HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-Mayor's Office , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Mayor Judith Valles Subject: Approve the appointment of Jane Messer to the Fine Arts Commission per Councilman McGinnis' request. Dept: Mayor's Office Date: July 1, 2003 Council Date: Julv 7.2002 ORIGINAL Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: Approve the appointment of Jane Messer to the Fine Arts Commission, per Councilman McGinnis' request. (}:U~"j (j Signature Contact person: M"ynr .llIrlith V"II.... Phone: !i1ClCl Supporting data attached: Ward: 3rd FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Accl. No.) -0- (A"d np""rirtinn) _0_ Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. J.Il 7/7/03 .TY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Judith Valles FROM: Council Office SUBJECT: Commission Appointment DATE: June 30, 2003 COPIES: City Administrator; City Clerk ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Request Mrs. Jane Messer be considered for appointment to the Fine Arts Commission (at Council Meeting of July 7,2003). A copy of Mrs. Messer's resume is attached for your information. ~/{& GORDON MCGINNIS Councilman, Third Ward GM:sI Jun-30-03,02:29P J? -- -# ~--- .y_~V &A4 G .\1esser € <lJ..U~ 909 370 0711 ~8 C!TY-COt~CIL OFFICE P.Ol ~OOl CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMIITEES List, in order ofprefc:renee. the eommitt.ee(s) OIl which you wish to Sel'Ve (see list on revetlle side). 1) Pine Arts Commission 3) 4) 2) ~ame: ,,--la..~e.- M.fS..5e....% DatcofBirtb: 1-..2~- S-..3 Home Address: .29/i? t..\",-..sf-o"'-.C-4-. _ City: x3~e~ Zip: C).::LioX' HomcPhone: fto'fJ3m Oi./2'fFax: ('fd1J.3'1lJ-O'7f( E-Mail: ~"-e..",-S. be ~a...o (. <=-~ Employer. -.s: u.....JV\ ",,--,:+- ~ee-r-. G ~up~tion: 6?..N Address: '....5'0 ,E. C=(e;r-.d)rlJ-.Q.. City: ~'-- Zip; y-........"""inS..._ ~'i W"",-., ~~ ~-N~t ............._".....' 4, f'~oI"SJ / (K \~..& ~~,":..y I am 181 am not 0 aregistered voter. Ward: 3 Marital S(atu.s: ~~.lle..bJ_ ~t~ Orgutizations 10 which you belong (professional, technical, commWrity): ~~~rl--..L~. to.A.lXSuJ . ()~ ~ ~'--t--t,~'e- "c.....~~">- c~o....r +-...J IS~ . ( The information provided is factual to the best of m knowledge. I crstand that I may be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interests Form lIS required by law, and that I will abide by all the codes, ordinances and reSUIations of the City of San Benwdino and the State ofCaIi(omia. 0G..~~ Y\~ {o/'30/03 SiKDAture Date ' . ty l0l2612001 - Prep..rtd hy the City Cleric's Office I . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Mayor Judith Valles Subject: Approve the appointment of Howard Sullivan to the Police Dept: Mayor's Office Commission per Councilman Date: July 1, 2003 t (Q) lP ,nnis' request. Council Date: July 7. 2002 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: Approve the appointment of Howard Sullivan to the Police Commission, per Councilman McGinnis' request. 9fu/~~ (j Signature Contact person: M"yn~ .llIrfith V"II".. Phone: 'i1~~ Supporting data attached: Ward: 3'd FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct No.) -0- (A,...,...t n~~crirtinn) _0_ Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. ~6 1-/1/0.3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Judith Valles FROM: Council Office SUBJECT: Commission Appointment DATE: July 1, 2003 COPIES: City Administrator; City Clerk ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Request Mr. Howard E. Sullivan be considered for appointment to the Police Commission (at Council Meeting of July 7,2003). A copy of Mr. Sullivan's resume is attached for your information. G~fa~ Councilman, Third Ward GM:sI ~u1 01 03 04:2Sp 452 InFormation M~mt (SOSJ655-5680 D7'01/200,1 09: 29 F:U 909 ,H. 510l 5B CfTI'-COU,"CIL OF"'fCE p.2 14; 002 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Al'PLICATION FOR APPOlNTME"I-<'T TO BOARDS, COM:MISE:JONS AND COMMITTEES List. in order ofpreIerel1ee, tlle comnrlttee(s) on which you wish (Oletve (see lisl on reverse silte), 1) Police Commission 3) ___ 4) 2\ Name: _j/-oWAR.b 2:))'ul/t'//]-.J i)ateofBirth: Z'3 Oct l/'-. Home Address: ~3 6 >0 /11 11/(1/ I tV '[HZ City: SAN j)tdtt/-tlJbu<'/ Zip: YL.-VIO Home Phone: , (~:;;~~~~~~~--..",:) E.lvb~: 1&1AJ/WLV' 5,,/lw 1..1 (jJ IIMIWH, ,,if, WI' f Employ~r: fl,11\1!-el-i /till) Qt . Occupation: 7J:-ff?fI c /111 (VA Gc~ Addre.s: 1/) (,1 (j,ffJCf';J[-/(. 5~) 5udt' If! 6/cj Z!ltity: .l!nJ15'!bt.? Zip: 902 (jig Years lived/worked in San BemardlIlo: ~.P~ _ Work Phone: if"') 65'S '7"z, If Educational hackgroundJdegrees:~!L)1J2:5 '.&. l( '\" / P c SI ;tel I am ~ lIm not 0 a registered voter. Ward: '___ __ Marital Status: fI1 f7U? I F) Li~~ns.s or special certificates: ;.f//t Previous City of San Bemardino Commissions/Committees /1/11 . From i To: Org.Il1zations to whien you belong (prof....ional, tecluuca!, community): tVjft The information provided is fac.t1.1al to the best of my imowlodge. I undeLiland thal 1 may be required to- complele a Statement of Economic Interests Farra as f('quired by law, and th..t r will abide by all the codes, ::~~ ~ ""'0" . OfSmB'-Mmdlli'S::N~~ _...-. . .-----,-- -.-. ju'26l1ilOl_ Pn;p..,,'.tl by !h~ e'l:) Cletk'$ omc~