HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: JAMES FUNK, Dirt (Q) Subject: Public Meeting - 4:00 p.m.- o vington Avenue and Olive Avenue area Dept: Development Servic 0 f ~:mdscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1031 (Tract No. 15407). Date: October 29. 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: File No. 14.40-122 MCC Date: 11-17-2003 03-17-2003 - Tract No. 15407 was approved, with conditions. 08-04-2003 - Authorization was given to proceed with the formation of Irvington Avenue and Olive A venue area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1031 10-06-2003 -'- Resolution of Intention No. 2003-267 was adopted. Recommended Motion: That the Public Meeting relative to the formation of the Irvington Avenue and Olive Avenue area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 103 I be closed, and that protests and ballots, if any, be carried over to the Public Hearing on December I. 2003, at 4:00 p.m. Va!Wv V'R:::s r:: 1F- Contact person: LASZLO "Les" FOGASSY 5026 Phone: Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Maps, . ResolutIOn FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $4,000 (Processing fees to be paid by applicant) Ward: 5 Source: (Accl. No.) 254-000-2301-6019 (Accl. Description) Assessment District Deposits Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. d-C~ 11/17/03 .. . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolution ofIntention m Irvington Avenue and Olive Avenue area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1031 (Tract No. 15407). BACKGROUND: On March 17,2003, Tract No. 15407, located on the south side of Irving ton Avenue, east of Olive Avenue was approved. The developers of the tract, GFR Enterprises, Inc. and Century- Crowell Communities, submitted a petition for the formation of a landscape maintenance assessment district, as one of the conditions of approval. The formation of the district will assign the costs of maintaining the landscaping to the owners of the properties most benefiting from the landscape area. The area to be maintained by the district is designated as Lot "A" on the tract map, and is also shown on the attached plat. The developers have paid the required $4,000 formation fee. Tract No. 15407 consists of 107 single family lots. The annual cost of maintenance and incidentals will be spread across these 107 lots. Part of the formation proceedings includes the preparation of an Engineer's Report, which will detail the costs necessary to carry out the ongoing maintenance of landscaping and will be presented with the Resolution of Intention at a future meeting. The area to be maintained by the district (Lot "A") consists primarily of open space area. Lot "B" will be developed as a neighborhood park and will be maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department. The maintenance costs for Lot "B" will not be assessed to the property owners. The total annual cost of maintenance is estimated to be $33.092.96. which will be spread across the 107 lots for an annual assessment of $309 per lot. The attached Resolution of Intention preliminarily approves the Engineer's Report, which contains the details regarding the particulars of the proposed district. The Resolution also sets a public meeting date of November 17, 2003. and a public hearing date of December I, 2003. Approval of this district will be subject to an assessment ballot process, which requires a majority approval by the property owners within the proposed district boundary. Since the majority of the properties are currently under one ownership, no majority protests are anticipated. The Engineer's Report. which gives details regarding the district boundaries, proposed maintenance, method of assessment, total cost of maintenance and a proposed assessment roll is on file in the office of the City Clerk. and was preliminarily approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 2003-267 on October 6. 2003. The resolution set a public meeting date of November 17,2003 and a public hearing date of December 1.2003. All property owners were given a mailed notice of the meeting and hearing, along with an Assessment Ballot as required by proposition 218 and the Resolution oflntention was published in the Sun newspaper, as required by law. Presently, the lots are owned by the developer and none of the properties have closed escrow. In the event any properties are sold and escrow is closed prior to the public hearing. a notice of the hearing - Staff Report - continued will be sent to the new owner(s). The developers have returned all ballots indicating support of the assessment district. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: None. Applicant has paid the $4,000 processing fee and all subsequent work carried out in the district will be assessed back to property owners. RECOMMENDA nON: Staffrecommends that the public meeting be closed and that any protests or ballots submitted be carried forward to the public hearing on December 1,2003. ,. - ASSESSMENT BOUNDARY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1031 IRVINGTON AND OLIVE AREA LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO J II ['-;- ~. i~' II i i I ~ i 0 I : : i j , ~ n 37 I ~ ~~ ;)ll ~ " o L...i... -;;- ~ 52 1~--=-!S3 'I~'-I " -.:.. ' i.-....::.! . i I . I " ! . . BREf'lOA-ORIVE 31 i i 300 I ~1 ~ i .. 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