HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-Development Services r CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: JAMES FUNK, Director ORIGINAL Development Services Subject: Authorization to proceed and plan approval and Resolution ofIntention: proposed vacation of portions of Laurelwood Drive, East of Orchard Drive and Orchard Drive, North and South of Laurelwood Drive. Dept: Date: July 7, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: File No. 15.30-370 MCC Date: 07-21-2003 10-21-02 - Resolution No. 2002-348 was adopted, ordering the vacation of portions of Rosewood Drive, between Orchard Drive and Tippecanoe Avenue and Orchard Drive, south of Rosewood Drive. Recommended Motion: That the Director of Development Services be authorized to proceed with the proposed vacation of portions of Laurelwood Drive, east of Orchard Drive and Orchard Drive, north and south of Laurelwood Drive and that Plan No. 10755, depicting the proposed vacation be approved; AND Adopt resolution. ~Ja5: Contact person: Eileen Gomez Phone: 5328 Supporting data attached: Staff Report! Map/Reso Ward: 3 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: (Accl. No.) N/A (Accl. Description) N/A Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. 1?lJlf13 / ' L~:",C .:!;: L cc{".; \ '\ I) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Authorization to proceed and plan approval and Resolution of Intention: proposed vacation of portions of Laurelwood Drive, East of Orchard Drive and Orchard Drive, North and South of Laurelwood Drive. BACKGROUND: The "HUB" project, which is a proposed development in the area generally along Laurelwood Drive and Rosewood Drive, west of Tippecanoe Avenue, will require a realignment of Laurelwood Drive from its present intersection at Tippecanoe Avenue to Harriman Place. This first phase of this development involves the relocation of Sam's Club to the new site. The Economic Development Agency is the project manager for this development, and the City is overseeing the design and construction of street improvements. The realignment of Laurelwood Drive and the proposed development will require those portions of Laurelwood Drive, east of Orchard Drive and Orchard Drive, north and south of Laurelwood Drive to be vacated. The portions of Rosewood Drive, between Orchard Drive and Tippecanoe A venue and Orchard Drive, south of Rosewood Drive were previously vacated by Resolution No. 2002-348. The Economic Development Agency has either purchased all of the property along the proposed vacation area, or is in the process of acquiring right of possession for the remaining properties prior to the completion of the vacation. City Departments, utility companies, and all adjacent or affected property owners were mailed notification of the proposal, and were given the opportunity to submit comments on any conflicts or to reserve easements. All responses received were favorable. The existing utilities will be granted temporary easements in the Resolution of Intention and the Resolution Ordering Vacation. All temporary easements will be in effect pending the completion of the relocation process. The City Water Department, The Gas Company, Southern California Edison, Verizon California Inc.. and Adelphia have submitted requests to reserve temporary easements for their existing facilities. When development starts, existing facilities will either be relocated or abandoned, at which time the temporary easements will terminate. The developer is corresponding with utility companies requiring easements in that area to coordinate a design for the relocation of existing facilities. The attached Resolution of Intention sets a public hearing for August 18,2003. Upon approval, the Resolution will be published in The Sun, the street will be posted, and adjacent and affected property owners will be given notification of the public hearing. At the public hearing, a Resolution Ordering Vacation will be submitted for your action. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. Since this is a City initiated project, the normal $1,000 processing fee will not be collected. RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that authorization to proceed with the proposed vacation be given and that Plan No. 10755 be approved and adopt resolution . I' LO I LO '" 0 0 Wz - ..... ><( . .... " ~ a: 0 0 " / ~ ( O::c Z ..... 1 I,... C'\J C") "l- ll") f- C'\J c-\> IC'\J C'\J C'\J C'\J C'\J Oa: Z - ,... 1 Q) 1 I 00 <( Q) 1 I OZ ....I .c 1 I 1 I S:w a.. Cf) I ~ la::>J8d d> "l- I I a: a: 1 I ::lo 1 I <( ll") 1 ~ 1 .-10 <: 1 I lL.a: ~ iJJ <0 1 I 0<( N I I ::c ~ ~ I UJU <3 1 I Za: .... ~ 1'-. 1 00 I '" Q) Q) 1 "-0 f-OW -' -' I I ~< 0 0 d Cx:J I u- a:z> 0 0 I J oel 0<(- -JCl: 0... a: - 0) 1 Cll~ wO ....J 1 "'Cl:", c;, 1 1-lJ.J~ lL.>0 ~ ~ Cl 1 3~oi oa:o \\. ,... I ~;:Jj:,i ZOO It I ~ 00:5 ~ ....J 1 OJ <0 ~ ,... I ~ o:t f-a:w ,... I f::u <(<(a: CO I D.. Cl:< u::C::l ~ ;::!: C'\J \ o~ <(U<( Q C'\J ,... >a:.-I 0 00lL. C") WlL.O >, >, <: ,... 8o::c .D .D "0 "0 "I- o...f-f- Q) 0 L Q) ,... OUJ:::J 0 .Y <:( "- u a:<(0 Q) Q) f-.: ll") o...WUJ L .!: ,... Cl. u Ii <0 o(/)Z Q ,... ZWO 1'-. , 00- ,... I ~>Cf) Cl L 0 <(0::> Cx:J ~ Q) ~ ZW- Q) ,... c ijj ({!== . ~Cf)0 a: ~] 0' '" ,... WI-Cf) c 0) '" "l- I. 'I~ W ,... in -' ~ ~ a:JZ~ ~ ~ >, ,tZ"Z:SI I Cosl) ZWO:: -' Cl C'\J U III .Sill,OS: <(:2:0 C'\J I "I- 0' 0 (/)0..$ c a. ---------, 3111~bo3;:~:~~O) I -' g u..OO u <( O...J- . W...J > ~"O ." > ~ >>CO Q) o -;:_ ~oo~ > 'O"C"'Cc~ I-W=> 0 ..: g ;"E ~ .6c"~ ,9.(. L /0 9v <5>"1- (300.. "- o ~ ra Q.l "- ~"ii.i 'fi..c >. /,,) "'0 ~.... <( ~ ~ 0 <Y '< ; 0- ...J . . . 1 2 3 4 RESOLt r~~ RESOLlTlO'i OF THE CITY OF SA'\' BER'\'ARDI'\'O DECLARI,\,(; ITS I'\'TE'\'T10:\ TO ORDER THE VACAT!O'\' OF I'ORTIO:\'S OF LALREL WOOD DRI\'E, EAST OF ORCHARD DRIVE A'\'D ORCHARD DRI\T, ,\,(HUH A'\'D SOLTlI OF LALRELWOOD DIU'E. 5 BE IT RESOL VED BY THE [vIA YOR A'\D CO'\IMOI\ cm "ClI, or THE CITY or 6 SA'" BER'\,\RDI'\O AS FOLLO\\S 7 SECTlO'i I. That the '\layor and Common COLIncil of the Cit\ of San fkrnardino 8 hereby declares its intention to order the vacation of portions of Laurd\\ood Drive, east of 9 Orchard Drive. and Orchard Drive, north and south of Laurel\\ood Dri\'c, described as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Those portions of Laurel\\ood Drive and Orchard Dri\e. as ddineatcd on the map of Tract No, 2743 as per map reeorded in Book 38 of Maps. Page 47, records of the County Recorder of San Bernardino COLInty. State of California together with portions of Lots 16. 17.4 I and 42 of said Tract No, 2743, and together with a portion of Lot 24, Tract '\0 12034. as per map recorded in Book 168 of Maps. Page 80. records of said COLInty, described as I"llo\\s: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 20 of said Tract '\0, 2743, said point being on the east line of said Orchard Drive: thence sOLIth along said east line to the north line of said Laurdwood Drive: thence east along said north line and I,Jilowing its yarioLIs courses and distances to its intersection \vith the northerly line of Harriman Place, as eonw\ed to the City of San Bcrnardino in DocLIment 1\ll, 2002-062748 L recorded :\o\'ember 19. 2002, records of said COLInty: thencc soutlmesterly, along said northerlv line. to the sOLIth line of said Laurelvmod Drive: thence wesL along said south line and I"llcming its \arious courses and distances. to the east line of said Orchard Dri\e: thence somh. along said east line to its intersection with said northerly line of Harriman Place: thence southwesterly, along said northerly line. to the west line of said Orchard Drive as sho\l!1 on said map of Tract 0:0, 1203-L thence north, along said \\'Cst line and following its yariOllS courses and distances to the northerly terminus of said Orchard Drive. said point heing on the \\esterl)' prolongation of the north line of said Lot 20: thence east. along said prolongation, to the point of beginning, 24 SEeTlO'\' 2, That the \layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, in 25 26 27 28 \acating the abm'e described portion of said street(s). elecls to proceed under and in accordance \yith the prov'isions of the "Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law". being Di\ision 'I. Part 3, of the Streets and High\\ays Codc of the State of California, (J~ 0303 Yi (), 14 ~/ ? / /e,"3 . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLLTlO"" OF Ii\TE!'HIO'i --- VAC.ATlOi\ OF PORTlO'iS OF LALRELWOOD DRI\'E. L\ST OF ORCHARD DRIVE A'iD ORCHARD DRIVE. 'iORTH A!\D SOUTH OF L\lIREL\\OOD DRIVE SECT/a!\' 3. That the hour of 400 pnL on :'vlonday. August 18. 2003. in the C,)Uncil Chambers of City Hall. 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino. California. is fixed as the time and place when and where all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation mav appear before the said :'vlavor and Common Council and offer evidence in rdation thereto. For further particubrs as to the proposed vacation. reference is made to that map marked "Plan 1\0, 10755"'. a copy ofvvhich is on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City SECTIO:'l\ 4. ~othing in this Resolution shall in any way affect or disturb any existing easements for public utility purposes belonging either to the City of San Bernardino or to an) public utility: and there is hereby specifically reserved for the City of San Bernardino. its successors. heirs and assigns. a temporary easement for sanitary sewer and appurtenant facilities over the entire area proposed to be vacated. including the right at any time. or from time to time. \l) construct. maintain. operate. replace and renew said sewer or appurtenances and said temporary easement shall include the right of ingress and egress thereto: and there is hereb) specifically reserved for Southern California Edison. its successors. heirs and assigns. a temporary easement to construct. place. operate. inspect. maintain. repair. replace and remove any ov'erhead or underground electrical transmission anu.'or distribution structure consisting of vvires. cables. conduits. poles. pole anchors and guy wires. manhole markers and necessary fixtures and appurtenances. and said temporary easement shall include the right of ingress and egress thereto: and there is hereb\' specifically reserwd for the Cit)' of San Bcrnardino \1unicipal Water Department. its successors. hcirs and assigns. a temporary easement for water utility purposes ov'er the entire area proposed to be vacated. including the right at any time. or from I (J" 0303 I 2 . 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 e 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTlO", OF I!\TE:\TIO,", n. VACATlO!\ OF PORTlO:\S OF LAURELWOOO DRIVE, EAST OF ORClIARD IlRIVE A1\1l ORCHARO DRJ\'E, NORTH A",1l SOUTH OF LAl'REL\\OOIl DRIVE time tl) time. to construct. ll1J.intain. operate. rcp!J.ce anJ renew one or 1110re pipelines or appurtenances for the transportation of water and related incidental purposes. and said temporary easement shall include the right of ingress and egress thereto; and there is hereby specifically 6 reserwd for Verizon Calijt1rl1ia. Inc.. its successors. heirs and assigns. a temporary easement 10 7 construct. 8 structures 9 10 temporary place. operate. inspect. maintain. repair and replace underground and overhead consisting of wires. cables and necessary fixtures and appurtenances and said easement shall include the right of ingress and egress thereto; and there is hereby specifically reserwd for The Gas Company. its successors. heirs and assigns. a temporary easement over the entire area proposed to be vacated. including the right at any time. or from time to time. to construct. maintain. operate. replace and renew one or morc pipelines or appurtenances Itlr the transportation of natural gas. and said temporary easement shall include the right of ingress and egress thereto; and there is hereby specifically reserved for Adelphia. its successors. heirs and assigns. a temporary easement to construct. place. operate. inspect. maintain. repair and replace underground and o\-erhead structures consisting of wires. cables and necessary fIxtures and appurtenances and said temporarv easement shall include the right of 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ingress and egress thereto. All temporary easements reserved herein shall terminate upon relocation or abandonment of existing facilities. SECTION 5. It is hereby determined that the vacation of the strcct(s) is categorically exempt trom the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). pursuant to Class I. Section 1530!(c) II/ ()7 01 01 ., e . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLL:TIO~ OF I~TE~T10~ --- VACATION OF PORTIONS OF LAUREL WOOD DRIVE. EAST OF ORCHARD DRIVE A"D ORCHARD DRIVE, NOlnH A1\D SOUTH OF LAUREL WOOD DRIVE SECTlO'\i 6, That the City Engineer of the City of San Bernardino is herehy directed to cause "'otices of Street Vacation to be posted as required by said "Public Streets, Highwavs and Seniee Easements Vacation Law." SECTION 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution of Intention and shall cause the same to be published once a week for two successive weeks in The San Bernardino County Sun, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of San 10 Bernardino. prior to the above date set forth for the public hearing. 11 /// 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 07,'{J.,03 .j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The foregoing resolution is hereby apprO\ed this, 20 1 . 2 3 . 21 22 RESOLlTIO:'\ OF I~TE:'\TIO:'\ m \'ACATlOI\ OF PORTlO'iS OF LAI'REL\\OOl> [)RI\L L\ST OF ORCIIAIW llRI\'E ANI> OnCHARD DRI\'E, ,'OORTH A:\D SOITII OF LALREL\\ OOD I>RI\T I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution \\as duh adopted b\ the \layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 4 meeting thereof 5 held on the day of .20_, bv the !l)II(\\v'ing vote, Ie) vvit Council Members: A YES \'A YES ABST.\I:\ ,\BSF''':T ESTRADA LONGVILLE !\lCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON !\1CCAMMACK City Clerk day of ,20 JL:D1TII VALLES. Mayor City of San Bernardino 23 Approved as to form and legal coment: 24 25 1\\IES F, PENMAN 26 . 27 28 City Attorney o~ ()~ 03 , m -- - - --- ------ I I/) I/) ---3nN311 \1'--,----- 30N\1'J3ddll-c- ,.... ----- 0 , 0 , I L-U Z .... .... .1 I> <( . ..... ,- 0 ~r~ ~ 0:: 0 I I ~ - Z .... '---' ...L ..... ~ C") "I- l!') , f- I~ ~ ~ ~ ~i 00:: Z ...., ..... I . Q) , ' 00 e::( Q) I , Oz ...J ..c I :s: a. (f) -.Jw "l- i: la:>J8d w> 0::0:: =:;0 l{) <( ~ -.JO <: LLO:: ~ llJ (Q 0<( N i :r: ~ UlU '<l: zO:: '" ~ r--. c.9 '" 00 (j) (j) "-0 ,f- 0 W ~ ~ '<:<: 0 0 6 co 0- Io::z> 0 0 OCl 0<(- --JO:: Q.. 0:: Cll" - 0) <: wO -.l Lrj-n::C'\j '" I LL>O , i-l.J.Jr:::: ~ , OCll 00::0 ~ 0 --J<:Cll .~ ..... ~0;:; zoo It ~ OO~ -.l I Q) <:0 ~ ..... I u O:r: f-o::W ..... I Co f::o <(<(0:: co . I Q. 0::<: U:r:~ ~ "I- ~ oif <(U<( r--. Q ~ ..... >0::--.1 Cl 0 0 OOLL C") WLLO >- >- <: ..... UlO .D .D o :r: -0 "U "I- Q..f-I- (j) () ~ " ..... OUl~ 0 '" '<l: 0- U 0::<(0 (j) " 1-= l!') Q..WUl ~ .!: ..... CL u ri (Q 0 Q ..... CJ) Z Z W - 0 0 r--. C ..... CJ) / 0::: > ~~ e::( 0:: > ~ co (j) (j) ..... Z W 0 c ~ UJ 0::: CJ) '" Cl: CJ) c 0) ::> ..... h )~ W w "" "l- f- ..... in ~ ~ al ~ ~ Z >, ,tZ'"Z<i1 <'O~l) , 0:: ~ 0 ~ Z W 0 u CD ~ "l- e::( ::2: 0 S '" ~ en 0.... c --------, ~tI12?Q:::;/;'" I ~ " 3MliO 0 0 U ~ u.. <t: . 0 ....J ....J .~ cu "C W ((l (j) o .~,!!! 6c.O~~ >- > > O"C'TJO~ :J 0 ..: g c: "E ~ 6 Os- ~< ~ W L ~''o 9v <9", 0.... 0- o ~ fa lQ 1lI - 0 0- D-a; "fj..c ) '0 U "0 ~ <t: " "0 " '( ~ 0- ...J . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQLEST FOR COUNCIL ACTlOl\ From: .I.\\!ES Fl~K, Director Subject: Authorization to proceed and plan apprO\al and Resolution of Intention: proposed \acation of portions of Laurelwood Drive, fa'! ,'1 ()rchard Driw and Orchard Dri\c. ~orth and SC1uth of LaLlrel\\ood Dri\c Dept: De\'c!opmcn[ SC\"\ICC' Date: .lLlI\ 7, ~()(), Synopsis of Previous Council Action: File ~o 15,30-370 \1CC Date 07 -~ I -2003 1 O-~ I-()~ - Resolution '\0, 20()~-348 was adopted. ordering the \'acation of portions of Rose\\ood Drive. between ()rehard Drive and rippecanoe Avenue and Orchard Drive. south of Rosewood Drivc, Recommended Motion: That the Director of Development Scn'ices be authorized to proceed with the proposed vacation of portions of Laurelwood Dri\'e, east of Orchard Driw and Orchard Drive. north and south of Laurelwood Drive and that Plan No, 10755. depicting tbe proposed vacation be approved: A'\'D . Adopt resolution, . ~~ James Funk Contact person: Eileen Gomez Supporting data attached: Staff Report' \1ap:Reso 5:128 Phone: 3 Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: (Accl No) "LA (Accl Description) N A Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No . . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQl'EST FOR COrNCIl ACTION Staff Report Sl'B.JECT: .\uthorization to proceed and plan approval and Resolution of Intention: proposed vacation of portions or Laureil\(lOd Dri\e. East of Orchard Dri\\~ and Urchard Dri\'e. ~orth and South of Laurelwolld Dri\'e, BACKGROliND: The "111 Tl" project. \\hich is:1 proposed dc\clopmellt in the area generall\ along Llllreil\ood Dri\e and Rosewood Dri\'e. \\est of Tippeeanoe ."\enue. will require a realignment of Laureil\ood Dri\e from its presellt intersec!lon al TIppecanoe A\emle to Harriman Place, This first phasc of this development in\oiles the relocation of Sam's Club to the ne\\ site, The Ecollomic Development Agency is the project manager for this de\elopment. and the City IS overseeing the design and construction of street improvements, The realignment of Laurelwood Drive and the proposed de\'elopment will require those portions of Laurelwood Drive. east of Orchard Dri\e and Urchard Dri\e. north and south of Laurelwood Drive to be vacated, The portions of Rosewood Drive. between Orchard Drive and Tippecanoe A venue and Orchard Drive. south of Rosewood Drive were previous Iv vacated by Resolution No. 2002-348. The Economic Development Agency has either purchased all of the property along the proposed vacation area. or is in the process of acquiring right of possession for the remaining properties prior to the completion of the vacation, City Departments. utility companies. and all adjacent or affected property owners were mailed notification of the proposal. and were given the opportunity to submit comments on any conflicts or to reserve easements, All responses received were favorable, The existing utilities will be granted temporary easements in the Resolution of Intention and the Resolution Ordering Vacation, All temporary easements \\ ill be in effect pending the completion of the relocation process, The City Water Department. The Gas Company. Southern Calitornia Edison. Verizon California Inc.. and Adelphia have submitted requests to reserve temporal'\' easements for their existing facilities, When development starts. existing facilities will either be relocated or abandoned. at which. time the temporary easements will terminate, The developer is corresponding with utility companies requiring easements in that area to coordinate a design for the relocation of existing facilities, The attached Resolution of Intention sets a public hearing for August 18.2003, Upon approval. the Resolution will be published in The Sun, the street will be posted. and adjacent and affected property owners will be given notification of the public hearing, At the public hearing. a Resolution Ordering Vacation will be suomitted tor vour action, FINA:>iCIAL IMPACT: None. Since this is a City initiated project. the normal $1.000 processing fee will not be collected. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that authorization to proceed with the proposed vacation be given and that Plan No. 10755 be approved and adopt resolution ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): '1- '2- \ -0 ~ Item # Vote: Ayes I -'I Nays-<d- Change to motion to amend original documents: \"1 Resolution # Abstain h 2cw ./"\ 'I Absent e Reso. # On Attachments: --==- Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: --==--- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: i\ - 23' C-::, Date of Mayor's Signature: iJ . ].q -c>o, Date ofClerklCDC Signature: .)- )Ll'O-...> Dat.e~emo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on-joifiifay:--'--' 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney V Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services ,/' Police Public Services Water Notes: Null/Void After: By: In. 'I I'->-llol\... I Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: .,/ .------ Date Retumed:- Yes ./ No BY+' ~ Yes No ./ By ~ --r---- No ..L.. . Yes By...L- Yes , No~ By -L- Yes No ....L...... By I /-------- f/ EDA Finance MIS Others: CL <;?"l r., t. (l BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 0J/12/01