HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-Fire Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Dept: Date: Larry R. Pitzer, Fire Chief Subject: Resolution authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to extend the Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1,2003 through June 30, 2004. May 22, 2003 MCIC Meeting Date: June 16,2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: ORIGINAL Fire 12/07/98 05/15/00 06118/01 Resolution 98-335 approved a contract with San Bernardino County Fire Department for fire service in the County unincorporated areas located within the City of San Bernardino city limits for the period of December 29, 1998 through June 30, 1999. Resolution 2000-108 authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to enter into an agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to county unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001. Resolution 2001-193 authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to renew the agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2003. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. Contact Person: Larrv R. Pitzer, Fire Chief Phone: (909) 384-5286 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution, and Agreement Ward: Citv Wide FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Council Notes: Source: Finance: $250,000 in Revenue for FY 03/04 to be recei ved from Countv to cover cost of providing service. (Acct. No) 001-000-4702 (Acct. Description) Countv Contract-Fire Revenue (2e&.:~~ -ZG::3-\...'7,O ~//(p /D) , , Agenda Item No. ~ STAFF REPORT SUBJECT Resolution authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to extend the Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July I, 2003 through June 30, 2004. BACKGROUND The County of San Bernardino Fire Department has requested that the San Bernardino City Fire Department continue to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas located within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence. There are eight (8) San Bernardino County unincorporated areas, more commonly referred to as "county islands", located within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence. The County Fire Department staff believes that the City continues to provide efficient and cost effective fire protection and paramedic service to all the County islands. Because of that, they request that the City continue to provide fire protection and paramedic service to these County islands areas. Annexation of the three County islands recently will have no net effect upon this proposed contract extension. These three island areas have very low emergency call demand. In fact, the overall call demand in the remaining eight County islands has increased such as to offset the three island areas, during the span of the current contract. Consequently, County Fire Department staff agreed to maintain the current $250,000 service fee. On June 30, 2003, the two-year contract to provide service to the County islands will expire. The fire protection service agreement (Attachment "A") adopted on June 18, 2001 has a provision (page 2, item 6) authorizing the parties to extend the Agreement for additional one- year periods on the same terms and conditions. We are requesting approval to extend the contract for an additional one-year period from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. FINANCIAL IMP ACT The proposed fee from the County for service delivery is $250,000 per year. There is no increase from the previous year. The proposed extension to the existing contract is for an additional one-year period. Revenue to be received for services provided is $250,000 for FY 2003-2004. RECOMMEND A nON Adopt resolution. 1 RESOLUTION Nt ((J) \?y 2 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO fIRE DEPARTMENT TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION AND PARAMEDIC SERVICES TO COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FROM JULY 1,2003 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2004. 3 4 5 6 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION I. That San Bernardino County Fire Department (County Fire) and the San 8 Bernardino City Fire Department wish to extend their agreement for fire protection and paramedic 9 services to County unincorporated areas for one year; 10 SECTION 2. The Mayor or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute a one II year extension to said agreement, a copy of which is attached as Attachment A; 12 SECTION 3. Said extension will be for fire protection and paramedic services for the period 13 of July I, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Said services will be provided in the eight (8) San Bernardino 4 County unincorporated areas, most commonly referred to as "county islands", located within the City 15 of San Bernardino's sphere of influence; 16 SECTION 4. Said one year extension cost shall be two hundred fifty thousand dollars and no 17 cents ($250,000). 18 SECTION 5. The authorization to execute the above referenced one year extension IS 19 rescinded if it is not executed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the passage of this 20 resolution. 21 IIII 22 IIII 23 24 IIII IIII 25 IIII 5 IIII 27 c;( D ' 2() 6/1?/L IIII 28 1 2 RESOLCTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRE DEPARTMENT TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION AND PARAMEDIC SERVICES TO COUNTY UNINCORPORA TED AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FROM JULY 1, 2003 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2004. , ) 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 6 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on 7 the day of , 2003 by the following vote, to wit: 8 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 9 ]0 ESTRADA II LONGVILLE 12 McGlj\,TNIS 13 DERRY 14 SUAREZ ]5 ANDERSON 16 McCAMMACK 17 18 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk 19 20 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 21 22 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 23 24 Approved as to form and legal content: 25 James F. Penman 26 City Attorney 27 By: (l~:t~_ t.?~ o 2 28 Attachment "An REPORT IRECOMMENDAnON TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CAUFORNIA AND RECORD OF ACTION Agreement 01-738 JULY 10, 2001 FROM: PETER R. HILLS, FIre ChieflFinl Warden San Bernardino County Conaolldatecl Fire Dlltrict SUBJECT: AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, IMPROVEMENT ZONE L, AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR FIRE PROTECTION, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AND AUTOMATIC AID RECOMMENDATION: ActIng as the governing body of County SeIvlce Area 38 (ConaoIidallld fire), Improvement Zone l, (HIghIend Paramedic) approve AgI'll8lTllll1t No. 01.738 with the City of San BemaRllno whereby the City provides lire, rescue, IlId emergency medical 18rvtces to COunty Service Area 38 Zone L. In the areas depicted In the IIllreement, from July 1, 2oo1lhrough June 30, 2003, in the emount of $250,000 per year. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: All exIItIng agreement with the City of San Bernardino to provide lire protedJon, emergency medical and autDmlllic ald Iervices to ....... wIlhln CSA 38, Zone L. wBI expire June 30. 2001. Thla agreement provides lire and paramedic I8rvicu for the county ""'ndl within the aphent of Influence of the City of San Bemen:lino th8t are currently under the jurisdiction or CSA 38, Zone L The Agreement will provide lire, rescue, and advanced life support (ALSIParamedlc) reaponae IIllheae ... by the City. The City of San Beman:lino hu five (5) lire 8lIItIona In the direct vicinity of the county Is", and can adequalllly I8IV8 lheae areal. This action will continue the llIT8ng8l1l8nt from July 1, 2001 through Jun. 30, 2003, with eldl!n8lons of additional one-year periodl aulhortzed upon mutual consent of the parties. The agreement provfdea that a/ther party may terminate the IIITIl\gement with 80 dayl writteh notice. The amount of the agreement hu been negotiated wIlh the City IlId Ie subject III being prorated If the CIty annexes por1lon8 of the dletrlct during the l8nn of the agreement REVIEW BY OTHERS: Thla agenda item and contract have been reviewed County Counsel (DII1IeI B. Haueter) 00 May 24, 2001. Thia item has also been reviewed by the County Administrative 0fIIce (Norm Kanold, Deputy Administrative OIlIcer), and coordinated with the Third Supervisorial Dilb1ct. FINANCIAL IMPACT: County Service Area 38, Zone l, shall pay the City of San. Bernardino $250,000 per year for each year of the agreement, for lire, rescue, and medical aid respoose. FundI have been idenlIlIed In the FY 200112002 COUnty ServIce Area 38, Zone l budget for the IIrst year of the contract Funds wII also be Included in the dlslrfc:t's FY 2002103 budget SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT(S): ThIrd PRESENTER: PETER R. HILLS Record of Action of the Board of Supervleon AGREEMENT 01.738 cc: SBCCFD-Hills wlS agreemCIIIS for .ignalW'e Conlrll:tor clo SBCcro Auditor SaD ).. District EDIPSG-Goss File w/copy of agreement ..Imi . 58 THIS CONTRACT is entered into in the State of California by and between CSA 38 and CSA 70, hereinafter called the District, and Name CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 2-T"l; JUDITH VALLES, MAYOR At ;s P. O. BOX 1318 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92402 e DISTRICT FAS STANDARD CONTRACT LAH..L.l.J..Ll.. oM. 2001-193 FOR COUNTY USE ONL Y E New Vendor Code Depl. Contract Number M Change Be SPD A 01-738 x Cancel 106 DISTRICT Depl. Orgn. Contractor's License No. San Bernardino County Consolidated Fire District County Service Area 38and Ccuntv Service Area 70 DISTRICT Contract Representative Ph. Ex!. Amount of Contract $250,000 FlY Fund Depl. Organization Appr. ObjlRev Source Activity GRC/PROJ/JOB Number SGP 290 A78 88,000 2400 SHV 290 A78 162.,000 2400 , Commodity Code Estimated Payment Total by Fiscai Vear FY Amount lID FY Amount I/O Project Name - - FIRE PROTECTION 2002lSGP $ 88,000 2003/SGP $ 88,000 SERVICES AGREEMENT 2002lSHV $ 162,000 2003lSHV $162,000 - - - - hereinafter called CITY Phone (909) 384-5286 FederctllO No. or Social Security No. IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (Uu spac~ ~IDW lift' additional botu! sheeu. &t forth sef'\lin to ~ ntuierrd, amolUlt 10 ~ pGid. WlOMer of payme,." time for perfonrllJ"ce or completion, detemrj"lIljOlJ oj salufar:rory ~"fo""'Q"r:e lJnd cawse for lt1'7flina/iofl. other ternu 4ltd coN/iliofU, and 4ltoch plQfU, Jpecifir:l2JiotU. G1td adderula, if tJ1Iy.) FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, ZONE L, COUNTY SERVICE AREA 70 AND CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO This AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between COUNTY SERVICE AREA 70 AND COUNTY SERVICE AREA 38, (hereinafter referred to as "CSA 38"), County Service Area 38, Zone L (hereinafter referred to as CSA 38, Zone L"), and the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (hereinafter referred to as "CIIT). WITNESSETH: W: ::AS, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the fire services in a portion of CSA 38, depicted as on attached map, be furnlsned to CSA 38 by CITY subject to the terms and conditions contained herein; and, FP Servo CSA 38/CSA 38 UCity of San Bemardino Pan", 1 nf A 2001-193 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the advanced life support (AlS/Paramedic) services in a portion of CSA 38 Zone l, depicted on attached map, be fumished to CSA 38 Zone l by City subject to the terms and conditions contained herpin; and, Wr,,-,REAS, it is the intent of the parties hereto that CITY provide fire protection and AlS/Paramedic services to (as noted above) and that CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l pay CITY for these services. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. CITY will fumish fire protection services, including advanced life support (AlS). 2. CITY will furnish fire cause and origin determination including investigations which it fumishes within its own boundaries. 3. CSA 38 will continue to provide fire protection planning and engineering services and agrees to provide CITY with copies of commercial and industrial project conditions upon final approval of the projects by the County. 4. COUNTY will make available for CITY's use, the training facility located at the Richard Sewell Training Center (2824 East "E" Street, Bldg. 302, San Bemardino). CITY will have available a minimum of 100 hours of use with no charge for use of the facility. 5. CITY shall submit Quarterly during the term of this contract to CSA 38 a report of all fire and ALS/Pararnedic services provided during the term of this contract. 6. Term - This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 2001 and continue in effect through June 30, 2003, Thereafter, the parties may agree to extend the Agreement for additional one- year periods on the same terms and conditions. 7. T ermination- Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the other party of said intent to terminate. 8. CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l shall pay the sum of $250,000.00 per year during the term of this Agreement. Such payment by CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l to CITY will be made semi-annually in arrears on or before June 30 and December 31 of each year. Should CITY annex all or any portion or otherwise become legally obligated to provide fire protection services to any or all at any time during the effective period of the Agreement, CITY and CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l, agree to pro-rate the actual reimbursement to CITY for those services covered by this Agreement. 9. Indemnification - CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l and the County agree to indemnify and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers from any and all claims, actions or losses, damages, andlor liability resulting from CSA 38's and CSA 38, Zone l's, or the County's negligent acts or omissions which arise from CSA 38's and CSA 38, Zone l's, or the County's performance of its obligations under this agreement. The CITY agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CSA 38 and CSA 38 Zone l, and the County and their officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all claims, actions, losses or damages and/or liability arising out of the CITY's obligations under this agreement. In the event CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone L, and the County and/or CITY is found to be comparatively at fault for any claim, action, loss, or damage which results from their respective obligations under the agreement, CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l, and the County and/or CITY shall indemnify the other to the extent of its comparative fault. Furthermore, if CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l, and the County or CITY attempts to seek recovery from the other for Workers Compensation benefits paid to an employee, CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone l, and the County and CITY agree that any alleged negligence of the employee shall not be construed against the employer of that employee. FP Servo CSA 38/CSA 38 UCily of San Bemardino Page 2 of 4 2001-193 10. Insurance - Without in anyway affecting the indemnity herein provided and in addition thereto, the CITY shall secure and maintain throughout the contract the following types of insurance or self-insurance with limits as shown. Workers' Compensation - A program of Workers' Compensation Insurance or a state-approved Self -Insurance Program in an amount and form to meet all applicable requirements of the Labor Code of the State and California, including Employer's Liability with $250,000 limits covering all persons providing services on behalf of the CITY and all risks to such persons under this Agreement. Comprehensive General and Automobile Liability Insurance or Self-Insurance_- This coverage to include contractual coverage and automobile liability coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. The policy or self-insurance shall have combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000). Additional Named Insured - All policies or self-insurance, except for the Workers' Compensation, Errors and Omissions and Professional Liability policies, shall contain additional endorsements naming the County and its officers, employees, agents and volunteers as additional named insured with respect to liabilities arising out of the performance of services hereunder. Waiver of Subrogation Rights - CITY shall require the carriers or self-insurance of the above required coverage's to waive all rights of subrogation against CSA 38 and CSA 38, Zone L, and the County, their officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors and subcontractors. Policies Primary and Non-Contributory - All policies required above are to be primary and non-contributory with any insurance or self-insurance programs carried or administered by the County. Proof of Coverage - CITY shall immediately furnish certificates of insurance or self-insurance to the County Department administering the contract evidencing the insurance coverage, including endorsements, above required prior to the commencement of performance of services hereunder, which certificates shall provide that such insurance shall not be terminated or expire without thirty (30) days written notice to the Department, and CITY shall maintain such insurance from the time CITY commences performance of services hereunder until the completion of such services. Within sixty (60) days of the commencement of this Agreement, the CITY shall fumish certified copies of the policies and all endorsements. Insurance Review - The above insurance requirements are subject to periodic review by the County. The County's Risk Manager is authorized, but not required, to reduce or waive any of the above insurance requirements whenever the Risk Manager determines that any of the above insurance is not available, is unreasonably priced, or is not needed to protect the interest of the County. In addition, if the Risk Manager determines that heretofore unreasonably priced or unavailable types of insurance coverage or coverage limits become reasonably priced or available, the Risk Manager is authorized, but not required, to change the above insurance requirements to require additional types of insurance coverage or higher coverage limits, provided that any such change is reasonable in light of past claims against the County, inflation, or any other item reasonably related to the County's risk. Any such reduction or waiver for the entire term of the Agreement and any change requiring additional types of insurance coverage or higher coverage limits must be made by amendment to this Agreement. CITY agrees to execute any such amendment within thirty (30) days of receipt. 11. Notices- All notices hereunder shall be in writing and served personally or deposited in the United States Mail, first class, addressed as follows: CITY: San Bemardino City Fire Department 200 E Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 FP Servo CSA 3B1CSA 38 UCity of San Bernardino Page 3 of 4 DISTRICT: San Bernardino County Consolidated Fire District Fire Chief/County Fire Warden 157 W. 5'" Street, 2nd floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0450 12. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed and approved and is effective and operative as to each of the parties as herein provided. /11 COUNTY CITY ~A'_ /J a . ~ '-;. ...." ~~~ ~ '->'..... .. ,/ Frea AguiClr. Chairman, Board of Supervisor~. Acting in its capacity as governing body of CSA 38. Zone L City of San Bernardino'~ (Print or type name of cotporati~n, company, contractor, etc.) By ~ I _ ~ :>:.--- - ~ (Authorized signallJT9-~ sign in blue ink) Dated: JUL 1 0 2001 Name Judith Valles (Print or type name of person signing contract) SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS 'BEENDElIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE-BOARD ..' / ";> '.) . ~rk ofthe' !. ':. .ollhe Coon i .. \.'.\_ Title Mayor Dated: C :::..."..':;;' 3('''/ By J Address: Office of the City Clerk P. O. Box 1318 San Bernardino. CA 92402 Approved as to Legal Form ~ :0!d'r'''t!<-~ #cclJaL County CaLnsel Dale G~~ leI ( I Reviewed bY(jtract Compliance /'-., /'7 .... #. -// t, /--:---' _ ,./ v~' ~__".._. /r' Date (..~ .. .2(. 'L'! Re~or Processing ~ y -~- :"2.. \.k\t Agency Administrator/CAO Dale l.:.l~..l""1 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT. James F. Penman. r.ity Attorney FP Servo CSA 381CSA 38 UCity of San 8ernardino Paae40f4 d.\een'oav....9ia>>.8~~projects\abcityillerv:b : I .. ~ 'Ii I ~ c I i 0 0 .. .. ~ I II) 0 ~ '1- 0 0 0 g c ~ i5 1! .. 0 . . ... E E c I . . . III III :i! c 'C .. . . X '" fIJ ,-. L: , , r{ :~ "l<' L/I' ~ ". I --1...::::1 " \. []f~:{ I . ,/ I\\\'::'~ ~1t:::;='riH'!~ ~ 1:"~01,', ;j },\"'i!! ~ ~I 1 ~ ~ . (i)~>f 11_1, - II ?>'" ~: ~Ti {}J, .n'i,;;;" >'1' ~II u ~ ;.?;1;t;", ,. ...... -, ,., l::: .!;:J::;" "".i.;';1.';:;;Pc Ei: . i1- f.-k- ~ . ." . ~ I::::P-+-' L,IJ I ,,,. .-<-:::rr......., .... ; , :, .;(~,... :-01 i:!".L . ."'. LL ~ I. ~, ';11-'" - . '~""'.,,"; d- f . I '.' ~ '.> II fL- E :1,: '!-111 wJ,-J~ T-1 f- I I I~UJ~g', iI' ~ff&l 1~ "','" l:f " .,. .;: ..'.. J, ,,:'i,'.f . , '. I :;~r::'~~' ~ :~ r. ~ -'f .' r.:,!'" '.~ "7 ., ~ L.;' " ',"". ~~"<1; . " :~. ::~;", , 7]"\ ft, . ",.", 'C. f)', ',"? 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'fi> J ",' <>" ".,., > '" , .: . ;'_,'i-L~ ~.i; ~,~' ~ <0 '.<;1<l';]:,,:i TI ' :;t15f' ~l~Y' ':.4'pi ':t'<.'~A:~ '~'f:r: , ;:"1.'"'- ,,' ' . ,. . ..:..;.. ,~ " ; ff~B~ .+ I N ~ o " = ,;~ N ~ 411 11h ,111 . . From: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Date: Larry R. Pitzer, Fire Chief Subject: Resolution authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to extend the Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to Count) unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1,2003 through June 30, 2004. Fire May 22, 2003 MCIC Meeting Date: June 16,2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 12/07/98 05/15/00 06/18/01 Resolution 98-335 approved a contract with San Bernardino County Fire Department for fire service in the County unincorporated areas located within the City of San Bernardino city limits for the period of December 29, 1998 through June 30, 1999. Resolution 2000-108 authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to enter into an agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to county unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001. Resolution 2001-193 authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to renew the agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2003. 1 ,OMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. Contact Person: Larrv R. Pitzer, Fire Chief Phone: (909) 384-5286 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution. and Agreement Ward: Citv Wide FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Council Notes: Amount: $250.000 in Revenue for FY 03/04 to be received from Countv to cover cost of providing service. (Acc!. No) 001-000-4702 (Acc!. Description) Count v Contract-Fire Revenue Source: Finance: Agenda Item No. ST AFF REPORT SUBJECT Resolution authorizing the City of San Bernardino Fire Department to extend the Agreement with the County of San Bernardino to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence from July I, 2003 through June 30, 2004. BACKGROUND The County of San Bernardino Fire Department has requested that the San Bernardino City Fire Department continue to provide fire protection and paramedic services to County unincorporated areas located within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence, There are eight (8) San Bernardino County unincorporated areas, more commonly referred to as "county islands", located within the City of San Bernardino's sphere of influence. The County Fire Department staff believes that the City continues to provide efficient and cost effective fire protection and paramedic service to all the County islands. Because of that, they request that the City continue to provide fire protection and paramedic service to these County islands areas. Annexation of the three County islands recently will have no net effect upon this proposed contract extension. These three island areas have very low emergency call demand. In fact, the overall call demand in the remaining eight County islands has increased such as to offset the three island areas, during the span of the current contract. Consequently, County Fire Department staff agreed to maintain the current $250,000 service fee. On June 30, 2003, the two-year contract to provide service to the County islands will expire. The fire protection service agreement (Attachment "A") adopted on June 18, 2001 has a provision (page 2, item 6) authorizing the parties to extend the Agreement for additional one- year periods on the same terms and conditions. Weare requesting approval to extend the contract for an additional one-year period from July 1,2003 through June 30, 2004. FINANCIAL IMPACT The proposed fee from the County for service delivery is $250,000 per year. There is no increase from the previous year. The proposed extension to the existing contract is for an additional one-year period. Revenue to be received for services provided is $250,000 for FY 2003-2004. RECOMMENDA nON Adopt resolution. 1 .. . . . . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM 2(~!CJ 3- (~c.\ Absent -0- '2.0 Resolution # Abstain ..u Meeting Date (Date Adopted): L . \ (,.. . O?, Item # Vote: Ayes I - 'I Nays-Gr Change to motion to amend original documents: "- Reso. # On Attachments: L Contract term:~' 6''SJO<t Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY ... Date Sent to Mayor: Date of Mayor's Signature: Date of ClerklCDC Signature: 1,.1.-\ <6-c.)'j') (,.' leI --03 (,., d<-"C)3 Date ~tter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Remind:;Lctter-sem-~ 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: ----- - See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: / Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water City Attorney Parks & Rec. Notes: Null/VoidAfter: [2U 0"'1:' /10-1'1-03 I By: - Reso. Log Updated: / Seal Impressed: ./"" Date Returned: ------ Yes ~ No By Yes No ...L- By Yes No ,/ By Yes No / By Yes No/ y- EDA Finance f= \ \Zk ,/ (c.) MIS Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 0I/12/01