HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Gary Van Osdel SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - STATE COLLEGE Executive Director 0 RIG 1 NAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PLAN AMENDMENT - REINSTATE EMINENT DOMAIN ~~g~1\IE::~~___~~~~~}'~:?l,-:?~()()~______~_______________~~~______~_~~_________~~~~~....~.______~~~____________~~___~_________~______~______~~~~___~~~~_________~~~~~~______~~~~~______~~___~~______ Svnopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On February 20, 2003, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada unanimously voted to recommend to the Community Development Commission that a joint public hearing be scheduled with the Mayor and Common Council for amendment to the State College Redevelopment Project Area plan. On April 7, 2003 the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino approved a resolution setting a date and time, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing to consider an amendment to reinstate eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On April 7, 2003 the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino approved a resolution setting a date and time, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing to consider an amendment to reinstate eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On May 19, 2003, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino approved a motion to reschedule the joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council to June 2, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Recommended Motion(s): OPEN JOINT PUBLIC HEARING CLOSE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING (Communitv Development CommissionlMavor and Common Council) IF WRITTEN OR ORAL OBJECTIONS ARE PRESENTED MOTION A: THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED; THAT WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT BE CONSIDERED; AND THAT WRITTEN FINDINGS BE PREPARED IN RESPONSE THERETO AS APPLICABLE AND BE PRESENTED AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. OR (SEE NEXT PAGE) Contact Person(s): Project Area(s) Supporting Data Attached: Gary Van Osdel/Mike Trout State College Phone: (909) 663.1044 Ward(s): 5 and 6 o Staff Report 0 Resolution(s) 0 Ordinance 0 Map(s) 0 LettersIMisc. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ N/A Source: N/A SIGNATURE: Budget Authority: N/A ..4'-- ry Van Osdel, Executive Director Commission/Council Notes: :'J~:~::~:Q:Q~::::r::~~l6~~::~I5:::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P:\Clcrical Services Depl'Jvlargarel Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-06-02 Stale College Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/0212003 Agenda Item Number: ~L IF NO WRITTEN ORAL OBJECTIONS ARE PRESENTED MOTION B: THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED; THAT SAID RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AND THAT SAID ORDINANCE BE LAID OVER FOR FINAL ADOPTION RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAKING A FINDING THAT CONDITIONS OF BLIGHT BURDEN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE SECTION 33352 REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL ON THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA __________m___mm_m__I':~_'1_I~Qr_I}'1_~!'lT~I:_Ql!"""'I:rX__~g:I::_nmmmmm_nmmmm_mm____mm______mmn_m_____m__m__m__m P:\Clericat Services Depl\Margarel Parkcr\Agendll.\CDC 2003\03-(}6-02 Slale College Public Hearing,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/0212003 Agenda Item Number: ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Joint Public Hearin!! - State Colle!!e Redevelopment Proiect Area Plan Amendment - Reinstate Eminent Domain BACKGROUND: With the improving local economy, the Agency is seeing increasing development interest throughout the City. The State College Redevelopment Project Area, established on April 27, 1970 and encompassing approximately 1,800 acres, is an area in which there is great interest. In recognition of these trends, it is important for the Agency to have a variety of tools available to assist redevelopment. One of the most effective tools for redevelopment is the power of eminent domain. However, the power of eminent domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area expired on January 1,1999. On March 18, 2002, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the initiation of an amendment to the State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan to re-establish the power of eminent domain over only those properties that are within non-residential land use districts in the General Plan or are currently being used for non-residential purposes. The proposed amendment (referred to as the "2003 Amendment") would reinstate the power of eminent domain until the end of the Redevelopment Plan or approximately 7 years from now. No resident homeowner or apartment resident or residential occupant will be displaced by the 2003 Amendment. No plans exist at the present time which may result in the purchase or condemnation of any commercial or industrial use properties. On July 24, 2002, Agency Staff conducted a public information workshop to present the proposed amendment, explain the process, and answer questions from attendees. This workshop was announced by mailed notice to owners of land in the redevelopment project are of the State College Redevelopment Project and to all occupants of property - both commercial and residential. Six people attended the workshop. On April 7, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission ofthe City of San Bernardino formally scheduled a joint public hearing for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a proposed amendment to the redevelopment plan reinstating eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On April 17, 2003, mailers were sent to residents, businesses, organizations, and property owners within the State College Redevelopment Project Area concerning the public hearing set for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. On April 29, 2003, mailers were sent to residents, businesses, organizations and property owners within the State College Redevelopment Project Area concerning the change of date for the public hearing to June 2,2003 at 7:00 p.m. P:\Clcrical Services Dept\Margarel ParkeMgcnda\CDC 2003\03-06-02 Slale College ?ublic Hcaring,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/02/2003 Agenda Item Number: UL Economic Development Agency Staff Report State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan Amendment Page 2 CURRENT ISSUE: Section 33352 of the Community Redevelopment Law ("CRL") states that when the Agency submits an amendment to the redevelopment plan to the Mayor and Common Council ("Council") for adoption, the Agency must also submit a report entitled the Report to Mayor and Common Council ("Report"). For a redevelopment plan amendment, the contents of the Report are only those portions warranted by the proposed amendment. The purpose of this Report is to provide, in one document, all information, documentation, and evidence regarding the 2003 Amendment to assist the Council in its consideration and in making various findings and determinations that are legally required to adopt the 2003 Amendment. This report to Mayor and Common Council has been prepared in accordance with all requirements of Section 33457.1 and 33352 of the CRL. During the joint public hearing the Commission and the Council will consider the information presented by the Agency Staff and consultants regarding the Report and the 2003 Amendment. Testimony and comments of interested members of the public will also be received. If one or more written objections are presented to the Council before or during the joint public hearing on June 2, 2003, a written response to such written objections must be prepared and considered before the 2003 Amendment may be adopted. By adopting the attached resolution of the Community Development Commission at the conclusion of the joint public hearing, the Commission will approve the Report and the proposed eminent domain amendment and authorize Agency Staff to transmit the Report to Mayor and Common Council and the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Mayor and Common Council. ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT: An Initial Study has been prepared which indicates that no significant affect on the environment will occur as a result of the adoption of the 2003 Amendment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration is proposed under the California Environmental Quality Act for the 2003 Amendment. A de mininus finding is also proposed as the 2003 Amendment will not have any adverse affect on wildlife or wildlife habitat. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on contracts entered into with consultants for this amendment, the costs will total $29,379. Funds for this activity have been approved and budgeted. P:\Clcrical Services Dept\Margaret Parker\Agenda\CDC 2003\03-06-02 Slale College Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/0212003 Agenda Item Nnmber: Jl.J...L Economic Development Agency Staff Report State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan Amendment Page 3 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Community Development Commission and Mayor and Common Council adopt Motion A or Motion B. ~ ') Gary Van Os EXHIBITS: el, Executive Director 1. Redevelopment Project Area Map 2. Text ofthe Proposed 2003 Amendment 3. Report to the Mayor and Common Council 4. Copies of Written Objections Received by May 22,2003 5. Negative Declaration and Initial Study 6. Resolution ofthe Community Development Commission 7. Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council 8. Certification of Mailing and Copy of Newsletter 9. Certification of Notice and Copy of Notice P:IClerical Services Dept\Margaret ParkeMgenda\CDC 2003\03-06-02 Slale College Public Hearing,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/02/2003 Agenda Item Nnmber: 1..J-J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Gary Van Osdel Executi ve Director SUBJECT: STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PLAN AMENDMENT- EMINENT DOMAIN - REQUEST TO SCHEDULE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING DATE: May 2, 2003 Synopsis of Previons Commission/ConncillCommittee Action(s): On February 20, 2003, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada unanimously voted to recommend to the Community Development Commission that a joint public hearing be scheduled with the Mayor and Common Council for amendment to the State College Redevelopment Project Area plan. On April 7, 2003 the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino approved a resolution setting a date and time, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing to consider an amendment to reinstate eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On April 7, 2003 the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino approved a resolution setting a date and time, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. for a joint public hearing to consider an amendment to reinstate eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. Recommended Motion(s): (Commnnitv Development Commission) MOTION A: THAT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTINUE. THE MAY 19,2003 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO JUNE 2, 2003 AT 7:00 p.M. (Mavor and Common Council) MOTIONB: THAT THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTINUE THE MAY 19,2003 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO JUNE 2, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. Contact Person(s): Gary Van Osdel/Mike Trout State College Phone: (909) 663-1044 Project Area(s) Ward(s): 5 and 6 Supporting Data Attached: It] Staff Report 0 Resolution(s) 0 Agreement(s)lContract(s) 0 Map(s) 0 LettersIMisc. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ N/A Source: SIGNATURE: Budget Authority: N/A N/A /r sdel, Executive Director Commission/Council Notes: K?'tQ..c'"'<~'~ ~/19/C3 I I ./ 1t I~ I r:; P:\Clerical Services DepI\Margaret Parker\Agenda\CDC 2003\03-05.19 Stale College Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: G; /2-/ 0 3 Agenda Item Nnmber: R 2( ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT State Collel!e Redevelopment Proiect Area Plan Amendment - Eminent Domain - ReQuest to Schedule Joint Public Hearinl! BACKGROUND: With the improving local economy, the Agency is seeing increasing development interest throughout the City. The State College Redevelopment Project Area, established on April 27, 1970 and encompassing approximately 1,800 acres, is an area in which there is great interest. In recognition of these trends, it is important for the Agency to have a variety of tools available to assist redevelopment. One of the most effective tools for redevelopment is the power of eminent domain. However, the power of eminent domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area expired on January I, 1999. On March 18, 2002, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the initiation of an amendment to the State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan to re-establish the power of eminent domain over only those properties that are within non-residential land use districts in the General Plan or are currently being used for non-residential purposes. The proposed amendment would reinstate the power of eminent domain for a period of twelve (12) years. On April 7, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission of the .City of San Bernardino formally scheduled a joint public hearing for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a proposed amendment to the redevelopment plan reinstating eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On April 17, 2003, mailers were sent to residents, businesses, organizations, and property owners within the State College Redevelopment Project Area concerning the public hearing set for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. CURRENT ISSUE: After the mailers had been sent it was determined that the mailers lacked certain information concerning the review period. Special Agency Counsel made the determination that in order to avoid any possible legal exposure, the mailer should be revised and sent out again. The revised mailer stated that the joint public hearing will now take place on June 2, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The action requested is "exempt" under CEQA. P;\Clerical Services DepI\Mllfgarel Parlr.cnAgendalCDC 2003\03"()5-19 State College Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/19/2003 Agenda Item Number: illS Economic Development Agency Staff Report State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan Amendment Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: Based on contracts entered into with consultants for this amendment, the costs will total $29,379. Funds for this activity have been approved and budgeted. RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Development Commission and Mayor and Common Council adopt the attached motions. / Ga 14' sdel, Executive Director -------- -------------- - P:\Clcrical Services DepI\M~t ParkeMgenda\CDC 2003\O3'()5.]9 Slate College Public Hearing.dO(: COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/19/2003 Agenda Item Nnmber: ~/S ~ CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STATE COLLGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I, Mike Trout, whose business address is at the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507, do hereby certify that the notice for the Joint Public Hearing on the Proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan (attached as "Exhibit A"), for the State College Redevelopment Project Area, was mailed, via first class mail, to all property owners, residents, business owners, community organization representatives, and interested persons in the area of the State College Redevelopment Project Area as shown on the attached copy of the mailing list (attached as "Exhibit B") at the United States Post Office, in San Bernardino, California on /1/,YI'/ ,;> 7 ,2003. I certify under penalty of peIjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: /lpy;j ;j'f) ,2003 ~~ Mike Trout, Project Manager City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Attachments: Exhbit A - Public Meeting NewsletterlNotice Exhibit B - Mailing List P:lAccounting Dcpt\Mike\State College. Joint Public Hearing Cenification of Mailing Affidavit.doc tO~Y RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAKING A FINDING THAT CONDITIONS OF BLIGHT BURDEN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE SECTION 33352 REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL ON THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino ("City") is a charter city and municipa corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California' 12 13 and 14 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") is public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Communi Redevelopment Law, Division 24, Part I of the California Health and Safety Code (Health Safety Code ~ 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"); and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardin (the "Commission") is the governing board of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City ("Common Council"), b adoption of Ordinance No. 3067, on April 27, 1970 approved and adopted the Redevelopmen Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, the Common Council has subsequently adopted amendments to th Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Common Council Ordinance No. MC-560 on December 8, 1986; and (i) (i) (i) Common Council Ordinance No. MC-725 on April 2, 1990; and Common Council Ordinance No. MC-925 on December 20, 1994; and 26 27 28 5/19/03 2,00 jmm 4811-2409-7792.1 I WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project a 2 adopted by Common Council Ordinance No. 3067 and as amended by Common Counci 3 Ordinance No. 560, and as further amended by Common Council Ordinance No. 725 and a 4 further amended by Common Council Ordinance No. 925 is referred to herein as th 5 "Redevelopment Plan"; and 6 WHEREAS, the Commission and Common Council have initiated proceedings for th 7 adoption of the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan (the "2003 8 Amendment"); and 9 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan delineates the redevelopment project area for th 10 State College Redevelopment Project (the "Project Area"); and 11 WHEREAS, the 2003 Amendment does not propose to modify the boundaries of th 12 Project Area but rather proposes to amend the Redevelopment Plan to extend the Agency' 13 eminent domain authority with respect to all non-residential portions of the Project Area until th 14 fortieth (40th) anniversary of the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, as originally approved b 15 Common Council Ordinance No. 3067; and 16 WHEREAS, the Commission consented to hold a joint public hearing with the City wit 17 respect to the 2003 Amendment, at which hearing any and all persons having any objections t 18 the 2003 Amendment, the Negative Declaration or the regularity of any prior proceeding 19 concerning the 2003 Amendment, would be allowed to appear before the Mayor and Commo 20 Council and show cause why the 2003 Amendment should not be adopted; and 21 WHEREAS, notice of the joint public hearing of the Agency and Mayor and Commo 22 Council with respect to the 2003 Amendment and the Negative Declaration prepared therefor i 23 accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") was given in accordanc 24 with applicable law; and 25 WHEREAS, the joint public hearing of the Agency and Mayor and Common Counci 26 was duly held on June 2, 2003; and 27 WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the passage of this Resolution have occurred an 28 been taken in accordance with applicable law; 5/19/03 2,00 jrnm 4811-2409-7792.1 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER, A 3 FOLLOWS: 4 SECTION I. The purposes and intent of the Commission with respect to the 2003 5 Amendment is to extend the time limit on the Agency's exercise of eminent domain authori 6 with respect to certain non-residential portions of the Project Area thereby protecting an 7 promoting the sound redevelopment of the Project Area and the general welfare of th 8 inhabitants ofthe City by providing a method of property acquisition through the potential use 0 9 eminent domain in order for the Agency to be able to assemble parcels and attract redevelopmen 10 interest by insuring its ability to deliver property for redevelopment purposes. 11 SECTION 2. No written objection to the 2003 Amendment was received by th 12 Commission prior to the joint public hearing and no written or oral objection was submitted t 13 the Commission or the Common Council prior to the close of the joint public hearing on th 14 2003 Amendment. Based on all staff reports and consultant reports prepared by or at th 15 direction of the Agency and the City; the staff and consultant's presentations submitted at th 16 joint public hearing, including without limitation the visual display of maps, graphs, charts an 17 photographs and the oral comments of interested persons submitted to the Commission and th 18 Common Council at the joint public hearing; the Section 33352 Report; the Initial Study and th 19 Negative Declaration and the text of the 2003 Amendment, the Commission hereby finds an 20 determines that: 21 (i) 22 23 24 25 (ii) 26 27 28 5/19/03 2:00 jmm 4811-2409-7792.1 the Project Area continues to display conditions of blight and the Project Are remains as a blighted area, the redevelopment of which is and remains necessa to effectuate the public purposes of the CRL. This finding is based in part on th research and facts set forth in the 33352 Report; the 2003 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan shall assist the Agency t correct and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area from commerciall zoned and used lands into residentially zoned and used lands in the Project Are by means of assisting owner participants under the terms of specifi 3 redevelopment agreements and covenants acceptable to the Agency to consolidat 2 parcels, eliminate obsolete or blighted structures or conditions on commercial us 3 property and preserve and create new employment and private capital investmen 4 in the Project Area and assisting owner participants and developers under th 5 terms of specific redevelopment agreements and covenants acceptable to th 6 Agency to consolidate parcels, eliminate obsolete structures or conditions 0 7 commercial use property and preserve and create new employment and privat 8 capital investment in the Project Area. 9 SECTION 3. The Commission hereby acknowledges its receipt and approval of th 10 33352 Report. The Commission hereby requests the Common Council to consider and approv II the 33352 Report in the form as submitted at the joint public hearing for the adoption of the 2003 12 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan. 13 SECTION 4. Prior to the opening of the joint public hearing at which this Resolution i 14 approved, the Commission received an "Initial Study", as this term is defined in the Califomi 15 Environmental Quality Act, which was prepared for the Redevelopment Agency of the City 0 16 San Bernardino regarding the 2003 Amendment. The Initial Study and Notice of Intent to Adop 17 a Negative Declaration has been published as of May I, 2003 in The Sun and were distribute 18 for public comment to all responsible agencies and other interested persons by United State 19 Mail and was posted with the Clerk of the County as of May 2, 2003 for a period of 20 days. 20 The public comment period ended on May 22, 2003 and no written comment from any publi 21 agency of other interested person was received during such period of time. The Commission ha 22 independently reviewed the Initial Study. In its independent discretion, the Commission hereb 23 finds and determines that the Initial Study adequately describes the 2003 Amendment an 24 accurately identifies and assesses all of the potentially significant environmental effects 0 25 impacts associated with the implementation of the 2003 Amendment. The 2003 Amendmen 26 does not present any significant environmental affects. The Commission hereby finds an 27 determines that there are no significant environmental effects associated with the implementatio 28 of the 2003 Amendment, and the Commission hereby adopts a Negative Declaration for the 2003 5/19/03 2,00 jmm 4811-2409-7792.1 4 Amendment. The Commission acknowledges that the State College Redevelopment Project wa 2 established prior to the enactment of the California Environmental Quality Act and therefore n 3 Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) exists for the State College Redevelopmen 4 Project. In the absence of a Program EIR, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of S 5 Bernardino prepared an Initial Study to determine if the proposed reinstatement of eminen 6 domain would have any significant environmental effects and whether an EIR should b 7 prepared for the 2003 Amendment. Based on the Initial Study regarding the 2003 Amendmen 8 and the other information as submitted to the Commission during the public hearing at which thi 9 Resolution was adopted, the Commission hereby finds and determines that no environmenta 10 impact report is required under the California Environmental Quality Act - CEQA (Publi 11 Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.) for the adoption of the 2003 Amendment or the reques 12 of the Commission that the Common Council adopt an Ordinance approving and adopting th 13 2003 Amendment. The Commission further finds that when considering the Initial Study and th 14 2003 Amendment as a whole that there is no evidence before the Commission that the 2003 15 Amendment will have potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources on the habitat 0 16 which the wildlife depends. Accordingly, the Commission hereby directs the Agency Secret 17 to cause a Notice of Determination to be filed with the County Clerk for the Negativ 18 Declaration for the 2003 Amendment as hereby approved upon the adoption of an Ordinance 0 19 the Mayor and Common Council approving the 2003 Amendment. Concurrently with the filin 20 of the Notice of Determination for the 2003 Amendment, the Agency Secretary shall also submi 21 to the County Clerk a Certificate of Fee Exemption under Title 14 California Code 0 22 Regulations Section 753.5(c). 23 SECTION 5. The Commission hereby approves and adopts the 2003 Amendment, 24 copy of which is on file with the Agency Secretary, and which 2003 Amendment is incorporate 25 herein by this reference, and the Commission designates the Redevelopment Plan, as amende 26 by the 2003 Amendment (hereinafter, the "Amended Redevelopment Plan") as the officia 27 redevelopment plan for the State College Redevelopment Project subject to the adoption of 28 5/19/03 2:00 jrnm 4811-2409-7792.1 5 appropriate Ordinance of the Common Council which approves and adopts the 2003 Amendmen 2 and the Amended Redevelopment Plan. 3 SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portio 4 ofthis Resolution, is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of an 5 court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin 6 portions of this Resolution. The Commission hereby declares that it would have adopted thi 7 Resolution and each, section subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution 8 irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, 0 9 portions of this Resolution be declared invalid for any reason. 10 SECTION 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5/19/03 2,00 jrnm 4811-2409-7792.1 6 1 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAKING A FINDING THAT 2 CONDITIONS OF BLIGHT BURDEN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, 3 APPROVING THE SECTION 33352 REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL ON THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT 4 TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE 2003 EMINENT 5 DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A 6 NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 7 8 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, 9 held on the _ day of 10 11 COMMISSION MEMBERS: 12 ESTRADA 13 LONGVILLE 14 McGINNIS 15 DERRY 16 SUAREZ 17 ANDERSON 18 MCCAMMACK 19 , 2003, by the following vote to wit: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 20 Secretary The foregoing Resolution is hereby approved this _ day of ,2003. 21 22 23 24 JUDITH V ALLES, Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino 25 Approved as to form and legal content. 26 27 7 !3Y:. 28 t~~1f ORDINANCE NO. 2 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARA nON IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino ("City") is a charter city and mUlllClpa corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California' and 9 10 11 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") is public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Communi Redevelopment Law, Division 24, Part I of the California Health and Safety Code (Health Safety Code S 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City ("Common Council"), b adoption of Ordinance No. 3067, approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Stat College Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, the Common Council has subsequently adopted amendments to th Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project as follows: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (i) (i) (i) Common Council Ordinance No. MC-560; and Common Council Ordinance No. MC-725; and Common Council Ordinance No. MC-925; and 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project a adopted by Common Council Ordinance No. 3067 and as amended by Common Counci Ordinance No. 560, and as further amended by Common Council Ordinance No. 725 and a further amended by Common Council Ordinance No. 925 is referred to herein as th "Redevelopment Plan"; and 24 25 26 27 28 4846-7818-0608.\ 5/22/03 11 :30 jrnrn I WHEREAS, the Common Council has initiated proceedings for the adoption of the 2003 2 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan (the "2003 Amendment"); and 3 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan delineates the redevelopment project area for th 4 State College Redevelopment Project (the "Project Area"); and 5 WHEREAS, the 2003 Amendment does not propose to modify the boundaries of th 6 Project Area but rather proposes to amend the Redevelopment Plan to extend the Agency' 7 eminent domain authority with respect to all non-residential portions of the Project Area until th 8 fortieth (40th) anniversary of the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, as originally approved b 9 Common Council Ordinance No. 3067; and 10 WHEREAS, the Common Council consented to hold a joint public hearing with th II Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission"), as th 12 governing board of the Agency, with respect to the 2003 Amendment, at which hearing any an 13 all persons having any objections to the 2003 Amendment, or the regularity of any prio 14 proceedings concerning the 2003 Amendment, would be allowed to appear before th 15 Commission and the Mayor and Common Council and show cause why the 2003 Amendmen 16 should not be adopted; and 17 WHEREAS, notice of the joint public hearing of the Commission and Mayor an 18 Common Council with respect to the 2003 Amendment and the Negative Declaration prepare 19 therefore in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") was given i 20 accordance with applicable law; and 21 WHEREAS, the joint public hearing of the Commission and Mayor and Commo 22 Council was duly held on June 2, 2003; and 23 WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the passage of this Ordinance have occurred an 24 been taken in accordance with applicable law; 25 II I 26 III 27 III 28 4846-7818-0608.1 5/22/03 II :30 jrnm 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 2 SAN BERNARDINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3 SECTION 1. The purposes and intent of the Common Council with respect to the 2003 4 Amendment is to extend the time limit on the Agency's exercise of eminent domain authorit 5 with respect to certain non-residential portions of the Project Area thereby protecting an 6 promoting the sound redevelopment of the Project Area and the general welfare of th 7 inhabitants of the City by providing a method of property acquisition through the potential use 0 8 eminent domain in order for the Agency to be able to assemble parcels and attract redevelopmen 9 interest by insuring its ability to deliver property for redevelopment purposes. 10 SECTION 2. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that: 11 a. All facts set forth in the above Recitals are true and correct. 12 b. The Common Council has previously found and determined in Ordinance No. 13 3067 that the Project Area is a blighted area, the redevelopment of which is necessary t 14 effectuate the public purposes declared in the CRL. The Common Council hereby further find 15 and determines that (i) such findings and determinations set forth in Ordinance No. 3067 ar 16 final and, (ii) the 2003 Amendment does not add territory to the Project Area or make any othe 17 revisions to the Redevelopment Plan that affect these previously-made findings an 18 determinations, (iii) such previously made findings and determinations remain valid an 19 effective, and (iv) no further finding or determination concerning blight in the Project Area i 20 required for the 2003 Amendment. 21 c. The Redevelopment Plan, as amended by the 2003 Amendment, will assist wit 22 the redevelopment of the Project Area in conformity with the CRL and in the interests of th 23 public peace, health, safety, and welfare. 24 d. The adoption and carrying out of the 2003 Amendment is economically sound an 25 feasible. 26 e. The 2003 Amendment is consistent with and conforms to the General Plan of th 27 City including but not limited to the Housing Element of the General Plan. 28 4846-7818-O608.! 5/22/03 11 :30 jmm 3 f. The carrying out of the 2003 Amendment will promote the public peace, health 2 safety, and welfare of the City and would effectuate the purposes and policies ofthe CRL. 3 The condemnation of real property, as provided for in the Redevelopment Plan a g. 4 amended by the 2003 Amendment, is necessary to the execution of the Redevelopment Plan an 5 adequate provisions have been made for payment for property to be acquired, if any, as provide 6 by law. 7 h. The Common Council, in Ordinance No. 3067, found and determined that th 8 Agency has a feasible method and plan for the relocation of families and persons displaced fro 9 the Project Area, if the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan should result in the tempor 10 or permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities in the Project Area. Th II Common Council finds and determines that (i) such findings and determinations set forth i 12 Ordinance No. 3067, are final and conclusive; (ii) the 2003 Amendment does not add territory t 13 the Project Area or make any other revisions to the Redevelopment Plan that affect thes 14 previously-made findings and determinations; (iii) such previously-made findings an 15 determinations remain valid and effective; (iv) the implementation of the Redevelopment Pia 16 pursuant to the 2003 Amendment will not result in the displacement of any person or househol 17 residing in a dwelling unit in the Project Area by exercise of eminent domain; and (v) no furthe 18 finding or determination concerning the foregoing is required for the 2003 Amendment. 19 The Common Council, in Ordinance No. 3067, found and determined that ther 1. 20 are or are being provided in the Project Area, or in other areas not generally less desirable i regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities, and at rents or prices within th financial means of the families and persons displaced from the Project Area, if any, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to the displaced familie and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. The Common Counci finds and determines that (i) such findings and determinations set forth in Ordinance No. 3067 are final and conclusive; (ii) the 2003 Amendment does not add territory to the Project Area 0 make any other revisions to the Redevelopment Plan that affect these previously-made finding and determinations; (iii) such previously-made findings and determinations remain valid an 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4846.7818-0608.1 5/22/03 11:30 jmm 4 effective; (iv) the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the 2003 Amendmen 2 will not result in the displacement of any person or household residing in a dwelling unit in th 3 Project Area by exercise of eminent domain; and (v) no further finding or determinatio 4 concerning the foregoing is required for the 2003 Amendment. 5 Families and persons shall not be displaced following the adoption of the 2003 J. 6 Amendment prior to the adoption of a relocation plan pursuant to California Health and Safe 7 Code Sections 33411 and 33411.1, and dwelling units housing persons and families of low 0 8 moderate income shall not be removed or destroyed prior to the adoption of a replacemen 9 housing plan pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 33334.5, 33413, an 10 33413.5. II The time limitation on commencement of eminent domain proceedings containe k. 12 in the Redevelopment Plan, as amended by the 2003 Amendment, is reasonably related t projects to be implemented in the Project Area and to the ability of the Agency to eliminat blight within the Project Area. The 2003 Amendment does not amend or affect any other tim limitations or amend or affect the limitation on the number of dollars to be allocated to th 13 14 15 16 Agency that are contained in the Plan as amended by the 2003 Amendment. SECTION 3. The Common Council hereby approves the 2003 Amendment: Subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of Section D of the Redevelopment Plan is amended to read as follows: 17 18 19 20 "[EDITORS NOTE: SECTION D. URBAN RENEWAL POWERS TO B EXERCISED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES...] 21 22 [EDITOR'S NOTE: 2. Acquisition and Clearance...] 23 f. The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, 0 otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by an means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase cooperative negotiations, lease, and any other means authorized by law includin the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area a authorized by law. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, th Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property withi the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agenc transmits its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof i accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law 24 25 26 27 28 4846-78 I 8-!l608.1 5/22/03 11 :30 jmm 5 2 person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire byeminen domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan 0 zoning regulations as residential property. 3 4 With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power 0 eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate lega proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power 0 eminent domain after April 27, 2010. 5 6 7 The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in th Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to suc acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it ha acquired from another public entity to private ownership before th Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shal have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment 0 such property. 8 9 10 11 12 The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existin building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and us without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structura alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot 0 which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) i is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions an controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan b . ... " executmg a participatIOn agreement. 13 14 15 16 17 18 [EDITOR'S NOTE: end text of amendment to Redevelopment Plan reinstating eminen domain powers of the Agency] 19 SECTION 4. The Common Council designates the Redevelopment Plan, as amended b the 2003 Amendment as set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance (hereinafter, the "Amende Plan"), as the official redevelopment plan for the State College Redevelopment Project. SECTION 5. Prior to the opening of the joint public hearing at which this Resolution i approved, the Common Council received an "Initial Study", as this term is defined in th California Environmental Quality Act, which was prepared for the Redevelopment Agency 0 the City of San Bernardino regarding the 2003 Amendment. The Notice of Intent to Adopt Negative Declaration has been published as of May I, 2003 in The Sun and the Notice of Inten was distributed for public comment to all responsible agencies and other interested persons b United States Mail and was posted with the Clerk of the County as of May 2, 2003 for a perio 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4846-7818-0608.1 5/22/03 11 :30 jrnm 6 of 20 days. The public comment period ended on May 22, 2003 and no written comment fro 2 any public agency of other interested person was received during such period of time. Th 3 Common Council has independently reviewed the Initial Study. In its independent discretion, th 4 Common Council hereby finds and determines that the Initial Study adequately describes th 5 2003 Amendment and accurately identifies and assesses all of the potentially significan 6 environmental effects or impacts associated with the implementation of the 2003 Amendment. 7 The 2003 Amendment does not present any significant environmental affects. The Commo 8 Council hereby finds and determines that there are no significant environmental effect 9 associated with the implementation of the 2003 Amendment, and the Common Council hereb 10 adopts a Negative Declaration for the 2003 Amendment. The Common Council acknowledge 11 that the State College Redevelopment Project was established prior to the enactment of th 12 California Environmental Quality Act and therefore no Program Environmental Impact Repo 13 (ErR) exists for the State College Redevelopment Project. In the absence of a Program EIR, th 14 Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino prepared an Initial Study to determine i 15 the proposed reinstatement of eminent domain would have any significant environmental effect 16 and whether an EIR should be prepared for the 2003 Amendment. Based on the Initial Stud 17 regarding the 2003 Amendment and the other information as submitted to the Common Counci 18 during the public hearing at which this Resolution was adopted, the Common Council hereb 19 finds and determines that no environmental impact report is required under the Californi 20 Environmental Quality Act - CEQA (Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq.) for th 21 adoption of the 2003 Amendment or the Ordinance approving and adopting the 2003 22 Amendment. The Common Council further finds that when considering the Initial Study and th 23 2003 Amendment as a whole that there is no evidence before the Common Council that the 2003 24 Amendment will have potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources on the habitat 0 25 which the wildlife depends. Accordingly, the Common Council hereby directs the City Clerk t 26 cause a Notice of Determination to be filed with the County Clerk for the Negative Declaratio 27 for the 2003 Amendment as hereby approved upon the adoption of this Ordinance approving th 28 2003 Amendment. Concurrently with the filing of the Notice of Determination for the 2003 4846-7818.0608.\ 5/22/03 11 :30 jrnm 7 2 Amendment, the City Clerk shall also submit to the County Clerk a Certificate of Fee Exemptio under Title 14 California Code of Regulations Section 753.5(c). SECTION 6. The Common Council hereby authorizes and provides for the City of S Bernardino's expenditure of money provided for the in the Amended Plan. SECTION 7. The Agency is hereby vested with the responsibility for carrying out th Amended Plan in accordance with the provisions thereof and of applicable law. SECTION 8. The Common Council hereby declares its intention to complete any proceedings necessary to be carried out by the City under the provisions of th Amended Plan. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SECTION 9. The City Clerk shall comply with the applicable procedures of the C with respect to the adoption of this Ordinance, including the transmission of a copy of thi Ordinance to other public entities, if such be required. SECTION 10. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portio of this Ordinance, is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of an court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin portions of this Ordinance. The Common Council hereby declares that it would have adopte 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 this Ordinance and each, section subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of thi Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses phrases, or portions of this Ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 11. The City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to b transmitted to the Agency. SECTION 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shal 18 19 20 21 22 23 cause the same to be published as required by law. 24 III III III III III 25 26 27 28 4846-7818-0608.1 5/22/03 11 :30 jmm 8 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 3 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 6 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 7 ,2003, by the following vote to wit: day of 8 Abstain Absent Navs Ayes Council Members: 9 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MC CAMMACK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk 18 day of ,2003. The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 19 20 21 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form and Legal Content: 23 By: 24 25 26 27 28 4846-7818-0608.1 5/22/03 11:30 jrnrn 9 _.-..~ ~,..,.?--->-~/"' " ! \ f.. I eal State University I' . / \\ \'\ ~",__"'___f"WT' , UN___ 1-:- \., Ii \, \'" l W, Sheridan Rd, t'" ~ , ,\. ,', 'f '\\", ~"~\ \ ~,:.,~. / '. i[.;'~"'')J.' ......'.'.-. c '/' , I .-h'~.. ~ ,- i/" _,,"i _ ~,......, .. \- -'.'i,.;.O.,! -.- , '''(1- - " h. /0- ,,'''ot 1 Highland Avenue .~ :--- ,,,",' k. '\ ,-- I ~ \'c--~- <-_,,0;'>1 ".,,-c,w,," ;"T,-~~~__ ~ ~ c Miramonte Street ./f' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT State College Redevelopment Project Area .d ,a; Eminent Domain to the Plan Adopted: Ordinance No.: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street, Su~e 301 San Bernardino, CA92401-1507 ~ ~" [J~!. rfrr'\~~..t1~ a~.=:>~_.._ \ ~_ ,.. Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@webrsg.com SB2003,15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paqe Introduction.................................................................................................................. 3 Amendment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ............ .4 8B2003:15483.2 8tate College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 2 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT to the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN for the STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Common Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") on April 27, 1970 by Ordinance No. 3067. Subsequently, the Redevelopment Plan was amended three (3) times by the adoption of Amendment No. 1 on December 8, 1986 as approved by Ordinance MC- 560, Amendment NO.2 on April 2, 1990 as approved by Ordinance MC-725, and Amendment No. 3 on December 20, 1994 as approved by Ordinance MC-925. The purpose of Amendment No. 3 was to establish certain time and financial limitations imposed by the passage of Assembly Bill 1290. The 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Amendment") makes certain limited changes to the text of the Redevelopment Plan to re-establish the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino's ("Agency") power of eminent domain within the Project Area for non-residentially occupied or used properties to enable the Agency to better assist with potential land assembly efforts to foster the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan until the fortieth (40th) anniversary following the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan on April 27, 1970. Upon its approval, the Amendment will reestablish the eminent domain power of the Agency on non-residential properties for approximately the next seven (7) years. The reinstatement of the eminent domain powers of the Agency on commercial and industrial use lands pursuant to the Amendment does not amend, modify, change or affect in any other provisions the text of the Redevelopment Plan and does not add or delete territory from the boundaries of the Project Area. The Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended as follows: Subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of Section D of the Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION D. URBAN RENEWAL POWERS TO BE EXERCISED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES... 2. Acquisition and Clearance... f. The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, SB2003:15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 3 and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agency transmits its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law a person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire by eminent domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property. With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010. The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in the Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to such acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it has acquired from another public entity to private ownership before the Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shall have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment of such property. The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation agreement." 8B2003:15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 4 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment State College Redevelopment Project Report to Mayor and Common Council June 2003 RedevelopmentAgency of the City of San Bemardino 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301 San Bemardino, CA92401 . ~".i'" ~." =- ~= ~ :\1 ,> il~_~:_:.J ~"' llillUID.'T.!l .;, ~ p'"t~ il ~~,1I,11 'W/~w,~~ Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@webrsg.com Table of Contents I ntrod ucti on. ... . ......... ...... ... ... .... . ........ ...... .... .... ... . ... ... ....... . ... ... ........ i Redevelopment Plan Amendment.......................... ........................ ... ..................... Ii Contents of this Report .......................................................................................... iii Reasons for the Amendments and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area ..........A-1 A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area ......................................................................8-1 Citywide Assessor Valuations vs. State College Assessed Values And Development Activity Heading...... .......... ....................... ...................... ..... ..... ..... B-3 Deteriorated And Dilapidated Buildings .... .................. ........ ..................... ....... .... B-4 Mixed and Incompatible Uses........ .............. ....... ............ ...... ............... ... ...... ...... B-6 Lots of Irregular Form and Size ..........................................................................B-9 Minimum Lot Size................... ......... .......... .... ................. ..................... .............. B-11 Code Compliance Cases ................ ........ ...... ........................................... ......... B-14 Environmental Hazards................... ............. ....... ................... ...... ............. .... .... B-20 Crime Rates. ..... .............................. .............. .... ........................ ................ ........B-23 Economic Indicators and Economic Conditions ...............................................B-28 Five-Year 1m plementati on Plan................................................... C-1 Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot Be Accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment .................................................................................... D-1 The Method of Financing............................................................. E-1 The Relocation Plan .................................................................... F-1 P:\ACCQUNTING DEPT\MIKE\STA TE COLLEGE, 2003, 06-02 FINAL REPORT TO MCC, NO NEG DEe EX.OOC Analysis of the Preliminary Plan .................................................G-1 Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission .......H-1 Report of the Project Area Committee ........................................1-1 General Plan Conformance ......................................................... J-1 Environmental Documentation....................................................K-1 Report of the County Fiscal Officer ............................................ L..1 Neighborhood Impact Report..................................................... M-1 Relocation ................. .................... .......... ....... ................. ................. ........ .......... M-1 Traffic Circulation ......... ................. ..... ..... ....... ..... ............. ........................ .......... M-2 Environmental Quality .......................................... .............. ............. ......... .......... M-2 Availability of Community Facilities and Services ............................................. M-2 Effect on School Population and Quality of Education...................................... M-2 Properly Taxes and Assessments..................................................................... M-3 Low and Moderate Income Housing Program .................................................. M-3 A Summary of the Agency's Consultations with Affected Taxing Entities ........................................................................................N-1 P:\ACCQUNT1NG OEPT\MIKE\STATE COllEGE. 2003, 06-02 FINAL REPORT TO MCC, NO NEG DEe EX.DOC n Introduction On April 27, 1970, the Mayor and Common Council ("Council") approved Ordinance No. 3067 that adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Project") and Project Area ("Project Area"). The Project Area indudes approximately 1,800 acres of land. The purpose of the Project is to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and deterioration in the Project Area by participation with owners and tenants in rehabilitation, demolition and/or construction, land assembly and or other incentives. Relocation assistance and public improvements will be provided, if necessary. The redevelopment of land by private enterprise and public agencies for uses in accordance with the Plan is encouraged. Generally, the purpose of this plan is to provide for the rehabilitation of existing commercial and residential structures and to facilitate new development on vacant or underutilized areas within the Project Area boundaries. To this end, the Plan previously permitted the Agency to acquire real property by any means authorized by law, including eminent domain. Although the Agency has not used condemnation in the past, the ability to acquire property through eminent domain is a necessary and effective tool to facilitate redevelopment of the Project Area. While the Agency does not have specific plans to use eminent domain to acquire property at this time, staff recommends that reinstating this power will be necessary to complete any future redevelopment projects involving land acquisition. The Agency's previous eminent domain authority was restricted to a 12-year time limit, and expired on January 7, 1999 for the Project Area. Under the Califomia Community Redevelopment Law (the "Law"), the Plan's eminent domain time limit may be extended by up to 12 years if the Agency undertakes a plan amendment effort as prescribed by the Law. As the Agency envisions possible commercial and industrial land acquisition activities for future redevelopment projects, the Agency is proposing to amend the Plan to reinstate the eminent domain time limit for commercial and industrial land acquisition for approximately seven (7) years, to April 27, 2010, which is the time limit of the Plan. However, no residentially zoned property or property which is residentially occupied shall be acquired by the Agency by use of the eminent domain power pursuant to the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment. Accordingly, the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment affects approximately 500 acres or less of land in the Project Area - e.g., only those lands which are industrial or commercial land use designated under the City General Plan or applicable zoning. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -1- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Redevelopment Plan Amendment The text of the proposed State College Redevelopment Plan Amendment provides: "The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Not withstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agency transmit its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law a person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire by eminent domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property. With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010. The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in the Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to such acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it has acquired from another public entity to private ownership before the Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shall have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment of such property. The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing an owner participation agreement." The Agency does not have any immediate or specific plans to use eminent domain to acquire any commercial or industrial use or zoned property at this time. However, staff, consultants and legal counsel feels that it is very important to extend or reinstate this power because it is a necessary component to completing future redevelopment activities. The power of eminent domain is especially necessary for those projects involving land acquisition. The ability to consolidate ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - II. STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL lots for new development and abate or provide environmental mitigation between incompatible land uses is essential in addressing the remaining conditions of blight in the Project Area. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, residential dwelling use properties are in satisfactory locations. The Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of a negative impact on residential areas and homes. Most dwelling units are situated on lots that are adequate in size and shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that there is very little or no market demand for new multifamily residential projects that usually require larger parcels. Furthermore, the Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. Blighted residences and neighborhoods are being addressed through Code Compliance Department actions, the Home Improvement and Beautification Grant Program, the Mortgage Assistance Program and other affordable housing preservation and improvement programs of the Agency. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply properties with a residential General Plan or residential zone land use designation or properties, which are residentially occupied as of the date when the Agency may hereafter transmit its offer to purchase such property. This document is the Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment, and has been prepared pursuant to Section 33457.1 and 33352 of the Law. Pursuant to Section 33352 of the Law, the Council is required to submit a Report containing specific documentation regarding the proposed Amendment. The purpose of this Report is to provide the information, documentation, and evidence required to support the adoption of the Amendment. This information, documentation, and evidence are provided to assist the Common Council in its consideration of the proposed Amendment, and in making the various determinations in connection with its adoption. Contents of this Report The contents of this Report are presented in 14 sections, which generally correspond to the subdivisions presented in Section 33352 of the Law. The sections are as follows: SECTION A Reasons for the Amendment and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -III - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL SECTION B SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E SECTION F SECTION G SECTION H SECTION I SECTION J SECTION K SECTION L SECTION M SECTION N A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area Five-Year Implementation Plan Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot be accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment The Method of Financing The Relocation Plan Analysis of the Preliminary Plan Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission Report of the Project Area Committee General Plan Confonnance Environmental Documentation Report of the County Fiscal Officer Neighborhood Impact Report A Summary of Agency Consultation with Affected Taxing Agencies ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - IV - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL It Reasons for the Amendments and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area When the Project was adopted in 1970, the Plan established various financial and time limitations involving the use of some of the redevelopment tools. In compliance with the Law, the use of eminent domain to acquire both commercial and industrial zoned properties as well as residential use lands expired in January 1999. While the Agency may continue projects and receive tax increment revenue, it is no longer able to use eminent domain without an amendment to re- establish this time limit. The ability to acquire property for revitalization is one of the fundamental tools of Redevelopment. In the Project Area, extension of the power of eminent domain for commercial and industrial use-related redevelopment projects will enable the Agency to consolidate lots in order to provide increased opportunities for redevelopment in the Project Area. Indeed, the major issues conceming the Project Area are the physical condition of structures, and the substandard lot size, which are affecting not only property values but also the quality of life for residents within the Project Area. These issues are among the most serious factors confronting the Agency as it implements redevelopment programs in the Project Area, and were chief reasons for establishing the Project Area. By re-establishing the Agency's power of eminent domain for commercial and industrial use-related redevelopment projects, the Agency has the option to consolidate parcels for a comprehensive program of providing rehabilitation and stimulating redevelopment activity. The Agency's previous eminent domain authority was restricted to a 12-year time limit, and expired on January 7,1999. Under the Law, the Plan's eminent domain time limit may be reinstated by up to 12 years if the Agency undertakes plan amendment efforts prescribed by the Law. However, the forty (40) year expiration date of the Plan is April 27, 2010, a date which is only seven (7) years away. As the Agency envisions possible commercial and industrial land acquisition activities for future redevelopment projects, the Agency is proposing to amend the Plan to reinstate eminent domain to April 27, 2010, the time limit of the Plan. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, the residential dwelling units are in satisfactory locations. The ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - A-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of a negative impact on residential areas and homes. Most dwelling units are situated on lots that are adequate in size and shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that new residential projects that usually require larger parcels, such as apartments and condominium projects, are not in demand in the community. The Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. Blighted residences and neighborhoods are being addressed through Code Compliance Department actions, the Home Improvement and Beautification Grant Program, the Mortgage Assistance Program, and other home improvement programs and regulations. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied properties or properties with a residential General Plan or residential zoned land use designation. Over the history of the Project, eminent domain has not been used by the Agency. However, the ability to use eminent domain is still critical for successful property negotiations. For example, without this authority, property acquisition efforts related to a specific redevelopment proposal could stall if an owner held out for an excessively high price; given the property's highest and best use fair market value. In the Project Area, eminent domain is particularly important because there exists some underutilized and/or irregular form and size shaped parcels that are insufficient for proper usefulness or development for commercial and/or industrial uses. This condition can contribute to economic decline and impaired investment as current owners are not able to rehabilitate their properties and future development is limited. Even though the Agency has had some success in spurring economic development and providing for rehabilitation, the majority of the original conditions of blight continue to exist and demand further redevelopment activities. This is due in part to the economic downtum of the 1990's. The region, City and Project Area has not successfully recovered from this downturn or the closure of two major air force bases located within San Bernardino County ("County"). With the local economy stagnant, assessed value revenues have declined or remain limited for much of the first decade of the Project. This has severely limited the tax increment revenue available to the Agency to conduct redevelopment and only recently has the Agency been able to complete various rehabilitation activities that will now allow revitalization to move forward. However, with the expiration of the Agency's eminent domain authority, further efforts by the Agency to continue with revitalization, rehabilitation, and economic development could be seriously jeopardized. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - A-2 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FIGURE 1 PROJECT AREA MAP /f' NORTH I , I STATE COLLEGE PROJECT ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - A-3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Section I A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area Section 33352(b) of the Law requires a description of the physical and eoonomic oonditions that cause the Project Area to be blighted. This information was provided in the documentation that was prepared and provided as evidence that the Project Area was deemed blighted at the time of adoption of the Plan in 1970. Although the definition of "blight" has significantly changed since the adoption of the Plan in 1970, this Report will examine the oontinued existence of the specific oonditions of blight, which were found to exist in the Project Area by the Council in 1970 under then-current law. When the Council adopted the Redevelopment Plan, it determined that blight existed in the Project Area based upon evidence in the reoord. Those findings are deemed to be final and oonclusive under the Law. It follows that those portions of the Project Area, which were blighted at the time of adoption of the Plan over 30 years ago which have not been upgraded or modified since that time remain burdened by the blight oonditions as originally observed in 1970. This Section of the Report will examine portions of the Project Area, which have not been modified or developed and which are still blighted. The Original Reports documented the following blighting oonditions in the Project Area: . Structurally substandard buildings; . Environmental deficiencies, including among others, small and irregular lot subdivision, inadequate street layout, overcrowding of land, and unsightly overhead utility lines; and . Lack of low or moderate housing units. For the purposes of the reinstatement of the power of eminent domain, the Law does not require that the same degree of blighted oonditions be present today as were in evidence in 1970 when the Plan was adopted. Nor does the Law require that the Mayor and Council find that the blighting oonditions, which remain in the Project Area, meet the same standards for adoption of a new Project Area. However, the Law does require that some of the original blighting factors as observed in 1970 oontinue to exist at the present time. The Law acknowledges and anticipates that the Agency's redevelopment program since 1970 will have eliminated at least some of the original blighting oonditions, and acoordingly, the Law requires this Report to describe what blight remains. Under the Law in effect as of the time of the Plan adoption in 1970, one blighting factor was sufficient to support the adoption of a redevelopment plan, so long as that oondition caused a reduction of, or lack of proper utilization of the area to such an extent that it ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL constituted a serious burden on the community which could not be solved by private enterprise acting alone. In order to minimize the potential impact of residential displacement on any residents of the Project Area, the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied or residential General Plan or residential zone land use designated properties. This Section B demonstrates that a combination of both physical and economic blight conditions as observed at the time of Plan adoption in 1970 still exist in the Project Area today. The Agency has engaged in various activities since 1970 in order to eliminate the detrimental physical, sodal, and economic conditions that were negatively impacting the area. Specific projects include: . Provided infrastructure and development assistance to the State College Business Park, which has resulted in the redevelopment of approximately 350 acres of land. Developments include: C Fine-Pack, The Sun Publishing Co., Prime-Line Pro- ducts, Color Tile and Doane Pet Food Products; . Assisted GE Capital Mortgage in relocating its business operations within the Project Area; . Assisted in the development of new single family homes in the Northpark development; and . Provided low interest single-family home rehabilitation loans. Due to these actions, the Agency has been able to eliminate some of the blighting conditions that existed in the Project Area. However, more work remains to be done to prevent and eliminate the spread of the blight which remains today in the Project Area. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-2 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Citywide Assessor Valuations vs. State College Assessed Values And Development Activity As an indicator of the development and redevelopment occurring in the Project Area, Table 1 shows certain land uses being redeveloped. A substantial portion of the lands, which were vacant or undeveloped in 1970, has been devoted to residential uses. The developed land area of the Project Area which is currently devoted to residential uses has increased by 15 times since 1970 while the land areas of the Project Area devoted to commerciallindustrialloffice uses has only increased 2 times during this same period of time. A measure of the success of the redevelopment activities of the Agency in the Project Area can be gauged by changes in the assessed valuation of the Project Are~articularly in comparison to other areas. Table 2 takes the assessed value ("AV') of the Project Area for the past five years and compares it to the City's assessed value for the same time period. From 1998-99 to 2002-03, the Project Area has only increased in assessed value by .62% or an average of .12% per year. Assess valuation of lands in the City for the same period has increased by 7.14%, an average of 1.43% per year, a factor of 11.53 times the State College Project Area rate of increase. An increase that is less than the 2% per year growth rate is not keeping up with the rate of inflation. This comparative trend of assessed valuation indicates that blight remains a factor in the Project Area, which continues to affect property values. TABLE 1 State College Land Use 1970 % of Total 2002 % of Total land Use Acreaae land Area Acreaae land Area Commercial/Industrial/Office 115 6.39% 237 13.17% Residential 50 2.78% 758 42.11% Vacant 1,058 58.78% 266 14.78% Public/Other 147 8.17% 109 6.06% State Universitv 430 23.89% 430 23.89% TOTALS 1,800 100.00% 1,800 100.00% Sources: 1) Report to Common Council, April 1970 2) Metruscan, AU9ust 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCV OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MA VOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE 2 State College Redevelopment Project Area Historical AV Year Secured Taxable Secured +/-% 2002/2003 $ 442,289,743 1.51% 2001/2002 $ 435,692,472 3.51% 2000/2001 $ 420,919,252 -1.59% 1999/2000 $ 427,710,367 -2.70% 1998/1999 $ 439,567,209 Average/year 0.12% 5 Year Increase 0.62% City of San Bernardino Historical AV Net of RDA Year Secured Taxable Secured +/-% 2002/2003 $ 4,131,626,923 2.75% 2001/2002 $ 4,021,058,224 2.21% 2000/2001 $ 3,933,968,675 1.15% 1999/2000 $ 3,889,385,316 0.86% 1998/1999 $ 3,856,207,176 Average/year 1.43% 5 Year Increase 7.14% Increase over SC 11.53 X Deteriorated and Dilapidated Buildings The existence of older obsolete or deteriorated structures is an indicator of blight and is a sign of a lack of reinvestment in the area. The average age of the buildings within the Project Area is 23 years old a=rding to 2002 FFIEC Census Report. The average structural life of a building is 55 years and buildings begin to show signs of age and obsolescence after 25 years. For example, most roofs last 20-30 years and regular repainting and repairs are needed to protect and maintain the integrity of the buildings. The proposed Amendment does not provide the Agency with the power of eminent domain for residentially used properties or properties with a General Plan residential land use designation. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, residents are in satisfactory locations. The Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of an impact on residential areas and homes. Most homes are situated on lots that are adequate in size and ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-4 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that new residential projects that usually require larger parcels, such as apartments and condominium projects, are not in demand in the community. The Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. In July 2002, a field inspection of the Project Area noted that the some of the existing commercial and manufacturing uses buildings and properties remain deteriorated. Additionally, some vacant parcels were observed. According to San Bemardino County Assessor records, accessed through Metroscan, the Project Area has a total of 2,816 parcels. Of the 2,816 parcels, 335 of them are vacant, resulting in an 11.9% vacant parcel rate whereas the vacant acreage shown on Table 1 is approximately 14.8%. Structures that are aged and deteriorated pose a significant liability for the City, in regards to both health and safety issues as well as an economic liability. For commercial or industrial structures the Agency may need to acquire any offending properties. Acquisition of such properties may require the use of eminent domain to accomplish the Agency's goal of eliminating these conditions of deterioration. . Photo 1 - Converted commercial building being used as an office and storage facilities for a construction company. Conditions of blight evidenced by this property are readily apparent Area of 25th Street and Miramonte Street has a mixture of residential uses and light industrial uses. The reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain will assist with the elimination of such conditions and the assembly of commercial and industrial use properties into larger and better- designed parcels so as to mitigate potential conflicts between residential use and commercial- industrial use properties. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-5 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 2 - Small house/lot surrounded by light industrial uses on 26th Street and Miramonte Street. House is older, needs extensive exterior work, yard and landscaping, and a new roof. There is constant truck traffic on street delivering materials. The physical condition and location of this house, along with several other houses in the commercial area and CG-1 zone, is one of the primary reasons for the reinstatement of eminent domain. If necessary, eminent domain would be used, only as a last resort, to obtain easements, maintain buffers, and install physical barriers between incompatible uses. Affordable housing programs would be used to enhance the livability and quality of the housing until such uses transition to the underlying zone uses due to market forces. As some of the commercial and industrial use buildings within the Project Area have aged and maintenance has been deferred, property values, including those in surrounding areas have declined along with tax revenues and sales tax revenues. Discussion of these effects is included in the economic conditions of this report. Mixed and Incompatible Uses The Project Area is characterized by commercial, industrial and even residential uses located adjacent or in close proximity to each other. By allowing conflicting uses to exist adjacent to each other, local residents and businesses are faced with conditions that can be detrimental to a healthful living environment and can result in declining property values. Incompatible uses present safety hazards as individuals are subjected to high levels of noise, pollution, and additional traffic hazards. There is also an increased risk of exposure to dangerous and hazardous accidents that may occur at neighboring industrial sites. These conditions adversely affect the quality of life for the local residents and impact the local businesses. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-6 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 3 - Residential use within a general commercial area that appears to be in a light industrial use by 26th Street and Miramonte Street. Adjoining site is equipment and industrial materials storage yard with a temporary chain linked construction fence preventing entry to the site and is an attractive nuisance to children in the area. Street has constant truck traffic and lacks sidewalks and landscaped parkways. Retail and industrial uses are adversely impacted by their location among different incompatible uses. These conditions can make loading access more difficult because ingress and egress to commercial properties are more complicated. This can lead to traffic congestion and overall limited expansion potential. As a result, property values can decline due to the limited quality and quantity of development opportunities. In order to make redevelopment of this area possible, expensive corrective measures will be needed to reduce and/or eliminate existing incompatibility. Conflicting uses lead to a negative physical, social, and economic atmosphere, which leads to neglect of property and buildings. The effects of incompatible uses and the resulting declining property values and quality of life for local residence result in reduced tax revenues to the Community, increased costs for public services, and a decline in public services and facilities. Re-establishing the power of eminent domain will allow the Agency to effectively buffer and/or consolidate parcels to deal with the problem of incompatible land uses. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-7 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 4 - Another view of the aforementioned residential use in a commercial area without curbs, gutter, sidewalks, and partial street pavement. Constant truck traffic on street delivering and move materials and supplies on day of field inspection. Note children's toys and trash bins in front yard behind chain-linked fence. . Photo 5 - View of fence separating above residential use from industrial storage yard. Note 55- gailon drums in the interior of the site, the condition of the fence, and the dry grass and weeds in yard adjacent to residential use that may have a children's daycare use or several young children on site. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-8 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Land use incompatibility issues between commercial, industrial and residential use properties can be resolved not by removal and relocation of residents, but by fostering redevelopment of commercial use property on a sustainable economic basis and by applying current building construction standards and development codes to remodel and new commercial and industrial structures and by requiring adequate buffers between different uses. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied properties or properties with a General Plan residential land use designation. Given the commercial and industrial nature of the Project Area it is believed that the need for such power is most important in addressing such uses. Lots of Irregular Form and Size The average commercial lot size in the Project Area is 0.71 acres1 whereas modem commercial development requires at least five acres for adequate access and parking. The floor- space ratio for a lot of only .71 acres is 8,750 square feet. Modem commercial development requires at least five acres for adequate parking and access to commercial establishments. The smaller size parcels effectively limits future redevelopment because they are unable to meet current parking, landscaping, and building code requirements. In order to mitigate these blighting conditions and their effects, the Agency seeks to foster and assist (by means of exercise of the power of eminent domain in appropriate situations) private property owner redevelopment efforts to consolidate lots and redevelop or rehabilitate them for proper future commercial and/or industrial development. However, much of the housing was built before the commercial and industrial development, which occurred where there was space, regardless of surrounding uses. By consolidating lots, the Agency would be able to unify land uses and improve traffic conditions created by excessive subdivided parcels. 1 According to information obtained from San Bernardino County Assessor's from 2002 Metroscan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-9 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 6 - Vacant and irregular shaped lot along Kendall Drive and 4'" Avenue. Site was being used for parking of 'Vehicles for Sale" by residents in nearby apartments. The site also lacks curbs, gutter, and driveways, all of which may create an ingress/egress conflict for traffic on the major street, is zoned CG-1, Commercial General and is too small to develop by itself without being joined with adjacent lots. . Photo 7 - Vacant and irreguiar lot without major street frontage and access along Cajon Boulevard south of California Street. Industrial Light (lL) zoned lot is land locked by large vacant parcels to the north and a public golf course to the south. Lot is also separated by the railroad right of way from access to Cajon Boulevard, bounded by the 1-215 Freeway to the east, and appears to have a drainage problem. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REOEVELOPMENT AGENCV OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-10 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MA VOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Minimum Lot Size Assessing all the lots in the Project Area and comparing them to the City's minimum lot size requirements for each pennitted land use, 36.59% of the lots in the Project Area which are currently zoned for commercial or industrial uses are non-confonning and do not meet the minimum lot size requirement. Excluding the residential lots and examining the "Commercial General" or CG-1 land use designation, 39 (40.63%) of 96 lots do not meet the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Of the lots with a "University Industrial Park" land use designation of UBP-1, 11 lots out of 36 lots or approximately 30.6% do not meet the minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Considering all such commercial and industrial zoned lots in the Project Area, 36.6% do not meet their respective minimum lot size for their specific land use designation.2 The reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain to assist owners and developers to assemble such substantial sized commercial and/or industrial lots for well-planned contemporary development will alleviate these conditions of blight. 2 Source: Metroscan 2002 and City of San Bernardino Infonnation Services ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-l1 - STATE COLLEGE REOEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 8 - Older industrial office complex that was 90% vacant along Little Mountain Drive and 27'" Street with a commercial office (CO-1) land use zone designation. Complex appears to have been vacant for several months and there was little leasing activity or advertising effort for the site. · Photo 9 - Vacant lot that does not meet the minimum lot size is located between a car wash facility and a residential unit by Little Street and Miramonte Street. Lot and area have a land use designation of CG-1 and would have to be combined with an adjoining site to be economically feasible. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 . B-12 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Figure 2 , " W+L $ NOt to ScoIe l.egend: Qi:l1IRPA /'VCOylim.. 2002 . Apartments .. SlogleFamily ResIdential a ComrneitialRefltal . Duplex/Triplex 2001 (" . Ap.rtrnents!.....,;;>td . 's;..... Famiy fle$""'ntmJ " 'f - ;/ ",-,..''''''''",,,,,"",",',"/... :.it Cooimercial,RootiiI .': . L~-l!-. · DupIe><lfnpJe, L' I 2000 .,- t . Apl_ts -" ,- ' .. Single Family Residential a CornmercialRental ,. OuPle1JTriple;x f'T'.' .. . (~ IL - [::1 -Jll I ... - Business Licenses. Type: Rentals ~ii State College RDA II ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - 8-13. STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCil Code Compliance Cases For the five-year period of 97-98 through 00-01, code compliance cases for the Project Area exceeded the general norm for the City by rate of 8 times for deteriorated/dilapidated cases and 2 times for major cases as shown on Table 3 below. This indicates that the area still has blight problems that need to be corrected through the redevelopment process. TABLE 3 CITY-WIDE CODE COMPUANCE CASES NET OF RDA CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 TOTAL CASES YEAR Number % of Total Number % of Total Number % ofTotal Number % of Total 1997 794 15.96'10 3,701 74.39% 452 9.09% 28 0.56% 4,975 1998 1,446 28.02% 3,253 63.04% 439 8.51% 22 0.43% 5,160 1999 2,296 37.84% 3,333 54.93% 415 6.84% 24 0.40% 6,068 2000 2,258 43.03% 2,614 49.82% 353 6.73% 22 0.42% 5,247 2001 2,762 49.49% 2,662 47.70% 146 2.62% 11 0.20% 5,581 TOTALS 9,558 35.35% 15,563 57.57% 1,805 6.68% 107 OAO% 27,031 STATE COLLEGE CODE COMPLIANCE CASES CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 TOTAL CASES YEAR Number % ofT otal Number % of Total Number % of Total Number % of Total 1997 51 30.18% 88 52.07% 22 13.02% 8 4.73% 169 1998 59 34.10% 85 49.13% 23 13.29% 6 3.47% 173 1999 176 53.66% 111 33.84% 35 10.67% 6 1.83% 328 2000 62 49.60% 46 36.80% 12 9.60% 5 4.00% 125 2001 85 58.62% 29 20.00% 25 17.24% 6 4.14% 145 TOTALS 433 46.06% 359 38.19% 117 12.45% 31 3.30% 940 SourcesINotes: 1) City of San Bernardino Infonnation Services 2002 2) City of San Bernardino Code Compliance 2002 3) RSG Case Codi(")J 2002 4) Net of RDA means cases in redevelopment project areas were IlOt part of the City-wide totals. 5) Categories: 1 = Minor Violation, 2'= Moderate Violation, 3 = Major Violation, and 4 = DeterioratedlDilapidated The following photos show certain properties within the Project Area that have code compliance problems. Some problems have been long-standing and are a continuous problem for the City and Code Enforcement personnel. Figure 3 indicates areas within the Project Area that have been subject to code enforcement. The total non-duplicated area that has been impacted during a 5- year period is 32.7% and is shown on Table 4. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-14 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 10 - Hotel being refurbished located State Street and Hallmark Parkway apparently is pushing trash, debris, broken equipment, and old fumiture onto an adjacent lot down the slope of the hill. Area also has high weeds and brush, is zoned Industrial Light (IL). . Photo 11 - Property adjacent to above hotel had a former user that had removed the buildings but left the driveways and foundations. Note the site drainage problems and the overflowing trash bin. Entire site is zoned Industrial Light (IL) and has significant infrastructure and utility impediments to overcome to have it ready for development. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-15 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FIGURE 3 City of San Bernardino State College Redevelopment Project Code Compliance Cases 1997-2001 II ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-16 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE 4 STATE COLLEGE CODE COMPLIANCE CASES Year Acres % of Total 1997 227.43 23.18% 1998 145.34 14.81% 1999 247.25 25.20% 2000 157.04 16.00% 2001 204.17 20.81% TOTAL ACRES 981.24 54.51% SQUARE FEET 42,742,745 NO DUPLICATE TOTAL ACRES 588.13 32.67% SQUARE FEET 25,618,943 Sources: 1) City of San Bernardino Information Services 2002 2) Metroscan 2002 As Figure 3 and Table 4 indicate, the number and the affected parcels that have had any code enforcement action during the past 5-years have impacted 32.67% of the total Project Area. . Photo 12 - Above area is along Little Mountain Drive. This major public road is subject to dumping of trash, debris, household furniture, and equipment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-17 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE: 5 City of San Bernardino Building Pennit and Code Compliance Activity 1997~1 1997 1998 1999 200(} 2001 Building Activity 8ldg.Pemits 2,050 $ 54,730,009 2,085 $ 60,445,984 1,958 $ 59,036,553 1,489 $ 61.240,949 963 $ 71.514,348 ~an_ts 128 $ 36? 522 123 $ n3,044 149 $ 602,712 150 $ 752,744 121 $ 502359 Total Pennits 2,178 $ 55,092,531 2,208 $ 81,219.028 2,107 $ 59,639,285 1,639 $ 61,993.693 1,084 $ 72,016,707 PrevIous Year +1- NA NA 1.38'1. 11.12'1. -4.~/. -2.58-A -22.21'1. 3.9S-/. -33,86.1. 16.17-A Code Activity Previous Year +/- Previous Year +1- Previous Year +1- Previous Year +1- Code Compliance 4.975 4,318 -13.21% 4,158 -3.71% 3,470 -16.55% 3,200 -7.78% CcrnpIaint Tracking MCC Complaint 100 : 186 86.00% 149 .19.89% 67 ~.O3% NOP Release Requests 363 702 93.39% 503 -28.35% 464 .7.7: Tenet Tracl<J"il Nil 00 VeIicle_ement 379 1022 169.66% 1125 10.08% 1,760 56.44% Total Cases 4,975 5.160 6,068 5,247 5,581 Previous Year +/- NA 3,7r/. 17.60'1. -13.53'1. 6.37'1. Source: City of San Bernardino Information Services Department 2002. Stale College Project Area Building Pennit and Code Compliance Activity 1997-2001 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Building Activity Bldg. Permits 111 $ 2,915,665 110 $ 2,505,588 80 $ 3,197.317 60 $ 4,402,814 70 $ 6.708,048 Sian Permits 3 $ 13,000 2 $ 5000 9 $ 22,992 7 $ 30,030 3 $ 18,400 Total Pennits 114 $ 2.928.685 112 $ 2.510,588 89 $ 3,220,309 87 $ 4,432,844 73 $ 6.726,448 Previous Year +/- NA NA -1.75'1. -14.28'1. -20.54% 28.27% -2.2S-/. 37.6S-/. -16.09"1. 51.74~ 'I. of City 5.23'1. 5.32'1. 5.07'1. 4.10'1. 4.~/. 5.40'1. 5.31'1. 7.1S-/. 6.73'1. 9.34-A Code Activfty % of City %ofCity % of City % of City %oWty Code Compliance 169 3.40% 144 3.33% 225 5.41% 74 213% 86 269% Complaint Tracking MCC Complaint 2 200% 4 2.15% - O.OOO!o - 0.00% NOP Release Requests 6 1.65% 17 242% 12 239% 6 1.29% Tenet Tracking 1 0.02% Vehicle Abatement 21 5.54% 82 8.02'% 39 3.47% 52 2.95% Total Cases 169 173 328 125 145 Previous Year +/- NA 2.37'1. ....0% -61.89"/. 16JMl'l. 'I. of City 3.40'1. 3.35'1. 5.41'1. 2.38'1. 2,80'1. Source: City of San Bernardino Information Services Department 2002. Comparison of City to State College code enforcement cases for the 5-year period shows an average of 8,7% increase in number of cases per year from the first year for the City and an average of 11.2% increase in number of cases per year for the Project Area, a rate of increase over the City average increase by approximately 28,7% per year. The following photos show some of the larger parcels that have been subject to code enforcement. This indicates a lack of development interest in these parcels due to their configuration, lack of public infrastructure, lack of access, or other matters that have inhibited their development or redevelopment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - 8-18 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 13 - Area adjacent to 1-215 Freeway between Cajon Boulevard has been a brush hazard area subject to brush fires and dumping. Large light industrial parcel has no access to Cajon Boulevard or the freeway. . Photo 14 - Same area, viewing south. Area has a number of water treatment basins that have been left in place. Other parts of the site contain old foundations, pipelines, and water treatment facilities. Again, parcel has limited access. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-19 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Environmental Hazards , A portion of the Project Area continues to experience certain environmental hazards such as brush fires and flooding. Figure 4, from the City's 1980 General Plan, indicate the general location of environmental hazards affecting the Project Area that still exist. Several residential neighborhoods and retail commercial areas are adjacent to Fire Zones and High Fire Hazard areas. Certain areas along the 1- 215 Freeway have flooding and this has been a hindrance to further development west of the freeway. Additional detention basins may have to be constructed to alleviate the problem. A more recent problem has also been identified that has hindered the redevelopment of the Project Area. The area is part of a federal groundwater cleanup effort through the Federal Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and the project is identified as the "Newmark Groundwater Contamination Superfund Project. .. The Newmark Groundwater Contamination site consists of area wide groundwater contamination underlying northwestem portions of the City of San Bemardino and the Project Area, which has been development for light industrial uses and residential uses. Two groundwater plumes border the Shandin Hills, with the westerly plume known as the Muscoy Plume and the easterly plume known as the Newmark Plume. The two plumes cover a portion of an essential groundwater aquifer for the City. Although the EPA suspect that the contamination began in the 1940's, the problem of chlorinated solvents, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), was not discovered until 1980 when a water-monitoring program was begun. The Slate of Califomia brought back 12 of the 20 closed water supply wells by installing air stripping towers and carbon filtration systems but 25% of the water supply of the City, 75% of the City of Riverside's water supply, and the cities of Colton, Loma Linda, Fontana, Rialto, and several unincorporated areas in the counties of San Bemardino and Riverside have been affected. The presence of these environmental problems (in particular groundwater contamination) has produced an economic stigma, which adversely affects the development potential of the commercial and industrial zoned lands in the Project Area. This economic stigma further diminishes the ability of the private sector, acting alone without redevelopment powers, to deal with the conditions of blight in the Project Area. The reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain power may assist owners and developers to assemble commercial and/or industrial use parcels into economically feasible development projects and thereby overcome ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-20 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL the economic stigma, which currently affects much of the commercial and industrial zoned lands in the Project Area. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-21 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FIGURE 4 Legend; j:-:Ti",<>1 RedeVelopment Zone /'\/CityJimitii __ A,ipati$nZtines _ Fire lones Bioklglq Zone,S: ~ High Wind Hazard /'V High FIl'e Hazard Ii ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-22 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Crime Rates According to the Law, "a high crime rate that constitutes a serious threat to the public safety and welfare" is a condition of economic blight. In order to assess the impact of crime within the Project Area, infonnation regarding the incidence of violent and other serious crime reported by the City's Police Department for the Project Area and the City was analyzed. TABLE 6 State College vs. City Part 1 Crimes 1999-2001 Summary 1999-00 Tvoe SC(1) Citvr2' SC/Citv 187 (Murder) - 25 0.00% 211-215 (Robbery) 22 800 2.75% 242-245-273 (Assault) 36 2,691 1.34% 261 (Rape) 4 137 2.92% 451 (Arson) 4 113 3.54% 459 rBuralarvl 72 2,221 3.24% TOTAL 138 5,987 2.30% 2000-01 Vs. Previous Year Tvoe SC(1) City (2) SC/Citv SC(1) Citv'(2) 187 (Murder) - 31 0.00% 0.00% 24.00% 211-215 (Robbery) 27 825 3.27% 22.73% 3.13% 242-245-273 (Assault) 39 2,777 1.40% 8.33% 3.20% 261 (Rape) 8 131 6.11% 100.00% -4.38% 451 (Arson) 5 144 3.47% 25.00% 27.43% 459 (Burqlary) 107 1,655 6.47% 48.61% -25.48% TOTAL 186 5,563 3.34% 34.78% -7.08% 2001-02 Vs. Previous Year Tvne SC(1) Citv(2) SC/Citv SC(1' Cilv(2) 187 (Murder) - 36 0.00% 0.00% 16.13% 211-215 (Robbery) 24 897 2.68% -11.11% 8.73% 242-245-273 (Assault) 31 2,755 1.13% -20.51% -0.79% 261 (Rape) 6 145 4.14% -25.00% 10.69% 451 (Arson) 3 116 2.59% -40.00% -19.44% 459 rBuralarvl 141 1,207 11.68% 31.78% -27.07% TOTAL 205 5,156 3.98% 10.22% -7.32% State College Praject 34 24.28%1 17ity (416) -6.94% 2 year averaoe 2 year averaoe Sources: (1) City of San Bernardino Information Services 2002 (2) City of San Bernardino Police Department 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-23 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT R~P()RT TO MAY{)R ANn r.OMMON r.()IINr.1I FIGURE 5 City of San Bernardino State College Redevelopment Project Part 1 Crimes from 7/31/99 to 7/31/02 II ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-24 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR ANn (':OMMON (;OIINC':1I FIGURE 6 .:.:. !;1 ~ H Legend . Pfostitutlon '. Ccmtr1,ibutinotodEtllnqurncyQfmin()t . othEirdhJg -offenses . Drunk . Lewd conduct . M;lrijuana offenses _eAi1nOyingchiklren I) Indet:efltexpOsl,ne 4000 City of San Bernardino State College Redevelopment Project Various Crimes 08/97 to 08/02 Ii ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-25 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RJ:::pnRT Tn MAYOR ANn rnf".o...t()N rnllNf'1I Certain crimes rates for the Project Area indicate a continuing problem with crimes against properties and crimes that affect young adults and children. From 1999 to 2001, comparison of the Project Area and the City crimes and crime rates shown on Table 6 indicate that the area is having a higher rate of crime. During these 2 years, the number of crimes has also increased by an average rate of 24.28% while the City's have decreased by 6.94%. Figure 5 shows the distribution of, Part 1 Crimes of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and grand thief auto within the Project Area for a period of 3 years. Note that on Table 6, the primary Part 1 crime against property, burglary, has essential doubled each year for this 2 year period when considered as a portion of the total burglaries in the City. For 1999-00, it was 3.24% rises to 6.47% in 2000-01, and was at 11.68% for 2001-02. Figure 6 is a plot of misdemeanor crimes, specifically prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, other drug offenses, drunkenness, lewd conduct, marijuana offense, annoying children, and indecent exposure. The infonnation shown on this figure is another indication of crimes that primarily would affect children and families in the Project Area. Figure 7 located those businesses that cater to adults and which exclude children. The area around liquor stores, massage parlors, bars, and live entertainment generally are not compatible with nearby residential uses and certain retail commercial uses. Additional separation areas or land uses generally are needed to mitigate any adverse impacts these uses would have on residences and neighborhood stores. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-26 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Ri="pnRT Tn lAAvru:~ AMr"\ f"nuur"'.t ,...,.."IIM1"'lI FIGURE 7 ,\ ' , >~ '\~ >"', ~:'1: ! \ 1m . ~.\ fl~fl f JLll f '-,) L., ~ . ',_ -'-..L 1 . lei}""""; ?~::t~",j":",~~.,.tl~,,,j~ .; -.,( I r I 'U~; W+li s Nolt>_ Legend: fE'ITffi ,RriA 2001 Business Ucenses /'v'..,"'" ;, UveEnte_mom 2002eiJs,lnessLIc:e~'$ A '.'~,' Uve'E~!'frierlt "It' UquorStore .. llquor Store . Bar _.Bar .. MassagePal10r 2000 BusfnessUcenses . Massage P~rjor ,~, UVEiEntertammerit . LiqUor-Store . Bar dill Massage Parlor II ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-27 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR ANn COMMON C:OIJNCIL Economic Indicators and Economic Conditions Certain socio-economic factors are also good indicators of economic blight and whether these conditions still exist in the Project Area. Table 7, shown below, indicates that while the per capita income or the average household income is above that of the City and of the County of San Bernardino, most of the residents are renters who do not own their own dwelling. TABLE 7 2002 Population 2002 Per Capita Income 2002 Median Household Income 2002 Average Household Income 2002 Average Household Size 2002 % Owned Dwellings 2002 % Rented Dwellings Unemployment State College Project Area 13,669 $22,628 $47,972 $63,354 2.8 40.39% 59.61% 3.82% County of San Bernardino 1,760,908 $19,126 $52,086 $62,419 3.3 64.72% 35.28% 3.17% City of San Bernardino 187,484 $15,375 $48,182 $51,485 3.3 53.46% 46.54% 4.11% Nation 286,999,830 $22,128 $44,508 $58,807 2.7 66.53% 33.47% 5.78% SaJrces: 1) Census 2000 2) Anysile 2002 3) Oty of San Bernardino Econorric Development IvJenoy 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-28 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COIINell Section Fh,&.Year Implementation Plan On December 20, 1999, the Agency adopted its current Five Year Implementation Plan ("Implementation Plan") for the Project. The Implementation Plan contains specific goals and objectives for the Project Area, the specific projects, and expenditures to be made during the five-year planning period, and an explanation of how these goals, objectives, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project Area. The Implementation Plan is not affected by this Amendment, and is incorporated herein by reference. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - C-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL ~ Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot Be Accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment Section 33352(d) of the Law requires an explanation of why the elimination of blight in the Project Area cannot be accomplished by private enterprise alone, or by the Agency's use of financing altematives other than tax increment financing. This infonnation was previously provided at the time of the adoption of the original Plan. The private sector lacks the ability to effectively and economically assemble small and substandard commercial and industrial zone lots into larger and more useable parcels. The proposed Amendment will not make any changes to the means by which the Agency intends to finance the redevelopment of the Project Area and so no modifications of the documentation relating to Agency financing altematives are required. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - D-l- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n The Method of Financing Section 33352(e) of the Law requires inclusion of a proposed method of financing the Project. This documentation was provided in the Original Reports, incorporated herein by reference. Because the Amendment will not alter the Project Area boundaries or affect the base year value of the Project Area, the Amendment will not change the method of financing the Project. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 . E-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n The Relocation Plan Section 33352(f) of the Law requires inclusion of a method of relocation for the Project. Concurrent with the adoption of the original Plans, the Agency adopted as its method of relocation the Califomia Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines, as they existed or are subsequently amended. Also, as a public agency, the Agency is required to adhere to State Relocation Law to the extent relocation is necessary. The Amendment does not alter the Agency's existing method of relocation. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - F-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Section Analysis of the Preliminary Plan Section 33352(g) of the Law requires the inclusion of an analysis of the Preliminary Plan. This infonnation was provided in the Original Reports prepared at the time the original Plan was adopted. The proposed Amendment does not alter the analysis of the Preliminary Plan contained in the Original Reports. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - G-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL I!I Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission Section 33352(h) of the Law requires inclusion of a report and recommendation of the City of San Bemardino Planning Commission ("Planning Commission"). The Planning Commission selected a project area and prepared the Preliminary Plan on August 20, 1968. in which they recommended approval. A record of this action is documented in the approved minutes of the Planning Commission. No further action by the Planning Commission is required in connection with the Amendment as no change in the boundaries of the Project Area or in the scope of proposed public improvements in the Project Area will occur as a result of the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - H-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Report of the Project Area Committee On July 24, 2002 the Agency held a Community Forum meeting to inform the residents, tenants, businesses, and property owners of the proposed Amendment after a public notice was published in the newspaper and a newsletter was sent to all the aforementioned parties. Since there will be no eminent domain over residential properties occupied or designated residential in the General Plan and there will be no public improvements that will displace low and moderate-income residents, the formation and consolation of a Project Area Committee is not necessary in connection with the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -1- 1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL II General Plan Conformance Section 333520) of the Law requires a finding of General Plan conformanoe per Section 65402 of the Govemment Code. Concurrent with the original adoption of the Plan, the Planning Commission adopted a finding that the Plan conformed to the Ctty's General Plan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - J- 1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Environmental Documentation Section 33352(k) of the Law requires environmental clearance prepared pursuant to Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code. However, this Plan was adopted before the Califomia Environmental Quality Act guidelines were adopted. Consequently, no EIR was completed as part of the original plan adoption. For the Amendment, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to Califomia Environmental Quality Act guidelines, which found that the proposed Amendment to reinstate the time limit of the Plan's existing eminent domain authority would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment with the incorporation of mitigation measures. As such, a Negative Declaration for the proposed Amendment was completed. On June 2, 2003, the Agency and the City will consider a resolution to approve the Negative Declaration and adopt the Notice of Determination ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - K -1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Report of the County Fiscal Officer The proposed Amendment does not alter the Project Area boundaries; therefore, the base year report for Project Area prepared pursuant to Section 33328 of the Law by the County of San Bernardino Auditor-Controller and State Agency of Equalization, respectively ("Base Year Report"), does not need to be reformulated. The Base Year Reports were included in the Original Reports and incorporated herein by reference. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP,INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -L-1- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL III Neighborhood Impact Report The Redevelopment Law requires that a Neighborhood Impact Report discuss the impact the Plan will have on low and moderate income persons or families in the following areas: relocation, traffic circulation, environmental quality, availability of community facilities and services, effect on school population and quality of education, property assessments and taxes, and other matters affecting the physical and social quality of the neighborhood. The Neighborhood Impact Report must also address: the number of dwelling units to be removed or destroyed; the number of low or moderate income persons or families expected to be displaced; the general location of housing to be rehabilitated or constructed; the number of dwelling units to house persons and families of low or moderate income planned for construction or rehabilitation; the projected means of financing the aforementioned dwelling units; and the projected timetable for meeting the Plan's relocation, rehabilitation and replacement housing objectives. Relocation At this time, full redevelopment of the Project Area is not expected to cause substantial relocation. Agency staff does not anticipate the removal or destruction of dwelling units as of the date of this Report. If relocation activities are undertaken, the Agency will handle those relocation cases, which result from project activities on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with its Method of Relocation. As an agency formed under the provisions of the Law, the Agency is required to adhere to the State Relocation Law (Govemment Code Sections 7260 through 7277) and follow the Califomia Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines ("State Guidelines') as established in the Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 25, and Chapter 6. Prior to commencement of any acquisition activity, which will cause substantial displacement of residents, the Agency will adopt a specific relocation plan in conformance with the State Guidelines. To the extent appropriate, the Agency may supplement those provisions provided in the State Guidelines to meet particular relocation needs of a specific project. Such supplemental policies, if adopted in the Agency's sole discretion, will not involve reduction, but instead enhancement of the relocation benefits required by State Law. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCV OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MA VOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Traffic Circulation The Amendment will allow the Agency to construct road improvements, either to directly address inadequacies, such as the widening of streets, or provide improvements that will alleviate existing pressure on major thoroughfares, that would otherwise be delayed indefinitely without Agency assistance. Environmental Quality The Amendment seeks to eliminate continuing blighting conditions and cause possible improvements induding traffic circulation, sewer, stonn drain, streetscape, and parking improvements. The Initial Study reviewed the impacts of the Amendment, induding the potential new development and public improvements that could be facilitated by the Agency. The Negative Dedaration found that there would be no significant, unavoidable adverse impacts as a consequence of the Amendment. Because the Amendment does not propose uses or intensities beyond the General Plan, adherence to adopted General Plan policies will ensure that redevelopment project implementation will not have impacts beyond the limits established by the General Plan. Where applicable, the Negative Dedaration outlines mitigation measures, which will be required of future development in order to assure that the quality of the environment is maintained. Additionally, where required, more specific environmental analysis will take place as required by the Califomia Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq. ("CEQA"). Availability of Community Facilities and Services The Plan provides that any redevelopment activity is to be subject to, and consistent with, the policies set forth in the City's General Plan, Development Code, and local codes and ordinances, as they now exist or are hereafter amended; the General Plan incorporates policies to mitigate impacts on public services. The Negative Declaration found that there would be no impacts to cultural resources and services as a result of the implementation of the Plan, as amended. Effect on School Population and Quality of Education The Project Area is served by the San Bemardino Unified School District ("School District"). While activity to be undertaken by the Agency pursuant to the Plan at this point in time may encourage additional development within the Project Area, the School District that serves the area will receive state property tax revenues, development fees for new school construction, and mandatory payments from the Agency every year over the life of the Plan. As identified in the Public Services ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -2 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Report, Section XI of the Negative Declaration is that this Amendment will not create additional need for new schools in the area. Adoption of the Amendment will not result in development in excess of that allowed by the City's General Plan. Therefore, the adoption of the Amendment will not cause the Project Area to generate more students than could occur in connection with development allowed in the General Plan. Since the City has adopted policies in the General Plan to mitigate impacts of General Plan build out on schools, adoption of the Amendment will not create significant unmitigated impacts. The potential impact of additional students on area schools can be more accurately detennined once specific redevelopment proposals are formulated. In addition, the overall impact of the Amendment on school facilities will be positive, as redevelopment activities will result in enhanced economic viability of the Project Area and thus a larger tax revenue base for the School District. Property Taxes and Assessments Because redevelopment agencies do not have the authority to levy taxes, implementation of the Amendment will not cause an increase in property tax rates. Rather, the principal method of financing will be the utilization of tax increment revenues generated by the Project Area. Tax increment financing merely reallocates property tax revenues generated by increases in the assessed value of property in the Project Area. Although development of the Project Area will increase the assessed valuation, property owners will not experience increases in property taxes beyond those nonnally allowed by other state law and state constitutional provisions. Low and Moderate Income Housing Program A. Number of Dwelling Units Housing Low and Moderate Income Households Expected to be removed by the Redevelopment Project The Agency does not anticipate that adoption of the Amendment would cause the removal of any housing units in the Project Area, as of the date of this Report. B. Number of Persons and Families of Low and Moderate Income Expected to be displaced by the Redevelopment Project As mentioned above, the Agency does not anticipate that the adoption of the Amendment would cause the displacement of any persons or families of low and moderate income in the Project Area, as of the date of this Report. C. Number of Dwelling Units Housing Persons of Low and Moderate Income Planned for Construction or Rehabilitation Other than Replacement Housing ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Because the Agency has not yet fonnulated and approved specific housing proposals, it is difficult to detennine the exact number or location of low and moderate income units expected to be rehabilitated over the life of the Project. In addition, funds over the next five years in particular are very limited and there is little vacant land for residential development remaining in the Project Area. D. Projected Means of Financing Rehabilitation and New Construction of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Households The Agency intends to utilize not less than 20% of the Project's tax increment revenues to finance the rehabilitation and construction of housing for low and moderate-income households, in accordance with the provisions of the Law, as it now exists or may hereafter be amended. The Agency will also cooperate with the City to pool funds and resources beyond the tax increment set aside funds if it is detennined to be necessary by both bodies in order to improve the City's affordable housing stock. E. Projected Timetable for Meeting the Plan's Relocation, Rehabilitation, and Replacement Housing Objectives The adoption of the Amendment is not expected to cause the Agency to remove or relocate any dwelling units in the Project Area. The time frame for rehabilitating units pursuant to the Plan will be subject to the availability of housing fund revenues. Rehabilitation activities will be gradually phased in over each of the remaining years of the Plan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -4 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL m A Summary of the Agency's Consultations with Affected Taxing Entities As a part of the Original Plan adoption activities, the Agency consulted with affected taxing agencies to discuss the Plan's impacts and formulate fiscal mitigation agreements. The proposed Amendment would not detrimentally impact affected taxing agencies because the Amendment does not affect the financing of the Project Area in any way, nor will it change the Plan's land use policies or list of public improvement projects. On May 1, 2003, the Agency transmitted the notice of the June 2, 2003 joint public hearing to all affected taxing agencies. Thus far, the Agency has not been contacted by any affected taxing agencies seeking consultations regarding the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -N-l- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL EXHIBIT 4 WRITTEN OBJECTIONS AS OF MAY 22, 2003 NO WRITTEN RESPONSES RECEIVED City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment. Community Development. Housing. Business: Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization. Main Street, Inc. ~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title: Reinstatement of Eminent Domain for the State College Redevelopment Project Area Project Location: The redevelopment project area of the State College Redevelopment ("Project Area") consists of 1,800 acres of land within the City of San Bernardino, California. The Project Area bOlmdaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of Highland Avenue to just north of California State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia Avenue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within this area include Residential Suburban and Low Density, Public Facility, and Industrial Light, among others. Project Description: The proposed project is the reinstatement of eminent domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the City of San Bernardino Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067. The authority of the Economic Development Agency to use eminent domain in the Project Area lapsed in 1999 and was not immediately reinstated. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing Project Area through the end of the Project Area April 27, 2010 for those parcels that have a non-residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. Eminent Domain will allow the Agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with the appropriate land uses. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. Pnbllc Review Period: Begins: May 2, 2003 Ends: May 22, 2003 Address where docnments may be obtained: Economic Development Agency, 201 North E Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. FINDING This Is to advise that the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, acting as the lead agency, has had an Initial Study prepared to determine If the project may have a significant effect on the environment and Is proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. H adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this rmdlng are Included In the attached Initial Study. Mike Trout, Project Manager Date 201 North E Street. Suite 301 . San Bernardino, Caliiornia 92401-1507' (909) 663-1044 . Fax (909) 888-9413 www.sanbernardino-eda.org. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Project Title: Reinstatement of Eminent Domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area Lead Agency Name: City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Address: 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 Contact Person: Gary Van Osdel Phone Number: (909) 663-1044 Project Location (Address/Nearest cross-streets): The State College Redevelopment Area (Project Area) consists of 1,800 acres within the City of San Bernardino. The project boundaries are irregular in shape, extending in a latitudinal direction from the south side of Highland A venue to just north of California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). The longitudinal boundaries extend from Acacia Avenue on the east to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within this area include Residential Suburban and Low, Public Facility, and Industrial Light, among others. Figure I shows the regional location of the project area, and Figure 2 shows the Project Area boundaries. Project Sponsor: Address: City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 Description of Project The State College Redevelopment Project was originally adopted on April 27, 1970, the same year the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was enacted but predated CEQA. This report was prepared for the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency ("the Agency"). No initial studies or environmental impact reports were previously prepared for the proposed project. The original objectives of the Redyvelopment Project were to improve the area's general condition by removal and/or replacement of substandard buildings, removal of irregular lot subdivisions, elimination of the area's environmental deficiencies (overcrowded areas, street deficiencies, unsightly utility lines), improved architectural and urban design features, assisting landowners and redevelopers in the redevelopment process, and substantially increasing the number of low and moderate housing units in the area. These objectives will thus reduce the areas of blight that exist within the Project Area. Blight, as defined by California redevelopment law, may include: structural deficiencies, faulty planning, inadequate public improvements, utilities, traffic and parking facilities, depreciated property values, social and economic maladjustments, and other conditions. The Project Area has significantly changed since the redevelopment plan was enacted in 1970. Residential neighborhoods exist in the central and east portions of the Project Area, as designated in the City's General Plan. Industrial developments now exist west of Interstate 215, and California State University, San Bernardino to the north, as designated in the City's Zoning Maps. According to the State College Redevelopment Project Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council (March 2003), the majority of the original conditions of blight, as defined within the redevelopment plan completed in 1970, continue to exist on the project site. Figures 3 through 7 show existing conditions in the Project Area observed by Lilbum Corporation during the field reconnaissance. 6351Slate College Initial SludylMarch 27, 2003 IS-I ~ e ~ ~ ::J Ol u: a. 0 ~ >- >- 0 := c 4> c: Ol .- <{ U c .- 4> > E "- 0 0 a; > c: 4> 0 0 0 .- f 0) 0 CV c 0 0:: 0 w CV 0 c 0) U CV " c - ;;; 0 '" U c a ~ CV - 0 - V) ~~ ;::::l~ o::l 0 .......:I: -0 .......:Iu c>- " - E a . aU 0 o c - " " 0 >'" ~ " a . u" " - . Q:<( a ! z w I C> i w ~ N " 5 Ol u: o ev ... <( >- _ 0 C ~ ev If E c a. ~ .Q [l- ev iD > ill ev ~ "OE ev g a::: 8 w ev 0 O)~ ev 5 c o ~ U 5 <n ev - o - en ~~ :=>~ co~ ......:l~ -0 ......:lu ~~ ~ u ,., w 3 ~ ~ ~ w 0 ~ w i; - " c: u .... w ... ~ 0- ~ ~ w ;;;: ... ~ "0 .5 fl '" -= ~ t':l l-< ell o ..... o -= ~ '" u ~ ~ '" -< c ~ e 0- o '0 > ~ "0 ~ '" u 'S o ~ o u '" o ~ ~ ~ e ~ <II ij Yl ~~ a:l~ d~ .......:l8 ci ~ .. '" or <( ~ or >- or o z >- .... ~~ Q ~ ~ 0 or ~ w ;;J 0 ~ " is .... " ~ w >- ... ~ " m :::; >< w '0 .: fi ?: ci ~ .. '" or <( ~ :r >- or o z '" -= Q.. ~ '"' bJl o .... o -= ~ '" u G "" -< E w E ... o U > w '0 w '" " "s o c o " '" o c ~ E w <Il :;j </J ~r a:l~ ......:l: -0 ......:l" I: ;;; '" '!i ~ ~o "'" ,,~ >;>: "'''' 0" .... :J>: ~~ ~~ ~ u tI) ~ ~ 0 << . w >:l 0 w C) " " 0 (i: u w E 0. ~ w :::: '" " 'C = - fi '" -= J,:l.. Il: l. Of) o .... o -= ~ ;>, u = " 00 -< c " E c. o -;; > " ." " <G u E o = o " '" o = ~ E " OJ = '" '" ~~ t:O~ ......:l: ::Je ~t; w ~ , J~ 0 Z ~ ~ w o w " " o u w ~ " . f-I 0. " ~ >< w "" C - \0 ~ ~ ;;:J c.:l ~ '" ..c::: ~ ~ l-< bJl o ..... o ..c::: ~ >> g u 00 -< " u fl o u > u "" u << u "e o 5 u '" o c ~ oj E u "" :;j CIl ~~ CCl~ 5e ~~ u ~ w . .,1- a z ~ ~ w " W J J o U w !< ~ w fi ~. " " " " " " " " " w w w w w w w w w " " " " " " " " 0 l;; l;; ~ I;; ... I;; ~ ~ :!i m w N N N N N N N N UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU r-- roJ c:: ~ ~ ..... ... Co ~ :0 ~ w -c c - '" u C w 00 ..: c w E '" Co 0 ..c: 0; J:l.. > w ell ." w l-< '" bJl u 0 E .... 0 c 0 0 u ..c: '" ~ 0 c ] E u al c ~ '" ~~ co~ d: ......:lB CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY The Redevelopment Plan for the State College Project Area was adopted in 1970 and expires in 2010. The Redevelopment Plan predates CEQA. However, over the years, as projects have been developed in the Project Area, Initial Studies to evaluate a project's impacts on the environment were prepared and Negative Declarations were adopted in accordance with the City of San Bernardino Guidelines for implementing CEQA. Today the State College Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the City of San Bernardino Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Resolution No. 2185. One of the tools used by the City's Economic Development Agency to foster redevelopment in the Project Area is eminent domain. Eminent domain authority allows an agency to acquire properties within a project area in order to facilitate redevelopment. It allows an agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The use of eminent domain to facilitate redevelopment in the State College Project Area was a part of the Redevelopment Plan when it was adopted in 1970. However, this authority cannot exceed 12 years. At the end of the 12 year period the redevelopment plan must be amended to address continuance or reinstatement of eminent domain. The authority for the Economic Development Agency to use eminent domain in the State College Project Area lapsed in 1999 and was not immediately reinstated. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing Project Area for an additional 12 years for those parcels that have a non- residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. CEQA Section 15378(a) defines a project as "the whole of an action which has the potential to result in either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment..." The reinstatement of eminent domain is considered to be a project under CEQA because the purpose of this tool is to allow an Agency to condemn properties in order to assemble parcels to facilitate development. Because the reinstatement of eminent domain is a "project" under CEQA, the Economic Development Agency, acting as the lead agency must make a determination that any changes in the project descpption after the project has been approved will not have a significant effect on the environment. In this case; the change in the project description is the reinstatement of eminent domain after it lapsed in 1999. Generally when a Redevelopment Project Area is created, the lead agency prepares a Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) that addresses the potential environmental effects associated with the redevelopment of a designated project area. However, since the adoption of the State College Redevelopment Project Area predates CEQA, no Program EIR was prepared. Therefore, an Initial Study has been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental effects of reinstating eminent domain as a tool for continuing the redevelopment effort in the Project Area. This Initial Study evaluates environmental impacts for re-establishing the Agency's use of eminent domain with respect to the Project Area. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing State College Redevelopment area for an additional 12 years for those parcels that have a non- residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Eminent domain will allow the Agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with appropriate land uses. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. 635/State College Initial SrudylMarcb 27, 2003 IS-9 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. 0 Land Use and Planning 0 Transportation/Circulation 0 Public Services 0 Population and Housing 0 Biological Resources 0 Utilities 0 Earth Resources 0 Energy and Mineral Resources 0 Aesthetics 0 Water 0 Hazards 0 Cultural Resources 0 Air Quality 0 Noise 0 Recreation 0 Mandatory Findings of Significance Determination. On the basis of this Initial Study/Environmental Checklist, the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino finds: That the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a I8l NEGATIVE DECLARA nON will be prepared. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there 0 will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attilched sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. That the proposed project MA Y have a significant effect on the environment, and an 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there 0 WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. ~ S{gnature a.JCt~A'.. M, F~~ Printed ~e G 635/Stale College Initial StudylMarch '1:1.2003 IS-IO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Will the proposal result in: a) A conflict with the land use as 0 0 0 181 designated based on the review of the General Plan Land Use Plan/Zoning Districts Map? b) Development within an Airport District 0 0 0 181 as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and the Land Use Zoning District Map? c) Development within Foothill Fire Zones 0 0 0 181 A & B, or C as identified on the Land Use Districts Zoning Map? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 ll. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Will the proposal: a) Remove existing housing (including 0 0 0 181 affordable housing) as verified by a site survey/evaluation? b) Create a significant demand for 0 0 0 181 additional housing based on the proposed use and evaluation of project size? c) Induce substantial growth in an area 0 0 0 181 either directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or an extension of major infrastructure)? 6351State College Initial SrudyIMarch 27. 2003 IS-ll CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY ! Potentially , , Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact ,-.-. , Iil. EARTH RESOURCES: Will the proposal result m: I a) Earth movement (cut and/or fill) on 0 0 0 I8l slopes of 15% or more based on information contained in the Preliminary Project Description Form No. D? b) Development and/or grading on a slope 0 0 I8l 0 greater than 15% natural grade based on review of General Plan HMOD map? c) Erosion, dust or unstable soil conditions 0 0 I8l 0 from excavation, grading or fill? d) Development within the Alquist-Priolo 0 0 I8l 0 Special Studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, Figure 47, of the City's General Plan? e) Modification of any unique geologic or 0 0 0 I8l phvsical feature based on field review? f) Development within areas defined as 0 0 I8l 0 having high potential for water or wind erosion as identified in Section 12.0- Geologic & Seismic, Figure 53, of the City's General Plan? g) Modification of a channel, creek or river 0 0 0 I8l based on a field review or review of USGS Topographic Map (Name) San Bernardino, South. h) Development within an area subject to 0 0 I8l 0 landslides, mudslides, subsidence or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, . Figures 48, 51, 52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? 635JState College Initial StudylMarch 7:1, 2003 IS-12 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY r Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact i) Development within an area subject to 0 0 0 I8l liquefaction as shown in Section 12.0- Geologic & Seismic, Figure 48, of the City's General Plan? j) Other? 0 0 0 0 I I IV. WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage 0 0 I8l 0 patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces that cannot be mitigated by Public Works Standard Requirements to contain and convey runoff to approved storm drain based on review of the proposed site plan? b) Significant alteration in the course or 0 0 0 I8l flow of flood waters based on consultation with Public Works staff? "i c) Discharge into surface waters or any 0 0 0 I8l alteration of surface water quality based on requirements of Public Works to have runoff directed to approved storm drains? d) Changes in the quantity or quality of 0 0 0 I8l ground water? e) Exposure of people or property to flood 0 0 I8l 0 hazards as identified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map 06071C7940F and Section 16.0-Flooding, Figure 62, of the , City's General Plan? f) - , Other? 0 0 0 0 . 63SIState College Initial StudylMardi 'D, 2003 IS-13 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact , V. AIR QUALITY. Will the orooosal: a) Violate any air quality standard or 0 0 Ii9 0 contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation based on the thresholds in the SCAQMD's "CEQA Air Quality Handbook"? b) EXDose sensitive receotors to pollutants? 0 0 Ii9 0 c) Alter air movement, moisture, or 0 0 0 Ii9 temperature, or cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors based on 0 0 0 Ii9 information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form? VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Could the proposal result in: a) A significant increase in traffic volumes 0 0 0 Ii9 on the roadways or intersections or an increase that is significantly greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b) Alteration of present patterns of 0 0 Ii9 0 circulation? c) A disjointed pattern of roadway 0 0 0 Ii9 improvements? d) Impact to rail or air traffic? 0 0 0 Ii9 e) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or 0 0 0 Ii9 off-site based on the requirements in Chapter 19.24 of the Development Code? 635/Slale College Initial StudylMarch 27,2003 . 15-14 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact f) Increased safety hazards to vehicles, 0 0 0 I8J bicyclists or pedestrians? g) Conflict with adopted policies 0 0 0 I8J supporting alternative transportation? h) Inadequate emergency access or access 0 0 0 I8J to nearby uses? i) Other? 0 0 0 0 VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Could the proposal result in: a) Development within the Biological 0 0 I8J 0 Resources Management Overlay, as identified in Section lO.O-Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the City's General Plan? b) Impacts to endangered, threatened or rare 0 0 0 I8J species or their habitat (including, but not limited to, plants, mammals, fish, insects and birds)? c) Impacts to the wildlife disbursal or 0 0 I8J 0 migration corridors? d) Impacts to wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, 0 0 0 I8J riparian and vernal pool)? e) Removal of viable, mature trees based on 0 0 0 I8J information contained in the Preliminary Project Description Form and verified by site survey/evaluation (6" or greater trunk diameter at 4' above the ground)? f) Other? 0 0 0 0 635/Slate College Initial StudyIMarch Z7, 2003 IS-IS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact Vm. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy 0 0 0 IRI conservation plans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a 0 0 0 IRI wasteful and inefficient manner? --"-- c) Result in the loss of availability of a 0 0 0 IRI known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? IX. HAZARDS. Will the proposal: a) Use, store, transport or dispose of 0 0 IRI 0 hazardous or toxic materials based on information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form, No. G(I) and G(2) (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b) Involve the release of hazardous 0 0 0 IRI substances? c) Expose people to the potential 0 0 IRI 0 health/safetv hazards? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 X. NOISE. Could the proposal result in: a) Development of housing, health care 0 0 0 IRI facilities, schools, libraries, religious facilities or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior and an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior as identified in Section 14.0-Noise, Figures 57 and 58 of the City's General Plan? 6351State College Initial StudylMarch v, 2003 IS-16 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact b) Development of new or expansion of 0 0 0 181 existing industrial, commercial or other uses which generate noise levels above an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior that may affect areas containing housing, schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses based on information in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. G(l) and evaluation of surrounding land uses No. C, and verified by site survey/evaluation? c) Other? 0 0 0 0 XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the followinl' areas: a) Fire orotection? 0 0 0 181 b) Medical Aid? 0 0 0 181 , c) Police orotection? 0 0 0 181 d) Schools? 0 0 0 181 e) Parks or other recreational facilities? 0 0 0 181 t) Solid waste disDosal? 0 0 0 181 g) Maintenance of public facilities, 0 0 0 181 incIudinl' roads? h) Other governmental services? 0 0 0 181 63SIState CoOege Initial StudylMarch 'D. 2003 IS-17 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XII. UTILITIES: Will the proposal, based on the responses of the responsible Agencies, Departments, or Utility Company, impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the I- construction of new facilities? a) Natural gas? 0 0 0 18I b) Electricitv? 0 0 0 18I c) Communications svstems? 0 0 0 18I d) Water distribution? 0 0 0 18I e) Water treatment or sewer? 0 0 0 18I f) Storm water drainage? 0 0 0 18I g) Result in a disjointed pattern of utility 0 0 0 18I extensions based on review of existing patterns and proposed extensions? h) Other? 0 0 0 0 , Xli. AESTHETICS. a) Could the proposal result in the 0 0 0 18I obstruction of any significant or important scenic view based on evaluation of the view shed verified by site survey/evaluation? b) Will the visual impact of the project 0 0 0 18I create aesthetically offensive changes in the existing visual setting based on a site survey and evaluation of the proposed elevations? _c) Create significant light or glare that 0 0 18I 0 could impact sensitive receptors? . d) Other? 0 0 0 0 635/Sl3te College Initial StudylMarch n, 2003 IS-18 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Could the proposal result in: a) Development in a sensitive 0 0 IBI 0 archaeological area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? b) The alteration or destruction of a 0 0 0 IBI prehistoric or historic archaeological site by development within an archaeological sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? c) Alteration or destruction of a historical 0 0 0 IBI site, structure or object as listed in the City's Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 XV. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or 0 0 0 IBI regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational 0 0 IBI 0 opportunities? 6351State College Initial StudylMarch V. 2003 IS-19 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to 0 0 0 lEI degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California historY or nrehistorv? b) Does the project have the potential to 0 0 0 lEI achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of lonl!-term, environmental l!oals? c) Does the project have impacts that are 0 0 0 lEI individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of orobable future oroiects.) d) Does the project have environmental 0 0 0 lEI effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 6351State College Initial StudylMan:b 27, 2003 IS-20 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY REFERENCES. The following references cited in the Initial Study are on file in the Planning and Building Services Department/Public Works Division. 1. Redevelopment Plan - State College Project No.4 2. Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan - RDA 20% Tax Set-Aside 3. City of San Bernardino General Plan. 4. City of San Bernardino General Plan Land Use Plan/Zoning Districts Map. 5. City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Report 6. Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones Map. 7. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 8. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Maps. 9. Public Works Standard Requirements - water. 10. Public Works Standard Requirements - grading. 11. 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment, State College Redevelopment Project - Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council DISCUSSION OF IMPACT LEVELS AND MITIGATION MEASURES I. LAND USE AND PLANNING a) The State College Redevelopment Project is an irregular shaped area located in the northwestern portion of the City of San Bernardino. The project boundaries extend from Highland Avenue north to California State University, San Bernardino, and from Cajon Boulevard west to Acacia Avenue (see Figure 2). According to the City's Land Zoning Map, the majority of the central and east portions of the redevelopment area are zoned residential, and are consistent with the existing land use dominating that area. The western portions are zoned industrial, and are consistent with the existing land uses dominating that area. According to the State College Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council (March 2003), approximately 42 percent of the Project Area is residential, 13 percent commercial/office/industrial, 6 percent public/other, and 15 percent vacant. CSUSB exists at the north side of the Project Area, as indicated in the Zoning Map, encompassing approximately 24 percent of the total Project Area. The proposed reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not result in a conflict with General Plan Land Use designations or Zoning District Maps. Figure 1 shows the regional location of the Project Area, while Figure 2 shows the Project Area boundaries. Photographs/maps showing the existing conditions within the Project Area are included in Figure 3-7. The Redevelopment Project will allow the City of San Bernardino to reduce any blighted conditions within the study area and allow for General Plan Amendments to bring the land use designations in conformance with the existing land uses. The Project Area has significantly changed since the enactment of the State College Redevelopment Plan in 1970. The majority of the original condition of blight as identified in 1970 continues to exist throughout the project area and requires further redevelopment activities. The State College Draft Report (march 2003) indicated the State College Redevelopment Area assessed value (A V) has only increased by 0.62 percent over the past five years, an average of 0.12 percent per year. In comparison the overall City during the same time period has increased by a factor of approximately 11.5 percent 63SIState CoDegc Initial StudylMan::b 28, 2003 IS-21 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY over the State College Project Area. An increase of less that two percent per year growth rate is not keeping up with the rate of inflation. The majority of the area appears developed per the Land Use Designation Map, with some vacant areas remaining. b) The proposed project is not within an Airport District as identified in Land Use Zoning District Maps. The closest airstrips or airports are located approximately 9 miles to the southeast (San Bernardino International Airport, former Norton Air Force Base) and approximately 9 miles to the west (Rialto Municipal Airport). There are no significant project-related impacts associated with airports. c) Portions of the Project Area are within the Fire Hazard Area according to Figure 61 of the City's General Plan. The northern portions of the project include areas designated as both High Hazard and Moderate Hazard. The majority of this area is encompassed by CSUSB, with some additional area to the east designated as Public Community Recreation and Residential Low. The area designated as Moderate to High Fire Hazard potential is located in close proximity to the San Bernardino Mountains and the San Bernardino National Forest located north of the Project Area. The San Bernardino Mountains are characterized with highly flammable chaparral vegetation and high winds during the dry season making the area highly prone to fire hazards. Re-instatement should not create an increased fire hazard in the area since future development will decrease the amount of flammable vegetation in the area. II. POPULATION AND HOUSING a) The proposed project is the reinstatement of eminent domain in order to facilitate redevelopment of properties that have a non-residential General Plan designation and/or that have an existing non- residential land use. The central and eastern portions of the Project Area currently have a residential land use designation, and much of the area is developed as such. The reinstatement of eminent domain will not create an impact to the existing residential land uses within the Project Area by removing existing housing. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain within the project area will allow the City to redevelop areas that are used for non-confonning land uses within non-residentially zoned areas. Vacant lots exist throughout the Project Area, and development/redevelopment may result in additional demands for housing in the area. Any impacts associated with available housing in the area will be discussed in subsequent studies prepared for future proposed projects. The reinstatement of eminent domain will not result in an impact to existing housing within the area. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in major infrastructure expansion not previously considered in the Redevelopment Plan or the City's General Plan because the area in urbanized and infrastructure is available. III. EARTH RESOURCES a-b) Portions of the Project Area include topography with slopes potentially greater than 15 percent. The area surrounding Little Mountain Drive, and an area north of North Park Drive are identified as moderate relief slopes, with low to moderate landslide susceptibility according to Figure 52 of the 6351SIale College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS- 22 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY City's General Plan. Site specific soil engineering and foundation investigations would be required for construction projects within the redevelopment area in accordance with development standards administered by the City's Public Works Division. c) Dust would be generated when grading or demolition is necessary. New rules and regulations adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) have been enacted since the adoption of the State College Redevelopment Plan. Such rules include regular watering on a daily basis to reduce dust hazards during construction in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. Rule 403 requires implementation of best available fugitive dust control measures during grading and construction activities with additional measures implemented under high wind conditions. See Section V - Air Quality for additional information on dust control and particulate matter that may be generated by development within the Project Area. High winds impact the dust generation characteristics and create the potential for off-site air quality impacts, especially with respect to airborne nuisance and particulate emissions. Minimal potential exists for wind erosion as vacant parcels within the Project Area are generally vegetated with grasses and weeds. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 and grading and development standards administered by the City's Public Works Division would ensure that potential erosion of soils is minimized during re-development of properties. d) The City of San Bernardino is situated in a seismically active region where numerous faults are located, capable of generating moderate to large earthquakes. Figure 47 of the City's General Plan provides the locations of existing faults within the area. The San Andreas Fault zone traverses the City in a northwest-southeast direction along the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains. The Project Area is located approximately ~ mile south of the San Andreas Fault System. The San Jacinto Fault System also traverses the City through Cajon and Lytle Creeks, generally to the west of the Project Area. The Project Area is within 1.5 miles east of the San Jacinto Fault System. The Glen Helen Fault runs just northwest/southeast and parallel of the San Jacinto Fault System. The Project Area is located within one mile east of the Glen Helen fault. These fault zones are located within an Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zone, a designation given when surface rupture may occur in the immediate vicinity due to movement along these faults. The Project Area is located outside the limits of the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones for the San Andreas, San Jacinto, and Glen Helen faults as defined in the City's General Plan (reference Figure 47 of the City's General Plan); therefore, surface rupture is not likely to occur in the Project Area. However, this vicinity, like most of the City, is likely to experience peak ground acceleration from a maximum credible earthquake of magnitude Mw 8.5 on the San Andreas Fault, and a magnitude Mw 7.5 from the San Jacinto and Glen Helen Faults (reference Figure 46 of the City's General Plan). Groundshaking is due to seismic waves emanating from the epicenter after initial movement on the fault. Groundshaking will impact structures during earthquakes. The magnitude of the impact is related to the construction of the building and its foundation. The City has adopted seismic performance standards for all new construction. Any new buildings proposed would be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code and any additional performance standards adopted by the City. It is 635/State College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-23 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY anticipated that major earthquake groundshaking will occur during the lifetime of redevelopment projects in the Project Area from either the San Andreas or the San Jacinto fault systems. Due to the likelihood of earthquakes to occur within either of the large fault zones, the City requires a soils/geotechnical study to determine the impacts likely to occur on a specific project site. These would also be required of all government buildings in the Project Area. Site-specific geotechnical investigations would routinely be prepared for new development projects requiring earthwork to be performed. Recommendations of the investigations are routinely incorporated in the design and construction of new projects. With adherence to the recommendations made by the geotechnical engineer, potential significant impacts associated with earthquakes in general would remain less than significant. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not change the City's requirements regarding geotechnical investigations within the Project Area. e) Based on a field investigation of the Project Area, no unique geologic or physical features were observed. f) The Project Area contains areas designated as having high potential for water or wind erosion as identilied on Figure 53 of the City's General Plan. The area surrounding Little Mountain Drive is designated as having high water erosion potential. In addition, areas of potential high wind erosion exist east of CSUSB, and in small sections along University Drive north of 1-215 within the Project Area. Any proposed future developments within areas designated as having potentially high wind or water erosion will be evaluated on an individual project basis. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not result in a developmental impact from potentially high wind and water erosion areas since it would not result in a specific development project. g) The Project Area is located less than three mile east of the Cajon Creek Wash/Lytle Creek Wash junction. The majority of the Project Area is developed with an established storm drain system. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not result in any modification to existing water channels or creek within the Project Area. h) The Project Area is not located in an area that is susceptible to liquefaction or ground subsidence according to Figures 48 and 51 of the City's General Plan. Since 1972, the San Bernardino Municipal Water District has maintained groundwater levels through recharge to percolation basins that, in turn, filter back into the alluvial deposits. Problems with groundwater subsidence have not been identified since the implementation of the recharge program. Landslides can occur during an earthquake in areas where there are extreme changes in elevation such as in the foothills or mountain areas. Slope stability is determined by a number of different factors including the slope steepness, vegetative cover, wildfire, bedrock, soil, precipitation, and human alteration. The Project Area's slope stability conditions are described in the General Plan based on the level of relief and the general landslide susceptibility in the area. Figure 52 of the City's General Plan maps the slope stability and landslide susceptibility in the area. Several areas within the Project Area are classified as moderate relief, with a low to moderate susceptibility to landslides. They include the sloped hills surrounding Little Mountain Drive, which are designated mainly for residential land uses 6351State College Initial StudylMarch 27. 2003 IS-24 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY in the City's General Plan, and a section of the northeastern portion of the Project Area, near the east side of CSUSB. The majority of the vacant lands within the Project Area are vegetated with grasses and shrubs, which reduce the water and wind erosion onsite. Figure 52 of the City's General Plan shows several areas where potentially high wind and water erosion may exist based on their soil limitations. The potential for high water erosion exists on the sloped hillsides along Little Mountain Drive, and east of CSUSB. Areas of potentially high wind erosion also exist along University Parkway north ofI-215, and along Northpark Boulevard on the northeast side of the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create an impact to development within areas oflandslide susceptibility or areas of potentially high water and wind erosion as identified in the City's General Plan. Future proposed developments within these areas would be evaluated on an individual basis with regard to these impacts. i) Liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs when strong earthquake shaking causes soils to collapse from a sudden loss of cohesion and undergo a transformation from a solid state to a liquefied state. This happens in areas where the soils are saturated with groundwater. Loose soils with particle size in the medium sand to silt range are particularly susceptible to liquefaction when subjected to seismic groundshaking. Affected soils lose all strength during liquefaction and failure of building foundations can occur. According to Figure 48 of the City's General Plan, the Project Area is not located within an area susceptible to liquefaction. IV. WATER a-d) The Project Area exists within upper Santa Ana River watershed. The Project Area has been urbanized with water flow currently being managed by existing streets and drainages within the area. Storm drains and flood control facilities are administered by the City of San Bernardino - Public Works and Public Service Departments, and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Current City policy requires all JO-year frequency storm waters, except for flow at intersection points, to be contained in the underground drain system. Storm flows in excess of the JO-year storm flow, but less than or equal to the 25-year storm flow, are carried in the curb portion of the street in existing developed areas. Storm flows associated with the JOO-year storm event may be carried in the street right-of-way. The proposed reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in any changes to the existing drainage system within the area. As future development projects are proposed, drainage and erosion control plans will be prepared in accordance with development standards as administered by the City's Public Works Division. e) Several sections of the Project Area are located within the l00-year flood zone as identified in Figure 62 of the City's General Plan. An area near the intersection of California Street and Cajon Boulevard, and areas along Northpark Boulevard and Little Mountain Drive near CSUSB are within 6351State College Initial StudylMarch T1, 2003 IS-25 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY the IOO-year flood zone. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in an impact to the flood hazard areas within the Project Area. Individual projects proposed for development within the lOO-year flood zone would be required to prepare a hydrology study which meets City of San Bernardino and County Flood Control District requirements. The development proposals must also be reviewed for consistency with the Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements. V. AIR OUALITY a-b) Air quality is affected by both the rate and location of pollutant emissions and by meteorological conditions which influence movement and dispersal of pollutants. Atmospheric conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature gradients, along with local topography, provide the link between air pollutants and air quality. The City of San Bernardino is in the northeast portion of the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), which includes Orange County, and portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. The SCAB is an area of 6,600 square miles bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and San Jacinto Mountains to the north and east. The mountains reach heights of up to 11,000 feet above mean sea level (msl) and act to prevent airflow and thus the transport of air pollutants out of the basin. The San Bernardino Valley portion of the SCAB is designated a non-attainment area for nitrogen dioxide, sulfates, particulate matter, and ozone. The criteria pollutants identified in the SCAB that would be associated with development projects in the Project Area include: - Ozone (03) - Carbon monoxide (CO) - Nitrogen dioxide (N02) - Particulate matter (PMIO) - Sulfur dioxide (S02) - Reactive Organic Gasses (ROO) SCAQMD adopted the Final 1994 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) revision in September 1994, and the 1997 AQMD update was adopted locally in August 1996 to establish a comprehensive control program to achieve compliance with federal and state air quality standards for healthy air quality in the SCAB. The Final AQMP was adopted by the SCAQMD Board in November 1996 and has since been approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The AQMP policies serve as the franJework for all control (permitting) efforts in the SCAB as enforced by the SCAQMD for stationary sources. CARB regulates mobile sources. A 2003 AQMP is currently being drafted. Redevelopment within the State College Redevelopment Area may result in demolition, construction and site grading. Most of the lot sizes throughout the Subareas remain relatively small, and are therefore unlikely to exceed SCAQMD air quality thresholds, with the exception of some industrial zoned areas along the west side. Since the South Coast Air Basin is in non-attainment status for ozone and suspended particulates (PMIO), standard measures have been adopted by the City based on 635fState College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-26 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY SCAQMD Rule 403 to minimize the project contribution to regional emission of criteria pollutants. Additionally, fugitive dust generated by construction activities would add to the ambient PMIQ levels but should not exceed SCAQMD threshold of 150 Ibs/day after standard dust abatement procedures are applied. The City's General Plan policies 10.10.2 and 10.10.4 require dust abatement measures during grading and construction operations, and cooperation with SCAQMD by incorporating pertinent local implementation provisions of the SCAQMD. Implementation of Rule 403 and standard construction practices during all operations capable of generating fugitive dust, will include but not be limited to the use of best available control measures, such as: I) Water active grading areas and staging areas at least twice daily as needed; 2) Ensure spray bars on all processing equipment are in good operating condition; 3) Apply water or soil stabilizers to form crust on inactive construction areas and unpaved work areas; 4) Suspend grading activities when wind gusts exceed 25 mph; 5) Sweep public paved roads if visible soil material is carried off-site; 6) Enforce on-site speed limits on unpaved surfaces to 15 mph; and 7) Discontinue construction activities during Stage I smog episodes. Therefore, the reinstatement of eminent domain for the State College Area would not alter the requirements for projects to comply with rules and regulations regarding air quality. c-d) The local climate can be classified as Mediterranean with hot and dry summers and short, warm and relatively dry winters. Temperatures range from a low of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 F) in the winter to a high in excess of 100" F during the summer. Mean annual temperature is 650 F. Average annual precipitation for the area is 18 inches, which is almost exclusively rain. Proposed reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect the physical environment. The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning with regard to permitted land uses in the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain to facilitate redevelopment in the Project Area would not result in additional emissions or objectionable odors. The General Plan land use designations within the Project Area include mainly residential, industrial, and public facility, among others. VI. TRANSPORTATION a) The majority of the Project Area is currently developed, with some vacant areas (approximately 15 percent) still remaining. Development in the vacant areas may result in increased traffic circulation within the Project Area. Any individual projects proposed within the Project Area that could result in a potentially significant increased trip generation would'be required to complete a traffic impact study to evaluate impacts to the areas existing traffic conditions. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in increased traffic volumes within the Project Area. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in altering the present pattern of circulation in the vicinity of the Project Area. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not change the basic paths or patterns of circulation in the immediate area, nor create any disjointed roadway improvements. 615/Stale College Initial SludylMarch '1:1, 2003 IS-27 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY d) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact rail or air traffic. The closest airstrips or airports are located approximately nine miles to the southeast (San Bernardino International Airport, former Norton Air Force Base) and approximately nine miles to the west (Rialto Municipal Airport). The nearest passenger railroad operation is the Amtrak Station at 3'd Street and Mt. Vernon, located several miles south of the Project Area. The project would not stimulate any activity that would place demands on air traffic, nor interfere with their operations. Future land uses could be sited adjacent to the railroad right-of-way, which is an interstate rail line. However, any such proposal would require a special study to evaluate the potential impacts to rail traffic at the time that proposal is presented to the City. Therefore, there are no impacts to rail traffic as a result of reinstatement of eminent domain. e) All parking for individual projects would be provided on-site. Parking spaces for individual projects within the Project Area would be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 19.24 of the City of San Bernardino Development Code, or a variance would be sought at that time. f) Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not increase safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians. The area is urban and includes sidewalks, crosswalks, and signalized intersections with pedestrian crossing lights. Bicycle use is most prominent around CSUSB and the surrounding residential districts. This issue will likely be addressed in the City's General Plan Update that us currently underway. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect safety in the Project Area. g) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative modes of transportation since the transportation system is already established throughout the general Project Area. h) Design of new projects or redevelopment of existing properties would include adequate emergency access on-site as standard requirements by City Public Safety Departments. Design plans for these projects must be in compliance with the City's Development Code and would be reviewed and approved by the City Fire Marshal and Police Department prior to site disturbance. Therefore, the reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect emergency response. VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES a-c) The small portion of the Project Area, located mainly east of CSUSB, is included in the area designated as Biological Resources Management Overlay according to Figure 4 I of the City's General Plan. The California Department of Fish and Game maintains a Natural Diversity Database that lists threatened and/or endangered species that occur within the given area, and according to Figure 40 of the City's General Plan, no known sensitive resources exist within the Project Area. Previous developments have eliminated the majority of the wildlife corridors that existed in the past. However, some still remain in the northern and western most areas. DevelopmentlRe-Development within this biological resource area could restrict any potential wildlife corridors that currently exist in this north portion of the City. The City of San Bernardino, including the State College Redevelopment Project Area, contains habitat for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus), a federally 6351Statc College Initial SrudylMarch 27. 2003 IS-28 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY listed endangered species, and the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila califomica), a federally listed threatened species. Any individual developments proposed within designated biological resources areas would be required to complete a biological study as outlined in the City's General Plan and may also be required to conduct focused surveys for the gnatcatcher and kangaroo rat. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not create an impact to existing biological resources. d) No wetland or riparian corridors exist within the Project Area according to Figure 41 of the City's General Plan. Several riparian corridors exist to the north within the biological resource district, outside of the project boundaries. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create impacts to wetlands or riparian corridors. e) Mature trees are known to occur throughout the Project Area. Removal of some mature trees may be required to accommodate site construction and/or grading/paving activities. The City requires an applicant to prepare an arborist's report on the condition of mature trees that have six inch or greater trunk diameters. A Tree Removal Permit would be issued concurrent with project approval for the anticipated removal of mature trees in conjunction with proposed development of a site, in accordance with Development Code Section 19.28.090. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect the status of existing trees in the Project Area. VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES a) Reinstatement of eminent domain and development of properties in the Project Area would not result in any conflicts with adopted energy conservation measures as required by the City of San Bernardino. Compliance with existing codes, ordinances. recognized conservation measures, ongoing "best available technology" and the General Plan would occur with Agency approval of the final project plans to reduce any net decrease in energy resources. Reinstatement of eminent domain in the Project Area would not create any significant demand on existing/planned energy resources and facilities, since most of the properties are already developed. In addition, county, state and federal construction projects which may occur in the Project Area are not subject to City building review, must still comply with state and federal guidelines for energy conservation. b) Non-renewable resources to be used by contractors on any development project include diesel fuel and natural gas. The City requires that all uses be designed to be efficient; no wasteful use of non- renewable resources will occur. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not alter this requirement. c) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in the loss of valuable mineral resources. Redevelopment may include aggregate resources in the construction of parking lots and buildings. Steel, concrete, and asphalt would be required as part of construction. These resources are commercially available in the local area without any constraint and no potential for adverse impacts to the natural resource base supporting these materials is forecast to occur over the foreseeable future. This demand is not significant due to the abundance of available local aggregate resources. 6351SIate College Initial StudylMarch 27.2003 IS-29 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY IX. HAZARDS a) Hazardous or toxic materials may be used or transported in association with development projects in the industrial areas of the Project Area. All materials required during development and operation of projects would be used and transported in compliance with State and local regulations. Future industrial projects would be required to prepare Business Emergency Contingency Plans. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not alter an operator's/generator's adherence to these regulations. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in the use, storage or disposal of toxic substances. An industrial district on the west, and several commercial areas consist of the main land uses associated with the operational use of toxic substances. All substances must be used and stored in controlled environments in accordance with existing requirements of the County Department of Health or Fire Department, State Department of Toxic Substance Control, SCAQMD or other permitting agencies. This would not change with reinstatement of eminent domain. c) Some existing sites in the Project Area may contain discarded wastes. If a parcel is suspected of containing underground storage tanks and/or other materials known to contain hazardous materials, a Phase I Site Assessment would be prepared by a Registered Environmental Assessor (REA) for sites that are suspected of potential hazardous material (visible storage tanks, dumping or stained soils). Recommendations contained in the report would be implemented prior to any site development. Reinstatement of eminent domain for the Project Area would not alter the requirements for use, storage and disposal of hazardous substances. X. NOISE a-b)' Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create any additional noise impacts within the Project Area. Environmental noise is normally measured using a special frequency-dependent rating scale because the human ear is not equally sensitive to sound at all frequencies. The A-weighted decibel scale (dBA) compensates for this discrepancy by discriminating against frequencies in a manner approximating the sensitivity of the human ear. A-weighting de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequencies of sound in a manner similar to the human ear. The result is a decibel corrected for the variation in frequency response of the typical human ear at commonly encountered noise levels. In general, people can perceive a three-dB A difference in noise levels; a difference of 10 dBA is perceived as being twice as loud; 20 dB higher four times as loud; and so forth. Everyday sounds normally range from 30 dB (very quiet) to 100 dB (very loud). 41nrepresents the average equivalent A- weighted sound level during a 24-hour day obtained by adding ten decibels to the hourly noise levels measured during the night (from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). In this way 41n takes into account the lower tolerance of people for noise during nighttime periods by penalizing the noise levels during the nighttime hours. The reinstatement of eminent domain does not involve the development of housing, health care facilities, schools, or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed 635/Slate College Initial StudylMarch 1:1. 2003 IS-30 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY the City recommended standard of an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior, and an ~n of 45 dB(A) interior. Future developments would be required to mitigate noise impacts to meet the City's required noise standards. XI. PUBLIC SERVICES a-b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not place additional demands or change the requirements on fire protection and medical aid services beyond what the City has planned for in the General Plan. The northern section of the Project Area is located in a moderate fire hazard area, with a small portion east of CSUSB located in the high fire hazard area according to Figure 61 of the City's General Plan. The San Bernardino City Fire Department Station No.5 is located within the Project Area, near the intersection of State Street and Kendall Drive. Station No. 3 is located near the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Highland Avenue, outside and west of the southern portion of the Project Area. Standard requirements for fire protection facilities, building design, and site access would be reviewed and approved by the City of San Bernardino Fire Department as development projects are proposed. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not place additional demands on police services. According to Figure 32 in the City's General Plan, no police service stations exist within the Project Area, and the nearest facility is a Highway Patrol Station located near the intersection ofMt. Vernon Avenue and Highland Avenue. Security measures would be incorporated into the design of new projects, reviewed by City departments, and would be verified during plan review of development projects by the City Police Department as they are proposed. d-e) Reinstatement of eminent domain should not create additional jobs not previously anticipated in the City's General Plan. Residents of the City or the surrounding communities would likely fill jobs created as a result of the development projects. Development in the Project Area will be individually evaluated for impacts on the demand for new or additional school services, parks, or other recreational facilities. The majority if the workforce would be drawn from the existing population in the area. f) Development/redevelopment within the Project Area will generate additional solid waste. The occupancy of the future undeveloped/redeveloped areas will result in increased waste generation and disposal needs. Reinstatement of eminent domain, however, would not result in additional demands on the solid waste system. Site owners/developers will cooperate with the City Public Services Department in participating in green waste diversion programs. In addition, the County of San Bernardino recently began the expansion of the Mid-Valley Landfill approximately nine miles southwest of the Project Area and is planning expansion of the Victorville Landfill approximately 20 miles north of the Project Area. g-h) Redevelopment of the Project Area would generate additional traffic in the area. Additional vehicle trips, however, would not be generated by the reinstatement of eminent domain. Access to individual sites is provided by a series of arterials through this segment of the City. The Public Works Division through standard conditions of approval, require Traffic System Impact Fees with the development of new projects. 635/State College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-31 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY XII. UTILITIES a) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact the existing natural gas service within the project area. The Southern California Gas Company (the Gas Company) provides natural gas service to the Project Area. The majority of the area is currently developed with existing natural gas service. The re-development project should not impact the Gas Company's ability to provide adequate levels of service, nor should it create the need to increase capacity. Service availability will be evaluated with individual projects proposed in the future. b) California Edison (SCE) provides electricity to the Project Area. Additional development may result in increased electricity demands. The availability of electrical service would be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed project. Larger industrial projects may include co- generation facilities. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact electrical service in the area. c) The Project Area is within the service area ofVerizon (formerly General Telephone). The availability of telephone service will be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed projects. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not place additional demand on communication systems. d) Water supply is provided by the City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department. Additional development will result in an increased demand for water supply. Groundwater is a major source of water, in addition to the State Water Project (SWP). SWP supplies are percolated into the groundwater basin to maintain groundwater levels. The availability of water would be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed developments. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not impact the existing available water supplies. e) The City of San Bernardino owns and operates the San Bernardino Water Reclamation Plant (SBWRP), which services the residential and industrial wastewater generated in the City of San Bernardino according to the City's General Plan. As the majority of the area is currently developed, any future development/redevelopment within the Project Area will likely only cause minimal impacts to the areas wastewater system. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not impact the wastewater service in the area, and individual project impacts will be evaluated when they are proposed. f) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect existing storm drains in the Project Area. The Project Area is highly urbanized and the storm drain system is well established. Development of the vacant areas will result in increased runoff, but due to the small and scattered location of the vacant parcels, the impact will be minimal on the hydrology of the area. Future developments within the Project Area will be required to provide adequate storm drain facilities as approved by the City. g) The Project Area is part of an urban area which should be capable of providing adequate utility system services. The project will reinstate the Agency's power of eminent domain to implement redevelopment procedures within the State College Redevelopment Project Area. Utility systems are in place to serve the Project Area and are master-planned to provide service to the Project Area without creating disjointed patterns of service extensions. Future projects proposed within the project area will be individually evaluated for their ability to provide adequate utility services. 635/Stale College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-32 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY XIII. AESTHETICS a-b) The use of eminent domain would allow the City to redevelop any areas not being used or zoned for residential land use. A variety of land use designations exist within the Project Area including: residential, commercial, industrial, public facility, public parks, and several others. The proposed project would eventually improve the aesthetic conditions within the City, although reinstatement of eminent domain alone will not impact the aesthetic conditions within the area. c) Development/Redevelopment within the Project Area may include additional light and glare from new structures. Several areas contain land uses that may be classified as sensitive receptors. Standard conditions of approval for development projects will ensure compliance with the City's Development Code standards for light and glare. Reinstatement of eminent domain does not create any impacts with regards to this issue. XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES a-c) Several areas of concern for archeological resources exist within the Project Area as identified on Figure 8 in the City's General Plan. A potentially historic residential district, Shandin Hills District, exists on the east side of the Project Area. This area contains some of San Bernardino's early vacation facilities, which are large Mediterranean homes built in the 1930's. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not create an impact to the cultural or historic resources found within the Project Area. Any redevelopment projects proposed within cultural resource areas will be required to abide to all established City policies regarding cultural resources. XV. RECREATION a-b) The State College Redevelopment Project may result in an increased demand for parks and recreational facilities in the area, although this impact would be minimal as the majority of the area is currently developed. According to the City's General Plan zoning maps, two public parks exist within the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not produce an additional demand for neighborhood parks, regional parks, or other recreational facilities. XVI MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) The north portion of the project area, mainly east of CSUSB is encompassed within the Biological Resources Management Overlay according to Figure 41 of the City's General Plan. No known sensitive biological resources exist within the Project Area according to Figure 40 of the City's General Plan and no sensitive plant or animal species are expected to exist in the area due to the highly disturbed nature and surrounding urban developments. The reinstatement of eminent domain within the project area will not result in the loss of any wildlife that may exist within the Project Area. A biological study, in conformance with the City's guidelines, should be required for all future development projects within areas designated as Biological Resource Management Overlay Areas in the City's General Plan. 6351State CoJJcge Initial StudylMarch n. 2003 IS-33 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY b) The reinstatement of eminent domain will allow for the redevelopment of any blighted areas and development of vacant lots within the Project Area. The City will develop the area consistent with the existing land uses as designated in the General Plan. Any impacts to the environmental will be evaluated on a project-by-project basis for future proposed developments in the Project Area. c) The proposed re-development in the State Collage area would improve the general functional and aesthetical conditions of the area. The purpose of the project is to redevelop any blighted areas that may exist within the area. The reinstatement of eminent domain should not result in any cumulative detrimental impacts. d) The redevelopment project will not result in any substantial adverse impacts to humans. The purpose of the project is to eliminate blighted areas that exist within the Project Area. The majority of the area has previously been disturbed, thus not causing substantial changes to environmental resources that exist in the area. Each individual project proposed in the future will evaluate environmental impacts to the area, and mitigation measures to reduce impacts will be incorporated based on the environmental findings. The reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not create any adverse impacts to the environment within the Project Area. 6351State College Initial StudytM:arch 21. 2003 IS.34 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (REVISED NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Mayor and Common Council") and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission") acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") will conduct a joint public hearing on Monday, June 2, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be practical, in the City Hall Council Chambers, City of San Bernardino, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 9240 I. The purpose of the joint public hearing will be to consider the adoption ofa Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the adoption of a proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment") to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan"). The Initial Study for the Negative Declaration indicates that the Amendment will not have a significant affect on the environment. Project Location: The redevelopment project area of the State College Redevelopment ("Project Area") consists of 1 ,800 acres of land within the City of San Bernardino, California. The Project Area boundaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of Highland Avenue to just north of California State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia Avenue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within the Project Area include low density residential suburban, public facility, and light industrial uses, among others. A map, which depicts the boundaries of the Project Area, is included in this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice ofIntention to Adopt a Negative Declaration relating to the Amendment. A metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area boundaries has previously been recorded on June 16, 1970 at Book 7462, Page 372, Official Records of the Recorder of San Bernardino County. The metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area is on file with the Agency and a copy may be obtained by any interested person at no cost from the Agency's offices at 201 North "E" Street, Suitc 301, San Bernardino, California 9240 I during regular business hours. Description of Proposed Actions: The proposed action under the Amendment is the reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain powers in the Project Area affecting commercial and industrial zoned lands. The Amendment will not permit the Agency to acquire any residentially zoned or occupied property by eminent domain. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the Mayor and Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067. The authority for the Agency to use eminent domain to acquire property in the Project Area lapsed in 1999. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the Project Area for an additional 7 years for those lands that have a non-residential General Plan or zoning designation. Reinstatement of the power of eminent domain for the Agency to acquire commercial or industrial use lands will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. The Amendment will not give the Agency the authority to acquire any residentially zoned or residentially used property in the Project Area by eminent domain. The use of eminent domain powers by the Agency to acquire commercial and industrial zoned property will enable the Agency to prevent and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area and will allow the Agency to assist with the assembly of commercial or industrial use properties for redevelopment by private entities which in turn will eliminate blight and develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The Project Area, and in particular lands which are commercially and industrially zoned, may contain sites that are listed in the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5(e). Public Review Period for the Negative Declaration: The public review period for the proposed Negative Declaration regarding the Amendment will commence on May 2, 2003 and end on May 22, 2003. Written comments relating to the Negative Declaration should be submitted to the Agency, to the attention of Mike Trout, Project Manager at 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will also be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, the text of the Amendment, and Initial Study and the Negative Declaration are also available for public review and copying at the Agency's offices at 201 North hE" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration. All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Commission and show cause why the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration should not be adopted. At any time, not later than the hour set for the joint public hearing, any person may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objection to the proposed Amendment. The address of the City Clerk is City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California 92418. All written and oral comments of interested persons will be considered by the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission at the time of the joint public hearing on June 2, 2003, as scheduled above. If written objections on the Amendment are submitted to the City Clerk before or at the time of the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council will prepare written findings in response to such written objections and comments prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment. If an interested person receives a copy of this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by United States Mail, such delivery by mail indicates that the interested person either owns property in the Project Area or owns a business andlor resides in the Project Area. Please note that if the person who receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail owns commercially or industrially zoned lands or lands which are designated in the General Plan for commercial or industrial use, the Agency may hereafter acquire such land by eminent domain if the Amendment is adopted. However, please also note that if the person who receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail lives in a home or apartment in the Project Area, or owns property which is residentially zoned or designated in the General Plan for residential uses, the Agency cannot acquire such property or dwelling unit by eminent domain if the Amendment is adopted. If you have any question regarding this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice ofIntention to Adopt a Negative Declaration, or if you have any other question regarding the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment, please contact Mike Trout, Project Manager, at (909) 663-1044 during regular business hours of the Agency or contact him by email at mtrout@sbrda.orl! Notice of Joint Public Hearing given April 23, 2003 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk Gary Van Osdel, Agency Secretary (Map of Project Area Boundary Attached: State College Redevelopment Project) -1' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT THE SUN 399 North 'TS:r'oel S,Hl Bern3rciil'c CA 0;2lG 1 'GO~)\ :30 --; "..3986 ~IARGARET PARKER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGEi'K 201 NORTH E ST SAN BERi'IARDINO. CA 92401 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (:..'.015.5 C.C.P.l Stale ')1 C"litornla CUlllIlV at San Bernardino r-JOIIUl Tvpi'; HRGSD ~JCTICC: ;)F HEA.RIt'lG Ad C'8SC~lpllcn I PROPOSED C003 ,"'''JENT DOMAIN AMEN'I I elm 3. Citizen of the United States. over the ;HJe 01 eirJhleen 'lears, d to or interested in the above entitled matter I am the represenlOJlivE Jnd publisher of The Sun, ;) d3i1y newspilper printed ,1IKI published language in the City of San Bernardino, County ,)1 ~,Hl Bern.=trcJino, a newspaper at gener:11 circulation ;l~; defined by the laws 01 the Stat, by the Superior Court ollhe County of S,ln Bernardlllo, SLlte of Crt_ date June 20. 1952. Case No. 73084 That the notice. of 'Nhlch the' printed copy, hilS been published in each regular and entire i\ newspaper C)nd not jn ;my supplement thereof on the following datesi I 05/01 iOJ.OS..08/O:1.05/15i03 Executed on: 05/15/2003 At Los Angeles. California I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tru /~ , '. ~...'i'~. t~(/V\/ \, ,; \ Signature -------- 'lOT1C::' CF:-lr:~T!JN TO ~COpT \\IEGATIVE DECURATlON PURSUA:tT TO -HE ::Al.FORNIA ::~VIRONMENT,\l CUAlITY ,.\,C7 )ND 'lOTiC::' OF JOINT ?UBllC :iEAR1NG OF ,HE 'AAYOR AND CCMMON COUNCil AND iHE COMMUNITY JEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE :;:TY OF SAN 9ERNARDlNO PROPOSED :003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT ?LAN (REVISED 'lOTICE OF ~OINT PUBLLC HEARING) NOTICE IS HERE6Y GIVEN THAT the M~y~r ,l~d ':~"'mon (:~unc'l ~f :~e Ctv ')1 3.m 8emardlro ,"Maynr "nd CJfl'fl'1ln C;;un6' JM '," Comfl'unity Oevelocre~t C0mmlsslOflllf tie c.tv ,.'f S~n '3ernrdi~o n::.::(I'''''ss>o,'' ~o~o as:he i<edeve~()ome~t "r,er,cy or!he C,'v;i,;' aemaf'lllno ("Agency-:' will conducl a JOint p~b'lc :It'anr.Q ,:,n ,,1cnday. ..une~, ~'::03. Jt 7 GO;J m.. Qr"s 5QOfl :Meredner dS ,-cay ~e ",dG'~'ll 'Me City Hall CGUllCl1 Chambefs. C;1y of SAn 3e,r'lfc,nQ, ,;00 Ncrtr ''J" :trpet 5;w aemar~lno, C,.. '32401 The p~r;I(lse or tI1(! IOlnt puOlic he~rlng ',~ilt :'l! :0 ';on",der I.he ]doptlo~ Qt J N~gau\'e Oeclaralion cursuant :.J '~e .=~"forr'a :::n'N'1mrenl<J Q~allty Act rCEQA") dnd l~e adoption d J .ropos~'{j :COJ !:(I'Ir.ent 00(l'3U1 "m~~dmerlt I",-\me~cm~~(~ to :~e Slate ''::~i1elJe Reccv~!opmer; "I~n r Redevelopmenl P!a~'\. The ;niuJI St~~~ for 'M N~QaU\ie Dpc:ara:'oo I~dica(es tMt :he ,\mer-dmen! wltl ~oll'a\ie ] slgn,fic;wt J!1ect .;1- lI1eenvoronme~t Project Localion Tre redevelopme~l prO!ect <1rea of :he Slate College i<edevelPpment I"PrOJect ,;"rea 1 consists 011 ,800 ac'~s dJ~~ ",1I1in the City 01 Sa~ Bemaroino. Caiilomla The P'c;ect Area b()u~~an~s are 'TTfJ9~laf In snape, aJ:enai~g from the soutn side OT f"ghl~T" Ave~ue to Just ~orth of Cafllomla Slate 'JI'IV1!rslty Sa~ Bernarcino, The ~oundafles afso eJtend from AcaCia ^.enue on:he e:ast Side !o :tw we.t sJde oi Cajon 8c'",evard. Land use c:asslfic3tiops w,th'[l the Project.\rea include low de~SIly reslde~ual suburtJa~. ~ublic facdl~l, j[l' ight industrial uses. ,1mo~g others. A map wh,cM ~eplc:s me bo~ndJnes :,1 lhe PrOject Area. IS .ncl~lled I~ :his Nonce of Joint Putlic ~ean~r, 1nd NOllee of IntentiO[l to Adopl a Negallve O~larallcn relati~g 10 the :\mendment. A metes and bounds It!qal deSClipocrl ol:he PfO:ed .-'fe, iJoundanes has prevlOusl~ be.en recorded on June '6, 1970 at Bock 1.162. Page 372. Offw::tal Recoras of:he Re<:order of San Bernardin, Ccu~ly, The meles and bourdS iegJI descriOUQn of the Proje~: ,~rea.s en ~Ie with the Age~c'l Jnd a cOpY may be obtained by ,1ny interesle< person at no ,ost ircm!he Agency's offices dl201 Ncr1tl '~" Streel. ~ulle 301, San Bemardino, Cafl!orrla 92401 dunng regular b~slnes hours Description of Pl'1:lposed ActIons: The proposed action under:he Amendment is lI1e relnstaremenl of the Agency 5 eminent domain pO\~er- in 'ne PrOfect Area aifecti~g commercial Jrd if1d~strlai zoned lands, 01e Arr'endmenl w,1I no! permit tile Agency :0 acqUlfe a~y resldlmtlall' roned or OCCUPied ;:roperly by eminent domain. The Project Area is 3pprOJimately 85 percent developed ','11th a variely of Industri81 commercial, 'lnd residen~alland uses as envisioned by rhe ,.Iayor and Common CourICil,n 1970 when tt1e RedevelODment PI80 was .1doDt'" by OrdinarlCe No, 3067 The a~lhority lor tM Agency to ~se eminent domain to acquire ploperty m the Project Area lapSed in 1999. Th, AqenC\l is now proposi~g ro reinstate its power of emi~ent domain in the Prolect Area for an addltlO~31 7 ,ears for those lal'OS thJI have non-resldenual Genf'ml P!8n or 20ni~Q deslgnaoOll Reinstaterne~! of lI1e power of eminent domain for the Aqency'o <1CQu;re comil'ern.ll ,- ,ndusmal use I.mas ",.1 nO! afrecl p~istlng reslde~tial reiljhbm'hoOOS nor Jller 'he ?rolect Area boun~r'es. The Amenoment Wlill1ut ,i,ve:~ .;qane'l 'he Juthcnr/ :0 ,ICqUl,e aflY resHJ~nllally zoned Jf residentldlly used property In lI1e P'OIe<::t Area In ~mlnent domal~ ri'~ Lise eminent domain powers tly the Agency to aClluire commercial and indusmal 20ned property will tlnabie the Aqency to prevenl and ~i1mir,:1t lI1e ,pread of blighl in the Project Area and w~1 aiiow the Agency 10 assist with tM assembly of commeraal or 'ndustrial use nroperties io redeyeloorne~t by prN-ale entiues which In turn wW ellmlnale alight and deve'op 'hose properties w,th approonale land uses The ?rOle' Area.;nd :n parttcular 'ands wnich are commercially and ind~stnallv zoned. may conlain sites :l1at are listed 'n :I1a Sta!e ot Califorrl, Hal<lrdGJ, Wasre arni Subslances Siles List pUfSuant to Govemment Code Sec:lo fl659625Ie). Publlt Re~iaw Period lor 11M Negative Detlaration: The puolic 'ev\ew pefiod lor the proposed Negative Oec:aration '~g8rdlnQ 'h Arr'endment Wlil commence on May 2, 2003 and end on Mav 22. 2003 'N~tten comments relating 10 :he Negalr.e D~claralion snould h ,~bm,tled:o rhe Agency, to the 3ttentlOn of Mike Tmut. Project Man8ger at 201 Nol1l1 ::" Street. SUite 301, San Beman::lIno, California g240' The .4gency 5 Report 10 Ihe Mayor and Common Cound ('ReoOln on 'he proposed Ame~dment Will ,1ISO be pre<;e~tell Jt the JOint oub, rearing. The Report, the te~t of the Amendmrnl, ond Initial Slu~v .md :he Neqative OeclaraMn are ,llsO J~allabfe lor publtc re~Jew ,l~ ~opying at ~ne A'le~cy's offices al 20 1 North 'E- Slre"l. S~ile :)0 ~. .oan tlemardlno, f:.A 92401 At the joi~t publiC heanng. !Ire Mayor and Commun C0u~cll ;jn<! the COmmiSSion WIll r.oosidef all evidence and leslirno~y lar and agalrst tt" ;xoposed Amenomenl and 'he Negauve Declarallon .\11 ;Jer.;()~S haVing ,10Y 'JbillctlOOS ~o the ;Jroposed Amemlmertt and the Negati'J Declaration may appear belOre the Mayor and Common CounCil dnd CommiSSIOn dnd ,how cause wny the proposed Amendment and ~~ Negati'ffl Declaration sho~ld flOt he Jdopted. At any lime, not later than lI1e hour set for Ihe joint puolic heanng. any pel'SOll may file a 'Millen statement with Ihe City Cferk of their ob;ectro' to me proposed ,\mendment, The address 01 the City Ctlll1< ,~Clty Hall 300 North 'D' SlIeel. San Bernardiflo, Cahfomia 92416 All wriM' and oral r.Ofl'mllnts of inleresled perso~s Witt be considered by the Mayor a~d Common Council and the Commission al!he lime of lI1e JOIl p~bllCheanr.gonjuM2,2003,asscneuuiedJbO'ffl, IfwrlllerlOb;ecllonsonlhaAJ11endmentaresubmlttedtotheCiIyClertbeforeoral\l1 time 01 tt1e jomt pubiic hearing. the Mayor and Common CounCil 'NlII prepafe '/Inlloo findings ,n respo~Sll 10 such wrille~ objectIOns an comments prior to .ldop110n 01 the proposed Amem:lml!~t. If an interested person recerves a copy of IhlS Notice 01 10int P<illlicHea ring by Umted States Mall.,uc.h delivery tri mail Indicales thatth' Interested personeither()Wnsproperly,nlheProieC!,~leaorownsa busirlessandlorl1lsides InthaPro~IAIea. Please oote \tlatlfth perwn wtlO receiVes thiS Notice 01 JOInl PUblic f'eaflng hy mall owns commercially or Industrially zoned lands or 'ands which are deSignate' In the Genp.ral Plan for commercial 'Jr mdustrial use, the Ager.c'l may hereafter acg~Ne 50ch ;and by ~minenl domain If the Amendment' adop1ed. However, please also note lhat if the pilrson who re-celVPS this Notice 01 JOint PubtlcHearinqbym~illiveslnahomeorapartrnentl the Projecl Area, or owns proll!!rty which IS fcsiderllially lOned or desiqnated In tM General Plan lor res!de~ti~ uses, tne Agency canr,( acqUIfll such property Of dwelling unit by eminent domain If Ihe Ame~dment is adopted ~ you have any Question regarding thIS NObCe 01 joint Pubtic Heanng ana Nolica of Inlenlion to Adopt a Nega~ve Declaration, or if you !\aV, any other question regarding the 2003 Emi~nt Dom~in Amendment. pfease contact Mike Trout Project Ma~8ger, at (9091 663"1044 durin regutarousirlessholl'~oftheAgencyorconlOCthimbyernailatmtrour@~brda,arg Notice of JointP~olic HlIaringglven April 23, 2003 Rachel G. ClarK City Clerk GaryVa~Osdlll,AgencySecfelary (MapofProjectAleaBoundaryAtliIched:StaleCotlfJgeRedl!1leiOpme~tProjecll .__.-"-___ _,.r----""'-''., ., . I ! ! \ I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tj ~~ili)j~ Signature ------ ,h c..... ~~,~; "~', ~',::~ '{:.):\ . r~~. ". ,..'. .~, . ~'{ ~~ ' STATE COLLEGE PROJECT' '.~~:':'~~l',,:\ >l',:{ .:}' '{';;',~~1/-~ ~ ~ I.. .C ~~"'t:t " _>-4.;~ '.~ ,...~l.&a,&lS1ll3S8St53O'1 ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Vote: Ayes 1-", Nays .0 Abstain .-6 c-oc-I ?C02,- \ (') I Absent 'I Meeting Date (Date Adopted): G- Z- -03 Item # \2-2\ Resolution # Change to motion to amend original documents: - Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY NulllVoid After: - By: - ... Date Sent to Mayor: (","',-0':>:' Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: .---- Date of Mayor's Siguature: Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: ~- Date Memo/Lett-efsent.lQr.S!~ture: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent ou30~ 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: See Attached: ~ttached:= Date Returned: - Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Yes ,/ Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Yes Updated CITY Personuel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Yes Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Yes Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes No By No ,/ By No ,/ By No ~ By' No B Copies Distributed to: City Attorney Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water EDA/ Finance MIS Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: fi\i' Date: (n \ II ~ Revised 01112/01 STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.2 Text for the Proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan ;{> >7-"~ Entered into Record 8t (p I tJ COllllcll,r.mvDevCms Mtg: L tJ 3 by I: D A re A~enda Item I?.. 2/ ~~ City Clerk/COe Sec, City of San Bernardino State College Redevelopment Project Area ..., ,.; Eminent Domain to the PI;m Adopted: Ordinance No.: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street, Surte 301 San Bernardino, CA92401-1507 Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@webrsg.com SB2003,15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paqe Introduction.............................................................. ................... .................................3 Amendment... ............ ... ... ... ..................... ... ... ... ... ... ........................... ... ... .4 8B2003,15483.2 8tate College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 2 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT to the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN for the STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Common Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") on April 27, 1970 by Ordinance No. 3067. Subsequently, the Redevelopment Plan was amended three (3) times by the adoption of Amendment NO.1 on December 8, 1986 as approved by Ordinance MC- 560, Amendment NO.2 on April 2, 1990 as approved by Ordinance MC-725, and Amendment NO.3 on December 20, 1994 as approved by Ordinance MC-925. The purpose of Amendment No. 3 was to establish certain time and financial limitations imposed by the passage of Assembly Bill 1290. The 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Amendment") makes certain limited changes to the text of the Redevelopment Plan to re-establish the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino's ("Agency") power of eminent domain within the Project Area for non-residentially occupied or used properties to enable the Agency to better assist with potential land assembly efforts to foster the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan until the fortieth (40th) anniversary following the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan on April 27, 1970. Upon its approval, the Amendment will reestablish the eminent domain power of the Agency on non-residential properties for approximately the next seven (7) years. The reinstatement of the eminent domain powers of the Agency on commercial and industrial use lands pursuant to the Amendment does not amend, modify, change or affect in any other provisions the text of the Redevelopment Plan and does not add or delete territory from the boundaries of the Project Area. The Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended as follows: Subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of Section D of the Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION D. URBAN RENEWAL POWERS TO BE EXERCISED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES... 2. Acquisition and Clearance... f. The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, SB2003,15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 3 and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agency transmits its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law a person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire by eminent domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property. With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010. The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in the Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to such acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it has acquired from another public entity to private ownership before the Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shall have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment of such property. The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation agreement." ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- SB2003,15483.2 State College, 2003, 06-02 Final Text Amendment 4 STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.3 Report to Mayor and Common Council Entered into Record at (p' {~3" C""",'ilICmvOevCms Mtg: /-< by A;-1J 14 re Ap"oIrla Item tf :2.. / ~~ City Clerk/CDC Secy City of San Bernardino 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment State College Redevelopment Project Report to MaJor and Common Council June 2003 RedevelopmentAgency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street, Su~e 301 San Bernardino, CA92401 1_""""'0'0<'0.'.1 ,. . ~ . .,,!:. ....... --'=''':; '. Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@webrsg.com Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................... i Redevelopment Plan Amendment........... ........................ ................. ......... ............. ii Contents of this Report .......................................................................................... iii Reasons for the Amendments and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area ..........A-1 A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area ...................................................................... B-1 Citywide Assessor Valuations vs. State College Assessed Values And Development Activity Heading....... ................ ...................... ............... ......... ....... B-3 Deteriorated And Dilapidated Buildings...... ......................... ........................ ....... B-4 Mixed and Incompatible Uses................... ........................ .............. ........... ......... B-6 Lots of Irregular Form and Size ..........................................................................B-9 Minimum Lot Size...... .............. ........... ................ ....................... ............ ............ B-11 Code Compliance Cases...... ........... ................. ........................ ............ ............ B-14 Environmental Hazards...... ............. ............... ....................... .............. .......... ....B-20 Crime Rates.................. ................ ............ ........................ ................ ......... ...... .B-23 Economic Indicators and Economic Conditions ...............................................B-28 Five-Year I mplementation Plan ................................................... C-1 Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot Be Accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment .................................................................................... D-1 The Method of Financing............................................................. E-1 The Relocation Plan .................................................................... F-1 P:\ACCOUNTING DEPT\MIKEISTATE COLLEGE, 2003, 06-02 FINAL REPORT TO MCC, NO NEG DEe EX.DOC Analysis of the Preliminary Plan .................................................G-1 Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission .......H-1 Report of the Project Area Committee ........................................1-1 General Plan Conformance ......................................................... J-1 Environmental Documentation.................................................... K-1 Report of the County Fiscal Officer ............................................ L-1 Neighborhood Impact Report..................................................... M-1 Relocation.............. ................. ............ .......................... ................ ........... .......... M-1 Traffic Circulation.... ................ ............ ....................... ............... .............. ........... M-2 Environmental Quality........... ............ .................. .................... .............. ............. M-2 Availability of Community Facilities and Services ............................................. M-2 Effect on School Population and Quality of Education...................................... M-2 Property Taxes and Assessments ..................................................................... M-3 Low and Moderate Income Housing Program .................................................. M-3 A Summary of the Agency's Consultations with Affected Taxing Entities ........................................................................................N..1 P:\ACCOUNTING DEPT\MIKE\STATE COLLEGE, 2003, 06-02 FINAL REPORT TO MCC, NO NEG DEe EX.DOC n Introduction On April 27, 1970, the Mayor and Common Council ("Council") approved Ordinance No, 3067 that adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Project") and Project Area ("Project Area"). The Project Area includes approximately 1,800 acres of land. The purpose of the Project is to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and deterioration in the Project Area by participation with owners and tenants in rehabilitation, demolition and/or ccnstruction, land assembiy and or other incentives. Relocation assistance and public improvements will be provided, if necessary. The redevelopment of land by private enterprise and public agencies for uses in accordance with the Plan is enccuraged. Generally, the purpose of this plan is to provide for the rehabilitation of existing ccmmerciai and residential structures and to facilitate new development on vacant or underutilized areas within the Project Area boundaries. To this end, the Plan previously permitted the Agency to acquire real property by any means authorized by law, inciuding eminent domain. Although the Agency has not used ccndemnation in the past, the ability to acquire property through eminent domain is a necessary and effective tool to facilitate redevelopment of the Project Area. While the Agency does not have specific plans to use eminent domain to acquire property at this time, staff reccmmends that reinstating this power will be necessary to ccmplete any future redevelopment projects involving land acquisition. The Agency's previous eminent domain authority was restricted to a 12-year time limit, and expired on January 7, 1999 for the Project Area. Under the Califomia Community Redevelopment Law (the "Law"), the Plan's eminent domain time limit may be extended by up to 12 years if the Agency undertakes a plan amendment effort as prescribed by the Law. As the Agency envisions possible commercial and industrial land acquisition activities for future redevelopment projects, the Agency is proposing to amend the Plan to reinstate the eminent domain time limit for commercial and industrial land acquisition for approximately seven (7) years, to April 27, 2010, which is the time limit of the Plan. However, no residentially zoned property or property which is residentially occupied shall be acquired by the Agency by use of the eminent domain power pursuant to the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment. Acccrdingly, the proposed Redevelopment Plan Amendment affects approximately 500 acres or less of land in the Project Area - e.g., only those lands which are industrial or commercial land use designated under the City General Plan or applicable zoning. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -1- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Redevelopment Plan Amendment The text of the proposed State College Redevelopment Plan Amendment provides: "The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Not withstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agency transmit its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Govemment Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law a person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire by eminent domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property. With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010. The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in the Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to such acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it has acquired from another public entity to private ownership before the Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shall have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment of such property. The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modemization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing an owner participation agreement." The Agency does not have any immediate or specific plans to use eminent domain to acquire any commercial or industrial use or zoned property at this time. However, staff, consultants and legal counsel feels that it is very important to extend or reinstate this power because it is a necessary component to completing future redevelopment activities. The power of eminent domain is especially necessary for those projects involving land acquisition. The ability to consolidate ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -11- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL lots for new development and abate or provide environmental mitigation between incompatible land uses is essential in addressing the remaining conditions of blight in the Project Area. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, residential dwelling use properties are in satisfactory locations. The Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of a negative impact on residential areas and homes. Most dwelling units are situated on lots that are adequate in size and shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that there is very little or no market demand for new multifamily residential projects that usually require larger parcels. Furthermore, the Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. Blighted residences and neighborhoods are being addressed through Code Compliance Department actions, the Home Improvement and Beautification Grant Program, the Mortgage Assistance Program and other affordable housing preservation and improvement programs of the Agency. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply properties with a residential General Plan or residential zone land use designation or properties, which are residentially occupied as of the date when the Agency may hereafter transmit its offer to purchase such property. This document is the Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment, and has been prepared pursuant to Section 33457.1 and 33352 of the Law. Pursuant to Section 33352 of the Law, the Council is required to submit a Report containing specific documentation regarding the proposed Amendment. The purpose of this Report is to provide the information, documentation, and evidence required to support the adoption of the Amendment. This information, documentation, and evidence are provided to assist the Common Council in its consideration of the proposed Amendment, and in making the various determinations in connection with its adoption. Contents of this Report The contents of this Report are presented in 14 sections, which generally correspond to the subdivisions presented in Section 33352 of the Law. The sections are as follows: SECTION A Reasons for the Amendment and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 . III. STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL SECTION B SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E SECTION F SECTION G SECTION H SECTION I SECTION J SECTION K SECTION L SECTION M SECTION N A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area Five-Year Implementation Plan Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot be accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment The Method of Financing The Relocation Plan Analysis of the Preliminary Plan Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission Report of the Project Area Committee General Plan Conformance Environmental Documentation Report of the County Fiscal Officer Neighborhood Impact Report A Summary of Agency Consultation with Affected Taxing Agencies ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - IV - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Reasons for the Amendments and a Description of Specific Projects Proposed and How These Projects Will Improve or Alleviate Blighting Conditions Found in the Project Area When the Project was adopted in 1970, the Plan established various financial and time limitations involving the use of some of the redevelopment tools. In compliance with the Law, the use of eminent domain to acquire both commercial and industrial zoned properties as well as residential use lands expired in January 1999. While the Agency may continue projects and receive tax increment revenue, it is no longer able to use eminent domain without an amendment to re- establish this time limit. The ability to acquire property for revitalization is one of the fundamental tools of Redevelopment. In the Project Area, extension of the power of eminent domain for commercial and industrial use-related redevelopment projects will enable the Agency to consolidate lots in order to provide increased opportunities for redevelopment in the Project Area. Indeed, the major issues concerning the Project Area are the physical condition of structures, and the substandard lot size, which are affecting not only property values but also the quality of life for residents within the Project Area. These issues are among the most serious factors confronting the Agency as it implements redevelopment programs in the Project Area, and were chief reasons for establishing the Project Area. By re-establishing the Agency's power of eminent domain for commercial and industrial use-related redevelopment projects, the Agency has the option to consolidate parcels for a comprehensive program of providing rehabilitation and stimulating redevelopment activity. The Agency's previous eminent domain authority was restricted to a 12-year time limit, and expired on January 7,1999. Under the Law, the Plan's eminent domain time limit may be reinstated by up to 12 years if the Agency undertakes plan amendment efforts prescribed by the Law. However, the forty (40) year expiration date of the Plan is April 27, 2010, a date which is only seven (7) years away. As the Agency envisions possible commercial and industrial land acquisition activities for future redevelopment projects, the Agency is proposing to amend the Plan to reinstate eminent domain to April 27, 2010, the time limit of the Plan. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, the residential dwelling units are in satisfactory locations. The ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - A-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of a negative impact on residential areas and homes. Most dwelling units are situated on lots that are adequate in size and shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that new residential projects that usually require larger parcels, such as apartments and condominium projects, are not in demand in the community. The Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. Blighted residences and neighborhoods are being addressed through Code Compliance Department actions, the Home Improvement and Beautification Grant Program, the Mortgage Assistance Program, and other home improvement programs and regulations. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied properties or properties with a residential General Plan or residential zoned land use designation. Over the history of the Project, eminent domain has not been used by the Agency. However, the ability to use eminent domain is still critical for successful property negotiations. For example, without this authority, property acquisition efforts related to a specific redevelopment proposal could stall if an owner held out for an excessively high price; given the property's highest and best use fair market value. In the Project Area, eminent domain is particularly important because there exists some underutilized and/or irregular form and size shaped parcels that are insufficient for proper usefulness or development for commercial and/or industrial uses. This condition can contribute to economic decline and impaired investment as current owners are not able to rehabilitate their properties and future development is limited. Even though the Agency has had some success in spurring economic development and providing for rehabilitation, the majority of the original conditions of blight continue to exist and demand further redevelopment activities. This is due in part to the economic downturn of the 1990's. The region, City and Project Area has not successfully recovered from this downturn or the closure of two major air force bases located within San Bernardino County ("County"). With the local economy stagnant, assessed value revenues have declined or remain limited for much of the first decade of the Project. This has severely limited the tax increment revenue available to the Agency to conduct redevelopment and only recently has the Agency been able to complete various rehabilitation activities that will now allow revitalization to move forward. However, with the expiration of the Agency's eminent domain authority, further efforts by the Agency to continue with revitalization, rehabilitation, and economic development could be seriously jeopardized. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 . A-2- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FIGURE 1 PROJECT AREA MAP /}' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - A-3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Section i A Description of the Physical and Economic Conditions Existing in the Project Area Section 33352(b) of the Law requires a description of the physical and economic conditions that cause the Project Area to be blighted. This information was provided in the documentation that was prepared and provided as evidence that the Project Area was deemed blighted at the time of adoption of the Plan in 1970. Although the definition of "blight" has significantly changed since the adoption of the Plan in 1970, this Report will examine the continued existence of the specific conditions of blight, which were found to exist in the Project Area by the Council in 1970 under then-current law. When the Council adopted the Redevelopment Plan, it determined that blight existed in the Project Area based upon evidence in the record. Those findings are deemed to be final and conclusive under the Law. It follows that those portions of the Project Area, which were blighted at the time of adoption of the Plan over 30 years ago which have not been upgraded or modified since that time remain burdened by the blight conditions as originally observed in 1970. This Section of the Report will examine portions of the Project Area, which have not been modified or developed and which are still blighted. The Original Reports documented the following blighting conditions in the Project Area: . Structurally substandard buildings; . Environmental deficiencies, including among others, small and irregular lot subdivision, inadequate street layout, overcrowding of land, and unsightly overhead utility lines; and . Lack of low or moderate housing units. For the purposes of the reinstatement of the power of eminent domain, the Law does not require that the same degree of blighted conditions be present today as were in evidence in 1970 when the Plan was adopted. Nor does the Law require that the Mayor and Council find that the blighting conditions, which remain in the Project Area, meet the same standards for adoption of a new Project Area. However, the Law does require that some of the original blighting factors as observed in 1970 continue to exist at the present time. The Law acknowledges and anticipates that the Agency's redevelopment program since 1970 will have eliminated at least some of the original blighting conditions, and accordingly, the Law requires this Report to describe what blight remains. Under the Law in effect as of the time of the Plan adoption in 1970, one blighting factor was sufficient to support the adoption of a redevelopment plan, so long as that condition caused a reduction of, or lack of proper utilization of the area to such an extent that it ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL constituted a serious burden on the community which could not be solved by private enterprise acting alone. In order to minimize the potential impact of residential displacement on any residents of the Project Area, the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied or residential General Plan or residential zone land use designated properties. This Section B demonstrates that a combination of both physical and economic blight conditions as observed at the time of Plan adoption in 1970 still exist in the Project Area today. The Agency has engaged in various activities since 1970 in order to eliminate the detrimental physical, social, and economic conditions that were negatively impacting the area. Specific projects include: . Provided infrastructure and development assistance to the State College Business Park, which has resulted in the redevelopment of approximately 350 acres of land. Developments include: C Fine-Pack, The Sun Publishing Co., Prime-Line Pro- ducts, Color Tile and Doane Pet Food Products; . Assisted GE Capital Mortgage in relocating its business operations within the Project Area; . Assisted in the development of new single family homes in the Northpark development; and . Provided low interest single-family home rehabilitation loans. Due to these actions, the Agency has been able to eliminate some of the blighting conditions that existed in the Project Area. However, more work remains to be done to prevent and eliminate the spread of the blight which remains today in the Project Area. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-2 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Citywide Assessor Valuations vs. State College Assessed Values And Development Activity As an indicator of the development and redevelopment occurring in the Project Area, Table 1 shows certain land uses being redeveloped. A substantial portion of the lands, which were vacant or undeveloped in 1970, has been devoted to residential uses. The developed land area of the Project Area which is currently devoted to residential uses has increased by 15 times since 1970 while the land areas of the Project Area devoted to commercial/industrial/office uses has only increased 2 times during this same period of time. A measure of the success of the redevelopment activities of the Agency in the Project Area can be gauged by changes in the assessed valuation of the Project Area-particularly in comparison to other areas. Table 2 takes the assessed value ("AV') of the Project Area for the past five years and compares it to the City's assessed value for the same time period. From 1998-99 to 2002-03, the Project Area has only increased in assessed value by .62% or an average of .12% per year. Assess valuation of lands in the City for the same period has increased by 7.14%, an average of 1.43% per year, a factor of 11.53 times the State College Project Area rate of increase. An increase that is less than the 2% per year growth rate is not keeping up with the rate of inflation. This comparative trend of assessed valuation indicates that blight remains a factor in the Project Area, which continues to affect property values. TABLE 1 State College land Use 1970 % of Total 2002 % of Total land Use Acreaoe land Area AcreaQe land Area Commercialllndustrial/Office 115 6.39% 237 13.17% Residential 50 2.78% 758 42.11% Vacant 1,058 58.78% 266 14.78% Public/Other 147 8.17% 109 6.06% State Universitv 430 23.89% 430 23.89% TOTALS 1,800 100.00% 1,800 100.00% Sources: 1) Report to Common Council, April 1970 2) Metrosean, August 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE 2 State College Redevelopment Project Area Historical AV Year Secured Taxable Secured +/-% 2002/2003 $ 442,289,743 1.51% 2001/2002 $ 435,692,472 3.51% 2000/2001 $ 420,919,252 -1.59% 1999/2000 $ 427,710,367 -2.70% 1998/1999 $ 439,567,209 Average/year 0.12% 5 Year Increase 0.62% City of San Bernardino Historical AV Net of RDA Year Secured Taxable Secured +/-% 2002/2003 $ 4,131,626,923 2.75% 2001/2002 $ 4,021,058,224 2.21% 2000/2001 $ 3,933,968,675 1.15% 1999/2000 $ 3,889,385,316 0.86% 1998/1999 $ 3,856,207,176 Average/year 1.43% 5 Year Increase 7.14% Increase over SC 11.53 X Deteriorated and Dilapidated Buildings The existence of older obsolete or deteriorated structures is an indicator of blight and is a sign of a lack of reinvestment in the area. The average age of the buildings within the Project Area is 23 years old according to 2002 FFIEC Census Report. The average structural life of a building is 55 years and buildings begin to show signs of age and obsolescence after 25 years. For example, most roofs last 20-30 years and regular repainting and repairs are needed to protect and maintain the integrity of the buildings. The proposed Amendment does not provide the Agency with the power of eminent domain for residentially used properties or properties with a General Plan residential land use designation. The Agency does not want to displace residents of the City and believes that generally, residents are in satisfactory locations. The Agency's emphasis is on encouraging economic revitalization by consolidating substandard commercial and industrial use properties and upgrading commercial and industrial use properties so that they have less of an impact on residential areas and homes. Most homes are situated on lots that are adequate in size and ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-4 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR ANn r.OMMON r:OLlNr:lI shape to accommodate them. Consolidation of lots for residential reuse and redevelopment is not necessary especially in light of the fact that new residential projects that usually require larger parcels, such as apartments and condominium projects, are not in demand in the community. The Agency has existing and effective programs that promote and assist the rehabilitation and upgrade of residential units without having to consolidate residential use parcels. In July 2002, a field inspection of the Project Area noted that the some of the existing commercial and manufacturing uses buildings and properties remain deteriorated. Additionally, some vacant parcels were observed. A=rding to San Bernardino County Assessor records, accessed through Metroscan, the Project Area has a total of 2,816 parcels. Of the 2,816 parcels, 335 of them are vacant, resulting in an 11.9% vacant parcel rate whereas the vacant acreage shown on Table 1 is approximately 14.8%. Structures that are aged and deteriorated pose a significant liability for the City, in regards to both health and safety issues as well as an economic liability. For commercial or industrial structures the Agency may need to acquire any offending properties. Acquisition of such properties may require the use of eminent domain to accomplish the Agency's goal of eliminating these conditions of deterioration. . Photo 1 - Converted commercial building being used as an office and storage facilities for a construction company. Conditions of blight evidenced by this property are readily apparent Area of 25th Street and Miramonte Street has a mixture of residential uses and light industrial uses. The reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain will assist with the elimination of such conditions and the assembly of commercial and industrial use properties into larger and better- designed parceis so as to mitigate potential conflicts between residential use and commerciai- industrial use properties. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-5 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT DI::OnOT Tn U^VnD ^''In rn~~un"l ("flllll.l("1I . Photo 2 - Small house/lot surrounded by light industrial uses on 26th Street and Miramonte Street. House is older, needs extensive exterior work, yard and landscaping, and a new roof. There is constant truck traffic on street delivering materials. The physical condition and location of this house, along with several other houses in the commercial area and CG-1 zone, is one of the primary reasons for the reinstatement of eminent domain. If necessary, eminent domain would be used, only as a last resort, to obtain easements, maintain buffers, and install physical barriers between Incompatible uses. Affordable housing programs would be used to enhance the livability and quality of the housing until such uses transition to the underlying zone uses due to market forces. As some of the commercial and industrial use buildings within the Project Area have aged and maintenance has been deferred, property values, including those in surrounding areas have declined along with tax revenues and sales tax revenues. Discussion of these effects is included in the economic conditions of this report. Mixed and Incompatible Uses The Project Area is characterized by commercial, industrial and even residential uses located adjacent or in close proximity to each other. By allowing conflicting uses to exist adjacent to each other, local residents and businesses are faced with conditions that can be detrimental to a healthful living environment and can result in declining property values. Incompatible uses present safety hazards as individuals are subjected to high levels of noise, pollution, and additional traffic hazards. There is also an increased risk of exposure to dangerous and hazardous accidents that may occur at neighboring industrial sites. These conditions adversely affect the quality of life for the local residents and impact the local businesses. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-6 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT . Photo 3 - Residential use within a general commercial area that appears to be in a light industrial use by 26th Street and Miramonte Street. Adjoining site is equipment and industrial materials storage yard with a temporary chain linked construction fence preventing entry to the site and is an attractive nuisance to children in the area. Street has constant truck traffic and lacks sidewalks and landscaped parkways. Retail and industrial uses are adversely impacted by their location among different incompatible uses. These conditions can make loading access more difficult because ingress and egress to commercial properties are more complicated. This can lead to traffic congestion and overall limited expansion potential. As a result, property values can decline due to the limited quality and quantity of development opportunities. In order to make redevelopment of this area possible, expensive corrective measures will be needed to reduce and/or eliminate existing incompatibility. Conflicting uses lead to a negative physical, social, and economic atmosphere, which leads to neglect of property and buildings. The effects of incompatible uses and the resulting declining property values and quality of life for local residence result in reduced tax revenues to the Community, increased costs for public services, and a decline in public services and facilities. Re-establishing the power of eminent domain will allow the Agency to effectively buffer and/or consolidate parcels to deal with the problem of incompatible land uses. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-7 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT oconOT Tn u....vno ...."In rnuunM (,,()111\1(,,1I . Photo 4 - Another view of the aforementioned residential use in a commercial area without curbs, gutter, sidewalks, and partial street pavement. Constant truck traffic on street delivering and move materials and supplies on day of field inspection. Note children's toys and trash bins in front yard behind chain-linked fence. . Photo 5 - View of fence separating above residential use from industrial storage yard. Note 55- gallon drums in the interior of the site, the condition of the fence, and the dry grass and weeds in yard adjacent to residential use that may have a children's daycare use or several young children on site. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-B - STATE COLLEGE REOEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFP()RT Tn MAY()R ANn r.nMMON r.nIINr.1I Land use incompatibility issues between commercial, industrial and residential use properties can be resolved not by removal and relocation of residents, but by fostering redevelopment of commercial use properly on a sustainable economic basis and by applying current building construction standards and development codes to remodel and new commercial and industrial structures and by requiring adequate buffers between different uses. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact on residents of the Project Area the proposed Amendment does not apply to residentially occupied properties or properties with a General Plan residential land use designation. Given the commercial and industrial nature of the Project Area it is believed that the need for such power is most important in addressing such uses. Lots of Irregular Form and Size The average commercial lot size in the Project Area is 0.71 acres' whereas modem commercial development requires at least five acres for adequate access and parking. The f1oor- space ratio for a lot of only .71 acres is 8,750 square feet. Modem commercial development requires at least five acres for adequate parking and access to commercial establishments. The smaller size parcels effectively limits future redevelopment because they are unable to meet current parking, landscaping, and building code requirements. In order to mitigate these blighting conditions and their effects, the Agency seeks to foster and assist (by means of exercise of the power of eminent domain in appropriate situations) private properly owner redevelopment efforts to consolidate lots and redevelop or rehabilitate them for proper future commercial and/or industrial development. However, much of the housing was built before the commercial and industrial development, which occurred where there was space, regardless of surrounding uses. By consolidating lots, the Agency would be able to unify land uses and improve traffic conditions created by excessive subdivided parcels. 1 According to information obtained from San Bernardino County Assessor's from 2002 Metroscan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-9 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT R~P{)RT Tn MAVOR Al\ln rnMMnl\l (':nlll\lf':11 . Photo 6 - Vacant and irregular shaped lot along Kendall Drive and 4th Avenue. Site was being used for parking of 'Vehicles for Sale" by residents in nearby apartments. The site also lacks curbs, gutter, and driveways, all of which may create an ingress/egress conflict for traffic on the major street, is zoned CG-1, Commercial General and is too small to develop by itself without being joined with adjacent lots. . Photo 7 - Vacant and irregular lot without major street frontage and access along Cajon Boulevard south of California Street. Industrial Light (IL) zoned lot is land locked by large vacant parcels to the north and a public golf course to the south. Lot is also separated by the railroad right of way from access to Cajon Boulevard, bounded by the 1-215 Freeway to the east, and appears to have a drainage problem. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-10 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR ANn r.OMMON (:OIJNf:1l Minimum Lot Size Assessing all the lots in the Project Area and comparing them to the City's minimum lot size requirements for each permitted land use, 36.59% of the lots in the Project Area which are currently zoned for commercial or industrial uses are non-conforming and do not meet the minimum lot size requirement. Excluding the residential lots and examining the "Commercial General" or CG-1 land use designation, 39 (40.63%) of 96 lots do not meet the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Of the lots with a "University Industrial Park" land use designation of UBP-1, 11 lots out of 36 lots or approximately 30.6% do not meet the minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Considering all such commercial and industrial zoned lots in the Project Area, 36.6% do not meet their respective minimum lot size for their specific land use designation.2 The reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain to assist owners and developers to assemble such substantial sized commercial and/or industrial lots for well-planned contemporary development will alleviate these conditions of blight. 2 Source: Metroscan 2002 and City of San Bernardino Infonnation Services ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-11 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 8 - Older industrial office complex that was 90% vacant along Little Mountain Drive and 27'h Street with a commercial office (CO-1) land use zone designation. Complex appears to have been vacant for several months and there was little leasing activity or advertising effort for the site. . Photo 9 - Vacant lot that does not meet the minimum lot size is located between a car wash facility and a residential unit by Little Street and Miramonte Street. Lot and area have a land use designation of CG-1 and would have to be combined with an adjoining site to be economically feasible. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-12 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Figure 2 /11/"'/ '-,..""" I '''',//''1 '/,,-/ ' .... -j II:: fC" ... \ ....., .............,. , ',\ '\ " /' '\ I \ \.\- ,,1/ h i',,~ "'" \ I M 1111. ,i ~ 2. k I:! I << ';~\:~;!'~I,;,,>~"/:W~A.~~II/;1!~::~I' II_!..",,"J~~C~~'I=:~=" '\ , ~~ ..S,(~""'" I ~I J I 1. \ "J \ ; ,.. ~ ,,"' ~: ' /, . '1, '..." .,-.....' ..\~..~. / I ;'\ 411" ".:".'9..!I .' "I \ - II.!J "'11114'-"'l1li'7 "'-.... ') . rq 14 \/' , ~~' I -'.,.i · ""-., 't ' , M '<}~~',~~--l /.. .J!i...:.' '. ,'" ~ L, ~~...... ..... I~J' - ;"'''~ \ , *"',... \ ,'\\\ , \ ! / // . Not to Scale / / i \ \ ..........( 8' 110\ -ft. \ \1-. Ji"'ji'S..,. "".....-......... -'t.'~. -":... \'-"..")_1,- \ : ..:.. ...L"~"F "'I"' "' ~". .- I / , t-- \ -- ~"' I i~ I' ""'.,Be. ;~ r~~i~lr~ ..,.,. I "'...1 J/ ! ,- Legend: RDA /"V Cltylimils 2002 . Apartments .. Single Famlty Residential Of Commercial Rental ft DuplexlTliplex 2001 a Apartment!;. .. Single Family Residential iil Commercial Rental . DuplexfTripJex 2000 !; Apartments €!I Single Family Residential Commercial Rental f1i DuplexITripleli': 1-- I Business I.1icenses - 'TIype: Rentals II1II."".. " ~&tq~~ ~fPU~ge" RDA , ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-13 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR ANn r.OMMON r.OIJNr.1l , -"'-',-- -'~/'. .{ 'I -I ~ ! [II Code Compliance Cases For the five-year period of 97-98 through 00-01, code compliance cases for the Project Area exceeded the general norm for the City by rate of 8 times for deteriorated/dilapidated cases and 2 times for major cases as shown on Table 3 below. This indicates that the area still has blight problems that need to be corrected through the redevelopment process. TABLE 3 CITY-WIDE CODE COMPLIANCE CASES NET OF RDA CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 TOTAL CASES YEAR Number % of Total Number % of Total Number % of Total Number % of Total 1997 794 15.96% 3.701 74.39% 452 9.09% 28 0.56% 4,975 1998 1,446 28.02% 3,253 63.04% 439 8.51% 22 0.43% 5,160 1999 2,296 37.84% 3,333 54.93% 415 6.84% 24 0.40% 6,068 2000 2,258 43.03% 2,614 49.82% 353 6.73% 22 0.42% 5,247 2001 2,762 49.49% 2,662 47.70% 146 2.62% 11 0.20% 5,581 TOTALS 9,556 35.35% 15,563 57.57% 1,805 6.68% 107 0.40% 27,031 STATE COLLEGE CODE COMPLIANCE CASES CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 TOTAL CASES YEAR Number % aflatal Number % of Total Number % of Total Number % aITatal 1997 51 30.18% 88 52.07% 22 13.02% 8 4.73% 169 1998 59 34.10% 85 49.13% 23 13.29% 6 3.47% 173 1999 176 53.66% 111 33.84% 35 10.67% 6 1.83% 328 2000 62 49.60% 46 36.80% 12 9.60% 5 4.00% 125 2001 85 58.62% 29 20.00% 25 17.24% 6 4.14% 145 TOTALS 433 46.06% 359 38.19% 117 12.45% 31 3.30% 940 SourceslNotes 1) City of San Bernardino Information Services 2002 2) City of San Bernardino Code Compliance 2002 3) RSG Case Coding 2002 4) Net of RDA means cases in redevelopment project areas were not part of the City-wkle totals. 5) Categories: 1 = Minor Violation, 2 = Mcxlerate Violation, 3 = Major Violation, and 4 = Deteriorated/Dilapidated The following photos show certain properties within the Project Area that have code compliance problems. Some problems have been long-standing and are a continuous problem for the City and Code Enforcement personnel. Figure 3 indicates areas within the Project Area that have been subject to code enforcement. The total non-duplicated area that has been impacted during a 5- year period is 32.7% and is shown on Table 4. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-14 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 10 - Hotel being refurbished located State Street and Hallmark Parkway apparently is pushing trash, debris, broken equipment, and old furniture onto an adjacent lot down the slope of the hill. Area also has high weeds and brush, is zoned Industrial Light (IL). . Photo 11 - Property adjacent to above hotel had a former user that had removed the buildings but left the driveways and foundations. Note the site drainage problems and the overflowing trash bin. Entire site is zoned Industrial Light (lL) and has significant infrastructure and utility impediments to overcome to have it ready for development. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-15 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FIGURE 3 ~Ssr., .S1l}o4 ~ m $llTH ~ ~ .. ;U.SlH III '"'ARk BLVD. $4,., .. "'<t i z :r: (t) ... 48THST ~ ~ .. ~ '" ~ 33IlO Z 3,sr 6 MALLORY P()It'ICA MEM 4000 City of San Bernardino State ColI~e Redevelopment Project Code Compliance Cases 1991..2001 ~ ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-16 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE 4 STATE COLLEGE CODE COMPLIANCE CASES Year Acres % of Total 1997 227.43 23.18% 1998 145.34 14.81% 1999 247.25 25.20% 2000 157.04 16.00% 2001 204.17 20.81% TOTAL ACRES 981.24 54.51% SQUARE FEET 42,742,745 NO DUPLICATE TOTAL ACRES 588.13 32.67% SQUARE FEET 25,618,943 Sources: 1} City of San Bernardino Information Services 2002 2) Metrosean 2002 As Figure 3 and Table 4 indicate, the number and the affected parcels that have had any code enforcement action during the past 5-years have impacted 32.67% of the total Project Area. . Photo 12 - Above area is along Little Mountain Drive. This major public road is subject to dumping of trash, debris, household furniture, and equipment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-17 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TABLE 5 City of San Bernardino Building Penni! and Code Compliance Activity 1997-2001 1997 1998 1999 200. 2001 Building Activity Bldg. Permrts 2,050 $ 54,730,009 2,085 $ 60,445,984 1,958 $ 59,036,553 1,489 $ 61,240,949 963 $ 71,514,348 Siqn Permits 128 $ 362,522 123 $ 773,044 149 $ 602,712 150 $ 752,744 121 $ 502,359 Total Pennits 2,178 $ 55,092,531 2,208 $ 61,219,028 2,107 $ 59,639,265 1,639 $ 61,993,693 1,084 $ 72,016,707 Previous Year +1- NA NA 1,38-;, 11.12'1, -4.57"/, .2.58'/, -22.21-;, 3.95-;, -33.86'/" 16.17'1. Code Activity Previous Year +1- Previous Year +/- Previous Year +f- Previous Year +/- Code Compliance 4,975 4,318 -13.21% 4,158 -3.71% 3,470 -16.55% 3,200 -7.78% Complaint Tracking MCC Complaint 100 NA 186 86.00% 149 -19.89% 67 -55.03% NOP Release Requests 363 NA 702 93.39% 503 -28.35'''10 464 -7.75% Tenet Tracking 90 N.A Vehide Abatement 379 NA 1,022 169.66% 1,125 10.08% 1,760 5644% Total Cases 4,975 5,160 6,068 5,247 5,581 Previous Year +1- NA 3.n"l, 17,60'1, -13.53-;, 6,37'1, Source: City of San Bernardino Inforrnatioo Services Department 2002 State College Project Area Building Penni! and Code Compliance Activity 1997.2001 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Building Activity Bdg. Permits 111 $ 2,915,685 110 $ 2,505,588 80 $ 3,197,317 80 $ 4,402,814 70 $ 6,708,048 Sinn Permits 3 $ 13,0Cl0 2 $ 5,000 9 $ 22,992 7 $ 30,030 3 $ 18,400 T etal Permits "' $ 2,928,665 112 $ 2,510,588 89 $ 3,220,309 87 $ 4,432,844 73 $ 6,n6,448 Previous Year +1- NA NA -1,75'1, .14.28'/" -20.54"1, 28.27'1" .2.25'1" 37.65'1, -18.09'/" 51.74';' "l,ofCity 5.23'1, 5.32'1" 5.07'1" 4.10'1" 4.22'1, 5.40"1, 5.31'1, 7.15'1, 6.73"1, 9.34";' Code Activity % of City %ofCity %ofCity %ofCity %ofCity Code Compliance 169 3.40% 144 3.33% 225 5.41% 7' 2.13% 86 2.69% Complaint Tracking MCC Complaint 2 2.00% 4 2.15% 0.00% - 0.00% NOP Release Requests 6 1.65% 17 2.42"/0 12 2.39% 6 1.29% Tenet Tracking 1 0.02% Vehide I>.bal:ement 21 5.54% 82 8.02"/0 39 3.47% 52 2.95% Total Cases 169 173 328 125 145 Previous Year +f- NA 2.37'1, 89.60% -61.89'1, 16.00'/, "l,ofCity 3.40"/, 3.35'1, 5.41'1, 2.38'/, 2.60'1, Source: City of San Bernardino Inforrnalion Services Department 2002. Comparison of City to State College code enforcement cases for the 5-year period shows an average of 8.7% increase in number of cases per year from the first year for the City and an average of 11.2% increase in number of cases per year for the Project Area, a rate of increase over the City average increase by approximately 28.7% per year. The following photos show some of the larger parcels that have been subject to code enforcement. This indicates a lack of development interest in these parcels due to their configuration, lack of public infrastructure, lack of access, or other matters that have inhibited their development or redevelopment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-18 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL . Photo 13 - Area adjacent to 1-215 Freeway between Cajon Boulevard has been a brush hazard area subject to brush fires and dumping. Large light industrial parcel has no access to Cajon Boulevard or the freeway. . Photo 14 - Same area, viewing south. Area has a number of water treatment basins that have been left in place. Other parts of the site contain old foundations, pipelines, and water treatment facilities. Again, parcel has limited access. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - 8-19 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT R~pnRT Tn MAYOR ANn r.nMMnN r.nIINr.1I Environmental Hazards A portion of the Project Area continues to experience certain environmental hazards such as brush fires and flooding. Figure 4, from the City's 1980 General Plan, indicate the general location of environmental hazards affecting the Project Area that still exist. Several residential neighborhoods and retail commercial areas are adjacent to Fire Zones and High Fire Hazard areas. Certain areas along the 1- 215 Freeway have flooding and this has been a hindrance to further development west of the freeway. Additional detention basins may have to be constructed to alleviate the problem. A more recent problem has also been identified that has hindered the redevelopment of the Project Area. The area is part of a federal groundwater cleanup effort through the Federal Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and the project is identified as the "Newmark Groundwater Contamination Superfund Project." The Newmark Groundwater Contamination site consists of area wide groundwater contamination underlying northwestem portions of the City of San Bemardino and the Project Area, which has been development for light industrial uses and residential uses. Two groundwater plumes border the Shandin Hills, with the westerly plume known as the Muscoy Plume and the easterly plume known as the Newmark Plume. The two plumes cover a portion of an essential groundwater aquifer for the City. Although the EPA suspect that the contamination began in the 1940's, the problem of chlorinated solvents, tetrachloroethylene (peE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), was not discovered until 1980 when a water-monitoring program was begun. The State of California brought back 12 of the 20 closed water supply wells by installing air stripping towers and carbon filtration systems but 25% of the water supply of the City, 75% of the City of Riverside's water supply, and the cities of Colton, Loma Linda, Fontana, Rialto, and several unincorporated areas in the counties of San Bemardino and Riverside have been affected. The presence of these environmental problems (in particular groundwater contamination) has produced an economic stigma, which adversely affects the development potential of the commercial and industrial zoned lands in the Project Area. This economic stigma further diminishes the ability of the private sector, acting alone without redevelopment powers, to deal with the conditions of blight in the Project Area. The reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain power may assist owners and developers to assemble commercial and/or industrial use parcels into economically feasible development projects and thereby overcome ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-20 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT the economic stigma, which currently affects much of the commercial and industrial zoned lands in the Project Area. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-21 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT FIGURE 4 , , I' I' I" .... '//1 lIt '""/ ,-, I I /' j '" "-, '4'-',; .....1 ',./ / ......., ~j.....I!:: 1 \ I rJEWMARK PLUME AREA .1 ! 1-' ! ! \ -~- III ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-22 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Crime Rates According to the Law, "a high crime rate that constitutes a serious threat to the public safety and welfare" is a condition of economic blight. In order to assess the impact of crime within the Project Area, information regarding the incidence of violent and other serious crime reported by the City's Police Department for the Project Area and the City was analyzed. TABLE 6 State College vs. City Part 1 Crimes 1999-2001 Summary 1999-00 Type SC(1) Citv(2) SC/Citv 187 (Murder) - 25 0.00% 211-215 (Robbery) 22 800 2.75% 242-245-273 (Assault) 36 2,691 1.34% 261 (Rape) 4 137 2.92% 451 (Arson) 4 113 3.54% 459 (Burolary) 72 2,221 3.24% TOTAL 138 5,987 2.30% 2000-01 Vs. Previous Year Tvoe SC(1) Citv (2) SC/Cltv SC(1) City (2) 187 (Murder) - 31 0.00% 0.00% 24.00% 211-215 (Robbery) 27 825 3.27% 22.73% 3.13% 242-245-273 (Assault) 39 2,777 1.40% 8.33% 3.20% 261 (Rape) 8 131 6.11% 100.00% -4.38% 451 (Arson) 5 144 3.47% 25.00% 27.43% 459 (Burolary) 107 1,655 6.47% 48.61% -25.48% TOTAL 186 5,563 3.34% 34.78% -7.08% 2001-02 Vs. Previous Year Tvpe SC(1) Citv (2) SC/Citv SC(1) City (2) 187 (Murder) - 36 0.00% 0.00% 16.13% 211-215 (Robbery) 24 897 2.68% -11.11% 8.73% 242-245-273 (Assault) 31 2,755 1.13% -20.51% -0.79% 261 (Rape) 6 145 4.14% -25.00% 10.69% 451 (Arson) 3 116 2.59% -40.00% -19.44% 459 (BurQlary) 141 1,207 11.68% 31.78% -27.07% TOTAL 205 5,156 3.98% 10.22% -7.32% State College Project 34 24.28%1 1:lty (416) -6.94% 2 year averaae 2 vear averaae Sources (1) City of San Bernardino lnfonnation Services 2002 (2) City of San Bernardino Police Department 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-23 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT nr:nnn.o..... f.IAVAO ^"I~ I"'I"'I.uu...t.ll"'nllf.Ir'1l FIGURE 5 Ilin'H " lftq, 1>1 51TH l5iml " PARI( BLWI" '" I54T1t ~ Z :I: en .... 48TH ST ~ 1; 5> ." w . ... % ij W 40TH ST , lMU.OR PORTER MESA 21ST CIW of Sin ~Bemardino State Collm Redevelopment Project Part 1 Criljnes from 7/31/99 to 7/31/02 Ii ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-24 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CCDf"'IDT Tn ~~^Vf"'\D ^~Ii\ f"(,\~Aun~1 ("nll~lrll FIGURE 6 Z ~ en w Z ~ en .... Z" ~ "1" Z ~ en .... ST r Legend . Prostitution . Contrubutlng to dellnquincy of minor . Other drug offenses e Drunk . Lewd conduct . Marijuana offenses . Annoying children o Indecent exposure m '" BUSEY T;; ... 4.000 21S city of San Bernardino State College Redevelopment Project Various Crimes 08/97 to 08/02 Ii ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-25 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Ot:Df"IOT Tf"I ~All.VnO "'P\ln ""n~nAnM {"flllMrll Certain crimes rates for the Project Area indicate a continuing problem with crimes against properties and crimes that affect young adults and children. From 1999 to 2001, comparison of the Project Area and the City crimes and crime rates shown on Table 6 indicate that the area is having a higher rate of crime. During these 2 years, the number of crimes has also increased by an average rate of 24.28% while the City's have decreased by 6.94%. Figure 5 shows the distribution of Part 1 Crimes of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and grand thief auto within the Project Area for a period of 3 years. Note that on Table 6, the primary Part 1 crime against property, burglary, has essential doubled each year for this 2 year period when considered as a portion of the total burglaries in the City. For 1999-00, it was 3.24% rises to 6.47% in 2000-01, and was at 11.68% for 2001-02. Figure 6 is a plot of misdemeanor crimes, specifically prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, other drug offenses, drunkenness, lewd conduct, marijuana offense, annoying children, and indecent exposure. The information shown on this figure is another indication of crimes that primarily would affect children and families in the Project Area. Figure 7 located those businesses that cater to adults and which exclude children. The area around liquor stores, massage parlors, bars, and live entertainment generally are not compatible with nearby residential uses and certain retail commercial uses. Additional separation areas or land uses generally are needed to mitigate any adverse impacts these uses would have on residences and neighborhood stores. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-26 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Qj::P()QT Tn u.o.vnR ll.tl.ln rn~n~()M rnl tl\lrll FIGURE 7 ", ,/ \ :11 I;~_?~,,~ \~'1///~1; III iI~)[~ I ~~_~_' " ' 1'; ! i I ..... - // ,:::.'p~ "'_/ I <: ! 'i'll"" ,-'_ " ~ ""/11 .~.Jf " h!'l '! I \.. . ( I, "-'~" ~_!: 1,.,-1 I:. i .' I \ i I - I~ '-'~-" '-..... '. ~"I, ......; " uf-' 'I~ 'f!~.. .... ~ J ~: ~:-".".I.'-- ':.0" /~. -_.....~ I,~ 1/."''' I, //....~....,l f ...... ~ .... /,:/,. A I"" :>?.r<-::- , '.. ,.......\ <......... " '", Not to Scale Legend: RDA 2001 Business Ucenses /'V C4y Limil. j{ Uve Entertainment 2002 Business Licenses 4'1t. 111' liquor Store :J:; live Entertainment . liquorStore e Bar . .... Massage Partor Bar IIIIIIIIlI 2000 Business Licenses ~ Massage Parlor :k Uve Entertainment m liquor Slora II__ I ~n ( '" I ""....1 \ \ \-- \- h -,r \~:r: ~~ 'I \' '1-:./-1 I Ii I - \'l".+t .....\.. -.~ / /............\ "'i ........ j I \. ..1 !- .1 I .. :.- I L- . Bar a Massage Parlor ~...' fi Liquor Stores, Massage Parlors, Bars & Live Entertainment III.ia State College RDA ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-27 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RFPORT TO MAYOR ANI1 COMMON COUNCIL Economic Indicators and Economic Conditions Certain socio-economic factors are also good indicators of economic blight and whether these conditions still exist in the Project Area. Table 7, shown below, indicates that while the per capita income or the average household income is above that of the City and of the County of San Bemardino, most of the residents are renters who do not own their own dwelling. TABLE 7 2002 Population 2002 Per Capita Income 2002 Median Household Income 2002 Average Household Income 2002 Average Household Size 2002 % Owned Dwellings 2002 % Rented Dwellings Unemployment State College Project Area 13,669 $22,628 $47,972 $63,354 2.8 40.39% 59.61% 3.82% County of San Bemardino 1,760,908 $19,126 $52,086 $62,419 3.3 64.72% 35.28% 3.17% City of San Bemardino 187,484 $15,375 $48,182 $51,485 3.3 53.46% 46.54% 4.11% Nation 286,999,830 $22,128 $44,508 $58,807 2.7 66.53% 33.47% 5.78% Sources: 1) Census 2000 2) Anysite 2002 3) Qty of San Bernardino E()()f1()fJjc Development fv;jency 2002 ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - B-28 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Section Five-Year Implementation Plan On December 20, 1999, the Agency adopted its current Five Year Implementation Plan ("Implementation Plan") for the Project. The Implementation Plan contains specific goals and objectives for the Project Area, the specific projects, and expenditures to be made during the five-year planning period, and an explanation of how these goals, objectives, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the Project Area. The Implementation Plan is not affected by this Amendment, and is incorporated herein by reference. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - C-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL m Why the Elimination of Blight and Redevelopment Cannot Be Accomplished by Private Enterprise Acting Alone or by the Agency's Use of Financing Alternatives Other Than Tax Increment Section 33352(d) of the Law requires an explanation of why the elimination of blight in the Project Area cannot be a=mplished by private enterprise alone, or by the Agency's use of financing altematives other than tax increment financing. This infonnation was previously provided at the time of the adoption of the original Plan. The private sector lacks the ability to effectively and economically assemble small and substandard commercial and industrial zone lots into larger and more useable parcels. The proposed Amendment will not make any changes to the means by which the Agency intends to finance the redevelopment of the Project Area and so no modifications of the documentation relating to Agency financing alternatives are required. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - D-l- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n The Method of Financing Section 33352(e) of the Law requires inclusion of a proposed method of financing the Project. This documentation was provided in the Original Reports, incorporated herein by reference. Because the Amendment will not alter the Project Area boundaries or affect the base year value of the Project Area, the Amendment will not change the method of financing the Project. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - E-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n The Relocation Plan Section 33352(f) of the Law requires inclusion of a method of relocation for the Project. Concurrent with the adoption of the original Plans, the Agency adopted as its method of relocation the Califomia Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines, as they existed or are subsequently amended. Also, as a public agency, the Agency is required to adhere to State Relocation Law to the extent relocation is necessary. The Amendment does not alter the Agency's existing method of relocation. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - F-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Section Analysis of the Preliminary Plan Section 33352(g) of the Law requires the inclusion of an analysis of the Preliminary Plan. This information was provided in the Original Reports prepared at the time the original Plan was adopted. The proposed Amendment does not alter the analysis of the Preliminary Plan contained in the Original Reports. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - G-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL I!I Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission Section 33352(h) of the Law requires inclusion of a report and recommendation of the City of San Bernardino Planning Commission ("Planning Commission"). The Planning Commission selected a project area and prepared the Preliminary Plan on August 20, 1968. in which they recommended approval. A record of this action is documented in the approved minutes of the Planning Commission. No further action by the Planning Commission is required in connection with the Amendment as no change in the boundaries of the Project Area or in the scope of proposed public improvements in the Project Area will occur as a result of the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - H-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Report of the Project Area Committee On July 24, 2002 the Agency held a Community Forum meeting to inform the residents, tenants, businesses, and property owners of the proposed Amendment after a public notice was published in the newspaper and a newsletter was sent to all the aforementioned parties. Since there will be no eminent domain over residential properties occupied or designated residential in the General Plan and there will be no public improvements that will displace low and moderate-income residents, the formation and consolation of a Project Area Committee is not necessary in connection with the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -1-1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL In General Plan Conformance Section 333520) of the Law requires a finding of General Plan conformance per Section 65402 of the Government Code. Concurrent with the original adoption of the Plan, the Planning Commission adopted a finding that the Plan conformed to the City's General Plan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - J- 1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Environmental Documentation Section 33352(k) of the Law requires environmental clearance prepared pursuant to Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code. However, this Plan was adopted before the Califomia Environmental Quality Act guidelines were adopted. Consequently, no EIR was completed as part of the original plan adoption. For the Amendment, an Initial Study was prepared pursuant to Califomia Environmental Quality Act guidelines, which found that the proposed Amendment to reinstate the time limit of the Plan's existing eminent domain authority would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment with the incorporation of mitigation measures. As such, a Negative Declaration for the proposed Amendment was completed. On June 2, 2003, the Agency and the City will consider a resolution to approve the Negative Declaration and adopt the Notice of Determination ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - K -1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL n Report of the County Fiscal Officer The proposed Amendment does not alter the Project Area boundaries; therefore, the base year report for Project Area prepared pursuant to Section 33328 of the Law by the County of San Bemardino Auditor-Controller and State Agency of Equalization, respectively ("Base Year Report"), does not need to be refonnulated. The Base Year Reports were included in the Original Reports and incorporated herein by reference. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -L-1- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL m Neighborhood Impact Report The Redevelopment Law requires that a Neighborhood Impact Report discuss the impact the Plan will have on low and moderate income persons or families in the following areas: relocation, traffic circulation, environmental quality, availability of community facilities and services, effect on school population and quality of education, property assessments and taxes, and other matters affecting the physical and social quality of the neighborhood. The Neighborhood Impact Report must also address: the number of dwelling units to be removed or destroyed; the number of low or moderate income persons or families expected to be displaced; the general location of housing to be rehabilitated or constructed; the number of dwelling units to house persons and families of low or moderate income planned for construction or rehabilitation; the projected means of financing the aforementioned dwelling units; and the projected timetable for meeting the Plan's relocation, rehabilitation and replacement housing objectives. Relocation At this time, full redevelopment of the Project Area is not expected to cause substantial relocation. Agency staff does not anticipate the removal or destruction of dwelling units as of the date of this Report. If relocation activities are undertaken, the Agency will handle those relocation cases, which result from project activities on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with its Method of Relocation. As an agency formed under the provisions of the Law, the Agency is required to adhere to the State Relocation Law (Government Code Sections 7260 through 7277) and follow the California Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines ("State Guidelines') as established in the Califomia Code of Regulations, Title 25, and Chapter 6. Prior to commencement of any acquisition activity, which will cause substantial displacement of residents, the Agency will adopt a specific relocation plan in conformance with the State Guidelines. To the extent appropriate, the Agency may supplement those provisions provided in the State Guidelines to meet particular relocation needs of a specific project. Such supplemental policies, if adopted in the Agency's sole discretion, will not involve reduction, but instead enhancement of the relocation benefits required by State Law. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP, INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -1 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Traffic Circulation The Amendment will allow the Agency to construct road improvements, either to directly address inadequacies, such as the widening of streets, or provide improvements that will alleviate existing pressure on major thoroughfares, that would otherwise be delayed indefinitely without Agency assistance. Environmental Quality The Amendment seeks to eliminate continuing blighting conditions and cause possible improvements including traffic circulation, sewer, storm drain, streetscape, and parking improvements. The Initial Study reviewed the impacts of the Amendment, including the potential new development and public improvements that could be facilitated by the Agency. The Negative Declaration found that there would be no significant, unavoidable adverse impacts as a consequence of the Amendment. Because the Amendment does not propose uses or intensities beyond the General Plan, adherence to adopted General Plan policies will ensure that redevelopment project implementation will not have impacts beyond the limits established by the General Plan. Where applicable, the Negative Declaration outlines mitigation measures, which will be required of future development in order to assure that the quality of the environment is maintained. Additionally, where required, more specific environmental analysis will take place as required by the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq. ("CEQA"). Availability of Community Facilities and Services The Plan provides that any redevelopment activity is to be subject to, and consistent with, the policies set forth in the City's General Plan, Development Code, and local codes and ordinances, as they now exist or are hereafter amended; the General Plan incorporates policies to mitigate impacts on public services. The Negative Declaration found that there would be no impacts to cultural resources and services as a result of the implementation of the Plan, as amended. Effect on School Population and Quality of Education The Project Area is served by the San Bernardino Unified School District ("School District"). While activity to be undertaken by the Agency pursuant to the Plan at this point in time may encourage additional development within the Project Area, the School District that serves the area will receive state property tax revenues, development fees for new school construction, and mandatory payments from the Agency every year over the life of the Plan. As identified in the Public Services ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -2 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Report, Section XI of the Negative Declaration is that this Amendment will not create additional need for new schools in the area. Adoption of the Amendment will not result in development in excess of that allowed by the City's General Plan. Therefore, the adoption of the Amendment will not cause the Project Area to generate more students than could occur in connection with development allowed in the General Plan. Since the City has adopted policies in the General Plan to mitigate impacts of General Plan build out on schools, adoption of the Amendment will not create significant unmitigated impacts. The potential impact of additional students on area schools can be more accurately determined once specific redevelopment proposals are formulated. In addition, the overall impact of the Amendment on school facilities will be positive, as redevelopment activities will result in enhanced economic viability of the Project Area and thus a larger tax revenue base for the School District. I Property Taxes and Assessments Because redevelopment agencies do not have the authority to levy taxes, implementation of the Amendment will not cause an increase in property tax rates. Rather, the principal method of financing will be the utilization of tax increment revenues generated by the Project Area. Tax increment financing merely reallocates property tax revenues generated by increases in the assessed value of property in the Project Area. Although development of the Project Area will increase the assessed valuation, property owners will not experience increases in property taxes beyond those normally allowed by other state law and state constitutional provisions. Low and Moderate Income Housing Program A. Number of Dwelling Units Housing Low and Moderate Income Households Expected to be removed by the Redevelopment Project The Agency does not anticipate that adoption of the Amendment would cause the removal of any housing units in the Project Area, as of the date of this Report. B. Number of Persons and Families of Low and Moderate Income Expected to be displaced by the Redevelopment Project As mentioned above, the Agency does not anticipate that the adoption of the Amendment would cause the displacement of any persons or families of low and moderate income in the Project Area, as of the date of this Report. C. Number of Dwelling Units Housing Persons of Low and Moderate Income Planned for Construction or Rehabilitation Other than Replacement Housing ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -3 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL Because the Agency has not yet formulated and approved specific housing proposals, it is difficult to determine the exact number or location of low and moderate income units expected to be rehabilitated over the life of the Project. In addition, funds over the next five years in particular are very limited and there is little vacant land for residential development remaining in the Project Area. D. Projected Means of Financing Rehabilitation and New Construction of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Households The Agency intends to utilize not less than 20% of the Project's tax increment revenues to finance the rehabilitation and construction of housing for low and moderate-income households, in accordance with the provisions of the Law, as it now exists or may hereafter be amended. The Agency will also cooperate with the City to pool funds and resources beyond the tax increment set aside funds if it is determined to be necessary by both bodies in order to improve the City's affordable housing stock. E. Projected Timetable for Meeting the Plan's Relocation, Rehabilitation, and Replacement Housing Objectives The adoption of the Amendment is not expected to cause the Agency to remove or relocate any dwelling units in the Project Area. The time frame for rehabilitating units pursuant to the Plan will be subject to the availability of housing fund revenues. Rehabilitation activities will be gradually phased in over each of the remaining years of the Plan. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 - M -4 - STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL m A Summary of the Agency's Consultations with Affected Taxing Entities As a part of the Original Plan adoption activities, the Agency consulted with affected taxing agencies to discuss the Plan's impacts and formulate fiscal mitigation agreements. The proposed Amendment would not detrimentally impact affected taxing agencies because the Amendment does not affect the financing of the Project Area in any way, nor will it change the Plan's land use policies or list of public improvement projects. On May 1, 2003, the Agency transmitted the notice of the June 2, 2003 joint public hearing to all affected taxing agencies. Thus far, the Agency has not been contacted by any affected taxing agencies seeking consultations regarding the Amendment. ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP. INC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUNE 2003 -N-l- STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT REPORT TO MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.4 Copies of Written Objections Received by May 22, 2003 Entrrp.rl into Record at / / " [" .,. ,'IC:'''vDevCms Mtg: f..p / :Lj a3 [IV _ ..e D A rp Al",:ia Item A:..J../ ~~ ~ity Clerk/COC Secy City of San Bernardino . EXlDBIT 4 WRITTEN OBJECTIONS AS OF MAY 22, 2003 NO WRITTEN RESPONSES RECEIVED STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.5 Negative Declaration and Initial Study Fnt,',erl into Record at / _ ,( ;;'-.L '''vllevCms Mtg: U' !::!:::L!!....J / " __,. eDA fE"\, 1;) Item _. ~ ::t../ ~.~ City ClerklCDC Secy City of San Bernardino City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment. Community Development. Housing. Business: Recruitment, Retention, Revitafization . Main Street. Inc. ~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title: Reinstatement of Eminent Domain for the State College Redevelopment Project Area Project Location: The redevelopment project area of the State College Redevelopment ("Project Area") consists of 1,800 acres of land within the City of San Bernardino, California. The Project Area boundaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of Highland Avenue to just north of California State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia A venue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within this area include Residential Suburban and Low Density, Public Facility, and Industrial Light, among others. Project Description: The proposed project is the reinstatement of eminent domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the City of San Bernardino Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067. The authority of the Economic Development Agency to use eminent domain in the Project Area lapsed in 1999 and was not immediately reinstated. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing Project Area through the end of the Project Area April 27, 2010 for those parcels that have a non-residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. Eminent Domain will allow the Agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with the appropriate land uses. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. Public Review Period: Begins: May 2, 2003 Ends: May 22, 2003 Address where documeuts may be obtained: Economic Development Agency, 201 North E Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. FINDING This is to advise that the Economic Development Ageucy of the City of San Bernardino, acting as the lead agency, has had an Initial Stndy prepared to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the euvlroument and is proposing this Negative Declaration based npon the following finding: The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. If adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. Mike Trout, Project Manager Date 201 North E Street, Suite 30 t . San Bernardino, California 92401-1507. (909) 663-1044 . Fax (909) 888-9413 www.sanbernardino-eda.org. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Project Title: Reinstatement of Eminent Domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area Lead Agency Name: City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Address: 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 Contact Person: Gary Van Osdel Phone Number: (909) 663-1044 Project Location (Address/Nearest cross-streets): The State College Redevelopment Area (Project Area) consists of 1,800 acres within the City of San Bernardino. The project boundaries are irregular in shape, extending in a latitudinal direction from the south side of Highland A venue to just north of California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). The longitudinal boundaries extend from Acacia A venue on the east to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within this area include Residential Suburban and Low, Public Facility, and Industrial Light, among others. Figure I shows the regional location of the project area, and Figure 2 shows the Project Area boundaries. Project Sponsor: Address: City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 Description of Project The State College Redevelopment Project was originally adopted on April 27, 1970, the same year the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was enacted but predated CEQA. This report was prepared for the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency ("the Agency"). No initial studies or environmental impact reports were previously prepared for the proposed project. The original objectives of the Red<;velopment Project were to improve the area's general condition by removal and/or replacement of substandard buildings, removal of irregular lot subdivisions, elimination of the area's environmental deficiencies (overcrowded areas, street deficiencies, unsightly utility lines), improved architectural and urban design features, assisting landowners and redevelopers in the redevelopment process, and substantially increasing the number of low and moderate housing units in the area. These objectives will thus reduce the areas of blight that exist within the Project Area. Blight, as defined by California redevelopment law, may include: structural deficiencies, faulty planning, inadequate public improvements, utilities, traffic and parking facilities, depreciated property values, social and economic maladjustments, and other conditions. The Project Area has significantly changed since the redevelopment plan was enacted in 1970. Residential neighborhoods exist in the central and east portions of the Project Area, as designated in the City's General Plan. Industrial developments now exist west of Interstate 215, and California State University, San Bernardino to the north, as designated in the City's Zoning Maps. According to the State College Redevelopment Project Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council (March 2003), the majority of the original conditions of blight, as defined within the redevelopment plan completed in 1970, continue to exist on the projecf site. Figures 3 through 7 show existing conditions in the Project Area observed by Lilburn Corporation during the field reconnaissance. 635/Slalc College initial StudyfMarch 27. 2003 IS-1 ~ " ~ <D :; 01 u:: a. o ~ >- - .c .u C <D > ~ o o ~ c ~ o 0 .0) "8 <V 5 a::: Jl <V g 0) '0 <V g Iii o '" U ~ <V - o - V) >- o c: Q) Dl <( ~~ ;:::>~ o:::lo .......:l: -0 .......:lu '" Q) '5 Ol u: c>- '" - EO Q.u .; o c - " "'0 >'" '" 0 . u'" '" - . "'..; Cl z w ~ w ~ 0 CV .... <( >- - 0 C c '" CV Ol ..; E c '" a. E 0 Q. 0 CV ., > > '" Cl CV 0 "0 "E CV 0 c a::: 0 0 w CV 0 0) c U CV 5 c 0 ;;; '" U c 0 <n CV - 0 - V) ~~ :=>' o:l~ ....;l~ ~o ....;lu ~~ ~ 0 r- w a ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ;;. w " " " 0 ..... 0 ~ w E "'- ~ w :t ~ ~ .., = - fi If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" '" w '" '" '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ l;; ~ In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m = ~ W M N N N N N N N N N UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU " 0 = 0 "" -< E 0 S '" "'- 0 -= 0; c.. > 0 ~ .., 0 ;.. '" eJJ u 0 g 0 '"' = 0 0 u -= "' ~ 0 = ~ , s 0 ill = " en ~~ ::::>~ .~~ ......:I~ ~o ......:Iu ~t w ~ , ~~ 0 z ~ ~ w o w . 5 u w ~ f-i '" ~ :;; ~ ~ '" = - '" ~ ;;J '" .... '" '" -= Q. C':l ;... eJl o ..... o -= ~ >> u = ~ '" ~ E ~ E 0- o V > ~ '" ~ ~ u E o = o u "' o = ~ ~ E ~ <Il = m VJ ~~ ~; P=lo ~~ ~o ~u ~ ~ ~ 'it ~ l!!o ~~ "'~ ~~ ih 0"' ..... ::;" 3~ ~~ ~ IT> 0 w a ~ ~ ... w ~ ~ w " " ." " ..... 0 0 ~ w ~ '" ~ " w :E ~ w '" = - fi '" -= Q., ~ /.; OJ) o ..... o -= =-- '" o = " '" -< " " E C- o " > w '" " '" u E o o o u W o o ~ ~ e " PO = ~ ell ~~ o::l 0 .......:l~ -0 .......:lu o ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o z ~E L.J ~~ ~ u .". W a [:;l ~ ~ W 0 ;l W . " . 0 - u W ~ E '" ~ 0 :;; ~ w '0 .5 fi o ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o z [ WE " '" o ~ ~ ;; L.J ~ >> u C u on -< C u S '" '" 0 -= <i Q.. > u e'Il '0 U ~ ~ eJ) u Q S .... 0 c Q 0 u -= Ul =-- 0 .s '0 ~ ~ E u Ol c ~ en ~~ co~ ......:1~ -0 ......:1u ~~ ~ 0 ..., w a ~ ~ ~ w 0 ;;.J w ~ ~ ~ 0 ..... 0 ~ w E 0- ~ ~ :is ~ ~ '0 = - fi >. 0 = v on -< " v E '" 0- 0 -= " Q., > v eo: ." v l-< '" ell u Q E 0 .... = Q 0 0 -= '"' =-- 0 0 ~ ~ E v 01 = ~ en ~~ o:l~ ~:; --0 ......:lu CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY The Redevelopment Plan for the State College Project Area was adopted in 1970 and expires in 2010. The Redevelopment Plan predates CEQA. However, over the years, as projects have been developed in the Project Area, Initial Studies to evaluate a project's impacts on the environment were prepared and Negative Declarations were adopted in accordance with the City of San Bernardino Guidelines for implementing CEQA. Today the State College Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the City of San Bernardino Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Resolution No. 2185. One of the tools used by the City's Economic Development Agency to foster redevelopment in the Project Area is eminent domain. Eminent domain authority allows an agency to acquire properties within a project area in order to facilitate redevelopment. It allows an agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The use of eminent domain to facilitate redevelopment in the State College Project Area was a part of the Redevelopment Plan when it was adopted in 1970. However, this authority cannot exceed 12 years. At the end of the 12 year period the redevelopment plan must be amended to address continuance or reinstatement of eminent domain. The authority for the Economic Development Agency to use eminent domain in the State College Project Area lapsed in 1999 and was not immediately reinstated. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing Project Area for an additional 12 years for those parcels that have a non- residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. CEQA Section 15378(a) defines a project as "the whole of an action which has the potential to result in either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment..." The reinstatement of eminent domain is considered to be a project under CEQA because the purpose of this tool is to allow an Agency to condemn properties in order to assemble parcels to facilitate development. Because the reinstatement of eminent domain is a "project" under CEQA, the Economic Development Agency, acting as the lead agency must make a determination that any changes in the project descpption after the project has been approved will not have a significant effect on the environment. In this case; the change in the project description is the reinstatement of eminent domain after it lapsed in 1999. Generally when a Redevelopment Project Area is created, the lead agency prepares a Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) that addresses the potential environmental effects associated with the redevelopment of a designated project area. However, since the adoption of the State College Redevelopment Project Area predates CEQA, no Program EIR was prepared. Therefore, an Initial Study has been prepared to evaluate the potential environmental effects of reinstating eminent domain as a tool for continuing the redevelopment effort in the Project Area. This Initial Study evaluates environmental impacts for re-establishing the Agency's use of eminent domain with respect to the Project Area. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the existing State College Redevelopment area for an additional 12 years for those parcels that have a non- residential General Plan designation and/or have an existing non-residential use. Eminent domain will allow the Agency to assemble properties for conveyance to private entities that in turn will develop those properties with appropriate land uses. Reinstating the power of eminent domain will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. 635/Stale College Initial sntdylMareh 'l7. 2003 IS-9 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. 0 Land Use and Planning 0 Transportation/Circulation 0 Public Services 0 Population and Housing 0 Biological Resources 0 Utilities 0 Earth Resources 0 Energy and Mineral Resources 0 Aesthetics 0 Water 0 Hazards 0 Cultural Resources 0 Air Quality 0 Noise 0 Recreation 0 Mandatory Findings of Significance Determination. On the basis of this Initial Study/Environmental Checklist, the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino finds: That the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a 181 NEGA TIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there 0 will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attilched sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. That the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT REPORT is required. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there 0 WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. ~ S{gnature ~Ct~~ M, F~~ Printed N e ~ 6351Stale College Initial StudylMarch Tl. 2003 IS-IO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact L LAND USE AND PLANNING. Will the proposal result in: a) A conflict with the land use as 0 0 0 181 designated based on the review of the General Plan Land Use PlanlZoning Districts Map? b) Development within an Airport District 0 0 0 181 as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and the Land Use Zonin!! District MaD? c) Development within Foothill Fire Zones 0 0 0 181 A & B, or C as identified on the Land Use Districts Zoning Map? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 ll. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Will the proposal: a) Remove existing housing (including 0 0 0 181 affordable housing) as verified by a site survey/evaluation? b) Create a significant demand for 0 0 0 181 additional housing based on the proposed use and evaluation of project size? c) Induce substantial growth in an area 0 0 0 181 either directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or an extension of major infrastructure)? 63SIStale College Initial SlUdylMan:h 27. 2003 IS-ll CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact -.. Ill. EARTH RESOURCES: Will the proposal result m: i a) Earth movement (cut and/or fill) on 0 0 0 181 slopes of 15% or more based on information contained in the Preliminary Proiect DescriDtion Form No. D? b) Development and/or grading on a slope 0 0 181 0 greater than 15% natural grade based on review of General Plan HMOD maD? c) Erosion, dust or unstable soil conditions 0 0 181 0 from excavation, grading or fill? d) Development within the Alquist-Priolo 0 0 181 0 Special Studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, Figure 47, of the Citv's General Plan? e) Modification of any unique geologic or 0 0 0 181 Dhvsical feature based on field review? t) Development within areas defined as 0 0 181 0 having high potential for water or wind erosion as identified in Section 12.0- Geologic & Seismic, Figure 53, of the City's General Plan? g) Modification of a channel, creek or river 0 0 0 181 based on a field review or review of USGS Topographic Map (Name) San Bernardino. South. h) Development within an area subject to 0 0 181 0 landslides, mudslides, subsidence or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, . Figures 48,51,52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? 6~5ISlate CoDege Initial StudylMarch n. 2003 IS-12 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY I Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact - i) Development within an area subject to 0 0 0 I8J liquefaction as shown in Section 12.0- Geologic & Seismic, Figure 48, of the City's General Plan? -- i) Other? 0 0 0 0 I IV. WATER. Will the proposal result in: -- a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage 0 0 I8J 0 patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces that cannot be mitigated by Public Works Standard Requirements to contain and convey runoff to approved storm drain based on review of the proposed site plan? b) Significant alteration in the course or 0 0 0 I8J flow of flood waters based on consultation with Public Works staff? " c) Discharge into surface waters or any 0 0 0 I8J alteration of surface water quality based on requirements of Public Works to have runoff directed to approved storm drains? d) Changes in the quantity or quality of 0 0 0 I8J !!round water? -- e) Exposure of people or property to flood 0 0 I8J 0 hazards as identified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Rood Insurance Rate Map 06071 C7940F and Section 16.0-Rooding, Figure 62, of the . Citv's General Plan? f) -' Other? 0 0 0 0 - 635/Slate College Initial StudylMarcli 27, 2003 IS-13 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact V. AIR QUALITY. Will the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or 0 0 181 0 contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation based on the thresholds in the SCAQMD's "CEQA Air Quality Handbook"? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? 0 0 181 0 c) Alter air movement, moisture, or 0 0 0 181 temperature, or cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors based on 0 0 0 181 information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form? VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Could the proposal result in: a) A significant increase in traffic volumes 0 0 0 181 on the roadways or intersections or an increase that is significantly greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b) Alteration of present patterns of 0 0 181 0 circulation? c) A disjointed pattern of roadway 0 0 0 181 improvements? d) Impact to rail or air traffic? 0 0 0 181 e) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or 0 0 0 181 off-site based on the requirements in Chapter 19.24 of the Development Code? . 6351Statc: College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-14 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact t) Increased safety hazards to vehicles, 0 0 0 IiSI bicyclists or pedestrians? g) Conflict with adopted policies 0 0 0 IiSI supporting alternative transportation? h) Inadequate emergency access or access 0 0 0 IiSI to nearby uses? i) Other? 0 0 0 0 VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Could the proposal result in: a) Development within the Biological 0 0 IiSI 0 Resources Management Overlay, as identified in Section IO.O-Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the City's General Plan? b) Impacts to endangered, threatened or rare 0 0 0 IiSI species or their habitat (including, but not limited to, plants, mammals, fish, insects and birds)? c) Impacts to the wildlife disbursal or 0 0 IiSI 0 migration corridors? d) Impacts to wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, 0 0 0 IiSI riparian and vernal pool)? e) Removal of viable, mature trees based on 0 0 0 IiSI information contained in the Preliminary Project Description Form and verified by site survey/evaluation (6" or greater trunk diameter at 4' above the ground)? t) Other? 0 0 0 0 635JSlatc College Initial StudylMarch 27,2003 IS-15 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy 0 0 0 181 conservation olans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a 0 0 0 181 wasteful and inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a 0 0 0 181 known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? IX. HAZARDS. Will the orooosal: a) Use, store, transport or dispose of 0 0 181 0 hazardous or toxic materials based on information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form, No. G(l) and G(2) (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b) Involve the release of hazardous 0 0 0 181 substances? c) Expose people to the potential 0 0 181 0 health/safety hazards? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 X. NOISE. Could the proposal result in: a) Development of housing, health care 0 0 0 181 facilities, schools, libraries, religious facilities or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior and an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior as identified in Section 14.0-Noise, Figures 57 and 58 of the City's General Plan? 6351State College 1niliaI StudylMarcb 27, 2003 IS-16 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact b) Development of new or expansion of 0 0 0 181 existing industrial, commercial or other uses which generate noise levels above an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior that may affect areas containing housing, schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses based on information in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. G(l) and evaluation of surrounding land uses No. C, and verified by site survey/evaluation? c) Other? 0 0 0 0 XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the followinl!; areas: a) Fire protection? 0 0 0 181 b) Medical Aid? 0 0 0 181 i c) Police protection? 0 0 0 181 d) Schools? 0 0 0 181 e) Parks or other recreational facilities? 0 0 0 181 f) Solid waste disposal? 0 0 0 181 g) Maintenance of public facilities, 0 0 0 181 includinl!; roads? h) Other l!overnmental services? 0 0 0 181 6351State College Initial SrudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-17 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XII. UTILITIES: Will the proposal, based on the responses of the responsible Agencies, Departments, or Utility Company, impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the -- construction of new facilities? a) Natural gas? 0 0 0 181 b) Electricity? 0 0 0 181 c) Communications systems? 0 0 0 181 d) Water distribution? 0 0 0 181 e) Water treatment or sewer? 0 0 0 181 f) Storm water drainage? 0 0 0 181 g) Result in a disjointed pattern of utility 0 0 0 181 extensions based on review of existing patterns and proposed extensions? h) Other? 0 0 0 0 , XIII. AESTHETICS. a) Could the proposal result in the 0 0 0 181 obstruction of any significant or important scenic view based on evaluation of the view shed verified by site survey/evaluation? b) Will the visual impact of the project 0 0 0 181 create aesthetically offensive changes in the existing visual setting based on a site survey and evaluation of the proposed elevations? .c) Create significant light or glare that 0 0 181 0 . . could impact sensitive receptors? . d) Other? 0 0 0 0 6J5IStatc College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-18 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Could the proposal result in: a) Development in a sensitive 0 0 181 0 archaeological area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? b) The alteration or destruction of a 0 0 0 181 prehistoric or historic archaeological site by development within an archaeological sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? c) Alteration or destruction of a historical 0 0 0 181 site, structure or object as listed in the City's Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey? d) Other? 0 0 0 0 XV. RECREATION. Would the proposal: , a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or 0 0 0 181 regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational 0 0 181 0 opportunities? 6351State College Initial StudylMarch '1:1, 2003 IS-19 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Potentially Significant Potentially Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to 0 0 0 181 degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California historY or prehistorY? b) Does the project have the potential to 0 0 0 181 achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts that are 0 0 0 181 I individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of Drobable future proiects.) d) Does the project have environmental 0 0 0 181 effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? (i35JStatc College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-20 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY REFERENCES. The following references cited in the Initial Study are on file in the Planning and Building Services Department/Public Works Division. 1. Redevelopment Plan - State College Project No.4 2. Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan - RDA 20% Tax Set-Aside 3. City of San Bernardino General Plan. 4. City of San Bernardino General Plan Land Use Plan/Zoning Districts Map. 5. City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Report 6. Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones Map. 7. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 8. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Maps. 9. Public Works Standard Requirements - water. 10. Public Works Standard Requirements - grading. 11. 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment, State College Redevelopment Project - Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council DISCUSSION OF IMPACT LEVELS AND MITIGATION MEASURES I. LAND USE AND PLANNING a) The State College Redevelopment Project is an irregular shaped area located in the northwestern portion of the City of San Bernardino. The project boundaries extend from Highland Avenue north to California State University, San Bernardino, and from Cajon Boulevard west to Acacia Avenue (see Figure 2). According to the City's Land Zoning Map, the majority of the central and east portions of the redevelopment area are zoned residential, and are consistent with the existing land use dominating that area. The western portions are zoned industrial, and are consistent with the existing land uses dominating that area. According to the State College Draft Report to Mayor and Common Council (March 2003), approximately 42 percent of the Project Area is residential, 13 percent commerciaVofficelindustrial, 6 percent public/other, and 15 percent vacant. CSUSB exists at the north side of the Project Area, as indicated in the Zoning Map, encompassing approximately 24 percent of the total Project Area. The proposed reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not result in a conflict with General Plan Land Use designations or Zoning District Maps. Figure 1 shows the regional location of the Project Area, while Figure 2 shows the Project Area boundaries. Photographs/maps showing the existing conditions within the Project Area are included in Figure 3-7. The Redevelopment Project will allow the City of San Bernardino to reduce any blighted conditions within the study area and allow for General Plan Amendments to bring the land use designations in conformance with the existing land uses. The Project Area has significantly changed since the enactment of the State College Redevelopment Plan in 1970. The majority of the original condition of blight as identified in 1970 continues to exist throughout the project area and requires further redevelopment activities. The State College Draft Report (march 2003) indicated the State College Redevelopment Area assessed value (A V) has only increased by 0.62 percent over the past five years, an average of 0.12 percent per year. In comparison the overall City during the same time period has increased by a factor of approximately 11.5 percent 635/State CoUege Initial StudylMan::b 28, 2003 IS-21 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY over the State College Project Area. An increase of less that two percent per year growth rate is not keeping up with the rate of inflation. The majority of the area appears developed per the Land Use Designation Map, with some vacant areas remaining. b) The proposed project is not within an Airport District as identified in Land Use Zoning District Maps. The closest airstrips or airports are located approximately 9 miles to the southeast (San Bernardino International Airport, former Norton Air Force Base) and approximately 9 miles to the west (Rialto Municipal Airport). There are no significant project-related impacts associated with airports. c) Portions of the Project Area are within the Fire Hazard Area according to Figure 61 of the City's General Plan. The northern portions of the project include areas designated as both High Hazard and Moderate Hazard. The majority of this area is encompassed by CSUSB, with some additional area to the east designated as Public Community Recreation and Residential Low. The area designated as Moderate to High Fire Hazard potential is located in close proximity to the San Bernardino Mountains and the San Bernardino National Forest located north of the Project Area. The San Bernardino Mountains are characterized with highly flanunable chaparral vegetation and high winds during the dry season making the area highly prone to fire hazards. Re-instatement should not create an increased fire hazard in the area since future development will decrease the amount of flammable vegetation in the area. n. POPULATION AND HOUSING a) The proposed project is the reinstatement of eminent domain in order to facilitate redevelopment of properties that have a non-residential General Plan designation and/or that have an existing non- residential land use. The central and eastern portions of the Project Area currently have a residential land use designation, and much of the area is developed as such. The reinstatement of eminent domain will not create an impact to the existing residential land uses within the Project Area by removing existing housing. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain within the project area will allow the City to redevelop areas that are used for non-conforming land uses within non-residentially zoned areas. Vacant lots exist throughout the Project Area, and development/redevelopment may result in additional demands for housing in the area. Any impacts associated with available housing in the area will be discussed in subsequent studies prepared for future proposed projects. The reinstatement of eminent domain will not result in an impact to existing housing within the area. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in major infrastructure expansion not previously considered in the Redevelopment Plan or the City's General Plan because the area in urbanized and infrastructure is available. III. EARTH RESOURCES a-b) Portions of the Project Area include topography with slopes potentially greater than 15 percent. The area surrounding Little Mountain Drive, and an area north of North Park Drive are identified as moderate relief slopes, with low to moderate landslide susceptibility according to Figure 52 of the 6351State College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS- 22 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY City's General Plan. Site specific soil engineering and foundation investigations would be required for construction projects within the redevelopment area in accordance with development standards administered by the City's Public Works Division. c) Dust would be generated when grading or demolition is necessary. New rules and regulations adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) have been enacted since the adoption of the State College Redevelopment Plan. Such rules include regular watering on a daily basis to reduce dust hazards during construction in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. Rule 403 requires implementation of best available fugitive dust control measures during grading and construction activities with additional measures implemented under high wind conditions. See Section V - Air Quality for additional information on dust control and particulate matter that may be generated by development within the Project Area. High winds impact the dust generation characteristics and create the potential for off-site air quality impacts, especially with respect to airborne nuisance and particulate emissions. Minimal potential exists for wind erosion as vacant parcels within the Project Area are generally vegetated with grasses and weeds. Compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 and grading and development standards administered by the City's Public Works Division would ensure that potential erosion of soils is minimized during re-development of properties. d) The City of San Bernardino is situated in a seismically active region where numerous faults are located, capable of generating moderate to large earthquakes. Figure 47 of the City's General Plan provides the locations of existing faults within the area. The San Andreas Fault zone traverses the City in a northwest-southeast direction along the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains. The Project Area is located approximately 'A mile south of the San Andreas Fault System. The San Jacinto Fault System also traverses the City through Cajon and Lytle Creeks, generally to the west of the Project Area. The Project Area is within 1.5 miles east of the San Jacinto Fault System. The Glen Helen Fault runs just northwest/southeast and parallel of the San Jacinto Fault System. The Project Area is located within one mile east of the Glen Helen fault. These fault zones are located within an Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zone, a designation given when surface rupture may occur in the immediate vicinity due to movement along these faults. The Project Area is located outside the limits of the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones for the San Andreas, San Jacinto, and Glen Helen faults as defined in the City's General Plan (reference Figure 47 of the City's General Plan); therefore, surface rupture is not likely to occur in the Project Area. However, this vicinity, like most of the City, is likely to experience peak ground acceleration from a maximum credible earthquake of magnitude Mw 8.5 on the San Andreas Fault, and a magnitude Mw 7.5 from the San Jacinto and Glen Helen Faults (reference Figure 46 of the City's General Plan). Groundshaking is due to seismic waves emanating from the epicenter after initial movement on the fault. Groundshaking will impact structures during earthquakes. The magnitude of the impact is related to the construction of the building and its foundation. The City has adopted seismic performance standards for all new construction. Any new buildings proposed would be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code and any additional performance standards adopted by the City. It is 635/Stale College Initial SrudylMarch 21, 2003 IS- 23 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY anticipated that major earthquake groundshaking will occur during the lifetime of redevelopment projects in the Project Area from either the San Andreas or the San Jacinto fault systems. Due to the likelihood of earthquakes to occur within either of the large fault zones, the City requires a soils/geotechnical study to determine the impacts likely to occur on a specific project site. These would also be required of all government buildings in the Project Area. Site-specific geotechnical investigations would routinely be prepared for new development projects requiring earthwork to be performed. Recommendations of the investigations are routinely incorporated in the design and construction of new projects. With adherence to the recommendations made by the geotechnical engineer, potential significant impacts associated with earthquakes in general would remain less than significant. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not change the City's requirements regarding geotechnical investigations within the Project Area. e) Based on a field investigation of the Project Area, no unique geologic or physical features were observed. f) The Project Area contains areas designated as having high potential for water or wind erosion as identified on Figure 53 of the City's General Plan. The area surrounding Little Mountain Drive is designated as having high water erosion potential. In addition, areas of potential high wind erosion exist east of CSUSB, and in small sections along University Drive north of 1-215 within the Project Area. Any proposed future developments within areas designated as having potentially high wind or water erosion will be evaluated on an individual project basis. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not result in a developmental impact from potentially high wind and water erosion areas since it would not result in a specific development project. g) The Project Area is located less than three mile east of the Cajon Creek Wash/Lytle Creek Wash junction. The majority of the Project Area is developed with an established storm drain system. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not result in any modification to existing water channels or creek within the Project Area. h) The Project Area is not located in an area that is susceptible to liquefaction or ground subsidence according to Figures 48 and 51 of the City's General Plan. Since 1972, the San Bernardino Municipal Water District has maintained groundwater levels through recharge to percolation basins that, in turn, filter back into the alluvial deposits. Problems with groundwater subsidence have not been identified since the implementation of the recharge program. Landslides can occur during an earthquake in areas where there are extreme changes in elevation such as in the foothills or mountain areas. Slope stability is determined by a number of different factors including the slope steepness, vegetative cover, wildfire, bedrock, soil, precipitation, and human alteration. The Project Area's slope stability conditions are described in the General Plan based on the level of relief and the general landslide susceptibility in the area. Figure 52 of the City's General Plan maps the slope stability and landslide susceptibility in the area. Several areas within the Project Area are classified as moderate relief, with a low to moderate susceptibility to landslides. They include the sloped hills surrounding Little Mountain Drive, which are designated mainly for residential land uses 635/Sta1c College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-24 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY in the City's General Plan, and a section of the northeastern portion of the Project Area, near the east side ofCSUSB. The majority of the vacant lands within the Project Area are vegetated with grasses and shrubs, which reduce the water and wind erosion onsite. Figure 52 of the City's General Plan shows several areas where potentially high wind and water erosion may exist based on their soil limitations. The potential for high water erosion exists on the sloped hillsides along Little Mountain Drive, and east of CSUSB. Areas of potentially high wind erosion also exist along University Parkway north ofI-215, and along Northpark Boulevard on the northeast side of the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create an impact to development within areas oflandslide susceptibility or areas of potentially high water and wind erosion as identified in the City's General Plan. Future proposed developments within these areas would be evaluated on an individual basis with regard to these impacts. i) Liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs when strong earthquake shaking causes soils to collapse from a sudden loss of cohesion and undergo a transformation from a solid state to a liquefied state. This happens in areas where the soils are saturated with groundwater. Loose soils with particle size in the medium sand to silt range are particularly susceptible to liquefaction when subjected to seismic groundshaking. Affected soils lose all strength during liquefaction and failure of building foundations can occur. According to Figure 48 of the City's General Plan, the Project Area is not located within an area susceptible to liquefaction. IV. WATER a-d) The Project Area exists within upper Santa Ana River watershed. The Project Area has been urbanized with water flow currently being managed by existing streets and drainages within the area. Storm drains and flood control facilities are administered by the City of San Bernardino - Public Works and Public Service Departments, and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Current City policy requires alllO-year frequency storm waters, except for flow at intersection points, to be contained in the underground drain system. Storm flows in excess of the lO-year storm flow, but less than or equal to the 25-year storm flow, are carried in the curb portion of the street in existing developed areas. Storm flows associated with the IOO-year storm event may be carried in the street right-of-way. The proposed reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in any changes to the existing drainage system within the area. As future development projects are proposed, drainage and erosion control plans will be prepared in accordance with development standards as administered by the City's Public Works Division. e) Several sections of the Project Area are located within the lOO-year flood zone as identified in Figure 62 of the City's General Plan. An area near the intersection of California Street and Cajon Boulevard, and areas along Northpark Boulevard and Little Mountain Drive near CSUSB are within 635lState College Initial StudylMarch 21, 2003 IS- 25 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY the lOO-year flood zone. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in an impact to the flood hazard areas within the Project Area. Individual projects proposed for development within the lOO-year flood zone would be required to prepare a hydrology study which meets City of San Bernardino and County Flood Control District requirements. The development proposals must also be reviewed for consistency with the Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements. V. AIR QUALITY a-b) Air quality is affected by both the rate and location of pollutant emissions and by meteorological conditions which influence movement and dispersal of pollutants. Atmospheric conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature gradients, along with local topography, provide the link between air pollutants and air quality. The City of San Bernardino is in the northeast portion of the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB), which includes Orange County, and portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. The SCAB is an area of 6,600 square miles bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and San Jacinto Mountains to the north and east. The mountains reach heights of up to 11,000 feet above mean sea level (msl) and act to prevent airflow and thus the transport of air poilu tams out of the basin. The San Bernardino Valley portion of the SCAB is designated a non-attainment area for nitrogen dioxide, sulfates, particulate matter, and ozone. The criteria pollutants identified in the SCAB that would be associated with development projects in the Project Area include: - Ozone (03) - Carbon monoxide (CO) - Nitrogen dioxide (N02) - Particulate matter (PMIO) - Sulfur dioxide (S02) - Reactive Organic Gasses (ROG) SCAQMD adopted the Final 1994 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) revision in September 1994, and the 1997 AQMD update was adopted locally in August 1996 to establish a comprehensive control program to achieve compliance with federal and state air quality standards for healthy air quality in the SCAB. The Final AQMP was adopted by the SCAQMD Board in November 1996 and has since been approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The AQMP policies serve as the framework for all control (permitting) efforts in the SCAB as enforced by the SCAQMD for stationary sources. CARB regulates mobile sources. A 2003 AQMP is currently being drafted. Redevelopment within the State College Redevelopment Area may result in demolition, construction and site grading. Most of the lot sizes throughout the Subareas remain relatively small, and are therefore unlikely to exceed SCAQMD air quality thresholds, with the exception of some industrial zoned areas along the west side. Since the South Coast Air Basin is in non-attainment status for ozone and suspended particulates (PMIO), standard measures have been adopted by the City based on 635JStale College Initial StudyfMarcb 27. 2003 IS-26 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY SCAQMD Rule 403 to minimize the project contribution to regional emission of criteria pollutants. Additionally, fugitive dust generated by construction activities would add to the ambient PM 10 levels but should not exceed SCAQMD threshold of 150 Ibs/day after standard dust abatement procedures are applied. The City's General Plan policies 10.10.2 and 10.10.4 require dust abatement measures during grading and construction operations, and cooperation with SCAQMD by incorporating pertinent local implementation provisions of the SCAQMD. Implementation of Rule 403 and standard construction practices during all operations capable of generating fugitive dust, will include but not be limited to the use of best available control measures, such as: I) Water active grading areas and staging areas at least twice daily as needed; 2) Ensure spray bars on all processing equipment are in good operating condition; 3) Apply water or soil stabilizers to form crust on inactive construction areas and unpaved work areas; 4) Suspend grading activities when wind gusts exceed 25 mph; 5) Sweep public paved roads if visible soil material is carried off-site; 6) Enforce on-site speed limits on unpaved surfaces to 15 mph; and 7) Discontinue construction activities during Stage I smog episodes. Therefore, the reinstatement of eminent domain for the State College Area would not alter the requirements for projects to comply with rules and regulations regarding air quality. c-d) The local climate can be classified as Mediterranean with hot and dry summers and short, warm and relatively dry winters. Temperatures range from a low of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 F) in the winter to a high in excess of 100" F during the summer. Mean annual temperature is 650 F. Average annual precipitation for the area is 18 inches, which is almost exclusively rain. Proposed reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect the physical environment. The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area is consistent with the City's General Plan and zoning with regard to permitted land uses in the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain to facilitate redevelopment in the Project Area would not result in additional emissions or objectionable odors. The General Plan land use designations within the Project Area include mainly residential, industrial, and public facility, among others. VI. TRANSPORTATION a) The majority of the Project Area is currently developed, with some vacant areas (approximately 15 percent) still remaining. Development in the vacant areas may result in increased traffic circulation within the Project Area. Any individual projects proposed within the Project Area that could result in a potentially significant increased trip generation would be required to complete a traffic impact study to evaluate impacts to the areas existing traffic conditions. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in increased traffic volumes within the Project Area. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in altering the present pattern of circulation in the vicinity of the Project Area. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not change the basic paths or patterns of circulation in the immediate area, nor create any disjointed roadway improvements. 6351S\3<<: College Initial StudylMarcb n. 2003 IS-27 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY d) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact rail or air traffic. The closest airstrips or airports are located approximately nine miles to the southeast (San Bernardino International Airport, former Norton Air Force Base) and approximately nine miles to the west (Rial to Municipal Airport). The nearest passenger railroad operation is the Amtrak: Station at 3m Street and Mt. Vernon, located several miles south of the Project Area. The project would not stimulate any activity that would place demands on air traffic, nor interfere with their operations. Future land uses could he sited adjacent to the railroad right-of-way, which is an interstate rail line. However, any such proposal would require a special study to evaluate the potential impacts to rail traffic at the time that proposal is presented to the City. Therefore, there are no impacts to rail traffic as a result of reinstatement of eminent domain. e) All parking for individual projects would be provided on-site. Parking spaces for individual projects within the Project Area would be in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 19.24 of the City of San Bernardino Development Code, or a variance would he sought at that time. f) Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not increase safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians. The area is urban and includes sidewalks, crosswalks, and signalized intersections with pedestrian crossing lights. Bicycle use is most prominent around CSUSB and the surrounding residential districts. This issue will likely be addressed in the City's General Plan Update that us currently underway. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect safety in the Project Area. g) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not conflict with adopted policies supporting alternative modes of transportation since the transportation system is already established throughout the general Project Area. h) Design of new projects or redevelopment of existing properties would include adequate emergency access on-site as standard requirements by City Public Safety Departments. Design plans for these projects must be in compliance with the City's Development Code and would be reviewed and approved by the City Fire Marshal and Police Department prior to site disturbance. Therefore, the reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect emergency response. VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES a-c) The small portion of the Project Area, located mainly east of CSUSB, is included in the area designated as Biological Resources Management Overlay according to Figure 4 I of the City's General Plan. The California Department of Fish and Game maintains a Natural Diversity Database that lists threatened and/or endangered species that occur within the given area, and according to Figure 40 of the City's General Plan, no known sensitive resources exist within the Project Area. Previous developments have eliminated the majority ofthe wildlife corridors that existed in the past. However, some still remain in the northern and western most areas. DevelopmentJRe-Development within this biological resource area could restrict any potential wildlife corridors that currently exist in this north portion of the City. The City of San Bernardino, including the State College Redevelopment Project Area, contains habitat for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus), a federally 635/Slatc College Initial srudylMan:b 21, 2003 IS-28 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY listed endangered species, and the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila califomica), a federally listed threatened species. Any individual developments proposed within designated biological resources areas would be required to complete a biological study as outlined in the City's General Plan and may also be required to conduct focused surveys for the gnatcatcher and kangaroo rat. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not create an impact to existing biological resources. d) No wetland or riparian corridors exist within the Project Area according to Figure 41 of the City's General Plan. Several riparian corridors exist to the north within the biological resource district, outside of the project boundaries. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create impacts to wetlands or riparian corridors. e) Mature trees are known to occur throughout the Project Area. Removal of some mature trees may be required to accommodate site construction and/or grading/paving activities. The City requires an applicant to prepare an arborist's report on the condition of mature trees that have six inch or greater trunk diameters. A Tree Removal Permit would be issued concurrent with project approval for the anticipated removal of mature trees in conjunction with proposed development of a site, in accordance with Development Code Section 19.28.090. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect the status of existing trees in the Project Area. VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES a) Reinstatement of eminent domain and development of properties in the Project Area would not result in any conflicts with adopted energy conservation measures as required by the City of San Bernardino. Compliance with existing codes, ordinances, recognized conservation measures, ongoing "best available technology" and the General Plan would occur with Agency approval of the final project plans to reduce any net decrease in energy resources. Reinstatement of eminent domain in the Project Area would not create any significant demand on existing/planned energy resources and facilities, since most of the properties are already developed. In addition, county, state and federal construction projects which may occur in the Project Area are not subject to City building review, must still comply with state and federal guidelines for energy conservation. b) Non-renewable resources to be used by contractors on any development project include diesel fuel and natural gas. The City requires that all uses be designed to be efficient; no wasteful use of non- renewable resources will occur. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not alter this requirement. c) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in the loss of valuable mineral resources. Redevelopment may include aggregate resources in the construction of parking lots and buildings. Steel, concrete, and asphalt would be required as part of construction. These resources are commercially available in the local area without any constraint and no potential for adverse impacts to the natural resource base supporting these materials is forecast to occur over the foreseeable future. This demand is not significant due to the abundance of available local aggregate resources. 6351Slale College Initial StudylMarcb 27.2003 IS-29 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY IX. HAZARDS a) Hazardous or toxic materials may be used or transported in association with development projects in the industrial areas of the Project Area. All materials required during development and operation of projects would be used and transported in compliance with State and local regulations. Future industrial projects would be required to prepare Business Emergency Contingency Plans. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not alter an operator's/generator's adherence to these regulations. b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not result in the use, storage or disposal of toxic substances. An industrial district on the west, and several commercial areas consist of the main land uses associated with the operational use of toxic substances. All substances must be used and stored in controlled environments in accordance with existing requirements of the County Department of Health or Fire Department, State Department of Toxic Substance Control, SCAQMD or other permitting agencies. This would not change with reinstatement of eminent domain. c) Some existing sites in the Project Area may contain discarded wastes. If a parcel is suspected of containing underground storage tanks and/or other materials known to contain hazardous materials, a Phase I Site Assessment would be prepared by a Registered Environmental Assessor (REA) for sites that are suspected of potential hazardous material (visible storage tanks, dumping or stained soils). Recommendations contained in the report would be implemented prior to any site development. Reinstatement of eminent domain for the Project Area would not alter the requirements for use, storage and disposal of hazardous substances. X. NOISE a-b)' Reinstatement of eminent domain would not create any additional noise impacts within the Project Area. Environmental noise is normally measured using a special frequency-dependent rating scale because the human ear is not equally sensitive to sound at all frequencies. The A-weighted decibel scale (dBA) compensates for this discrepancy by discriminating against frequencies in a manner approximating the sensitivity of the human ear. A-weighting de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequencies of sound in a manner similar to the human ear. The result is a decibel corrected for the variation in frequency response of the typical human ear at commonly encountered noise levels. In general, people can perceive a three-dB A difference in noise levels; a difference of 10 dBA is perceived as being twice as loud; 20 dB higher four times as loud; and so forth. Everyday sounds normally range from 30 dB (very quiet) to 100 dB (very loud). 4Jnrepresents the average equivalent A- weighted sound level during a 24-hour day obtained by adding ten decibels to the hourly noise levels measured during the night (from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). In this way 4Jn takes into account the lower tolerance of people for noise during nighttime periods by penalizing the noise levels during the nighttime hours. The reinstatement of eminent domain does not involve the development of housing, health care facilities, schools, or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed 6351State College Initial StudylMarch n. 2003 IS-30 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY the City recommended standard of an L.n of 65 dB(A) exterior, and an L.n of 45 dB(A) interior. Future developments would be required to mitigate noise impacts to meet the City's required noise standards. XI. PUBLIC SERVICES a-b) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not place additional demands or change the requirements on fire protection and medical aid services beyond what the City has planned for in the General Plan. The northern section of the Project Area is located in a moderate fire hazard area, with a small portion east ofCSUSB located in the high fire hazard area according to Figure 61 of the City's General Plan. The San Bernardino City Fire Department Station No.5 is located within the Project Area, near the intersection of State Street and Kendall Drive. Station No. 3 is located near the intersection of Mt. Vernon A venue and Highland A venue, outside and west of the southern portion of the Project Area. Standard requirements for fire protection facilities, building design, and site access would be reviewed and approved by the City of San Bernardino Fire Department as development projects are proposed. c) The reinstatement of eminent domain would not place additional demands on police services. According to Figure 32 in the City's General Plan, no police service stations exist within the Project Area, and the nearest facility is a Highway Patrol Station located near the intersection ofMt. Vernon Avenue and Highland Avenue. Security measures would be incorporated into the design of new projects, reviewed by City departments, and would be verified during plan review of development projects by the City Police Department as they are proposed. d-e) Reinstatement of eminent domain should not create additional jobs not previously anticipated in the City's General Plan. Residents of the City or the surrounding communities would likely fill jobs created as a result of the development projects. Development in the Project Area will be individually evaluated for impacts on the demand for new or additional school services, parks, or other recreational facilities. The majority if the workforce would be drawn from the existing population in the area. f) Development/redevelopment within the Project Area will generate additional solid waste. The occupancy of the future undeveloped/redeveloped areas will result in increased waste generation and disposal needs. Reinstatement of eminent domain, however, would not result in additional demands on the solid waste system. Site owners/developers will cooperate with the City Public Services Department in participating in green waste diversion programs. In addition, the County of San Bernardino recently began the expansion of the Mid-Valley Landfill approximately nine miles southwest of the Project Area and is planning expansion of the Victorville Landfill approximately 20 miles north of the Project Area. g-h) Redevelopment of the Project Area would generate additional traffic in the area. Additional vehicle trips, however, would not be generated by the reinstatement of eminent domain. Access to individual sites is provided by a series of arterials through this segment of the City. The Public Works Division through standard conditions of approval, require Traffic System hnpact Fees with the development of new projects. 6351State College Initial StudylMarch 27, 2003 IS-31 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY XII. UTILITIES a) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact the existing natural gas service within the project area. The Southern California Gas Company (the Gas Company) provides natural gas service to the Project Area. The majority of the area is currently developed with existing natural gas service. The re-development project should not impact the Gas Company's ability to provide adequate levels of service, nor should it create the need to increase capacity. Service availability will be evaluated with indi vidual projects proposed in the future. b) California Edison (SCE) provides electricity to the Project Area. Additional development may result in increased electricity demands. The availability of electrical service would be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed project. Larger industrial projects may include co- generation facilities. Reinstatement of eminent domain would not impact electrical service in the area. c) The Project Area is within the service area ofVerizon (formerly General Telephone). The availability of telephone service will be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed projects. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not place additional demand on communication systems. d) Water supply is provided by the City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department. Additional development will result in an increased demand for water supply. Groundwater is a major source of water, in addition to the State Water Project (SWP). SWP supplies are percolated into the groundwater basin to maintain groundwater levels. The availability of water would be evaluated on an individual project basis for future proposed developments. Reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area would not impact the existing available water supplies. e) The City of San Bernardino owns and operates the San Bernardino Water Reclamation Plant (SBWRP), which services the residential and industrial wastewater generated in the City of San Bernardino according to the City's General Plan. As the majority of the area is currently developed, any future development/redevelopment within the Project Area will likely only cause minimal impacts to the areas wastewater system. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not impact the wastewater service in the area, and individual project impacts will be evaluated when they are proposed. f) Reinstatement of eminent domain would not affect existing storm drains in the Project Area. The Project Area is highly urbanized and the storm drain system is well established. Development of the vacant areas will result in increased runoff, but due to the small and scattered location of the vacant parcels, the impact will be minimal on the hydrology of the area. Future developments within the Project Area will be required to provide adequate storm drain facilities as approved by the City. g) The Project Area is part of an urban area which should be capable of providing adequate utility system services. The project will reinstate the Agency's power of eminent domain to implement redevelopment procedures within the State College Redevelopment Project Area Utility systems are in place to serve the Project Area and are master-planned to provide service to the Project Area without creating disjointed patterns of service extensions. Future projects proposed within the project area will be individually evaluated for their ability to provide adequate utility services. 6351State College Initial SrudylMarch 27. 2003 IS-32 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY XIII. AESTHETICS a-b) The use of eminent domain would allow the City to redevelop any areas not being used or zoned for residential land use. A variety of land use designations exist within the Project Area including: residential, commercial, industrial, public facility, public parks, and several others. The proposed project would eventually improve the aesthetic conditions within the City, although reinstatement of eminent domain alone will not impact the aesthetic conditions within the area. c) Development/Redevelopment within the Project Area may include additional light and glare from new structures. Several areas contain land uses that may be classified as sensitive receptors. Standard conditions of approval for development projects will ensure compliance with the City's Development Code standards for light and glare. Reinstatement of eminent domain does not create any impacts with regards to this issue. XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES a-c) Several areas of concern for archeological resources exist within the Project Area as identified on Figure 8 in the City's General Plan. A potentially historic residential district, Shandin Hills District, exists on the east side of the Project Area. This area contains some of San Bernardino's early vacation facilities, which are large Mediterranean homes built in the 1930's. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not create an impact to the cultural or historic resources found within the Project Area. Any redevelopment projects proposed within cultural resource areas will be required to abide to all established City policies regarding cultural resources. XV. RECREATION a-b) The State College Redevelopment Project may result in an increased demand for parks and recreational facilities in the area, although this impact would be minimal as the majority of the area is currently developed. According to the City's General Plan zoning maps, two public parks exist within the Project Area. Reinstatement of eminent domain will not produce an additional demand for neighborhood parks, regional parks, or other recreational facilities. XVI MANDA TORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) The north portion of the project area, mainly east of CSUSB is encompassed within the Biological Resources Management Overlay according to Figure 41 of the City's General Plan. No known sensitive biological resources exist within the Project Area according to Figure 40 of the City's General Plan and no sensitive plant or animal species are expected to exist in the area due to the highly disturbed nature and surrounding urban developments. The reinstatement of eminent domain within the project area will not result in the loss of any wildlife that may exist within the Project Area. A biological study, in conformance with the City's guidelines, should be required for all future development projects within areas designated as Biological Resource Management Overlay Areas in the City's General Plan. 6351Stace College Initial ScudylMarch 27. 2003 IS-33 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY b) The reinstatement of eminent domain will allow for the redevelopment of any blighted areas and development of vacant lots within the Project Area. The City will develop the area consistent with the existing land uses as designated in the General Plan. Any impacts to the environmental will be evaluated on a project-by-project basis for future proposed developments in the Project Area. c) The proposed re-development in the State Collage area would improve the general functional and aesthetical conditions of the area. The purpose of the project is to redevelop any blighted areas that may exist within the area. The reinstatement of eminent domain should not result in any cumulative detrimental impacts. d) The redevelopment project will not result in any substantial adverse impacts to humans. The purpose of the project is to eliminate blighted areas that exist within the Project Area. The majority of the area has previously been disturbed, thus not causing substantial changes to environmental resources that exist in the area. Each individual project proposed in the future will evaluate environmental impacts to the area, and mitigation measures to reduce impacts will be incorporated based on the environmental findings. The reinstatement of eminent domain within the Project Area will not create any adverse impacts to the environment within the Project Area. 635fSt.ate College Initial SludylMarch n, 2003 IS- 34 STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.8 Certification of Mailings Public Information Meeting July 24, 2002 Public Hearing May 19,2003 Public Hearing June 2, 2003 ~~~e:~i11~~~~:::S-:'tg:-"-:Aj;3 - ~ by C D A re Appflda Item ,.f ?.. / ~~ City Clerk/CDC See, City of San Bernardi... ",lI' r.....;~ , CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I, Katherine Han, whose business address is at the firm of Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc., 217 North Main Street, Suite 300, Santa Ana, CA 92701-4822, do hereby certify that the notice for the Public Meeting on the Proposed State College 2002 Redevelopment Plan Amendment and Project Area Map (attached as "Exhibit A"), for State College Redevelopment Project Area, was mailed, ,via first class mail, to all affected taxing entities within the State College Redevelopment Project Area as shown on the attached copy of the maili~ list (attached as "Exhibit B") at the United States Post Office, in Santa Ana, California on ~ 2- , 2002. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: ~, 2002 ~k ~Im Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. Attachments: Exhibit A - Public Meeting Newsletter/Notice Exhibit B - Mailing List F:\R.SG\SANBERDO\Swe College EDAmcnd\Stale College - Cert.of~iling Taxing Agem:ies.doc Public Meeting on Proposed State College 2002 Redevelopment Plan Amendment The City of San Bernardino ("Citf) and the Economic Development Agency ('Agencf) Is considenng an amendment tothe State College Redevelopment Plan. To better inform the residents, businesses and interested parties the City and Agency have planned to hold a public Infonnational meeting on July 24,2002 at ~:15 pm in the City Council Chambers. Before the State College Redevelopment Plan can be amended, a joint pubic heanng of the Mayor and Common Councll and Redevelopment Agency must be held. The schedule for the meetings Is as loIlows: Public Meeting: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 6:15 pm or /hereafter C Council Chambers Monday, Oct. 7, 2002 7:00 pm or /hereafter C' Council Chambers San Bernardino City Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino CA Please consider attending these meetings 10 learn more about the proposed Plan Amendment or call (909) ~~3-1044 lor information. Redevelopment Agencyl Mayor and Common Council ~lic Hearin : .eting Location: In 1970, the Redevelopment Agency 01 the City 01 San Bernardino ('Agencf) adopted the State College Redevelopment Plan to start a 40'year effort to improve the State College Project Area. At the lime 01 adoption of the Redevelopment Project, the State - College Project Area was experiencing detrimental physical, sodal, and economic condilions that were negalively Impacting the area. As a resull, the Agency initiated a comprehensive program to slimulate new development and provide rehabilitation activities in the State College Project Area. Since 1970, the Agency has completed vanous projects in its effort to Improve the area These projects Include: . Provided inlrnstructure and development assistanoe to the State College Industnal Park; . Assisted GE Capital Mortgage in reiocating within the Project Area; . Assisted In the development 01 new single lamlly homes in the Northpark development; and . Provided low interest single-famlly home rehabilitalion loans. Despite the Agency's best effort, adverse conditions continue to remain and j!>""e are additional projects that need to be completed in order to revilallze the To continue the redevelopment process, the Agency-has to re-establish I~ .. ninent domain authonty on oertain portions of the Project Area. Please see details on Page 2. Se programa una Reunion abierta al publico, tratandose de la propuesta Reforma al Plan de reurbanizacion de State College de 2002 La dudad de San Bernardino ("Consejo1 y Ia Agenda de famento eoon6mico rAgenda1 eslan conslderando una reforma al Plan de reurbanlzaci6n de Slate College. Para Informar - lealmente a los msldenles, propietanos de negodos, y a tadas !as personas afectadas, eI Consejo y Ia Agenda han prograrnado una reuni6n Informativa, abierta al pUbI'lCO, eI dla 24 de Julio de 2002, a Ias 6:15 de ta tarde en Ia Sala del Conselo. Antes de poder reformar eI Plan de reurbanizad6n de Stale College, debe celebra... una aud'1eIlCia pUblica entie el Consejo de la dudad y 10 Agenda de reurbanizaciOn. EI horario de es!as asamb!ass sera Iosiguiente: Reunion Publica: Mi.rco/es 24 de julio, 2002 6:15pm 0 posteriormente en la sala del Consejo Audlencia Publica entre la Lunes 7 de octubre, 2002 Agencla de reurbanlzacion y et 7:00pm or postenormente Conselo: en la sala del Conse/o Lugar. Ayuntamiento dela cludad de San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino CA Par favor piense en asistir a estas asambleas para informarse mas acerca de la propuesla Enmienda a' Plan, 0 lIame al (909) 663-1044. En 1970, Ia Agenda de reurbanlzaci6n de Ia Ciudad de San Bernardino ("Agenda') adopt6 el.Plan de reurbanizacl6n de State College para dar1e ioicio a un esfuerzo de QJarenta alios de mejoras a Ia Area de proyecto State College. En eI momento eo eI cual se adopl6 el proyecto de reurbanizad6n, 10 Area de proyecto Slate College expenmenlaba condiciones pequd'lCiales-flSicas, sodales, y econ6micas-tas cuales afeclaban a 10 area. Como coosecuencla, fa Agencia illci6 un programa extenso para estimular nueva urbanizaciOn y para propondonar activldades de rehabirllaci6n en Ia Area de proyecto State College. Desde 1970, Ia Agenda ha cumprKlo vanos proyectos para mejorar 10 area. Eslos proyectos Induyen: . Le proporci0n6 asistencia al parque indusbial State College. en cuanto a Infraestiuctura y urbanizad6n; . Le asisli6 a GE Capital Mortgage a reublca... dentio de 10 Area de proyecto; .. AI reanzarse fa urbanizacl6n Northpar1<, asistiO con construcci6n de nuevas hogares de una sola familia: y . Expedl6 prestamos de bajos Intereses para Ia rehabllitadOn de hogares de una sola familia A pesor de Ios esfuerzos leales de Ia Agenda, aun existen condiciones adversas y queden par elaborarse proyectos adicionales pam revitaUzar Ja area. Para continuar con el prooeso de reurbanizad6n, 10 Agenda deJje ll'stablecer su au10ridad de dominie emlnente para dertas partes de 10 Area de proyecto. Obse"", Ios detalles en 10 pagina 2. j::f~Wfy~~~r~: :-"',1".'" RJ'~~if ,,'r:, ~~r;::-,,: ,~.~-:;-~,,?;-:","P :2':>~"~~~'f'~;j7;'.-'~:2:~<";-;'Y:, ;~:~~,~Jc":. ''''~/;; ~ ':?-~:';;..~:"..~ ~ ~_ ~ ," ~';';;:~.' 1/1'.'4g*~':~ ~"\;;;,,"::: ,,'; ;::;:::: ~,', "'\:, s:ti1M'r;itliiiig)2001Rei(evirqpment Plan :" ~:.l',F~' e ,-, '_' . ~ 1"70 2'-'-":; ,,'.."A':' < , ~ '" ^ > : .':::>;<':.~;'...,-"v.:-;:2tL~""",'~.~ _""':}<'~~ ,"," '. ~ > " Initiation of the 2002 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan Early this year, the Agency decided to consider amending . the Redevelopment Plan in order to extend the time limit to use eminent domain to the year 2015, The State College Redevelopment Plan establishes various time and financial limitations involving the use of redevelopment tools within the approximately 1,aOO,acre Redevelopment Project Area, One of these time limits, involving the use of eminent domain to acquire real property in the Project Area, expired January 1, 1999. While the Agency would be able to complete projects and collect tax increment revenue through April 27, 2020, the Agency could not commence any eminent domain proceedings in the Project Area (on non- residential properties) without re,establishing eminent domain. . If adopted, the amendment would extend the Agency's limited authority to use eminent domain (for non-residential properlies only), if necessary, to acquire property. . Upon exercise of eminent domain, the agency is required to jusijy compensate owners of acquired property and follow established relocation guidelines, . Please note the Agency has no plans to use eminent domain at this time. The ability to acquire property is one of the fundamental tools in the Redevelopment Plan, In State College, acquisition enables the Agency better opportunities to consolidate parcels and initiate redevelopment activities in the Project Area. Though the Agency has used eminent domain in the Project Area, further acquisition, perhaps by eminent domain, will be needed to alleviate persistent physical and land use blighting conditions. Eminent domain authority is essential for the Agency to achieve redevelopment goals set forth in the Redevelopment Plan. Iniciaci6n ala Enmienda aJ Plan de reurbanizaci6n de 2002 A principios de este ano, la Agencia decidio considerar reformar el Plan de reurbanizacion para prolongar el plazo limite en el cual se puede aplicar el dominio eminente hasta 2015. EI Plan de reurbanizacion de State College establece varias Iimitaciones-tanto de plazo y de finanzas-con respecto al uso de las facultades de la reurbanizacion dentro de la Area deproyecto de reurbanizacion(aproximadamente 1,aOO acres). Uno de estos plazos Iimites, tocante la aplicacion de dominio eminente para adquirir bienes inmuebles dentro de la Area de proyecto, se vencio el10 de enero de 1999. Aunque la Agencia pod ria completar sus proyectos y recaudar ingresos de impuestos incrementales hasta el 27 de abril de 2020, la Agencia no podra iniciar diligencias de expropiaci6n dentro de la Area de proyecto (sobre bienes inmuebles no residenciales) sin haber restablecido la facultad de dominio eminente. Si es adoptada, la reforma ampliaria la autoridad Iimitada de la Agencia para que use el dominio eminente (solamente para bienes inmuebles no residenciales), si es necesario, para adquirir bienes inmuebles. AI ejercer el dominio eminente, se requiere que la Agencia recompense justamente a los duenos de aquellos terrenos adquiridos, y que cumpla con las reglas establecidas de reubicacion. Haga favor de observar que, actual mente, la Agencia no tiene pensado aplicar la facultad de dominio eminente. La capacidad de adquirir bienes inmuebles es una de las herramientas fundamentales que emanan del Plan de reurbanizacion. En State College, la adquisicion Ie facilita a la Agencia mayores oportunidades para acumular parcelas e iniciar actividades reurbanizadoras dentro de la Area de proyecto. Aunque la Agencia no haya aplicado el dominio eminente dentro de la Area de proyecto, se necesitaran adquisiciones adicionales, tal vez por medio de su expropiacion, para aliviar las persistentes condiciones fisicas de deterioro. Mantener la autoridad de dominio eminente es esencial para que la Agencia cumpla las metas indicadas en el Plan de reurbanizacion. , ^ , - . ~ " " ^ '" ,- - - ,~ ~ State College Redevelopmellt pJ'oject Area Boulldaries . . , . , ~~, .~. - '" ~~, c~, > ,. ~ .," 0 L ~ I . ~ ~,_,,- /f' NORTH ! I , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT . , . City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, CA 92401 ~; '. .-.,,--..... ~.-' 1 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I, Linda Inouye, whose business address is 217 North Main Street, Suite 300, Santa Ana, CA 92701-4822, do hereby certity that the cover letter, Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Proposed Text of the Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project, was mailed, via certified mail, return receipt requested, to all affected taxing entities within the State College Redevelopment Project, as shown on the attached list at the United States Post Office, in Santa Ana, California, on April 17, 2003. I certity under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: April 17,2003 ~~ Linda Inouye ROSENOW SPEV ACEK GROUP, INC. F:\Administration\AFDA VIT.DOC City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment .. Community Development.. Housing" Business: Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization" Main Street, fnc. .. April 18, 2003 Via Certified Mail Returned Receipt Requested TO: AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, ASSESSOR, TAX COLLECTOR, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, AND CLERK OF THE BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AND ALL OTHER AFFECTED TAXING AGENCIES AND INTERESTED PARTIES The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency for the City of San Bernardino have scheduled a joint public hearing on the proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the adopted State College Redevelopment Plan and Negative Declaration. The joint public hearing will be held on: Monday, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 PM (or shortly thereafter) City Council Chambers, San Bernardino City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 As described in the accompanying notice, the purpose of the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment is only to extend the Plan's existing time limit to commence eminent domain proceedings within the State College Redevelopment Project Area to April 27, 2010. No other changes to the Plan are proposed by the 2003 Amendment. Enclosed with the joint public hearing notice is a copy of the proposed Text of the Amendment to the State College Redevelopment. If you would like to consult with staff or obtain additional information regarding the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the adopted State College Redevelopment Plan, please contact Mr. Mike Trout, Project Manager, at the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, at (909) 663-1044 or by email at mtrout(ajsbrda.org. Sincerely, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO V--rv/?~ Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director Enclosures: Notice of Joint Public Hearing on Monday, May 19,2003, at 7:00 PM Proposed Text of the Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan F:\RSG\SANBERDO\Statc: College EDAmcnd\Cen. ofMaJling3.abc:ls_^gmcy Lins_Notices\Sample taXing .gencia i1r.doc 201 North E Street, Suite 301' San Bernardino, California 92401-1507' (909) 663-1044' Fax (909) 888-9413 www;sanbernardino~da.org. NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN N OTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Mayor and Common Council") and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission") acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") will hold a joint public hearing on Monday, May 19, 2003, at approximately 7:00 PM, or shortly thereafter, in the: City Hall Council Chambers City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 The purpose of the joint public hearing is to consider the proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment") to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") and Negative Declaration. You have received this notice because you are a resident, business owner, property owner or affected taxing agency within the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") (See Project Area Map). If adopted after the joint public hearing, the proposed Amendment to the existing Redevelopment Plan would extend the time limit to use eminent domain authority to April 27, 2010. The Agency, at this time, has not identified any specific projects that will require the use of eminent domain. This proposed Amendment excludes all properties where persons reside and/or have a City of San Bernardino General Plan residential land use designation from the power of eminent domain. Additionally, no new land or territory is being added to or taken away from the Project Area under the proposed Amendment. The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, Text of the Amendment, and Initial Study is available for public review and a copy of the Project Area's metes and bounds legal description may be obtained at no charge from the Agency's offices at 201 North 'E' Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment. All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Commission and show cause why the proposed Amendment should not be adopted. At any time, not later than the hour set for the hearing, any person(s) may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objections to the proposed Amendment. Public comment will close at the public hearing. If there are written comments, the Mayor and Common Council will make written findings in response to written comments filed at the joint public hearing prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment. If you have any questions regarding this Notice or the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment and Negative Declaration, please contact Mike Trout, Project Manager, at (909) 663-1044 or via email at mtrout@sbrda.org or at the address noted above. w. Sheridan Rd. Miramonte Street I Highland Avenue ~ NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT State College Redevelopment Project Area 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan Adopted: Ordinance No.: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North liE" Stree~ Su~e 301 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@webrsg.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Section PaQe Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 Amendment............................................................................................. .2 F:\RSG\Sanberdo\$tale College EOAmend\Report to Council and Amendment OoaJments\SC- Final RedvPlanText AmendmenlOOC 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT to the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN for the STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA INTRODUCTION The Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Common Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") on April 27, 1970 by Ordinance No. 3067. Subsequently, the Redevelopment Plan was amended three (3) times with the adoption of Amendment No. 1 on December 8, 1986 with Ordinance MC-560, Amendment NO.2 on April 2. 1990 with Ordinance MC-725. and Amendment No.3 on December 20, 1994 with Ordinance MC-925. The purpose of the last ordinance was to establish certain time and financial limitations imposed by the passage of Assembly Bill 1290. The 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Amendment") makes certain changes to the text of the Redevelopment Plan to accomplish the following objectives: to re-establish the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino's ("Agency") power of eminent domain within the Project Area until April 27, 2010 for non-residentially occupied or used properties to enable the Agency to retain all tools available to the Agency in implementing the Redevelopment Plan. The changes by this Amendment are not to be construed to amend, modify, change or affect in any other provisions the text of the Redevelopment Plan and does not add or delete territory from the boundaries of the State College Redevelopment Project Area. The Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended as follows: Page 1 of 3 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT to the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN for the STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT Under "Section D, Urban Renewal Powers To Be Exercised to Achieve Plan Objectives," "Subsection 2, Acquisition and Clearance" beginning on Page 23 of the Redevelopment Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following text which reads as follows: "2. Acquisition and Clearance The Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Not withstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which a person or persons reside or any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property, as of the date when the Agency transmits its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law. With regard to the time period to exercise the Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010, following the effective date of the ordinance last amending this Section 1. The Agency is not authorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies, which do not consent to such acquisition. The Agency is authorized, however, to acquire public property, if it is transferred to private ownership before the Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, unless the Agency and the private owner enter into a participation agreement. Page 2 of 3 The Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent of the owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation agreement." End of Text of the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 of 3 , . CERTIFICATE OF MAILING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I, Mike Benjamin, whose business address is 217 North Main Street, Suite 300, Santa Ana, CA 92701-4822, do hereby certify that the cover letter, revised Notice of Joint Public Heariug, revised Text of the Amendment to the State CoUege Redevelopment Plan and Project Area Map for the State College Redevelopment Project, was mailed, via certified mail, return receipt requested to all affected taxing entities within the State College Redevelopment Project, as shown on the attached list at the United States Post Office, in Santa Ana, California, on April 30, 2003. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: April 30, 2003 ~ ' . ike Benj~ ROSENOW SPEV ACEK GROUP, INC. F:\Adminislnltion\AFDA vrr.DOC City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment" Community Development" Housing" Business: Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization" Main Street, Inc. '" April 30, 2003 Via Certified Mail Returned Receipt Requested TO: AUDITOR-CONTROLLER, ASSESSOR, TAX COLLECTOR, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, AND CLERK OF THE BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AND ALL OTHER AFFECTED TAXING AGENCIES AND INTERESTED PARTIES The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency for the City of San Bernardino have rescheduled a joint public hearing on the proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the adopted State College Redevelopment Plan and Negative Declaration. The rescheduled joint public hearing will be held on: Monday, June 2,2003 at 7:00 PM (or shortly thereafter) City Council Chambers, San Bernardino City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 As described in the accompanying notice, the purpose of the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment is only to extend the Plan's existing time limit to commence eminent domain proceedings within the State College Redevelopment Project Area to April 27, 2010. No other changes to the Plan are proposed by the 2003 Amendment. Enclosed with the joint public hearing notice and Project Area Map is a copy of the revised Text ofthe Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan. If you would like to consult with staff or obtain additional information regarding the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the adopted State College Redevelopment Plan, please contact Mr. Mike Trout, Project Manager, at the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, at the address noted on this letter or at (909) 663-1044 or by email at mtrout@sbrda.org. Sincerely, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~rv(l~ Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director Enclosures: Revised Notice of Joint Public Hearing on Monday, June 2, 2003, at 7:00 PM Revised Text of the Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan F:\RSG\Sanbetdo\Slale College EDAmcnd\Cert. ofMailing.J.abels~Agency LiSls _Noticcs\Taxing Agencies coVer Itr_Revised 4-30-03.doc 201 North E Street. Suite 301 . San Bernaidino, California 92401-1507. (909) 663-1044 . Fax (909) 888-9413 LoItO/lM<,onhnrn<:>rrlinf'l_nrl", .....r.... W. Sheridan Rd. Miramonte Street I Highland Avenue /f' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT State College Redevelopment Project Area 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Plan Adopted: Ordinance No.: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North liE" Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701 Phone: (714) 541-4585 Fax: (714) 836-1748 E-Mail: info@Webn.;g.com 582003:15483.2 Text of State College Plan Amendment 4-30-03.doc 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paoe Introduction.......................... ........................................................................................ 3 Amendment............ ......... ... ......... ... ... ......... ......... ... ... ... ......... .................. .4 582003: 15483.2 Text of State College Plan Am<<Kiment 4-30-03.doc 2 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT to the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN for the STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Common Council") approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") on April 27, 1970 by Ordinance No. 3067. Subsequently, the Redevelopment Plan was amended three (3) times by the adoption of Amendment No. 1 on December 8, 1986 as approved by Ordinance MC- 560, Amendment No.2 on April 2, 1990 as approved by Ordinance MC-725, and Amendment No.3 on December 20, 1994 as approved by Ordinance MC-925. The purpose of Amendment No. 3 was to establish certain time and financial limitations imposed by the passage of Assembly Bill 1290. The 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Redevelopment Project ("Amendment") makes certain limited changes to the text of the Redevelopment Plan to re-establish the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino's ("Agency") power of eminent domain within the Project Area for non-residentially occupied or used properties to enable the Agency to better assist with potential land assembly efforts to foster the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan until the fortieth (40th) anniversary following the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan on April 27, 1970. Upon its approval, the Amendment will reestablish the eminent domain power of the Agency on non-residential properties for approximately the next seven (7) years. The reinstatement of the eminent domain powers of the Agency on commercial and industrial use lands pursuant to the Amendment does not amend, modify, change or affect in any other provisions the text of the Redevelopment Plan and does not add or delete territory from the boundaries of the Project Area. The Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended as follows: Subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of Section D of the Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION D. URBAN RENEWAL POWERS TO BE EXERCISED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES... 2. ACQuisition and Clearance... f. The Redevelopment Agency may acquire, purchase, lease, obtain option, or otherwise acquire any interest in real property, and any improvements on it by any means authorized by law, including by gift, grant, exchange, purchase, cooperative negotiations, lease, SB2003: 15483.2 Text of State College Plan Amendment 4-30-03.doc 3 and any other means authorized by law including the use of eminent domain for purposes of redevelopment in the Project Area as authorized by law. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire by eminent domain any property within the Project Area on which as of the date when the Redevelopment Agency transmits its written offer to acquire such property to the owner thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 7267.2, or other applicable law a person or persons reside, nor shall the Redevelopment Agency acquire by eminent domain any property which is either designated under applicable General Plan or zoning regulations as residential property. With regard to the time period to exercise the Redevelopment Agency's power of eminent domain within the Project Area, the Agency shall not initiate legal proceedings to acquire an interest in real property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain after April 27, 2010. The Redevelopment Agency is not authorized to acquire real property in the Project Area owned by a public entity, which does not consent to such acquisition. The Redevelopment Agency may transfer real property which it has acquired from another public entity to private ownership before the Redevelopment Agency completes land disposition within the entire Project Area, provided however that the Redevelopment Agency and such private owner shall have first entered into a participation agreement relating to the redevelopment of such property. The Redevelopment Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without consent ofthe owner, unless (1) such building requires structural alterations, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, or (2) the site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification in size, shape or use, or (3) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standard, restrictions and controls of the Plan and the owner fails or refuses to participate in the Plan by executing a participation agreement." SB2003: 15483.2 Text of State College Plan Amendment 4'30'03.doc 4 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (REVISED NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Mayor and Common Council") and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission") acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") will conduct a Joint public hearing on Monday, June 2, 2003, at 7:00 p.m, or as soon thereafter as may be practical, in the City Hall Council Chambers, City of San Bernardino, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 9240 I. The purpose of the Joint public hearing will be to consider the adoption of a Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the adoption of a proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment") to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan"). The Initial Study for the Negative Declarationindicates that the . Amendment will not have a significant affect on the environment. Project Location: The redevelopment proJect area of the State College Redevelopment ("ProJect Area") consists of 1,800 acres of land within the City of San Bernardino, Califomia. The ProJect Area boundaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of HigWand A venue to just north of Califomia State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia A venue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within the Project Area include low density residential suburban, public facility, and light industrial uses, among others. A map, which depicts the boundaries of the Prqject Area, is included in this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice of Intention to Adopt a Negative Declaration relating.tothe Amendment. A metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area boundaries has previously been recorded on June 16, 1970 at Book 7462, Page 372, Official Records of the Recorder of San Bernardino County. The meles and bounds legal description of the Project Area is on file with the Agency and a copy may be obtained by any interested person at no cost from the Agency's offices at 20 I North "E" Street, Suite 30 I, San Bernardino, California 9240 I during regular business hours. Description of Proposed Actions: The proposed action under the Amendment is the reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain powers in the Project Area affecting commercial and industrial zoned lands. The Amendment will not permit the Agency to acquire any residentially zoned or occupied property by eminent domain. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of indll$trial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the Mayor and Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067. The authority for the Agency to use eminent domain to acquire property in the Project Area lapsed in 1999. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the Project Area for an additional 7 years for those lands that have a non-residential General Plan or zoning designation. Reinstatement of the power of eminent domain for the Agency to acquire commercial or industrial use lands will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. The Amendment will not give the Agency the authority to acqnire any residentially zoned or residentially used property in the Project Area by eminel1! domain. The use of eminent domain powers by the Agency to acquire commercial and industrial zoned property will enable the Agency to prevent and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area and will allow the Agency to assist with the assembly of commercial or industrial use properties for redevelopment by private entities which in turn will eliminate blight and develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The Project Area, and in particular lands which are commercially and industrially zoned, rnay contain sites that are listed in the State ofCalifomia Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5(e). Public Review Period for the Negative Declaration: The public review period for the proposed Negative Declaration regarding the Amendment will commence on May 2, 2003 and end on May 22, 2003. Written comments relating to the Negative Declaration should be submitted to the Agency, to the attention of Mike Trout, ProJect Manager at 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. 4123103 12:00 jmrn SB2003:14655.1 1 The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will also be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, the text of the Amendment, and Initial Study and the Negative Declaration are also available for public review and copying at the Agency's offices at 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration. All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Commission and show cause why the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration should not be adopted. .. At any time, not later than the hour set for the joint public hearing, any person may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objection to the proposed Amendment. The address of the City Clerk is City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California 92418. All written and oral comments of interested persons will be considered by the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission at the time of the joint public hearing on June 2, 2003, as scheduled above. If written objections on the Amendment are submitted to the City Clerk before or at the time of the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council will prepare written findings in response to such written objections and comments prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment. If an interested person receives a copy of this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by United States Mail, such delivery by mail indicates that the interested person either owns property in the Project Area or owns a business and/or resides in the Project Area. Please note that if the person who receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail owns commercially or industrially zoned lands or lands which are designated in the General Plan for commercial or industrial use, the Agency.may hereafter acquire such land by eminent domain if the Amendment is adopted. However, please also. note that if the p,e~son who. receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail lives in a home or apartment in the Project Area, or owns prOperty which is residentially zoned or designated in the General Plan for residential uses, the Agency cannot acquire such property 6r dwelling unit by eminent dOIlli'in if the Amendment is adopted. . " If you have any question regarding this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Nolice ofIntention to Adopt a Negative Declaration, or if yon have any other question regarding the 2003 Erninent Domain Amendmeni;.please contact Mike Trout, Project Manager, at (909) 663-1044 during regular business hours of the Agency or contact him by email at mtrout{alsbrda.org Notice of Joint Public Hearing given April 23, 2003 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk Gary Van Osdel, Agpn~ySecretary Publish In: The Sun May 1, 2003 May 8, 2003 May 15, 2003 [Map of Project Area Boundary Attached: State"College Redevelopment Project] 4123/0312:00jmm SB2003:14655.1 2 ,/'. /~:f\ _/.:~.:./~\\. A~:~;"~~~;~./ S~, >,' " <:':;f/v ",/.~ .." / " "". '. "\--:" .<" ,,', ~-, ',~. .,,~~-\ '-'-<\~if<~\~\.. "-'~\. '<, ~_/ ''-, /'\\ "\\'\ \. .' ',cr/\.~ .rt::"I~\. . >< ,. "~ ~>'i(>/ "" "~ 't ""'):,"\(x, "A..." I " ~"~'x' r_ ll\ :\. : 'Y"'''', ,.) \~.;:~\(=;l'?' ,\,\/,.( <\/,~,,-,t,' e'-- '\'" -,.- -,~/)<,- \'" . ~\'\<.. 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Cajon Blvd, Miramonle Street ~ . /f' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT \ CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STATE COLLGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I, Mike Trout, whose business address is at the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507, do hereby certifY that the notice for the Public Meeting on the Proposed 2002 Eminent Domain Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan (attached as "Exhibit A"), for the State College Redevelopment Project Area, was mailed, via first class mail, to all property owners, residents, business owners, community organization representatives, and interested persons in the area of the State College Redevelopment Project Area as shown on the attached copy of the mailing list (attached as "Exhibit B") at the United States Post Office, in San Bernardino, California on a;./d' IS ,2002. I certifY under penalty of peIjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: d: (:},/5 , 2002 .>< .~, ~ Mike Trout, Project Manager City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Attachments: Exhbit A - Public Meeting Newsletter/Notice Exhibit B - Mailing List P:\Accounting Dept\Mike\Sl.11e College, Joint Public Hearing Certification oCMa11ingAffidavi'tdoc S.an Bernarino Public Meeting on Proposed State College 2002 Redevelopment Plan Amendment The City of San Bernardino ("City') and the Economic Development Agency ('Agency") is considering an amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan. To better infonn the residents, businesses and interested parties the City and Agency have planned to hold a public infoomational meeting on July 24,2002 at 6:15 pm in the City Council Chambers. Before the State College Redevelopment Plan can be amended, a joint pubic hearing of the Mayor and Common Council and Redevelopment Agency must beheld. The schedule for the meetings is as follows: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 6:15 pm or thereafter Ci Council Chambers Monday, Oct. 7, 2002 7:00 pm or thereafter Ci Council Chambers San Bernardino City Halt 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA Please consider attending these meetings to learn more about the proposed Plan Amendment or call (909) 663.1044 for informafion. Public Meeting: Redevelopment Agencyl Mayor and Common Council ~blic Hearln : ....efing Locafion: In 1970, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ('Agency') adopted the State College Redevelopment Plan to start a 40-year effort to improve the State College Project Area. At the time of adoption of the Redevelopment Project, the Slate College Project Area was experiencing detrimental physical, social, and economic conditions that were negatively impacting the area. As a result, the Agency initiated a comprehensive program to stimulate new development and provide rehabilitation activities in the State College Project Area. Since 1970, the Agency has completed various projects in its effort to improve the area These projects include: . Provided infrastructure and development assistance to the State College Industrial Park; . Assisted GE Capital Mortgage in relocating within the Project Area; . Assisted in the development of new single family homes in the Northpark developmen~ and . ProVided low interest single-family home rehabilitation loans. Despite the Agency's best effort, adverse conditions continue to remain and "-oJe are additional projects that need to be completed in order to revitalize the L. To continue the redevelopment process, the Agency has to re-€Stablish .~ eminent domain authority on certain portions of the Project Area. Piease see details on Page 2. Se programa una Reunion abierta al publico, tratandose de fa propuesta Reforma al Plan de reurbanizacion de State Coffege de 2002 la ciudad de San Bernardino ("Consejo") y Ia Agenda de tomento econ6mico rAgencia") estan considerando una refonna al Plan de reuroanizaoon de State College. Para infonnar lealrnerlle a 105 residentes, propietarios denegocios, y a todas las personas afedadas, el Consejo y ta Agenda han programado una reunl6n infonnativa, abierta al publico, el dla 24 de julio de 2002, a las 6:15 de la tarde en Ia Sala del CORsejo. Antes de poder refonnar el Plan de reurbanizaci6n de State College, debe celebrarse una audienda publica entre el Consejo de Ia ciudad y la Agencia de reurbanizad6n. El horario de estas asambleas sera losiguiente: Reunion Publica: Mi,rco/es 24 de julio, 2002 6:15pm 0 poster/ormente en la sala del Conseio Audiencia Publica entre la Lunes 7 de octubre, 2002 Agencia de reurhanizacion y el 7:00pm or posteriormente Conseio: en la sala del Conseio Lugar: Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA - Par favor piense ~n asistir a estas asambleas para informarse mas acerca de la propuesta Enmlenda al Plan, 0 lIame al (909) 663.1044. En 1970, Ia Agencia de reurbanizaci6n de la Ciudad de San Bernardino ("Agenda") adopt6 el Plan de reurbanizaci6n de State College para dar1e lnicio a un esfuerzo de cuarenta anosde mejoras a Ia Area de proyecto State College. En el momenta en el cual se adopt6 el Proyecto de reurtJanizaci6n, Ia Area de proyeeta Slate College experimenlaba condiciones perjudiciales-fisicas, sodales, y econ6micas-las cuales afectaban a Ia area. Como consecuencia, Ia Agenda inici6 un prograrna extenso para estimular nueva urbanizaci6n y para proportionar actividades de rellabilitaci6n en 13 Area de proyecto State College. Desde 1970, Ia Agencia ha cumplido varios proyectos para mejorar Ia area. Estos proyectos incluyen: Le propon::ion6 asistencia al Parque industrial State College, en cuanto a infraestructura y urbanizaci6n; . Le asisM a GE Capital Mortgage a reubicarse dentro de Ia Area de proyecto: .. Al realizarse la urbanizaGi6n Northpar1<, asisti6 con construcci6n de nuevos hogares de una sola famil~: y . Expedi6 preslamos de bajos intereses para Ia rehabililaci6n de hogares de una sola familia A pesar de !os esfuerzos leales de Ia Agenda, aun existen coodiciones adversas y quedan par elaborarse proyectos adicionales para revitalizar Ia area. Para conUnuar con el proceso de reurbanizaci6n, Ia Agencia deb:e WStablecer su autoridad de dominie eminente para oertas partes de Ia Area de proyecto. Observa!os delalles en Ia pagina 2. , , -", -::;. -~~," , :::" ,,"~~~ ,~ , ',~, ~ ~ ,""^' .'~ ~ - ~~- ~--< Page 2 State College 2002 Rellel'e(opme11t Piau : ___ M ,~'^^ < ~~ , " ^_'_ >_ <__""~ ___ ~_~ _,~ ,',~~ ~ 'J ~0 Initiation of the 2002 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan Early this year, the Agency decided to consider amending . the Redevelopment Plan in order to extend the time limit to use eminent domain to the year 2015. The State College Redevelopment Plan establishes various time and financial limitations involving the use of redevelopment tools within the approximately 1,800-acre Redevelopment Project Area. One of these time limits, involving the use of eminent domain to acquire real property in the Project Area, expired January 1, 1999. While the Agency would be able to complete projects and collect tax increment revenue through April 27, 2020, the Agency could not commence any eminent domain proceedings in the Project Area (on non- residential properties) without re-establishing eminent domain. . If adopted, the amendment would extend the Agency's limited authority to use eminent domain (for non-residential properties only), if necessary, to acquire property. . Upon exercise of eminent domain, the agency is required to jusijy compensate owners of acquired property and follow established relocation guidelines. . . Please note the Agency has no plans to use eminent domain at this time. The ability to acquire property is one of the fundamental tools in the Redevelopment Plan. In State College, acquisition enables the Agency better opportunities to consolidate parcels and initiate redevelopment activities in the Project Area. Though the Agency has used eminent domain in the Project Area, further acquisition, perhaps by eminent domain, will be needed to alleviate persistent physical and land use blighting conditions. Eminent domain authority is essential for the Agency to achieve redevelopment goals set forth in the Redevelopment Plan. Inidadon a la Enmienda al Plan de reurbanizadon de 2002 A principios de este ano, la Agencia decidi6 considerar reformar el Plan de reurbanizaci6n para prolongar el plazo limite en el cual se puede aplicar el dominio eminente hasta 2015. EI Plan de reurbanizaci6n de State College establece varias Iimitaciones-tanto de plazo y de finanzas-con respecto al uso de las facultades de la reurbanizaci6n dentm de la Area de pmyecto de reurbanizacion( aproximadamente 1,800 acres). Uno de estos plazos Iimites, tocante la aplicaci6n de dominio eminente para adquirir bienes inmuebles dentm de la Area de proyecto, se venci6 el10 de enero de 1999. Aunque la Agencia pod ria completar sus proyectos y recaudar ingresos de impuestos incrementales hasta el 27 de abril de 2020, la Agencia no podra iniciar diligencias de expropiacion dentro de la Area de proyecto (sobre bienes inmuebles no residenciales) sin haber restablecido la facultad de dominio eminente. Si es adoptada, la reforma ampliaria la autoridad Iimitada de la Agencia para que use el dominio eminente (solamente para bienes inmuebles no residenciales), si es necesario, para adquirir bienes inmuebles. AI ejercer el dominio eminente, se requiere que la Agencia recompense justamente a los duenos de aquellos terrenos adquiridos, y que cum pia con las reglas establecidas de reubicacion. Haga favor de observar que, actualmente, la Agencia no tiene pensado aplicar la facultad de dominio eminente. La capacidad de adquirir bienes inmuebles es una de las herramientas fundamentales que emanan del Plan de reurbanizacion. En State College, la adquisicion Ie faciltta a la Agencia mayores oportunidades para acumular parcelas e iniciar actividades reurbanizadoras dentro de la Area de proyecto. Aunque la Agencia no haya aplicado el dominio eminente dentro de la Area de proyecto, se necesitaran adquisiciones adicionales, tal vez por medio de su expropiacion, para aliviar las persistentes condiciones fisicas de deterioro. Mantener la autoridad de dominio eminente es esencial para que la Agencia cumpla las metas indicadas en el Plan de reurbanizacion. ~".:" :":;: _~~ ~.:--..rf.''':':''''?!'-:<>:-:"'J^''~ "'~ ~"'~A~'~~<:1~.'~~~\7~;\^:;N~~'"'_~~;;~:::-,"/'::'!~'J~'<::~~>':'-I~"':~'.~"'': 11 ,N"'~,"':. /?'\ :"'~:- ~-^-~~,,,,~~ , '. , ,:,,: State Col{ifg~ Re'ilevelopjll!"t PJ"OjifCft Area 'Bolllufaries' . '.' ,,\; """~'~"'M':A~l.,,'...':",-, ~ifi..~T..,-r.<t",",~Ar" ."" :'<~.,! J....~,~""J?-<>'".f"'~"d:c="""::- ~"';..;,;. ~ "'"~~.. ~""";'~_-b>J~~"..''i,"" ~,,~ "V."A""" '.,.]: -.,,,t. ~~. u""' /,. ,,^$'~'- .!-:"'''~:~ ~ J~'k~^\'U /f' NORTH I I , , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 201 North "En Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, CA 92401 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STATE COLLGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I, Mike Trout, whose business address is at the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507, do hereby certify that the notice for the Joint Public Hearing on the Proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan (attached as "Exhibit A"), for the State College Redevelopment Project Area, was mailed, via first class mail, to all property owners, residents, business owners, community organization representatives, and interested persons in the area of the State College Redevelopment Project Area as shown on the attached copy of the mailing list (attached as "Exhibit B") at the United States Post Office, in San Bernardino, California on Iff;/ /1 ,2003. I certify under penalty of peJjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: If;,,} .,2 (',2003 ~~- Mike Trout, Project Manager City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Attachments: Exhbit A - Public Meeting NewsletterlNotice Exhibit B - Mailing List P.\A.."""ntin... n..nt\MiI<l'\.<;f<rt1' ('.nn.,,,~ Joint Public Hearin.. Certification of MallinI': Affidavit.doc NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIA T the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ("Mayor and Common Council") and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission") acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino {"Agency"} will hold a joint public hearing on Monday, May 19, 2003. at approximately 7:00 p.m., or shortly thereafter, in the Oty Hall Council Chambers, City of San Bernardino, 300 North ''D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401. The pUlpOse of the joint public hearing is to consider the proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment") to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan"). You have received this notice because you are a resident, business owner or property owner within the State College Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area") (see Project Area Map). If adopted after the joint public hearing, the proposed Amendment to the existing Redevelopment Plan would extend the time limit to use eminent domain authority to April 27, 2010. The Agency, at this time, has not identified. any specific projects that will require the use of eminent domain. This proposed Amendment excludes all properties where persons reside and/or have a City of San Bernardino General Plan residential land use designation from the power or eminent domain. Additionally, no new land or territory Is being added. to or taken away from the Project Area under the proposed Amendment. The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, Text of the Amendment. and Initial StUdy is available for public review and a copy of the Project Area's metes and bounds legal description may be obtained at no charge from the Agency's offices at 201 North IE' Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and COIllillon Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Conunission and show cause why the proposed Amendment should not be adopted. At any time, not later than the hour set for the hearing, any person(s) may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objections to the proposed Amendment Public comment will close at the public hearing. If there are written comments, the Mayor and Common Council will make written findings in response to written comments filed at the joint public hearing prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment. If you have any questions regarding this Notice or the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment, please contact Mike Trout. Project Manager, at (909) 663.1044 or via email at mtrout@sbrda.on! or at the address noted above. j;;;, STATE COLLEGE" PROJECT * CERTIFICATE OF MAILING SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION STATE COLLGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I, Mike Trout, whose business address is at the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency, 20 I North "E" Street, Suite 30 I, San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507, do hereby certify that the notice for the Joint Public Hearing on the Proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the State College Redevelopment Plan (attached as "Exhibit A"), for the State College Redevelopment Project Area, was mailed, via first class mail, to all property owners, residents, business owners, community organization representatives, and interested'persons in the area of the State College Redevelopment Project Area as shown on the attached copy of the mailing list (attached as "Exhibit B") at the United States Post Office, in San Bernardino, California on /1/,>,;/ ,;> 7 ,2003. I certify under penalty of petjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: 4;t>y;/;>O ,2003 ~~ Mike Trout, Project Manager City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Attachments: Exhbit A - Public Meeting NewsletterlNotice Exhibit B - Mailing List p,\A=nunIm.:. DeDt\Mike\Stale Cotle2e.. Joint Public Hearin2 Certification of Mailing Affidavitdoc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (REVISED NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino (''Mayor and Common Council") and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission"') acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency') will conduct a joint public hearing on Monday, June 2, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be practical, in the City Hall Council Chambers, City of San Bernardino, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 9240 I. The purpose of the joint public hearing will be to consider the adoption of a Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the adoption of a proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment'1 to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan'). The Initial Study for the Negative Declaration indicates that the Amendment will not have a significant affect on the environment. Project Location: The redevelopment project area of the State College Redevelopment ("Project Area") consists of 1,800 acres of land within the City of San Bernardino, California. The Project Area boundaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of Highland Avenue to just north of California State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia Avenue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within the Project Area include low density residential suburban, public facility, and light industrial uses, among others. A map, which depicts the boundaries ofthe Project Area, is included in this Notice ofIoint Public Hearing and Notice ofIntention to Adopt a Negative Declaration relating to the Amendment A metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area boundaries has previously been recorded on June 16, 1970 at Book 7462, Page 372, Official Records of the Recorder of San Bernardino Connty. The metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area is on file with the Agency and a copy may be obtained by any interested person at no cost from the Agency's offices at 201 North "E" Stree~ Suite 30 I, San Bernardino, California 9240 I during regolar business hours. Description of Proposed Actions: The proposed action under the Amendment is the reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain powers in the Project Area affecting commercial and industrial zoned lands. The Amendment will not permit the Agency to acquire any residentially zoned or ;copied property by eminent domain. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses as envisioned by the Mayor and Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067; The authority for the Agency to use eminent domain to acquire property in the Project Area lapsed in 1999. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the Project Area for an additional 7 years for those lands that have a non-residential General Plan or zoning designation. Reinstatement of the power of eminent domain for the Agency to acquire commercial or industrial use lands will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. The Amendment will not give the Agency the authority to acquire any residentially zoned or residentially used property in the Project Area by eminent domain. The use of eminent domain powers by the Agency to acquire commercial and industrial zoned property will enable the Agency to prevent and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area and will allow the Agency to assist with the assembly of commercial or industrial use properties for redevelopment by private entities which in turn will eliminate blight and develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The Project Area, and in particular lands which are commercially and industrially zoned, may contain sites that are listed in the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5(e). Public Review Period (or the Negative Declaration: The public review period for the proposed Negative Declaration regarding the Amendment will commence on May 2, 2003 and end on May 22, 2003. Written comments relating to the Negative Declaration should be submitted to the Agency, to the attention of Mike Trou~ Project Manager at 201 North "E" Stree~ Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will also be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, the text of the Amendment, and Initial Study and the Negative Declaration are also available for public review and copying at the Agency's offices at 201 North "E" Stree~ Snite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration. All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Conunission and show cause why the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration should not be adopted. At any time, not later than the hour set for the joint public hearing, any person may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objection to the proposed Amendment The address of the City Clerk is City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California 92418. All written and oral conunents of interested persons will be considered by the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission at the time of the joint public hearing on IDe 2, 2003, as scheduled above. If written objections on the Amendment are submitted to the City Clerk before or at the time of the joint public ..earing, the Mayor and Common Council will prepare written findings in response to such written objections and comments prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment . . . b)' ~\l ..~ {lefSOl' Gene{<\' ~e a.\';>V . . ch deh~et)' th.t ,fth in the ~e" V\ OVet\'j . StoleS M."I. SU .,.se note . gn.ted 1\o",e"rn' V' 't"~ If an interested person receives a copy of this Notice ofIoint Public Hearing by UnIted p ject }>.rea. pl. b .,e de~' .doVted. /,<e" 0' 0 \\in\1. "n' person either owns property in the Project Area or owns a business and/or resides 111 the ~~ or lands 'Y(b1Cend'(11.ent 15 ftoieCt ~ o{ o.-..'le Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail owns conunercially or industrially zoned I~ main if the AfU ent in the ch \,tOV -.n~ conunercial or industrial use. the Agency may hereafter acquire such land by ~[(l1.nent. 0 home or ap~ a,equitG s\1 .:( "'Jo'-' \\a."ie ~\a.{ 'ote that if the person who receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mati hves ,n a AgenCY canno tion, 0' \ d"rin\1. tc hicb is residentially zoned or designated in the General Plan for residential uses, the '"e VeC\~63-\044 eminent domain if the Amendment is adopted. t a 1'legat1 t (909) . n to Ado\' }Aou.get, · If you have any question regarding this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice o~~n~~~t, project other question regording the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment, please contact M' e busineSs hours of the Agency or contact him by email at mtroutftV.sbrda.org Notice of Joint Public Hearing given April 23, 2003 Rocbel G. Clark, City Clerk Sectetan' I AgencY Gary Van Osde , (Map of Project Area Boundary Attached: Slate College Redevelopment project) -1' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT -m~ z:- II ~-o-t ST. e:: c::; ,........ 5'"- =. c:;:;_..-<- -- E~sT- L::: . ~~oG"C- o~--'~ ~.p.~ l.~ ~ -~ ~~ ~~ STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No.9 Certification of Notice and Copy of Notice Ento,." into Record 8t C'."" "I. 'livDevCms Mtg: 6j{~ bv _,____ ~t)A If. :L / re Au,da Item ~~ City Clerk/COC See, J City of San Bernardi.. . .,,1 " .....,,'"".<.,~ THE SUN 399 North ~ D~Slreet San Bernardino. CA 92401 (909) 397.3986 MARGARET PARKER . i ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENq 201 NORTH E ST I SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401 PROOF OF PUBLICATION I (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of San Bernardino ) ) ss Notice Type: HRGSS NOTICE OF HEARING Ad Description: PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMEN 1 am a citizen of lhe Uniled Slates, over the age ot eighteen years, 3' to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the representative and publisher of The Sun. a daily newspaper printed and published language in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino. a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the Statt by the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State 01 Ca~ date June 20,1952. Case No. 73084. That the notice, of 'Nhich the] printed copy, has been published in each regular and. entire il newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the followmg datesl 05101/03,05108103,05/15103 Executed on: 05115/2003 At Los Angeles, California , I certify (or declare) under penalty of pe~ury that the foregoing is tru! '\x.xlZJ;\~ Signature ------ .. NOTICE OF lNTENTlON TO ADOPT A I~EGAnvE DEClARATION PURSUANT TO THE CAUFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY ACT AND NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY JEVElOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COUEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (REVISED NOTICe OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING) NOTlCE IS HEREBY GlVEH mAT the Mayor and COITIITIOll Coln::I ol:he City of San 8emWino {'Mayor and Cornrnoo CaoocrrJ and lt1 Community DElveIapmenl Commission oflle ~ of SaIl 8emartlioo ("Commission1 acIllIg as 1M RedeveDpment Agency of 1M Oly 01 Sa .; 8emardinorAgency1Y1illcoodudiljoinlpublicheaMgOll Monday,JllM2. 2003..117:00 p.m.. or as soon lIlefl!aIteras may bEl plaClical. j I IhoCityHall CotJncjCllambers,CltyofSan8efMnlino,JOONOflh1J"Slreet,San Bemardino,CA924tl1_ Thepurposea/l/)ejoif\tpublicllearingwilll18lDconsiderlheadoplionofaNegallveOElclaralionplr.iU<lnllQl!leCdbfomiaEnvironment 0ualiIy Act ("'CroA1 and fleJ adoption of a proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Ameodmool rhnendmenl"') to the Slate Collel}e RedeVeloprTlel PIan("RedevelopmentPlan1. TheklilialStudyfoftheNeg8ClveOedarauonindicacestlall/)eAmendl1lentWlllnatl1ave a sigllilicanl alfect 0 "'- ProjectLoeatioft: Theredevelopmenlprojectareaof:heStateCQllege~("ProjedNealconsistsof1.800acresoflan wilIIinthe City 01 San Bemardino, California. The Projed:heaboundaneSare ilregularn shape, e.e\dingtomV\eSl:lUlh sidedHighlan AvenoelOjuslnor1l1-afC3lilomia SIaIe UIWersIly SiIn BerradilG.. The boundiIries aboextend fromAcada Avenue on If1e eastsido 10 lh westsideotCajoo6oul8vani landusectassikalionswithnlhePro;edAre.1includl1lowdensilyresidenbal:subl./ri)al,publicldty,an Iighlindustrialuses,amongolhers. A map, wtidldepids lhebouodariesdlllePfoiectAre.1, bnduded in this NoticeolJointNllicHeim and Notice of Intention 10 Adopt I Negative D&daration reIaling b 1heAmendment. Ametes II1CJ bounds legal desctiplion ofV\e Project!Ve boundaries has premustybeen recadedon.blEl16, 1970 at Bock 7~Page m.OlIiclaI Recon:Isotlhe RecofderdSa\8emardin Coooly. The metes and bounds legal descriplionoflhe Project Area is 00 iewith lheAgencyandac:opy maybe obtained by ailytrteresle persM at f'(I cost from 1M AgeR::y's oftices at 201 North"E' Street, Suite 301, Sa\ Bemardilo, CaIbnia 92401 during !el}Jlarbusines "'"". Description of Propoud ActIons: The proposed action under the Amendment is the reinStalament of the Agency"s ectWIent cIomaln poweI intheProjedAleaafectilgcommen:ialandirdlmalzooedlands.TheAlnendmenlwiUnol:permtl1e/Jqenqtoacquire3lfoJ~1ia! zonedor~ledproper1yb.,.eminentdomai\. TheProjectAreaisapproUnalely85pereelltdevelopedlMl1a...arietyofb1lstria. lXllT"tlIefClaI,andres!dootiallao4usesasenvislonedbytlteMayorandCommonColMill910whe:n!he Rede.,.eiopmentPlanWll$3dople by Ordinaoce No. 3061. TheaulhoritybI1eAgencybuseeminenldomain~aequWe-propertyinlheProjedhealapsedlnl999. Th Agency is nowproposilg 10 reilstalElils powercAeminentdomain inlheProjectArea bran adaiIionaI 7 years brllnse lands f\at have non-residentialGerleralPlanorzonlngdesignati:ln. Rensralernenloflhepowero(emi\e((domainblhllAlpqlOacquireCXllMlll(cialc indusll\aluselandswilnotalfedel(lslingre5ldenlialneighborfloodsooratterlheProjedNea~. TheAnlendmenlWl1l00tgwelh Agencylheau~lD~an.,.~zonedorr1!5iclentiallyU5edpropertyin1lMtProjedNeab'f~dornaf1. Tho use ( OOlinentclomai1pQWefSbylheAgency~8OfJi'ec:onwnen;ialandlndusMalzonedpropertywilenabhllha~bpreVentandeliminat lhespreadofblighlinhePm;ectmaand'ri.aIowlheAiJeocYtoassislwilhlhememblrol~or~usepRlpl!f1lesr( re<leYelopmentby pmale entitie$1'Otlich in U'n'lll e~minate blight and de't\lIop those propetties wilh awropr;ale land uses. 1M Proier Arl!a, and in par1icWf lands 'lItIidt are comrnettiaIly and J1dusIriaIy zoned. may conlain siles that are listed in'V\8 Stale at CaIiforrii HazardousWasleandSubstancesSilesUstplMSUafltlaG::Nemmenl:CodeSeclion65962.5(et. Public Re...itw Period fOf the Negiltm 0ecIarafi0n: The public review period lor lIle proposed Negative Dedaration regarding lI\ ArnerIdmenl.wil commence on May 2, 200J and end on May 22. 2003_ Wriltoo commeI'1lS relating kllhe Negative Dedaration 5houId b submittt1d to llIe"-1encv.bttleattenOOnof~e Trout. ProjedManageral201 Nom C'$troet.SUl!e301.Saft Bemardioo. CalOOmia 92401 The Agency's Report 10 lhe Mayor and Common Counci rReport"l on \he proposed AmMdmenI will also be preseilled allh8 joint pull~ Mamg.. The Report, the lektollhe Amendment. and kIitiaI Sludyand!he Negalille OedaralOO are also available lor public revieW allo CO!Iying at Ihe Agency's oft!ces at 201 Nortl "E"5net, Suite 301. San Bernard.u:l. CA 92401. Atlhe;wupubliChearing.lheMayorandCornmoo Council and lIIe Comnissioo WIlI.coosidet alIe>1idenc:e and l8slimonylofandagainSt lfll proporedAme1ldmentandtleNegiltiwOedaration. AII~lVtYinganYobjectionslolhepmposed~entandIleNegalM Declaration rnayappearblllontlhe MayorilndCommonCcundl and Corrmi$$f;lnand showcausewhyth8 proposed AmendmeIll.and till Negative Dedafation should not bEl adopted. At any time, notlilterlhan the hour set for dle):linl~1ic heamg, anyper$Ofl maylle a Mitten statementwith the- City Oerk a1lheiiobjecOOl tGlheproposedAmendmenl TheaddressofI1eCityClOO;\SCilyHalJOONorth"CYStreet.SilnIlllmardino,CaliIomiI92418. AllWlittel iInd 00II oomm&nls of interested Pf"OOSwi beconsdered bylhe Mayor and Common CoutIc:IandlheConwnission at IhlI ineollhejoi~ public hearing on.luM 2, 2OOO,iIS scheduIedab0't8. UwritlenobjecllansonlheAmendmentaresubrnided bthe-ClyOer1r before or at Ill< lime of the joinl public heilring, lhe Mayor.and Common Council od pl'l!Pafe 'Mitten lindings in resport$e to sucIl writtenobjedions.1l1' commentspri:xloadoplioooflheproposedAm8lldment If an interested personrecel'les a copy oflhiS Notice_ofJoklI Public Hearing by Uniled S1a1es Miiil.suchdeliwybyma~lnd(cates Ihatll1< in~tedpeniOneilhel'O'M1spropet1YinlheProject.AleaorO'M1silbusinessandlorresidesin\hEIProjectAcea.Pleaseoolelhatlfth. pef$OI1 who receives this Notice of Joint Pubic Hearing by mail: owns OJmrnerciaUy Of inWstriaJy mned lands or lands which are designate- in lhe Geneml Plan rorconvnen:ial or indUStrlalllS8. !he Agency may hereafter ac1\uife sudlland by eminent domain ilthe Amen<inenti adopted. HOYIever,p1e.1S6al$Onole thatiflhepElfSOOwIloreceives lhis NotiCe ofJoinlPubtic Hearinq by mail ijves in a home or apartmenI i the Project Area. or 0WII1l property which is residenliady zooed at designated III the General Plan !of residential uses, !he Age/."'cJ C3rm<: acqui'esuc:hpropertyordwellingunitbyen'llnentdomainifIheAmendmentlsadapled. lfyou have any QIIes.lion regardi1g IhisNobof JonPubl;: Hearing and Nolice 01 Inlenlion toAdo!lla NegaUve o.ctaratior\,orlfYou hav. artyolher question regarding !he 2003 EminentOomaln AmendrneIU. please contadMike Trout.ProjecI Manager. 31(9091663,10<< dwin regu4ar~l1olnoflheNJerrcvorCOflladhimbyemail.almll'oul@sbrda.org NoticedJoinlPublk:HaaringgivenAprt23.2lJ03 RachetG.Clark,CilyClerk (MapofProjectkeaBoondaryAdacl1ed: SlaleCollege Rede'teloprnentProjedl GaryVartOsdel,Ager>C/Secrelary T- --) " '-, ;......, .~~.-', J-..., ~/ -. ~ \, , I ~~ili)j~ Signature ----p i:t. . :~~~~',:;,;:;;f~~Jt ATE LLEG{P'Rcr.;E~H' It"'' riif~<'-.;: :".> r: ""'~:'L.'.~';'t~~~". :'; i"". ;', :,;!~~~~:~~,~~~,~ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED 2003 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (REVISED NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING) NOTICE IS I1EREBY GIVEN THAT the Mayor and Common Council nfthe City of San Bernardino ("Mayor and Common Councin and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino ("Commission") acting as the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") will conduct a joint public hearing on Monday, June 2, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be practical, in the City Hall Council Chambers, City of San Bernardino, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401. The purpose of the joint public hearing will be to consider the adoption of a Negative Declaration pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA'') and the adoption of a proposed 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment ("Amendment'') to the State College Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan"). The Initial Study for the Negative Declaration indicates that the Amendment will not have a significant affect on the environment Project Location: The redevelopment project area of the State College Redevelopment ("Project Area'') consists of 1,800 acres ofland within the City of San Bernardino, California. The Project Area boundaries are irregular in shape, extending from the south side of Highland Avenue to just north of Califomia State University San Bernardino. The boundaries also extend from Acacia Avenue on the east side to the west side of Cajon Boulevard. Land use classifications within the Project Area include low density residential suburban, public facility, and light industrial uses, among others. A map, which depicts the boundaries of the Project Area, is included in this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice ofIntention to Adopt a Negative Declaration relating to the Amendment. A metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area boundaries has previously been recorded on June 16, 1970 at Book 7462, Page 372, Official Records of the Recorder of San Bernardino County. The metes and bounds legal description of the Project Area is on file with the Agency and a copy may be obtained by any interested person at no cost from the Agency's offices at 201 North "En Street, Suite 301. San Bernardino, California 92401 during regular business hours. Description of Proposed Actions: The proposed action under the Amendment is the reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain powers in the Project Area affecting commercial and industrial zoned lands. The Amendment will not permit the Agency to acquire any residentially zoned or 'lCCupied property by eminent domain. The Project Area is approximately 85 percent developed with a variety of industrial, commercial, and esidentialland uses as envisioned by the Mayor and Common Council in 1970 when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted by Ordinance No. 3067. The authority for the Agency to use eminent domain to acquire property in the Project Area lapsed in 1999. The Agency is now proposing to reinstate its power of eminent domain in the Project Area for an additional 7 years for those lands that have a non-residential General Plan or zoning designation. Reinstatement of the power of eminent domain for the Agency to acquire commercial or industrial use lands will not affect existing residential neighborhoods nor alter the Project Area boundaries. The Amendment will not give the Agency the authority to acquire any residentially zoned or residentially used property in the Project Area by eminent domain. The use of eminent domain powers by the Agency to acquire commercial and industrial zoned property will enable the Agency to prevent and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area and will allow the Agency to assist with the assembly of commercial or industrial use properties for redevelopment by private entities which in turn will eliminate blight and develop those properties with appropriate land uses. The Project Area, and in particular lands which are commercially and industrially zoned, may contain sites that are listed in the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5(e). Public Review Period for the Negative Declaration: The public review period for the proposed Negative Declaration regarding the Amendment will commence on May 2, 2003 and end on May 22, 2003. Written comments relating to the Negative Declaration should be submitted to the Agency, to the attention of Mike Trout, Project Manager at 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, California 92401. The Agency's Report to the Mayor and Common Council ("Report") on the proposed Amendment will also be presented at the joint public hearing. The Report, the text of the Amendment, and Initial Study and the Negative Declaration are also available for public review and copying at the Agency's offices at 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301, San Bernardino, CA 92401. At the joint public hearing, the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission will consider all evidence and testimony for and against the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration. All persons having any objections to the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration may appear before the Mayor and Common Council and Commission and show cause why the proposed Amendment and the Negative Declaration should not be adopted. At any time, not later than the hour set for the joint public hearing. any person may file a written statement with the City Clerk of their objection to the proposed Amendment The address of the City Clerk is City Hall 300 North "D.' Street, San Bernardino, California 92418. All written and oral comments of interested persons will be considered by the Mayor and Common Council and the Commission at the time of the joint public hearing on Tune 2, 2003, as scheduled above. Ifwritten objections on the Amendment are submitted to the City Clerk before or at the time of the joint public :acing, the Mayor and Common Council will prepare written findings in response to such written objections and comments prior to adoption of the proposed Amendment. If an interested person receives a copy of this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by United States Mail, snch delivery by mail indicates that the interested person either owns property in the Project Area or owns, a business and/or resides in the Project Area. Please note that if the person who receives this Notice of Joint Public Hearing by mail owns commercially or industrially zoned lands or lands which are designated in the General Plan for commercial or industrial use, the Agency may hereafter acquire such land by eminent domain if the Amendment is adopted. However, please also note that if the person who receives this Notice of Ioint Public Hearing by mail lives in a bome or apartment in the Project Area, or owns property vbich is residentially zoned or designated in the General Plan for residential uses, the Agency cannot acquire such property or dwelling unit by ~minent domain if the Amendment is adopted. If you have any question regarding this Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Notice of Intention to Adopt a Negative Declaration, or if you have any other question regarding the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendmen~ please contact Mike Trout, Project Manager, at (909) 663-1044 during regular business hours oCthe Agency or contact him by cmait at mtroutt!V.sbrda.ore Notice of Joint Public Hearing given April 23, 2003 RAchel G. Clark, City Clerk Gary Van Osdel, Agency Secretary (Map of Project Area Boundary Attached: State College Redevelopment Project) -1' NORTH STATE COLLEGE PROJECT STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARING June 2, 2003 Exhibit No. 10 Staff Report "nroren into Record at /., / ("1VOevCms Mtg: U, / L/ () 2> ___(OA '-" ',ria Item ;(. Z/ ~;-e l1,~ ~ily Clerk/COC Secy CIly of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Joint Public Hearinl! - State CoIlel!e Redevelopment Proiect Area Plan Amendment - Reinstate Eminent Domain BACKGROUND: -With the improving local economy, the Agency is seeing increasing development interest throughout the City. The State College Redevelopment Project Area, established on April 27, 1970 and encompassing approximately 1,800 acres, is an area in which there is great interest. In recognition of these trends, it is important for the Agency to have a variety of tools available to assist redevelopment. One of the most effective tools for redevelopment is the power of eminent domain. However, the power of eminent domain in the State College Redevelopment Project Area expired on January 1, 1999. On March 18,2002, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the initiation of an amendment to the State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan to re-establish the power of eminent domain over only those properties that are within non-residential land use districts in the General Plan or are currently being used for non-residential purposes. The proposed amendment (referred to as the "2003 Amendment") would reinstate the power of eminent domain until the end of the Redevelopment Plan or approximately 7 years from now. No resident homeowner or apartment resident or residential occupant wiII be displaced by the 2003 Amendment. No plans exist at the present time which may result in the purchase or condemnation of any commercial or industrial use properties. On July 24, 2002, Agency Staff conducted a public information workshop to present the proposed amendment, explain the process, and answer questions from attendees. This workshop was announced by mailed notice to owners of land in the redevelopment project are of the State College Redevelopment Project and to all occupants of property - both commercial and residential. Six people attended the workshop. On April 7, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino formally scheduled a joint public hearing for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. to consider a proposed amendment to the redevelopment plan reinstating eminent domain and adoption of a Negative Declaration. On April 17, 2003, mailers were sent to residents, businesses, organizations, and property owners within the State College Redevelopment Project Area concerning the public hearing set for May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. On April 29, 2003, mailers were sent to residents, businesses, organizations and property owners within the State. College Redevelopment Project Area concerning the change of date for the public hearing to June 2, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. P;'C\cricalSc:lViccl Dt:pt~ plUtcMgenda\CDC 2OOJ'DJ.Q6.(lZ Stale College Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEEtING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06102/2003 Agenda Item Number: j(.) / Economic Development Agency Staff Report State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan Amendment Page 2 CURRENT ISSUE: Section 33352 of the Community Redevelopment Law ("CRL") states that when the Agency submits an amendment to the redevelopment plan to the Mayor and Common Council ("Council") for adoption, the Agency must also submit a report entitled the Report to Mayor and Common Council ("Report"). For a redevelopment plan amendment, the contents of the Report are only those portions warranted by the proposed amendment. The purpose of this Report is to provide, in one document, all information, documentation, and evidence regarding the 2003 Amendment to assist the Council in its consideration and in making various findings and determinations that are legally required to adopt the 2003 Amendment. This report to Mayor and Common Council has been prepared in accordance with all requirements of Section 33457.1 and 33352 of the CRL. During the joint public hearing the Commission and the Council will consider. the information presented by the Agency Staff and consultants regarding the Report and the 2003 Amendment. Testimony and comments of interested members of the public will also be received. If one or more written objections are presented to the Council before or during the joint public hearing on June 2, 2003, a written response to such written objections must be prepared and considered before the 2003 Amendment may be adopted. By adopting the attached resolution of the Community Development Commission at the conclusion of the joint public hearing, the Commission will approve the Report and the proposed eminent domain amendment and authorize Agency Staff to transmit the Report to Mayor and Common Council and the 2003 Eminent Domain Amendment to the Mayor and Common Council. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: An Initial Study has been prepared which indicates that no significant affect on the environment will occur as a result of the adoption of the 2003 Amendment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration is proposed under the California Environmental Quality Act for the 2003 Amendment. A de mininus fmding is also proposed as the 2003 Amendment will not have any adverse affect on wildlife or wildlife habitat. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on contracts entered into with consultants for this amendment, the costs will total $29,379. Funds for this activity have been approved and budgeted. P:\Ck:ricaI. Servic:es Dept\Margard. P~\CDC 2003\OM6-02 State CoUcge Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/0212003 Agenda Item Number: f( cJ / Economic Development Agency Staff Report State College Redevelopment Project Area Plan Amendment Page 3 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Community Development Commission and Mayor and Common Council adopt Motion A or Motion B. '--j7J p ~ ~) Gary Van Osdel, Executive Director EXHmITS: 1. Redevelopment Project Area Map 2. Text of the Proposed 2003 Amendment 3. Report to the Mayor and Common Council 4. Copies of Written Objections Received by May 22, 2003 5. Negative Declaration and Initial Study 6. Resolution of the Community Development Commission 7. Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council 8. Certification of Mailing and Copy of Newsletter 9. Certification of Notice and Copy of Notice 10. Staff Report P:1CkricaI Sa'vices Dept\Margvet ParteMgcnda'CDC 2003W-06-m Stale Colkge Public Hearing.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 06/0212003 Agenda Item Nnmber: f?.;; I 5/ Tr::- f!])2JRC55 ~lld/a?J diR2\ 14801106 14801110 14801121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 14801122 14801129 14801130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 14801139 14801140 14802138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14802155 14802159 14802164 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14802206 14812301 14813301 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N CAJON BLVD - W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813302 14813303 14813317 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W 26TH ST - W 26TH ST 1339 W 27TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813318 14813319 14813320 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W 27TH ST 1317 W 27TH ST - N MIRAMONTE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813321 14813322 14813323 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 2646 N MIRAMONTE DR - N MlRAMONTE DR - N MIRAMONTE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813325 14813326 14813328 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1341 W 27TH ST - W 27TH ST 1372 W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813329 14813416 14813417 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . 1356 W 26TH ST 1347 W 26TH ST 1339 W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14813418 14813419 14813420 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .W26THST - W 26TH ST 2566 N MIRAMONTE DR ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 l4813421 14813426 14813427 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT !546 N MIRAMONTE DR 1330 W 25TH ST ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14813428 14818101 14818103 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT !510 N MIRAMONTE DR - - WESTERN AVE ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4818105 14818106 14818107 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1450 W 23RD ST 1451 W 23RD ST ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14819122 14819127 14819128 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W 25TH ST 2446 N MlRAMONTE DR 2400 N MlRAMONTE DR ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14819129 14819130 14819131 JeCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W 25TH ST 2468 N MlRAMONTE DR ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14829201 14829202 14829203 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3302 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR #A 3302 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #B 3302 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #C ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14829204 14829205 14829206 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3302 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #D 3294 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR #A 3294 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR #B SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14829207 14829208 14829209 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3294 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #C 3294 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR #D 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #A SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14829210 14829211 14829212 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR #B 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #C 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #D SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 : 4829213 14829214 14829215 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829216 14829217 14829218 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4829219 14829220 14829221 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4829222 14829223 14829224 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4829225 14829226 14829227 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4829228 14829229 14829230 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829231 14829232 14829233 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829234 14829235 14829236 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829237 14829238 14829239 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 3238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829240 14829241 14829242 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3232 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3232 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829243 14829244 14829245 )cCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,232 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3232 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3224 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #A ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4829246 14829247 14829248 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,224 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3224 N UTILE MOUNT A1N DR #C 3224 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4830322 14830323 14830324 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR - N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR - N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4830325 14832401 14832402 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ~915 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 3118 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3118 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #B ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4832403 14832404 14832405 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,118 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3118 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3124 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #A ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832406 14832407 14832408 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,124 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3124 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3124 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832409 14832410 14832411 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;132 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR#A 3132 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3132 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C ;AN BERNARDINO CA '92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832412 14832413 14832414 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ; 132 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3138 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3138 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #B ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832415 14832416 14832417 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,138 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR#C 3138 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3146 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #A ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832418 14832419 14832420 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;J46 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 3146 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3146 N LITILE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4832421 14832422 14832423 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,152 N LfITLE MOUNT AlN DR #A 3152 N LfITLE MOUNT AlN DR #B 3152 N LfITLE MOUNT AlN DR #C lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832424 14832425 14832426 >CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,152 N LfITLE MOUNT AlN DR #D 3160 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #A 3160 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #B lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832427 14832428 14832429 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,160N LfITLE MOUNTAlNDR#C 3160 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #D 3166 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #A lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832430 14832431 14832432 >CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,166 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #B 3166 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #C 3166 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #D lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832433 14832434 14832435 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,174 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR #A 3174 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #B 3174 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #C lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 .4832436 14832437 14832438 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1174 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR#D 3180 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR#A 3180 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR #B lAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832439 14832440 14832441 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,180 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR#C 3180 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR#D 3188 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR #A ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 .4832442 14832443 14832444 >CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT i 188 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #B 3188 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #C 3188 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR #D ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4832445 14832446 14832447 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1194 N LfITLE MOUNT AlN DR #A 3194 N LfITLE MOUNTAlN DR#B 3194 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #C ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 .4832448 14832449 14832450 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1194 N LITTLE MOUNTAiN DR#D 3204 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #A 3204 N LfITLE MOUNTAiN DR #B ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i4832451 14832452 14832453 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1204 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3204 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3210 N UTILE MOUNTAiN DR #A ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i4832454 14832455 14832456 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1210 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3210 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3210 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14832457 14832458 14832459 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1218 N UTILE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i 483 2460 14833101 14833102 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3294 N ROBERDS AVE 3286 N ROBERDS AVE ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNAlU)iNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14833103 14833104 14833105 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1278 N ROBERDS AVE 3270 N ROBERDS AVE 3262 N ROBERDS AVE ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i4833106 14833107 14833108 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1254 N ROBERDS AVE 3255 N EDGEMONT CT 3263 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i4833109 14833110 14833111 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1271 N EDGEMONT CT 3279 N EDGEMONT CT 3287 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 i4833112 14833113 14833114 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1295 N EDGEMONT CT 3294 N EDGEMONT CT 3286 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14833115 14833116 14833117 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1278 N EDGEMONT CT 3270 N EDGEMONT CT 3262 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14833118 14833119 14833120 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1254 N EDGEMONT CT 3246 N EDGEMONT CT 3238 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 4833121 14833122 14833123 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1230 N EDGEMONT CT 3222 N EDGEMONT CT 3214 N EDGEMONT CT ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4833124 14833125 14833126 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1206 N EDGEMONT CT 3207 N EDGEMONT CT 3215 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 ,4833127 14833128 14833129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1223 N EDGEMONT CT 3231 N EDGEMONT CT 3239 N EDGEMONT CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14833130 14833131 14833132 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1247 N EDGEMONT CT 3246 N ROBERDS AVE 3238 N ROBERDS AVE ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4833133 14833134 14833135 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT \230 N ROBERDS A VB 3222 N ROBERDS AVE 3214 N ROBERDS AVE ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14833136 14834101 14834102 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT \206 N ROBERDS AVE - N BOND ST 3473 N BOND ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14834103 14834104 14834105 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1595 W RIDGE CREST CT 1585 W RIDGE CREST CT 1575 W RIDGE CREST CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14834106 14834107 14834108 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [565 W RIDGE CREST CT 3504 N BOND ST 3494 N BOND ST ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4834109 14834110 14834111 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3486 N BOND ST 3478 N BOND ST 3470 N BOND ST ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14834112 14834113 14834114 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3464 N BOND ST 3456 N BOND ST 3448 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4834115 14835101 14835102 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT N BOND ST 1564 W RIDGE CREST CT 1574 W RIDGE CREST CT IAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4835103 14835104 14835105 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 584 W RIDGE CREST CT 1594 W RIDGE CREST CT 3515 NBOND ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4835106 14835107 14835108 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT i523 N BOND ST 3531 N BOND ST 3539 N BOND ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4835109 14835110 14835111 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1547 N BOND ST 1635 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1625 W SUMMIT CREST CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14835112 14835113 14835114 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1615 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1605 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1604 W SUMMIT CREST CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4835115 14835116 14835117 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1614 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1624 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1634 W SUMMIT CREST CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 L4835118 14835119 14835120 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1577 N BOND ST 3581 N BOND ST 3585 N BOND ST ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4835121 14835122 14835123 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3589 N BOND ST 3593 N BOND ST 3597 N BOND ST ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14835124 14835125 14835126 :JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3594 N BOND ST 3586 N BOND ST 3578 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14835127 14835128 14835129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3570 N BOND ST 3564 N BOND ST 3556 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l4835130 14835131 14835132 )cCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1548 N BOND ST 3542 N BOND ST 3534 N BOND ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l4835133 14835134 14835135 )cCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1526 N BOND ST 3520 N BOND ST 3512 N BOND ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4835136 14836101 14836102 )cCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1564 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #1 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #2 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4836103 14836104 14836105 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [480 W EDGEHILL DR #3 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #4 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #5 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4836106 14836107 14836108 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #7 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #8 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836109 14836110 14836111 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #9 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #10 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #11 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836112 14836113 14836114 ~CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #12 1480 W EDGEillLL DR #13 1480 W EDGEHILL DR#14 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836115 14836116 14836117 ~CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #15 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #16 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 17 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836118 14836119 14836120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #18 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #19 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #20 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836121 14836122 14836123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEillLL DR #21 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #22 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #23 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836124 14836125 14836126 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #24 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #25 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #26 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 14836127 14836128 14836129 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #27 1480 W EDGEillLL DR #28 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #29 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836130 14836131 14836132 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEillLL DR #30 1480 W EDGEHILL DR#31 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #32 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836133 14836134 14836135 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #33 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #34 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #35 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836136 14836137 14836138 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #36 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #37 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #38 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836139 14836140 14836141 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l480 W EDGEHILL DR#39 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #40 1480 W EDGEHILL DR#41 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836142 14836143 14836144 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l480 W EDGEHILL DR #42 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #43 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #44 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l4836145 14836146 14836147 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHlLL DR #45 1480 W EDGEHlLL DR #46 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #47 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4836148 14836149 14836150 JeCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #49 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #50 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836151 14836152 14836153 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [480 W EDGEHILL DR #51 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #52 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #53 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836154 14836155 14836156 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #54 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #55 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #56 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4836157 14836158 14836159 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #57 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #58 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #59 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4836160 14836161 14836162 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #60 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #61 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #62 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4836163 14836164 14836165 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #63 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #64 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #65 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4836166 14836167 14836168 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #66 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #67 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #68 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4836169 14836170 14836171 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #69 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #70 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #71 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4836172 14836201 14836202 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .480 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #1 1500 W EDGEHlLL DR #2 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4836203 14836204 14836205 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 500 W EDGEHILL DR #3 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #4 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #5 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4836206 14836207 14836208 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 500 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #7 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #8 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4836209 14836210 14836211 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .500 W EDGEHILL DR #9 1500 W EDGEHILL DR#10 1500 W EDGEHlLL DR #11 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 L4836212 14836213 14836214 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #12 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #13 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #14 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4836215 14836216 14836217 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #15 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #16 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #17 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4836218 14836219 14836220 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #18 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #19 1500 W EDGEHlLL DR #20 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 l4836221 14836222 14836223 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #21 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #22 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #23 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4836224 14836225 14836226 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #24 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #25 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #26 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4836227 14836228 14836229 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L 500 W EDGEHILL DR #27 1500 W EDGEillLL DR #28 1500 W EDGEillLL DR #29 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14836230 14836231 14836232 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #30 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #31 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #32 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 L4836233 14836234 14836235 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #33 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #34 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #35 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14836236 14836237 14836238 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L500 W EDGEHILL DR #36 1500 W EDGEillLL DR #37 1500 W EDGEHILL DR#38 ,AN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14836239 14836240 14836241 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [500 W EDGEHILL DR #39 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #40 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #41 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92405 14836242 14836243 14836244 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #42 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #43 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #44 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836245 14836246 14836247 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #45 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #46 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #47 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14836248 14837103 14837104 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1500 W EDGEIllLL DR #48 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #3 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #4 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837105 14837106 14837107 JeCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #5 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR#6 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #7 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837108 14837109 14837110 JeCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [440 W EDGEIllLL DR #8 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #9 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #10 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4837111 14837112 14837113 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [440 W EDGEIllLL DR #11 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #12 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #13 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837114 14837115 14837116 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR#14 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR#15 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #16 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837117 14837118 14837119 JeCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR # 17 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR#18 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #19 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4837120 14837121 14837122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .440 W EDGEIllLL DR #20 1440WEDGEIllLL DR#21 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #22 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4837123 14837124 14837125 JeCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .440 W EDGEIllLL DR #23 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #24 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #25 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 L4837126 14837127 14837128 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #26 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #27 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #28 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837129 14837130 14837131 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L 440 W EDGEIllLL DR #29 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #30 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #31 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837132 14837133 14837134 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L 440 W EDGEIllLL DR #32 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #33 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #34 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 L4837135 14837136 14837137 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l440 W EDGEIllLL DR #35 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #36 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #37 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 L4837138 14837139 14837140 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #38 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #39 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #40 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837141 14837142 14837143 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l440WEDGEHlLL DR#41 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR #42 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR #43 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837144 14837145 14837146 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #44 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #45 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l4837147 14837148 14837149 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #47 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #49 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837150 14837151 14837152 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #50 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR#51 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #52 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837153 14837154 14837155 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #53 1440 W EDGEHlLL DR #54 1440 W EDGEIllLL DR #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 .4837156 14837157 14837158 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l440 W EDGEHILL DR #56 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #57 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #58 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837159 14837160 14837161 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #59 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #60 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #61 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837162 14837163 14837164 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [440 W EDGEHILL DR #62 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #63 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #64 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4837165 14837166 14837167 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [440 W EDGEHILL DR #65 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #66 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #67 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4837168 14837169 14837170 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l440 W EDGEHILL DR #68 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #69 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #70 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837171 14837172 14837173 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #71 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #73 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837174 14837201 14837202 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #74 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #1 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #2 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837203 14837204 14837205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR 33 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #4 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837206 14837207 14837208 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #7 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837209 14837210 14837211 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #9 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #10 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #11 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837212 14837213 14837214 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #12 1400WEDGEHILL DR#13 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #14 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837215 14837216 14837217 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #15 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #16 1400 W EDGEHILL DR#17 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837218 14837219 14837220 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #18 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #19 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #20 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837221 14837222 14837223 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #21 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #22 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #23 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837224 14837225 14837226 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #24 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #25 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #26 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837227 14837228 14837229 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #27 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #28 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #29 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837230 14837231 14837232 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #30 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #31 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #32 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837233 14837234 14837235 >CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #33 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #34 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #35 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837236 14837237 14837238 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #36 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #37 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #38 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 4837239 14837240 14837241 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 400 W EDGEHILL DR #39 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #40 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #41 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837242 14837243 14837244 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #42 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #43 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #44 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837245 14837246 14837247 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l400 W EDGEHILL DR #45 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #46 1400WEDGEHILL DR#47 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837248 14837249 14837250 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #49 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #50 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837251 14837252 14837253 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR351 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #52 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #53 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837254 14837255 14837256 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #54 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #55 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #56 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837257 14837258 14837259 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #57 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #58 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #59 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837260 14837261 14837262 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #60 1400 W EDGEHILL DR#61 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #62 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837263 14837264 14837265 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #63 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #64 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #65 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837266 14837267 14837268 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #66 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #67 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #68 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837269 14837270 14837271 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #69 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #70 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #71 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837272 14837273 14837274 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #73 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #74 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837275 14837276 14837277 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #75 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #76 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #77 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837278 14837279 14837280 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #78 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #79 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #80 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [4837281 14837282 14837283 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [400 W EDGEHILL DR #81 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #82 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #83 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 14837284 15101101 15101102 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #84 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15102101 15102102 15102105 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3595 N HILLHURST DR 3528 N CUESTA LN lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15102106 15102107 15102110 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . N HILLHURST DR - N CRESCENT AVE 3488 N HILLHURST DR ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15102111 15102112 15102113 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3500 N HILLHURST DR ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15103106 15103107 15103109 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1377 N BEVERLY DR - WVISTADR ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERANRDINO CA 92405 15103111 15103119 15103123 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3404 N BEVERLY DR 'lAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15103125 15103126 15103127 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3420 N BEVERLY DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l5103129 15104106 15104107 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3500 N CIRCLE RD 3479 N HILLHURST DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15104108 15104110 15104111 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1458 N HILLHURST DR - W EL CAMINO RD 879 W EL CAMINO RD ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [5104133 15104134 15104135 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3428 N CIRCLE RD 3420 N CIRCLE RD ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [5104137 15104138 15104143 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 175 W VISTA DR 877 W VISTA DR - W VISTA DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 l5104152 15104153 15104158 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 155 W VISTA DR 825 W VISTA DR 808 W VISTA DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [5104159 15104163 15104164 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 120WVISTADR - - VISTA DR 3468 N HILLHURST DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [5104165 15104166 15104168 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 880 W VISTA DR 862 W VISTA DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 [5104169 15106138 15106409 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W VISTA DR - - GRANDE VISTA- ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15106416 15106417 15107102 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - GRANDE VISTA - ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15107117 15107122 15107123 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15118101 15118102 15118115 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W KENDALL DR -NHST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 15118119 15119101 15119102 X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1939NHST -N3RDAVE -N 3RDAVE ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15119103 15120101 15120102 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .N3RDAVE - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15120103 15120104 15120105 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15120106 15120107 15120108 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1058 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15120109 15120110 15120201 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W KENDALL DR -N 4TH AVE - W 40TH ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15120202 15120205 15120212 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1040 W 40TH ST 1040 W 40TH ST 1050 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15120301 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W 40TH ST 1200 W KENDALL DR #101 1200 W KENDALL DR #102 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #103 1200 W KENDALL DR #104 1200 W KENDALL DR # I 05 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 x;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #106 1200 W KENDALL DR #107 1200 W KENDALL DR #108 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 x;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #109 1200 W KENDALL DR #110 1200 W KENDALL DR #111 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 x;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #112 1200 W KENDALL DR #113 1200 W KENDALL DR #114 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #115 1200 W KENDALL DR #116 1200 W KENDALL DR #117 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #118 1200 W KENDALL DR #119 1200 W KENDALL DR #120 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,200 W KENDALL DR #201 1200 W KENDALL DR #202 1200 W KENDALL DR #203 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 200 W KENDALL DR #204 1200 W KENDALL DR #205 1200 W KENDALL DR #206 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 200 W KENDALL DR #207 1200 W KENDALL DR #208 1200 W KENDALL DR #209 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 200 W KENDALL DR #210 1200 W KENDALL DR #211 1200 W KENDALL DR #212 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 200 W KENDALL DR #213 1200 W KENDALL DR #214 1200 W KENDALL DR #215 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #216 1200 W KENDALL DR #217 1200 W KENDALL DR #218 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #219 1200 W KENDALL DR #220 1200 W KENDALL DR #301 )ANBERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #302 1200 W KENDALL DR #303 1200 W KENDALL DR #304 )AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l200 W KENDALL DR #305 1200 W KENDALL DR #306 1200 W KENDALL DR #307 )AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l200 W KENDALL DR #308 1200 W KENDALL DR #309 1200 W KENDALL DR#310 )AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1200 W KENDALL DR #311 1200 W KENDALL DR#312 1200 W KENDALL DR #313 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .200 W KENDALL DR#314 1200 W KENDALL DR #315 1200 W KENDALL DR#316 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .200 W KENDALL DR #317 1200 W KENDALL DR #318 1200 WKENDALL DR#319 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 200 W KENDALL DR #320 1250 W KENDALL DR #101 1250 W KENDALL DR #102 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 250 W KENDALL DR #103 1250 W KENDALL DR #104 1250 W KENDALL DR#105 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [250 W KENDALL DR #106 1250 W KENDALL DR #107 1250 W KENDALL DR #108 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #109 1250 W KENDALL DR #110 1250 W KENDALL DR #111 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l250 W KENDALL DR #112 1250 W KENDALL DR #113 1250 W KENDALL DR #114 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #115 1250 W KENDALL DR #116 1250 W KENDALL DR#117 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #118 1250 W KENDALL DR#119 1250 W KENDALL DR #120 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #201 1250 W KENDALL DR #202 1250 W KENDALL DR #203 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #204 1250 W KENDALL DR #205 1250 W KENDALL DR #206 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #207 1250 W KENDALL DR #208 1250 W KENDALL DR #209 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .250 W KENDALL DR #2 10 1250 W KENDALL DR #211 1250 W KENDALL DR #212 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5121101 15121101 15121101 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .250 W KENDALL DR #213 1250 W KENDALL DR #214 1250 W KENDALL DR#215 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENJ)ALL DR #216 1250 W KENDALL DR#217 1250 W KENDALL DR #218 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #219 1250 W KENDALL DR #220 1250 W KENDALL DR#301 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #302 1250 W KENDALL DR #303 1250 W KENDALL DR #304 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #305 1250 W KENDALL DR #306 1250 W KENDALL DR #307 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #308 1250 W KENDALL DR #309 1250 W KENDALL DR #310 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #311 1250 W KENDALL DR #312 1250 W KENDALL DR #313 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #314 1250 W KENDALL DR #315 1250 W KENDALL DR #316 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121101 15121101 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #317 1250 W KENDALL DR #318 1250 W KENDALL DR #319 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121101 15121102 15121103 :X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1250 W KENDALL DR #320 W KENDALL DR W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121104 15121105 15121106 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT W KENDALL DR W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 15121108 15121109 15121111 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15121112 15124109 15124121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15126101 15126102 15126107 C>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15126110 15126111 15126113 C>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15127101 15127102 15127103 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15128114 15128118 15128119 C>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15449124 15449132 15449136 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15449149 15453201 15453202 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5531 N MAGNOLIA DR 5517 N MAGNOLIA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453203 15453204 15453205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1223 W DOVER DR 1231 WDOVERDR 1239 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453206 15453207 15453208 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1247 W DOVER DR 1255 W DOVER DR 1271 WDOVERDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453209 15453210 15453211 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1279 W DOVER DR 1287 W DOVER DR 1295 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453212 15453213 15453214 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5514 N WESTERN AVE 5526 N WESTERN AVE 5536 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453215 15453216 15453217 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5548 N WESTERN AVE 5560 N WESTERN AVE 5572 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453218 15453219 15453220 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5582 N WESTERN AVE 5594 N WESTERN AVE 5595 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453221 15453222 15453223 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5583 N WESTERN AVE 5573 N WESTERN AVE 5561 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453224 15453225 15453226 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5549 N WESTERN AVE 5537 N WESTERN AVE 5527 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453227 15453228 15453229 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5534 N ORANGE DR 5544 N ORANGE DR 5554 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453230 15453231 15453232 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5564 N ORANGE DR 5574 N ORANGE DR 5584 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453233 15453234 15453235 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5594 N ORANGE DR 5595 N ORANGE DR 5585 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453236 15453237 15453238 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5575 N ORANGE DR 5565 N ORANGE DR 5555 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5453239 15453240 15453241 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;545 N ORANGE DR 5535 N ORANGE DR 5530 N MAGNOLIA DR lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 '5453242 15453243 15453244 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1171 WDOVBRDR 1177 W DOVER DR 1183 W DOVER DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 i 5453245 15453246 15453247 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1189 W DOVER DR 1195WDOVERDR 5504 N WESTWlND DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453248 15453249 15453250 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;514 N WESTWlND DR 5526 N WESTWlND DR 5536 N WESTWlND DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453251 15453252 15453253 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5548 N WESTWlND DR 5560 N WESTWlND DR 5572 N WESTWlND DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453254 15453255 15453256 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5569 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5557 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5543 N MAGNOLIA A VB ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 [5453257 15453258 15453259 :X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5542 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5556 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5568 N MAGNOLIA AVE ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l5453260 15453261 15453262 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5582 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5594 N MAGNOLIA DR 1224 W 56TH ST ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l5453263 15453264 15453265 :X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1220 W 56TH ST 1214 W 56TH ST 1208 W 56TH ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453266 15453267 15453268 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1204 W 56TH ST 5595 N WESTWlND DR 5583 N WESTWlND DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5453269 15453270 15453271 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;573 N WESTW1ND DR 5561 N WESTW1ND DR 5549 N WESTW1ND DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5453272 15453273 15453274 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT i537 N WESTW1ND DR 5534 N CYPRESS DR 5544 N CYPRESS DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453275 15453276 15453277 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;554 N CYPRESS DR 5564 N CYPRESS DR 5574 N CYPRESS DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l5453278 15453279 15453280 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;584 N CYPRESS DR 5594 N CYPRESS DR 5595 N CYPRESS DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453281 15453282 15453283 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;585 N CYPRESS DR 5575 N CYPRESS DR 5565 N CYPRESS AVE ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15453284 15453285 15453286 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5555 N CYPRESS AVE 5545 N CYPRESS DR 5535 N CYPRESS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475114 15475115 15475116 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5556 N MOUNTAIN DR 5568 N MOUNTAIN DR 5582 N MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475117 15475118 15475119 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5594 N MOUNTAIN DR 5583 N CEDAR DR 5571 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475120 15475121 15475122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5559 N CEDAR DR 5547 N CEDAR DR 5546 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475123 15475124 15475125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5558 N CEDAR DR 5570 N CEDAR DR 5582 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475126 15475127 15475128 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5594 N CEDAR DR 1122 W 56TH ST 1116 W 56TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475129 15475130 15475131 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1110 W 56TH ST 1104 W 56TH ST 1094 W 56TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475155 15475156 15475157 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,504 N MOUNTAIN DR 5516 N MOUNTAIN DR 5530 N MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475158 15475159 15475160 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,542 N MOUNTAIN DR 5535 N CEDAR DR 5523 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475161 15475162 15475163 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,517NCEDARDR 1123 W DOVER DR 1127 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 L5475164 15475165 15475166 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L 135 W DOVER DR 1141 W DOVER DR 1147WDOVERDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475167 15475168 15475169 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1153 W DOVER DR 1159 W DOVER DR 1165 W DOVER DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475170 15475171 15475172 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;534 N OSBORNE CT 5544 N OSBORNE CT 5554 N OSBORNE CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 i5475173 15475174 15475175 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .564 N OSBORNE CT 5574 N OSBORNE CT 5584 N OSBORNE CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .5475176 15475177 15475178 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .595 N OSBORNE CT 5585 N OSBORNE CT 5575 N OSBORNE CT ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 15475179 15475180 15475181 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5565 N OSBORNE CT 5555 N OSBORNE CT 5545 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 15475182 15475183 15475184 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5535 N OSBORNE CT 5525 N OSBORNE CT 5522 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 15475185 26503114 26503118 ~CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5534 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 Z6503119 26503120 26503121 ~CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT Z6504109 ~CCUPANT 26504110 OCCUPANT 26504114 OCCUPANT l6504115 JCCUPANT 26504117 OCCUPANT 26504119 OCCUPANT l6504120 JCCUPANT 26504121 OCCUPANT 26505111 OCCUPANT l6505112 JCCUPANT 26521101 OCCUPANT 26521118 OCCUPANT 16522112 XCUP ANT 26522113 OCCUPANT 26523120 OCCUPANT 16604125 JCCUP ANT 26604127 OCCUPANT 26607209 OCCUPANT !6607232 26607233 26607257 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1020 N UNIVERSITY PKWY 4000N STATE HWY 15- ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6607262 26607290 26607302 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3633 N UNIVERSITY PKWY SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6607304 26607305 26607308 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6607309 26609124 26609125 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6609126 26609127 26609128 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #1 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #2 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #3 ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #4 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #5 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #6 ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #7 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #8 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #9 ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 Z6609129 26609129 26609129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #10 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #11 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #12 ,AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 Z6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #13 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #14 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #15 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE AVE #16 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #17 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #18 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 :X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE AVE #19 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #20 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #21 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #22 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #23 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #24 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 :X;CUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #25 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #26 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #27 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #28 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #29 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #30 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #31 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #32 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #33 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #34 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #35 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #36 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #37 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #38 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #39 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #40 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #41 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #42 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930. W COLLEGE AVE #43 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #44 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #45 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #46 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #47 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #48 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #49 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #50 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #51 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE A VB #52 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #53 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #54 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #55 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #56 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #57 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #58 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #59 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #60 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #61 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #62 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #63 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #64 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #65 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #66 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #67 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #68 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #69 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #70 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #71 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #72 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #73 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #74 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #75 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE A VB #76 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #77 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #78 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #79 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #80 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #81 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [930 W COLLEGE A VB #82 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #83 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #84 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #85 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #86 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #87 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #88 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #89 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #90 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 /6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #91 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #92 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #93 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 /6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #94 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #95 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #96 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 /6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #97 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #98 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #99 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #100 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #101 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 102 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #103 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #104 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #105 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #106 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #107 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #108 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #109 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #110 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #111 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #112 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #113 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #114 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #115 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #116 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #117 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #118 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #119 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #120 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #121 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #122 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #123 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #124 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #125 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #126 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #127 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #128 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #129 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #130 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #131 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #132 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #133 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #134 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 135 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #136 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #137 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #138 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #139 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #140 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #141 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE AVE #142 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #143 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #144 ;AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE AVE #145 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #146 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 147 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #148 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #149 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #150 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #151 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 152 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 153 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #154 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #155 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #156 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #157 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #158 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #159 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #160 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #161 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #162 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [930 W COLLEGE AVE #163 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #164 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 165 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #166 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #167 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #168 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #169 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #170 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #171 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #172 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #173 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #174 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #175 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #176 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #177 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #178 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 179 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #180 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #181 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #182 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #183 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #184 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 185 1930 W COLLEGE AVE # 186 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT : 930 W COLLEGE AVE # 187 1930 W COLLEGE A VB #188 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #189 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE A VB #190 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #191 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #192 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #193 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #194 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #195 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #196 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #197 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #198 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #199 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #200 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #201 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #202 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #203 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #204 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #205 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #206 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #207 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #208 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #209 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #210 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #211 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #212 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #213 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #214 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #215 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #216 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #217 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #218 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #219 sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #220 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #221 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #222 sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L930 W COLLEGE AVE #223 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #224 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #225 sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #226 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #227 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #228 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #229 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #230 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #231 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26609129 26609129 26609129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #232 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #233 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #234 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #235 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #236 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #237 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16609129 26609129 26609129 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #238 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #239 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #240 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .930 W COLLEGE AVE #241 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #242 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #243 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6609129 26609129 26609129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #244 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #245 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #246 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6609129 26609129 26609129 lCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #247 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #248 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #249 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6609129 26609129 26609129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #250 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #251 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #252 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6609129 26609129 26610124 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 930 W COLLEGE AVE #253 1930 W COLLEGE AVE #254 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610125 26610126 26610127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610128 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #101 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #102 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #103 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #104 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #105 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #106 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #107 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #108 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #109 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #110 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #111 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #112 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #113 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #114 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #115 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #116 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #117 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 >CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 WCOLLEGE AVE#118 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #119 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #120 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 lCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 WCOLLEGEAVE#121 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #122 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #123 .AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #124 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #125 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #126 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #127 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #128 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #129 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #130 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #131 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #132 SANBERNARDINOCA92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #133 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #134 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #135 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #136 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #137 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #138 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .925 W COLLEGE AVE #139 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #140 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #141 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #142 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #143 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #144 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 lCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #145 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #146 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #147 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #148 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #149 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #150 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #151 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #152 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #153 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5610129 26610129 26610129 CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ns W COLLEGE AVE #154 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #155 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #156 /\N BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE A VB #157 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #158 1925 W COLLEGE A VB #159 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #160 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #161 1925 W COLLEGE A VB #162 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #163 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #164 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #165 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6610129 26610129 26610129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #166 1925 W COLLEGE AVB #167 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #168 5AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16610129 26610129 26610129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #169 1925 W COLLEGE AVE # 170 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #171 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #172 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #173 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #174 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #175 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #176 1925 W COLLEGE A VB #177 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #178 1925 W COLLEGEAVB #179 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #180 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #181 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #182 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #183 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5610129 26610129 26610129 CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT n5 W COLLEGE AVE #184 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #185 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #186 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610[29 266[0[29 26610[29 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [925 W COLLEGE AVE #187 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #188 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #189 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610[29 266[0[29 26610[29 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [925 W COLLEGE AVE #[90 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #19[ [925 W COLLEGE AVE #[92 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l661O[29 266[0129 26610[29 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #193 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #[94 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #195 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 166[0[29 26610[29 266[0129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [925 W COLLEGE AVE #196 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #[97 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #[98 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !661O[29 26610[29 26610[29 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #[99 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #200 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #20[ ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~66[0[29 26610[29 266[0[29 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #202 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #203 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #204 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #205 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #206 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #207 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 66[0129 26610[29 26610129 lCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #208 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #209 [925 W COLLEGE AVE #210 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610[29 26610[29 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #211 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #212 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #213 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610[29 ICCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #214 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #215 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #216 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #217 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #218 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #219 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #220 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #221 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #222 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26610129 26610129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #223 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #224 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #225 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #226 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #227 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #228 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #229 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #230 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #231 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #232 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #233 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #234 IAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6610129 26610129 26610129 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #235 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #236 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #237 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #238 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #239 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #240 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6610129 26610129 26610129 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 925 W COLLEGE AVE #241 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #242 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #243 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5610129 26610129 26610129 CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ns W COLLEGE AVE #244 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #245 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #246 I\N BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26610129 26611502 26611503 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1925 W COLLEGE AVE #247 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26611504 26611505 26611506 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26611507 26611508 26611510 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612305 26612306 26612307 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #1 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #2 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612308 26612309 26612310 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #4 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #5 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6612311 26612312 26612313 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #7 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #8 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #9 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6612314 26612315 26612316 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #10 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #11 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #12 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6612317 26612318 26612319 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #13 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #14 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #15 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6612320 26612321 26612322 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #16 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #17 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #18 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6612323 26612324 26612325 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #19 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #20 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #21 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612326 26612327 26612328 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #22 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #23 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #24 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612329 26612330 26612331 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #25 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #26 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #27 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612332 26612333 26612334 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #28 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #29 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #30 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612335 26612336 26612337 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #31 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #32 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #33 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612338 26612339 26612340 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #34 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #35 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #36 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612341 26612342 26612343 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #37 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #38 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #39 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612344 26612345 26612346 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #40 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #41 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #42 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612347 26612348 26612349 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #43 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #44 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #45 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612350 26612351 26612352 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #46 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #47 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #48 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612353 26612354 26612355 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #49 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #50 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #51 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6612356 26612357 26612358 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #52 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #53 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #54 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 l6612359 26612360 26612361 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #55 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #56 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #57 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 l6612362 26612363 26612364 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #58 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #59 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #60 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 l6612365 26612366 26612367 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #61 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #62 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #63 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 l6612368 26612369 26612370 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #64 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #65 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #66 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 ~6612371 26612372 26612401 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #67 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #68 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #69 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 l6612402 26612403 26612404 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #70 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #71 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #72 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 ~6612405 26612406 26612407 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #73 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #74 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #75 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 ~6612408 26612409 26612410 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #76 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #77 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #78 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 ~6612411 26612412 26612413 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #79 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #80 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #81 ~AN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26612414 26612415 26612416 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #82 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #83 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #84 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612417 26612418 26612419 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #85 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #86 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #87 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612420 26612421 26612422 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #88 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #89 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #90 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612423 26612424 26612425 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #91 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #92 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #93 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612426 26612427 26612428 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #94 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #95 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #96 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612429 26612430 26612431 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #97 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #98 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #99 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612432 26612433 26612434 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #100 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #101 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #102 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612435 26612436 26612437 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #103 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #104 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #105 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612438 26612439 26612440 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #106 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #107 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #108 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612441 26612442 26612443 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #109 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD#110 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #111 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612444 26612445 26612446 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #112 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #113 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #114 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612447 26612448 26612449 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #115 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #116 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #117 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612450 26612451 26612452 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #118 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #119 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #120 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINo-CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612453 26612454 26612455 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #121 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #122 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #123 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612456 26612457 26612458 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #124 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #125 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #126 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612459 26612460 26612461 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #127 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #128 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #129 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612462 26612463 26612464 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #130 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #131 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #132 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612465 26612466 26612467 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #133 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #134 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #135 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612468 26612469 26612470 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #136 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #137 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #138 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612471 26612472 26612501 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #139 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #140 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #141 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612502 26612503 26612504 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #142 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #143 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #144 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612505 26612506 26612507 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #145 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #146 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #147 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612508 26612509 26612510 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #148 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #149 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #150 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612511 26612512 26612513 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #151 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #152 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #153 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612514 26612515 26612516 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #154 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #155 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #156 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612517 26612518 26612519 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #157 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #158 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #159 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612520 26612521 26612522 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD#160 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #161 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #162 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612523 26612524 26612525 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #163 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #164 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #165 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612526 26612527 26612528 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #166 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #167 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #168 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612529 26612530 26612531 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #169 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #170 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #171 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26612532 26612533 26612534 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #172 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #173 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #174 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612535 26612536 26612537 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #175 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #176 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #177 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612538 26612539 26612540 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #178 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #179 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #180 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612541 26612542 26612543 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #181 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #182 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #183 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612544 26612545 26612546 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #184 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #185 1505 W NORTHPARKBLVD #186 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612547 26612548 26612549 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #187 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #188 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #189 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612550 26612551 26612552 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #190 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #191 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #192 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612553 26612554 26612555 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #193 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #194 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #195 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612556 26612557 26612558 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #196 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #197 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #198 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612559 26612560 26612561 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #199 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #200 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #201 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612562 26612563 26612564 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARKBLVD #202 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #203 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #204 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612565 26612566 26612567 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #205 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #206 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #207 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612568 26612569 26612570 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #208 1505 W NORTHP ARK BLVD #209 1550 WNORTHPARK BLVD #210 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26612571 26612572 26612573 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 WNORTHPARK BLVD #211 1505 W NORTHPARK BLVD #212 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613113 26613117 26613118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613123 26613124 26613202 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1475 WNORTHPARKBLVD - W WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613 206 26613206 26613 206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #1 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #2 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #4 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #5 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #7 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #8 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #10 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #11 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #12 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #13 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #14 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #15 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #16 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #17 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #18 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #19 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #20 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #21 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #22 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #23 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #24 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #25 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #26 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #27 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #28 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #29 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #30 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613 206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #31 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #32 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #33 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #34 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #35 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #36 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #37 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #38 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #39 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #40 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #41 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #42 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26613206 26613206 26613209 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #43 4575 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #44 - W 48TH ST# SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614109 26614110 26614111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1679 W KENDALL DR 1671 W KENDALL DR 1667 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614112 26614113 26614114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1663 W KENDALL DR 1657 W KENDALL DR 1653 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614115 26614116 26614117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1645 W KENDALL DR 1641 WKENDALLDR 1635 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614118 26614119 26614120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1629 W KENDALL DR 1625 W KENDALL DR 1621 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614121 26614122 26614123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1617WKENDALLDR 1611 W KENDALL DR 1607 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614124 26614125 26614126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1601 WKENDALLDR 1602 W SHERIDAN RD 1608 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614127 26614128 26614129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1612 W SHERIDAN RD 1618 W SHERIDAN RD 1622 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614130 26614131 26614132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1626 W SHERIDAN RD 1630 W SHERIDAN RD 1636 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614133 26614134 26614135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1642 W SHERIDAN RD 1646 W SHERIDAN RD 1652 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614136 26614137 26614138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1658 W SHERIDAN RD 1664 W SHERIDAN RD 1670 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614139 26614140 26614147 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1676 W SHERIDAN RD 1684 W SHERIDAN RD 1695 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614148 26614149 26614201 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1685 W KENDALL DR 1689 W KENDALL DR 4969 N STATE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614202 26614203 26614204 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4973 N STATE ST 4977 N STATE ST 4981 N DEVILS CYN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614205 26614206 26614207 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1699 W SHERIDAN RD 1675 W SHERIDAN RD 4976 N MELBORNE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614208 26614209 26614301 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4972 N MELBORNE RD 4968 N MELBORNE RD 1649 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614302 26614303 26614304 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1645 W SHERIDAN RD 1639 W SHERIDAN RD 1633 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614305 26614306 26614307 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1627 W SHERIDAN RD 1625 W SHERIDAN RD 1621 WSHERlDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26614308 26614309 26614310 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1615 W SHERIDAN RD 1607 W SHERIDAN RD 1603 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615101 26615102 26615103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1592 W SHERIDAN RD 1594 W SHERIDAN RD 1596 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615104 26615105 26615106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1598 W SHERIDAN RD 1597 W KENDALL DR 1595 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615107 26615108 26615109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1593 W KENDALL DR 1591 W KENDALL DR 1589 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615111 26615112 26615113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1570 W SHERIDAN RD 1568 W SHERIDAN RD 1564 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615114 26615117 26615118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1560 W SHERIDAN RD 1578 W SHERIDAN RD 1580 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615119 26615120 26615121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1582 W SHERIDAN RD 1584 W SHERIDAN RD 1586 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615122 26615123 26615124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1588 W SHERIDAN RD 1585 W KENDALL DR 1583 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615125 26615126 26615127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1581 WKENDALLDR 1579 W KENDALL DR 1577 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615128 26615129 26615130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1575 W KENDALL DR 1573 W KENDALL DR 1571 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615131 26615132 26615133 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1569 W KENDALL DR 1567 W KENDALL DR 1565 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615134 26615135 26615201 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1574 W SHERIDAN RD 1576 W SHERIDAN RD 1599 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615202 26615203 26615204 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1597 W SHERIDAN RD 1595 W SHERIDAN RD 1591 WSHERIDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615205 26615206 26615207 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1587 W SHERIDAN RD 1583 W SHERIDAN RD 1581 WSHERIDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615208 26615209 26615210 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1577 W SHERIDAN RD 1575 W SHERIDAN RD 1571 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615211 26615212 26615213 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1569 W SHERIDAN RD 1565 W SHERIDAN RD 1563 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26615214 26615215 26615216 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1559 W SHERIDAN RD 1557 W SHERIDAN RD 1553 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616101 26616102 26616103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1555 W KENDALL DR 1551 WKENDALLDR 1547 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616104 26616105 26616106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1543 W KENDALL DR 1539 W KENDALL DR 1535 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616107 26616108 26616109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1531 WKENDALLDR 1527 W KENDALL DR 1523 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616110 26616111 26616112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1519WKENDALLDR 1515WKENDALLDR 1511 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616113 26616114 26616115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1509 W KENDALL DR 1505 W KENDALL DR 1503 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616116 26616117 26616118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1504 W SHERIDAN RD 1506 W SHERIDAN RD 1510 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616119 26616120 26616121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1512 W SHERIDAN RD 1516 W SHERIDAN RD 1520 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616122 26616123 26616124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1524 W SHERIDAN RD 1528 W SHERIDAN RD 1532 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616125 26616126 26616127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1536 W SHERIDAN RD 1540 W SHERIDAN RD 1544 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616128 26616129 26616130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1548 W SHERIDAN RD 1552 W SHERIDAN RD 1556 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616201 26616202 26616203 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1551 WSHERIDANRD 1547 W SHERIDAN RD 1545 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616204 26616205 26616206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1541 WSHERIDANRD 1537 W SHERIDAN RD 1535 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616207 26616208 26616209 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1531 W SHERIDAN RD 1527 W SHERIDAN RD 1523 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616210 26616211 26616212 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1519WSHERIDANRD 1515 W SHERIDAN RD 1513 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26616213 26616214 26616215 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1509 W SHERIDAN RD 1505 W SHERIDAN RD 1501 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617101 266171 02 26617103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1499 W KENDALL DR 1497 W KENDALL DR 1493 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617104 26617105 26617106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1491 W KENDALL DR 1487 W KENDALL DR 1483 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617107 26617108 26617109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1481 WKENDALLDR 1477 W KENDALL DR 1473 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617110 26617111 26617112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1469 W KENDALL DR 1465 W KENDALL DR 1461 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617113 26617114 26617115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1457 W KENDALL DR 1453 W KENDALL DR 1449 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617116 26617117 26617118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1445 W KENDALL DR 1441 WKENDALLDR 1437 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617119 26617120 26617121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1433 W KENDALL DR 1429 W KENDALL DR 1425 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617122 26617123 26617124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1421 W KENDALL DR 1422 W SHERIDAN RD 1426 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617125 26617126 26617127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1430 W SHERIDAN RD 1434 W SHERIDAN RD 1438 W SHERiDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617128 26617129 26617130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1442 W SHERIDAN RD 1446 W SHERIDAN RD 1450 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26617131 26617132 26617133 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1454 W SHERIDAN RD 1458 W SHERIDAN RD 1462 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617134 26617135 26617136 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1466 W SHERIDAN RD 1470 W SHERIDAN RD 1474 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617137 26617138 26617139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1478 W SHERIDAN RD 1482 W SHERIDAN RD 1484 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617140 26617141 26617142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1488 W SHERIDAN RD 1490 W SHERIDAN RD 1494 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617143 26617144 26617201 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1496 W SHERIDAN RD 1498 W SHERIDAN RD 1499 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617202 26617203 26617204 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1495 W SHERIDAN RD 1491 WSHERIDANRD 1487 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617205 26617206 26617207 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1483 W SHERIDAN RD 1479 W SHERIDAN RD 1475 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617208 26617209 26617210 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1471 WSHERIDANRD 1467 W SHERIDAN RD 1463 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617211 26617212 26617213 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1459 W SHERIDAN RD 1455 W SHERIDAN RD 1451 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617214 26617215 26617216 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1447 W SHERIDAN RD 1443 W SHERIDAN RD 1439 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26617217 26617218 26617219 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1435 W SHERIDAN RD 1431 WSHERIDANRD 1427 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26617220 26617221 26618101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1423 W SHERIDAN RD 1419 W SHERIDAN RD 1417 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618102 26618103 26618104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1413 W KENDALL DR 1409 W KENDALL DR 1405 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618105 26618106 26618107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1401 WKENDALLDR 1402 W SHERIDAN RD 1406 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618108 26618109 26618110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1410 W SHERIDAN RD 1414 W SHERIDAN RD 1418 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618201 26618203 26618205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1415 W SHERIDAN RD 1401 WSHERIDANRD 1404 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618206 26618301 26618302 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1411 WSHERlDANRD 1395 W KENDALL DR 1395 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618303 26618304 26618305 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618306 26618307 26618308 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618309 26618310 26618311 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618312 26618313 26618314 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26618315 26619112 26619118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR 4747 N STATE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26619119 26619123 26619124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26619127 26619128 26619129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 26619138 26619141 26619144 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26619145 26621103 26621113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 26621117 26621118 26621119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR - N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR # 111 1265 W KENDALL DR#112 1265 W KENDALL DR #113 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#114 1265 W KENDALL DR #115 1265 W KENDALL DR #116 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #117 1265 W KENDALL DR#118 1265 W KENDALL DR #121 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #122 1265 W KENDALL DR #123 1265 W KENDALL DR #124 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #125 1265 W KENDALL DR #126 1265 W KENDALL DR #127 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #128 1265 W KENDALL DR #211 1265 W KENDALL DR #212 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #213 1265 W KENDALL DR #214 1265 W KENDALL DR #215 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #216 1265 W KENDALL DR#217 1265 W KENDALL DR #218 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #221 1265 W KENDALL DR #222 1265 W KENDALL DR #223 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #224 1265 W KENDALL DR #225 1265 W KENDALL DR #226 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #227 1265 W KENDALL DR #228 1265 W KENDALL DR #311 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #312 1265 W KENDALL DR #313 1265 W KENDALL DR #314 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#315 1265 W KENDALL DR #316 1265 W KENDALL DR#317 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #318 1265 W KENDALL DR #321 1265 W KENDALL DR #322 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #323 1265 W KENDALL DR #324 1265 W KENDALL DR #325 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #326 1265 W KENDALL DR #327 1265 W KENDALL DR #328 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #411 1265 W KENDALL DR #412 1265 W KENDALL DR #413 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #414 1265 W KENDALL DR #415 1265 W KENDALL DR #416 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #417 1265 WKENDALL DR#418 1265 W KENDALL DR #421 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #422 1265 W KENDALL DR #423 1265 W KENDALL DR #424 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #425 1265 W KENDALL DR #426 1265 W KENDALL DR #427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #428 1265 W KENDALL DR #611 1265 W KENDALL DR#612 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #613 1265 W KENDALL DR #614 1265 W KENDALL DR #615 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 WKENDALLDR#616 1265 W KENDALL DR #617 1265 W KENDALL DR #618 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #621 1265 W KENDALL DR #622 1265 W KENDALL DR #623 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #624 1265 W KENDALL DR #625 1265 W KENDALL DR #626 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #627 1265 W KENDALL DR #628 1265 W KENDALL DR #711 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #712 1265 W KENDALL DR #713 1265 W KENDALL DR#714 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#715 1265 W KENDALL DR #716 1265 W KENDALL DR #717 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#718 1265 W KENDALL DR #721 1265 W KENDALL DR #722 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #723 1265 W KENDALL DR #724 1265 W KENDALL DR #725 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #726 1265 W KENDALL DR #727 1265 W KENDALL DR #728 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #811 1265 W KENDALL DR#812 1265 W KENDALL DR #813 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#814 1265 W KENDALL DR #815 1265 W KENDALL DR #816 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #817 1265 W KENDALL DR #818 1265 W KENDALL DR #821 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #822 1265 W KENDALL DR #823 1265 W KENDALL DR #824 :;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #825 1265 W KENDALL DR #826 1265 W KENDALL DR #827 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #828 1265 W KENDALL DR #911 1265 W KENDALL DR #912 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #913 1265 W KENDALL DR#914 1265 W KENDALL DR#915 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #916 1265 W KENDALL DR #917 1265 W KENDALL DR#918 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #921 1265 W KENDALL DR #922 1265 W KENDALL DR #923 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #924 1265 W KENDALL DR #925 1265 W KENDALL DR #926 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #927 1265 W KENDALL DR #928 1265 W KENDALL DR#1011 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1012 1265 W KENDALL DR #1013 1265 W KENDALL DR #1014 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1015 1265 W KENDALL DR #1016 1265 W KENDALL DR #1017 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1018 1265 W KENDALL DR # 1 021 1265 W KENDALL DR #1022 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1023 1265 W KENDALL DR #1024 1265 W KENDALL DR #1025 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1026 1265 W KENDALL DR #1027 1265 W KENDALL DR #1028 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1111 1265 W KENDALL DR#1112 1265 W KENDALL DR#II13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1114 1265 W KENDALL DR #1115 1265 W KENDALL DR #1116 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1117 1265 W KENDALL DR #1118 1265 W KENDALL DR #1121 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1122 1265 W KENDALL DR #1123 1265 W KENDALL DR #1124 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1125 1265 W KENDALL DR #1126 1265 W KENDALL DR #1127 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1128 1265 W KENDALL DR #1211 1265 W KENDALL DR #1212 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1213 1265 W KENDALL DR #1214 1265 W KENDALL DR #1215 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1216 1265 W KENDALL DR #1217 1265 W KENDALL DR#1218 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1221 1265 W KENDALL DR #1222 1265 W KENDALL DR #1223 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1224 1265 W KENDALL DR #1225 1265 W KENDALL DR#1226 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1227 1265 W KENDALL DR#1228 1265 W KENDALL DR #1311 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT . OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1312 1265 W KENDALL DR #1313 1265 W KENDALL DR#1314 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1315 1265 WKENDALLDR#1316 1265 W KENDALL DR#1317 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1318 1265 W KENDALL DR #1321 1265 W KENDALL DR #1322 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1323 1265 W KENDALL DR #1324 1265 W KENDALL DR #1325 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1326 1265 W KENDALL DR #1327 1265 W KENDALL DR #1328 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1411 1265 W KENDALL DR #1412 1265 W KENDALL DR #1413 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1414 1265 W KENDALL DR#1415 1265 W KENDALL DR #1416 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1417 1265 W KENDALL DR #1418 1265 W KENDALL DR #1421 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1422 1265 W KENDALL DR #1423 1265 W KENDALL DR #1424 5AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1425 1265 W KENDALL DR #1426 1265 W KENDALL DR #1427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1428 1265 W KENDALL DR #1511 1265 W KENDALL DR#1512 5AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 WKENDALL DR#1513 1265 W KENDALL DR#1514 1265 W KENDALL DR #1515 5AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #1516 1265 W KENDALL DR#1517 1265 W KENDALL DR #1518 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR#1521 1265 W KENDALL DR #1522 1265 W KENDALL DR #1523 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1524 1265 W KENDALL DR #1525 1265 W KENDALL DR #1526 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #1527 1265 W KENDALL DR #1528 1265 W KENDALL DR #1611 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1612 1265 W KENDALL DR #1613 1265 W KENDALL DR #1614 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #1711 1265 W KENDALL DR#1712 1265 W KENDALL DR #1713 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR#1714 1265 W KENDALL DR#1811 1265 W KENDALL DR#1812 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #1813 1265 W KENDALL DR #1814 1265 W KENDALL DR #1911 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#1912 1265 W KENDALL DR #1913 1265 W KENDALL DR #1914 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2011 1265 W KENDALL DR #2012 1265 W KENDALL DR #2013 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2014 1265 W KENDALL DR #2111 1265 W KENDALL DR#2112 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2113 1265 W KENDALL DR #2114 1265 W KENDALL DR #2211 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2212 1265 W KENDALL DR #2213 1265 W KENDALL DR #2214 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2311 1265 W KENDALL DR #2312 1265 W KENDALL DR #2313 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#2314 1265 W KENDALL DR #2315 1265 W KENDALL DR#2316 SAN IlERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#2317 1265 W KENDALL DR#2318 1265 W KENDALL DR #2321 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2322 1265 W KENDALL DR #2323 1265 W KENDALL DR #2324 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2325 1265 W KENDALL DR #2326 1265 W KENDALL DR #2327 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2328 1265 W KENDALL DR #2411 1265 W KENDALL DR #2412 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2413 1265 W KENDALL DR #2414 1265 W KENDALL DR #2415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2416 1265 W KENDALL DR #2417 1265 W KENDALL DR #2418 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2421 1265 W KENDALL DR #2422 1265 W KENDALL DR #2423 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2424 1265 W KENDALL DR #2425 1265 W KENDALL DR #2426 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2427 1265 W KENDALL DR #2428 1265 W KENDALL DR #2511 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 WKENDALL DR #2512 1265 W KENDALL DR #2513 1265 W KENDALL DR#2514 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2515 1265 W KENDALL DR #2516 1265 W KENDALL DR #2517 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2518 1265 W KENDALL DR #2521 1265 W KENDALL DR #2522 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2523 1265 W KENDALL DR #2524 1265 W KENDALL DR #2525 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2526 1265 W KENDALL DR #2527 1265 W KENDALL DR #2528 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2611 1265 W KENDALL DR #2612 1265 W KENDALL DR #2613 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2614 1265 W KENDALL DR #2615 1265 W KENDALL DR#2616 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2617 1265 W KENDALLDR#2618 1265 W KENDALL DR #2621 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2622 1265 W KENDALL DR #2623 1265 W KENDALL DR #2624 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2625 1265 W KENDALL DR #2626 1265 W KENDALL DR #2627 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2628 1265 W KENDALL DR#2711 1265 W KENDALL DR #2712 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2713 1265 W KENDALL DR #2714 1265 W KENDALL DR #2715 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2716 1265 W KENDALL DR #2717 1265 W KENDALL DR #2718 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2721 1265 W KENDALL DR #2722 1265 W KENDALL DR #2723 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2724 1265 W KENDALL DR #2725 1265 W KENDALL DR #2726 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2727 1265 W KENDALL DR #2728 1265 W KENDALL DR #2811 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2812 1265 W KENDALL DR #2813 1265 W KENDALL DR #2814 ;;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2815 1265 WKENDALL DR #2816 1265 W KENDALL DR #2817 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #2818 1265 W KENDALL DR #2821 1265 W KENDALL DR #2822 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 X;CUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2823 1265 W KENDALL DR #2824 1265 W KENDALL DR #2825 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2826 1265 W KENDALL DR #2827 1265 W KENDALL DR #2828 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2911 1265 W KENDALL DR #2912 1265 W KENDALL DR #2913 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2914 1265 W KENDALL DR #2915 1265 W KENDALL DR #2916 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2917 1265 W KENDALL DR#2918 1265 W KENDALL DR #2921 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2922 1265 W KENDALL DR #2923 1265 W KENDALL DR #2924 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2925 1265 W KENDALL DR #2926 1265 W KENDALL DR #2927 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #2928 1265 W KENDALL DR #3011 1265 W KENDALL DR #3012 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3013 1265 W KENDALL DR #3014 1265 W KENDALL DR #3015 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR#3016 1265 WKENDALL DR#3017 1265 W KENDALL DR #3018 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :265 W KENDALL DR #3021 1265 W KENDALL DR #3022 1265 W KENDALL DR #3023 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3024 1265 W KENDALL DR #3025 1265 W KENDALL DR #3026 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JeCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3027 1265 W KENDALL DR #3028 1265 W KENDALL DR #3111 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JeCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3112 1265 W KENDALL DR#3113 1265 W KENDALL DR #3114 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3115 1265 W KENDALL DR #3116 1265 W KENDALL DR #3117 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3118 1265 W KENDALL DR #3121 1265 W KENDALL DR #3122 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3123 1265 W KENDALL DR #3124 1265 W KENDALL DR #3125 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#3126 1265 WKENDALL DR#3127 1265 W KENDALL DR#3128 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3211 1265 W KENDALL DR #3212 1265 W KENDALL DR #3213 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3214 1265 W KENDALL DR #3215 1265 W KENDALL DR #3216 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3217 1265 W KENDALL DR #3218 1265 W KENDALL DR #3221 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3222 1265 W KENDALL DR #3223 1265 W KENDALL DR #3224 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 t6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3225 1265 W KENDALL DR #3226 1265 W KENDALL DR #3227 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 t6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3228 1265 W KENDALL DR #3311 1265 W KENDALL DR#3312 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 WKENDALL DR #3313 1265 WKENDALL DR#3314 1265 W KENDALL DR #3315 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#3316 1265 WKENDALL DR#3317 1265 WKENDALL DR#3318 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #3321 1265 W KENDALL DR #3322 1265 W KENDALL DR #3323 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3324 1265 W KENDALL DR #3325 1265 W KENDALL DR #3326 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3327 1265 W KENDALL DR #3328 1265 W KENDALL DR #3411 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3412 1265 W KENDALL DR #3413 1265 W KENDALL DR #3414 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR#3415 1265 W KENDALL DR #3416 1265 W KENDALL DR #3417 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #3418 1265 W KENDALL DR #3421 1265 W KENDALL DR #3422 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #3423 1265 W KENDALL DR #3424 1265 W KENDALL DR #3425 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3426 1265 W KENDALL DR #3427 1265 W KENDALL DR #3428 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3511 1265 W KENDALL DR #3512 1265 W KENDALL DR #3513 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALLDR#3514 1265 W KENDALLDR#3515 1265 W KENDALLDR#3516 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3517 1265 W KENDALLDR#3518 1265 W KENDALL DR #3521 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3522 1265 W KENDALL DR #3523 1265 W KENDALL DR #3524 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3525 1265 W KENDALL DR #3526 1265 W KENDALL DR #3527 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #3528 1265 W KENDALL DR#3611 1265 W KENDALL DR#3612 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3613 1265 W KENDALL DR #3614 1265 W KENDALL DR #3711 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3712 1265 W KENDALL DR #3713 1265 W KENDALL DR #3714 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3811 1265 W KENDALL DR #3812 1265 W KENDALL DR #3813 jAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3814 1265 W KENDALL DR #3911 1265 W KENDALL DR#3912 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #3913 1265 W KENDALL DR #3914 1265 W KENDALL DR #4011 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4012 1265 W KENDALL DR #4013 1265 W KENDALL DR #4014 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4111 1265 W KENDALL DR #4112 1265 W KENDALL DR #4113 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4114 1265 W KENDALL DR #4211 1265 W KENDALL DR #4212 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4213 1265 W KENDALL DR #4214 1265 W KENDALL DR #4311 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4312 1265 W KENDALL DR #4313 1265 W KENDALL DR #4314 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4411 1265 W KENDALL DR #4412 1265 W KENDALL DR #4413 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4414 1265 W KENDALL DR #4415 1265 W KENDALL DR #4416 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4417 1265 W KENDALL DR #4418 1265 W KENDALL DR #4421 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4422 1265 W KENDALL DR #4423 1265 W KENDALL DR #4424 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4425 1265 W KENDALL DR #4426 1265 W KENDALL DR #4427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4428 1265 W KENDALL DR #4511 1265 W KENDALL DR #4512 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4513 1265 W KENDALL DR #4514 1265 W KENDALL DR #4515 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4516 1265 W KENDALL DR #4517 1265 WKENDALL DR#4518 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4521 1265 W KENDALL DR #4522 1265 W KENDALL DR #4523 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4524 1265 W KENDALL DR #4525 1265 W KENDALL DR #4526 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4527 1265 W KENDALL DR #4528 1265 W KENDALL DR #4611 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4612 1265 W KENDALL DR #4613 1265 W KENDALL DR #4614 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4615 1265 W KENDALL DR #4616 1265 W KENDALL DR #4617 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4618 1265 W KENDALL DR #4621 1265 W KENDALL DR #4622 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4623 1265 W KENDALL DR #4624 1265 W KENDALL DR #4625 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4626 1265 W KENDALL DR #4627 1265 W KENDALL DR #4628 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4711 1265 W KENDALL DR #4712 1265 W KENDALL DR #4713 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4714 1265 W KENDALL DR #4715 1265 W KENDALL DR #4716 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4717 1265 W KENDALL DR #4718 1265 W KENDALL DR #4721 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4722 1265 W KENDALL DR #4723 1265 W KENDALL DR #4724 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4725 1265 W KENDALL DR #4726 1265 W KENDALL DR #4727 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #4728 1265 W KENDALL DR #4811 1265 W KENDALL DR #4812 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #4813 1265 W KENDALL DR#4814 1265 W KENDALL DR#4815 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR#4816 1265 W KENDALL DR #4817 1265 W KENDALL DR #4818 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [265 W KENDALL DR #4821 1265 W KENDALL DR #4822 1265 W KENDALL DR #4823 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4824 1265 W KENDALL DR #4825 1265 W KENDALL DR #4826 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4827 1265 W KENDALL DR #4828 1265 W KENDALL DR #4911 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4912 1265 W KENDALL DR #4913 1265 W KENDALL DR #4914 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4915 1265 W KENDALL DR#4916 1265 W KENDALL DR #4917 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4918 1265 W KENDALL DR #4921 1265 W KENDALL DR #4922 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 ::>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #4923 1265 W KENDALL DR #4924 1265 W KENDALL DR #4925 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L265 W KENDALL DR #4926 1265 W KENDALL DR #4927 1265 W KENDALL DR #4928 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 JeCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5011 1265 W KENDALL DR #5012 1265 W KENDALL DR #5013 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR #5014 1265 W KENDALL DR #5015 1265 W KENDALL DR #5016 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5017 1265 W KENDALL DR #5018 1265 W KENDALL DR #5021 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5022 1265 W KENDALL DR #5023 1265 W KENDALL DR #5024 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5025 1265 W KENDALL DR #5026 1265 W KENDALL DR #5027 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6621121 26621121 26621121 ICCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5028 1265 W KENDALL DR #5111 1265 W KENDALL DR #5112 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6621121 26621121 26621121 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5113 1265 W KENDALL DR #5114 1265 W KENDALL DR#5115 AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5116 1265 W KENDALL DR#5117 1265 WKENDALL DR#5118 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#5121 1265 W KENDALL DR #5122 1265 W KENDALL DR #5123 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5124 1265 W KENDALL DR#5125 1265 W KENDALL DR#5126 lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5127 1265 W KENDALL DR #5128 1265 W KENDALL DR #5211 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 :>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5212 1265 W KENDALL DR #5213 1265 W KENDALL DR #5214 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR #5215 1265 W KENDALL DR #5216 1265 W KENDALL DR #5217 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5218 1265 W KENDALL DR #5221 1265 W KENDALL DR #5222 IAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5223 1265 W KENDALL DR #5224 1265 W KENDALL DR #5225 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 >CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5226 1265 W KENDALL DR #5227 1265 W KENDALL DR #5228 IAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5311 1265 W KENDALL DR #5312 1265 W KENDALL DR #5313 :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#5314 1265 W KENDALL DR#5315 1265 W KENDALL DR #5316 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )cCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5317 1265 W KENDALL DR #5318 1265 W KENDALL DR #5321 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5322 1265 W KENDALL DR #5323 1265 W KENDALL DR #5324 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5325 1265 W KENDALL DR #5326 1265 W KENDALL DR #5327 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5328 1265 W KENDALL DR #5411 1265 W KENDALL DR #5412 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5413 1265 W KENDALL DR #5414 1265 W KENDALL DR #5415 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5416 1265 W KENDALL DR #5417 1265 W KENDALL DR#5418 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5421 1265 W KENDALL DR #5422 1265 W KENDALL DR #5423 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5424 1265 W KENDALL DR #5425 1265 W KENDALL DR #5426 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5427 1265 W KENDALL DR #5428 1265 W KENDALL DR #5511 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5512 1265 W KENDALL DR #5513 1265 W KENDALL DR #5514 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5515 1265 W KENDALL DR#5516 1265 W KENDALL DR#5517 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR#5518 1265 W KENDALL DR #5521 1265 W KENDALL DR #5522 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5523 1265 W KENDALL DR #5524 1265 W KENDALL DR #5525 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5526 1265 W KENDALL DR #5527 1265 W KENDALL DR #5628 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #5611 1265 W KENDALL DR #5612 1265 W KENDALL DR #5613 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5614 1265 W KENDALL DR #5615 1265 W KENDALL DR #5616 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT :265 W KENDALL DR #5617 1265 W KENDALL DR #5618 1265 W KENDALL DR #5621 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR #5622 1265 W KENDALL DR #5623 1265 W KENDALL DR #5624 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 \6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5625 1265 W KENDALL DR #5626 1265 W KENDALL DR #5627 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5628 1265 W KENDALL DR #5711 1265 W KENDALL DR #5712 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5713 1265 W KENDALL DR #5714 1265 W KENDALL DR #5715 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5716 1265 W KENDALL DR #5717 1265 W KENDALL DR #5718 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5721 1265 W KENDALL DR #5722 1265 W KENDALL DR #5723 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR #5724 1265 W KENDALL DR #5725 1265 W KENDALL DR #5726 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5727 1265 W KENDALL DR #5728 1265 W KENDALL DR #5811 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5812 1265 W KENDALL DR #5813 1265 W KENDALL DR #5814 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 JeCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5815 1265 W KENDALL DR #5816 1265 W KENDALL DR #5817 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5818 1265 W KENDALL DR #5821 1265 W KENDALL DR #5822 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6621121 26621121 26621121 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 265 W KENDALL DR #5823 1265 W KENDALL DR #5824 1265 W KENDALL DR #5825 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5826 1265 W KENDALL DR #5827 1265 W KENDALL DR #5828 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5911 1265 W KENDALL DR#5912 1265 W KENDALL DR #5913 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5914 1265 W KENDALL DR #5915 1265 W KENDALL DR #5916 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5917 1265 W KENDALL DR #5918 1265 W KENDALL DR #5921 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5922 1265 W KENDALL DR #5923 1265 W KENDALL DR #5924 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5925 1265 W KENDALL DR #5926 1265 W KENDALL DR #5927 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #5928 1265 W KENDALL DR #6011 1265 W KENDALL DR #6012 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6013 1265 W KENDALL DR #6014 1265 W KENDALL DR#6015 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 ::>CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6016 1265 W KENDALL DR #6017 1265 W KENDALL DR #6018 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6021 1265 W KENDALL DR #6022 1265 W KENDALL DR #6023 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6024 1265 W KENDALL DR #6025 1265 W KENDALL DR #6026 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6027 1265 W KENDALL DR #6028 1265 W KENDALL DR#6111 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6112 1265 W KENDALL DR #6113 1265 W KENDALL DR #6114 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6115 1265 W KENDALL DR #6116 1265 W KENDALL DR#6117 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6118 1265 WKENDALLDR#6121 1265 W KENDALL DR #6122 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6123 1265 W KENDALL DR #6124 1265 W KENDALL DR #6125 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6126 1265 W KENDALL DR #6127 1265 W KENDALL DR #6128 )AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l265 W KENDALL DR #6211 1265 W KENDALL DR #6212 1265 W KENDALL DR #6213 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6214 1265 W KENDALL DR #6215 1265 W KENDALL DR #6216 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621121 26621121 26621121 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT .265 W KENDALL DR #6217 1265 W KENDALL DR #6218 1265 W KENDALL DR #6221 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6222 1265 W KENDALL DR #6223 1265 W KENDALL DR #6224 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621121 26621121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6225 1265 W KENDALL DR #6226 1265 W KENDALL DR #6227 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621121 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1265 W KENDALL DR #6228 1095 W KENDALL DR #AIOI 1095 W KENDALL DR #AI02 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #AI03 1095 W KENDALL DR#AI04 1095 W KENDALL DR #AI05 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #AI06 1095 W KENDALL DR #A20 1 1095 W KENDALL DR #A202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #A203 1095 W KENDALL DR #A204 1095 W KENDALL DR #A205 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #A206 1095 W KENDALL DR #BIOI 1095 W KENDALL DR #B 102 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #B103 1095 W KENDALL DR #BI04 1095 W KENDALL DR #B 1 05 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #BI06 1095 W KENDALL DR #BI07 1095 W KENDALL DR #BI08 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT lO95 W KENDALL DR #B201 1095 W KENDALL DR #B202 1095 W KENDALL DR #B203 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #B204 1095 W KENDALL DR #B205 1095 W KENDALL DR #B206 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #B207 1095 W KENDALL DR #B208 1095 W KENDALL DR#CI01 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR#CI02 1095 W KENDALL DR#CI03 1095 W KENDALL DR #CI04 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #C105 1095 W KENDALL DR #CI06 1095 W KENDALL DR#C201 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #C202 1095 W KENDALL DR #C203 1095 W KENDALL DR #C204 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #C205 1095 W KENDALL DR #C206 1095 W KENDALL DR #DIOI SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #01 02 1095 W KENDALL DR #0103 1095 W KENDALL OR #0104 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #0105 1095 W KENDALL OR #0106 1095 W KENDALL OR#0107 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL OR #0108 1095 W KENDALL OR #0201 1095 W KENDALL OR #0202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL OR #0203 1095 W KENDALL OR #0204 1095 W KENDALL OR #0205 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #D206 1095 W KENDALL DR #D207 1095 W KENDALL DR #D208 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #E101 1095 W KENDALL DR#EI02 1095 W KENDALL DR #E103 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #EI04 1095 W KENDALL DR #E105 1095 W KENDALL DR #EI06 ~AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l095 W KENDALL DR #E201 1095 W KENDALL DR #E202 1095 W KENDALL DR #E203 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621122 26621122 26621122 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l095 W KENDALL DR #E204 1095 W KENDALL DR #E205 1095 W KENDALL DR #E206 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #F101 1095 W KENDALL DR #F102 1095 W KENDALL DR #FI03 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16621122 26621122 26621122 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #F104 1095 W KENDALL DR #FI05 1095 W KENDALL DR #F 106 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #F201 1095 W KENDALL DR#F202 1095 W KENDALL DR #F203 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,095 W KENDALL DR #F204 1095 W KENDALL DR #F205 1095 W KENDALL DR#F206 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ,095 W KENDALL DR#GlOl 1095 W KENDALL DR #G 102 1095 W KENDALL DR #G 1 03 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l095 W KENDALL DR #G104 1095 W KENDALL DR #0105 1095 W KENDALL DR#G106 ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l095 W KENDALL DR #G107 1095 W KENDALL DR #G108 1095 W KENDALL DR #0201 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT L095 W KENDALL DR #0202 1095 W KENDALL DR #0203 1095 W KENDALL DR #0204 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [095 W KENDALL DR #0205 1095 W KENDALL DR #0206 1095 W KENDALL DR #0207 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [095 W KENDALL DR #0208 1095 W KENDALL DR#HI01 1095 W KENDALL DR#HI02 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT lO95 W KENDALL DR #H103 1095 W KENDALL DR#HI04 1095 W KENDALL DR #HI05 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [095 W KENDALL DR #HI06 1095 W KENDALL DR #H201 1095 W KENDALL DR #H202 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 :JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #H203 1095 W KENDALL DR #H204 1095 W KENDALL DR #H205 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 l6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #H206 1095 W KENDALL DR#J101 1095 W KENDALL DR #J102 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Z6621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #J103 1095 W KENDALL DR #J104 1095 W KENDALL DR#J105 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #JJ06 1095 W KENDALL DR #JJ 07 1095 W KENDALL DR #JJ08 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #1201 1095 W KENDALL DR #1202 1095 W KENDALL DR #1203 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #1204 1095 W KENDALL DR #1205 1095 W KENDALL DR #1206 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #J207 1095 W KENDALL DR #1208 1095 W KENDALL DR#KI01 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 ::lCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI02 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI03 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI04 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI05 1095 W KENDALL DR#KI06 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI07 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #KI08 1095 W KENDALL DR #K201 1095 W KENDALL DR #K202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #K203 1095 W KENDALL DR #K204 1095 W KENDALL DR #K205 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #K206 1095 W KENDALL DR #K207 1095 W KENDALL DR #K208 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR#LlOl 1095 W KENDALL DR #Ll02 1095 W KENDALL DR #Ll 03 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #Ll04 1095 W KENDALL DR #Ll05 1095 W KENDALL DR #Ll06 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #L20 1 1095 W KENDALL DR #L202 1095 W KENDALL DR #L203 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #L204 1095 W KENDALL DR #L205 1095 W KENDALL DR #L206 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #M101 1095 W KENDALL DR#M102 1095 W KENDALL DR#M103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 WKENDALL DR#M104 1095 W KENDALL DR#M105 1095 W KENDALL DR #M106 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #M201 1095 W KENDALL DR #M202 1095 W KENDALL DR#M203 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #M204 1095 W KENDALL DR #M205 1095 W KENDALL DR #M206 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #N101 1095 W KENDALL DR#N102 1095 W KENDALL DR #N103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #N104 1095 W KENDALL DR #N105 1095 W KENDALL DR #N1 06 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6621122 26621122 26621122 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #N201 1095 W KENDALL DR #N202 1095 W KENDALL DR #N203 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621122 26621122 26621122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W KENDALL DR #N204 1095 W KENDALL DR #N205 1095 W KENDALL DR #N206 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26621127 26621128 26621130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N SHANDIN lllLLS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26622105 26622106 26622107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26622108 26622109 2662211 0 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 950 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR 97~ W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26622111 26622112 26622205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT -N3RDAVE - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26622207 26622209 26622210 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 842 W KENDALL DR 894 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26622214 26622308 26622309 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR 800 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26622310 26622311 26623121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 824 W KENDALL DR 826 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26623122 26623123 26624201 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4623 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624202 26624203 26624204 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4641 N LAKEWOOD DR 4659 N LAKEWOOD DR 4677 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624205 26624206 26624207 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4695 N LAKEWOOD DR 4745 N LAKEWOOD DR 4795 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624208 26624209 26624210 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4805 N LAKEWOOD DR 4835 N LAKEWOOD DR 4865 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624211 26624212 26624213 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4895 N LAKEWOOD DR 4905 N LAKEWOOD DR 4935 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624214 26624215 26624216 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1604 W WINDSOR ST 1610 W WINDSOR ST 1618 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624217 26624218 26624219 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1624 W WINDSOR ST 1632 W WINDSOR ST 1638 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624220 26624221 26624222 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1646 W WINDSOR ST 1652 W WINDSOR ST 1660 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624223 26624224 26624225 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1666 W WINDSOR ST 1674 W WINDSOR ST 1680 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624226 26624227 26624228 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1688 W WINDSOR ST 1694 W WINDSOR ST 1619 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624229 26624230 26624231 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1611 W WINDSOR ST 1605 W WINDSOR ST 4834 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624232 26624233 26624234 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4804 N LAKEWOOD DR 4794 N LAKEWOOD DR 4750 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624235 26624236 26624237 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4704 N LAKEWOOD DR 4694 N LAKEWOOD DR 4682 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624238 26624239 26624240 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4652 N LAKEWOOD CT 4642 N LAKEWOOD CT 4630 N LAKEWOOD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26624241 26624242 26625101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4610 N LAKEWOOD DR 4668 N LAKEWOOD DR 1502 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625102 26625103 26625104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1504 W WINDSOR ST 1508 W WINDSOR ST 1512 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625105 26625106 26625107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1514 W WINDSOR ST 1518 W WINDSOR ST 1522 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 26625108 26625201 26625202 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1526 W WINDSOR ST 1527 W WINDSOR ST 1523 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625203 26625204 26625205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1519WWINDSORST 1515 W WINDSOR ST 1511 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625206 26625207 26625208 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1509 W WINDSOR ST 1505 W WINDSOR ST 1501 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625301 26625302 26625303 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1450 W MORGAN RD 1454 W MORGAN RD 1458 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625304 26625305 26625306 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1462 W MORGAN RD 1466 W WINDSOR ST 1470 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625307 26625308 26625309 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1474 W WINDSOR ST 1478 WWINDSORST 1482 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625310 26625311 26625312 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1486 W WINDSOR ST 1490 W WINDSOR ST 1494 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625313 26625401 26625402 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1498 W WINDSOR ST 4585 N BROOKFIELD ST 4595 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625403 26625404 26625405 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1491 W WINDSOR ST 1487 W WINDSOR ST 1483 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625406 26625407 26625408 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1479 W WINDSOR ST 1475 W WINDSOR ST 1464 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625409 26625501 26625502 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1468 W MORGAN RD 1467 W MORGAN RD 1463 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625503 26625504 26625601 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1459 W MORGAN RD 1455 W MORGAN RD 1414 WMORGANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26625602 26625603 26625604 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1418WMORGANRD 1422 W MORGAN RD 1426 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625605 26625606 26625607 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1430 W MORGAN RD 1434 W MORGAN RD 1438 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625608 26625609 26625701 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1442 W MORGAN RD 1446 W MORGAN RD 1447 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625702 26625703 26625704 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1443 W MORGAN RD 1439 W MORGAN RD 1435 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625705 26625706 26625707 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1433 W MORGAN RD 1429 W MORGAN RD 1427 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625708 26625709 26625710 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1423 W MORGAN RD 1419 W MORGAN RD 1415 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26625711 26625712 26625713 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1411 W MORGAN RD 1409 W MORGAN RD 1407 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627101 26627102 26627103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4394 N MELBOURNE RD 4364 N MELBOURNE RD 4334 N MELBOURNE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627104 26627105 26627106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4304 N MELBOURNE RD 1695 W GROSSMONT RD 1683 W GROSSMONT RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627107 26627108 26627109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1673 W GROSSMONT RD 1661 W GROSSMONT RD 1649 W GROSSMONT RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627110 26627111 26627112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4264 N LAKEWOOD DR 4234 N LAKEWOOD DR 4235 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627113 26627114 26627115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4265 N LAKEWOOD DR 1633 W GROSSMONT RD 4305 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627116 26627117 26627118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4335 N LAKEWOOD DR 4365 N LAKEWOOD DR 4395 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 26627119 26627120 26627121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4405 N LAKEWOOD DR 4435 N LAKEWOOD DR 4465 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 26627122 26627123 26627124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4495 N LAKEWOOD DR 4494 N LAKEWOOD DR 4464 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627125 26627126 26627127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4434 N LAKEWOOD DR 4404 N LAKEWOOD DR 4394 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 26627128 26627129 26627130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4364 N LAKEWOOD DR 4334 N LAKEWOOD DR 4304 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627131 26627132 26627133 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4305 N MELBOURNE RD 4335 N MELBOURNE RD 4365 N MELBOURNE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627134 26627135 26627136 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT B95 N MELBOURNE RD 4405 N MELBORNE RD 1679 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16627137 26627138 26627139 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1671 W MORGAN RD 1634 W MORGAN RD 1642 W MORGAN RD ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6627140 26627141 26627142 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 648 W MORGAN RD 1656 W MORGAN RD 1664 W MORGAN RD ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6627143 26627144 26627145 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 N MORGAN CT 4515 N MORGAN CT 4514 N MORGAN CT :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 .6627146 26627147 26627148 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 504 N MORGAN CT 1670 W MORGAN RD 1678 W MORGAN RD :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627149 26627150 26627151 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1618 W MORGAN RD 1624 W MORGAN RD 4464 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627152 26627153 26627154 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4434 N SYRACUSE DR 4404 N SYRACUSE DR 4394 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627155 26627156 26627157 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4364 N SYRACUSE DR 4334 N SYRACUSE DR 4304 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26627158 26627159 26628101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1629 W GROSSMONT DR 1625 W GROSSMONT DR 1365 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26628102 26628103 26628104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1349 W MICHELLE LN 1335 W MICHELLE LN 1319 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26628105 26628106 26628107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1305 W MICHELLE LN 1304 W MICHELLE LN 1318 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6628108 26628109 26628110 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [334 W MICHELLE LN 1348 W MICHELLE LN 1335 W JEFFREY LN :lAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6628111 26628112 26628113 JCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l319W JEFFREYLN 1305 W JEFFREY LN 1304 W JEFFREY LN ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6628114 26628115 26628116 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 318 W JEFFREY LN 1334 W JEFFREY LN 1335 W 48TH ST ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6628117 26628118 26629101 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 319 W 48TH ST 1305 W 48TH ST 1586 W RANCH RD :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629102 26629103 26629104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1590 W RANCH RD 1592 W RANCH RD 1594 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629105 26629106 26629107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1602 W RANCH RD 1608 W RANCH RD 5236 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629108 26629109 26629110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5228 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5222 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5204 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629111 26629112 26629113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5194 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5172 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5150 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629114 26629115 26629116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5128 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5104 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5105 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629117 26629118 26629119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5151 N CHAPARRAL CIR 1597 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1595 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629120 26629121 26629122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1596 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1598 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1591 WRANCHRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26629123 26629124 26629125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1589 W RANCH RD 1585 W RANCH RD 5150 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINOCA 92407 ~6629126 26629127 26630101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5128 N LAKEWOOD DR 5104 N LAKEWOOD DR 1554 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6630 1 02 26630103 26630104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1556 W RANCH RD 1560 W RANCH RD 1562 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630105 26630106 26630107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1564 W RANCH RD 1566 W RANCH RD 1570 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630108 26630109 26630110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1572 W RANCH RD 1574 W RANCH RD 1576 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630111 26630112 26630113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1580 W RANCH RD 1582 WRANCHRD 1584 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630114 26630115 26630116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1583 W RANCH RD 1581 WRANCHRD 1577 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630117 26630118 26630119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1573 W RANCH RD 1569 W RANCH RD 1565 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630120 26630121 26630122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5235 N LAKEWOOD DR 1584 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1588 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26630123 26630124 26631101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1590 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1594 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1536 WRANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631102 26631103 26631104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1540 W RANCH RD 1542 W RANCH RD 1544 WRANCHRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631105 26631106 266311 07 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1546 W RANCH RD 1548 W RANCH RD 1552 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631108 26631109 26631110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5094 N COYOTE LN 5072 N COYOTE LN 5050 N COYOTE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631111 26631112 26631113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5028 N COYOTE LN 5004 N COYOTE LN 5059 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631114 26631115 26631116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5075 N SAGUARO ST 5091 N SAGUARO ST 5107 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631117 26631118 26631119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5135 N SAGUARO ST 5149 N SAGUARO ST 5148 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631120 26631121 26631122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5136 N SAGUARO ST 5108 N SAGUARD ST 5090 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631123 26631124 26631125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5076 N SAGUARO ST 5060 N SAGUARD ST 5105 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631126 26631127 26631128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5119 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5135 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5149 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631129 26631130 26631131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5165 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5179 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5195 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631132 26631133 26631134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5194 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5178 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5164 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631135 26631136 26631137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5148 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5134 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5118 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631138 26631139 26631140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5104 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5141 NLAKEWOODDR 5159 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631141 26631142 26631143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5177 N LAKEWOOD DR 5195 N LAKEWOOD DR 5205 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631144 26631145 26631146 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5215 N LAKEWOOD DR 5225 N LAKEWOOD DR 1580 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631147 26631148 26631149 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1589 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1585 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1581 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631150 26631151 26631152 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5172 N LAKEWOOD DR 1597 W WILD PONY PATH 1595 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631153 26631154 26631155 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1593 W WILD PONY PATH 1591 WWILDPONY PATH 1589 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631156 26631157 26631158 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1585 W WILD PONY PATH 1583 W WILD PONY PATH 1581 WWILDPONYPATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631159 26631160 26631161 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1579 W WILD PONY PATH 1516 W CREEKSIDE DR 1520 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631162 26631163 26631164 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [522 W CREEKSIDE DR 1524 W CREEKSIDE DR 1526 W CREEKSIDE DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16631165 26631166 26631167 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [530 W RANCH RD 1532 W RANCH RD 1534 WRANCHRD ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6631168 26631169 26631170 XCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT. 1525 W CREEKSIDE DR 1523 W CREEKSIDE DR 1521 W CREEKSIDE DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26631171 26631172 26632101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1519 W CREEKSIDE DR 1515 W CREEKSIDE DR 1577 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632102 26632103 26632104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1575 W WILD PONY PATH 1573 W WILD PONY PATH 1571 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632105 26632106 26632107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1563 W WILD PONY PATH 1559 W WILD PONY PATH 1555 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632108 26632109 26632110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1551 W INDIAN TR 1543 W INDIAN TR 1539WINDlANTR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632111 26632112 26632113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1535 W INDIAN TR 1529 W INDIAN TR 1527 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632114 26632115 26632116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1523 W INDIAN TR 1519 W INDIAN TR 1524 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632117 26632118 26632119 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1528 W INDIAN TR 1534 W INDIAN TR 1538 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632120 26632121 26632122 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1542 W INDIAN TR 1546 W INDIAN TR 1548 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26632123 26633101 26633102 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [550 W INDIAN TR 1480 W INDIAN TR 1486 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633103 26633104 26633105 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l490 W INDIAN TR 1494 WINDIANTR 1504 WINDIANTR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633106 26633107 26633108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1508 W INDIAN TR 1512 W INDIAN TR 1516 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633109 2663311 0 26633111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1520 W INDIAN TR 1515 WINDIANTR 1511 WINDIANTR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633112 26633113 26633114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1507 W INOlAN TR 1503 W INDIAN TR 1493 W INDlAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633115 26633116 26633117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1491 W INDIAN TR 1489 W INDIAN TR 1487 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633118 26633119 26633120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1483 W INDIAN TR 1481 WINDIANTR 1479WINDIANTR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633121 26633122 26633123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1477 W INDIAN TR 1468 W CREEKSIDE DR 1470 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633124 26633125 26633126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1472 W CREEKSIDE DR 1474 W CREEKSIDE DR 1476 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633127 26633128 26633129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1478 W CREEKSIDE DR 1480 W CREEKSIDE DR 1482 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633130 26633131 26633132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1486 W CREEKSIDE DR 1488 W CREEKSIDE DR 1490 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633133 26633134 26633135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1494 W CREEKSIDE DR 1498 W CREEKSIDE DR 1504 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633136 26633137 26633138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1506 W CREEKSIDE DR 1508 W CREEKSIDE DR 1512 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633139 26633140 26633141 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1514 W CREEKSIDE DR 1513 W CREEKSIDE DR 1511 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633142 26633143 26633144 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1507 W CREEKSIDE DR 1505 W CREEKSIDE DR 1503 W CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633145 26633201 26633202 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1499 W CREEKSIDE DR 4995NALTADR 4977NALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633203 26633204 26633205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4959NALTADR 4941 N ALTA DR 4923 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633206 26633207 26633208 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4905 N ALTA DR 4895 N ALTA DR 4885 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633209 26633210 26633211 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4875 N ALTA DR 4865 N ALTA DR 4845 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633212 26633213 26633214 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ~814 N ALTA DR 4824NALTADR 4834 N ALTA DR 3AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6633215 26633216 26633217 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1844 N ALTA DR 4854NALTADR 4864 N ALTA DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6633218 26633219 26633220 lCCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 874N ALTADR 4884 N ALTA DR 4894 N ALTA DR AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633221 26633222 26633223 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4904 N VAIL LN 4910 N VAIL LN 4916NVAlLLN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633224 26633225 26633226 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4924 N VAIL LN 4930 N VAIL LN 4937 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633227 26633228 26633229 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4931 NVAlLLN 4995 N VAIL LN 4989 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633230 26633231 26633232 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4983 N VAIL LN 4975 N VAIL LN 4969 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633233 26633234 26633235 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4963 N VAIL LN 4957 N VAIL LN 4951 NVAlLLN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633236 26633237 26633238 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4945 N VAIL LN 4936 N VAIL LN 4944 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633239 26633240 26633241 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4950 N VAIL LN 4956 N VAIL LN 4962 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633242 26633243 26633244 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4968 N VAIL LN 4974 N VAIL LN 4982 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633245 26633246 26633247 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4988 N VAIL LN 4994 N VAIL LN 5004 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633248 26633249 26633250 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5010 N VAIL LN 5009 N ALTA DR 5005 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633251 26633252 26633253 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5024 N ALTA DR 5028NALTADR 5034 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26633254 2663410 1 26634102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5038 N ALTA DR 1623 W GROSSMONT DR 1621 W GROSSMONT DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634103 26634104 26634105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1617 W GROSSMONT DR 1613 W GROSSMONT DR 1609 W GROSSMONT DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634106 26634107 26634108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1605 W GROSSMONT DR 4305 N PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26634109 26634110 26634111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4351 N PEPPERDINE DR 4395 N PEPPERDINE DR 4405 N PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634112 26634113 26634114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4435 N PEPPERDINE DR 1589 W MORGAN RD 1583 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634115 26634116 2663411 7 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1579 W MORGAN RD 1578 W MORGAN RD 1584 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634118 26634119 26634120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1588 W MORGAN RD 1594 W MORGAN RD 1604 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634121 26634122 26634123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1608 W MORGAN RD 1614 WMORGANRD 4434 N PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634124 26634125 26634126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4404 N PEPPERDINE DR 4394 N PEPPERDINE DR 4364 N PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634127 26634128 26634129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4334 N PEPPERDINE DR 4304 N PEPPERDINE DR 4305 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634130 26634131 26634132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4335 N SYRACUSE DR 4365 N SYRACUSE DR 4395 N SYRACUSE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26634133 26634134 26635101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4405 N SYRACUSE DR 4435 N SYRACUSE DR 1577 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635102 26635103 26635104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1571 WMORGANRD 1565 W MORGAN RD 1559 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635105 26635106 26635107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1553 W MORGAN RD 1547 W MORGAN RD 1541 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635108 26635109 26635110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4404 N SCRIPPS DR 4394 N SCRIPPS DR 4364 N SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635111 26635112 26635113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4334 N SCRIPPS DR 4304 N SCRIPPS DR 4305 N SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635114 26635115 26635116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4329 N SCRIPPS DR 4351 N SCRIPPS DR 4395 N SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635117 26635118 26635119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4405 N SCRIPPS DR 4435 N SCRIPPS DR 4494 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635120 26635121 26635122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4464 N BROOKFIELD ST 4434 N BROOKFIELD ST 4404 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635123 26635124 26635125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4405 N BROOKFIELD ST 4435 N BROOKFIELD ST 4465 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635126 26635127 26635128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4494 N WHITNEY DR 4464 N WHITNEY DR 4434 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635129 26635130 26635131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4404 N WHITNEY DR 1510 W YARDLEY ST 1516 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26635132 26635133 26636201 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1519WMORGANRD 1515WMORGANRD - - SHENANDOAH WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636203 26636204 26636205 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 2552 N SHENANDOAH WY - - HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636206 26636207 26636208 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5080 N HALLMARK PKWY - - LEXINGTON WY 2765 N LEXINGTON WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636209 26636210 26636211 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - LEXINGTON WY - - LEXINGTON WY 5158 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636212 26636213 26636214 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5055 N HALLMARK PKWY 5015 N HALLMARK PKWY 4985 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636215 26636216 26636217 DCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT t925 N HALLMARK PKWY 4680 N HALLMARK PKWY sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6636218 26636219 26636220 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - HALLMARK PKWY - - SHENANDOAH WY 4472 N GEORGIA BLVD ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636221 26636301 26636302 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 2586 N SHENANDOAH WY --SARATOGA WY - - MCARTHUR BL VO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636303 26636304 26636305 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - MCARTHUR BL VO --MCARTHURBLVD --MCARTHURBLVO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636306 26636307 26636308 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - HALLMARK PKWY 4185 N HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636309 26636310 26636311 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4345 N HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636312 26636313 26636314 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - SARATOGA WY - - HALLMARK PKY PKWY - - GEORGIA BL VO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636315 26636316 26636318 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT -- SARATOGA WY - - HALLMARK PKWY 4330 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636319 26636320 26636321 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY 4240 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636322 26636323 26636324 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N HALLMARK PKWY 4130 N HALLMARK PKWY - N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636325 26636326 26636327 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N GEORGIA BLVD - N GEORGIA BL VO - N GEORGIA BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636328 26636329 26636330 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N GEORGIA BL VO - N GEORGIA BL VO - N GEORGIA BL VO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26636331 26636332 26636333 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N GEORGIA BLVD - N GEORGIA BLVD 4162 N GEORGIA BLVD SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636334 26636335 26636336 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4062 N GEORGIA BLVD - N GEORGIA BLVD 2239 N GANNETT PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636338 26636339 26636340 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N HALLMARK PKWY - N HALLMARK PKWY 3909 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636341 26636342 26636343 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 26636344 26636345 26636346 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636347 26636348 26636349 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636350 26636351 26636352 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26636353 26636354 26636355 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY 4370 N HALLMARK PKWY - N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26637101 26637102 26637103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1625 W MORNlNGSIDE DR 1619 W MORNlNGSIDE DR 1615 W MORNlNGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26637104 26637105 26637106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1609 W MORNlNGSIDE DR 1605 W MORNlNGSIDE DR 1595 W MORNiNGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26637107 26637108 26637109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1589 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1585 W MORNINGS IDE DR 1579 W MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637110 26637111 26637112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1573 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1572 W MORGAN RD 4534 N PARK DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637113 26637114 26637115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1578 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1584 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1588 W MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637116 26637117 26637118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1594 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1604 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1608 W MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637119 26637120 26637121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1614 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1618 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1624 W MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637122 26637123 26637124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4577 N LAKEWOOD DR 4595 N LAKEWOOD DR 1615 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 16637125 26637126 26637127 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 609 W FULLERTON DR 1605 W FULLERTON DR 1595 W FULLERTON DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 :6637128 26637129 26637130 )CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 589 W FULLERTON DR 1585 W FULLERTON DR 1579 W FULLERTON DR AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 6637131 26637132 26637133 ICCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 573 W FULLERTON DR 4564NPARKDR 4548 N PARK DR AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ,637134 26637135 26637136 CCUP ANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ;62 W FULLERTON DR 1568 W FULLERTON DR 1572 W FULLERTON DR r..N BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637137 26637138 26637139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1578 W FULLERTON DR 1584 W FULLERTON DR 1588 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637140 26637141 26637142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1594 W FULLERTON DR 1604 WFULLERTONDR 1608 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637143 26637144 26637145 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1614 WFULLERTONDR 4605 N LAKEWOOD DR 4604 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637146 26637147 26637148 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4594 N LAKEWOOD DR 4576 N LAKEWOOD DR 4558 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26637149 26637150 26640105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4540 N LAKEWOOD DR 4522 N LAKEWOOD DR 1380 W 48TH ST #1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640106 26640107 26640108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #2 1380 W 48TH ST #3 1380 W 48TH ST #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640109 26640110 26640111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #5 1380 W 48TH ST #6 1380 W 48TH ST #7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640112 26640113 26640114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #8 1380 W 48TH ST #9 1380 W 48TH ST #10 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640115 26640116 26640117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #11 1380 W 48TH ST #12 1380 W 48TH ST #13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640118 26640119 26640120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #14 1380 W 48TH ST #15 1380 W 48TH ST #16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640121 26640122 26640123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #17 1380 W 48TH ST #18 1380 W 48TH ST #19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640124 26640125 26640126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #20 1380 W 48TH ST #21 1380 W 48TH ST #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640127 26640128 26640129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #23 1380 W 48TH ST #24 1380 W 48TH ST #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640130 26640131 26640132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #26 1380 W 48TH ST #27 1380 W 48TH ST #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640133 26640134 26640135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #29 1380 W 48TH ST #30 1380 W 48TH ST #31 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640136 26640137 26640138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #32 1380 W 48TH ST #33 1380 W 48TH ST #34 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640139 26640140 26640141 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #35 1380 W 48TH ST #36 1380 W 48TH ST #37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640142 26640143 26640144 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #38 1380 W 48TH ST #39 1380 W 48TH ST #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640145 26640146 26640147 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #41 1380 W 48TH ST #42 1380 W 48TH ST #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640148 26640149 26640150 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #44 1380 W 48TH ST #45 1380 W 48TH ST #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640151 26640152 26640153 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #47 1380 W 48TH ST #48 1380 W 48TH ST #49 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640154 26640155 26640156 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #50 1380 W 48TH ST #51 1380 W 48TH ST #52 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640164 26640165 26640166 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #53 1380 W 48TH ST #54 1380 W 48TH ST #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640167 26640168 26640169 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #56 1380 W 48TH ST #57 1380 W 48TH ST #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640170 26640171 26640172 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #74 1380 W 48TH ST #75 1380 W 48TH ST #76 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640173 26640174 26640175 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #77 1380 W 48TH ST #78 1380 W 48TH ST #79 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640176 26640177 26640178 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #80 1380 W 48TH ST #81 1380 W 48TH ST #82 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640179 26640180 26640181 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #83 1380 W 48TH ST #84 1380 W 48TH ST #85 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640182 26640183 26640184 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #59 1380 W 48TH ST #60 1380 W 48TH ST #61 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640185 26640186 26640187 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #62 1380 W 48TH ST #63 1380 W 48TH ST #64 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640188 26640189 26640190 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #65 1380 W 48TH ST #66 1380 W 48TH ST #67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640191 26640192 26640193 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #68 1380 W 48TH ST #69 1380 W 48TH ST #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640194 26640195 26640196 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #71 1380 W 48TH ST #72 1380 W 48TH ST #73 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640201 26640202 26640203 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #86 1380 W 48TH ST #87 1380 W 48TH ST #88 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640204 26640205 26640206 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #89 1380 W 48TH ST #90 1380 W 48TH ST #91 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640207 26640208 26640209 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #92 1380 W 48TH ST #93 1380 W 48TH ST #94 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640210 26640213 26640214 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #95 1380 W 48TH ST #96 1380 W 48TH ST #97 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640215 26640216 26640217 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #98 1380 W 48TH ST #99 1380 W 48TH ST #100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640218 26640219 26640220 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #101 1380 W 48TH ST #102 1380 W 48TH ST #103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6640221 26640222 26640223 XCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT [380 W 48TH ST #104 1380 W 48TH ST #105 1380 W 48TH ST #106 ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640224 26640225 26640226 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #107 1380W 48TH ST#108 1380 W 48TH ST #109 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640227 26640228 26640229 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #110 1380 W 48TH ST #111 1380 W 48TH ST #112 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640230 26640231 26640232 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #113 1380 W 48TH ST #114 1380 W 48TH ST #115 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640233 26640234 26640235 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #116 1380 W 48TH ST #117 1380 W 48TH ST #118 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640236 . 26640237 26640238 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1380 W 48TH ST #119 1380 W 48TH ST #120 1380 W 48TH ST #121 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640239 26640240 26640241 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1357 W RESERVOIR DR 1353 W RESERVOIR DR 1349 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26640242 26640243 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1345 W RESERVOIR DR 1341 W RESERVOIR DR 1460 WKENDALL DR#1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #2 1460 W KENDALL DR #3 1460 W KENDALL DR #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #5 1460 W KENDALL DR #6 1460 W KENDALL DR #7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #8 1460 W KENDALL DR #9 1460 W KENDALL DR #10 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #11 1460 W KENDALL DR #12 1460 W KENDALL DR #13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #14 1460 W KENDALL DR #15 1460 W KENDALL DR #16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #17 1460 W KENDALL DR#18 1460 W KENDALL DR #19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #20 1460 W KENDALL DR #21 1460 W KENDALL DR #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #23 1460 W KENDALL DR #24 1460 W KENDALL DR #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #26 1460 W KENDALL DR #27 1460 W KENDALL DR #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #29 1460 W KENDALL DR #30 1460 W KENDALL DR #31 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #32 1460 W KENDALL DR#33 1460 W KENDALL DR #34 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #35 1460 W KENDALL DR #36 1460 W KENDALL DR #37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #38 1460 W KENDALL DR #39 1460 W KENDALL DR #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #41 1460 W KENDALL DR #42 1460 W KENDALL DR #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #44 1460 W KENDALL DR #45 1460 W KENDALL DR #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #47 1460 W KENDALL DR #48 1460 W KENDALL DR #49 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #50 1460 W KENDALL DR #51 1460 W KENDALL DR #52 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #53 1460 W KENDALL DR #54 1460 W KENDALL DR #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #56 1460 W KENDALL DR #57 1460 W KENDALL DR #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #59 1460 W KENDALL DR #60 1460 W KENDALL DR #61 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #62 1460 W KENDALL DR #63 1460 W KENDALL DR #64 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #65 1460 W KENDALL DR #66 1460 W KENDALL DR #67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #68 1460 W KENDALL DR #69 1460 W KENDALL DR #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #71 1460 W KENDALL DR #72 1460 W KENDALL DR #73 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641139 26641139 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1460 W KENDALL DR #74 1460 W KENDALL DR #75 1416WKENDALLDR#1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416WKENDALLDR#2 1416 WKENDALL DR #3 1416WKENDALLDR#4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #5 1416 W KENDALL DR #6 1416 W KENDALL DR #7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #8 1416 W KENDALL DR #9 1416 W KENDALL DR #10 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #11 1416WKENDALLDR#12 1416 W KENDALL DR #13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #14 1416 W KENDALL DR #15 1416 W KENDALL DR#16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #17 1416 W KENDALL DR #18 1416 W KENDALL DR#19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #20 1416 W KENDALL DR#21 1416 W KENDALL DR #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #23 1416 W KENDALL DR #24 1416 W KENDALL DR #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #26 1416 WKENDALL DR #27 1416 W KENDALL DR #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #29 1416 W KENDALL DR #30 1416WKENDALLDR#31 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #32 1416 W KENDALL DR #33 1416 W KENDALL DR #34 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26641142 26641142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #35 1416 W KENDALL DR#38 1416 W KENDALL DR #37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26641142 26643101 26643102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1416 W KENDALL DR #38 1627 W LOYOLA DR 1623 W LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643103 26643104 26643105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1619 W LOYOLA DR 1615 W LOYOLA DR 1611 W LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643106 26643107 26643108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1607 W LOYOLA DR 1603 W LOYOLA DR 1593 W LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643109 26643110 26643111 JCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1587 W LOYOLA DR 1583 W LOYOLA DR 1577 W LOYOLA DR ,AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 !6643112 26643113 26643114 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT l573 W LOYOLA DR 4650 N PARK DR 4672 N PARK DR ;AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ~6643115 26643116 26643117 )CCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 572 W LOYOLA DR 1576 W LOYOLA DR 1582 W LOYOLA DR :AN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643118 26643119 26643120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1588 W LOYOLA DR 1594 W LOYOLA DR 1606 W LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643121 26643122 26643123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1612 W LOYOLA DR 1593 W WINDSOR ST 1591 WWINDSORST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643124 26643125 26643126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1589 W WINDSOR ST 1587 W WINDSOR ST 1585 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643127 26643128 26643129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1579 W WINDSOR ST 1575 W WINDSOR ST 1569 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643130 26643131 26643132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1565 W WINDSOR ST 1528 W WINDSOR ST 1530 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643133 26643134 26643135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1534 W WINDSOR ST 1538 W WINDSOR ST 1544 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643136 26643137 26643138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1548 W WINDSOR ST 1554 W WINDSOR ST 1558 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643139 26643140 26643141 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1564 W WINDSOR ST 1568 W WINDSOR ST 1574 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643142 26643143 26643144 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1578 W WINDSOR ST 1584 W WINDSOR PL 1588 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643145 26643146 26643147 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4705 N WINDSOR DR 4729 N WINDSOR DR 4751 NWINDSORDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643148 26643149 26643150 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4773 N WINDSOR DR 4795 N WINDSOR DR 4794 N WINDSOR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643151 26643152 26643153 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4764 N WINDSOR CT 4734 N WINDSOR DR 1590 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26643154 26643155 26643156 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1592 W WINDSOR ST 1594 W WINDSOR ST 1596 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650101 26650102 26650103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5016NVAILLN 5024 N VAIL LN 5030 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650104 26650105 26650106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5040 N VAIL LN 5048 N VAlL LN 5058 N VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650107 26650108 26650109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5066 N VAIL LN 5076 N VAIL LN 5084 N VAlL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650110 26650111 26650112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5094 N VAIL LN 1499 W LAKE PLACID DR 1495 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650113 26650114 26650115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1491 W LAKE PLACID DR 1487 W LAKE PLACID DR 1483 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650116 26650117 26650118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1479 W LAKE PLACID DR 1475 W LAKE PLACID DR 1471 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650119 26650120 26650121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1467 W LAKE PLACID DR 1463 W LAKE PLACID DR 1459 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650122 26650123 26650124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1455 W LAKE PLACID DR 1451 W LAKE PLACID DR 1447 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650125 26650126 26650127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1443 W LAKE PLACID DR 5075 N ALTA DR 5069NALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650128 26650129 26650130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5065NALTADR 5059 N ALTA DR 5055 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650131 26650132 26650133 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5049NALTADR 5045 N ALTA DR 5039 NALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650134 26650135 26650136 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5035 N ALTA DR 5029 N ALTA DR 5025 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650137 26650138 26650139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5019 N ALTA DR 5015 N ALTA DR 5044 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650140 26650141 26650142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5048 N ALTADR 5054 N ALTA DR 5058NALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650143 26650144 26650145 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5064NALTADR 5068 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650146 26650147 26650148 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 26650149 OCCUPANT 26650150 OCCUPANT 26650151 OCCUPANT 26650301 26650302 26650303 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1464 W LAKE PLACID DR 1468 W LAKE PLACID DR 1474 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650304 26650305 26650306 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1478 W LAKE PLACID DR 1484 W LAKE PLACID DR 1488 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650307 26650308 26650309 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5195 N MAMMOTH DR 5205 N MAMMOTH DR 5219 N MAMMOTH DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650310 26650311 26650312 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5235 N MAMMOTH DR 1455 W KEYSTONE DR 1449 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650313 26650314 26650315 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1445 W KEYSTONE DR 1439 W KEYSTONE DR 1435 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650316 26650317 26650318 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1429 W KEYSTONE DR 1414 W KEYSTONE DR 1418 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650319 26650320 26650321 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1424 W KEYSTONE DR 1428 W KEYSTONE DR 1434 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650322 26650323 26650324 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1438 W KEYSTONE DR 1444 W KEYSTONE DR 1448 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650325 26650326 26650327 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1454 W KEYSTONE DR 1458 W KEYSTONE DR 1464 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650328 26650329 26650330 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1468 W KEYSTONE DR 1474 W KEYSTONE DR 1478 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26650331 26650332 26650333 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1484 W KEYSTONE DR 1488 W KEYSTONE DR 1494 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26650334 26650335 26650336 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1495 W KEYSTONE DR 1485 W KEYSTONE DR 1479 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26650337 26650341 26650342 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1469 W KEYSTONE DR 1474 W STEAMBOAT CIR 1484 W STEAMBOAT CIR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26650343 26650344 26650345 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1494 W STEAMBOAT CIR 1475 W STEAMBOAT CIR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26650346 26650347 26650348 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5234 N MAMMOTH DR 5218 N MAMMOTH DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26650349 26652106 26652107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1464 W STEAMBOAT CIR 977 W KENDALL DR 949 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26652108 26652109 26652110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR 941 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26652111 26652112 26652113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 905 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR 977 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26652114 26652115 26652116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 967 W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR 985 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26652117 26652118 26652119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - SHANDiN HILLS DR - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDiNO CA 92407 26653101 26653102 26653103 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4932 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4924 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4916 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653104 26653105 26653106 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4906 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4878 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4870 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653107 26653108 26653109 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4864 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4856 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4848 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665311 0 26653111 26653112 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4842 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4834 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4826 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653113 26653114 26653115 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1330 W STONEGA TE LN 1336 W STONEGATE LN 1337 W STONEGA TE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653116 26653117 26653118 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1331 WSTONEGATELN 1325 W STONEGATE LN 1321 WSTONEGATELN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653119 26653120 26653121 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1315 W STONEGATE LN 4805 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4813 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653122 26653123 26653124 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4821 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4827 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4835 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653125 26653126 26653127 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4843 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4849 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4857 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653128 26653129 26653130 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4865 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4871 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4879 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653131 26653132 26653133 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4887 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4895 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4905 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653134 26653135 26653136 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4909 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4915 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4919 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653137 26653138 26653139 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4925 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4929 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4935 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653140 26653141 26653142 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4939 N VILLAGE GREEN WY 4945 N VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653143 26653144 26653145 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5088 N SUNDANCE DR 5080 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653146 26653147 26653148 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5074 N SUNDANCE DR 5066 N SUNDANCE DR 5053 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653149 26653150 26653151 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5061 N SUNDANCE DR 5067 N SUNDANCE DR 5075 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26653152 26653153 26653154 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5081 N SUNDANCE DR 5089 N SUNDANCE DR 5095 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654117 26654118 26654119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1442 W LAKEPLACID DR 1448 W LAKE PLACID DR 1456 N LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654120 26654121 26654122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1425 W KEYSTONE DR 1419 W KEYSTONE DR 1415 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654123 26654124 26654125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1409 W KEYSTONE DR 1405 W KEYSTONE DR 1404 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654126 26654127 26654128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1408 W KEYSTONE DR 1424 W BRECKENRIDGE CT 1414 W BRECKENRIDGE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654129 26654130 26654131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1404 W BRECKENRIDGE CT 5094 N T AMARRON CT 5195NTAMARRONCT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654132 26654133 26654134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5151 NTAMARRONCT 5105 N T AMARRON CT 5095 N T AMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654135 26654136 26654137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5077 N T AMARRON CT 5059 N T AMARRON CT 5041 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654138 26654139 26654140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5023 N TAMARRON CT 5005 N T AMARRON CT 4995 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654141 26654142 26654143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4977 N T AMARRON CT 4959 N TAMARRON CT 4941 NTAMARRONCT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654144 26654145 26654146 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4923 N T AMARRON CT 4905 N TAMARRON CT 4895 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654147 26654148 26654149 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4851 NT AMARRON CT 4805 NT AMARRON CT 4804 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654150 26654151 26654152 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4850 N T AMARRON CT 4894 N T AMARRON CT 4904 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654153 26654154 26654155 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1409 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1413 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1421 W WRIGHTWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654156 26654157 26654158 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1427 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1434 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1426 W WRIGHTWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654159 26654160 26654161 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1420 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 4976 N TAMARRON CT 4994 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654162 26654163 26654164 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5004 N T AMARRON CT 5022 N T AMARRON CT 1415 W BRECKENRIDGE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26654165 26654166 26656101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1425 W BRECKENRIDGE CT 1435 W BRECKENRIDGE CT 1990 N OSTREMS WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656102 26656103 26656104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1970 N OSTREMS WY 1960 N OSTREMS WY - N OSTREMS WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656106 26656107 26656108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N OSTREMS WY - N OSTREMS WY - N PARSON S PL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656109 26656110 26656111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N PARSON S PL - N TRANI RD - N TRANI RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656112 26656113 26656114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N TRANI RD 2000 N OSTREMS WY - N CAMPEAU DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656115 26656116 26656117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N HALLMARK PKWY - N HALLMARK PKWY - N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26656118 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3390 N UNIVERSITY PKWY 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Al 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR A9 AIO All SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR AI2 AI3 AI4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR BI AI5 AI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 I 2665710 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR B9 BIO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR BII BI2 BI3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITfLE MOUNTAIN DR B14 B15 B16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Cl 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C2 5280 N LITfLE MOUNTAIN DR C3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR C9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITfLE MOUNTAIN DR CI0 Cll CI2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR CI3 CI4 CI5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 I 2665710 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR DI 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D2 C16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITfLE MOUNTAIN DR D3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR D9 DlO Dll SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR Dl2 DB DI4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR EI Dl5 DI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR E9 EIO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 2665710 1 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Ell EI2 El3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR EI4 EI5 EI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 266571 0 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR FI 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR F4 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR F5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR F9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR FIO Fll FI2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR FI3 FI4 FI5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 266571 0 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G1 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G2 FI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 266571 0 I 26657101 266571 0 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR G9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 010 G11 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 012 G13 014 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR HI GI5 016 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 266571 0 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR H9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 266571 0 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR HII Hl2 H13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR HI4 HI5 HI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 266571 0 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 11 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR I2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 14 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 15 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 17 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 18 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 110 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR III 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 112 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Il3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 114 115 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 116 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR JJ 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR J2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 13 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR J4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR J5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR J6 5280 N LmLE MOUNT AlN DR J7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR J8 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR J9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 110 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 111 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 112 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR 113 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 114 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 115 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 116 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 Kl SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR K2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR K3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 K4 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR K5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR K6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 K7 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR K8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR K9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 KI0 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR Kl1 K12 K13 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 2665710 1 266571 0 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR K14 K15 K16 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAlN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR Ll 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR L2 L3 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDlNO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L7 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR L9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR LlO LlI Ll2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Ll3 Ll4 Ll5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR MI 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Ll6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 M2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M3 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M4 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M7 M8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 266571 0 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR M9 MIO Mil SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR MI2 MI3 MI4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR MI5 MI6 NI SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N3 N4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N6 N7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N8 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Nl0 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Nil N12 N13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 266571 0 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR N14 N15 N16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 01 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 02 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 03 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 04 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 05 06 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 07 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 08 09 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 010 011 012 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 013 014 015 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 016 PI P2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR P3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 P4 P5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR P6 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 P7 P8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR P9 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 PIO PII SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LmLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR PI2 PI3 PI4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 I 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR PI5 PI6 QI SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Q2 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Q3 Q4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Q5 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Q6 Q7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 I 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Q8 Q9 QIO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Qll QI2 Q13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR QI4 QI5 QI6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR RI R2 R3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR R4 R5 R6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 1 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR R7 R8 R9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR RIO Rll RI2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR R13 RI4 RI5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR RI6 SI S2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 266571 0 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR S3 S4 S5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR S6 S7 S8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR S9 SIO Sll SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SI2 SI3 SI4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SI5 SI6 TI SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR T2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 T3 T4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR T5 T6 T7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR T8 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 T9 TlO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR TlI Tl2 T13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 266571 0 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Tl4 Tl5 Tl6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 2665710 1 266571 0 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Ul U2 U3 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 2665710 1 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR U4 U5 U6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR U7 U8 U9 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNT AlN DR UlO Ul1 Ul2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2665710 1 26657101 26657101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR Ul3 Ul4 Ul5 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26657101 26657102 26658101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 5294 N SUNDANCE DR Ul6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658102 26658103 26658104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5278 N SUNDANCE DR 5264 N SUNDANCE DR 5248 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658105 26658106 26658107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5234 N SUNDANCE DR 5218 N SUNDANCE DR 5204 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658108 26658109 26658110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5194 N SUNDANCE DR 5182 N SUNDANCE DR 5168 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658111 26658112 26658113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5156 N SUNDANCE DR 5142 N SUNDANCE DR 5130 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658114 26658115 26658116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5116 N SUNDANCE DR 5105 N SUNDANCE DR 5117 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658117 26658118 26658119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5131 N SUNDANCE DR 5143 N SUNDANCE DR 5157NSUNDANCEDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658120 26658121 26658122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5169 N SUNDANCE DR 5183 N SUNDANCE DR 5195 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658123 26658124 26658125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5205 N SUNDANCE DR 5219 N SUNDANCE DR 5235 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658126 26658127 26658128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5249 N SUNDANCE DR 5265 N SUNDANCE DR 5279 N SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658129 26658130 26658131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1346 W RESERVOIR DR 1354 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658132 26658133 26658134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1358 W RESERVOIR DR 1362 W RESERVOIR DR 1370 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658135 26658136 26658137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1374 W RESERVOIR DR 1378 W RESERVOIR DR 1382 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658138 26658139 26658140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1386 W RESERVOIR DR 1390 W RESERVOIR DR 1394 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658141 26658142 26658143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1398 W RESERVOIR DR 1404 W RESERVOIR DR 1410 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658144 26658145 26658146 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1397 W RESERVOIR DR 1393 W RESERVOIR DR 1389 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658147 26658148 26658149 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1385 W RESERVOIR DR 1381 W RESERVOIR DR 1377 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658150 26658151 26658152 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1373 W RESERVOIR DR 1369 W RESERVOIR DR 1365 W RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26658153 26658154 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1361 W RESERVOIR DR 1660 W KENDALL DR#I SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #2 1660 W KENDALL DR #3 1660 W KENDALL DR #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #5 1660 W KENDALL DR #6 1660 W KENDALL DR #7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #8 1660 WKENDALL DR #9 1660 W KENDALL DR #10 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #11 1660 W KENDALL DR#12 1660 W KENDALL DR#13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#14 1660 W KENDALL DR#15 1660 W KENDALL DR#16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #17 1660 W KENDALL DR#18 1660 W KENDALL DR #19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #20 1660 W KENDALL DR #21 1660 W KENDALL DR #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #23 1660 W KENDALL DR #24 1660 W KENDALL DR #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #26 1660 W KENDALL DR #27 1660 W KENDALL DR #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #29 1660 W KENDALL DR #30 1660 W KENDALL DR #31 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #32 1660 W KENDALL DR #33 1660 W KENDALL DR #34 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #35 1660 W KENDALL DR #36 1660 W KENDALL DR #37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #38 1660 W KENDALL DR #39 1660 W KENDALL DR #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #41 1660 W KENDALL DR #42 1660 W KENDALL DR #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #44 1660 W KENDALL DR #45 1660 W KENDALL DR #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #47 1660 W KENDALL DR #48 1660 W KENDALL DR #49 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #50 1660 W KENDALL DR #51 1660 W KENDALL DR#52 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #53 1660 W KENDALL DR #54 1660 W KENDALL DR #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #56 1660 W KENDALL DR #57 1660 W KENDALL DR #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #59 1660 W KENDALL DR #60 1660 W KENDALL DR #61 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #62 1660 W KENDALL DR #63 1660 W KENDALL DR #64 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #65 1660 W KENDALL DR #66 1660 W KENDALL DR #67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #68 1660 W KENDALL DR #69 1660 W KENDALL DR #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #71 1660 W KENDALL DR #72 1660 W KENDALL DR #73 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #74 1660 W KENDALL DR #75 1660 W KENDALL DR #76 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660 10 1 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #77 1660 W KENDALL DR #78 1660 W KENDALL DR #79 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #80 1660 W KENDALL DR #81 1660 W KENDALL DR #82 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #83 1660 W KENDALL DR #84 1660 W KENDALL DR #85 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#86 1660 W KENDALL DR #87 1660 W KENDALL DR #88 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #89 1660 W KENDALL DR #90 1660 W KENDALL DR #91 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #92 1660 W KENDALL DR #93 1660 W KENDALL DR #94 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #95 1660 W KENDALL DR #96 1660 W KENDALL DR #97 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #98 1660 W KENDALL DR #99 1660 W KENDALL DR #100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #101 1660 W KENDALL DR#102 1660 WKENDALL DR#103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #104 1660 W KENDALL DR#105 1660 W KENDALL DR #106 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #107 1660 W KENDALL DR #108 1660 W KENDALL DR #109 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #110 1660W KENDALLDR#III 1660 W KENDALL DR #112 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #113 1660 W KENDALL DR #114 1660 W KENDALL DR#115 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #116 1660 W KENDALL DR #117 1660 W KENDALL DR #118 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #119 1660 W KENDALL DR #120 1660 W KENDALL DR#121 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #122 1660 W KENDALL DR #123 1660 W KENDALL DR#124 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #125 1660 W KENDALL DR #126 1660 W KENDALL DR #127 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #128 1660 W KENDALL DR#129 1660 W KENDALL DR #130 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#131 1660 W KENDALL DR #132 1660 W KENDALL DR#133 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #134 1660 W KENDALL DR#135 1660 W KENDALL DR # 136 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #137 1660 W KENDALL DR#138 1660 W KENDALL DR #139 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #140 1660 W KENDALL DR #141 1660 W KENDALL DR #142 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#143 1660 W KENDALL DR #144 1660 W KENDALL DR#145 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #146 1660 W KENDALL DR#147 1660 W KENDALL DR #148 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#149 1660 W KENDALL DR #150 1660W KENDALLDR#151 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #152 1660 W KENDALL DR#153 1660 W KENDALL DR #154 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #155 1660 W KENDALL DR #156 1660 W KENDALL DR #157 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #158 1660 W KENDALL DR #159 1660 W KENDALL DR #160 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #161 1660 W KENDALL DR #162 1660 W KENDALL DR #163 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALLDR#164 1660 W KENDALL DR #165 1660 W KENDALL DR#166 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #167 1660 W KENDALL DR #168 1660 W KENDALL DR #169 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #170 1660 W KENDALL DR #171 1660 W KENDALL DR #172 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #173 1660 W KENDALL DR #174 1660 W KENDALL DR #175 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#176 1660 W KENDALL DR #177 1660 WKENDALL DR#178 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #179 1660 W KENDALL DR #180 1660 W KENDALL DR#181 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #182 1660 W KENDALL DR #183 1660 W KENDALL DR #184 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #185 1660 W KENDALL DR#186 1660 W KENDALL DR#187 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR#188 1660 W KENDALL DR #189 1660 W KENDALL DR #190 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #191 1660 W KENDALL DR #192 1660 W KENDALL DR#193 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26660101 26660101 26660101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1660 W KENDALL DR #194 1660 W KENDALL DR #195 1660 W KENDALL DR#196 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26661102 26661103 26662101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - W KENDALL DR - W KENDALL DR 1509 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662102 26662103 26662104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W MORGAN RD 1495 W MORGAN RD 1485 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662105 26662106 26662107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1477 W MORGAN RD 1476 W MORGAN RD 1484 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662108 26662109 26662110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1494 W MORGAN RD 1504 W MORGAN RD 1506 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662111 26662113 26662114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1514 W MORGAN RD 1504 W TETON ST 1514 W TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662115 26662116 26662117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4505 N BROOKFIELD ST 4519 N BROOKFIELD ST 4535 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662118 26662119 26662120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4565 N BROOKFIELD ST 4579 N BROOKFIELD ST 1524 W BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662121 26662122 26662123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1530 W BROOKFIELD CT 1536 W BROOKFIELD CT 1540 W BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662124 26662125 26662126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1546 W BROOKFIELD CT 1652 W BROOKFIELD CT 1556 W BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662127 26662128 26662129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1557 W BROOKFIELD CT 1553 W BROOKFIELD CT 1547 W BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662130 26662131 26662132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1537 W BROOKFIELD CT 1531 W BROOKFIELD CT 1525 W BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662133 26662134 26662135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1538 W TETON ST 1544 W TETON ST 1548 W TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662136 26662137 26662138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1554 W TETON ST 1558 W TETON ST 1564 W TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662139 26662140 26662141 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1568 W TETON ST 1569 W TETON ST 1565 W TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662142 26662143 26662144 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1559 W TETON ST 1549 W TETON ST 1545 W TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662145 26662146 26662147 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1539 W TETON ST 1529 W TETON ST 1518WMORGANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662148 26662149 26662150 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1524 W MORGAN RD 1528 W MORGAN RD 1534 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662151 26662152 26662153 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1538 W MORGAN RD 1544 W MORGAN RD 1548 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26662154 26663101 26663102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1554 W MORGAN RD 1493 W YARDLEY ST 1491 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663103 26663104 26663105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1489 W YARDLEY ST 1485 WYARDLEY ST 1479 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663106 26663107 26663108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1465 W YARDLEY ST 1473 WYARDLEY ST 1471 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663109 26663110 26663111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1469 W YARDLEY ST 1467WYARDLEYST 1465 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663112 26663113 26663114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1464 W YARDLEY ST 1468 WYARDLEY ST 1474 WYARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663115 26663116 26663117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1478 W YARDLEY ST 1484 W YARDLEY ST 1488 WYARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26663118 26663119 26664101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1494 W YARDLEY ST 1504 W YARDLEY ST 4394 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26664102 26664103 26664104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4372 N WIDTNEY DR 4350 N WHITNEY DR 4328 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26664105 26664106 26664107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4304 N WHITNEY DR 4305 N WIDTNEY DR 4329 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26664108 26664109 26664110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4351 N WHITNEY DR 4373 NWIDTNEYDR 1511 W YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26664111 26664112 2666510 I OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1505 W YARDLEY ST 1495 W YARDLEY ST 3795 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665102 26665103 26665104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3785 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3775 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3765 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665105 26665106 26665107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3755 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3745 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3735 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 26665108 26665109 26665110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3725 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3715 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3705 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665111 26665112 26665113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3695 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3685 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3675 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665118 26665119 26665120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3795 N SHANDIN DR 3787 N SHANDIN DR 3779 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665121 26665122 26665123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3771 N SHANDIN DR 1140 W BIG CANYON DR 1130 W BIG CANYON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665124 26665125 26665126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1122 W BIG CANYON DR 1112 W BIG CANYON DR 1104 W BIG CANYON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665127 26665128 26665129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3734 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3724 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3714 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665130 26665131 26665132 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3704 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3694 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3754 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 2666513 3 26665134 26665135 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3764 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3774 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3784 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26665136 26665137 26665138 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3794 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3770 N SHANDIN DR 3778 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26665139 26665140 26666101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3786 N SHANDIN DR 3794 N SHANDIN DR 3688 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666102 26666103 26666104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N SHANDIN DR 3602 N SHANDIN DR 3720 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666105 26666106 26666107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3726 N SHANDIN DR 3734 N SHANDIN DR 3742 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666111 26666112 26666113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3614 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3604 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3695 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666114 26666115 26666116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3705 N SHANDIN DR 3713 N SHANDIN DR 3721 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666117 26666118 26666119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3727 N SHANDIN DR 3735 N SHANDIN DR 3743 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666120 26666121 26666122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1141 W BIG CANYON DR 3740 N BIG CANYON CT 3734 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666123 26666124 26666125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3728 N BIG CANYON CT 3722 N BIG CANYON CT 3716 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666126 26666127 26666128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3710 N BIG CANYON CT 3705 N BIG CANYON CT 3711 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666129 26666130 26666131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3717 N BIG CANYON CT 3723 N BIG CANYON CT 3729 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26666132 26666133 26666134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3735 N BIG CANYON CT 3741 N BIG CANYON DR 3748 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26666135 26666136 26667101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3756 N SHANDIN DR 3764 N SHANDIN DR 3657 N VALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667102 26667103 26667104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3643 N V ALLEY CT 3631 N VALLEY CT 3617 NVALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667105 26667106 26667107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3605 N VALLEY CT 3604 N V ALLEY CT 3616 N VALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667108 266671 09 26667110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3630 N VALLEY CT 3642 N VALLEY CT 3656 N V ALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667111 26667112 26667113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3645 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3635 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3625 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667114 26667115 26667116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3615 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3671 N SHANDIN DR 3655 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667117 26667118 26667119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3639 N SHANDIN DR 3623 N SHANDIN DR 3607 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667120 26667121 26667122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3604 N SHANDIN CIR 3610 N SHANDIN CIR 3618 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667123 26667124 26667125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3624 N SHANDIN CIR 3632 N SHANDIN CIR 3638 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667126 26667127 26667128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3646 N SHANDIN CIR 3652 N SHANDIN CIR 3660 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667129 26667130 26667131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3668 N SHANDIN CIR 3674 N SHANDIN CIR 3680 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667132 26667133 26667134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3689 N SHANDIN CIR 3681 N SHANDIN CIR 3675 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667135 26667136 26667137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3669 N SHANDIN CIR 3661 N SHANDIN CIR 3606 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667138 26667139 26667140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3622 N SHANDIN DR 3638 N SHANDIN DR 3654 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667141 26667142 26667143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3603 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3684 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3674 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667144 26667145 26667146 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3664 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3654 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3644 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26667147 26667148 26668101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3634 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3624 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3763 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668102 26668103 26668104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3759 N RIDGE LINE DR 3755 N RIDGE LINE DR 3753 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668105 26668106 26668107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3749 N RIDGE LINE DR 3745 N RIDGE LINE DR 3739 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668108 26668109 26668110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3735 N RIDGE LINE DR 3733 N RIDGE LINE DR 3729 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668111 26668112 26668113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3725 N RIDGE LINE DR 3719 N RIDGE LINE DR 3711 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668114 26668115 26668116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3705 N RIDGE LINE DR 3695 N RIDGE LINE DR 3689 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668117 26668118 26668119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3681 N RIDGE LINE DR 3675 N RIDGE LINE DR 3667 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668120 26668121 26668122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3661 N RIDGE LINE DR 3653 N RIDGE LINE DR 3647 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26668123 26668124 26668125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3639 N RIDGE LINE DR 3646 N RIDGE LINE DR 3652 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668126 26668127 26668128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3660 N RIDGE LINE DR 3664 N RIDGE LINE DR 3674 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668129 26668130 26668131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3680 N RIDGE LINE DR 3688 N RIDGE LINE DR 3694 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668132 26668133 26668134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3704 N RIDGE LINE DR 3712 N RIDGE LINE DR 3720 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668135 26668136 26668137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3726 N RIDGE LINE DR 3734 N RIDGE LINE DR 3742 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668138 26668139 26668140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3748 N RIDGE LINE DR 3756 N RIDGE LINE DR 3764 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668141 26668142 26668143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3770 N RIDGE LINE DR 3778 N RIDGE LINE DR 3786 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26668144 26669101 26669102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3794 N RIDGE LINE DR 3574 N RIDGE LINE DR 3582 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26669103 26669104 26669105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3588 N RIDGE LINE DR 3594 N RIDGE LINE DR 3604 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26669106 26669107 26669108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3610 N RIDGE LINE DR 3618 N RIDGE LINE DR 3624 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26669109 26669110 26670101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3632 N RIDGE LINE DR 3638 N RIDGE LINE DR 3633 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26670102 26670103 26670104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3625 N RIDGE LINE DR 3619 N RIDGE LINE DR 3611 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26670105 26670106 26670107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3605 N RIDGE LINE DR 3595 N RIDGE LINE DR 3589 N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 26670108 26670109 26670110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3583 N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26670111 26670112 26671101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671102 26671103 26671104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671105 26671106 26671107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671108 26671109 26671110 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671111 26671112 26671113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671114 26671115 26671116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3524 N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671117 26671118 26671119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR - N RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26671120 26672101 26672102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4515 N HALLMARK PKWY 2344 W SARATOGA WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26672103 26672104 26672105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 2394 W SARATOGA WY 4595 N HALLMARK PKWY 4625 N HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26672106 26672107 26672108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4695 N HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26672109 26672110 26673101 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4835 N HALLMARK PKWY - - HALLMARK PKWY 1104 W ALTACREST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673102 26673103 26673104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1094 WALTA CREST ST 1084 W AL T A CREST ST 1074 WALTA CREST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673105 26673106 26673107 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1064 W AL T A CREST ST 3864 N MONTECITO ST 3870 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673108 26673109 2667311 0 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3886 N MONTECITO ST 3894 N MONTECITO ST 1063 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673111 26673112 26673113 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1071 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1079 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1087 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673114 26673115 26673116 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1095 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1094 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1086 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673117 26673118 26673119 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1078 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1070 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1062 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673120 26673121 26673122 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1054 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1046 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1038 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673123 26673124 26673125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1030 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1022 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1014 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673126 26673127 26673128 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1006 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1023 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1031 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673129 26673130 26673131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT - - MONTECITO ST 3871 N MONTECITO ST 3865 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673132 26673133 26673134 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3857 N MONTECITO ST 3849 N MONTECITO ST 3843 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673135 26673136 26673137 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3835 N MONTECITO ST 3827 N MONTECITO ST 3821 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673138 26673139 26673140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3813 N MONTECITO ST 3805 N MONTECITO ST 3804 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673141 26673142 26673143 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1075 WALTA CREST ST 1085 WALTA CREST ST 1095 W AL T A CREST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26673144 26674101 26674102 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1105 WALTA CREST ST 3878 N VISTA VERDE ST 3886 N VISTA VERDE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674103 26674104 26674105 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 3894 N VISTA VERDE ST 894 W SHERIDAN RD 884 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674106 26674107 26674108 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 874 W SHERIDAN RD 864 W SHERIDAN RD 854 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674109 26674110 26674111 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 844 W SHERIDAN RD 834 W SHERIDAN RD 824 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674112 26674113 26674114 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 814 W SHERIDAN RD 804 W SHERIDAN RD 805 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674115 26674116 26674117 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 815 W SHERIDAN RD 825 W SHERIDAN RD 835 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674118 26674119 26674120 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 845 W SHERIDAN RD 855 W SHERIDAN RD 865 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674121 26674122 26674123 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 875 W SHERIDAN RD 885 W SHERIDAN RD 895 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674124 26674125 26674126 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 846 W RIDGE VIEW CT 847 W RIDGE VIEW CT 855 W RIDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674127 26674128 26674129 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 863 W RIDGE VIEW CT 871 W RIDGE VIEW CT 879 W RIDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674130 OCCUPANT 887 W RIDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674131 OCCUPANT 895 W RIDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674132 OCCUPANT 3854 N VISTA VERDE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674133 OCCUPANT 3862 N VISTA VERDE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26674134 OCCUPANT - - SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26701121 OCCUPANT - - CAJON BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 26823211 OCCUPANT 27107154 OCCUPANT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 Dw'u~/( 0266041290000 0148011060000 0148011100000 ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA CULLIGAN INC CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FE RR CO ONE CULLIGAN P ARKW A Y 300 NORTH 'D' STREET ADDRESS UNKNOWN NORTHBROOK IL 60062 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0148011210000 0148011220000 0148011290000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO LOAN PROCEEDS RECOVERY L.L.C. 300 NORTH 'D' STREET 300 NORTH 'D' STREET 1999 A VENUE OF THE STARS 9TH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 FLR LOS ANGELES CA 90067 0148011300000 0148011390000 0148011400000 REDEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY AGENCY/CITY/SAN BNDO SAN BDNO CULLIGAN INC 201 NORTH 'E' STREET, SUITE 301 201 NORTH 'E' STREET, SUITE 301 ONE CULLIGAN PARKWAY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 NORTHBROOK IL 60062 0148021380000 0148021550000 0148021590000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REDEVELOPMENT CONTROL DIST 300 NORTH 'D' STREET AGENCY/CITY/SAN BDNO 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 201 NORTH 'E' STREET, SUITE 301 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0148021640000 0148022060000 MICAL LLC REDEVELOPMENT 0148123010000 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 AGENCY/CITY/SAN BDNO AT ANS S F RY CO HOUSTON TX 77057 201 NORTH 'E' STREET, SUITE 301 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0148133010000 0148133020000 0148133030000 MIKE G FISCHER MIKE G FISCHER MIKE G FISCHER 1372 W 26TH ST 1372 W 26TH ST 1372 W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148133170000 0148133180000 0148133190000 TOMMY J ALCARAZ MAY CO THE STRIPE MAN 1339 W 27TH ST 864 NORTH G ST 28435 COACHMAN LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148133200000 0148133210000 0148133220000 THE STRIPE MAN MIKE G FISCHER MIKE FISCHER 28435 COACHMAN LN 1372 W 26TH ST 1372 W 26TH ST HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148133230000 0148133250000 0148133260000 MIKE G FISCHER PARAMOUNT INVESTMENT JUNE FISCHER PROPERTIES 1372 W 26TH ST 247 E HIGHLAND AVE #205 1137 W DEL NORTE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0148133280000 0148133290000 0148134160000 JUNE E FISCHER ISMAEL FAUSTO VICENTE MEZA 1372 W 26TH 1356 W 26TH STREET 1347 W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148134170000 0148134180000 0148134190000 ELEANOR SANDOVAL MIKE G FISCHER MIKE G FISCHER 1011 W IlTHST 1372 W 26TH ST 1372 W 26TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92411 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148134200000 0148134210000 0148134260000 EDUARDO PEREZ JOSE M ANDRADE RESTORA nON RENTAL LLC 2566 W MIRAMONTE DR 2546 W MIRA MONTE DR 1330 W 25TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0148134270000 0148134280000 0148181010000 NATIONAL ORG NEW APOSTOLIC SCOTT RESEARCH MIKE FISCHER CH OF N A LABORATORIES INC 1372 W 26TH ST 3753 N TROY 6141 EASTON RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CHICAGO IL 60618 PLUMSTEADVILLE PA 18949 0148181030000 0148181060000 WALLACE K AND BYRON E TRS 0148181050000 SUSA PARTNERSHIP LP FARMER STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10440 LITTLE PATUXANT PKWY POBOX 727 STE llOO TEMECULA CA 92590 COLUMBIA MD 21044 0148181070000 0148191220000 0148191270000 SUSA PARTNERSHIP LP ORVILLE E SPEARS JAE KHAN 10440 LITTLE PATUXENT PKWY 1765 LOMAS PRIV ADAS DR 139 SANDRINGHAM ST STE 1100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 MORAGA CA 94556 COLUMBIA MD 21044 0148191280000 0148191290000 0148191300000 ORVILLE E SPEARS ORVILLE E SPEARS DONALD J DENNY 1765 W LOMAS PRIV ADAS DR 1765 W LOMAS PRIV ADAS DR 9318 HIGHLAND AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 ALTALOMA CA91701 0148191310000 0148292010000 0148292020000 ORVILLE E SPEARS JOEL W KIRKSEY GARY A AULIS 1765 LOMAS PRIV ADAS DR 1265 E ORCHID DR 7249 TIARA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148292030000 0148292040000 0148292050000 DAVID H GEHO NOEMI A CARRASCO HENRY NAKAKIHARA 3302 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3302 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3294 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292060000 0148292070000 0148292080000 HAROLD D JR TR BOLSTER JOHN S TR GERLACH STEELE TRUST 5-13-89 POBOX 2986 3294 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A POBOX 3267 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CRESTLINE CA 92325 0148292090000 0148292100000 0148292110000 SARA S WHITE CHARLEEN W AELDER JULES E BEUCK 3630 PIEDMONT DR 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR # 1 HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292]20000 0148292130000 0]48292140000 JOSEPH E CALL CARLOSSHERNANDEZ CAROLL YN J TR BEALS 3288 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 23704 SONATA DR 3280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 MURRIETA CA 925624662 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292150000 0]48292160000 0148292170000 NORMA E DI MAS] M]CHAEL E EWERT MANUEL DE LA TORRE 3280 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A POBOX 4093 3274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CRESTLINE CA 92305 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292180000 0148292]90000 0148292200000 M KENDRA MC CANN DOUGLAS L JR BENC LUCINDA L SIMENSEN 3274 N LITTLE MOUNT A]N DR #C 3274 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 9756 DIAMOND SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 YUCAIPA CA 92399 0]48292210000 0]48292220000 0148292230000 DIXIE A BRIGHT ELLIOTT R LACHER STEWART W FOULDS 3266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3266 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 28238 KANE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148292240000 0148292250000 0148292260000 JOEL W KlRKSEY DIANE L. FORD ELEANOR A CAREY ]265 E ORCHID DR 491 E BLAISDELL ST 3260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 CLAREMONT CA 917] ] SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292270000 0]48292280000 0148292290000 GERALD J PARKER ROBERT L HALL JOHN P O'BRIEN 3260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3260 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 433 JEAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIDGECREST CA 93555 0]48292300000 0148292310000 0148292320000 TERRANCE A CAMPBELL THOMAS W SHREVE TOMAS DV A CARRILLO 3252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C POBOX813 3252 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LA CENTER W A 98629 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0]48292330000 0]48292340000 0148292350000 EL V A ESCAMILLA MICHAEL E EWERT THOMAS W SHREVE 3246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR # D POBOX 3906 POBOX813 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CRESTLINE CA 92325 LA CENTER W A 98629 0]48292360000 0148292370000 0]48292380000 MARION A WARREN WILLIE WATERS ARNOLD DOMINGUEZ 3246 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 13696 PALOMINO CREEK DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CORONA CA 928838954 0148292390000 0148292400000 0148292410000 JOHN G MOORE ARNOLD DOMINGUEZ GRAHAM R SCOTT 3238 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 13696 PALOMINO CREEK DR 3232 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CORONA CA 928838954 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292420000 0148292430000 0148292440000 DAVID J TR LAWSON RUBY J STEWART NANCY L CONNOLLY POBOX 681021 POBOX 2085 1244 9TH ST PARK CITY UT 84068 FONT ANA CA 92334 HERMOSA BEACH CA 90254 0148292450000 0148292460000 0148292470000 RUDOLPH MARTINEZ CHARLES M DICKINSON JEANNIE EVANS PO BOX 6704 3224 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR # C 3224 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148292480000 0148303220000 0148303230000 FRANK H F AlELLA MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 3224 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0148303240000 0148303250000 0148324010000 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA N A MICAL LLC TR SHANE S SMITH 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 3 I 9 8717 W 1l0TH ST STE 300 10181 NORTHRlDGE DR HOUSTON TX 77057 OVERLAND PARK KS 66210 ALTALOMA CA91701 0148324020000 0148324030000 0148324040000 JOSEPH 0 DOMINGO STANLEY K MC CARTEE ANNE M CHAPLO POBOX 2354 3118 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 3118 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #0 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324050000 0148324060000 0148324070000 MARRLO R PARADA JEHAD ABU-KAMLEH K AND S INVESTMENT CO 3124 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3124 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 3602 UNIVERSITY AVE NO 201 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RJVERSIDE CA 92501 0148324080000 0148324090000 0148324100000 KATHY A GANNON JOHN C REYNOLDS CHRJSTOPHER K CASTRO POBOX 15243 3132 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #A 3132 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B SANTA ANA CA 92735 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324110000 0148324120000 0148324130000 J G BANKS CODY DAWKINS DEANNA M ASHFORD POBOX 7000-646 3132N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #0 2802 GRASSLANDS DR APT 113 REDONDO BEACH CA 90277 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SACRAMENTO CA 95833 0148324140000 0148324150000 0148324160000 SHAWN G MCGOWAN LAWRENCE E COX JOSEPH N TR SAYLES 3138 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 240 EAGLE DR 3138 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #0 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 ROSEBURG OR 97470 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324170000 0148324180000 0148324190000 JERRY W TR WILKISON PAULINE N FINLEY PATRJCIA A SMITH 1632 CHERNUS LN 3146 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B POBOX 782/ LOAN SERVICING CHINO HILLS CA 91709 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SEATTLE WA 98111 0148324200000 0148324210000 0148324220000 DOROTHY CHERRY MILDRED M DI MASI SECRETARY OF HOUSING & 3146 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3152 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A URBAN DEV SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 1600NBROADWAYSTE 100 SANTAANA CA92706 0148324230000 0148324240000 0148324250000 EDWARDR TENNISON RUTH A BANDZAK SAM E SCHIRO PO BOX 123 3152 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 79860 BERMUDA DUNES DR RIM FOREST CA 92378 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 INDIO CA 92201 0148324260000 0148324270000 0148324280000 SCOTT BAUER DEL VIN W KENDALL DAVID G MARCUS 3160 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 3160 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#C 3160 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324290000 0148324300000 0148324310000 CHAD KINKLE MEARDEY S TIM DENNIS M O'ROURKE 3166 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A 3166 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE 4319 S DIAMOND RIVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 ST GEORGE UT 84790 0148324320000 0148324330000 0148324340000 RYAN P MC CULLOUGH LAVERN FORTE KENNETH R CALVIN 3166 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3174 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A 33329 WARWICK HILLS RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 YUCAIPA CA 92399 0148324350000 0148324360000 0148324370000 SUSANNE H STEPHENS MARGOT C CURRAN KENNETH W DYDO 3174 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #C 1070 SIERRA VIEW POBOX 292 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LAKE ARROWHEAD CA 92352 0148324380000 0148324390000 0148324400000 LARRY D LOWRY KATHRYN L PERCY H.DOUGLAS HOLMES 3180 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B POBOX 292 3180 N LITTLE MOUNTAINDR#D SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LAKE ARROWHEAD CA 92352 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324410000 0148324420000 0148324430000 MARY A SAXON-HOBBS ERICH W LIST DOUGLAS J TR DAVIS 3188 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A 3188 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B 10339 NIGHTINGALE AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 0148324440000 0148324450000 0148324460000 JODY MC DONNELL STEVE TRIGGS MACIE TRUST 8-24-01 MULLINS 3188 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #D 3194 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A 3194 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324470000 0148324480000 0148324490000 NORVIN L TR COLLINS DAVID R MAYA LOUIS A DE MARCO 3194 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#C 3194 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3204 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324500000 0148324510000 0148324520000 ANTHONY C SAENZ MOYER TRUST SANDRA M M1LBACH 3204 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR #B 1534 W HIGHLAND AVE 1752118THCTNE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92411 SEATTLE WA 98155 0148324530000 0148324540000 0148324550000 VILLARREAL F AMIL Y TRUST DTD JULIE E RAY-BREUER 7/26/93 W SCOTT HART 3210 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#A 632 W 34TH ST 3210 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#C SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324560000 0148324570000 0148324580000 JUAN DIAL MANFRED W KASE CURTIS SIFFORD 5594 N BERKELEY ST 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#B SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148324590000 0148324600000 0148331010000 JORGE A PAZOS FRANCIS D GOOD MICHAEL G WHITEHEAD 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#C 3218 N LITTLE MOUNTAIN DR#D 3294 N ROBERDS AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331020000 0148331030000 0148331040000 MICHAEL H BAUDOUINE HOA B T A MORGAN BENNETT 1238 2ND PL 6752 BALTIMORE CT 3270 N ROBERDS AVE CALIMESA CA 92320 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 9170 I SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331050000 0148331060000 0148331070000 L F W WONG SECOND FAMILY LOUIE C CAMACHO JERRY L MC FARLAND L TD PTNSHP 3254 N ROBERDS AVE 3255 N EDGEMONT CT 3077 N INDIAN CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148331080000 0148331090000 0148331100000 AUGUSTINE PERALTA RAJAH All BEVERLY J GREEN 3263 N EDGEMONT CT 3271 N EDGEMONT CT 3279 N EDGEMONT CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331110000 0148331120000 0148331130000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & ALEX S DESFALVY RICHARD J BENDER URBAN DEV 3295 N EDGEMONT CT 3294 N EDGEMONT CT 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0148331140000 0148331150000 0148331160000 JAMES M JR TR STRICKLAND THEODORE I JR AND PENNY L 3590 ROUNDBOTTOM RD STE NELSON RONNIE L JR BUNSE 3270 N EDGEMONT CT FI62855 3278 N EDGEMONT CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CINCINNATI OH 45244 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331170000 0148331180000 0148331190000 DAVID R SNAPP MICHELLE J MARTIN ROBERT E DEGROFF 3262 N EDGEMONT CT 3254 N EDGEMONT CT 3246 N EDGEMONT CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331200000 0148331210000 0148331220000 LOMA LINDA ANIMAL HOSP PRFT KEITH 0 MIDDLETON STEVE L WHARRY SH PNS P 3230 N EDGEMONT CT 3222 N EDGEMONT CT 2605 S WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 0148331230000 0148331240000 0148331250000 JOHN J GUTIERREZ JILL R NORQUIST ESSAM ALI 3214 N EDGEMONT 3206 N EDGEMONT DR 3207 N EDGEMONT CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331260000 0148331270000 0148331280000 BRlDGES 1994 FAMILY TRUST CYNTHIA T TRUESDALE V ALARlE 0 POLLARD-BELL 3562 N ACACIA AVE 3223 N EDGEMONT CT 3231 N EDGEMONT CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331290000 0148331300000 0148331310000 RESPONDIA LIVING TR 2-10-2000 POOLE TOMAS J ORDONEZ GERALD L PAIGE 1500 W EL CAMINO AVE 3247 N EDGEMONT CT 3246 N ROBERDS AVE SACRAMENTO CA 95833 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331320000 0148331330000 0148331340000 SCHECHTMAN CONSTRUCTION ALAN A MANGELS INC JESSE L CARlNGER 1920 BAGLEY AVE 6185 MAGNOLIA AVE PMB 413 3222 N ROBERDS AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90025 RlVERSIDE CA 92506 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148331350000 0148331360000 0148341010000 JAMES M JR TR STRlCKLAND LETICIA M TR SEPULVEDA 3590 ROUNDBOTTOM RD STE SOONBOK KOH 233 CRESCENT DR FI62855 18161 IVORYCREST LN ROSEVILLE CA 95678 CINCINNATI OH 45244 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 0148341020000 0148341030000 0148341040000 LOWELL N JR BROWN ALTON L JR GARRETT RUBEN GIL 716 RlTA ST 1595 W RlDGECREST CT 1585 RlDGECREST CT REDONDO BEACH CA 90277 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148341050000 0148341060000 0148341070000 MARTIN E HOYER DAVID J SPEYER HILDA V ROSE PO BOX 9094 1565 W RlDGE CREST CT 3504 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148341080000 0148341090000 0148341100000 RESENDEZ & PATTERSON TR 11-00 FLOARE GHETA AUGUSTINE J AMERlGO 3494 N BOND ST 3486 N BOND ST 3476 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148341110000 0148341120000 0148341130000 KENNETH F EDWARDS JENNIFER E LUCHT CHESTER A PETERSON 3470 N BOND ST 3464N BOND ST 3456 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148341140000 0148341150000 0148351010000 KENT T VORHIES ANEX LIVING TRUST (2/14/01) JAMES S PANZINO 3448 N BOND ST 9254 MADISON AVE 1564 WRIDGE CREST CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 ORANGEV ALE CA 95662 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351020000 0148351030000 0148351040000 DAVID HOYOS JOHN L COOK VICTOR TOURGEMAN 1574 W RIDGECREST CT 1584 W RIDGE CREST CT 1594 W RIDGE CREST CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351050000 0148351060000 0148351070000 THOMAS L TR RANDALL GARRETT V STEWART AARON R BARKER 423 ENCINIT AS 3523 NBOND ST POBOX 1570 MONROVIA CA 91606 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92402 0148351080000 0148351090000 0148351100000 ALICE E HEIERLE WILLIAM P LA POINTE CLARK MOLSTAD 3539 N BOND ST 3547 N BOND ST 1635 W SUMMIT CREST CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351110000 0148351120000 0148351130000 JOHN B JR COWLEY MICHAEL A WICKNICK HELGA A WATSON 1625 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1615 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1605 W SUMMIT CREST CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351140000 0148351150000 0148351160000 KlRT W ENSMAN MICKEY J MARTINES LARRY L SCHOELKOPF 1604 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1614 W SUMMIT CREST CT 1624 W SUMMIT CREST CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351170000 0148351180000 0148351190000 DEBORAH A CARTER CAMERINA ORTIZ GLENN D MILLER 1634 W SUMMIT CREST CT 3577 N BOND ST 3581 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351200000 0148351210000 0148351220000 STEPHEN PERLSTEIN MARVIN S TR SHAW RALPH A SEPULVEDA 3585 N BOND ST PO BOX 1079 3593 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LAKE ARROWHEAD CA 92352 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351230000 0148351240000 0148351250000 TIMOTHY R SCHNEIDER DORIS A TRUST (5-19-00) LOWELL C DUCKWORTH 3597 N BOND ST DUCKWORTH 3586 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 3594 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351260000 0148351270000 0148351280000 SCOT J ZENTNER MARK D HOLTZMAN LAURA R WINTER 3578 N BOND ST 3570 N BOND ST 3564 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351290000 0148351300000 0148351310000 KATHERINE D KING CLARENCE B ASHLEY DAVID T CHAFFEE 3556 N BOND ST 3548 N BOND ST 3542 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351320000 0148351330000 0148351340000 THOMAS F CHOISNET MARY C TR BRUCE ELSA 0 VALDEZ 3534 N BOND ST POBOX51616 3520 N BOND ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92517 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148351350000 0148351360000 0148361010000 AMPARO A MCGINNESS ARTEMIO S SONICO MARK H KOZAKl 3512 N BOND ST POBOX 2212 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361020000 0148361030000 0148361040000 DONALD N ROCHE BRETT MC CLUSKEY ELIZABETH S HAYHURST 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #2 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #3 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361050000 0148361060000 0148361070000 ANA L ROBLES DEBBY L HERBERT BONNIE R SMITH 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #5 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #6 2220 VILLAGE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 ESCONDIDO CA 92026 0148361080000 0148361090000 0148361100000 CHRISTOPHER MC DONALD BRENDA M FREDERICK ROBERT J JR GOULD 1480 W EDGEHILL RD #8 1015 W HILL DR POBOX 292598 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 PHELAN CA 92329 0148361110000 0148361120000 0148361130000 MARTIN MARTINEZ GILBERT R VIVEROS ADRIENNE C GRIGORI 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 11 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 12 1480 W EDGEHILL DR#13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361140000 0148361150000 0148361160000 MARY K SCOTT RICHARD & ANITA TRUST (3-8-00 JAMES DUNLAP 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #14 BLYTH 1480 W EDGEHILLDR#16 1632 VICTORIA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LOS ANGELES CA 90019 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361170000 0148361180000 0148361190000 ROBERT WEST LIZBETH AGUIRRE KATHEREN PEDERSEN 2740 BUTTERCUP DR 1480 W EDGEHILL DR# 18 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #19 PALMDALE CA 93550 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361200000 0148361210000 0148361220000 MICHAEL J BALL BARBARA CREGAN MARCUS L CAREY 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #20 25814 CHULA VISTA ST 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 REDLANDS CA 92373 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361230000 0148361240000 0148361250000 FARZANEH FOROUGHI KERIM BANGOU OSCAR ALEJANDRE 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #23 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #24 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361260000 0148361270000 0148361280000 GARY GONZALES BRADLEY LlEUALLEN AMANDA STEENSON 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #26 1480 W EDGEH1LL DR #27 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361290000 0148361300000 0148361310000 DAVID D TR SCHEIBEL WJLLlAM B AHNN HEROGENO FAMILY TRUST (5-13- 2565 TURQUOISE CIR 5116 CRESCENT DR 96) 13698 BALBOA CT CHINO HILLS CA 91709 ANAHEIM CA 92807 FONTANA CA 92336 0148361320000 0148361330000 0148361340000 RONALD L ELMORE ROBERTOIZABAL 13223 I BLACK MOUNTAIN RD 1 MARKETPLACE SPEAR STREET PATRICIA E CERDA PMB405 TOWER STE 344 3169 BEN CANYON RD SAN DIEGO CA 92129 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361350000 0148361360000 0148361370000 ABBEBE TESF A Y ENDY A MICHAELSON KELLY D ANDREWS 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 35 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 36 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361380000 0148361390000 0148361400000 DAWN M TYHUIS GORDON CHANG RONALD ELMORE 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #38 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #39 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361410000 0148361420000 0148361430000 FIRST TRUST CORP (FBO- T SEAN L MORRIS RODNEY SPENCER EBENKAMP) 1468 W EDGEHILL DR #42 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #43 91210AKDALEAVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CHA TSWOR TH CA 91311 0148361440000 0148361450000 0148361460000 MARY AM RIBADU CONNIE TR OKELLEY LASZLO P FOGASSY 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #44 5612 DARTFORD WY 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN DIEGO CA 92120 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361470000 0148361480000 0148361490000 PATRICK NICHOLS SHERICE STERLING BOBCHAN 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #47 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #48 8032 SAN DIMAS CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 BUENA PARK CA 90620 0148361500000 0148361510000 0148361520000 CAROLINA VALENCIA WENDY A DOUGLAS KAREN M GORDON 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #50 1480 W EDGEHILL RD #51 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #52 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361530000 0148361540000 0148361550000 REBECCA DECKER WAYNE A AND NANCY L TR T AMMARA BREWER 3342 A PUNTA ALTA MIDDAUGH 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #55 LAGUNA WOODS CA 92653 7253 LEEDOMLL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148361560000 0148361570000 0148361580000 PHILIP REDMAN AD1SH K TR JAIN RODNEY P HALL 6827 GALA ST 11050 RED BARN RD 5305 NORTH D ST HIGHLAND CA 92346 CAMARILLO CA 93012 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0148361590000 0148361600000 0148361610000 BRENDA J BUTLER GLORIA M DERRINGER MAURICE HENDERSON 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #59 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #60 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #61 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361620000 0148361630000 0148361640000 SHARON MILLS DENISE MASSEY STEVEN HIDALGO 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #62 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #63 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #64 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361650000 0148361660000 0148361670000 JOHN S WESSON RUEBEN S BUTLER mAN C ALEJOS 1480 W EDGEHILL DR # 65 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #66 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361680000 0148361690000 0148361700000 GREGG W MITCHELL GRBASSIRY JILLIAN L BJORK 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #68 130 WASHINGTON AVE #5 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SANTA MONICA CA 90403 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148361710000 0148361720000 0148362010000 EDWARDS C MILLICAN KEVIN CAUDLE DORIS E BOARDMAN 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #71 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362020000 0148362030000 0148362040000 C W HUDGINS NIEVES VIGIL YUSEFF L HOWARD 3899 E 28TH ST 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #3 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #4 HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362050000 0148362060000 0148362070000 CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CATHY A RJNGST AD SUSAN W FOOTE CORP 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #7 3415 VISION DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 COLUMBUS OH 43219 0148362080000 0148362090000 0148362100000 THOMAS D TR STANFORD DANIEL J SANCHEZ ENEDINA CHAVEZ POBOX 4054 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #9 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #10 BLUE JAY CA 92317 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362110000 0148362120000 0148362130000 DALLASJKULA LORRAINE E PATTERSON E JOANNE SMITH 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #11 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #12 7345 MARJGOLD AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148362140000 0148362150000 0148362160000 IV A M HALFORD EDDIE H CASARES MONIQUE T CARABAJAL 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #14 1500 W EDGEHILL DR#15 1500WEDGEHILLDR# 16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362170000 0148362180000 0148362190000 ELIZABETH A CURTIN MARJO A VASQUEZ RAY E GAUTHIER 100 N BROADWAY 1500 W EDGEHILL DR#18 1500 W EDGEHILL DR#19 HAVERHILL MA01832 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362200000 0148362210000 0148362220000 WILLIAM R TR HALL L YNELL L BURNS TAMMY R SMITH 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #20 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #21 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362230000 0148362240000 0148362250000 ROSA GARCIA LINDA D JOHNSON HARRY V AN METER 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #23 6507 LAURELWOOD 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 INGLEWOOD CA 90302 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362260000 0148362270000 0148362280000 ROBERT W EVERETT DONALD COLGATE PHILIP L REDMAN 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #26 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #27 6827 GALA ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0148362290000 0148362300000 0148362310000 RALPH E BRJLEY HELEN C BARRETT ROBERT K TR MEEKS 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #29 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #30 20103 DONWAYDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 WALNUT CA91789 0148362320000 0148362330000 0148362340000 KATHLEEN CHARLES BENNY J SUPPA EDWARD A YOUNG 39785 SPINNING WHEEL DR 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #33 POBOX 358 MURRIETA CA 92562 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CEDAR GLEN 92321 0148362350000 0148362360000 0148362370000 HOWARD H TR ORAM BARBARA H CLISHAM RJCHARD A GATES 10603 CHERRY AVE 457 N POLAND RD 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #37 BEAUMONT CA 92223 CONWAY MA01341 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362380000 0148362390000 0148362400000 MICHAEL WILLIAMS HENRY S PULVER MIKE LOGSDON 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #38 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #39 POBOX 1070 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 FONT ANA CA 92335 0148362410000 0148362420000 0148362430000 FREDERICK VILLALPANDO SCOTT SALMONSON DANIEL T HENDRICK 1500 W EDGEHILL DR # 41 808 N 32ND ST 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 BISMARCK ND 58501 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148362440000 0148362450000 0148362460000 CARLENE BOYER HILDA SANTlZO JARED W BROOKS 1500 W EDGEHILL DR # 44 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #45 10193 BASALT LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 MENTONE CA 92359 0148362470000 0148362480000 0148371030000 DAVID DE KOKER ALBERT J ESTRADA RICHARD K DOMINE POBOX 535 1500 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #1 GARDEN GROVE CA 92642 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371040000 0148371050000 0148371060000 DONALD E HARPER HOMESIDE LENDING INC. GELENA L DANGIAPO 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #2 7301 BAYMEADOWS WY 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371070000 0148371080000 0148371090000 RUSSELL & NANCY L1V TR (10-28 ANN BARGMANN DALIA GALLEGOS REICH 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1440 W EDGEHILL DR # 7 11590 HAWTHORNE AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HESPERIA CA 92345 0148371100000 0148371110000 0148371120000 JOHNNY WANG KATY FOSCOLOS ISA ABDULNASIR RIBADU 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #8 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #9 1140 W EDGEHILL DR #10 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371130000 0148371140000 0148371150000 SHELBA K WARREN RUSSELL R TR REICH MARIAN WELLS 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #11 11590 HAWTHORNE AVE 178 W WALNUT #C SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HESPERIA CA 92345 RIALTO CA 92376 0148371160000 0148371170000 0148371180000 AMANDA L MARTINEZ CHRISTOPHER A BONDEROFF PIPKINS FAMILY TRUST (5/19/2000) 1440 W EDGEHILL DR # 14 POBOX3189 110 CROSSING WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92413 FOLSOM CA 95630 0148371190000 0148371200000 0148371210000 J III REVOC L1V TRUST 7-23- MARCELLA BUTTS THOMAS J ROGER SLETERS POBOX 2816 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #19 399 W MISSION BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 POMONA CA 91766 0148371220000 0148371230000 0148371240000 RUSSEL L III PHELPS STEVEN J WILSON DANNY M ZENDEJAS 6743 LINDBERGH AVE POBOX 10324 1655 N EUCLID AVE FONTANA CA 92336 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92423 UPLAND CA 91784 0148371250000 0148371260000 0148371270000 REGINA JASSO SHIRLEY A GREEN FRANK A PALMERINO 1440 W EDGEH1LL DR #23 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #24 5156 COLINA WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92507 0148371280000 0148371290000 0148371300000 ROBERT WEISHAAR FLETCHER E THOMAS MARC WILDER 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #26 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #27 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371310000 0148371320000 0148371330000 GARY H HOPPE DOUGLAS T ANDREWS JOHN L BAUMANN 3263 CABO BLANCO DR 2128 GARLAND WY 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #31 HACIENDA HEIGHTS CA 91745 HEMET CA 92545 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371340000 0148371350000 0148371360000 CAROL A STORY JUDITH TR WIRTZ-GRAY CHARLES R JONES 481 N CENTRAL AVE STE A PO BOX 868 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #34 UPLAND CA 91786 REDLANDS CA 92373 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371370000 0148371380000 0148371390000 BETH JENSEN SHARON L TR (12-11-97) HILL JOEY WILLIAMS 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #35 4109 BROADMOOR ST 1440 W EDGEHILL DR#37 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92503 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371400000 0148371410000 0148371420000 JODY JAMES W ALTER R METCALF DENISE LINDSAY 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #38 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #39 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371430000 0148371440000 0148371450000 DENNIS S ASHERBRANNER ALMA R SANTOS PATRICE HARPER 1528 W INDIAN TR 1480 W EDGEHILL DR #42 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371460000 0148371470000 0148371480000 GABRIEL LEAL PEDRO U ANZALDO LOUIS C CORBO 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #44 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #45 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371490000 0148371500000 0148371510000 ROBERT K JOHNSON DIANA ORIUELA MARCISE ALVARADO 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #47 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #49 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371520000 0148371530000 0148371540000 SEGISMUNDO B CORRALES BRETT M SMITH ANTHONY M TR CUMMINGS 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #50 1440 W EDGEHILL DR#51 301 MOUNT VERNON WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 CORONA CA 91719 0148371550000 0148371560000 0148371570000 SONIA SANCHEZ DANIEL GONZALES JUAN P OROZCO 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #53 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #54 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371580000 0148371590000 0148371600000 RICHARD M MOZELESKI LESLIE J. KARHUSE MICHAEL MORENO 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #56 5871 QUIROZ DR 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92509 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371610000 0148371620000 0148371630000 EDWARD KILLOREN CHAD JANES CHARLES A JR VICKERY 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #59 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #60 16982 LAKEPOINTE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92503 0148371640000 0148371650000 0148371660000 LORIE FRISBY ANTON N BAUMGARTNER MARIA E FRISBY 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #62 33294 OCEAN RIDGE 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #64 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 DANA POINT CA 92629 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148371670000 0148371680000 0148371690000 THOMASHOAK DUANE J SCOTT RENEE V TR SCHEIBEL 383 W 59TH ST 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #66 PO BOX 11642 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 TACOMA WA98411 0148371700000 0148371710000 0148371720000 CHARLES E LIST CONNIE L S ADAIR DANIEL M BURROUGHS 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #68 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #69 7371 MARIGOLD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLANDS CA 92346 0148371730000 0148371740000 0148372010000 SCOTT J SIMA JAMES F RUNKLE SARAH ABUZULOF 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #71 1440 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #1 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372020000 0148372030000 0148372040000 PAULA L MORGAN SHIRLEY J POOLE DRURY D HALLER 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #2 1400 W EDGEHILL DR # 3 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #4 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372050000 0148372060000 0148372070000 THOMAS G BEYER GARY ROBERSON CHRISTOPHER A LOGSTON 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #5 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #6 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372080000 0148372090000 0148372100000 DOROTHY H LIVING TRUST RUTH A DOBLER TARA P MC GUINNESS PERGANDE 19538 CHESHIRE ST 30517 RYE LANGLOIS POBOX 1603 RIALTO CA 92377 RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 VICTORVILLE CA 92393 0148372110000 0148372120000 0148372130000 MARK R WARNER JOHN P RIESENMAN ERNEST DE MARIO 14808 PIPELINE AVE #107 1400 W EDGEH1LL DR #12 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #13 CHINO HILLS CA 91709 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372140000 0148372150000 0148372160000 MERCY S GALO TONY BAUMGARTNER GREGORY A ODLE 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR#14 33294 OCEAN RIDGE 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 DANA POINT CA 92629 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372170000 0148372180000 0148372190000 PATRICIA J FULLER DAVID STERK TERRY SOMDAHL 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR#17 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #18 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR#19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372200000 0148372210000 0148372220000 MICHAEL J SMITH RODOLFO MARROQUIN ORLO J ANDERSOM 13 LINDALL 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR#21 1251 WEDGEMONTDR LAGUNA NlGUEL CA 92677 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372230000 0148372240000 0148372250000 THOMAS A MOORE JOSE FRISBY ABELARDO FAVELA 2021 FILLMORE 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #24 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #25 RIAL TO CA 92377 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372260000 0148372270000 0148372280000 GREGORY E HAYWOOD DERRICK LATIMER RICHARD S RODRIGUEZ 5102 ELDERDR#A 1480 W EDGEHlLL DR #61 10388 BROOKW A Y PL SHAW AFB SC 29152 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIVERSIDE CA 92505 0148372290000 0148372300000 0148372310000 JUAN OLGUIN CLAYTON S RHOADES ROBERT H TR CARLSON 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #29 2154 W FIRST AVE 923 W STATE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDLANDS CA 92373 0148372320000 0148372330000 0148372340000 CHRISTINA J HAYNES ANGELO RAMIREZ SEANEEN NASH 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #32 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #33 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #34 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372350000 0148372360000 0148372370000 RUSSELL & NANCY LlV TR (10-28 JESSIE B VASQUEZ SECRETARY OF HOUSING & REICH URBAN DEV 11590 HAWTHORNE AVE 1400 W EDGEHILL DR # 36 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 HESPERIA CA 92345 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0148372380000 0148372390000 0148372400000 KEITH RENO RONALD HOTCHKISS THOMAS S COOPER 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #38 3785 CANYON TERRACE RD 1400 W EDGEHlLL DR #40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372410000 0148372420000 0148372430000 MICHAEL J PAINE EDWARD D MILLER TIM E BURROUGHS 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #41 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #42 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #43 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372440000 0148372450000 0148372460000 LYDIA J T AUKEIAHO C. BRIAN SEARCY TIMOTHY S RICKER 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #44 POBOX 1106 5217 REVERE AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 PATTON CA 92369 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0148372470000 0148372480000 0148372490000 PHILIP B KING RICHARD J ZUNIGA SANTOS VEGA 7182 POPPETT DR 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #48 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #49 HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372500000 0148372510000 0148372520000 MARCK WRIGHT EDDIE J WILLIAMS WILLIAM G GRAHAM 4601 MONTANO RD NW #9 1400 W EDGEHILL DR#51 3573 WILLOWSPRING CT ALBUQUEQUE NM 87120 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 DECATUR GA 30088 0148372530000 0148372540000 0148372550000 RANDOLPH D HARTER ANN R TR REILLY EDWARDFTRCARBAUGH 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #53 4994 N CRESCENT AVE 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372560000 0148372570000 0148372580000 THOMAS J ROGER LINDA ARAIZA VIRGINIA F MERCIER 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #56 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #57 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372590000 0148372600000 0148372610000 RUBEN F MARROQUIN LAWRENCE D JR HUNTER SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEV 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #59 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #60 1600 N BROADWAY SUITE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0148372620000 0148372630000 0148372640000 JOSE PICAZO KEE 001 ERNEST F GARCIA 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #62 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #63 3660 N JUNIPER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0148372650000 0148372660000 0148372670000 SEAN M CONILOGUE THOMAS A HUGHES CHRISTIAN P FORESTER 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #65 845 WINDERMERE RD 1400 W EDGEHILL DR # 67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SANDIMAS CA917733819 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372680000 0148372690000 0148372700000 GREGORY MAZZONI WESTON BJORK DAVE DETTERICH 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #68 1400 W EDGEHILL DR # 69 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372710000 0148372720000 0148372730000 MICHAEL K LA ROCK ERIK R ACOSTA MARY J SILVERNAIL 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #71 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #72 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #73 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372740000 0148372750000 0148372760000 LISAMSTARIKA JOSEPH P JR GUERRA MAX LEBOW 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #74 684 N FILLMORE POBOX159 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RIALTO CA 92376 MANHATTAN BEACH CA 90267 0148372770000 0148372780000 0148372790000 RICHARD JR SINGER KENNETH DANIELS LYDIA N SMITH 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #77 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #78 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #79 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372800000 0148372810000 0148372820000 RUTH GOSS KENNETH C PATRAO JOE M NIETO 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #80 1400 W EDGEHILL DR#81 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #82 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0148372830000 0148372840000 0151011010000 JOSE M GOMEZ RIV -SAN BDNO HOUSING & FIN EVALYN C MARTIN AGENCY CO 1400 W EDGEHILL DR #83 POBOX 73338 6150 ARROWROOT LANE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN CLEMENTE CA 926730112 RANCHO PALOS VERDES CA 90275 0151011020000 0151021010000 0151021020000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RAOUL J LOTOS MARLIN L BROWN 300 NORTH D STREET 217 N MAIN ST LL30 3595 N HILLHURST DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SANTA ANA CA 92701 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151021050000 0151021060000 0151021070000 MICHAEL J SR ROTH MICHAEL J SR ROTH ALEXANDRU HOOlS 3528 N CUESTA LN 500 S RANCHO AVE STE F 18400 VON KARMAN 4TH FLR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 COLTON CA 92324 IRVINE CA 92612 0151021100000 0151021110000 0151021120000 MARC J TR RATTE MARC J TR RATTE KENNETH W NYDAM 3488 N HILLHURST DR 3488 N HILLHURST DR 290 NORTH D STREET STE 807 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0151021130000 0151031060000 0151031070000 KENNETH W NYDAM ANNIE CORDOS RONALD D JAECKS 290 NORTH D ST #807 3377 N BEVERLY DR 28744 TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0151031090000 MJ & B FELTS F AMIL Y LIMITED 0151031110000 0151031190000 PARTNERS JAMES F TR SPELLACY SCOTT R HElL 3305 W SPRING MOUNTAIN RD 3420 N BEVERLY DR 862 W VISTA DR #60A SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LAS VEGAS NV 89102 0151031230000 0151031250000 0151031260000 KLAUS KUEHN JOSE L OCHOA F AMIL Y TRUST 10-4-89 TRUST 3404 N BEVERLY DR 980 W EDGEHILL DR SPELLACY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 3420 N BEVERLY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151031270000 0151031290000 0151041060000 JAMES F TR SPELLACY MARTIN W HILCHEY CHARLES D AND SHELBY J TR 3420 N BEVERLY DR 184 SANTA YNEZ OBERSHA W SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 PASO ROBLES CA 93446 3470 N CIRCLE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151041070000 0151041080000 0151041100000 RUSSELL A RAUSCH LOUISE T REDINGER SAMUEL HUBERT 3479 N HILLHURST DR 3611 N ARROWHEAD AVE 879 W EL CAMINO RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151041110000 0151041330000 0151041340000 SAMUEL HUBERT SCOTT R HElL KIM HOLZHAUSER 879 W EL CAMINO RD 862 W VISTA DR 3428 N CIRCLE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151041350000 0151041370000 0151041380000 RONALD E AIELLO MICHAEL MILAM DONALD C SILL 3424 N CIRCLE RD 875 W VISTA DR 877 W VISTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151041430000 0151041520000 0151041530000 RONALD D JAECKS DONALDPTRJOHANNECK ALLEN B GRESHAM 28744 TERRACE DR 855 W VISTA DR 825 W VISTA DR HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151041580000 0151041590000 0151041630000 JON D BEAMAN EUGENE ARMISTEAD RONALD D JAECKS PO BOX 151233 820 W VISTA DR 28744 TERRACE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92175 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 HIGHLAND CA 92346 o 151041640000 0151041650000 0151041660000 KENNETH L REDINGER KENNETH L REDINGER CHRISTOPHER J WARNER 3611 N ARROWHEAD AVE 3611 N ARROWHEAD AVE POBOX 25009 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 0151041680000 0151041690000 0151061380000 BERNARD M TR WOLFE SCOTT R HElL SCOTT R HElL ST 459 CROCKER BLD 181 SECOND 862 W VISTA DR 862 W VISTA DR AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN MATEO CA 94401 0151064090000 0151064160000 0151064170000 BETHEL COLLEGE AND RALPH E BRUSHABER JOHN H NORTHRUP SEMINARY FOUNDATI 118 E HUNTINGTON DR STE A POBOX 5873 3900 BETHEL DR ALHAMBRA CA 91801 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 ST PAUL MN 551126999 0]5]07]020000 0] 5] 07] 170000 0]5]07]220000 FIN]S B COWAN HAROLD E TR WILSON HAROLD E TR WILSON 3595 CITRUS ST ] 126 W MARSHALL BLVD ]]26 WMARSHALLBLVD HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0151071230000 0151181010000 0] 51181 020000 HAROLD E AND SALLY A TR JAMES ROE SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD WILSON 325 WEST 6TH STREET CONTROL DIST 1126 W MARSHALL BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 9240] 825 EAST THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0]5]18]150000 0151181190000 0]51191010000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD ROBERT W DOEMNER WILLIAM W TR SHARPE CONTROL DIST 757 E SONORA 3202 TIGERTAIL DR 825 EAST THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 LOS ALAMITOS CA 90720 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 015]]9]020000 0151191030000 0]5]201010000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD WILLIAM W TR SHARPE CONTROL DIST HAROLD E ANDERSEN 3202 TIGERT AIL DR 825 EAST THIRD ST POBOX 3057 LOS ALAMITOS CA 90720 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 BELL GARDENS CA 90202 015120]020000 015120]030000 015]20]040000 HAROLD E ANDERSEN HOWARD GOLDEN PALESTINE I SMITH POBOX 3057 P.O. BOX 2]26 5660 MC KINLEY AVE BELL GARDENS CA 90202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0]5120]050000 0]5]20]060000 015120]070000 HAROLD E ANDERSEN HOWARD GOLDEN FERNANDO G LA BRADA POBOX 3057 POBOX 2]26 3348 BESWICK ST BELL GARDENS CA 90202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 LOS ANGELS CA 90023 015]20]080000 0] 5] 20 1090000 015120]]00000 HAROLD E ANDERSEN MICHAEL PALLEN MICHAEL PALLEN POBOX 3057 208 SOUTH D ST 208 SOUTH D ST BELL GARDENS CA 90202 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0]512020]0000 0151202020000 0151202050000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD MARK SAYEGH MARK SAYEGH CONTROL DIST 951 ALEXANDRIA DRIVE 951 ALEXANDRIA DRIVE 825 EAST THIRD ST CORONA CA 92881 CORONA CA 92881 SAN BERNARDINO CA 924]5 015]202120000 0151203010000 01512110]0000 RYTS REALTY INVESTORS NIDAL E ZAKNOUN STAN TR FLINKMAN P.O. BOX 2147 5242 NOTNIL CT 3005 MAIN ST #500 NEWPORT BEACH CA. 92663 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 015]2] ]020000 0]5]211030000 01512]]040000 STAN TR FLINKMAN STAN TR FLINKMAN STAN TR FLINKMAN 3005 MAIN ST #500 3005 MAIN ST #500 3005 MAIN ST #500 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 0151211050000 0151211060000 0151211080000 STAN TR FLINKMAN STAN TR FLINKMAN MICHAEL PALLEN 3005 MAIN ST #500 3005 MAIN ST #500 POBOX 5411 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 0151211090000 0151211110000 0151211120000 MICHAEL PALLEN MICHAEL PALLEN MICHAEL PALLEN POBOX 5411 POBOX 5411 POBOX 5411 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 0151241210000 0151261010000 0151241090000 W R HOLCOMB CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 505 N ARROWHEAD AVE 300 NORTH D STREET SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0151261020000 0151261070000 0151261100000 ROBERT A ROBINSON BERNARD TR WOLFE COLLEEN O'BRIEN ST 459 CROCKER BLD 181 SECOND 12200 MONTECITO E-202 AVE POBOX 20620 SEAL BEACH CA 90740 SAN MATEO CA 94401 RIVERSIDE CA 925160620 0151261110000 0151261130000 0151271010000 BERNARD M TR WOLFE CHRISTINE N TR WOLFE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ST 459 CROCKER BLD 181 SECOND 459 CROCKER BL 181 2ND AVE 300 NORTH D STREET AVE SAN MATEO CA 94401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN MATEO CA 94401 0151271020000 0151271030000 0151281140000 STEPHEN J TRUST WOLFE STEPHEN J TRUST WOLFE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ST 459 CROCKER BLD 181 SECOND ST 459 CROCKER BLD 181 SECOND AVE AVE 300 NORTH D STREET SAN MATEO CA 94401 SAN MATEO CA 94401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 0151281180000 0151281190000 0154491240000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED POBOX 710 300 NORTH D STREET SCH DIST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92402 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 777 NORTH F ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0154491320000 0154491360000 0154491490000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED CONTROL DIST SCH DIST SCH DIST 825 E THIRD ST 777 NORTH F ST 777 NORTH F ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0154532010000 0154532020000 0154532030000 JOICE RAJAGUKGUK DANIEL MARIN KEVIN J MC NEAL 5531 NMOGNOLIADR 5517 N MAGNOLIA DR 1223 WDOVERDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532040000 0154532050000 0154532060000 DANIEL SERRA HECTOR GOMEZ DARRELL R ROSENBROCK 1231 WDOVERDR 1239 W DOVER DR 1247 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532070000 0154532080000 0154532090000 CRISSIE M TRUST DATED 10-26-200 PHILLIP KOBZIFF NAHROSAOUD HAY 1271 WDOVERDR 1279 W DOVER DR 1255 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532100000 0154532110000 0154532120000 JAMES FORD JR DANIEL FINNERAN LOUGHRAN F AMIL Y TRUST DTD 1287 W DOVER DR 1295 W DOVER DR 8-2-90 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5514 NWESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532130000 0154532140000 0154532150000 GERI G BUTLER DAVID W TRACY PETER YOUNKMAN 5526 N WESTERN AVE 5536 N WESTERN AVE 5548 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532160000 0154532170000 0154532180000 ROSEMARY RICE LARRY LEFFINGWELL PETER J II BROWN 5560 N WESTERN AVE 55n N WESTERN AVE 5882 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532190000 0154532200000 0154532210000 JOHNA THAN R HURST BEN III STOKES DEBORAH A DELEON 5594 N WESTERN AVE 5595 N WESTERN AVE 5583 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532220000 0154532230000 0154532240000 TUNG KEN LEE FRANK W JR TR GORGEI RANDOLPH COMPAGNA 5573 N WESTERN AVE 5561 NWESTERN AVE 5549 N WESTERN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532250000 0154532260000 0154532270000 MARl L BREEDEN PHILLIP R VELEKER RAMON SALDIVAR 5537 N WESTERN AVE 5527 N WESTERN AVE 5534 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532280000 0154532290000 0154532300000 CHARLES T BUONANNO KENNETH E BOOKER SHANNON A LEWIS 5544 N ORANGE DR 5554 N ORANGE DR 55M N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532310000 0154532320000 0154532330000 RALPH H ALCANTAR EDWARD BUSH DAVID M PRICE 5574 N ORANGE DR 5584 N ORANGE DR 5594 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532340000 0154532350000 0154532360000 STEPHEN P WOLFF SOOHAN YOON RANDELL L DUNCAN 5595 N ORANGE DR 5585 N ORANGE DR 5575 N ORANGE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532370000 0154532380000 0154532390000 MICHAEL A VELEKER CAT ALINO G FELIPE REGINA S RANGI 5565 N ORANGE DR 5555 N ORANGE DR 5545 N ORANGE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532400000 0154532410000 0154532420000 DARYL HATCH DE VALLE F HENRY WENDY A MERLINO 3433 S BRIDLEWOOD DR 5530 N MAGNOLIA AVE 1171 W DOVER DR BOUNTIFUL UT 84010 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532430000 0154532440000 0154532450000 JUANELL BROWN MICHAEL E ALLEN MARGARITA M GILL 1177 W DOVER DR 1183 W DOVER DR 1189 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532460000 0154532470000 0154532480000 RONALD G LEON RICARDO RODRIGUEZ MATTHEW T GARRETT 1195 W DOVER DR 5504 N WESTWIND DR 5514 N WESTWIND DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532490000 0154532500000 0154532510000 KATHLEEN A MEDEIROS GEORGE THEODORIDIS D SCOTT FALCONE 5526 N WESTWIND DR 5536 N WESTWIND DR 5548 N WESTWIND DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532520000 0154532530000 0154532540000 NANCY WEST SHERYL L FANDRY TERRY M LONG 5560 N WESTWIND DR 5572 N WESTWIND DR 5569 N MAGNOLIA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532550000 0154532560000 0154532570000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & MANUEL HERNANDEZ CHARLEEN REMBERT URBAN DEV 5543 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5542 N MAGNOLIA AVE 1600N BROADWAY STE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0154532580000 0154532590000 0154532600000 JULIO F REYES CARLTON R HYDER ROBERT E SR JOHNSON 5556 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5568 N MAGNOLIA AVE 5588 N MAGNOLIA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532610000 0154532620000 0154532630000 RAMSEY SAM ROBERT D YOUNG CONSUELO GARCIA 5594 N MAGNOLIA AVE 1224 W 56TH ST P.O. BOX 9688 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532640000 0154532650000 0154532660000 MANUEL GAYTAN FEDERICO A MEJIA FRANCES L RENTERIA 1214 W 56TH ST 1208 W 56TH ST 1204 W 56TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532670000 0154532680000 0154532690000 JEFFREY H TR SKlNNER VINCENT URBINA SERGIO E AVILA 5595 N WESTWIND DR 5583 N WESTWIND DR 5573 N WESTWIND DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532700000 0154532710000 0154532720000 CARMEN G WILLIAMS JASON SKAGGS REBECCA G GRANNEMAN 5561 N WESTWIND DR 5549 N WESTWIND DR 5537 N WESTWIND DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532730000 0154532740000 0154532750000 KENNETH P BISHOP MICHAEL C SR LORING ALEX ACEVEDO 5534 N CYPRESS DR 765 NORTHPARKBLVD 5554 N CYPRESS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532760000 0154532770000 0154532780000 MANUEL BELTRAN FRED SANTIAGO DAVID RAMIREZ 5564 N CYPRESS DR 5574 N CYPRESS DR 5584 N CYPRESS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532790000 0154532800000 0154532810000 DOLORES H TR ARMSTEAD RICKEY BROWN LATANYA WATKINS 5594 N CYPRESS DR 5595 N CYPRESS DR 5585 N CYPRESS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532820000 0154532830000 0154532840000 TED L MOUNT DANIEL V GONZALES KIMBERLY MYERS 5575 N CYPRESS DR 5565 N CYPRESS DR 5555 N CYPRESS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154532850000 0154532860000 0154751140000 GEORGETTE OAKLEY MICHAEL W ROACH RUSSELL ALEXANDER 5545 N CYPRESS DR 5535 N CYPRESS DR 5556 N MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751150000 0154751160000 0154751170000 MICHAEL P EHLERS CHA Y KAHLER GLORIA R RODRIGUEZ 5568 N MOUNTAIN DR 5582 N MOUNTAIN DR 5594 N MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751180000 0154751190000 0154751200000 ISAIAS RAMOS RONNIE SHELL ROBERT G LACHAUSSE 5583 N CEDAR DR 5571 N CEDAR DR 5559 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751210000 0154751220000 0154751230000 AUTIE P MOORE LEON TRANSFIGURACION ROLANDO S BAY ACA 5547 N CEDAR DR 5546 N CEDAR DR 5558 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751240000 0154751250000 0154751260000 CARLOS G PAULO CONSUELO GARCIA MATTHEW P ROGERS 5570 N CEDAR DR PO BOX 9688 5594 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751270000 0154751280000 0154751290000 IRA A NEIGHBORS PAMELA M GUIDRY GERALD W & LIGA YAM TRUS 3443 ESPLANDE AVE #331 1116 W 56TH ST WASHINGTON NEW ORLEANS LA 70119 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 PO BOX 50-321 LAKE ARROWHEAD CA 92352 0154751300000 0154751310000 0154751550000 DONALD J JR YOUNG DIANA J BOITEAU INC I.B.P. 1104 W 56TH ST P.O. BOX 3314 P.O. BOX 582 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LA HABRA CA 90632 ALTALOMA CA91701 0154751560000 0154751570000 0154751580000 JACK R BRAMMER SECRETARY OF HOUSING & TODD A DAVIS URBAN DEV 5516 N MOUNTAIN DR 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 5542 N MOUNTAIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA ANA CA 92706 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751590000 0154751600000 0154751610000 MATTHEW L JOHNSON MANOLETTE FAJARDO REGINA E DUDLEY 5535 N CEDAR DR 5523 N CEDAR DR 5517 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751620000 0154751630000 0154751640000 RICKY JIMENEZ DAVID M RIEFER BYRON L DORRANCE 1123 W DOVER DR 1129 WDOVER DR 1135 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751650000 0154751660000 0154751670000 LUIS M GARCIA KEVIN WRIGHT HERBERT G JUGAN 1141 WDOVERDR 1147WDOVERDR 1153 W DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751680000 0154751690000 0154751700000 PHILIP J BRIGANDI ROBIN RACE CHARLIE C JR POWELL 1159 W DOVER DR 1165 W DOVER DR 5534 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751710000 0154751720000 0154751730000 GARNER F AMIL Y TRUST DOMINGO R DV A BRAVO GEORGE W TACKETT 5544 N OSBORNE CT 5554 N OSBORNE CT 5564 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751740000 0154751750000 0154751760000 JEFFERY LANGYEL THOMAS RPATRICK DUANE R GEORGE 5574 N OSBORNE CT 5584 N OSBORNE CT 5595 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751770000 0154751780000 0154751790000 PEDRO E SAUCEDA NATIONSBANC MORTGAGE CORP GERALD A FISHER 5585 N OSBORNE CT 101 E MAIN ST 5565 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOUISVILLE KY 40232 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751800000 0154751810000 0154751820000 TROYL YNN DIAL NICHOLAS H KELLER ALEJANDRO GARCIA 5555 N OSBORNE CT 5545 N OSBORNE CT 5535 N OSBORNE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0154751830000 0154751840000 0154751850000 VINCENT L GUERRERO STEPHEN WHITE ALBERT JVALDEZ 5525 N OSBORNE CT 5522 N CEDAR DR 5534 N CEDAR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0265031140000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 0265031180000 0265031190000 CONTROL DIST COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 825 E THIRD ST ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0265031200000 0265031210000 0265041090000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0265041140000 0265041150000 0265041100000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGES CONTROL DIST CONTROL DIST ADDRESS UNKNOWN 825 E THIRD ST 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0265041170000 0265041190000 0265041200000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0265051110000 0265051120000 0265041210000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD FONT ANA CORNERS III STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTROL DIST 2001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW STE ADDRESS UNKNOWN 825 E THIRD ST 950 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 WASHINGTON DC 20006 0265211010000 0265211180000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD CONTROL DIST CONTROL DIST 0265221120000 825 E THIRD ST 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266041250000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 0265221130000 0265231200000 CONTROL DIST 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266041270000 0266072090000 0266072320000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CONTROL DIST MARY E TR FOX COMPANY 825 E THIRD ST 2643 I CROWN VALLEY PKWY #220 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 MISSION VIEJO CA 92691 0266072330000 0266072570000 0266072620000 RICHARD H JR TR WESSELINK SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 26431 CROWN V ALLEY PKWY STE COMPANY CONTROL DIST 210 ADDRESS UNKNOWN 825 E THIRD ST MISSION VIEJO CA 92691 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266073020000 0266073040000 0266072900000 CULLIGAN INC CULLIGAN INC 1105 N MARKET ST STE 1300 ONE CULLIGAN PARKWAY WILMINGTON DE 19899 NORTHBROOK lL 60062 0266073050000 0266073080000 0266073090000 CULLIGAN INC REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY CULLIGAN INC SAN BDNO ONE CULLIGAN P ARKW A Y 201 NORTH 'E' STREET, SUITE 301 ONE CULLIGAN P ARKW A Y NORTHBROOK IL 60062 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 NORTHBROOK IL 60062 0266091240000 0266091250000 0266091260000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0266091270000 0266091280000 0266091290000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON INDIAN CREEK RESIDENTIAL COMPANY COMPANY PTNRS ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 840 HINCKLEY RD STE 200 BURLINGAME CA 94010 0266101240000 0266101250000 026610 1260000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0266101270000 0266101280000 0266101290000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COLLEGE DRIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY COMPANY 8447 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 206 ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN BEVERLY HILLS CA 90211 0266115020000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 0266115030000 0266115040000 CONTROL DIST STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 825 E THIRD ST ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266115050000 0266115060000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA 0266115070000 ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0266115100000 0266123050000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 0266115080000 CONTROL DlST BRAR & GILL CORP 825 E THIRD ST 2015 POLO CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123060000 0266123070000 0266123080000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123090000 0266123100000 026612311 0000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123120000 0266123130000 0266123140000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123150000 0266123160000 0266123170000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123180000 0266123190000 0266123200000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR 7 GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123210000 0266123220000 0266123230000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123240000 0266123250000 0266123260000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123270000 0266123280000 0266123290000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123300000 0266123310000 0266123320000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123330000 0266123340000 0266123350000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123360000 0266123370000 0266123380000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123390000 0266123400000 0266123410000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123420000 0266123430000 0266123440000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123450000 0266123460000 0266123470000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123480000 0266123490000 0266123500000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123510000 0266123520000 0266123530000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123540000 0266123550000 0266123560000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123570000 0266123580000 0266123590000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123600000 0266123610000 0266123620000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123630000 0266123640000 0266123650000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123660000 0266123670000 0266123680000 BRAR & GILL CORP HARBINDER S BRAR BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123690000 0266123700000 0266123710000 HARBINDER S BRAR BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266123720000 0266124010000 0266124020000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124030000 0266124040000 0266124050000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124060000 0266124070000 0266124080000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124090000 0266124100000 0266124110000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124120000 0266124130000 0266124140000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124150000 0266124160000 0266124170000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 6936 OROZCO DR 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92506 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124180000 0266124190000 0266124200000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124210000 0266124220000 0266124230000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124240000 0266124250000 0266124260000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124270000 0266124280000 0266124290000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124300000 0266124310000 0266124320000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124330000 0266124340000 0266124350000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124360000 0266124370000 0266124380000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124390000 0266124400000 0266124410000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124420000 0266124430000 0266124440000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124450000 0266124460000 0266124470000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124480000 0266124490000 0266124500000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124510000 0266124520000 0266124530000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124540000 0266124550000 0266124560000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124570000 0266124580000 0266124590000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124600000 0266124610000 0266124620000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124630000 0266124640000 0266124650000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124660000 0266124670000 0266124680000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124690000 0266124700000 0266124710000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266124720000 0266125010000 0266125020000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125030000 0266125040000 0266125050000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125060000 0266125070000 0266125080000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125090000 0266125100000 0266125110000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP HARBINDER S BRAR 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125120000 0266125130000 0266125140000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125150000 0266125160000 0266125170000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125180000 0266125190000 0266125200000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125210000 0266125220000 0266125230000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125240000 0266125250000 0266125260000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125270000 0266125280000 0266125290000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015POLOCT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125300000 0266125310000 0266125320000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125330000 0266125340000 0266125350000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125360000 0266125370000 0266125380000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125390000 0266125400000 0266125410000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125420000 0266125430000 0266125440000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125450000 0266125460000 0266125470000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125480000 0266125490000 0266125500000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125510000 0266125520000 0266125530000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125540000 0266125550000 0266125560000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125570000 0266125580000 0266125590000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125600000 0266125610000 0266125620000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125630000 0266125640000 0266125650000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125660000 0266125670000 0266125680000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125690000 0266125700000 0266125710000 BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP BRAR & GILL CORP 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT 2015 POLO CT RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266125720000 0266125730000 BRAR & GILL CORP SAN BERNARDINO FLOOD 0266131130000 2015 POLO CT CONTROL DlST STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE CA 92501 0266131170000 0266131180000 0266131230000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF L D CONTROL DlST CONTROL DlST S 825 E THIRD ST 825 E THIRD ST 50 E NORTH TEMPLE ST 22ND FLR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SALT LAKE CITY UT84150 0266131240000 0266132020000 0266132060000 MARVIN JABIN AMERIGAS PROPANE L P WOODMAN REALTY INC 30 TENNIS CLUB DR POBOX 798 1901 BEVERLY BLVD STE A RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 V ALLEY FORGE P A 19482 LOS ANGELES CA 90057 0266132090000 0266141090000 0266141100000 KU-YOUN YU ARTHUR 0 EDWARDS SCOT R ANDERSON 1330 RED BLUFF 1679 W KENDALL DR 1671W KENDALL DR WALNUT CA 91789 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141110000 0266141120000 0266141130000 PABLO RORTIZ KENNETH C KETNER JAMES C SMALLEY 1667 W KENDALL DR 3 HUTTON CENTRE # 150 1657 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA ANA CA 92707 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141140000 0266141150000 0266141160000 RONALD L HOCH HORACE C TURNER RONALD L HOCH 2182 WMALLORY ST 1645 W KENDALL DR 2182 WMALLORY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141170000 0266141180000 0266141190000 HESTER LIVING TR 9-24-1996 JIMMY O. SMITH SHEPHERD JON E WATSON 1635 W KENDALL DR 1629 W KENDALL DR 1625 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141200000 0266141210000 0266141220000 LOUIS P GARNER THOMAS P DAVIS OCT A VIO ZARATE 3529 SNOWLINE DR 1617WKENDALLDR 1611 W KENDALL DR PINON HILLS CA 92372 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141230000 0266141240000 0266141250000 RAMIRO JR PORRAS RIGOBERTO C SANCHEZ CHRISTEL ELLIOTT 1607 W KENDALL DR 5661 HESS RD 1602 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 PHELAN CA 92371 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141260000 0266141270000 0266141280000 JOSEPH A JOHNSON JUDSON D ST JOHN CHRISTIAN K OKANDEY 1605 W FULLERTON DR 1612 W SHERIDAN RD 1618 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141290000 0266141300000 0266141310000 JOE GAMMARIELLO RICHARD B CORPUZ LEVI NAVARRO 962 SANDSTONE DR 1626 W SHERIDAN RD 1630 W SHERIDAN RD GLENDORA CA91740 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141320000 0266141330000 0266141340000 ROBERT D LIUDAHL ALVAN E TR HUSTON TONY E BLACKMON 6740 MILLER LN 29 SPARROW CT 1646 W SHERIDAN ST HIGHLAND CA 92346 REDLANDS CA 92374 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141350000 0266141360000 0266141370000 SIDNEY C GIBSON ALAN W JERO TIMOTHY L MULLANE 1652 W SHERIDAN RD 1658 W SHERIDAN RD 1664 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141380000 0266141390000 0266141400000 JANICE L OLIVER JAMES V GUTHREL KELLY E BLAKE 1670 W SHERIDAN RD 4756 N MAYFIELD AVE 1684 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266141470000 0266141480000 0266141490000 JULIUS & BETTY 1989 MARITAL TR PRA VER BROS INVESTMENTS MARY VOSOUGHI TEIN 10255 CENTURY WOODS DRIVE 1580 CRESTVIEW RD 208 LAKE MERCED HILL # I F LOS ANGELES CA 90067 REDLANDS CA 92374 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94132 0266142010000 0266142020000 0266142030000 H D COOKE PEGGY E LONG DONNA J SCOTT 4969 N STATE ST 4973 N STATE ST 4977 N STATE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266142040000 0266142050000 0266142060000 JERRY SCOTT LARRY A LEE WILLIAM G MITCHELL 4981 N STATE ST 1699 W SHERIDAN RD 1675 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266142070000 0266142080000 0266142090000 DORIS HINES STACEY P AGDILAO DENNIS C WHITE 4976 N MELBORNE RD 4972 N MELBOURNE RD 2761 WMEYERSRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266143010000 0266143020000 0266143030000 PAUL F & BEULAH E TRUST REGIS L AND HARRIET J MC PLESNICHER ALANJERO DONELL 1645 W SHERIDAN RD 1649 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1639 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266143040000 0266143050000 0266143060000 WILLIAM L CLEMANN JORGE RODRIGUEZ VERA 0 UKLEJA 1633 W SHERIDAN RD 1627 W SHERIDAN RD 1625 W SHERIDAN ROAD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266143070000 0266143080000 0266143090000 ROSELLE D KRUEGER RICHARD T STRATTON RAYMOND B JOHNSON 1621 W SHERIDAN RD 1615 W SHERIDAN RD 1607 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266143100000 0266151010000 0266151020000 ANN H TR STEDT LLOYD G KREMM CHARLES R VALADEZ 1603 W SHERIDAN RD 1592 W SHERIDAN 1594 W SHERIDAN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151030000 0266151040000 0266151050000 MAXIE N GOSSETT JOSE R PEREZ BASSAM A NEMRI 1596 W SHERIDAN RD 1598 W SHERIDAN RD 1597 KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151060000 0266151070000 0266151080000 JORGE J RUVALCABA DANNY DE LA VEGA JOSE L AVILA 1595 W KENDALL DR 1593 WKENDALLDR 1591 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151090000 0266151110000 0266151120000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & ROBERT N DAVIS LANG DANH URBAN DEV 1570 W SHERIDAN RD 1568 W SHERIDAN RD 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266151130000 0266151140000 0266151170000 JOSE R REYES FRANCISCO AGUILAR CARL B FRIZZELL 1564 W SHERIDAN RD 1560 W SHERIDAN RD 1578 W SHERIDAN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151180000 0266151190000 0266151200000 JOSE MUNOZ SHAFQAT H SIDDIQUI DAVID J AUSTIN 1580 W SHERIDAN RD 1582 W SHERIDAN RD 5257 N CARL TON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151210000 0266151220000 0266151230000 JASON L KOELLIKER PAMELA SMITH JUANA SALCE 1586 W SHERIDAN RD 1588 W SHERIDAN RD 1585 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151240000 0266151250000 0266151260000 HOMESIDE LENDING INC FRED L SR DUMAS MICHAEL A OLMOS 7301 BAYMEADOWS WY 1581 W KENDALL DR 1579 W KENDALL DR JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151270000 0266151280000 0266151290000 HOWARD A WRIGHT CHARLOTTE ANDERSON STEPHEN L JOHNSON 1577 W KENDALL DR 1575 W KENDALL DR 1573 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151300000 0266151310000 0266151320000 RICHARD C GOODERMONT ELIZABETH R REV TRUST 5-30-20 CAMILLE H VERRETTE WHITE 1571 WKENDALLDR 1569 W KENDALL DR 1567 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266151330000 0266151340000 0266151350000 JOSE FAMILY TRUST (10-11-01) RAMIRO GARCIA LA KIESHA HARGREW MOJICA 1574 W SHERIDAN RD 1576 W SHERIDAN RD 1565 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152010000 0266152020000 0266152030000 R AND J F AMIL Y TR 5-23-200 JOHN M DURAN DAVID C RUTLEDGE PETERSON 1597 W SHERIDAN RD 1595 W SHERIDAN RD 1599 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152040000 0266152050000 0266152060000 ALYCE R PAPIN MICHAEL HARDING CURTIS NAYLOR 1591 W SHERIDAN RD 1587 W SHERIDAN RD 1583 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152070000 0266152080000 0266152090000 TONY V ARA ROHIT DOSHI CABLE LIVING TRUST 2001 1581 WSHERIDANRD 1577 W SHERIDAN RD 1575 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152100000 0266152110000 0266152120000 JAMES N COLLINS RUTH F TR BIBB RALPH W REESE 1571 WSHERIDANRD 1569 W SHERIDAN RD 1565 W SHERIDAN ROAD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152130000 0266152140000 0266152150000 JOHN P CROWLEY ROBERT ONTIVEROS WILLIAM R SHEARER 1563 W SHERIDAN RD 1559 W SHERIDAN RD 1557WSHERIDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266152160000 0266161010000 0266161020000 RICHARD B TR PRYOR PAULETTE FERGUSON KEENE PATRICIA J KREIDEL 626 S GlLBUCK DR 1555 W KENDALL DR 1551 W KENDALL DRIVE ANAHEIM CA 92802 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161030000 0266161040000 0266161050000 WILLIAM J HOOVEN GERARDO NAJERA ALEXIS ORTIZ 1547WKENDALLDR 1543 W KENDALL DR 1539 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161060000 0266161070000 0266161080000 JOE G RIOS BARBARA KELLY ARNOLD FEISTNER 1535 W KENDALL DR 2421 W BLAKE ST 1527 WKENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161090000 0266161100000 0266161110000 SAMUEL R WILMOTH RICARDO A COE VIRGINIA A MIRAMONTES 1573 WWILD PONY PATH 1519 W KENDALL DR 1515 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161120000 0266161130000 0266161140000 MARTHA J CARLOS ANCHARD F TR ZELLER LEAH MORALES 1511 W KENDALL DR 927 CLIFTON AVE 6346 BLUEHURST AVE L SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDLANDS CA 92373 LAS VEGAS NY 89115 0266161150000 0266161160000 0266161170000 GEORGE R RELOCK STANLEY CLEBECK RICHARD B MARCINIAK 410 W BADILLO ST 2ND FLR BOX 523 5496 KATHERINE AVE COVINA CA 91723 PATTON CA 92369 SHERMAN OAKS CA 91401 0266161180000 0266161190000 0266161200000 AJIT P UPADHYAYA GONZALO ANDRADE WESLEY M BRAITHWAITE 3 POINSETTING 1512 W SHERIDAN RD 1516 W SHERIDAN RD IRVINE CA 92604 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161210000 0266161220000 0266161230000 KENNETH R DURAN MARIO E JARAMILLO LOUIE FLORES 1520 W SHERIDAN RD 1524 W SHERIDAN RD 1528 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161240000 0266161250000 0266161260000 LORETTA WRJGHT JOSE M TRUJILLO RICHARD AGUIRRE 1532 W SHERIDAN RD 1536 W SHERIDAN RD 1540 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161270000 0266161280000 0266161290000 PAULADIRNER HILARIO MORALES SHARON KRAMPETER 1544 W SHERIDAN RD 1548 W SHERIDAN RD 1490 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266161300000 0266162010000 0266162020000 ISMARI L GARCIA CAN I TUMKA Y A CARRED L SR KERSEY 1556 W SHERIDAN RD 1551 W SHERIDAN RD 1547 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266162030000 0266162040000 0266162050000 OLGA BRAMMER MARY PHILLIPS KENNETH K JR HERRIN 1545 W SHERIDAN RD 1541 WSHERIDANRD 1537 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266162060000 0266162070000 0266162080000 ROBERT C WHITING CARLOS H SERRANO LINDA M SCLAFANI 1535 W SHERIDAN RD 1531 W SHERIDAN RD 1527 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266162090000 0266162100000 0266162110000 DONALD E LESEMAN PEDRO AMARAL DELOSSANTOS LEON M CANADY 1523 W SHERIDAN RD 1519 W SHERIDAN RD 1515 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266162120000 0266162130000 0266162140000 DAVID J AUSTIN CORC I TUMKA Y A HANNA HATTAR 5257 N CARL TON ST 1509 W SHERIDAN RD 1505 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266162150000 0266171010000 0266171020000 JOSHUA GAlLLIOT DALE W. HUNTOON WALL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1501 W SHERIDAN RD 1499 W KENDALL DR INC SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1170 E HOLT AVE POMONA CA 91767 0266171030000 0266171040000 0266171050000 SOLEDAD GARCIA JASON T PORTER PAULA JEANETTE TR RHODES 1493 W KENDALL DR 1491 WKENDALLDR 11436 SAN mAN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOMA LINDA CA 92354 0266171060000 0266171070000 0266171 080000 IRENE E STRAIT FREDERICK A JAGOW DORIS W DAVENPORT 1483 W KENDALL DR 1481 W KENDALL AVE 5837 MAGNOLIA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RIALTO CA 92377 0266171090000 02661711 00000 0266171110000 RUBEN RIOS SHARON KRAMPETER KARINA PEREZ 1473 W KENDALL DR 1490 W SHERIDAN RD 1465 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171120000 0266171130000 0266171140000 LUCY G MICHEAL PHYLLIS M LIVING TR PINE 1453 KENDALL TRUST (2-5-01) 1461 W KENDALL DR 1457 WKENDALL DR POBOX 9852 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDLANDS CA 92375 0266171150000 0266171160000 0266171170000 BRYAN HENLEY MARGARITA M MENDOZA JOHN J REISENHOFER 337 W 40TH ST 1445 W KENDALL DR 1441 WKENDALLDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171180000 0266171190000 0266171200000 IRMA GONZALEZ TELFINUESPRESZLER RAMON MARQUEZ 1437 W KENDALL DR 1433 W KENDALL DR 1429 W KENDALL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171210000 0266171220000 0266171230000 RAMON D MARQUEZ RONALD L HOCH THERESA D RUVALCABA 1425 W KENDALL DR 2182 W MALLORY ST 1422 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171240000 0266171250000 0266171260000 TERESA LE RONALD J LOPEZ CLIFTON S ROGERS 1426 W SHERIDAN RD 1430 W SHERIDAN RD 1434 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171270000 0266171280000 0266171290000 GERALD L SNOW ALFREDO AL V ARA SHARON KRAMPETER 1438 W SHERIDAN RD 1442 W SHERIDAN RD 1490 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171300000 0266171310000 0266171320000 JOSE L ALCARAZ ROBERT R MARBLE JOSE R DOMINGUEZ 1450 W SHERIDAN RD 1454 W SHERIDAN RD 1458 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171330000 0266171340000 0266171350000 JOSE TRUST (6/25/2001) BARELA ANTHONY L PATTERSON KERRY D PETERS 1462 W SHERIDAN RD 1466 W SHERIDAN RD 1470 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171360000 0266171370000 0266171380000 JAIME G BARRIGA JOE GAMMARIELLO KH1EM V AN NGUYEN 1474 W SHERIDAN RD 529 N CRESTVIEW 1482 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 GLENDORA CA91741 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171390000 0266171400000 0266171410000 OSCAR GONZALEZ RAFAEL FERNANDEZ SHARON KRAMPETER 1484 W SHERIDAN RD 1488 W SHERIDAN RD 1490 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266171420000 0266171430000 0266171440000 CHUE BERRIEL BAKER FAMILY TRUST (11-3-99) JOHN W BLOUGH 1494 W SHERIDAN RD 1496 W SHERIDAN RD 1498 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172010000 0266172020000 0266172030000 WESLEY C COFFEEN CALIFORNIA/EQUICREDIT MICHAEL TULISIAK 1499 W SHERIDAN RD 10401 DEERWOOD PARK BLVD 1491 WSHERIDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 JACKSONVILLE FL 32256 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172040000 0266172050000 0266172060000 HOPE OLGUIN BARBARA J TR MAYNES RONALD G HICKS 2184 W SHERIDAN RD 1483 W SHERIDAN RD 1405 BLYTHE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266172070000 0266172080000 0266172090000 V ALERlE L SIMONS SHERlDAN #1 TITLE TRUST(3/2101) WILLIAM F LIV TRUST (4-24-01 THOMAS POBOX 505 PO BOX 582 1467 W SHERlDAN RD CRESTLINE CA 92325 ALTA LOMA CA 91701 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172100000 0266172110000 0266172120000 JILL M HOFFMAN PERRl LEE MURRAY JAIME MAGANA 1463 W SHERlDAN RD 749 E RALSTON AVE 1455 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172130000 0266172140000 0266172150000 ARTHUR R THOMAS THOMAS E SHERRlER EARL J SHARP 1451 WSHERlDANRD 1447 W SHERlDAN RD 1443 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172160000 0266172170000 0266172180000 RAMONA A GADDY JOSE L CHAPARRO NICK C LOPEZ 1439 W SHERlDAN RD 9068 S CRYSTAL VISTA LN 1431 WSHERlDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 WEST JORDAN UT 84088 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266172190000 0266172200000 0266172210000 ELAINE TR WILLIAMS GRACE EVANS OTTO J STOKES 1427 W SHERlDANRD 1423 W SHERlDAN RD POST OFFICE BOX 2369 UPTOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 STATION SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 0266181010000 0266181020000 0266181030000 ELIA REYES MICHAEL L JOHNSTON NAAILN ANWYA 1417 W KENDALL DR 1413 W KENDALL DR POBOX 2491 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91729 0266181040000 0266181050000 0266181060000 VICENTE VAZQUEZ SANDRA C HANSEN ABEL AVINA 1405 W KENDALL DR 1401 W KENDALL DR 1402 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266181070000 0266181080000 0266181090000 RONALD A BERG AJITUPADHYAYA MARTHA E MENDIETA 1406 W SHERlDAN RD 3 POINSETTIA 1414 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 IRVINE CA 92604 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266181100000 0266182010000 0266182030000 FOOK F AND ANNE WING-MUI TR DAVID L JEFFRlES PAUL E JACOME LIU 1415 W SHERlDAN RD 1401 W SHERlDAN RD 2821 LADERARD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0266182050000 0266182060000 0266183010000 MICHAEL R ARCHULETA GILBERT L LEV ARlO JOHN P TR THOMPSON 1404 W MORGAN RD 1411 W SHERlDAN RD POBOX 50159 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 DALLAS TX 75250 0266183020000 JOHN P TR THOMPSON 0266183030000 0266183040000 POBOX 50159 DALLAS TX 75250 0266183060000 0266183070000 0266183050000 NEAL T BAKER ENTERPRISES INC NEAL T BAKER ENTERPRISES INC 1875 N BUSINESS CENTER DR 1875 N BUSINESS CENTER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 0266183080000 0266183090000 0266183100000 NEAL T BAKER ENTERPRISES INC NEAL T BAKER ENTERPRISES INC ROBERT E CHOVICK 1875 BUSINESS CENTER DR 1875 BUSINESS CENTER DR 2552 E HIGHLAND AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266183110000 0266183120000 0266183130000 ROBERT E CHOVICK ROBERT E CHOVICK ROBERT E CHOVICK 2552 E HIGHLAND AVE 2552 E HIGHLAND AVE 2552 E HIGHLAND AVE HIGHLAND CA 92346 HIGHLAND CA 92346 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266183140000 0266183150000 ESTELLE NEAL F AMIL Y LIMITED ESTELLE NEAL F AMIL Y LIMITED 0266191120000 PARTNERS PARTNERS SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED POBOX 2513 POBOX 2513 SCH DIST RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91729 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91729 0266191180000 0266191190000 0266191230000 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF SAN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON MICAL LLC BONO COMPANY 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 4747 N STATE ST POBOX410 HOUSTON TX 77057 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LONG BEACH CA 90801 0266191240000 0266191270000 0266191280000 SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED MICAL LLC SCH DIST SCH DIST 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 777 NORTH F ST 777 NORTH F ST HOUSTON TX 77057 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0266191290000 0266191380000 0266191410000 SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SCH DIST ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 777 NORTH F ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0266191440000 0266191450000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 0266211030000 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266211130000 0266211170000 0266211180000 MICAL LLC PINNACLE TOWERS INC MICAL LLC 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 1549 RINGLING BLVD 3RD FLR 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 HOUSTON TX 77057 SARASOTA FL 34236 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266211190000 0266211210000 0266211220000 MICAL LLC CAL-SHEL SHANDIN ASSOCIATES L P 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 218 N CHARLES ST STE 500 19700 FAIRCHILD STE 170 HOUSTON TX 77057 BALTIMORE MD 21201 IRVINE CA 92612 0266211270000 0266211300000 MICAL LLC BLOCK BROS INDUSTRIES (USA) 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 0266211280000 INC HOUSTON TX 77057 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 2080 LOS ANGELES CA 90025 0266221050000 0266221060000 0266221070000 DONALD ALBRIGHT DONALD ALBRIGHT DONALD ALBRIGHT 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD SANTA MONICA CA 90404 SANTA MONICA CA 90404 SANTA MONICA CA 90404 0266221080000 0266221090000 0266221100000 DONALD ALBRIGHT DONALD ALBRIGHT WILLIAM W TR SHARPE 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD 3202 TIGERT AIL DR SANTA MONICA CA 90404 SANTA MONICA CA 90404 LOS ALAMITOS CA 90720 0266221110000 0266221120000 0266222050000 WILLIAM W TR SHARPE DONALD ALBRIGHT SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 3202 TIGERT AIL DR 2314 SANTA MONICA BLVD CONTROL DIST LOS ALAMITOS CA 90720 SANTA MONICA CA 90404 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266222070000 0266222090000 0266222100000 SIKES F AMIL Y TRUST (10-26-89) TIM A PFUTZENREUTER TIM A PFUTZENREUTER 6621 SUMMIT 7 LOS FELIS DR 7 LOS FELIS DR HIGHLAND CA 92346 POMONA CA 91766 POMONA CA 91766 0266222140000 0266223080000 0266223090000 SIKES F AMIL Y TRUST (10-26-89) COMMUNITY BANK M DAVID OLLIS 6621 SUMMIT 100 E CORSON ST 4516 ELECTRIC HIGHLAND CA 92346 PASADENA CA91103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266223100000 026622311 0000 0266231210000 M DAVID OLLIS M DAVID OLLIS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 4516 ELECTRIC 4516 ELECTRIC SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266231220000 0266231230000 0266242010000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FRANKSCANTLEBURY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 4623 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242020000 0266242030000 0266242040000 JOSE N. CEJA JOSE A LARIOS ROBERT R PARKER 4641 N LAKEWOOD DR 4659 N LAKEWOOD DR 4677 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242050000 0266242060000 0266242070000 CYNTHIA A DRIVER THOMAS G TOURVILLE JEFFREY A DIEHL 4695 N LAKEWOOD DR 4745 N LAKEWOOD DR 2883 I TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266242080000 0266242090000 0266242100000 RICHARD A SMITH VIRGINIA L GREEN DAVID D LANHAM 4805 N LAKEWOOD DR 4835 N LAKEWOOD DR 4865 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242110000 0266242120000 0266242130000 EDUARDO QUIROZ CASA DE ELEGANCIA INC JONATHAN FOX 4895 N LAKEWOOD DR 2305 REDDING WY POBOX 9645 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 UPLAND CA 91789 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242140000 0266242150000 0266242160000 JIMMIE A ENCISO PETER LE NGUYEN JAMES HEDJAZI 1604 WINDSOR ST 1784 NWATERMAN AVE 1618 WWINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242170000 0266242180000 0266242190000 DONALD E CROW MONUMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE JOSEPH C DALTON 1624 W WINDSOR ST CO 1638 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 5373 W ALABAMA AVE STE 600 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HOUSTON TX 77056 0266242200000 0266242210000 0266242220000 JUDITH L NICHOLS JAMES G FOWLER EDWIN A. MARKS 1646 W WINDSOR ST 1652 W WINDSOR ST 8 DEL CARLO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 IRVINE CA 92714 0266242230000 0266242240000 0266242250000 GLEN E LARNED BENNETT D MC ALLISTER ALEJANDRO MAGALLANES 1666 WWINDSOR ST 1674 W WINDSOR ST 1680 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242260000 0266242270000 0266242280000 FRANK F. CONTRERAS CHRISTOPHER C YEH KARL D LINARES 1688 W WINDSOR ST 38 W PALM DR 1619 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ARCADIA CA 91007 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242290000 0266242300000 0266242310000 WILLIAM BATRUS ARTHUR E LOPEZ RAYMOND A MENDOZA 1611 WWINDSORST 1605 W WINDSOR ST 4834 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242320000 0266242330000 0266242340000 JANICE WILSON HANH HUU NGUYEN VIRGINIA TURNER 4804 N LAKEWOOD DR 4794 N LAKEWOOD DR 4750 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242350000 0266242360000 0266242370000 ANGELA PEFLEY ENRIQUE RODRIGUEZ LUCITA Q BASMA YOR 4704 N LAKEWOOD DR 4694 N LAKEWOOD DR 4682 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242380000 0266242390000 0266242400000 JOSE ORTIZ ROBERT A HERNANDEZ DANIEL A RIVAS 4652 N LAKEWOOD DR 4642 N LAKEWOOD DR 4630 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266242410000 0266242420000 0266251010000 CHARLES W PEMBER DAVID III MARTINEZ ARMANDO DE LA ROSA 4610 N LAKEWOOD DR 4668 N LAKEWOOD DR 1502 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266251020000 0266251030000 0266251040000 PATRICK L I DV A HERRING FRANK R ABRIL BERTA RODRIGUEZ 1504 W WINDSOR ST POBOX 5284 1512 WWINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92412 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266251050000 0266251060000 0266251070000 TONY J SMITH DANIEL PADILLA DENNIS GIULIANY 1514 W WINDSOR ST 1518 W WINDSOR ST 1522 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266251080000 0266252010000 0266252020000 WILBUR SLARVE HECTOR A JUAREZ W ALTER KOKOT 1526 W WINDSOR ST 1527 W WINDSOR ST 1523 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266252030000 0266252040000 0266252050000 HECTOR W MENDOZA MAURO BARAJAS DOYLE L ROOKS 1519 W WINDSOR ST 1515 W WINDSOR ST 15 II W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266252060000 0266252070000 0266252080000 MARK S DONLEY DANNY H MORENO ARTHUR D GARCIA 1509 WWINDSOR ST 1505 W WINDSOR DR 2486 ROSEDALE AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 COLTON CA 92324 0266253010000 0266253020000 0266253030000 KENNY I LUCKY RUBENJRJACKSON RUBEN REYNA 1450 W MORGAN RD 6753 GINGER CT 1458 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 FONTANA CA 92336 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266253040000 0266253050000 0266253060000 PEDRO F CRUZ LOLA B COVINGTON SYLVIA SERRATT 1462 W MORGAN RD 1466 W WINDSOR ST 1470 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266253070000 0266253080000 0266253090000 JOSIE W ALVARADO VIRGINIA Y JOHNSON DAVID E CALDERA 1474 W WINDSOR ST 17730-4 DEVONSHIRE STREET 1482 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 NORTHRIDGE CA 91325 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266253100000 026625311 0000 0266253120000 ROBERT J CRUZ ELIZABETH AVILA NANCY M DUENEZ 1486 W WINDSOR ST 1490 W WINDSOR ST 1494 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266253130000 0266254010000 0266254020000 MICHAEL A GARCIA CLARE MERRYWEATHER MARCIA M DAVIS 1498 W WINDSOR ST 9100 SAPPHIRE 4595 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 MENTONE CA 92359 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266254030000 0266254040000 0266254050000 JULIO T PEREZ MARY L HERNANDEZ MARK A SPEARS 1491 W WINDSOR ST 1487 W WINDSOR ST 1483 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266254060000 0266254070000 0266254080000 GARY D COHEN JESSE JAMES RAMON R SANTANA 1479 W WINDSOR ST 1335 E 10600 SOUTH 1464 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANDY UT 84092 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266254090000 0266255010000 0266255020000 L Y ANN TRUST 9-28-00 TOWNSAN MILDRED D WESTIN JOSE L SANCHEZ POBOX 2613 1467 W MORGAN RD 1463 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266255030000 0266255040000 0266256010000 DOSHI F AMIL Y TRUST DATED CARLOS DOMINGUEZ ANANIAS TISBY 2/16/96 10262 LOCUST AVE 1414 WMORGAN RD 1459 W MORGAN RD HESPERIA CA 92345 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266256020000 0266256030000 0266256040000 SONIA BARAJAS MARGARET L HILL JAMES L MOLLER 1418 W MORGAN ROAD 1422 W MORGAN RD 2367 N SIERRA WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 0266256050000 0266256060000 0266256070000 GERALD S MARTINEZ DUNCAN F FOX ANTHONY MURO 1430 W MORGAN RD 1434 W MORGAN RD 1438 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266256080000 0266256090000 0266257010000 RICHARD E HOLGUIN DIANNE L ADAME REGINNA L CRISWELL 1442 W MORGAN RD POBOX 90121 1447 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266257020000 0266257030000 0266257040000 HELEN L JILES IVAN N BRUNDRIDGE LUCY AL VIZO 1443 WMORGANRD 1439 W MORGAN RD 1435 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266257050000 0266257060000 0266257070000 JIMMY RODRIGUEZ CRAIG H MARKS SECRETARY OF HOUSING & 1433 W MORGAN RD 1429 W MORGAN RD URBAN DEV SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266257080000 0266257090000 0266257100000 BOB M CADDEL BARBARA A BEEHLER EDELIA M RODRIGUEZ 1423 W MORGAN RD 18106 CAROB ST 1415 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HESPERIA CA 92345 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266257110000 0266257120000 0266257130000 JAIME G VASQUEZ BAO T AND MAl T NGUYEN DAO TERRI MITCHELL 1411 W MORGAN RD 1409 W MORGAN RD 1407 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271010000 0266271020000 0266271030000 JOHN C MC CREIGHT SAMUEL HERNANDEZ DJAMIL U JR HEDJAZI 4394 N MELBOURNE RD POBOX 9757 4334 N MELBORNE RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271040000 0266271050000 0266271060000 SIDNEY J THOMPSON WADE D REASONS LILA BURSTEIN 4304 N MELBOURNE RD 1695 W GROSSMONT RD 1683 W GROSSMONT RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271070000 0266271080000 0266271090000 MICHELLE CATHEY STEVEN L. YATES RICHARD G BRODOWSKI 1673 W GROSSMONT RD 45447 RIVERSIDE RD 1649 W GROSSMONT DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 NEWBERRY SPRINGS CA 92365 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271100000 0266271110000 0266271120000 PAUL B SHIRK ANA M BONILLA WAYNE E FISHER 4264 N LAKEWOOD DR 4234 N LAKEWOOD DR 4235 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271130000 0266271140000 0266271150000 AUDREY P TOLISON JAMES M JIZMEJIAN LAWRENCE R COURVILLE POBOX 9802 1633 W GROSSMONT RD 4305 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271160000 0266271170000 0266271180000 BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF GLADYS I TR LITTLE CALIFTR JAMES KENNEDY 4335 N LAKEWOOD DR 400 COUNTRYWIDE WY SV-35 4395 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271190000 0266271200000 0266271210000 DAVID D DE YOUNG MICHAEL A W ALESZON1A GLENN P NIESS 4405 N LAKEWOOD DR 4435 N LAKEWOOD DR 4465 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271220000 0266271230000 0266271240000 RAYMOND MIRANDA TRUST 10-12-99 SAPRONETTI MICHAEL LAWHON 4495 N LAKEWOOD DR 4494 N LAKEWOOD DR 4464 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271250000 0266271260000 0266271270000 ROBERT L CHAVEZ LEONARD LOPEZ MICHAEL P MC NAMARA 4434 N LAKEWOOD DR 4404 N LAKEWOOD DR 4394 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271280000 0266271290000 0266271300000 ELIZABETH R WILLIAMS CLINTON A TOWNSEND MICHAEL E ANDERSON 4364 N LAKEWOOD DR 4334 N LAKEWOOD DR 4304 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026627 131 0000 0266271320000 0266271330000 FRANK M CAMPBELL MICHAEL J NELSON JOHN K ANDERSON 4305 N MELBORNE RD 4335 N MELBOURNE RD 4182 126TH DRIVE NORTH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ROYAL PALM BEACH FL 33411 0266271340000 0266271350000 0266271360000 SALVADOR DUARTE SIMON BATRES JOHN L SIMONDS 4395 N MELBORNE RD 4405 N MELBORNE RD 1679 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271370000 0266271380000 0266271390000 ARTHURCSILVA JOSE B QUEZADA MANUEL M URQUIDES 1671 WMORGANRD 5151BANNAAVE 1642 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 COVINA CA 91724 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271400000 0266271410000 0266271420000 BROCK E LYNCH JOHN P WALKER STEPHEN&JANICE REV TR(3/26/0 1648 W MORGAN RD 1416 W KENDALL DR #14 MC GILL 1664 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271430000 0266271440000 0266271450000 ALlSA J HAFFNER TYRONE MACEY JOSE ALVAREZ 5232 E TRAIL ST 4515 NMORGAN CT 4514 N MORGAN CT NORCO CA 91760 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271460000 0266271470000 0266271480000 LAKEYCHE W LOCKE RICARDO BUENO DARRYL L SCOTT 4504 N MORGAN CT 1670 W MORGAN RD 1678 W MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271490000 0266271500000 0266271510000 EDWIN JR BARTKOWSKI PATRICIO M SANCHEZ LENA C GARCIA 1618 W MORGAN RD 18017 RAMONA 4464 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 FONTANA CA 92336 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271520000 0266271530000 0266271540000 TONY NUNEZ WILLIAM H DAWSON LARRY B GROSJEAN 4434 N SYRACUSE DR 4404 N SYRACUSE DR 4394 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271550000 0266271560000 0266271570000 EDWARD M CAMARILLO RICHARD J BROWN JERRY D PEDERSON 4364 N SYRACUSE DR 4334 N SYRACUSE DR 4304 N SYRACUSE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266271580000 0266271590000 02662810 1 0000 PHILLIP R DEAM JUAN M PADILLA DAVID R TORRES 1629 W GROSSMONT RD 1625 W GROSSMONT DR 1365 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266281020000 0266281030000 0266281040000 THALLEAUS L WILCOTS ROSARIO SOTO LENNER LOVE 1349 W MICHELLE LN 1335 W MICHELLE LN 1319 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266281050000 0266281060000 0266281070000 RANDALL H NAVARRETE YUSEFF L HOWARD JESUS M VIDAL 1305 W MICHELLE LN 1304 W MICHELLE LN 1318 W MICHELLE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266281080000 0266281090000 02662811 00000 FRANCISCO DIAZ ANNA PEREA DE VERELL FAMILY REV TRUST 1334 WMICHELLE LN 1348 W MICHELLE LN 7/25/200 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1335 W JEFFREY LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266281110000 0266281120000 0266281130000 LEONARD D HOFFMAN KENNETH CALBERT PAUL D OEY 13 I 9 W JEFFREY LN 1305 W JEFFREY LN 1304 W JEFFREY LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266281140000 0266281150000 0266281160000 GILBERT LINARES STEVE A MENDOZA JOEL H MARGOLIS 1318 W JEFFREY LN 1334 W JEFFERY LN 1335 W 48TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026628 II 70000 0266281180000 0266291010000 NORMAN N AND PATRICIA D MC LETICIA RODRIGUEZ JEFFREY CLARK LEAN 1305 W 48TH ST 1586 W RANCH RD 1319 W 48TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92307 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291020000 0266291030000 0266291040000 YVONNE DOSS LONNIE MC V A1GH JOSEPHJESUNATHADAS 1590 W RANCH RD 1592 W RANCH RD 1594 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291050000 0266291060000 0266291070000 GEORGE R BRADSHAW JR OLIVIA HINOJOSA THOMAS LUNA 1602 W RANCH RD 1608 W RANCH RD 5236 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291080000 0266291090000 0266291100000 JOSE A BAEZ SCOTT T DEVILLIER DAVID AC AXE 5228 N CHAPARRAL C1R 5222 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5204 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291110000 0266291120000 0266291130000 JIMMIE A ENCISO JIMMIE A DV A ENCISO ETHEL S MEDINA 5172 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5172 N CHAPARRAL C1R 5 I 50 N CHAPARRAL CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291140000 0266291150000 0266291160000 SULLIVAN F AMIL Y LIVING TRUST CURTIS W JR CLARK JOHN R RODRIGUEZ 6/29/00 5104 N CHAPARRAL CIR 5105 N CHAPARRAL CIR 12434 SAN GORGONIO WY VICTORVILLE CA 92392 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291170000 0266291180000 0266291190000 RAYMOND D MERRITT JR CAROL MC CORMAC ANTHONY R GARRETT 5151 N CHAPARRAL CIR 1597 W TUMBLEWOOD WY 1593 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291200000 0266291210000 0266291220000 JAMES M JR SOLIS ROBERT E LOUALLEN mLIANNE K AGUILAR 1596 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1598 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1591 WRANCHRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266291230000 0266291240000 0266291250000 BART E BRICKNER RAJESH P PATEL CARLOS BRISENO 1589 W RANCH RD 1585 W RANCH RD 12100 OKLAHOMA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SOUTH GATE CA 90280 0266291260000 0266291270000 0266301010000 PETRONILO E QUINTANILLA TAM VANNGUYEN RAMON GARCIA 5128 N LAKEWOOD DR 5104 N LAKEWOOD DR 1554 WRANCHRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301020000 0266301030000 0266301040000 LAIMA WOERTINK TEREZA HERNANDEZ GARY K RODRIGUEZ 4556 NORTH F ST 1560 W RANCH RD 1562 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301050000 0266301060000 0266301070000 WILSON H MC MILLAN MICHAEL G PADILLA JAMES M CLARK 1564 W RANCH RD 1566 W RANCH RD 1570 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301080000 0266301090000 0266301100000 CHERYL M RUSSELL RONALD A MC WHORTER ISRAEL GUITRON 1572 W RANCH RD 1574 W RANCH RD 1576 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301110000 0266301120000 0266301130000 FLETCHER TRUST (12/15/99) DAVID ZOETEMELK GLORIA RAYNER 1580 W RANCH RD 1582 W RANCH RD 1584 N RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301140000 0266301150000 0266301160000 PATRICIA MK PUCKETT HARKEW AL SINGH PAUL M AND JANET A TR COHEN 1583 N RANCH RD 1581 N RANCH RD POBOX 8276 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDLANDS CA 92375 0266301170000 0266301180000 0266301190000 RAYMUNDO C LOZANO FRANKLIN 0 TR FLOYD ROBERT L WILLIAMS 1573 N RANCH RD 5665 N EDGEMONT DR 3170NDUMBARTON AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301200000 0266301210000 0266301220000 MARIO A ARAYA ROBERT P ANDIS RICHARD MEANS 5235 N LAKEWOOD DR 1584 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1588 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266301230000 0266301240000 0266311 0 I 0000 KEN M IKEDA DONNA M CRASE SECRETARY OF HOUSING & 10735 LOS ANGELES AVE 1594 N TUMBLEWEED WY URI3AN DEV MOORPARK CA 93021 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1600 N BROADWAY SUITE 100 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266311020000 0266311 030000 0266311040000 DENNIS A EADS ALVARO M FIGUEIREDO A CHRIS ALMADA 1540 W RANCH RD 1542 W RANCH RD 6675 CAPITOL PL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 0266311050000 0266311060000 0266311070000 EARL L SNOWBALL JANELLE R ANDREW LACRISTADEBOER 1546 W RANCH RD 1548 W RANCH RD 1552 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311 080000 0266311 090000 0266311100000 ALAN HAINES BRENDA L FINDLEY EDWARD PAZ 5094 N COYOTE LN 5072 N COYOTE LN 5050 N COYOTE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311110000 0266311120000 0266311130000 RICHARD OCHOA ANASTACIO CRUZ EVA OCEGUEDA 5028 N COYOTE LN 5004 N COYOTE LN 5059 N SAGUARD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311140000 0266311150000 0266311160000 KAREN A SWANSON VICENTE G RUIZ SAMUELBSTONEROCK 5075 N SAGUARO ST 5091 N SAGUARO ST 5107 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311170000 0266311180000 0266311190000 DELBERT ALEXANDER JORGE L MUNOZ KATHLEEN G GONZALES 5135 N SAGUARO ST 5149 N SAGUARO ST 5148 N SAGUARO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311200000 0266311210000 0266311220000 JEFFERY A DIEHL NEIL E JUSTUS MARC SWAN 7475 STARPINE CIRCLE 5108 N SAGUARO ST 5090 N SAGUARO ST HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311230000 0266311240000 0266311250000 MARTHA J LEWIS BEVERLIE J MYERS FLORA A LOPEZ 5076 N SAGUARO ST 5060 N SAGUARO ST 5105 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311260000 0266311270000 0266311280000 ROBERT S SR DONLEY VICTOR M TENORIO JEFFERY BEE 5119 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5135 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5149 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311290000 0266311300000 0266311310000 STEVEN E PINE G L SHULDA JAMES B MCGOWAN 5165 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5179 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5195 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311320000 0266311330000 0266311340000 R CHAD PETERSON ANTONIO A VARGAS JANET R KINDER 5194 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5178 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5164 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311350000 0266311360000 0266311370000 ABDUL R ELZAHED CLARICE W CHOY MARK S REYNOLDS 5148 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5134 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5118 N SAGEBRUSH TER SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311380000 0266311390000 0266311400000 AILEEN BADAL LAURENCE V BAKER FATMAMRADWAN 5104 N SAGEBRUSH TER 5141 N LAKEWOOD DR 11751 NELSON SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOMA LINDA CA 92354 0266311410000 0266311420000 0266311430000 ANGELA G ALVINO STEVE HOWEY RANDAL H RANKIN 5177 N LAKEWOOD DR 5195 N LAKEWOOD DR 215 EAST 24TH STREET APT 509 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 NEW YORK NY 10010 0266311440000 0266311450000 0266311460000 BARBARA J HULSE JESUS A MORENO DOUGLAS JCALGARO 5215 N LAKEWOOD DR 5225 N LAKEWOOD DR 1580 W TUMBLEWEED WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311470000 0266311480000 0266311490000 BOBBY E ROBERTS RICHARD PRESS ERIC J LEE 3771 PALM CREST DR 1585 W TUMBLEWEED WY 1581 W TUMBLEWEED WY HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311500000 0266311510000 0266311520000 CHARLES BENNETT YAY ANG OEY GENE R MAREK 5172 N LAKEWOOD DR 1597 W WILD PONY PATH 1595 W WILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311530000 0266311540000 0266311550000 AN QUOC NGUYEN NARIS SIRIRUX DONALD R SR CHEMELLO 39260 CANYON HEIGHTS DR 1591 W WILD PONY PATH 36160 PANORAMA DR FREMONT CA 945393070 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 YUCAIPA CA 92399 0266311560000 0266311570000 0266311580000 GREGORY MELENDEZ FRED BIRT KURT B KHACHERIAN 1585 W WILD PONY PTH 2131 SYCAMORE AVE 22616 DE SOTO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RIALTO CA 92376 GRAND TERRACE CA 92324 0266311590000 0266311600000 0266311610000 JOHN R GILBREATH SANDRA L KANTOR-FISH MARTY MARTIN 3366 SPRING GARDEN 1516 W CREEKSIDE DR 1520 W CREEKSIDE DR RIVERSIDE CA 92501 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311620000 0266311630000 0266311640000 SUZI DELANDER MARK V HALLORAN JERRY T MC JUNKIN 8143 SHADY GLADE AVE 1524 W CREEKSIDE DR 1526 W CREEKSIDE DR N HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311650000 0266311660000 0266311670000 JESUS SALAS JOSEPH R MARTINEZ STEVEN E JACOBSEN 1530 W RANCH RD 1532 WRANCH RD 1534 W RANCH RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311680000 0266311690000 0266311700000 NOBUYOSHI BABA GILLIAN L MOLSON PAUL E MEJIA 1110 BROOKDALE AVE 1523 W CREEKSIDE DR 1521 W CREEKSIDE DR LA HABRA CA 90631 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266311710000 0266311720000 0266321010000 DARIN FRASER ROLAND L COLMENERO JAYPRAKASH M PATEL 1519 W CREEKSIDE DR 1515 W CREEKSIDE DR 1577 WWILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321020000 0266321030000 0266321040000 GABRIEL FLORES SAMUEL R WILMOTH LINDORA JOHNSON 1575 W WILD PONY PATH 1573 WWILDPONYPATH 1571 WWILD PONY PATH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321050000 0266321060000 0266321070000 JOSE CINTRON JOHN D FERRUOLO JULIO C. JR. CASTILLO 1563 W WILD PONY PATH 3968 AGENA WY 1555 W WILD PONY PTH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOMPOC CA 93436 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321080000 0266321090000 0266321100000 FRANCISCO NEBLINA MARTIN RUlZ ALBERT RILEY 1551 W INDIAN TRAIL 1543 W INDIAN TR 1539 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321110000 0266321120000 0266321130000 VIRGINIA MAE SCOTT CRUZ C LONGORIA STANLEY J NEWMAN III 1535 W INDIAN TRAIL 1529 W INDIAN TR 1527 W INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SQN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321140000 0266321150000 0266321160000 JEFFREY A DIEHL DANNY CANNON GEORGE P CERBONI 28831 TERRACE DR 1519 INDIAN TRAIL 1524 INDIAN TRAIL HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321170000 0266321180000 0266321190000 DENNIS ASHERBRANNER JERRY PADEN JOHN R KAZALUNAS 1528 INDIAN TR 1534 INDIAN TR 1538 INDIAN TRL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321200000 0266321210000 0266321220000 JOY LKOLSTAD ISMAEL A BUClO BRANDY N REA 1542 INDIAN TRAIL 1546 INDIAN TRAIL 1548 INDIAN TRAIL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266321230000 0266331010000 0266331020000 REGINALD C PETERSON ROSE M MARTINEZ DAVID J WARREN 1550 INDIAN TRAIL 1480 INDIAN TRAIL 1486 INDIAN TR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331030000 0266331040000 0266331050000 MICHAEL J DV A WILLIAMSON JANIE L MORALES DAVID H WELCH 1490 INDIAN TRAIL 1494 INDIAN TR POBOX 9939 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 0266331060000 0266331070000 0266331080000 TERRY R VANDEVER GAIL D REYNOLDS CECILIA B CANTU 1508 INDIAN TRAIL 1512 INDIAN TRAIL 1516 INDIAN TRAIL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331090000 02663311 00000 0266331110000 CHRISTOPHER HACKER STANLEY BISHOP KENNETH DAWSON 1520 INDIAN TR 1515 INDIAN TRAIL 1511 INDIAN TRAIL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331120000 0266331130000 0266331140000 LINDA K CASTNER DIANE LEVELS RALPH D JESSIP 1507 INDIAN TRAIL 1503 INDIAN TR 1493 INDIAN TRAIL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331150000 0266331160000 0266331170000 ROBERT A SIORDIA MARTHAP SIMONEAUX EDWARD L TR HAYES 1491 INDIAN TRL 1489 INDIAN TRAIL 6182 KJLLARNEY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 GARDEN GROVE CA 92845 0266331180000 0266331190000 0266331200000 JOSEPH G TR POWERS MARIORIE A WILLIAMSON JOSEPH G DAVIS 26294 E 23RD ST 1481 INDIAN TR 1479 INDIAN TR HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331210000 0266331220000 0266331230000 BARRY HAMMOND RILO J RODRIGUEZ ANNETTE SANDOVAL 1477 INDIAN TR 1468 W CREEKSIDE DR 1470 CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331240000 0266331250000 0266331260000 TUPEF AA V AE AUELUA CHARLES T ROUSE MARTIN G MAR 1895 SHERIDAN RD 1474 CREEKSIDE DR 695 NORTHP ARK BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331270000 0266331280000 0266331290000 PAUL F DE LA CORTE REBECCA RANDOLPH BRIAN LIVESAY POBOX 90532 1480 CREEKSIDE DR 1482 CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331300000 0266331310000 0266331320000 DEBORAH A INGE-PINKHAM TIMOTHY D HEALY JOHNNY B TIDWELL 1486 CREEKSIDE DR 1488 CREEKSIDE 1490 CREEKSIDE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331330000 0266331340000 0266331350000 LAURA HIGGINS GREGG R RODRIGUEZ ERNESTO RANGEL 1494 W CREEKSIDE DR 1498 CREEKSIDE DR 1504 CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331360000 0266331370000 0266331380000 VIRGINIAL WARNECKE DANNY CANNON JAME E MC ALMOND 1506 CREEKSIDE DR 1508 W CREEKSIDE DR 1512 CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331390000 0266331400000 0266331410000 LEO HOENIG KENNETH M KLEPACH FILIBERTO RAMIREZ 1514 CREEKSIDE DRJVE 1513 CREEKSIDE 1511 CREEKSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331420000 0266331430000 0266331440000 THOMAS P ZELANIN PATRJCK R GRAVLIN JORGE AYALA 1507 CREEKSIDE DR 1505 CREEKSIDE 1503 CREEKSIDE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266331450000 0266332010000 0266332020000 ROBERT BROSE ALFRED MCKEE JOHN J GERTIE 1499 CREEKSIDE DR 4995 ALTA DR 4528 IV AR AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ROSEMEAD CA 91770 0266332030000 0266332040000 0266332050000 PINAKINRPATEL DASHONN HANCOCK JUANRJRMEZA 17790 VINE LAND AVE 4941 ALTA DR 4923 ALTADR MONTE SERENO CA 95030 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332060000 0266332070000 0266332080000 MANEL P MC MILLAN LEORJA R MC GILL TERRJ A FEDELE 4905 ALTADR 4895ALTADR 4885 ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332090000 0266332100000 0266332110000 ROBERT MARTIN ROSAMARJA D GONZALEZ ROBERTO DAVALOS 4875ALTADR 4865 ALT A DR 4845 ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332120000 0266332130000 0266332140000 RJCHARD C DELGADO CECELIA F PERERA ROBERT D COUTTS JR 11926 STEGMEIR DR 4824 ALTA DR 4834 ALTADR RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91739 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332150000 0266332160000 0266332170000 JESUS CERVANTES RAMON L GOMEZ P ARJS BROOKS 4844 ALT A DR 4854 ALTA DR 4864 ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332180000 0266332190000 0266332200000 HILDE I BRINK-JAMESON ANTHONY J HIGGINS EMIL A TR WOLFRAM 4874 ALTA DR 4884 ALTA DR 128 N ROCK RJVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92307 DIAMOND BAR CA 91765 0266332210000 0266332220000 0266332230000 KRISTIE L CURTIS STEVEN C PUCKETT SCOTT LABUDA 4904 VAIL LN 4910 VAIL LANE 4916 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332240000 0266332250000 0266332260000 LORRAINE ALLEN PATRICKJLYNCH PEGGY I CARTER 4924 V AIL LN 4930 V AIL LN 4937 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332270000 0266332280000 0266332290000 DANIEL CHAVEZ JESUS M VEGA RAFAEL SOLIS 4931 VAIL LN 4995 V AIL LN 5371 ELMWOOD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0266332300000 0266332310000 0266332320000 CARLOS 0 CRUZ A VIS STUART ANTHONY CALLENDER 4983 VAIL LN 4975 V AIL LN 4969 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332330000 0266332340000 0266332350000 EDGAR H DELGADO STEVEN P JOHNSON GRACIANO Q VELASQUEZ 4963 VAIL LN 3170 DUMBARTON AVE 4951 VAILLN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332360000 0266332370000 0266332380000 JOSE L MALDONADO TROY A BAUER BEL YNDA VALERA 4945 VAIL LN 4936 V AIL LN 4944 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332390000 0266332400000 0266332410000 CAROL 0 CUSHING KENNETH R HAVINS BHALALA LIVING TRUST (4-24-00) 4950 VAIL LN 4956 VAIL LN 16950 MALAGA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 MORGAN HILL CA 95037 0266332420000 0266332430000 0266332440000 DONALD A FAWCETT LARRY J TR STEWART ARTHUR GRIFFIN 4968 VAIL LN PO BOX 1350 4982 V AIL LANE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BLOOMINGTON CA 92316 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332450000 0266332460000 0266332470000 MARIA FAUX MILAGRO RODRIGUEZ SHELLIE C MAY POBOXI07 4994 VAIL LN 19750 MEYERS RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92402 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332480000 0266332490000 0266332500000 JOSE CALVILLO REANELL GASA WAY PAUL 0 WILKINS 5010 N VAIL LN 5009 ALTA DR 3422 AMETHYST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOS ANGELES CA 90032 0266332510000 0266332520000 0266332530000 DEAN J STIV ASON CARLOS BARAJAS BARBARA W JONES 5024 ALTA DR 5028 ALT A DR 5034 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266332540000 0266341010000 0266341020000 PATRICKJR TORRES CHARLES L NEAL BERNARD J BROWN 5038ALTADR 1623 GROSSMONT DR 1621 GROSSMONT DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341030000 0266341040000 0266341050000 WILLIAM F JR AND LEILANI 0 JANICE 0 BARLOW SHIDAL RONALD R HENDRICKS 1617 GROSSMONT 1613 GROSSMONT DR 1609 GROSSMONT DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341070000 0266341060000 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 0266341080000 BENJAMIN F NOSSER ASSOC INC JERRY RUCKER 1605 GROSSMONT DR 2061 BUSINESS CENTER DR STE 4305 PEPPERDINE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 105 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 IRVINE CA 92715 0266341090000 0266341100000 0266341110000 RANDY 0 AZELTON CHARLENE ROBINSON ROBERT E JACKSON 4351 PEPPERDINE DR 4395 PEPPERDINE DR 4405 PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341120000 0266341130000 0266341140000 HAl NGUYEN WILFRED P SORIANO JOSEPH G TR POWERS 3855 N LEROY CT 1589 W MORGAN RD 26294 E 23RD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266341150000 0266341160000 0266341170000 GENE L GINSBERG MUSIBAU A AROGUNDADE ALEX III JOHNSON 1579 MORGAN RD 1578 MORGAN RD 1584 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341180000 0266341190000 0266341200000 OSCAR DE LA VEGA LARRY J PARKS HELEN M BOROV AC 1588 MORGAN RD 1594 MORGAN RD 1604 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341210000 0266341220000 0266341230000 MICHAEL PENALBER STEVE J TILDY DENA ALLIEY 1608 MORGAN RD 1614 MORGAN RD 4434 PEPPERDINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341240000 0266341250000 0266341260000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & MUSSADDEQUDDIN CHOWDHURY MIKE HANNA URBAN DEV 107WATERCT 4394 PEPPERDINE DR 1600N BROADWAY STE 100 REDLANDS CA 92373 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266341270000 0266341280000 0266341290000 CHRISTOPHER C TRECHTER JACK D WOLF TODD C ZICKERT POBOX 25132 4304 PEPPERDINE 4305 SYRACUSE DR ANAHEIM CA 92825 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341300000 0266341310000 0266341320000 RICHARD M SCHMIDT CHARLES F ROSE DA VINE HARNESS 24756 DACON CT 4365 SYRACUSE DR 4395 N SYRACUSE DR VENET A OR 97487 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266341330000 0266341340000 0266351010000 ALEXIA Y HENDERSON MIGUEL A SALCEDO PATRICIA L NOLEN 4405 SYRACUSE DR 4435 SYRACUSE DR 1577 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351020000 0266351030000 0266351040000 EON A RHODIUS FRANK J SOLET CHARLES L FOLTZ 1571 MORGAN RD 1565 MORGAN RD 1559 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351050000 0266351060000 0266351070000 VINCENT VIGIL MARTIN C TR OLLIS RONALD E SR SHERROD 1553 MORGAN RD 5254 N GENEVIEVE 1541 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351080000 0266351090000 02663511 00000 LARRY R MARTIN CHRISTOPHER J MILLER MARIO A HERRERA 4404 SCRIPPS DR 4394 SCRIPPS DR 4364 SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351110000 0266351120000 0266351130000 LEONARD FILIPPINI MELVIN B CROY GERALD L HENDRICKS 4334 SCRIPPS DR 4304 SCRIPPS DR 4305 SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351140000 0266351150000 0266351160000 PATTI S WEBER ELLEN N LING TERRY L SNYDER 4329 SCRIPPS DR 4351 SCRIPPS DR 4395 SCRIPPS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351170000 0266351180000 0266351190000 THOMAS E HAGLUND MARILEE A BARTROM EUGENE JIM 4405 SCRIPPS DR 4435 SCRIPPS DR 4494 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351200000 0266351210000 0266351220000 RUTH SANCHEZ ROBERT E SMITH PRATAP S CHAMPSI 4464 BROOKFIELD ST 4434 N BROOKFIELD ST 4404 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351230000 0266351240000 0266351250000 DEVIN WILLIS LAURA DOUGLAS BETTYE M LEWIS 4405 BROOKFIELD 4435 BROOKFIELD ST 4465 N BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351260000 0266351270000 0266351280000 ANDRES L R JONES RICHARD C ADAMS ALFRED GRUBBS 4494 N WHITNEY DR 4164 N WHITNEY DR 4434 WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351290000 0266351300000 02663513 10000 PATRICK J JR FERRACCIO GLADYS C FAMILY TRUST (7-15-9 MICHAEL P SMITH 4404 N WHITNEY DR GIEBE 1516 YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1510WYARDLEYST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266351320000 0266351330000 0266362010000 HARVEY L BURKE DANA BENVENUTO STATE COLLEGE PARTNERSHIP 1519WMORGANRD 1515 WMORGANRD POBOX 1710 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOMA LINDA CA 92354 0266362030000 0266362040000 0266362050000 NNC LLC NOWAKOWSKI PROPERTIES L P MORIN CORPORATION 4721 E COPA DE ORO DR 1634 E EDINGER 10707 COMMERCE WY ANAHEIM CA 92807 SANTA ANA CA 92705 FONTANA CA 92337 0266362060000 0266362070000 0266362080000 GENERAL FOAM PLASTICS CORP GENERAL FOAM PLASTICS CORP DOANE PRODUCTS COMPANY 450 SEVENTH ST #706 225 W 34 ST POBOX 2487 NEW YORK NY 10123 NEW YORK NY 10122 BRENTWOOD TN 37024 0266362090000 0266362100000 0266362110000 DOANE PET CARE COMPANY DOANE PET CARE COMPANY ACQUIPORT/AMSDELL I LIMITED POBOX 2487 POBOX 2487 PTNSHP 6745 ENGLE RD STE 300 BRENTWOOD TN 37024 BRENTWOOD TN 37024 CLEVELAND OH44130 0266362120000 0266362130000 0266362140000 REDEVELOPMENT JOSE T MENDOZA 4985 HALLMARK P ARKW A Y INC AGENCY/CITY/SAN BDNO 5015 HALLMARK PKWY POBOX 810490 300 N 'D' ST 4TH FL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 DALLAS TX 753810490 SAN BERNARDINO CA92418 0266362150000 0266362160000 0266362170000 MICHAEL L ZIEMAN UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE KAM HOLDINGS INC 15314 LODOSA DR UNKNOWN 6320 CANOGA AVE STE 1430 WHITTIER CA 90605 WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367 0266362180000 0266362190000 0266362200000 INC MC LANE/SOUTHERN KAM HOLDINGS INC KAM HOLDINGS INC CALIFORNIA 6320 CANOGA AVE STE 1430 6320 CANOGA AVE STE 1430 POBOX 6115 WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367 WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367 TEMPLE TX 76503 0266362210000 0266363010000 0266363020000 GREJOR COMPANY INC HROGER WANG H ROGER WANG 2586 SHENANDOAH WY POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92503 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363030000 0266363040000 0266363050000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG PETER F TR HAUBER POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 1290 VIA DINERO BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SOL V ANG CA 93463 0266363060000 0266363070000 0266363080000 H ROGER WANG PETER F TR HAUBER H ROGER WANG POBOX 16321 4185 HALLMARK PKWY POBOX 16321 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363090000 0266363100000 0266363110000 BASHFORD LIVING TRUST BASHFORD LIVING TRUST H ROGER WANG 43691 A VENIDA ALICANTE 43691 A VENIDA ALICANTE POBOX 16321 PALM DESERT CA92211 PALM DESERT CA92211 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363120000 0266363130000 0266363140000 DENO AND MARLENE M TR H ROGER WANG VACCHER H ROGER WANG POBOX 16321 2001 HARBOR BLVD POBOX 16321 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 CO SA MESA CA 92627 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363150000 0266363160000 0266363180000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG JOHN H W AUCHOPE POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 4330 N HALLMARK PKWY BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266363190000 0266363200000 0266363210000 GARY & AMELIA FAM TR 11-2 JOHN 0 Y ARDIMIAN AMERICAN CABLE Y ARDIMIAN 27353 SAHARA PL ENTERTAINMENT CO 620 N 5TH ST LAGUNA NIGUEL CA 92677 FOUR LANDMARK SQUARE MONTEBELLO CA 90640 STAMFORD CT 06901 0266363220000 0266363230000 0266363240000 FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF SO FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSN OF H ROGER WANG CALIF RIAL TO POBOX 16321 4130 HALLMARK PKWY POBOX 9160 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 0266363250000 0266363260000 0266363270000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363280000 0266363290000 0266363300000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266363310000 0266363320000 0266363330000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG C & M FINE PACK INC POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 4162 GEORGIA BLVD BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266363340000 0266363350000 0266363360000 JSP AMERICA INC CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS 273 GREAT V ALLEY PKWY PARTNER PARTNER MALVERN PA 19355 1560 BROADWAY 1560 BROADWAY DENVER CO 80202 DENVER CO 80202 0266363380000 0266363390000 0266363400000 H ROGER WANG HCK PROPERTIES EQUlLON ENTERPRISES LLC POBOX 16321 117 TREETOP DR POBOX 2099 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 SANTACRUZ CA 95060 HOUSTON TX 77252 0266363410000 0266363420000 0266363430000 ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE RRCO RRCO RRCO ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0266363440000 0266363450000 0266363460000 CARL R TRFAULKNER DENNIS J RUHL BRIAN R CLEARY 10881 ORCHARD VIEW LN 4370 HALLMARK PKWY UNIT 110 529 S HELBERT A AVE RIVERSIDE CA 92503 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDONDO BEACH CA 90277 0266363470000 0266363480000 0266363490000 BRIAN R CLEARY ROBERT A FORSTER ROBERT A FORSTER 529 S HELBERTAAVE 1400 SHATTUCK AVENUE # 1 0 1400 SHATTUCK A VENUE #10 REDONDO BEACH CA 90277 BERKELEY CA 94709 BERKELEY CA 94709 0266363500000 0266363510000 0266363520000 VLADIMIR REIL DANARMALTUN JOSEPH LEPORE 25311 S NORMADIE AVE 25914 PRESIDENT AVE 3305 PASADENA AVE HARBOR CITY CA 90710 HARBOR CITY CA 90710 LOS ANGELES CA 90031 0266363530000 0266363540000 0266363550000 JOSEPH LEPORE JOSEPH LEPORE CARL FAULKNER 3305 PASADENA AVE 3305 PASADENA AVE 6876 INDIANA AVE STE F LOS ANGELES CA 90031 LOS ANGELES CA 90031 RIVERSIDE CA 92506 0266371010000 0266371020000 0266371030000 MICHAEL K TUMA MICHAEL E POTTER JUAN P TERCERO 1625 MORNINGSIDE DR 1619 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1615 MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371040000 0266371050000 0266371060000 LYNN S NEIGHBOURS GEORGE J MARSHALL MICHAEL DELO 1609 MORNINGSIDE DR 1605 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1595 W MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371070000 0266371080000 0266371090000 WENDY ALVAREZ JAMES M FORTE JUAN M SANCHEZ 1589 MORNINGSIDE DR 68370 SANDIA CT 1579 W MORNINGSIDE DR WEST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 CATHEDRAL CITY CA 92234 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371100000 0266371110000 0266371120000 GARCIA TRUST DATED 7-26-99 RJCHMOND DUBOIS ISMAEL TR NEVAREZ 1573 MORNINGSIDE DR 1572 W MORGAN RD 28375 CARRJAGE HILL DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266371130000 0266371140000 0266371150000 FLORA MARTINEZ MARK LOMENICK CAESAR W MONDRAGON 1578 N MORNINGSIDE DR 1584 W MORNINGSIDE DR 17432 WOODRUFF SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BELLFLOWER CA 90706 0266371160000 0266371170000 0266371180000 J J LA BRECK RONALD S WILKERSON JOHN E MAGUIRE 1594 MORNINGSIDE DR 1604 W MORNINGSIDE DR 1608 MORNINGSIDE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371190000 0266371200000 0266371210000 HECTOR C VILLEGAS WILLIAM M WALKER JAMES D HUNTER 1614 WMORNINGSIDEDR 1618 W MORNINGS IDE DR 4559 LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371220000 0266371230000 0266371240000 JEFFREY VOORHIES DANIEL M JR EARLY GERALD A STOUT 4577 LAKEWOOD DR 4595 LAKEWOOD DR PO BOX 9072 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 0266371250000 0266371260000 0266371270000 JAMES E PET AISHISKI JOSEPH A JOHNSON DAWN R WALKER 1609 FULLERTON 1605 FULLERTON DR 1595 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371280000 0266371290000 0266371300000 BOB L MC LAUGHLIN RUSSELL L LA YZELL MICHAEL COLGATE 39170XFORDLN 20535 ALAMINOS DR 1579 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAUGUS CA 91350 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371310000 0266371320000 0266371330000 STEPHEN D CRUZ DON M TR SMITH PT PACKS INVESTMENT CO 1573 FULLERTON DR 4564 PARK DR POBOX 56157 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RJVERSIDE CA 92517 0266371340000 0266371350000 0266371360000 HAROLD H NEEDHAM MICHAEL WILLIFORD JAMES HUNTER CONSTRUCTION CORP 1562 W FULLERTON DR 1568 W FULLERTON DR 6660 ALESSANDRO BLVD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RJVERSIDE CA 92506 0266371370000 0266371380000 0266371390000 GWENDOLYN KAY BERRY STEPHEN D EVANS MARK E ALLEN 1578 FULLERTON DR 1584 W FULLERTON DR 1588 FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371400000 0266371410000 0266371420000 SUSAN P CHAPIN TERRY BOYKINS DAVID G RODARTE 1594 WFULLERTON 1604 FULLERTON 1608 W FULLERTON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371430000 0266371440000 0266371450000 TING HUANG LU BETTY L BREITENGROSS JEROME A FARNIK 816 W BEACON ST 4605 N LAKEWOOD DR 4604 N LAKEWOOD DR ALHAMBRA CA 91801 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371460000 0266371470000 0266371480000 KAREN P SWINNEY CINDY J AND P A TRJCIA A COX MARK C MC GEE 4594 N LAKEWOOD DR MOLLE 4558 W LAKEWOOD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 4576 N LAKEWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266371490000 0266371500000 0266401050000 RICARDO J TR QUINONES DOUGLAS LOREMAN WILBERT R BROWN 605 PURDUE DR 4522 LAKEWOOD ST 22581 KILL Y ST CLAREMONT CA 91711 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LAKE FOREST CA 92630 0266401060000 0266401070000 0266401080000 OSCAR CALDERON THOMAS W TRUST(A MAY TRUST) ITRJCE SANDERS 1380 W 48TH ST #2 DOMINICK 1380 W 48TH ST NO 4 215 N D ST 1ST FLR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92401 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401090000 0266401100000 0266401110000 MONIQUE JUST BUTTON F AMIL Y TRUST (FBO M SHARON CROSS 1380 W 48TH ST #5 BUTTON) 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 7 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1380 W 48TH ST #6 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401120000 0266401130000 0266401140000 ETHEL V SMITH DEBORAH S BURTON CORY W DYER 1380 W 48TH ST 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 9 1380 W 48TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401150000 0266401160000 0266401170000 DORETHA M SWAYNE NANCY A HEDDING EDDIE L DANIELS 1380 48TH ST #11 1380 W 48TH ST #12 1380 WEST 48TH STREET UNIT 13 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401180000 0266401190000 0266401200000 STEPHANIE FARMER DENISE TILLMAN KATHLEEN M FINNERAN 1380 W 48TH ST #14 1380 W 48TH ST #15 1380 W 48TH ST #16 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401210000 0266401220000 0266401230000 LENWOOD A JOHNSON DONIT A REMINGTON DEIDRE JONES 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 17 28663 ARROYO VISTA DR 1380 W 48TH ST # 19 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401240000 0266401250000 0266401260000 JONATHAN W ARNETT JAMES E OZUNA STEPHANIE L GILTNER 1380 W 48TH ST #20 2058 N MILLS AVE # 412 1380 W 48TH ST #22 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 CLAREMONT CA91711 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401270000 0266401280000 0266401290000 CLIFFORD W GLASS LEONARD SMITH BILLY D BURWELL 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 23 1380 W 48TH ST #24 1380 W 48TH ST #25 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401300000 0266401310000 0266401320000 SARAH M SHUPEK FASIL TEKLE DANIEL M HOAG 1380 W 48TH ST #26 1380 W 48TH ST 1380 W 48TH ST #28 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401330000 0266401340000 0266401350000 WYLLETTE E HEARD RJCHARD E JR TR DANZEY DARLENE TRGALVAN 1380 W 48TH ST #29 1380 W 48TH ST #30 1380 W 48TH ST #31 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401360000 0266401370000 0266401380000 SHIRLEY D BYRUM EDNA E MONROE ROBERT RDZAK 1380 W 48TH ST #32 1380 W 48TH ST #33 23076 PEACOCK CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 GRAND TERRACE CA 92324 0266401390000 0266401400000 0266401410000 AHMED RJBADU VIOLA J ANGEBRANDT-LUCAS HARVEY A TR HANNAH 1380 W 48TH ST #J 1380 W 48TH ST #36 3888 FREMONTIA NORTH SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0266401420000 0266401430000 0266401440000 NICOLE Y POST SCOTT A NOON VIRGINIA L PEART 1380 W 48TH ST #38 1380 W 48TH ST #39 1380 WEST 48TH ST UNIT 40 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401450000 0266401460000 0266401470000 RJCHARD A CHILD JOHN F KUCHERER MARY C ESTELLE 1380 W 48TH ST NO 41 36159 GOLDEN GATE DR POBOX 572 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 YUCAIPA CA 92399 ALTA LOMA CA 91701 0266401480000 0266401490000 0266401500000 TREVOR S CAIRNS CLEVELAND HARRIS MARC V WILDER 1380 W 48TH ST #44 1376 CAULFIELD CT 1380 W 48TH UNIT 46 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 RJVERSIDE CA 92506 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0266401510000 0266401520000 0266401530000 FRANK BARLAGE DANA M BYRUM JOHN SIDENFADEN 1174 FAIR OAKS AVE APT 29 1380 W 48TH ST NO 48 1380 W 48TH ST #49 ARROYO GRANDE CA 93420 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401540000 0266401550000 0266401560000 NICOLE M JORDAN W ALTER E ALLEN MARY L TRBEATTY 1380 W 48TH ST 1380 W 48TH ST #51 1380 W 48TH ST #50 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401640000 0266401650000 0266401660000 STEVEN L ANDERSSON RICHELLE SUMLAR ANTONIO J DELGADO 4904 N T AMARRON CT 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 54 1380 W 48TH ST # 55 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401670000 0266401680000 0266401690000 MILELE ROBERTSON ANTHONY M CIMINO TERIANNE RUCKER 1380 W 48TH ST #56 1380 W 48TH ST #57 1380 W 48TH ST #58 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401700000 0266401710000 0266401720000 PAUL CRYDER JOE M JR RODRIGUEZ MARCO A C COTA 1380 W 48TH ST #74 970 W OLIVE ST 140 W PIONEER AVE NO 153 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 COLTON CA 92324 REDLANDS CA 92374 0266401730000 0266401740000 0266401750000 ROY BINGHAM JESUS M PAEZ RANDY A MONTROSE 1380 W 48TH ST #77 1380 W 48TH ST #78 9735 LINCOLN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RIVERSIDE CA 92503 0266401760000 0266401770000 0266401780000 CHARLES A JR BROWN MICHAEL A GERBER CAROL LUPPINO 1380 W 48TH ST #80 1380 W 48TH ST #81 1399 EGRET AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 VENTURA CA 93003 0266401790000 0266401800000 0266401810000 ELIZABETH ARAGON JORGE M ESPINOZA CARL HARTFIELD 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 83 1380 W 48TH ST #84 1380 W 48TH ST U 85 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401820000 0266401830000 0266401840000 TIMOTHY STARKEY DANIEL J ST ARKWEA THER STACEY PHILLIPS 1380 W 48TH ST #59 1380 W 48TH ST #60 1380 W 48TH ST #61 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401850000 0266401860000 0266401870000 LORENE A LUCE GERALD E HURT GEORGE JR MILLER 1380 W 48TH ST #62 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 63 POBOX 90214 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 0266401880000 0266401890000 0266401900000 SRIKRISHNA K UDUPA DEBRA H BEMBEN RANDALL V COOLEY 1380 W 48TH ST U 65 1380 W 48TH ST #66 1380 W 48TH ST #67 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401910000 0266401920000 0266401930000 ANTHONY VINES RUBEN DURAN MICHELLE J RAMSAY 1380 W 48TH ST #68 9859 DIAMOND ST 1380 W 48TH ST #70 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 YUCAIPA CA 92399 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266401940000 0266401950000 0266401960000 SANDY R GALLARDO DOUGLAS S BROUWER ERIC POST 1380 W 48TH ST NO 71 1380 W 48TH ST #72 1380 W 48TH ST #73 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402010000 0266402020000 0266402030000 CORINA AGUILERA VERA A CAMPBELL LINDA D LOVETT 1380 W 48TH ST #86 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 87 1380 W 48TH ST U 88 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402040000 0266402050000 0266402060000 CHERYL A CARGILE MOHAMMAD W ASIM DARLENE JOHNSON 1380 W 48TH ST #89 1380 W 48TH ST U 90 1380 W 48TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402070000 0266402080000 0266402090000 IRENE FLORES ROBERT D KRUTH MARIE C ALBERT 1380 W 48TH ST #92 1380 W 48TH ST #93 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 94 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402100000 0266402130000 0266402140000 CYNTHIA HERNANDEZ DAVID SALAZAR JOHN R PEACH 1380 W 48TH ST #95 1380 W 48TH ST #96 1380 W 48TH ST NO 97 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402150000 0266402160000 0266402170000 GARY P BIBB MARC E RUSSELL BOB CHAN 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 98 1380 W 48TH ST 8032 SAN DIMAS CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BUENA PARK CA 90620 0266402180000 0266402190000 0266402200000 CATHERINE L GAZDA BARBARA JACKSON LAURIE J RIGGS 1380 W 48TH ST #101 1380 W 48TH ST U 102 1380 W 48TH ST #103 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402210000 0266402220000 0266402230000 MICHAEL NEUPPERT ANR INDUSTRIES INC MYRA J EASLEY 1380 W 48TH ST #104 10702 HATHAWAY DR UNIT 1 1380 W 48TH ST #106 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90607 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402240000 0266402250000 0266402260000 ROSE H COLON MARIA ANDREINA E FILIPINA PAMELA I DORTCH 1380 W 48TH ST # 107 15 CALLE DE LOS GRABADOS 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 109 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 92688 0266402270000 0266402280000 0266402290000 TONI RODRIGUEZ DARCI WARNER ROWENA SANTIAGO 1380 W 48TH ST #110 1670 CARDIGAN AVE 1380 W 48TH ST #112 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 VENTURA CA 93004 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402300000 0266402310000 0266402320000 LAURA R HELD PATRICIA A ROBISON SECRETARY OF HOUSING & 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 113 1380 W 48TH ST URBAN DEV SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1600NBROADWAYSTE 100 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266402330000 0266402340000 0266402350000 LISA M TR COBB SHIRLEY PLUMMER WILLIAM SUAREZ 1380 W 48TH ST #116R 1380 W 48TH ST #117 1380 W 48TH ST UNIT 118 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402360000 0266402370000 0266402380000 HOMA RA V ANSHAD HOMA RA V ANSHAD SECRETARY OF VETERANS 4977 T AMARRON CT 4977 TAMARRON CT AFFAIRS SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 11000 WILSHIRE BLVD A TTN 265 LOS ANGELES CA 90024 0266402390000 0266402400000 0266402410000 PAUL BRYANT ROSA TOLBERT MOON KIM 1357 RESERVOIR DR 1353 RESERVOIR DR 1349 RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266402420000 0266402430000 0266411390000 MARK BARLOW KATHY TRUST TRAN MICHAEL H LAIRD 22431 B-160 ANTONIO PKWY #428 1345 RESERVOIR DR 12902 LUCILLE AVE RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 GARDEN GROVE CA 92841 92688 0266411400000 02664310 10000 0266431020000 SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD IGNACIO RODRIGUEZ SALLY L 1993 LIV TR (10-27-9 CONTROL DIST 1627 LOYOLA DR DEWALT 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 1623 LOYOLA SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431030000 0266431040000 0266431050000 OSCAR AGUINIGA ROBERT BECK MICHAEL I PURTLE 1619 LOYOLA DR 1615 W LOYOLA DR 1611 WLOYOLADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431060000 0266431070000 0266431080000 DAVID G ESCANDON BETTY J BEEMAN BARBARA M CONTRERAS 1607 W LOYOLA DR 1603 W LOYOLA DR 1593 LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431090000 0266431100000 0266431110000 SU LING MURPHY KEITH A KAMMER ROBERT W DV A FLAGG 1587 W LOYOLA DR 1583 LOYOLA DR 1577 LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431120000 0266431130000 0266431140000 BRUCE J HUMPERT TOBY J LEE BASIL I LORD 1573 W LOYOLA DRIVE 4650 N PARK DR 4672 PARK DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431150000 0266431160000 0266431170000 EZEQUJEL GARACHE L DANIEL BARRIOS LEONARD A SIGDEST AD 1572 W LOYOLA DR 1576 W LOYOLA DR 2605 S WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 0266431180000 0266431190000 0266431200000 RICHARD BRICKER GILBERT MORALES GARY BLACKWELL 1588 W LOYOLA DR 1594 LOYOLA DR 1606 W LOYOLA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431210000 0266431220000 0266431230000 REGINA A GORDON CHARLES ROBERTS ROXANNE COCHRAN 1612 W LOYOLA DR 1593 WINDSOR ST 1591 W WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431240000 0266431250000 0266431260000 RAMIRO PEREZ LEONARD A SIGDEST AD STACI SPRAUGE 1589 WINDSOR ST 2605 S WATERMAN AVE 1585 WINDSOR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431270000 0266431280000 0266431290000 LEONARD A SIGDEST AD LEONARD A SIGDESTAD LEONARD A SIGDESTAD 2605 S WATERMAN AVE 2605 S WATERMAN AVE 2605 S WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 0266431300000 0266431310000 0266431320000 EMANUEL GONZALEZ PERRY A LINDSEY LEONARD A SIGDESTAD 1565 W WINDSOR ST 1528 WINDSOR ST 2605 S WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 0266431330000 0266431340000 0266431350000 MARIA L VILLALOBOS LOUIS A SALAZAR TRENCHARD TRUST 1/10/2000 1534 W WINDSOR 1538 WINDSOR ST 1544 WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431360000 0266431370000 0266431380000 CHRIS HARLIN PHILLIP W PATTON EDWARD J RAMIREZ 1548 WINDSOR ST 1554 WINSOR 3403 F ALLCREEK RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 DUARTE CA 91010 0266431390000 0266431400000 0266431410000 LONG V AN TRAN LEONARD A SIGDEST AD J LUIS SANCHEZ 1564 WINDSOR ST 2605 S WATERMAN AVE 1574 WINDSOR PLACE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431420000 0266431430000 0266431440000 JAMES T CHRISTENSEN FELIX HERNANDEZ JANICE M LAYTON 1578 WINDSOR ST 1584 W WINDSOR PL 1588 WINDSOR PL SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431450000 0266431460000 0266431470000 LEROY N 11 SEIP FEDERAL HOME LOAN DOUGLAS K SLONEY MORTGAGE CORP 4705 N WINDSOR CT 5280 CORPORATE DR 4751 N WINDSOR CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 FREDERICK MD 21703 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431480000 0266431490000 0266431500000 MICHAEL P BERRY ROBERT R BALLESTEROS ELLEN MC ALLISTER 4773 WINDSOR COURT 4795 N WINDSOR CT 4794 WINDSOR CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431510000 0266431520000 0266431530000 MANUEL A TR MARTINEZ HUNG THE NGUYEN JAIME DE LA CRUZ 4764 WINDSOR CT 4724 W ARPOR DR #117 1590 WINDSOR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ROLLING MEADOWS IL 60008 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266431540000 0266431550000 0266431560000 DOUGLAS A BUDINGER ERIC V ARA DOUGLAS 0 BERG 4615 LEXINGTON CROSSING #318 1594 WINDSOR ST 1596 WINDSOR ST SACRAMENTO CA 95842 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501010000 0266501020000 0266501030000 RAMONA DELGADO WILLIAM A BROWN AIDA B AVILA 5016 N VAIL LN 5024 VAIL LN 5030 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501040000 0266501050000 0266501060000 JAMES E SR RIGNEY GILBERT R VALDEZ JANET L KOTTKE 5040 VAIL LN 5048 VAIL LN 5058 VAIL LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501070000 0266501080000 0266501090000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & CHARLES A SR REYES STEVEN P JOHNSON URBAN DEV 5076 VAIL LN 3170 DUMBARTON AVE 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266501100000 0266501110000 0266501120000 SAMAN BEHNAM MICHAEL R THOMPSON STEVEN P JOHNSON 12862 EVENS IDE DR 1499 LAKE PLACID PL 3170 DUMBARTON AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0266501130000 0266501140000 0266501150000 SONIA G SANCHEZ LOUIS RESENDEZ ANTHONY L ADKINS 1491 LAKE PLACID DR 1487 LAKE PLACID DR 1483 LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501160000 0266501170000 0266501180000 ARTHUR PINZON CORNELL L IVEY JESSE L MC MARTIN 1479 LAKE PLACID DR 1475 LAKE PLACID DR 1471 LAKE PLACID SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501190000 0266501200000 0266501210000 CHARLES AHRENS JEFFERY ELLIS ROBERT W MARTIN 343 DUN ROBBIN DR 1245 OAKCREEK PL NW 7571 STONEY CREEK DR SEVERNAPARK MA21146 ISSAQUAH W A 98027 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266501220000 0266501230000 0266501240000 MARK 0 BYERLY HECTOR CORONA COLIN STRANGE 1455 LAKE PLACID DR 4423 EAGLE ROCK BLVD #307 1447 LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOS ANGELES CA 90041 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501250000 0266501260000 0266501270000 JEFFREY A SCHULTE CHARLES H HOPSON DANIEL J SERRA 1443 LAKE PLACID DR 5075 N ALTA 1231 DOVER DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501280000 0266501290000 0266501300000 GLENN A SCHWARTZMAN VICTOR M ARELLANO ENRIQUE RIVERA 2942 BRIARWOOD DR 5059 N ALTADR 5055ALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501310000 0266501320000 0266501330000 FLORETTA L NUNN LORI R ST JEAN ROBERT C HORVATH 5099ALTADR 5045 ALTADR 5039ALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501340000 0266501350000 0266501360000 BRENDA BOLDEN DYANIYANEZ KIM MAHAN 5035ALTADR 5029N ALTADR 5025 ALTADR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501370000 0266501380000 0266501390000 I DARLENE ALLEN JAMES M GONERlNG ENRIQUE MEDINA 5019NALTADR 5015 ALTADR 5044 ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501400000 0266501410000 0266501420000 SAMAN BEHNAM THOMAS V NORRIS DONNA R FRALEY 12862 EVENINGS IDE DR 5054 ALTA DR 5058ALTADR SANTA ANA CA 92705 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501430000 ROBERT D RODRIGUEZ 5064 N ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501440000 EDUARDO ROMAN 5068 ALTA DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266501450000 0266501460000 0266501470000 0266501480000 0266501490000 0266501500000 0266501510000 0266503010000 0266503020000 0266503030000 MICHAEL THEW ARD ANR INDUSTRIES INC DAVID J O'BRIEN 1464 W LAKE PLACID DR 10702 HATHAWAY DR UNIT! 1474 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90607 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503040000 0266503050000 0266503060000 VICTORIA RODRIGUEZ KENT Q NGUYEN ROBERT F JR CANTU 1478 W LAKE PLACID DR 1484 LAKE PLACID DR 1488 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503070000 0266503080000 0266503090000 THERESA M DIETZ GARY M SR TR HABKIRK MARK J HALL 5195 MAMMOTH DR 5205 N MAMMOTH DR 5219 N MAMMOTH DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503100000 026650311 0000 0266503120000 PETRA L BERBERICH TONY PAPIN KIMBERLEY S A BERRIDGE 5235 N MAMMOTH DR 1455 W KEYSTONE DR 1449 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503130000 0266503140000 0266503150000 CONSTANTIN HUTMAN DALE J CADDELL JOHN A JR RAMOS 1445 W KEYSTONE DR 1439 W KEYSTONE DR 1435 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503160000 0266503170000 0266503180000 BETSY CALLEN CHRISTOPHER R VASQUEZ MANUEL SALAS 1429 W KEYSTONE DR 1414 KEYSTONE DR 1418 KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503190000 0266503200000 0266503210000 ROMULO E OLBES DON D VICARIO PATRICIA M LOWERY 1424 W KEYSTONE DR 1428 W KEYSTONE DR 1434 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503220000 0266503230000 0266503240000 JASON D WARD KRISTINE A ALEXANDER ERROLL ENGLISH 1438 KEYSTONE DR 1444 W KEYSTONE DR 1448 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503250000 0266503260000 0266503270000 LINO M 1II SALSE EUGENE G LEROY SERGIO QUINTERO 1454 KEYSTONE DR 1458 W KEYSTONE DR 1464 KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503280000 0266503290000 0266503300000 RANDY L STEVENS LONNIE R SHEETS JAMES M RENSTROM 1468 W KEYSTONE DR 1474 W KEYSTONE DR 1478 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503310000 0266503320000 0266503330000 MIGUEL A AYALA STEPHEN B HARWELL DOUGLAS D BOLLUYT 1484 KEYSTONE DR 1488 W KEYSTONE DR 1494 KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503340000 0266503350000 0266503360000 TIMOTHY L BONO REBECCA M ZAZUETA MARIA D L VALENCIA 1495 KEYSTONE DR 1485 W KEYSTONE DR 1479 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503370000 0266503410000 0266503420000 JEFFREY G LANE VIKKJ R GRANDBERRY CHRJS C PITZER 1469 W KEYSTONE DR 1474 W STEAMBOAT CIR 1484 W STEAMBOAT C1R SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503430000 0266503440000 RYAN WAGNER SALLY A CUEN 0266503450000 1494 W STEAMBOAD CIRCLE 1475 W STEAMBOAT CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503470000 0266503480000 0266503460000 SANDRA L ARMENT A TERJ L CAMPBELL 5234 N MAMMOTH DR 5218 N MAMMOTH DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266503490000 0266521060000 0266521070000 JAMIE E MITCHELL STATER BROS MARKETS MARTIN FIFE 1464 STEAMBOAT CIR POBOX150 POBOX 8431 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 COLTON CA 92324 HARRISBURG P A 17105 0266521080000 0266521090000 0266521100000 STATER BROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS POBOX 150 POBOX 150 POBOX 150 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 026652111 0000 0266521120000 0266521130000 LMJMLLC STATER BROS MARKETS MARINA M TR (TRUST #1) 8122 S 14TH ST POBOX 150 PANONTIN TACOMA W A 98465 COLTON CA 92324 13040 PARAMOUNT CT SARATOGA CA 95070 0266521140000 0266521150000 0266521160000 STATER BROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS POBOX 150 POBOXI50 POBOXI50 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 0266521170000 0266521180000 0266521190000 STATERBROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS STATER BROS MARKETS POBOXI50 POBOX 150 POBOX 150 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 COLTON CA 92324 0266531010000 0266531020000 0266531030000 NANCY L PACE-SKINNER ANNETTE DENIS JAMES P FLOOD 6900 CYPRESS GROVE DR 4924 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4916 VILLAGE GREEN WY RIVERSIDE CA 92506 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531040000 0266531050000 0266531060000 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS INC SIBYLLE M DUGDALE ROSA A PERAZA 400 COUNTRYWIDE WY SV-35 4878 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4870 VILLAGE GREEN WY SIMI V ALLEY CA 93065 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531070000 0266531080000 0266531090000 LYNNE F RUH DARRELL E WALKER KENNETH A SCHMIDT 4864 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4856 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4848 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 02665311 00000 0266531110000 0266531120000 TAYLOR MICHAELS LOUISE R REV TRUST (12-29-00 MICHAEL R PETERS 4842 VILLAGE GREEN WY FORTIN 42541 N 6TH ST EAST #17 4834 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LANCASTER CA 93535 0266531130000 0266531140000 0266531150000 WILLIAM JR HINECKER NORMAN W SHIRLEY RONNIE L NETTLES 1330 STONEGATE LN 1336 STONEGATE LN 1337 STONEGATE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531160000 0266531170000 0266531180000 SHARON R GLEASON ALEXIS BOOKMAN KIM S MC JIMSEY 1331 STONEGATE LN 1325 STONEGATE LN 1321 STONEGATE LN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531190000 0266531200000 0266531210000 BOB CHAN JACQUL YN BOWLES DOUGLAS G Y AHN 8032 SAN DIMAS CIR 4805 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4813 VILLAGE GREEN WY BUENA PARK CA 90620 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531220000 0266531230000 0266531240000 STEVEN GUTIERREZ SONC1A R REAGINS SEANDARRIE G HILLYER 4821 VILLAGE GREEN WY 436 GULARTE RD 4835 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ARROYO GRANDE CA 93420 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531250000 0266531260000 0266531270000 GERALDINE F HOLOBER JASON DARLING DIXIE RUIZ 4704 OLIVEWOOD LN 4849 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4857 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531280000 0266531290000 0266531300000 PAMELA K PRESTON ALBERTO D MENDOZA RICARDO MENENDEZ 4865 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4871 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4879 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531310000 0266531320000 0266531330000 KA TRINA A CROSS PATTERSON TRUST 6/29/98 JESUS R LOPEZ 4887 VILLAGE GREEN WY 3678 P ARKSIDE DR 4905 VILLAGE GREEN WY #B SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531340000 0266531350000 0266531360000 WAYNE N WOLCOTT DEBORA DICKERSON TERESA LEBOUTHILLIER 4909 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4915 VILLAGE GREEN WY 3377 N LAUREL AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 RIALTO CA 92377 0266531370000 0266531380000 0266531390000 DANIEL W DURST JANE R STOKES PAUL GARRETT 4925 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4929 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4935 VILLAGE GREEN WY SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531400000 0266531410000 0266531420000 MICHAEL R FLOREY PETER SANCHEZ SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 4939 VILLAGE GREEN WY 4945 N VILLAGE GREEN WAY CONTROL DIST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 825 E THIRD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266531440000 0266531450000 0266531430000 SUZANNE MAE TRUST WILLIAMS FREDERICK R DOWELL 5088 N SUNDANCE DR 5080 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531460000 0266531470000 0266531480000 LEE E WIXOM ROBERT RHOADES VINH H LE 5074 SUNDANCE DR 5066 SUNDANCE DR 5053 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531490000 0266531500000 0266531510000 WAYNE LORENZEN RAUL GUTIERREZ CYNTHIA A AMEY 5061 SUNDANCE DR 5067 SUNDANCE DR 5075 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266531520000 0266531530000 0266531540000 JOHN D SLIGER PAUL E BARNES TRACI NASH 5081 SUNDANCE DR 5089 SUNDANCE DR 5095 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541170000 0266541180000 0266541190000 CHEERIE C HARMON VICTOR NGUYEN JAMES C HAYES 1442 W LAKE PLACID DR 1448 W LAKE PLACID DR 1456 W LAKE PLACID DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541200000 0266541210000 0266541220000 ANDRES GINEZ THOMAS W CURTIS JOSEPH A VASQUEZ 1425 W KEYSTONE DR 1419 W KEYSTONE DR 1415 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541230000 0266541240000 0266541250000 WILLIAM E CISNEROS DONNA J PHILLIPS NANCY L KIMBROUGH 1409 W KEYSTONE DR 1405 W KEYSTONE DR 1404 W KEYSTONE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541260000 0266541270000 0266541280000 SHELLEY L WALSH MARCUS HARRIS CECIL SERMENO 1408 KEYSTONE DR 1424 BRECKENRIDGE CT 1414 W BRECKENRIDGE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541290000 0266541300000 0266541310000 GEORGE P DESARIO HAROLD G MILLS ALEXANDER KA TEMOPOULOS 1404 W BRECKENRIDGE DR 5094 T AMARRON CT 5195 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541320000 0266541330000 0266541340000 CYNTHIA A AVILA WILLIAM E IV BUTLER FARRY MAMESAH 5151 NTAMARRONCT 5105 N TAMARRON CT 5095 N TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541350000 0266541360000 0266541370000 MARIAL TUAZON NELAND J KISINGER THOMAS A FROSSARD 5077 N T AMARRON CT 5059 N T AMARRON CT 5041 TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92402 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541380000 0266541390000 0266541400000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL HOME RANDALL R LEE DAVID M AZNAR LOANS INC 5023 N T AMARRON CT 5005 N T AMARRON CT POBOX 1169 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 MILWAUKEE WI 53201-1169 0266541410000 0266541420000 0266541430000 HOMA RA V ANSHAD HOWARD I VASQUEZ RICHARD E ELLIS PO BOX 9506 4959 N T AMARRON CT 4941 TAMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541440000 0266541450000 0266541460000 LAWRENCE R OTT 1KSHA W AKU P OZA TIMOTHY B LEWIS 4923 T AMARRON CT 4905 N T AMARRON CT 4895 T AMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541470000 0266541480000 0266541490000 JOHN COOPER ST ARLA J WEBB LOUIS A SALAZAR 4851 N T AMARRON CT 4805 T AMARRON CT 4804 N T AMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541500000 0266541510000 0266541520000 MARK A TAKAHASHI RACHEL Y MURILLO TERRJ L CORTEZ 4850 N T AMARRON CT 4894 N T AMARRON CT 4904 T AMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541530000 0266541540000 0266541550000 STEPHANIE J GLENN BRENTFORD G LEADON GILBERT JR DELGADO 1409 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1413 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1421 WWRIGHTWOODDR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541560000 0266541570000 0266541580000 HENRY D ORTIZ MARTHA M ESCALANTE MARK MC KENZIE 1427 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1434 W WRIGHTWOOD DR 1426 W WRIGHTWOOD DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541590000 0266541600000 0266541610000 GABRIEL MAGANA MICHAEL L BENSON MICHAEL C COOK 1420 WRIGHTWOOD DR 4976 N T AMARRON CT 4994 T AMARRON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541620000 0266541630000 0266541640000 MICHAEL P DOWD BYRON MARQUEZ STEPHANIE GAMINO 5004 N T AMARRON CT 28937 CLEARSPRlNG LN 1415 BRECKENRIDGE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266541650000 0266541660000 0266561010000 MY LAM M TRAN KENNETH PARKERSON TACO BELL CORP 1425 BRECKENRIDGE CT 1435 W BRECKENRIDGE CT 12391 LEWIS ST STE 101 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 GARDEN GROVE CA 92840 0266561020000 0266561030000 0266561040000 ALLEN STEWARD INC CALIFORNIA SOUTH S9 LLC LLC 10544 PICO 104 ESTATE ST STE Q 147 MONARCH BAY DR 10544 PICO BLVD REDLANDS CA 92373 MONARCH BEACH CA 92629 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 0266561060000 0266561070000 0266561080000 LLC 10544 PICO LLC 10544 PICO LLC 10544 PICO 10544 PICO BLVD 10544 PICO BLVD 10544 PICO BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 0266561090000 0266561100000 0266561110000 LLC 10544 PICa LLC 10544 PICa LLC 10544 PICa 10544 PICa BLVD 10544 PICa BLVD 10544 PICa BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 0266561120000 0266561130000 0266561140000 LLC 10544 PICa UNIVERSITY INN OF AMERICA INC H ROGER WANG 10544 PICa BLVD 2000 OSTREMS WY POBOX 16321 LOS ANGELES CA 900642320 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266561150000 0266561160000 0266561170000 H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG H ROGER WANG POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 POBOX 16321 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266561180000 0266571010000 0266571020000 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO ACACIA RESORT CORP POBOX 512485 7 CORPORATE PLAZA CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO LOS ANGELES CA 90051 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 ADDRESS UNKNOWN 0266581010000 0266581020000 0266581030000 EDGARD FLORES RANDY VALLES MERCEDES E GARCIA 5294 SUNDANCE DR 5278 SUNDANCE DR 5264 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581040000 0266581050000 0266581060000 LOUIS JR TR CASTANEDA JOHN E ROBINSON INC MARY'S MERCY CENTER 5248 SUNDANCE DR POBOX 492 POBOX 7563 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ANAHEIM CA 928150492 SAN BERNARDINO CA92411 0266581070000 0266581080000 0266581090000 ANNA BROWN DEBORAH A SPRAGUE DEAN K AHUJA 5204 SUNDANCE DR 944 MC CLOUD ST 9325 178TH ST. W SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SANTA MARlA CA 93455 LAKEVILLE MN 55044 0266581100000 0266581110000 0266581120000 GAIL K GLISPIE ROBERT S MILLER KENNETH ORTEGA 5168 SUNDANCEDR 5156 SUNDANCE DR 5142 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581130000 0266581140000 0266581150000 ARTURO I CONCEPCION LEONOR V AMESCUA JESSIE R MEZA 5130 SUNDANCE DR 5116 SUNDANCE 5105 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581160000 0266581170000 0266581180000 FELICIDAD P DELANEY TONG LAI YU MICHAEL SITTON 3850 ATLANTIC SP#237 5131 SUNDANCEDR 5143 SUNDANCE DR HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581190000 0266581200000 0266581210000 SANTIAGO ROSAS WALTER E LOLL GABRIELE LENZ 5157 SUNDANCE DR 5169 SUNDANCE DR 5183 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581220000 0266581230000 0266581240000 KATHRINE G DOSS MARINA KOZANOV A HAZEL T WASHINGTON 5195 SUNDANCEDR 5205 SUNDANCE DR 5219 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581250000 0266581260000 0266581270000 RICARDO HERNANDEZ JEFFREY C TOSHA JOSEPHINE G MENDOZA 5235 SUNDANCE DR 5249 SUNDANCE DR 5265 SUNDANCE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581280000 0266581290000 0266581300000 ROBERT ALLEN SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD LAM V AN NGUYEN 6058 SHEPARD DR CONTROL DIST 1346 RESERVOIR ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581310000 0266581320000 0266581330000 JOHN J PETROS JERRY B RUSSELL JIMMIE C BROWN 1354 RESERVOIR DR 1358 RESERVOIR DR 1362 RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERANRDINO CA 92407 0266581340000 0266581350000 0266581360000 HERBERT B TR STONE EARL F WILSON DANIEL A LYONS 1370 RESERVOIR DR 1374 RESERVOIR DR 1378 RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581370000 0266581380000 0266581390000 ERNIE VEA RONALD DENNIS DEJARNETTE CANDACE A TR BRADY 1429 N KENMORE AVE #8 1386 RESERVOIR DR 1390 RESERVOIR DR LOS ANGELES CA 90027 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581400000 0266581410000 0266581420000 ELSIE M RAMSEY CHRISTINE LEWIS NATALIE C BROWN 1394 RESERVOIR DR 1398 RESERVOIR DR 1404 RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581430000 0266581440000 0266581450000 ALFRED L KARLSON LA MESIO H WASHINGTON HOWARDWTAYLOR 1410 RESERVOIR DR 1397 RESERVOIR DR 1393 RESERVOIR DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 0266581460000 0266581470000 0266581480000 ERNIE VEA JAMES F STARCHER RAMON ALVARADO 476 S PALISADE DR 1385 RESERVOIR DR 1381 RESERVOIR DR SANTAMARIA CA 93454 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581490000 0266581500000 0266581510000 SUNARDI KURNIAWAN THOMAS P MITCHELL TOM C CAMPA 5800 HELLMAN AVENUE POBOX 2565 1369 RESERVOIR DR ALTA LOMA CA 91737 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406-2565 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266581520000 0266581530000 THOMAS DUHANSKY JON M DALES 0266581540000 6237 CLARK WY 1361 RESERVOIR DR BUENA PARK CA 90620 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266601010000 0266601020000 UNIVERSITY VILLAGE UNIVERSITY VILLAGE 0266601030000 APARTMENTS LLC APARTMENTS LLC 42 CORPORATE PARK DR SUITE 42 CORPORATE PARK DR SUITE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 200 200 ADDRESS UNKNOWN IRVINE CA 92606 IRVINE CA 92606 0266611010000 0266611030000 UNIVERSITY VILLAGE 0266611020000 APARTMENTS LLC CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO CO FLOOD 42 CORPORATE PARK DR SUITE 300 NORTH D ST CONTROL DIST 200 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92418 825 E THIRD ST IRVINE CA 92606 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0266621010000 0266621020000 0266621030000 ANTHONY F PRESTO EDGARDO MARIN-ARCE SAMUELAPARACIO 1509 W MORGAN RD 1505 W MORGAN RD 1495 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621040000 0266621050000 0266621060000 MICHAEL STRATTON ALFONSO R CORTES GUADALUPE BORJA 1485 W MORGAN RD 1477 W MORGAN RD 1476 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621070000 0266621080000 0266621090000 KAREN A CAGULADA LORENZO E OBREGON WENDY JENSEN 7357 POMELO DR 1494 W MORGAN RD 5314 CROSS CREEK DR WEST HILLS CA 91307 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 CRESTWOOD KY 40014 0266621100000 0266621110000 0266621130000 SHARON CLARENDON DONALD C EDDY ROBERTO AREV ALOS 1508 W MORGAN RD 1514 W MORGAN RD 1508 TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621140000 0266621150000 0266621160000 VICTOR CARRILLO TIMOTHY MONTGOMERY PEDRO BARBON 1514 TETON ST 4505 BROOKFIELD ST 1213 W 213TH ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 TORRANCE CA 90502 0266621170000 0266621180000 0266621190000 CAROLYN P CARLUCCI LAWRENCE T HAMPTON THOMAS J DI FORTI 4535 BROOKFIELD ST 4565 BROOKFIELD ST 4579 BROOKFIELD ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621200000 0266621210000 0266621220000 PEDRO BARBON EDWARD R SCHRIER MICHAEL ROHUS 1213 W 213RD ST 1530 BROOKFIELD CT 1536 BROOKFIELD CT TORRANCE CA 90502 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621230000 0266621240000 0266621250000 DAVID P HUNTER GUADALUPE MJR GUTIERREZ DIANE C HANSEN 1540 BROOKFIELD CT 1546 BROOKFIELD CT 1552 BROOKSIDE CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621260000 0266621270000 0266621280000 BROOKFIELD CT TRUST #1556 JAMES S KIRK KEVIN WEBB POBOX159 1557 BROOKFIELD CT 1553 BROOKFIELD CT IRVINE CA 92650 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621290000 0266621300000 0266621310000 DOUGLAS FLORES MICHAEL BOCANEGRA CHARLES G CLARK 1547 BROOKFIELD CT 1537 BROOKFIELD CT 1531 BROOKFIELD CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621320000 0266621330000 0266621340000 LYNETTE RPATIN RICK L MANLEY SHARON E CORE 1525 BROOKFIELD CT 1538 TETON ST 1544 TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621350000 0266621360000 0266621370000 CHARLES W LEONARD MARGARET M SAITO CHRISTOPHER P ANDERSON 1548 TETON ST 1554 TETON ST 1558 TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621380000 0266621390000 0266621400000 MARCO A BANUETT WILLIAM T SINN PHILLIP BLEVINS 5497 S STOCKWELL RD 1568 TETON ST 1569 TETON ST TUCSON AZ 85746 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621410000 0266621420000 0266621430000 EARL J BOYD GUADALUPE VALADEZ GWEN P BILZARD 1565 TETON ST 1559 TETON ST 1549 TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621440000 0266621450000 0266621460000 THERESA K SMITH JAMES DROSS AGUSTINE RAMIREZ 1545 TETON ST 7433 AUTUMN CHASE DR 1529 TETON ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 923465371 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621470000 0266621480000 0266621490000 NOLBERTO CHAVEZ GEORGE M REMIGlO GREGORY M BURDINE 1518 MORGAN RD 11586 MINDANAO ST 1528 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 CYPRESS CA 90630 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621500000 0266621510000 0266621520000 SAMUEL A MONTES PATRICIA J SMITH JAMES J TRPALKO 1534 MORGAN RD 7061 CAMEO 1544 MORGAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ALTALOMA CA91701 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266621530000 0266621540000 0266631010000 EUGENE ROMO JAMES M DOWLING RAYFIELD OZIER 1548 MORGAN RD 1554 MORGAN RD 1493 YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631020000 0266631030000 0266631040000 STUCKEY F AMIL Y REVOCABLE CYNTHIA E PRINGLE ROSALINA G MORALES TRUST 1489 WYARDLEY ST 1485 W YARDLEY ST 1491 WYARDLEYST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631050000 0266631060000 0266631070000 JAIME MIRAMONTES DAVID M MASTERS SEAN HARDEN 1479 YARDLEY ST 1475 WYARDLEYST 1473 YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631080000 0266631090000 0266631100000 MICHAEL STEWART WESLEY R JR HOFER WILLIAM M SKINNER 1471 YARDLEYST 1469 YARDLEY ST 1467 WYARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631110000 0266631120000 0266631130000 DAVID SHEPHERD HOWARD BOYD ALMA HERNANDEZ 1465 W YARDLEY ST 1464 YARDLEY ST 1468 WYARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631140000 0266631150000 0266631160000 KENNETH & NANCY REV TR 8/3 WILLARD E CECCARELLI ANDERSON MIKE A MEDINA 1474 WYARDLEY ST PO BOX 3168 1484 WYARDLEYST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 BIG BEAR LAKE CA 92315 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266631170000 0266631180000 0266631190000 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & LUIS JR SEPULVEDA MARTY J BLACK URBAN DEV 1494 WYARDLEY ST 1855 E RIVERSIDE DR SPC #238 1600 N BROADWAY STE 100 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ONTARIO CA 91761 SANTA ANA CA 92706 0266641010000 0266641020000 0266641030000 FREDERICK M JR STILT ABRAHAM 0 WARD ANGELIA SMITH 4394 N WHITNEY DR 4372 WHITNEY DR 4350 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266641040000 0266641050000 0266641060000 JOHN L CONLOGUE JUANITA L GONZALES ROBERT D ENGLAND 4328 WHITNEY DR 4304 WHITNEY DR 4305 N WHITNEY DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266641070000 0266641080000 0266641090000 BOBBIE J HAYWOOD JAMES R BISHOP FLORA B ROBERTS POBOX 494 POBOX 9908 4373 WHITNEY DR PATTON CA 92369 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92427 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266641100000 0266641110000 0266641120000 ANGELO F CUNANAN GARY P KIRBY DREW R WERTS 1511 WYARDLEYST 1505 WYARDLEY ST 1495 YARDLEY ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651010000 0266651020000 0266651030000 CAROL PATTON RONALD K HOTCHKISS MONTE L SKIDMORE 3795 CANYON TERRACE DR 3785 CANYON TERRACE DR 3775 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651040000 0266651050000 0266651060000 KRlS G BANNER LAWRENCE PRESSER BERNARD C KERSEY 3765 CANYON TERRACE DR 3755 CANYON TERRACE DR 3745 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651070000 0266651080000 0266651090000 MARlON FRAY DENNIS M OVA REICHARDT JOHN T CRITTENDEN 3735 CANYON TERRACE DR 3725 CANYON TERRACE DR 3715 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 02666511 00000 0266651110000 0266651120000 DENNIS A PRINGLE AARON SERRANO SUSAN W ROY TRUST (1/6/98) 3705 CANYON TERRACE DR 3695 CANYON TERRACE DR 3685 CA YON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651130000 0266651180000 0266651190000 LYNNE S WOODWARD ANTONIO NEMESIO WILLIE C CRANE 3675 CANYON TERRACE DR 3795 N SHANDIN DR 3787 N SHADIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651200000 0266651210000 0266651220000 ZAHID HASAN PAULSHAKARlAN DEVONIA HAINES 3779 N SHANDIN DR 3771 N SHANDIN DR 1140 W BIG CANYON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651230000 0266651240000 0266651250000 CLIFFORD 0 SR YOUNG MARK S WYMORE MIKE A MEDINA 1130 W BIG CANYON DR 1122 W BIG CANYON DR 1112 W BIG CANYON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651260000 0266651270000 0266651280000 MARALIN PULIDO LINDA R GETTEL YUKlY A HASUKA 1104 W BIG CANYON DR 3734 CANYON TERRACE DR 3724 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651290000 0266651300000 0266651310000 RONALD E DAVID CATHY L SAMPSON-SIRIANI ERNEST B RHOADS 3714 CANYON TERRACE DR 3704 CANYON TERRACE DR 3694 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651320000 0266651330000 0266651340000 THEODORE ALEJANDRE ALONZO M TR MAUDLIN JOSEPH L ARRIGO 3754 CANYON TERRACE DR 3764 CANYON TERRACE DR 3774 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651350000 0266651360000 0266651370000 FLORANTEPARRENAS CORNELIUS P LALLEY JESSE D MARTINEZ 3784 CANYON TERRACE DR 3794 CANYON TERRACE DR 3770 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266651380000 0266651390000 0266651400000 PATRICIA A SHARRIT EL V A E TR JOHNSON SCOTT MELTON POBOX 25055 3786 N SHANDIN HILLS DR 3794 N SHANDIN HILLS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92406 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661010000 0266661020000 0266661030000 SIMSUN RAWSON DONALD FAUNTLEROY KERRY D DEMOUCHET 3688 SHANDIN CIR 3694 N SHANDIN CIR 3602 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661040000 0266661050000 0266661060000 RANDY D CASTELLANOS LOUIS STORMER REBECCA V VICTORIO 3720 N SHANDIN HILLS DR 3726 N SHANDIN HILLS DR 3734 N SHANDlN HILLS DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661070000 0266661110000 0266661120000 SALVADOR HUEZO MANUEL R ESPINO G F R ENTERPRISES 3742 SHANDlN HILLS DR 3614 CANYON TERRACE DR 517 N MOUNTAIN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 UPLAND CA 91786 0266661130000 0266661140000 0266661150000 STEPHEN P JR GOTOW ALA SANDRA D KAMUSIKlRI MELISSA S YANCEY 3695 SHANDIN HILLSDR 3705 SHANDIN DR 3713 SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661160000 0266661170000 0266661180000 CYNTHIA PURNELL ERICK V OU ABELF SILVA 3721 N SHANDlN DR 3727 N SHANDIN DR 3735 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661190000 0266661200000 0266661210000 GORDON J CHEW CARLA D SAMPSON TONY VUONG 3743 SHANDlN DR 1141 W BIG CANYON DR 3740 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661220000 0266661230000 0266661240000 PAUL GSRMARTINEZ BRYAN E ESTRADA ISRAEL H DV A JACKSON 3734 N BIG CANYON CT 3728 N BIG CANYON CT 3722 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661250000 0266661260000 0266661270000 ERNESTO M DE CASTRO ROBERT E POWELL LE ETTA J TAYLOR 3716 N BIG CANYON CT 3710 N BIG CANYON CT 3705 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661280000 0266661290000 0266661300000 ALFREDO LOPEZ FRANK L RINCON FRANK I EDWARDS 3711 N BIG CANYON CT 3717 N BIG CANYON CT 3723 N BIG CANYON CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661310000 0266661320000 0266661330000 JESUS A OLIVAREZ SELENA HOA TRAN STEVEN M SPENCER 3729 N BIG CANYON CT 3735 N BIG CANYON CT 1123 BIG CANYON DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266661340000 0266661350000 0266661360000 RUBEN N ACEVEDO JOHN P BRENNAN LUCY ARFLIN-WEBB 3748 SHANDIN DR 3756 SHANDIN DR 3764 SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDIDO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671010000 0266671020000 0266671030000 JON C BRISSMAN DOUGLAS L POWELL MARK S HALCROMB 3657 V ALLEY CT 3643 V ALLEY CT 3631 N VALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671040000 0266671050000 0266671060000 ALACHNIEWICZ F AMIL Y TRUST RONALD A GEARHART NOVEMBER 2 FREDERICK MC CLELLAN 3617 N VALLEY CT 3605 VALLEY CT 3604 NORTH VALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671070000 0266671080000 0266671090000 DENNIS L MASON AYMAN SEDER ROBERT D DALQUEST 3616VALLEYCT 3630 VALLEY CT 3642 VALLEY CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671100000 0266671110000 0266671120000 EVA ANGELICA JAVIER JA VIER- PETER DUONG DENNIS M DELANEY LOPEZ 3645 CANYON TERRACE DR 3635 CANYON TERRACE 15740 OLIVER ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 0266671130000 0266671140000 0266671150000 MARTHA M VITALE ROBERT E BRENDZA FUJITA FAMILY TRUST (12-1-00) 3625 CANYON TERRACE 3615 CANYON TERRACE DR 3671 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671160000 0266671170000 0266671180000 ERI F Y ASUHARA LIH-JIAU LAI HENDRY CATHERINE P ARLIN 3655 N SHANDIN DR 3639 N SHANDIN DR 3623 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671190000 0266671200000 0266671210000 DONN E HEADLEY HEATHER T SHOVER SAUL LECHUGA 3607 N SHANDIN DR 3604 N SHANDIN CIRCLE 3610 S SHANDIN CIRCLE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671220000 0266671230000 0266671240000 ROBERT L BRINEGAR BRIAN W SR DAVISON G F R ENTERPRISES 3618 N SHANDIN CIRCLE 3624 N SHANDIN CIR 517 N MOUNTAIN AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 UPLAND CA91786 0266671250000 0266671260000 0266671270000 G F R ENTERPRISES G F R ENTERPRISES RONALD S BRAND 517 NMOUNTAIN AVE 517 N MOUNTAIN AVE 3652 N SHANDIN CIR UPLAND CA 91786 UPLAND CA 91786 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671280000 0266671290000 0266671300000 ISMAEL L JR CORDOVA RUDYARD FREEMAN MARIE POWELL 3660 N SHANDIN CIR 3668 N SHANDIN CIR 3674 SHANDIN HILLS SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671310000 0266671320000 0266671330000 RUSSELL RUBIO ERIC R SUCHIL DOUGLAS HUMPHREYS 3680 SHANDIN HILLS CIR 3689 SHANDIN CIR 3681 N SHANDIN CIR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026667 I 340000 0266671350000 0266671360000 MICHAEL J BEHRENS OMARHERNANDEZ ROBERT GRAHAM 3675 SHANDIN CIR 3669 SHANDIN CIRCLE 3661 N SHANDIN CIRCLE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671370000 0266671380000 0266671390000 ROBERT W II FIEDLER PATRICIA S YEARY GARY SHATTO 3606 N SHANDIN HILLS DR 3622 SHANDIN DR 3638 N SHANDIN DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671400000 0266671410000 0266671420000 WEN-XIANG WANG ANGEL L JR CHONG PAUL SMITH 3654 N SHANDIN DR 3603 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3684 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671430000 0266671440000 0266671450000 WAYNE E REVOCABLE TRUST BROWN MICHAEL A NARANJO FRANK J SAUCEDA 3664 CANYON TERRACE DR 2654 CANYON TERRACE DR 3674 CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266671460000 0266671470000 0266671480000 GLENN D BAUDE JUDITH W BATTEY JOHN M PETTY 3644 N CANYON TERRACE DR 3634 CANYON TERRACE DR 3624 N CANYON TERRACE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681010000 0266681020000 0266681030000 MICHIKO KIDWELL LEL YNN W TR HARMAN WILLIAM M JR GARRETT 3763 RIDGELINE DR 3759 RIDGE LINE DR 3755 RIDGELINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681040000 0266681050000 0266681060000 MICHAEL MASSEY WILFRED J JR SCHNEIDER LUZ TR MARTINEZ 3753 RIDGE LINE DR 3749 RIDGE LINE DR 3745 RIDGELINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681070000 0266681080000 0266681090000 RICHARD L SCOTT HARRIS E TR LIDSTRAND SUNG K LEE 3739 RIDGE LINE DR 3735 RIDGE LINE DR 3733 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681100000 0266681110000 0266681120000 DANIEL S KING FLOYD L HUYLER RICHARD M FOSTICH 3729 RIDGE LINE DR 3725 RIDGE LINE DR 3719 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681130000 0266681140000 0266681150000 BRIAN M KLA V ANO WALTERC OLIVER JULIUS JACKSON POBOX 5455 3705 RIDGELINE DR 3695 RIDGE LINE DR MT LAUREL NJ 08054 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681160000 0266681170000 0266681180000 THOMAS H BROWN THEANG KHIV LOU R CARRIGG 3689 RIDGELINE DR 3681 RIDGE LINE DR 3675 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681190000 0266681200000 0266681210000 N F AMIL Y TRUST(7-6-00)TR ARMAND B EDELMAN SCOTT C ANDERS JOHNSON 3661 RIDGE LINE DR 3653 RIDGE LINE DR 3667 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 91407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681220000 0266681230000 0266681240000 WILLIAM A SIDDERS MARGARET L SCHAFFER GARY D PATTERSON 3647 RIDGELINE DR 3639 RIDGELINE DR 3646 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681250000 0266681260000 0266681270000 JANET K OLIVER THOMAS C GEHRING LOUIS A FERNANDEZ 3652 RIDGE LINE DR 3660 RIDGE LINE DR 3664 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681280000 0266681290000 0266681300000 SHAWN B SA TURDA Y SUNARDI KURNIAWAN CLAYTON C NACSIN 3674 RIDGE LINE DR 5800 HELLMAN AVENUE 3688 RIDGELINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 ALTALOMA CA91737 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681310000 0266681320000 0266681330000 VICTORIA M TR DE PLATA VIVIAN NUNEZ HOA T NGUYEN 3694 RIDGELINE DR 3704 RIDGE LINE DR 3712 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681340000 0266681350000 0266681360000 LONGINA R SHAW MICHAEL R NIGG P ARVIZ ASHEGHIAN 3720 RIDGE LINE DR 3726 RIDGE LINE DR 3734 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681370000 0266681380000 0266681390000 RICHARD A IMBRIANI JOSEPH L GLASER FAMILY TRUST 11-21-93 WILSON 3742 RIDGE LINE DR 3748 RIDGELINE DR 3756 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681400000 0266681410000 0266681420000 VERYETI D V ASSEL-OSEI JACQUES R COOPER BRIAN C TR CRANE 3764 RIDGE LINE DR 3770 RIDGE LINE DR 3778 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266681430000 0266681440000 0266691010000 SHIRLEY S KATAOKA BILL SLAMER ALFONSO F TUCA Y 3786 RIDGELINE DR 3794 RIDGE LINE DR 3574 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266691020000 0266691030000 0266691040000 MOHAMMED M RAHMAN V ARICK MANTZOROS THELMA E YAP 3582 RIDGELINE DR 3588 RIDGELINE DR 3594 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266691050000 0266691060000 0266691070000 SON N NGUYEN JOHN J SCALISE RONALD RABB 3504 RIDGE LINE DR 3610 RIDGE LINE 3618 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266691080000 0266691090000 0266691100000 ISABELIT A C CAJIPE SID REFFETT MIKE C RUFFOLO 3624 RIDGE LINE DR 3632 RIDGE LINE DR 3638 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266701010000 0266701020000 0266701030000 TAE-RYOUNG PARK JAMES F III TIERNEY TOBIE R IRVING 3633 RIDGELINE DR 3625 RIDGE LINE DR 3619 RIDGE LINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266701040000 0266701050000 0266701060000 JOSE R MADRIGAL VINCENT A ZAPPA JAMES P FALICKl 3611 RIDGE LINE DR 3605 RIDGE LINE DR 3595 RIDGELINE DR SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266701070000 0266701080000 0266701090000 BEN R GARCIA GREG MC DERMOTT MICAL LLC 3589 RIDGE LINE DR 3583 RIDGE LINE DR 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266701100000 0266701110000 0266701120000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC JIMMY DIXON 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 11947 STEGMEIR DR HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91739 0266711 0 I 0000 0266711020000 0266711030000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266711040000 0266711050000 0266711060000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266711070000 0266711080000 0266711090000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266711100000 0266711110000 0266711120000 RKT INC RKT INC MICAL LLC 417 GRINNELL DR 417 GRINNELL DR 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 CLAREMONT CA 91711 CLAREMONT CA 91711 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266711130000 0266711140000 0266711150000 MICAL LLC RICHARD C ELWELL BRADLEY C WILLASON 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 3524 RIDGE LINE DR 828 W SUNSET DR HOUSTON TX 77057 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 REDLANDS CA 92373 0266711160000 0266711170000 0266711180000 MICAL LLC MICAL LLC MICAL LLC 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 0266711190000 0266711200000 0266721010000 MICAL LLC CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO R & T MILLER 6524 SAN FELIPE STE 319 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 2080 440 S 60 WY HOUSTON TX 77057 LOS ANGELES CA 90025 OREM UT 84058 0266721020000 0266721030000 0266721040000 DAVID MICHAEL & CO INC EDWARD J CAMP ANA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 10801 DECATUR RD 14926 VALLEY BLVD BOARD OF ED PHILADELPHIA PA 19154 FONTANA CA 92335 601 NEST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92410 0266721050000 0266721060000 0266721070000 CYNCA PROPERTIES LLC CHARLES TR DE COST A DANIEL D BAILEY 7510 LUANE TR POBOX 945 9449 MOUNT ISRAEL RD COLTON CA 92324 RUNNING SPRINGS CA 92382 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 0266721080000 0266721090000 0266721100000 DANIEL D BAILEY ROBERT M BRANDY VIVINE C WANG 9449 MOUNT ISRAEL RD 12629 RED HILL POBOX 16321 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 TUSTIN CA 92780 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90209 0266731010000 0266731020000 0266731030000 RALPH H JR ALCANTAR ALEX J TRUJILLO THOMAS MINOR 1104 WALTA CREST ST 1094 WALTA CREST ST 1084 WALTA CREST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731040000 0266731050000 0266731060000 ABEL P JR GA YT AN ANTONIO A LUGO ROBERT WELLS 1074 WALTA CREST ST 1064 ALTA CREST ST 3864 MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731070000 0266731080000 0266731090000 JOHN TIEU JOEL MATOS HEMALI H SHETH 3870 N MONTECITO ST 3886 N MONTECITO ST 3894 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 02667311 00000 0266731110000 0266731120000 RUDY RICO ROBERT JR BROWER ROBERT C WALKER 1063 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1071 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1709 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731130000 0266731140000 0266731150000 THANH LE NGUYEN JOHN MANDERSON DANIEL WPARKER 1087 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1095 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1094 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731160000 0266731170000 0266731180000 CAROLYN T JAFFE MARC M HERNANDEZ MARGOT C CURRAN 1086 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1078 SIERRA VIEW ST 1070 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731190000 0266731200000 0266731210000 RENE RAMIREZ PHILLIP LEON JERRY L HAMILTON 1062 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1054 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1046 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731220000 0266731230000 0266731240000 LUIS S GONZALEZ COLISTER SLATER ALFONSO J PICENO 1038 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1030 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1022 WEST SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731250000 0266731260000 0266731270000 ANDY CUONG HOANG ENRIQUE RIVERA FREDDIE C KELLEY 1014 SIERRA VIEW ST 1006 W SIERRA VIEW ST 1023 W SIERRA VIEW ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731280000 0266731290000 0266731300000 SEAN M LYONS MARY C PENNELL WRENN T TR LASKOWSKI 1031 W SIERRA VIEW 3879 MONTECITO ST 3971 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731310000 0266731320000 0266731330000 CHRISTOPHER J QUIEL VIRGINIA HALL DAVID LORENZO 3505 E HIGHLAND AVE STE F 3857 N MONTECITO ST 3849 N MONTECITO ST HIGHLAND CA 92346 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731340000 0266731350000 0266731360000 STANLEY M QUINTANA FRANCIS L GREEN WILLIAM R PUGH 3843 MONTECITO ST 3835 N MONTECITO ST 3827 MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 02667313 70000 0266731380000 0266731390000 ANTHONY J CALLENDER EMILIO L GARCIA SHANNON PHILIPP 3821 MONTECITO ST 3813 MONTECITO ST 3805 N MONTECITO ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731400000 0266731410000 0266731420000 CHARLES MC DONALD KARL E PAJONG KEVIN FOYE 3804 N MONTECITO ST 1075 WALTA CREST ST 1085 W ALT A CREST ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266731430000 0266731440000 0266741010000 PRESTON B PRIGGER NINA M BERCKLEY ROBERT L SHAW \095 ALTA CREST ST II 05 AL T A CREST ST 4040 PEIDMONT DR #25 I SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 HIGHLAND CA 92346 0266741020000 0266741030000 0266741040000 SECRETARY OF VETERANS DALE M FETTERLEIGH GEORGE MC SHANE AFFAIRS 3894 N VISTA VERDE ST 894 W SHERIDAN RD 1\000 WILSHIRE BLVD A TTN 265 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 LOS ANGELES CA 90024 0266741050000 0266741060000 0266741070000 KEVIN D BJUR LEILA SUEBU ROBERT A ALONZO 884 W SHERIDAN RD 874 W SHERIDAN RD 864 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\ OSOOOO HUBERT L RUCKER S54 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\090000 JORN F JR CONW A Y S44 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\\00000 T KENT REDEKER S34 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\\10000 ELNORA REVOC UVING TRUST WILLIAMS S24 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741120000 SHERYL L KELSEY S14 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741130000 SAMUEL C 111 FRlSBY S04 W SHERlDAN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741140000 ALLAN C LEE S05 W SHERlDAN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741150000 SALLY A LONG S\5 W SHERlDANRD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\\60000 JOHNNIE ANN RALPH S25 W SHERlDAN SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 026674\\70000 KEVIN R MC GUIRE S35 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741\SOOOO MONDAY 01DOWll pOBOX 1123 RlALTO CA 92377 0266741190000 1 MARlE REV TR (11-7-00) BENTLEY S55 W SHERIDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741200000 BARNES TRUST DATED 9-9-99 S65 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92324 0266741210000 EDMuND J TR LAllRESRl S75 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741220000 ROBERT HOLLSTEIN SS5 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741230000 COLUMBA M CALVO S95 W SHERlDAN RD SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741240000 JERRY EDGETT S46 W RIDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741250000 JOSEPHH ENOS S47 WBST RlDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741260000 GREG A LANGLEY S55 W RlDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741270000 CHARLES E WESSMAN S63 WEST RlDGE VIEW CT sAN BERNARDINO CI\ 92407 026674\2S0000 LUIS CONSUEGRA S71 RlDGE VIEW CT sAN BERNARDINO CA 9240, 0266741290000 ROBERT W STEW ART S79 RlDGE VIEW CT SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741300000 HORACE B SMITH SS7 W RlDGE VlBW cT sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741310000 DAwN M WILUAMS S95 RJDGE VIEW CT sAN BERNARDINO CA 92' 0266741320000 BRlAN BRlNCK 3S54 VISTA VERDE ST SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741330000 NHU P BUl 3S62 N VISTA VERDE ST sAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 0266741340000 GROUP THE I\NDEN 3901 MAC ARTlRlR BL V NEwPORT BEACH CA 9 02670\\210000 cARR FAMILY TRUST 'B' 9049 POCONO COURT PICO RlVERA CA 90660 026S232\\0000 A TCl-llSON TOPEKA AND SANT A FE RR CO ADDRESS uNKNOwN 0271071540000 LyNNE THREADGILL pOBOX 1047 COUER D ALENE ID 8