HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-Finance Department SUBJECT: CITY OF SANBERNARDINO FINANCE DEPARTMENT RECE!V!"CI1'( eU-hK INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM '03 AUG -6 P4 :17 RACHEL CLARK, CITY CLERK ---l p~ BARBARA P ACHON, DIRECTOR OF FINANC~/PJ [} " APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL CHECKS AND PAYROLL CHECKS TO: FROM: DATE: AUGUST 5, 2003 QR\G\NAL Approve the register of demands dated: July 15, 2003 July 22, 2003 July 29,2003 02/2004 #3 02/2004 #4 02/2003 #5 $ 1,392,271.78 1,681,685.45 2,009,329.47 Grand Total Register of Demands $ 5,083,286.70 Approve the total payroll: Semi Monthly Gross Payroll 7/16/03 - 7/31/03 $3,214,911.45 Grand Total Gross Payroll $3,214,911.45 No. ~ ( Ilt/o3 . City of San Bernardino Finance Department ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY Date Paid JULY 15. 2003 Claim Register Number #3 Check No. 674625 Void: Check No. 2003/2004 Through No. No. 675179.598288,598289 Total Amount Approved $ 1,392 ,271. 78 Approved for Payment: d&L Director of Finance ~~t'/ .. Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to-wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk REGISTER HANOWRITE CANCELLED TOTAL 1,379,204.36 15,481.00 (2,413.58) 1,392,271.78 Distribution: WHITE. City Clerk CANARY. Treasurer PINK. Cash Reconcil. GOLD. AP REGISTER FINC-3.01 t4.901 CITY OF WoN lEAHNDNO CEN'TRALPRlNT\NQ8ER'M:ES ~ CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated JULY 15, 2003 ~.~-.._.-.._._.---_.- has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on JULY 15. 2003 at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~c-f(~L Ditector of Finance DISTRIBUTION: WH ITE - City Clerk, YEl-LOW - Treasurer CORR'ECTE'O COpy City of San Bernardino Finance Department ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY Date Paid Claim Register Number Check No. Void: Check No. . . XXXXXXXXXX2003/2004 . Through No. No. '::r .', Total Amount Approved $ ,":' . '-' ~ Approved for Payment Director of Finance Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to-wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk f _'I , : 1'1' . !, /' ~ .: ~i C '. . , "'1 "-;- .!, : ..1 ! ,.1 ~ :. fj : r:' 1 . S ::lj . Dlltributlon: WHITE. City OMIt CANARY. Tr.asu,., PINK. e.sh R,concil. GOLO . AP REGISTER FINC4.01 14-101 mlr&~'" CORRECTED COpy City of San Bernardino Finance Department BANK BALANCE ADJUSTMENT REPORT Month: Page Number: Account Name: Commercial Date: 2003/2004 XXXXXXXXX Account Number: 206-698-020 Reporting Period: Book Balance Forward: 50,000.00 . Deposits - Total Amount: + New Checks - Total Amount: Check Numbers '. - t. L '-:- 'L;! ~:~. rH' -: ~ [ " f' '-' . Checks Cancelled - Total Amount: Check Numbers: + . . -. ; ;" r t,. L; ,- .. i ~J 'I,i, i .. ~'~ z .;:" ., " ,: r.~1 r;. /: ,'.: ~-_ i: f l: I ~ ~,. " - . Checks Voided - Amount as Applicable Check Numbers: - , ,~ . 1 {" " f , , + SUB TOTAL 50,000.00 Bank Adjustments: "New Book Balance I 50,000.00 I n L K f.7:; l'i! Submitted By Approved By .Carry forward 10 next page aTVOI'~.AN./IfONO CENTlUolPANTIHOa'1MCU Dlatrlbutio" _ WHITE. T,..IU,.r CANARY. Ch~1l File PINK.. AP File GOLD. Cash Reconcile FINC-3.02 11-961 City of San Bernardino Finance Department ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY Date Paid Jul y 22, 2003 Claim Register Number #4 2002/2003 Check No. 598290 thru 598294 HANDTYPES1ll-I\-1HIl'.1'I 675180 XXXXX'XX Void: 675421. 675515 No. thru 675589 Check No. No. Total Amount Approved $ 1,681,685.45 Approved for paym~ uiR ~ Director of Finance! J/4"c'/ ~ 0---1 Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to.wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk REGISTER CANCELLED HANDTY PES TOTAL 1,682,446.52 -2,231.07 -1,470.00 1,681,685.45 Diltriblltlon: WHITE.CityCl9rk CANARY. Tr.'surer PINK-CsshRtlconcil, GOLD.APREG/STER ClTYCfSANIlERNMDlr<<l FINC-3.01 l4-SOI CEHTRALPAltmNGSER\IICES CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated Jul y 22. 2003 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on July 22. 2003 at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~d4Jli,/\-, Dir~tor of Finance DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - City Clerk YELLOW - Treasurer . City of San Bernardino Finance Departme"!ttCFiVf":C11'1 rHH\ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMAII:V Date Paid JULY 29, 2003 Claim Register Number #5 2003/2004 Check No. 675590 Through 675902.598295 No. No. Void: 675845,675851 Check No. Total Amount Approved $ 2,009,329.47 A:proved f~r paym~b / g,L Director of Finance <=..- '--- / Mayor and Common Council on the Day of 19 By the following vote to-wit: AYES NOES Absent: City Clerk REGISTER HANDWRITE CANCELLED TOTAL 1,671,373.88 342,530.00 (4,574.41) 2,009,329.47 Distribution: WHITE. Cit( Clerk CANARY. T,easurer PINK. Cash Reconcil, GOLD. AP REGISTER FINC-3.01 '4-90) ~~~ . CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated ~ U L Y_2.~-,-...2Q(l}._ has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on JULY 29. 2003 .._ at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DISTRIBUTION, WHITE - City Clerk YELL0W - Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated ~--L.27. .2003 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on .1..1 y ?7, ?003 __ at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~d#~~'=----- D' ector of Finance DISTRIBUTION: WHITE - City Clerk . YELI..OW ~ Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated J U L Y 21, 2003 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. Il549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on JULY 21, 2003 at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~~~ DISTRIBUTION, WHITE - City Clerk YELLOW - Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF DECLARATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, the Director of Finance of the City of San Bernardino, the undersigned declare: That the attached Register of Demands dated _~'LJt1._2!L03 has been audited as required by Sections 37202 and 37208 of the Government Code and San Bernardino City Resolution No. 11549; said demands are accurate and correct; that there are adequate funds to pay the demands in the bank pursuant to the Bank Balance Adjustment Reports. Executed on JULY 8._20()~___ at San Bernardino, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DISTRIBUTION: WH ITE - City Clerk YELLOW - Treasurer PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT Water 0 City IXI PERIOD ENDING DATE 7/ 31/ 03 CHECK NUMBERS USED: 794558 TO 796191 DATE PAID 7/31/03 PPNo. 14 CHECK NUMBERS VOIDED: 794558, 795 1 72 CHECK NUMBERS CANCELLED: EARNINGS: Regular Gross: 3,214,911. 45 Adjustments: Total Adjusted Gross Payroll 3,214,911.45 DEDUCTIONS: Total (Without Adjustments) 2, 761 , 541 . 73 Adjustments: Net Payroll 453,369.72 I , Total Adjusted Deductions 2,761,541.73 APPROVALS FOR PAYMENT -IkM/7 ~ 0VDZTOR OF FINANCE Mayor and Common Council on the SECRETARY OF CIVIL RVICE BOARD Day of ,20 The Following Vote To-Wit: Absent Ayes Noes City Clerk CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO-Finance Department DISTRIBUTION: WHITE -Payroll CANARY-Gily Clerk