HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-Finance . CITY OF SANBERNARDINO FINANCE DEPARTMEN1)E:r.Flvr~' ..CIT'( I~l C'l" INTEROFFICE MEMORAND'tJ~f "J " LI" '03 OCT 21 All :54 TO: RACHEL CLARK, CITY CLERK FROM: BARBARA PACHON, DIRECTOR OF FINANC~!JJ.~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL CHECKS AND PAYROLL CHECKS DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2003 ORIGINAL Approve the register of demands dated: October 7, 2003 October 14, 2003 03/2004 #15 03/2004 #16 $1,145,876,92 2.217.362.52 Grand Total Register of Demands $ 3,363,239.44 Approve the total payroll: Semi Monthly Gross Payroll 10/1/03 -10/15/03 Monthly Gross Payroll 9/16/03 - 10/15/03 $3,301,356.02 1.650.00 Grand Total Gross Payroll $3,303,006.02 NO.7 11/3/03 . City of San Bernardino Finance Department ~EWvr~ .em etEIiK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY '03 OCT -9 A9 :18 Date Paid October 7, 2003 Claim Register Number #15 2003/2004 Check No. 679342 Void: 679570 Check No. Through No. No. 679948 Total Amount Approved $ 1,145,876.92 Approved for Payment: /~ ~ Director of Finance ~k /' ' Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to-wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk REGISTER CANCElLED TOTAL 1,146,006.92 (130.00) 1,145,876.92 DIItrIIMdion: WHITE-CitrCln CANARY. r""u,,,. PINK. CnhR'toncil. GotD.APREGISTER ANC-3.01 (4-10) ~=:.u..~ CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated 0 c t 0 b e r 7. 2003 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. . Executed on October 7. 2003 at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~f~~ DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - CIty Clerk YELLOW - Treasurer City of San Bernardino Finance Department ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY Date Paid OCTOBER 14. 2003 Through 680313 No. 680286 No. Total Amount Approved $ 2.217.362.52 Approved for Payment: Director of Finance ~~..6)tI~~ Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to-wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk REGISTER 2.217.362.52 Oillrlllllllon: WHITE-ClIyCJ-* CANARY- rnlasu,..,. PINK-CaIhR.concl. GOLD-APREGISTER ... . ANC-3.01 14-80) ml.IU:::...-== J8JnSV;U1. - MO,-13A >IJIiJI:> ,c;ll:J ~ 31.1 HM :NOlinSl"t:11.SIO eotrell!.:I JO JOl~.IJa ~i1? Y/3/~ 'lOaJJOO pue alUl Sl fiUlOfiaJoJ aql leql Km[Jad JO Al!l1Uad JapUn aJepap I 'elUJO.J!!l1;) 'oulPJewag ueS le EOOl . U ll:'l801JO uo palnoax3 . 'slJoda~ luawlsn[pv aoue!l1g }flIeg aql Ol luensmd }flIeq aql ul spuewap aql Aed Ol spunJ alenbape aJe aJaql leql ~lOaJJOO pue alemooe aJe spuewap Ples ~6vSII 'oN uopnlosa~ All;) oUlpJeuJag ueS pue apo;) lUaWUJaAOO aql JO 90u.~ pue ZOu.~ suopoas Aq paJlnbaJ se pallpne uaaq seq EOO l . U 1I ;I 801 J 0 palep spuewaa JO JalS)fia~ paqoene aqneqJ. : aJeloap peufiJS.Iepun etp 'oll!PJeuJeg treS JO All;) atp JO eotreUl.:I JO JOloaJla etp 'I 'ss ONIG~V~3g NVS .:IO AJ.NfiO;) VIN~O.:II1V;).:IO 3J.VJ.S NOIJ.V~V1;)3a .:IO 3J. V;)I.:IIJ.~3;) .. . CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated 0 C T 0 B E R 17. 2003 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549: said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on OCTOBER 17. 2003 at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION: WH ITE - City Clerk YELLOW - Trea5urer . PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT Water 0 City ~ PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/15/03 DATE PAID 10/15/03 PPNoo 19 CHECK NUMBERS USED: 603730 TO 603732, 802801 TO 804331 CHECK NUMBERS VOIDED: 802801, 803280,603731 CHECK NUMBERS CANCELLED: 802009 EARNINGS: Regular Gross: 3,301,356.02 Adjustments: Total Adjusted Gross Payroll 3,301,356.02 DEDUCTIONS: Total (Without Adjustments) 2,882,892.96 Adjustments: Total Adjusted Deductions 2,882,892.96 Net Payroll 418,463.06 APPROVALS FOR PAYMENT ~i,,;:kk ( . . Iar /J1uJt,v Jl ~ '/JI~ SECRETARY OF CIVIL SERVICE BOARD .0 Mayor and Common Council on the Day of ,20 The Following Vote To-Wit: Absent Ayes Noes City Clerk CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO-Finance Department DISTRIBUTION: WHITE -Payroll CANARY-Cily Clerk PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT Water 0 City ~ PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/15/03 CHECK NUMBERS USED: 802791 TO 802800 CHECK NUMBERS VOIDED: 802791. 802798 CHECK NUMBERS CANCELLED: DATE PAID 10/15/03 PP No. 10M EARNINGS: Regular Gross: 1650.00 Adjustments: Total Adjusted Gross Payroll 1650.00 DEDUCTIONS: Total (Without Adjustments) 1373.25 Adjustments: Total Adjusted Deductions 1373.25 Net Payroll 276.75 APPROVALS FOR PAYMENT ~,L~~ '-th1.tk, U ~1;t, Iff SECRETARY OF ~IVIL SERVIC BOARD Mayor and Common Council on the Day of .20 The Following Vote To-Wit: Absent Ayes Noes City Clerk CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO-Finance Department DISTRIBUTION: WHITE -Payroll CANARY-Cily Clerk