HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-Information Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Mark Yavornicky ACTING I.S. DIRECTOR Subject: Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 02/03 Information Services revenue and ADMIN/INFORMATION expenditure budgets as outlined in the SERVICES \ N A I~aff report for the upgrade of the City's OR \ G ~AD/RMS/AVL system. M/CC Meeting Date: 06/16/2003 Dept: Date: May 28, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: September 23, 2002 - Mayor and Common Council approved an upgrade of the Police and Fire Departments' Public Safety Automation System and the addition of a new Automatic Vehicle Locator Module for the Police Department (Resolution 2002-306). Recommended Motion: Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 02/03 Information Services Budget and increase account number 679-251-5702 by $150,000 to reflect expenditures that will be incurred related to the CAD/RMS/A VL upgrade and to increase revenue account number 679-000-4901 by a corresponding amount of $150,000 to reflect the PSAP reimbursement that the City will receive from the State for this project. ~ Contact person: M~ru V~vflrnl"'uy Phlln,... lRJ._-Ci:Q.J7 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 0 Source: Finance: Council Notes: (, fIiP/ DJ Agenda Item No. ~ ~pI4ttfrlJi/; pl).;e CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 02/03 Information Services revenue and expenditure budgets as outlined below for the upgrade of the City's CAD/RMS/A VL system. Background: On September 23, 2002, the Mayor and Common Council approved an upgrade of the Police and Fire Departments' Public Safety Automation System and the addition of a new Automatic Vehicle Locator Module for the Police Department (Resolution 2002-306). Funding for this upgrade was to come from multiple sources including $150,000 in State PSAP (911) funds as described in the staff report submitted by the Finance Director at that meeting. At the time of the meeting, Information Services was under the impression that the State would pay these PSAP funds directly to the vendor (Tiburon), making it unnecessary for the City to budget the revenue or expenses of these funds. Information Services has since learned that the City must pay the vendor directly and then request reimbursement from the State. Financial Impact: This item was previously approved by the Mayor and Council at the September 23, 2002 Council Meeting. This motion is just to change the method of paying and accounting for the project. Instead of the State paying the vendor $150,000 directly as was previously planned, the City will pay the $150,000 up front and receive reimbursement from the State. Accordingly, a budget amendment is needed to increase both revenue and expenditures equally in an amount of $150,000. There is no net financial impact to the City for this action. Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 02/03 Information Services Budget and increase account number 679-251-5702 by $150,000 to reflect expenditures that will be incurred related to the CAD/RMS/ A VL upgrade and to increase revenue account number 679-000-490 I by a corresponding amount of $150,000 to reflect the PSAP reimbursement that the City will receive from the State for this project. state ofC.llfomla C.Ufoml.I.1.1 Emergency Communleatlon, OffIce COMMITMENT TO FUND 1.1.1 EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES Tt)-211e! {q;.~. 0111021 Public Agency: Sen lIemel'lll.o PllIlc. Dope_enl ConlteGtor Namo: Ttburon Ine. Add'e..: 300 N .0. Sl~ Mailing Addrvls: 39350 CIVIc Center Drive City, ~"'to. ZIp: lliilll1 U.rNltQ1nc, CA 0:Z.16 City, Stalll, Zip: Fl'IlI'nont, CA 1i4538 -- PSAI" Menager: ODd:e Aleon Repr9lenlaUve: E.moll ^"o,-, AI..,poo...@!;/...n.bernsrdInO.ca.U8 E-lVIall Add'lll" Pho~s Numbsr: 9OlJ.384.5761 Phone Numbsr: 51CH92-2108 F.x N"",tler: ~M-~T42 Fax NU~er: Type of Funding Requtlt: ( ) Telephone System ( ) T.OlgR Phone Lines ( ) EQ.1.1 SyS'em ( ) !l-1-' Edueatlon ( ) E9-1.' Phone Lines ( ) Allemale Answe' ( ) C'"" 'nly Cocrdln~lor GHponoo Olh",,: CAD ty.tom Description 01 Equlllment .nd 8e",lcee 10 be funded: San !Iemardll'lo Police Oepertm.~l rvquesting relmbu,..ment tow.rd :hel, olroody.purllh...d CAO "l"tem. NOTI! to PSAP: USE 01' RI:IIDUAl ~UNDS INCLUblNG MY ANNUAL ACCRUAL RAT!! THAT MAY HAY; BeCOME EF~eCTIY!! JANUARY 1 OF THIS 'r1!AR WILL NEED TO BE SPI!NT 11'( DEC!Mbr;~ 31 01' THI9 YEAR. I~ YOU HAYIi ANY QUesTION' R!GAltDING THISlTHESI: AMOUNT8, PLEAS!! CONTACT YOUR 9.'-1 OPPIe!! CONSULTANT, ( ) All Retrieval Clrcu~ ( ) Trolnlng Purchase/Sel'ltee Information: Conltllclor must provide [below or on at18chmenl): Equipment ot servlCll d_Npllon, qu"n':ty. pan nurl'bs', unit cost inslallsllon enot. mnnlhly cool. I... and :atal _I. llerylee/ QUlntlty I:qml. 10. Unit Cost Insllll8tllln Cvscrtpllon Monthl) COil T.101 II...ttlng TolIl Nan. C..l II..umag Cool (".AD SySIDI'ft :Sl8elnrol1Tlllto'l nolod bolow'). 'Son llI'nllldloo 1'01100 Oopll1nlonl po,"".."" Ihll .~Io!11 ."d p.1d iJ.. ryH alt'lol.l"t or 1181.421. They or. .......olIn. 10 UIG pitt of Utelr reslduet furtOIl In Ih. .mount or 5Hi:U,UW lolAtm th'l 91.....ppro~., Itlm ...klng relmbUf'Mmenl :nto t"cur own 8ccaU"t. l)oounlln.,.Uol'\"proof r;r Plly~ont IllIched. . ~.. ,..: ,.' ,. ~ . II., I 'oi''''" 1'1 .~. Subtotlll e. end llurchll1le Totll Amount oflllate ..1-1 PlOlIram Pundt committed: $150,000.00 Flecll Year: 20021D3 AU In~lcee Ihall refer to trackln number: 2724 kcount Nlme: 3e SAN B~ROO PO E;Q The Sllte's monllllry obllaetlon under this ,.ramonlln I"hooqll"nl 11,.,.1 p." 10 o"bled Ie and .anllngent upon Ivalleblllty of funds. The Commllm8nt to Fund doss not con.mule a blndlhg lILIIChll. order .greemenlll appllclble, I purch..s order muet be provided 10 the conlrector ily Ih. ordel1na ea.ncy. R!!"~END&D FOR P YAI. BY Te ephons Number APPROVED BY ~ ll-tl51-8Z35 J Date ,1'\'. n T'( n'1! laW\!l'\('\\l J T 1 h ~ln II \i'lIl\Vll.\:'~ij)'J':j1':j: