HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-Police Department ~1""" --j '.C,^=~'~ ORIGINAL 'CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Date: March 29, 2005 Subject: Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of an agreement for the San Bernardino Police Department to participate as a member of the San Bernardino County Movement Against Street Hoodlums (S.M.A.S.H.) MICC Meeting Date: April 18, 2005 From: Garrett W. Zimmon Chief of Police Dept: Police Synopsis of Previous Council Action: None Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution Contact person: I t Mit~hSllI KimhSllIl Phone: 36d-!;R?R Supporting data attached: yes Ward: all FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: NIA Finance: Council Notes: ~. ;)()O~"''1J Agenda Item No. I(. ~/"1bs" ""I t. " "'W'- . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. BACKGROUND Violence associated with increased gang membership and gang activity is a serious problem in the City of San Bernardino and surrounding San Bernardino County. There are over 3,000 known gang members active in the San Bernardino area and over 15,000 gang members active countywide. Local law enforcement agencies are rapidly becoming overwhelmed by the task of identifying, tracking and providing the specialized enforcement needed to reduce the adverse effects of gang activity in our communities. Providing consistent training that is adopted countywide is one component of gathering the intelligence needed to track and interdict gang activity. Leveraging resources is the proactive enforcement component that provides local law enforcement the opportunity to work together in reducing the effects of shared gang problems. Reducing gang activity and its resulting violence at local and regional levels provides a substantial benefit to the health and general welfare of community members within the City of San Bernardino. The San Bernardino Police Department would be responsible for providing officers and related safety equipment during planned task force operations. These cooperative operations can be requested by partnership agencies and will include all the law enforcement agencies designated as S.M.A.S.H. participants. Employee oversight and supervision will remain the responsibility of the San Bernardino Police Department. Employees participating in S.M.A.S.H will be responsible for adhering to all rules and regulations of the San Bernardino Police Department. The San Bernardino Police Department Multiple Enforcement Team (MET) will be the unit designated to participate in S.M.A.S.H. operations. The San Bernardino County Movement Against Street Hoodlums task force is designed to provide the highest level of gang intervention expertise. Participating agencies will focus jointly on reducing gang activity and its resulting violence in those communities represented in the S.M.A.S.H. partnership. FINANCIAL IMPACT None --~""~'''~'~ "" ,"" ","" ",,,,' " RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt Resolution. Attachments San Bernardino County Movement Against Street Hoodlums MOU Policy and Procedure "'ff.~~,., o m.,,_'" 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHO~ZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR THE 4 "SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PARTICIPATE AS A MEMBER OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOVEMENT AGAINST STREET HOODLUMS. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SECTION 1: The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, authorizes the Mayor or her designee, to execute an agreement between the City of San Bernardino Police Department and the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department authorizing the San Bernardino Police Department to participate as a member of the San Bernardino County Movement Against Street Hoodlums (S.M.A.S.H.) SECTION 2: The authorization to execute the above referenced memorandum of understanding is rescinded if it is not executed within sixty (60) days of the passage of this o 15 resolution. o 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 III III ill III III III III III /vo. Jrv 11Ir/f)) 16 JOHNSON 17 McCAMMACK 18 19 20 21 , .77~.':'~''1'<,!C'Y o o 22 23 24 25 26 27 o 28 c,,- --_ _ -_~~T__ _,~_~_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT (RENEWAL) FOR THE SAN - BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PARTICIPATE AS A MEMBER OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MOVEMENT AGAINST STREET HOODLUMS. , I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 7 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 8 day of , 2005, by the following vote, to wit: 9 Council Members Abstain Navs Absent Aves 10 11 12 13 14 15 KELLEY ESTRADA LONGVILLE McGINNIS DERRY City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2004, Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman, City Attorney BY: ;j+II.t2JbVi) _,__"~",,,c MI4k'-i-'1-~ 14:.'" HilI'!: o , ,".~~"T"_'_' 11I:<.j.~~ ~."",",/"""( ....--_. s.M.A.S.B. PoLICY AND PROCBDUIlE MEMORANDIJM OF UNDERSTANDING , AR'IlCl.E ONE: NAME The name or this 0I'KP.,ft~ "ill be the San BemardiDo County Mtnll!IIlent AgabDt SLred BuudlwlI!I (SoM.A.8JL). ARTlOLn Two: PuJutosE '1. 'l'be purpose of S.M.A.s.H. is 10 promle 8 resourc.'e of IJ*'ffltAl11 tr.Alned law eut'orcement penoJUle11rom qendaln Sam Bcmardioo COU1lty to tOmbAt IItrf.et pn!! Yiolenl!S and crlmlnallldMty. 2. To 2lItber IDte1lipnce lDt'ol'mlltlea relatin ~ street PD. members and their acti.wt, And to dtl'lMl'ltnAte thllllntormatlon IUllUDg b.w ufora:lluJ.eI1t agencies. 4. 0 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. o 3. To promote 8 mordiDated effort throngllnut San Bernardino QJunlJ' ~~ eeoperatlon be~ all I.w eafon:emeDt 81ld prosemtorial agenc!Q, Proactive collection of iDformation 011 criminAl street lOngs. ProW1e invellttgaUve supperL Prnv1J'1p. and ft.",!.t wltll gang sperl blNtimullJ'. Gather and pnmde &ana-related Information to afl'ected aKEftcka. ProWle ~rmo.tion to afteeted agencies' commlUld stafl's on emwging I!811g treDdB. Inputting and maintaining CAUGang and .tallon OJ.. on related AUII' Blld gang manben. Provide training. TbrouRh .p.ei8ll' eommunity W.on o~. provide inrrMCM COllulIUnity .WIll'llnCSIlo Establish worklDg pannershtps with community qencles and leaden. 1 , 5'~'''. ,,~ - - ~ -----~~---.-~----"~--~--~-", -, -,,----..,~~, -,- MAR-21-2l2l0S 14:36 FROM: TO: 93884'3S121 P.OO3/007 o ARTICLE THREE: OVERSIGHT COMMIT'l'EE The operating PQIIe)' and procedures of S.M.A.s..a. will be reviewed and Implemented by the Oventght Commltfee. The Oversight Commlttee win be the Sheriff, or Chief or their desipee from agencies participating In S.M.A.S.H. operations. - ARTICLE FOUR: PARTICIPATION IN S.M.A.s.IL 1. Jt will be incumbent upon th_1aw enforcement aR'9ldes that are partldpating hi S.M.A.s.s.. to ,roOte penonnel trained in pnl activities and make some or aU or those p~~neJ available in th. event a s.M.A.SJL opentJon III planned. AD a~ parttdpatina in S.M.A.S.IL will be asked toproYide at least one or more omcers (personnel) ror each operattGn that is planned. o 2. It wOJ be incumbent upon ~ law enforcement agencies that partldpate In S.M.A.S.a opentions to provldie persoanel who participate In aD ~ with the necessary equipment (tar, radio, ete.) to conduc:t fteld operatJC)ftS. 3. Participating agencies agree to be respoMble for the neaUgent or wron,gfuJ acts or ondssion. of their respectIVe employees, and be solely liable Jar harm or loss e&iJsed by Its members. Participating agendes IIhalllndenmlfy, drlend, and hold harmless aD other agendes. 4. Each ~ency shall be respon.~bJe to pay all compensation, worker's I compensation, and benefitll of Its )llembers. ARTICLE FIVE: ASSETSE~S AU forreltore pTOceedlngs will be Initiated Bnd administrated by the host agency when the forfeiture action originated. ARTICLE SIX: STRUCTURE or COMMAND orS.M.A.s.H. 1. Persollllel working S.M.A.S.H. will be under the command of their agency. Uurlna the duratton or the planned S.M.A.s.B. operatioll, personnel will be under the cQrect command of the chief law enforcement omcer or hla de!lignee of the host qency. 2. All S.M.A.s.H. operations, Independent of the nature of the operation, will be planned and coordinaCald by the Criminal Intelligence DI~o~ of the San Bemardino County Sheriff's Department. o 2 , -~~~~~~'_P~"" MHI<-cl-c~ l<t:,jb /"t<UM: H ."~ IU:~~':I:>I(I ,....~'la"'f o ARTICLE SEVEN: MANPoWER T~ S.M.J\.s.H. ~t (task force) ts deslped to brIDg the appropriate law en(orament authorltles and bI....leftl of aperdle from ....111 San Bernardino County to toc:us Jointly on street gang adlvity for the mutual beneQl of all of those ageodes. ARTICLE EIGHT: REQUEST FOR S.MA.S.H. OPERATION 3. 1. It shall be the policy oftbe S.M.A.8.a project to re8pODd to aU requests for QSistanee from any law enforcement agency that has a street PDI ~dltlon tbat demands expertise or resources beyond their existing limitations. . 2. Tbe San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department's Criminal InteJUplce DlvIsl~ and the host RRSCY will be Jointly responsible ('or coordinating, planning, and executing S.M.A.S.H. operation. within the host's geograpbical Ju....diction. Requests lor S,M.AS.H; operatJous mulll foDow a strict request Pr'CJtocol tbrougb the appropriate ~n,.of' ~and. The Sberitl', ~ or his designee of the .~ agency wiJlmake a request throuab tbe Sherift'_ Specialized Operatlou Bureau Deputy Chief or his designee. The Sher:lff's DE.p-huIDt'. Criminal Intelligence DI,isIon will be notifted tor coordination with the requesting agency. C) ARTICLE NINE: PREss RELATIONS 1. The S.M.A.s.a. project wiD CfJIOpuate wath the media In their etl'ol1. to obtalli Infol'lDllUon on matters of pubBc Interest. Due to the sen8ittfe nature of S.){.A.s.H. operations, and the concerns of the different Jurisdictions involved, 8oM.AS.H. personnel will operate as a unit when enpged In aD operation. 2. AD S.M.A.S.H. personnel inYG~ved In an operation will refer to themselves as members of S.M.A.s.H. and will not release informatloa relative to the agency they represent (excluding D.A., parole. probation, etc.) to the press. 3. The bosting agency win desianate a penon to act. in the capacity of media relatiool oftlcer. The media relations officer will stridly adhere to the policy of not relealllnglnfonnation prior to, or during a S.M.A.S.R operatlon~ . . o 3 ~'~",,~r- ~,~ - -- . TO: 93884950 P.0eS/007 I_-C::l-~ l",:~b t-I'<UM: o , ARTICLE TEN: MULTI-AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE CONCERNS 1. CmZEN COMPLAINTS Any complaint from an individual altegIDg ~duct by any member of _" any S~1\f.A.s.H. operation will . Investigated by the ageney wbtchdae atTected law enforcement oft'Ieer repl"l!S8Dts. 2. IN.JuRms When any member of any S.i\tA.8.H. openUon is inJured dlU'lDR the perfonnBnce of bWher offh:IaJ dutleS,the reporting poltc:y of that omcer's employer shall be followed. 'l'be hofIt agency wiD document the injuryJincldent 81 per that _pney's poHc:y. MOTQR VEBICLEAccm~ 3. o If a SMoA.s.H. otJieer is Invol.ftclln a trame-accldent during a planned S.M.A.B.B. operation it wt1l ~ the bostlngagency'a responll.,tUty to conduct the eolUsiDD Inv~on. ADy ....mlnl.tratiYe InYeStijpltien reJated to thecolHslon wiD be investipf<<l by the S.M.A.8.B. ofticer'. agency. - , 4. OmCER INvOLVED SROOTINGS Any S.MA.s.H. officer, who beeomes Invo1ve4 iD a shooting m.n. enpged In 8 8.M.ASH operation, sballlmmedlately toUo~ hlslber &gI!Ilcy', polley fe>>r omc:er Involv~ mootings. Notlfleatkm shaD be l118de Immediately to the hoJtlng agency's watch coinmander. The hoating apncy aDd ~ oIl'lcel"S agency shall both be te8ponsib~ for complete docume.tation of the iDc:idenL 5. TACTICAL REsPONsE In tbe event a tac:ticaJ situation evolves out of a S.M.A.s.H. contadthe S.M..A.s.H offieen Involved Wm conlaln the situation. Notlflc:ait~ will be . .' . . made to the hosting .geney, add Its poUdes Bnd procedures pertaining to tac:tic:alsituatlons shall be implemented. o 4 - --,-- ...~ . ~-cl-2~ 14:~( ~~: "C.C.~ TO: 938849Sl2I P.l2Il2I6/l2Il2I7 o AR.TICLE EL.VEN: TRAINING 1. S.M-A.SoH om~rs shall hav~ the following required training: .. . 'The three-day Advance:Gan~ Awann.. class. . The one-day CaJiGang query cl.. . It wID be the partIeIpatiDg agency's responslbOlties to iJuure their S.MAS.H. officers reeeive the required training berore participating in a S.M.AS.a operation. ARTICLE TwELVE: UNIFORM Tm: S.M.A.8.H. UNIFOR'M: SHALL CONSIST or THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: o . SHIRT. Short-steeve, polo type, forest green In color, and have the followillg features: · Polyester/cotton blend material. · Two inch (%'') rib IQdt sbt.,t coDal'. . F'rf,)nt opening neekline witlI a five Inch (5'') p"ket two (2) buUon closure. . ~e coDar shall be appro1Cl,..ately two aDd one-halt Inches (2 W') in width with a rib knit type con$truction. . Short sleeves, with a one Inch (1") rib knit sleeve band on the bottom or the sleeve. . The material of the shirt breast is to be ldenUcaI in nature to that of the collar. . T~e agency's badge shall hie silk~s~ed on the upper left side of the shirt, IIpproxlmately four jnc~ (4'') below the ahouIder seam and centel'ed between the placket and sleeve seam. . The word 'JSMASB" shall be silk-screened in one Inch (1") gol" lettering and centered approximately four Incbel!l (4'') below the shoultier seam and centerett between the placket 8IId sleeve ~~. . " Ute "SMASH U logo patcll shall be aftbed OIl the upper rlpt side of th~ Ilhirt and approximatel, four Inches (4") below the shoulder seam and centered between the placket and ,111ft seam. . NAME TAG. 'The officer'$ tint lmUal and last n8l11c shall be embroidered onto the shirt in black thread in one-~alf inch (112") letlen on the right breast of the shirt, Clentered directly below the SMASH logo. " . The word "SHERIFF', or "POLICE" sball be silk-screened intbree and one. half iMb (3 'Ii') gold lettering aerosa the ~clc of the sblrt " approximately five laches" (5'') below the neck !Ile&JIL . The agency's shoulder patehes aDd appropriate chevrons shall be silk- screened in gold lettering on eacb sleeve (refer to sedlOD 61208~). . T~OUSERS. Shall be black B.DU. type with the followiag features: o 5 " "" . MAR-21-2005 14:37 FROM: TO: 93884950 P.OO7/007 c " · The material shall be of tl\e coUon/polyalel' twOl type, black In, color,. . Keystone style belt Ioop.ll to IICCOnunodate up to a two Ineb (2") belt. . The wBilltband is closed wl~ a pant hook 8I1d eyelet and a French Oy made of the same material u the trou.~n. . The fir shall ~~ a metal or plutte zipper and a zipper pard. · There shall be two (2) _rted quarter top fronl pockets and two (2) back patcb.type podcetl with. flap Bnd either one (1) or tWC) (2) snaps. . There shaD be one (1) &:aI'p type pocket on the front or side of each lea, With each pocket bavllla a flap wtth two (2) maps. · The troo.lfel'5 shall be DO lonpr than the bottom olibe ankle and ~ould touch the instep of the footwear without folding. o o 6 -~~~~ - ~,~,,--~~~~,~ . I u' :::I.xlO"t:r.:lla ,....~,~ I'IHI'C-C:::::O-~ .Le:;.Le: ~1'a.JI." o GtJry S. PeftllOd, Stm BmitIiYlino Sheriff'. 0jJ'ie, ClWf John Fogerty, CttlIfD'mi4HlghwllJ Ptttrol Chief BlIgen, R'rtla_z.ChiIiD P. D. ClWf K,nneth blDra,CDltDn P. D. o Mkhul A. RIIIIUI',lNtrietAltomlJ', Offtee Chief lArry C1lIrk, PonttJn" P. D. . ChiefCla,*r ThDmplon,Montew P. D. o Ch~ Jim Do,k, 0nteiD P. D. ChkfJm, Harper, Prsbt1IJDn ~~tiI~", ~ CIWI Jim B",nrmmn, RItlItm4i P. D. O"f Mia Meyerr, RUtlto P. D. Chief Garrett W. ZInuRon, Sa Be1Wlll'fl1rID P. D. Chief MIIItin TluRmrnell, Upl/IritI P. D. Chief ue GIllIan, BtlrdDw P. D.