HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director Subject: Initiation of a Development Code Amendment pertaining to second units. Dept: Development Services \NAL Date: April 8, 2003 0 R \ G MCC Date: April 21, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Couucil Action: February 4,2003 - considered by Legislative Review Committee and continued. April 8, 2003 - reviewed by Legislative Review Committee and referred to Mayor and Common Council. Recommended Motion: That the Mayor and Common Council direct the Planning Division to initiate an amendment to the Development Code pertaining to second units. ~c~ Contact person: V~lf'rlP Rn<::<:: phnnpo lR4_'iO'i7 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Wgr,-l. rltyurlr1p FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -$2,000 Source: 001-190-5011 & 5121 <;;:'~l::lrlP<:: /& Ar1\lPrti<::lng Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. J5 Jf /:1-11 /)3 EXHIBIT 1 DEVELOPMENT CODE EXCERPT SECTION 19.04.030(2)(P) SECOND DWELLING UNIT/"CR.'\NNY" HOUSING DESIGN STANDARDS Second dwelling units require a Development Permit and shall be constructed in the following manner: 1. No more than 1 second dwelling unit shall be permitted on any parcel or lot. 2. A second dwelling unit may only be permitted on a residential lot on which there is already built 1 owner occupied single-family detached dwelling unit (main unit). 3. A second dwelling unit may not be permitted on residential lots already having 2 or more dwelling units. 4. The parcel upon which the second dwelling unit is to be established shall conform to all standards (i.e. lot coverage. height. setbacks. etc.) of the land use district in which it is located. 5. Any increase in the floor area of an attached second unit shall not exceed 30% of the existing living area of the main dwelling. 6. The total area of floor space for a detached second unit shall not exceed 1,200 square feet. 7. The second dwelling unit shall be architecturally compatible with the main dwelling. 8. The second dwelling unit SHall be pro,..ided witH parking in addition to and tHe same as tHat relJuired for tHe main dwelling, pursuant to CHlljJter 19.21 (Off Street Parking Standards). No 'iarianee or miner eJlCeptien may be filed for allowing parking witHin tHe relJuired front or side yard setbacl;s. The second dwelling unit (attached or detached) shall provide one covered parking space per bedroom. Parking may be permitted in the side yard setback between the dwelling unit and the side properlY line. behind the front setback. 9. Second units may only be established on lots where water. sewer. gas. and electricity are available. 10. The second dwelling unit may be metered separately from the main dwelling for gas, electricity, and water/sewer services. II. Prior to iSS1Hffice of a building permit for the second frwelling unit, a covenant of restriction to run with the land, shall be recorded which specifics that the use of the second unit as an independent dwelling may continue only as long as I unit on the property is owner occupied. 12. The applicant for the Development Permit shall be the owner-occupant of the subject property. 13. This section shall not validate any existing illegal second dwelling unit. An application for a permit may be made pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 19.44 (Development Permits) to convert an illegal second unit to a conforming legal second unit, and the standards and requirements for said conversion shall be the same as for newly proposed second dwelling units. 14. The following findings shall be made (in addition to those outlined in Chapter 19.11 [Development Permits]) in Brder to approve a permit for a sccond dwelling unit: a. The second dwelling unit is compatiBle with the design of the main dwelling unit and the surroHHding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, length, width, Bulk, lot coverage, and ellterior treatment, and will not cause eJ[cessi';e noise, traffic, or other disturBances 10 the eJ[isting neighBorhood or result in significantly adverse impacts on pUBlic services and resources. b. The second dwelling unit shall not cause a high concentration of such units sufficient to change the character of the surro,mding residential neighborhood.