HomeMy WebLinkAbout27-Public Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Date May 27, 2003 Subject: Resolution authorizing the execution of a purchase order to Great Western Leasing & Sales, Inc. for the furnishing and delivery of one (1) Slide Axle Tag Trailer to be utilized by the Public Services Street Division From: Lynn Merrill, Director Dept: Public Services ORiGiNAL Meeting Date: June 16, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution /J IJ-:f, p /: . ~.. fYl''' ~~ ~ Si~~ Contact person Don Johnson, Fleet Manager Phone: 5220 Supporting data attached: Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Source: $29,524 635-341-5701 Motor Vehicles Amount Finance: Council Notes: 12,-,:1SC' ~ '2 <::<::.3 ,C~S (p I J fp /03 Agenda Item No. 17 .~, '. '. }U11I1111I TIIA/I.: iZIS Attachment No 1 " :1(.'".:, c;, !'" ,,)., ,,:~ , .',.; .. ,:- -r,/:< :);.).s: ,. TE40PSA AND TE40ASA SLIDING AXLE TRAILERS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Payload Capacity TE40PSA: 40,000 lb. Payload Capacity TE40ASA: 40,000 Ib DIMENSIONS: Overall Length: Tilt Sed Length Width: Upper Deck: Height Load Angle Degrees: TEPSA 35' 30' 8'6" 37" 8 TEASA 39' 30' 8'-6" 9' 37" 8 WHEELS: (8) 6:75 X 17.5 Disc pilot mounted. SUSPENSION: H-9700 Spring NARROW NECK W/KING PIN: 8' (TEASA) PINTLE HITCH: 3" 10 adjustable (TEPSA) STAKEPOCKETS: On 2' centers/rub rail. SAFETY CHAINS: 1/2" with hooks (TEPSA) TONGUE JACK: 12,000 lb. crank type (TEPSA) PARK STANDS: Pin drop (TEASA) FRAME. MHt:Hi:::>il8 ~teel H)&dJII mdln irame and crossmembers, PLI\TF'Om,1, , 3.'3" ~,,:\ ,I,,,, ~ Steel over wheel area, Hydraulic approach ramp Over center deck lock CYLINDERS: One tilting cyl'nje' One sliding cylinder BRAKES: j21'~ '" 1'2' with S-Carn ai!' auto slack 2djl::::ters, ASS, spring brakes and outboard drllms WINCH: 12,000 lb. mounted at base of neck. (TEASA) ELECTRICAL: ICC DOT standard light and reflectol kit. PAINT: Enamel with hardener, WARRANTY: Limited 5 Year Prorated Ivlajo: Structura, Warranty AXLES: (2) ,i,' OPTIONS: Apitong Decking Side E. [snslons Self-contained Hydraulics Custon' Paint Hydraulic Wlndl (Std, on TEA,SA: TiRES ,8 ~'13<',:,fi '< '? S rld,ilidl': J!!C to Ih,' -"';;-:'t~T1t ;r:,~,l.;! ,::or...>t,.d:,-) 1hs ds'sjgr~, :iiClTsria:t; aiXl specifications are subject to CJ18nqe without ;lctic8 1"\.,,.,...-"'0 ,...__~.~~.. "',.:1-1:_____ '1""."_~'__ _ .". . .". PRJGE FORt!; ~=n; 1=::::'7 =n= ("'''jj ii:,7=Q. '''''--''''':'-'1-'-.. I , ......'." ~,-,,-," 1_....... Rt=Q F-03-026 DESCR!PT!or,! O~ ~FQ: Skis ,~.x19 Tag T;-ailer B!DDER'S NAME/ADDRESS: Great Western Leasing & Sales, Inc. 14212 valley Blvd Fontana. CA 92335 NAMEiTELEPHONE NO. OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Robert Welsh - Sales 909-357-1817 or 909-453-4127 BID PR!CES Please provide detailed Firm Fixed Price cost information in the spaces provided below, and any other incidental or additional costs required to complete the Technical Specification requirements. Item Descriotion I Price 1 Siide Axle Tag I railer I Per specifications $25,550.00 I Estimatod completion, 9-10 weeks f. om order Options: To be priced Air ride suspension, 22,500 !bs. axles, I $ 2,105.00 separate Iv suspension dump valve Winch: 12,OOOib hydraulic, PTO powered $ 1,670.00 12,OOOlb Warn electric winch 12 volt ~ 1,715.00 ... 15,OOOlb Warn electric winch 12 volt. $ 1,850.00 I Warranty: Five year Pro-Rated Major Structurai Standard One (1) year bumper to bumper. Standard California Sales Tax -Not incl. options $ 1,980.13 Additional Costs (please attach list) None CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SLIDE AXLE TAG TRAILER "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDER" Services: Bidder shall com;:Jlete right hand column indicating brief reasoning for exceptions to requirements when not acceptable. State "Acceptable" if requirements are agreeable as set forth on the left- hand column. Equipment: Bidder shall complete right hand column indicating specific size and/or make and model of all components when not exactly as specified. State "As Specified" if item is exactly as set forth in the left-hand column. 1. SCOPE The City of San Bernardino is soliciting Bids from qualified providers for a sliding axle equipment trailer described as a 40,000Ib.payload capacity, two axle equipment trailer with hydraulic sliding axles, hydraulic tilt cylinder and hydraulic approach ramp. Shall be of current, standard production model and has been in production for a minimum of two (2) years. 2. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Hydraulic sliding axle 20 ton capacity, pintle hitch trailer with 30' deck length, 8% load angle and a 35" loaded deck length with a 2:1 safety factor. All items and equipment listed as standard in manufactures literature shall be provided. Also Provide at the time of bid, current applicable literature of bid model along with drawings and certification affixed the seal of a licensed professional engineer certifying design. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FAILURE TO COMPLETE RIGHT HAND COLUMN WILL INVALIDATE BID Specifications Acceptable/As Snecified Payload capacity: Forty thousand (40,000) pounds payload capacity at 50 miles per hour. Built with a 2:1 safety factor As Specified engineered into the major structure to cover shock loads. , Soecifications Acceotable/As Soecified Description: l.YQg- Pintle hitch, sliding axle, full tilt As Specified Size- 20 ton payload capacity Finished weiaht- Less than 14,000 Ibs. Width- 102" Minimum Lenath 35' Deck heiaht less than 36" loaded in travel position Paint- Sandblasted, primed and painted white Urethane, t wheels. Frame: IYlliL - I beam center frame design, 14.5" deep 1- Beam with y," x 6" flanges and 3/8" web. As Specified Material- High tensile quality steel, free of defects, 100,000 psi high tensile strength. Caoacitv- 40, 000 Ibs. Construction: l.YQg-Center frame construction Beams- Fabricated I-Beam type flange and web As Specified Constructed of 100,000 psi. high tensile steel. Web stiffeners- Located at high load points. Crossmembers- High-tensile steel I-beams 6" 3.7 Ibs. per foot and 4" 3.2 Ibs. on 12" centers. Deckina- 1 3/8" oak raised approximately 1/8" with Yo" steel over the wheels and 18" approach ramp. Two (2) bolt action deck locks. Deck Lenath 30' usable space. Landina Gear 12,OOOlb. Crank style with drop foot. Aooroach Ramo- 18" standard hang down approach ramp independently activated by hydraulics. Under-ride orotection Must be DOT approved. Deck Tilt: Tvoe- Hydraulic activated deck tiltdeck mechanism. Slidina Axles- Standard full hydraulic activated with a sing As Specified cylinder. Axles slide full length by the use of hydraulic pov pads. Reauirements- Shall be capable of transporting load with position. Load Anale- 8 degree maximum from horizontal. Hvdraulic Kit Set up to operate from a wet kit. S ecifications Running Gear: I Axles- Two (2) 20,000Ib. Axles with 12x1/4" x 7 1/2" air br~ spring parking brakes and auto slack adjusters. Suspension- H-9700 Hutch heavy duty rated at 44,000Ib. Wheels 1 Tires - 9-6.75 x 17.5 hub pilot mounted steel dis and 8- 235/75R x 17.5 Radials rated at 5,675Ibs. Spare tire shall be included. O-Rings: Total of ten (10), five (5) each side evenly spaced. As Specified As Specified Safety Chains: ;;''' with ositive latch hooks. Pintle Eye: 3" inside diameter, adjustable with a 3" range- 24" to 27" As Speified As Specified Electrical: ICC DOT standard Ii ht and reflector acka e. Air System Connections: Two 2 W' x 36" air hoses with lad hands Hydraulic Couplers: One 1 ;;''' and one 1 %" male Parker uick cou lers. Options: To be priced separately Air ride sus ension, 22,500 Ibs. axles, sus ension dum v Winch 12,0001b hydraulic, PTO powered 12,0001b Warn electric winch 12 volt 15,0001b Warn electric winch 12 volt. Warranty: Five year Pro-Rated Major Structural One 1 ear bum er to bum er. As Specified As Specified As Specified As As Specified See Price Form As Specified Standard Warranty Department Technical Contact Don Johnson Fleet Managerl Technical Authority (909) 384-5220 Are ihere any oiher addiiional or incidenial costs which will be required by y~r-.ti.["m in order to meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications? Yes /f No j. (circle one). If you answered "Yes", please provide detail of said additional c~ _ Please indicate any elemenis of the Technical Specifications which cannot be met by your firm. None Have you included in your bid all informational items and forms as requested@ ~ (circle one). If you answered "No", please explain: * Please see attached specification for clarification of our standard specifications. Bid specifications had missing text. This offer shall remain firm for 90 days from RFQ close date. Terms and conditions as set forth in this RFQ apply to this bid. Cash discount allowable Net thirty (30) days. 2 % 20 days; unless otherwise stated, payment terms are: *Discount applies to base price and options. In signing this bid, Bidder warrants that all certifications and documents requested herein are attached and properly completed and signed. From time to time, the City may issue one or more addenda to this RFQ. Below, please indicate all Addenda to this RFQ received by your firm, and the date said Addenda was/were received. Verification of Addenda Received Addenda No: N011~_____ Received on: _Jillf___ Addenda No: _______ Received on: _______ Addenda No: __________ Received on: _____~_ ~/' 51" .-----,~. , -,. . .~ ',?'/ / ~; / /~f AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: /' /$~Vh:__ , r PRINT SIGNER'S NAME AND TITLE: Robert Welsh Sales DATE SIGNED: 0r~~ COMPANY NAME & ADDRESS: Great Western Leasing & Sales, Inc 14212 Valley Blvd. Fontana, CA 92335 PHONE: 909-357-1817 FAX: 909-357-1818 IF SUBMITTING A "NO BID", PLEASE STATE REASON (S) BELOW: I 1 i I 1 , NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO In accordance with Title 23, United States Code, Section 112, the undersigned hereby states, under penalty of perjury: That he/she has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with RFQ F-03-026. Business Name_~reat Wes!:.~:'::E_ Le_~~!.ng_~ Sales, Ine BusinessAddress 14212 Valley Blvd, Fontana,CA n . SI,"tutu of b;dd" x....Z/~---- K;,;ers/de Place of Residence Subscribed and sworn before me this _/ ~__ day of /f~ ~_~} 20/)3 (), =-1- Notary Public in and for the County of /<; II e rs) de.. ,State of California. My commission expires ~ . ;;{ 3 . {) 3 20 II ~ , -- ............__.A..A.-.__..............A..( ~ GEORGIA L. FIELD s: o COMM. , 1222934 Gl e - . NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA 0 RIVERSIDE couNTY .. ~ COMM. EXP. JUNE 23, 2003 z oSci ~ ~ w z: ~ l::l e : 2: f5 z or ::'~::.c:S~ n.ctJl- ~t.l~~ - ~ u I-ZwE g...."'< 3..Ji5:z:: -1~-Jl.:l' i~~t? . ", 55~G ~~e~ M:;;~8 _0 ~ E ~!:!; X C/) iZ W -1 I-< <[ iZ f.- W N W I -1 I-< <[ iZ f.- 0 Qi ;:l 01' C 0 0 lJ '" '.f-! <l: '" .... 0- g,~ - : 0 N~ .. ~~ W "'~ \0 -u I- w "'0 ~~. -'" -' 0.- .J ~ "" ~.~ ~.~ w :'i! " " w-' :i!w ~!S OJ -' ~w :>: ~ ~ -' !!)g; .~ ~ 'l~ l! "., ~ <0. :5 ff OO'2tlt " < " , I I f"'T'tT If::::::::::::::::':':1 II ..T.... " 'I I ' I II I.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::: It~i@j@fi: I $!!!~!!!!!!!: If................... :;:::;:;:;:::;:; ..............::. .................. ~i!!iii!tjjl. :.:'X':':':':'. . ~::::::::::;:::::' :~-!':':':':':" .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: I .......~"Il!.. :,;11. :-: ;J!~~1~; '. . :.:::~::~~:z~ . , " ......... '........... .......... ......... /. :~.:":::::::::::: '1 ::::~:.::::~:::: '::::::::::J;::::: ......... II :~ f/l"'" . ,,",. II . ~ I ...1 II I ! I I .J . .J ~ n , o . ~ m ~ ~ o L .c !l +-' !1i tlO .w c 01 <J) C Qi -" '""' U <J) ~ -0 () Qi 0 H '0 (Y) <:: 0 ro 0 = M rtJ +-' N. .w D- O '" ~ - M rtJ <[ Q (/) 0 .c Q.. .w 0 ;:l <;;t- O W Ul f.- H _ Qi 01 Qi C C ." .,,~ O1H C Qi [iI,"", '.c '""' Qi rtJO C o C ." rtJ Ul Qi UlQ Qi 44 0<:: H A. _ N 'O~ QiM HN Qi .w .. Ul"" ." 0101 Qi Qi """" .:...: ,:,!.:; ,::(i':'_ - - - - -. ---- =<=:-::.-::,-:::: L ---.,. _. --- -,,-':.:.,- :::..L::. Pllr.;~ (ij'") TE40PSA - Sliding Axle Trailer Hydraulic sliding axle, 20 tou capacity, pintle hitch trailer with 30' deck length, 8 degree load angle and a 35" loaded deck length with a 2:1 safety factor. All items and equipment listed as standard in manufactures Ilteratnrl: shall be provided. Also, provided at time of bid, current, applicable literature of hid m9!Jelltl9ng with drawing and certification affixed the seal of a licensed professional engineer certifYing design. Scope: This specification describes a 40,0001b. payload capacity, two (2) axle equipment trailer with hydraulic sliding axles, hydraulic tilt cylinder and hydraulic approach ramp. Shall be a cUlTent, standard production model and have been In production for a mInimum aftive (5) years. Payload Capacity: Forty thouslUId pounds payload capacity at 50 miles per hour. Built ~ith a 2:1 safety factor engineered into the major structure to cover shock loads. Description: 1. Type - l'intle hitch, sliding axle, rull tilt 2. Size - 20 ton payload capacity 3. Weight - Approximately 1l,800lbs. 4. Width -102" S. Length-35'2" 6. Deck Height - Less than 36" loaded in the travel position 7. Paint - Sandblast, primed and painted standard colors: Red, Black or White _ other options available. Frame: 1. Type - I-Beam center frame design is standard, 14.5" deep I-beam with ~")o 6" flanges and 3/16" web 2. Material- High tensile quality steel, free of defects, 100,000 psi high tensile strength 3. Capacity - 40,OOOlbs. in 10' concentrated Construction: 1. Type - Center frame construction 2. Beams - Fabricated I-beam type flange and web constructed of 100,000 psi high-tensile steel 3. Web Stiffeners - Located at high load points 4. Crossmembers - High-tensile steel I-beams 6" 3.7Ibs. per foot and 4" 3.2Ibs. on 12" centers 5. Decking - Standard 1 3/8" oak raised approximately 1/8" with W' steel over the wheels and 18" approach ramp. Two (2) bolt action deck locks __ .2~, ~:::.. - - - -,-,.- ---. -"-~'.--.----- --- ~~-' ~--',":" -~,-_. -...,,- -,,......i._ ::.-::..::. PAGF Vi':-! 6. Deck Length - 30' useable space 7. Landing Gear ~ 12,OOOlb. Crank style with pin drop fOllt 8. Approach Ramp - 18" standard hang down approach ramp, independently activated by hydraulics, this also serves as an approved DOT under ride protection Deck Tilt: 1. Type - Hydraulic activated deck tilt deck mechanism 2. Sliding Axles - Manufacture's standard full hydraulic activated with a single stage cylinder. Axles slide full length by the use of hydraulic power on slide pads. "NO ROLLERS" 3. Requirements - Shall be capable oftransporting load with axles in any position 4. Load Angle - 8 Degree muimuID from horizontal 5. Hydraulic Kit - Set up to operate from a wet kit Running ~ar: 1. ,,\x1es - Two (2) 20,000lb. axles with 12 14" x 7 W' air brakes, ABS, spring parking brakes and auto slack adjusters 2. Suspension - H-9700 Hutch heavy duty rated at 44,000Ib. capacity 3. Wheels I Tires - 8 - 6.75 x 17.5 hub pilot mounted steel disc wbeels and 8 _ 235175R x 17.5 Radials rated at 5,675lbs. capacity (Generals) D-Rings: Total of ten (10), five (5) each side, evenly spaced Safety Chains: W' with books Pintle Eye: 3" Inside diameter, adjustable with a 3" range - 24" to 27" Electrical: ICC DOT Standard light and reflector package Air System Connections: Two (2) y," x 36" Air hoses with glad hands Hydraulic Couplers: One (1) W' and one (1) %" male parker quick couplers Warranty: Five (5) Year Pro-Rated Major Structural Options: 1. HydrauHc winch 2. Self-contained hydraulic unit 'uSI.30/2i3i3L Si35-995-5572 3. Apitong decldng 4. Increased deck length 5. Traction Bars I Traction material TRAIL EZE Pt!.r:;~ 1",,::1 , -, , iUl,iU' ~'Ji Jlj II _ ;1:;.- ~7j_: . ;"" 'if<' , -', " ill" , . / " , I (I t..~ J.~ "I ,~ .. "'I:' "':\."l Al.li'i! i'P'; i7: '-1'1,''' P. O. Box 1188 - 1909 South Rowley, Mitchell, South Dakota 57301 - 7811 Web Site: www.traileze.com - E-Mail: sales@traileze.com - SO-605-996-5571 _ 1800-232-5682 _ Fax-605-996-5572 TE40PSA AND TE40ASA SLIDING AXLE TRAILERS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Payload Capacity TE40PSA: 40,000 lb. Payload Capacity TE40ASA: 40,000 lb. DIMENSIONS: Overall Length: Tilt Sed Length: Width: Upper Deck: Height Load Angle Degrees: TEPSA 35' 30' 8'-6" TEASA 39' 30' 8'_6" 9' 37" 8 37" 8 FRAME: Hi-tensile steel I-beam main frame and crossmembers. PLATFORM: 1-3/8" oak decking Steel over wheel area. Hydraulic approach ramp. Over center deck lock CYLINDERS: One tilting cylinder. One sliding cylinder. BRAKES: 12-1/4" X 7-1/2" with S-Cam air auto slack adjusters, ASS, spring brakes and outboard drums. AXLES: (2) 20,000 lb. capacity. TIRES: (8) 215/75R X 17.5 Radials WHEELS: (8) 6:75 X 17.5 Disc pilot mounted. SUSPENSION: H-9700 Spring NARROW NECK W/KING PIN: 8' (TEASA) PINTLE HITCH: 3" 10 adjustable (TEPSA) STAKEPOCKETS: On 2' centers/rub rail. SAFETY CHAINS: 1/2" with hooks (TEPSA) TONGUE JACK: 12,000 lb. crank type (TEPSA) PARK STANDS: Pin drop (TEASA) WINCH: 12,000 lb. mounted at base of neck. (TEASA) ELECTRICAL: ICC DOT standard light and reflector kit. PAINT: Enamel with hardener. WARRANTY: Limited 5 Year Prorated Major Structural Warranty OPTIONS: Apitong Decking / Side Extensions Self-contained Hydraulics / Custom Paint Hydraulic Winch (Std. on TEASA) Due to the constant improvement in our products, the design, materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Over 38 Years Buildina TraHAn: Tn Wnr/r I i/r", Vnu nnl_ Ma~ 15 03 11:30a 'a - " '"' - '" '" p.. ;J .... .g ;::= <lJ > "0 <lJ "0 ;::= ~ e 0 ~ <lJ ~ PS Fleet Div. I- U ~ Z 0 U ... ,,~~ Moc-r- .. q~~;;; ~ ""'iN'r--." N.....,..,OO oe t""ll~ GO O\oO~~ ~a::~c)<, .. ;::; ~...- ~ -- rzl v~.,. ";' N__ Z ~ r:.r!.~ 0 ~oo."oo ~I~~I~ g: @gg8~ ~I~ ~p~~ ~ N ~~'" :; ",",- !Of"''' N N '" ~ ...~~ rzl I- < S~~ ~ u '" g 0 c ;.. ~~~"6 I- E~ .q - ". = U a:la~c:l . . '" '" .,; '" '" .::~ '" v ~';:~ ~ ~ ~ '" 0 ~ . . - . 0 ~H = OJ = 0 "'0 <( "' ~~ rzl I ~ ~ I ~ GI_~ ~a",u w CJ ~I.a; g:: _ U E-o eo;;; o=;~::;. 0 ""0 _ ~ c ~ ~~H r:: "tf--::J 5 .. g:: 0 = Z rzl .. 9093845013 p.2 * * , q .... .. u " D. '" "0 ~ f , , .~ , -J -~ , r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 RESOLUT@N~)f RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR ~ COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO GREAT WESTERN LEASING & SALES, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF ONE (1) SLIDE AXLE TAG TRAILER TO BE UTILIZED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICES STREET DIVISION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Great Western Leasing & Sales, Inc. is the only responsible bidder for the furnishing and delivery of one Trail-Eze Slide Axle Tag Trailer; pursuant to this determination the Purchasing Manager is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to Great Western Leasing & Sales, Inc. for said vehicle in the total amount of $29,524. SECTION 2. The Purchase Order shall reference this Resolution No. 2003- and shall read, Slide Axle Tag Trailer P.O. No. not to exceed $29,524 and shall incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. SECTION 4. The authorization to execute the above referenced Purchase 19 Order is rescinded if not issued within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. 20 11/ 21 11/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11/ III /II 11/ /II June 5, 2003 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1 SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER 2 TO GREAT WESTERN LEASING & SALES, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF ONE (1) SLIDE AXLE TAG TRAILER TO BE UTILIZED BY THE 3 PUBLIC SERVICES STREET DIVISION 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the 5 Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 6 7 meeting thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the 8 following vote, to wit: 18 19 20 21 22 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this ,2003. day of 23 Approved as to 24 Form and legal content: Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 25 JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney 26 27 By: 28 ~ '. ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Change to motion to amend original documents: 2003-\3.5 Absent -h Meeting Date (Date Adopted): ~'l '"' ." O.S Item # 2, f) Resolution # Vote: Ayes \ - 'I Nays ,.0 Abstain J:;:r. Reso. # On Attachments: -=------- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: =- Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY ,- Date Sent to Mayor: &"'('6""03, Date of Mayor's Signature: (,,-1<1' 03 Date ofClerk/CDC Signature: Ie. 3D -0') Date MhooL1~tter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed )1': City Attorney / Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Public Services /' Water Police Notes: NullNoid After: /"'0 DPJ \ I $,-,5-0 ':) / By: ~ Reso. Log Updated: ,,/ Seal Impressed: ,,-- --- Date Returned: Yes 1 No By Yes NoL By Yes NoL By Yes No / By Yes NOZ By EDA Finance ,/"" MIS Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc,) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01