HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director File: 7.37-7347 Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. One to contract with Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc. for the Road Closure at '"\ n \ G\ N A L 44th Street at Waterman Avenue, per Plan .. ;. No. 10516. Dept: Development Services Date: December 8, 2003 MCC Date: December 15, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 07/15/02 Allocation of $50,000 in the 2002/03 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Road Closure of 44th Street at Waterman Avenue. CDBG funds. EDA tracking no. 02-8069060 (Account No.001-181-5952-7347). 10/21/02 Adopted Resolution No. 2002-335 awarding a contract to Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc., for the road closure of 44th Street at Waterman Avenue, per Plan No. 10516. Recommended Motion: That the Mayor and Common Council authorize the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. One in the amount of $12,864.71 to contract with Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc. for the Road Closure at 44th Street at Waterman Avenue, per Plan No. 10516. ~m!:+ Contact person: Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer Phone: <;179 Supporting data attached: Staff Report and CCO #1 Ward: 4 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $12,864.71 Source: (Acc!. No.) CDBG Activity No. 02-8069060 ($55,000) 129-367-5504-7156 "Street and Safety Improvements Citywide"(Staff time only) Acct. Description: Road Closure for 44th Street at Waterman Avenue. Finance: )YIY~ Council Notes: JJ-,!IS/03 Agenda Item No. J 5 L_______ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. One to contract with Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc. for the Road Closure at 44th Street at Waterman Avenue, per Plan No. 10516.. Background: On October 21, 2002, the Mayor and Common Council awarded a contract in the amount of $41,339.00 to Holland Lowe construction, Inc. for the closure of 44th Street just west of Waterman Avenue. The project consists of the removal of asphalt concrete paving, concrete curb & gutter, guardrail, relocation of water meters, grading, installation of new asphalt concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, guard railing, and striping. After award of contract it was noted that Waterman Avenue north of State Route 210 (formerly SR-30) is under the jurisdiction of Caltrans and therefore would require an encroachment permit from Caltrans prior to start of any work in Waterman Avenue. Staff immediately submitted an application for the encroachment permit and was advised by Caltrans that additional studies and a detour plan would be required prior to issuance of the permit. One of the additional studies required that a City survey crew obtain additional survey information in Waterman Avenue. It was necessary for the survey crew to obtain a separate permit from Caltrans prior to performing the work in Waterman Avenue. After considerable additional cost and effort, staff received the Caltrans encroachment permit on September 23, 2003. A copy of the permit was immediately provided to Holland Lowe Construction, Inc. for review as to it's effect on the cost of construction. On October 28, 2003, Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc. requested the attached change order as compensation for the additional work required to comply with the requirements of the permit. See the attached copy of Contract Change Order No. One for details. The estimated revised contract cost is as follows: Original contract amount Contract Change Order No. One Revised Construction Contract Cost $ 41,339.00 $ 12,864.71 $ 54,203.71 Financial Impact: Funding in the amount of $50,000 for this project was allocated in the FY 2002/03 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget under CDBG Activity No. 02-8069060. Payments to the contractor are submitted to the Economic Development Agency (EDA) for payment from the above activity. The total cost of this project, including CCO #1, is $54,203.71 leaving a shortfall 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (Continued) of approximately $5,000. EOA staff has indicated that this amount can be made up from available FY 2002/03 COBG funds, however, no more COBG funding beyond that amount is available for this project. Staff time associated with administration and inspection of the contract will be charged to Account No. 129-367-5504-7156 "Street and Safety Improvements- Citywide" . Recommendation: That the Mayor and Common Council authorize the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. One in the amount of $12,864.71 to contract with Holland-Lowe Construction, Inc. for the Road Closure at 44th Street at Waterman Avenue, per Plan No. 10516. 3 Development Services Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001 Planning and Building 909.384.5057 Fax 909.384.5080 Public Works/Engineering 909.384.5111 Fax: 909.384.5115 www.ci.san-bemardino.ca.us CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. ONE FILE NO. 7.37-7347 W.O. NO. 7347 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2003 PROJECT: ROAD CLOSURE FOR 44TH STREET AT W ATERMAN AVENUE E.D.A. NO. 02-8069060 TO: HOLAND-LOWE CONSTRUCTION, INC. A TTN: DALE A. LOWE, PRESIDENT 427 S. PERSHING AVENUE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-1320 DEAR MR. LOWE: You are hereby notified of changes adding the following items to your contract due to escalations and plan/permit changes: FINAL ITEM OTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES UNIT PRICE Q!SI Remove additional AC, sidewalk and 1-1 I LS guardrail not shown on plans to be $ 1,833.21 $ 1,833.21 removed. Replacement will be at existing unit prices. 1-2 1 LS Relocate one water meter which has not $ 1,118.00 $ 1,118.00 bid item 1-3 I LS Adjust manhole not shown on plans to $ 575.00 $ 575.00 grade 1-4 1 LS Caltrans permit. WPCP requirements $ 3,243.00 $ 3,243.00 and lZenerallabor increases. 1-5 I LS Change in unit price for curb and gutter. $ 717.50 $ 717.50 Add $1.75 oer L.F. x 410 Change in unit price of Item 4 - 8" AC 1-6 1 LS over 12" AB. Quantity reduced from $ 2,472.00 $ 2,472.00 480 SF to 120 SF. Add $20.60 oer SF. 1-7 I LS Add Item II - Thermoplastic Striping. $ 2,906.00 $ 2,906.00 TOTAL AMOUNT CCO #1 $ 12,864.71 CHANGE ORDER NO. ONE ROAD CLOSURE FOR 44TH STREET AT WATERMAN AVENUE E.D.A. NO. 02-8069060 DECEMBER 15, 2003 PAGE20F2 JUSTIFICATION: 1-1 AC, sidewalk and guardrail not shown on plans had to be removed and replaced to properly construct the new work. Replacement will be at existing unit prices. 1-2 A water meter which was not shown on plans will require relocation on an extra work basis. 1-3 Adjust manhole not shown on plans to grade 1-4 Caltrans permit. WPCP requirements and general labor increases. 1-5 Change in unit price for curb and gutter. Add $1.75 per LF x 410 1-6 Change in unit price of Item 4 - 8" AC over 12" AB. Quantity reduced from 480 SF to 120 SF. Add $20.60 per SF. 1-7 To expedite the project, it was determined to place the project out to bid concurrently with the California Department of Transportation review process. The review process was more extensive and time consuming than anticipated, which delayed the project for 11 months. The plans and specifications were revised to accommodate the Caltrans comments, which resulted in increased cost for the project in the areas of labor, material and additional construction items. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT COSTS The estimated revised contract cost is as follows: Original contract amount Contract Change Order No. One Revised Construction Contract Cost $ 41,339.00 $ 12,864.71 $ 54,203.71 The cost of this change order represents an increase of 31 % of the contract amount. HOLLAND-LOWE CONSTRUCTION, INC. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTRACTOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Accepted Approved By: By: Title: James Funk Director of Development Services Date: Date: Approved by Mayor and Common Council Item No. Date: December 15, 2003 'I~' li( I ,i,I'cLI!",i,!II,I(,) ]-,:.~(iIS\V~~\\:'lII;Hl,-L', 13:35 9098895370 HOLLAND LOWE CONST PAGE 02/02 J{o{Cantf-Lowc Construction, Inc. 42T8. PetWrirlgA_ SllnBemllnlino, CA 92401J.1SZO m.. {909} fI8I 5lJOO FIfIt (fNI9) 889-561f1 ~17tKH161 lot28lO3 CIty ofSanBc!manlillP 300 North "!Y' StnlIIt San BtmIIdino, CA92A 18 ~. Mr. MicbId WoIft: CGIlIInIctionEngillller Be: SIreet~ for 44* Street at Walmnan fJ.L Job Number I087C Deer Mr. WaIft; AsI\lqllCOt.ed, the ~ priges lie me 1""'1....... 8Ild plaal peunil c:h;qes: 1) IlcmoYC odditioD81 AC, sidewolk lIlId guordl'li1l1Ot abawn to be nIIIPWll $1,833.21. R~ will be lit ~ unit prices. 2) ReIooate onewalerJlH:k:r, whidJ _1Ill bid item, is $1,118.00. J) AcIjuIt manhole $575.00. 4) Adjustthe_~ NodJuge S) CaIInnB pamit. WPCP ~ lIIld ll'D'Oi labor irIaeases. $3,243.00 6) 0Iqe in uoit price for CllIt> aod auu<<. Add $1. 7S per L.F.-;;r '" /G> 7) CIIIqje in unit price ofJuln 4 - 8" AC OYer 12" AB. Quami1y redooed ftcm 480 S.F. to 120 S.F. Add $2O.liO 1'<< S.P. S ::/', 72.. C<.> Item 11 - 'Ibamopllstic SttipilIg $2,906.00. I / y - " I , ~ "" " (:A / ; / ~. 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