HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson, City Administrator Subject: Public hearing to consider a resolution adjusting various fees Dept: City Administrator's Office (b (Q) tp V Date: June 9, 2002 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: July 1999 - Council adopts a master fee resolution updating various fees September 25, 2002 - Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of various fee adjustments. November 18, 2002 - Council opens the public hearing, and continues the hearing until December 2, 2002. December 3, 2002 - Public hearing is closed; item is continued until February 3, 2003 February 3, 2003 - The matter is tabled; Council directs that proposed fees be considered during the budget process Recommended motion: That the Mayor and Council set a public hearing for Monday, June 30, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. in the EDA Board Room to consider adjusting various fe . Signature Contact person: Lori Sassoon Phone: 384-5122 Supporting data attached: Staff report Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: No cost to the City Source: (Accl. No.) Various (Accl. Description) Various Finance: Council Notes: J{O,J; (o/lJ/03 ~--- <( ID (JOWLL. oor ~ 0 0 ~~ ~ <;; 001.01() .....00 ..... O'ltLl)(J) ("')0(0 (J) 0 0 cO to r"HD mN"':oa:i 0 <5 0 t--.r.oCOeJ) Il)NLOOM 0 N(J)("')I() lOCO,... CO 0 .; "':M ai "':(")0)"; '"! M W - N - ;;; - LL .. ~ ri "C C W .2 11 oor ~O~T ! "C ~ 00 0 LOQCOO'l:t q'<t............ .....0....0("') C " "'"' N ,...:,..:M'....a:i m C o~ ..... It) ...... LO (J)C")CON.... ;;; a. ~ID Ncn'<tCO COMCO..,.lO 0. <.') "':M ...: O)",...:....,n .u UJ _ _M _N C .C UJ 0. <;; "C 0 C 0 0 <5 "'o"'r I lD ~, ~"'r 0 " ~~ :: lOCOCON ~ ~ ....OMCOM t C M" ;ig.....~ o,..:C"i....N' ~ ;;; ~ LL o~ MNNlO(") 0 "C ~ ~ID ~o "' 0.............0 0= " 0 ,..:..; 0 ""':"":0 al .<= l'l "C C C _ M ~_N ~ e .2 OJ 1l ~ 0. I;; 0 ~ " ~ > :>: ~ > " 0 s ;e ;;; i;' ~g ~ ~ .E ~ ~ a. 0 I! 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Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Tax Increment Fund Projections As of May 1, 2003 Projected Tax Inc 2003-04 Fiscal Year 17,754,227 2004-05 Fiscal Year 17,914,143 Expenditures Pledged TI: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees County Charges Pass-through Agree Total Pledged 3,550,845 12,358,000 87,000 51,500 411.669 16,459,014 3,582,829 12,358,000 87,000 51,500 418.077 16,497,406 Amt Avail Prior to Other Obligations 1,295,213 1,416,737 Other RDA Revenue Interest Earned 948,000 948,000 Notes Receivable 198,850 194,500 Rental/Lease Rev 1,960,968 1,960,968 Other/Mise Income 5,844.120 133,120 Total Other Revenue 8,951,938 3,236,588 Total Est Available 10,247,151 4,653,325 Other RDA Obligations Salaries/Benefits 381,567 390,800 Agency Operations 271,481 271,481 Contracts/Agreements 4,883,911 1,633,911 Notes Payable 2,666,000 565,000 Property Main/Oper 1 ,172,500 1,172,500 Professional Services 202,500 142,500 Research/Spec Events 130,000 130,000 Legal 347,000 240,000 PAC 50.000 50.000 Total Other Expenses 10,104,959 4,596,192 Estimated Balance 142,192 57 .133 Potential ERAF .. 2,054,000 Estimated Balance -1 ,911.808 .. 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Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Combined Project Areas As of May 1, 2003 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-05 1 Fund Balance Estimated Begin Bond Reserves July 1 7.970,0001 142,1921 8.112,1921 8,112.1921 57.1331 8,169,3251 Less/Add Estimated Balance Fy Total Remaining Bond Reserves June 30 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1. 2003 Bond Payment Due September 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due December 1, 2003 7,970,000 468,454 5,542,834 155,941 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 1.802.771 - .4 -. ,., u c:: .. ",0 <( c:: _is,,,M C,-_O m ca a; 0 E E GJ N I1GU_ o a:I ~ >- "iCa..fI >CU"D::E ~U)CO u"o 0 Itl E ~Ill <( go o u W 0 '" on <Xl 0 0 <0 <0 ci ro r-: on - 0 0 ~ N IV q "! ". ~ - 0 on on ~ N .... ~ '" N '" ...... '" ~ "! ~ 0; M " ~ 0 0 on on 0 0 <0 <0 ci ci r-: r-: ~ ~ ~ ". ". :;: ~ ~ N N ~ ~ M '" '" <Xl ~ ..... '" ~ r-: on M > on '" on ~ '" ~ Ul M ,...: ~ <Xl ;i; '" " '" <Xl ..... 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'" <Xl ro ..... t-. <0 ..... .... .. u c: IV iii III "D c: ::> II. ~ Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund As of May 1,2003 Budget Line I Fiscal Year Cash Flow 20% Set-Aside Revenues: Projects 20% Set-Aside IVDA 20% Set-Aside Total 20% Set-Aside Other Low/Mod Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: Rehab Loans/MAP TC/CCN Loan for Property City SB New Pine Pioneer Park Cypress Inn RDA Projects ERAF Loan Rental/Lease Revenue: SB Unified School Total Other Revenues Other Sources: Carry-Over Funds Land Sales Proceeds Total Other Sources Total Estimated Available Expenditures: Bond Expenditures/Pass Through Bond Debt Service Payment Trustee Fees Reserve For ERAF Total Bond/Pass Through Exp Other Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Housing Contracts/Agreements: Carry-Over: NHS Rehab Casa Ramona Grant Relocation HUB Phase I & II SB Mobile Home Corp Loan ANR 6 Parcels ANR 23 Lots Development 48011 4801 4011 :4019 4012 4012 4012 4012 4012 4012 4200 49001 4900 6301 6306 6402 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7201 7201 7201 7201 7201 7201 Page 1 Fy 2003-041 3.550,845 500,000 4,050.845 175,000 14,000 2,201,000 20,000 11,546 12,132 35,193 6,000 2,474,871 3,735,308 1,483,000 5,218,308 11,744,0241 1,426,000 6,000 2,054,000 3,486,000 531,399 116,349 1,000,000 180,308 550,000 50,000 124,000 500,000 Consulting/Engineering 7201 150,000 Single Family Beaut Grant NHS 7201 1,200,000 Mobile Home Handyworker Grant 7201 50,000 Oldtimers Fy 03-04 7201 75,000 Home Safe Lead Test 7201 20,000 City Wide MAP 7201 500,000 Meadowbrook Phase II 7201 350,000 Notes/Loans Payable: Comm Rein Fund Loan Dec 2015 7302 14,000 Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen Oper/MainlAcq/Disp Fees 7102:7402:7403 24,000 Property Insurance 7403 20,000 Weed Abatement 7403 2,000 Relocation/Rent Assistance 7404 250,000 Professional Services 6600:6703:7305-6 25,000 Research/Mat/Special Events 6103 5,000 Legal 6500 250,000 Total other Expenses 6,960,056 Total Expenditures 1 10,446,0561 Unallocated Balance New Projects 1 72011 1 1,297.9681 Fund Balance Estimated Begin Fund Balance July 1 I 1,000,000 I Add Carry-Over Balance I 5,218,3081 Add Estimated Revenues 1 6,525,7161 Less Expenditures I 10,446,0561 Less Unallocated Balance 1 1,297,9681 Estimated Fund Balance June 30 I 1,000,0001 Page 2 Oldtimers Fy 02-03 Verdemont Glazier MAP Old-Towne SFR Creative Solutions New Projects: Casa Ramona/Highland Stand-by Utility Rebate Program Mobile Home Handyworker Inspect 7201 7201 7201 75,000 100,000 500,000 7201 7201 7201 200,000 65,000 33,000 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis. Tax Increment State College Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Linel Fiscal Year Cash Flow Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Exp Other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: Verdemont Rental/Lease Revenue: Golf Course Lease 5055 Hallmark Other/Mise Revenues: Water Reim Golf Course Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefrts Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Stater Bros June 2005 Notes/Loans Payable: Comm Rein Fund Loan Dec 2015 Property Maintenance/Operations: Shandin Hills Water Gen OperlMain/AcqlDisp Fees Property Insurance 5055 Hallmark Weed Abatement Professional Services 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011:40191 4012 4200 4200 4810 5010-5021 6001-6021:7001 7302 7302 7403 7102:7402 7403 7403 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 Page 1 Fy 2003-041. Fy 2004-051 5.603,5921 5,660,0001 1.120,718 1.132,000 3.748.000 3.748,000 15.000 15,000 15.000 15.000 11,164 11,164 4,909,882 4.921,164 693,7101 738.8361 395,0001 395.0001 50,000 50,000 330.000 330,000 126,000 126,000 10.000 10,000 911.000 911,000 1,604.7101 1,649.8361 152,536 155,000 120.054 120,054 170,000 170,000 330,000 330,000 25,000 25.000 4,000 4.000 45,000 45.000 10,000 10.000 2,000 2.000 62,763 62.763 State College Project Area Research/MaVSpecial Events Legal PAC Total Other Expenses 6103-6104 6500 6801 Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 80021 Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 Page 2 18,951 18,951 30,000 40,000 970,304 982,768 667,0681 634,4061 2,400,000 3,034,406 634,406 667,068 3,034,406 3,701,474 2,400,000 2,184,000 216,000 G Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis. Tax Increment Central City North Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Linel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Exp Other RDA Revenues: Interest Eamed Investments Rental/Lease Revenue: Califomia Theatre 4th & E Miller Cinema Star Other/Mise Revenues: Cinema Security Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Cinema Float Loan 2007 Cinema Section 108 Payment Center City 5th & E ParKing NotesILoans Payable: LowlMod Land Note Properly Maintenance/Operations: Cinema Landscape Cinema Security Califomia Theatre Gen Oper/MainlAcq/Disp Fees 478-480 N D Landscape 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011 :4019 4200 4200 4200 4300 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7302 7302 7403 7403 7403 7102:7402 7403 Page 3 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 965,9761 975,0001 193,195 195,000 611,000 611,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,196 2,196 813,391 815,196 152,5851 159,8041 30,000 30,000 100,000 100,000 18,852 18,852 995,000 995,000 18,000 18,000 1,161;852 1,161,852 1,314,4371 1,321,6561 260,310 260,310 721,000 721,000 3,000 3,000 50,000 50,000 24,000 24,000 70,000 70,000 200,000 200,000 4,000 4,000 2,500 2,500 Property Insurance 5th and D St Property Weed Abatement Ct St Square/Route 66 Clean Professional Services Research/MaV/Special Events Legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 Central City North Project Area 7403 7403 7403 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 49001 Balance Remaining for other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 Page 4 \ 45,000 45,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 13,110 13,110 10,000 20,000 1,424,920 1,434,920 -113,2641 -110,4831 550,000 439,517 -110,483 -113,264 439,517 326,253 550,000 372.324 1n.676 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Central City West Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget L1nel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass~through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Eamed Investments Notes Receivable: RenlallLease Revenue: Lease Don's Drugs Other/Mise Revenues: T olal Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefrts Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: NotesILoans Payable: Properly Maintenance/Operations: CC West Plaza Properly Insurance Weed Abatement Professional Services ResearchlMatlSpecial Events Legal PAC T olal Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011 :4019 4012 4200 4810 5010-5021 6001-6021:7001 7302 7302 7403 7403 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 80021 Page 5 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 17,9091 18,1001 3,582 3,620 200 200 3,782 3,820 14,1271 14,2801 1,000 1,000 18,000 18,000 19,000 19,000 33,1271 33,2801 3,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 11,000 11,000 22,1271 22,2801 Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Tolal Remaining June 30 Central City West Project Area Page 6 20,000 42,127 22,127 22,280 42,127 64,407 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Southeast Industrial Park Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Line I Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Eamed Investments Notes Receivable: Subaru RentaVLease Revenue: Lease ABC Rail Lease Little Sand Canyon Other/Mise Revenues: Granada Hills lOB Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: NoteslLoans Payable: Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen OperlMain/Acq/Disp Fees Property Insurance Weed Abatement Professional Services ResearchlMaVSpecial Events Legal Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011:4019 4012 4200 4200 4810 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7102:7402 7403 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 80021 Page 7 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 3,407,5071 3,440,0001 681,501 6.!l8,QOO 2,527,000 2,52~,ooo 28,OdO 28.QOO 10,000 1Q,0Q9 7,327 7,327 3,253,828 3,260,327 153,6791 179,6731 100,000 100,000 9,500 . 9.500 5,500 5,500 19,200 19,200 25,000 25,000 159,200 159,200 312,8791 338,8731 , 88,567 91,000 52,745 52,745 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 74,010 14,010 3,153 3,153 30,000 40,000 254,475 206,908 58,4041 131,9651 Southeast Industrial Park Project Area Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Aild Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 2.650,000 2.708.404 58,404 131,965 2.708,404 ' 2.840,369 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1. 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 2,650,000 1.536.102 Balance Remaining for other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 1.113.898 Page 8 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Northwest Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Llnel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: Townsend 5-2004 RentallLease Revenue: Other/Mise Revenues: Bio Mass Land Sale Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Bio Mass Land Sales Mapei Property Maintenance/Operations: 'Gen Oper/MainlAcqlDisp Fees Weed Abatement Professional Services Research/MaUSpecialEvents Legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011 :4019 4012 4900 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7102:7402 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 80021 Page 9 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 1,587,2451 1,602,0001 317,449 320,400 739,000 739,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 263,080 267;580 1,327,529 1,334,980 259,7161 267,0201 55,000 55,000 3,100 0 175,000 0 233,100 55,000 492,8161 322,0201 35,426 36,500 25,195 25,195 175,000 0 0 60,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 7,338 7,~ 1,527 1,527, 10,000 20,000 50,000 5O,()()(j 310,486 206,seo 182,3301 115,4601 Northwest Project Area Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance Fy Total Remaining June 30 500,000 682,330 182,330 115,460 682,330 797,790 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 500,000 376.449 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of7-1-o3 to 12-31-03 123.551 Page 10 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Trl City Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget L1nel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: RenlallLease Revenue: OtherlMisc Revenues: Community Rein Fund to HUB Land Sale School Dist to Low/Mod Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefrts Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Costco Hub Project BP California Rancon Lease NoteslLoans Payable: Low/Mod Land Note Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen OperlMainlAcq/Disp Fees Weed Abatement Professional Services ResearchlMaVSpecial Events Legal Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011:4019 4012 4200 4900 4900 . 1 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7302 7302 7302 7102:7402 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 80021 Page 11 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 1,791,7261 1,820,0001 358,345 364,000 1,164,000 1,164,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 35,994 36,700 1,567,339 1,573,700 224,3871 246,3001 60,000 60,000 3,250,000 0 2,151,000 0 5,461,000 60,000 5,685,3871 306,3001 8,325 8,600 4,205 4,205 115,000 115,000 3,000,000 0 115,000 115,000 49,986 49,986 2,151,000 50,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 3,450 3,450 666 666 227,000 40,000 5,680,632 392,907 4,7551 -86,6071 Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserve TI Ju Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 Trl City Project Area Iy 1 500,000 504,755 4,755 -86,607 504,755 418,148 1,2003 500,000 ,2003 655.240 Expenses -31"()3 -155.240 Page 12 Estimated Bond Reserve July Bond Payment Due October 1 Balance Remaining for Other For the Period of 7.1..()3 to 12 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Uptown Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget L1nel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Eamed Investments Notes Receivable: Rental/Lease Revenue: Other/Mise Revenues: Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Notes/Loans Payable: Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen OperlMainlAcqlDisp Fees Weed Abatement Professional Services ResearchlMaVSpecial Events Legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011 :4019 4200 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7102:7402 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 49001 Page 13 Fy 2003.()41 448.0861 89,617 291,000 3,000 2,000 925 386,542 61.5441 25,000 25.000 86.5441 15,941 11,324 4,000 2,000 17,880 3,519 10,000 64,664 21,8801 51 I 0 5 5 51 51 4 0 19 3 21 Fy 2004.() 452,000 90,400 291,000 3,00 2,000 92 387,32 64,67 25,000 25,000 89,67 16,400 11,32 4,000 2,000 17,88 3,5 20,000 75,12 14,55 Uptown Project Area Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 500,000 521,880 21,880 14,552 521,880 536,432 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 500,000 172.058 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of7.1-03 to 12.31-03 327.942 Page 14 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment South Valle Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Llnel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: RentaULease Revenue: Other/Mise Revenues: Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: NotesILoans Payable: Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen Oper/MainlAcqlDisp Fees Professional Services Research/MatlSpecial Events Legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 138,0621 143,2001 4011 :4019 30,000 30,000 4012 4200 30,000 30,000 168,0621 173,2001 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 . 5010-5021 6001-6021:7001 7302 7302 7102:7402 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 49001 Page 15 Fy 2003.{)41 Fy 2004.{)sl 733,0401 740,0001 146,608 148,000 420,000 420,000 8,000 8,000 3,000 3,000 17,370 17,800 594,978 596,800 27,633 28,500 20,170 20,170 4,000 4,000 9,141 9,141 2,184 2,184 10,000 20,000 73,128 83,9lI5 94,9341 89,2051 South Valle Project Area Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due October 1, 2003 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 Page 16 300,000 394,934 94,934 89,205 394,934 484,139 300,000 246,661 53.339 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment Central City Projects Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget Linel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: YWCA 303 W Third Section 108 pass-th Rental/Lease Revenue: Credit Suisse Andreson Parking CC Commerce J Build Lease 201 Building OtherlMisc Revenues: Central City Co Mall Security Court St Sq/Route 66 City SB Pass through Radisson Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Central City Co J Building Central City Co 3 Level Parkirig Radisson TOT Pass through NotesILoans Payable: 303 W 3rd Section 108 pass-th 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011 :4019 4012 4012 4200 4200 4200 4300 4810 4900 5010-5021 6001-6021:7001 7302 7302 7302 7302 Page 17 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 2,442,0431 2,442,0431 488,409 488,409 2,596,000 2,596,000 17,000 17,000 7,000 7,000 4,785 4,785 3,113,194 3,113,194 -671,1511 -671,1511 165,000 165,000 1,250 0 135,000 135,000 21,600 21,600 5,616 5,616 320,000 320,000 30,120 30,120 50,000 50,000 135,000 0 863,586 727,336 192,4351 56,1851 35,000 35,000 17 ,000 17,000 135,000 0 135,000 135,000 Property Maintenance/Operations: 201 Building Gen Oper/Main/Acq/Disp Fees Property Insurance Mall Security Weed Abatement Professional Services ResearchlMallSpecial Events Legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance Fy Total Remaining June 30 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due September 1, 2003 Central City Projects Area 7403 7102:7402 7403 7403 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 49001 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 Bond Payment January 1, 2004 Page 18 170,000 170,000 4,000 4,000 54,000 54,000 443,000. 443,000 3,000 3,000 6,110 6,110 100,000 100,000 10,000 20,000 1,112,110 987,110 -919,6751 -930,9251 200,000 -719,675 -919,675 -930,925 -719,675 -1,650,600 200,000 468.454 -268.454 636.714 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis - Tax Increment ML Vernon Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget L1nel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to other other RDA Revenues: Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable: Rental/lease Revenue: Other/Misc Revenues: Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Bobbitt Yellow Frieght NotesILoans Payable: Property Maintenance/Operations: Gen Oper/MainlAcqlDisp Fees Weed Abatement Professional Services Research/Mat/Special Events legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-051 45001 650,1991 657,0001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 130,040 131,400 262,000 262,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 38,828 39,600 436,868 439,000 213,3311 218,0001 4011 :4019 4012 4200 4810 85,000 85,000 1,200 1,200 86,200 86,200 299,5311 304,2001 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 7302 7302 7302 7102:7402 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 35,426 36,500 25,195 25,195 6,500 6,500 81,115 81,115 4,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 3,002 3,002 10,000 20,000 167,238 178,312 125,8881 80021 132,2931 Page 19 Mt Vernon Project Area Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance Fy Total Remaining June 30 250.000 382,293 132.293 125.888 382,293 508,181 Estimated Bond Reserve July 1, 2003 Bond Payment Due December 1, 2003 250,000 155.941 Balance Remaining for Other Expenses For the Period of 7-1-03 to 12-31-03 94.059 Page 20 Economic Development Agency City of San Bernardino Cash Flow Analysis. Tax Increment 40th Street Project Area As of May 1, 2003 Budget L1nel Cash Flow Fiscal Year Tax Increment Revenues: Projected Tax Increment Expenditures Pledged Tax Incr: 20% Set-aside Bond Payments Bond Fees Trustee County Charges Pass-through Agreements Total Pledged Expenditures Amount Avail Prior to Other Other RDA Revenues: Interest Eamed Investments Notes Receivable: Rental/lease Revenue: Other/Mise Revenues: Total Other Revenues Total Estimated Available Other RDA Obligations: Salaries and Benefits Agency Operations Contracts/Agreements: Notes/Loans Payable: MSAlCity Expenses Property Maintenance/Operations: Weed Abatement Professional Services Marketing/Special Events legal PAC Total Other Expenses Estimated Balance Fiscal Year 45001 8003 6301 6306 6401 6402 4011:4019 5010-5021 6001-6021 :7001 6701 7403 6600:6703:7305-6 6103-6104 6500 6801 49001 Page 21 Fy 2003-041 Fy 2004-llS1 106,9041 108,0001 21,381 21,600 300 300 30,000 30,000 51,681 51,900 55,2231 56,1001 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 57,2231 58,1001 17,713 18,300 12,593 12,593 5,696 5,696 36,002 36,589 21,2211 21,5111 Fund Balance Est Begin Bond Reserves TI July 1 Less/Add Estimated Balance FY Total Remaining June 30 40th Street Project Area Page 22 100,000 121,221 21,221 21,511' 121,221 142,732 Budget Reductions Included in Preliminary from Proposed List -.. . .-.. I ----~~~==l General Fund De artment Reduction Descri tic" Reduction Included In FY 03.()4 Preliminary Document Department Totals Grand Total Administration frranSfer 25. %.Of.s.-ecretary Salary. from Genera.I-Fund to. I~. _ AB2766 Fu"d _ ___ $___10,000 Assign Admin Analyst II to work in Development ------ _. I Services/Capital Projects 25% of the time u_ $. __ ~7,200j$ jm ____ n_ -----.-- ------ ------------ -..---- ---- n _.17,200) City Clerk Eliminate funding for vacant Business Registration Coordinat9~ position ' $ 55,400 ' _ ________ ;'''''''" fu";OO" ~~"":..~';:'.~':'~I' "'":t ~~: I I Reduce f11eeting,;andconferencesfrom $2,500 to $500 -J--- 2,000 t- - --- t~:~~ ~~~~~~~t:~~~~~~~~:~~~e~i:sO to $1,000_ --- LL-=:MOO . - .. ,.--- ,~oo "~~'",mm "'... $;006. .-IP: ,~.~'" I Civil Service Code Compliance Council Office Eliminate funding for vacant Secretary $ 44,200 Development Services . Deletern_eetings~riaGon-ferences fundinL._ -- _ _ -tt' $~ _ _712~':5~0~_0~_ _$ _ _-_..4.-.4 '2_.~.0_1.~_ -._. . _..__._.:- _______ Reprogr::lrl1Nextels to.2-way radio use__l?nly _ __ _ ______u__ --. Eliminate !~nding for iacar1t~r. ~n~IY5t posIT(o~ --- .____ _ .~=feduce -"~ntributions for'pC rePI:ceme~s n_---:::-__ $_ 10,000 Facilities -----Eliminate funding for-vacant MaTntenan"ce Mechanic position --------- $ 40,100 ___Beducep_art-time_Gustodial hours _ _ __ _ ______ $ 20,009 Reduce contract services for chiller service/maintenance I $ 20,000 - -r--------- __m ---------- - --t- i Reduce alterations/renovations budget I $ 85,000 : 1'$ 165,100 Human Resources - ---- Delete Admin Analyst II position; transfer employee to Public; ---- -------- I::"::::~;~:::'::::: Co,", I ~- ::~ I.--",~, j- _ Mayor's Officeu__i~~~~~:~~=:~ ~;~l~~:~;~~~~~~~C~~~i~~:i~-tL i~'~~--__~L . fn I - I $.55,00.0 M'''=-"~~~:~~=;~~~":~~~~,",:,~: ::::::--nJ Reduce part-time hours for afterschool programs nowbelng ---- ----- i ...- ----- -Jl"'nd1ed by the School DIstrict $ 20,000 : -- I~~~~a~e~t~~'ng for vacant Community CenterManager 1-11 -44,7~;r- 1.------ -- _ t-s 166,2aotm r ------ --- ---j I 1______ . $ -105100'. --~-I ------. General Fund De artment Reduction Doscrl tlon Reduction Included In FY03-04 Preliminary Document Department Totals Grand Total Police -- -- - -iReduce-stiPendS for reserve officers -- - -- -- - - ---t----S . U Elim,i,n,a,te, funding for 2 authorized Community Service - Officer I positions (vacant) , $ I Eliminate funding for (1) authorized Police Officer position (va.9'rltL_ ___ Reduce vehicle rentals Eliminate funding for (1) authorized Forensic Tech III position (vacant) f3educe dept supplies ~Jlf!lJ':l~!~~~~tC!c::_~_I!!~Il! ~~~ir_~ __ R~fL~~Q~~91!!~Enain~_nan~_______ ___ __________________ p.()stpo!l€ f3xterior window washing _____ __ Eliminate 57 pagers Red~_c~J~~rcl1a5~91 ve~_~____ Redu_~ rEl~rl!lLf!l_~nt~QX~rtj~jng Reduce non-POST training Reduce POST training 10,000 I 72,600 j------ ! $ $ 79,000 ' 15,000 $ 62,600 ! $ 10,000 ! _ __-l $ 2c5()0' ---- ----- $ .. 10,000 $ 1,500 __ _L_ _,.1,800 $ ___ ..20,000 _______ -~ ~:6~~ I $ 10,200 ! $ _ 306,~0Q.. Public Services Reduce contractual tree trimming from $320,000 to $250,000 $ 70,000 Reduce contract concrete repairs from $150,000 to $100,000 $ 50,000 Eliminate overtime in rig-tii-of-way unit ------------------ - T------3-;LOtf(i" i ~Ii:~~~~~t ~~~tcling fOr(1)VacaniHea\iYEQuiilmentOperatorj ;--~;,~~O I f' Eliminate funding for (1) vacant Maint Worker I pOsition-Tn----1 - ---------1.- right-of-way unit ! $ 34,300 ! ----- - '$ Finance ! Eliminate funding for (1) vacant AssistanfSuyer position ! ($42,800)/increase contractual $2,800 Eliminate funding for (1) vacant Accountant position ($48,400)/increase contractual $8,400. . 227,200 $ 40,000 ___m) 80,OO~ I 1,37MIlCl_ L___ 40,0OQ...___ $ GENERAL FUND TOTAL - ------ -- --------- Funds Supported by "General FUnd RedlJetlon -DeSCi"r-Uon Reduction Included In FY 03-04 Preliminary Document Department Totals Animal Control Eliminate funding for one vacant Animal Control Officer; misc !M&Ocuts $ Allow City Vet Tech to euthanize animals in field $ 46,500 5,000 Library i _.. n..___ I Reduction of book account to offset loss of ~_tate Revenue 1 51,500. $ 195,700 ' $ 195,700 TOTAL 247,~OO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Mayor and JlIm~on Council Fred WiIS'~ Administrator Budget-Balancing Options TO: FROM: DATE: June 12, 2003 COPIES: Attached for your review is a summary of additional budget-balancing options that have been developed for your consideration. These options were developed by the budget brainstorming group convened by the Mayor beginning in January 2003. It should be noted that these options are in addition to those measures already incorporated into the FY 2003/04 Preliminary Budget. As the summary indicates, if all these measures were approved, the projected General Fund deficit would be lowered to $1,093,200. Also attached are summaries by department, as well as cost analysis worksheets and other information, for proposed adjustments to user fees and other fees and fines. You may recall that fee adjustments were discussed in the fall, and then tabled by the Council in February 2003 with the direction to bring them forward again during budget deliberations. These proposed changes have been updated to include several additional measures proposed during the budget brainstorming process. The Council will be asked at tonight's meeting to set a public hearing for June 30 to consider these adjustments. It is anticipated ,hat these materials will not be discussed at tonight's budget workshop, but will be discussed at a later sessions. If you have any questions, please let me know. 1 1fJ. G' (.2 .' 2... I/) ... c: 41 E 41 <J c: III .r: c: 41 41 ::I c: 41 > 41 ... - I/) c: o :;::; <J ::I -c 41 ... ... 41 Cl -c ::I::; ..0'< -" Ill" c:- 0'" ;g :c~ -c- <(~ 6' o ... ai ... C< ::!- ;g 0,00 '-000 MLOlOO O"":NO >- 0 u. '" .E - c: '" o ~ - ., Z ~ tI)(fltl} Q; o "0 ::> CD i:' '" c: .~ a; ~ !l. ., ;; .S; "0 " U ., '0' C. V> ~ " u IE o e 1:' o u ro E '" '" ~ .E " "5 V> C:"OC: o " 0 :;::;Cl. fj ~ ._ (f) c: x tit:.gjg III 0 "0 ~ Of>> 3: 0 ro Q)S ::J 5:SQ5C" ::: g a.~ (Jet::.:: .s8~-g C1lW..c1i) a:: a: Ow 'iJ "" " o CCC " " " E E E ~ ~ ~ o c: c: ~ '" '" c..c .c E c: c: -WW c: () ~ ~ o 53 c: c: :!.- Q.) Q) .2: ~ ~ ~ OWa:a: ~ o m _ee:::. 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Q) -- C"':l "0 '" . c: .0 <Xl ":J N EUl E " o " U"- " 0: '" ~ :g t"- "- ~ C"? ~:;::. co? ""'0 Ul 0 iljO 15 f- '" " 0 "'0 '" . "'" i3 .... E '" " 0 " 0 "- .,; "0 .... " "0 C " E E 0 u " 0: '" " " " "-oJ!! '" C ,. - ~I ~ c: CI) :J E 0 1:: r .. l'll~ ::> Co _ c c: CI) '" .. C "0 > ::J .. <l: u; D:: '" iij in -' c: 0 CI) :::: '" :;; l'll CI) ~ ... y iij c: ::> CI) c: CI) c: II.. <( "t:l "tl .. CI) " - '" oJ!! III 0 ilj E Co " :::: 0 0. II> 0. W ... <l: D. ~ ~ 001 De artmen User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet t/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Varies Varies Aooeal fee 09/1712002 of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: be charged for appeals to the BBC, Animal Control Commission, and Fire Commission. osts Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept.or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor osition Labm Benefits(28_J%) Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr. Position per Unit Cost per e Clerk II 13.48 3.81 17.29 4.15 21.45 1 21.45 Attorney II 40.41 11.44 51.85 12.44 64.29 1 64.29 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 85.73 ental Costs I Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost rtified and regular mail 4.79 1 4.79 lenvelope 0.25 1 0.25 T ota! Other costs per Unit of Service. 5.04 (Equipment, facilit rental, part-time labor wlo benefitsl I I I ICost Each IOuantityRequired UnitCosI I I I I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: S to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Total Service Oirect Cost 90.77 ctio" Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentag, City-Wide Gen. & Admin dino $75.00 Rale@1J_88% 12.60 ino County Total Service CostlUnit 103.37 Recommended Fee 75.00 RecommenCIeCIFeeSubsidy 28.37 CUITef1I Fee Amount 0.00 Fee Ir.r;rease (Decrease) 75.00 002 All Description This fee will Personnel C P Administrativ Deputy City Material & R Description Posta e (ce Photocopies Other Costs Description Com arison Jurisdi San Bemar San Bernard Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Colton Redlands <1>'" ~ ~ , ~ :>0 0 0 00 0 0 c- O 0 00 0 0 <1>0 L{') '" oo:::t~ <D~ oo:::t_ ~ >'" <1><3 <J'> <J'> eneno ..... cr: , <J'> .... ~ N ro '" --th~ <J'> c e o~ i5 ;:: "0 <( .!~ OJ en C\l <Xl 0 L{') N '" - ..... ~ N c.o ' c: <1>:>~ ~ 0 '" '" .... E en N '" ~ ~ E<1>~ o <1> UL1. <1> cr: <J'> <J'><J'> <J'><J'><J'> <1> ,- U CL{') ~ en C\l <Xl en L{') ':;;: :::> en ..... '" c ..... <Xl N :;:, <1> Vl ~ <Xl 0 <Xl .... OJ (f) 0 N en ~ '" ro () N '0 f- <J'> <J'><J'> <J'><J'><J'> ~O ~~ oSS 000 eu ~ ~~~ ~~~ <1> tJ 0 000 0'" L{') .EO L{') ~ST""" ~-S <J'> EA-tA-Et7tA-tA-tA- -_.._._~---- <1> ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1> .c L1. - ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ "0 0 0 0 0 L{') N L{') <1> L{') ~ '" en N "0 <J'> c <1> E E 0 U <1> cr: Et7 tA- EA- EA- Et7 tA- <1> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1> L1. 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 L{') L{') 0 1:' L{') .... .... L{') N .... 0 5 ... () - c:: <J'> tA- tA- tA- EA- tA- EA- 0 0 r '" ;= '" '" d) '" (ij <1> '" '" <1> '" '" '" '" Cll -'" '" '" '" '" '" ::l {g~ c E c: Cll c:: :::> > u; Cll <( eu c:: -' VI .. Ql c: VI 0 l'Il <1> "0 E ~ <1> <1> "'C L1. C "'C U C: eu <( c:: c <1> 0 ;= 'Vi :> "0 iU Ql c ~ ~ Ol ::l <1>2 "0 u; eu 0 Ql ..c:::: <1> <1> 0 0 c: LI. <1>-' :::; 2 :> .0 c: 5.c .EO 0- "" .EO <( "C ro <1> u Ql 0.- C ~ 0 "'C <( E c u; c VI ~ :> eu 5 Cll "" :> ::> 'w <1> .. 0 uf-"O f- eu E f- .. '" Q. o ~ <1> <1> C ~ E 0 Q; Vl 0 0 1ii Q.l C C eu = <1> ~ <1> C eu c <1> .c eu c ;:: ... > ;= <1> ;= u "5 E ;= III ~ a. :::;0;= 0 :::; w en 0 W :g 003 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Deseri tlon Date Animal Control 124 4758 Livestock A rehension Fee 07/01/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee is charged to an owner whose livestock is found running loose and must be impounded by the Animal Control Division. These fees would change to an hourly rate because staff can spend 2 or 3 hours trying to capture a large animal such as a cow or horse. This type of capture requires a minimum of two officers. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotatDirect Dept orOiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benems(2BJ%) labor Cost OVerhead LaborCostfHr Position per Unit Cost per Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 3.38 15.32 3.68 19.00 0.1 1.90 Animal Sheller Office Specialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.1 2.05 Animal Control Officer x2 28.44 8.05 36.49 8.76 45.25 2 90.49 T alai Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 94.44 Material & Rental Costs Description 1m ound Card Trailer rental cash recei t CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.07 100 0.12 0.07 100.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 100.19 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Other Costs Cost Each Quantity Required UnilCost Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: C P dF ompansons to rODose ee More (Less) than 5.B. T Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino $50.00 oer hour San Bernardino County $52.00 oer hour $2.00 104% Riverside (Citv and Countv) $20.00 per hour ($30.00) ($0.60) Rialto (SB Countv) $52.00 oer hour $2.00 104% Highland (SB Countv) $52.00 oer hour $2.00 104% Fontana (SB Citvl $50.00 fiat $0.00 100% Colton (SB Cltv) $50.00 flat $0.00 100% Redlands $0.00 ($50.00 #DIV/O! Moreno Valiey $50.00 fiat $0.00 100% otal S6IVII;;e Direct Cost 194.63 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@13.88% 27.01 ??1.65 Total SeNlce CosVUnit Fee Increase (Decrease) S50/hour varies 50.00 v~ries Recommended Fee ecommended Fee SubSidy Curret'1IFeeAmount 001 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Animal Control Date 07/01/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee is charged to an owner who wants to turn in their puppies or kittens to the sheiter. Under SB 1785, owner surrendered animals must be held for 4 business days, excluding the day of impoundment. These dogs will be housed an average of 5 days prior to being legally "released". The charge is a per animal charge of $10/puppy to a max of $50 and $5/kitten, max $25. $20lanimal non-resident .. Costs have been calculated based on an average of 3 puppies per litter. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlraighlTIme Fringe Total Direct Depl.or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Cabo. Benefits(28.3%) LaborCosl Overtlead Labor CostIHr Position per Unit Cost per Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 3.38 15.32 3.68 19.00 1.5 28.49 Animal Shelter Office Specialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.2 4.10 Registered Veterinary Technician 14.32 4.05 18.37 4.41 22.78 0.1 2.28 T olal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 34.87 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required UnitCosI Impound Card 0.07 3 0.21 Vaccine 1.52 3 4.56 Svrinqe/Needle 0.13 3 0.39 Food 0.75 15 11.25 Cash Receipt 0.12 1 0.12 Disinfectant 0.32 5 1.60 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 18.13 Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, art.time labor wlo benefits Quantity Required UnilCost Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: C P omparisons to roposed Fee More (Less) than S.B~J Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percenta San Bernardino $30.00 San Bernardino County $45.00 $15.00 150% Riverside (City and County) $30.00 $0.00 -100% Rialto (SB County) $45.00 $15.00 150% Hiqhland (SB County) $45.00 $15.00 150% Fontana (SB City) $40.00 $10.00 -133% Colton (SB City) $40.00 $10.00 -133% Redlands $50.00 $20.00 -167% Moreno Vallev $18.00 ($12.00 -60% Total Serv,ce O"ect Cost 53.00 C11y-WideGen & Admin Rale@13.88% TotalServlceC05VUn,1 7.36 60.36 ecommeMed Fee Subsidy CllrrentFeeAmount varies varies 40.00 varies Recommended Fee Fee Increase (Oecrease) " n [- (J"O User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Animal Control Account User Fee Description 4763 Owner Release Fee- Unweaned puppieslklttens Date 0710112002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee IS charged to an owner who wants to turn In their unweaned puppies or kittens to the shelter. This is a per litter fee. Fees are doubled for non-residents and non-contract cities. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div Total Burdene Hours by Total Labor Position labor Benefits(26.3%) Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosUHr Position per Unit Cost per Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 3.38 15.32 3.68 19.00 0.25 4.75 Animal Shelter Office Specialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.1 2.05 Registered Veterinary Technician 14.32 4.05 18.37 4.41 22.78 0.1 2.28 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 9.08 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit eO!! Impound Card 0.07 3 0.21 Injection 0.7 1 0.70 SyrlnoelNeedle 0.13 3 0.39 Cash Receipt 0.12 1 0.12 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 1.42 Other Costs (Equipment, facilit rental, part.time labor wlo benefits) I Description I I I Ieost Each IQuantity Required Uniteos! I I I I I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than 5.B. T Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percenta c, San Bernardino $10.00 San Bernardino County $25.00 $15.00 250% Riverside (City and County) $10.00 $0.00 -100% Rialto (SB County) $25.00 $15.00 250% OlE Hiohland (SB County) $25.00 $15.00 250% " Fontana (SB City) $40.00 $30.00 -400% Colton (SB City) $40.00 $30.00 -400% F Redlands $50.00 $40.00 -500% Moreno Valley $16.00 $6.00 -160% olal Service Qirect Cost 10.50 ty-Wide Gen. & Admin 1.46 11.95 Rate@lJ.88% Tolal selVlce Cost/Unit mmended Fee Subsidy 10.00 1.95 40.00 .~n.oo ecommended Fee CurrenlFeeAmount ee Increase (Decrease) OOfi User Fee Detennination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Animal Control Fund Account User Fee Ceseri tion 124 4320 Unaltered License Fee Date 07101/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee will be charged to the owner of an unaltered dog. The current fee of $g for altered dogs will remain the same. The 2-tie" system provides an incentive for dog owners to spay or neuter their pets. (Note: The cost of providing service has been calculated for informational purposes only; license fees are not limited to the cost of service.) Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight TI Fringe Total Dire Dept. or D Total Burd Hours by Labor Benefits 2 Labor Cas Overhead Labor Cas Position er Unit 13.98 3.96 17.94 4.30 22.24 10 0.15 10.15 2.44 12.59 Total Labor Cost er 0.2 0.4 4.45 5.03 Position Sr. License Checker license checker Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 9.48 Material & Rental Costs Descri tion license ta Door han ef Citation Cash Recei t Cost Each Quanti 0.07 0.05 0.13 0.12 Re uired Unit Cost 1 0.07 1 0.05 1 0.13 5 0.60 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.85 Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits Oescri tlon Cost Each Quantit Re uired Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Com arisons to Pro ased Fee More (Less) than S. Tolal Service Direct Cost 10.33 Jurisdiction Fee erUnit Dollars Percenta City-Wide Gen. & Admin San Bernardino $60.00 Rate@ 13.88% 1.43 San Bernardino Coun $60.00 $0.00 100% Total Service Cost/Unit 11.77 Riverside Ci and Count $50.00 ($10.00 -83% Rialto SB Count $60.00 $0.00 100% Recommended Fee 60.00 Hi hland SB Coun $60.00 $0.00 100% ecommended Fee Subsidy nla Fontana SB Cit $18.00 ($42.00 -30% Current Fee Amount 50.00 Colton SB Ci $18.00 $42.00 -30% Fee Increase (Decrease) 10.00 Redlands $18.00 $42.00 -30% Moreno Valle $30.00 $30.00 -50% 007 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Animal Control 124 New Euthanasia Request Fee 07/01/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee will be charged to an owner who brings their animal to the shelter for euthanasia. It will also give the owner of animals who can no longer keep them the option of euthanasia or holding for potential adoption at a higher fee. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight TIO"le Fnnge Total Direct Oept. orOlv. Tota! Burdened Hours by Total labor Position Labor Beneflls(2B3%) LaborCosl Overhead LaborCostlHr. PaSllion per Unit Coslper Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 3.38 15.32 3.68 19.00 0.3 5.70 Animal Shelter Office Soecialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.4 8.20 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 13.90 Material & Rental Costs Descnptlon CoslEach Quantity Required UnilCost Impound Card 0.07 1 0.07 Tranauilizer 0.70 1 0.70 Svrinqe/Needle 0.13 2 0.26 Euthanasia Druas 0.14 5 0.70 Cash Receiot 0.12 1 0.12 Disposal 0.74 1 0.74 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 2.59 Other Costs (E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits Description CoslEach QuanlltyRequired Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee oer Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino $5.00 San Bernardino County $25.00 $20.00 500% Riverside (City and County) $10.00 $5.00 -200% Rialto (SB County) $25.00 $20.00 500% Hiqhland (SB County) $25.00 $20.00 500% Fontana (SB City) $5.00 $0.00 -100% Colton (SB City) $5.00 $0.00 -100% Redlands $50.00 $45.00 -1000% Moreno Vallev $20.00 $15.00 -400% TolaIServ,,;;eDirecICosl CIty.Wide Gen & Admin 16.49 Ra\a@1388% TOlal Serv.ceCostlUnil 2.29 18.78 Recommended Fee Subsidy Current Fee Amounl Fee Increase (Deereilse) 5.00 13.78 25.00 -?O.OO Recommended Fee OaR User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeoartmenUDivision Fund Account User Fee Description Date Animal Control 124 4758 Small Livestock Board Fee 10/15/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee is charged for the impounding of small animals, other than dogs and cats (i.e. chickens, rabbits, snakes, and iguanas). Personnel Costs Labor Rates StrillghtT'me Fnnge Total DireCI Depl.or D,v Total Burdened Hours by TOlalLabor Position labor Beneflts(28_3%) LaborCOSI Overtlead LaborCosVHr POSilloo per Unit COSlper Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 3.38 15.32 3.68 19.00 0.1 1.90 Animal Shelter Office Specialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.1 2.05 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 3.95 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each QuanlilyRequired Unit Cost Imoound Card 0.07 1 0.07 Feed 0.05 5 0.25 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.32 Other Costs (Equipment, facilit rental, part~time labor w/o benefits) Description Cost Each QuanlityReQulrea UnitCosl Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comoarisons to Prooosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. T Jurisdiction Foe per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino $2.00 per day San Bernardino County $4.00 oer day 2.00 50% Riverside $5.00 oer day $3.00 -40% Rialto $4.00 oer day Hiqhland (SB County) $4.00 per day 2.00 50% Fontana (SB City) $2.00 $0.00 -100% Colton (SB Cilv) $2.00 $0.00 -100% Redlands $0.00 ($2.00 #DIVIO! Moreno Vallev $8.00 $6.00 -25% OlalServiceDifeClCosr 4.27 C;tr-WIIl<! Gen. & Admin RateC1J.88% TotalSeMceCostlUniI 0.59 4.66 Recommended Fee 2.00 per day, 2.86 5.00 -3.00 RecommendedFeeSubSlly C~ntFeeAmount Fee Increase (Decnase) 00:') User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeDartmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Description Date Animal Control 124 4763 Owner Release Fee-DoQ 07/01/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee IS charged to an owner who no longer wants their dog and brings it to the shelter. Under 58 1785, owner surrendered animals must be held for 4 business days, excluding the day of impoundment. These dogs will be housed an average of 5 days prior to being iegally "released". Personnel Costs Labor Rates StraighlTime Fringe Total Direct Depl.or Di" Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Beneflls(283%) Labor Cost Overhead labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Animal Shelter Attendant 11.94 338 15.32 3.68 19.00 1.1 20.90 Animal Shelter Office Specialist 12.89 3.65 16.54 3.97 20.51 0.2 4.10 Registered Veterinary Technician 14.32 4.05 18.37 4.41 22.78 0.1 2.28 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 27.27 Material & Rental Costs Descnption Cost Each Quantity Required UnilCost Impound Card 0.07 1 0.07 Vaccine 1.52 1 1.52 Synnge/Needle 0.13 1 0.13 Food 0.75 5 3.75 Cash Receipt 0.12 1 0.12 Disinfectant 0.32 5 1.60 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 7.19 Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino $25.00 San Bernardino County $50 00 $25.00 200% Riverside (Citv and Countv) $10.00 1$15.00 -40% Rialto (58 County) $50.00 $25.00 200% Hlahland (58 Countvl $50.00 $25.00 200% Fontana (58 Citv) $40.00 $15.00 -160% Colton (58 Citv) $40.00 $15.00 -160% Redlands $20.00 1$5.00 -80% Moreno Vallev $12.00 1$13.00 -48% Total Service DirectCoSl City-WIde Gen & AdmIn Rate@13.811% Total ServIce CosVUnll 34.46 4.78 ~9.25 25.00 14.25 40.00 -15.00 Recommended Fee Recommenoea Fee Subsidy CurrenlFee Amounl Fee Increase (Decrease) 010 CIl u :e o 1Il ~ ... CIl U >. :!:: U 1Il CIl 1Il Cll CIl ... U c: CIl CIl u.. "0 CIl 1Il o Q. o ... c.. Ill.... :Ja a50 >(2 III co ~, ro8 ,,- o~ :er:::: "C "C <l: HI~--G; o III ()LJ.. III ~ III ,- () " '2: ::J Ill'" (f) ~ roO (5 f- "C IIlI III III "CLJ.. " III E E o () III ~ III <J> OJ III ~ () E III III LJ.. C III ~ :; o I ro ~ c c c Q) ~QQ Iii "C ~ ~ ~ ();; 1Il<J> III m.o~ .Ej)~ o~ceC) (l) (I') 0 (I') C Q) (1'):':::: I/J"(j) LL Q.) CO Q) (I) '- c .~ C Q) Q) "Ci) c."(;) C,,) (I) :::l 0. :J 0 =:>co roCO a. a a a .n N '" '" '" .... L{) tri '" a c:> .... ~ '" a c:> .... ~ '" '" III ~ ~ III Z Q.)-- III - ~ III Z a a a o 0) ~ '" o o o .n o N ~ '" L{) '" L{) co '" a c:> L{) '" ~, ,,- a c:> L{) III III - ~ III Z III III - Gl :;, c: Gl > Gl D:: iii c: o :e "C "C <( iii :;, c: c: <( "C Gl - III E :;: I/) W '" o o N OJ ;ji o ~ III Z 011 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeoartmenUDivision Fund Account User Fee Descrintion Date City Clerk/Business Registration 001 4301 Application Processing Fee 06/12/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Proposed fee for processing a new business application. This cost analysis represents the mimmum cost assocated with processing a new application; if the application is staff initiated, the actual cost would be much higher. For administrative ease, a single fee is proposed. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Str31ghtTlme Fnnge Total DireCl DeplorQIV TOlalBurdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benellls LaborCosl Overtlead LaborCosllHr Posi!lonperUnIt Cost per Account Clerk III 16.55 4.97 21.52 2.15 23.67 0.583 13.80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 13.80 Material & Rental Costs Descnpllon Cost Each QuanlltyReQuired UnitCOSI Postaoe 0.35 0.35 Total Other costs per Unit of Service" Other Costs (Equipment, facilil\ rental, cart-time labor w/o benefits) Description Cost Each QuanlllyRequlred Unl!Cost Tolal Other costs per Unit of Service" Comparisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than 5,8, Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino $ 14.00 Colton $ 25.00 $ 11.00 79% Fontana $ 35.00 $ 21.00 150% Riverside None Ontario None Rancho Cucamonaa None Corona $ 33.00 $ 19.00 136% HuntinQton Beach $ 40.00 $ 26.00 186% TOlal Service OIIl!C1 Cost 14.15 Cily-WldeGen, & Admin Total Service CosVUnlt 1.42 l' 57 Rale@lO% Recommended Fee 1400 1.57 0.00 1400 RerommefldedFeeSllbsldy Cllrrent Fee Amounl Fee Increase (Decrease) n12 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Deoartment/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date City Clerk/Business Registration 001 4301 Application Processing Fee - Renewal 02/12/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Proposed fee for processing a renewal business registration application. Personnel Costs Labor Rates StralghtT,me Fnnge TOlal Direct Cept orDlv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Ovemead LaborCostlHr POSition per Unit COSlper Account Clerk III 16.55 4.97 21.52 2.15 23.67 0.583 13.80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 13.80 Material & Rental Costs Descnpllon CoslEach QuanlityReQuired UnitCosl Postaqe . Renewal Packaqe 0.58 1 0.58 Postaoe 0.35 2 0.70 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 1.28 Other Costs (Eouioment, facilit rental, Dart-time labor w/o benefits) DeSCription Cost Each Quantity ReQulrecl Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee oer Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino $ 15.00 Colton $ 10.00 $ (5.00) -50% Fontana $ 15.00 Riverside None Ontario None Rancho Cucamonaa None Corona $ 6.00 $ 19.00 .64% Huntinaton Beach $ 18.00 $ 300 20% Total Serv,ce Direct Cast 15.08 Cily-WldeGen. & Admin Rale@lO% 1.51 TOlal Service CasllUnit 1fi.59 Recommended Fee 1~.00 Recommended FeeS~b5idy 1.59 C~fTenlF8t'Amount 0.00 Fee Irn:rease (Decrease) 1~.00 013 Ill.,. ::>0 C:O Ill", >- 1Il<J:I ll:: ro'" c:0 .22 :af'-.. ~ ~! :o"'~-- ~ CoO ci III ::> Een E III o III "u. III ll:: III " c: "- ::J 1:"" III '" en 0 roU o I- "" "~---- ai- '" <U III - " .E ~ ------ ~ ~I c: III E E o " Ul III Q) ll:: U ~~_~ _ .~ Q) en - s:: Q) E_~ Co o a; > Q) C III Q) III ClI Q) ... u s:: Q) Q) LL 'tl Q) III o Co o ... c.. . III III U. c ~ - ::> U I o c:> o o <J:I '" '" <J:I ~ <J:I .... '" o N C'i '" o c:> <J:I .... '" o 0Cl N .... '" C'-" o c:> o o Cl '" o 0 o c:> o 0 o 0 o. o. '" Cl '" '" '" .,. c:> N '" o c:> N '" o c:> N '" III 2 ~ III c: III 2 ~ III c: - o - III III 15 co ll:: ll:: , , , c~ ~cn Q) CD CDIIl o ~ VI ::J Cl) Q) Q) ~OcO.2u.. u.. u.. :~:cg:C1:ro ro ro b c,) > > > (J)~Q)a3enQ):.crJ)'- :.c Q)cc.c 05-5 e C1Q)~l1)~4::;:::< <t(/) Q)"E-"EQ)cn~(fJ cn~ CD:::::lCl:::::l..c::-C'_-C "OE u..CD.~CCU 1...0.'-2.... '->."0 >'co c.OCl>O::::l ~=S~=SJ5!~<t~~~g ::JU.Cllu.o..ll::oI:lll::enll::Cl - .E ~ .... o .,. .,. ~ q o 0 '" '" ~ .... Lti .... .,. ~ '" '" .,. '" o o c:> ~ '" '" o c:> '" .... o c:> '" '" <J:I '" .,. .... III 2 ~ III c: '" C'-" III III - ~ III c: - E - III 0.. c: <U ii: c: <U ii: o o o o N. ~ '" '" '" "! o '" '" N o '" '" "! o '" '" Ollll c: III := ...... 0:: ro c: "0, "C o - III 0 ~* ~o 1Il~ c: III 2 ~ III c: o o o o o. <J:I '" o 0 0 O.~ 00000 00000 00000 t.{)t.{).q-oo "":llicDlli ~.V90.~ CD '" ~ <J:I u:i '" '" Q.q-(I")'V..... 0'0""" (O,C"') C\iOcONO ~ .... '" '" ~tR-;&9-~,&9- ~ '" <J:I '" co. O"'l:tM"l:t..... 00:..... (0 C"') N'O cO N ~ ",,....O<O:;tM MCOf'-..<O '" oq.,oq. &9-,tR-,(;fl ----'-- 00000 00000 N~--io>~ v "I;t"'I::t O)iC"') N 'co lO '" III "C <U > (;fl,W (;fl,&9-&9- o o o o "'. ~ 00000 qlq,q:o 0 0000""': lDQDv('l') C")T-""'''' 000 000 cOcricO 0"'''' EA-(;fl tR- W Cl co Cl ~ 0> ...... ...::-o~-- cocncnO>Q) O)mO)o>- ........................3:: III c: III <u III Q) C' ,- Q) a.. c, CJ) u..o ::~Q)~ .~ -g 'E <( .! .c ~! co ; Cu,~ E!E .si ~ I,O"I()....!.... )(:.- ......1...11 ~~ UJ! 5 U1 ~ ;; c:N c: E' Egg (0,- (1):....'L.,. ~'o Uji 0' CD ~ :; - .... "(i)I-IIl'Q. > > u CD C'> > rn co ~=oQ)Q)~~ 1-3UClClWW o ~ o o ..... en o ..... .... 1Il ~ c: ~ 1Il 0:: ili c: o E "'C ~ ili ~ c: c: <I: "'C 1Il .. III E ; (/) W '" o o ~ 5i o 011 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Oescri tion Date Develo ment Services 191 Tract Ma Extension Plannin Fee 09/20/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IFee charged when Tract Map is extended. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept.or Div Total Burdened Hours by Total labor Position Labor Benefils{26.3%) Labor Cost Ovemead labor CosVHr. PcsitionperUnil Cost per City Planner 40.42 11.44 51.86 12.45 64.30 4 257.22 Senior Planner 34.11 9.65 43.76 10.50 54.27 5 271.33 Associate Planner 27.26 7.71 34.97 8.39 43.37 25 1,064.21 Assistant Planner 24.79 7.02 31.81 7.63 39.44 Secretary 16.39 4.64 21.03 5.05 26.08 3 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 1.612.76 I Other Costs E ui ment, facili I I I rental, art-time labor w/o benefits Descnptlon Ie al ad mailed notice Cost Each QuanlityReQuired Unit Cost 70 25 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 70 25 95 Com arisons to Pro ased Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside Cit and Count Rialto S8 Count Hi hiand S8 Count -Fontana Colton S8 Cit Redlands Moreno Valle Fee er Unit More (Less) than S.B. Tollll Se....'ce Direct Cost Dollars Percenta e Coty.Wide Gen & Admm RllIle@1388% ($1,290.00 Tollll Se....ice CostlUnil ($60.00 ($1,190.00 Recommended Fee $525.00 Recommended Fee Subsidy $1,197.00) Current Fee Amount ($1,500.00 Fee IncrelllSe(DecrellSe) ($1,480.00 ($1,490.00) 1,612.76 $1,500.00 $210.00 $1.440.00 $310.00 $975.00 $303.00 $0.00 $20.00 $10.00 223.85 1 A~6.61 1 500.00 336.61 0.00 1 <;00.00 OlS U.er Fe. Detennination Cost ANily.ls Worksheet De ~rtmentlDlv's'on UHr Fee Oesen tlon Oevelo menl Services/Ins ection Services Ins ctlOllS Oescn tlon of service, delTl4ind. subsld . ~nd other comments: iFUIIY Duraened hourly rale IFBRI IS charged for bUlld,ng InspectlO nservtceswhennoolherspeClficfeelsapplrcable Also, IIhlsra1ecanbeusedtoae1ermrnetneappropnatelevelofolhermspectlontees 191-lnsP'lction Services - Fully Burdened R~le An~IY5Is (Basea on FY 2002-03 Prellmmary Budg(1) TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSE Personnel Services Salafles and Benellls Less ",Blog OffiCial Less MHP BI-III Less 113 MHPBI.II Less j,Admln Clerk II $559.352 -49.292 -56.734 .15.838 -14942 Subtotal $422,546 Mainlenance and Ooeration Main! & Operations Less MHP Program COSIS Subtotal $27,300 3.822 ContfilctuatServices $23.478 $3.000 Internal Service Charues Internal Servtce Charges Less MHP Program Costs Subtotal $85.100 -11914 To~l Budgeted Expense S73186 $522,210 II. DEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD Aaminlstratlon Olvision Buaget $979,200 Less City Engineer Salary And Benefits 110376 S868,824 % applicable to Inspection Servlces(767/92empl.) Depanmenul O/H x 00834 $72,4'0 Ill. GENERAL CITY OVERHEAD Percenl.age Factor $522,210 72460 $594,670 ~ Total Buogeled Exllense DepanmentalOvernead GeneralCltyOIH $131,422 IV. TOTAL COSTS Total Budgeted Expense Oepartmenl.alOvernead GeneralCityOvertFead $522.210 72,460 131422 ToulCosts S726 092 V. AVAILABL.E ANNUAL. INSPECTION HOURS Annuallnsp Hours No 01 Inspectors Assi Annual Inspection Hours 2080 -100 -33 -96 -312 1539 L.....Q..lZ Base Annual Hours (40hr X 52 weeks I Less Average vacation Leave Less Average SOCk Leave Use Less Holidays Less Office Hours Mti VI. FULLY BURDENED RATE r='BR = Total CostslAnnual Inspecllon Hours FBR= S 726.09219496 FBRz$76.46P'1rhour Comoarisons to ProDosed Fee , More (LeiS) than S.B. I F..-rUntt Jurisdiction Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino S 76.00 hoo, N, San BemarOlnoCounl S 72.45 """. -3.55 -4.70% RiverSide unavailable N' Rlalto FBR not determned-fe N, HI hland S 91.46 hoo, 1546 20% Fontana FBR not delermlneo S N' Colton FBR not delermrned N, f...,_[Joodc,........see...aoysis C.,......._6_ .....0'''''_ '...._"""'''" ---1fi.46 ~mmellClld F.. ------1.a.OO _'''_ ------'1.46 """""'__ ------12..80 __cr-, ~20 Ol~ User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De rtmenUDivision Develo ment Services/Plan Check Fund count ser Fee Descri tion 001 192 Full burdened houri rate for Plan Review Date 07/08f2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fully burdened hourly rate (FBR) is charged for plan review serVices when no other specific fee is applicable Also, this rate can be used to determine the a propriate level of other plan review fees TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSE 192 _ Plan Review Services - Fully Burdened Rate Analysis (Based on FY 2002-03 Preliminary Budget) Personnel Services Salaries and Benefits Less 30% for Counter Services Plus 1/2 Bldg Official Plus 1/2 Admin. Clerk. II Subtotal Maintenance and Qoeration Mainl & Operations Less 30% for Counter Services Subtotal $294.900 _88470 206.430 49,292 14942 $16,400 -4920 Professional Contractual Services Internal Service Charoes Internal Service Charges Less 30% for Counter Services Subtotal Total Budgeted Expense II. OEPARTMENTAL OVERHEAD Administration Division Budget Less City Engineer Salary And Benefits $40,200 -12060 $979,200 110 376 $868,824 % applicable to Inspection Services(3.5/92 empl) x 0.0380 Departmental Q/H ilL GENERAL CITY OVERHEAD Total Budgeted Expense Departmental Overhead $313,284 33015 $346,299 ~ General City O/H Percentage Factor IV. TOTAL COSTS Total Budgeted Expense Departmental Overhead General City Overhead Total Costs $313,284 33.015 76532 V. AVAILABLE ANNUAL PLAN REVIEW HOURS Base Annual Hours (40hr X 52 weeks) 2080 Less Average Vacation Leave .104 Less Average Sick leave Use -107 less Holidays -96 1773 -532 1241 45 Less 30% Time at Cour Annual Plan Review Hal No of Plans Exammers Annual Plan Check Hours VI. FULLY BURDENED RATE FBR = Total Costs/Annual Plan Review Hours FBR = $ 422,831/5,585 FBR = $ 75.71 per hour Com risons to Pro sed Fee $270,664 $11,480 $3,000 $28140 $313,284 $33,015 $76,532 $422831 5,585 More (LesS) than 5.B. r Unit Dollars Percenta e "', Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside RJalto Hi hiand Fontana Colton Fee S 75.00 $ 58.80 Unavailable FBR Not Determined - lee based on valuation S 69.85 S FBR not determIned FBR Not Determined - f -16.2 -22% "', "', -515 .0.90% "', "', T...-_o.o<teoo, seeanalVs's Clq>w.O".._ _RlO,," T...._CcIoIiUIo' --15..L1 Recommended Fee -----15.aO _........... ---1l1..1 e.."...'f.._"'~ f.. '"""_IDo<I._. -----ILfiA 017 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Development Services Dept. 001 181 Records Archival Fee - Permit Applications 07/08/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Records Archival Fee - Each Permit ApplIcation Health & Safety Code Section 19850 requires the building department to maintain an official copy of plans of every building, during the life of the building. H & S Code Section 19852 authorizes the City to charge fees to pay the costs of maintaining the official plans. This proposed records archival fee would be used to cover the cost of electronic imaging of plans and associated documents required to be maintained under the law. It is anticipated that private vendors would be utilized for the imaging of plans because of the specialized equipment required to accommodate large plan dimensions. Personnel Costs Labor Rates StralghlTlme Fnnge TolalDlrect Dept orDlv Total Burdened Hours by Total labor Position "b~ Benefits Labor Cost Qvertlead Labor CosVHr Posllion per UnIl Coslper Account Clerk II 11.65 2.71 14.36 1.44 15.80 0.083 1.31 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 1.31 Material & Rental Costs DescnpllQ(l CaslEach QuanlllyReQUlfed UnitCOSI Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Other Costs E uipment, facili Cost Each Quantity Required UnitCOSI Oescnpllon T otaf Other costs per Unit of Service" Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction Fee er Unit San Bernardino $ 1.00 San Bemardino Coun $ 0.30 Riverside included in issuance fee $25 Rial!o $ 23.50 flat HI hland $ 2.00 Fontana $ 2.00 Colton none More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla TOlalService D,reClCOSl 1.31 C'li'.W'de Gen. & Adm'n Rate@lO% 0.13 1.44 -0.7 -70% TOlal Service COsVUnil nla nla CurrenlFee Amounl 1.00 0.44 0.00 1.00 Recommended Fee 100% 100% Recommended Fee $ubsidy nla Fee Increase (Deae3.$eJ OJ8 User Fee Detennination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentfDivision Development Services Depl Fund Account User Fe. Descri tion 001 181 Records Archival Fee. Plan Sheets Date 0710812002 Description of service, demand. subsidy, and other comments' Records Archival Fee - Each Plan Sheet Health & Safely Code Section 19850 requires the building department to maintain an official copy of plans of every building, during the life of the building H & S Code Section 19852 authorizes the City to charge fees to pay the costs of maintaining the official plans. This proposed records archival fee would be used to cover the cost of electronic imaging of plans and associated documents required to be maintained under the law. It is anticipated that private vendors would be utilized for the imaging of plans because of the specialized equipment required to accommodate larae plan dimensions. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Slra'ghlTlme Fnnge TolalD'fe(:t DeptorD,v ToUlIBurdened l-loursby TO\aILatlor Position '''" BenehlS LatlorCo$l Ovemead LatlorCosVHr POSlbonperUnot ~lpe( Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 0.00 Material & Rental Costs Descnp~on Cost Eaeh QuantitvRequ'red Unit Cost Tatar Other costs per Unit of Service Other Costs 'Eauioment, facilitv rental, nart-time labor wlo benefits' Descnptlon I Cost Each OuantityRequ'red Unit Cost Imaaino of olans bv orivale vendor 1.85 ner she varies 1.85 I I Total Other costs per Unit 01 Service Comcarisons to Procosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee oer Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino $ 2.00 sheet nla San Bernardino County $ 2.03 sheet 0.3 2% Riverside $ 2.00 sheet 0 0% Riallo $ 23.50 flat nla Hiahland $ 2.00 sheet $65 more vanes Fontana $ 2.00 sheet 0 0% Callan none nla TOI.~eo.recICo'l 1.85 C'Iy.WOCleOe<1 &M",., R".@10~ 0.19 T0101 SeMee COIWn" 2.04 Recommended Fee 2.00 Recorm>endedF...SUboo:ly 0.04 CUmIn\F...A,,"",,",1 0.00 F_lncr....IDIlcr.....) 2.00 01'1 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Works heel De artmenUDivision Development Services Dept. Fund Account User Fee Descri tion 001 181 Records Archival Fee - Documents Dale 07/08/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Records Archival Fee - Plan Documents Health & Safety Code Section 19850 requires the building department to maintain an official copy of plans of every building, during the life of the building. H & S Code Section 19852 authorizes the City to charge fees to pay the costs of maintaining the official plans. This proposed records archival fee would be used to cover the cost of electronic imaging of plans and associated documents required to be maintained under the law. It is anticipated that private vendors would be utilized for the imaging of plans because of the specialized equipment required to accommodate large plan dimensions. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotalOireCl DeptorOiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overtlead LaborCoslIHr Position per Unit Cost per Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Ser\iice: 0.00 Material & Rental Costs DescnpllOn Cost Each QuantllyReqUlred Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Ser\iice: Other Cosls (Eauinmenl, facilitv renlal, nart-lime labor wlo benefils) IOescnptlon Cost Each QuantllyRequired UnIlCost Ilmaaina of documents associated with nlans .23 oer oa varies 0.23 I Total Other costs per Unit of Ser\iice Comoarisons to Prooosed Fee More (Less) Ihan 5.E Jurisdiction Fee Def Unit Dollars Percenlac San Bernardino $ 0.25 nae n/a San Bernardino Countv $ 0.10 oa e -0.15 -60% Riverside $ 2.00 oa e 1.75 700% Rialto $ 23.50 fiat n/a H,qhland $ 2.00 1.75 700% Fontana $ 2.00 1.75 700% Colton none nla Total Service Dlrel;:\ Cost 0.23 City-WKleGen & Admm R3Ie@10% 0.02 Total Service CoslI\.Jnot 0.25 Recommended Fee 0.25 Recommended FeeSubsKly 0.00 Curren! Fee Amount 0.00 Feelnaease (Deaease) 0.25 020 User Fee Detennination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeoartmentJDivision Fund Accou nt User Fee DescriDtion Date Development Services 191 Letter of Zoninq&General Plan Consistencv 09/20/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged for the activles, research and documentation to allow a business obtain a City business license. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position labor Benefits{283%) Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position perUnil Cost per City Planner 40.42 11.44 51.86 12.45 64.30 0.5 32.15 Senior Planner 34.11 9.65 43.76 10.50 54.27 0 0.00 Associate Planner 27.26 7.71 34.97 8.39 43.37 6 260.21 Assistant Planner 24.79 7.02 31.81 7.63 39.44 0 0.00 Secretary 16.39 4.64 21.03 5.05 26.08 1 26.08 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 318.44 ComDarisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars PercentagE San Bernardino $108.00 San Bernardino County $5.25 $102.75 Riverside (Countv) $100.00 $8.00 Rialto (S8 County) $100.00 $8.00 Highland (S8 County) $0.00 ($108.00) Fontana $25.00 $83.00 Colton (S8 Cltv) $50.00 ($5800 Redlands $50.00 ($5800 Moreno Valiev $0.00 ($108.00) TotalServlceO,rectCost CIty-WIde Gen. & AClmln 318.44 Rate@1388% 44.20 ~fi2.64 TotalServiceCosVUlll1 Recommended Fee Subsidy Current Fee Amount 350.00 12.64 108.00 ?42.00 Recommended Fee Fee IllCrease(Oecrease) 021 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeDartmentlDivision Fund Aeeou nt User Fee Descriotion Date Development Services 191 Development Permit I 10/15/2002 Description of service. demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged for Implementing the City's Development Code for various types of Minor Projects. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlraightTime Fringe Total Direct Captor Div. Total Burdened Hourstly Total Labor Position Labor Benefits(283%) Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unil Cost per City Planner 40.42 11.44 51.86 12.45 64.30 2 128.61 Senior Planner 34.11 9.65 43.76 10.50 54.27 0.00 Associate Planner 27.26 7.71 34.97 8.39 43.37 10 433.68 Assistant Planner 24.79 7.02 31.81 7.63 39.44 0.00 SecretarY 16.39 4.64 21.03 5.05 26.08 1 26.08 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 588.37 ComDarisons to Pro Dosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Pereentaol San Bernardino $56.00 San Bernardino County $0.00 ($5600) 0% R,yers,de (County) $3,94500 $3,889.00 -7045% Rialto (SB County) $1,070.00 $1,01400 1911% HIQhland (SB County) $2,000.00 $1,944.00 3571% Fontana $165.00 $109.00 .295% Colton (SB City) $245.00 $189.00 -438% Redlands $0.00 1$56.00 0% Moreno Valley ($5600 0% Total Service Direct Cost 588.37 CIty-Wide ~n & Admin Rate@13.88% 81.67 fi70.04 Total Service CosllUnil Re<:ommendedFeeSubsidy 100.00 570.04 56.00 44.00 Recommended Fee Current Fee Amount Fee Increase (Decrease) 022 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee DescriDtion Date Development Services 191 Cell Antenna Fee 10/15/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged for installation of a wireless communication antennae. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlraightTime Fnnge Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits(283%) LaborCosl Overtlead LaborCost/Hr Position per Unit Coslper Cltv Planner 40.42 11.44 51.86 12.45 64.30 3 192.91 Senior Planner 34.11 9.65 43.76 10.50 54.27 0 0.00 Associate Planner 27.26 7.71 34.97 8.39 43.37 9 390.32 Assistant Planner 24.79 7.02 31.81 7.63 39.44 0 0.00 Secretary 16.39 4.64 21.03 5.05 26.08 1.5 39.11 Total8urdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 622.34 Comoarisons to PrODosed Fee . More (Less) than 5.B. TOlal Service D,rectCosl 622.34 Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentag, City.Wide Gen_ & Admin San Bernardino $56.00 Rale@13_Bll% 86.38 San Bernardino Countv $5,600.00 $5,544.00 10000% Total Serv'ceCost!Un;1 7n8.73 Riverside rCountvl $4,698.00 $4,642.00 -8389% Rialto (SB Countv) $2,79000 $2,74400 4982% Recommended Fee 700.00 Hiqhland (SB Countv) $5,730.00 $5,674.00 10232% Recommended Fee Subs'dy 8.73 Fontana $1,81900 $1,763.00 -3248% Current Fee Amount 56.00 Colton (SB Citv) $1,89500 $1,839.00 -3384% Fee Increase (Decrease) 644.00 Redlands $4,45000 $4,394.00 -7946% Moreno Vallev 0% 023 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmenUOivision Development Services Dept. Fund Account User Fee Descri tion 001-000 4352 Excavation Permit Date 06/11/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Permits issued to utility companies and contractors for street cuts for the placement, repair, or upgrade of vanous utility lines and cables. The new fee will be $200 minimum fee, and $200 per 400 square feet of cut up to a maximum of 8000 square feet. For cuts over 8,000 square feet, the fee shall be $4,000 + .25 per sq. ft in excess of 8,000 sq. ft. The fee is tied to the size of the cut, since the amount of staff time involved also increases with the size of the cut. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlralghlTlme Fnnge TolalDlreCl Dept orDlv Total Burclened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Ovemead laborCosVHr POSlllonperUnit Coslper En ineerina Assistant 1 18.62 5.27 23.89 5.28 29.17 0.5 14.59 Construction Insoector II 22.9 6.48 29.38 6.49 35.87 2 71.74 Construction Enoineer 33.6 9.5 43.1 9.53 52.63 1 52.63 Enaineerina Assistant III 'traffic 27.38 7.74 35.12 7.76 42.88 1 42.88 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 181.84 Other Costs IEauioment, facilit rental, part-time labor wlo benefits} loescnpllon Cost Each QuanlllyRequlred UnrtCost I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service' Comoarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino $ 200.00 Imlnimum fee) San Bernardino County $ 277.00 $ 77.00 38% Riverside Citv $154 + $71.50/hr. for ins ection varies varies Rialto $40 + 250 refundable deposit ($160.00 -80% Hiohland $ 730.00 $530.00 365% Colton $ 1.000.00 $800.00 500% Redlands $ 130.00 IS70.00 -53% TOlalServLce D'reClCOSl 181.84 C'ty-Wlde Gen & Adm,n Rale@13.88% TolalServ,ceCosl/Unit 25.24 207.08 Currem Fee Amoum 200.00 7.08 41.00 159.00 Recommended min fee Recommended Fee Subsidy Fee Increa~e (Decrease) 0211 ,- User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmenUDivision Development Services Dept. Fund Account User Fee Descri tion 001-000 4352 Excavation Permit Billing Fee Date 06/10/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This fee would be collected in conjunction with an Excavation Permit for a street cut by a utility company when they elect not to pay the fee at the time of permit issuance. When this occurs the City must bill the utility company. This fee is intended to cover the cost of the billing process. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Str<llgnlTlme Fnnge TotalDlr9CI Capt. orCI... Total Buroened Hours by TolalLabOr Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overtlead LaborCosVHr. Position per Unil Cost per Account Clerk I 14.91 4.22 19.13 4.23 23.36 0.7 16.35 Sr. Admin. Ooerations Suoerv. 28.78 8.14 36.92 8.16 45.08 0.1 4.51 Accountina Technician II 21.35 6.04 27.39 6.05 33.45 0.2 6.69 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 27.55 Material & Rental Costs OescnptlOn CostEacll Quantity Required UnitCosl Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Other Costs (Eauinment, faeilit rental, Dart-time labor w/o benefits) IOescnptlon CoslEach QuanbtyRequired UnilCost I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comoarisons to Prooosed Fee More (Less) than 5,B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Pereentaoe nla T~I ServIce o,rect CaS! 27.55 City-Wide Gen. & Admin RilIe@13.88% 3.82 Total Service CostlUnrt 31.37 Recommended Fee 31,00 RlKOITlmeodedFeeSubsidy 0.37 CUllenlFeeAmounl 0.00 Feeincre;l$e(Decrease) 31.00 O?~ Facilities Mana!!ement: Parkin!! violation fines Facilities Management is proposing to update the schedule of penalties for parking violations. These penalties have not been updated since 1996. In accordance with the Vehicle Code, these fees will be set based on a comparison with other area cities. Additionally, the penalty structure will be revised to include a third tier of penalties. This new three-tier bail schedule is necessary to cover additional costs to process lien holds at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Presently, the initial bail amount is due within thirty days of citation date. After thirty days a $25.00 delinquent fee is added, after an additional twenty-eight days the citation goes to lien at the DMV (without an additional bail amount added). Once a DMV lien is placed against vehicle registration, the registered owners must pay delinquent citations before obtaining license tabs. The DMV charges the City a fee of$3.00 for each citation that goes into lien status, and this also requires further staff time. By adopting a lien, this cost to the city will be offset, and an incentive will be created to pay parking citations before the lien date. Those citations paid after the lien date would incur the additional penalty amount. It is estimated that the new penalty schedule will result in increased revenue of $72,000 annually. The following outlines the proposed the schedule of penalties for the following parking violations listed in the Municipal Code and in the California Vehicle Code: CODE DESCRIPTION FROM TO 30 DAYS LIEN 10.16.010 Overtime $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 10.16.0IOC Moving one Space $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 to Another 10.16.020 No Parking - At $ 25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Any Time 10.16.020B Blocking Driveways $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 and Sidewalks 10.16.030 Angle Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 10.16.040 Parking Parallel $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 (One-way Streets) 10.16.050 Loading Zone $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 IO.16.060B No Parking - Non $30.00 $35.00 $60.00 $70.00 Designated Space 10.16.070 20 Minute Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 10.16.080 Busrraxi Zone $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 028 10.16.090 Red Curb $30.00 $35.00 $60.00 $70.00 10.16.100 Vehicle Repair $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 On Street 10.16.110 Limited Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 (Alleys/Narrow St) 10.16.110A Parked in Alley $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 1O.16.110D 72 Hour Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 10.16.120 Truck Over 1 Ton $55.00 $60.00 $85.00 $95.00 in Residential Area 10.16.170 Pennit Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Commissioners 10.16.180 Pennit Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Carpool 10.16.190 Pennit Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Mayor/Council 10.16.200 Street Sweeping $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 10.16.210 Limited Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Carousel Mall 10.16.230 Abandoned Vehicle $150.00 $155.00 $180.00 $190.00 10.16.240 Parking on Unpaved $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Parcels of Real Property 10.16.250 Parking on Unpaved $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Parcels of Multi- Residential, Commercial or Industrial Property 10.16.260 Parking of Recreation $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 (48 hours) 10.16.270 Parking Limitations $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 (SB Stadium) 10.16.280 Vehicles for Sale, $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Lease, Display, Repair, or Storage 10.24.200 Municipal Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Lots 10.24.200B Parked Over Lines $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 027 CYC 5204 Failure to Display $40.00 $45.00 $70.00 $80.00 Registration Tabs CYC211I3 Patton State Hospital $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 CYC21113.A Y iolation of $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 Restrictions (Patton) CYC22500.1 F ire Lane $75.00 $80.00 $105.00 $115.00 CYC22502 Parallel Curb Parking $25.00 $30.00 $55.00 $65.00 (! 8 Inches) CYC22507.8 Disahled Persons $250.00 $275.00 $300.00 $310.00 Parking CYC22514 Fire Hydrant (15 ft) $75.00 $80.00 $105.00 $115.00 O~28 ;t .... iD :;: x w o~~~~omo~~~mmMOMV~~ l.OL()mmMO N ~~m; '" MMNNNMNM~MMNNML()V~VN N<ONM'Of"M .... 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'0: I~ 1.2 II I~ " I~ 'll I. IE Ii 'w il ~ ~ 030 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for a 3-person water tender. 07/05/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Water Tenders are required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Str,-,Ighl Time Fringe Total Direct Depl. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by T etal LabO Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead labor Cost/Hr Position per Unit Cost po Fire Captain 34 0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enqineer 2J.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 135 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. T0131 Service OireclCosl 175 Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae City-Wide Gen_ & Admin San Bernardino n/a n/a Rale@1075% 19 San Bernardino Counlv 54.50 (138.91) -71.8% TotalServlceCoslIUnil 193 Riverside ,24.34 (69.07) -35.7% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Recommended Fee 193 Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rerommercle\l Fee Subsidy 0 Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% CUlTentFeeAmount 116 Ontario 259.76 66.35 34.3% Fee Increase (Decrease) 78 031 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri lion Date Fire 001 202 Stand-by fee for a 3-person ladder truck 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Ladder Trucks are required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs labor Rates Slr<:lIghl Tune Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Costpe Fire Caotain 3.\.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Engineer 29.3.\88 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Paramedic 39.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service' 135 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o rental, part-time labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hi and Fontana Ontario Fee er Unit More (less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla 69.09 35.7% 69.07 -35.7% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 66.35 34% Total Service DirectCOsl 175 City-Wide Gerl & Admin :62.50 ,24.34 N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. 259.76 Rate@1075% Total Service CostlUmt 19 193 CUlTentFeeAmounl 193 o 126 flR Recommended Fee RecommenOed FeeSubsij~ Fee Increase (Decrease) 032 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for 3 person Hazardous Materials V 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when the Hazardous Materials Response vehicle is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenses. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept or Oi.... Total Burdened Hours by Totallabo Position LClbor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Costpe Fire Captain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire EnQineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 135 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o rental, part-time labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Comparisons to ProDosed Fee More (less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County 54.00 1139.41 -72.1% Riverside 124.34 (69.07) -35.7% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hiahland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario 209.76 16.35 8.5% Total Service Direct Cost 175 City-Wide Gen &. Admin Rale@1Q15% 19 Tolal Service CosVUnit 1 A:1 Recommended Fee 19:1 Rewmmel'de(! Fee Subsidy 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) 1Q~ 033 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descri"tion Date Fire 001 202 Stand-by fee for 4-oerson Medium Rescue Vehicle. 07/05/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy. and other comments: Fee charged when the Rescue Vehicle is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates StraightTim~ Frm9E;ITotal Direct Dept.or Di.... Total Burdened Hours by Total Labol Position La b0~ Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit C05tpe FICe Caotaln 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire EnQineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Fighter 26.3023 i 7.89' 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire ParamedIc 30.1698 9.051 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 I I I T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 172 Material & Rental Costs Description I , CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost I , I I T alai Other costs per Unit of Service 0 Other Costs (Eauioment, facilitv rental. part-time J,bor wlo benefitsl Description , Cost Each Quantity ReQuired UnitCosI Vehicle Exoense 40 40.00 1.00 40 , Total Other costs per Unit of Service 40 Comparisons to Pro Dosed Fee More (Less) than 5.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentane San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County 80.50 (154.83 -65.8% Riverside 160.05 (75.28 -32.0% Rlal!o N/Avl 0.00 0.0% H,qhland N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Fontana NiAvl 0.00 0.0% Ontario 304.13 68.80 29.2% Total Service Direct CoSl 212 City-Wide Gen. & Admlll Rate@1075% 23 Total Service CosllUnil nfi Recommended Fee ?~Fi !>.ecg_dlldf_Sub..,.,. 0 Currenl Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (De<:rease) ?~Fi 034 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeDartmenUDlvlslon Fund Account User Fee Descrjotion Date Fire 001 202 Stand-by fee far 4-persan LiQht PlanUBreathine Suaaart Vehicle 0710512002 Description of service. demand. subsidy. and other comments: Fee Charged when the ligh PlanUBreathing SUiJPort Vehicle is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates $tril,gn!Tlmr Fnf1ge TOlalO,rect DeplorD,v TOLa.IBlJrcRlOed HCOJr$by ''''''''''''' Position Labor ~"nefL15 ~abor Cost Qv{'rhead LaborCosVHI POS'bO"lper UM ""'.,.- Fire CaDtain 340368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Ennineer 29.3488 880 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Fiohter 26.3028 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 172 Material & Rental Costs """',~ Cost Each Ouanbty ReqUired Unitec.t Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs CEauioment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) DescnpbOO CoslEach Quantity ReQuired UnrtCoo< Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 40 ComDarisons to ProDosed Fee Fee oer Unit r.~ore (Less) than 5.B. Jurisdiction Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino n/a nla San Bernardino County 20.25 1215.08 -91.4% Riverside N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario 304.13 68.80 29.2% TOlaISeMceD'lllctCoSl 212 Clly.W",aGen &Admln Rale@101So,;, 23 lOlaISeMceCosV'Un" ?1~ Recommended Fee ?1~ """~._~ 0 Curren' Fee Amount 0 Fee mcru"",(Oe<;...ase) ?1~ 035 User Fee Determination ~ Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Wildland Inspection fee for a 3-person engine Fire 001 202 company 02119/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: There are currently 537 Wildland Inspections in the Hazardous Fire Area being completed by Engine Companies; homes abutting the wildland are now being inspected annually. This proposal is to begin charging a fee. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight TII118 Fringe Total [Mect Depl. orDiv T atal Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Coslper Fire Caotain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 0.3 15 Fire Engineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 0.3 13 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 0.3 13 To:al Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 40 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteos! , Total Other costs per Unit of Service: C Other Costs (Equipment, facilitv rental, oart-time labor wlo benefits\ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 0 12 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 12 C omparlsons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Countv N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Total5ervlceDirectCost 52 City-Wide Gen & Mrnin. Rale@1075% 6 TotalServlceCosVUnit SR Recommended Fee ?S Recommen<led Fee S~bsody 33 Current Fee Amounl 0 Fee Increase (DeCfease) ?S O~f) User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Wildland Inspection fee for a 4-person engine 001 202 company Date De artmentlDivision 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: There are currently 537 Wildland Inspections in the Hazardous Fire Area being completed by Engine Companies; homes abutting the wildland are now being inspected annually. This proposal is to begin charging a fee. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct oepl. or Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position L,)~or Benefits Labor Cost Overhead labor Cost/Hr Position per Unit Cost pe Fire Captain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 0.3 15 Fire Enaineer 29.3~88 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 0.3 13 Fire Fiahter 26.3028 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 0.3 11 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 0.3 13 T etal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 52 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Description Vehicle Ex ense rental, part-time labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 0.3 Unit Cost 12 Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 12 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% TOlal Service DlreclCost 64 City-Wide Gen. & Admin NIAvl. NIAvl. NIAvl. NIAvl. NIAvl. N/Avl. Rale@1075% Total Serv,ceCosVUnit 7 71 Current Fee Amaunl ?5 46 o ?5 Recommended Fee Recommendl!dFeeSubA:lv Fee Increase (Decrease) O~7 User Fee Determination . Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 Apartment Building Inspection fee for a 3-person 202 enqine company 02/19/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: The Fire Department conducts annual Inspections of apartment buildings throughout the community to help ensure a reasonable degree of fire safety. There are approximately 754 R-1 (Apartment) inspections being completed annually by Engine Company personnel. The fee is for 4-10 units Inspected. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight TI';(;: Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by T atal Labor Position L,J::.or Benefits Labor Cosl Overhead labor CostlHr Position per Unit Costpe Fire Caotain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enqineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Tolal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 135 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, part-time labor wlo benefits Description Vehicle Ex ense 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count San Gabriel Riverside Redlands Ontario Loma Linda Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a nla 0.00 0.0% 20.00 40.0% 0.00 0.0% 130.00 260.0% 0.00 0.0% 90.00 180.0% TolalServlceDlrectCost 175 City-Wide Gen. & AdlTln Rale@1075% N/Avl. 70.00 N/AvL 180.00 N/AvL 140.00 Total Serv,ce COSVUnil 19 Hl~ Rerommended Fee SuOsld~ Currenl Fee Amounl 50 143 o 50 Recommended Fee Fee increase (Decrease) 038 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 Apartment Building Inspection fee for a 3-person 202 enqine company 02/19/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: The Fire Department conducts annual inspections of apartment buildings throughout the community to help ensure a reasonable degree of fire safety. There are approximately 754 R-1 (Apartment) inspections being completed annually by Engine Company personnel. The fee is for 11-49 units Inspected. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Tlnlc; Fringe Total Direct l~ePt orDiv Total Burdened Hours by T ota! Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost.. Fire Captain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.784519 48.98 1.5 73 Fire Enaineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1.5 63 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1.5 65 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 202 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs E rental, part-time labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.50 Unit Cost 60 Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service" 60 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count San Gabriel Riverside Redlands Ontario Loma Linda Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla 0.00 0.0% (55.00 -44.0% 0.00 0.0% 55.00 44.0% 0.00 0.0% 15.00 12.0% Total Service Direct Cost City-Wide Gen & Admn Rale@107S"1o TotalServlceCosVUnll 262 N/Avl 70.00 N/Avl. 180.00 N/Avl. 140.00 28 7~O CUllent Fee Amounl 175 165 o 175 Recommended Fee RecommenO&d Fee SuDsKl~ Fee Increase (DeCfease) O~~9 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DepartmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Description Date Apartment Building Inspection fee for a 3-person Fire 001 202 enqine company 02/19/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: The Fire Department conducts annual Inspections of apartment buildings throughout the community to help ensure a reasonable degree of fire safety. There are approximately 754 R-1 (Apartment) inspections being completed annually by Engine Company personnel. The fee is for> 50 units inspected. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Tm'!" Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total labor Position L8bor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit COSI per Fire Captain 340368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 2 97.96 Fire Engineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 2 84.47 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 905 39.22 4.196619 43.42 2 86.83 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 269.27 Material & Rental Costs Descripllon Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteos! Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facilitv rental. part-time labor wlo benefits\ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 2.00 80.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service" 80.00 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Countv 0.00 0.00 0.0% San Gabriel 70.00 (130.00 -65.0% Riverside 0.00 0.00 0.0% Redlands 180.00 (20.00 -10.0% Ontario 000 0.00 0.0% Lorna Linda 140.00 (60.00 -30.0% Total Service Dlrecl Cost 349.27 Clty-WldeGen&Adfllln Rate@1075% 37.55 Total Service CostfUnil ~R6 R? Recommended Fee ?OO 00 Recommen~FeeSub5lCly 18682 Currenl Fee Amount 000 Fee lncrease (Decrease) ?OO 00 040 User Fee Determination ' Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Business Type Occupancy fee for a 3-person Fire 001 202 enqine company 02119/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Business type occupancies are inspected annually by the Fire Department; there are currently 3,904 of these type occupancies, Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Tm.L Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit Cost pe Fire Captain 34.0368 10.21 44,25 4,734519 48,98 0,3 15 Fire Enoineer 29.348:3 , 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42,24 0,3 13 Fire Paramedic 30169:31 9,05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 0.3 13 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 40 Material & Rental Costs Description I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost I I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Expense ~o 40,00 0,30 12 I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 12 C t P dF omparlsons 0 ropose ee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County N/Avl 0.00 0.0% San Gabriel 70K 45.00 180.0% Riverside N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Redlands 50.0J 25,00 100.0% Ontario N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Lorna Linda 70.00 45.00 180,0% Total Service DlreclCost 52 City-WideGen.&Allmn Rale@1075% 6 TotalServlceCosVUnil 5R Recommended Fee '5 RecomrnendedFllOS...tlSfdy 33 Current Fee Arrount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) '5 011 User Fee Determination. Cost Analysis Worksheet De artment/Division Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 Business Type Occupancy fee for a 4-person 202 enqine company 02119/2003 Description at service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Business type occupancies are inspected annually by the Fire Department; there are currently 3,904 of these type occupancies. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Stralgh: Till Frmge Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labe Position Laber Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr. Position per Unit Cost per Fire Caotain 34.0365 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 0.3 15 Fire Enoineer 29.342:1 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 0.3 13 Fire Fiohter 26.3025 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 0.3 11 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 0.3 13 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 52 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs E ui me nt, tacilit rental. part-time labor wlo benefits 4~' i 40.00 Quantity Required 0.30 Unit Cost 12 Descnption Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 12 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun San Gabriel Riverside Redlands Ontario Lorna Linda Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla 0.00 0.0% 45.00 180.0% 0.00 0.0% 25.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 45.00 180.0% Total Service DireCICOSI 64 N/Avi 70.00 N/A\'~. 50.00 N/Av; 70.0J City-Wide Gen & AdrTllo Rate@1075'1o TOlal Service CosVUrlll 7 71 Recom""'MedFeeS~ll$>dy ?5 46 o ?5 Recommended Fee CurrenlfeeAlTlClUnl Fee Increase (Decrease) 012 User Fee Determination - Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Emerqency Services-Advanced Life Support 02/19/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments; Our EMS is a comprehensive service for pre-hospital emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured to increase survival rate, decrease permanent injury ond alleviate suffering by ensuring that our staff provide basic life support and advance life support to victims on scene. Curren!'y we charge $200 for ALS service calls. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight TII::',I Fnnge Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor POS ition La~'1 6eneflls labor Cost Overhead Labor Cost/Hr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Captain 34.0363 I 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1.5 73 Fire Enqineer 29.34Er: ' 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1.5 63 Fire fiqhter 26.3020 i 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1.5 57 Fire Paramedic 30.16S01 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1.5 65 EMS Coordinator 30.950. , 9.29 40.24 4.305145 44.54 1 45 Administrative Clerk 13.4700 ' 4.04 17.51 1.873677 19.38 1.5 29 Loqistics Officer 15.3300 4.60 19.93 2.132403 22.06 1.5 33 Station 223-Processor 27.825E' 8.35 36.17 3.870569 40.04 1 40 Tolal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 405 Material & Rental Costs O.C: 0.05 20.00 9.00 Quantity Required 1.00 1.00 1.00 Uniteosl 0.05 20 9 29.05 Description Pre has ital report forms Miscellaneous EMS sup lies Narcotics Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Other Costs rentol. part-time labor wlo benefits Description I Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteos! Vehicle ..;'~ , 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Total Service Direct Cosl 475 Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percenta e City-Wide Gen & Admn San Bernardino nla nla Rate@10.75% 51 San Bernardino Count N/A';' 0.00 0.0% Total Service CosVUnil 576 San Gabriel N/A.... 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/A'.' 0.00 0.0% Recommended Fee 750 Redlands N/AvI 0.00 0.0% Recommende<:lFlHISubsody 276 Ontario NJA\.i 0.00 0.0% Current Fee Amount 200 Lama Linda N/A"I. 0.00 0.0% Fee Increase (Decrease) 50 013 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Fire 001 202 Emerqency Services-Basic Life Support 02119/2003 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Our EMS is a comprehensive service for ,Jre-hospital emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured to increase survival rate, decrease permanent injury end alleviate suffering by ensuring that our staff provide basic life support and advance life support to victims on scene. Current. we charge $100 for BLS service calls. Personnel Costs Labor Rates $traigtl:-:-, ,I Fringe I~~tal Direct DeplorDiv Total Burdened Hours by T etal Labor Position :... .) ~ , 8enefit!> Labor Ges! Overhead Labor CosUHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Captain 34.03,0 C ' 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enoineer 29.34~ 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Fiohter 26.30= 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire Paramedic 30.16, 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 EMS Coordinator 30.95C 929 40.24 4.305145 44,54 0.5 22 Administrative Clerk 13470. 4.04 17.51 1.873677 19.38 0.5 10 Looistics Officer 15.33CC' 4.60 19.93 2.132403 22.06 0.5 11 Station 223-Processor 27.82: - 8.35 36.17 3.870569 40.04 1 40 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 256 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost EaCh Quantity Required Uniteost Pre hospital report forms O( 0.05 1.00 0.05 Miscellaneous EMS supplies -- 20.00 1.00 20 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 20.05 Other Costs (Equipment, facilitv rente'. part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteos! Vehicle - 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 C P omparisons to rooosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Foe per Unit Dollars Percentaoe San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Countv N/A. 0.00 0.0% San Gabriel N/A, , 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/A. 0.00 0.0% Redlands NiA\, 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/A" 0.00 0.0% Loma Linda N/A\'! 0.00 0.0% Total Service Direct Cost 316 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@10.75% 34 Total SeNlce Cool/Unit ~49 Recommended Fee 1?!'i Recom""'ndlldF""Subtldv 224 Current Fee Amount 100 Fee Increase (Decrease) ?!'i 014 User Fee Determination. Cost Analysis Worksheet Deoartment/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Automatic Fire Sprinklers Multi Buildings 25,000 square Fire 001 202 feet each or less-Plan check/inspection fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Pian review and Inspection for Autmatlc Fire Sprinklers Multi-Buildings-25,000 square feet each or lesslsame project Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Deptor Div Total Burdened Hours by TotalLabOf Position labor Benefits LaborCosI Overhead LaborCostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Plan check/insoection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 8 676 ""base fee + $84.54 oer T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 676 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Equioment, facili "rental, oart-time labor wlo benefits) Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 0.00 Comcarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee oer Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hlohland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 000 0.0% TolalServlceD,reClCoSI 676 Cily-W'de Gen & Admin Rate@1075% 0 Total ServICe CosVUnit R7R Recommended Fee R7R R,",,~F_5<.C>ood~ 0 Current Fee Amoun\ 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) R7R ()15 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Accou nt User Fee DescriDtion Date Automatic Fire Sprinklers over 50,000 square Fire 001 202 feet 3 story and up-Plan check/inspection fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan review and inspection for Automatic Fire Sprinklers over 50,000 square feet 3 story and up/3 risers and up Personnel Costs labor Rates $lraightTime Fringe Total Direct I~ept. orOiv. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Ovemead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Cost per Plan checklinsoection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 8 676 "base fee additional Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 676 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs lEauiDment, facilitv rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits) Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 CamDarisons to ProDosed Fee Mare (less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino n/a n/a San Bernardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hiahland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Total Service DlreclCost 676 City-Wide Gen. & AdlT'lln Rate@1075% 0 Total Service CostlUnil fi7fi Recommended Fee fi7fi RecommerooedFee Subl.ody 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) fi7fi 018 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Mall, Covered-Placing or Constructing Temporary Kiosks, Display Booths, or Concession Equipment- 001 202 Fire Code PermiVlnspection fee Date De artment/Division 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Site inspection related to mall, covered-placing or constructing temporary kiosks, display booths, or concession equipment Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotalOitect Dept.l)(Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits LaborCosl Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Code Permit/Inspection Fe' 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 1 80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 80 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost T ctal Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs (E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee er Unit More (less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% TOlal Service D,rectCosI 80 City-Wide Gen. & Admin N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. Rate@1075% Total Service Cost/Unit o RO CurrenlFeeAmount RO o 80 o Recommended Fee Rec.ommendedF...5Yb..:l~ Fee Increase (Decrease) 017 I. User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Description Flammable or Combustible Liquids-Fire Code 001 202 Permit/Inspection fee Date De artmentlDivision 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Site inspection related to flammable or combustible liquids-inside storage less than 60 gallons Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlraighlTlme Fringe I:~tal Dire~ I~ept. orDjy Total Burdened Hours by Totallaborl Position Labor Benefits Labor Ges! Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Cost per Fire Code Permit/Inspection Fe 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 1 80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 80 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteos! Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs (Equi me nt, facilit rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Tolal Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Comparisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a nla 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Total Service Direcl Cosl 80 City-Wide Gen. & Admin Rate@10.15% N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. TotalSeIV,ceCosVUnil o Rn Cllrrenl Fee Amount Rn o o Rn Recommended Fee Recom~F..s...c..dy Fee Increase (Oecrease) 018 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee DescriDtion Date Commercial Rubbish Handling Operations Fire 001 202 (Recyclinq)-Fire Code Permit/Inspection fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Site inspections related to commercial rubbish handling operations (recycling) Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Qirect Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Costpe Fire Code PermiUlnsoection Fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 3 241 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 241 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs lEouiDment, facilitv rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits) Description CoslEach Quantity Required Uniteost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Comparisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N.Avl. 0.00 0.0% Highland N:Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% TotalServ'ceDlrectCosl 241 City-Wide Gen & Adl1'ln Rate@1075% 0 TolalServlceCosVUnit 741 Recommended Fee 741 Rewmmenoed Fee SullMly 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee InCfease {Decrease} 741 049 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Accou nt User Fee Description Date Candles & Open Flame in Assembly Areas-Fire Fire 001 202 Code Permit/Inspection fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Permit to allow candles and open fiame In assembly areas, includes review of event Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight'lme Fringe Total Direct Oept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overflead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Costpe Fire Code Permit/Inspection Fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 1 80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 80 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (EQuipment, facility rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits\ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Comparisons to Prooosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee oer Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Countv N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% HiQhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% TolaISery'CeOlfectC05\ 80 Cily-Wlde Gan & AdlTin Rale@10.75% 0 Total ServICe CosVUnit Rn Recommended Fee Rn RecommenoedF..Subeldy 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) Rn 050 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Desert tlon Date Fire 001 202 Childcare-Fire Code Permit/Inspection fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Site inspection for Commercial-Child Care Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept or Diy Total Burdened Hours by T ctal Labor Position Labor Benefits LaborCosl Overhead Labor CosVHr. Position per Unit Cost per Fire Code PermiVlnspection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 2.25 180.77 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 180.77 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee More (Less) than S.B. TOlalServlceO'reclCoisI 180.77 Jurisdiction Fee er Unit Dollars Percenta e CIty-WIde Gen & AdmIn San Bernardino nla nla Rale@10.15% 0.00 San Bernardino Count N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% T01~1 ServIce CosVUnil 1RO 77 Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Recommended Fee 1RO 00 Hi hland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Recom.......o.dF..SUD$lCly 077 Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% CurrenlFee Amounl 0 Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fee Increase (Deaease) 1RO 00 051 User Fee Determination- Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Description Asbestos Removal-Fire Code PermiU Inspection 001 202 fee Date De artmentJDivision 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: rspection of Asbestos removal Personnel Costs Labor Rates Str;J::;hlTlm" Fringe Total Direct Dept. Of Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits LaborCos! Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Code PermiVlnspection Fe 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 80.34 1 80 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 80 Material & Rental Costs Descliption Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs (Equi ment, facility rental, part-time labor w/o benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Uniteost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Com arisons to Proposed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside Rialto Hi hi and Fontana Ontario Fee er Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percentage n/a nla 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% TOlal SeMce DlrectCosl 80 N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. City-Wide Gell & Allmln Rate@1075% Total SeNlce Cost/Unit o RO CurreolfeeAmounl RO o o RO Recommended Fee RKOmmerwded F_ SUblldV Fee Increase (Decrease) nr,<; '/ '- User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Fire Alarm (partial) Less than 4 Devices- Fire 001 202 Plancheck/lnspection Fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan check and inspection of fire alarm (partial) - less than 4 devices Personnel Costs Labor Rates Stralgr,t Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Caslper Plancheck/inspection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 1 85 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 85 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Equipment, facilitv rental, part-tome labor w 0 benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County I\/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside NIAvl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto NIAvl. 0.00 0.0% Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% TOlalServlceDlreClCost 85 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@1075% 0 Total Service CosVUnil RS Recommended Fee RS RecommenOed Fee SubSIdy 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) RS 05~~ I User Fee Determination - Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 Underground Storage Tank Modification/ Upgrade- 202 Plancheckllnspection Fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan check and inspection of underground storage tank modification/upgrade Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept or Div Total Burdened Houl'$ by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Gosl Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Costpe Planchecklinspection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 1 85 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 85 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs Cost Each Quantity Required VnitCost 0.00 Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee More (less) than S.B. Total Service Direct Cost 85 Jurisdiction Fee erUnit Dollars Percenta e City-Wide Gen & Admin San Bernardino n/a n/a Rale@10.7S.'\' 0 San Bernardino Coun N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% TolalServlceCosVUnll R5 Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Recommended Fee R5 Hi hland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% RecommllnOlldFHSutlSlCly 0 Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Current Fee Amount 0 Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fee Increase (Decrease) R5 051 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descrlotion Date Spray Booth Suppression System-Plancheck! Fire 001 202 Inspection Fee 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan check and inspection of spray booth suppression system Personnel Costs Labor Rates Stralgh: Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total LabcJ( Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Plancheck/insDection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 2 169 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 169 Material & Rental Costs Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unll Cost Tolal Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (EQuipment, facility rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentalle San Bernardino n/a n/a San Bernardino County N.Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto NiAvl. 0.00 0.0% Hiohland NiAvl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana NiAvl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario NiAvl. 0.00 0.0% TOlal Serv,ee DirectCO$I 169 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rate@10.15% 0 Total Servlce CosVUnit 1fi,Q Recommended Fee 1R!'l R<<<>m...........,F..SW""y 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (OeCfease) 1R9 055 User Fee Determination. Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Automatic Fire Sprinklers 13R-13D, less than 001 202 2,500 square feet-Plancheckllnspection Fee Date De artmentJDivision 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan check and inspection for automatic fire sprinklers 13R-13D, less than 2500 square feet Personnel Costs Labor Rates Slralg~11Tlme Fringe Total Direct Dept or Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position labor Benefits Labor Cosi Overhead labor CosVHr Position per Unit Costpe PlancheckJinspection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 2 169 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 169 Material & Rental Costs Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Other Costs Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee er Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a n/a 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Total Service D,reCICosl 169 City-Wide Gen & Admin N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. Rale@10.75% Total Service CosUUnil o 1n~ Current Fee Amount 1n~ o o 1n~ Recommended Fee R8commel108dFeeSu~v Fee Increase (Decrease) 056 User Fee Determination. Cost Analysis Worksheet Fire Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Automatic Fire Sprinklers 13R-13D, more than 001 202 2,500 sQuare feet-Plan check/Inspection Fee Date De arlmentlDivision 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan check and inspections for automatic fire sprinklers 13R-13D, more than 2500 square feet Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr. Position per Unit Cost per PlanchecklinsDection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 4 338 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 338 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs DesCription Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.00 COm arisons to Pro osed Fee More (less) than S,B. Total Service D,rectCosl 338 Jurisdiction Fee er Unit Dollars Percenta e City-Wide Gen. & Admn San Bernardino nla nla Rale@10.75% 0 San Bernardino Count NIAvl. 0.00 0.0% Tolal Service CosVUnil ~~R Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Recommended Fee :'I:'IR Hi hland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% RotCOmmendedFwS<lbsody 0 Fontana NIAvl. 0.00 0.0% Current Fee Amount 0 Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fee Increase (Decrease) :'I~R 05? User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Description Automatic Fire Sprinklers-Underground- 001 202 Plancheckllnspection Fee Fire Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Plan review and inspection of automatic fire sprinklers-underground Date 09/18/2002 Personnel Costs Labor Rates Stralgh: Time Fnnge Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by T atal labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr. Position per Unit Cosl per Planchecklinspection fee 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 84.54 2.5 211 Tola! Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 211 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service' Other Costs (E Description Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: ComDarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino nla n/a San Bernardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hiqhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Quantity Required Unit Cost o Quantity Required Unit Cost 0.00 0.00 TotalSelV,ce D,rectCosl 211 City-Wide Gen & Adm,n Rale@10.75% 0 TotalServ,ceCosVUml 711 Recommended Fee 711 Recommeoo..oF""Sub"dV 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) 711 058 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descrintion Date Fire 001 201 Stand-by fee for Fire Chief 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when the Fire Chief is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlralghlT'me Fringe Total Direct Dept orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position LaoQr Benefits Labor Cost Ol/erhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Chief 67.9385 20.38 88.32 9.450245 97.77 1 98 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 98 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each QuanlityReQuired Unit Cost T alai Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facility rental, part-time labor wlo benefits\ Description Cost EaCh OuantityRequired UnitCosI Vehicle Exoense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 40 ComDarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than 5.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percenlane San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County 111.55 141.03 -26.9% Riverside 141.99 (10.59 -6.9% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hiqhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario NiAvl. 0.00 0.0% Total Service Direct CoSI 138 City-Wide Gen. & Adm'" Rale@lQ75% 15 Total ServIce CostlUllit 1~~ Recommended Fee H;~ R~F...SuDsody 0 Current Fee Amount 96 Fee lr\CreaselDecrease) fi7 05fl User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Stand-b 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when the Deputy Chief is reqUIred to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept.or Div Total Burdened Hours by T ctal labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Gos! Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Cost per Deputy Chief 60.0404 18.01 78.05 8.35162 86.40 1 86 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 86 Material & Rental Costs Description CoslEach Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service o Other Costs (E rental, part-time labor w/o benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Uniteosl 40 Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each T alai Other costs per Unit of Service 40 Com arisons to Pro ased Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (Less) than 5.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a n/a 36.99 -26.4% 33.92 -24.2% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 50.46 -36.0% TOIaIServ'ceDirectC051 City-WIde Gen & AdmIn 126 Rale@10.15% 14 140 103.00 106.07 N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. 89.53 TolaISefVlceC05VUnl' CUITei11FeeAmoonl 140 o 84 56 Recommended Fee R"",,,,,,,,-,~O<I Fee SuDOOCly Fee locrease (Decrease) 060 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeoartmentJDivislon Fund Account User Fee DescrTDtion Date Fire 001 Stand-by fee for Division Chief 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when a Division Chief is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direcl Depl.orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total labOr Position labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit Cost per Divison Chief 55.4077 16.62 7203 7.707211 79.74 1 79.74 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 79.74 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Uniteosl Total Other costs per Unit of Service 0 Other Costs IEouioment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required UnitCO$I Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 1.00 40.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service 40.00 C P dF omparlsons to rODOSe ee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaoe San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County 81.37 (5124 -38.6% Riverside 106.07 (26.54 -20.0% Rialto N/Avl 000 0.0% Hiqhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario NIAvL 0.00 0.0% Total ServIce Direct Co6t 119.74 Clty-W.deGen &Admln Rate@10.75% 12.87 Towl ServIce CosVUnil 1~? R1 Recommended Fee 11.?f\1 Re<;o",~~""F..Sul>Uly 000 CurremFeeAmount 000 Fee Increase (DllCn:IiISEI) n?fi1 O()1 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artment/Division Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Arson Investi ation Services 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Services of Arson Investigator and Arson Dog rendered to other agencies. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Ges! Ovemead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Firefiohter/Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Cinder (K-9 Arson 000) - 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1 0 Total Burdened Per50nnel Costs per Unit of Service: 43 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost T atal Other costs per Unit of Service o Other Costs (E rental. part-time labor wlo benefits Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost 40 40 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bemardino Coun Riverside Riaito Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (Less) than 5.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a n/a 0.00 0.0% 5.16 -5.6% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Total Sel'\t1Ce Direct Cost Cily-Wioe Gen & Admin Rate@1075% 83 N/Avl. 87.22 N/Avl NiAvl NiAvl. N/Avl. Total SIlI'\I;ce Cosl/Unil 9 Q? CUlTenlFeeAmount Q? o o Q? Recommended Fee R""om~F..~ Fee Increase (Decreaae) 062 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Stand-b fee for Battalion Chief 07/05/2002 Description of service. demand. subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when the Battalion is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Capt. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Ovemead Labor CostlHr Posibon per Unit Cost per Battalion Chief 36.1442 10.84 46.99 5.027658 52.02 1 52 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service 52 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service o Other Costs E ui ment. facilit art-time labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Description Vehicle Ex ense Cost Each Total Qlhercosls per Unit of Service 40 Com arisons to Pro ased Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hiand Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla (28.40 -27.9% 46.54) -45.7% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 20.88 -20.5% TOlalSerYIceO,rectCosl C.ty-W,oe Gen & Adm,n 92 73.51 55.37 N/Avl. N/Avl. N/Avl. 81.03 Rate@1015% Total Sel'\llceCostlUnil 10 10? Curreo!FeeAmount 10? o 53 4~ Recommended Fee """,ommeMe<lFoeSuDsod~ Feelncreilse(Decrease) Of;;) User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for a 3-person engine company 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Engine Companies are reqUired to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight TimE; Fringe Irota' Direct Dept. orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Captain 3.\0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enaineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 135 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefitsl Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Exoense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Countv 70.00 (123.41) -63.8% Riverside 124.34 (69.07) -35.7% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario 259.76 66.35 34.3% Total Service Direct Cosl 175 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@1075% 19 TolalServlceCosVUnil 1!l~ Recommended Fee 1!l~ Recommen6edFeeSublldy 0 CurrenlFeeAmounl 117 Fee Increase (Decrease) 77 084 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeoartmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for a 4 person engine company 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Engine CompaCles are rquired to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Str';'9h1 TUlle Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div T olal Burdened Hours by Total labor Position la~or Benefits labor Cost Overhead labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Cantain 3-10368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enolneer 2J.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Rclhter 26.3028 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 172 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs IEouioment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefitsl Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Exnense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 ComDarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino Couritv N/Avl 0.00 0.0% Riverside ~ 60.05 (75.28) -32.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Hiclhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario 304.13 68.80 29.2% Total Service OlrectCost 212 Clly-Wlde Gen & Admin Rale@1075% 23 Total Service CosVUnit 735 Recommended Fee 735 RecommendedFeeSl.tIsdy 0 Current Fee Amount 145 Fee Increase (Decrease) 90 {)n5 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Descriotion Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for a 4-person water tender 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Water Tenders are required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Depl. or Div T olal Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead labor CosUHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Captain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire Enqlneer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Fighter 26.3028 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 172 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0 Other Costs (Eauipment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Vehicle Expense 40 40.00 1.00 40 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 40 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla n/a San Bemardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside 160.05 175.28) -32.0% Rlalto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Highland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontario 304.13 68.80 29.2% Total Service Direct Cost 212 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@lQ75% 23 Total Service CosVUnit ns Recommended Fee ns Reu.ommeroed Fee Subsidy 0 Current Fee Amount 144 Fee Increase (Decrease) ~1 fH;f; User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Fire 001 202 Stand by fee for a 4-person Type 3 engine 07/05/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when Type 3 Engine Companies are required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Di.. Irol31 Burdened Hours by T atal Labor Position labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per Fire Caotain 34.0368 10.21 44.25 4.734519 48.98 1 49 Fire EnQineer 29.3488 8.80 38.15 4.082418 42.24 1 42 Fire Fiohter 26.3028 7.89 34.19 3.658719 37.85 1 38 Fire Paramedic 30.1698 9.05 39.22 4.196619 43.42 1 43 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 172 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: o Description Vehicle Ex ense rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) 40 40.00 Quantity Required 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service. 40 ComDarisons to ProDosed Fee More (less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino nla nla San Bernardino County N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Riverside 160.05 175.28 -32.0% Rialto N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% HiQhland N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Fontana N/Avl. 0.00 0.0% Ontano 304.13 68.80 29.2% TOlal Service Direct Cost 212 City-Wide Gerl & Admin Rate@ 1075% 23 Total Service Cost/Unit ?~~ Recommended Fee ?~fi RecommeodedFee SubKly 0 Current Fee Amount 0 Fee Increase (Decrease) ?~fi 087 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artrnentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Oeser; tion Date Fire 001 202 Sland-b fee for Command Vehicle-1 Battalion Chief 07105/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee charged when the Command Vehlcle/1 Battalion Chief Is required to stand-by for events and at emergency scenes. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Slraigt11T,mc Fringe Total Direct Deptor Div Total Burdened Hours by T Dtal Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Gos! Ovemead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Coslper Battalion Chief 36.1442 10.84 46.99 5.03 52.02 1 52 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 52 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Service o Description Vehicle Ex ense rental, art-lime labor wlo benefits 40 40.00 QuanlityReCluired 1.00 Unit Cost 40 Cost Each T etal Other costs per Unit of Service 40 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bemardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Ontario Fee per Unit More (Less) than S.B. Dollars Percenta e nla nla (68.91 -67.6% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 29.12 28.6% ToI.iIISet'VlceDlrectCosI 92 33.00 N,Avl N:Avl N'Avl NAvl 131.03 CIty-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@10.75% Total Service CoisllVnil 10 10' CurrenlFeeAmounl 10' o o 10' Recommended Fee R~o~F_SubooclV Fee increase (Oeaease) 068 ,--- c: o :;: ra ell ... U ell a::: 'a c: ra III ..ll: ... ra c.. III ell III ra ell ... U c: ell ell u.. 'a ell III o c.. o ... c.. '... ~("')O ,_2 e a _M :0;::::(0 'C <C !g t: '" > '" a:: n '" a:: ~ 'c '~ ::::l "'~ mo (iju (5 >- ~~f- t: '" E E o u '" a:: '" V> '" ~ u E '" '" u- e ~ ~ " U I e: o ;~"';- :g'iij N U 0 V> l3 ' CD C1.~ ~ '" ~ '" '" '" u U-....Ie: ~ ~ '" <1>.....-= V> '" e: ::::l...,w o o o ... - .... ... '" - .... ... M N .... o C> - .... o o ..; "? - .... o '" ~ - .... ,...-- Ol Ol ~ o Oi o o C> o o to .... o N - Ol N .... o N - N ... .... '" N .... '" .... '" 0 ,... 0 .... M .}, .... '" 6 .... 0 N .... o C> o '" .... N o o N ~ o Oi o o o o o N N .... o ,... "" .... .}, "" M .... o ,... - - , '" "" '" .... o o M 6 o N .... o o o o N .... o o o o D. to .... o N to ... .... to M .... 6 N to - .... o N to ... .... o M .... 6 - .... .... .... .... -(i)--Q)- -- Q) '" '" '" u- u- u- ~ ~ ~ '" '" '" z z z o o o o .... to .... N to .... N M .... o o ,..: ,... .... '" ... .}, - .... '" ... .... .}, - .... o o o o "" .n .... ,... "'! - .... ,... 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E :;:; III W M o o ~ i!l 06;1 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Account sar Fee Oescri tion 4864 Community Pools Daily Admission Date 09/19/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis fee covers daily admission for the Hernandez, Delmann Heights, Nunez, and Mill Center pools. The new fee will be $.50 for youth 2-7; $1 for youth 8-17; $2 for adults; and $1 for seniors. The current fees are $.50 for youth, and $2 for adults and seniors. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Tima Fringe Total Direct Dept. orDi... Total Burdened Hoorsby Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Gos! Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aauatic SUDervisor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.35 24.83 2.00 49.66 4 Pool Manaoer I 55.44 2.36 57.80 13.86 71.66 3.50 250.81 4 Lifequards 11.06 0.47 11.53 2.75 14.28 14 199.92 1 Recreation Aides 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 873 3.5 30.56 1 Sr Ree Sucervisor 28.39 1.78 30.17 3.06 33.23 3.5 116.31 Tola! Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 647.26 Material & Rental Costs Description Chlorine Acid Cost Eac:h 0.86 2.26 Quantity Required 47.64 allons 5.5 allons Uniteos! 40.97 12.43 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 8108 attendees divided by 237 sessions = 34.21 persons per sessionl $813.42 divided by 34.21 = $23.77 per person (City Cost) Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits 53.40 Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost General E ui me nt/Filters/Pool Pum s/Slides, ete 10,000/ann 37.87 er da - de rec 37.87 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: $ 37.87 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Total SeNi~e D,rect Cost 738.53 Jurisdiction Fee 2-7 Fee 8-17 Adults Seniors C'ty-Wllie Gen & Admin San Bernardino 0.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 R.ille@10.14% 74.89 San Bernardino Coun 2.00 Total SeNI~e CosVSe$$,on 813.42 Riverside 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.50 Total $1lfV1~e ~O$Valterldee 23.77 Rialto 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 Recommended Fee varies Hi hland Recommended Fee Subsidy varies Fontana 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.25 Current Fee Amount varies Colton Feeln~rease(De~rease) varies 070 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Account ser Fee Oescri tion 4864 Community Pools - Family Swim Pass Date 09/19/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis fee would cover a season pass for a family to use the Delmann Heights, Hernandez Center, Nunez, and Mill Center pools. The fee would be $45 for families of 1-6, and $65 for families of 7-12. The current fee is $50 for families of any size. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotalOirecl Depl.orOiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Lab", Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosIlHr. Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aouatic Suoervlsor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.35 24.83 2.00 49.66 4 Pool Manaoer I 55.44 2.36 57.80 13.86 71.66 3.50 250.81 4 Lifequards 11.06 0.47 11.53 2.75 14.28 14 199.92 1 Recreation Aide 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 8.73 3.5 30.56 1 Sr Rec Suoervlsor 28.39 1.78 30.17 3.06 33.23 3.5 116.31 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 647.26 Material & Rental Costs Descriptioo CoslEach Quantity Required UnitCosI Chlorine 0.86 47.64 oallons 40.97 Acid 2.26 5.5 qallons 12.43 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 53.40 8108 attendees diVided by 237 sessions = 34.21 persons per session; $813.42 divided by 34.21 persons = $23.77 per person x 10 projected visits = $237.70 x 6 persons = $1426.20 (City Cost) Other Costs (Equipment, facili~ rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits! Description I I Cost Each Quantity ReQuired UnitCosl I I General EquipmenUFiltersJPool Pumps/Slides. ate 10,000/ann 37.87 oer dav - deorec 37.87 I I I T ctal Other costs per Unit of Service $ 37.87 ComDarisons to Pro Dosed Fee Jurisdiction Famllv 1-6 Family 7-12 San Bernardino $ 45.00 65.00 San Bernardino County $ - - Riverside $ 300.00 300.00 Rialto $ 262.50 262.50 Hiqhland $ - - Fontana $ 160.00 340.00 Colton $ - - Total Service DlreclCOst 738.53 City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@1014% 74.89 TotillServlceCostlSesslOn 813.42 Totillst!rvlcecostlpilss 1426.20 Recommended Fee varies Recommended Fee Subsidy varies CUlTenl Fee Amount 50.00 Fee increase (Decreasei varies 071 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artment/Division Parks and Recreation Date 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThese fees are charged for Commercial Summer Season swim passes to the Jerry Lewis Swim Center. There is now a fee of $200 per business with unlimited numbers of employees; the new fees would be $200 for 15-25 persons, and $300 for 26-50 persons. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept.orDiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position La"'" Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr. Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aouatic Supervisor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.21 24.69 1.00 24.69 4 Lifeouards 7.90 0.13 8.03 0.81 8.84 10.00 88.40 3 Sr. Lifeouards 22.25 0.38 22.63 2.29 24.92 7.5 186.9 1 Pool Manaoer II 11 0.47 11.47 2.75 14.22 2.5 35.55 1 Recreation Aid 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 8.73 2.5 21.83 1 Sr Rec Supervisor 14.2 1.9 16.1 1.42 17.52 17.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 374.89 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost Chlorine 0.86 15.3 oallons 13.24 Acid 2.26 2.57 oallons 5.81 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 19.05 37484 total attendees divided by 210 sessions = 178.5 attendees per session; $550.23 divided by 178.5 = $3.08 per son x 10 projected visits = $30.80 per attendee x 25 members = $770 (City Cost) Other Costs IEauioment, facilit rental, oart-time labor wlo benefits\ Description I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost I General Equipment/Filters/Pool Pumns/Slides, etc 7500/ann 105.63 I per dav - decrec 105,63 I I T olal Other costs per Unit of Service: $ 105.63 Comparisons to Proposed Fee Jurisdiction 15-25 25.50 San Bernardino 200,00 300.00 San Bernardino Countv - - Riverside. 300,00 300.00 Rialto Hiqhland - - Fontana"" 275.00 275.00 Colton - - Total Service Direct Cost 499.57 City-WIde Gen & AdmIn Rale@1014% 50.66 Totlll Sef\lice CostlSesSI(l(1 550,23 Per pilsslsllilson {i1~erage} 770.00 Recommended Fee varies Recommended Fee Subsidy varies Current Fee Amounl 200,00 Fee Increase (Decreasel varies . Riverside charges $300 for up to 100 persons .. Fontana charges $275 for up to 99 persons 072 1- , User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Account ser Fee Descri tion 4864 Community Pools Commerciai Swim Pass Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis new fee would be charged for Commercial Summer Season swim passes to the Delmann Heights, Hernandez, Nunez, and Mill Center pools. The fee would be $175 for 15-25 persons; and $250 for 26-50 persons. Date 09/18/2002 Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. Of Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefrts labor Cost Overhead labor CostIHr. Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aouatic Suoervisor 44.20 0.75 44.95 4.42 49.37 2.00 49.37 4 Pool Mana (x 2.5 hrs) 555.40 9.44 563.84 55.44 619.28 3.50 619.28 4 Lifeouards 110.6 1.88 112.48 11.02 123.5 3.5 123.5 1 Recreation Aide 23.62 0.4 24.02 2.35 26.37 3.5 26.37 1 Sr Rec Sunervisor 227.12 14.2 241.32 22.71 264.03 8 264.03 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 1082.55 Material & Rental Costs Description Chlorine Acid Cost Each 0.86 2.26 Quantity Required 47.64 allons 5.5 allons Unit Cost 40.97 12.43 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 53.40 8108 attendees divided by 237 sessions = 34.21 persons per session; $1292.85 divided by 34.21 persons = $37.79 per person x 10 projected visits = $377.90 x 6 persons = $2267.40 (City Cost) Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost General Equi ment/Filters/Pool Pum s/Slides, etc 10,000/ann 37.87 er da - de rec Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Com arisons to Pro osed Fee TolalSeNiceQireclCosl Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside' Rialto Hi hland Fontana Colton , Riverside charges $300 for up to 100 persons '5.25 175.00 25-50 250.00 Clty.Wlde Gell & Admin Rale@1014% Total SeNlce GosVSess,on 300.00 192.50 300.00 192.50 TolalselVlcecostlpil~ Recommended Fee 175.00 275.00 Recommended Fee Subsidy CurrenlFeeAmounl Fee Increase (Decrease) 37.87 $ 37.87 1173.92 119.04 1292.96 2267.40 varies varies new fee varies 073 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Date 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis new fee would be charged for a 25 admission punch card that could be used at the Hernandez, Delmann Heights, Nunez, and Mill Center pools. The fee would be $7 for youth ages 2-7; $15 for youth ages 8-17; $30 for adults; and $15 for seniors 60+. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Oept. or Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Coslper 1 Aouatic Supervisor 44.20 0.75 44.95 4.42 49.37 2.00 49.37 4 Pool Mana (x 2.5 hrs) 554.40 9.44 563.84 55.44 619.28 3.50 619.28 4 Lifeouards 110.6 1.88 112.48 11.02 123.5 3.5 123.5 1 Recreation Aide 23.62 0.4 24.02 2.35 26.37 3.5 26.37 1 Sr Rec Supervisor 227.12 14.2 241.32 22.71 264.03 8 264.03 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 1082.55 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required uniteost Chlorine 0.86 47.64 oallons 40.97 Acid 2.26 5.5 oallons 12.43 T olal Other costs per Unit of Service 53.40 8108 attendees divided by 237 sessions = 34.21 persons per session; $1292.85 divided by 34.21 persons = $37.79 per person x 25 sessions = $944.75 (City Cost) Other Costs (EquiDment, !acilit rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits) Description I I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost I I General Equipment/Filters/Pool Pumos/Slides, etc 10,000/ann 37.87 ner dav - denrec 37.87 I I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service $ 37.87 C p dF ompansons to rooose ee I Seniors Jurisdiction Fee 2-7 Fee 8.17 Adults San Bernardino 7.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 San Bernardino Countv - - - - Riverside 18-24 24.00 37.00 37.00 Rlalto - 25.00 50.00 50.00 Hiohland - - - - Fontana 31.25 31.25 37.50 37.50 Colton - - - - Tol.al ServIce Direct Cost 1173.82 City-Wide Gen. & Admin Rale@101A% TOlal Service Co6VSessiQf1 Recommended Fee Subsidy Current Fee Amounl 119.03 1?~?85 37.79 v~ries varies new fee v~ries Total selVlcecosVanendee Recommended Fee Fee Increase (Decrea5e) 071 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artrnentlDivision Parks and Recreation Date 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis new fee would be charged for a 15 admission punch card that could be used at the Hernandez, Delmann Heights, Nunez, and Mill Center pools. The fee would be $5 for youth ages 2-7; $10 for youth ages 8-17; $20 for adults; and $10 for seniors 60+. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotalOirecl Dept. or Diy Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aouatic SUDervisor 44.20 0.75 44.95 4.42 49.37 2.00 49.37 4 Pool Mana (x 2.5 hrs) 554.40 9.44 563.84 55.44 619.28 3.50 619.28 4 LifeQuards 110.6 1.88 112.48 11.02 123.5 3.5 123.5 1 Recreation Aide 23.62 0.4 24.02 2.35 26.37 3.5 26.37 1 Sr Rec SUDervisor 227.12 142 241.32 22.71 264.03 8 264 03 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 1082.55 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Coat Chlorine 0.86 47.64 aallons 40.97 Acid 2.26 5.5 aallons 12.43 T atal Other costs per Unit of Service: 53.40 8108 attendees divided by 237 sessions = 34.21 persons per session; $1292.85 divided by 34.21 persons = $37.79 per person x 15 sessions = $566.85 (City Cost) Other Costs IEauiDment, faeilit rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits) Description I I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost I I General Eauipment/Filters/Pool Pumos/Slides, ete 10,OOOlann 37.87 Der day - deDrec 37.87 I I I T ola! Other costs per Unit of Service: $ 37.87 Comparisons to Proposed Fee Jurisdiction J Fee 8-17 Seniors Fee 2.7 Adults San Bernardino 5.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 San Bernardino County - - - - Riverside 18-24 24.00 33.75 37.00 RialtD 22.00 22.50 37.50 37.50 HiDhland - - - - Fontana 18.75 18.75 22.50 22.50 Colton - - - - Total Servlce Dlrecl Cost Clly-Wicle Gen & Admlfl 1173.82 Recommended FeeSuDs'cly Currem Fee Amount 119.03 1?!l?85 37.79 v~ries varies new fee v~ries Rale@10.14% Total Serl/ice CosVSession Total SElfVICIl cosVallendea Recommended Fee Fee Increase (Decrease) 075 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Account ser Fee Descri tion Youth Sports Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: These recommended fees will be charged for a 6 week city wide youth sports program at (6) community centers and after school playgrounds. The new fee is for the following youth sports; volleyball, t-ball, basketball, football, softball, iii folk soccer and pee wee basketball. These programs are for ages 4 to 15 years. Current fees are $20.00 per youth. Personnel Costs Labor Rates I StraighlTime Fringe Total Direct Capt. or 0;.... Total Burdened Hours by Total Labol Position Uobo< Benefits laborCos Overhead Labor C05t1Hr Position per Unit Cost per Center Manaoer $ 21.77 $ 5.20 $ 26.97 $ 2.18 $ 29.15 420 $ 12,243.00 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: $ 12,243.00 Material & Rental Costs Description CoslEach Quantity Raquired UnitCosI Awards 5.00/1500 492/16 $2,700.00 Uniforms $5.00 800 $ 4,000.00 Uniforms $ 1000 300 $ 3,000.00 Sports Equipment (balls, horns, whistles, etc. $ 500.00 8 $4,000.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service $ 13,700.00 Other Costs (Equipment, facili~ rental, part-time labor wlo benefitsl Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Recreation Soecialist $ 10.50 840 $ 8,820.00 Officials $ 15.00 105 $ 1,575,00 Scorekeeoers $ 8.00 105 $ 840.00 Senior Recreation Leader $ 8.80 2016 $17,740.80 Total Other costs per Unit of Service $ 28,975.80 Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than 5.B, Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars PercentaQe San Bernardino $ 30.00 - - San Bernardino County $ - nJa Riverside $ 30.00 same Redlands $ 47.00 $ 17.00 Ontario $ 40.00 $ 10.00 Fontana nla Rialto nla n/a TOlalServ'ceD,rectCost $ 54,918.80 TotalyolJth 1100 TotalServ,ceCosVU"'t $ 49.93 Recommended Fee $ ClJrrelllFeeArnolJlI\ $ Feelllcrease $ ~n no 2000 1000 076 User Fee Determination - - --------- - -- ------ -..- - -------- - ~o_s! AnaJy~~_ W~~~~_~,~.t____ - -------- ..------ - DenartmentlDlvlslon T FundT Accountl User Fee DescrlDtion I Date Parks and Recreation I 11 48641Parks Picnic Shetter - Utility Access Fee I 07/08/2002 -- -- ------ -~ ----- ------ ---- ----- --- _.- De"scription-of"service-,-demand, subsid~:-and 'other cammen-is: ----- ---- - ---.---- --- ---- --- --.-. A $25 fee is requested to fund the necess"ry "osts associ-"t~clJrl accessing utilities {electricityj for picnic shelt",- ~__ that are located throughout the department's sysJem_ -------------- - ----- .---- - -- ----~--~ --- -------- .------- . --._- ------- -- Personnel Costs Labor Rates -- SI~a'9hl T,m_e 1- Fnng~ TotalOirecl ~_orDlv t:~ta_IBur_dene~ _ _1"iOllrs_~ TotalL.bOr Position Labor Ber'lefJts LaborCosl Dvemead Labor CostlHr POS,llOnperUrut Cost per Electrician II 20_31 0_35 20_66 2_07 22-73 0_50 11-36 Admin Clerk III 14.82 0_26 15_08 1_51 16.59 0_25 4_15 Park Maint SUDervisor 25.67 0.44 26_11 2_61 28-72 0.5 11-36 ------- Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of.~_rv~~: 26_87 --- - - --- ---- ---~- __on ---------- --------- ------- Material & Rental CostS -- Descrintion CoslElICh QUlInlityReqUlre(\ UnitCo51 - - ---- - - __ Total O~r ~3_~~er_ Unit i?fServ!c.!:._ -- -- -- ~ - - -- - --- ------------- __n___________ n_________ ------- ---- -- - Other Costs (Eaulnment faclI~- ren-tal, ~art~time-Iabor wlo benefliS--------------- - -- ---. Descnp\lOn Cost EliCh Quiln~tyRequ'red UMCOSI - -- TotaLQ~~_~o.s~~r_ Unit ~~~~~____ Comiiirisons-to PrODosed Fee ~--- ----------- ----- --- --- ----- - f-- More (Less) than S.B. T<>I..s.rv~O~..:IOOSI 26_87 ---- Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit . Dollilrs Percentaoe C'lt~~ ~_ ~ Adm'" San Bernardino $25.00 - - ___~..!@ '_O_l~'ll, 2-72 San Bemardino Countv $ - nla T<>I..s.n.~CoIlN"'t '9_59 Riverside - Rialto Rec~mmend~ F~e '5_00 Hiahland $ nla R""<lm~~_":,,Su~So<lv 4_59 Fontana -- 0_00 OJ",,"I ~eeAm<>YnI Colton $ - nla feelncrease!Dect"""1 75.00 06112/2003 077 De artmentlDivision Parks and Recreation User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Determination Account User Fee Descri tlon 4864 Jerry Lewis Daily Admission Date 09/18/2002 Fund 1 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis recommended lee will be charged per day use (2.5 hour session) al Jerry Lewis Swim Cenler and Walerslide Complex at Penis Hill Park. The new fee will be $1 for youlh 2-7; $1.50 for youth 8.17; $3 for adults; and $1.50 for senion;; 60.... Current fees are $1 foryoulh 2-17. and $2,50 lor adulls and seniors Personnel Costs Labor Rates Stra,gM1Tme FmQe Total D~ec\ Depl or 0.... TotlIIBuf'Clenecl Hou~by TogIL.Ilbor Position LabOr BenelllS labOrCo$l O""rne8d LUlorCo$lll-lr Poa*>nperUI'lll eo. 1 A uatic Su Ntsor 2210 038 22.48 2.21 24.89 100 24.69 4 life uards 7.90 013 8.03 0.81 8.84 10.00 8840 3 SLUfe uards 22.25 38 2283 2.29 24.92 1.5 188.9 1 Pool Mana er II 11 0.47 11.47 275 14.22 2.5 35.55 1 Recreation Aid 675 0.29 104 1.69 8.73 2.5 21.83 1 Sr Rec Su eNlsor 14.2 19 16.1 1.42 17.52 17.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per UOIt of Service 374.89 Material & Rental Costs DescnpllOn Chlorine Acid CoslEac.h 0.88 2.28 QuanblyRequnCl 15.3 allons 2.57 aUons UI'llICosl 13.24 5.81 Total Omer costs per Unit of Service 19.05 37.48410Ial attendance divided by 210 sessions - 178.5 attendees per session $550.23 divided by 1785 = $ 3.08 per attendee Other Costs E ui ment, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits Desc"plon CostEaetl QuantayRequnCl UnlColt General E ui ment/Fillers/Pool Pum s/Slides, elc 7500/ann 105.63 r da - de rec 105.83 F..,na__IOecr_1 $ 105.83 499.51 50.66 l;r:;n.23 3.08 \J~ries v~ries vanes \I~nes Total Other costs per UM of Service Com arisons to Pro Fee 8.17 1.50 Adults 300 Seniors 150 T'''''Is.n.-ar..tc-l ClIj'"W","Oen&Admon R._@10,Wll, Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Countv Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fonlana Colton l,,"'IIs.n.-CooV_OUl 7S.1OQ 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.25 250 1.50 2.50 Totol___VoI,_ Recommended Fee R~F..~ 125 5.00 2.50 1.50 Cl.<tornF...............' 078 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis fee would cover a season pass for a family to use the Jerry Lewis Swim Center. The family pass would be $55 for families with 1-6 members, and $75 for families with 7-12 members. The current fee for a family pass is $50. Date 09/19/2002 Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Oept or Div Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead LaborCostlHr Position per Unit Cost per 1 Anuatic Suoervisor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.21 24.69 1.00 24.69 4 Lifeouards 7.90 0.13 8.03 0.81 8.84 10.00 88.40 3 Sr. LifeQuards 22.25 0.38 22.63 2.29 24.92 7.5 186.9 1 Pool Mananer II 11 0.47 11.47 2.75 14.22 2.5 35.55 1 Recreation Aid 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 8.73 2.5 21.83 1 Sr Rec Suoervisor 14.2 1.9 16.1 1.42 17.52 1 17.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 374.89 Material & Rental Costs Description Chlorine Acid Cost Each Quantity Required 15.3 allons 2.57 allons 0.86 2.26 UnilCosI 13.24 5.81 Total Other costs per Unit of Service. 19.05 37484 total attendees divided by 210 sessions = 178.5 attendees per session; $' $550.23 divided by 178.5 = $3.08 per per- son x 10 projected visites = $30.80 per attendee x 6 members = $184.80 (City Cost) Other Costs E ui ment, facHit rental, art-time labor w/o benefits Description Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost General E ui mentlFilters/Pool Pum s/Slides, ete 7500/ann 105.63 er da - de rec Total Other costs per Unit of Service Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Count Riverside Rialto Hi hland Fontana Colton Family 1-6 $ 55.00 $ $ 150.00 Family 7-12 75.00 Total ServIce DtrectCosl CIty-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@10.14% Total SefVlce CostlSession 275.00 Perpasslseason(lIverage) Recommended Fee $ $ 160.00 $ 100.00 Recommended Fee SubsIdY CurrenlFeeAmounl Fee Increase (Decrease) 105.63 $ 105.63 499.57 50.66 550.23 184.8 varies varies 50.00 varies 079 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Account ser Fee Descri tion 4864 15 Punch Card Entry J Lewis Swim Date 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis new fee would be charged for a 15 admission punch card to the Jerry Lewis Swim Center. The fee would be $10 for youth 2-7; $12 for youth 8-17: $30 for adults; and $12 for seniors 60+. Personnel Costs Labor Rates StraightTm'le Fringe Total Direct Dept. orOiv. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostIHr Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aquatic Sunervisor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.21 24.69 1.00 24.69 4 Lifeouards 7.90 0.13 8.03 0.81 8.84 10.00 88.40 3 Sr. Lifeauards 22.25 0.38 22.63 2.29 24.92 7.5 186.9 1 Pool Manaoer II 11 0.47 11.47 2.75 14.22 2.5 35.55 1 Recreation Aid 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 8.73 2.5 21.83 1 Sr Rec SUDervisor 14.2 1.9 16.1 1.42 17.52 1 17.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 374.89 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Chlorine 0.86 15.3 aallons 13.24 Acid 2.26 2.57 aallons 5.81 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 19.05 37484 total attendees divided by 210 sessions = 178.5 attendees per session; S$550.23 divided by 178.5 = $3.08 per person x 15 visits = $46.20 (City Cost) Other Costs tEouiDment, facilih rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits\ Description I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost I General EQuipmentlFilters/Pool Pumps/Slides, etc 7500/ann 105.63 per dav - deDrec 105.63 I I Total Other costs per Unit of Service: $ 105.63 Comparisons to ProDosed Fee Jurisdiction I ,I Adults senior~ 1 Fee 2-7 Fee 8-17 San Bernardino 10.00 12.00 30.00 12.00 S6 Counlv . - - - Riverside 11.00-13.00 18.00 55.00 37.00 Rialto 25.00 - - 50.00 HiQhland - - . - Fontana 25.00 25.00 37.50 31.25 Colton - - - - TOIal Service Dirncl Cost City-Wide Gen. & AdmIn 499.57 Recommended Fee 50.66 550.23 46.2 vPlries varies new fee v:lries Rale@10,14% T otlll ServICe Co6USession Total seMCe costlanendee Recommended Fee Subsidy Current Fee Amount Feelncrease(Oec~se) 080 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Parks and Recreation Date 09/18/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: IThis new fee would be charged for a 25 admission punch card to the Jerry Lewis Swim Center. youth 2-7; $20 for youth 8-17; $45 for adults; and $20 for seniors 60+. The fee would be $15 for Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe TotalOifect Dept, or Div. T alai Burdened Hours by T alat Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostfHr. Position per Unit Cost per 1 Aouatlc Suoervisor 22.10 0.38 22.48 2.21 24.69 1.00 24.69 4 Lifeouards 7.90 0.13 8.03 0.81 8.84 10.00 88.40 3 Sr. Lifeouards 22.25 0.38 22.63 2.29 24.92 7.5 186.9 1 Pool Manaoer II 11 0.47 11.47 2.75 14.22 2.5 35.55 1 Recreation Aid 6.75 0.29 7.04 1.69 8.73 2.5 21.83 1 Sr Rec Suoervisor 14.2 1.9 16.1 1.42 17.52 17.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 374.89 Material & Rental Costs Description Chlorine Acid Cost Each 0.86 2.26 Quantity ReQuired 15.3 allons 2.57 allons Unit Cost 13.24 5.81 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 37484 total attendees divided by 210 sessions = 178.5 attendees per session; S $550.23 divided by 178.5 = person x 25 visits = $77.00 (City Cost) Other Costs E ul me nt, facilit rental, art-time labor wlo benefits 19.05 $3.08 per Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost General E ui menUFilterslPool Pum slSlides. etc 7500/ann 105.63 er da - de rec 105.63 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: $ 105.63 Com arisons to Pro TOlal Service Direct Cost 499.57 Jurisdiction Fee 2-7 Fee 8-17 Adults Seniors City-Wide Gef1 /I. Admin San Bernardino 15.00 20.00 45.00 20.00 Rale@1014% 50.66 S6 Coun Total Service CosVSesSIOI'\ SSn .23 Riverside 18-24 24-36 55.00 37.00 Total service costlattef1dee 77 Rlalto 25.00 50.00 Recommended Fee v::Iries HI hland Recommended Fee Subsl(!Y varies Fontana 31.25 31.25 125.00 CurrenlFeeAmounl new fee Colton Fee Increase (Dec;rellse) v::Iries 081 CIl .~ o Q. III CIl III Cll CIl ... U c: CIl CIl LL 'tl CIl III o Q, o ... Q. Q) '<t 0000 m :;J 0 0 c 0 0'000 0 Q) M I.() 0 0'(0 ..-- > MO......-C"i Q) <0 Et7......~("') CD 0: , '" '" <Xl OJ M .,. C e O~ '0 ;::: "0 <( Q) 1'<t - -.----- '<tOllXl '" Q) .!!' u.. "'~ .......~~ ro "0 r>Lri "'M'<t Q) :;J to > "0 (f) C Q) E E 0 " Q) i:f){:/7EF.HA. 0: OJ - '" " C VVO'>CO OJ .~ ::J ...... ......00 .C "" LrioLri-.i ro OJ '" ~N '" > (f) 0 ~ OJ U 0 f- Y7 oq. bl7 {f7 (1)0000 ~~~OO Q)NNNO t; N E Y7E:R-E:R-(17 I ~I~ ~~ 8 .~~- E ~~N~ ~ E o " OJ 0: ffiE:R-EF.HA" woo 0 tf~C! 0 .....COM 0 C ~ .... OJ ~ ~ :;J UE:R-E:R-E:R-E:R- I ij,-Oi-(j)ij)-- Q)O>O')<UO'> .....0)0>....0') ~...........3:..... OJ ::J Z u; ro -' i1i 1: - " c: 0 ..... c: o c.. t::.6 ro ~Q)&.c. .~ .c a:: Q) CD "E ~ ~ 0:: g 0 U) Q) = Q) --= Q) E Q) o o.~ - (I) 10... c: Q)~oc:ro~~ Q)tija..co<1>mQ) LLcuCJQ5Q)CI) ._._ (f) "- UJ ctI Qs E:t: Q) ~"> ~ cn "I:: ~ > 0 Q) U ::J U f- ::J f- 0: .c '" OJ .C ro > '" OJ .~ > n.~ Q) :l c: Q) > Q) ~ Cll c: o ;e "C :a! i; :l c: c: <t "C Q) - Cll E .. III W '" o o ~ 1d o 082 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet DeDartmentlDivlsion Fund Account User Fee DescriDtion Date Police 001 4743 Tow release fees 06/25/2002 Description of service. demand. subsidy, and other comments: Fee for release of Impounded/stored vehicles. CVC 22850.5 allows for recovery of actual coasts. Victims of crimes, such as GTA are not charged, and can obtain a release 7 days a week, 8am-7pm. All other release can be obtained M-F, 8am-4pm. There ha' been an increase in the fee since it's inception July of 1998. Personnel Costs Labor Rates SlraightTime Fringe Total Direct Depl.or Oiv. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost QI/erhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit Cost per Police Records Clerk 14.54 3.63 18.17 1.5 19.67 0.25 4.92 Olsoatcher II 19.32 4.82 24.14 1.9 26.04 0.25 6.51 Police Officer 30.81 8.66 39.47 3.5 42.97 1.25 53.71 Comm.Service Ren. 15.58 3.89 19.47 1.75 21.22 1.25 26.53 Seroeant 38.08 10.32 48.4 4.75 53.15 0.5 26.57 T atal Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 118.24 Material & Rental Costs Description CosIEach Quantity Required UnitCosI Police Reoort Fee 13 1 13 Certified Postaoe 3.94 2 7.88 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 20.88 Other Costs fEDuiDment, facflit rental, Dart-time labor wlo benefits) . Description CoslEach Quantity ReQuir&d UnitCosI T atal Other costs per Unit of Service" Comoarisons to ProDosed Fee More (Less) than 5.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentaae San Bernardino 90.00 nla n/a Ontano PO 75.00 (11.00 -12.2% Corona PO 105.00 15.00 16.7% Redlands PO 75.00 115.00 -16.7% Pomona PO 100.00 10.00 11.1% Total Se""ice Direct Cost CLty.Wlde Gen_ & Admin Rate@10.75% TotalServlceCosVUM 139.12 14.96 1fi4 OR Fee Increase (Decresse) Qnnn 6408 7000 - ?nno Recommended Fee Recommended Fee Subsld)l CUrfef1tFee Amounl 083 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Police 001 07/02/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fee for Livescan Fingerprinting of Applicants. The Department currently collects a $47.00 check payable to the DOJ; this will add a payment of $2.00 payable to the City for the City's processing costs associated with the Sheriffs Live Scan system. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Diy Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosUHr Position per Unit Cost per Permits Clerk 15.85 15.85 1.5 17.35 0.15 2.60 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 2.60 Material & Rental Costs Description Sheriff Maintenance Fee Cost Each Quantity ReQuired Unit Cost 2.00 2.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 2.00 Other Costs (E Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Com arisons to Pro ased Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Fee er Unit 2.00 2.00 More (Less) than S.B. Total Serv,ceD,rect Cosl Dollars Percenta e City-WldeGllfl&Allmll1 n/a n/a Rate@ 10.75% 0.00 0.0% Total Ser"\I'ce CosVUM 4.60 0.49 s n~ Recommended Fee ? nn Reccmme""",,, F.. Sub...,y 3 09 Current Fee Amounl 0 00 Feelncrease(Oecrease) ? nn 081 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Department/Division Fund Account User Fee Description Date Police 001 222 Traffic Collision Report 07/02/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fees for Police Crime Reports and Traffic Collision Reports. GC6257 allows an agency to charge a fee that covers the cost of retrieval and duplication of these reports. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CostlHr Position per Unit Cost pe Police Records Technician 14.54 3.63 18.17 1.5 19.67 0.25 4.92 Police Records Supervisor 17.75 3.85 21.60 1.7 23.30 0.25 5.83 Police Detective 33.44 11.84 45.28 4.54 49.82 0.1 8.30 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 19.05 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copying 0.0176 0 5 Averaoe 0.09 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.09 Other Costs (Eouioment, facilitv rental, part-time labor wlo benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required UnilCost Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Comparisons to Proposed Fee More (Less) than 5.B. Jurisdiction Fee Der Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino 13.00 Riverside 10.00 U{3.00 -23.1% Ontario .15 Per Pg 0.75 varies varies Fontana 15.00 2.00 15.4% Rialto 13.00 Res 0.00 0.0% Rialto 26.00 Non Res 13.00 100.0% Colton 32.00 19.00 146.2% Total Service [);rect Cost 19.14 City-Wide Gen. & Admin. Rale@10.75% 2.05 TOlal Service CosVUnit ?1 19 Recommended Fee 1500 Reoommended Fee Subsidy 6.19 Current Fee Amount 13.00 Fee Increase (Decrease) ? 00 085 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentJDivision Fund Account User Fee Descri tion Date Police 001 222 Police Crime Reports 07/02/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Fees for Police Crime Reports and Traffic Collision Reports. GC6257 allows an agency to charge a fee that covers the cost of retrieval and duplication of these reports. Personnel Costs labor Rates Straight Time Fringe T alaI Direct Dapt. or Diy IT otal Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits Labor Cost Overhead Labor CosUHr Position per Unit Cost pe Police Records Technician 14.54 3.63 18.17 1.5 19.67 0.25 4.92 Police Records Supervisor 17.75 3.85 21.60 1.7 23.30 0.25 5.83 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 10.75 Material & Rental Costs 0.0176 o Quantity Required 5 Avera e Unit Cost 0.09 Description Co in Cost Each Total Other costs per Unit of Service: 0.09 Other Costs Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Description Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Com arisons to Pro osed Fee More (less) than S.B. Tolal Service Direct Cost 10.84 Jurisdiction Fee er Unit Dollars Percenta e Clty.Wide Gen. & Admin. San Bernardino 8.00 Rate@ 10.75% 1.17 Riverside .40-1st P .10 Ea Ad varies varies Total Service CosVUnil 1? 01 Ontario .15 Per P varies vanes Fontana 12.00 4.00 -50.0% Recommended Fee 1000 Rialto 7.00 1.00 -12.5% Recommeroed Fee SullIidy 201 Colton 32.00 Non Res. 24.00 300.0% Current Fee Amount 800 Colton 16.00 Res. 8.00 100.0% Fee Increase (Decrease) ? 00 08(; " r" Ql " .- 0> oq '" . . e .0"'.... Ql :::Joq E (/) E Ql 0 Ql U u.. Ql 0:: ........ Cl) -~---- UCIDV .- :J 0> oq ~:;:,lfi"': Q)CIJ-.:;:t"L{) (/)0", III U (5 I- ........ QlOO "'00 III . . ~ <00 U "'''' e C") ........ " Qllo 0 -- Ql Qloo " u.. . . e 00 Ql 0'" E '" E 0 u Ql 0:: ........ Ql 0 Ql u.. 0 - oq eoq Ql~ ~ ~ :::J U !Il .... Q) (,J "OQl Ql 0> Ql c= -0>- III ~ ~ Q) ~ Ql en :J e (,J - CI> '" ~ III ,Q -' C CI> ;j > a.. CI> a::: !Il ra Q) c !Il 0 III E Q) Ql Ql "C ... Ql "C (,J u.. Ql <( t: u.. Ole c ,S; 0 ra Q) o c..- ~ ~a.t5 Q) :Q III Ql C LL ~ U Q. C "C ~ _ en <( Q)~E "C Q) Cl Ql Q. CI> !Il - Ql III III - 0 -,U ra '" Ql 0 Co u.. ~ ~ E 0 0 ~ Ql Ql ;; ~ Ql ~ ~ ... '" Ql Ql 1Il ~ a.. :J (/)(/) W "' 0 087 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account ser Fee Descri tion Public Services/Sewer 132 431 Sewer Lateral Capping Fee Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: Revise current administrative fees for capping sewer laterals after demolition of the structure. The existing fee does not reflect actual cost to cap sewer laterals. Date 07/03/2002 Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct Dept. or Oiv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labo Position Labor Benefits labor Cost Overhead Labor CosVHr Position per Unit Cost per Maintenance Worker II 16.00 4.53 20.53 2.85 23.38 4.00 93.53 Maintenance Worker II 16.00 4.53 20.53 2.85 23.38 4.00 93.53 Maintenance Supervisor 24.14 6.83 30.97 4.31 35.28 1 35.28 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 222.33 Material & Rental Costs Description 4" Sewer Cap Cost Each 20.00 Quantity Required Unit Cost 1 20.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: Cost Each Quantity Required 4 4 4 1 8.00 35.00 15.00 22.00 Total Other costs per Unit of Service: C P dF omparlsons to repose ee More (Less) than S.B. Jurisdiction Fee per Unit Dollars Percentage San Bernardino $ 500.00 n/a n/a San Bernardino Countv function of Citv or Water District Riverside $ - n/a Riallo $ 159.00 $1341.00 31.80% Hiqhland (East Vallev Water) owner/contractor requirement n/a n/a Fontana owner/contractor reouierment n/a n/a Colton owner/contractor requierment n/a n/a Total ServlceDlrectCosl City-Wide Gen & Admin Rale@10"4 Total Service CosUUnlt Recommended Fee Recommended Fee Sub..:ly Current Fee Amount Fee increase (Decrease) 20.00 Unit Cost 32.00 140.00 60.00 22.00 0.00 254.00 496.33 49.63 fi4fi 96 fiOO.OO 45.96 144.00 ~fin 00 088 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet De artmentlDivision Fund Account User Fee Osseri tion Date Public Services/Sewer 132 431 Sewer Lateral Capping Inspection Fee 07101/2002 Description of service, demand, subsidy, and other comments: This action would establish a fee for the inspection of work done by contractor to cap sewer laterals upon demolishion of structures and would be an option to paying the city fee to perform the work. Personnel Costs Labor Rates Straight Time Fringe Total Direct DepLorDlv Total Burdened Hours by Total Labor Position Cob'" Benefits Labor Cost O..emead Labor CosVHr POSlllonper Unll Cost per Leadworker 19.00 5.377 24.38 2.44 26.81 1.5 40.22 Total Burdened Personnel Costs per Unit of Service: 40.22 Material & Rental Costs Descnplion Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other costs per Unit of Ser\lice 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Descnplion Pick-U Truck houri rate Cost Each Other Costs E ui ment, facili 800 Quantity Required UnitCosl 1.5 12 Total Other costs per Unit of Ser\lice: 12 Com arisons to Pro osed Fee Jurisdiction San Bernardino San Bernardino Coun Riverside Rialto Hi hland East Valle Water) Fontana Colton Fee er Unit new fee function of Ci or Water District $ $ 159.00 $ 100.00 $ 0.00 included in demo ins More (Less) than 5.B. Dollars Percenta e n/a n/a n/a n/a Total Service O>rect COst 5222 C'ly-W'deGen.&Adm,n Riltll@10% Total SeNice COstlUM 5.22 ~7 44 $ 109.00 318.00% Recommended Fee $ 50.00 200.00% Recommended Fee Subs.idy $ 50.00 nla Current he Amount ection $ 0.00 nla Fee IllCllIilSe(Oecrease) 5000 744 new fee 5000 08~)