HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-Mayor's Office , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Mayor Judith Valles Subject: Approve the appointment of Manuel Moreno, Jr. to the Civil Service Board per Mayor Judith Valles request. Dept: Mayor's Office Date: April 29, 2003 ORIGiNAL Council Date: Mav 5. 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: Approve the appointment of Manuel Moreno, Jr. to the Civil Service Board, per Mayor Judith Valles' request. Mr. Moreno, Jr., is replacing Commissioner Ruth Petrucci who's term expires May 2003. ~~~) Signature Contact person: M"ynr .....-1ith V"II"", Phone: !i1='l='l Supporting data attached: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Aeet. No.) -0- (Arrt n~:IoC~r.rirtinn) _n_ Finance: Council Notes: S/<S!03 ::2/1 . .. - ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES List. in oruer of preference. the comminec(s) on which you wish to serve (see list un reverse side). 1) 2) (I ( L! (?2Efl//('(.( ];0 11/Z n 3) 4) Name: )11lJt1IaE/.> fY /l1ol!Em ;:J(t Home Ad,b'ess; /d.:30.. cd. r.2 td s /-- . Home Phone: 'ffCf1) 9i2~1 Fax:.J ) Employer: ~eI/)UD _ C!/1Zj,:5:E. s.li. Address: Date of Birth: S- ~:< - 3 5- _ City:..fI?,lIil)/AI-JeML.. Zip: ,'1;2<j'oS- _ E-Mail: Occupation: City: _ ' W(lrk Phone: ( Zip: Years liv(:dlworked in San Bernardino: ~_ ytS. J) Il ) kC !,!CC Ward: ~ ,Alp ) Educational background/degmes: I an~ am not 0 a rcgistered voter, Licenses or special certificates: Marital Stalus: /I}j /J,f f/ OJ, -PreviOUS City urSan Bernardino comniissi~nslCommiUecs: From I To: O~g";;izations to ~hich you belong (professional. technical. eomniunilY):' M/G./f'/5 Z;(' (!o"L!lIYIBLI..~ __ A/ilf/l/G ~OAfS,AfYI[/n'iltJ 1..6C;/o'; The inromlation provided is factual to Ihe best of my knowledge, I understand thaI I may be rcquin:d to complete a Statement or Economic Interests Form as required by law, and that I will abide by all the codes. ordmances and regulaliuns of the Cily of San Bernardino and the State of California. ~ /7l1~ ;D~,~ _ ;J __ /~~20 J Signature ---r:- ~ Note: Applicalions will be kepI on file for a period of one (J) year. Return to: Raebel (;. Clark. City Uerk, 300 N. "D" Street. SlIn BernardiDo. CA 92418-0001 lOJl612W 1 l'n;p;llC\1 h-v ,he CiTy {"Il...rk'~ orii~-c