HomeMy WebLinkAbout28-Mayor's Office CIT.Y OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Tom Minor, Mayor Subject: Adopt-A-Street Program Dept: Mayor's Office r ""~'."L O"iUn ~11 Date: August 1, 1997 Synopsis of Previow Council Action: None. Reco1111llPl1ded Motion: Adopt Resolution. Contact person: Pat Leathers. Volunteer Coordinator - Mayor's Office Phone 5203 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: All FUNDlNG REQUIREMENTS: Amount: No Cost to the Ci1;y Source:(Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: Res 97- ~ 7:A Agenda Item No.~ q/A/q7 . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Across the nation civic organizations and businesses are "adopting" sections of highways, roads, streets, walls and center medians. The sponsoring organizations make a commitment to clean/maintain the designated area, and are recognized with signs which credit them with providing this service to the community. The program developed for the City of San Bernardino provides for clean-up and maintenance activities, as well as graffiti removal, if required. Sponsoring organizations make application for the one year commitment through the Volunteer Coordinator in the Mayor's Office, and are given clear guidelines for participation in the program. Staff recommends that the attached resolution be adopted. e ADOPT A STREET FIGHT BLIGHT IN SAN BERNARDINO ITS EASY!!! . e YOUR COMPANY/ORGANIZATION AGREES TO: PICK UP LITTER SWEEP THE SIDEWALKS PULL WEEDS PROVIDE TRASH BAGS, BROOMS, RAKES THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AGREES TO: PROVIDE TWO RECOGNITION SIGNS TRASH PICK UP FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL (909) 384-5203 e A KEEP SAN BERNARDINO BEAUTIFUL PROJECT e e e KEEP SAN BERNARDINO BEAUTIFUL ADOPT A STREET CUIDELlNES INTRODUCTION Across the nsl10n cI'fIc orgsnlzal1ons and b1isInesses are "sdopl1Br" secl10ns of b1pwsys, rosds, streets, wslls and center medians. These "sdopl1ons" IIIclude not ouly Utter removsl, but Inle plBBl1Brs, center median IBBdscsplllr and rrsMl1 removaL BASIC REQUIREMENTS LIsted below are the bU1'c requlrements for psrl1c1psl1Br III tbls prorrsm: * Clesn.np/msllltOBance wID be done by members of the orgsnlza110u. * Clesn.np/msllltenSBce wID be done b1.montb!y for s one year pertod * Clean np could be more often. If It Is determllled tbst the stteet Is III need of addll1ous1 msllltOBance. * The sdopl1Bg company or orgsnlzal1on wID receive 2 recolllll1on sIgIIS measmlllg 24" I 30" L1TTERlWEED/DEBRIS REMOVAL * * psrl1c1pants acree to pro'flde their own trash bags, broums. rakes, etc. psrl1c1pants ap to pick np Utter. remove weeds and m1sceUsnoons debris from the stnet and Inle weBs. S1dewslks should be swept The orgsnlzal1on wIU be responsible for pro'fldlllg supervision of youngsters under the age of 18 years. ArrBBrements wIU be msde with the coordlllstor for trash pick np foUowIng the clesn np. * * * GRAFFITI REMOVAL * If rrsffll1 removsl Is necessary III your area the City of Ssn BeruardIIIo wIU supply the psIIIL Contact the rrsMl1 coordlllator at (909) 3M5203 for arrangements. RECOGNITION SICNS * The sdopl1Bg agency's name wIU be noted on two (2) recolllll1on sips. The sims wIU measure 24"1 30" and wIU be mounted on uIatIDI poles at either end of the adopted stteeL * In the event of a b1isIness parlltersbip with an orgsnlzal1ou. oII1J the bBB1uess name wIU appear on the sign. * Addll10nsl sims may be ordered at a cost of S4O.OO per sign. e e e APPLICATION * An appRcallon to parllclpate mnst be completed and submitted to the Adopt A Street Coord1llator at least two (2) weeks prior to the oflanJzallons IIrst scbeduled clean.np. Please note that the volunteer waiver lorms sboDld be submitted with the appRcallon. CANCELLATION * U the adoplln~ agency does not IaUI11lts c1ean.up reqaJrements lor 15 days alter Its scbedDled clean.up date. the Adopt A Street Coord1llator will contact the agency by telepbone. Alter 30 days the agency will receive a written nollce. U the clean.up Is not done lor a total 01 60 days alter the scbedDled date the recognlllon sign will be removed and the adopllon will be considered canceled. SAFETY * Tbe Adopt A Street Program Is deslped so common sense sslet)' will pmaIL ParlIclpants and/or parents are responsible lor personal wet)' and appropriate bebavlor on the street. Eacb parllclpant mnst complete a SaD BernardlDo City BeanllDcallon Volunteer Waiver Porm. * * AdDlt group leaders are responsible lor condUcllDg a salet)' brleDag lor all parllclpants prior to the clean.up. Tbe 10RowIDg sboDld belncladed In the brleDag: 1. Wear comlortabe clothes (prelerabIJ bright colors) Z. Wear comfortable DOes 3. Wear gloves 4. Stay away !rom tramc 5. Do not pick up broken boUIes without adalt supervision 6. Do not toucb anytbIDg that may be toIIcJhazardons. La. ou. paint, gasonne 7. Do not horseplay. distract, or intarlere with motorists 8. Do not work lithe road Is under construction MATERIALS * PoRowIDg Is a Rat 01 suggesllODS lor too\sJsappRes lor your project 1. llarballe bap (llrocerJ, 1tItcben. etc.) Z. Leather glOV88 3. Shovels 4. Raltes 5. Brooms 6. Weed Eaters 7. Dr\nltlDg Water e e e KEEP SAN BERNARDINO BEAUTIFUL ADOPT A STREET APPLICATION BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: . . CONTACT PERSON: Ust three 131 street choices your organization wishes to adopt. We will do everything possible to give you your first choice. 1. 2. 3. Please write the name of your business/organization as it is to appear on the recognition signs: RETURN THIS FORM TO: Pat Leathers, Volunteer Coordinator Mayor's Office CIty of San Bernerdlno 300 North "0" Street. 6th floor San Bernardino. CA 92418 e e e KEEP SAN BERNARDINO BEAUTIFUL ADOPT A STREET VOLUNTEER WAIVER I, , hereby ,ohmteer to pallIclpate In the Adopt a street actlJtl1es. I underetaDd the actlYltles are ,0hmtafJ. I DIIderstaDd these actlYltles are of a physical nature aDd may In,otfe rI8k of IDJDrJ. ActIYltles may Include weed aDd trash abatemat, palntIDg. or other cleau.up projects. In the "at of U1uees or IDJDrJ.1 hereby consent to whatever x.ray, examination, aDesthetlc. medlcal, dental or surr;lcal dlagnosls or treatment aDd hospital care from a DC8DSed physlclaD aDd/or nrg80n sa deemed n8CeesafJ for my safety aDd welfare. It Is understood that the resultlDg expenses wID be my responslbIDty (or that of my parent or gnardlaD If I am a minor.) (1DUUftIr r-"'I~ tile parmtIpardIaD will be p"'- pdar to tUIDg .., JDIllIII!ll1 act1aL) I undentaDd that I am to wsar approprlate attln. SDltable for these types of actIYltles. I also DIIderstaDd that I am to ahlde by an mles &l1li rquJal10DS gmrnIDg conduct on thees actlYltles. I DIIderstaDd that If I am In Y1olatlon of these behaYlor standards I will be asked to lsan. The City of San Bernardino IS lOT responsible under any clreDmstaDces for any IDJnrles or aamages to persons or personal belongings suffered or caused by you durlDg the performance of said ,olunteer woIIL 'n.....I_ 1DUIer 18 JllUlI of ace must Uft lids IDrm sIped by a paIllIIt or gnudID. Dare Signature of Parl1dtnnt I Signature of ParentlGUardlan / Aaar.ss (Street Cirv. Z;OJ Home pnone II TBlIVINT OF ILIJIL'IS 01 AccmBllT ARD IF 1IUBLI 'fO CORTACT ABOVE PLUlIB COITlCT: NAME PHONE PUbtlcity:permission Is granted to photograph and/or use your name In publicity for the Adopt A street Program. This includes but Is not limited to newspapers, newsletters, slide shoWS, or video presentations. YEs: NO: