HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-Public Works ~I~ca. MtI_.~- R.U:;:o~o-:;~ACTION r"'lll1:ROGER G. HARIJGRAVE, Director Adoption of Negative Declaration & Su~: a Finding of Consistency with the Circulation Ele.ent of the General Plan Vacation of a portion of Huff Street, between "G" Street and Crescent Avenue. u.pt:Public WorksjEngineering Date: June 25, 1990 Synopsis of Previous CouncillCtion: Public Works Project No. 90-19 03-05-90 -- Director of Public Works/City Engineer and City Clerk were authorized to proceed with proposed vacation of a portion of Huff street between "G" street and Crescent Avenue, and Plan No. 8031 was approved. Recommended motion: 1. That the Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 90-19. Vacation of a portion ilf Huff Street between "G" Street and Crescent Avenue, be adopted. 2. That a finding be ..de that the Vacation of a portion of Huff street "G" Street lIDCi Crescent Avenue, is consistent with the circulation el the General Plan cc: Shauna Clark, City A~inistrator Con1aCt penon: ""....... n-1lAl~ Phone: 531A staff Report, Notice of Preparation Supporting d81lhttloo.hld: Initial Study. Nesr Dec. Hall Ward: 3 FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. DescriDtionl Finance: ,neil Notes: 06-25-90 A___...._ 1..__ "1_ I~ - . - . . CITYe.: MIl _ARDI.... R""" FOR COUNCIL~ STAFF REPORT Tbe Nelative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 90-19 was reco.-ended for adoption by the Envirollll8lltal Review Co_ittee at its .eetill$l ot 04-17-90. A 21-day public review period was afforded fr~ 04-19-90 to 05-09-90. No c~ts were received. We recc_~nd that the Nelative Declaration be adopted and a findiDl Mde that the project is consistent with the Circulation El_nt ot the General Plan. 06-25-90 7!l..O'" - - - - .. . . CLeRK OF~E .,nARD OF SUPERV1SQn~ 1990 APR 18 AN I) 04 :[!;;;.; i r I1F S.\II BE/mARD . CI.L:r-ORUlA INO 1'IOR '1'JI. CIft OP SAIl .....DIRO prze- to ~t a. ...,ath. DealahUoa fo~ th. foUowl.av p~~. "YI.~O""'I.la1"i:~ C ."- fo" that tbe ~j..t "1.11 IIOtbaft a .1eainctUt: effect: oa th. ....hr--rnt oa tb....ia of the Ial.Ual l&I4y .... IIU:igatioa ...&ac.. (If appll.~le). - to vacate a porUoa of II1aff U" , ereeaeat Aye_. Staff ia p~_ poaia9 a RegaUve DealaraUoa. Copie. of the taiti.l Study are ..ailable for publ!c revi.. at tb. 'laaaiag Depar1:lleat, 300 IIJIpth -De ."..t, laD "raardl.ao, CA 92Ua, aacl th. hlclbeya L~ry, ~'5 treat Ith lu..t, laD "r- nardl.ao, CA. Ally eavirCM...ata;r. Jr., lau YO. baft aboa1cl be receivecl ia thl.a ofUce ao~4:N .......00 p.II., lI&y 9, 1190. If you cIo aot re.poacI La ",,~~I.", .-"11- ..... that yoa bav. ao opiaioa. aad/or ncc...ac!atlO.. Oft the above p~ject.. S~TTlDI April 17, 1990 POBLISBI April 19" 1990 CIft' OP DR 8BRIIUDllfO PLADIIIQ DDAIt'1'llBll'1' 300 Bortb -D- Strut Saa ..raarcliao, ,CI 92U8 384-5057 CP C7 .IIO'1ID41290 , 5-25-90 ro . Applicant (.) Addru. City, State Zip . IaSCs ISPltDUATZOIf _/t-1-11 '. . ~ CI,." OF-'AN e>'RNARDI~O PLANNNJ. DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY o Initial study for Ba9i~ llIpaCt:a For PlJe>.....c. Wo~ PlZD\IIO~~ ~o-Iq Project IfWIber Project cSucriptiOD/Location .,. X~..:.. a.! ~ It. ~1'A.i .~ ~ ...-r..., ...... ..... H...' ~.,........ ...t~ ,~~..,~ .....,..- , Date MA-rl""loJ '77- Itl4/J . i.iil;r <:;~_.-_.._. .-. PrepuecS by: ta~'-r"'''-~ ~""'uA...l If... ~t~~ -,I~"" 'PI.At~ T tle City of San BenazcSino PlanninfJ DepartMnt 300 If. "D" S~t San BemazcSino, ca. 92418 CITY 0 SA ERHARDINO PLANN.,a DEPARTMENT ENV_NTAL IMPACT CHECKUST A. BACKGaomm Application laDlberl ~uc.. \A.~c:.. y-nu::;....,.. NO. '10-1 ~ Project Descriptionl ~cO II~ A- /.JtIo' Pt!JI!1"loN OF HVF#fP ~~--':r .,,/) P~~l1rr TJ-IE DE-liP I /JPMe-/J-r /1' nI~ "(?l+fl(FI-S it) 77I1t NdR1"H -iYD ;nn# A~ I?N~ PPIlJP/-r, L~cationl ~""../...-~I ,.r~-r,r--.J."T"' .&tIJP.!. .J.o.ln~'" ~I~ ~.....tr Environmental Constraints Areasl General Plan Designationl ~IJ1"\ZAoL.. r--A1\I ~-rtl D/".., "'1 t:> I'S'nz.\ C-1" Zoning Designationl ~ B. ImROHlUUl'l'AL IIIPAC'l'S Bxplain answen, wbere appropriate, on a separate attacbed sbeet. 1. IJrth R.sources Will the proposal result inl Yes No Maybe a. Bartb IIOveaent (cut and/or fill) of 10,000 cubic yards or lIOre? J( b. Developaent and/or grading a slope greater than natural grade? c. Development witbin the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies. Zone? on lS' J< )( d. Modification of any unique geologic or pbysical feature? )( REVIIID 12/17 PAGE 1 OF 8 " e.- 80il ero.ion on or off tbe projec1: aite? f. Modification of . a cbannel, creek or dver? g. Developunt aubject llU4a11de., otber ai.11ar Otber? witbin an area to landalide., 11q11,faotion or baa.res.? b. 2. 6l1t.UIJOO~ESI W11l tbe propoaal reault inl a. Subatantial air ..i.aion. or an effect upon -.bient air quality? b. Tbe creation of objectionable odon? 3. REVI8ID 12/'7 c. Develop.ent witbin a bigb wind bazard area? WA~BR. RESODJK!RS 1 proposal reaalt inl a. Cbange. in ab.orption ratea, drainage pattern., or tbe rate and aaoant of aurface ranoff due to iaperaeable aarfacea? W11l tbe b. Cbangea in tbe course or flow of flood watera? c. Discbarge.into aurface watera or any alteration of aarface water quality? d. Cbange in tbe quantity or quality of groand watera? e. Expo.are of people or property to flood baaarda? f. Otber? Ye. Bet x x. 1< X x. x K x K x x. x >( Maybe I'A.2 OF' 4. '. ~ U\lDDCDI pNijiiliir~..ult1ill' a. CIwl,. in tbe nlmber of any unique, rare or endan,ered apeeie. of plant. or tbeir habitat including .tand. of tree.? COUld tbe b. Change unique, apeeiea babitat? other? in tbe naber of any rare or endangered of' aniMl. or their c. 5. HOISII Could the propoa.l reault inl a. Incre.aea in exiating noiae levela? b. Ixpoaure of people to exterior noiae level. over 65 dB or interior noia. levela over 45 dB? 6. AIV_O fOll1 c. other? Ie&lm OSII reault inl Will the propoa.l .. A change in dea1gnated Plan? tbe land uae a. on the Gteeral b. Developaent within an Airport District? c. Developaent witbin -Greenbelt- Zone A,B, or C? d. Developaent within . higb fire hazard zone? e. otber? re. No x l. )( x ;< x x X I'AGI! :I OF 8 - - - 6 o 7. - ~'I ~tl Will th. .. 0.., .tor., tran.port or di.po.. of ha.ardous or toxic mat.ri.l. (inc1u41Dg but not l1aited to oil, p.sticid.., ch..ic.l. or r.di.tion)? Involv. the r.l.... of h...rdou. substances? b. c. Expo.e people to the potenti.l h..lth/s.fety hazard.? d. other? 8. gSIBGI Will th. propo..ll .. Remov. .xi.t1Dg hou.ing or cre.t.. d...nd for .dditional houe1ng? b. other? 9. pAIISPOR'l'A'l'IOIIJCIW"".a.'l'IOlh Could tb. propo.al r..ult iftl .. An incr.... in tr.ffic that is gre.t.r than tb. l.nd u.. d..ign.t.d on the Gener.l Plan? b. O.e of .xi.ting, n.., parking structure.? or deMlld for f.ciliti..J c. Imp.ct upon exi.ting public tran.port.tion..y.t.m.~ d. Alter.tion of pr...nt p.tt.rn. of circul.tion? .. Imp.ct to r.il or .ir tr.ffic? f. Incr....d s.f.ty b..ard. to vehicle., bicycli.t. or pede.trian.? AEYlHD 10117 Ye. No . x )( X J< x ( ~ x x. x. x )( PAft 4 OF 8 - - o o r ".. 9.. ~~ No cu..jointed pattern of . roadway illlprov.enta? h. other? 10. PUBLIC S.~.S Will the propo.al f~t the fOllowing beyond the capability to provide adequate level. of .ervice? a. Pire protection? b. Police protection? c. SChool. (i.e. attendance, boundarie., overload, etc.)? d. Park. or other recreational facilities? e. Medical aid? f. Solid waste? g. Oth.er? 11. OTILITI.S. Will the propo.al. a. Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate level. of .ervice or require the con.truction of new facilities? 1. Natural gas? 2. Blectricity? 3. "ater? 4. Sewer? 5. Other? b. Result in a di.jointed pattern of utility extensions? c. Require the con.truction of new facilitie.? Ye. Ro- Ott,... '( X x )( x >( )( X )( )( J( >( )( >( x )( RIVI8ID 10117 PA. I OF . 12.. ~c , a.. Could tbe prqposal result in tbe obstruction of any scenic view? b. Will tbe visual i~ct of tbe project be detriaental to tbe surrounding area? c. otber? 13. CPIo1DDL RUODRCI~#h proposal result inl a. The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic arcbaeological site? Could the b. Adverse physical or aestbetic impacts to a prehistoric or historic site, structure or object? c. other? 14. lIandatory rindings of Significance. (Section 15065) Tbe California Bnviron..ntal Quality Act states tbat if any of tbe following cube uswered yes or maybe, tbe project..y have a si,nificut eflect on the enviro~nt and an Bn.iro~tal Iapact Report shall be prepared. a. Does the project bave the potential to de,rade tbe quality of the environaent, substantially reduce the habitat of a fisb or wildlife species, cause a fisb or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining le.els, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce tbe number or restrict the ran,e of a rare or endan,ered' plant or animal or eliminate Ye. - X- X /. x J( Ro ybe ;( RIVI8ID 10117 PAGE . OF . Ye. . Ito- llaJbe ;ji"" . ~ e.aple. of tb. "S'" "cf,oda of California bi.tor.r'oe prebi.toey? b. Doe. tbe projec~ bave tbe potenU.l to acbieve .bort tera, to tbe di..cJvut.,e of 10llf-tera, envlronaantal goal.? (A .bort-tera i.,ac~ on the environaan~ i. on. wbicb ocour. in. r.l.tively bri.f, d.finitive ,.eiod of tiaa wbile lont-t.ra impaot. will endure w.ll into tbe - futur..) x x c. Doe. the project bave impact. which .r. individu.lly limit.d, b~t c~~tively conBid.rabl.? (APeOC::.Ht _y .iap.ct on two or aore.. .. rate r..ource. wh.r. the ~ot on e.ch r..ourc. i.relatively ...11, but wb.r. the -'fect of the tot.l of tho.e impact. on the environ..nt i. significant. ) d. Doe. the project h.ve' '.nviron..nt.l .ffect. which will c.u.. .ub.t~tial .dver.e effect. on hu..a bein,.,' either dir.ctly or indirectly? x x c. DISCOSSIOII or INVIROIIIID!rAL IVALOATIOII AIID IIITIGATIOII IIIAS0000S (Attach sb..ts a. nec....ry.) t/'{). ru/&.IC.e. MA.y' J3e. AN A-L.."T'e~"'ON TO Plita~.e:,.a'" PA/'Te~NS OF=' C1R:cJI-A'T'J ON A'5 A ~L.:r . OP 1/A<:.-krIN6t ~\J~ :5-r~, ee.~ ~.".IT ArVt!!- AN" '~'" :s.. Hl>.Nr!ve:~, ~:naJ"',Jp 1"'!l:I\.J,c.. al ~UF"f" .s-r~T" ,,J1"e,.,JDIIJet TO ~~ Pf(J I"'~-;' -ro "(it" :=rr~ee.1" CAN C'~ 'D1"~D /'oJ 0 ~ oN CJl:!:Sc.o.)T ".ve;.. ~O eA5'"r olJ M It.-t..... -rl-le.. --rlJ1'"A-v I~ IN D\SrA"'&c.e;.. ~f!:L I,.eP FOR: ' "'lJFF sf. ~c, REVIlED 10/87 PAGE 7 OF 8 . . Oat_ ~ 1--/'1...,;;) o 0- . . c. D1-..J.on o~ BftYucnmental Bv.l~1:iOft anc:l 1I11:19&1:10n. If....... (c:on1:1Mcl). _1~~'t)/~A "'-0 "T"f!:.Av'el- NO~-rHeovtJ"D ON "t!:I. .s~ l~ ~PPrzoKIM~~" ~qO f',.,e-r;' f"O~ ~c.. IN1l!51J'D/N6 -ro ~e;,- :5OtJTH- eov~ t:> J 1'l-t& "..t~ I N P, :>T'"AfJce I S h r ....0'1<. ,IIIA-"T" f!!h.>( II ~ 0 ~ -r: Of!.t;AVSf!- J-IlJf"'1IL ~&.~-r 1 ~ Ne.1'H~ A MAJOe A~-r6CIAt...) Se(~/IIP~ A~U:::.~IPn.....- NoR A COL' ec~~/-n.u:~ IMPItG--r CA~eo 6'{ 7"H6 IN~e.p 'DI :5"TIIrN~ ""C'RHJeL.4.e"P ~ CO""Mv-tela..~c:... WI~ ese. tAINIMA-t..- -rO -n-ie 'Pt:>u.~... r;>F 1~$le.N'I'""1CA-NGe. ~'So I H';f'PF S~c.c::. , ~ A-S " NOVo! e:J(151"':;> WH~~15- "'THe ~POSfS,:p V/I>rGPr-r(oJ. t.-It:-:5 / Te~I'1'N~7"e5 A-r :L -2./'5 t>1J 7"HS W~ ArN'D -- , ,\ ~ I C!;j ~. O~ 1"'Hf5 e-ltS-rj A -rt:>"T"A-t- "PIS1'"ANq;' .0.... />iPPf20X.".,I~ I~OO ~-r. DC)~ 7"0 -r;fE; t.:.eNG:rr~ 01" SI'H D ~~..,..,,~ (!)p /-Ic/FP" ~ru::r AND l!!Jet:Atl5e... -('"I.Ie- .,-cR/"?IN,f-'-=5 l""O~ ~~<<OJC>( "~.M I~~S. ARe- t..O~-reD '::5~ ."n.tA--r -ri-fe:..'{ WOVI-D NO-r -rRIWE-t..... ON Hv~ S-r;u:e" ~...,..o ~e."e er1~oICJe:.s. otJ ~uFF :5~ "'THE" L-t:JJt:.I- O~ ..,...~ QV,4rw"f1l f:>P e::M&lCA e;No( '5~"&ee- IN "'TH'e:. c../rv OF SAN t3~MZpll..lO vJu....l,..- NO"T I3e CCMP~/~eD A-S;r ~()l,,1 Of" "THE. "'PJI!:.oPO~~D '5'f"R~1" VACN'rloN, MISCI EVALUATIONMIT .M .~~.. I). D......TIIA'l'Imr On tb. baai. o~ tbi. iIlitiaJ.. .tad,., ,. l'i(I 'lb. peotHed peoject COULl) IIJr ban . dgnificut:. .ffect: OR tbe ~ .nvieonMDt ane! . DGA'lIVB DICLUAnOR will be peepaeed. . 'lb. peopo.ed peoject: coald b.v.. .ignificut: .ff.ct: on tbe O .nviron..nt, althoagb tb.e. will not: b. . .ipificant: .ffect 1ft tbi. c... bec.a.. tb. aitig.tion ....ae.. daaceibed abOv. bav. bun added to tbe project. A HICa'l'IVB DICIfUA'l'IOR will b. prepar.d. O 'lb. propo.ed peoject: MAr baY. a .itnificut: .ffeet: on tb. envlcona.nt, and an BRVI1tOIlIUII'1'AL IIII'AC'l' RD01l'l' i. requieed. IRVIIOIIIBII'1'AL llIViIW COJIIIlft11 CIft or SAil BIRlWlDIJIIO, CALIrORRIA :;:.., E-I'I.... _"":' ~1. ~~"C'Jt. NaIl. and Titl. F~~" . gn.tue. Date. .(,~ -'Yo REVlIID -1211'I PAaa. OF' ~ (l HUFIf: #: ~ ~ 0( ... ~ '&I ti ~ ~ (! N / IEtiE DR. .-' ," M /I_L' SrR ~.r - -. \.- .- \ \ \ , , ~'I()' t}1~ t-\. e. , , , ~, ...... ~, ("0 ~ \ \ ~~ Q' \ 7\J\~~', . , \'t' ~~. ~. , Nor 17) \.,. 't' . ,~ ' ,"\" , , \ , , \ , , , ~ J.. IlJ tlJ ~ V) '-t' ~ \9 + CITY fJJP SAN _If'-- ~~~aJT .......~] J1 a.n U_,___ ...... ."... .tof 1 .'.., . / - · wv ""'v~"', 'PtJe:neN ~ NIJ" $TJII.e6~ 81ETt1.1.1iN ~.$CID/T ,4VSWE ANb "'"&,N .sYJfl~, . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT NoncEOFD~RMINAnON . FROM: TO: CRY CJIf IM._ ;.IMDINO, Pl.ANNIIiI AND ItIUJI<<IlIrtrlCll DEPAImtINT 300"'.'._1 SAN AI' JiAADlNo. CA 1241. _ OFFICE CJIf PLN.lINCI AND -fE&ACH 1. 1IN1H Ill!. 41. RDClM 121 SACFl.~lEN1O. CA .1. X COUNTYCLEAK eoutm'01SAN EIIWDNO _ tanH AfRIl.J11U) AVENUE SAN 8IfI\IAADlNO. CA 12415 SUBJECT: FI......NIIIIDe..D&~.........1n un ,lIr'*wllIl '111I0Il211...21112...... PubIIo nll.urn. CDcIe. PrajeclTIIt: PURl tr wnDIlC: pDn.ll:'n Nfl on., Q ~t~K"') C~T! -..::..;rM PrajecI o-../jAIl.ol: MIKE GRUBBS ~...,e.-,-, (714) 384-5112 ANa cocwrI1IJI~L~. w... ml~FT AND CR~SC~NT STR~FT. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN I!ERNARDIIIO STREET VACATION ThllII............. car of ....1lImInIi1D, PfluMIi. nllullding ....)1111 D I' J l.,~'" ~ 1.111.. __1I1rOlr...,... ~CH l!l!. 1990 .............IL..ll~IWII_IlII..-.. '!.- ~ 111,11........... . I n I d pIlljIcI: . 5ii ~ ,.,. 1. T1leplajlcl(O" cJ..IllIIJI.-.IignIIcal.........___.. ~ ~ ~ --- 2. OAtlEnvhl.m....ImpactRlpad_pr r ..far..pIajIcl..........pIIIl.T'I.~ ~ -" [J AIlIo".ulllreD 1"' I'~ ._prIJHICfIDr..pnIjeDl.........pnI.I..ln.al~~ :! 3. ""_ .. ,m. 1-(O_IJI__)mada.CIDIIlIIIIDIlof.. .. ..lIal"JIftIlecL ~ "::" 4. A II .-tofO\...Ij,IdI..eo. a1.. .....(0_111__) '.1 .tar..JIftIlecL 0 i= 5. I'IncIInp (0 _ 1l-1llIIJ mada puIIUMt..... prlll'lIll .. al CEQA, :5 .~ 6= r- ~~ r~ -~ ::~ .:-? :.;~ -- --:; -., ,..., ..:.;: --.; --- = -.= ...... -=-::1 ;::"\ -.. .- ..., ThllII.. aMIIy........ ftnaIEIt wIlh __ .... r T J I n... n ..... al pIajIcll JJ ~""II., . ........... GeneIII PubIc aI: 'l;:'''Ji.'~/~~''h~-k 0.. m.lL.. far" . CPA: JJ:.E 26. 1990 SENIOR PLANNER ,.. .....- lILa_ _,lIP, _ . ,'" M/~L' SrR~.r \. , \. , , .\ HU/fIf# <<' ! . '/JI()' w' ~ '1/~ f'\.0- '" 0( I&J ... ~ ~ ~ '" V) ~ \> ~ \E) ~ + aNJEfilE DR. \. , \. ~\. .ol\. ~ \. ~O ..... \ \ ~~ ~ \. , "'\J\~ ~', \ \C\~~ '" , Norro \~lt \ \. \. , , \ \ \ , \ ~ CITY Of' .U ~~41T RMI. "'1"" m... .,. ll1 / - t II\' "110M-" . fJDent:W I:J' NiJ', S'/1fI.EIr't; ,IJETW_1iN t:!1tIF.!Jt!IIlNT ,,4VSWIE AND "..' $11It.1NE,