HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-Public Services .- , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Lynn Merrill, Public Services Director Xavier Leon, Street Superintendent >-.' {j~ December 1, 2003 V FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Requested Back Up Agenda Item Information Consent Calendar numbers 23, 24, 25, and 26. Attached is a summary of the information requested by Councilwoman Esther Estrada regarding price quotes and back up information for Agenda Items Consent Calendar numbers 23, 24, 25, and 26. These items are for vendors; Precision Cold Planning; Matich Corporation; Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division; Guzman Construction. Matich Corporation was the lowest bidder for the rental of paving equipment. The daily rental rate quote for a self-propelled industrial paving machine was $2,980.00. The other vendors contacted included International Paving Solutions, San Bernardino, California; Laird Construction Company of Rancho Cucamonga, California; All American Asphalt Company of Corona California; Ayala and Sons of San Bernardino California; Vulcan Materials of San Bernardino, California; Sequel Contractors of Downey California. The San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce was also contacted. The Matich Corporation and Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat are the only two asphalt manufacturers located within the City of San Bernardino. They are both considered a selected source for this service and each vendor is used according to availability of specified pavement materials. All American Asphalt of Corona, California, but price and cartage fee exceeded Matich and Vulcan price bid. /:1/1/03 ::II Is ,)3/ J~ :2~ .2 h .- .' Precision Cold Planning was the lowest bidder for the milling and grinding operations. The daily rental rate quote of $3,000.00 per daywas th,,~ lowest bid. Other vendors who bid on this operation were, Pavement Recycling Systems of Riverside, California, and All American Asphalt of Corona, California. Guzman Construction Company was the low bidder for the concrete maintenance and repair component. The Public Services Department is increasing the annual purchase order effective until June 30, 2004. The information above details lowest bid and/or selected source dat~ and information. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: ," Resolution authorizing the execution of the second option year of the contract between I the City of San Bernardino and Guzman Construction Co., for repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways at various locations throughout the City of San Bernardino Background: On December 22, 2001, a formal bid process was initiated by Public Services to solicit bids for repairs of damaged curbs, driveways, gutters, and sidewalks at various locations (see attachment 1). Notices inviting bids for Bid Specification F-02-39 Concrete Repair of Sidewalks - Various Locations in the City of San Bernardino, were sent out in which five bidders responded resulting in an award to Guzman Construction Co. as the lowest and best bidder. The pricing for this bid was provided on a per unit basis, with an estimated quantity and will remain the same this fiscal year. Also, as part of the bid specification, the City reserved the right to exercise two additional single year options to extend the contract with Guzman Construction Co. The option years would only be exercised subject to funding levels approved by the Mayor and Common Council as part of the Public Services Department budget for each fiscal year. 1 , .,,", ;<.Y On April 1, 2002, Resolution 2002-96 was approved by the Council authorizing the Purchasing Manager to issue a purchase order to Guzman Construction Co. in the amount of $96,812.70. On September 23,2002 the Mayor and Council approved Resolution 2002-305, exercising the first option year of the contract, extending the contract from July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. The Public Services Department has been very satisfied with the performance of this vendor and is requesting the authorization to exercise the second option year, extending the Contract between the City and Guzman Construction Co. effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Upon approval of this request, repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways will be performed at various locations throughout the City: Financial Impact: Funds for these repairs are included in the FY 2003/2004 Street Division Budget, Account No. 001-406-5505 Other Professional Services in the amount of $100,000. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-259 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE SECOND OPTION YEAR OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AN.O GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION CO., FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, AND DRIVEWAYS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Guzman Construction Co. provides services for concrete repairs in various locations throughout the City of San Bernardino as a result of Bid Specification F-02-39 Concrete Repair of Sidewalks - Various Locations; pursuant to this determination the Purchasing Manager is hereby authorized to issue a Purchase Order to Guzman Construction Co. in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for the second option year, extending the Contract from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. SECTION 2. The Purchase Order shall incorporate by. reference this Resolution No. 2003- 259 , Bid Specification F-02-39, and shall also include the following language: Purchase. Order for Second Option Year, extending the contract to Guzman Construction Co. for repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways at various locations throughout the City. SECTION 3. The authorization to execute the above referenced Purchase Order is rescinded if it is not issued within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 August20,2003 /) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .Ii 2003-259 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE SECOND OPTION YEAR OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION CO., FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, AND DRIVEWAYS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THI;! CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a j t. regular meeting thereof, held on the 15th day of , 2093, by the September following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA x LONGVILLE x MCGINNIS x DERRY x SUAREZ x ANDERSON x MCCAMMACK x The foregoing resolution September , 2003. R/;wfu!:Jf . L~ wut; . b ~Rci~~d:~~ity ~r;ek . iS~erebY approved this G.j'1n' P~y of /l . Y:..U (i.?<- J i Valles, Mayor i~ of San Bernardino I Approved as to Form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: ~ 9.~ AU9U{). 2003 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OFrICL 01 Till i'L I\C~L\SI\:C Dl\'lSION }(I(I ,-, 'r)" ST. SA\: BER\:ARlJl'-C1. ~\L1FORNIA 92~lH c PURCHASE ORDE iNo. I ; ORDEj~ 'DATE ~ REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE DELl VERY IOCATIO\J: lEND OR II)!\O ]UDlro..,lllo,1 ]{IQLISIIIOI'\!]{ I IIH.\lS III \\1..:1 I ORIJlRI\PIl\(S lOB INFOR\1ATIOI\: ClMMENTS, LX fI 'DID A\10L'\ I .1 r.rJJ:, !}C _'C:i . -,;+*~***~+~~~*~ ij,,,, i-SJ, ~ .- ",,;.1 rL RCH..\SI~C Ofncl.\1 SUBJECT TO TEi\i\lS (.~ CC1;'WITIONS STATED ON REVERSE 30 CCS ~O Purchase.O~d~rs 16 Sep 2003 +--------------~---------------Enter Requ1s1t1ons------------------------------+ I Req# 7738 I Req Date 07/01/03 I I Buyer I Due Date 06/30/04 I J ~ndor# 7144 GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION I I t I Gross Amount 96,585.00 I I PO Type A Annual P.O. I Trade Discount 0.00 I I Dept 406 CONCRETE I Subtotal 96,~85.00 I I I I I Terms NET 30 I Sales Tax 0.00 I X F.O.B. DESTINATION I Value Add Tax 0.00 I I Delivery ST#2 PUBLIC SERVICES/STREET 1 Freight 0.00 I 111 I Contr# 1 Total Amount 96,585.00 I 1 Quote# +------------------------------ I 1 Approval 1 Requisition Entry & Approval 1 Budget Ok 1 I ---------------------------------------------1 Capital None I 1 Description CONCRETE CONTRACT 1 Printed No I 1 Special Instr 1 1 1 Entered by: earn 1 Status Open I 1 Requested by: Tom Thornley 1 Comment I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1-Help F2-Save F3-Asst F4-Del F5-Dese F6-Deny F7-Appr F9-Swap ) qq7~13 30 CCS PO Purchase Orders 16 Sep 2003 +------------------------------Enter Requisitions------------------------------+ I Req# 7738 Vendor# 7144 GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J Qty UIM PO# Stock# Asset Equip Id I Unit Price 96,585.0000 I i ... I Trade Disc 0.00 I I Description 1099 Tax Cd I Subtotal 96,585.00 I I ANNUAL FY 03-04 ANNUAL CONTRACT PO I I , I Vendor Stk# IIC Qty UIM QOH QOO I Sales Tax 0.00 I I I Val Add Tax 0.00 I t GL Account I Freight I I 001-406-5505-0000 I Line Total 96,585.00 I "I -----------------------------------------------+---------------------------- I I " Qty UIM PO# Stock# Asset I Unit Price I I I Trade Disc I I Description 1099 Tax Cd I Subtotal I I I I I Vendor Stk# Ilc Qty UIM QOH QOO I Sales Tax I I I Val Add Tax I I GL Account I Freight I I I Line Total I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FI-Help F2-Save F3-Asst F4-Del F5-Dist F6-Quick F7-LDesc F9-Swap ) 30 CCS PO Purchase Orders 16 Sep 2003 +-------------------------------Enter Requisitions------------------------------+ I Req# 7738 Vendor# 7144 GUZMAN CONSTRUCTION I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J Qty U/M PO# Stock# Asset Equip Id I Unit Price 96,585.0000 I ill Trade Disc 0.00 I I Description +---------Line Item Description---------+ 96,585.00 I I ANNUAL FY 03-04 AI ANNUAL FY 03-04 ANNUAL CONTRACT PO I I I vendor Stk# I/C I FOR CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIR, I 0.00 I I I EFFECTIVE 7/01/03 THRU 06/30/04 AS lax 0.00 I I GL I APPROVED BY COUNCIL RESOLUTION I I I 0011 #2003-259. BY THIS REFERENCE, THESE II 96,585.00 I I -----------------1 DOCUMENTS ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN. 1----------------"-- I I Qty U/M pOI RENEWAL OPTION YEAR 2 OF 2. Ie I I I Ic I I Description I I I I I I I I Vendor Stk# I/C +---------------------------------------+ I- I I Val Add Tax I I GL Account I Freight I I I Line Total I +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1-Help F2-Save ') ~ 16. Continued. Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted. Adopted 2003-257 Public Services 17. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of the second option year of the contract between the City of San Bernardino and Guzman Construction Co., for repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways at various locations throughout the City of San Bernardino. (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $100,000 from the General Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted. Adopted 2003-259 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR COMMITTEE CONSENT 18. Recommended for annroval at the Grants Committee on Aul!Ust 26. 2003 Committee Members Present: McCammack. Anderson and Estrada Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Police Department to apply for and accept a Driving Under the Influence (DUl) mini grant from the State of California Office of Traffic Safety in the amount of $38,300. (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) Approved MOTION: .That said resolution be adopted. Adopted 2003-260 END OF COMMITTEE CONSENT CONTINUED ITEMS .7'\..'" ~~J Public Services CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 2. 2003 19. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract between the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the City of San Bernardino for the receipt of grant funds in the amount of $143.208 for construction of the LNG-L1CNG Fueling Station at the City Corporate Yard. (Backup material distributed on August 18, Item No. 24; item continued from September 2, 2003, Item No. 18.) (Item Continued on Next Page) 7 09/15/2003 . . Page 1 of 1 Zeller_Ma From: Brown_Ca 'jlent: Thursday, September 18,20038:27 To: Zeller_Ma; Futch_sh Subject: Change order Please- ....,.:;:;! PO# 9':: \'/~n'~~'~ 'oJ ;.~ I. \...! L:. .,.....1. 1"'.,' .. : ~. ': . _ ...; i '_I,. i (, :'c~!!t"._-[ :,,-,,':003:'2-;;) TYViT1. .c~ ],; 09/18/2003 !ll T).10 {.t1]JfF-<?d: ?:yt~ -~S9 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lynn Merrill, Director Subject: Resolution authorizing the execution of the second option year of .. the contract between the City of San ' " Bernardino and Guzman Construction Co., for repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways at various locations throughout the City of San Bernardino Dept: Public Services Date: August 28, 2003 Meeting Date: September 15, 2003 4/01/02 Reso 2002-96 Contract to Guzman Construction for repair of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveways at various locations 9/23/02 Reso 2002-305 First option year of Contract for concrete repairs at various locations Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution ~/4I Signature .) ~ Contact person Lynn Merrill, Director Phone: 5140 Supporting data attach~d: Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: $100,000 001-406-5505 Other Professional Services Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: A resolution authorizing the execution of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Background: As part of an overall emphasis on street repair and maintenance activities within the current fiscal year, the Public Services Department Street Division, in conjunction with Development Services, has developed a joint departmental strategy to rehabilitate certain streets. On major street resurfacing efforts, the strategy utilizes Street Division crews to perform street surface preparation, sweeping, placement, leveling, rolling, traffic control, and hauling of recycling debris generated by the cold-milling process. All project related signing, striping, and inspection is also performed in-house. Staff is requesting authorization for the Public Works Division of Development Services to issue separate purchase orders for the pavement rehabilitation for each of the following crp projects identified below to Precision Cold Planing Company totaling the amount of $62,000. co Ward Project Location Valencia from Highland to 200' n/o 29th 51. Del Rosa btwn Date 51. & Bonita Vista Lt. Mtn from 1000' n/o 27th 51. to Kendall Dr. Pepper 51. from Birch to Mill 5t. Palm Ave. from Piedmont Ave. to Orchid Dr. 9th 51. from H 5t. to Arrowhead 6th 51. from Waterman Ave. to Pedley Waterman Ave. fr Commercial-Vanderbilt TOTAL Project Cost Account No. $ 6,500 126-369-5504-7304 $ 15,000 126-369-5504-7244 $ 15,000 129-367-5504-xxxx $ 3,000 129-369-5504-7198 $ 9,000 135-378-5504-xxxx $ 3,500 129-367-5504-7200 $ 3,000 242-362-5504-7227 $ 7,000 129-367-5504-7301 $62,000 .- In July, 2003, the Department secured informal quotes from three vendors of this specialized service, requesting costs for the rental charge for a planing/grinding machine, including laborers and mobilization with the following results: Vendor Precision Cold Planing Pavement Recycling Systems All American Asphalt Location Ontario, CA Riverside, CA Corona, CA Quote $3,000 per day $3,600 per day $5,500 per day The lowest bidder was Precision Cold Planing, which has been furnishing services to the City since 2002 at the inception of the CIP pilot program in conjunction with the Development Services Department. There are no local vendors that were identified that could provide this service. I i I I I - I' . ; Based on the daily prices established by the bid process, staff is requesting that the Mayor and Common Council approve authorization of award of this work without a formal bid, due to the fact that the total aggregate amount of $62,000 under this request exceeds $25,000. Chapter 3.04.010 Adoption of the Purchasing Code Section 8.3 authorizes an Exemption for Purchases approved by the Mayor and Common Council. The Public Services Department is hereby requesting a purchase order in the amount of $62,000 to Precision Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation to be utilized for the CIP paving projects listed above. Financial Impact: These eight projects are currently identified as part of the proposed FY2003/2004 CIP program and total $62,000. Funds in the amount of $21 ,500.00 are contained in the State Gasoline Tax (Account 126). Funds in the amount of $28,500.00 are contained in the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129). Funds in the amount of $9,000 are contained in the AB 2928 Traffic Congestion Relief (Account 135). Funds in the amount of $3,000 are contained in the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Recommendation: Adopt resolution, and authorize the Director of Finance to appropriate $21,500.00 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $28,500.00 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax- Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129),$9,000 from the A8-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $3,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). (') 2 . 07/21/03 10: 05 FAX 9C9~923T8007 909+'323+00W.'(rllSE~ GRADI~G IiIIOl , ISIOI\J 1~PlanIng 8657 Riverside Dr,," O:llario, CA 91 761- 720~ (909) 721-2461' Fax (909) 923-800:' Lie # 801059 QUOTATION :\TT~: ;;: del,' f- do 5&<-'1 /L~lly !J .z.Y'1Il b..d r'" 0 PROJECT NAME: CITY,1.0CATION: Set-"1 f3, e.. r h ..... d,. "l i> I Vel-I" .. () IF ~ -"'" \:9 ITEM: DESCRIPTION: A ~x s-o [J , R()tI'--4"".e.~lt co I cl p/P,J1t...... r./!- vr/t>...1 t"--,e.. EST. OTY: l UNIT OF' MEASURE Oa,i UNIT t PRICE :>,OcJV i r~ P IC , 3/ (Jol> I -.' BID DATE: BLP TIME: i_ ".::.; ",: .. . ; I" CONDITIONS: fr,'c.t... TI/\c1t..-A.!i'., ,\' !Vlolo,",'")..AT't'(),\ ::rVl 4- tJvr- -.r-']:/4hA.Y" J 10 f/lo~> 't 2 operll-"1"a Y' So ~ .. , THIS OUOTATION SHALL BECOME PART OF ANY Flll'URE CONTRACTS. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEClFIED. PRECISION COLD PLANING EXCLUDGS FROM TIlE PRICE QUOTED ABOVE: All traffic control; all surveyinll, marklnll, or layouts: all temp,orary lane striping or afljc markings, all temporary ramping, all adjustment and/or detail work ot~ewer. manholes, clean uts, waler valves, any precasl enclosure, etc.; all saw cutting; all temporary la~~: all jobslte maintenan ; all streel closure posting; all guaranteed gradation; all water and watel' and water truclcs which shall be provided at grinder; any slurry removal or Blltters; all hazardous waste; all dump flies. Damage to equlpm t by unmarked items in grade will be charged at a rate oC$6S.00 per hour plus materials at 2\ % a ve COSI. Upon completion of work shift, Precision Cold Planing is rolieved of ali liabilil)' for work co pletod and protection or work shall be assumed by other; Precision Cold Planinll's:indemnilication shall limited thereto. This quotation is to be made part or all purchase order or c~tr:act. . SUBMITTED BY~ bV\ /...':y"" c I:t ;.: ! ACCEPTED BY: DATE: ',.i .i <-1 .:"! ,; , , ; i . ! " , ::.:. l I ..-.., . "t'., -,./ -.- El 712 11 2ElEl 3 15: 33 ,Jl:j.:::i~\:::l~~ 384SElS9 5J. OFFICE . '-. vvv VVV ffOl rave.ent ReCYcling I nc. PAGE Ell p.o. eo.. '. ~t'A~ lOCiO) tI2.,OII' (8011) eeo..l'\l, 0001/001 PAVEMENT RECYCLING SYSTEMS 'nit Edcle ~"B.' "-t1l/c s.va. SIll s... _\Ii III Snet CivlIlon "'- Ocn Sante "-= ~f ~11lO P~... 1 ........ 8C>>- ~1 !IDilv ...... .My 21, 2003 ... R-ql_ far Gl1o~'lC/ rn.dline. CQ - --"-" ..... -.. '." ....-.. ... _ ..........._._..0.. ) The fol/olMng rates ~Iy to . T wide plener. The machIne will be provided operated .rid meintalned . The mow c:herve wilt epply to each move onto" the project. .. 1. Ren'" T wide planer (4 hr8) CD $2,200.00 lump sum .. 2. Hourly rate afl8r 4 h,.. 0 $ 450.00 per hour 3. MobUlation .. $ 600.00 ueh. If you have any questions, pleaee gl.... me 8 cell CD 9Q9.e82-1091 Reepeccfully, ~~~)J?U Don Sante Senior Estimator ALL AMERiCAN ASPHALT Engineering - Contractors - Asphalt Paving 400 East Sixth St. P.O. Box 2229 Corona, California 91719.2229 Telephone: (909) 736.7600 FAX, (909) 736.7646 Serving: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside. and San Bernardino Counties CAL. STATE lie. #267073A To:r"1 GE:'iER.AL C~:'!\TR....\.(,lGR Dale: 7lt2l2C03 From: Brer.t "Iv'.r. 101~ KIla Quole No. 1037 Phon Fax <no;'l~.'" '\\"e pmposf to rurni~h you labor and matnial in liotrict accordance with the plan.!J and :;ptdncationli as (ollow.: ' 01T OF s....:V BER.'VARD1:V0 GR1,vDlNG ArTS: X-tllER LEON F nteii!Nc;:---Oescrlptlon I 1 1 7' GRINDER.2 OPERATOR,1 LABORER 1 2 MOVE CHARGE Quantity 1.0 HR 1.0 EA 625.00 500.00 1,125.00 51,125.00 L U1M Unitprice 625.000 500.000 Total Price I . I Total Proposal Price: SlIeclal Conditions: ~..,. 1. THIS QUOTATION SHALL BECOME PART OF ANY FURTHER CONTRACTS, UNLESS I'~ OTHERWISE SPEC~FIED, All American Asphal excludes (unless otherwise specified below) the . IoIlowing; ; All Traffic Control, surveying, markings, layout, all tempo:a'Y stMping & markings, i 2. Exclusions cont. ; tempora'Y ramping, adjustment and/or detail work of sewer,manholes, Cleanouts, I water valves, precast enclosure, etc; all sawcutting all temporal' tapers; all jobsite maintenance; all street closure posting; all guaranteed gradation; . . . 3. Exclusions cont. ; all water and waler trucks; all hazardous waste; all dump fees. Damage to equipment by unmar~ed ~ems in grade v..ill by charged at a rate of $65.00 per hour plus materials at 21 % above cost. Upon completicn of WOrkshlll, AAA is relieved 4. EXClusions cont.; slu(l'f removiJJs on gutters; of all liability for work completed and protection of the work I shall be assumed by others; AAA indemnification shaD be limited there to. this quotation is to be made II part of all purchase orders or contracls. 5. Submitted By X Ii 6. COLD MilLING INCLUDES: cut, load,delai.- 2 OPERATORS, 1 LABORER, 7' GRINDER. 7. ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT WILL BE HAPPY TO HAUL OFF RECYCLABLE ASPHALT GRINDINGS l FREE OF CHARGE 8. 4 HOUR MINIMUM FOR EACH SHIFT AFTER THAT IT IS A PER HOUR. General Conditions I Dat.: Accepted b)": Pagel 0(1 CITY OF SAN BERI' ARDINO .., OFFICE 01- THE "'LRC'-1ASING DIVISIO'\. 30L 1\' "0" ST. SAN I3ER'\ARoINO, CALIFORNIA 1}2~1i< ~ No. ORDI::J{ DATE REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE DELIVERY LOCATION . 'ENDOR II) NO Rl <JlISI I 10'\ I{I QLlSITIO'\! R I I [1\:\1'; III \'\1\11 O[{IH!{ I \I'IIU S fOB L'\JI OR~L\IION -" -......., )MMENTS, I'll 'DID \\10U'\' -!::i'~ -0 cn.~ '::: '~ }*~:,:;ti--icf*';;*'+1 rt.'RCHi\SIXG OFFICI_-\l SUBJECT TO TER2\,JS (~ClXIiDITIO;\iS STATED ON REVERSE .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~{~ ~ 31~(1 " ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2003-221 (o\l,\:i(' ~-1t- Oll-Cl0 1;. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO PRECISION COLD PLANING COMPANY TO SUPPLY COLD MILL.ING ' SERVICES FOR ROADWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Precision Cold Planing Company provides the cold-milling (grinding) services for the City roadway pavement rehabilitation. Pursuant to this determination, the Purchasing Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company in an amount not to exceed $62,000. SECTION 2. The Purchase Order shall reference this Resolution No. 2003- . 221 and shall read, "Precision Cold Planing, including crew for services of a cold- milling (grinding) process for roadway pavement repairs, P.O. No. not to exceed $62,000. and shall incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. SECTION 4. The authorization to execute the above referenced Purchase Order is rescinded if not issued within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 III 1/1 July 22, 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 D 14 . . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2003-221 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO PRECISION COLD PLANING COMPANY TO SUPPLY COLD MILLING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a jt. regular Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA x LONGVILLE x MCGINNIS x DERRY x SUAREZ x ANDERSON x MCCAMMACK x meeting thereof, held on the 4 th day of following vote, to wit: August , 2003, by the ~J--J~ /';;. ~ Rae el G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this "\-t"lt day of Augus t , 2003. Approved as to Form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By:L7.~ () July 22, 2003 Judit ailes, Mayor Citfo San Bernardino ./'" L.L...... ,/ ,'i' - - , (" / \-,''.'1lL,,~t J.Uj"7' c:Joo3- ~~/ I / CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION .... From: Lynn Merrill, Director Subject: A resolution authorizing the execution of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold , milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Dept: Public Services Date July 24, 2003 Meeting Date: August 4, 2003 April 21, 2003 Reso 2003-87 Increase PO to $40,300 Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution, and authorize the Director of Finance to appropriate $21,500.00 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $28,500.00 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax- . Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129),$9,000 from the AB-2928 Traffic Congestion' Relief Fund (Account 135) and $3,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). ;~ ~~ . Signature Contact person Lynn Merrill, Director Phone: 5140 Supporting data attached: Ward: All Source Account numbers 126 - State Gasoline Tax Fund 129 - Yo Sales Tax Local Funds 135 - AB-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief 242 Street Construction Fund $21,500 $28,500 $ 9,000 $ 3,000 I I I , I J FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $62,000 Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. I f I , ,,~ <fJ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: A resolution authorizing the execution of purchase orders to Matich Corporation and/or Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division to supply materials for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Background: As part of an overall emphasis on street repair and maintenance activities within the current fiscal year, the Public Services Department Street Division, in conjunction with Development Services, has developed a joint departmental strategy to rehabilitate certain streets. On major street resurfacing efforts, the strategy utilizes Street Division crews to perform street surface preparation, sweeping, placement, leveling, rolling, traffic control, and hauling of recycling debris generated by the cold-milling process. All project related signing, striping, and inspection is also performed in-house. Matich Corporation and Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat are the only two asphalt manufacturers located within the City of San Bernardino and have been providing materials for City street repairs for several years. They are both considered a selected source for this service and each vendor is used according to availability of specified pavement materials on the date of the project. Staff is requesting authorization to issue a single purchase order for paving materials for a combined total of $717,000 for the following CIP projects identified below to Matich Corporation and/or Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division. Ward Project Location Cost Project Account No. 8804-33 7 Valencia from Highland to 200' nlo 29th 8t. $65,000 126-369-5504-7304 8804-22 4, 7 Del Rosa btwn Date 8t. & Bonita Vista $176,000 126-369-5504-7244 8804"50 2,5 Lt. Mtn from 1000' nlo 27th 8t. to Kendall Dr. $150,000 129-367 -5504-xxxx 1 8804-16 3,6 Pepper 8t. from Birch to Mill 8t. $20,000 129-369-5504-7198 8804-49 4 Palm Ave. from Piedmont Ave. to Orchid Dr. $60,000 135-378-5504-xxxx 71 8804-15 1,2 9th 8t. from H 8t. to Arrowhead $48,000 129-367-5504-7200 8804-23 1 6th 8t. from Waterman Ave. to Pedley $38,000 242-362-5504-7227 . . . 8804-31 3 Waterman Ave. fr Commercial-Vanderbilt $160,000 129-367-5504-7301 TOTAL $717,000 ,11 03 The Public Services Department is hereby requesting purchase orders in the combined amount of $717 ,000 to Matich Corporation and/or Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division for materials to be utilized for the CIP paving projects listed above. !~ '-..iI , nanciallmpact: . ese eight projects are currently identified as part of the proposed FY2003/2004 CIP program and total $717,000. Funds in the amount of $241.000.00 are contained in the State Gasoline Tax (Account 126). Funds in the amount of $378,000 are contained in the Half.Cent Sales Tax _ Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129). Funds in the amount of $60,000 are contained, in the AB 2928 Traffic Congestion Relief (Account 135). Funds in the amount of $38,000 are contained in the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Recommendation: Adopt resolution, and authorize the Director of Finance to appropriate $241,000.00 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $378,000 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax- Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129),$60,000 from the AB-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $38,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ()FFlCE OF THE PURCHASING DIVISION 300 N. "0" ST. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92418 PUi~CH;;,.s,;r'JG :);H~-r copy PURCHASE ORDE No, ORDER DATE REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE DELIVERY LOCATION: c VENDOR BII1'\O IIU0ll'-,IIIO\ IU(Jll'->IJI<),\[R 111'-\1<'" D1\\ldl()I{I}II{I\I'IlUS lOB 1~1()!{\1\11()'\ 1.;;\;';,1Y';.'');1.;,- "., ct;.-:;., ~'....-,~ !,a:T ? D :'::S""'; ~'~~<,j..' COMMENTS: ., ",- it- ~'f,' ."...., -, '. ."'""e....."'-....,-..., D!0:,-~ i:::t{~,' rID: .- ~- '~.;} '..' ,-,:',C\. "i,', 'f.e () C. _ ,-, "'. :~,:9 ..- :; t. .- , ,'C:' _'c.: 12q-,367~SSD~~.20i ~,-,,;,0 ;:;C(, :If! i -;: 9-3 ~...,._.;~O~- i'-i( ~ _. ;:- 00 ~ c: t' '~~'-372-SS0~--.'~~03 be {.\1'.:',<:: !::<-Q :Jt2 -362.~SSO~-~-:17 :Be, (',n -', ,~n ,1 ~:t 'i .'i ',.1.' / i''<-' ~. " /\ ,. , FI,<:!I ,>; i~:(.,-;'" SUBJECT TO TERMS Eo( CONDITIONS STATED ON REVERSE PLJ<:Cl 1/\511'\G OrnCL\t I ~'F\ .,,,1..1 ~ rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. (See Attached) (Cost to the City - $717,000 from the Y. Cent Sales and Road Tax Fund and the AD 2928 Funds) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) Various Wards Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted; and that the Director of Finance be authorized to appropriate $241,000 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $378,000 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure l) (Account 129), $60,000 from the AB- 2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $38,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Adopted 2003-220 27. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bemardino authorizing the execution of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. (See Attached) (Cost to the City - $62,000 from various funds.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted; and that the Director of Finance be authorized to appropriate $21,500 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $28,500 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure l) (Account 129), $9,000 from the AB-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $3,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Adopted 2003-221 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR COMMITTEE CONSENT Recommended for approval at the Personnel Committee on Julv 28. 2003 - Committee Members Present: McGinnis and McCammack 28. Implementation of the proposed Records Reorganization in the Police Department for Fiscal Year 2003-04. (See Attached) Approved MOTION #1: That the Mayor and Common Council approve the Records reorganization proposal to establish a full-time position of Police Transcriber, Range 1321, ($2,201-$2,675/month; and (Item Continued on Next Page) 28. Continued. 12 08/04/2003 ." t5il . . ' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lynn Merrill, Director Subject: Resolution authorizing a purchase order to Matich Corporation and/or Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division to supply materials for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Dept: Public Services Date July 24, 2003 Meeting Date: August 4, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action Reso 2003-43 Reso 2003-92 February 3, 2003 April 21, 2003 Increase P.O. by $69,300 Increase P.O. by $189,400 Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution, and authorize the Director of Finance to appropriate $241,000.00 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $378,000 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129),$60,000 from the AB-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund ("""on! 135) ,n' $3B,OOO from the S..ot Con,.~;:;ont 242). Signature . Contact person Lynn Merrill, Director Phone: 5140 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Reso Ward All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount $717,000 Source Account numbers 126 - State Gasoline Tax Fund $241,000 129 - Yz Sales Tax Local Funds $378,000 135 - AB-2928 Traffic Congestion Relief $ 60,000 242 Street Construction Fund $ 38,000 Finance: Council Notes: i/lJ/D3 Agenda Item No. 1 (p ) 0, .:.:c...:::::':: "": .6' .. - . 26. Resolution of the Mayor and Conunon Council of the City of Sail Bernardino authorizing the execution of purchase orders to Matich Corporation and/or Vulcan Materials/Cal Mat Division to supply materials for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $717,000 from the Ih Cent Sales and Road Tax Fund and the AD 2928 Funds) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) Various Wards Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted; and .that the Director of Finance be authorized to appropriate $241,000 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $378,000 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129), $60,000 from the AB- 2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $38,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Adopted 2003-220 27. Resolution of the Mayor and Conunon Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. (See Attached) (Cost to the City ~- $62,000 from various funds.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards Approved MOTION: That said resolution be adopted; and that the Director of Finance be authorized to appropriate $21,500 from the State Gasoline Tax Fund (Account 126), $28,500 from the Half-Cent Sales Tax - Local Funds (Measure I) (Account 129), $9,000 from the AB- 2928 Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (Account 135) and $3,000 from the Street Construction Fund (Account 242). Adopted 2003-221 END OF CONSENT CALENDAR COMMITTEE CONSENT Recommended for aDDroval at the Personnel Committee on Julv 28. 2003 - Committee Members Present: McGinnis and McCanunack 28. Implementation of the proposed Records Reorganization in the Police Department for Fiscal Year 2003-04. (See Attached) Approved MOTION #1: That the Mayor and Conunon Council approve the Records reorganization proposal to establish a full-time position of Police Transcriber, Range 1321, ($2,201-$2,675/month; and (Item Continued on Next Page) 12 08/04/2003 ~tTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PURCHAS,NG [Ei'T, COP" OFFICE OF THE PURCHASING DIVISION 300 N, "0" ST. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFOI,NIA 92418 .'.#'.. PURCHASE ORDE No, ORDER DATE VENDOR REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE DELIVERY LOCATION: r::l'- HII),\() I]{lt)ll'-,IIIO\I RIQLISIIIO\I[{ I JllnJ'-, III \\1\11 (l!\I)jRJ\I'II{IS lOB l\IOH\I\IIO\; l '- ,",~"",;; ;ok' COMMENTS: , L%>0;1 8133" ","4:L;\,' "<1' ~i;, _ ~:,~E:'r ~ D S;';,(!<~L ,<;1:';)S; i~;.:::)i;' Dt;-r:: c ,':'.'~', ,~~ "'- ,-, ->: " ~. ", ;.: '_' '_.. v :~' I:: c: ,_", ,,,,,;. n ,~. SS04~:O:!JOO 1::'2-SS 0 U." j!'7 7 ~~. '-,~,.~. '- "",- ,'/~/l SUBJECT TO TERMS {, CONDITIONS STATED ON REVERSE i.' .r "t,-,'/r'1/ ", l'LRCHASJNG OHICI."l "'-c' ' 300 N. "0" ST. SA" ,1FR:\JAROINO, CALIFORNIA 92418 '-/11 ,'-' '_'1 lllL.. 1 Vl..........l.lrL......1l."IU VL \ (\ , V. 204':)01 ("'1RDE!{ . D.-HE C'7 ".0 1/03 1 OF :. C;/~5/CJ . REQLIRED i DELIVERY DATE 06130/04 ENDOR MATICH CQRplJRA T I ON ',81::;, P~U\'~~~ ~?CA~[()\~ "-. l371 S LA CADENA DR 1070 COLTON CA 92324 ATTN' LOREN POULSEN}R A H~YES}~OY B D~ST!".J,AT!ON IMMENTS: (\i\.~c-~ kNe (. ~ . ':' ~. 2'h 999.00 "",~_';~!>.\C:' MAy 21, 20113 cm OF SAH BUNAROIIlO PUBLIC MaRKS OEP.RTMtkT AnN: [OO'lt iltLLY ~. -'. RE. IllHTAL -llATt5 .' PAVING EllUIPlIENT IIITN OPEI\ATORS DEAR EDOIE. AS REQUE5TEO IllRl ME THE REIlTAL !lArES FOR THE PAVIIIG EQUIPMENT WiTh T14[ OPERATOIlS; IAIl8ER IlAUIlI IMlER IlREEJo[ ..qP{RATOA " , SCl!(,*N . (2) I'llVl IN . OUT 150.00 PtA MM . I MOUlS . S 1.200.00 60.00 PER HIlUR . . IlOURS . t '10.00 120.ixi PlR 'IIIlUR . 8 HOORS . t 960.00 B!I.OO, PER HQ)R' . 4 MlII/RS . S 340.00 t 2,980.00 TIIlSl REIITAL RATlS ARE 600D TllRU MICH 31, 2004. IF 'lII/ ""vr RN' DilUTIONS PLEIoSl fm fREE TO GIV! ME A CALL. SlIlCfRCl.f. ~~'IJ- PAUICR MATICIt ""UCjI COIU'OIlATlOlI "~_IO.-....._....-""" lift _........ __. '_.1 .. - ~ <--- I Z:0 391;'d' Z:AllO Z:565118e:606 9e: ':5t .....Ee9Utz:/50 -~ ." ..... lip''' ~gUE!';i FOR QUOTATION. THIS IS NOT AN ORDER MAY 072003 FROM THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Purchasing Department LAIRD CONST 300 No. D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418 . CO.. INC. (909) 384-5085 FAX (909) 384-5043 ISSuE ORG REQ REPLY (fax ok) DATE 5/6/03 DEPT NO# Q030017 TYPE Rountinc DUE BY 5/14/03 VENDOR NAME ,.-' -- ...~_.. _. ....-.. VENDOR ADDRESS Laird Construction Co .. 9460 Lucas Ranch Rd CITY. STATE, ZIP . Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 , . , PlEASE RESPOND'WlTH"NOBID IF 'NOT BIDDING; FAJt.t1RE TO'RESPOND'WILL--RCSUL TIN REMOIl'Ptt.-FRO!9I.-aID I:IST.' DETA!I:'DESCR1PTION OF PRODUCT OR Sl:RVrCE QUAN "'Ji]'5t;i' UNIT' ITEM# PRICE TOTAL PRICE '~ii.ii..~~~;;.ff.: Self-PronAlled Pavlna Machine \t." ,.. . ...,~".,,,,~~ I' .~~~~~:J!.d.~;~.~ q :~ i;!i;' ....'\'.....~'11~~~1<I' j:lt~lllrJ.~ . ~','.,~.', ~I~ 1 Dallv Rental Rate to Include crew 1 dav .~~:a' 3,335. ~~:;:;.:. ::. . 'lii.\ - -,'" . . ,I'!.' 'I:'~l " ~"'. . I ',." ',,~ ..~-;. ..~~}.~" ~f:" ';.':~'" i" ........:.lM!_ ::'~~'~IJ1'.'" ';:li!' ....~ l.,'.c..'~ " ~,. r~iiM..mlili!~;'i,'::';l ,..., " IiiIjjtlj'.~".'L.... r~lliiiii" '''''''. "~.' .~n : '~~~I.C~'; ~l~i"-""D"W{-'~ ! ~ .: ~~!j.~",~,~r:-:: &: ~l' '~l ~ ' .~ '. ":, ~:....~' ;, :::,(.':, " . .~)iJ~ Note: Please use this sheet to list price. ~r . '~"~~'?"~' . . " . olli...,.. ,~, Subtotal .. ~~~ nn T~ N/A Total Bid ~ ~~~ nn CITY CONTACT. SHEILA A. FUTCH NO CHARGE WILL BE ALLOWED OVER AND ABOVE PRICES QUOTED ON THIS SHEET. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ACCEPT OR REJECT QUOTATIONS ON EACH ITEM, SEPARATELY OR AS A WHOLE. IF SUBSTITUTES ARE OFFERED. MAKE FULL EXPLANATION AND INCLUDE BROCHURES FROM THE MANUFACTURER. s/a/03 . Destination""""'" QUOTE DATE FO~HVLA-' TERMS DELIVERY DATE FREIGHT VENDORS SIGNATURE TITLE Vice 'President PLEASE PRINT NAME 11.. -L'~ 7 TELEP# bnQ\QllQ_'\'\Q'I V -, /' FPJ(# '--- \.:... .- I I - REc~, - . <v City of San Bernardino TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS aID SPECIFICATION NO: RFQ Q03017 SELF-PROPELLED PA VlNG MACHINE NOTICE: "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDER" Services: Bidd~ ~hall C<!mplctc? right-haP.d col~ in~.cating brie!~easo.niIlg fo~.~~tions to requirements when not acceptable. State "Acceptable" if requixements iI:re agreeable as set forth in left-hand column. Equipment: Bidder sba11 complete right-hand colwnn indicating specific size and or make and model of all components when not exactly as specified.. State "As Specified" if item is exactly as set forth in the left-hand column. FAIT.URE TO COMPLETE RIGHT JIAND COLUMN WlLL INVALIDATE BID REQUIREMENTS ACCEPTABLE/ASSPECIFJED The contractor will provide three person operation crew: one driver, two saeed persons, for self-propelled rubber- tire paver or track paver to operate paving machine for Acceptable maintenance and repair operations. The contractor shall provide a self-propelled Blaw-Knox, Barber-Greene, Lee-Boy, or a comparable paving Accepcable D"""h;ne. Screed capacity to allow 10 foot to 19-foot variance as directed. Service to be provided on a daily rental rate. Acceptable MaY-14-U' am rrom-YU I can Mat II IWUWijl.065B T-ZB4 P.001/OOB F-5B7 .... :> ; ISSUE DATE 5/6103 ORG DEPT R ST ! OUOTATION . T S IS NOT AN ORDER FROM THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Purchasing Department 300 No. D Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418 (909) 384-5085 FAX (909) 384.5043 REQ NO# a030017 TYPE Rounrine RE:PL Y DUE BY (fax ok) 5/14/03 VENDOR NAME .. ..--. ; VENDOR ADDRESS I , , Vulcan Materials - 2350 W Highland _ San Bernardino, CA 92407 CI"o/. STATE, ZIP I . ' I PLE;ASE-RESPONO-WlTH"1\I0'S1D"IF-NOT !I0DING.r'"AILlJRE T~SP~I[CRESlJLT IN REMOVAL FROM BID UST. .UNIT . ITE'lI1 t# DeTAIL lJESCRIPTlON OF~CT OR SER~ aUAN UOM IPRlCE TOTAL I .:' : " ~"",':"'.;.7:'~: Self-ProDelled Pavlna Machine ',. . '~'..' . :..D ! : "M ~~.:~ i',;': :.'..::.:;;;.:......Y.: 1 Dallv Rental Rate to include crew 1 day .. : ,,'.. ::....';:;.i~:.;..}.: :: . :.: :'::.. '~l . 'I ':,~"~:. ~~~. , I'.' ___" It'" MJDJd . rUI<;l.fU "lIA IIAILt't' nOI~ ~ re;nll, CIW'-'" . " ' -I'~' .J ::' :~.~...:.L:...:.:;.::~... " ..:~:....' :/':--:;T'~i~: " . :. .. .;~. ~ .:' ~~':.1 ': 1 :. 1'1'.' .....: ;.~~.:; .' ~ . ... :. " ..... ; . ..... .' .: .~.., ,'~. . J Nqte: Please use this sheet to list grlce. ... "I '.:'.:. I :......L. :.~: ~~~, ;,1 ~'.~: !,~..;<.~: ::,~.l: '. '.:, {.~:' ~.,..:~:;..>~~.l/'~ Subtotal Tax Total Bid CITY CONTACT. SHEILA A. FUTCH 10 CHARGE WILL BE ALLOWED OVER AND ABOVE PRICES QUOTED ON THIS SHEET. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ACCEPT OR REJECT QUOTATIONS ON EACH ITEM, SEPARATELY OR AS A WHOLE. IF SUBSTITUTES ARE OFFERED MAKE FULL EXPLANATION AND INCLUDE BROCHURES FROM THE MANUFACTURER. . QLOTE OATE Destlnatlon FOB POINT SHIP VIA TERMS DELIVERY DATE FREIGHT VE ~DORS SIGNATURE PL !ASE PRINT NAME TITLE TELEP# FJo:X.# ( I ( I Request for Quotatlon.x1s MaY-14-U. am From-Vulcan Mat Is I iUimU658 T-2S4 P.002/00S F-537 , . . r: .. ... City of San Bernardino ~CHNICALSPECIFICATIONS BID SPECIFICATION NO: RFQ Q03017 SELF-PROPELLED PAVING MACHINE NOTICE: "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDER" Services: ___ Ridder ~l1all complete right:hand column indic:ating.briemasoningfor .cxceptiODS... to requirements when not acceptable. State "Acceptable" if requirements arc agreeable as set forth in left-hand column. Equipment: Bidder shall complete right-hand column indicating specific ~e and or make and model of all components when not exactly as specified. State "As Specified" if item is exactly as set forth in the left-hand column. FAILURE TO COMPLEJ:E RIGHT BAND COLUMN WILL INV ALIDA1'U!m REQUIREMENTS ACCEPTABLE I AS SPECumD The contractor will provide three person operation crew: one driver, two screed persons, for self-propelled rubber- tire paver or track paver to operate paving machine for maintcJlance and repair operations. . . The contractor shall provide a self-propelled Blaw-Knox, Barber-Greene, Lee-Boy, or a comparable paving JI1J1~",inc. Screed capacity to allow 10 foot to 19-foot variance as directed. Service to be provided on a daily rental rate. , International Pavement Solutions PO Box 10458 .:'lan Bernardino, CA 92423-0458 Laird Consltuction Co 9460 Lucas Ranch Rei Rancho Cucarnonga, CA 91730 All AmericanAsphalt 400 E 6th St Corona, CA 92878-2229 Ayala & Sons PO Box 1264 San Bernardino, CA 92402 Interstate Sweeping 32220 Outer Hwy #10 Redlands, CA 92373 Matich Corporation 13 71 S La Cadena Dr Colton, CA 92324 Vulcan Materials 2350 W Highland San Bernardino, CA 92407 Sequel Contractor's 12240 W oodruff Ave Downey, CA 90241 S-r"!. C 11a",~"r ~L-\ILROOM CONFIRMATION The following was received by the City of San Bernardino Mailroom for mailing: RFP IRFQ#-)&D?X7 5,,1~-Y("~en(.J PG\.\Jll\J / }, \ ClC\W\ ~ Q 2~ ?LJ Date: o~ , c.v2-! ~ -tv ~WO- JhCWIlo e. <ill , .' :":.. .; ';-~~ ~~ :~':~~ .,::':'. ?? . ;" :.~ -.:.;"'\ ;~-~ .--;. ...("'-, t-", May-14-03 r am From-Vulcan Mat Is 19098730658 T-234 P.003/003 F-537 ~ ~~~Tt~ SAN &IlNARDINO . Request For Proposal PAVING SERVICES - DPW0301 ....... County of San Bernardino Department of Public Works 825 E. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 (lJu bl~. V(J\ctW mG:ftt1~Is: ~ I~ nos PQUI~Sev\llDeS. . . tnA~n aC S:.w"v} 0a1~. ..'Q-~ " . ~ . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lynn Merrill, Director Subject: A resolution authorizing an increase of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Dept: Public Services Date November 18, 2003 ~tGt&AL Meeting Date: December 1, 2003 April 21, 2003 August 4, 2003 Reso 2003-87 Reso 2003-221 Increase PO to $40,300 CIP PO for 62,000 Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution ~~ Igna ure Contact person Lynn Merrill, Director Phone: 5140 Supporting data attached: Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $103,050 Source 126-369-5504 $52,800 129-367-5504 $44,250 135378-5504 $ 3,000 242-362-5504 $ 3,000 Finance: ~.k./cj/ &./f?'L,. Council Notes: ~~.j,i 'Z.CXl3- 332- J'). hire Agenda Item No. 1~ .' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: A resolution authorizing the increase of a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services for roadway pavement rehabilitation for use by the Public Services Department. Background: As part of an overall emphasis on street repair and maintenance activities within the current fiscal year, the Public Services Department Street Division, in conjunction with Development Services, has developed a joint departmental strategy to rehabilitate certain streets. On major street resurfacing efforts, the strategy utilizes Street Division crews to perform street surface preparation, sweeping, placement, leveling, rolling, traffic control, and hauling of recycling debris generated by the cold-milling process. All project related signing, striping, and inspection is also performed in-house. On August 4,2003 the Mayor and Common Council approved Resolution 2003-221, authorizing a purchase order to Precision Cold Planing Company to supply cold milling services including the rental charge for a planing/grinding machine, laborers and mobilization. Precision Cold Planing has been furnishing services to the City since 2002 at the inception of the CIP pilot program in conjunction with the Development Services Department. Staff is requesting an increase of $103,050 to the Purchase Order to Precision Cold Planing Company for a total amount of $165,050. There are no local vendors that were identified to provide this service. The projects are listed below, Ward Project Location Heritage Ln, - Foxcroft Way to Hunts Ln. 3 SI. - Waterman to Tippecanoe Waterman Frontage Rd btwn Comm & Ind. Waterman frm Ward St to 6 SI. Orange Show Rd bt E SI. & Arrowhead Waterman - Highland & 100' n/o 29 SI. 2 SI. - Stoddard to "0" SI. Rialto - MtVernon to 100 ft w. of I SI. Highland - Waterman to Valencia Meridian from Baseline to Foothill Electric Avenue from Northpark to 40 SI. Northpark from H St to F SI. Mt Vernon from Baseline to 16 SI. Tippecanoe - Orange Show Rd to Hardt St Northpark - Little Mountain Dr and H SI. , H SI. - Highland Ave and Patterson St Gilbert - Morse to 100 ft east of Canyon Highland - Sterling to Golden Industrial Rd/Steele Rd/ Comm. Rd Cost Account No. $ 1,500 129-367-5504-7243 $ 12,000 129-367-5504-7228 $ 3,000 129-367-5504-7300 $ 3,000 242-362-5504-7405 $ 3,000 135-378-5504-7285 $ 6,000 126-369-5504-7363 $ 1,500 126-369-5504-7364 $ 8,000 126-369-5504-7365 $ 5,000 129-367-5504-7388 $ 3,800 126-369-5504-7366 $ 9,000 126-369-5504-7368 $ 6,000 126-369-5504-7369 $ 3,250 129-367-5504-7389 $ 9,000 126-369-5504-7370 $ 9,500 126-369-5504-7371 $ 2,000 129-367-5504-7391 $ 4,000 129-367-5504-7393 $ 9,000 129-367-5504-7394 $ 4,500 129-367-5504-7395 . , .' Financial Impact: These nineteen projects are currently identified as part of the FY2003/2004 CIP program and total $103,050, Funds in the amount of $52,800 are contained in Account No, 126- 369-5504; $44,250 in Account No. 129-367-5504; $3,000 in Account No. 135-378-5504 and $3,000 in Account No. 242-362-5504. Recommendation: Adopt resolution 2 e e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 11/ 23 11/ 24 25 26 27 11/ 28 RESOLUCOflf RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO PRECISION COLD PLANING COMPANY TO SUPPLY COLD MILLING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Precision Cold Planing Company provides the cold-milling (grinding) services for the City roadway pavement rehabilitation. Pursuant to this determination, the Purchasing Manager is hereby authorized to increase the purchase order in the amount of $103,050 to Precision Cold Planing Company for a total amount $165,050. SECTION 2. The Purchase Order shall reference this Resolution No. 2003- and its attached staff report; and shall read, "Increase purchase order to Precision Cold Planing, including crew for services of a cold-milling (grinding) process for roadway pavement repairs, P.O. No. , not to exceed $165,050" and shall incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. SECTION 4. The authorization to execute the above referenced Purchase Order is rescinded if not issued within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. 11/ 11/ November 20, 2003 e e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO PRECISION COLD PLANING COMPANY TO SUPPLY COLD MILLING SERVICES FOR ROADWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this ,2003. day of Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to Form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorne " ) By: November 19, 2003 . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 12- \ ~03 Item # 7.-S Resolution # Vote: Ayes 1-'1 Nays -e; Abstain ..G- Change to motion to amend original documents: - 7co3-332_ Absent ,e- Reso, # On Attachments: -==--- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: --=- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY \ 7..-- 7_-<';:;5- I '2-- 3-o~ Date ofClerk/CDC Signature: I 'Z-o- 4--Q3 Date Sent to Mayor: Date of Mayor's Signature: See Attached: See Attached: See AlfaChed: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ,/ Parks & Rec, Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services / Water Notes: NulVVoid After: c"O D"'7-5"/I- ~()-O'L , By: - Reso_ Log Updated: ./' Seal Impressed: ~ Date Returned: Yes / No Yes No ./' Yes No ./ Yes NO--1 Yes No EDA Finance /' MIS Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IContract Term. etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01