HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: JAMES FUNK, Director Dept: Development serviceC : . .' .:', Date: December 17, 2002 ,. loi Subject: Resolution making application ( to the Local Agency Formation Commission Lfor a reorganization to include the annexation . of three unincorporated islands generally east of Central Avenue, north of Atlantic Avenue, File No. 12.01-343 MCC Date: 01/21/2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 05-23-2002 - Legislative Review Committee recommended approval of authorization to proceed with the proposed annexation of three County islands located generally east of Central Avenue, north of Atlantic Avenue, 06/17/2002 - Authorization was given to proceed with the proposed reorganization and approval of a contract with the firm of O'Reilly Public Relations for implementing a community outreach program. Recommended Motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION \' crnV<1 r:rV'(\~ ~ James Funk Contact person: LASZLO "Les" FOGASSY Phone: 5026 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution, Ward: 4 ApplicatIOn FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $2,250,00 (LAFCO Fees) Source: (Acct. No,) 001-092-5502 (Acct. Description) General Fund Professional / Contractual Services Finance: Council Notes: , .., ",7~./,', \ 'iLL C,,() ,~ _ ~_ ~ I.:,' Agenda Item No, ~i' 1- ,..0.3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolution making application to the Local Agency Formation Commission for a reorganization to include the annexation of three unincorporated islands generally east of Central A venue, north of Atlantic Avenue. BACKGROUND: On January 21, 2000, Assembly Bill 1555 became effective, allowing for the annexation of unincorporated territory of 75 acres or less, without the need to obtain property owner or registered voter approval. There are three islands, located in the northeast portion of the City that qualify to be annexed under this bill. The elimination of these islands would result in a more efficient delivery of services by reducing the irregular boundaries that currently exist. The proposal was submitted to the Legislative Review Committee for consideration and on May 23, 2002, the Committee recommended the initiating of proceedings for the proposed annexation. A summary of the proposal submitted to the Committee, including background summary, maps, and the impacts on City services, is attached for your review. Although the annexation can be completed without property owner or registered voter approval, it was recommended by staff, and supported by the Committee, that the services of a community outreach firm be used to assist with the proposed annexation. The firm of O'Reilly Public Relations was retained and they prepared and sent out mailers in the form of a fact sheet and question and answer forms. The mailers also directed the residents to contact this office for more questions. This office received five calls from residents seeking more information about City services or the impact of annexation, but none expressed any significant concerns regarding annexation. Special Counsel, Tim Sabo, had indicated that due to the passage of Proposition 218 in 1996, the City could not impose the utility tax for these islands if annexed, since no formal vote of residents and/or registered voters will take place, or is needed, for approval of the annexation by LAFCO. Staff will notify all utility companies in advance of the effective date of the annexation to advise them that the City's Utility Tax will not apply to these areas. The attached resolution initiates the formal proceedings for this reorganization to the Local Agency Formation Commission. (LAFCO), which includes annexation of these islands to the City as well as detachment from some of the County Service Areas. Other than conducting tax transfer negotiations with the County, which will occur at a later date and be conducted by the City and the County, all proceedings will be conducted by LAFCO including mailed notices and a public hearing. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $2,250 LAFCO filing fees. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Inter-Office Memorandum ,I . FRED WILSON. City Administrator TO: FROM: JAMES FUNK, Development Services Director By: Laszlo "'Les" Fogassy, Real Property Official SUBJECT: Proposed Annexation of Three County Islands under AB 1555 DATE: May 21, 2002 COPIES: File No.: 12.01-343; Reading ..._--"""'"......-,.,._...-.,--~,_.. ..-......-......'.........^ ,- -""-"~' Overview of Recent Leeislation Reeardine Annexations. AB 1555 On January 21,2000, Assembly BilllS55 became effective, allowing for the annexation of unincorporated territory of 75 acres or less, without the need to obtain property owner and/or registered voter approval. The purpose of this bill is to facilitate the elimination of irregular boundaries that exist in many Cities, which often causes confusion and inefficiency in the delivery of services between the affected agencies. AB 1555 provides for a seven-year window, after which time it will expire. AB 2838 Pursuant to Assembly Bill 2838, which became effective January 1,2001, and codified under Government Code Section 56000, et. Seq., (known as the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000), the procedures for annexations and reorganizations has changed substantially from the previous requirements. In substance, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is the lead and conducting agency for the proceedings, including notifications to property owners and/or registered voters and also conducts the public hearing. Under the new law, notification must include all property owners and registered voters within 300 feet of the external boundaries of a proposed annexation. The only responsibilities of the City for the proceedings, are the preparation and filing of the application and various appurtenant documents, maps, etc., and payment of fees. Oualifvine Islands Under AD 1555 The City of San Bernardino has three islands within its current Sphere of Influence that would qualify for annexations proceedings under AB 1555. All three islands are located in the northeast portion of the City and are depicted on the attached maps. Exhibit "/" is a vicinity map of the islands and Exhibit "]" is a detailed map. Islands one and two are fully developed with single family residential use. Island three is mixed, with two small commercial properties and the remainder being residential uses. Exhibit "3" gives a summary of the characteristics of the three islands. FiJin!!: Fees / Proceedin!!:s Although normal filing fees for the annexation of the three islands would exceed $19,000, LAFCO has advised us that the initial filing fees for Island Annexations under AB 1555 would be waived, if the City requested, This is to encourage Cities to eliminate eligible to eliminate islands qualifying under AB 1555, The other various fees will be determined by the affected agencies. and whether or not they combine fees as one annexation or separate fees for each island. Since no precedent has been set in this area, the table below shows the minimum and maximum fees the City could expect to pay, and will be determined once the filing has taken place. Initial Filing Fee Environmental Fee Deposit Landowner/Registered Voter Notifications: Board of Equalization Fee G1MS (County Mapping Fee) Min. $ 0 750 3,600 1,500 300 Max. $ 0 750 3600 3,200 900 Total Fees $6,150 $8,450 As stated previously, LAFCO would be the conducting Agency for the proceedings under this annexation, including the mailing of notices and conducting the public hearing. LAFCO's executive officer has stated that the actions of the Commission are non-discretionary for proceedings under AB 1555, and approval of the annexations is mandated. . Provision of City Services Upon annexation, the residents and/or property owners within the islands would receive all City services available to current City residents, with the following exceptions: water and sewer service, which is currently provided by East Valley Water, would continue to be provided by East Valley after annexation. Refuse service would be available, but under a current City ordinance, residents may continue to use their existing refuse hauler for up to five years after annexation. Financial Impact of Annexation-Revenues vs. Expenses As part of the filing proceedings, it will be required that the City and the County negotiate the amount of the County's portion of the property tax that would be transferred to the City upon annexation. Since the general formula for determining these amounts was agreed upon between the City and County in the early 1980' s. the "negotiation" process consists of the County and the City each adopting a resolution applying the previously approved formula. The Utility Users Tax issue is subject to Proposition 218 guidelines. which will require further review by the City Attorney. The City currently provides paramedic and fire suppression services to II County islands, including the three small islands proposed for annexation, through an agreement with the County for $250,000 per year. There would be no new costs associated with the annexation for fire services, but the revenue from the County for the 3 islands would be lost. Although no formal amount has been agreed upon with the County at this time, based on percentage of area and population of these islands in relation to all the islands as a whole, the lost revenue is estimated at 7.5 %, or $18,750. The Police Department conducted a "windshield survey" of the three small islands, and indicated that they anticipate that Island One and Island Two would require minimal police services. (See attached letter from the Interim Chief of Police). They did indicate that Island Three would present some blight- related challenges. However, due to the small size of these islands, it was felt that routine police calls for services could be absorbed within current budget resources. Thus, no additional costs for police services would be needed as a result of annexing the three islands. Exhibit "4" shows a summary of estimated revenues from major sources. The annual revenue is estimated to be $85,945.61, If the Utility Users Tax does apply, revenue would be $133,705.26. Estimated costs range from $199,400.04 to $284,857.20, depending on the level of infrastructure investment made to the annexed area. The pros and cons of these island annexations are summarized in Exhibit "5". Community Outreach In order to assist staff with community outreach efforts, it is proposed to use the services of a community outreach firm. The services of the consultant would include preparation of collateral materials (Fact Sheet, Q&A, etc.); drafting and distributing community meeting correspondence, drafting media materials, assisting with a community meeting and preparing a post meeting summary letter to residents. The cost to provide the outreach services is estimated at $5,000.00. \Q)' ---. \ " City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Police Department Interoffice Memorandum To: Fred Wilson, City Administrator From: Mike Billdt, Interim Chief of Police 7 j I) Annexation/County Islands Subject: Date: 3 January, 2002 Copies: We have taken a "windshield survey" of the proposed annexation areas in the Highland and Orange areas. Our conclusion is: Islands I and 2 would present a favorable addition to the city. These areas have some desirable properties and anticipated calls for police services would be minimal. Island 3 will present a challenge to the city, primarily to code enforcement. The area is nbt well maintained and it is evident this area presents significant blight-related challenges. However, the size of the proposed annexation is small enough to represent a minimal increase in calls for police services. We can absorb the costs of routine police calls for service within current budget resources. However, due to unknown variables, absorbing costs of blight reduction efforts cim not be estimated at this point. I support, from a police perspective, annexation of the three areas. - " ~.) ~:.~ "' ~: ~:. . - , 1 .'-~\ I. ; -~ : i i ,I, " JAW "7. ::! f ;j'. . I .---.---....1 , ..~,.-~:f.~ ::1 THE SBPD IS COMMITTED TO PROVIDING PROGRESSIVE QUALITY POLICE SERVICE; A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE; A REDUCTION IN CRIME THROUGH PROBLEM RECOGNITION AND PROBLEM SOL VING 40th 51.'_ Island Two Island Three Highland Ave. , Base Line 51. 5th 5t. Mill 51. u o c o u u a. Oron e Show Rd. ! "' . o VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT "1" No Scale CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REAL PROPERTY SECTION PROPOSED ISLAND ANNEXATIONS UNDER AB 1555 ~ indicates un-incorporated areas ~ within City's Sphere of Influence Created by: L. Foqa~~y Date: 01/08/2002 - f:~m) N -, /7 q1J", " IV> /7 IT' ~~ v / I I I I I I I IN' L -; 1- ~ , ~I-~ ! / 'I -", ti I...... ~ tiff J.. IP-1'+1 Jff~~tf:J~~l" .I~; 1 .ll/J::J/:::!:J-~t+ fjf; --I = Iii ~~~.~ I~~ ~ ^- '<.l 1-1 Em '-"" -71 '" -< .n",,,, I "S I,!'/' ' / '\. I lIlIO<O'.. ~UII T ,f:t:tl J )::::1- "i. tr:iT l' Vi'''''. \.... " 1-= - 0 I ~ =_ = ~ ~ _ '" n -x = "C =~=-{iS.'iN 1':= ~ _ c: ) _~ 1/ \ 1- IllI _ Jl! '-0- "\: 1- ~D I I -I.!!!. ~I_ -{"^' ,...1- I / /J ".,"^, ----, /11 T II = r!1--..1J!j;~~~.t;l~~.!,-~U -l -- ~ -,- f "- ~ 0JJI:rFh~f- L ?J"!'.. 'I, 0~UWlIIJj= J://, J ~~ 1= 9,f l w .,..~' :... 'Ii::J /' '-J IJ 1 'I :II (f-t-- "",,^, "~~~ " 13~(1 ~ ITl ~r "'NVllO C \ II I ~ ,. :::---..- ...... "C c: Jl! 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I [Ill LcaillIBi"l [ II T '-- , I-- '-- . f--~ '-- J ...-- If-l I- I , ~Ip II- I r= I.- ~ - <I- 01.- 'I- ~I- I- - " I , ~ o /1 ~ Summary of Characteristics County Islands Qualifying for Annexation Under AB 1555 Description Island One Island Two Island Three Total Area 33.38 Acres 32.76 Acres 11.62 Acres 77.67 Acres Land Use by Parcel Residential (Single) 88 Parcels 58 Parcels 37 Parcels 183 Parcels Residential (Duplex) 0 0 4 4 Residential (Quad) 0 0 2 2 Commercial 0 0 2 2 Vacant 2 0 9 11 Total parcels 90 58 54 202 Total Dwelling Units 88 58 53 199 Population 337 245 129 711 Linear feet of Asphalt 6,000 5,400 3,250 14,650 Linear feet of curb 12,000 10,800 0 22,800 Linear feet of sidewalk 9,600 5,400 0 15,000 Overall condition of streets Poor Poor Poor Overall property maintenance Good Fair Poor EXHIBIT "3" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTIMATED REVENUES ANNEXATION OF THREE COUNTY ISLANDS PROPOSED UNDER AB 1555 Property Tax State Aid-Libraries .Traffic Congestion Relief (AB 2928) Special Gas Tax Fund Motor Vehicle In Lieu Sales Tax Safely TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Utility Users Tax TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES IF U.U.T. DOES APPLY Total Assessed Value Tax Revenue (1% of AV) City's average of 14.3244% of Tax Revenue 2001-02 Budget Per Capita Cost (Current 185,272) Per Capita Extension to Islands (Additional Population of 711) 2001-02 Budget Per Capita Cost (Current 185,272) Per Capita Extension to Islands (Additional Population of 711) 2001-02 Budget Per Capita Cost (Current 185,272) Per Capita Extension to Islands (Additional Population of 711) 2001-02 Budget Per Capita Cost (Current 185,272) Per Capita Extension to Islands (Additional Population of 711) 2001-02 Budget Per Capita Cost (Current 185.272) Per Capita Extension to Islands (Additional Population of 711) Total utility bills based on monthly average of $250 for 199 residential units (phone, electric, cable, gas) 8% tax EXHIBIT "4" $22,171,921.00 $221,719.21 $31,759.95 $309,000.00 $1.67 $1,18737 $560,000.00 $3.02 $2,147.22 $3,499.00000 $18.89 $13,430.79 $9,750,00000 $52.63 $37,419.93 $650,000.00 $3.51 $2,495.61 $31,759.95 $ 1,187.37 $ 2,147.22 $13,430.79 $37,419.93 $ 2,495.61 $85,945.26 $47,760.00 $133,705.26 SUMMARY OF PROS AND CONS OF 3 ISLAND ANNEXATIONS IN THE NORTHEAST AREA OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO UNDER AB 1555. PROS . Increased clarity of the boundaries of the City limits between City and County and clarity of the responsibility for provision of services. . Initial net annual revenue estimated at $30,399.23, which could be utilized to improve the physical condition of the islands. . Additional future revenues could be generated from the islands to upgrade infrastructure. . Better code enforcement and improved property maintenance could result in increased property values, thus generating additional tax revenues. . Citizens and property owners would benefit from being in a smaller, more accessible municipal government rather than the larger County government. . Delivery of services to the islands would be more efficient. . The City of San Bernardino would likely do a superior job of maintaining the improvements in the public right-of-way. CONS . The City of San Bernardino would become responsible for maintaining the streets, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, street light maintenance, street tree trimming and street sweeping within the islands. . The property owners might be subject to the City's Utility Users Tax. EXHIBIT "5" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c /r'-,'" ,0 r;~,,, I ' \ ' \ \. ) "\ \ , \.Ji i;, _ 1__ / 'I \~~/ \"'::::-:/' (- iJ RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE REORGANIZATION, TO INCLUDE ANNEXATION, OF THREE NON-CONTIGUOUS UNINCORPORATED AREAS GENERALL Y LOCATED EAST OF CENTRAL AVENUE, NORTH OF ATLANTIC A VENUE. WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Govermnent Reorganization Act 01'2000 (Section 56000 et. Seq. ' of the Government Code) for the reorganization of three unincorporated non-contiguous areas generally located east of Central A venue, north of Atlantic Avenue, more specifically shown on the attached map as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, said reorganization is to include annexation of said areas to the City of San Bernardino and detachment from certain County of San Bernardino Service Areas; and WHEREAS, the areas proposed to be annexed are consistent with the Sphere ofInfluence of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the reason for this proposed reorganization is the elimination of unincorporated areas consisting of 75 acres or less within the City of San Bernardino's Sphere of Influence pursuant to Section 56375.3 of the Government Code. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Application is hereby made to the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino to initiate proceedings for the reorganization of three non- contiguous unincorporated areas generally located east of Central A venue, north of Atlantic Avenue, more specifically shown and described in said Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B". SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby directed and authorized 12/27102 VLQ, /( I / I. / /) ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '0 RESOLUTION MAKING APPLICATION TO LAFCO FOR REORGANIZATION OF THREE NON- CONTIGUOUS UNINCORPORATED AREAS GENERALLY EAST OF CENTRAL A VENUE AND NORTH OF ATLANTIC A VENUE. to execute, on behalf of said City, the justification for proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof, and supplemental form, a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit "D" and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to file, or cause to be filed, a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of San Bernardino. SECTION 4. The Director of Development Services is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and deliver, or cause to be prepared and delivered to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission, all documents and maps necessary for the completion of said proceedings. III III III 12/17/02 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION MAKING APPLICATION TO LAFCO FOR REORGANIZATION OF THREE NON- CONTIGUOUS UNINCORPORATED AREAS GENERALLY EAST OF CENTRAL A VENUE AND NORTH OF ATLANTIC A VENUE. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a held on the day of Council Members: A YES ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK meeting thereof , 20_, by the following vote, to-wit: NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this _ day of Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F, PENMAN, ::y~ S,.o.. ct.. I ~"'Jel 12/17/02 ,20_, JUDITH VALLES, Mayor City of San Bernardino 3 ~!JfjfJJ: j) ~ ~ ~ / ~ nN,^V 'N' == ~ N '\~"- I'Y- J / ,L,^v XMJdVl I J 11__ 1\ 'i= L _L I I--- -.l 1I--!33 J.... --; I- J--..:. t-- \.. W---- ffi3 rjfjJ -....., t: ~~ 1 '"'" /;; '- /~ 'I-- ffi3 I ~ g ,...l "r-!33~ r::: :-.. $ .). 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'~~J ~- B:ill1S 3!)~O ( ~IP.(!iJ~, ~ '~"" ~. ~.~ :lI' I~~':~ 0 I~ ~ iIfa. .sIr~p : I~,,<J' JL \l ~ ~ ) 3nN3AV A03~ ---.J"81 ~ -~ Fa r- "r-- Fa " iO 1Q ....~ " Wt;; r--~ ~g _Z Ul.@ ~ ~ - g - ~g 0 -, - ~ i -- I [BJ to ~ r--------- ~ ~ Ir-I J~! 1 I- z Ir--- 1'>1L t-;;: I r- ~ I - t- g -- II=l -s~ ~ --- I I-- 'I- ~ Ir- ~ t- ~ I ~ 1 I ~ J G w Z o ...J W U 0: <( D- -:a. ~~ "b \""&.. ~ ~\""<flq. &.. 0- w w 0: J: f- ...J W U 0: ct EXHIBIT "A" " L ~ ~rJ)Z o wo 0: Q~ ,,><.> ti ffi~ t:l w U)~ .., lD!z:oc z ww .. -< ~Q. 2 II) Q. ~ ~ LL. 9 Q. 2 d o W..J I- Z >-~~ g8~ ... 0 n:: ~ lL Il (j <:5k::' 111 (- "1' !" II If . . ~ ]''6 1'0 1..... S! ~ Ii n!l Ii ~~~ I-nqi go./ ~~g ~ h g ~!,'" ~Al~b! !,o G"~ -. 'i-"il . ~g~ b-jji ~ ~~~ 1;~Jt.il ~I Qg> G';r;i!~r" ~ ~i~ m1' Hii~!i , C)!t~ j;i~;;il~j;" ~ ~U lmd:H ~ o z <( ...J J: (9 J: I '. LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REORGANIZATION I ANNEXATION NO. 357 PARCEL ONE: Those portions of Tract No. 7189 as per plat recorded in Book 94 of Maps, pages 85-87, in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California; and those portions of Tract No. 7229 as per plat recorded in Book 98 of Maps, pages 28 and 29, records of said County; and those portions of Tract No. 7230 as per plat recorded in Book 94 of Maps, pages 8- 10, records of said County; and those portions of Tract No. 7231 as per plat recorded in Book 100 of Maps, pages 45-49, records of said County; and those portions of Tract No. 7633 as per plat recorded in Book 96 of Maps, pages 22 and 23, records of said County; and those portions of the southwest one-quarter of Section 28, Township I North, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in said County, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Orchid Drive and the west line of said Tract No. 7633, as said Orchid Drive is shown on the map of said Tract No. 7633, said point also being on the corporate city limit line of the City of San Bernardino and following said corporate city limit line, the following courses and distances: (L1) North 000 22' 06" West, along said west line and the west line of said Tract No. 7189, a distance of 1187.43 feet to the most northerly corner of Lot 17 of said Tract No. 7189; thence along the north line of said Lot 17 and Lots 16, 15, 14, 13, and 12 of said Tract No. 7189, the following courses and distances: (L2) South 520 40' 23" East, a distance of 139.64 feet; thence (L3) South 480 17' 20" East, a distance of 125.28 feet; thence (L4) South 40010' 40" East, a distance of 145.39 feet; thence (L5) South 43004' 25" East, a distance of 81.18 feet; thence (L6) South 450 10' 00" East, a distance of 5.51 feet to the most southwesterly corner of Lot I of said Tract No. 7229; thence (L7) leaving said north line of Lot 12, along the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, North 00021' 20" West, a distance of9.74 feet; thence (L8) North 400 40' 50" East, a distance of 110.40 feet to the most northerly comer of said Lot I to a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly, having a radius of 618 feet, a radial from said point bears North 400 40' 50" East; EXHIBIT "B" thence (C I) northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 104.2 I feet through a central angle of 090 39' 4 I" to the westerly boundary of said Tract No. 7229; thence, along the boundary of said Tract No. 7229, the following Courses and distances: (L9) North 000 21' 20" West, a distance of 455.47 feet; thence (LlO) South 700 37' 56" East, a distance of22.64 feet; thence (LI I) North 33010' 22" East, a distance of 102.43 feet; thence (L 12) North 000 21' 20" West, a distance of I 12.68 feet; thence (Ll3) North 43012' 00" East, a distance of 105.98 feet; thence (Ll4) South 500 59' 29" East, a distance of 130.56 feet; thence (Ll5) South 61000' 06" East, a distance of 129.12 feet; thence (Ll6) South 71000' 43" West, a distance of 129.12 feet; thence (LI 7) South 13056' 58" West, a distance of 190.00 feet; thence (Ll8) South I 1029' 35" West, a distance of I 15.11 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 20 of said Tract No. 7229, said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 30 of said Tract No. 7231; thence, leaving said Tract No. 7229 and along the south line of said Lot 30 and Lots 29, 28, 27, 26,25,24,23, and 22 of said Tract No. 723 I, the following courses and distances: (Ll9) South 800 48' I I" East, a distance of2I5.75 feet; thence (L20) South 720 52' 00" East, a distance of227.36 feet; thence (L2I) South 590 16' 36" East, a distance of 175.00 feet; thence (L22) South 760 34' 57" East, a distance of95.06 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 20 of said Tract No. 7231; thence (L23) South 040 53' 43" West, a distance of 96.42 feet; thence (L24) South 14039' 49" West, a distance of I 16.72 feet to the centerline of Croydon Street as shown on the map of said Tract No. 723 I, said point being on a non-tangent curve, concave northerly with a radius of 500 feet, a radial from said point bears North 14039' 49" East; \ ^ thence (C3) northwesterly, along said curve and said centerline, through a central angle of 060 41' 05", an arc distance of58.34 feet to the northeasterly prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 6 of said Tract No. 7231; thence (L25) South 21020' 54" West, along said prolongation and the westerly line of said Lot 6, and leaving said centerline of Croydon Street, a distance of 140.00 feet to the southwesterly comer of said Lot 6; thence westerly, along the south line of Lots 7, 8, 9,10 and 11 of said Tract No. 7231, the following courses and distances: (L26) North 660 28' 40" East, a distance of92.70 feet; thence (L27) North 590 17' 00" East, a distance of284.32 feet; thence (L28) North 760 01' 02" East, a distance of34.89 feet to the southeasterly corner of Lot 14 of said Tract No. 7229; thence (L29) leaving said Tract No. 7231, North 760 01' 02" West, a distance of295.89 feet to the northwesterly comer of Lot 9 of said Tract No. 7229; thence South 300 57' 59" West, along the west line of said Lot 9 and its southwesterly prolongation, to the centerline of Piedmont Drive, as said street is shown on the map of said Tract No. 7229, said point being on a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly and having a radius of 585.00 feet, a radius from said point bears North 300 57' 59" East; thence (C4) southeasterly along said curve and said centerline, an arc distance of 3.67 feet through a central angle of 000 21' 35" to its intersection with the centerline of Bradford Avenue, as shown on the map of said Tract No. 7229; thence (L31) South 300 36' 24" West, along said centerline, a distance of 50.80 feet to a tangent curve, concave northwesterly having a radius of 250.00 feet; thence (C5) southwesterly, along said curve, and arc distance of 45.35 feet through a central angle of 100 23' 35"; thence (L32) South 41000' 00" West, a distance of72.24 feet to the westerly prolongation of the south line of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 7229; thence (L33) , leaving said centerline, along said prolongation, South 650 55' 50" East, a distance of 34.25 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Bradford Avenue as said street is shown on the map of said Tract No. 7229, said point also being the southwest corner of said Lot 2' , thence, along the south line of said Lot 2 and Lots 3, 4 and 5 of said Tract No. 7229, the following courses and distances: o (L34) South 650 55' 50" East, a distance 97.02 feet; thence (L35) South 730 02' 40" East, a distance of 45.81 feet; thence (L36) South 860 36' 30" East, a distance of 81.81 feet; to a non-tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radius of600.00 feet, a radial from said point bears South 160 18' 33" West; thence (C6) easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 116.59 feet through a central angle of 110 08' 02" to the southeasterly comer of said Lot 5, said point also being the southwesterly corner of Lot 18 said Tract No.8486 as per map recorded in Book 114 of maps, pages 86 and 87, records of said County and the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radius of 600 .00 feet; thence along the south line of said Lot 18 and Lots 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 and 10 of said Tract No. 8486, the following courses and distance: (C7) southeasterly, along said curve, an arc distance of90.89 feet through a central angle of 080 40' 44"; thence (L37) South 320 02' 20" East, a distance of92.14 feet to a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly, having a radius of246.13 feet; thence (C8) southeasterly, along said curve, and arc distance of 179.45 feet through a central angle of 41 046' 25"; thence (L38) South 830 48' 30" East, a distance of251.70 feet to the southeast comer of said Lot 10, said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 7231; thence along the south line of said Lot 2 and the south line of Lot I of said Tract No. 7231, and across portions of La Praix Avenue, as said street is shown on map of said Tract No. 7231, and along the south line of Lot 61 of said Tract No. 7231, the following courses and distances: (L39) South 830 48' 30" East, a distance of8.25 feet; thence (L40) South 640 06' 00" East, a distance of 103.51 feet to a tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of259.57 feet; thence (C9) southeasterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 134.30 feet through a central angle of290 38' 40"; thence (L41) North 860 15' 20" East, a distance of 113.35 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 61, said point also being on the east line of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 28, Township 1 North, Range. 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian; thence (L42), leaving said Tract No. 7231 and along said east line, South 00019' 47" East, a distance of263.87 feet; thence (L43) North 890 41' 55" East, a distance of 139.95 feet to the east line of Lot "C", as shown on the map of said Tract No. 7230; thence (L44) South 00022' 06" West, a distance of30.00 feet the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Orchid Drive, as said street is delineated on said map of Tract No. 7230; thence (L45) South 890 41' 55" West, along said prolongation and the centerline of said Orchid Drive, a distance of 1977.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contains 33.38 acres, more or less. PARCEL TWO: Those portions of Tract No. 4986 as per plat recorded in Book 79 of Maps, pages 80 and 81, in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California; and those portions of Tract No. 7355 as per plat recorded in Book 94 of Maps, pages 55 and 56, records of said County; and those portions of Tract No. 7752 as per plat recorded in Book 99 of Maps, pages 7 and 8, records of said County; and those portions of the east one-half of Section 29, Township I North, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in said County, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Palm A venue, as shown on the map of said Tract No. 4986, and the centerline of Orchid Drive, shown as 23rd Street on the map of said Tract No. 7752, said point also being on the corporate city limit line of the City of San Bernardino and fOlfowing said corporate city limit line, the following courses and distances: (Ll) North 000 21' 26" West, along said centerline of Palm Avenue, a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the easterly prolongation of the south line of said Tract No. 4986; thence, (L2) South 890 42' 49" West, along said prolongation and the south line of said Tract No. 4986, a distance of 1133.34 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 11 of said Tract No. 4986; thence, along the westerly line of said Lot 11 and Lots 10 and 9 of said Tract No. 4986, the following courses and distances: (L3) North 550 28' 04" East, a distance of244.20 feet; thence, (L4) North 250 28' 04" East, a distance of313.50 feet; thence, (L5) North 160 13' 04" East, a distance of 13.66 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 9, said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 7355; ~'. thence, (L6) North 160 13' 04" East, along the westerly line of said Tract No. 7355, a distance of75 1.12 feet to the northerly line of said Tract No. 7355; thence, (L 7) North 890 42' 49" East, along said north line, a distance of 421.67 feet; thence, (L8) leaving said north line and continuing North 89042' 49" East, a distance of 164.00 feet to the centerline of said Palm A venue; thence, (L9) South 000 21' 26" East, a distance of 470.69 feet, more or less, to the westerly prolongation of the north line of said Tract No. 7752; thence, (LI 0) North 890 42' 44" East, along said prolongation and along the north line of said Tract No. 7752, a distance of661.46 feet to the east line of said Tract No. 7752; thence, (LlI) South 000 20' 46" East, along said east line and its southerly prolongation, a distance of81O.71 feet to the centerline of said Orchid Drive; thence, (Ll2) South 890 41' 55" West, along said centerline of Orchid Drive, a distance of 660.97 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 32.76 acres, more or less. PARCEL THREE: Those portions of La Verne Tract Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 15 of Maps, page II, in the office of the County Recorder of San Berpardino County, State of California; and those portions of the northeast one-quarter of Section 32, Township I North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in said County, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Orange Street and Highland A venue, as said streets are shown on the map of said La Verne Tract, said point also being on the corporate city limit line of the City of San Bernardino and following said corporate city limit line, the following courses and distances: (LI) West, along said centerline of said Highland Avenue, a distance of744 feet; thence (L2) South 000 26' 05" East, 191.25 feet; thence (13) South 890 40' 05" West, a distance of21.00 feet; thence (L4) South 000 26' 05" East, a distance of 111.97 feet, more or less, to the northeast comer of Lot I of Tract No. 12758, as per plat recorded in Book 183 of Maps, pages and 22 and f3, records of said County; -. thence along the boundary of said Lot I, the following courses and distances: (L5) South 000 04' 06" East (recorded South 000 26' 05" East), a distance of242.97 feet; thence (L6) North 890 53' 16" West (recorded South 890 44' 45" West) a distance of33.00 feet; thence (L 7) South 000 04' 06" East (recorded South 000 26' 05" East), a distance of 1.25 feet to the northerly line of Tract No. 13335, as per plat recorded in Book 216 of Maps, pages II and 12, records of said County; thence, leaving said Tract No. 12758 and along the boundary of said Tract No. 13335, the following courses and distances: (L8) South 00017' 78" East (recorded South 000 26' 05" East), a distance of71.00 feet; thence (L9) North 890 40' 32" East, a distance of 118.00 feet to the east line of Pepper Drive, 40 feet wide, shown as Victoria Street on the map of said La Verne Tract; thence (LI 0) continuing North 890 40' 32" East, and leaving said Tract No. 13335, a distance of 20 feet, to the centerline of said Pepper Drive; thence (L II) South 000 17' 28" East, along said centerline, a distance of 32 feet to the centerline of Love Lane, 20 foot wide, shown as an unnamed street on the map of said La Verne Tract; thence (Ll2) North 890 40' 32" East, along said centerline of Love Lane, a distance of660 feet, more or less, to said centerline of said Orange Street; thence (L 13) North, along said centerline of Orange Street, a distance of 650 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Contains 11.62 acres, more or Jess. (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) Justification for Proposal and Preliminary Environmental Description Form INTRODUCTION: The questions on this form and its supplements are designed to obtain enough data about the proposed project site to allow the Commission, its staff and others to adequately assess the project. By takino the time to fully resoond to the ouestions on the forms. you can reduce the process/no time for Your proiect. You may also include any additional information which you believe is pertinent. Use additional sheets where necessary, or attach any relevant documents. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. NAME OF PROPOSAL: REORGANIZA T[ON OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO [NCLUDE THE ANNEXA T[ON OF THREE UNINCORPORATED ISLANDS. 2. NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: 300 N. "D" STREET SAN BERNARDINO. CA 924[8 PHONE: ( 909 ) 384-5026 FAX: c..222-) 384-5155 E-MAIL ADDRESS: fogassy le@)sbcity.org CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 3. GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PARCEL ONE: generally located north of Orchid Drive. east of Bonita Drive: PARCEL TWO: generallv located north of Orchid Drive. west of Bonita Drive: PARCEL THREE: generallv located south of Highland Avenue. west of Orange Street. 4. Does the application possess 100% written consent of each landowner in the subject territory? YES _ NO L If YES, provide written authorization for change. 5. Indicate the reasons that the proposed action has been requested. To eliminate unincorporated islands pursuant to Section 563?5.3 of the Government Code (Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of2000) 6. Would the proposal create a totally or substantially surrounded island of unincorporated territory? YES _ NO ..x... If YES, please provide a written justification for the proposed boundary configuration. EXHIBIT "C" (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 1. Total land area (defined in acres): PARCEL ONE: 33.38 Acres: PARCEL TWO: 32.76 Acres: PARCEL THREE: 11.62 Acres 2. Current dwelling units in area: PARCEL ONE: 88: PARCEL TWO: 58: PARCEL THREE: 53 3. Approximate current population in area: PARCEL ONE: 337: PARCEL TWO: 245; PARCEL THREE: 129 (Per 2000 Census Data) 4. Indicate the General Plan designation(s) of the affected city (if any) and uses permitted by this designation(s): PARCEL ONE: RS (Residential Single): PARCEL TWO: RS (Residential Single); PARCEL THREE: RU-l Residential Urban): RM Residential Medium: CG-I Commerciat General) San Bernardino County General Plan designation(s) and uses permitted by this designation(s): PARCEL ONE: RS-9M (Residential); PARCEL TWO: RS-9M and RS-15M (Residential): PARCEL THREE: RM-3M and RS (Residential) and CG and CN (Commercial) 5. Describe any special land use concerns expressed in the above plans. N/A 6. Indicate the existing land use. PARCEL ONE: Residential: Vacant: Public Facilitv . PARCEL TWO: Residential. PARCEL THREE: Residential: Commercial: Vacant What is the proposed land use? SAME AS EXISTING LAND USE OR DESIGNATION 7. For a city annexation, State law requires pre-zoning of the territory proposed for annexation. Provide a response to the following: a. Has pre-zoning been completed? YES 2. NO_ b. If the response to "a" is NO, is the area in the process of pre-zoning? YES _ NO Identify below the pre-zoning classification, title, and densities permitted. If the pre-zoning process is underway, identify the timing for completion of the process. RS: Residential Sinqie- 4.5 Units/Gross Acre' RM-Residential Multi-14.0 Units/Gross Acre: CG-1: Commercial General- 0.25-1.0 Fioor Area Ration (FAR). 2 o. (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) 8. On the following list, indicate if any portion of the territory contains the following by placing a checkmark next to the item: o Agricultural Land Uses 0 Agricultural Preserve Designation o Williamson Act Contract 0 Area where Special Permits are Required o Any other unusual features of the area or permits required: 9. If a Williamson Act Contract(s) exists within the area proposed for annexation to a City, please provide a copy of the original contract, the notice of non-renewal (if appropriate) and any protest to the contract filed with the County by the City. Please provide an outline of the City's anticipated actions with regard to this contract. N/A 10. Will the proposal require public services from any agency or district which is currently operating at or near capacity (including sewer, water, police, fire, or schools)? YES _ NO..lf.. If YES, please explain. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 1. Provide general description of topography. GENERALLY FLAT PARCEL ONE, TWO AND THREE ARE ALL 2. Describe any existing improvements on the site as % of total area. PAR. ONE PAR. TWO PAR. THREE Residential 98% 100% 80% Commercial 0% 0% 4% Industriai 0% 0% 0% Agricultural 0% 0% 0% Vacant 1% 0% 16% Other 1 % (Well Site) 0% 0% 3 \\ (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) 3. Describe the surrounding land uses: PAR. ONE PAR. TWO PAR. THREE NORTH Vacant Residential: School Patton Hosp.: Fire Station EAST Residential Residential Commercial: Residential SOUTH Residentiai Residential: Vacant Residential WEST Residential Residential Commercial: vacant 4. Describe site alterations that will be produced by improvement projects associated with this proposed action (installation of water facilities, sewer facilities, grading, flow channelization, etc.). N/A 5. Will service extensions accomplished by this proposal induce growth on this site? YES_ NO ~ Adjacent sites? YES _ NO -K Unincorporated _ Incorporated_ 6. Is this project a part of a larger project or series of projects? YES explain. NO -K If YES, please NOTICES Please provide the names and addresses of persons who are to be furnished mailed notice of the hearing(s) and receive copies of the agenda and staff report. NAME Laszlo "Les" Fogassy, Real Property SupervisorTELEPHONE NO. (909) 384-5026 ADDRESS: City of San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418 NAME Fred Wilson, City Administrator TELEPHONE NO. (909) 384-5122 ADDRESS: City of San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street. San Bernardino. CA 92418 NAME Rachel Clark, City Clerk TELEPHONE NO. (909) 384-5002 \ ADDRESS: City of San Bernardino 300 N "D" Street San Bernardino CA 92418 4 (FOR LAFOO USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached supplements and exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if this proposal is approved, the Commission will impose a condition requiring the applicant to indemnify, hold harmless and reimburse the Commission for all legal actions that might be initiated as a result of that approval. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT JUDITH V ALLES PRINTED NAME OF APPLICANT MAYOR. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TITLE PLEASE CHECK SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS ATTACHED: / ANNEXATION, DETACHMENT, REORGANIZATION SUPPLEMENT SPHERE OF INFLUENCE CHANGE SUPPLEMENT CITY INCORPORATION SUPPLEMENT FORMATION OF A SPECIAL DISTRICT SUPPLEMENT ACTIVATION OF LATENT POWERS SUPPLEMENT APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO: LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION 175 WEST FIFTH STREET, SECOND FLOOR SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415-0490 PHONE: (909)387-5866. FAX: (909) 387-5871 E-mail address: lafco@lafco.sbcounty.gov KRM - REV 5 , (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) SUPPLEMENT ANNEXATION, DETACHMENT, REORGANIZATION PROPOSALS INTRODUCTION: The questions on this form are designed to obtain data about the specific annexation, detachment and/or reorganization proposal to allow the Commission, staff and others to adequately assess the project. You may also include any additional information which you believe is pertinent. Use additional sheets where necessary, and/or include any relevant documents. 1. Please identify the agencies involved in the proposal by proposed action: ANNEXED TO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETACHED FROM COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CSA 38L 2. Will the territory proposed for change be subject to any new or additional special taxes, any new assessment districts, or fees? CITY REFUSE SERVICE-- RESIDENTS HAVE OPTION TO RETAIN EXISTING SERVICE FOR FIVE YEARS FROM ANNEXATION DATE. CURRENT CITY RATE IS$17.60 PER MONTH FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3. Will the territory be relieved of any existing special taxes, assessments, district charges or fees required by the agencies to be detached? CSA 38L (COUNTY PARAMEDIC FEE) WILL NOT BE ASSESSED AFTER ANNEXATION. CURRENT ASSESSMENT IS $19.30 ANNUALLY. PER RESIDENCE 4. Provide a description of how the proposed change will assist the annexing agency in achieving its fair share of regional housing needs as determined by SCAG. AREA IS ESSENTIAL Y DEVELOPED AS RESIDENTIAL EXHIBIT "0" f'; (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) 5. PLAN FOR SERVICES: For each item identified for a change in service provider, a narrative "Plan for Service" (required by Government Code Section 56653) must be submitted. This plan shall, at a minimum, respond to each of the following questions and be signed and certified by an official of the annexing agency or agencies. 1. A description of the level and range of each service to be provided to the affected territory. 2. An indication of when the service can be feasibly extended to the affected territory. 3. An identification of any improvement or upgrading of structures, roads, water or sewer facilities, other infrastructure, or other conditions the affected agency would impose upon the affected territory. 4. The estimated cost of extending the service and a description of how the service or required improvements will be financed. A discussion of the sufficiency of revenues for anticipated service extensions and operations is also required. 5. An indication of whether the annexing territory is, or will be, proposed for inclusion within an existing or proposed improvement zone/district, redevelopment area, assessment district, or community facilities district. 6. If retail water service is to be provided through this change, provide a description of the timely availability of water for projected needs within the area based upon factors identified in Government Code Section 65352.5 (as required by Government Code Section 56668(k)). CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and the documents attached to this form present the data and information required to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented herein are true and correct to,1fij best of my knowledge and belief. I . DATE '! I ( { ( [,' SIGNATURE OF APPliCANT Judith Valles, Mayor / . City of San Bernardino / ( /krm - 12/8/2000 2 3 f. '.:. (FOR LAFCO USE ONLY) PLAN FOR SERVICES Reorganization of the City of San Bernardino to include the annexation of three islands of unincorporated territory generally located east of Central Avenue, north of Atlantic Avenue. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES · Fire Protection Services: The three islands are currently served by the City of San Bernardino Fire Department pursuant to an agreement with the County of San Bernardino. The City will continue to provide fire services for this area after annexation. The City currently has II fire stations. A new fire station is also planned for the'Verdemont area. Each fire station is staffed with I paramedic per shift. The nearest fire station to the three islands is located at the northwest corner of Orange Street and Highland A venue. In addition to fire and paramedic services, City wide services include disaster preparedness and emergency operations. No additional fees are charged for fire services. · Police Protection Services: The islands are presently served by the San Bernardino County Sheriff. After annexation, police services will be provided by the City of San Bernardino Police Department. The Department currently has approximately 453 personnel, including 222 patrol/traffic officers, 76 investigation officers and 35 vice & narcotics officers. The department also offers "Crime Free" and other crime prevention services. No additional fees are charged for routine services. · Water & Sewer Services: Water delivery and sewage disposal is presently provided by the East Valley Water District. East Valley Water will continue to provide these services after annexation. · Public ServiceslRefuse: Pursuant to City of San Bernardino policy, residents of a newly annexed areas may continue to use their current refuse provider for a period of up to five years after the date of annexation, or may have refuse services provided by the City anytime prior to the five years. The current residential rate is $17.60 per month for once a week pick up and includes the provision of three containers (normal, recycle-able and green waste). Commercial rates vary depending on the type and frequency of pick up. Additional services, such as old appliance pick up or special pick up for large and hard to handle items is available for an additional fee. The City also has a comprehensive recycling program including the collection of used oil and tires. · Public Services/Streets: The street division provides monthly street sweeping, street/sidewalk repair and street tree trimming. No additional fees are charged for these services. I -. · Develovment Services: The Development Services Department provides planning, building and engineering services related to land development, including new development and additions. The permit fees vary, depending on the type of development. · The Public Works Division also provides services such as street rehabilitation and storm drain installation! repair. These types of projects are normally part of the City's five year Capital Improvement Program and funding is normally provided by either the general fund or various transportation funds such as gas tax funds. The division also provides other services that include street light maintenance, traffic signals and street signs and striping. No additional fees are charged for these services. · Code ComvliancelEnforcement: Currently the City of San Bernardino has a staff of 32 personnel that administer code compliance services. These services include code compliance, housing improvement, neighborhood revitalization and weed abatement. Abatement costs are normally billed or assessed to the owners of property on which abatement activity occurs. · Animal Control: Animal control services will be provided by the City of San Bernardino. No additional fees will be charged for these services. EFFECTIVE DATE OF SERVICES. · All City services will available to property owners and/or residences on the effective date of annexation. IMPOSITION OF INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS or OTHER CONDITIONS. · The area is primarily developed; no immediate need for infrastructure improvements have been noted. Streets within the islands will be included in the City-wide pavement management program. COST OF EXTENSION OF SERVICES · Basic City services, as outlined above, will be extended to the three islands at no additional costs other then as indicated above. These services are paid for through the general fund, or other sources, and will be provided with current staffing levels. IMPROVEMENT ZONES/DISTRICTS; ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS · Island No. Three (southwest comer of Highland Avenue and Orange Street) is within the Inland Valley Development Agency's (IVDA) Project Sub-area no. 2., and will not change as a result of this annexation. This may impact future tax increment revenues to the City but will have no adverse economic effect on the properties within the island. There are presently 2 ~ !' no other improvement areas, redevelopment areas, assessment districts or community facilities districts affecting any of the islands. · The City of San Bernardino currently collects an eight percent (8%) Utility Users Tax. This fee will not be assessed to the three islands, unless approved by voters within the islands at some time in the future. At this time, it has not been determined if and when that will ever occur. 3 ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I - Ie ( .J Item # Vote: Ayes i-i) Nays () Change to motion to amend original documents: I (:~ Resolution # 'z ((' _~ - )5 Abstain . .C Absent ~ Reso. # On Attachments: / ,.. Contract term: NullNoid After: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately:-==--- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: Date Sent to M.,>~i~: i. , }. L .::., Date of Mayor's Signature: : .''1-03 c ~ Date ofClerklCDC Signature: \_., -0) Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: // V ,/ See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Date Returned: - Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: .---. Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413,6429,6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes j,../ No By ---=- Yes No / By_ ---p'- Yes No -.L- By~ Yes No~ By -'--- Yes No / By_ - Copies Distributed to: City Attorney V Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services ~ Police Public Services Water EDA Finance / , MIS Others: Notes: !.L\ 'nAt,:, Ct,;''-I \L- LL~S tL( 1~'\.1 I BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.l Ready to File: Ii \'\ Date: \-14-(J~ Revised 01/12/0 I