HomeMy WebLinkAboutR26-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Gary Van Osdel Executive Director SUBJECT: HUB PROJECT - RELOCATION PLAN (PHASE II) DATE: April 24, 2003 ORIGiNAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SvnoDsis of Previons Commission/ConnciVCommittee Action(s): On July 12, 1999, the Conununity Development Conunission approved a Cooperation Agreement with the inland Valley Development Agency. On May 21, 200 I, the Conununity Development Conunission and/or the Conunon Council approved the Disposition and Development Agreement betwecn the Redevelopment Agency and SBT Partners, LLC, the EIR and Harriman Place Improvement Project Acquisition, Construction and Financing Agreement, authorized an application for California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank financing, and held the first reading of the Development Code and General Plan Amendments. On February 3, 2003, the Conununity Development Conunission made a decision to appraise real property for Phase II of the HUB Project. --------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~--~--------------~----------------- Recommended Motion(s): OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING (Communitv Development Commission) MOTION: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING A RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT (PHASE II). - --- --- -- - ------ --- -- - --- --- --- --~ ---- -- - ------ --- --- - -- ---- --+ --~ --- -- - -- - ----- --- --- -- --- --- --- ~---- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- - -- - --- --- ------- --- --- --- - -- - --- --- - --~- ------ --- -- ----- -----~---- ----- -- --- --- Contact Person(s): Project Area(s) Supporting Data Attached: Gary Van Osdel/John Hoeger Phone: (909) 663-1044 3 IVDA Ward(s): iii Staff Report iii Resolution(s) iii Agreement(s)/Contract(s) 0 Map(s) 0 Letters FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ 545,513 Source: See Attached Staff Report . Budget Authority: /" Requested SIGNATURE: "j7~o"LI C0c:-( 'Zb03 -IS __________________________________~_____________~________________________~~____________..~____________~+__________________~_____________________~________________________-r----------------~----~-------. COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: ~ fJJ P:\Clcrical Services Dep\\Margarel Parker\Agenda\Agrml~-Amend 2003\03-05-05 HUB Phase II COC Item.doc ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. HUB Proiect - Relocation Plan (Phase II) BACKGROUND: Creating the HUB retail center requires the Redevelopment Agency to assemble the property and relocate existing occupants to comparable residences. Relocation benefits for occupants will be a substantial portion of the total Agency costs for this project. The attached proposed Relocation Plan estimates that Phase II, will cost $545,513 for direct benefits. In a related matter, relocation services are required to complete the Agency's role in the acquisition and delivery of the assembled property to the developer. The attached professional services agreement will provide for specialized consulting services from Pacific Relocation Services, a recognized expert firm dealing with relocation issues. CURRENT ISSUE: The attached Relocation Plan set forth a relocation needs assessment of occupants who will be displaced as a result of Phase II of the HUB project. As required, it also contains an assessment of the replacement housing opportunities that are in the City and in surrounding areas. Finally, the Plan sets forth the procedures that the Agency will follow to meet the needs of displaced occupants and to ensure compliance with state and federal law. To give effective notice, this Plan has been circulated to the public for the last 30 days. It has been hand delivered to each residential unit in the project. It has also been advertised in the San Bernardino County Sun newspaper. No written or oral comments were received. The plan has been reviewed by Staff to see that it is compatible with the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino. Under the plan, Pacific Relocation Consultants will work directly with each household to determine its needs and preferences regarding replacement accommodations. The printed brochure attached to the Plan will be given to all occupants and the options will be explained by Pacific Relocation. Comparable housing referrals will be developed for each displaced household. Moving costs and rental assistance of up to $5,250 are available to each qualifying tenant. Moving costs, purchase price differentials, mortgage price differentials, and incidental expenses up to $22,500 are available for qualifying households. In addition, tenant occupants may qualify for Last Resort Housing Payments pursuant to the requirements offederallaw and depending upon household income. ___________________________________..________._________~__________u_______________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. P:\Clcrical Services Dept\Margarct Parkcr\Agcnda\Agrrnls-Amend 2003\03-05-05 HUB Phase II CDC [tem,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Nnmber: R;J..ftJ Economic Development Agency Staff Report HUB Project - Relocation Plan (Phase II) Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The City certified a Final Environmental Impact Report as of May 21, 2001 in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended (CEQA). The Report included elements covering the realignment and construction of the street improvements for Harriman Place together with actions to acquire lands for right-of-way, for development of a retail shopping center, and for redevelopment of a restaurant by In-N-Out Burgers. FISCAL IMPACT: The anticipated cost of the Relocation Plan is estimated at $545,513. The actual amount will depend upon individual circumstances of tenured occupants at the time offers-to-purchase are issued. This amount is an Agency cost in the HUB project that will be funded primarily from federal HOME and Agency Low/Mod funds. RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Development Commission adopt the attached Resolution. ---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------. P:\Clerical Services Dcpt\Margarct ParkerlAgenda\Agrmls-Amend 2003\03-05-05 HUB Pha~c II CDC hem.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: fl;)..ftJ RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 4 5 (, 7 the A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING A RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT (PHASE II). WHEREAS, an area of the City of San Bernardino (the "City") generally situated along west side of Tippecanoe A venue to the north of the right-of-way of the Interstate 10 ~ Freeway referred to as the "HUB Project Site" is within the redevelopment project area of the 9 Inland Valley Development Agency (the "IVDA), a joint powers authority formed pursuant to 10 Health and Safety Code Sections 33492. I 0 et seq., for the purpose of assisting in the conversion and civilian reuse of the former Norton Air Force Base and other lands situated in the City; and 11 WHEREAS. the IVDA. the City and the Redevelopment Agency of City of San 12 Bernardino (the "Agency") entered into an agreement entitled "1999 Redevelopment 1 Cooperation Agreement'" dated as of July 12. 1999 (the "Redevelopment Cooperation 14 Agreement"), pursuant to which the IVDA granted the Agency the right, power and authority to 15 act for and on behalf of the IVDA for the purposes of exercising the redevelopment powers of 16 the IVDA: and 17 WHEREAS. the HUB Project Site contains residential and commercial developed 18 properties. and the Agency initiated certain studies and proposals to address a number of issues 19 of community concern on the HUB Project Site relating to blight and conditions associated with 20 obsolete commercial design, deferred maintenance, traffic circulation and conflicting 21 commercial-residential neighborhood property use and community design in an effort to 00 eliminate and prevent the spread of blight from the HUB Project Site; and 23 WHEREAS. the Agency approved a Disposition and Development Agreement, dated as 24 of May 21. 2001. with SBT Partners. LLC, regarding redevelopment of the HUB Project Site 05 (the "DDA"): and -1- P:\Clnical ScnicfS Depl".\l3r~3ret Parkd-Hc\olutJun\\200Y,OJ-05-05 IICB Rducali'JIl Reiill.duc WHEREAS. under the provisions of the DDA. the Agency should exert its best efforts 2 111 cooperation with the rvDA to acquire seventeen (17) improved parcels containing thirty- 3 three (33) occupied residential units together with other vacant property; and WHEREAS. a Relocation Plan addressing the circumstances and needs of the affected households is required under the provIsions of the California Health and Safety Code. Sections 33411 and 33411.1. and of the state guidelines in Government Code 7260 et seq.. and in Title ~5 Chapter 6. of the California Code of Regulations; and WHEREAS. the Agency wishes to comply with the applicable federal rules found in the HUD Handbook 1378 and to provide benefits as described under Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; and WHEREAS, the Agency circulated a draft residential occupant relocation plan entitled 4 5 6 S 9 10 II THE HUB PROJECT RELOCATION PLAN (the "Relocation Plan") on March 10.2003. and 12 has advertised a public hearing to consider the approval thereof. , NOW. THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE. DETERMINE AND ORDER, AS FOLLOWS: 14 15 16 Section I. On May 5. 2003. the Community Development Commission of the City 17 of San Bernardino (the "Commission") as the governing board of the Agency. conducted a full and fair public hearing and considered the written Agency Staff report and the testimony IS submitted related to the circulated draft Relocation Plan. 19 The Commission hereby approves and adopts the Relocation Plan in the Section 2. 20 form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and declares that said Relocation Plan for Phase II shall 21 serve to guide residential occupant relocation activities in connection with the acquisition of the 22 property by the Redevelopment Agency using available Agency funds together with such City CDBG funds including City HOME Program funds as shall be provided to the Agency from the City and for such acquisitions as may be undertaken by the IVDA in cooperation with and at the l' _0 24 '1'5 request of the Agency. Section 3. The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. -2. P:,.Cltrical ~eryiH' llepf'lar~anl )'nhr',Rc",luliun,',!UOl.,(Il-U5-05I1L'1l HeJucaliun Rc,,,,duc 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING A RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT (PHASE II). 2 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the 5 Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting b thereof. held on the day of 0 Commission Members: Aves ESTRADA g LONGVILLE 9 MCGINNIS 10 DERRY 11 SUAREZ 12 ANDERSON 3 MC CAMMACK 14 15 , 2003, by the following vote to wit: Navs Abstain Absent Secretary 16 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. Ii 18 19 Judith Valles, Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino 20 21 Approved a 22 By: 23 24 ')5 -3- P:\C1nicill Senices llepl\'Ihrgarel Pukn\R"\Hluti,,"\"'200J\03-05-Q5IlL~B Relouli"" Rew.doc EXHIBIT "A" THE HUB PROJECT RELOCATION PLAN PHASE II Prepared For THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 201 N. "E" STREET, SUITE 301 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92401-1507 February 4, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS :0",':-' " "'E..~ INTRODUCTION .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION... .. ...". ... ... .' ... .. .. ... ..3 A. REGIONAL LOCATION AND SPECIFIC PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION . 3 B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 C. GENERAL DEMOGRAPHIC & HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS. . . . . . . . . 5 II. ASSESSMENT OF RELOCATION NEEDS.. ..... .' ... .. . .. ... .. ..... ...6 A. METHODOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B FIELD SURVEY DATA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 6 III. RESIDENTIAL RELOCATION RESOURCES ...........................10 A. METHO.DOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 B. REPLACEMENT HOUSING AVAILABILITY ....................... 10 1. Rental Housing . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2. For Sale Housing ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C. RELATED ISSUES .......................................... 11 1. Concurrent Residential Displacement...". .... .. ... .. .......11 2. Temporary Housing .................................... 12 IV. THE RELOCATION PROGRAM. .. .. .. .. ......... .... ... .. ... .. .. ....13 A. PROGRAM ASSURANCES, STANDARDS AND OBJECTiVES........ 13 B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 C. RELOCATION ADVISORY ASSISTANCE.. .. .". .". . .. ....... .....15 D. RELOCATION BENEFITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1. Residential Moving Expense Payments. .. ... . .. . . . .. ....... 18 2. Rental Assistance To Tenants Who Re-Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3. Down payment Assistance To Tenants Who Purchase ......... 20 4. Payments to Owner-Occupants ........................... 20 5. Payments To Non-Tenured Residential Tenants .............. 22 E. GENERAL INFORMATION ON RELOCATION BENEFITS............ 22 F. LAST RESORT HOUSING .........................."......... 23 G. RELOCATION BENEFIT PAYMENTS AND INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES .......................................... 24 H. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES ........."........................ 25 I. EVICTION POLICY .......................................... 26 J. PROJECTED DATES OF DISPLACEMENT ....................... 27 K. ESTIMATED RELOCATION COSTS.. .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. ......27 LIST OF TABLES ~ ',i'::~,::,4"." TABLE 1: Project Area Housing - Dwelling Bedroom Count. .. ... ... ... ........ .. . . 6 TABLE 2: Project Area Rents ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TABLE 3: Household Size Distribution ........................................ 7 TABLE 4: Replacement Housing Needs - Owners ............................... 8 TABLE 5: Rental Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 TABLE 6: Schedule of Fixed Moving Payments ................................ 19 TABLE 7: Computation of Rental Assistance Payment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 LISTOFEXHIBITSL. . .' ,.~---., EXHIBIT A: EXHIBIT B: EXHIBIT C: EXHIBIT D: San Bernardino (City) Census Data HUD Annual Income Limitations - San Bernardino County (2000) Residential Informational Brochures (English, Spanish & RARAP) Addendum NO.1 (Subject to Public Comment) INTRODU ,:" ~"'''*",._'" The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") in cooperation with the Inland Valley Development Agency is proposing a commercial development to be undertaken by SBT Partners, LLC within the Inland Valley Development Agency Redevelopment Project Area located in the southeastern section of the City of San Bernardino (the"Project"). This document applies to Phase II of the Project. Phase I of the Project has already been initiated and the displacement and relocation of all persons and households from the Phase I Project has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the relocation plan for the Phase I Project as previously approved. The residential displacement and relocation of persons who currently reside on the site as part of the Project is presently scheduled to be completed by September 2003, requires the acquisition of 18 parcels of improved land and 1 unimproved parcel. Ofthe 17 improved parcels there are 34 residential dwelling units. At the current time, the 34 residential dwelling units include 4 owners-occupants, 29 tenant households and 1 vacant unit. Since the Project will result in permanent residential displacement, the Agency is required to adopt a project specific relocation plan that addresses the circumstances and needs of affected households. Funding for the payment of residential relocations costs associated with the Project will include state and local set-aside funds and state relocation rules will be observed for the Project. The state rules are found in Government Code Section 7260 et. Seq. and in Title 25 Chapter 6, of the California Code of Regulations (the "State guidelines"). This Relocation Plan for the Project (the "Plan") that follows adheres to the provisions of the California Health and Safety Code, Sections 33411 and 33411.1, and the requirements of Section 6038 of the state guidelines. The Plan is organized in four sections which address the following issues 1. A general description of the Project and its location (SECTION I); 2. A relocation needs assessment of those persons who will be displaced as a result of the Project. (SECTION II); PAGE I PACIFIC REWUT/CJ.I COXSLLT.I.\TS RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 3. An assessment of replacement housing opportunities within the city of San Bernardino and the nearby surrounding communities (SECTION III); 4. The steps and procedures that the Agency will follow to meet displacee needs and ensure compliance with state and federal law. (SECTION IV). PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 2 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND"' .'. "'~r~'1t . $'""':~:-. 'it l , , ~',--'. "~ A. REGIONAL LOCATION AND SPECIFIC PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION The City of San Bernardino is located in the County of San Bernardino. The Project is located at the northwest corner of the Tippecanoe Avenue /1-10 Interchange. The Project is bounded by Orchard Drive on the West; 1-10 on the South, Tippecanoe Avenue on the East and both sides of Laurelwood Drive on the North. The City of San Bernardino is 13 miles from Riverside and 59 miles from Los Angeles. The 1-10 freeway and the City of Loma Linda are adjacent to the south boundary of the Project The City of San Bernardino is bounded by Colton to the West and the Cities of Redlands and Highland on the east Ii~P____--!L~~SE WfIL ~~~~~_ T---------------- _._~ ,__~i~. \~. ,___PS_EU~E ~ _8otfIO :.;.....:,:"""'" ~ ~ 5: ~ \ ~GuIeI>. ......~ _ . , ",'" ~' .,-- i !l!. "....".'. e:lEi' San8trnardlno ,~j! ~. hstHi.,and. ~ RMlto ~---.ll!'!__~~t:___I>_-----'. r:;;; l,ur.~"" &e 1.-., _'I' .': _~:t!,""I:lL 3RD:_/" , ~-- - ~ og .~.._. _ .,e':"'- __~G, --T' - --_-~~~ -- '" ,,,.~.,,..II'"'Z""",=L II ~ ~............... ~ i-, .:...Ai..,' Ii +: ~F_8_ I' 0: ...;._, .f. _~_ -....__\+__UIILl. ~ !: 0 ,m ~ ~ ~ ~ ;. . 1 ~ HUBPro}ICl$lIt ~ ; j<j!l ~ '........ I Pilasell -~ -J-__--.S4.roloIl__~_--.EW"f.llt' -~ 0 t_"~ ;; "'~Olll"'_"~ __'''VJGA-NI'''_._~ / _~_' J> 7&., 71 ,. __ ;'''''''''''.,_Jlq.~~t,,..,~;.>--;- -3_~.":~ONR_~~~e::~~' ~,~~.--. _ ~.~ ---~ '\. "\, ~...t""'J~.. J- p..... Pm 1'0<<1 c..,onih;:~ONr 1;..... ~_ ~ ,~ JrV'ldTerrKe ~-' %'.>-"'" __\.' '- ""SJr>T........C""VC" '-- -- ~- \. ....'.., '-""" "',,''''>4 '. ""-0,. Figure 1. Regional Project Location PAGE 3 PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase II will consist of the development of 5.4 acres and will include all of the remaining land north of the Harriman Place extension between Orchard Drive and Tippecanoe Avenue. The gross square footage of Phase II buildings will total approximately 24.000 square feet of mixed commercial uses. t i . . ; z o , I I LEI I..AllRELWOOD l.AURELWOOt> . % g KARRIIIlAN tROSf.'#XlO E ROSEWOOD I . e ,001 Do1.olmo SatftAUuUSJ.;e:lOOl ClDl,h: ,Rol O!f)JOl Figure 2. Project Site Location PACIFIC RELOCA nON CONSULTANTS PAGE4 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA C. GENERAL DEMOGRAPHIC & HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS The 2000 U.S. Census ("Census") (See Exhibit A) reported the population of the City of San Bernardino to be 185,401. The Census reported that the ethnic mix in the City was approximately 45.2% White, 27.1% Some Other Race, 16.4% Black or African- American, 5.3% Two or More Races, 4.2% Asian, and 1.4% American Indian and Alaska Native and .04% Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander. The Census also reported 47.5% of the respondents (88,022) further identified themselves as being Hispanic or Latino (of any race) indicating the Hispanic or Latino origin constitute the largest identifiable ethnic group in San Bernardino, 2.3% greater than those who identified themselves as White. The 2000 Census indicated a total of 63,535 housing units in the City of San Bernardino. Of these, 56,330 are occupied and 29,536 or 52.4% were identified as owner-occupied. The same census data for the City indicated median household income of $31,140. Over 7000 or 11% of housing units in the City are vacant. The most recent HUD Income Report for San Bernardino County (year 2002) indicated median income of $50,300 (See Exhibit B). PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 5 II. ASSESSMENT OF RELOCATIO~ . - .~.~ ''''i~.........,-,_ . ~>J. A. METHOD.OLOGY Information necessary for the preparation of this Plan was obtained primarily through door-to-door interviews conducted by bi-lingual staff in January and February, 2003. Inquiries of occupants concerned household size and composition, income, rental data, length and type of occupancy, ethnicity, home language, disabilities/health problems, and replacement housing preferences. The data in this Plan are based on the responses of occupants in the site to these door-to-door personal interviews. No attempt has been made to qualify or confirm income or other information provided by residents and for the purposes of this Plan all such information is presumed to be true. B. FIELD SURVEY DATA The Project site area consists of 17 improved land parcels and 1 unimproved parcel. Of the 17 improved parcels there are 34 residential dwelling units and 1 of these dwelling units was vacant at the time the door-to-door interviews were conducted. Within the 34 dwellings, there are 33 occupied households consisting of 4 owner/occupants and 29 tenants, 1 of which we were unable to contact. Survey information was obtained during January to February 2003 from 31 or 94% of these households. Housing Mix The housing mix consists of 33 occupied single and multi-family residences of varying bedroom sizes as indicated in the table below. TABLE 1: Project Area Housing. Dwelling Bedroom Count # of Bdrms Single One Two Three Four Five # of Units 0 17 7 7 2 0 PAGE 6 PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS RELOCA nON PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA Current Schedule of Rents Table 2 below provides a breakdown of reported Project site area rents for 28 of the 29 tenants. TABLE 2: Project Area Rents Single 1- Bedroom 2- Bedroom 3- Bedroom 4-Bedroom (17) (5) (4) (1) N/A $150-$590 $500-$575 $700-$710 N/A Occupancy The average occupancy is 4 persons per unit. There are 3 owner-occupied dwellings, which are occupied by 8 adults (4 are elderly). Tenant occupants consist of 67 adults, (3 are elderly) and 44 children, 33 of whom are of school age. Tenant households tend to have greater occupancies than the owner/occupied units. There are nine instances of overcrowding in tenant occupied units. IA each of these cases, residents will be directed to upgrade their current dwellings by one to two additional bedrooms. Family size patterns among residents surveyed are as follows: TABLE 3: Household Size Distribution Family Size One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight # 1 7 8 5 4 4 2 1 PAGE7 PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Replacement Housing Needs There are 3 owner-occupants in the Project site area. One of the owners occupy a three-bedroom and a four-bedroom house on a single lot. The other 2 owner- occupant households are a three-bedroom house and a four-bedroom house. Below are the replacement housing needs, including the 2 houses on a lot: TABLE 4: Replacement Housing Needs - Owners & Tenants Bedroom Size Single One Two Three Four Owners 0 0 0 2 2 Tenants 0 11 8 9 1 Income As a factor in determining relocation assistance benefits, household income is an issue only in tenant occupied households. Income information was obtained from 27 of the 29 tenant households. Compared to median income standards for the County (see exhibit B) there are 7 "lower" and 15 "very low" incOme households. The range of reported annual incomes is $6,384.00 to $60,384.00. Senior/Handicapped Households There are 3 households with at least one individual 62 years or older. The ages range from 64 to 78. years. The initial interviews identified no handicap households. Ethnic Mix/Language Use Of those surveyed, 23 (70%) of the Project site area households are Hispanic, 6 (18%) are African American, 2 (6%) are Asian and 2 (6%) are of unknown ethnicity. Twelve households reported Spanish to be their primary language. PAGE 8 PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA Preferred Relocation Areas The express preference among interviewed residents for a relocation community was to remain within the City of San Bernardino and in relatively close proximity to the Project site area. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 9 III. RESIDENTIAL RELOCATION . .40.........:.. _ ~ ~.. ... --'-1:;.&'__. ._' One of the primary purposes of a relocation plan is to analyze the availability of comparable housing resources to match the needs of residential occupants affected by a proposed project. Resource surveys conducted for relocation planning purposes as part of the preparation of this Plan address current circumstances and general market conditions forthe proposed relocation program to proceed overthe next couple of months. A. METHODOLOGY To determine the availability of comparable housing opportunities the following sources were utilized: . Current classified rental listings from newspapers and other "For Rent" publications serving the City of San Bernardino and surrounding area; . Current windshield surveys of residential areas adjacent to the project site; . Current telephone and field contact with real estate/property management companies serving the community. B. REPLACEMENT HOUSING AVAILABILITY 1. Rental Housing Resource survey data indicates that current rents in and around the City of San Bernardino are generally higher than Project site area rents. The table below illustrates current survey results with respect to rents and availability of one, two, three and four bedroom single family and multi- family rental units. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 10 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TABLE 5: Rental Resources Bedroom Size One Two Three Four # Apt. Found 34 44 19 N/A Rent Range - Apt. $425-695 $465-1,100 $500-1,050 N/A # SFR Found N/A 7 10 2 Rent Range - SFR N/A 725-1,000 725-1,300 $1,600-1,850 2. For Sale Housing There are 3 owner-occupants in the Project site area. One of the owners occupies a three-bedroom and a four-bedroom site house on a single lot. The other 2 owner-occupant households occupy a three-bedroom house in one case and a four-bedroom house in the other case. All owner- occupants have indicated their intention to repurchase and occupy a comparable, replacement dwelling. The resource survey identified available three and four-bedroom houses, ranging in price from $80,000.00 to $175,000.00 and multiple units on a single lot ranging in price from $139,900.00 to $190,000.00. The observed range of prices is in part attributed to the differences in size, quality of construction, age, character of neighborhood and other factors when compared with homes and multi-unit dwellings to the Project site area. C. RELATED ISSUES 1. Concurrent Residential Displacement There are no other projects, current or anticipated, in this general area of the City of San Bernardino which will cause a displacement of a significant number of persons from their homes and apartment or which would deter the Agency from providing adequate replacement housing referrals to current residential tenants in the Project site area. PAOF/C RELOCA TION CONSULTANTS PAGEl] RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 2. Temporary Housing It is 'anticipated that sufficient comparable replacement housing will be available on a timely basis and there will be no need for temporary housing accommodations, PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 12 IV. THE RELOCATION PROG'-;" . 't.".." . ~;;;r~ ~... 1:.<' l(,,("::'~~~ ~....- A. PROGRAM ASSURANCES, STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES The relocation program to be implemented by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the Agency) as part of its responsibilities for the Project under the terms of the Redevelopment Cooperation Department agreement, the IVDA, the City and the Agency will conform to the standards and provisions of the California Relocation Assistance Law, Section 7260, et seq" Title 25, Chapter 6 of the California Code of Regulations and the Uniform Relocation Assistance (URA) and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (49 CFR Part 24) and procedures adopted by the Agency. Pursuant to the relocation guidelines adopted, program objectives will be as follows: 1. To fully inform eligible Occupants of the Project site area of the nature of and procedures for obtaining relocation assistance and benefits; 2. To determine the needs of each residential displacee eligible for assistance; 3. To provide an adequate number of referrals to comparable, decent, safe and sanitary housing units referrals within a reasonable time prior to displacement and assure that no residential nor business occupant is required to move without a minimum of 90 days written notice to vacate; 4. To provide current and continuously updated information concerning housing and business opportunities once the process of displacement and relocation has begun; 5. To provide assistance that does not result in different or separate treatment due to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status or other arbitrary circumstances; 6. To supply information concerning federal and state housing programs and other governmental programs providing assistance to displaced persons; PAGE 13 PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS 7. To assist each eligible person to complete applications for benefits; 8. To make relocation benefit payments in accordance with state and federal guidelines. including the provisions of the Last Resort Housing sections where applicable; 9. To inform all persons subject to displacement of the Agency's policies with regard to eviction. and property management and 10. To establish and maintain a formal grievance procedure for use by displaced persons seeking administrative review of decisions with respect to relocation assistance. B. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Section 6012 (Citizen Participation) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Chapter 6, will be adhered to in both the spirit and letter of the law by the Agency and PRC in implementing the Relocation Program. The Agency will ensure the following: 1. Full and timely access to documents relevant to the relocation program; 2. Provide technical assistance necessary to interpret elements of the Plan and other pertinent materials; 3. A general notice concerning the availability of this Plan for public review 30 days prior to its proposed adoption and distribution of the Plan, upon request, to all affected and interested parties; 4. The right to submit written or oral comments concerning the Plan and to have these comments attached to the Plan when it is forwarded to the Agency for adoption; 5. Upon receipt of public comments, the Plan will be reviewed to ensure that it is feasible, complies with applicable environmental standards and is compatible with the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino and locally-adopted rules and regulations governing relocation of the Agency. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 14 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA C. RELOCATION ADVISORY ASSISTANCE Pacific Relocation Consultants (PRC) has been retained by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino to assist in the administration of its relocation program. PRC will work closely with Agency staff to assure that reasonable efforts are made to minimize hardships associated with the relocation process. The following specific services will be provided by PRC and the Agency staff: 1. Each household located in the Project site will be personally interviewed to gather appropriate information to determine the needs and preferences regarding replacement of existing accommodations. Unless an occupant is unavailable or refuses contact, interviews will be conducted within a reasonable time period after the initiation of negotiations for acquisition of the project site. Inquiries made of residential occupants will address the following areas: family size, ethnic background, age and health considerations, employment status, family income, location of schools attended, transportation needs and location preferences related to replacement housing. 2. A printed Informational Brochure in English and Spanish (See Exhibit 'C' & '0') will be provided to all displacees. Signed acknowledgments will be obtained to verify receipt of this material. 3. Prior to displacement, every reasonable effort will be made to provide at least three comparable housing referrals to displacees, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6, Section 6042(c). In no event shall a displacee be required to move until comparable housing is made available. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGElS RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Field surveys will again be conducted by PRC in order to identify available housing resources at the actual time of displacement. Every reasonable effort will be made to find comparable replacement housing units for displacees which are in close proximity to medical facilities, places of employment, schools, shopping areas, and public transportation. In general, "comparable housing" shall mean an apartment or house that satisfies the following standards: a. The unit is decent, safe and sanitary. The replacement housing selections will be inspected by PRC to verify that they meet all state and federal minimum housing requirements; b. The unit is located in an area not subjected to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions from either natural or man- made sources, not generally less desirable with respect to public utilities, transportation, public and commercial facilities, including schools and municipal services and reasonably accessible to the displaced person's place of employment; c. Available on the private market to the displaced person and available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, marital status, religion or national origin and d. Within the financial means of the displaced household. (A replacement dwelling is within the financial means of a displaced homeowner if the purchase price of the replacement dwelling including related increased interest costs and other reasonable expenses does not exceed the total of the amount of just compensation provided for the dwelling acquired and the replacement housing payment available to the person.) 4. Transportation will be provided, if necessary, for any displaced occupant to inspect replacement sites within the local area. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 16 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 5. Assistance will be offered to all displacees in connection with arrangements for the purchase of real property, the completion of applications for replacement housing, obtaining required business permits or licenses, the filing of claim forms to request relocation benefits from the Agency and to obtain services from public agencies. 6. Special assistance in the form of referrals to governmental and social service agencies will be made, if needed. Referral agencies may include, but not necessarily be limited to the Federal Department of Social Security and the County Department of Public and Social Services (DPSS) for income maintenance, food stamps, Medi-Cal or child protective services. 7. Among the other, though not necessarily all-inclusive resources which may be utilized in providing needed assistance are the following: (i) The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (ii) Employment Development Department (State of California) (iii) San Bernardino County Department of Social Services (iv) Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino D. RELOCATION BENEFITS Relocation benefits will be provided in accordance with the provisions of the state and federal guidelines and Agency rules, regulations and procedures. Benefits will be paid to eligible displaced persons upon submission of required claim forms and documentation to the Agency in accordance with Agency- adopted procedures. Specific eligibility requirements and benefit plans will be detailed on an individual basis with all displacees. In the course of personal interviews and follow-up visits, each displacee will be counseled as to available options and the consequences of any choice with respect to financial assistance. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGEl? RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA In order to alleviate hardships for tenants who must pay move-in costs (such as first month's rent and/or security deposit), the Agency will provide advance payments to assist displacees in securing replacement housing units. Requests for advance payments will be expeditiously processed to help avoid the loss of desirable and appropriate replacement housing. 1. Residential Moving Expense Payments All displaced residential occupants will be eligible to receive a payment for moving expenses. Moving expense payments will be made based upon the actual cost of a professional move or a fixed payment based on a room-count schedule. a. Actual Cost (Professional Move) An occupant may elect to have a licensed, professional mover perform the move. The actual cost of the moving services, based on at least 2 acceptable bids, will be compensated by the Agency either in the form of a direct payment to the mover or as reimbursement to the displacee (with proper, supporting documentation). Transportation costs are limited to a distance of 50 miles. In addition to the actual move, costs associated with utility hook-ups (Le., gas, water, electricity, telephone and cable if any) are eligible for reimbursement. b. Fixed Payment (Based on Room Count Schedule) An occupant may elect to receive a fixed payment for moving expenses, based upon the number of rooms occupied in the displacement dwelling. In this context, the displaced person takes full responsibility for the move. The fixed payment includes all utility connections as described in (a.), above. The current schedule for fixed moving payments is set forth in Table 6 below. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 18 RELOCA TION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TABLE 6: Schedule of Fixed Moving Payments Unfurnished Dwelling One room $575.00 Two rooms $750.00 Three rooms $925.00 Four rooms $1,100.00 Five rooms $1,325.00 Six rooms $1,550.00 Seven rooms $1,775.00 Eight rooms $2,000.00 each additional room $200.00 Furnished Dwelling First Room $375.00 Each additional room $60.00 2. Rental Assistance To Tenants Who Re-Rent Residential tenants who have established their residency within the Project area for a minimum of 90 days prior to the initiation of negotiations, and who choose to re-rent, may be eligible to receive Rental Assistance Payments in addition to a Moving Expense Payment. Except in the case of Last Resort situations (See F- Last Resort Housing Payments) and pursuantto state and federal guidelines, Rental Assistance Payments are limited to a maximum of $5,250.00. Maximum Rental Assistance eligibility is determined by multiplying a computed monthly housing need for 42 months. Tables 7 and 8 show how monthly need is determined: PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 19 RELOCA TIOt; PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA TABLE 7: Computation of Rental Assistance Payment - State or URA 1 . Old Rent $500 Old Rent plus Utility Allowance or 2 Ability to Pay $445 30% of the Gross Household Income' 3. Lesser of lines 1 or 2 $445 Subtracted From: 4. Actual New Rent $550 Actual New Rent including Utility Allowance or 5 Comparable Rent $575 Determined by Agency; includes Utility Allowance 6. Lesser of lines 4 or 5 $550 7. Yields Monthly Need: $105 Subtract line 3 from line 6 Rental Assistance $4,410 Multiply line 7 by 42 (months) 3. Down payment Assistance To Tenants Who Purchase Residential tenants may apply a Rental Assistance Payment benefit toward the purchase of a replacement dwelling. 4. Payments to Owner-Occupants Residential owner-occupants who have established residency for at least 180 days prior to the Agency's offer to purchase, will be eligible for up to $22,500.00 in Replacement Housing assistance. The Replacement Housing Assistance Payment will consist of 3 separate elements: a) Purchase Price Differential; b) Mortgage Interest Differential; and. c) Incidental Expenses. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 20 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (i) Purchase Price Differential The Purchase Price Differential is based on three factors: Agencv Acquisition Price - The price paid by the Agency for the project area dwelling; Actual Purchase Price - The actual price paid for a replacement dwelling and Comoarable Reolacement Cost - The cost of a decent, safe and, sanitary dwelling comparable to the dwelling acquired by the Agency. To determine the purchase price differential, the price of the replacement home is compared to the price paid by the Agency for the dwelling in the project area and the price of a comparable decent; safe and sanitary dwelling. If the purchase price of a replacement home is less than the cost of a comparable replacement home, the payment will be limited to the actual difference. If the purchase price exceeds the cost of a comparable replacement home, the payment will be based on the cost of the comparable replacement home. (ii) Mortaaae Interest Differential This element of the overall Replacement Housing Assistance Payment is meant to compensate homeowners for the loss of favorable financing. The computation of this payment is based upon the lessor of the current mortgage interest versus the new mortgage interest amount. To be eligible for this differential payment, the mortgage on the dwelling being acquired must have been a valid lien for at least 180 days prior to the Agency's initial written offer to purchase the dwelling. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE2! RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (iii) Incidental Expenses - Closina Costs This payment is to compensate for one-time, non-recurring closing costs. These would normally include the cost of a property survey, preparing a legal description and deed, recording fees, title insurance, revenue stamps and transfer taxes, loan application, loan origination, appraisal fees, credit report, certification for structural soundness and termite inspection. This does not provide for prepaid expenses such as property taxes and insurance. The total Replacement Housing Payment is the sum of the Purchase Price Differential, Mortgage Interest Differential, and compensable Incidental Expenses. 5. Payments To Non-Tenured Residential Tenants With the exception of those eligible for Last Resort Housing assistance (See Section IV, Part F - Last Resort Housing), residential tenants with less than 90 days of continuous occupancy prior to the initiation of negotiations will be eligible to receive only a payment of moving expenses. E. GENERAL INFORMATION ON RELOCATION BENEFITS Claims and supporting documentation for relocation benefits must be filed within 18 months from: . The date the claimant moves from the acquired property; or, . The date on which final payment for the acquisition of real property is made, whichever is later. The procedure for the preparation and filing of claims and the processing and delivery of payments will be as follows: PACIFIC RELOCA TION CONSULTANTS PAGE 22 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 1. Claimant(s) will provide all necessary documentation to substantiate eligibility for assistance. 2. Assistance amounts will be determined in accordance with the provisions of state and federal guidelines. 3. Required claim forms will be prepared by relocation personnel in conjunction with c1aimant(s). Signed claims and supporting documentation will be submitted by relocation personnel to the Agency 4. The Agency will review and approve claims for payment, or request additional information. 5. The Agency will issue benefit checks which will be available at their offices for pick-up by Claimants, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. 6. Final payments will be issued to claimants after confirmation that their (Claimant's) Project area premises have been completely vacated and actual residency at the replacement unit is verified. 7. Receipts of payment will be obtained and maintained in the relocation case file. F, LAST RESORT HOUSING A displaced person is entitled to a "Supplemental Relocation Payment" or "Last Resort Housing" assistance when, in a single residential case, the computed total of rental assistance eligibility exceeds $5,250.00. This type of situation is likely to develop among low-income families or in environments where Project rents are particularly low versus the current market rates. Based on survey results, it appears that there will be an adequate supply of replacement housing to meet the needs of displaced residential tenants. However, a combination of factors such as the income levels of project site tenants, project site rents and a potentially high cost of replacement rent may create the need for last resort housing payments. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 23 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Residential tenants who do not meet the 90-day residency test may also qualify for last resort housing assistance if their ability-to-pay is not sufficient to pay for comparable; decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing. As noted in Table 7, Item 2, replacement rent is within a tenant's ability-to-pay if it does not exceed 30% of the gross household income. Tenant-Occupants When Rental Assistance eligibility exceeds $5,250.00, Project displacees may be eligible for a supplementary, or "Last Resort Housing" payment in order to assure access to comparable replacement housing. At the discretion of the Agency, Last Resort Housing payments will be provided in a lump sum or in installments upon displacee's move to decent, safe and sanitary housing. At the displacee's discretion, a lump sum payment up to the entire rental assistance entitlement amount, including the amount of any Last Resort Payment, can be directed so as to assist in the purchase of a replacement dwelling. Any such payment will be deposited directly into an escrow account with provisions to allow the Agency to recover its funds should escrow fail to close. Residential tenants who have not resided in the dwelling unit from which they were displaced for at least 90 days prior to the initial written offer to purchase the property, and therefore do not qualify for a Rental Assistance Payment or Down Payment Assistance Payment, may qualify for a Last Resort Housing Payment if comparable, decent, safe and sanitary housing is not available. The Agency must determine and be satisfied that the displacee did not occupy the Project property solely for the purpose of obtaining relocation assistance. G. RELOCATION BENEFIT PAYMENTS AND INCOME TAX CONSEQUENCES In general, relocation payments are not considered income for the purpose of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the State of California Personal Income T ax Law, Part 10 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The above statement on tax consequences is not intended to be tax advice by the Agency, it's Counsel, agents or, assigns. Displacees are encouraged to consult with independent tax advisors concerning the potential income tax consequences of relocation payments. PAGE 24 PACIFIC RELOCA TlON CONSULTANTS RELOCA nON PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA H. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino will adopt and implement grievance procedures in accordance with the standards described in Article 5. Section 6150 et seq,. Title 25. Chapter 6. State of California. Department of Housing and Community Development Program guidelines. Briefly stated. displacees will have the right to ask for administrative review when they believe themselves aggrieved by a determination as to: 1. eligibility 2. the amount of payment 3. the failure to provide comparable replacement housing referrals or 4. the Agency's property management practices Requests for review will be directed first to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino or other authorized designee of the Agency for this purpose. Details concerning the entire appeals process will be provided by the Agency upon request. PAGE 25 PACIFIC RELOCA TION CONSULTANTS RELOCA TION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA \. EVICTION POLICY 1. Under the State of California guidelines, eviction by the Agency is permissible only as a last alternative. With the exception of persons considered to be in unlawful occupancy, a displaced person's eviction does not affect eligibility for relocation assistance and benefits. Relocation records must be documented to reflect the specific circumstances surrounding the eviction, 2. Eviction by the Agency may be undertaken only for one or more of the following reasons: a) Failure to pay rent except in those cases where the failure to pay is due to the lessor's (Agency's) failure to keep the premises in habitable condition, is the result of harassment or retaliatory action or is the result of discontinuation or substantial interruption of services; b) Performance of a dangerous, illegal act in the unit; c) Material breach of the rental agreement and failure to correct the breach within 30 days of notice; d) Maintenance of a nuisance and failure to abate within a reasonable time following notice; e) Refusal to accept one of a reasonable number of offers of replacement dwellings; f) A requirement under state or local law or emergency circumstances that renders the dwelling unit unsafe or uninhabitable which cannot be prevented by reasonable efforts on the part of the public entity, g) An unlawful holding over by an occupant following receipt of a 90 day displacement notice from the Agency. PACiFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 26 RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE HUB PROJECT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J. PROJECTED DATES OF DISPLACEMENT It is anticipated the offers-to-purchase the properties will be presented to owners in the Project site area in March 2003. Once the offers have been presented, relocation procedures will commence including detailed interviews with all residential tenants and homeowners. In the event that this Plan and the Project are not implemented within one year of the Plan adoption by the Agency and the Project proceeds in the future, the Agency will prepare an amendment to the Relocation Plan outlining any significant changes that may have occurred since the preparation of this Relocation Plan. K. ESTIMATED RELOCATION COSTS The following estimate for relocation benefits was developed, and based on data available at the time of interviews for this Plan (02/03). The estimate for relocation-related payments for this Project is $545.513.00. This estimated relocation budget does not include relocation administrative services, any funds that may be disbursed to property owners for property acquisition or any other services which may be necessary forthe implementation of the Plan and Project. If the Project is implemented and circumstances arise that should change either the number of residential occupants or the nature of their residency, the Agency will authorize any additional funds for compensation. The Agency pledges to appropriate the necessary funds on a timely basis to ensure the successful completion of the relocation of all persons displaced by the Project. PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS PAGE 27 EXHIBIT 'A' -CITY OF SAN BERN ~- ]~,-~\ CENSUS DATA. ';~~;;;<. J'~:,;(t: << ~'U'~<~ ~i.:.~;'._._...,-~, 2000 DECENNIAL CENSUS DATA CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA POPULATION.2000 185,401 100% White 83,849 45% Some Other Race 50,286 27% Black or African-American 30,425 16% Two or More Races 9,798 5% Asian 7,772 4% American Indian and Alaska Native 2,591 1% --,-- Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander 680 <1% HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 88,022 48% The following figures are approved by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) for use in the County of San Bernardino to define and determine housing eligibility by income level. Area Median: $50,300 Family Size Very Low Lower Median Moderate Annual Income Annual Income Annual Income Annual Income 1 Person 17,600 28,150 35,200 42,250 2 Person 20,100 32,200 40,250 48,300 3 Person 22,650 36,200 45,250 54,300 4 Person 25,150 40,250 50,300 60,350 5 Person 27,150 43,450 54,300 65,200 6 Person 29,150 46,700 58,350 70,000 7 Person 31,200 49,900 62,350 74,850 8 Person 33,200 53,100 66,400 79,650 Figures are per the Department of Housing and Community Development (California), Division of Housing Policy Development. January, 2002. THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INFORMATIONAL STATEMENT FOR FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS I. GENERAL INFORMATION II. ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING A REPLACEMENT DWELLING III. MOVING BENEFITS IV. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT V. QUALIFICATION FOR AND FILING OF RELOCATION CLAIMS VI. LAST RESORT HOUSING ASSISTANCE VII. RENTAL AGREEMENT VIII. APPEAL PROCEDURES - GRIEVANCE IX. TAX STATUS OF RELOCATION BENEFITS X. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE I. GENERAL INFORMATION The building in which you now reside is in an area proposed to be developed by the 'Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino' (the 'Agency'). As the project schedule proceeds, it will be necessary for you to move from your dwelling. You will be notified in a timely manner as to the date by which you must move. Please read this information as it will be helpful to you in determining your eligibility and the amount of your -elocation benefits under the federal and/or state law. We suggest you save this informational statement or reference. The Agency has retained the services of Pacific Relocation Consultants, a qualified professional relocation firm, to assist you. The firm is available to explain the program and benefits. Their address and telephone number is: (D'\ Pacific Relocation Consultants, ( I;'~ 100 W. Broadway Avenue, Suite 500, "iA Long Beach, CA. 90802 '---' Phone: 1.800.400.7356 Spanish speaking representatives are available. Si necesita esta informacion en Espanol, por favor lIame a su representante. PLEASE DO NOT MOVE PREMATURELY. THIS IS NOT A NOTICE TO VACATE YOUR DWELLING. However, if you desire to move sooner than required, you must contact your representative with Pacific Relocation Consultants so you will not jeopardize any benefits. This is a general informational brochure only, and is not intended to give a detailed description of either the law, or regulations pertaining to the Agency's relocation assistance program. Residelltial Informational Statement Page I II. ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING A REPLACEMENT DWELLING The Agency, through its representatives, will assist you in locating a comparable replacement dwelling by ,roviding referrals to appropriate, and available housing units. You are encouraged to actively seek such housing yourself. When a suitable replacement dwelling unit has been found, your relocation consultant will carry out an inspection and advise you as to whether the dwelling unit meets decent, safe and sanitary housing requirements. A decent, safe and sanitary housing unit provides adequate space for its occupants, proper weatherproofing and sound heating, electrical and plumbing systems. Your new dwelling must pass inspection before relocation assistance payments can be authorized. III. MOVING BENEFITS If you must move as a result of displacement by the Agency, you will receive a payment to assist in moving your personal property. There are two types of moving payments. You have the option of selecting either one of the following types of moving payments: A. Fixed Moving Payment A Fixed Moving Payment is based upon the number of rooms you occupy and whether or not you own your own furniture. The payment is based upon a schedule approved by the Agency, and ranges, for example, from $325.00 for a tenant in one room furnished by the Lessor (Owner), to $1,750.00 for eight rooms in a dwelling furnished by the Tenant (Lessee). (For details see the table below). Your relocation representative will inform you of the amount you are eligible to receive if you choose this type of payment. FIXED MOVING SCHEDULE (CALIFORNIA) Occupant owns furniture Occupant does NOT own furniture 1 room $575.00 1 room $750.00 each additional room $375.00 $60.00 2 rooms each additional room $925.00 $1,100.00 $1,325.00 $1,550.00 $1,775.00 $2,000.00 $200.00 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms If you select a fixed payment, you will be responsible for arranging for your own move and the Agency will assume no liability for any loss or damage of your personal property. Page 2 Residential Informational Statement B. Actual Moving Expense (Professional Move) If you wish to engage the services of a licensed commercial mover and have the Agency pay the bill, you may claim the ACTUAL cost of moving your personal properly up to 50 miles. Your relocation representative will inform you of the number of competitive moving bids (if any) which may be required, and assist you in developing a scope of services for Agency approval. IV. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT You may be eligible for a payment of up to $5,250.00 to assist you in renting, or purchasing a comparable replacement dwelling. In order to qualify, you must either be a tenant who has occupied your present dwelling for a least 90 days prior to the Agency's first offer to purchase the property, or an owner who has occupied your dwelling for between 90 and 180 days prior to the Agency's first offer to purchase the property. A. Rental Assistance. If you qualify, and wish to rent your replacement dwelling, your rental assistance benefits will be based upon the difference, over a forty-two (42) month period, between the rent you must pay for a comparable, replacement dwelling and the lesser of your current rent or thirty percent (30%) of your gross monthly household income. You will be required to provide your relocation representative with monthly rent and household income verification prior to the determination of your eligibility for this payment. -OR- B. Down-payment Assistance. If you qualify, and wish to purchase a home as a replacement dwelling, you can apply UP to the total amount of your rental assistance payment towards the down- payment and non-recurring incidental expenses. Your relocation representative will clarify procedures necessary to apply for this payment. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PAYMENT . HOMEOWNERS A. If you owned and occupied a dwelling, purchased by the Developer, for at least 180 days prior to the first offer to purchase, you may be eligible to receive a payment of up to $22,500.00 to assist you in purchasing a comparable replacement unit. If you owned and occupied the displacement dwelling for at least 90 days but not more than 180 days immediately prior to the date of the Developer's offer to purchase, you may be eligible for a payment of up to $5,250.00. This payment is intended to cover the following items: 1. Purchase Price Differential - An amount which, when added to the amount for which the Developer purchased your property, equals the lesser of the actual cost of your replacement dwelling; or the amount determined by the Developer as necessary to purchase a comparable replacement dwelling. Your relocation representative will explain both methods to you. 2. Mortgage Interest Differential - The amount which covers the increased interest costs, if any, required to finance a replacement dwelling. Your relocation representative will explain limiting conditions. 3. Incidental Expenses - Those one time costs incidental to purchasing a replacement unit, such as escrow fees, recording fees, and credit report fees. Recurring expenses such as prepaid taxes and insurance premiums are not compensable. Residential Informational Statement Page 3 B. Rental Assistance Option -If you are an owner-occupant and choose to rent rather than purchase a replacement dwelling, you may be eligible for a rental assistance payment of up to $5,250.00. The payment will be based on the difference between the fair market rent of the dwelling you occupy and the rent you must pay for a comparable replacement dwelling. If you receive a rental assistance payment. as described above, and later decide to purchase a replacement dwelling, you may apply for a payment equal to the amount you would have received if you had initially purchased a comparable replacement dwelling, less the amount you have already received as a rental assistance payment. V. QUALIFICATION FOR, AND FILING OF RELOCATION CLAIMS To qualify for a Replacement Housing Payment, you must rent or purchase and occupy a comparable replacement unit within one year from the later of the following: 1. For a tenant, the date you move from the displacement dwelling; 2. For an owner-occupant, the date you receive final payment for the displacement dwelling, or, in the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated "just compensation" is deposited in a court of competent jurisdiction; or, 3. The date the Agency fulfills its obligation to make available comparable replacement dwellings. All claims for relocation benefits must be filed with the Agency within eighteen (18) months from the date 1n which you receive final payment for your property, or the date on which you move, whichever is later. VI. LAST RESORT HOUSING ASSISTANCE In the event comparable replacement dwellings are not available when vou are reauired to move, or if replacement housing is not available within the monetary limits described above, the Agency will provide Last Resort housing assistance to enable you to rent or purchase a replacement dwelling on a timely basis. Last Resort housing assistance is based on the individual circumstances of the displaced person. Your relocation representative will explain the process for determining whether or not you qualify for Last Resort assistance. If you are a tenant, and you choose to purchase rather than rent a comparable replacement dwelling, the entire amount of your rental assistance and last resort eligibility must be applied toward the down-payment of the home you intend to purchase. VII. RENTAL AGREEMENT As a result of the Agency's action to purchase the property where you live, you may become a tenant of the Agency for a period of time. If this occurs, you will be asked to sign a rental agreement which will specify the monthly rent to be paid; when rent payments are due; where they are to be paid; and, other pertinent information. Except for the causes of eviction set forth below, no person lawfully occupying property to be purchased by the Agency will be required to move without having been provided with at least ninety (90) days written 'lotice from the Agency. Eviction will be undertaken only in the event of one, or more of the following nfractions: Residential Informational Statement Page 4 A. Failure to pay rent, except in those cases where the failure to pay is due to the lessor's failure to keep the premises in habitable condition; is the result of harassment or retaliatory action; or, is the result of discontinuation, or substantial interruption of services; B. Performance of dangerous illegal act in the unit; C. Material breach of the rental agreement and failure to correct breach within 30 days of notice; D. Maintenance of a nuisance and failure to abate within a reasonable time following notice; E.. Refusal to accept one of a reasonable number of offers of replacement dwellings; or F. The eviction is required by State or local law, and cannot be prevented by reasonable efforts on the part of the Agency. VIII. APPEAL PROCEDURES - GRIEVANCE Any person aggrieved by a determination as to eligibility for a relocation payment, or the amount of a payment, may have his/her claim reviewed or reconsidered in accordance with the Agency's appeals procedure. Complete details on appeal procedures are available upon request from the Agency. IX. TAX STATUS OF RELOCATION BENEFITS Relocation benefit payments are not considered as income for the purpose of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the Personal Income Tax Law, Part 10 (commencing with Section 17001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or the Bank and Corporation Tax law, Part 11 (commencing with Section ~3001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The preceding statementis not tendered as legal ..ldvice in regard to tax consequences and, displacees should consult with independent tax advisors, or legal counsel to determine the current status of such payments. XI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Those responsible for providing you with relocation assistance hope to assist you in every way possible to minimize the hardships involved in relocating to a new home. Your cooperation will be helpful, and greatly appreciated. If you have any questions at any time during the process, please do not hesitate to contact your relocation representative. Residential Informational Statement Page 5 AGENCIA DE DESARROLLO DE LA CIUDAD DE SAN BERNARDINO INFORMACION PARA FAMILlAS E INDIVIDUOS I. INFORMACION GENERAL II. A YUDA PARA ENCONTRAR UNIDAD DE REEMPLAZO /II. BENEFICIOS DE MUDANZA IV. PAGO EN REEMPLAZO DE VIVIENDA -INQUlLlNOS V. PAGO DE REEMPLAZO DE VIVIENDA - DUENOS VI. CALlFICACIONES PARA LLENAR RECLAMOS DE REUBICACION VII. PAGOS DE UL TlMO RECURSO V/II. CONTRA TO DE RENTA IX. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE APELACION-AGRA VIO X. INFORMACION ADICIONAL Y ASISTENCIA DISPONIBLE I. INFORMACION GENERAL EI edificio en que usted vive esta en una area que va ser rehabilitado por la 'Agencia de Desarrollo de la Ciudad de San Bernardino' ("Ia Agencia"). De acuerdo a procedimiento de la agenda, tal vez sera necesario que usted se camble de su residencia. Usted sera notificado(a) con tiempo razonable hasta la fecha en que debera cambiarse. Por favor lea esta informaci6n, sera de mucha ayuda para determinar su elegibilidad y la cantidad de beneficios en su reubicacl6n. Le recomendamos que guarde esta informaci6n como referencia. La Agencia ha contratado los servicios de la compafiia Pacific Relocation Consultants, una empresa ,)rofesional muy calificada para ayudarle. La empresa esta a su disposici6n para explicarle el programa y los beneficios. El direcci6n y numero de telefono es: /~ . '12.\1 ~D Pacific Relocation Consultants 100 West Broadway, Suite 500 Long Beach, California 90802 Teh~fono: (800) 400-7356 POR FAVOR NO SE MUDE ANTES DE TIEMPO. ESTE NO ES UN AVISO PARA DESOCUPAR SU VIVIENDA. SI usted desea mudarse antes de 10 requerido, deberia ponerse en contacto con la empresa Pacific Relocation Consultants para que no pierda ninguno de sus beneficios. Este es unicamente un folleto de informaci6n general y no tiene la intenci6n de proporcionar una descripci6n detallada ni de la ley ni de los reglamentos relacionados que pertenecen al programa de reubicaci6n la Agencia. II. AYUDA PARA ENCONTRAR UNlOAD DE REEMPLAZO La Agencia, a traves de sus representantes, Ie ayudaran a localizar una vivienda de reemplazo proporcionandole Ilstas de viviendas disponibles. Es importante que usted se mantenga activo buscando. En cuanto encuentre una vivienda de reemplazo, su representante hara una inspecci6n de la unidad para determinar si la unidad reune todos los requisitos de una vivienda que es decente, segura y limpia. Una unidad que es decente, segura e y Iimpia debe proveer cupo suficiente para sus ocupantes, estar a prueba de mal temporal y sistema adecuado de calefacci6n, plomeria, yelectricidad. Su vivienda de reemplazo debe pasar una inspecci6n antes de autorizar pagos de beneficios. III. MUDANZA FollelO de Informacion Residencial Pagina 1 5i tiene que mudarse debido a un proyeclo la Agencia. recibira un pago para asistirle en su cambio fisico. Dos formas de pago eslan disponibles. Usled puede escoger uno de los lipos de pagos de mudanza <;iguienles: A. Pago Fijo de Mudanza Un Pago Fijo esla basado en el numero de cuartos que ocupa y si es dueno de los muebles 0 no. EI pago esla basado en un programa aprobado por la Agencia. y escala. por ejemplo. de $325.00 por una habilaci6n amueblado por el Arrendador (Dueno), hasla $1.750 por 8 habilaciones con muebles dellnquilino (Arrendalario). (Para delalles. yea la labia de abajo). 5u represenlanle Ie informara la canlidad que recibira al ser elegible. PAGO FIJO DE MUDANZA Ocupante Dueno de Muebles Ocupante no es Dueno de Muebles 1 cuarto $575.00 1 cuarto $375.00 2 cuartos $750.00 Cada Cuarto Adicional $60.00 3 cuartos $925.00 4 cuartos $1.100.00 5 cuartos $1,325.00 6 cuartos $1.550.00 7 cuartos $1.775.00 8 cuartos $2.000.00 Cada Cuarto Adicional $200.00 5i usled escoge el pago fijo de mudanza, sera responsable de su cambio y la Agencia no asumira ninguna responsabilidad por perdida 0 dano relacionado con su cambio. B. Gastos Actuales de Mudanza (Compania Profesional) Si usled decide elegir una mudanza aulorizada y quiere que la Agencia pague la factura, puede reclamar el costo ACTUAL del cambio de sus cosas personales hasta una distancia de 50 millas. Su representante de reubicaci6n Ie informara del numero de presupuestos estimalivos segun se requiera, y Ie asislira en preparar un plan que la Agencia pueda aprobar. IV. PAGO EN REEMPLAZO DE VIVIENDA - INQUILlNOS Usled puede ser elegible para un pago hasla de $5,250.00 como ayuda para renlar 0 comprar una propiedad comparable. Para calificar. debe de haber sido un inquilino en residencia en su vivienda actual por 10 menos de 90 dias, 0 un dueno-ocupante que ha vivido en la vivienda por no menos de 90 dias y no mas de 180 dias, anles de la primera oferta la Agencia para comprar la propiedad. Fol/eto de Informacion Residencia/ Pagina 2 A. Asistencia de Renta Si usted califica y desea rentar su vivienda de reemplazo, sus beneficios se basaran en la diferencia sobre un periodo de cuarenta y dos (42) meses entre la renta que liene que pagar por una vivienda comparable, y 10 menor de la renta actual 0 treinta porciento (30%) de los ingresos mensuales en bruto. Usted debera informar a su representante de su renta y sus ingresos mensuales antes de establecer su elegibilidad para el pago. -0. B. Asistencia de Pago de Enganche Si usted califica y desea comprar su vivienda de remplazo, puede aplicar la cantidad total de su pago de asistencia de renta para un pago de enganche. Su representante de reubicaci6n Ie explicara los procedimientos necesarios para aplicar este pago. PAGO DE REEMPLAZO DE VIVIENDA - DUENOS A. Si Usted ha sido dueiio-ocupante de una vivienda comprada por el Promotor por 10 men os de 180 dias antes de la primera oferta para comprar, sera elegible para un pago de hasta $22,500 para asistirle a comprar una vivienda de reemplazo. Si Usted es dueiio-ocupante desplazado que tiene entre 90 y 179 dias de residencia en su casa inmediatamente antes de la fecha del primer oferta para comprar su propiedad, sera eiegible por un pago de hasta $5,250. Este pago cubre las siguientes cosas: 1. Diferencia en el Precio de Compra - Una cantidad, cuando agregado con la cantidad que el Promotor page por su propiedad, que es igual del costo actual de su vivienda de remplazo; 0 la cantidad determinada por el Promotor que es necesaria para comprar una vivienda de reemplazo comparable, cualquier es menos. Su representante Ie explicara los dos metodos en detalle. 2. Diferencia en Los Gastos de Financiamiento - Un pago que cubra el costa del aumento en los intereses, si hubiera alguno, para financiar una vivienda de reemplazo. Su representante Ie explicara las condiciones Iimitadas. III. Gastos Incidentales - Estos son los gastos que ro recurren que se cobran normalmente al ccmprador de una vivienda. Unos cargos tipicos incluyen los costos de "escrow", recordacien e inspeccien de credito. Fondos reservados en el proceso de "escrow" para cumplir con obligaciones de impuestos de propiedad, intereses y aseguranza de casa no son compensables. B. Asistencia de Renta - Opci6n para Dueiios-Ocupantes - Si Usted es un dueiio-ocupante y elige rentar en vez de comprar una vivienda de reemplazo, puede ser elegible para un pago de asistencia de renta de hasta $5,250. EI pago se basara en la diferencia entre 10 que es la renta del mercado de su vivienda actual y la renta del mercado en una vivienda de reemplazo comparable. Si Usted recibe un pago de asistencia de renta como mencionado arriba, y decide despues comprar una vivienda de reemplazo, puede pedir un pago que es igual a la cantidad que recibira si habia com prado inicialmente una vivienda de reemplazo comparable, menos la cantidad que ya recibie como pago de asistencia de renta. Fo/lelO de Informacion Residencial Pagina 3 V. CALlFICACIONES PARA LLENAR RECLAMOS DE REUBICACICN Para calificar por un Pago de Remplazo de Vivienda, tiene que rentar 0 comprar una vivienda de ;eemplazo comparable durante un aiio de 10 que ocurra despues de: 1. Para inquilino, la fecha que desocupo su vivienda, 2. Para dueno-ocupante, la fecha en que recibira pago final por su vivienda 0, en caso de un procedimiento de condenacion, la fecha del deposito de compensacion justa con la corte, 0 3. La fecha por 10 cualla Agencia cumple con la obligacion de recomendar por 10 menDs de tres viviendas de ieemplazo comparable. Todos 105 reclamos de reubicacion deben ser presentados dentro de dieciocho (18) meses de la fecha en la cual usted recibe el pago final por su propiedad, 0 la fecha en la cual se mudo, 10 que ocurra despues. VI. PAGOS DE ULTIMO RECURSO SI viviendas de reemplazo comparable no son disponibles cuando se tiene que mover, 0 si viviendas de reemplazo no son disponibles dentro de 105 Iimites monetarios ya citados, la Agencia Ie dara asistencia de ultimo recurso para que pueda rentar 0 comprar una vivienda de reemplazo oportunamente. Asistencia de ultimo recurso es basado en 105 circunstancias individuales del desplazado. Su representante de reubicacion Ie explicara el proceso para determinar si califica por asistencia de ultimo recurso. '3i es inquilino y prefiere comprar en vez de rentar una vivienda de reemplazo comparable, la cantidad total sera aplicada a la residencia de reemplazo como pago de entrada. VII. CONTRATO DE RENTA Como resultado de una accion la Agencia para comprar la propiedad donde usted vive, usted pasa a ser un inquilino la Agencia. En este caso, se Ie pedira que firme un contrato de renta, que especificara la renta mensual, cuando pagos se vencen, donde se pagan, y otra informacion pertinente. Excepto por las causas de desalojo dichas abajo, ninguna persona que legalmente ocupa una propiedad I Agencia es requerida a cambiarse si no tiene un aviso escrito por 10 menDs de 90 dias. Desalojo es dado solamente por una 0 mas de las siguientes razones: A. Falla de no pagar renta, excepto en casas donde este es debido ala falta del dueno de no mantener 105 predios en una condicion habitable, 0 cuando 105 servicios basicos han sido discontinuados 0 interrumpidos por un largo plazo. B. La perpetracion de un hecho peligroso 0 ilegal en 105 predlos. C. La falta de mantener 105 terminos del acuerdo de renta entre 30 dias de haber side notificado. D. Continuar con un desorden publico, despues de haber sido notificado. E Despues de haber recibido una cantidad razonable de referencias a viviendas de reemplazo. Fo/leto de Informacion Residencial Pagina 4 F. Cuando la evicci6n es requerida por leyes estatales 0 locales y no puede ser evitada por medio de esfuerzos la Agencia. 11111. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE APELACION-AGRAVIO Cualquier persona con una queja por una determinaci6n de elegibilidad en un pago de reubicaci6n 0 de la cantidad de un pago, puede pedir que su reclamo sea revisado 0 reconsiderado de acuerdo con el procedimiento de apelaciones establecido. Los detalles completos de apelaci6n y procedimientos estan disponibles solicitandolos a la Agencia. IX. ESTADO DE IMPUESTOS POR BENEFICIOS DE REUBICACION Pagos por beneficios de reubicaci6n no son considerados como ingreso econ6mico para el proposito del C6digo Interne de Ingresos de 1986, 0 de la Ley para Impuestos Personales, Parte 10 (comenzando con la secci6n 17001) de la Divisi6n 2 del C6digo de Ingresos e Impuestos, 0 el Banco y la Ley de Impuestos para Corporaciones, Parte 11 (comenzando con la Secci6n 23001) de la Divisi6n 2 del C6digo de Ingresos e Imposici6n de Tributos. La anterior declaraci6n no es un consejo legal con respecto a consecuencias de impuestos, y personas desplazadas deben consultar con consejeros de impuestos independientes, 0 consejo legal para determinar el estado actual de tales pagos. XI. INFORMACION ADICIONAL Y ASISTENCIA DISPONIBLE Los responsables de proveer asistencia de reubicaci6n esperan ayudarle en todas las formas posibles para minimizar la dificil tarea de reubicar a una nueva casa. Su cooperaci6n sera de mucha ayuda y gratamente apreclada. Si tlene preguntas durante el proceso, no dude en comunicarse con su representante de reubicaci6n. Fol/elO de Informacion Residencial Pagina 5 ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 5- S~03 Item # ~ 2(". Resolution # Vote: Ayes '. 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