HomeMy WebLinkAboutR36-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director SUBJECT: r ~ J , ~ Ii l. \,., ~ ',L DATE: January 9, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): ACCEPTANCE OF ADDITIONAL NIP FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1 MILLION; USE OF NIP FUNDS; AND AMENDMENT NO, 2 TO CITY AND AGENCY INFRASTRUCTURE AGREEMENT On January 9, 2003, Redevelopment Committee Mcmbers Anderson, Suarez and Estrada unanimously voted to recommend that the Community Development Commission consider this action for approval. Recommended Motion(s): (Communitv Development Commission) MOTION A: THAT THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMiSSION ACCEPT FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) GRANT FUND AN ADDITIONAL $1 MILLION AND AUTHORJZE THE AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO IMPLEMENT THE TWO NEW NIP PROGRAMS, THE MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING EXTERJOR BEAUTIFICATION GRANT AND INFILL AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANT AS DESCRJBED IN THIS STAFF REPORT. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORJZING THE AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1,2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) TARGET AREA #1. (Mavor and Common Council) RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND AUTHORJZING THE MAYOR, OR HER DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM TARGET AREA #1. MOTION B: MOTION C: Contact Person(s): Maggie Pacheco Project Area(s) N/A Phone: (909) 663-1044 2 Ward(s): FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ 1 Million Source: Supporting Data Attached: 0 Staff Report 0 Resolution(s) 0 Agreement(s)/Contract(s) 0 Map(s) 0 Letters NIP Funds ~) /' Budge;,Authority . (~ t" L_ Gary Vyrl OsdeI, Executive Directo ______________________________~_~_____________________L_________________n_n_______________________________________ Commission/Council Notes: SIGNATURE: 2002-2003 &"M.4 <!.O~"ZCO'!,-.s ?J:. ):5 - ;S2.. P:\Clcrical Service, Dcpl\Margarcll'arkcr',Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-01-2] :-.lIP Amend 2 - Year 2 Funding Item,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 01/21/2003 Agenda Item Number: Q .!J ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Acceptance of Additional NIP Funds in the Amount of $1 Million; Use of NIP Funds; and Amendment No.2 to City and Al!encv Infrastructure Al!reement BACKGROUND: On September 7, 1999, the Community Development Commission approved a Neighborhood Initiative Program ("NIP") Cooperative Agreement ("Agreement") between the Agency and the County of San Bernardino, Department of Economic and Community Development ("County"), to undertake certain NIP housing and neighborhood activities within six (6) of the seven (7) target areas beginning with NIP Area #1 (area bounded by 13th to 18th Streets, D Street to Sierra Way - see Attached Map). According to this Agreement, the first year's budget for NIP activities for NIP Area #1 was set at $1 million and at that time it was noted in the Agreement that the Agency could request an additional $1 million in Year 2. It should be noted that the additional funding was earmarked for Target Area # I only and the County does not intend to appropriate funds for any other Target Areas until Target Area #1 is completed. CURRENT ISSUE: In order to receive the additional $1 million, Staff needed to provide the County with a letter stating how the Agency would use these additional funds (see Attached Letter dated September 13, 2002). After several discussions with County Staff, on December 4, 2002, the County approved the additional $1 million for Year 2, specifically for the programs/projects stated below: Proiect/Prol!ram Budl!et Amount 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Revitalization and Infrastructure Improvement Project Single-Family Rehab Loan/Grant Multi-Family Housing Exterior Beautification Grant Infill Affordable Housing Grant Administration $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $ 100.000 TOTAL $ 1.000.000 The Revitalization and Infrastructure Improvement Project was approved by the Community Development Commission in July 2002. This project provides for the City and Agency to install up to $300,000 in various street improvements and parkway enhancements within Target Area #1. The estimated costs for the all the infrastructure improvements needed in Target Area #1 is over $1 million. The additional $300,000 (item 1. above), plus $42,500 in remaining down payment assistance funds will be added to the July 2002 City/Agency Agreement. With regard to the Single- Family Rehab Loan/Grant ("Grant") and Administration line items, these are pre-approved Commission programs. The Grant Program provides eligible homeowners and single-family landlords with up to $5,000 in grant funds to make Agency-approved exterior improvements to their P:\Clcrical Service> Dcpl\Margarcl ParkcrlAgcndalCDC 2003\03-01-21 NIP Amend 2 - Year 2 Funding Item.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 01/21/2003 Agenda Item Nnmber: R3 C1 Economic Development Agency Staff Report NIP Year 2 Funding and Amendment No.2 Page 2 property. The amounts in items 2. and 5. above, will be added to the existing budget line item in the September 1999 Agreement. As it relates to items 3. and 4. above (Multi-Family Housing Exterior Beautification Grant and Infill Affordable Housing Grant), these are proposed new programs that Staff recommends initiating in Target Area #1. Below is a brief description of the proposed two (2) programs and the justification for the creation or need for such a program. A. Multi-Familv Housin!! Exterior Beautification Grant ($200.000) Under the 1999 approved County/Agency Agreement, the County was given the responsibility of implementing and administering this Grant Program in Target Area #1; however, because of the County's other priorities, the County has not been able to implement the Grant Program. Hence, the County agrees that in the interest of keeping the programs moving, that it is best to have the Agency administer the Grant Program. Although Target Area #1 is predominately single-family uses, about 20% of the Target Area are rentals. Essentially, the proposed program will mirror the Business Incentive Grant Program. The Grant Program will offer Property Owners of two or more rental units with a grant of up to $5,000 per property, provided the Property Owner pays in advance all costs associated with the pre-approved improvements, matches the Grant Amount, and at least 20% of the units are rented to persons whose incomes do not exceed 120% of the area median income. Reimbursement to the Property Owner will occur once Staff has conducted an inspection of the improvements completed. The Property Owner will be required to be in compliance with all City Ordinances, Building and Development Codes, and must participate in the City's Apartment Owners Association and/or the Multi-Family Crime Free Certification Program. The Grant can be used for items such as exterior painting, landscaping, irrigation, wrought iron fencing, or any other improvement required by the City's Building and Code Compliance Departments. B. Jnfill Affordable HODsin!! Grant ($150.000) To facilitate new housing development in the Target Area, Staff proposes to create a grant program to encourage development of new infill and scattered owner-occupied single-family housing in the target area, by providing affordable housing grants of up to $10,000, per parcel/ home, to qualified and pre-approved nonprofit housing developers. The Affordable Housing Grant can be used for acquisition of land, payment of City development and impact fees, and construction of on- and off- site improvements such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drains. The Nonprofit will be obligated to build owner-occupied housing units only, and sell the housing units to a buyer who will occupy the property and whose income does not exceed 120% of the area median income. Nonprofits will be required to advance all funds in the construction of their housing and be subsequently reimbursed by the Agency. This proposed program is similar to the program the Commission previously approved using the funds generated from the HUD Good Neighbor $1 Program, and the recent grant approved for six (6) infill housing units built by ANR Industries in Target Area #1. Accordingly, Staff requests that the Redevelopment Committee approve the above programs for Target Area #1. P:\Clcrical Services Dcpt\Margarcl Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-01-21 NIP Amend 2 - Year 2 Funding Item,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 01/21/2003 Agenda Item Number: !<.3i(; Economic Development Agency Staff Report NIP Year 2 Funding and Amendment No.2 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT: The requested action is categorically exempt from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. FISCAL IMPACT: Using the Agency Housing Fund, the Agency advances all funds related to the NIP Program, and the County reimburses the Agency for all pre-approved programs, which will include the additional $1 million referenced in this Staff Report. RECOMMENDATION: c--- That the Community Development Commission adopt the attached Resolutions. ~c -- heco, Deputy Director M P:\Clcrical Services Dcpl\Margarcl ParkcrlAgcncta\CDC 2003\03-01-21 NIP Amend 2 - Year 2 Funding [[em.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 01/21/2003 Agenda Item Number: A /~- ,.-~\ \S--~, 1- RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERi~ARDINO AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) TARGET AREA #1. 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, on July 1, 2002, the Community Development Commission approved the 9 Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) Revitalization and Infrastructure Improvement Project in NIP 10 Target Area #1 Agreement ("Agreement") in the amount of $300,000, between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") and the City of San Bernardino ("City") for the II 12 provision of certain infrastructure improvements in 1','IP Target Area # 1; and 13 WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Agreement authorizes the Executive Director of the Agency and 14 the City Administrator of the City to make minor changes, additions and clarifications to the Agreement; 15 and 16 WHEREAS, on July 9, 2002, Amendment No.1 to the Agreement between the Agency and the 17 City was approved by the Executive Director and City Administrator at the request of the County of San 18 Bernardino (Tounty") in order to clarify and satisfy the Department of Housing and Urban 19 Development (HUD) federal requirements related to the Cooperative Delegate Agency Agreement 20 ("Cooperative Agreement") between the County and the Agency, dated September 7, 1999; and WHEREAS, on September 13,2002, Staff requested $300,000 in additional NIP funds from the 21 22 County to install additional infrastructure improvements in NIP Target Area #1, plus requested that $42,500 remaining in the dO\vn payment assistance budget line item be transferred to the street 23 24 improvement budget line item, bringing the total to $342,500, and the County approved said request; and the City and Agency desire to amend the Agreement to provide for the installation of additional street 25 improvements ("Amendment No.2"). P:\Clcr;CJI SCrYices Dcpl\.\Iargarel Parker'.Rcsoluliofls\1003\03.01.21 NIP Amend No.2 Rcwlution B.doc I NOW, 1HEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF 1HE 2 CITY OF SA.N BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER, AS 3 FOLLOWS: 4 Section 1. The Agency Executive Director ("Director") is hereby authorized to execute 5 Amendment No.2 to the Agreement dated July 1,2002 by and between the Redevelopment Agency and 6 the City of San Bernardino for the provision of additional infrastructure improvements in Neighborhood 7 Initiative Program Target Area #1. 8 Section 2. Except as noted in Section 1 of this Amendment No.2, all other provisions of 9 the Agreement, and as subsequently amended by Amendment No. I shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. 10 /II 11 1/1 ]2 1/1 13 II' .1 14 I I' II 15 /II 16 /II 17 I I I ,I 18 /II 19 /II 20 /II 21 /II 22 /II 23 /II 24 /II 25 /II The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. P:\C1encalServices Dept\Mar,:llrel Parker'Resolutions\2003\03-QI.21 NIP Amend No.2 Resolution B.doc 2 ^ 2 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SA.~ BERi'llARDINO AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 2002 BY AND BEnVEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERi'llARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) TARGET AREA #1. 3 4 5 6 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the 7 Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting 8 thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the following vote to wit: 9 Commission Members: Ayes Nays Abstain Absent 10 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGll\T},'IS DERRY SUAREZ AKDERSON MC CAMMACK 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Secretary 19 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 20 21 Judith Valles, Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino 22 23 24 By: 25 P:\Clcrical Services Dep{'_\l.1fg:ll"ct Parker\ResolulionsIlOOJIOJ-Ol.2\ NI? Amend No.2 Resolution Bdoc 3 ( ( RESOLUn~; NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MA YOR, OR HER DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT #2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BER1\'ARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER1\'ARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM TARGET AREA #1. 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, on July I, 2002, the Community Development Commission approved the 9 Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) Revitalization and Infrastructure Improvement Project in NIP Target Area #1 Agreement ("Agreement") in the amount of $300,000, between the Redevelopment 10 11 Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") and the City of San Bernardino ("City") for the 12 provision of certain infrastrucrure improvements in N1P Target Area # I; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Agreement authorizes the Mayor or his/her designee to make 13 14 minor changes, additions and clarifications to the Agreement; and 15 WHEREAS. on July 9. 2002, Amendment No. I to the Agreement between the Agencv and the ~ ~' ..... ..... - 16 City was approved by the Executive Director and City Administrator at the request of the County of San 17 Bernardino ("County") in order to clarifY and satisfY the Department of Housing and Urban 18 Development (HUD) federal requirements related to the Cooperative Delegate Agency Agreement 19 ("Cooperative Agreement") between the County and the Agency, dated September 7, 1999; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2002, Staff requested $300,000 in additional NIP funds from the 20 21 County to install additional infrastrucrure improvements in NIP Target Area #1, plus requested that $42,500 remaining in the dov.n payment assistance budget line item be transferred to the street improvement budget line item, bringing the total to $342,500, and the County approved said request; and the City and Agency desire to amend the Agreement to provide for the installation of additional street 22 23 24 improvements ("Amendment No.2"). 25 P:\Clcrical Services Dcpt'"\1argarct Parkcr\RcsolutiollS'.200J03-01-11 NIP Amend )\;0, 2 Resolution. C.doc , 1 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED 2 BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS 3 FOLLOWS: 4 Section I. The Mayor and/or her or his designee is hereby authorized to execute 5 Amendment No.2 to the Agreement dated July 1,2002 by and between the City of San Bernardino and 6 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the amount of $342,500 for the provision of additional infrastructure improvements in Neighborhood Initiative Program Target Area #1. 7 8 Section 2. Except as noted in Section 1 of this Amendment No.2, all other provisions ofth 9 Agreement, and as subsequently amended by Amendment No. I shall remain in full force and effect. 10 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and execution in th manner as required by the City Charter. II III 12 III 13 III 14 III 15 III 16 III 17 III 18 III 19 III 20 III 21 III 22 III 23 III 24 III 25 III P:\Clcrical Services Dcplu\largaret ParkcrI.Rcsolutions\2003\OJ-OI-21 NIP Amend fl,;o. 2 Rcs.olulion C.doc 2 C. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERJ'IARDINO APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, OR HER DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT #2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1,2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERJ'IARDINO FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM TARGET AREA #1 3 4 5 6 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 7 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 8 day of ,2003, by the following vote to wit: 9 Council Members: Aves Nays Abstain Absent 10 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGII\'NIS DERRY SUAREZ 11 12 13 14 ANDERSON 15 Me CAMMACK 16 17 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk 18 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 19 20 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 21 Approved as to form and Legal Content: 1'/~ 22 By: ty Attorney 23 24 25 P:\Clerical Scn-ices Dcpl\.\largarcl Parkcr'Resolutions\2003\03.01.21 NIP Amend No.2 Resolution C.OOc , ~ NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) - REVITALIZATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN NIP TARGET AREA #1 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 1, 2002 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERi'lARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECITALS WHEREAS, on July 1,2002, the Community Development Commission approved the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) Revitalization and Infrastructure Improvement Project in NIP Target Area #1 Agreement ("Agreement") in the amount of 5300,000, between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") and the City of San Bernardino ("City") for the provision of certain infrastructure improvements in NIP Target Area #1; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Agreement authorizes the Executive Director of the Agency and the City Administrator of the City to make minor changes, additions and clarifications to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, on July 9, 2002, Amendment No. I to the Agreement between the Agency and the City was approved by the Executive Director and City Administrator at the request of the County of San Bernardino ("County") in order to clarify and satisfy the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal requirements related to the Cooperative Delegate Agency Agreement ("Cooperative Agreement") between the County and the Agency, dated September 7,1999. WHEREAS, on September 13, 2002, Staff requested 5300,000 in additional NIP funds from the County to install additional infrastructure improvements in NIP Target Area # I, plus requested that 542,500 remaining in the down payment assistance budget line item be transferred to the street improvement budget line item, bringing the total to 5342,500, and the County approved said request; and the City and Agency desire to amend the Agreement to provide for the installation of additional street improvements ("Amendment No.2"). /II /II /II /II /II /II 1/1 1/1 1/1 P:,Clcrical Services Dcpl"~\larga.rcl Parkcr\A.gcnda\Agrmls-Amcnd 2003'.03-01-09 NIP Infrastructure Amend No. 2.DOC NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND PROMISES OF THE PARTIES AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE AGENCY AND THE CITY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Section 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) The Project consists of the design, construction and installation in NIP Area I of the following improvements described below under the heading of "Project Improvements": Proiect Improvements Estimated Budget for Proiect Improvements (i) Asphalt and Cross Gutter (ii) Alleyway improvements (iii) Sidewalk, driveway approaches Curb, gutter, other public street right-of -way improvements as agreed to by the parties. (iv) Street Improvements and Parkway Enhancements S145,000 $ 50,000 $105,000 $342,500 TOTAL COSTS AND SPECIAL GRANT AMOUNT $642,500 The improvement items identified above as (i) through (iv), inclusive are collectively referred to herein as the "Project Improvements". A map identifying the approximate locations within NIP Area I where the Project Improvements shall be installed is attached as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. (b) The City currently estimates that the cost of the design, installation and construction of each of the Project Improvements is the amount indicated in Section 2(a) .under the column heading of "Estimated Budget for Project Improvements". The City in consultation with the Agency, may adjust the final amount of the Special Grant Funds allocated under the Estimated Budget for Project Improvements, and the approval of the Agency of a reallocation of Special Grant Funds among the Project Improvement components of the Project shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed provided the costs of all the Project Improvements does not exceed $642,500. //1 //1 //1 //1 1// 1// P:\Clcrical Scr.ices Dcpl\:vlargarcl Parkcr'Agcnda"Agmlls-Amcnd 2003\03.01.09 NIP lnfra.o;tructure Amend No. 2.DOC 2 , Section 2. Section 3. AGENCY FUNDING FOR THE PROJECT of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: The Agency hereby agrees to reimburse the City for the cost of design, acquisition and installment of the Project Improvements in the maximum amount of $642,500. The sole source of funds available to the Agency to reimburse the City is from the Special Grant Fund dispersed to the Agency by the County under the Cooperative Agreement, and from no other funds of the Agency. Should the cost payable by the City for the Project Improvements exceed the Special Grant Fund amount, the City shall then bear all costs in excess of the Special Grant Fund. The City shall submit reimbursement invoices to the Agency for actual Project costs incurred on a monthly basis, or at the election of the City upon completion of the Project Improvements. Said invoices shall be accompanied with all appropriate documentation and submitted to the Agency evidencing that the Project Improvement costs have been incurred and the Project Improvements have been completed in a satisfactory and acceptable condition. Section 3. Section 4. SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE FOR THE PROJECT of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: The City shall complete the preparation of all plans and specifications for the Project Improvements (including any refinements of modifications to the estimated budget) within sixty (60) days following the date of approval of the Agreement and submit such plans and specifications to the Agency for approval, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Following the approval by the Agency of such plans and specifications, the City shall cause the commencement of construction of the Project Improvements to occur as promptly and feasible thereafter. The City shall cause the Project Improvements to be completed no later than one year from the date of said commencement of the Project Improvements. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, approvals required of the Agency or the City, or any officers, agents or employees of either the Agency or the City, shall not be unreasonably withheld and approval or disapproval shall be given within ten (10) days from receipt of such notice. or ifno time is given, within a reasonable time. The Executive Director of the Agency or the Mayor or hislher designee for the City are authorized to sign on his or her own authority amendments to this Agreement which are of routine or technical nature, including minor adjustments to the Schedule of Performance and the Estimated Budget for Project Improvements line item in Section 2 of this Agreement. Section 4. Except as noted in this Amendment No.2, all other provisions of the Agreement, and as subsequently amended by Amendment No. I shall remain in full force and effect. !II !II !II !II P:\ClcricaJ Scr;icc~ DcpllMargarcl Parker'Agcnda\AgnnI5.Amend ~003\OJ-Ol-09 NIP lnrrastructure Amend No 2D<X 3 ,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No.2 has been executed by the City and the Agency as of the date indicated next to the signatures of the authorized officers of each of them as appear below. CITY City of San Bernardino Date: Judith Valles, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: r7~ .~ Attorney AGENCY Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Date: Gary Van Osdel, Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: Agency Special Counsel P:\CJerical Services Dept\Margaret Parkcr\Agenda\Agrmls-Amend 2003\03-01-09 NIP Infraslructure Amend No. l_DOe 4 ::. 'l: (il ~ m lTTHST Q. lTTHST Cl >- i ~ ~ I 'l: .. 16TH ... .. ::. ~ 'l: (il ~ ~ s:: ~ (il 15TH ST 14TH ST ~ 'l: ... ~ .. ;!; ~ 14TH ~ !i ~ (il MAGNOUA A VIRGINIA ST WABASH ST CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EXHIBIT "A" NIP AREA NIP GATEWAY ENHANCEMENT AREA , NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRAM (NIP) - REVIT ALlZA TION AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN NIP TARGET AREA #1 THIS REVIT ALIZA nON AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is dated as of July I, 2002, by and between the City of San Bernardino (the "City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") and is entered into in light of the facts set forth in the following Recitals: - - RECITALS -- WHEREAS, on September 7, 1999, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") and the County of San Bernardino of the State of California (the "County") enter into a Cooperative/Delegate Agency Agreement (the "Cooperative Agreement") for use of the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) Grant funds awarded to the County, by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to use within the boundaries of the Agency and County NIP Areas, including, but not limited to, NIP Area I bounded by D Street to the west, Sierra Way to the east, 18 Street to the North and 13th Street to the South as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ( the "NIP Area I"); and WHEREAS, the mission of the Neighborhood Initiative Program is the preservation and revitalization of neighborhoods through maximizing opportunities afforded by the availability and the leveraging of the $15 Million federal Neighborhood Initiative Grant Fund; and WHEREAS, the goals of the Neighborhood Initiative Program are to eradicate blight in the neighborhoods. make an impact both visibly and structurally in the neighborhoods of the City and the County, increase the percentage of owner-occupied residences by concentrating on first time homebuyers, maximize neighborhood participation, involve and commit Agency and County agencies and their resources, intensify code enforcement activities, public infrastructure and public improvements, and to maximize and leverage the use of successful City and or Agency programs and available public resources; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Cooperative Agreement the County has awarded the Agency NIP Grant Funds in the amount of $300,000 ("Special Grant Funds") to carry out certain public improvements described herein (the "Project") to be installed at various locations within KIP Area I which are intended to stimulate private investment and benefit low and moderate income residents within NIP Area I; and WHEREAS, in the interest of time and in order to realize economies of scale, the Agency desires to engage the services of the City to help implement the Project as described in Section 2 of this Agreement. /1/ -. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO A:t-..'D THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERARNARDINO DO HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement provides for the design, construction, installation and financing of the public improvements associated with the Project for NIP Area 1. The general location of NIP Area I is shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Agency shall use and apply the Special Grant Funds to reimburse the City for the cost of the design, installation and or construction of the Project within NIP Area 1. The City shall be responsible for the design, acquisition and installation, as well as the management and supervision of all aspects of the design, installation and construction of the Project improvements in NIP Area 1. The Project improvements are described in Section 2 of this Agreement. Section 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT. (a) The Project consists of the design, construction and installation in NIP Area 1 of the following improvements described below under the heading of "Project Improvements": Proiect Improvements Estimated Bud!!et for Proiect Improvements: (i) Asphalt and Cross Gutter (ii) Alleyway improvements (iii) Sidewalk, driveway approaches Curb, gutter, other public street right-of -way improvements as agreed to by the parties. $145,000 $ 50,000 $105,000 TOTAL AlVIOUNT OF CURRENT ESTIMATE AND SPECIAL GRANT FUNDS A V AILABLE FOR THE PROJECT: $300,000 The improvement items identified above as (i) through (iii), inclusive are collectively referred to herein as the "Project Improvements". A map identifying the approximate locations within NIP Area 1 where the Project Improvements shall be installed is attached as Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. (b) The City currently estimates that the cost of the design, installation and construction of each of the Project Improvements is the amount indicated in Section 2(a) under the column heading of "Estimated Budget for Project Improvements". The City in consultation with the Agency, may adjust the final amount of the Special Grant Funds allocated under the Estimated Budget for Project Improvements, and the approval of the Agency of a reallocation of Special Grant Funds among the Project Improvement components of the Project shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed provided the costs of all the Project Improvements does not exceed $300,000. 2 ^ Section 3. AGENCY FUNDING FOR THE PROJECT. The Agency hereby agrees to reimburse the City for the cost of design, acquisition and installment of the Project Improvements in the maximum amount of $300,000. The sole source of funds available to the Agency to reimburse the City is from the Special Grant Fund dispersed to the Agency by the County under the Cooperative Agreement, and from no other funds of the Agency. Should the cost payable by the City for the Project Improvements exceed the Special Grant Fund amount, the City shall then bear all costs in excess of the Special Grant Fund. The City shall submit reimbursement invoices to the Agency for actual Project costs incurred on a monthly basis, or at the election of the City upon completion of the Project Improvements. Said invoices shall be accompanied with all appropriate documentation and submitted to the Agency evidencing that the Project Improvement costs have been incurred and the Project Improvements have been completed in a satisfactory and acceptable condition. Section 4. SCHEDULE OF PERFORMA!\CE FOR THE PROJECT. The City shall complete the preparation of all plans and specifications for the Project Improvements (including any refinements of modifications to the estimated budget) within sixty (60) days following the date of approval of this Agreement and submit such plans and specifications to the Agency for approval, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Following the approval by the Agency of such plans and specifications, the City shall cause the commencement of construction of the Project Improvements to occur as promptly and feasible thereafter. The Ciry shall cause the Project Improvements to be completed no later than one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of said commencement of the Project Improvements. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, approvals required of the Agency or the City, or any officers, agents or employees of either the Agency or the City, shall not be unreasonably withheld and approval or disapproval shall be given within ten (10) days from receipt of such notice, or ifno time is given, within a reasonable time. The Executive Director of the Agency or the Mayor or his/her designee for the City are authorized to sign on his or her own authority amendments to this Agreement which are of routine or technical nature, including minor adjustments to the Schedule of Performance and the Estimated Budget for Project Improvements line item in Section 2 of this Agreement. Section 5. CITY SHALL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTIOl\ PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE PROJECT (a) The Agency hereby engages the City to provide construction project management services to complete the preparation of all Project Improvements, together with a Project Improvement plans and specifications, and if applicable, to conduct public works bidding as required by law with respect to the various components of the Project Improvements, either in whole or in part, and to award and manage and administer each construction contract for the Project Improvements as applicable. It is contemplated that certain Project Improvements described in Section 2 may be constructed and installed by the City's Public Service Department. The City hereby accepts such engagement from the Agency and the City agrees to provide, or cause to be provided, all necessary construction project management supervision and services for the Project, including, without limitation, the following services: 3 1. Consulting civil engineering service, as appropriate for all of the plans and specifications necessary to undertake the Project; and 2. During the construction phase of the Project provide for compliance, administration, enforcement and inspection of the work and fiscal accounting as follows: (A) designate and appoint a qualified individual to act as the construction project manager of the City under this Agreement for the Project; and retain all other personnel or services qualified as necessary for the construction management services provided for herein; (B) oversee and review the Project construction schedules and management plans and recommend any corrections needed; (C) inspection services for the Project Improvements; (D) as necessary, facilitate value engineering or other design changes to the scope and quality of each of the Project Improvements so as to ensure that the Project is completed using solely the Special Grant Funds and other funds, if any, contributed by the City; (E) maintain all appropriate documentation concerning the progress, supervision and administration and management of the Project Improvements, including without limitation, time sheets for each City employee performing work related to the Project. The City shall comply with all applicable labor laws in connection with the design, installation and construction ofthe Project, if applicable. If the City elects to publicly bid the work of installation of any component of the Project, the City shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Public Contractors Code and prevailing wage laws relating to such work. (b) All contracts, work under the contracts, selection and award of the contracts and other matters related to administration of the contracts, if any, shall be administered in accordance with laws, ordinances, regulations or other legal requirements pertaining to the City. Following the approval by the Agency of the final plans and specifications for the Project as set forth in Section 4, the Agency shall return to the City all required approvals or disapprovals relating the performance in the field of any work of the Project Improvements within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of any request by the City for such approval by the Agency, except if the determined time for the return of the approval by the Agency is not on a business day, then the Agency shall have successive twenty-four (24) extensions of time until the final time for submitting such approval or disapproval is on the next succeeding business day. Failure by the Agency to so approve or disapprove any such request within the required period of time, taking into account permitted extensions of time, shall be deemed to be a waiver of such requested 4 approval but shall not be a waiver of any other right or obligation of the Agency to grant approvals generally as may be required by this Agreement. (c) The City shall act as an independent contractor for purposes of this Agreement and the Agency shall have no control over the selection of personnel or contracts for the canying out of the services contemplated for by this Agreement. Section 6. PERIODIC REVIEW. This Agreement shall be jointly reviewed by the Agency and the City every sixty (60) days with respect to the management and status of completion of the Project, and the parties shall consider such changes or amendments to this Agreement as shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties after due consideration of the operating experiences or events subsequent to the execution hereof or subsequent to the last review in accordance with the provisions of Section 14 hereof. Section 7. DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES. Except as otherwise provided herein, failure or delay by either party to perform any term or provision of this Agreement constitutes a default under this Agreement. The non-defaulting party (the "Non-Defaulting Party") shall give notice of default to the party in default (the "Defaulting Party"), specifying the default complained of by the Non-Defaulting Party. Failure or delay in giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, any failures or delays by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies. Delays by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies shall not deprive either party of its right to institute and maintain any actions or proceedings which it may deem necessary to protect, assert or enforce any such rights or remedies. If the default is not cured within ten days after receipt of the notice of default if an obligation to pay money, or within 30 days after the notice of default otherwise, or if such default (other than the payment of money) is of a type which is not capable of being cured within 30 days, then if the default is not commenced to be cured within 30 days after the notice of default and is not cured promptly in a continuous and diligent manner within a reasonable period of time after commencement, the Non-Defaulting Party may thereafter (but not before) commence any proceeding to seek any legal or equitable remedy; provided, however, the l\on-Defaulting may seek injunctive relief prior to the above stated cure period having expired if the Non-Defaulting Party deems such action appropriate. In addition to specific provisions of this Agreement, performance by either party hereunder for any obligation other than for the payment of money shall not be deemed to be in default where delays or defaults are due to war, insurrection, strikes, lock-outs, riots, sabotage, floods, droughts, earthquakes, storms, fires, lightening, casualties, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, the existence of hazardous waste freight embargoes, lack of transportation, governmental restrictions of priority, governmental delays (to the extent not resulting from submittals by the City that are not substantially complete), litigation, unforeseen subsurface conditions, unusually severe weather, inability to secure necessary labor, materials or tools, delays of any contractor, subcontractor or supplies, acts of the other party, the absence, termination, interruption, denial or failure of renewal of any entitlements, validly adopted citizens' initiative or referendum, administrative court orders (including pendency thereof), changes in law or acts or failure to act (to the extent not resulting from submittals from 5 , the City that are not substantially complete) or any other causes beyond the control or without the fault of the party claiming an extension of time to perform. An extension of time for any such cause shall be for the period of the enforced delay and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, if notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within 30 days of knowledge of the commencement of the cause. Times of performance under this Agreement may also be extended by written agreement of the City and the Agency. Section 8. LAW GOVERNING. govern this Agreement. The laws of the State of California shall Section 9. SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement and the covenants and conditions contained herein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Agency and the City, and all references in this Agreement to "Agency" or "City" shall be deemed to refer to and include al permitted successors and assigns of such party. Section 10. NOTICES. All notices shall be in writing and presented in person or by certified or registered United States mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery, fax transmission that is telephonically verified or by overnight or special courier delivery made by a nationally recognized delivery service to the addresses set forth below. Notice presented by United States mail shall be deemed effective the second (2nd) business day after deposit with the United States Postal Service. This Section shall not in any manner prevent giving notice by personal service or telephonically verified fax transmission both forms of notice of which shall be deemed effective upon actual receipt of such personal service or telephonic verification. Each party may change or modify their address for receipt of written notice by so notifying the other party in accordance with the notice provisions and in the manner provided by this Section. TO CITY: Attention: Fred Wilson City Administrator 300 N. "D" Street, City Hall San Bernardino, California 9240 I TO AGENCY: Attention: Gary Van Osdel Executive Director 201 N. E Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, California 92401 Section 11. WAIVER. Waiver by any party hereto of any breach by any other party of any agreement, covenant or condition hereof shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other agreement, covenant or condition hereof. Failure of any party hereto to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 6 Section 12. SECTION HEADINGS. All section headings contained herein are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Agreement. Section 13. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the other parties hereto in their sole and absolute discretion. Section 14. AMENDMENT. A written instrument duly authorized and executed by the Agency and the City and approved in a manner required by applicable law may only amend this Agreement. No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding upon the Agency or the City unless both parties shall have executed such amendment. The Executive Director of the Agency and the City Administrator are authorized to make minor changes, additions and clarifications to this Agreement provided such changes are not substantive in nature. Section 15. NONDISCRIMINATION. The Agency and the City agree that there shall be no discrimination against any person or group of persons based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, handicap, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Section 16. SEVERABILITY. In the event that anyone or more of the sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein is declared invalid, void or illegal, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not affect, impair or invalidate any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein. Section 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties and cannot be amended without the written consent of all parties hereto in the manner as provided in Section l4 hereof. Section 18. TIME. Time is of the essence in the performance of the obligations, which arise under this Agreement. Subject to the force majeure events or delays set forth in the second paragraph of Section 7, the City shall complete the Project improvements promptly in accordance with the schedule set forth in Section 4. The Agency shall honor all payment disbursement requests of the City promptly upon receipt. Section 19. EXECUTION. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all together shall constitute but one and the same Agreement. IIII IIII IIII IIII 7 , I (' THIS AGREEMENT has been executed by the City and the Agency as of the date indicated next to the signatures of the authorized officers of each of them as appear below. CITY / " _v_ 0" Date: . 0 .-t-- APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 -, ,~ iM1....~ '---./J, ~,,__ ~tY Attorney Date: '7 /'ih z- I i AGENCY /;' Redevelopment O(yof San Be ciw /' - /;'... -(/'7/ Gary yan Osdel, Exectitive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CO?'-JTENT: . . r-- -<il-. '../",..-...-:--: ~7\ .'~ Agency Speciat Counsel , , 8 ^, -1' NORTH l 18TH STREET ) .....' ...... - . . 17TH STREET .'- . ..........-, 17TH STREET I- w W '" I- en w > w ;;; w :z w c:l - . I I . I I I 17TH STREET 16TH STREET w => Z W ~ Cl ~ w :J: ;: o 0:: 0:: ~ 16TH STREET w => Z W ~ ;: w > z ~ z => o :;: ~ ;: ;2 0:: w en I- W w 0:: I- en p . MAGNOL n 14TH STREET .... w w '" .... U) w > VIRGINIA STREET w '> I I w z w '" WABASH STREET 13TH STREET NIP TARGET AREA 1 ~ 4. City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment. Community Development. Housing. Business: Recruitment, Retention, Revitalization. Main Street, Inc. ~ September 13, 2002 Mr. Thomas R. Laurin, Director Department of Economic and Community Development County of San Bernardino 290 North "D" Street, Sixth Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0040 Dear Tom: Thank you for the generous offer to provide the Agency $1 million for Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) activities. Per our previous discussions, we propose to use the funds for the following areas and projects: A. NIP I (l3'h to I8'h, Sierra Wav to D Streets) Proiect Descriotion Amount I. Business Incentive Prol!ram Matching Grants to be provided to businesses within the NIP I such as "D" Street. Please refer to the enclosed specific program description in the Agency Brochure. $125,000 2. JnliIl Affordable Housin!! These funds will be used to assist non-profit or for profit affordable housing developers in the construction of scatter infill residential homes in the area. (i.e. acquisition of land, payment of City development and impact fees, construction of on and off-site improvements (curbs, gutters, sidewalks). $150,000 3. Administration These funds will be used to hire clerical support and inspection services for the NIP housing activities. $75,000 NIP Sin!!le Familv Rehab Loan/Grant Pro!!ram Project # 503-01114: Case # 1981 Given the level of interest in the entire area, additional funds are needed for this approved grant program. $250,000 201 North E Street. Suite 301' San Bernardino, California 92401-1507' (909) 663-1044' Fax (909) 888-9413 www.sanbernardino-eda.org. . Mr. Thomas R. Laurin, Director September 13, 2002 Page 2 5. Multifamilv Grant Prol!ram This program will provide matching grants of up to $5,000 to multifamily owners to improve and enhance the exterior of their buildings. The proposed program will be similar to the Agency Business Incentive Program and include items such as: exterior paint; security lighting, landscaping, enhanced architectural features; the owners will be requested to match the grant and must participate in the multifamily City Crime Free Housing Program and be certified by the City San Bernardino Police Department. $200,000 6. NIP Street ImDrovement Proiect ECD Proiect # 503-03105. Case # 2241 The Agency/City have commenced the Street Improvement Project as per the approved contract. The $300,000 is being used to offset the $1 million of street improvements needed in the area. $200,000 Total $1,000,000 Moreover, the Agency is requesting that the remaining Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) fund line item be transferred to the Administration line item to be used to hire the NIP Coordinator for another year effective November 2002 to November 2003; and that the Multi- Family balance of$III,210 line item be transferred to the Single Family Rehab line item (project # 503-01114; Case # 1981). We respectfully request the County's approval of the Agency's program and project funding activities as stated above. Thank you in advance for your support. Very truly yours, < Maggie Pacheco, eputy Director/Director Housing and Community Development Attacbments cc: Mayor Valles Susan Lien, Second Ward Councilwoman Executive Director, Economic Development Agency NIP Coordinator, Economic Development Agency Code Compliance Director MP:wac , , ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I - Z_ I -0 "S \23C-'A Item # Vote: Ayes ' - '1 .-0 Abstain Nays Change to motion to amend original documents: -- Resolution # C DC I '20 (:) 3- ?, Abs~nt B-- sc:-~ Qic~"', .iJ.Z(lO'S-3"Z.. .-& See Attached:......... Date Returned: \-::> i-v .j See Attached: See Attached: Reso. # On Attachments: __ _,_ Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -===- Direct City Clerk to (circle l): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY 'D Date Sent to rJ;:yor: Date of Mayor's Signature: (- ? :s."C~-<, \ -2.-,-,-,-.<, \<:> ,-u-=S Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: 1-? OJ -0.~.-' Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413,6429,6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distribnted to: City Attorney Parks & Rec. Null/Void After: - By: - Reso. Log Updated: ~ Seal Impressed: ---. Yes ./ No By Yes No / By Yes No 1 By Yes No / By Yes NO? Code Compliance Dev. Services EDA,/' Finance Police Public Services Water Others: Notes: MIS BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: -11.lL Date: \ - ;I 'i; C -') Revised 01/12/01 ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 1- L \-03 Vote: Ayes /- " Nays Change to motion to amend original documents: 12- 310 .D Item # b Abstain Reso. # On Attachments:"? Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY rJD Date Sent to Mayor: t- zcs. <.:: ''3 Date of Mayor's Signature: 1~2{-G 3- Date ofClerklCDC Signature: I. J'~ -03 Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: - - - .-. ------SeeA-rtached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234,655,92-389): Copies Distributed JO: City Attorney vi' Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: Resolution # 'Lt.) 0 '3-3z Absent r& l2.t::..,,-Cl CCK-/ZCD'S:3 , -e-- &ex NullNoid After: - By: - Reso, Log Updated: Seal Impressed: /' ----- Date Returned: ~ Yes / No BY[ NoL , Yes By Yes No ...L- By Yes NOj- By Yes No B EDA / MIS Finance Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: Date: Revised 01/12/0 I