HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Development serviceD f' ,.., . "~ L 1i/\,.lIlwr1 Date: December 18,2002 Subject: Resolutions Awarding Contracts- Landscape Maintenance Assessment District Nos. 959 (Zone I) and 982. From: JAMES FUNK, Director File No. 14.40-GEN Synopsis of Previous Council Action: MCC Date: 01/0612003 01-07-2002 - Contracts awarded for various Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts (all areas). Recommended Motion: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS (2) ~J~ Contact person: LASZLO "Les" FOGASSY Phone: 5026 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Summary, Ward: 4 & 5 Map, KesolutlOns FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $63,492.50 (AD 959ZI)/$3,980.00 (AD 982) 254-631-5506-1958 (AD95IZI) & Source: (Accl. No.) 254-656-5506-1377 (AD982) (Accl. Description) Landscape Maintenance C~~ Finance: ;q~ ~ Council Notes: "1:2 t.. ~(,<J2(:o I, \ "-'L~ '51:.-i' ,J(~'C)"';' ;) Agenda Item No. --H I",. ,.. (')3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolutions Awarding Contracts - Landscape Maintenance Assessment District Nos. 959 (Zone I) and 982. BACKGROUND: Assessment Districts are formed to provide funding for the ongoing maintenance of the landscaping in designated areas, typically new subdivisions. Contracts are awarded and provide for two one-year extensions of the contract on mutually agreeable terms. On January 7, 2002, contracts were awarded to all areas in all assessment districts. The contract expires on January 31, 2003. Contractors of all areas have agreed to a one (I) year extension, with the exception of Assessment District No. 959 and 982. Plans and Specifications for these two districts were prepared and a Notice Inviting Bids was advertised locally in the San Bernardino County Sun Newspaper, the City's web site, Bid America web site, F.W. Dodge San Bernardino Plan Room, Daily Construction Plan Room in Anaheim and Manhattan Beach, and the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce. Bids were opened on December 17,2002, and the following companies responded (apparent low bids are shown in bold): AD 959Z1 - AREA "C"- Ward 5. Shandin Hills area, generally south of Kendall Drive, east of Little Mountain Drive (4 Bids received) Name of Bidder City Amount of Bid Mariposa Horticultural En!., Inc. Irwindale $235,199.50 Azteca Landscape Ontario $87,780.00 RP Landscape & Irrigation San Bernardino $76,220.00 Golden West Landscape Contractor San Bernardino $63,492.50 AD 982 -Area "D" - Ward 4. Generally in the area of Piedmont Drive and Citrus Avenue. (4 Bids received) Name of Bidder City Amount of Bid Mariposa Horticultural En!., Inc. Irwindale $35,040.00 Azteca Landscape Ontario $7,005.00 Golden West Landscape Contractor San Bernardino $4,025.00 RP Landscape & Irrigation San Bernardino $3,980.00 The attached summary sheet shows a breakdown of the bids submitted. Although some of the districts' contract costs increased over last year, there are adequate reserves set aside to allow for increases without increasing assessments. Additionally, none of the contract costs increased over Staff Report -Page 2 a previously approved assessment, thus Proposition 218 Assessment Ballot procedures will not be necessary when the assessment rolls are approved the following year. The contract costs will be reimbursed through the assessment rolls. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. The total contract maintenance costs for AD 959(Zone I) is $63,492.50 and AD 982 is $3,980.00, which will be reimbursed through the annual assessment rolls for these two districts. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions (2). 0 >- ~ '" " ~ "! l'; '. . l >- , I '" '" " . , ~ % . @ . I. ~ Q) LO Q) 0 Z 0... <1: ~ " Z ~ 0 ~ .. z :i <1: Q " '" U 0 0:: ~ ~ .,: W '" >- <1: .. z 0 " 0 Z 0 Z " u 0 W 0 f- z ~ .. Q U 0 '" <1: " 0:: z >- '" f- >- '" " .. (f) 0 Z " 0 f- Z W ~ (f) (f) W (f) (f) <1: " -:: 1';; g Sl.:a~ O~ i1hi ~~~~ " , .~1~1 u I '<l3i;i.!l 0 I- " o~ i r · r- g ,,' . OJ ~ bl iio\ . l'I~; ~ - S I~ ~ g ! gf ~ i oj i'" ~5 O! "~ ! . r' , - 1 n.l! 0 - '., ", ~ i 0 ... i ~ . Hd! g~ ~ ~J! .. 1$ ~$ ~Wi , ! .....8~8 . . I;wi ~ I ,e<;<>;l,<;5 I . pl.,. 5 ! ,;;t!~.. .. f~f'l! 25 H · 0 i' , ...:i J.!l! "' l^UIO @ :;;' % . 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I n i!;;~~;i~iS :,1 ~eg1..E~ I !i~ .. :ud; :~~ :; ~ b,..,;,..Li'.1 -: :;:,,~~il' t,n"'l"" ,pp!3~ ~!?g ...,(;,;lh~'c :~;, >-- ~ " . >-- ~; I ,~ ~~ ", . .. . , ,J . ;; "... gi 51 > I ~ I '0':: " :! ~l '0 ~z.~ H09NVS '.' ,; z . i w "- () <n t- o <J Z - <t 0:: ..J t- <t !!' o ...:;'''-. ~ -~'tf~f~\ -7j!~'<.::' ./0',- '< -i 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO GOLDEN WEST LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS FOR THE 3 MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 959 (ZONE 1, 4 AREA "C"). 5 6 7 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. GOLDEN WEST LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS is the lowest 8 responsible bidder for MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 9 10 11 12 13 NO. 959 (ZONE I). A contract is awarded accordingly to Golden West Landscape Contractors in a total amount of $63.492.50. but such award shall be effective only upon being fully executed by both parties. All other bids, therefore, are hereby rejected. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City; a copy of the contract is on tile in the 14 office of the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at 15 length. 16 SECTION 2. This contract and any amendments or modifications thereto shall not take 17 etTect or become operative until fully signed and executed by the parties and no party shall be 18 obligated hereunder until the time of such full execution. No oral agreements, amendments, 19 20 moditications or waivers are intended or authorized and shall not be implied from any act or course of conduct of any party. 21 22 SECTION 3. This resolution is rescinded if the parties to the contract fail to execute it 23 within sixty (60) days of the passage of the resolution. 24 / II 25 II / 26 27 28 <-:(0 II 1/!t/c?Q 12/17/02 I , 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO GOLDEN WEST LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT 2 DISTRICT NO. 959 (ZONE 1, AREA "C"). 3 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 5 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 6 7 meeting thereof held on the day of , 20 , by the following vote, to wit: 1 ,r<' \Lc 'j RESOLUTION NO.! - '-\ // \ ( I, e! 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO R P LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF 3 LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 982, (AREA "D"). 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY 5 OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 6 7 MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 982. A contract is 8 awarded accordingly to R P Landscape & Irrigaiton in a total amount of $3,980.00, but such 9 10 award shall be effective only upon being fully executed by both parties. All other bids, SECTION 1. R P LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION is the lowest responsible bidder for 11 therefore, are hereby rejected. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said 12 contract on behalf of the City; a copy of the contract is on file in the office of the City Clerk and 13 incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. 14 SECTION 2. This contract and any amendments or modifications thereto shall not take 15 effect or become operative until fully signed and executed by the parties and no party shall be 16 obligated hereunder until the time of such full execution. No oral agreements, amendments, 17 18 19 20 modifications or waivers are intended or authorized and shall not be implied from any act or course of conduct of any party. SECTION 3. This resolution is rescinded if the parties to the contract fail to execute it 21 within sixty (60) days of the passage of the resolution. Meeting Date: 01/06/2003 Item illlB Resolution #2003-2 OR-IGIN#L AD 982 - ACCT NO. 254-656-5506-1377 FILE NO. 2.131 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. AD 982 (AREA "D") CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (2003-04) PLAN AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS NO. 7384 FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES IN PORTIONS OF: PIEDMONT DRIVE AND CITRUS STREET, GENERALLY LOCATED EAST AND WEST OF INDIAN CANYON COURT AND ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF TRACT NO. 13470, WEST OF BANGOR AVENUE. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO November, 2002 BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO THE HOUR OF 11 :00 A.M. ON December 17, 2002 r, \'J\ II cJ(H\01T t'\ INDEX BID DOCUMENTS A. Notice Inviting Bids B. Proposal Form C. Bid Schedule D. Designation of Sub-Contractors E. Worker's Compensation Certification F. Non-Collusion Affidavit SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION I - Specifications and Plans SECTION 2 - Proposal Requirements and Conditions SECTION 3 - Award and Execution of Contract SECTION 4 - Supervision of Work SECTION 5 - Legal Requirements SECTION 6 - Payments/General SECTION 7 - Description of Work SECTION 8 - Technical Specifications SECTION 9 - Irrigation/System SECTION 10 - Shrubs and Ground Cover Plants SECTION I I - Fertilizer and Pest Control Agents SECTION 12 - Lawn/Turf SECTION 13 - Slope/Bank/Drain Maintenance SECTION 14 - Weed Control SECTION 15 - Trees CONTRACT AGREEMENT 03 2 03 2 Engineer's Estimate: $ 2.420.00 NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Bernardino will receive bids or proposals for: THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING AND RELATED FACILITIES IN PORTIONS OF: PIEDMONT DRIVE AND CITRUS STREET. GENERALLY LOCATED EAST AND WEST OF INDIAN CANYON COURT AND ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF TRACT NO. 13470, WEST OF BANGOR AVENUE. (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 982 ) in accordance with (2003-04) Special Provisions No. 7384, on file in the Office of the City Engineer, 3rd Floor, San Bernardino City Hall. Deliver all bids to the City Engineer's Office, Third Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, with the specification title and number clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. Said bids or proposals will be received up to the hour of 11 :00 A.M. on December 17, 2002 at which time all of said bids or proposals will be publicly opened, examined and declared in the City Engineer's Conference Room. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City. All bids or proposals shall be signed, sealed and accompanied by cash, cashier's check, certified check or bid bond made payable to the City of San Bernardino, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid. Such cash, check or bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract if awarded to him. In the event the bidder refuses to execute said contract, the use by the public of the improvements will be delayed, and the public will suffer great damage. From the nature of the case, it would be extremely difficult and impractical to fix said amount of damage. Therefore, the City and the bidder agree that the above sum of 10% shall be paid to the City upon the condition above set forth as liquidated damages and not as a forfeiture. All bonds furnished pursuant to this notice must be underwritten by a surety company having a rating in Best's most recent Insurance Guide of "A" or better. Pursuant to law, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, by Resolution No. 90-358 and any and all amendments thereto which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof by references as fully as though set forth at length herein, have ascertained and determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and of per diem wages for legal holidays and overtime work for each craft or type of workman needed in the execution of contracts under jurisdiction of said Mayor and Common Council. :03 ;0;. Said prevailing rates of wages shall conform to "General Prevailing Wage Determination made by the Director of Industrial Relations" filed in the Office of the City Clerk, which are made a part of said Resolution No. 90-358 and amendments thereto. The Contractor may substitute securities for any monies withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the contract as provided for in Section 22300 of the California Government Code and Section 10263 of the California Public Contract Code. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded and upon any Sub-Contractor under him to pay not less than said specified rates to all laborers, workers, and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the contract, and to prevent discrimination in the employment of persons because ofrace, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or marital status as set forth in the provisions of Resolution No. 90-358 of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. The term of the contract will continue from February 1, 2003 to the termination date of Januarv 31, 2004 , renewable for up to a maximum of two (2) additional one year periods by mutual agreement between the Director of Development Services and Contractor. Contract renewal costs to be negotiated at the time of each such renewal. A Pre-Bid meeting will be held on December 12, 2002, at 1:30 p.m., at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Third Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418. This meeting is to serve as a pre-bid review for prospective bidders and also to inform MBEs/WBEs of subcontracting and material supply opportunities and to make the prime contractor aware of the City's outreach program as it relates to minority hiring and participation. Bidder's attendance at this meeting is a recommended , but the prime may certify that they are familiar with the program and attendance is not required. Attendance and/or certification may be used as part of the good faith effort. There will also be a non-mandatory pre-bid field review, following the pre-bid meeting. The field review may be continued the following day, at 9:00 am, commencing at the office of the City Engineer, Third Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418. The City of San Bernardino reserves the right to reject any and all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 working days from the date of the bid opening. Any Contractor who has their contract terminated by the City for non-performance shall be deemed a "non-responsible" bidder for a period of three years following the date of termination and will not be allowed to submit a bid for any other assessment district landscape maintenance contract during that period. The condition of the maintenance area is as it exists. Potential bidders are encouraged to familiarize themselves with all areas. The successful bidder will be required to bring the areas of the contract into compliance with the specifications set forth herein, within a time frame as determined by the Inspector, but not to exceed 90 days. 03 2 Contractor must submit along with bid, copies of the California Agricultural Pest Control Certificate, (for the person(s) or firm perfcnning the work), and copies of certificates for chemical applications from the County of San Bernardino. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, 92418, upon a non-refundable payment of $10.00 for each set. The Contractor shall possess a Class C-27 license at the time the contract is awarded. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment and supplies required to perform the specified items of work and to maintain the irrigation system in a fully operational manner and all landscaping in an attractive and healthy condition. Each bidder shall provide, with his/her bid, a complete list of equipment, number and classification of personnel and the names and telephone numbers of three (3) references for projects of a similar nature. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ..-). (-.- r'Cel-- .l:. .:1. ,'J RACHEL CLARK I.. i7/~ (l,~t~i:le~): :~._ D:-l'*./ . NOTICE TO ADVERTISE SPECIFICATION NO. 7384 SHALL APPEAR IN THE FIRST ISSUE NOT LATER THAN DATE: December 6, 2002 & December 11, 2002 SECOND PUBLICATION FIVE DAYS LATER SIGNATURE DATE . . . ~ . {)3 '2 BID FORM 03 2 TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO The undersigned declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work and read the accompanying instructions to bidders and the entire contract documents and hereby proposes to furnish any and all required labor, materials, transportation and service for: THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING AND APPURTENANT FACILITIES IN PORTIONS OF: PIEDMONT DRIVE AND CITRUS STREET, GENERALLY LOCATED EAST AND WEST OF INDIAN CANYON COURT AND ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF TRACT NO. 13470, WEST OF BANGOR AVENUE. in strict conformity with (2003-04) Special Provisions No. 7384, on file in the Office of the City Engineer, 3rd Floor, San Bernardino City Hall, and also in accordance with Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, current edition, as amended by the Special Provisions and "Landscape Cost Estimating" by Colton, current edition. Undersigned proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of San Bernardino, in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of maintenance, and to do all the work and furnish all the materials specified in the contract, in the manner and time therein prescribed, and that he will take in full payment therefore the following unit prices or lump sum prices, to-wit: ,03 ~ PAGE 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER 254-656-5506-1377 BID SCHEDULE PLAN NO. 7384 (2003-04) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 982 - PIEDMONT AND CITRUS BASIC BID DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL ANNUAL ITEM nUANTITY UNIT WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE PRICE I I L.S. Maintenance of slopes, drains, drainage ditches, L.S. (14,950 sq.ft. oil including plants. shrubs, groundcover and irrigation system, at the lum~rice of: $J.../()OO \We \\"" 2 I L.S. Maintenance of plants, shrubs, groundcover and L.S. irrigat!on system, at t~ lump sum price of: ~ \ \All. \.l....w:f,u, !;OD $ 3 I L.S. Maintenance of trees and irrigation system at the L.S. lump sum price of: \..),^\..j fu'<h 1~1~ F,..u. q~f; $ TOTAL BASIC BID (A) $ ~JCf'l5" .03 ~ PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NUMBER 254-656-5506-1377 BID SCHEDULE PLAN NO. 7384 (2003-04) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 982 - PIEDMONT AND CITRUS SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK TOTAL PRICE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT (Quantity x Unit ITEM OUANTITY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE Price) I 5 EACH R~a\c\ement of Trees at: b'" b\J bO.110 100 I -- . 'ber each $ $ 2 5 EACH. Replacement of Shrubs at: ""dO\ 1.11 '2. DO Ii/) Der each $ $ 3 10 FLATS Replac".r'ent of Ground cover at: 12. 00 1.:2.0 - ... Der flat $ I $ 4 10 EACH Replacement of Sprinkler Heads: PDP-UP type, including necessary pipe, fittings, etc.. at -H~~ I~. QO ISO Def each $ $ 5 10 EACH Replacement Df Sprinkler Head: Shrubbery type, including necessary pipe, fittings, etc., at: ~ (}O JD I{) ner each $ \D, $ 6 5 EACH Replacement of Sprinkler Heads: Rotor type. includin~ecessary pipe, fittings, etc., at Q~ C'.:.D,1'ih Oti)i( $ 17. w Der each $ 7 I EACH Replacement of Sprinkler Heads: Impact type. including necessary pipe, fittings, etc., at: \~ ID,W tD Der each $ $ 8 8 HOURS Cost of labor for irrigatio~~ys~~i repair for EXTRA WORK at: '- IhO Der hour $ 20, ~ $ TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL (B) CJrvt: ITEMS OF WORK $ TOTAL BID : BASIC BID + SUPPLEMENTAL (A+B) $~~~D ITEMS OF WORK { lO3 <) NOTES: I. The unit price must be written in words and also shown in figures. The total price must be extended for each item of work and the total of all items inserted in the space provided. 2. The contract will be awarded for the total of the Basic Bid plus the Supplemental Items of Work. 3. An estimate of the square footage involved in each Basic Bid item has been provided to assist the Contractor but are not to be construed as actual quantities. The Contractor, by submitting bid, has satisfied themselves of the actual character and quantity of work and the price bid will be for the lump sum unit price. 4. An estimate of the quantities involved in each Supplemental Items of Work item has been included for the bid comparison purposes only and no adjustment shall therefore be made in the contract unit price for increased or decreased quantities. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures. the words shall prevail. '\O~ " It is the understanding of the undersigned that the work hereinabove described shall be commenced 011, February 1. 2003, except as previously noted, and shall continue in a good and workmanlike manner for the term of the contract. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the con tract, or furnishing necessary bonds, all within the specified time, the proceeds of the Bidder's Guarantee accompanying this bid shall be paid to the City of San Bernardino as liquidated damages. LICENSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS, LICENSE NO. 7 0 )"3- 01 (-2.1 ~~ LO\N1~'AfJ2- T TI2..Q(CJOt.A-t~"" BUSINESS ADDRESS: _11 OC; W.. ~:t; ltp 4..../( SCvt~o1wvl:..." t/ 9J.YtD ~ )(.J/~ . '-- CLASSIFICATION FIRM NAME: SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: If an individual, so state. If a firm or co-partnership, state the firm name and give the names of all individuals, co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of the corporation, also the names of the president, secretary, treasurer and manager thereof. Telephone No. f/'lA) ~~~- eft ~1 Dated 11- It, , 20 0 L.. BIDDERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUM: ADDENDUM NO.1 ADDENDUM NO.2 ADDENDUM NO.3 DATE: DATE: DATE: ," tJ- ) 3 2 (0 " .- Jf-\? UAJ<:"tt6lf, 'tlQ(l.'1""h~-'I. BIDD R'S FIRM NAME DESIGNA nON OF SUB-CONTRACTORS In compliance with the provisions of Section 4100-4110 of California Public Contract Code of the State of California, and al1\ amendments thereof, each bidder shall set forth the name and location of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the Contractor. Name & Address Under Which Licensed Agency & No. of MBE/WBE CERT. (If Applicable) Sub-Contractor's Phone-No. Sub-Contract Amount 1. $ 2. , J. $ / / / 4. $ / / /'/// 5. $ ,/./' / /' /' IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS REQUIRED, PLEASE DUPLICATE THIS SHEET DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK '. -' ~ 03 2 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATION I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code requiring every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the perfom1ance of the work of this contract. Contractor: NAME OF FIRM: ~Ni~;~~ '7~J,O~ BY: DATE: f) v-WV\ Il-/6-CL TITLE: 03 2 '. )'t , (This affidavit shall be executed hi all bidders at the time of bid subminal. Failure to execute the afUdal it on this page lIill result ill rejection of bid. ) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT To the Division of Public Works, Department of Development Services, City of San Bernardino, State of California: The undersigned in submitting a bid for performing the following work by contract, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreements, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with such contract. .~? k~<;. '~t~11~ .hOrt- Firm Name ~'~A)~ Sig'iiature oMidder ';) ~~ Q ~~ w.& b~L. Prin ed Name and Title l'1oC; Lv, ~~, Ii.. ~ C;-[A. ~1':', I IA ;t Y 10 Business Address ~l/\ \\)5J~^€J,.t:t :c,:, Place of Residence i 'L day of De:r i._ ~ ,2002 Subscribed and sworn to before me this SignedHl'kloAAAA_ ~~. Notary Public in and for the County of My Commission expires on Lt - J 5 , 20C>k. (@.\'^ROSEANN ~~;s~No"l ..... . COMM. .1372309 Z ~ - NOTARY PUBUC - CAUFORNIA s: ! . SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ... t.,~_Com~~~r~~,2006 .J . ... .... . ... .. ~ /3errl.ccrcl'IV70 , State of California. .1.Jt:.......-.I.......-v..c:; t:.>..=> .'<.0.1. .-,., '- ....., ~............... ." Bond # AE 6261635 03 2 FORM OF BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we. the undersigned. R P Landscape & Irrigation. Inc. as Principal. and ~1I1 f Tn!=mranee COInnanv as SUrtl)'. ar~ her~by and linn I)' bound unlO the Cltv or San Bernardino . Slale of California. hereinafter referred to os "Obligee" in the p~llal sum often percent (10% I oflhe total amoum of the bid of the Principal submitted to the Obli~.e for Ihe work d<scrI"<J bolo\\'. for the pay.nenl of which sum we hereb)' jointly and severally bind ourselves. our heirs. executprs. adminislrutor>. successors and assigns. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, THAT: WHEREAS. rhe Principal hus submit/ed 10 Oblip.ee. a cerrail! Bid. alla,'hed herero and hereby m.1de a purl hcreorlo enler inro a ,'(In/rD,'f i" "71/1",;. for 1he Landscape Maintenance 1/982 (COP." },ue thi' ~:fUcl till.: d~';"riplion of WQrA:. includmg IOc.:a"IJII Cl5 it app(."~r~. un the propo,fal J for which bids are 10 be opened on December 17th, 2002 ( Insert duff of opening) NOW, THEREFORE. a. b. If said Bid shall be rejeeled. or in lhe alternate. rfsoid Bid shalf be accepted and the Principal shall execute a contracl in lhe Fo"" of eonlract attached herelo ( properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a bond for his failhful perforlnanee of said contract. and shalf in all other respeels perform Ihe agreement created by Ihe acceptance of said Bid, then this obligalion shall. be void; otherwise. the SlIme shall n:muin in force and ence!: il bein~ expressly understood and agreed thaI lhe liability of the Suret)' for any and all claims hereunder shall. in no event. exceed th. penal amount of this obligatiol! as herein slal.d. The Surely, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees Ihulthe obligations of soid Surety and ils bond shall be in no way impaired or affecled by an)' extension of the lime wilhin which the Oblige. may aecepl such Bid: and said Surely does hereby waive nOlice of any such extension. Si,ned. Ihis 16th day of December .20~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lhe Prindpol and Ihe Surcly have hereunto sel their hands and seals. and such of them as arc corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto .nixed and these presenlS 10 be signed by Iheir proper onic.rs, the do)' and year lirst mentioned. . R P Landscape & Irrigation, Inc~[AL) B,'" ~"il"f - ._,~~ SlglltI/l,,.... ~ X'?:l",c~ Gulf Insurance Company tSr:,\LI B): '1I\U . .) 1: :Jj ., r 'I ..! .; :~l Ii ~;! " .;., ,J .., ;,1 :1,;. ,~., ~. ."....; ;i. .? ) .. " :!l 1! ,. :j " GULF INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT POWER OF ATTORNEY ORIGINALS OF THIS POWER OF ATTOR:-IEY ARE PRl:-lTED ON BUJE ,FETY PAPER "'ITH TEAL 11\'1\.. DUPLICATE.." SHALL HAVE THE .ME FORCE AND EFFECT AS A;.i ORf(;J:'\AL Ol\'LY WHE:\ JSSCED fro; u}NJUNCflON WITH THE ORIG 1:-l.\L. KNOW ALL MEN B'( Hlr.SE PR.!".SEl\TS That the Gu!f Insuran(t' (\1111i':ln;.:. .., '--orporation duly orgaInlC'J un;.kr [Ii\' l.ms (l( Hll' St;llt' (It Connenlc'UI. h:!\int' its ncipal office In l~lt' LH> l'i irvIng. Teqs. rursu~t it.' the fpllmnr.lC [l',n!utlOn. )pted by the Fmance 8: EX\'l'U;I\e' c.lI:;il1l1il'C uf the B.xuJ o[ J)1,cch);~ "i :Ll~ '-Jld Lompany on (he 10th UJ:- Of .-\lI~iJ;,l. l\.!<ii. III \\i' "RESOLVED. that lhc Pre'dL'lil. l:\t"Ujli\l' \'l,'l' Pre:.idt'!H or Jny S,,'niP! \'il"l' o..~sidenl of the Company ~h:il] !::I\C' J,H)j('rn\ \Il muL', nt'CUle :md ddl\Cl.l f\l\\':i Attorney constituting as All(HT,L'y.in-Llcl. \i.h:b ~'n"ons, I: ['111S. or (:urp\lrJl:cl1h;iS IY be selected from time 10 11111e, ;inJ :11:) ql~'h Allomey-m-r:.l(:1 llI;l) be i-(:n\l\L'd and the authority granted hlln feHl/.;ed by tit" Pn'~lIJenl, Dr any E\t'LUli\(' VI(L' PreSident, or any Senior Vice Prt'sidenl. or (1Y the HOMd Llf DirL'do:" l'l b\ lk t:;'lance and Executive Committe'e of lhr l:loJr,i l,f DirC(:IOLs RESOLVED, that nothin>! lrl Ihl" PO\l,erufAllnrnc'\" sh;;.11 r.(' COllStrued ;L';l "'.:ant authority to the allomeYbi-.;tHact III ~ign. l'\('l'utL'."ackrwwkJ,Ilt'. ddlw: (,,' ilth- erwise issue a policy or puhllL's of :nsuran,:c lm hehi.l:r of Gult InsuLm':l' C'::;!,.Jl1> RESOLVED, thai the ~lgnd:,Ht' of ;hc ht>_~h,kn1. EXc'CUII\e VKl' Prnl,knl pr -~y Senior Vice President, and l)lC Sl'alu] ,he' Comp:my may he Jtfl\L'd t(l .lilY 'lh:h wer of AlIorney or any L'er<ifl~'at(' r,:IJllnt:: (hert'to by facsimile. ~lnJ ~1'1y ~lIch ~ers so executed and ~'eItifie,j h lacsllli:k ~1~[l:lllJrt' and 1;l(~lmlk sc':;1 ~h,,11 bc. valid and binding upon Ihe C'i1lluny in tJic I UI'Ull' with rl'~lxct tl' :my (l,.rJd i.JI1d documents relating to such bonds 10 v. hich lh:"y :lrL' all,Khe,j" r."lflnsurance Company drll.'S herth)' m.i)..;e, dm~tl~u1L: ~md appt)lnt BOND 03 '. .u ... 2 NUMBER AE 6?R1635 PRINCIPAL: NAME,ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP R P Landscape & Irrigation, Inc. 1905 W. Rialto Ave. San Bernardino, CA. 92410 \ EFFECTIVE DATE December 17th, 2002 CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 4,000.00 (estimate) BOND AMOUNT $ ten percent of bid amount ---- Donna Carlson, Randy Spohn, Zara Spohn ---_ its true and lawful attorn"'yl"I-lr,.f:.lL't. \\llh full p,-,wn Jnd ~lillhurity lit'it'tl\ l"nL:llcd in its nJille, pbc't :.JnJ s1c'ad. 10 sign, exccute, .1J.:knowledge and deliver in its 1.".1][, as surety. any and all honds and urLdnlakin;s 01- sUfely ~Lir, :l:;,llu hi:hi (iul) lnsurancc Curnpany thnl'r.y as tully and (0 lIlt': same eXlent as if any honds, under. jngs and documents relating 10 such bUllJ, ,1nd/llr llnlknakin).'-, v.nt' ~1.L'llt'd hy (he Ju]y authonzed officer llf the Gulf Insuranct' Company and .lIt the aels of said :Jrney(s)-in.fact, pursuanllo the :Iurl;uril\ hl'rein ~i\'t'n. arc herl'D\ I::llifil'd :lJld con finned The obligation of the Company shall nol l';\;:ccU ,\If(' million (LOOO.OOOI d(\llar~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, (he (;ulf In..;urann Cnmpan~' ha.. caused tht'sc pn."sents to be signed bJ any officer of the Company and its Corporate Seal to hereto affixed. ~TATE OF NEW YORK IUNTY OF NEW YORK ss GeLF INSURANCE COMPANY Lp~ Lawrence P. Miniter Executive Vice President On the 1st day of Oetober, 2001 A.D.. before me canll' Lawrence P. "huIter, known to me personall~' who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in the Count)' of Bergen, State of New Jt'rse~'; that hI' is thc Exectltiw Vil'e I'resident of the Gulf In....urance Company, the corporation .crib<<l in and which executed the above imarument; that he kno"'" the seal of said corporation; Ihat the s{"aJ affixed to the said instruments is such cor. rate seal; that it ","'as so affixed b~ order of tht, Board of IJiredors of ..aid l"llrporation and that he signed his name, thereto h)' like order. UE OF NEW YORK IUNTY OF NEW YORK /:/~~;" ! .f/~Xr~~~~~\ I ' 'C \0 \ \ ~( /'Xf 'Y0-...o 0/~1 ~ --i1l\)>o.Oj ~-~~/ ss 9:ttfA:~~4~ ~otan Public, State of New York . No. 011\1.4.6019988 Qualified in King" Count~' ('Olllfllis.~ion Expires FebruaQ' )6,2003 I. the undersigned. Seniur Yice Pn':o.ident !If the Gu]f Imuran('(' COrnpall), il ('onnCelicut ('orporalinll, no HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore~oing and i "ached POWER OF ATTOR\'EY rcrtlaill<; in full forn. Signed and Sealed al the Cit) of .'\ew York. 111111I11I1111111111I1111111111I111 AE6261635 '" 1383080'" Dale-dthe 16th da~" of December ,20 02 -, <-:J .- /~-lO\~;",~A Senior Vice President CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 03 2 '''' .U , State of CALIFORNIA County of ORANGE On I)j/&;b'-- I before me, DONNA CARLSON personally appeared RANDY SPOHN X personally known to me -OR- o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument . OONNACARLSON COMM. .1362131 NOTMY' P\BJC. e:....CJUIf. 0IWlGE COUNTY Conwn. Exp. JUNE 24, 2006 WITNESS my hand and official seal. fT~re~ ~ " . ... ... - .._---~..~~-_......._.., .... ..j Though the data below IS not requIred by law, It may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF A TT ACHED DOCUMENT INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER PRESIDENT CORPORATE SECRETARY PARTNER(S) TRUSTEE(S) LIMITED GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR XX ATTORNEY-IN-FACT SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) 03 2 ''''.LIt , 03 ., ::J 2 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS I-A GENERAL -- The work embodied herein shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, current edition, amended by any Special Provisions set forth herein, the "Landscape Cost Estimating" by Colton, and in accordance with the following Special Provisions. I-B DEFINITIONS -- Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: Agency/Owner - The City of San Bernardino. Board - The Mayor and Common Council for the City of San Bernardino. Engineer - The City Engineer, Department of Deyelopment Services, Diyision of Public Works for the City of San Bernardino or authorized designee. Inspector - Authorized designee of the Engineer. Laboratory - The laboratory to be designated by the City of San Bernardino to test materials and work involved in the contract. Notice Advertising for Bids - Notice Inviting Bids. Standard Specifications - Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, current edition. Landscape Cost Reference - "Landscape Cost Estimating" by Colton, current edition. Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1-2. "Definitions" in the Standard Specifications. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications, the Landscape Cost Estimating reference, and these Special Provisions, the Special Provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. l-C LIGHTING -- Repair, replacement and maintenance of all street lighting shall be the responsibility of the City and is not a part of this contract. I-D TOT LOT EQUIPMENT -- Repair, replacement and maintenance of all Tot Lot equipment. if any, shall be the responsibility of the City and is not a part of this contract. SP-I SECTION 2 03 2 'lI:U . BID REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 2-A GENERAL -- Bids must be submitted on the bid form contained herein. All bids or bids shall be signed, sealed and accompanied by cash. cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond made payable to the City of San Bernardino, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid. Such cash, check or bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract if his bid is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute the contract. In the event the bidder whose bid is approved refuses to execute said contract, the use by the public of the improvements will be delayed and the public will suffer great damage. From the nature of the case, it would be extremely difficult and impractical to fix said amount of damage. Therefore, the City and the bidder agree that the bid guarantee of 10% of the bid shall be paid to the City upon the conditions set forth above as liquidated damages and not as a forfeiture. Bid bonds shall be underwritten by a surety company having a rating in Best's most recent Insurance Guide of "A" or better. 2-B MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES -- A policy for establishing goals for participation of minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) was adopted by Resolution No. 95-409 by the mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, on 11-20-95. This outreach program superseded Resolution No. 93-411 and the Standard Operating Procedures dated January 1994. Bidder's outreach efforts (good faith efforts) must reach out to MBEs, WBEs and all other business enterprises. Prime bidders could reasonably be expected to produce a level of participation by interested subcontractors of 15% MBE and 5% WBE on this project. Bidders shall make every reasonable effort to solicit bids from MBE/WBEs. A justification shall be provided to support the rejection of any bid from a minority or women's business enterprise. certified by Caltrans. SP-2 '.. _I~ 03 '2 POLICY MINORITY, WOMEN AND OTHER BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AND CITY PROCUREMENTS It is the policy of the City of San Bernardino to provide Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) and all other enterprises an equal opportunity to participate in the performance of all City contracts. Bidders shall assist the City in implementing this policy by taking all reasonable steps to ensure that all available business enterprises, including local MBEs and WBEs, have an equal opportunity to compete for and participate in City contracts. Bidders' good faith efforts to reachout to MBEs, WBEs and all other business enterprises shall be determined by the following factors: (I) The bidder attended pre-solicitation or pre-bid meetings, if any, scheduled by the City to inform all bidders of the requirements for the project for which the contract will be awarded. The City may waive this requirement if the bidder certifies it is informed as to those project requirements. (2) The bidder identified and selected specific items of the project for which the contract will be awarded to be performed by sub-contractors to provide an opportunity for participation by MBEs, WBEs and other business enterprises. The bidder shall, when economically feasible, divide total contract requirements into small portions or quantities to permit maximum participation of MBEs, WBEs and other business enterprises. (3) The bidder advertised for bids from interested business enterprises not less than ten calendar days prior to the submission of bids, in one or more daily or weekly newspapers, trade association publications, minority or trade oriented publications, trade journals, or other media specified by the City. ( 4) The bidder provided written notice of its interest in bidding on the contract to those business enterprises, including MBEs and WBEs, having an interest in participating in such contracts. All notices of interest shall be provided not less than ten calendar days prior to the date the bids were required to be submitted. In all instances, the bidder must document that invitations for sub-contracting bids were sent to available MBEs, WBEs and other business enterprises for each item of work to be performed. The Mayor's Affirmative Action Office shall be available to help identifY interested MBEs, WBEs and other business enterprises. (5) The bidder documented efforts to follow up initial solicitations of interest by contacting the business enterprises to determine with certainty whether the enterprises were interested in performing specific portions of the project. (6) The bidder provided interested enterprises with information about the Plans, Specifications and requirements for the selected sub-contracting work. (7) The bidder requested assistance from organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and SP-3 03 2 ''''-;J. -- placement ofMBEs, WBEs and other business enterprises not less than fifteen days prior to the submission of bids. (8) The bidder negotiated in good faith with interested MBEs WBEs and other business enterprises and did not unjustifiably reject as unsatisfactory bids prepared by any enterprises, as determined by the city. As documentation the bidder must submit a list of all sub-bidders for each item of work solicited. including dollar amounts of potential work for MBEs. WBEs and other business enterprises. (9) The bidder documented efforts to advise and assist interested MBEs. WBEs and other business enterprises in obtaining bonds, lines of credit. or insurance required by the City or Contractor. If the City has established expected levels of participation for MBE and WBE sub-contractors. failure to meet those levels shall not be a basis for disqualification of the bidder. A determination of the adequacy of a bidders' good faith effort must be based on due consideration of the indicia of good faith as set forth above, In the event that the City is considering awarding away from the lowest bidder or not awarding a contract to a bidder because the bidder is determined to be non-responsive for failure to comply with the good faith indicia set forth above, the City shall, if requested, and prior to the award of the contract, afford the bidder the opportunity to present evidence to the Mayor and Common Council in a public hearing of the bidders' good faith efforts in making its outreach. In no case should the City award away pursuant to this program if the bidder makes a good faith effort but fails to meet the expected levels of participation. For the purposes of this Policy, "minority" shall be synonymous with "minority person" as defined in California Public Contract Code Section 2000(f). Nothing herein restricts the discretion of the City to reject all bids in accord with Charter Sections 140 and 238 or Chapter 3.04 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. The directions set forth herein shall take effect immediately, and all City Departments shall modify their implementation programs to the extent such programs are inconsistent with this policy. SP-4 .. -.!J. 03 2 SECTION 3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 3-A GENERAL -- The bidder whose bid is approved by the Mayor and Common Council with the Mayor authorized to execute the contract shall file with the Engineer all required bonds and insurance policies and execute the contract within 10 calendar days after receiving notification of the approval. Failure to file the stipulated documents and execute the contract within the prescribed time shall constitute good and sufficient grounds for recession of the award and payment of 10% of the bid to the City as liquidated damages. Action by the Mayor and Common Council in approving a bid and authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract shall be deemed to obligate the bidder to proceed in accordance with the bid bond to execute the contract and provide required documentation (e.g., insurance policies and performance bond) to the City. No work shall be undertaken toward the completion of the contract, nor subcontracts entered into, until the contract has been fully executed by both the Contractor and City. 3-B CONTRACT BONDS -- The Payment and Faithful Performance Bonds shall be filed with the Engineer before the Contract is executed by the City in accordance with Section 2-4, "CONTRACT BONDS" of the Standard Specifications. In lieu of the Bond as referenced above, the Contractor may deposit with the City a cash amount equal to $500 or five percent (5%) of the total amount bid for the first year's maintenance, whichever is greater. The amount so deposited shall be retained by the City of San Bernardino and will be returned to the Contractor upon completion of the term of the contract. There will be no interest paid to the Contractor on the amount so deposited. 3-C CONTRACT RENEWALS -- The one year contract period may be renewed annually for up to a maximum of two (2) additional one year periods by mutual agreement of the Director Development Services. 3-D COMPLIANCE -- The condition of the maintenance area is as it exists. The successful bidder is encouraged to familiarize themselves with all areas and be required to bring the areas of the contract into compliance with the specifications set forth herein, within a time frame as determined by the Inspector, but not to exceed 90 days. SP-5 03 2 ."_'1. , SECTION 4 SUPERVISION OF WORK 4-A MONTHLY EV ALUA TIONS -- The Inspector will prepare a monthly evaluation and performance report relative to the project area. Contractor and Inspector shall meet at least once each month at the office of the Inspector or at another location as agreed upon by the parties, to discuss the report. Weekly reports may constitute the monthly evaluation based upon the Inspector's discretion. 4-B INSPECTIONS -- An inspection form will be completed by the Inspector every week. Any items noted not to be in compliance with the specifications will be discussed immediately with the Contractor's on site representative. Correction of these items shall be accomplished as set forth at Section 6-G of this agreement. Continued noncompliance. or failure to correct noted deficiencies in a timely manner, shall constitute sufficient grounds for further action, up to and including termination of the contract. Contractor or his representative shall also meet once each week on site for field inspections with the Inspector to discuss and sign said inspection report. Failure on the part of the Contractor to meet at the designated time and place will result in a 10% reduction in the monthly contract payment for each occurrence. 4-C REPRESENTATIVE OF CONTRACTOR -- An authorized on-site English speaking responsible representative of the Contractor shall be designated in writing at the time this contract is executed by the Contractor. This representative shall be considered as an agent of the Contractor with authority to receive official notices and make binding agreements on the prosecution of the work. The Inspector shall be given 5 days prior written notice of a change in such representative. 4-D UNIFORMS -- All employees shall be dressed in a uniform shirt identifying them as the Contractor's personnel, and shall be so attired at all times, including all necessary safety attire, equipment, and vehicles, which shall also bear the Contractor's State License number. 4-E ENFORCEMENT OF NON-COMPLIANCE -- Payment for any items of work not done in compliance with this Agreement, or brought into compliance within the period of time allotted. may be withheld from the next monthly payment. Any funds so withheld will be limited to the cost incurred by the City to correct the problem or for services not fulfilled by the Contractor. A statement will be provided with the monthly payment describing the reason for withholding a portion of the payment and a listing of the amount. (See also Section 6-E of these Special Provisions.) 4-F TERMINATION OF CONTRACT -- Failure to perform specified items of work as provided in these Special Provisions, after receipt of two formal notices of non-compliance, will constitute good and sufficient grounds for terminating the contract. Notice of termination will be given by certified mail and will be effective 15 calendar days after receipt of said notice. Notification of any termination will be given to the surety, who shall have the right to take over the contract within 15 days of being notified. Failure of the surety to assume the provisions of the contract within 10 days shall constitute grounds for the City to assume responsibility for providing maintenance services with the right to recover damages from the principal or the surety arising from the principal's failure to perform. SP-6 02 2 ... -'.' < 4-G NOTICE TO BIDDERS/CONTRACTORS -- Pursuant to Resolution No. 94-358 adopted November 21, 1994, the Mayor and Common Council established a policy which states that any assessment district landscape Contractor who has their contract terminated by the City for non-performance shall be deemed a "non-responsible" bidder for a period of three years following the date of termination and will not be allowed to submit a bid for any other assessment district landscape maintenance contract during that period. A Contractor so deemed may appeal such finding in accordance with Chapter 2.64 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. SP-7 03 2 ."u , SECTION 5 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 5-A LIABILITY INSURANCE -- The Contractor's attention is directed to Section 7-3, "Liability Insurance" of the Standard Specifications, providing that the Contractor shall furnish the City with a policy or certificate of liability insurance as prescribed therein, prior to the execution of the contract. The Insurance Policy shall name the City of San Bernardino as additionally insured. The endorsement shall be provided by/or agent of the insurance company and shall be notarized to that effect. ACCORD Forms are not acceptable nor are forms signed by the broker, unless they have Power of Attorney to bind the insurance provider. (See attached sample forms.) Following is the required minimum limits ofInsurance: Bodily Injury. . . . . . $250,000 each person $500,000 each occurrence $500,000 aggregate products and completed operations Property Damage. . . $100,000 each occurrence $250,000 aggregate A combined single-limit policy with aggregate limits in the amount of$I,OOO,OOO will be considered equivalent to the required minimum limits. The insurance requirement shall otherwise be as set forth in Section 7-3 of the Standard Specifications. 5-B WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE -- The Contractor's attention is directed to Section 7-4, "Worker's Compensation Insurance" of the Standard Specifications, providing that the Contractor shall file a signed certification Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance for itself and its Subcontractors before execution of the contract. 5-C PAYMENT OF WAGE RATE -- The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall pay each craft or worker employed on this project not less than the prevailing wage rates specified in Resolution No. 90-358 of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. The Inspector shall have the right to interview any craft or worker on the project site in order to verify payment of prevailing wage rates in accordance with Resolution No. 90-358. Prevailing wage shall comply with current rates and all updates. Also, the City retains the right to examine the Contractor's payroll records to determine if wage rates indicated are being paid. Submittal of weekly certified payrolls may be required by Inspector in the event of a problem becoming evident. 5-D SAFETY REQUIREMENTS -- All work performed under this contract shall be performed in such manner as to provide maximum safety to the public and the safety standards outlined in the Federal OSHA guidelines. The Inspector reserves the right to issue restraint or cease and desist orders to the Contractor when unsafe or harmful acts are observed or reported relative to the performance of the work under this contract. SP-8 03 2 '.1.1 I 5-E HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS -- The Contractor shall maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and/or property resulting from his operations. Any hazardous conditions noted by the Contractor. which i,; not a result of his operations, shall immediately be reported to the Engineer (909) 384-5111. 5-F USE OF CHEMICALS -- The Contractor shall submit a list of all chemical herbicides or pesticides proposed for use under this contract for approval by the Inspector. This listing shall be limited to chemicals approved by the State of California, Department of Agriculture and not appearing on any Federal or State list of prohibited toxic materials, and shall include the exact brand name and generic formulation, California Registration No. and Chemical Abstract Service No. (Case #), and based on the recommendations of a licensed Pest Control Advisor. The use of chemicals shall conform to the current San Bernardino County Department of Agriculture regulations. No chemicals, herbicide or pesticide shall be applied until its use is approved, in writing, by the Inspector as appropriate for the purpose and area proposed. City does not hereby undertake to indemnify or hold harmless the Contractor for damages arising from the use of any such chemicals, herbicides or pesticides and hereby specifically reserves to itself full rights against any party for any damages which are proximately caused by the negligence or improper use of any such chemicals, herbicides or pesticides. Spraying of chemicals will not be permitted under windy conditions as determined by the Inspector. Spraying of chemicals with Toxicity Category I shall not be utilized unless a permit has been obtained from the County of San Bernardino Department of Agriculture and written permission has been obtained from the Engineer. 5-G DISCRIMINATION/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CLAUSE -- Contractor hereby certifies that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status or national origin. Contractor shall promote affirmative action in its hiring practices and employee policies for minorities and other designated classes in accordance with federal, state and local laws. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Recruitment and recruitment advertising, employment, upgrading and promotion. In addition, Contractor shall not exclude from participation under this Agreement any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of age, handicap or religion, in compliance with state and federal laws. 5-H SOUND CONTROL REOUlREMENTS -- The Contractor shall comply with Chapter 8.54 of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code regulating and prohibiting loud, unnecessary and excessive noises. Each internal combustion engine, used for any purposes on the job or related to the job, shall be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer. No internal combustion engine shall be operated on the project without said muffler. No equipment. machinery. or apparatus that permits loud and excessive noise shall be operated during the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless approval has first been secured from the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. SP-Q 03 '2 Said noise level requirement shall apply to all equipment on the job or related to the job. including but not limited to trucks, mowers, weed eaters, blowers or other equipment that mayor may not be owned by the Contractor. The use of loud sound signals shall be avoided in favor of light warnings except those required by safety laws for the protection of personnel. 5-1 PERMITS & LICENSE -- The Contractor shall obtain a City Business Registration prior to execution of the contract. SP-IO ACORD @ CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DATE (MMNY/DO) 02/15/98 THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFF R IC W COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATES INS, INC 1226 EAST LA PALMA AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 524-4949 FAX: 524-4940 COMPANY A CNA-TRANSCONTINETAL INSURED COMPANY B CNA-VALLEY FORGE INLAND LANDSCAPING SERVICES 3000 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92407 COMPANY C CHUBB GROUP-FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY o COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POllCIES_ LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMfYV/OD) DATE (MMNYIOD) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS~OM~OPAGG PERSONAL & ADV INJURY EACH OCCURENCE A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR 1022875769 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) Med exp (Anyone per$on) 02/01/98 02/01/99 X OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO X ALL OWNED AUTOS B X SCHEDULED AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJUTY IPerperson) 02/01/99 BODILY INJURY {Perac;c;ident} BAP 5197135 02/01/98 GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY ACCIDENT AUTO ONL Y-EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY THE PROPRIETORJ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EL EACH ACCIDENT EL DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT EL DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE INCL EXCL OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSlLOCATIONSNEHICLESJSPECIAL ITEMS JOB LOCATION: ALL CALIFORNIA OPERATIONS OF THE NAMED INSURED RE: AD 2000, CONTRACT 9898 BELOW NAMES AS ADDITIONAL INSURED WITH RESPECTS TO GENERAL LIABILITY CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCEllATION LIMITS .2,000,000 .1,000,000 .1,000,000 .1,000,000 . 50,000 . 5,000 .1,000,000 . . . . . . . . OTH- ER . . . SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLlC;,:S BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL nll;?t':AHQ.... "'Q MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOlDER NAMES TO THE lEFT THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 300 NORTH "D" STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92418-0001 g' ,... ... "IL' 'n!;: 1'2 '1"IL t' '1::11 ~IQTII,':t;: {:II"LL It1P<;>r!;: U? ?I?' '0;-"""<;>'1 gr;<l U"glU::r'V gr ^tl\( Kim? "pgt' "'''!;: <;:Q.....^tl", 'lL "~i!:tITi Q~ ~Ii!P~i!:[litIT^TI"i!:[ AUT1'~R~EJJ'~ @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ACORD 25-5 (1/95) SP-II ,03 ') COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY NAMED INSURED: POLICY NUMBER: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED ------ OWNERS, LESSES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART-OCCURRENCE SCHEDULE NAME OF PERSON OR ORGANIZATION: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS 300 NORTH "0" STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92418-0001 (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. NOTE. MUST BE SIGEND BY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR PROVIDER MAY ALSO SUPPLY POWER OF A TTORNEY GIVING AUTHORITY TO BIND CG20 10 11 85 Authorized Representative for CNA Insurance Group Golden Eagle Insurance Company SP-12 03 2 SECTION 6 PAYMENTS/GENERAL 6-A PAYMENTS -- Payment will be made to the Contractor by the 21 st of the month following the month the work is perfonned, or 21 days after approval by the Inspector, whichever occurs later. The first payment may be pro-rated in accordance with the actual portion of the month worked. Request for payments must be submitted each month and shall be hand delivered to the Inspector at the monthly evaluation meeting. Extra work shall NOT be listed on the request for payment, but billed separately on forms provided by the Inspector for extra work billing and the work must have been previously approved as set forth in Section 6-D below. Upon acceptance and approval of the billing by the City, payment for Extra work will be made the following billing cycle. 6-B PAYMENTS WITHHELD -- The City may withhold payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect the City from loss due to: I. Defective work not corrected. 2. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims by third parties against the City arising from the perfonnance of the Contractor or any subcontractor under this agreement. 3. Maintenance not being performed or completed. 6-C WITHHELD AMOUNT -- The amount to be withheld shall be detennined by the Inspector and shall be based upon actual damages and/or the amount and type of maintenance not completed. Retention of payment for damaged irrigation components, or loss of any plant material may be released to the contractor upon repair or replacement of the needed items or completion of work. Deductions for incomplete or inadequate maintenance not performed at the required schedules shall be a pennanent deduction. 6-D EXTRA WORK -- Any extra work done shall conform to the provisions in Section 3.3 "EXTRA WORK" of the Standard Specifications. However, equipment rental rates shall confonn to State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation, Division of Construction, "LABOR SURCHARGE AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES" latest edition, unless the extra work is done for a negotiated price. Prior approval shall be obtained in writing from the Engineer, or his designee, before perfonning any extra work, except for urgently needed repairs to the irrigation systems. With submission of the billfor such Extra Work, Contractor shall attach copies of material invoices and rental receipts, if any, as backup for the amount charged. Extra Work includes repairs and replacement made as a result of vandalism. Extra Work does not cover any repairs or replacement of items needing repair or replacement due to the Contractor's negligence or failure to perfonn the scheduled maintenance and contractor shall be required to make necessary repairs or replacement at no cost to the City if work needed is a result of contractor's negligence. Inspector shall make final detennination if work needed is due to vandalism or contractor's negligence. 6-E SUPPLEMENTAL WORK -- Any supplemental work done shall be perfonned at the price indicated in the "SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK SCHEDULE". Renovation of existing landscaping due to age or poor growth as determined by the Inspector and the Engineer not related to Contractor's negligence SP-13 ...1-.'f. , ()'j ? shall be classified as Supplemental Items of Work. All supplemental work performed shall be as directed by the Inspector and then Engineer. The provisions contained in Section 3-2, "Changes Initiated by the Agency", of the Standard Specifications shall not apply to Supplemental Items of Work, and no adjustment shall, therefore, be made in the contract unit price for increased or decreased quantities of Supplemental Items of Work. 6-F PROJECT APPEARANCE -- The Contractor shall maintain a neat appearance to the work. The Contractor shall dispose of all cuttings, weeds, leaves, trash, and other debris developed during his operations. 6-G FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE -- The Inspector shall have right of review of the performance elements of the maintenance contract. The Inspector will be responsible for checking the performance of the Contractor to the established standards and reporting any lack of maintenance to the Engineer. The Contractor will be notified of any maintenance failure and will have a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the Inspector, not to exceed ten (10) days, to conform to the contract standards. If after said reasonable amount of time the problem has not been resolved, a formal notice of noncompliance will be sent to the Contractor with a specific target date to resolve the problem. If the problem is still present on the specific target date, the Inspector will notify the Engineer who will have the option of terminating the contract and re- advertise for a new contractor. The necessity of sending more than two (2) formal notices to the Contractor to correct a maintenance failure anywhere within the contract area shall constitute grounds for termination of the contract. In such event, then the amount of cash or bond deposited with the City as a performance bond shall be forfeited by the Contractor to cover all costs incurred by the City as a proximate result of Contractors' failure to perform as required by the Agreement. 6-H HOURS OF LABOR -- The Contractor shall conduct his operations during the hours specified in Section 7-B-2. 6-1 PERSONNEL -- The Contractor shall furnish sufficient supervisory and working personnel of such capabilities as to promptly accomplish on schedule, and to the satisfaction of the Inspector all work required under this contract during the regular and prescribed hours. All such personnel shall be physically able to do their assigned work. The Contractor and his employees shall conduct themselves in a proper and efficient manner at all times. They shall be clothed in a suitable uniform as determined by the Inspector, with a company identifying marker. The Inspector may require the Contractor to immediately remove from the work site any employee(s) observed to pose a threat to the public and whose continued employment on the job is contrary to the best interests to the City. The Contractor shall assign an English speaking responsible Foreman, who may be a working Supervisor. on the job at all times work is being performed, with whom the Inspector may consult with respect to performance of this contract. Adequate and competent supervision. as determined by the Inspector. shall be provided for all work done by the Contractor's employees to ensure accomplishment of a first-class job. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of Section 6 shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 6-J ATTORNEY'S FEES -- The prevailing party in any legal action to enforce or interpret any provisions of this Agreement will be entitled to recover from the losing party all attorney fees, court costs, and SP-14 ()3 ? necessary disbursements in connection with that action. The costs, salary and expenses of the City Attorney, and members of his office, in connection with that action shall be considered as attorney's fees for the purpose of this agreement. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of Section 6 shall be considered as included in the prices paid for various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. SP-15 ... \C'i 'L SECTION 7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 7-A GENERAL -- It is the intent of these Special Provisions that the maintenance of landscaping and irrigation system provided shall be adequate to maintain the landscaping in a healthy and attractive condition and the irrigation system in a fully operational manner. All services shall be provided in a good workmanlike manner, consistent with the standards of the industry as determined by the Inspector. 7-B WORK TO BE PERFORMED -- The work to be performed consists, in general, of the following: 7-B-l Maintenance -- Complete landscape maintenance of all contract areas to include litter removal, irrigation, pruning, shaping and training of trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants; raking; fertilization; weed control; control of all plant diseases and pests; mowing; edging; irrigation and drainage systems; and all other maintenance required to maintain the contract areas in a safe, attractive, usable, healthy and vigorous condition. All other areas, such as sidewalks, curbs, gutters, expansion joints, median hardscape (if any), within the contract defined areas, shall be kept free of weeds as per the maintenance schedule for weeding. Unimproved areas beyond described limits are not a part of this contract. For unimproved areas within described limits, ten (10) feet from curb face shall be maintained weed free by Herbicides and manual methods. Herbicides shall be approved by the City prior to use and only State of California licensed Pest Control Operators shall apply the Herbicides. Unimproved areas to be maintained are shown on the Plan. 7-B-2. Scheduling of Work: The Contractor shall accomplish all normal landscape maintenance required under this contract from Monday through Friday and as specified in this Section of these Special Provisions. Exceptions may be made to normal working hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) where incidence of use may be too great during the hours specified to allow for proper maintenance. The Inspector may grant, on a case by case basis, permission to perform contract maintenance at other hours. 7-B-3. The Contractor shall establish a schedule of routine work to be followed in the performance of this contract. A copy of this schedule shall be provided to the Inspector prior to the performance of any work required by these specifications, and any changes in scheduling shall be reported in writing, to the Inspector immediately. 7-B-4. The Contractor shall conduct the work at all times in a manner which will not interfere with normal pedestrian traffic on adjacent sidewalks or vehicular traffic on adjacent streets or parking lots. In addition, a special notification listing exact start date for fertilization, aerification, renovation, pruning and other infrequent operations shall be furnished to the Inspector at least five (5) working days in advance of performing these operations. SP-I6 03 2 7-8-5. The Contractor will be responsible for replacing trees and plant material due to over watering, under watering or improper horticultural practices or neglect as determined by the Inspector at Contractor's cost. 7-C MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES The following items of work shall be performed by the Contractor with the frequency indicated: Pick up of trash and debris Complete Irrigation Test Rodent Control Irrigation Repair Check Trimming/Pruning Trees/Shrubs Fertilization - (small trees, shrubs, ground cover) Fertilization - (turf) Weeding Slopes (all debris to be removed- Slope Areas are as shown on Plan) Continual Weeding (all shrub/ planter beds, banks, and ALL other areas including hardscape,sidewalks and expansion joints not defined as slopes) Raking beds; removal ofleaves, pine needles, etc. Shrub/planter bed edging Sweeping/Blowing Walks (after Weekly or as needed. Note: Areas adjacent to high pedestrian traffic may require more frequent pickup of trash as determined by the inspector. Weekly (with Inspector) Weekly Weekly, or as often as climatic conditions require to ensure proper and adequate irrigation. (e.g. daily during hot, dry weather). Every two months (areas adjacent to sidewalks & right of way -as needed) Semi-annually Quarterly Monthly Weekly Weekly Semi-monthly SP-17 03 2 mowing and edging) Weekly Washing walks/Median Hardscape Monthly Concrete Drainage channels cleaned As needed Spraying pre-emergent Quarterly Spraying for weeds As needed Turf mowing Weekly Turf edging Weekly Turf trimming * Weekly Turf aerification Annually (before July 15 or as directed by Inspector) Turf renovation ** Annually (before October 15 or as directed by Inspector) Overseeding Annually (before October 15 or as directed by Inspector) Pest control on trees As needed Leach Irrigation * * * (min. 12" of water) 4 Times Annually * With a power trimmer around all poles, obstructions, tree wells, sprinkler heads and other miscellaneous items as designated by the Inspector. ** Lawn renovation shall include the following: I. Eradication of undesirable species. 2. Thatch removal by vertical mowing. 3. Cultivation by coring, grooving slicing or spiking 4. Fertilization and possibly liming. 5. Seeding (with seed approved by the Inspector) 6. Repair damaged irrigation facilities. *** Dates, location and necessity to be determined by the City. The City of San Bernardino shall be responsible for soil tests prior to any fertilization and leaching to determine nutrients needed and leaching dates. 7-D FUTURE WORK -- The cost of maintenance of landscaping which will be installed in the future within those areas which are presently unimproved, if any, will be negotiated with the Contractor at the time of City's acceptance of said improvements. However, the cost of maintenance shall not exceed the unit price SP-18 ()3 ? awarded under this contract. (i.e. same cost for irrigation components as awarded in this contract; turf and/or ground cover shall not exceed to cost per square foot awarded under this contract). 7-E SUPPLIES -- All supplies required to accomplish the items of work specified herein, and to maintain the landscaping in a healthy and attractive condition and the irrigation system in a fully operational manner, shall be provided by the Contractor. Full payment for furnishing landscaping and irrigation supplies shall be considered as included in the contract bid prices and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 7-F CONFLICTS -- In the event that this area is subject to construction of new and/or expanded facilities, landscaped areas, irrigation systems or shrubs and trees may be disturbed or eliminated by this construction. The Contractor shall provide maintenance up to the construction area and insure proper irrigation at all times. Replacement of landscape and irrigation disturbed by the construction will be by others. Upon restoration, the Contractor shall again be responsible for maintenance. Areas eliminated by construction of hardscape shall be deducted from the gross area under the same provisions as provided above for FUTURE WORK. 7-G AREAS ELIMlNATED/MODIFIED -- Any areas permanently or temporarily eliminated or modified within the maintenance area shall be negotiated with the Contractor under the same provisions as provided above for FUTURE WORK. SP-19 '03 ? SECTION 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 8-A MAINTAINING TRAFFIC -- Attention is directed to Section 7-10 "Public Convenience and Safety" of the Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Warning signs. lights and devices for use in performance of work upon highways shall conform to the "Manual of Traffic Controls," current edition, published by the State of California, and the "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook," current edition, adopted by the City of San Bernardino, California. A minimum of one (I) lane shall be maintained for each direction of traffic at all times. unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. Full compensation for furnishing and installing all signs, lights, flares, barricades and other traffic control devices necessary to expedite passage of public traffic through the work area shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. The full width of the traveled way shall be open for use by public traffic on Saturdays, Sundays and designated legal holidays, after 3 :00 p.m. on Fridays and the day preceding designated legal holidays. and when maintenance operations are not actively in progress on working days. Personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees shall not be parked on the traveled way at any time. The Contractor shall cooperate with local authorities relative to handling traffic through the area and shall make his own arrangements relative to keeping the working area clear of parked vehicles. The provisions in this section may be modified or altered if, in the opinion of the Engineer, public traffic will be better served and work expedited. Said modifications or alterations shall not be adopted until approved in writing by the Engineer. 8-B COOPERATION AND COLLATERAL WORK Attention is directed to Section 7.7, "Cooperation and Collateral Work" of the Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. Certain companies, governmental agencies, or their Contractors may be working within the area. Certain utility facilities in various locations within the project limits may be removed, relocated, abandoned, or installed by companies' or agencies' contractors. It is anticipated that these existing utilities will not interfere with the Contractor's operations. However. the Contractor shall exercise due care to ensure that these utility facilities are not damaged during his operations. The utility locations shown on the original landscaping plans are correct to the best of our knowledge. When in doubt, the Contractor shall contact the utility concerned before proceeding further. SP-20 1()3 2 Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this Section, not otherwise provided for, shall be considered as included in the lump sum prices paid for the work involved and no additional compensation will be .lllowed therefore. 8-C -- REMOVAL OF SIGNS -- Any unauthorized signs, stakes, posts/poles, political or otherwise, found within the landscaped areas from time to time shall be considered as trash and debris and shall be removed by the Contractor as directed by the Inspector. Full compensation for removal of such items shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 8-D CLEANUP AND DUST CONTROL -- Cleanup and dust control shall conform to the provisions in Section 7-8.1, "Cleanup and Dust Control" ofthe Standard Specifications. SP-2I '~~ 2 SECTION 9 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 9-A The Contractor shall provide the following repairs, maintenance and supply all needed materials, and perform the work as necessary in accordance with the following: 9-B The Inspector shall be immediately notified, of any damage suspected to be caused by accident. vandalism, theft, or Act of God. Immediate notification of any such damage, prior to start of work within the area, will serve to indicate the Contractor's belief that it was caused by factors beyond his control. The City shall review the damage and/or request information from the Contractor in order to establish the true cause of damage and determine responsibility for repair. The Contractor shall not be responsible for vandalism, theft, Acts of God or accidents involving landscape and irrigation not related to his operations. 9-C The Contractor shall repair, replace, clean and adjust, straighten, raise and lower the following sprinkler system components as needed, for no additional cost, under normal wear conditions as determined by the Inspector: Sprinkler Heads Sprinkler Head Risers Anti-theft/vandalism sprinkler head devices Valve Covers Valve Boxes or Sleeves Quick Coupler Valves and Hose Bibs Bubblers, Emitters, etc. Sprinkler System Lateral Piping Sprinkler Main (Pressure Line) Sprinkler Control Valves Sprinkler Controller Valve wiring to Controller Ball and gate valves Drip irrigation system including multi-outlet emission device, tubing, and emitters. 9-D The Contractor shall, at no cost to the City, repair or replace any damaged irrigation system components due to his own negligence, including removal of anti theft devices. 9-E The cost of all repairs to, or replacement of, irrigation system and landscape caused by vandalism, theft or Act of God, shall be classified as Supplemental Items of Work. Any repairs or replacement not covered by an item of Supplemental Work, shall be paid for as Extra Work, in accordance with Section 6-A, "EXTRA WORK," of these Special Provisions. Any replacement must conform to the type and kind of existing system, unless the use of anti-theft or anti-vandalism devices have been authorized by the Inspector. Any other deviation must be approved in writing by the Inspector. 9-F Irrigation shall be done by the use of the automatic sprinkler systems, where available and operable; however, failure of the existing irrigation system to provide full and proper coverage shall not relieve the SP-22 C~ 2 Contractor of his responsibility. In the event of a failure of any irrigation component that would prevent proper automatic irrigation of the landscaping, Contractor shall apply irrigation manually until the repair and/or replacement is accomplished. 9-G In those areas where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, the Contractor shall inspect weekly, or more often if climatic conditions requires, for any damage to the system and for the operation of the system for any malfunction. The Contractor shall maintain all sprinkler systems in such a way as to guarantee proper coverage and full working capacity, and make whatever adjustments which may be necessary to prevent excessive run-off into street right-of-way, or other areas not meant to be irrigated. The periodic inspection may occur more often, but not less frequently, than one inspection each week, in operation, with the Inspector. Care shall be exercised to prevent a waste of water or erosion. Irrigation shall be accomplished as follows: 9-G-l Turf, if any, shall be irrigated as required, to maintain horticulturally acceptable growth and color and to encourage deep rooting. Additional irrigation shall be performed in the event of unusually hot/dry weather conditions (as are present during winter Santa Ana conditions, or other times of less humidity or high winds, or during a prolonged high temperature period during the summer months). 9-G-2 Landscaping on banks and slopes, if any, shall be irrigated as required, to maintain horticulturally acceptable growth and color, and to encourage deep rooting and preventing erosion. 9-G-3 Shrub beds, if any, shall be irrigated as required, to maintain horticulturally acceptable growth and color, and to promote deep rooting. Irrigation rates for shrub areas shall be applied in such a manner as to keep surface runoff at a minimum. The irrigation rate shall be adjusted to the needs of shrub types, seasons and weather conditions. 9-G-4 Newly planted trees, shrubs, ground cover and turf shall receive special attention until these plants are established. Adequate water shall be applied to promote normal, healthy growth. Proper berms or basins where needed shall be maintained during the establishment period. 9-H The entire irrigation system will be inspected and maintained by the Contractor on a daily basis for proper operation, repairs and replacement of sprinkler heads, nipples and elbows to maintain adequate irrigation. Such repairs will be made by the Contractor with same type/brand head, or approved equal by the Inspector. 9-1 All other irrigation components will be inspected and maintained by the Contractor on a weekly basis. This will include laterals, main lines, control valves, control wire, timer/controller and any other items in the system. If any of the items mentioned in this paragraph are found to be defective or in need of repair during the weekly inspections, said items shall be repaired immediately. All materials or parts shall be the same brand or approved equal. Contractor shall notifv the Citv Inspector immediatelv before making anv such repairs by calling 384-511 I during working hours. 9-J Replacement of the various types of sprinkler heads shall be accomplished as directed by the Inspector. New sprinkler heads shall be the same type, size and brand as the one to be replaceJ, except for anti-theft or anti-vandalism devices as approved by the Inspector. The unit price paid for replacing sprinkler heads shall include all items of work (including necessary SP-23 {)~ ? repairs and/or replacement of piping, fittings, etc.) involved in restoring a sprinkler to full operation and at the price indicated in the "SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK SCHEDULE". 9-K Replacement of a defective timer/controller shall be accomplished as directed by the Inspector. A new timer/controller shall be of the same model and manufacturer as the one to be replaced unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The City may, at its option, provide Contractor with a replacement timer/controller. in which case the hourly rate for irrigation repair under Supplemental Items of Work Schedule shall apply. Replacement of a defective timer/controller is determined as Extra Work and shall be subject to Extra Work requirements as set forth in Paragraph D, Section 6. 9-L Any replacement or repair of the irrigation system accomplished as "EXTRA WORK" shall be at the hourly rate bid price under Supplemental Items of Work Schedule shall apply, plus material costs. SP-24 03 2 SECTION 10 SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER PLANTS 10-A All shrubs and ground cover plants, if any, growing in the work area shall be pruned as required to maintain plants in a healthy, growing condition. Dead or damaged limbs, clippings, or branches shall be removed immediately and all pruning cuts shall be made cleanly with sharp pruning tools, with no projections or stubs remaining. Any pruning shall be accomplished in a manner which will maintain plant growth within reasonable bounds, but shall permit all plants to grow naturally in accordance with their normal growth characteristics. Shearing, hedging or severe pruning of plants, unless authorized by the Inspector, will not be permitted. 10-B Plants to be maintained shall conform to the requirements of Section 2.2, "Tree and Shrub Care" and "Ground Cover Care" of the Landscape Cost Estimating reference and these Special Provisions. IO-C Replacement of plants, shrubs and ground cover shall be in accordance with construction plans and said Special Provisions on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of San Bernardino, and/or with the landscaping construction plans for the various subdivisions which are included within this project, or as otherwise directed by the Inspector and Engineer. All shrubs replaced shall be 5 gallon. The unit price paid for replacing shrubs and ground cover shall include all items of work involved in removing and planting shrubs and ground cover and at the price indicated in the "SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK SCHEDULE". A Flat of ground cover is considered to contain 64 plants. SP-25 03 2 SECTION H FERTILIZER AND PEST CONTROL AGENTS lI-A Soil fertilizing and pest control agents shall conform to the requirements of these Special Provisions. H-B -- Turf Grass II-B-I Manure shall not be used as a fertilizer or soil conditioning material. 1I-B-2 Fertilization of all turf grass areas within the designated work area shall be accomplished quarterly with a complete commercial fertilizer in homogeneous pellet form. Guaranteed analysis shall be approved by the Inspector. H-B-3 Fertilizer shall be packaged in multi-wall paper bags, polyethylene lined for moisture resistance. lI-B-4 Fertilizer shall be applied at a rate to provide the required elements necessary for healthy growth as determined by the Inspector or based on the results of the soil testing and at the times specified below (or as otherwise directed by Inspector): July I July 15 October 15 November I January 15 - February I April 15 May I H-B-S Fertilizer shall be applied in granular form and shall be moisture-free so as to obtain optimum spread. Notify the Inspector 2-3 davs before application and submit bag tag. lI-C Shrub Beds, Ground Cover, and Small Tree Fertilization lI-C-I Fertilization of all shrub beds. ground cover areas and all young trees (3" caliper and smaller) within the designated work area shall be accomplished two (2) times per year with a commercial grade fertilizer having the guaranteed analysis of 6-1 0-4 or equal. Guaranteed analysis shall be approved by the Inspector. 1I-C-2 Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate specified on the package for type of plant material. Fertilizer shall be applied at the times specified below: October I October 15 March 15 - April I 1I-C-3 Adequate irrigation will immediately follow the application of fertilizer to force fertilizer material to rest directly on the soil surface. lI-D The fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. lI-E Pest Control Agents shall be as required by the Landscape Cost Estimating reference. SP-26 03 2 SECTION 12 LA WNrrURF 12-A All turf shall be edged adjacent to all improved and unimproved surfaces; turf edges shall be maintained if the turf area abuts a shrub bed, property line or to maintain a turf delineation. 12-B All lawn areas included in this contract shall be mowed with approved power-propelled reel-type or rotary mowers. The mowers shall be equipped with catchers. Mowing shall be done in such a manner as to prevent ruts or depressions from forming by the wheel and/or weight of the mower. NOTE: A MULCH- MOWING PROGRAM MAY BE PERMITTED WITH PRIOR APPROVAL OF INSPECTOR. 12-C Mowers shall be maintained so as to provide a smooth, even cut with out tearing; mowers are to provide a uniform, level cut no higher than three (3) inches, or as otherwise instructed by the Inspector, but no more than 25% of existing growth to be removed in anyone mowing. 12-D Inclement weather may preclude adherence to the frequency schedule of mowing. The Contractor may request, from the Inspector, for reasons of rain or prolonged cold, alteration of this mowing frequency. 12-E Renovation shall be any approved operation that removes accumulated thatch from turf areas; a schedule of equipment to be utilized by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Inspector ten (10) days prior to beginning work; renovation shall occur upon thirty (30) days notice from the Inspector. Care should be taken during the renovation process to assure a neat and clean appearance to turf areas after the renovation process has taken place. 12-F Overseeding shall be done on an annual basis following the fall renovation and prior to October 15th of each year. All turf areas shall be over seeded with a seed mix that meets with the Inspector's approval. Steps must be taken during the renovation process to ensure seed to ground contact. Failure to realize a minimum of75% germination will require reseeding by the Contractor at no extra cost to the City. 12-G Turf area shall be aerified a minimum of one time each year. Aerification will be scheduled immediately prior to the July fertilization. Under adverse conditions or as a result of high use where turf is suffering from compaction, aerification may be necessary at more frequent intervals at no additional cost to the City. The frequency intervals shall be as required to promote healthy vigorous growth as determined by the Inspector. A schedule of aerification equipment to be used shall be submitted to the Inspector ten (10) days prior to beginning work. 12-H All grass clippings are to be picked up by means of the appropriate attachments to mowers or by use of other mechanical devices necessary to achieve a clean, neat appearance of turf areas. In the event of the mulch-mowing as provided under Section 12-B, all clippings must be adequately fine-cut and spread as to achieve a neat appearance. SP-27 rC3 ? '. II , 12-1 Any turf to be replaced which suffers any Act of God, vandalism or other destructive occurrences, in excess of the number stated in the bid item, and not directly or indirectly caused by Contractor's negligence or failure to perform scheduled maintenance, shall be classified as supplemental items of work. 12-J Defective turf shall be removed and replaced with sod. The sod shall be of the same type of turf removed and shall be installed as directed by the Inspector. The unit price paid for replacing turf shall include all items of work involved in removing and placing sod and at the price indicated in the "SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK SCHEDULE". SP-28 03 2 SECTION 13 SLOPE/BANK/DRAIN MAINTENANCE 13-A All Slopes are to be weeded by hand or using a power weed cutter. All other plant material located on the slope shall be maintained as stated in these Special Provisions. All debris and trash is to be removed weekly. AREAS TO BE MAINTAINED AS "SLOPES AREAS" ,IF ANY, ARE DELINEATED ON SAID PLAN(S). 13-B All vertical areas not defined as "Slopes Areas" will be considered as Banks and are to be maintained as stated in these Special Provisions. 13-C Drainage Channels/Ditches are to be kept free of obstructions at all times and are to be completely cleaned as needed. SP-29 03 2 SECTION 14 WEED CONTROL 14-A Weed growth in all areas identified as future roadbeds, non-landscaped traffic islands. medians, undeveloped slopes and underdeveloped areas shall be cut to a 4" height and treated with Round-up per manufacturer's label on an "as needed" basis. Said height is for erosion control. Said areas are to be maintained as such for duration of contract. This shall also include weekly trash and litter pick-up. 14-B All landscaped areas within the specified maintenance area including lawns, shrub and ground cover beds, planters, tree wells, shall be kept free of weeds. A weed will be considered as "any undesirable or misplaced plant." Weeds shall be controlled either by hand, mechanical, or chemical methods. The Inspector may restrict the use of chemical weed control in certain areas. Complete removal of all weed growth shall be accomplished within each seven (7) days. This section includes all undesirable growth adjacent to curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. SP-30 03 ,~, I'- .~ 2 SECTION IS TREES 15-A All trees shall be maintained in their natural shapes. Pruning shall be performed in such a manner as to promote the best growth habits, appearance, and health of the tree. The Contractor shall, as a part of this contract, be responsible for TOTAL TREE CARE PROGRAM (all of each tree). Said program is the selective and natural approach to pruning of all trees on site and includes pest and disease control and removal of any dead limbs, fronds or branches. The Contractor shall bring to the attention of the Inspector any tree that: shows signs of root heaving, and leaning, or has hanging limbs or is in some manner. a safety hazard. Contractor shall notifY the Inspector 48 hours prior to anv pruning:. 15-B All street tree replacements will be 15 gallon, in kind and shall include the removal of the existing tree and root ball. The Contractor shall provide a new plant pit and amended soil for planting. Amendments to include compost, nitrogen wood product and fertilizer suitable for sustained tree growth. Plant pit shall be 2 1/2 times the diameter and same depth as the root ball. 15-C Planting shall be accomplished only twice a year during either the Spring or Fall with a list provided by the City of the type and location of trees to be replaced or as determined by the Inspector. 15-D Any trees to be replaced which suffer any Act of God, or vandalism and not due to negligence by the contractor, shall be classified as supplemental items of work. 15-E Tree removal and replacement due to the Contractor's negligence. including lack of pest and disease control, shall be at Contractor's expense. 15-F All newly planted trees shall be securely staked at all times with an approved stake and secured to the stake with at least four approved ties. Tree ties shall be inspected monthly, and corrective action taken to ensure against girdling and abrasion. Removal of stakes and ties shall be accomplished as directed by the Inspector. Replacement, adjustment or removal of stakes and ties is included in the basic bid price for tree maintenance. 15-G Replacement of trees shall be done in accordance with Paragraph 15- B of this Section. The unit price paid for replacing trees shall include full payment for all work involved in furnishing and planting new trees at the price indicated in the "SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS OF WORK SCHEDULE". SP-3l 03 2 03 2 AGREEMENT CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THIS AGREEMENT is made and concluded this 3D betweLll the City of San Bern< rdino, (hereinafter "City") and Ri? ~5'.Ar;P 1"r ~~l~.J.O'-". (hereinafter "Contractor"). day of "'StM~ . 20lJ;J . ]. For and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the City, and under the conditions expressed in the bond as deposited with the City, Contractor agrees with the City, at his own proper cost and expense to furnish any and all required labor. materials, and transportation as set forth in the Special Provisions to be furnished by City. necessary to complete in good workmanlike and substantial manner the MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING AND RELATED FACILITIES IN PORTIONS OF AD 982: PIEDMONT DRIVE AND CITRUS STREET, GENERALL Y LOCATED EAST AND WEST OF INDIAN CANYON COURT AND ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF TRACT NO. 13470. WEST OF BANGOR A VENUE. in strict conformity with (2003-04) Special Provisions No. 7384, on file in the Office of the City Engineer, 3rd Floor, San Bernardino City Hall, and also in accordance with Standard Specifications for Public Works! Construction, current edition, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and the "Landscape Cost Estimating" by Colton, current edition, on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, which said Plans, Special Provisions, Standard Specifications, and Landscape Cost Estimating are hereby especially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. 2. Contractor agrees to receive and accept the prices as set forth in the bid schedule as full- compensation for furnishing all materials and doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work. and for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the Plans and Special Provisions. and requirements of the Engineer under them. The Contractor herein covenants by and for himself or herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry in the performance of this contract, nor shall the Contractor or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice of practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection of subcontractors, vendees, or employees in the performance of this contract. 3. City hereby promises and agrees with the said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ the said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices as set forth in the successful bid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and the said parties for ,.. ,. AGREtMENT: Landscape Maintenance - AD 982 03 2 themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. 4. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor. then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. 5 Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: CITY CONTRACTOR Director of Development Services City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 924 18 ~~(}-~~trt ~~;,"~ Sa ~tl~.t,;.., fA 12 '1ft> , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these present have hereunto set their hands the year and the date first above written. CONTRACTOR CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Name of Firm: ~p ~lA(ie- T ~~~r..~(:-t BY:~^ - - RY ?~ NEIL DE ayor Pro Tern City of San Bernardino TITLE: () wnJiT\ ATTEST: MAILING ADDRESS: _1'10> Lv. \).:../4.0 ~ ~~M>JlI~ . //1 9'1.1.( If) , C]"~/lLl~ ~JL RACBEL CLARK, City Clerk PHONE NO: ('f'tIf) ~%~- 'In'? APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney BY~ 1L- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO R P LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IN ASSESSMENT 1 DISTRICT NO. 982, (AREA "D"). 2 3 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof 5 held on the day of ,20_, by the following vote, to 6 wit: 7 8 9 10 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LONGVILLE 11 MCGINNIS 12 SCHNETZ 13 SUAREZ 14 ANDERSON 15 16 17 18 19 MCCAMMACK City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 20_ day of 20 21 JUDITH V ALLES, Mayor City of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form 23 and legal content: 24 JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney 25 By: k }.te-.-. :~ U . 28 12/17/02 2 , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: January 10, 2003 TO: Eileen Gomez, Real Property Specialist FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Transmitting Documents for Signature - Resolution 2003-1 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of January 6, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-1 - Resolution awarding a contract to Golden West Landscape Contractors for the maintenance of landscaping in Assessment District No. 959 (Zone 1, Area "C"). I am providing you with one certified copy of Resolution 2003-1 and four (4) sets of original bound contracts. Please obtain signatures where indicated and return one fully executed original contract to the City Clerk's office as soon as possible. Please be advised that the resolution and contract will be null and void if not executed within 60 days, or by March 7, 2003. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the a ove mentioned documents. Signed: ~ .;:> Please sign and return. Date: . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: January 10, 2003 TO: Eileen Gomez, Real Property Specialist FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Transmitting Documents for Signature - Resolution 2003-2 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of January 6, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-2 - Resolution awarding a contract to RP Landscape & Irrigation for the maintenance of landscaping in Assessment District No. 982 (Area "D ''). I am providing you with one certified copy of Resolution 2003-2 and four (4) sets of original bound contracts. Please obtain signatures where indicated and return one fully executed original contract to the City Clerk's office as soon as possible. Please be advised that the resolution and contract will be null and void if not executed within 60 days, or by March 7, 2003. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. Signed: e above mentioned documents. Please sign and return. Date: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: February 6,2003 TO: Veronica Martinez, Senior Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-2 - Assessment District No. AD 982 CC: Attached is a fully executed contract with RP Landscape & Irrigation for the maintenance of landscaping in Assessment District No. 982 (Area "D"). If you have any questions, please call me at ext. 3206. ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I-\.- ('.::) Item # Vote: Ayes ,- .) Nays -.<c.) Change to motion to amend original documents: \ \ i\ Resolution # L CO 2:> - I Abstain ---ty Absent E- _ Reso. # On Attachments: / Contract term: - /' Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ______ Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY N" Date Sent to Mayor: 1-'(' C' 'J:.> Date of Mayor's Signature: 1-(1 .-(, .~ Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: \ - <", -C'S NullNoid After: loCo Ufl-t:' I :', "1-0 ~ By: -- Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: /" " v Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: / Date Returned: \ - ~ \ ,0.3 See Attached: See Attached: I-\O-O~ Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234,655,92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney V Code Compliance Yes-.L No By~ Yes No ..L.- By_ Yes No ;/ By_ Yes No .' By~ Yes No / By--,--- Finance / MIS Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Dev. Services ~ EDA Notes: PC, ", D ((j,\1"-i.lcC1/ Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc,) Ready to File: tl'l-l Date'. fl'I."r7 d "-? l.I,_,::> Revised 01/12/01 "" , '" ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I-I" - c ~ Vote: Ayes I - II Nays Change to motion to amend original documents: II YJ Item # P. .-\C7 Abstain Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY NQ Date Sent to Mayor: I - 'I'. 0 .~ Date of Mayor's Signature: 1-<1'(')'3 Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: I. <1 - O.l, Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: " '"'"'.~.::> 1-\0' v., Resolution # n '__.""'" /1 L (-' J':" - /- Absent B ...(" NullNoidAfter: Go 0",;.:, !;?;fJ.O'::, By: - Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: v ;/ 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached:'/ Date Returned: ;) - <0 -QQ, See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Parks & Rec. / Code Compliance Dev. Services v Police Public Services Water Notes: ['1) (fill) Or" iUJe-j Yes L No By~ Yes No L- By ;-- Yes No~ ByL Yes No 1- ByL Yes No --ti- ByJ- EDA Finance ~/ MIS Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: /) '<c.c3 Revised 01112/01