~ i:i ... ~ = ~ ~::II ~ :;;! ~ ... is...,,, e e _. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTIOtO ~y RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TERMINATING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 990 ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2, HIGHLAND A VENUE AND ARDEN AVENUE AREA SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, AND RELEASING OF LIENS. WHEREAS, by Resolution No 89-323, the Mayor and Common Council found that the public interest, convenience. and necessity required the formation of a Security and Maintenance Assessment District in the Highland A venue and Arden A venue area; and WHEREAS, by said Resolution No. 89-323, the Mayor and Common Council formed an assessment district known as Assessment District No. 990 for security services, street sweeping and street lighting maintenance and energy costs within the boundaries of Assessment District No. 990, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.90 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 89-216, the Mayor and Common Council declared that all the land included within the boundaries of said District benefited by said security and maintenance; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 89-216 declared that an annual assessment shall be levied on all land within the District to provide reimbursement to the City of San Bernardino for said security and maintenance; and WHEREAS, a "Notice of Assessment" was filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County establishing a lien on all parcels located within the boundaries of Assessment District No. 990 as shown on the Diagram of said District; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 92-472, the Mayor and Common Council found that the public interest, convenience, and necessity required the expansion of boundaries of said Assessment District No. 990 for security services and street lighting; and WHEREAS, by said Resolution No. 92-472, the Mayor and Common Council I J'24/03 '17 o. 2q A ( :L11"L)/O....1 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 e RESOLUTION TERMINATING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 990 ZONE I AND ZONE 2 (HIGHLAND AVENUE AND ARDEN AVENUE AREA SECURITY A:\D ~lAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) AND RELEASING OF LIENS amended the boundaries of said Assessment District No. 990 and established Zone I as the existing District and Zone 2 as the expanded area of said District, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.90 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 92-422, the Mayor and Common Council declared that all the land included within the boundaries of said Zone 2 benefited by said security and maintenance; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 92-422 declared that an annual assessment shall be levied on all land within said Zone 2 to provide reimbursement to the City of San Bernardino for 13 said security and maintenance; and WHEREAS, a "Notice of Amended Assessment Diagram" was filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County establishing a lien on all parcels located within the boundaries of Assessment District No. 990 Zone 1 and Zone 2 as shown on the Diagram of said District. WHEREAS, funding of said security services and maintenance are no longer required by Assessment District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the Mayor and Common Council hereby find and determine that the public interest, convenience, and necessity no longer require the existence and continuance of Assessment District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2. SECTION 1. That the Mayor and Common Council do hereby terminate Assessment 27 28 District No. 990 Zone I and Zone 2 and hereby release all liens affected by said Assessment 11/24103 2 e e 1 RESOLUTION TERMINATING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 990 ZONE I AND ZONE 2 (HIGHLAND A VENUE AND ARDEN A VENUE AREA SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) 2 AND RELEASING OF L1EJ\S. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 District against the parcels of land lying within the boundaries of said Assessment District, as shown on Assessment District Diagram )\io. 990. recorded on November 22, 1989 in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County as Document No. 89-442713, Book 56 of Assessment Maps, Page 88, and Notice of Assessment recorded November 22, 1989 as Document No. 89-442714, Official Records of said County Recorder and as shown on Amended District Diagram No. 990, recorded on December 22, 1992 in the office of said County Recorder as Document No. 92-526056, Book 66 of Assessment Maps, Page 70-72 inclusive, and Notice of Amended Assessment Diagram recorded December 22, 1992 as Document Number 92- 526055, Official Records of said County, except for unpaid assessments levied prior to the date of adoption of this Resolution. which shall be subject to collections, including interest and penalties, as set forth in Chapter 12.90 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code and shall remain as a lien until paid. A full listing of the parcels affected by Assessment District No. 990 Zone 1 arc shown on Exhibit "A". and Zone 2 on Exhibit "B", both attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3, That the City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 1]'24/03 3 . 1 2 RESOLUTION TERMINATING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 990 ZONE I AND ZONE 2 (HIGHLAND A VENUE AND ARDEN A VENUE AREA SECURITY AND MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) AND RELEASING OF LIENS. 3 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor . e 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a thereof held on the vote. to-wit: Council Members: A YES ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK day of meeting NAYS ABSTAIN , 20_, by the following ABSENT City Clerk The foregoing resolution IS hereby approved this _ day of 20 Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: ~..,_ 7-. ! <?u........... U 11/24/03 JUDITH V ALLES, Mayor City of San Bernardino 4 Assessment District No. 990 Zone 1 Listing of Assessor's Parcel Number and Owner Names . Assessor's Parcel Number 1191-021-01-0000 1191-021-02-0000 1191-021-03-0000 1191-021-04-0000 1191-021-05-0000 1191-021-06-0000 1191-021-07-0000 1191-021-08-0000 1191-021-09-0000 1191-021-10-0000 1191-021-11-0000 1191-021-12-0000 1191-021-13-0000 1191-021-14-0000 1191-021-15-0000 1191-021-16-0000 1191-021-17-0000 1191-021-18-0000 1191-021-19-0000 1191-021-20-0000 1191-021-21-0000 1191-021-22-0000 1191-021-23-0000 1191-021-24-0000 1191-021-25-0000 1191-021-26-0000 1191-021-27-0000 1191-021-28-0000 1191-021-29-0000 1191-021-30-0000 1191-021-31-0000 1191-021-32-0000 1191-021-33-0000 1191-021-34-0000 1191-021-35-0000 . . Owner JOHN E & BEATRICE VAN DORN AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD l. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P. STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST AUTUMNWOOD l P STEADFAST CLAYTON J. & VIRGINIA R. KAUTZMAN CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY THOMAS E. & CRYSTAL L. WilLIAMS CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY l YMAN JANET l FAMilY TRUST lYDIA MAYERS THOMAS E. & CRYSTAL L. WilLIAMS CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & CITY SAN BONO CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY SilVERIO & VIRGINIA T. DE VIZCAINO DION & TINA GRAHAM lATOYA A. GLASS DOUG MCCOWAN CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA CITY OF SAN BONO REDEV AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT AGCY OF CITY/SAN BE REDEVELOPMENT AGCY OF CITY/SAN BE EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 ~r3 e Assessor's Parcel Number 1191-021-36-0000 1191-021-37-0000 1191-021-38-0000 1191-021-39-0000 1191-021-40-0000 1191-021-41-0000 1191-021-42-0000 1191-021-43-0000 1191-021-44-0000 1191-021-45-0000 1191-021-46-0000 1191-021-47-0000 1191-021-48-0000 1191-021-49-0000 1191-021-50-0000 1191-021-51-0000 1191-021-52-0000 1191-021-53-0000 1191-021-54-0000 1191-021-55-0000 1191-021-56-0000 1191-021-57-0000 1191-021-58-0000 1191-021-59-0000 1191-021-60-0000 1191-021-61-0000 1191-021-62-0000 1191-021-63-0000 1191-021-64-0000 1191-021-65-0000 1191-021-66-0000 1191-021-67-0000 1191-021-68-0000 1191-021-69-0000 1191-041-05-0000 1191-041-06-0000 1191-041-07-0000 1191-041-08-0000 e e Owner CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA LARRY & ANDREA ESTRADA SALVADOR & ARACELI GARCIA QUANG PHUOC LUU LOU CANNON CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY LEE & WENDY HIGHTOWER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF DOUGLAS D. & VALERIE A. MC COWAN FRAZEE COMMUNITY CENTER HLM GROUP LLC PETRI AHONEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBRDNO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CITY SB CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY ELVIRA SUAREZ KENNETH H. DOLL CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA STEVEN G. & JUDY J. WHETSEL CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORP JUDISH J. WILLIAMS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA VICTORIA C AMPADU VICTORIA C AMPADU ANTOINETTE MCCOWEN CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA SAN BERNARDINO CITY REDEVELOPMENT AG SAN BERNARDINO CITY REDEVELOPMENT AG REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBRDNO SAN BERNARDINO SCHS FINANCING CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA REDEVELOPMENT AGCY OF CTY SANBONO EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 0[3 Assessor's Parcel Number Owner 1191-041-09-0000 AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT . 1191-041-10-0000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA 1191-041-11-0000 NANCY L. MALOY 1191-041-12-0000 OSCAR A & GLADYS H. SANDOVAL 1191-041-13-0000 MIGUEL & DAVID DIAZ 1191-041-14-0000 SAN BERNARDINO SCHS FINANCING 1191-041-15-0000 AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST 1191-041-16-0000 AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST 1191-041-17-0000 CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY 1191-041-18-0000 CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY 1191-041-19-0000 ROBIN D. & MOIRA N. FISHER 1191-041-20-0000 CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY 1191-041-21-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF 1191-041-22-0000 ARMANDO CASTELLANOS 1191-041-25-0000 TRI-CITY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 1191-041-26-0000 TRI-CITY FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 1191-041-27-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBRDNO 1191-041-28-0000 MICHAEL J. MCCARTHY . 1191-041-29-0000 CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY 1191-041-30-0000 CITY OF SAN BDNO REDEV AGENCY 1191-041-31-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CITY OF SB 1191-041-32-0000 MIGUEL FLORES 1191-041-33-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF 1191-041-34-0000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA 1191-041-35-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY & CITY SAN BDNO 1191-041-36-0000 SAN BERNARDINO SCHS FINANCING 1191-041-37-0000 SAN BERNARDINO SCHS FINANCING 1191-041-38-0000 SAN BERNARDINO SCHS FINANCING 1191-041-39-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBRDNO 1191-041-40-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF 1191-041-41-0000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CITY OF SB e EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of3 Assessment District No. 990 Zone 2 Listing of Assessor's Parcel Number and Owner Names e Assessor's Parcel Number 1191-031-01-0000 1191-031-02-0000 1191-031-03-0000 1191-031-03-0000 1191-031-03-0000 1191-031-04-0000 1191-031-05-0000 1191-031-06-0000 1191-031-07 -0000 1191-031-08-0000 1191-031-09-0000 1191-031-10-0000 1191-031-11-0000 1191-031-12-0000 1191-031-13-0000 1191-031-13-0000 1191-031-14-0000 1191-031-15-0000 1191-031-16-0000 1191-031-17-0000 1191-031-18-0000 1191-031-19-0000 1191-031-20-0000 1191-031-21-0000 1191-031-22-0000 1191-031-23-0000 1191-031-24-0000 1191-031-25-0000 1191-031-26-0000 1191-031-27-0000 1191-031-28-0000 1191-031-29-0000 1191-031-30-0000 1191-031-31-0000 1191-031-32-0000 1191-031-33-0000 1191-031-34-0000 1191-031-35-0000 1191-041-03-0000 1191-041-04-0000 1191-041-23-0000 1191-041-24-0000 e e Owner MICHAEL P SHEPPARD AUTUMNWOOD L. P STEADFAST RIXON KIEN FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK SECRETARY OF HUD MARIA V. HALLSTROM WAYNE ACKLEY PATRICIO ROJAS WILLIAM THORNTON THOMAS HUFFMIRE SCOTT CHRISTIANSEN SEFFIA A. INGRAM BULMARO & LUCRECIO CAMARGO JAMES A. & GRACE L1BERIO OMAIMA DARKAZALLI VICTORIA H. LE JORGE ROJAS JUAN M. FLORES LI LI L1U NANCY L. MALOY JON S DILLE KAI TI I. TR & XIA L. L1U NANCY L. MALOY GLOBEL REAL ESTATE SERVICES WILLIAM H. KRAUS ARTURO V. OLIVERA TIEN D. HUYNH PEPER E. OBERG RICHARD AGUIRRE BETTY J. GARCIA BETTY J. GARCIA JAMES L. JONES JENNIFER WANG NANCY PINEDO WILLIAM F. LEASON PAUL CHIAVATTI RICHARD CHEUNG HERBERT CENTENO SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI BLUM FAMILY TRUST 08/16/78 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBDNO EXHIBIT "8" Page lof3 Assessor's Parcel.'Vumber Owner e 1191-051-34-0000 1191-051-35-0000 1191-051-36-0000 1191-051-37-0000 1191-051-38-0000 1191-051-39-0000 1191-051-40-0000 1191-051-41-0000 1191-051-42-0000 1191-051-43-0000 1191-051-44-0000 1191-051-45-0000 1191-051-46-0000 1191-051-47-0000 1191-051-48-0000 1191-051-49-0000 1191-051-50-0000 1191-051-51-0000 1191-051-52-0000 1191-051-53-0000 1191-051-54-0000 1191-051-55-0000 1191-051-56-0000 1191-051-57-0000 1191-051-58-0000 1191-051-59-0000 1191-051-60-0000 1191-051-61-0000 1191-051-62-0000 1191-051-63-0000 1191-051-64-0000 1191-051-65-0000 1191-051-66-0000 1191-051-67-0000 1191-051-68-0000 1191-061-35-0000 1191-061-36-0000 1191-061-37-0000 1191-061-38-0000 1191-061-39-0000 1191-061-40-0000 1191-061-41-0000 1191-061-42-0000 1191-061-43-0000 1191-061-44-0000 1191-061-45-0000 PAUL CHIAVATTI ALFRED W & lUPE ARELLANO PAUL CHIAVATTI JOHN & JUDITH POTVIN WilLIAM THORNTON WilLIAM KRAUS PAUL CHIAVATTI DONALD E. ROSE WARD lAND CORP MICHAEL K lEE PAUL CHIAVATTI GUTHRIE-SUNRISE ARDEN BRUFFYS INC EMPLOYMENT NABll ABOURICHE KAPUI YIP WALTER E. WOODS JI Y PYO THOMAS E. & CRYSTAL L. WilLIAMS DAVID FIELDS MAURICE DE YAMPERT LINDA ALANIZ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EDA DONALD ROSE HUGO E. TORRES THOMAS E. & CRYSTAL l WilLIAMS JOSE J. & lETICIA RIOS RAUL C. & EUNICE V. BACA RAUL C & EUNICE V. BACA DONALD & STEFANIE CEASE VEOTIS GLASGOW REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY SANBDNO LOWELL SUE RIGOBERTO & ROSA MENDOZA ZORKA L1POVIC JAMES A. & GRACE L1BERIO FRANCISCO & lUZ SILVA JI Y. PYO ARNOlDO MORALES KYUNG S CHUNG JEFF JOHNSTON NANCY L. MALOY MOHINDER & AM RAT SARAI PAUL M. COHEN WESTSTATES ENTS INC 2TES FAMilY TRUST 2TES FAMilY TRUST e e EXHIBIT "B" Page 2 of3 . Assessor's Parcel Number 1191-061-46-0000 1191-061-47-0000 1191-061-48-0000 1191-061-49-0000 1191-061-50-0000 1191-061-51-0000 1191-061-52-0000 Owner HELEN L. DANTON SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOLS FINANCI ., e e e EXHIBIT "8" Page} af 3 . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): Vote: Ayes 1-'1 \2- -\s-03 Item # '20 Resolution # Abstain k::J Nays ..g.- Change to motion to amend original documents: '2-()()3 - 34 Co AbsentE:r Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: .- Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: \'2-- \'\-03 Date of Mayor's Signature: /7..- -1'':'-03 Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: I L --[ ".03 Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: <... 60 Day Kemmner Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: ::see A~14....1u",d. See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Code Compliance NulVVoid After: By: S. 0\i!l\67- Reso. Log Updated: / Seal Impressed: .- Date Returned: ~ Yes / No By_ Yes No ,/ By Yes No-.L By Yes No / By Yes No / Parks & Rec. Police Water Dev. Services ,/" EDA Others: Public Services Notes: Finance MIS BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01112/01