HomeMy WebLinkAboutR29-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director SUBJECT: PROVISION OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SERVICE TO SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY AND ALLOCATION OF FUNDS DATE: June 30, 2003 ORIGINAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvnoDsis of Previous Commission/CounciIfCommittee Action(s): On June 5, 2003, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada unanimously voted to recommend to the San Bernardino City Housing Authority ("Authority") adoption of a Resolution adopting Bylaws for the Authority. Subsequently, on June 19, 2003, Staff returned to the Committee to present substantial revisions to the San Bernardino City Housing Authority Bylaws that were required in order to be somewhat consistent with Community Development Commission Bylaws, City Charter, and other changes suggested by Staff, Agency Special Counsel, and General Counsel. As such, the Redevelopment Committee unanimously approved the revised Authority Bylaws on June 19,2003. The action of the Redevelopment Committee included allocating start-up funds to the Authority in the amount of $5,000 from the Redevelopment Agency's Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund. On May 5, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council adopted a resolution declaring a need to create a City Housing Authority in the Community ("San Bernardino City Housing Authority") and declaring the Mayor and Common Council to be Commissioners of the Authority. On December 5, 2002, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada reviewed Staffs recommendation to create the San Bernardino City Housing Authority for the purpose of facilitating redevelopment of residential neighborhoods and unanimously voted to recommend that the Mayor and Common Council consider this proposal for approval. __________________________________________________n_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________n___ Recommended Motion(s): MOTION: (Communitv Develooment Commission) THAT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ("COMMISSION") CONSENT TO PROVIDING CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("AGENCY") WHICH INCLUDE THE DAY TO DAY STAFF RESOURCES NECESSARY TO OPERATE AND ADMINISTER FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY ("AUTHORITY"), AND ALLOCATE A $5,000 OPERATIONAL GRANT FROM AGENCY LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND TO THE AUTHORITY. ___________________________________n_______________________u_________________________________________________________________________________________________n_______________-------------------------- Contact Person(s): Maggie Pacheco Phone: N/A Ward(s): (909) 663-1044 All Project Area(s) Supporting Data Attached: 0 Staff Report 0 Resolution(s) D Agreement(s)/Contract(s) D Map(s) D Other Redevelopment Agency FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ 5,000 Source: Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund Budget Authority: EDA 2003 Budget ~ 711?~;;;""ro, SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________n__________________________________________________________________ Commission/Council Notes: ___________________________________________________n______________________~_________________n__~__u_________________n_n_________________________________" P:\Agendas\Conun Dev Commission\CDC 2003\03-07-07 Housing Authority Bylaws CDC Item.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 07/07/2003 Agenda Item Number: _ ./f.2q . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ______________~____________________~________________ ____________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________n______ ________________________________.__.__.____. Provision of Redevelopment Al!encv Service to San Bernardino City Housinl! Authoritv and Allocation of Funds BACKGROUND: On May 5, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council adopted a resolution declaring a need to create a City Housing Authority in the Community ("San Bernardino City Housing Authority") and declaring the Mayor and Common Council to be commissioners of the San Bernardino City Housing Authority ("Authority"). CURRENT ISSUE: At today's San Bernardino City Housing Authority meeting, the Authority will consider adoption of Bylaws along with operational policies. In order to assist the Authority with their operational and administrative duties, Staff recommended to the Redevelopment Committee on May 22, 2003 and June 19,2003, that the Redevelopment Agency Staff act as a resource to the Authority in the day to day administration obligations of the Authority. The Redevelopment Committee concurred with Staffs recommendation and also agreed to recommend to the Community Development Commission that the Agency allocate the sum of $5,000 to the Authority to assist with their start-up operational costs. The Authority will consider a similar action on today's Authority Agenda. ENVIRONMENT AL IMP ACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: A companion San Bernardino City Housing Authority ("Authority") Staff report has been prepared and will be presented on today's Authority Agenda proposing to accept an initial sum of $5,000 from the Redevelopment Agency's Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund. RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Development Commission adopt the Motion. Maggie Pac eco, Deputy Director -----------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--. P:l.AgcndaslComm Dcv Commission\CDC 2003\03-07-07 Housing Authority Bylaws CDC Item. doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 07/07/2003 Agenda Item Number: R.:l q