HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-Parks & Recreation ,< CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lemuel P. Randolph, Director ORIGJNAL Subject: RESOLUTION AWARDING A PURCHASE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $96,989.56 TO CALIFORNIA STRUCTURAL CONTRACTORS FOR PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF ONE LITCHFIELD 36 FOOT RAINBOW BAND SHELTER AT ANNE SHIRRELLS PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACHED DESCRIPTION AND DRAWINGS. ..~ Dept: Parks, Recreation & Community Services Dept. Date: July 14, 2003 MICC Meeting Date: July 21, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Project was approved in the Prop. 12 Per Capita Grant Program by Resolution 2001-245 and included in CIP for 2002-03 and again in CIP for 2003-04 on 6/19/03. Recommended motion: Adopt Resolution Signature Contact person: Lemuel Randolph Phone: 384-5030 Supporting data attached: Staff Report & Resolution Ward: Ward 6 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $96,989.56 Source: (Accl. No.) 243-363-5504-7271 (Accl. Description) Park Construction Fund Finance' Council Notes: r:?. ~.;:::cx>:tJ-2()c).:5 "20\ Agenda Item No. a I 1/c1l/o3 . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subiect: Resolution awarding a Purchase Order in the amount of $96,989.56 to California Structural Contractors for purchase and installation of one Litchfield 36 foot Rainbow Band Shelter at Anne Shirrells Park in accordance with attached description and drawings. Backe:round: The proposed Purchase Order is for the purchase and installation of a 36' Litchfield Rainbow Band Shelter with a precut metal roof. The shelter is to be installed on a 12" Elevated concrete slab to include ADA accessibility. The stage will have an electrical system installed for operation of lights and sound system. Walkways will be installed to and around the shelter. The shelter has been requested by the Community and Neighborhood Association through 6th Ward Councilwoman Anderson. The shelter will be used for special community events on a regular basis to provide for unity among the citizens of the local community. There are several events held at Anne Shirrells Park each year that draw from the entire city for promotion of various city and county services and to focus attention on meeting the needs of the community. These events will be significantly enhanced by the completion of this park amenity. The band shelter at Anne Shirrells Park was approved as one of the projects in the Proposition 12, Per Capita Grant Program, which was approved by the Mayor and Common Council by Resolution 2001-245 on August 9, 2001 and is in the FY 02-03 Park Construction Budget. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department prepared the appropriate specifications and received contract bid estimates from three (3) vendors as required by the Purchasing Manager: Company Locations Amount California Structural Contractors RFL Development WF Construction Baldwin Park Palm Desert San Dimas $ 96,989.56 $109,122.00 $106,000.00 Job estimates received from vendors were addressed in error to the COUNTY of San Bernardino, Attn: John Tucker. These documents should have read to the CITY of San Bernardino, Attn: John Tucker. Estimates and Drawings were reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Department staff and it was determined that the bid of California Structural Contractors meets all requirements. All three bids were for the exact same Litchfield Rainbow Band Shelter. The Account No. 243-363-5504-7271 was funded in FY 02-03 in the amount of $94,000. These are Prop 12 funds and are to be carried over into FY 03-04 budget. The FY 03-04 Clr Budget requests that $40,000 be added from City Park Construction Funds to the budget for this shelter bringing the total to $ 134,000. The additional $40,000 will pay for the additional $2,989.56 on the contract bid price, plus the additional work for construction of walkways to and around the band shelter and for the electrical requirements for operation of the shelter. The additional funds will also pay for any contingencies that may arise after the project begins. Financial Imnact: Funding is budgeted in the Park Construction Fund Budget, Account No. 243-363-5504-7271 in the amount of $ 134,000 consisting of $94,000 (Prop 12) and $40,000 (Park Construction) to cover this proj ect. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution . . 1 RESOLUTION N~ RESOLUTION AWARDING A PURCHASE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 2 $96,989.56 TO CALIFORNIA STRUCTUR-\L CONTRACTORS FOR PURCHASE AND 3 INSTALLATION OF ONE LITCHFIELD 36 FOOT RAINBOW BAND SHELTER AT ANNE SHIRRELLS PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACHED DESCRIPTION 4 AND DRAWINGS. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON 6 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION I. That California Structural Contractors is the lowest and best responsible 8 bidder for purchase and installation of one 36 foot Litchfield Rainbow Band Shelter, in 9 accordance with description and drawings (attached), for a total amount of $96,989.56, and, as 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 such, the City is authorized to enter into the standard purchase order with California Structural Contractors; pursuant to this determination, the issuance of a purchase order by the Purchasing Manager to California Structural Contractors in the amount of $96,989.56 is hereby authorized; and all other quotations therefore are hereby rejected. SECTION 2. The Purchase Order shall reference this Resolution No. 2003- and shall read 17 "California Structural Contractors for purchase and installation of one 36 foot Litchfield Rainbow Shelter, P.O. No. 18 , not to exceed $96,989.56, and shall incorporate the terms 19 and provisions of its bid proposal, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. 20 SECTION 3. The authorization to execute the above referenced purchase order is rescinded if 21 22 23 the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. 24 25 26 1// III I/i. . 27 LflD. Z./ //1 28 /// 7/2.-1/03 1// 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . . 27 28 RESOLUTION AWARDING A PURCHASE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $96,989.56 TO CALIFORNIA STRUCTURAL CONTRACTORS FOR PURCHASE AND INST ALLA TION OF ONE LITCHFIELD 36 FOOT RAINBOW BAND SHELTER AT ANNE SHIRRELLS PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACHED DESCRIPTION AND DRAWINGS. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a Meeting, thereof, held on the day of .2003, by the following vote to wit: COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LIEN LONGVILLE MC GINNIS DERRY SUAREZ 14 DEAN-ANDERSON 15 MC CAMMACK 16 17 18 19 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 20 21 JUDITH V ALLES, MAYOR City of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form 23 And Legal content: 24 James F. Penman City Attorney 25 26 .(~ California Structural Contractors- Anne Shirrclls band shelter 'Hpr ~~ U~ Utl:c~a CHL ~lRUCIURHL CONTRRCTOR 6263375255 . California Structural Contractors 4256 Park Place Baldwin Par/v CA 91706 Phone (626)337-5285 Fax (626)337-5255 C5L#538743 County of San Bernadino Attention: John Tucker . ' ,'~'.' DESCRIPTION Supply all labor and materials necessary to facilitate the installation of one Litchfield 36' Rainbow Band Shelter. Shelter to installed per plans and . specifications, See attached drawings and specifications. '-J Please note that this set of specifications shows the roofing to be shingle. Per my conversation with the MFG rep the roofing will be pre cut metal roof.CSC to provide shade s/:lelterfrom-Litchfield. CSC to provide 12 inch slab on grade underthe band;shelter, Slitbto be ADA Accesible. .,' , ., ","~" ' .~. . "- ":\ ',.- . . :~; .;iL:>t-; ....-, ',~~ - ,:.., . . I '1,' .:,.;' -, ,.. )-".;1',.'" ,,'I.,' y , ',~ : " ":':;Mi~', ','~." ,,_:,:;'.;' TOTAL p.2 Estimate ! ~ "1~1: t.... t1il DATE ESTIMATE __. 3/19/2003 1070 PROJECT QTY I RATE 96,989.56 0,00 .~", ~. . . 'It:" .." ':.-",, \1ft', '. "iI~ , "'-~~~1~<; :;),\~'~, "" . "fIf., ""'"1 j; ,,~\ TOTAL 96 989 56 " t,~ , . I l'il c"fi# '''" , .,,~ " ,1'....11 -l-r::ljlj,,) t.1C::U7;>t-' I-kUP1: IU: 13U'3384'2.160 P:2/2 R F L DEVELOPMENT CSL#413689 PO &x 1/6IJ5, Palm nr..<.:'I, CA. 92155 760- 772-8420 PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE San llemadion. CA PRONE: DATE:5-)-03 JOB NAME:Park JOB AD\)RESS:San Bernadioo. CA SUBMITI'ED TO: County of Sl\I1 Bernadino ADDRESS: JOB DtSCRIPTJON: Revised from proposal dated 3-31-03 Pun:hase IIDd wblll Litchfield 36' Rainbow An:h shade shelter tin drll,.in~ supplied by Litchfield dated 2-"1. "n",ide lInd instill concrete sl:l!l per !l3me drawin~ lit t 2":bove f:xl,tlnlt elllv:ltion and include ADA lIecns. . We p"'p""e tu furnish labor and materials to preform work a.~ dcscnbcd above. for the sum of: One hundred nine thousad one hUDdred twenty two & no/lOO*****"'" Dollan ( $109,122.00 ) Payment to be made as follows: % d~{llJsil. % duc when material is delivered and remaning 100 % due upon completion.. ".,...,.,........aId Air ,\ll W(lrk to be, ooqilerM in . Wt'tIrma:nl1ko n1IImCf lKoCORhrw; 1tI,1arxiMnl pn&C~" lV!yaJtmatiQDClfdcviaum.fNmllE.w~~iuu w\\~viI18ex1':tcnod Will he -"od""'__ocdcnlDll..;ube.."",,,~u-...J.b.M lIu> OO\lIrxt ^".greomcnra cnn1i~ U(JtlI'lllttika, Kcidalu or cklIyI bt'y0Dd \1IQt waINl Authorized Signature: AcceptllDl"e uf Proposal: the above pnces. specifications and condItions are satlStactOry and herebyacceptw Sip.ture: Date: Dee 26 02 08:52a . . . WF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SOS 5SS 5763 ~cMtIJ,~d~~ ~__ .~.:-.- JOB ESTIMATE Date: April 29, 2003 To: County of San Bernardinu Attn: John Tucker VIA FAX: 909384-5160 From: Mike Watkins No. of Pages: I Re: Revised Bid Rainbow Band Shelter Dear Mr. Tucker: The following is our revised bid to supply all labor and materials necessary to faCllitate the installatioll of (1) Litchfield 36' Rainbow Band Shelter. NOTE: Please note that this set of specifications shows the roofing to be shingle, roof. CSC to provide shade shelter from Litchfield. CSC to provide 12-inch slab 011 grade under the band shelter. Slab to be ADA Accessible. The above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to standard practice for the sum of: $106,000 *** One hundred six thousand dollars and nu cents*'* Sincerely, Mike Watkins WF Construction, lnc. WF Construction, Inc. 635 W. Allen Ave, San Dimas, com. 91773 (909) 599-4262 FAX (909) 599.8643 p. 1 nar c~ U~ Utl:l~a ~H~ ~IKU~IUKHL ~UNIKH~IUK o26~~75255 M.r 28 03 IO:33a Litchfield Industri~s 517-542-3939 . r E -00 '" Cl} olD .~ cv E i: 0::> -iU ~ 0 ~ u 0 .D '- C <r: o~ _ co 0 0 (/) 0 U <U +--' ~ - 0 .irJ <U 0 '- '- > I u ClJ c c QJ o Cl} 1O U0 - n , >.. W ..,. OJ V -+-' . " C 0.<:: 0 .Du L co ~ LL .0 ~ [>:: _I ~ c ~E ,- ::> 0_ ~ 0 (/iu o I CO I I. f'~ I v COP'ilUGHTZOOl . L ITCHF[ELD INDUSI'RJESj NC. , I INOUS'lIIW. DRIVI lIICIII'IIIJl. III 411252 (517) 542-2!188 2-8-01 ----. - Front Elevation 36' Rainbow Bond Shelter J,S, , ".3 ".2 " 1 Ma~ 28 03 08:19a Mar 28 03 10:338 CAL STRUCTURAL CONTRACTOR 6263375255 . .:( 0 .--j(\j ~ . I (() N Litchfi~ld Indu~t~i~~ <f> <f> .2 0> ~ <l> <f> ..a OJ i.2~ _ co o'E cU"') .2 U. o I , Ii ~ co ~E "0 -= ~ 0 V;u 517-5'12-3939 . IYCIlJIIEWINDUSTRIESJNC, 4 1ftlIIJS!'IIUL IIIMl urc&mllII, III 41262 (517) 542-ZIN18 2-7-01 Side Elevation 36' Rainbow Bond Shelter ~ o U o ..a ~ Ec (/)0 u '" we ~ ~ () '" co c:: o '" UL'> . >- q- aJ COI'YRIGHT2001 J,S. p.'! p.3 gl -+-' o > <I) W <I) U Ul " 2 Mar t:::tj U.:I utj: l~a Mar 28 03 10:34a . . . '""fi ~ I <0 ~ , I ~HL ~I~U~IU~HL CUNI~HCIUR 6263375255 517-542-3939 p.5 p.4 LitchField Industri@5 ~;;) o~ .0 c.<:: .- u o~ Q;:<( Q) - ~r....> U . cc.> o u>-- ro o ~ f"') .~ SOL / -........ .... , ...--, ~\-\---:j " _~ _.....-" - -,_~"I \ \_",1 . I /'_ .....-" - .....-" I ~ I rv' ffil ;' i i /' i i / i i I I I I I I I I ~ I ... -~ I -g,c '0 E I .=2 I t/18 ,'.~/ ( ---\ j , I - -' ,:_,/ , \ I \- ~"'" \ \ \ -........ ~'" .q- ~~ '"'" .-. I ... <'< TITCBFlELDpmUSTRIESfNC. t IllDUSlRW. DaM lJ'!CIFIIU), III t92~ (517) 542-2~ 2 -8-01 I <0 -........ I ,.....--', I I I , c 0 - Q- 10 -0 I . C N =:J 10 0 l- e::: .' ro COPYRIGHT 200 I Ground Plan 36' Rainbow Bond Shelter 3 J.S. LHL ~I~ULIU~HL LUNI~HLIU~ nar ~tl U4 Uti:cua . Mar 28 0.3 10.:348 Litchfield Indu5trip5 bcb~~7,,255 p.G ,..5 517-5'12-3939 r-- I <n u n I a.. N U I I I I '" '" I > c <! I 0'- N I w.....l I l/ tf1 N 1 CO I C CD 0 - I 0- lD n:: ~ n ~ C --I I 1 E! tf1 V> . 0' ~I . .' N U n I 0.. N U r--- 1 <n COPYR1GtlT ZOOl I~CHFlELD INOUSTRIESJ:NC. . IIlDusnw. DIU\'t: U1UIPIIlJl. III .w252 (517) 5.z-ztBl 2-6-01 Framing Plan 36' Rainbow Bond Sheller W4 J.S. . . . Mar 28 03 08:20a Mor 28 03 10:34. CAL STRUCTURAL CONTRACTOR 6263375255 517-542~3939 p.7 p.6 Litchri~ld Indu5tri~5 c '0. ~ '0 :I: -og' Q.>.- u~ ~ 0 o 0 _ u.. c '0; n:: Q.> a:; ~ = u"--'" ocU "'-'0- a. u~ 1JJ ....~ xU ....z -~~ " ~ , E \ / o / c:.~ ,,~ ro ~ ~ ...... x 0 Nu.. L __., ......... ' , / , , \ , I , f ," /' e,;> ~ >-- ~..>C E g 00 c ~- -00 x 0 Nn:: ~ ~ '" ..>C o o '5 o ~ 32 0'0 en S<(~2 g ~ . ~ 0 ~ c ~'a ...- '"'Oc _ o c --- 0"' 0 ~ 0 ~.c;:: ::) L... 0::>.. 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Ma~ 28 03 08:21a Ma~ 28 03 10:35a CAL STRUCTURAL CONTRACTOR 6263375255 LitcnFipld Indu5t~ip5 517-542-3939 ~ ~ ~~ 9 C of ~ ~ li~ ~ ~. I . 1 i L----1: r-l---[---j----i : I I I '1 I I I I I I I --------------~~-~-~ :1 '~ I: I' ., I il L ': I, , , , I I , I / \ / " , " '- ~ ~ b:' ~ ~ , lij ',) ~ ~, .,/ ... ~ -- ~ :::s C5 <-.J -, , , \ \ I z > , S ~ z " . ~ ~ '" ~ 1lc va; o c: 0 :5 :i3 G).S "i5;"=; Q"l c:.aE OJ.g en .2" :.= CI) ... r.:: 4) .- ll.l ~~~~(1)='o ..cc.::5..... -oo:::Jo..(,I)..cEuo -0 '" - :g 0 c: wc..c.(/1-=CU- 0"'0 ~ l--oUlo80..co cc:~o 0:..;:; c o..c-- 0" ::;J::::............ z O.Q ~ - en C 0\ U) Iii .!?:E (; z-oc-.....<..... O'\C c: lU..........-.- o 41J Q.J .- -- 0 (fI U 0"E"'O QJen-o:.;:""OCJ'lc:o - 0 .- c: Q.J ..... ,- co..... (/') - \- (f) >..- "'0 0 ~ -0 :.;:: n-' w OC_tTt UCc;OU'lC ~ < E 3 .E ~.8 g 8 L;: .E :!:: 8 p}'CHFlELDrDUSI'R'ESINC. , 4 IlIDUSI1W. IlIMl UTCIlFlIlUl. 111 4112~ (617) 542-28118 ~ ~" ." .. .. .~~ i :;5 0 ~u .. ~ ~ J t3 . C'] : i ......---..-/ ~ . . : ;s (. t Vi .1 !<J I t:S . ~ .1 . <..) ..-/ ~ f '" . " o II . j ~ . .. , .! I I ~ ~ ~ Q. , III .!. S ~ ~ ~ "' eo ~ 00 ~~ ~~ ~ o u .0-.. ,9 COPYRIGHT 200 1 Streight Column and Su gested Footin Detoil 36' Rainbow Bond Shelter 2 8 01 p.8 p.7 e; ~ . ~ '0 . '" u 9 " ~e! ll.~ wOu 0.1. ~~= ~~ SA J.S. . ' ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Resolution # ''2 CD ~) - 20 I Abstain -6 Absent e- Meeting Date (Date Adopted): '"),.? 1.03 Item # L' Vote: Ayes I J) Nays .-if Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso, # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: ')--23'Cc'.:, Date of Mayor's Signature: ". :1'1' C-~) Date of ClerklCDC Signature: -'j. ':k\. ( .'.:- Date Me~o/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: __'.hS.ee Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ,// Code Compliance Dev. Services Parks & Rec, / Police Public Services Water Notes: NulINoidAfter: (rO I)A--/::'! '1-,<\-(,;,3 By: - Reso. Log Updated: ../ Seal Impressed: ... /' Date Returned: .. Yes /' No By---!- Yes No -.L-. By-L... Yes No ...L By f ./ -r- Yes No :/= - Yes No ./ - EDA Finance ,/'" MIS Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/ 12/0 I